Photography Tour

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Lapland to Lofoten Photography Tour 2012/2013

Escorted by award winning travel photographer Ewen Bell, we’ve designed a sensational adventure into the Arctic snow and ice. We’ll have enough daylight to chase reindeer and landscapes under the sun plus deeply dark nights for shooting the Northern Lights. Starting in the Swedish Lapland and �nishing in the Lofoten Islands in Northern Norway, this adventure features reindeer races, traditional markets and some of the most breathtaking scenery Scandinavia has to offer. A photographic adventure designed by photographers, for photographers. Maximum group size of 8.

0438 896 228 (03) 9314 8885

The ShortVersion


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Days 1-2 / Luleå / Sörbyn Meet in Luleå for Introduction with Fredrik Broman, dog sleds, Swedish cabins and Northern Lights Days 3-4 / Jokkmokk Idigenous Sami people, Winter Market in Jokkmokk, reindeer races and local cooking. Days 5-7 / Kiruna / Abisko Visit the Ice Hotel, travel along Lake Torne and get a unique view of the Northern Lights at Abisko Sky Station. Days 8-10 / Lofoten / Svinøya Cross the mountains into Norway and journey into the islands Lofoten for �shing cabins and stunning coastal landscapes. Days 11-13 / Lofoten / Reine Day trips further west to the edge of Lofoten, slow shutters on frozen landscapes and last chance to shoot the Northern Lights. Day 14 Everybody goes home, catching the ferry back to Bodø for our connecting �ights.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Your Escort Ewen just loves Scandinavia, especially in the snow, and has wanted to design a unique tour for years. This is it. Having met local communities in the north of Sweden, Finland and Norway he has developed an appreciation for the unique culture of the north. We hope his passion for the Arctic will inspire your photography as well. It wouldn’t be a great photo tour without a great photographer. But don’t take our word for it, visit his website and see for yourself.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

For the duration of the tour your photographic instructor and escort will be Ewen Bell. His work is published all over the world in travel brochures, the travel media and photography magazines. Ewen’s depth of experience with photography tours is impressive, with over 25 journeys completed in recent years across Asia, Australia and Antarctica.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Photographic Tuition people with a fundamental knowledge of their camera, but who want to learn more. A basic knowledge of aperture, focal length, depth of �eld and exposure is useful, but not essential. We will even help you learn the technical use of your camera, if that’s what you need. For more experienced photographers the itinerary alone will be an inspiration for your artistic output, plus the chance to share experiences with an award winning travel journalist. People of many different skill levels and ambition will be gathered for the journey, so expect to be in the company of diversity. This tour will appeal to anyone who wants to immerse themselves in the process of cultivating skills and exploring cultures. You will have a


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

The photographic themes designed into this trip are aimed at

chance to discuss techniques and principles, then immediately go out and practise. This will not give you a quali�cation, but hopefully will give you con�dence and direction to take better photos.

Day 1 - Mon, 30 Jan 12 - Arrive Luleå On arrival in Luleå a transfer is provided from Luleå Airport for �ight SK 12 arriving at 16:30. We make a short drive to Sörbyn where we check into our cabins. Upon arrival at Sörbyn you will meet your tour escort, Ewen Bell, for a tour brie�ng and a 3 course Swedish welcome meal served at 20:00. There are daily �ights with Scandinavian Airlines from Stockholm to Luleå with connections from most international destinations. However, we recommend that you arrive with SK12 at 16:30. Should you arrive with a different �ight please advise us and we will assist you getting to the starting point at Sörbyn by other means. Meals included: welcome dinner Overnight: Sörbyn Cabins Day 2 - Tue, 31 Jan 12 – Winter photography lecture in Sörbyn In the morning we are joined by Fredrik Broman - one of the local photographers in this northern region of Sweden. Fredrik is a well know local photographer living and working in Sörbyn. He will guide us through the joys of winter photography so you know the tricks before you set off.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Detailed Itinerary

