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The National Breast Screening Programme invites all women aged between 50 – 70 every 3 years for a mammogram. Each GP Practice is screened in turn and all women registered with a GP will receive an invitation.
invites all women aged between 50 – 70 every 3 years for a mammogram. Each GP Practice is screened in turn and all women registered with a will receive an invitation.
The National Breast Screening programme automatically invites anyone registered as female with a GP, between the ages of 50-70. Clients will receive their first invite by post between their 50-53rd birthday and be invited every 3 years until they are 71.
Women over the age of 71 will not be sent an appointment automatically but they can self-refer mammogram every 3 years by contacting
Women over the age of 71 will not be sent an appointment automatically but they can self-refer for a mammogram every 3 years by contacting us.
The National Breast Screening Programme invites all women aged between 50 – 70 every 3 years for a mammogram. Each GP Practice is screened in turn and all women registered with a GP will receive an invitation.
What is breast screening?
Breast screening (or mammography) is an x-ray of the breast that is used to find any changes in the breast tissue that could be cancer, so they can be investigated early.
Breast screening (or mammography) is an x-ray of the breast that is used to find any changes in the breast tissue that could be cancer, so they can be investigated early.
What do I wear?
What is breast screening?
1 in 7 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their lives. Breast cancer is now the most common cause of cancer in women in this country.
Breast screening can detect signs of cancer before any symptoms can be seen or felt. 1 in 7 women in the UK will be diagnosed with Breast cancer during their life and attending your breast screening appointment could save your life.
1 in 7 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their lives. Breast cancer is now the most common cause of cancer in women in this country.
1 in 7 women in the UK will be diagnosed with breast cancer at some point during their lives. Breast cancer is now the most common cause of cancer in women in this country.
What happens when I reach 71?
Early detection saves lives
Most breast changes will not be cancer, but if cancer is found, the treatment needed will often be less intense and the chance of making a full recovery is much higher
Early detection saves lives
Women over the age of 71 will not be sent an appointment automatically but they can self-refer for a mammogram every 3 years by contacting us.
What is breast screening? Breast screening (or mammography) is an x-ray the breast that is used to find any changes in breast tissue that could be cancer, so they be investigated early.
Breast screening (or mammography) is an x-ray of the breast that is used to find any changes in the breast tissue that could be cancer, so they can be investigated early.
The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chances of survival
It’s always easier to wear a two-piece outfit because you will need to remove your top and bra. Please do not apply deodorant or talcum powder as this can affect the quality of the mammogram.
South Lancashire Breast Screening is your local service, covering Wigan, West Lancs and Chorley and South Ribble
01942 774713
Bolton, Bury & Rochdale Breast Screening Service
South Lancashire Breast Screening is your local service , covering Wigan, West Lancs and Chorley and South Ribble
South Lancashire Breast Screening is your local service, covering Wigan, West Lancs and Chorley and South Ribble
01204 390454
01942 774713
South Lancashire Breast Screening Unit
Breast Services - Bolton NHS FT (boltonft.nhs.uk)
01942 774713
South Lancashire Breast Screening Unit
For other enquiries contact the unit on 01204 390454
South Lancashire Breast Screening Unit
Early detection saves lives
Most breast changes will not be cancer, but if cancer is found, the treatment needed will often be less intense and the chance of making a full recovery is much higher
Most breast changes will not be cancer, but if cancer is found, the treatment needed will often be less intense and the chance of making a full recovery is much higher.
Most breast changes will not be cancer, but if cancer is found, the treatment needed will often be less intense and the chance of making a full recovery is much higher.
The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chances of survival
The earlier breast cancer is found, the better the chances of survival
- because x’ing on doesn’t sound quite the same
I SUPPOSE it had to happen eventually but now one airline is weighing passengers as well as their carry-on luggage.
Finnish carrier Finnair, which runs budget flights between Finland and the UK, wants to better estimate the plane’s weight before takeoff.
Apparently, airlines work out the weight of the plane, its interior and passengers to balance the flight and make the journey safer. They may use average weights provided by aviation authorities or collect data themselves.
The weigh-ins are voluntary and they’re not the first airline to do this. Last year, Korea’s largest airline, Korean Air, said it was planning to weigh passengers on international flights for a short time.
This was to reduce wasted fuel and for that more accurate overall weight estimateto, which must be a difficult “sum” to get right.
Not long before Korean Air’s move, EasyJet asked 19 passengers on a flight from Lanzarote to Liverpool to get off the plane because they said it was “too heavy to take off.”
The whole subject of the weight of both passengers and their luggage has sparked an outcry and I don’t know why we’re so surprised.
Not only are there plenty of overweight people around but the increasing cost of hold luggage – and the reduction of what weight airlines allow in a suitcase – has prompted some people to now cram items into carry-on luggage.
You’ve only got to look at what the overhead lockers are holding on the average flight to see where passengers have packed in the most possessions. Just trying to find a space for your own, probably quite modest, bag or backpack can be almost impossible.
The whole subject of passengers and weight is a regular minefield. In 2017, a poll by jetcost.co.uk showed almost 90 per cent of Britons
questioned believed that overweight passengers should pay more to fly.
And nearly 80 per cent said they thought “plus-sized zones” should be introduced on flights.
While there are currently no limits for larger passengers flying on commercial American flights there are some requirements.
They must be able to sit with both armrests down, be able to buckle their seatbelts and they don’t block the aisle.
If they can’t comply, they may be asked to pay for a second seat on the flight, unless there are two empty seats together somewhere on the plane.
Either way, now that the subject of weight generally on planes has been broached, it won’t just go away.
YOU lay your lifestyle on the line when you put your home on the market these days.
Photos of your currently decorated rooms and décor choices are there for all to see and pick over. And, believe you me, people do like to criticise the decorating style of others.
Take the case of poor Henry Reilly, for example, He is trying to sell a three bedroomed, semi-detached house in Prescot on Merseyside but has found himself caught in an online trolling storm.
Chanel logo rug, black velvet chairs and glitterball-style vase with gold pink roses is “chavvy” and are highly critical of his general style tastes.
OK, it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but it seems to me quite snooty to take this high moral tone over what is actually just one man’s choice of the décor he wants to live with.
His neighbours say Henry and his wife are a “lovely couple” and that it’s up to them what they do with the house they live in. As one pointed out: who is anyone to tell someone else how to decorate their home?
The reality is that most people when they move into a new home change the style anyway. You may have just painted the hall, stairs and landing, put in a new kitchen or newly tiled the bathroom before putting it up for sale but if it’s not to the new buyer’s taste, it’s all change.
To unleash a storm of criticism on a homeowner who has simply surrounded himself with the style he enjoys strikes me as rude and snobby.
Few us share the same sense of homestyle and one man’s favourite is another man’s no-go area. We’re individuals and it really doesn’t matter.
HOW do you describe yourself when you’ve had one drink too many?
Wasted? Out of it or just plain drunk?
Well, linguistic researchers have discovered that virtually any noun can be transformed into a “drunkonym” – a synonym for intoxicated – simply by adding “ed” at the end.
In fact, they found 546 words that can mean drunk including “trolleyed”, “hammered,” “wellied” and “steampigged.” Then there is “gazeboed”, “carparked” or simply “cabbaged.”
This confirms a suggestion by comedian Michael McIntyre that Britons could understand any word meaning drunk if it is preceded by “I got completely ……”
Researcher Professor Christina Sanchez-Stockhammer of Chemnitz University in Germany believes that this could be down to Britain’s deeply-rooted culture of social drinking and its absurdist Monty Python-style humour.
She also pointed out other types of playful language around being drunk including Cockney rhyming slang like the drunkonyms “Brahms” and “Schindler’s” – short for “Brahms and Liszt” both of which rhyme with pi**ed.
Britain’s favourite drunkonyms, however, also include bladdered, langered, legless, mashed, mullered, pickled, trashed, bevvied, fuddled, hammered, paralytic, ossified, sozzled, well-oiled, leathered, spannered and squiffed.
But perhaps you’ve got you’ve got your own favourites!
Olivia Hughes is studying for a degree while opening her own restaurant in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
Personally, I think a round of applause and huge envy for her energy and commitment are due but, apparently, some customers look down on her and older staff don’t respect her because of her age. Ignore all this, Olivia. You’re doing a great job, are a terrific role model for other youngsters - and I bet your parents are as proud as punch.
or email: help@aamail.org
Danny Kaye once sang ‘wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, friendly old girl of a town’, and it sure is! Copenhagen, located on Sealand, the largest island in Denmark, offers visitors an intriguing glimpse into a colourful tapestry of history and culture. In the 10th century, Copenhagen was a Viking fishing village and became the capital of Denmark in the 15th century.
To learn more about the fearsome Vikings I visited the fascinating Viking Ship Museum, located by the fjord in Roskilde; 35 kilometres from Copenhagen. The Viking Ship Hall features five spectacular Viking ships, which were discovered in 1962 at Skuldelev, 32 kilometres from where they are now displayed. These magnificent vessels were excavated from the sea bed in thousands of pieces and reconstructed with spectacular results. Visitors are also welcome to view the collection of traditional Nordic wooden boats berthed at the Museum Harbour and, as I am a committed seafarer, I was simply mesmerised.
Copenhagen attracts millions of visitors keen to explore this wonderful city and its many attractions including Amalienborg. Built in the 1750’s, the site is made up of four identical
Danish Rococco style buildings; the palace of Christian VII, husband to Caroline Mathilde of Great Britain, the palace of Christian VIII, the palace of Frederik VIII, great, great grandfather of the reigning Danish monarch King Frederik X, and the palace of Christian IX, the first monarch of the House of Glücksburg.
Eager to know more, I made my way to the the Amalienborg Museum, located within Christian VIII’s Palace, which displays a wide range of exhibits associated with the Danish monarchy dating back 150 years to Christian IX and Queen Louise. I decided to mingle with the crowds at 12 noon sharp and I watched the changing of the royal guard marching from their barracks through the streets towards Amalienborg.
My next port of call was the National Museum, housed in the Prince’s Palace on Ny Vestergade. The Danish national treasures include archaeological finds from the Viking Age and the permanent displays include an extensive coin and medal collection, classical antiquities and a toy museum which attracts hordes of ‘grown up’ children!
During the reign of King Christian IV in the 17th century, Copenhagen became the capital of both Denmark and Norway and following the widespread devastation of the plague and subsequent fires in the 18th century the city embarked on a period of restoration and redevelopment, which included the founding of the Royal Danish Theatre, in 1748 and the Royal Danish Academy of Portraiture, Sculpture and Architecture, in 1754.
In the late 1700’s, during the French Revolution, the Russian Tsar Paul I, son of Catherine the Great and Peter III, founded the League of Armed Neutrality to facilitate free trade with France for Russia, Prussia, Sweden, Denmark and Norway. The British Government deemed this to be a hostile act, which threatened the Royal Navy’s supremacy over the French fleet. On 02
April 1801, under the command of Admiral Sir Hyde Parker, Vice Admiral Horatio Nelson led the Royal Navy’s main attack on the Danish-Norwegian fleet. Many of the Danish-Norwegian vessels were destroyed before a truce was reached.
