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SPRING - SUMMER The 100 Best Hotels and Resorts 2023 +Villas In Greece!


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SPRING SUMMER AWARDS-2023 | WINNERS The2023 100 Best Hotels and Resorts

t500besthotelsgreece@gmail.com without permission is who prohibited. sticated tal magazine, travelers please contact: crave to be: 500besthotelsgreece.gr l: ence 500bhg.magazine@gmail.com info@500besthotelsgreece.gr an inspiring Travel lifestyle.

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00 Best Hotels and Resorts htent ros green islands to come andwill es athe lifetime Sporades! for someone to sofIn Greece! cial feature of the islands are the uce you! er Greece, but itdelights only takes an erience the

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Mykonos the queen of Cyclades, an island made by gods for people. ... Read the full content: https://www.500besthotelsgreece.gr/ Photo(Instagram): @minogiannisvalantis


company on the most carefree holidays! pecial feature of the islands are the nderful beaches with ...



you company on the most carefree holidays! A special feature of the islands are the wonderful beaches with ...


were scattered in the an except the Cyclades. y's Sporades are the er Thessalian islands.

consist of several ds, some larger and some ler. The most important four: Skyros, Skiathos, elos and Alonissos.

these islands, Skyros gs administratively to prefecture of Evia, while rest (along with all the smaller islands) belong e prefecture of Magnesia are also known as the hern Sporades.

pecial feature of the ds are the wonderful hes with the very rich ation that often reaches oasts, in contrast to most e islands in the Aegean

most famous and opolitan island of the ades is Skiathos.

as an area of about 47 re km and its population unts to 6,610 inhabitants.

city of Skiathos is the settlement on the island. built on the site of the nt city, on two hills that n the edge of the sea.

natural port of the city es in two a small nsula, the Bourtzi, ...

that were scattered in the Aegean except the Cyclades. Today's Sporades are the former Thessalian islands. They consist of several islands, some larger and some smaller. The most important are four: Skyros, Skiathos, Skopelos and Alonissos. Of these islands, Skyros belongs administratively to the prefecture of Evia, while the rest (along with all the other smaller islands) belong to the prefecture of Magnesia and are also known as the Northern Sporades. A special feature of the islands are the wonderful beaches with the very rich vegetation that often reaches the coasts, in contrast to most of the islands in the Aegean Sea. The most famous and cosmopolitan island of the Sporades is Skiathos. It has an area of about 47 square km and its population amounts to 6,610 inhabitants. The city of Skiathos is the only settlement on the island. It is built on the site of the ancient city, on two hills that lie on the edge of the sea. The natural port of the city divides in two a small peninsula, the Bourtzi, ...

and of course, breathtaking views!

discovergreece.com houses are simple and l, amphitheatrically built to each other and the ts are narrow without a ar layout.

der the alleys of the town let the intoxicating sphere of the island ce you.

the house of Alexandros diamantis (great Greek r) which functions as a um.

the historic church of the vity of the Virgin (Panagia ia or Apano Panagia) was in 1837. There is kept the rical miraculous icon of gia Odigitria (1700).

you can visit the opolitan Church of the e Hierarchs (the Three Hierarchs) which holds miraculous icon of Panagia nistria, patron saint of hos.

tzi is another place to since it is really a rare of recreation, overgrown pine trees, always cool, a magnificent view where Maritime Museum ates as well as the ral center of Skiathos summer cinema etc.

ore the island by car or and ...

fortress and of course, breathtaking views! Photo: discovergreece.com

The houses are simple and small, amphitheatrically built next to each other and the streets are narrow without a regular layout. Wander the alleys of the town and let the intoxicating atmosphere of the island seduce you. Visit the house of Alexandros Papadiamantis (great Greek writer) which functions as a museum. Visit the historic church of the Nativity of the Virgin (Panagia Limnia or Apano Panagia) was built in 1837. There is kept the historical miraculous icon of Panagia Odigitria (1700). Also, you can visit the Metropolitan Church of the Three Hierarchs (the Three Holy Hierarchs) which holds the miraculous icon of Panagia Eikonistria, patron saint of Skiathos. Bourtzi is another place to visit since it is really a rare place of recreation, overgrown with pine trees, always cool, with a magnificent view where the Maritime Museum operates as well as the cultural center of Skiathos with summer cinema etc. Explore the island by car or boat and ...