During the day we will have a chance to try dog sledding guided by one of the local dog mushers in town. Fredrik will also take us on a snowshoeing adventure with a picnic lunch out in the wild. Meals included: breakfast, picnic lunch & dinner Overnight: Sörbyn Cabins Day 3 - Wed, 01 Feb 12 – Travel to Jokkmokk Today’s bus trip goes across the open landscapes of Swedish Lapland northwest toward the village of Jokkmokk. Along the way there are ample opportunities to make photographic stops. The main reason for visiting Jokkmokk is the annual Winter Market that takes place the �rst long weekend of February. Jokkmokk’s Market has a long history and is considered to have a four hundred-year unbroken tradition. Permanent marketplaces near the Sámi’s winter settlements were established by the Swedish crown at the beginning of the 17th century in all the Sámi Lappish territories on both sides of the Gulf of Bothnia. The purpose was to strengthen the state’s control of the population in the north as well as to collect taxes, hold legal court and spread the Word of God. Planning a market in the Lappish territories during the coldest time of the year had several advantages. The Sámi were gathered in their winter settlements in the forest area with winter grazing for their reindeer and the frozen waterways constituted magni�cent roads for the merchants, state officials and men of the church. In Jokkmokk we stay in a local family run bed & breakfast giving us the opportunity to connect with the locals. In the evening we enjoy a dinner at the Historical Market. Meals: breakfast & dinner Overnight: Jokkmokk B&B

Day 4– Thu, 02 Feb 12 – Jokkmokk Winter Market The day is free to make the most of the bustling Winter Market. The highlight of these days are the reindeer races taking place from 2-3 pm. Well-known people, guests from far away and tourist from the audience compete with each other on sleds pulled by reindeer. Every afternoon there is a �nal race to determine the winner of the day.

Meals: breakfast & dinner Overnight: Jokkmokk B&B Day 5 - Fri, 03 Feb 12 – Travel Kiruna We continue northwest towards the city of Kiruna. The mining town Kiruna is a product of the large rich iron ore body that was found by the Laplanders as early as in the middle of the 17th century. Today Kiruna is a town in the Arctic area, planned and built for the long and cold winters and the short but intensive summers. Kiruna is also the centre of research on the Northern Lights. During the winter period from November to April, the winter sky is often lit up by the amazing Aurora Borealis, with its beautiful and magic colouring and scribblings. Meals: breakfast & dinner Overnight: Camp Ripan


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

In the evening we dine with a Swedish family, and are served a typical Lappish three course meal.

Day 6 - Sat, 04 Feb 12 – Visit ICEHOTEL and train to Abisko After breakfast we catch the morning dusk light and make an excursion to the ICEHOTEL, located in the small village of Jukkasjärvi, some 20 minutes outside Kiruna.

The history of Jukkasjärvi goes back to the 17th century when it was a market and meeting place for the Laplanders, settlers and hunters in the area. The name Jukkasjärvi means meeting place. Imagine a hotel that every year has a new unique look, new architecture, new suites, new lobby, well, everything is new for the year. In the morning we will be taken on a tour of the 60 room ICEHOTEL, built of 2000 tons of crystal clear ice from Torne River and 30 000 tons of snow from our bountiful nature. We enjoy lunch in the ICEHOTEL restaurant, before we return to Kiruna and board the train. The train ride takes you through the inland winter landscape of northern Sweden along the majestic Torneträsk, the �fth largest lake in Sweden, where we stop at Abisko. Upon arrival we check in and have the afternoon/evening to enjoy the breathtaking winter landscapes around the Torneträsk Lake. A healthy dinner is served in the hotel restaurant. Meals: breakfast & dinner Overnight: STF hotel (Abisko fjällstation) Day 7 - Sun, 05 Feb 12 – Winter landscapes of Abisko We have the day at our disposal in Abisko with ample opportunities for winter photography. During the day we also visit the Sami Camp, an exhibition displaying how the Sami lived in the late-19th century. The camp is a reconstruction of a spring and fall residence from a time when the Sami lived as nomads. After a tour around the camp, we gather around the �re in the hut, sip coffee and eat reindeer meat while discussing the Sami culture. In the afternoon we can enjoy a sauna bath. This involves, among other things, closeness to the four basic elements: earth, air, �re and water. The renovated house down by the Torneträsk has the most wonderful wood heated sauna with views over the lake.

Inside the Aurora Sky Station, an aurora exhibition emphasizes observing and understanding the northern lights. The observations are made with the help of radio receivers and cameras. A scale model of the solar system helps to better understand the Aurora Borealis. Imagine following the charged particles from the sun into the Earth’s atmosphere. Learn how these particles are captured by the magnetic �eld and driven to the poles. Every night there are guided tours to the universe of Aurora Borealis (northern lights). Meals: breakfast & dinner Overnight: STF hotel (Abisko fjällstation) Day 8 - Mon, 06 Feb 12 – Travel to Lofoten, Norway We catch the early morning train from Abisko across the border to Norway and the town of Narvik. In Narvik we meet our Norwegian bus and driver and make the 2 hour drive to Svolvær in the central Lofoten Archipelago. The views along the way are stunning, and you will soon understand why Lofoten is a photographer’s dream. The Lofoten Islands offer some of the most breath-taking scenery in the country with towering, pointed mountain peaks rising majestically from the sea to a height of almost 1000 meters. Many of the island interiors are swathed in emerald greens, and the shorelines are fringed with white sandy beaches.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