Six years later, during the Napoleonic Wars, the British Government was anxious that Denmark might close the Baltic Sea to British vessels with the possibility of French troops arriving in Sealand. In 1807, the Bombardment of Copenhagen began when the British fleet attacked the Danish/ Norwegian fleet and the city was evacuated. Over a thousand buildings were destroyed by fire and the city suffered greatly. The Danes duly surrendered and the British retreated from Copenhagen.
The Danish Golden Age began in the 19th century and Copenhagen was transformed with new buildings reflecting the Neoclassical style and the arts flourished. German Romanticism emerged and the works of Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg led the way. To view examples of Eckersberg’s works, including the magnificent 1841 masterpiece ‘A nude woman doing her hair before a mirror’ I hurried along to the Hirschsprung Museum on Stockolmsgade. The collection also features works by P.S. Kroyer and the enchanting ‘Summer day at the South Beach of Skagen’, completed in 1884, demands admiring glances from those in the room.
Later in the afternoon I felt the urge to embark on some retail therapy and ‘bag a bargain’. I headed for Strøget, one of Europe’s longest pedestrian streets crammed with international brands including Louis Vuitton, Mulberry and Prada and I browsed around the department store Magasin du Nord. For special gifts to take home I was persuaded to purchase a wide array of goodies from the Royal Copenhagen Flagship Store, founded in 1775 and purveyor to the royal Danish court. Located on Amagertorv, the property is a charming three storey Renaissance house, which dates back to 1616. Displays of the finest porcelain figurines, gifts and dinnerware should entice even the most resistant to part with more than a few Krona!
Weighed down with shopping bags and in need of some pampering I checked into the D’Angleterre hotel, which provides the highest level of comfort and service. Located on Kongens Nytorv, one of the city’s classic squares, this imposing hotel, established in 1755, is an historic landmark, which oozes with charm and sophistication.
I was escorted to a spacious and comfortable deluxe one-bedroom suite, which features elegant furnishings, plump sofas, luxurious drapes and a very grand bathroom. Hotel facilities include an urban spa, a fitness room and a swimming pool, which is the perfect place to unwind after a busy day.
Later that evening I headed for the hotel’s Balthazar champagne bar and whilst sipping on a glass brimming with bubbles I decided to dine ‘in house’ and made my reservation at Marchal, the hotel’s impressive restaurant, recipient of a Michelin star. I sampled the delicious winter truffle ravioli with Jerusalem artichoke, gruyére and creamy truffle sauce and accompanied by the 2015 Moët and Chandon, it was, quite simply, unforgettable.
After a deep slumber, a long lie-in followed by a rejuvenating shower and a first class breakfast, I decided to take a leisurely stroll along the Langelinie promenade, the site of the Little Mermaid bronze statue by Edvard Eriksen. Based on the fairy tale by Danish writer Hans Christian Andersen, the Little Mermaid statue was unveiled in 1913 and has become an icon and a major tourist attraction, recognised worldwide.
As I took a breather beside the Little Mermaid the sea air filled my nostrils and I reflected on my explorations and suddenly the voice of Danny Kaye sang in my head ‘wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen, salty old queen of the sea’.
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Not many things can beat drinking in a beautiful view, with a chilled glass of wine in your hand and the sun on your back. So, if you love wine, or just like to quaff the occasional glass, then a wine-themed river cruise could be your perfect trip. With AmaWaterways in particular, it’s a great way to discover the places behind the famous names in wine, combining epicurean experiences on board with the fruits of the vine ashore.
Aboard AmaWaterways’ top-notch vessels you can glide through wine country, relaxing on the sun deck, in the lounge or at your choice of restaurant, where specially-selected wine-pairings complement beautifully-presented dishes, at no extra cost. On board, your friendly wine expert host will talk you through their personal wine journey and introduce you to their own vintages
at illuminating tasting sessions. And ashore, you can look forward to touring, hiking or biking through vineyard estates, meeting the wine makers and most of all to enjoying the delicious results of their labours. It all adds up to wonderful blend of exciting travel, luxury living and new wine discoveries. Discover a taste for Bordeaux
Sounds good? Then how about exploring Bordeaux, the legendary wine capital of south-west France, in August in the company of like-minded wine-lovers and a dedicated wine expert aboard the 150-passenger AmaDolce? Over a week, you’ll travel in style to iconic castles, citadels and Grand Crus to places that vibrate with the language of wine like Saint Émilion, Château Margaux and Château Lafite Rothschild. This is the natural home of the renowned Medoc appellation where the gravelly soil lends itself to the production of full-bodied, rich reds from its cabernet and merlot grapes. And better yet, Silver Travel Advisor have an exclusive discounted price availale, call 0800 412 5678 to find out more.
Cruising is an easy, unhurried way to get into the rhythm of life in the heart of this historic region, idling along the Garonne and Dordogne rivers with the days as full of activity as you choose to make them.
AmaWaterways includes a wide range of shore excursions at each place you visit, many of them wine-themed, with a choice of gentle, regular or active options to suit your mood or mobility.
Every tour is accompanied by excellent local guides whose stories about each place bring it all to life.
AmaDolce carries a fleet of bikes on board that you can use to explore independently, or in a group with guides front and back to keep everyone safe and together, and to give a bit of background about where you are riding. It’s a great way to get a bit of exercise (though there is a fitness room and a walking track on board) and a real feel for a place. Another option if you have energy to spare is hiking with a tour guide, perfect for exploring the vineyard estates as well as the UNESCO sites.
Dining with AmaWaterways is a special pleasure, from delicately garnished Avocado
Tartine or Eggs Benedict for breakfast to well-judged four or five course lunches – delicious but not too heavy – and as wide a selection for delicious open-seating dinners too. As a change to the Main Restaurant, the Chef’s Table’s seven course tasting menu is a treat you are welcome to enjoy more than once, without charge. In addition, your wine expert will host a specially curated food and wine pairing dinner as a further highlight of your cruise. All
meals have wine, beer or soft drinks included with them and sip-and-sail cocktails are provided each evening too which all helps create a friendly, relaxed atmosphere where many people choose to share tables as an unforced way of meeting fellow passengers.
Conversations spring up effortlessly at the wine tastings on board too, where perhaps you’ll compare wines from your host’s own vineyards with those made from similar grapes in the famous estates ashore. And as something special on this Bordeaux sailing, there’s also an exclusive wine festival included at the medieval village of Bourg, with live music and dancing plus the chance to meet the wine growers in person and taste their produce. It promises to be a really memorable night!
To find out more or book Silver Travel Advisor’s wine-themed cruise with AmaWaterways in August 2024, at an exclusive discounted price, call our Advisors on 0800 412 5678.
The Eternal City is a treasure trove of world-famous sights that are easy to explore
It’s called the Eternal City for good reason. For some two thousand years, Rome has remained one of the richest and most unique cultural centres in the world. Here you can immerse yourself in layers of history and be thrilled by the captivating cornucopia of sights each has left behind. But there are some highlights you really shouldn’t miss and happily, most are within walking distance of each other.
The beating heart of ancient Rome was the Roman Forum. As the social, political and religious centre of Rome, it was where everything happened. Here you’ll find the remains of Rome’s Curia - or Senate House, monumental temples, the House of the famed Vestal Virgins, its great basilicas - or meeting halls - and the spot where Julius Caesar was cremated. A short walk up the hill will take you to the Palatine, one of the seven hills of Rome, which the aristocrats and emperors made their home. In this peaceful leafy area, you’ll find the ruins of the houses of the emperor Augustus and his wife Livia and later emperors.
One of the great icons of Rome, the monumental Colosseum, lies close by. It began life in 80 AD, with an orgy of violent contests between gladiators and animals which lasted 100 days. But despite its dramatic and bloody past, the vastness and symmetry of the building remain mesmerising. Nearby, the huge green space of the Circus Maximus - now deceptively quiet - is where the chariot races were held which also thrilled the crowds.
One of the greatest relics of ancient Rome is also its best preserved. The Pantheon was built as a temple in the 1st century BC, by the statesman and general Marcus Agrippa. Rebuilt by the emperor Hadrian in the first century AD, it became a church in 609. With its soaring dome and exquisite marble floors, it’s an awe-inspiring marvel of architecture and rightly draws crowds in large numbers.
Rome was at the centre of the tremendous flowering of intellectual and artistic activity we know as the Renaissance and some of the greatest geniuses of the time made Rome their home. The popes were tremendous collectors and patrons of the arts so it’s little wonder that many of the most astonishing treasures of the times lie in the Vatican City. The Vatican Museums contain one of the world’s greatest art collections and are so vast that you may want to plan your visit. The great highlights however, remain the four rooms painted by Raphael and the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo’s stupendous masterpiece.
Built over the tomb of the disciple and martyr, St Peter’s was designed by Bramante and begun in 1503 on the orders of the indomitable Pope Julius II. This colossal basilica is one of the world’s great hubs of Christianity and is where you’ll find the Pieta, the magnificent sculptural ensemble Michelangelo created in 1499 at 24 and the only work he ever signed.
Some of the most arresting sights of Rome are its great outdoor spaces which are all the more romantic at night. The Piazza Navona is one of Rome’s most strikingly beautiful squares with its gorgeous Baroque fountains by Bernini. For centuries, the Piazza di Spagna has been a favourite meeting spot for locals and visitors. Keats-Shelley House lies at the bottom of the Spanish Steps, which are often decked with flowers and sweep up from the Piazza to the Church of the Trinita dei Monti.
At the end of the Corso, where you can shop to your heart’s content, lies the spacious Piazza del Popolo, which revolves around the Egyptian obelisk the emperor Augustus brought from Egypt and is flanked by elegant lookalike churches built in the 17th century. From here you can make your way to the Villa Borghese
Gardens, a green oasis where the Galleria Borghese, a noted collection of art, stands.
Today, if you want to throw a coin in the Trevi Fountain, you’ll have to fight your way through the crowds. But if you haven’t visited before this fountain, presided over by the mighty Neptune, is a must-see. And the coin ensures that you’ll return to Rome so just to be sure, you might want to toss one in.
Silver Travel Advisor can plan and book your short break in Rome, or alternatively a tour of Italy that includes this marvellous city. Call 0800 412 5678 to discuss your options.
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All our tours include our ‘Door to Door’ service. That means that you are picked up by a taxi or small minibus right from your front door. No feeders, no interchanges, no changing coaches, no
All our tours include our ‘Door to Door’ service That means that you are picked up by a taxi or small minibus right from your front door. No feeders, no interchanges, no changing coaches, no
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We normally have everyone on board and we ’ re on our way. We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay
We normally have everyone on board and we’re on our way. We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay.
We normally have everyone on board and we’re on our way We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to our waiting coach at Birch Services or Stockport.
And use some excellent privately-owned hotels. All visits and excursions are included in the price. We use moder n coaches ans mature friendly drivers.
And use some excellent privately-owned hotels. All visits and excursions are included in the price. We use moder n coaches ans mature friendly drivers.
And use some excellent privately-owned hotels. All visits and excursions are included in the price. We use moder n coaches ans mature friendly drivers.
