Boat and Jet Ski Licences Please note that any person who operates a powered recreational vessel needs to have a Boat Licence (with the exception of ‘hire and drive’ boats). Boat licences can also be endorsed to operate personal watercraft (eg Jet Skis). Boat Licences and Personal Watercraft endorsements can be arranged through VicRoads.
Boat Ramp Permits Information Boat ramp permits are required in Bass Coast Shire and can be purchased from Council’s Customer Service Centres. Daily permits can also be purchased from: Machines at Cowes, Newhaven and Rhyll Cowes – The Hut boat ramp café; Cowes General Store; Shell Phillip Island Motors Rhyll – General Store. Phillip Island Marine Newhaven Newsagent San Remo – Jim’s Bait and Tackle Boat Ramp Localities on Phillip Island: Cowes West – Anderson Street Rhyll – Beach Road Newhaven – Beach Crescent There are also ramps at Grantville, Corinella and Lang Lang.
For more information
Where to Fish
Cowes Visitor Information Centre 91 – 97 Thompson Avenue Cowes VIC 3922 1300 366 422 Inverloch Visitor Information Centre 16 A’Beckett Street Inverloch VIC 3996 1300 762 433 Phillip Island Visitor Information Centre 895 Phillip Island Road Newhaven VIC 3925 1300 366 422 Wonthaggi Visitor Information Centre 1 Bent Street Wonthaggi VIC 3995 1300 854 334 National Relay Service (for people with communication difficulties) 13 36 77
Disclaimer: While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this leaflet, Bass Coast Shire Council does not accept any responsibility for inaccuracies, omissions, incorrect information or action taken as a result of any information detailed in this guide. October 2012
Phillip Island and Surrounds
Western Port and Phillip Island Western Port has large numbers of fish, and provides great fishing, particularly if you have a boat. On Phillip Island, boat ramps can be found at Newhaven, Rhyll and Cowes. On the mainland, there are ramps at Corinella and Coronet Bay. The most common fish caught in the bay are Flathead, Whiting, Snapper, Silver Bay Trout, Trevally, Gummy Shark and Mullet. Local “hot spots” can be found by anchoring your boat where there are a few people, or look for the gutters or channels of shallow sandy bottoms. If you don’t have a boat, try a pier or jetty that would allow you to cast right into the middle of the channel or gutter. Sand bars are very good for this as a channel will usually run beside it. Marine National Parks and Marine Sanctuary Western Port has three Marine National Parks and one Marine Sanctuary, Mushroom Reef. Fishing and other activities are prohibited in these areas. The three Marine National Parks are Churchill Island Marine Park (675ha), French Island Marine National Park (2,800ha) and Yaringa Marine National Park (980ha). These three Marine National Parks are all part of the internationally listed Western Port Ramsar Wetlands, containing important foraging and roosting areas for a number of waterbird species and migratory waders. The area is also an important drought refuge for inland waterbirds during the summer months as the marine environment provides habitat all year round.
Local Advice San Remo Pier is good for squid over summer. Newhaven Pier is good for juvenile Snapper (Pinkies) and Trevally with Luderick (Blackfish) before sunrise. When launching your boat, Newhaven and Rhyll are the only all-tide ramps.
Larger boats, in excess of 20 feet, are best launched from Rhyll.
Best Baits Local experts suggest the best bait to use all year round are pipis and squid, or whitebait if the Whiting are not biting. Whiting (which are very fussy eaters) seem to prefer pipis or squid that have been bashed to make it soft, presented very neatly on a hook with no loose ends. To catch Flathead, any bait can be used as they will eat just about anything. To specifically fish for Snapper, you will get best results by using WA pilchards, squid, octopus, bonito, tuna or pipis. Salmon is also a very common fish throughout the year and can be caught on blue bait, pilchards and pipis. When surf fishing, the best baits are sand worms or pipis.
Rhyll Trout and Bush Tucker Farm Location: 36 Rhyll-Newhaven, Rhyll Phillip Island. Phone: (03) 5956 9255. Learn to catch trout indoors and outdoors. Friendly fishing instructors will teach you to catch rainbow trout in a picturesque tree-lined lake and the all-weather indoor “Rainforest Pool”. No licence required. There is an entry fee/rod hire fee. All fish must be purchased (no throw backs).
Safety and Weather Reports Remember to check for regular weather updates. In an emergency, dial 000 and ask for the Water Police. Channel 27.88MHz and Channel VHF16 radio are the local emergency, general listening and call stations with regular weather updates, but are only operational on weekends and public holidays. Marine radios are maintained by Coastguard Western Port.
Fishing Guidelines It is a good idea for prospective fishers to consult the current Victorian Recreational Fishing Guide. This will ensure that catches comply with appropriate local guidelines. The Guide is available from Parks Victoria Offices in San Remo, Fisheries office in Cowes, Visitor Information Centres and good bait and tackle shops in the area.
Fishing Licences Anyone from 18 to 70 wishing to participate in any fishing activity will need to purchase a licence. Exemptions apply for Victorian Seniors and Pension card holders. This includes line fishing, bait collection, shellfish gathering, yabby fishing and spear fishing. Licences can be obtained online at or from: * Jim’s Bait and Tackle, 151 Marine Parade, San Remo *B P Service Station. Cowes, 160-162 Thompson Avenue * S hell Service Station, Cowes, 157 Thompson Avenue * Phillip Island Marine, 14 Beach Street, Rhyll. *N ewhaven Newsagents, Forrest Avenue (2 day and 28 day licences only)