After an evening meal we make a night visit to the Aurora Sky Station. Abisko, in the middle of the auroral zone, is considered to be the best place on earth to see the Aurora Borealis. With its fresh, clear air and its practically permanent cloud-free sky the prerequisites in Abisko are optimal. More or less active northern lights can be seen almost every night, so prepare yourself for a memorable night-time experience.

We arrive in the township of Svolvær in the early afternoon and check into our self contained �sherman’s cottage perched over the water. Accommodation will be twin share. The layout of the cottages is typically; living room with kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. In the afternoon/evening we will be joined by one of the locals to go through the options for our 6 night stay in the Lofoten Archipelago. While here we will make sure you get to all those places that so often feature in the amazing photo collections from Lofoten. We don’t want you to miss anything! For dinner we have booked a table at Børsen Spiseri, which is attached to the �sherman’s cabin complex and overlooking the harbour, the �sh drying racks called ‘hjell’ and the many �shing boats. Meals included: breakfast & dinner Overnight: Svinøya Rorbuer Day 9 - Tue, 07 Feb 12 – Chasing the Light In the morning we set off with our minibus to visit some of the hidden secrets of Lofoten. This may be a pristine white sandy beach with towering snow white cliffs as a backdrop, or a tranquil and remote little �shing village. The purpose of the day is to capture as many as possible of those stunning Lofoten moments. We return back to Svolvær in the early afternoon. Dinner is not included tonight, and as the cottages are equipped with a kitchen we encourage you to get together as a group and try your cooking skills with local ingredients. Meals included: breakfast Overnight: Svinøya Rorbuer (Fisherman’s Cottages)

Cruise along the scenic Trollfjord on the MF Gamle Lofotferga (subject to availability) Visit to the impressive Lofotr Viking Museum Kayaks provide a fantastic opportunity to explore all of Lofotens small and large islands, islets and reefs Join an Ocean rafting trip in a rib boat Join a nature wildlife safari Join a traditional �shing boat and try your luck Just laze around your Rorbu and enjoy the exotic smell of dried cod And there is more, but the list would be too long Meals included: breakfast Overnight: Svinøya Rorbuer (Fisherman’s Cottages) Day 11 - Thu, 09 Feb 12 – Travel to Reine After breakfast we continue further out into the Lofoten Archipelago to the �shing village of Reine. Here too we will stay in self contained �sherman’s cottages on stilts above the water. Reine is probably the place in Lofoten with the most well known scenery, as it is ringed by steep cliffs rising some 800 to 900 metres above sea level.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Day 10 - Wed, 08 Feb 12 – Photography workshop in Svolvær The day is free in Svolvær. On purpose, and because everyone has different tastes, we have not packed your stay in Lofoten full of pre-arranged activities. The reason being there is simply so much to see and do while in Lofoten and it should be your choice to pick your activities. Our recommended excursions are;

Similarly to Svolvær, we have 3 nights in Reine and the program will include a day of exploration and a day of leisure. In the evening we have organised a welcome dinner at one of the cosy local restaurants. Meals included: breakfast & dinner Overnight: Reine Rorbuer (Fisherman’s Cottages) Day 12 - Fri, 10 Feb 12 – Visit Å & Nusfjord In the morning we travel even further west to the town with the worlds shortest name; Å. Å is situated on the very end of the string of islands that make up the Lofoten Archipelago. This is also a �shing village, and the views out towards the Norwegian Sea are breathtaking, and in �ne weather you will be able to spot the remote islands of Væroy and Røst. We also stop at the village of Nusfjord, which lies hidden in a small sheltered bay only accessible by road through a narrow gorge, or by boat from the sea. We return to our accommodation at Reine in the early afternoon. Meals included: breakfast Overnight: Reine Rorbuer (Fisherman’s Cottages)

Day 13 - Sat, 11 Feb 12 – Spectacular Reine Our last day in Lofoten is a free day, enabling you to catch up on those activities you still want to experience, or get to the places you haven’t yet seen. Or, it is a day to re�ect on the past two weeks of experiences, sort photographs and prepare for the trip home.