We normally have everyone on board and we’re on our way. We often have a second pickup at Stockport, but again this is timed for minimal delay.
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to out waiting coach a Birch Services
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to out waiting coach a Birch Services
On the morning of travel we pick you up at a prearranged time and take you to out waiting coach a Birch Services
We use a wide range of mainly 3 and 4 star hotels, some privately owned many part of larger chains. All entrances and excursions are included in the price stated.
The same happens on the way back too, taxi back to your front door!
The same happens on the way back too, taxi back to your front door!
We use modern executive coaches and all our drivers are experienced, mature and friendly!
The same happens on the way back too, taxi back to your front door!
therefore everybody on board pays the same price.
Your taxi will be waiting for you to take you home.
therefore everybody on board pays the same price.
therefore everybody on board pays the same price.
FINALLY in the UK, we will refund the difference to the whole coach!
All our customers are offered our coach specific insurance, pre existing medical conditions are covered for UK travel with no upper age limit.
in the UK, we will refund the difference to the whole coach!
in the UK, we will refund the difference to the whole coach!
Nothing we can think of!
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Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs. ellensmithtours
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs. ellensmithtours
The Derwent Hotel
The Belgrave Sands Hotel & Spa ~ 4 Star
Crown & Mitre Hotel
The Giltar Hotel, Tenby ~ 3 Star
Mayfair Hotel~ 3 Star
The Belgrave Sands Hotel & Spa ~ 4 Star
An award-winning resort where elegant Victorian villas, a bustling harbour and palm-fringed beaches give the Riviera its well-earned name.
An award-winning resort where elegant Victorian villas, a bustling harbour and palmfringed beaches give the Riviera its well-earned name.
An award-winning resort where elegant Victorian villas, a bustling harbour and palmfringed beaches give the Riviera its well-earned name.
The Giltar Hotel, Tenby ~ 3 Star
For these holidays we stay in Tenby, with its pastel-coloured buildings, narrow streets,
For these holidays we stay in Tenby, with its pastel-coloured buildings, narrow streets, Tenby is one of the prettiest resorts in South Wales. Whether you take a stroll through the town or along the beaches, or enjoy a ride along the Pembrokeshirecoast, Tenby is an ideal base.
Most people think of the Lake District when you mention Cumbria but there is life away from the Lakes. Some of the earliest stone circles in Britian, the remains of the Roman Empire, abbeys & priories, ancient churches, castles and pele towers, as well as spectacular scenery, can all be found in this beautiful part of the country.
Mayfair Hotel~ 3 Star
White Swan Alnwick Hotel
With seven miles of golden sands and sparkling sea, the vibrant cosmopolitan town of Bournemouth has it all – a vast variety of shops and restaurants, endless countryside offering peace and relaxation and beautiful, award-winning gardens.
With seven miles of golden sands and sparkling sea, the vibrant cosmopolitan town of Bournemouth has it all – a vast variety of shops and restaurants, endless countryside offering peace and relaxation and beautiful, award-winning gardens.
Northumberland is a land of big adventures, breath taking beauty and unlimited possibilities. Discover romantically ruinous castles, barely visited beaches, bunting-strewn market towns, and enjoy endless experiences.
28th March | 5 Days | £359
28th April | 6 Days | £429
The Durrant House Hotel ~ 3 Star
Le Strange Arms Hotel
The Durrant House Hotel ~ 3 Star
Explore Norfolk and discover a county with more than 90 miles of stunning coast, beautiful countryside, forest, heath and fens, the unique Broads National Park, seaside resorts, and the historic, vibrant city of Norwich.
Based in the port of Bideford, this tour combines the best of Beautiful Cornwall and delightful North Devon. Bideford’s narrow back streets and alleyways link the quay and the river, and the old road has a lovelybridge that crosses the river linking Bidefordto other areas of Devon.
Based in the port of Bideford, this tour combines the best of Beautiful Cornwall and delightful North Devon. Bideford’s narrow back streets and alleyways link the quay and the river, and the old road has a lovelybridge that crosses the river linking Bidefordto other areas of Devon.
4th April | 5 Days | £289
6th May | 5 Days | £589
4th April | 5 Days | £289
Tenby is one of the prettiest resorts in South Wales. Whether you take a stroll through the town or along the beaches, or enjoy a ride along the Pembrokeshirecoast, Tenby is an ideal base.
29th April | 5 Days | £529
3rd April | 6 Days | £499
3 d April | 6 Days | £499
Sandbanks Hotel
The Park Manor Hotel
Best Wester n Brook Hotel, Norwich ~ 3 Star
Scarborough enjoys an unrivalled position as one of Britain’s premier coastal resorts, yet also lies tantalisingly close to North Yorkshire’s rugged National Park. On this holiday, you can enjoy the golden beaches, superb parks and gardens and wide range of leisure amenities which have given Scarborough its justifiable reputation. We also discover some of the natural beauty and heritage of Yorkshire.
Best Wester n Brook Hotel, Norwich ~ 3 Star
The East Anglia coast is starkly beautiful, with more, creating an idyll of rural charm. As a contrast, we feature the lovely Cathedral City of Norwich, and the Norfolk Broads.
18th April | 5 Days | £389
Salutation Hotel, Perth ~ 3 Star
Salutation Hotel, Perth ~ 3 Star
Perthshire is a region of breath-taking variety, from its serene glens and endless expanse of lush forest to its bleakly beautiful moors, rushing rivers and tumbling waterfalls.
Sandbanks, a small peninsula on the Dorset coast which contains some of the most expensive houses and land in the country. In fact, Sandbanks is becoming as famous for its well-known residents and lavish lifestyles of some of its occupants as it is for its beach!
Perthshire is a region of breath-taking variety, from its serene glens and endless expanse of lush forest to its bleakly beautiful moors, rushing rivers and tumbling waterfalls.
4th April | 5 Days | £339
6th May | 5 Days | £599
4th April | 5 Days | £339
4th April | 5 Days | £339
5th May | 5 Days | £539
4th April | 5 Days | £339
The East Anglia coast is starkly beautiful, with more, creating an idyll of rural charm. As a contrast, we feature the lovely Cathedral City of Norwich, and the Norfolk Broads.
18th April | 5 Days | £389
12th May | 5 Days | £519
The Cumbria Grand Hotel
Bells Hotel & Country Club ~ 3 Star
Experience this magical borderland on a scenic river cruise, a relaxing train ride and visits to historic towns. This is a place where you can recharge your batteries, get off the beaten track and escape the everyday
Bells Hotel & Country Club ~ 3 Star
In contrast to our other Lake District holidays, this one is set at a more relaxed pace. Enjoy leisurely breakfasts and shorter days, take in stunning scenery, beautiful towns and villages, and watch the world go by in cosy cafes and tea rooms on this scenic holiday.
Experience this magical borderland on a scenic river cruise, a relaxing train ride and visits to historic towns. This is a place where you can recharge your batteries, get off the beaten track and escape the everyday
18th April | 5 Days | £419
12th May | 5 Days | £469
18th April | 5 Days | £419
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The Royal York & Faulkner Hotel
The Royal Hotel, Skegness ~ 3 Star
Experience the best of Lincolnshire with historic towns and villages, a thriving seaside resort and ‘Bomber Country’ heritage.
The Royal Hotel, Skegness ~ 3 Star
Experience the best of Lincolnshire with historic towns and villages, a thriving seaside resort and ‘Bomber Country’ heritage.
Sidmouth is probably the most unspoilt resort in the country and undoubtedly one of the most beautiful. Quiet and unhurried, Sidmouth has preserved the natural beauty of the countryside with colourful gardens, open spaces and tree covered hills.
11th April | 5 Days | £339
7th May | 5 Days | £499
11th April | 5 Days | £339
Best Wester n Blunsdon House Hotel ~ 4 Star
The Beachcroft Hotel
Best Wester n Blunsdon House
Hotel ~ 4 Star
One of the UK’s most diverse counties, West Sussex covers both coast and the South Downs National Park, encompassing hills, harbours, farmland, and market towns. From stately homes to breath-taking beaches, the area is full of gems to discover.
A lovely tour for the summer as we enjoy a visit to unique Sezincote, a 200-year-old Mogul Indian Palace. Spend a day exploring Blenheim Palace and relax with a horse-drawn barge trip on the Kennet & Avon Canal.
A lovely tour for the summer as we enjoy a visit to unique Sezincote, a 200-year-old Mogul Indian Palace. Spend a day exploring Blenheim Palace and relax with a horse-drawn barge trip on the Kennet & Avon Canal.
21st April | 5 Days | £449
13th May | 5 Days | £499
21st April | 5 Days | £449
Join our facebook community by ‘liking’ our page to view latest offers, customer comments and various photographs.
Shap Wells Hotel
The Bull Hotel, Gerrard’s Cross ~ 4 Star
We are delighted to introduce this new concept tour for those ramblers out there. Don’t worry, we won’t have you climbing mountains – not just yet anyway – but will take you on gentle ambles through some stunning scenic locations. So, dig out your walking boots & backpacks and join us on this new adventure.
The Bull Hotel, Gerrard’s Cross ~ 4 Star
A lovely tour as we discover the splendour of Royal Windsor and explore mighty Windsor Castle. Offering a welcome contrast, we also enjoy a relaxing cruise along the River Thames.
A lovely tour as we discover the splendour of Royal Windsor and explore mighty Windsor Castle. Offering a welcome contrast, we also enjoy a relaxing cruise along the River Thames.
Bridgewater Hotel
Best Wester n Royal Beach Hotel ~ 3 Star
The Tynedale Hotel
The Little Haven Hotel ~ 3 Star
13th May | 5 Days | £459
21st April | 5 Days | £489
The Stormont Hotel
The Ivy Bush Royal Hotel, Car marthen ~ 3 Star
The Ivy Bush Royal Hotel, Car marthen ~ 3 Star
Belfast is a giant city of buzzing culture and industrial prowess. Whether you’re exploring the restaurants of the Cathedral Quarter or visiting the birthplace of the world’s most famous ship Titanic, there is something for everyone in Northern Ireland’s dynamic capital city.
The natural beauty of the Pembrokeshire coast and the Gower Peninsula are famed all over the world. Glorious sandy beaches and rugged coastline give way to the Preseli Hills, historic towns, and little villages.
The natural beauty of the Pembrokeshire coast and the Gower Peninsula are famed all over the world. Glorious sandy beaches and rugged coastline give way to the Preseli Hills, historic towns, and little villages.
19th May | 5 Days | £669
1st May | 5 Days | £419
The Orida Hotel
Fownes Hotel ~ 3 Star
Fownes Hotel ~ 3 Star
Known as the Garden of England, Kent boasts beautiful beaches, stunning castles, exciting culture, and delicious food and drink. There are so many beautiful villages, towns, cities, and seasides to explore, we are spoilt for choice, but we think our itinerary will showcase the very best Kent has to offer.
This is an area of literary greats, of culinary brilliance and iconic heritage. We enjoy the birthplace of William Shakespeare and a relaxing river cruise, the historic city of Worcester, and the beautiful scenic Cotswolds.