molimnos, Megali Ammos, Paraskevi, Troulos, Big and ll Aselinos, Lalaria, but also two small lakes of Agios rgios with an area of 120 s and Strofilia habitat with area of 95 acres, near kounaries beach.

also worth visiting the ruins the Castle located on a nsula in the northern part he island, which in the 14th ury was a natural fortress of thos against pirates.

island impresses eler with its lush sts, sandy beaches ant nightlife. ...

the pine and

Vromolimnos, Megali Ammos, Agia Paraskevi, Troulos, Big and Small Aselinos, Lalaria, but also the two small lakes of Agios Georgios with an area of 120 acres and Strofilia habitat with an area of 95 acres, near Koukounaries beach. It is also worth visiting the ruins of the Castle located on a peninsula in the northern part of the island, which in the 14th century was a natural fortress of Skiathos against pirates. The island impresses traveler with its lush forests, sandy beaches vibrant nightlife. ...

the pine and

t impresses the visitor on blessed, beautiful island the lush forests that py the most of its essive surface.

capital of Skopelos is the of Chora or Skopelos.

he 16th century BC the of Skopelos makes its arance under the name rithos. s founded by the Cretans arrived on the island ing with them the vation of olives and vines.

elos Town impresses y visitor with its imposing arance and small resque streets! no coincidence that the majority of tourists talk t "love at first sight", as as they see Chora, when hip approaches the port.

e are many beauties of a and even more routes to ver.

small villages that you meet on the island will e you fall in love with it n and again.

led alleys, cobbled ts, special architecture, bougainvilleas on the nies and the picturesque es take you to another ..

What impresses the visitor on this blessed, beautiful island are the lush forests that occupy the most of its impressive surface. The capital of Skopelos is the town of Chora or Skopelos. In the 16th century BC the town of Skopelos makes its appearance under the name Peparithos. It was founded by the Cretans who arrived on the island bringing with them the cultivation of olives and vines. Skopelos Town impresses every visitor with its imposing appearance and small picturesque streets! It is no coincidence that the vast majority of tourists talk about "love at first sight", as soon as they see Chora, when the ship approaches the port. There are many beauties of Chora and even more routes to discover. The small villages that you will meet on the island will make you fall in love with it again and again. Cobbled alleys, cobbled streets, special architecture, huge bougainvilleas on the balconies and the picturesque houses take you to another era. ...

raki, the@loucosporviagem village Klima that springs from nstagram): egetation and is located near the sea and settlement Elios - Neo Klima with the erful beach along its entire length, are of the villages you will see and some of memories you will take with you, leaving.

ns of dreamy beaches will seduce you the turquoise waters and the impressive ation that ends without exaggeration in ea! lacy beaches create natural coves and that will take you back in time. , the options are innumerable with nized or deserted beaches, with sand, es or rocks, family or for couples and g people, with taverns or café and beach

elos is the art of the spontaneous and the etentious. Beaches, villages, monasteries, ches, culture and gastronomy, all are oniously connected with each other and e unique corners and memories in every of the island for everyone! ...

Loutraki, the@loucosporviagem village Klima Photo(Instagram):

that springs from the vegetation and is located near the sea and the settlement Elios - Neo Klima with the wonderful beach along its entire length, are some of the villages you will see and some of the memories you will take with you, leaving. Dozens of dreamy beaches will seduce you with the turquoise waters and the impressive vegetation that ends without exaggeration in the sea! The lacy beaches create natural coves and caves that will take you back in time. Here, the options are innumerable with organized or deserted beaches, with sand, pebbles or rocks, family or for couples and young people, with taverns or café and beach bar. Skopelos is the art of the spontaneous and the unpretentious. Beaches, villages, monasteries, churches, culture and gastronomy, all are harmoniously connected with each other and create unique corners and memories in every part of the island for everyone! ...

nstagram): @loucosporviagem

Photo(Instagram): @loucosporviagem

independent state.