Meals included: breakfast & dinner Overnight: Reine Rorbuer (Fisherman’s Cottages) Day 14 - Sun, 12 Feb 12 – Trip ends in Bodø After breakfast we make a short bus trip to Moskenes where we board the local ferry taking us to Bodø, the main town in the province of Nordland. The tour ends upon arrival in Bodø. There are daily �ights with Scandinavian Airlines and Norwegian from Bodø to Oslo connecting to most international destinations. Meals included: breakfast


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

In the evening we have included a farewell dinner at a local restaurant.

Fredrik Broman has been a photographer for 18 years, with clients in the tourism business in east Africa as well as in north Sweden. The contrast between these destinations and the pictorial language that has been demanded has lead to that he today in�uences the customer’s choice of images rather than merely creates what has been demanded. At the moment he photographs fashion and design in the beautiful surroundings of his homeland of Swedish Lapland. We chose Fredrik to join our tour because he is a local to Lapland and knows lots of lovely places between Lulea and Jokkmokk. Good places for Northern Lights and warm cabins with wood-�red sauna!


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Fredrik Broman

Aurora Borealis Aurora happens when the sun sends off particles into space. These particles are charged, and form what is called ‘solar wind’. When solar wind hits Earth’s magnetic �eld in the Polar areas, where the magnetic shield is less powerful, it collides with particles in our atmosphere and creates electricity when the charged particles rip through the electromagnetic �eld because of their power. The ancient people were awed by the Aurora. Aurora was the Roman goddess of the dawn. Boreal is a Latin word, meaning ‘north’ - thus, the northern lights. The Finnish name for the lights, ‘revontulet’, comes from a Sami legend whereby the tail of a fox running along snow covered fells strikes the snow drifts, sending a trail of sparks into the sky. Revontulet literally means ‘fox�re’. The Vikings believed the Aurora was the beautiful maidens called Valkyries, which escorted those killed in battle to the gods. The Sami people of Lapland believed they had power over the lights, and whistling under them would cause them to come closer. Many ancient peoples would not stare at or speak of the Aurora, due to a fear of insulting their divine nature.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

and light. It is this light that we see as the Northern Light, or Aurora Borealis. An Aurora can also occur

You will have expert advice on how to photograph the Northern Lights from tour escort Ewen Bell and local photographer Fredrik Broman. Be sure to pack a good quality tripod for the trip!


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Camera Gear We recommend the use of Digital SLR cameras for this journey, but you are not restricted from using any type of camera you may have, including conventional �lm SLRs and compact cameras. We will have access to extreme cold conditions mean you will want spare batteries packed in your kit. We also recommend that you carry a wide angle lens for general use and landscape opportunities. Tripods are also advised for this tour, to make use of the slow shutter work in Lofoten and when chasing the Northern Lights. Don’t get a cheap tripod though, make it a sturdy variety such as the Manfrotto 055. A good quality day pack will be an essential part of the packing list.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

power for recharging batteries on every evening of the trip, but the

Crumpler and Lowe make excellent packs that are designed for camera equipment. Ideally your pack should be comfortable, spacious, and practical. The traditional type of ‘over-the-shoulder’ camera bag is not very suitale for travel photography, a day-pack is better.

Our photographic journeys appeal to both the young and old, the experienced and novice. Most tours are made up of people aged 25 to 65, and occasionally older or younger still. It doesn’t matter what your skills and interest in photography are, you will enjoy sharing a creative and immersive experience with like minded people. You can read feedback from Ewen’s past travellers on photography tours by visiting


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

WhoTravels With Us

50 Degrees North 50 Degrees North is a niche, independently owned, travel company run by Scandinavians yet based in Melbourne, Australia. At 50 Degrees North we like to call ourselves specialists! We don’t try to do everything - only what we know.

Our Director, Tietse Stelma, is Norwegian and was born far north of the Arctic Circle in a Sami village called Karasjok. He joined the travel industry in the early 90’s and with 20 years in the industry. Tietse’s depth of knowledge adds another layer of detail to the meticulous planning of this photo tour. www.� 50 Degrees North Pty Ltd PO Box 75, Clifton Hill 3068, Melbourne, VIC, Australia


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

What we do know, we know really well.