This is an area of literary greats, of culinary brilliance and iconic heritage. We enjoy the birthplace of William Shakespeare and a relaxing river cruise, the historic city of Worcester, and the beautiful scenic Cotswolds.
8th May | 5 Days | £439
24th May | 5 Days | £449
8th May | 5 Days | £439
Best Wester n Royal Beach Hotel ~ 3 Star
Somerset boasts five areas of outstanding natural beauty and the Exmoor National Park, along with a varied coastline including long sandy beaches, rugged cliffs, and traditional harbours. Hidden gems are waiting to be found and we hope you enjoy our pick of the best.
A great tour for the summer – stroll along Southsea seafront, visit the historic cathedral city of Chichester and enjoy a relaxing harbour cruise and indulge with a gin tasting at Bombay Sapphire.
A great tour for the summer – stroll along Southsea seafront, visit the historic cathedral city of Chichester and enjoy a relaxing harbour cruise and indulge with a gin tasting at Bombay Sapphire.
16th May | 5 Days | £499
25th April | 5 Days | £459
The Little Haven Hotel ~ 3 Star
Llandudno is Wales’s largest resort, uniquely situated between the Great and Little Ormes with two wonderful beaches, the award-winning North Shore and the quiet, sand duned West Shore.
A great Spring tour based in South Shields overlooking the River Tyne and Little Haven Beach. We explore the scenic coastline before enjoying time in the historic city of Durham as well as a visit to Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
A great Spring tour based in South Shields overlooking the River Tyne and Little Haven Beach. We explore the scenic coastline before enjoying time in the historic city of Durham as well as a visit to Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
18th May | 6 Days | £619
25th April | 5 Days | £439
25th April | 5 Days | £439
Heights Hotel
Best Wester n Plus Burlington Hotel ~ 4 Star
Portland is a part of Dorset like no other; wild, natural and ruggedly beautiful. This unique tied island marks the southernmost point on the Jurassic Coast and is joined to the mainland by Chesil Beach. Its isolated location, quaint villages, and rocky, coastal scenery give the island its own special atmosphere.
Best Wester n Plus Burlington Hotel ~ 4 Star
Known as the Garden of England, Kent boasts beautiful beaches, stunning castles, exciting culture, and delicious food & drink. Our tour is ideally based in Folkestone, and we include visits to some lovely coastal and inland towns
Known as the Garden of England, Kent boasts beautiful beaches, stunning castles, exciting culture, and delicious food & drink. Our tour is ideally based in Folkestone, and we include visits to some lovely coastal and inland towns
2nd May | 5 Days | £399
20th May | 5 Days | £489
Royal Beacon Hotel
The Royal & Fortescue Hotel ~ 3 Star
The Royal & Fortescue Hotel ~ 3 Star
A short break with excursions to interest everyone. We take in North Devon throughout with visits to interesting attractions which, when combined with our excellent hotel, makes this an enjoyable break.
Our base for this tour is the lively town of Exmouth, situated on the east coast of Devon where the River Exe meets the sea. The town offers a diverse selection of shops, places to eat and things to do. The beach is just the beginning ….
A short break with excursions to interest everyone. We take in North Devon throughout with visits to interesting attractions which, when combined with our excellent hotel, makes this an enjoyable break.
8th May | 5 Days | £479
20th May | 5 Days | £419
Royal Hotel
The Doric Hotel ~ 3 Star
A holiday in Blackpool will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and recharged – even if you are on the go 25 hours a day! Perhaps it’s the resort’s infectious zest for life, or maybe it’s just that, uniquely, whatever your routine, Blackpool can offer a perfect break from it.
The Bull Hotel
A holiday in Blackpool will leave you feeling refreshed, relaxed and recharged – even if you are on the go 25 hours a day! Perhaps it’s the resort’s infectious zest for life, or maybe it’s just that, uniquely, whatever your routine, Blackpool can offer a perfect break from it.
Based in the bustling seaside town of Oban, our tour explores the enchanting Inner Hebridean Islands of Mull and ancient Iona. We take in some stunning scenery as we travel along loch-side roads with towering mountains and visit iconic Inveraray Castle.
9th May | 5 Days | £299
Cornwall is in the far west of Great Britain on a peninsula tumbling into the vast Atlantic Ocean, almost completely surrounded by the sea. Cornwall is loved for its dramatic course, its pasties and cream teas!
Cornwall is in the far west of Great Britain on a peninsula tumbling into the vast Atlantic Ocean, almost completely surrounded by the sea. Cornwall is loved for its dramatic course, its pasties and cream teas!
With so many places to visit in Berkshire, you can easily forget you’re right on London’s doorstep. You’ll discover towns and villages and countryside to explore in this county with unique connections to the Royal family, where you’ll find the River Thames meandering along its northern edge, and beautiful parks and gardens ablaze with colour.
13th May | 6 Days | £519
27th May | 5 Days | £539
9th May | 5 Days | £299
13th May | 6 Days | £519
30th May | 5 Days | £479
01706 648126 and request a copy of our 2024 brochure. You’ll be surprised at the variations of tours we operate. Visit our website www.ellensmith.co.uk
01706 648126 and request
a copy of our 2024 brochure. You’ll be surprised at the variations of tours we operate. Visit our website
IN the 1990s and 2000s if ever a handsome but vulnerable lead man was needed in casting a potential hit romantic comedy the call went out: get Hugh Grant.
He really was the star of choice for some of the best British and American-made films of that era.
All of which is no surprise when you consider that the likeable, archetypal upper-crust Englishman has had a very special relationship with the public since he first burst onto the scene in 1994 with Four Weddings and a Funeral. fact, it’s hard to believe that the perennially youthful Grant is 64 this year and has developed into an actor who has embraced challenging, non-romantic roles with such panache.
Hugh John Mungo Grant was born into a distinguished military family. His father was Captain James Murray Grant and his grandfather Colonel James Murray Grant DSO was decorated for bravery and leadership during World War 2.
He went to an independent prep school in Notting Hill and gained a scholarship to Latymer Upper School, where he played on the school’s first XV in rugby and cricket.
In 1979, he won the Galsworthy scholarship to New College, Oxford, where he studied English literature. At the time, he viewed acting as nothing more than a creative outlet, joining the Oxford University Dramatic Society.
He made his screen debut in the Oxford University Film Foundation sponsored film Privileged but then took up a variety of jobs including working as an assistant groundsman at Fulham Football Club, tutoring and writing comedy sketches for TV shows.
He was approached by a talent agent but needed to gain his Equity card by acting in regional theatre first. So he joined the Nottingham Playhouse and had small roles in various productions including Lady Windermere’s Fan, Hamlet and Coriolanus.
He created a sketch comedy group called The Jockeys of Norfolk with friends Chris Lang and Andy Taylor which toured London’s pub comedy circuit.
After a sketch on the Nativity as an Ealing comedy at the Edinburgh Festival Fring, they were invited on to Russell Harty’s BBC2 TV show.
With increased profile, Grant played in An Inspector Calls at Manchester’s Royal Exchange Theatre to positive reviews. Minor roles in TV productions followed but his first leading film role came in Merchant-Ivory’s Edwardian drama Maurice in 1987.
He and co-star James Wilby shared the Volpi Cup for Best Actor at the Venice Film Festival – the first of many accolades.
Grant had both TV and film work during the late ‘80s and early ‘90s and in 1993 had a supporting role in the Merchant-Ivory hit film drama The Remains of the Day.
At the age of 32 in 1994 - and just as he was on the verge of giving up acting - he was sent the script of Four Weddings and a Funeral. He loved it and accepted the lead role of Charlie, kickstarting his romantic onscreen reputation.
The floppy hair and the charming smile dazzled cinema-going audiences; Grant’s future appeared set. This hugely successful and high-grossing British film did have its downside, though.
As he said later: “Although I owe whatever success I’ve had to Four Weddings and a Funeral, it did become frustrating after a bit that people made two assumptions.
“One was that I was that character – when in fact nothing could be further from the truth, as I’m sure Richard (Curtis the film’s writer) would tell you.
“The other frustrating thing was that they thought that’s all I could do. I suppose because those films happened to be successful noone, perhaps understandably, bothered to rent all the other films I’d done.”
After a couple of less impressive films - The Englishman Who Went Up A Hill But Came Down a Mountain and Nine Months – what became classic Grant arrived via the much-acclaimed 1995 adaptation of Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility as Emma Thompson’s suitor.
After a three-year break, when he successfully made his debut as a film producer in the 1996 thriller Extreme Measures, he was back to box-office winning ways with Notting Hill opposite Julia Roberts.
This funny and heartwarming story about a travel bookshop owner and a Hollywood superstar featured another sharply funny Richard Curtis script and proved an immediate and enduring hit.
His next role that year, in Mickey Blue Eyes, didn’t capture the public’s imagination in the same way but in 2001 he was back on hit form as bad boy Daniel Cleaver in Bridget Jones’s Diary.
He was also a womanizer the following year in the film adaptation of Nick Hornby’s best-selling novel About a Boy, at 41, a more complex and interesting character. This role earned Grant his third Golden Globe nomination while the London Film Critics Circle named him Best British Actor.
He went back to romantic comedy in 2002 with Two Weeks Notice opposite Sandra Bullock in a blockbuster that made $199 million internationally but brought poor reviews.
It was the 2003 comedy Love Actually, featuring Grant as the British Prime Minister, that made fans fall in love with him all over again.
In 2004, he reprised his role as Daniel Cleaver in Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason, but by now he was starting to move into darker areas and in 2006 starred in the black comedy American Dreamz.
In 2007, he starred opposite Drew Barrymore in pop culture parody Music and Lyrics and brought his sense of fun in 2015 to Guy Ritchie’s crime thriller The Man From U.N.C.L.E.
He won over both critics and audiences once more, however, in 2016 playing opposite Meryl Streep in Florence Foster Jenkins.
He was an enjoyable villain in Paddington 2 but then surprised many with his believable performance in 2018 as disgraced politician Jeremy Thorpe for TV miniseries A Very English Scandal.
Since then, he has played several roles against his original type, both in the UK and the US and last year, proving he is always up for a challenge, turned up as an Oompa-Loompa in Wonka!
Anyone dismissing him as a one-trick pony during the romantic comedy years has had to revise opinions and acknowledge his skills. Now, his many fans eagerly await what Hugh Grant does next.
Now the celebrations of Christmas and New Year are over, many people will turn their thoughts to the year ahead. Plans for diets, fitness regimes, holidays and moving home are just some of the best intentions we start the year with.
But one thing that many people leave off the ‘to do’ list is to make a will. While it’s not as exciting as booking a cruise, a will is probably one of the most important financial decisions you’ll ever make. Research carried out by Royal London revealed that 54% of the adult population doesn’t have a will. For me, as a solicitor, this is a very scary statistic.
A will is an incredibly important document. Without it, you’ll die intestate which means that you won’t be able to choose who you want to inherit from your estate, exclude those you don’t want to benefit from your death or even nominate those who you would want to look after your children. Instead, the government will decide on all these things and more for you, which may or may not correspond with your wishes, so you should never underestimate the power of a will. There’s often a misconception that making a will is an expensive, time consuming process, but the cost of applying for a grant of probate – obtaining the legal authority from the court to deal with a deceased person’s financial affairs – is far more expensive. It’s also something that your loved ones would have to do after
your death which only adds to the stress and heartache they’ll already be going through.