interesting that it does not de with the Alonissos of uity which was called Ikos, the name Alonissos probably ed to the neighboring to the island of Kyra-Panagia.

ssos is considered one of the Aegean islands inhabited in uity, as evidenced by the of the Neolithic settlement pe Kokkinokastro.

became known in the ancient for the cultivation of the nd the fine wine. ts are growing rapidly. The s exported in amphorae that e of their handles bear the ption IKION. he same time, the island res geo-strategic importance. impressive number of recks confirm the position of and as a passage.

of mythical heroes, ancient recks, sunken ancient cities. endowed with fertile land in ileged position. and with intoxicating charm wine that has historically known. Without a doubt, the that surrounds Alonissos is a reasure!

picturesque villages in ssos have their own charm, makia, Votsi, the Steni Vala, um Gialos, the old capital of land, the old Alonissos or old , which is famous for the stic view it offers to all ions.

new capital Patitiri which its name to the wine presses were there when the capital he old chorio. ...

as an independent state. It is interesting that it does not coincide with the Alonissos of antiquity which was called Ikos, while the name Alonissos probably referred to the neighboring to the north island of Kyra-Panagia. Alonissos is considered one of the first Aegean islands inhabited in antiquity, as evidenced by the traces of the Neolithic settlement at Cape Kokkinokastro. Ikos became known in the ancient world for the cultivation of the vine and the fine wine. Exports are growing rapidly. The wine is exported in amphorae that on one of their handles bear the inscription IKION. At the same time, the island acquires geo-strategic importance. The impressive number of shipwrecks confirm the position of the island as a passage. Place of mythical heroes, ancient shipwrecks, sunken ancient cities. Area endowed with fertile land in a privileged position. An island with intoxicating charm and wine that has historically been known. Without a doubt, the story that surrounds Alonissos is a real treasure!

The picturesque villages in Alonissos have their own charm, Kalamakia, Votsi, the Steni Vala, Rousoum Gialos, the old capital of the island, the old Alonissos or old chorio, which is famous for the fantastic view it offers to all directions. The new capital Patitiri which owes its name to the wine presses that were there when the capital was the old chorio. ...

uoise shades, organized or pristine beaches and places that are pronounced for exploration, relaxation photography. Agios Dimitrios, Kokkinokastro, Leftos Gialos, Megalos Mourtias, Milia and Chrysi are representative examples of organized beaches. outheast coast is full of beaches, all very different from each other. Yellow sand, colorful stones, steep yellow rocks or reddish cliffs are what you will find on the various beaches. Most are hidden in bays unded by pine forests and olive groves. northwest coast is rocky and largely inaccessible by land as the cliffs end sharply down to the sea. In orthern part of the coast, there are small beaches, which can only be reached by boat. On the south there are accesses to some beaches by road or on foot. Some small beaches are located in the tiful bay of Megali Ammos.

onissos is located The Alonissos Northern Sporades Marine Park. It is the first Marine Park in Greece, he largest protected marine area in Europe (approximately 2,220 km2). In addition to the sea area, the includes the island of Alonissos, 6 smaller islands (Peristera, Kyra Panagia, Psathoura, Piperi, zoura and Gioura) as well as 22 rocky islets. ...

Turquoise shades, organized or pristine beaches and places that are pronounced for exploration, relaxation and... photography. Agios Dimitrios, Kokkinokastro, Leftos Gialos, Megalos Mourtias, Milia and Chrysi Milia are representative examples of organized beaches. The southeast coast is full of beaches, all very different from each other. Yellow sand, colorful stones, steep pale yellow rocks or reddish cliffs are what you will find on the various beaches. Most are hidden in bays surrounded by pine forests and olive groves. The northwest coast is rocky and largely inaccessible by land as the cliffs end sharply down to the sea. In the northern part of the coast, there are small beaches, which can only be reached by boat. On the south coast there are accesses to some beaches by road or on foot. Some small beaches are located in the beautiful bay of Megali Ammos. In Alonissos is located The Alonissos Northern Sporades Marine Park. It is the first Marine Park in Greece, and the largest protected marine area in Europe (approximately 2,220 km2). In addition to the sea area, the Park includes the island of Alonissos, 6 smaller islands (Peristera, Kyra Panagia, Psathoura, Piperi, Skatzoura and Gioura) as well as 22 rocky islets. ...