Phone: +61 3 8682 8905 / Fax: +61 3 8682 8904 E-mail: info@� License: 32937 - ABN: 37 437 434 292

NeedTo Know As you will be travelling to the northern part of Scandinavia you should expect temperatures down to minus 20-30 degrees celsius below zero. The inland climate of Swedish Lapland is cold and dry with high probability of clear skies, while the coast at Lofoten is milder and some more precipitation can be expected. The Gulf Stream plays an in�uential part in the weather patterns of Scandinavia, and is the main reason we �nd habitation this far north. Packing We advise that you use either a duffle bag or a regular back pack. We always recommend travelling light; however, for this speci�c tour you will need to make sure you bring adequate warm clothing. We suggest layers of clothing rather than heavy coats, as with layers you can easily regulate the temperature.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Climate & weather

We also recommend you bring a seriously warm sweather/jumper, and good wind/waterproof jacket and trousers. Sturdy and warm boots are also necessary, preferably in which you can �t an extra pair of thick wollen socks. You also need a warm hat that covers your ears, mittens and a scarf.

Essential Items to Pack • Rain Jacket or an Anorak with hood – preferably waterproof and breathable material (Gore-Tex or equivalents) • Waterproof and breathable trousers • Jumper (wool) • Thermal or woollen underwear • Tick woollen socks • Warm cap/hat (beanie) covering ears • Gloves/mittens • Scarf • Sturdy and warm footwear with good grip, ankle support and a size up to �t extra socks • Sun screen, sunglasses and lip balm Money You should calculate approx. US$50 per day for meals not included and incidentials. The monetary unit in Sweden (SEK) and Norway (NOK) is the Kroner, although each of these holds a different value. Surplus Kroner of each currency can be frequently used in border towns, as you pass through. We recommend bring your money in a combination of cash, an ATM card and a credit card (as back-up). Electricity The electric current across Scandinavia is 220V AC. Thick round ended two-pronged continental points are used. Most hotels have a limited supply of adaptors, so we would recommend you bring your own.

The Fine Print

Price from Luleå to Bodø Per person in share of twin room/cottage: AU$ 9,270 / US$ 9,890 / GBP6,100 / EUR 6,990 Prices in other currencies will �uctuate according to exchange rates. Price for 2013 date is subject to change. Accommodation Standard The price is based on accommodation in cabins, home stays and �sherman’s cottages of good tourist class standard and on bed and breakfast basis.


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

Dates 2012: 30 January to 12 February 2013: 04 to 17 February

Services included • 13 nights hotel accommodation in shared twin room/cottage with shower/WC • Scandinavian breakfast every day • Other meals as listed in itinerary (2 lunches & 9 dinners) • Local expert photography guide in Sörbyn & Jokkmokk • Winter photography lecture in Sörbyn • Dog sledding and snow shoeing in Sörbyn • Visit to the original ICEHOTEL in Jukkasjärvi including lunch • Sami experience in Abisko • Local expert advice for excursions in the Lofoten Archipelago • Transportation in private bus from Luleå to Kiruna and from Narvik to Reine • Train tickets from Kiruna via Abisko to Narvik • Ferry tickets from Lofoten to Bodø • Transfers to and from train station in Abisko, from airport in Luleå and to ferry terminal in Lofoten • Ewen Bell as tour escort and instructing photographer • Fredrik Boman photographic instruction Sörbyn • Expert photography advice and workshops

Not included • Flights • Meals not speci�ed in the itinerary • Gratitudes and items of personal nature • Alcoholic beverages The itinerary information may vary slightly for your speci�c departure, as we continuously research and develop each trip. Inclement weather or other factors outside our control may also necessitate minor alterations. © 2011 50 Degrees North Pty Ltd. Revised 16 June 2011.

Make A Booking How to Book Simply visit the 50 Degrees North website and complete the online been received your place on the trip is con�rmed. www.� e-mail: info@� Telephone toll free in Australia: 1300 422 821 Telephone from outside Australia: +61 3 8682 8905


Lapland to Lofoten / Photographiy Tour / 50 Degrees North / Ewen Bell

booking form to reserve a place. Once payment of the deposit has

Airfares & Additional Arrangements Should you require extra accommodation before or after the tour, or any additional arrangements we are happy to assist. We also offer competitive airfares from Australia and locally in Scandinavia. Travel Insurance It is a condition of participating on a 50 Degrees North tour that you hold travel insurance for the duration of the trip. Insurance must include comprehensive medical and emergency evacuation. Your travel insurance details will be checked by your tour escort on arrival at the starting point hotel. Airfares & Additional Arrangements Should you require extra accommodation before or after the tour, or any additional arrangements we are happy to assist. We also offer competitive airfares from Australia and locally in Scandinavia.

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