Planning your future in this way could be viewed as a little morbid, but the reality is that death is coming to us all, so it’s sensible to make arrangements in order for you to be able to choose who you want to benefit from your passing.
A good solicitor will put you at ease and explain the process in plain English so that you’re not overwhelmed or confused by any of the legal terms.You’ll also have peace of mind that your solicitor will be regulated by industry bodies, such as the Law Society and the Solicitors Regulation Authority. Some solicitors specialise in older client law and are trained to deal with the specific requirements of older people. They may also be able to visit you at your home to take instructions if you find it difficult to get out.
Make sure you give your solicitor all relevant background information, such as whether you’ve been married before, if you have any children, whether you’re widowed etc. All this information will help your solicitor to outline your options, explain any inheritance tax implications or whether the will needs to include a discretionary trust.
If you’re planning on disinheriting any of your children or family members, make sure your solicitor knows about it so they can account for it when making your will. There are a growing number of successful claims made by children who have contested a will under the Inheritance Provision for Family and Dependents Act 1975. If your will is challenged, a judge can make an informed decision based on your explanation as to why those people have been left out of your will. If you don’t do it, a judge doesn’t have any evidence that you consciously made this decision and could potentially overturn your will.
There’s a lot to think about when making your will; here’s a list of the main points you should consider:
Unlike some will writers, solicitors are regulated and have a duty of care to act in your best interests. Whilst cheap, online or DIY wills can often cause problems further down the line because they only allow you to draft the most basic of wills. Anything a little more complicated can lead to the will being invalid or your loved ones having to pay a lot more to administer your estate retrospectively.
In the first instance you need to understand how much you’re worth. Making a list of all your assets – any property, savings, shares, policies, insurances, pensions, jewelry, vehicles, gadgets, artwork, family heirlooms etc. – will help you determine the value of your estate. Don’t forget to include any online accounts as these are easy to miss if there’s no paper trail. Do the same thing again, but this time, list all your debts. These will be any outstanding mortgages, credit card balances to pay, loans, finance arrangements – anything you owe money on.
When it comes to choosing an executor, you can appoint anyone you like as long as they’re over the age of 18. A word of caution though; being an executor is a responsible job that can involve a lot of work. They’re the person who’ll deal with distributing your estate, so you need to make sure that whoever you choose they’re both capable of doing it and want to.
Next, think about who you want to inherit your assets. Will it be all family or is there someone who isn’t a blood relative you’d like to leave something to? Also, think about family dynamics. More people are remarrying, so if this applies to you, you’ll need to think about how this will pan out if you have children from your first marriage, for example.
You might also want to leave money to charity or an organisation. If this is the case, you’ll need to be careful to list the full name, address and registered charity number. Whoever and whatever you leave your estate to, it’s really important that you’re clear about what exactly you want to leave and to whom.
Make sure it’s valid
This can’t be stressed enough. If you don’t sign your will, it won’t be worth the paper it’s written on. This may be obvious, but it’s surprising how many people forget. As well as yourself, you’ll need two independent witnesses to sign in each other’s presence.
The witnesses, their spouses or civil partners can’t be a beneficiary of your will otherwise they’ll lose their right to their inheritance. In fact, they shouldn’t even be present when your will is being signed. It’s also wise not to ask an executor to be a witness.
If you’re unable to physically sign the will yourself, a clause needs to be added to the will stating that you understand the contents of it. It can then be signed on your behalf (as long as you’re present when it happens) with your consent. The consent basically states that you’re aware of the signing and that you’ve done it voluntarily and without pressure from anyone.
If you’ve been diagnosed with a degenerative mental illness, such as dementia you can still make your will as long as you have mental capacity and understand the effect it will have. Again, you’ll need to add a clause saying you understand the contents of your will before it’s signed, but in addition you may also need a medical practitioner’s statement at the time the will is signed, certifying that you understand what you’re signing.
Keep it up to date
Once you’ve drafted your will, it’s vital you keep it up to date. Events like divorce or marriage will invalidate your will. To avoid confusion, once you’ve updated your will, make sure you destroy any earlier versions.
Storing your will
Leave your will with your solicitor for safekeeping and advise your executor of its location. For reference, your solicitor can provide you with a copy. Never attach documents to your will with paperclips or staples because if they become separated and leave marks, it could raise questions about whether the will is missing any parts or amendments.
At Russell & Russell, we specialise in will writing. We’re accredited to the Law Society Wills and Inheritance Quality Scheme, which sets the benchmark for best practice and transparency in setting up wills and estate planning. All the solicitors in the wills and probate department are qualified members of Solicitors for the Elderly. The team is also part of the dementia friends initiative and we offer a free, no obligation consultation so that you can decide what you want to do and what’s best for you.
The specialist team at private dental clinic Renovo Dental are celebrating after having been awarded two prestigious dentistry awards.
Firstly, they were named Best Practice of the Year North West at the national Dentistry Awards 2023 at a glittering, black-tie dinner held at the Athena in Leicester. Renovo's clinical director, Dr Usman Riaz, said: 'We were up against some of the best practices in cities such as Manchester and Liverpool, so to become a finalist and then to win is just fantastic.
'This award is for the team and patients. We are all extremely proud as it's a great achievement,' says Usman, who is joined by six dental clinicians at Renovo as well as a team of support staff and dental nurses.
'It is testament to the dedication and passion of our super-talented team members, who consistently go above and beyond, ensuring every patient experience is exceptional.
'It was a wonderful evening celebrating success with some of the best dental clinics that the country has to offer. Congratulations to all the finalists and award winners.'
The Dentistry Awards are among the largest in the UK and the occasion has become well respected in terms of recognising excellence in dentistry across the whole of the UK.
The strict criteria that judges use includes the individual skillset of all the team, patient case presentation, the innovative technology available at each individual practice and, of course, patient experience.
'The judges look at the facilities and the quality of the work carried out across the board,' says Usman.
'The panel of judges are from the dental industry - our peers, who are all experts. It's a very vigorous process but at Renovo we all work hard and to a very high standard, so to be recognised as the best of the best means a lot to us.
'It's a dream to achieve this accolade so early in our journey. A heartfelt thank you to our amazing patients who have been with us since opening less than three years ago -your support and motivation drives us to be the best. This achievement would not have been possible without all of you. We are only as good as our patients. We'll continue pushing our limits to make you proud.'
More recently Renovo Dental was also awarded the title of Best Referral Practice 2023 North at the Private Dentistry awards. Held at Grosvenor House in London's Mayfair, there were only two winners on the evening - in north and south categories, with Renovo walking away with the northern accolade.
Renovo Dental is one of the few practices in the North West to offer such a high level of in house specialist dentistry and being independent gives them the freedom to offer each patient the very best personalised treatment.
The state-of-the-art surgery at Pendle House in Chatburn, features world-leading, digital technology: 'We have invested in a skilled team and support them with the latest dental technology that means patients not only receive the highest standard of care, but
treatments are faster, more comfortable and more pain free than ever,' adds Usman.
Receiving referrals from other dentists throughout the region, Renovo also takes self referred patients, who feel they may benefit from a consultation with one of the in-house specialists.
From gum disease to preventing tooth loss, dental implants and bone regeneration to first class cosmetic dentistry, the team at Renovo Dental are committed to offering gold-standard, minimally invasive treatments
to patients: 'This is bespoke dentistry,' says Usman. 'Everybody here has a specialism that they have worked very hard to achieve.
'We are all passionate about what we do and we are all very dedicated. Renovo is much bigger than a group of individual specialists, it's about our patients, changing mindsets and attitudes surrounding dentistry.
'We love what we do and we have come together with a vision to achieve excellence and we feel this latest award reflects this.'
Renovo Dental, Pendle House, Clitheroe Road Chatburn BB7 4JY 01200 441000
Renovo Dental, Pendle House, Clitheroe Road Chatburn B87 4JY 01200 441000
hello@renovodental.co.uk I renovodental.co.uk
hello@renovodental.co.uk I renovodental.co.uk
Are you looking for the ultimate adventure car with enough room to even bring the grandchildren along without compromising on comfort and style? Then the seven- seat family sized Kia Sorento, may be the SUV you are looking for.
The Kia Sorento currently comes in two different variants including the entry level grade ‘Vision’ which comes in three different powertrains including, Diesel, Petrol – Hybrid (HEV), and Plug in Hybrid engines (PHEV). The top specification, ‘Edition’ version also comes in the three different powertrains so there are plenty of options to suit everyone’s engine requirements.
Our test car for the day was the Kia Sorento ‘Edition – Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle’ (PHEV) which meant there was a bigger 67kwh battery included with a fully charged electric range of up to 35 miles and more powerful electric motor giving a 0-62mph time of 8.7 seconds.
Unlike some hybrid cars the Sorento smoothly switches from electric to petrol power working effortlessly with the automatic gear changes whilst the brakes are well weighted and progressive – even in our PHEV, which has the option of more aggressive regenerative braking. If you like a tall driving position, you’ll love the Sorento, with the driver’s seat having electric adjustment as standard and four-way adjustable lumbar support plus a memory function. Heated seats are fitted all round and there is even a heated steering wheel. All versions have a clear 12.3in-digital display behind the steering wheel and 10.3in central touch screen but there are still good old-fashioned knobs and switches for volume control and interior temperature. To help make parking easier every Sorento comes with front and rear sensors and a rear-view camera (upgraded to a 360-degree bird’s eye view if you go for Edition trim). There is also a blind-spot camera amongst a raft of safety kit and infotainment is controlled via that central touchscreen with DAB radio, Bluetooth, built-in sat-nav, and Android Auto and Apple CarPlay smartphone mirroring plus wireless phone-charging.
There’s little not to like when it comes to the Sorento’s interior quality with lots of chrome and piano-black trim which enhances the feel of a luxury SUV cabin including leather seats with window blinds creating privacy for rear-seat passengers who will appreciate the amount of space they get to relax in as the Sorento boasts one of the roomiest interiors in its class. The third row includes 2 fully sized adult seats with switches to fold down the seats when not in use which makes the car have more room than a Land Rover Discovery Sport. The second row of seats also remotely folds to make loading bulky items easy, also helped by a smart power tailgate.
All Sorento’s trim levels come well-equipped, even the entry-level ‘Vision’ comes as standard with heated front and outer rear seats, keyless entry and start, a power tailgate and lots of other kit. Edition trim gets every bit of standard kit that you could imagine, including Nappa leather upholstery, a customisable head-up display, ventilated front seats, remote park assists (which allows it to drive in and out of spaces without you at the wheel) and that upgraded parking camera plus blind-spot monitoring system.
All models have lots of active safety kit including lane-keeping assistance and automatic city emergency braking, which can detect pedestrians and cyclists as well as other vehicles. Then there is parking collision avoidance – low-speed automatic emergency braking that aims to stop parking prangs. With prices from £45k for the diesel version to £51,525 for our 261bhp PHEV, which has a 1.6 petrol engine and 67Kw electric motor meaning four-wheel drive and a standard equipment list which puts more expensive rivals to shame. As standard the Kia Sorento comes with Kia’s 7-year/ 100,000-mile warranty for extra peace of mind.
