1 minute read
Magnificent care in a magnificent setting
Belong Atherton provides high quality 24-hour support in a vibrant community and is a stunning example of how advanced design and very high standards of care can provide a new quality of life for older people.

Specialist nursing and dementia care
Small households create a homely setting
Free Admiral Nurse service
Independent living apartments with support available

Please get in touch for further information.
Vibrant facilities including bistro and salon
Gym with specialist equipment to improve wellbeing
Bespoke day care service
Extensive programme of activities and events age and I had a lot dental work done on my lower teeth which was failing.
We also accumulate masses of paperwork over the years but it’s unlikely you’ll need it all so be brutal!
Ensure you give family and friends anything you want them to keep but otherwise be practical about whether or not you use an item and whether it will fit into your new home.
If, for example, you don’t have a garden at your new place or it’s a communal garden, you may not need a lawnmower.
Sell or give what you have identified as not needed and, again, local charity shops are very grateful for donations of all kinds of items including clothes, books and bric a brac.
Will your CURTAINS be useful or suitable for your new property or are you opting for new ones that better suit it? This may be the opportunity to go for new blinds – it’s certainly worth looking at the latest types which can really open up a room and make the most of available light.
Most people leave behind items like LIGHT FITTINGS because they go well with that property but you may have favourites that you feel would look good in your new home. Check details like ceiling height there before you start removing light fittings, though, as this may be pivotal in your choice.
Enjoy planning new colours and styles for your new décor. This is a chance for you to look at the latest shades and home-styles to create a new and happy home all over again.

I FeeL ThAT I ShOuLd LeT yOu kNOw ThAT I hAve eNJOyed dININg OuT whILe IN TeNeRIFe ANd beINg AbLe TO eNJOy eATINg The FOOd I hAve chOSeN. MANy ThANkS TO yOu, MARk ANd khuRRuM FOR ‘Re-buILdINg’ Me!
“I had swapped dentists a number of times and then the dentist I moved to retired,” recalls Jack, whose wife Shirley knew