e wider area of the Park, are finds from the storic, Classical and ntine periods (shipwrecks, old steries and churches). areas where public access is tted, visitors can engage in ming, diving, wildlife ing, taking pictures, ding video, visiting cultural ments, hiking, etc.

ssos with its authenticity and ched natural beauty ates travelers with special sts, all over the world. The ence of the first underwater um and the initiative for water weddings place ssos on the "map" of world g tourism! "

ros is located in the heart of

egean. It is the southernmost of the Northern Sporades located east of Evia.

island is characterized by g contrasts. It has pine hills, mountain landscapes, idyllic ded beaches, beautiful coves, sive beaches, sea caves in the a area in the southern part, osing a natural and varied n.

g a centuries-old history, s has always been a place as safeguarded its traditions authenticity. Visitors can e the local architecture, the ate wood carvings, the oidery and the Byzantine ic.

city of Skyros coexists oniously with tradition and rhythms of modern ainment.

e lovers will discover unique species, animals and ...

In the wider area of the Park, there are finds from the Prehistoric, Classical and Byzantine periods (shipwrecks, old monasteries and churches). In the areas where public access is permitted, visitors can engage in swimming, diving, wildlife watching, taking pictures, recording video, visiting cultural monuments, hiking, etc.

Alonissos with its authenticity and untouched natural beauty fascinates travelers with special interests, all over the world. The emergence of the first underwater museum and the initiative for underwater weddings place Alonissos on the "map" of world diving tourism! "

Skyros is located in the heart of

the Aegean. It is the southernmost island of the Northern Sporades and is located east of Evia. The island is characterized by strong contrasts. It has pine hills, rocky mountain landscapes, idyllic secluded beaches, beautiful coves, extensive beaches, sea caves in the Natura area in the southern part, composing a natural and varied terrain. Having a centuries-old history, Skyros has always been a place that has safeguarded its traditions and authenticity. Visitors can admire the local architecture, the elaborate wood carvings, the embroidery and the Byzantine ceramic. The city of Skyros coexists harmoniously with tradition and the rhythms of modern entertainment. Nature lovers will discover unique plant species, animals and ...


re the view of the Aegean from the castle and the Square of Eternal Poetry where atue of the romantic poet Rupert Brooke is located.

visit the prehistoric fortified city of Palamari, the ancient quarry in Pouria, the ouse located in the southern part of the island.

yros you will find some of the most beautiful beaches in Greece, crystal clear s, beautiful landscapes with golden sands or pearl pebbles, sea caves, you will he opportunity to get to know and enjoy them during your holidays.

ombination of mountain and sea makes Skyros an ideal destination for practising us sports such as hiking and trekking, 8 marked trails, beautiful paths, climbing, watching, cycling and mountain biking. Also windsurfing, water skiing, sailing, diving and unexplored off road routes with motorbikes or 4X4 vehicles.

Skyros and all hidden beauty will be revealed to you!

island. Admire the view of the Aegean from the castle and the Square of Eternal Poetry where the statue of the romantic poet Rupert Brooke is located. Also visit the prehistoric fortified city of Palamari, the ancient quarry in Pouria, the lighthouse located in the southern part of the island. In Skyros you will find some of the most beautiful beaches in Greece, crystal clear waters, beautiful landscapes with golden sands or pearl pebbles, sea caves, you will have the opportunity to get to know and enjoy them during your holidays. The combination of mountain and sea makes Skyros an ideal destination for practising various sports such as hiking and trekking, 8 marked trails, beautiful paths, climbing, bird watching, cycling and mountain biking. Also windsurfing, water skiing, sailing, scuba diving and unexplored off road routes with motorbikes or 4X4 vehicles. Visit Skyros and all hidden beauty will be revealed to you!


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SPORADES, THE BEAUTIFUL LUSH AWARDS 2022 | WINNERS A Photographic Journey In Greece! GREEN ISLANDS WILL SEDUCE YOU! Best of Resorts Hotels & Villas @500_best_hotels_greece_gr Magazine

The 100 Best Hotels and Resorts +Villas In Greece!

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