If you are looking for a seven-seat car fully electric which is to the same high calibre of the Kia Sorento then why not consider the awardwinning Kia EV9 which has just been named ‘UK Car of the Year’ 2024.
For more information regarding the Kia Sorento or the Kia range then please contact Bolton Kia – Europe’s No.1 Kia Dealer, based on the Middlebrook Retail Park just off the M61 Junction 6.
For more information about WLTP please refer to kia.com/uk. Models shown: Kia EV9 ‘GT-Line S’ 99.8kWh
SPRING is a time of new beginnings for Nature and a time of Spring-cleaning and a new assessment of your home and lifestyle.
And if there’s one thing we’ve learned over the last couple of years thanks to lockdown, it’s focusing on what is important to us in life and trying to achieve it.
Even given tough financial times, lifestyles can easily change for the better for many people. The emphasis on work/life balance, budgeting to concentrate on the importance of basic vital elements and making life choices that enhance our lives are all welcome.
Contemporary homes reflect this more and more so Spring is a good time to decide how you want to improve your life and daily living –and take action.
ENERGY consumption is top of everyone’s budgeting list today so perhaps it’s time for realistic advice from your local heating engineer about making the most of your energy supply.
There are many different schools of thought on the best way to heat your home so getting plenty of individual information about your property’s needs is best.
For example, solar panels (with a storage battery) have come into their own now, with many people making use of the stored energy via electric cars in joined-up thinking that makes sense.
One mantra is insulation: ensure your loft is fully insulated. You may be able to get free insulation or support. For more information go to https://www.gov.uk/ apply-great-british-insulation-scheme
There are also simple ploys around the house. For example, ensure back and front DOORS fit properly and don’t lose valuable heat in cold weather.
The same for windows, especially if they’re double-glazed. Check that they all fit properly and don’t let in a draught. If they do, it’s worth considering replacing what you can afford to.
Lined CURTAINS can help your heating work better and feel cosier all year round. Many people are now going for a blinds/ curtains combination that looks attractive on windows and helps with better insulation.
Move furniture away from heat sources. This sounds like a nobrainer but a couch or a bed left in front or very near a radiator or other heat source can just block warm air from circulating around the room.
RECYCLING matters far more to people now that we are all trying to take a more responsible stance on the planet’s resources. The UK produces 26 million tonnes of waste a year but recycling doesn’t just mean separating your rubbish and wasting less food.
It also means not necessarily buying new items like clothes, furniture and electrical goods. We lower our environmental impact if we buy second-hand and the first three places worth looking at are local businesses, online marketplaces and charity shops.
For the last, check out your local area but if you want to save time, download the app from the Charity Retail Association. This is the UK trade association for charity shops and you can find out more about them at https://www.charityretail.org.uk/
Flea markets and car boot sales are also ideal for searching out those bargains and there are plenty of online marketplaces like Gumtree, eBay and Facebook Marketplace. For books try World of Books or Oxfam and for clothes download the Vinted and Depop apps.
Look for FURNITURE bargains and support local charities at the same time. The British Heart Foundation https://www.bhf.org.uk and homeless charity Emmaus https://emmaus.org.uk offer cheaper second-hand and often new furniture so find out your nearest centre and have a look.
You can also sell pre-loved items on Vinted, eBay, Gumtree and many other online marketplaces to create a valuable side-hustle and keep those useful items circulating. In fact, it’s called the Circular Economy.
Repair your own GADGETS to save money and prevent them having to go to landfill. The Repair Café, an international movement, is particularly interesting here as experts and others offer to help you repair items free. Look out for one in your local area or visit the website https:// repaircafe.org.en
Is your home helping your WELLBEING?
Is the ventilation good, promoting air quality flow throughout?
It’s an old but true adage that fresh air is good for you, even while we keep in valuable heat during the colder months. Looking forward to the months when we can open doors and windows to get more air circulating, though, it’s worth checking that useful flow through.
Can you turn a ROOM into somewhere you can enjoy a pleasing hobby like sewing, model-making or even into a small gym? Having the facility for home-workouts can save you money and help all those other New Year resolutions about health and fitness.
This need not cost a fortune, either. If you need structural changes, get a good local BUILDER on referral and check out their work beforehand.
Do you need extra space? Having a CONSERVATORY or ORANGERIE not only adds more room to your home but can offer a healthier lifestyle, too. Again, go on a personal recommendation and see what a local builder has done already before you commit to a project.
We all need good, relaxing deep sleep but your BED or BEDROOM may be sabotaging this. Sleep experts say we should change our beds every eight years for healthy living.
Make your bedroom as relaxing as possible to aid the right kind of sleep. Blackout curtains filter out light and restful décor in neutral shades like beige and lavender all help; add a dimmer switch to your lights to enhance these pleasing tones.
Generally, DECLUTTER your home to promote that positive feeling of wellbeing and order. Go through boxes of possessions and see what is worth keeping, recycling or giving to charity.
Clear entrances like hallways and the upstairs landing to promote a feeling of space throughout and take an objective look at your living areas.
Is your living room overcrowded with unnecessary furniture? Do you need some pleasing pictures to enhance walls or how about a grouping of photographs of loved ones?
Whatever enhances your enjoyment of life is worth trying now in your home.
We’re looking for volunteer drivers in Rochdale and Oldham, could you help?
The role is driving accompanied children with no other means of transport to healthcare appointments in your own car (we provide child car seats), waiting for the family and then returning them home. The role is flexible so can work around other commitments, you decide which days you volunteer and we reimburse you monthly for your fuel costs.
“I’m retired and like driving so I enjoy volunteering for Transport for Sick Children. Meeting the families and helping them is so rewarding, I’d recommend it to anyone!”
Peter Roberts, Volunteer driver
“I enjoy being busy and meeting new people and the parents and carers are so grateful. Hearing a little boy that I’d been taking to appointments for a while talk for the first time after having a hearing implant fitted was just magical.”
Julie Baum, Volunteer driverIf you think you can help or would like more information please call and ask for Laura or Marie-Anne:
0161 443 4122
E-mail: to@transportforsickchildren.org
Web: www.transportforsickchildren.org
Planning is the key to success in the spring garden says garden writer Julia Heaton.
Sunshine days of summer may seem an age away but spring certainly isn’t. So now is the ideal time to get some basic jobs out of the way in preparation for the new season and the pruning, planting and seed sowing ahead. Here are some of my essential tips to give you that all important head-start.
If you didn’t clean your hand tools (rakes, spades, trowels) properly on their last outing go ahead and remove any remnants of soil from the heads using a bristle brush. Leave them to soak in a mix of water and 10 per cent bleach for around half an hour, then dry them off and wipe down with an oily rag before storing.
As well as cleaning in water and detergent any bladed tools – like pruning knives, secateurs and garden shears – will benefit from sharpening and oiling so they provide nice clean cuts and stop the risk of spreading disease between plants. This will also make your tools easier to use and ensure they last, saving you money in the long term.
There’s also garden machinery, like the lawnmower, to check over. The latter needs to be in good working order and safe so make sure electric cables aren’t worn or chafed and that blades are clean and sharp. If you have a petrol mower it’s a good idea to drain any fuel off as it will have deteriorated during the cold winter weather.
Don’t wait for pests to make a meal of your perennials. As temperatures in the ground start to rise hunt down slugs and snails emerging from hibernation and eggs preparing to hatch. Look for groups of tiny yellow and white eggs in sheltered places like underneath stones, shrubs or in the crown of perennial plants. Then leave them unprotected in the sunlight so that other wildlife can feed on them.
Beer traps are one of the many options for dealing with the adults. You could also create some dark, damp, places where they’ll love to hide out during the day – then all you need do is collect them. There are also deterrents like crushed egg shells, copper tape and coffee grounds. Consider also introducing plants that slugs avoid like agapanthus and Dicentra spectabilis.
Test the soil: Once you’ve done a soil test you’ll know which plants will and won’t flourish in your garden. Tests from garden centres will tell you the pH level of the soil (whether alkaline, neutral or acid) so you can adjust it accordingly and make a more informed decision about what to grow.
Annual weeds, like meadow grass and groundsel, are easy enough to pull-up but perennial weeds, such as couch grass, bindweed and dandelions, need careful handling. There are different types of weedkiller that you can call upon, depending on the area you want to treat. In densely planted borders though it’s probably better to do the job by hand. Just ensure that you remove as much of the root as possible, so there’s no chance of them resprouting.
Add some nutrients, by way of a general fertiliser, to mixed borders of trees, perennials, bulbs and shrubs. General fertilisers come in various forms including granular. This just requires sprinkling evenly throughout the border, according to the instructions on the box, and forking in. The latter is important as concentrations of fertiliser lying against plants can burn them.
Once you’ve weeded and fed borders add a mulch. This is a layer of well-rotted garden compost, mushroom compost, bark or bagged soil improver and is one of the best things you can do for your plants. When spread an inch or more thick on the soil surface it acts like a barrier, depriving weeds of the light they need to germinate and trapping moisture so that plants have plenty to call upon when temperatures rise. All you need to do is leave nature to take its course as it rots down, improving structure and providing nutrients.
Container plants can’t always be repotted. If you’ve got a shrub, fruit tree or perennial growing in compost that’s a year old or more then a layer of fresh compost will be beneficial. Scrape away an inch or so of the old compost from the surface and replace with fresh. Plant roots will soon feel the benefit as creatures and microbes gradually integrate old with new.
Wash down greenhouse windows inside and out with disinfectant. This will ensure that plants get enough light and also destroy any potential homes for pests and diseases to lurk in. Make sure all pots and seed trays from last year are clean too. Then leave the door and windows open to help the space dry off. Remember also to check glass for any damage and replace panes if necessary.
If your patio or paths are regularly in the shade then it can lead to a build-up of moss and green algae during winter, making it slippery and unsightly. If it’s not too bad then soapy water and a brush should do the job. Otherwise use a patio, path cleaner or pressure washer to despatch it. There are also specialist cleaners for wooden decking.
Check out fencing and other wooden structures like gates and pergolas and deal with any rot or winter damage. A power washer will help remove any dirt, moss or mildew and when completely dry freshen up with a couple of coats of wood preservative or paint.
If you haven’t already got a water butt it’s worth installing one in the long run. Use a diverter kit to siphon off rainwater from a downpipe on the side of your house. Harvesting rainfall is environmentally friendly and rain water is the better than tap water for plants. Ericaceous types, like camellias, particularly benefit as tap water is often more alkaline. Just as importantly, installing a few butts is good for your water bill too.
Finally, take a quick inventory of what’s already in the shed and what you’ll be needing. Everything from compost and seeds down to pots and feed. This is also an ideal time to plan the summer-flowering bulbs you’ll want to plant in early spring. Having a proper shopping list will help you focus on exactly what you want to accomplish this year.
Here’s a few more ideas to give your outdoor space a lift in 2024.
