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Gardening is a popular hobby for people all over the world and it brings several benefits. It’s the perfect chance to keep busy and get some exercise while spending time in the great outdoors. It’s also a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine in the warmer months.

With Spring fast approaching, now is the perfect time to plan ahead and think of what to plant in your garden. Planting the correct flowers makes a huge difference to your garden - spring flowers bring joy, vibrancy and an abundance of colours to the space.

If you’re looking to create a thriving garden this spring, you’re in luck. In this post, we’re sharing 7 flowers to plant in spring. Let’s begin.
What To Plant In Spring
1. Primroses
Primroses are beautiful spring flowers that come in various different colours, from pink to yellow to white. You should plant primroses in spring and ensure you regularly water them. Most primroses thrive in moist soil, therefore you do not want to leave them underwatered.
The beautiful flowers are great options for people looking to add a burst of colour and fragrance to their garden. In terms of location, you can plant primroses in borders, window boxes or hanging baskets, as they look great in all areas of the garden.
2. Marigolds
Marigolds are popular flowers for spring planting. The vibrant flowers do best in areas exposed to sunlight, therefore you should avoid planting marigolds in fully shaded areas such as behind trees. However, it is worth noting that in periods of extreme heat, these spring flowers will benefit from partial shade.
Some of the most popular flowers to plant in spring, marigolds are available in a range of stunning colours. The flowers can be planted in containers or flower beds, while smaller marigolds are perfect for creating beautiful borders in your spring garden.
3. Sunflowers
Sunflowers should be planted in spring, so they are ready to bloom in mid to late summer. Make sure to frequently water your sunflowers, and even more so during dry weather conditions. However, be careful not to overwater them as this can lead to root rot and become fatal for the plants.
As some of the most famous flowers in the world, sunflowers are loved by humans and wildlife alike. The vibrant petals attract all types of insects and pollinators including bees and more. Sunflowers are a great choice for your garden and are some of the best flowers to plant in spring.
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4. Hydrangeas
With hydrangeas, you have the choice of planting them in either autumn or spring. The beautiful flowers do best in moist soil that is well drained. Available in a range of colours, the colour of the flower is actually determined by the acidity or alkalinity of the soil. To expand, hydrangeas will turn blue in acidic soil, whereas they will be pink in alkaline soil.
Hydrangeas are a stunning choice of flower to plant in spring and are sure to add warmth and colour to your garden from the minute they bloom.
5. Petunias
Petunias should be planted in spring. The gorgeous flowers like to be fully exposed to sunlight, so planting them in shaded areas is a no-go. The flowers will need watering more than usual in hot or dry weather conditions - this can be up to twice a day. Prop tip: take care not to over or underwater petunias as this will cause them to wilt, which can be detrimental.

The versatile flowers provide a great burst of colour wherever they go and can be placed in your choice of containers, hanging baskets or garden borders.
6. Zinnias
Zinnias are beautiful, vibrant flowers that should be planted in spring. The spring flowers thrive in full sun; they may be able to survive in partially shaded areas, however will not produce as many flowers. For best results, plant your zinnias in an area of your garden that is exposed to direct sunlight and avoid placing them in completely shaded areas.
The colourful flowers are a great addition to any garden in the spring, attracting bees and butterflies. Planting zinnias in your garden will have you on your way to creating a garden that is bursting with colour and life.
7. Lilies
Lily bulbs can be planted in early spring for bloom in mid-to-late summer. They are beautiful spring flowers to plant in March and are available in a variety of bright colours including pink, yellow, red and white. The classic flowers are considered low-maintenance and are easy to grow so won’t cause you any hassle.
The spring flowers look great wherever they are planted, whether in containers or dividing sections of your garden via borders.
Above, we have discussed what flowers to plant in spring to create a luscious spring garden filled with vibrancy and colour.You should now have an insight into some of the best flowers to plant in spring. Remember, it is important to choose your flowers wisely when deciding what to plant in spring, so they can bloom and grow properly.
Whatever you decide to plant in your garden this spring - whether it’s marigolds, petunias or primroses - we’re sure the space will look beautiful this spring and beyond.