Is there a view or attractive feature beyond your garden that you could focus the eye on to make your plot feel bigger than it actually is? It could be a church spire, a group of trees or perhaps some hills on the horizon. Trimming an opening in a hedge will frame the scene and draw the eye to what lies outside as will creating a ‘window’ in a boundary wall. Some rustic screening or trellising with an archway in it can have the same effect. Alternatively, use a simple pair of trees in pots or two attractive tall urns either side of a feature to direct attention to it.
Many modern flowers offer wildlife little or no nectar or have such large and intricate flower heads that insects can’t find a way inside to reach it. Provide a helping hand by planting a native wildflower patch that will offer food, in the form of pollen, seeds, fruits, nectar and foliage to feast on, as well as shelter and nesting sites.
l Prep: 10 minutes l Cook: 15 minutes l Makes 12
12 x 2cm slices French bread
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
50g Cooks & Co Dried Porcini Mushrooms
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
2 Cooks & Co Roasted Red Peppers, thinly sliced
50g cream cheese
2 tbsp chopped chives
Preheat the oven to 200oC, gas mark 6.
Brush the bread slices with 1 tbsp oil, season and place on a large baking tray, bake for 10-15 minutes until golden.
Soak the mushrooms in 300ml boiling water and leave to soak for 10 minutes. Drain, reserving the liquid and roughly chop.
Heat the remaining oil in a large frying pan and fry the garlic for a few seconds, then add the mushrooms and red peppers and cook for 1-2 minutes.
Add the cream cheese and 3 tbsp reserved mushroom liquid and bring just to the boil. Stir in half the chives and season.
Spoon over the crostini and sprinkle with the remaining chives to serve.
Cook tip
Try ciabatta bread or whole slices of toast for a quick lunch.
l Prep: 10 minutes l Cook: 5 minutes
l Serves 6
and Oldham, could you help?
150g feta, crumbled
165g tub cream cheese
150g Cooks & Co Sun Dried Tomatoes
The role is driving accompanied children with no other means of transport to healthcare appointments in your own car (we provide child car seats), waiting for the family and then returning them home. The role is flexible so can work around other commitments, you decide which days you volunteer and we reimburse you monthly for your fuel costs.
100ml double cream
1 Cooks & Co Red & Yellow Peppers (1/2 of each), finely chopped
3 bagels
25g Cooks & Co Sweety Drop Peppers
“I’m retired and like driving so I enjoy volunteering for Transport for Sick Children. Meeting the families and helping them is so rewarding, I’d recommend it to
“I enjoy being busy and meeting new people and the parents and carers are so grateful. Hearing a little boy that I’d been taking to appointments for a while talk for the first time after having a hearing implant fitted was just magical.”
Whisk the feta, cream cheese and ½ the sun dried tomatoes with 2 tbsp of the tomato oil, whisk in the cream until slightly thickened.
Season and stir in the remaining sun dried tomatoes, chopped and the peppers.
If you think you can help or would like more information please call and ask for Laura or Marie-Anne:
Slice each of the bagels horizontally into 4 circles and place on a large baking tray, grill until golden on both sides.
Sprinkle the sweety drop peppers over the dip and serve with the bagel chips.
Cook tip
Also great spooned onto jacket potatoes or toasted bread.
We’re a children’s charity with a team of volunteer drivers who take sick children to hospital appointments throughout Greater Manchester. Our aim is to eliminate any barriers a family may face in getting their child to vital medical appointments. Could you be one of our amazing volunteer drivers?
“Transport for Sick Children is a fantastic service that makes what can be a stressful time getting your child to a hospital appointment a significantly easier process, we really appreciate the service. The drivers are always friendly, polite and professional and have been a life saver for us as we don’t drive and would really struggle otherwise. We think it’s an amazing service and are so grateful that this is available.”
A parent/carer
For more information about the service or to volunteer:
0161 443 4122
E-mail: to@transportforsickchildren.org
Web: www.transportforsickchildren.org
The positive difference that moving to a retirement living community can make to your quality of life, might just be one of life’s best kept secrets.
Each year, with the first blooms of Spring our spirits lift, and we start to look forward to brighter days, warmer weather, and new beginnings.
When you move to an Adlington retirement community, you can enjoy a fresh start, with more fun and less to worry about.
Ann and her husband Harry have been loving life since they moved to an Adlington community in Lytham last year: “You don’t have any worries here. When you own a house, you become a servant to it. You have to do all these jobs to keep it sellable and up to scratch, but the days come when you don’t want to have to do that sort of thing anymore. It worries you. Here it’s like being on holiday every day. I can’t get over it. We’re having such a wonderful time.”
In addition to making life more fun, staying socially active in retirement is also really good for you.
Trevor, a retired doctor who moved to an Adlington community in Lytham, last year, said:
“I’m more socially active here than I have been for a long time. I’d become totally isolated and an old curmudgeon! I remember my sister saying to me when I’d only been here for two or three weeks, she said: ‘you’re a totally different person’ and my daughter said the same.
“I think one of the big benefits of moving to a retirement community is the stimulus of other people at this time of life. If somebody has been on their own, as I know very well, you can sink into not wanting to do anything. You lose your ability to think properly, and to converse properly, and you start to go downhill. The stimulus of moving into a place like this can be of great benefit.”
Our beautiful, landscaped gardens are maintained by an expert team of gardeners. You can do as much or as little gardening as you want to, and still enjoy the peace and serenity of a quiet corner, afternoon drinks in the summer house or finding a relaxing space to watch the world go by.
Joan and Bill, homeowners at an Adlington community in Cheadle, said: “I have an apartment with a lovely garden in front of it which the gardener comes and manages but I can put my little cyclamen blubs in. We go around dead-heading, but we haven’t got that major responsibility anymore. When our friends are still digging away and the weeds are still growing, we’ve got our Josh who comes and takes up all the weeds or blows the leaves away. That’s brilliant!”.
Why not get a real feel for your options? Get in touch to arrange a private tour by calling 0800 118 1694 or visit adlington.co.uk/50 to find out more
Imagine living amongst like-minded neighbours in a thoughtfully designed apartment, purposebuilt for comfort and easy living. With amenities such as a restaurant *, hair salon*, coffee lounge and fully-maintained landscaped gardens, plus an on-site team available 24-7, 365 days a year, you could start to enjoy more quality time this spring doing the things you love.
Request a brochure and find out more
0800 118 1694
• adlington.co.uk/50
*Additional charges apply.
^ See website for details.
Images shown for illustrative purposes only.
1, 2 & 3-bedroom retirement apartments available to buy in Stockport, Lancashire, West Yorkshire, West Midlands, Bedfordshire and Staffordshire
Limited time offers available at selected communities^
50 Plus Magazine has rounded up the latest research to bring you the top five reasons to volunteer
Did you know the benefits of volunteering continue to be reported by older generations for as many as ten years after starting a voluntary role?
Findings published by the UK Data Services showed positive impacts on all ages, and that these were most pronounced for people born before 1965.
The study measured the impact of volunteering on health-related quality of life, with most rewards reported in mental health and wellbeing.
“Voluntary work enables older adults to develop new social networks, social roles and group identity. It also provides a structure to volunteers’ lives,” UCL Research Fellow Hei Wan Mak said.
According to the Civil Society Almanac, a total of 14.2m people in the UK volunteered through a group, club or organisation at least once in 2021/22, with over half the population providing informal support during the pandemic.
However, a large number of volunteer roles at charities and other organisations remain unfilled compared with pre-2019, despite the fact that many charities are facing increased pressure on services due to the rising cost of living.
To help you look at the options, 50 Plus Magazine has rounded up the latest research to bring you the top five reasons to volunteer:
1. Just The Tonic
The positive impact on our own health and wellbeing is so powerful, volunteering is one of the options recommended by the NHS Social Prescription Service. This organisation helps all kinds of people, including those with mental health and long-term conditions, meet their needs, while connecting with the community around them.
2. Your Community Needs You
Our local communities mean more to us as we age, according to the Centre For Ageing Better, with volunteers reporting a greater sense of belonging as part of a local charity or organisation. In recent years there has been a huge increase in demand for volunteers, meaning now’s a great time to look for opportunities.
3. Variety Of Volunteer Roles
A National Lottery Community Fund survey found at the start of 2024, people were intending to volunteer in the following ways: food banks 30%, charity shops 29%, contributing to the environment 30% and supporting older people 29%. With some roles now online, the difference in roles is greater than ever, and 50 Plus Magazine knows of volunteer posts that create a positive impact on all four! Overall, 64% of respondents to the NLCF survey said they were willing to work with others to improve their local community.
4. Life Skills And Experience
The number of people using professional and non-professional skills in their volunteer roles is an almost 50-50 split, states the latest survey from the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO). Life skills, such as caring responsibilities at home, do count! Charities and other organisations looking for volunteers are often very approachable. If you don’t think you meet all the criteria, phone, email or call in and ask!
5. Causes You Care About
Choosing a cause you care about was one of the biggest motivators for people thinking of volunteering, reported the NCVO study. To find out what might interest you why not talk to a friend or relative? A study commissioned by SPAR found 26% of people did this, followed by searching social media 25%, local websites 22%, community notice boards 22% and local shops 18%. All are great places to start to take your next step towards a rewarding and beneficial volunteering experience.
working to live and give
Meet new people & learn new skills
With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous. Volunteering can help you meet new people, learn new skills and even feel happier and healthier. If you are looking to get back into work, volunteering can be a great way to build your CV. Give us a call to hear about the volunteering opportunities we have at Emmaus Bolton.
working to live and give
Come and join our great team! Ask for more details on 01204 398056 or email
Volunteering gives you so much back in return and I have made so many friends.
Sue wasn’t originally looking for a volunteer role, but when she visited the shops and café run by homelessness charity Emmaus, she knew she wanted to help.
“I first got involved at Emmaus Bolton in 2019, not long after my mum had passed away. I met my sister at Café Pierre for some lunch and a look around, and I was in awe of the whole place. It had some fantastic gems, whether it was furniture or bric-a-brac. I fell in love. I knew I wanted to be part of the craziness of the people and the surroundings.
“My biggest satisfaction as a volunteer at Emmaus Bolton is definitely the people who are part of the homelessness charity, as I know them quite well now. We can have such a great laugh. It’s a real pleasure volunteering and not a chore.
“While it is about giving back, volunteering is also selfishly about giving me something. It’s about finding that place where I fit in. It gives me a sense of purpose.”
Homelessness charity Emmaus Bolton provides accommodation and work opportunities for people who have lost their homes. It is one of 30 Emmaus charities across the UK, supporting more than 850 people. Volunteers and people supported by the charity work alongside each other, which helps develop skills and preserve dignity while helping others.
Sue retired early from managing a national service supporting people varying disabilities and health issues access employment. During her role she worked with people who were sofa surfing, were homeless and some had drug or alcohol issues.
“I’m familiar with some of the issues people supported here (we know as ‘companions’) may have faced. People here are great. I’m always greeted with a smile.”
Sue was born with scoliosis and arthritis, which means sometimes she needs adjustments to her role, and says everyone at the Emmaus charity has been very understanding and empathetic.
“For individuals who aren’t sure whether they can volunteer, for a health reason for instance, try it for as little or as long as you want. We’re patient here and there are lots of different roles to suit different personalities. There’s something for everyone here.
“My advice to others thinking about becoming a volunteer is just do it. Volunteering gives you so much back in return and I have made so many friends. You certainly feel welcomed and included here at Emmaus Bolton.
“I have gained so much from my experience volunteering for Emmaus Bolton. I didn’t necessarily appreciate the stories behind the individuals who live here and their reasons for being there like I do now. Here, I have a sense of purpose and belonging that is so important, and I know I can go to them with any challenges I may be having in my daily life. I feel like I am the fortunate one to have found Emmaus Bolton.”
One of the people supported by the charity, who did not want to give his name, said: “Sorting donations keeps me busy. You never know what you’re going to find. It’s important to keep things clean and sort things out.”
Picture caption: Emmaus Bolton volunteer Sue Green helping out in the homelessness charity’s bric-a-brac section alongside one of the people supported by the charity, who does not wish to be named.
To find out more about volunteering with Emmaus Bolton, you can visit its website here: emmaus.org.uk/bolton/ and take a look at the current volunteer roles. Or call into the charity shops, all off Fletcher Street, Bolton, BL3 6NF, call 01204 398056 or email info@emmausbolton.org.uk to arrange an informal discussion.
Gillian Jones, head of funeral planning at Crystal Funeral Planning. Answers your questions on Prepaid funeral plans
Funeral plans are a great way to share your final wishes and cover the cost of your funeral taking away the financial burden and the decision making from your loved ones.
Your choice: from the simple no fuss no frills, to the traditionalist of funerals, however creative or unusual that may be” its your funeral your way “
You can nominate somebody who we will keep informed of your choices so your wishes will always be executed the way you want.
Lock in today’s prices, the service included in your plan will be protected from any possible price increases. Peace of mind that the burden of arranging a funeral will not fall on loved ones.
Arrange the perfect day to suit you.
Yes, Crystal consider the security of our customers funds a priority.
· Whether you pay a lump sum or by monthly instalments your money will be placed in a secure independently managed trust fund.
· Money will only ever be released to the funeral director at time of need.
All monies are protected under the FSCS “financial service compensation scheme “
Our Crystal Price promise guarantees there are no hidden costs, our packages are priced in a clear and transparent way. You will be issued a funeral plan summary that includes everything that is included in your plan this can be shared with family members or a nominated representative.
You can pay in a lump sum, or
· Spread cost with monthly payments. If you choose to pay for your plan monthly and pass away during the 24 month moratorium period, your estate will need to pay the balance of your plan or we would refund all monies paid back to your estate, if you die within the 24 months by an accident we would honour your plan and carry out your funeral as specified.
Three simple plans to choose from:
Direct Cremation
From £1,395.00
Celebration of Life
From £2,825.00
Traditional Funeral Plan
From £3,145.00
What exactly is professional negligence?
A professional is someone whose job has involved years of training and requires a formal qualification such as architects, accountants, barristers, engineers, financial advisers, insurance brokers, solicitors, surveyors and tax advisers. Professionals such as these owe a duty of care to their clients to meet the standards expected of a reasonably competent professional in that particular field of expertise. If they fail to reach the standard and you, as their client, suffer loss as a result, you can claim financial compensation from them for professional negligence. Most professionals are legally required to have special insurance known as Professional Indemnity Insurance. This removes one of the biggest risks in litigation which is that the opponent has insufficient funds to pay the claim.
What are the time limits for bringing a professional negligence claim?
A professional negligence claim becomes time-barred six years after the breach of contract or actual damage resulting from a negligent act occurs. The “actual damage” may not be the financial shortfall, easily quantified once an asset is sold or valued, but could be the ‘paper’ loss where you have paid money and obtained assets worth less than expected. The claim may then be time-barred six years following the negligent advice or work, even if you are not yet aware of the problem.
These rules are fraught with difficulty when interpreted in practice and the court’s tend to pin the start date for time to run to the earliest point. It is a vital issue because either you have a right to claim or you are too late: there are no half measures.
If you have only just become aware of a problem, then you may have another three years in which to claim, but the assessment of when you had the sufficient level of knowledge can also be difficult. The court assesses what you ought to have known about the problem - which may be different from when you think you were, in fact, clearly aware that you had a right to claim for the negligent act. If you think you may have a claim, it is important to seek expert legal advice as quickly as possible.
What loss can be claimed?
The loss that resulted from the negligent advice or service. This is not always as straightforward as it sounds. Assuming the professional has a duty of care for that particular issue, the failure to reach the required standard must have caused the loss. This causative link between failure and loss can sometimes be very complex in law. It is sometimes possible to bring a different claim against the professional, such as breach of contract or statutory duty, as well as or instead of professional negligence.
Are there any time limits?
Yes: professional negligence claims should usually be made within six years from the date of the failure to meet the required standards. In limited circumstances, the time limit can be three years from the date of knowledge of the negligence. Our professional negligence experts can advise you about this in more detail.
How do I make a claim?
First, exhaust the available complaint procedures. The professional will usually have their own procedure as will their regulatory body such as The Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, the Legal Ombudsman and the Financial
Services Ombudsman. Next, follow the professional negligence pre-action protocol or construction and engineering disputes protocol. If the above two steps do not produce a satisfactory outcome, bring a claim in the County Court or the High Court.
Is court action necessary?
We firmly believe that achieving an effective settlement outside of court is in the best interests of the claimant. It relieves the stress and financial cost involved with lengthy court proceedings. We are always
alive to the need to balance the potential benefit with the potential risks and advise our clients on an ongoing basis about this. An out-of-court settlement should always be the primary goal but, if this is not possible, you should aim to pursue professional negligence claims through the courts.
If you need further information about a professional negligence claim contact Chris Macwilliam for a free, no obligation interview on 0161 764 5266.
We believe that experience counts when it comes to matters of family and personal law.
Our specialist solicitors are friendly, highly professional and knowledgeable in their areas. We pride ourselves on being open, honest and speaking plain English with our clients. We can represent you on a wide variety of matters, including:
• Employment Law
• Family Matters
• Property Law
• Wills, Probate, Trusts & Tax Planning
• Personal Injury
• Litigation/Dispute Resolution
Many denture wearers suffer with poor fitting, worn out or artificial looking dentures that cause the wearer to feel a lack of confidence in their dentures. This can present itself when chewing or even by just worrying about the denture dropping during a conversation. All these are issues that Bolton Denture Centre specialise in correcting.
A Clinical Dental Technician (CDT) is a qualified dental technician that has under gone further Education and Training to gain a Diploma in Clinical Dental Technology as Awarded by the Royal Collage of Surgeons (RCS).
At Bolton Denture Centre our clinician is one of the first registered Clinical Dental
Technicians in the country, and able to offer a bespoke service of treating the patient AND making the denture in the laboratory.
Over recent years there have been many improvements in both the way we construct dentures and in the materials and denture teeth that we use. One such innovation currently on the dental market is DIGITAL DENTURES.
However as with any new technology it usually gets rushed to market before it is fully developed. We have seen an upturn in enquiries for this technology, but after many meetings with sales reps and looking into the technology behind it we feel the quality and aesthetics are extremally substandard in comparison to a bespoke handmade tradtional denture.
We also feel the fit of digital dentures are not going to be as good as the fit of traditional dentures as the digital impression cannot replicate the compressive action of the denture, therefore leaving in general reduced suction. This is why we have chosen not to offer this service as of yet here at Bolton Denture Centre.You still have to be a clinical dental technician to provide digital dentures.
Your Dentures need Attention
1. When they become loose.
2. When teeth or denture base discolours.
3. When tooth surfaces become flat.
4. When denture base does not fit around natural teeth (in partial dentures).
5. When you develop deep lines around your mouth.
6. When your chin sticks out, and the corners of your lips are constantly wet, developing sores.
7. When you stop smiling and feel embarrassed.
My Dentures have become loose!
Thank you so much for the care you gave to me and now I can smile again with the lovely teeth you made for me.
What a difference you have made for me. I can smile again. No problems. Thank you so much.
Constructing a functional and aesthetically pleasing set of dentures is the most difficult task in dentistry. We are not only replacing lost teeth, but also lost tissue matter and bone. In other words, we have to re-create your facial features as they were before the loss of your natural teeth.
In most cases we do not know what your teeth looked like, what size they were or what position they were in originally. We have a few indications but mostly we have to rely on our visual and artistic judgement.
the most
Smiling is
This is easily remedied by a procedure know as Re-lining. A new layer of Denture base is added to your existing Denture, improving the fit and restoring confidence.
basic, biologically uniform expressions of
not just a
means of
Bolton Denture Centre can offer all aspects of denture care including;
4 Free Consultations
it’s also
frequent one. More than 30% of us smile more than 20 times a day and 14% of us smile less than 5 times a day.
host of benefits which include:
Yes, it is very important to have a spare set of dentures for emergencies in case of breakage. Once a new set is made the old set becomes a spare.
4 Denture cleaning and polishing service
4 Repair of broken or cracked dentures
4 Relining existing dentures to improve fit
4 New full dentures
Psychologists have found that even if you’re in a bad mood smiling can lift your spirits. immunity - smiling makes your body more relaxed and contributes to a good health and immunity.
Thank you so much for my new dentures, they fit really well and I am very pleased with their appearance. I have had them for two months and not had any problems, just small niggles that have soon resolved without having to pay you a visit. Thank you for your time and trouble to ensure a perfect fit. I don’t need to use fixative and your recommended cleaning routine is working a treat.
At the same time we have to use our technical expertise in order to make the denture stable and functional. Denture construction is more art than science.
Your sincerely AW (Mrs)
Dentures are in constant use almost 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are also in a pretty hostile environment in the mouth, being attacked by strong acid, bacteria, hot, cold and spicy food. Denture material absorbs liquids and food odour.
Just a few words to thank you for the work you have done. Everyone has been saying how well I look lately not knowing why. You have given me my smile back and I thank you so very much, you have made me so happy.
4 New partial dentures (following treatment plan from dentist) *
Smiling releases endorphins which reduce stress and change your mood. Even forcing a
4 Sports mouth guards
- Reducing stress and smiling can also help lower blood pressure.
Constructing a functional and aesthetically pleasing set of dentures is the most difficult task in dentistry. We are not only replacing lost teeth, but also lost tissue matter and bone. In other words, we have to re-create your facial features as they were before the loss of your natural teeth.
* Dentist treatment plan can be arranged.
- Not only do others smile when we smile but studies also suggest we appear more
your smile, do you suffer from loose poorly fitted or broken dentures?
Centre we have been helping denture wearers to get beautiful smiles for
At the same time we have to use our technical expertise in order to make the denture stable and functional. Denture construction is more art than science.
Daily cleaning is essential as well as professional ultrasonic cleaning in a dental laboratory at least once a year. Due to Jonathan LBIDST Why not call situation am always Call for a FREE Consultation 01204 382244
Why not call me to discuss your current situation or arrange an appointment as I am always more than happy to help.
Hewlett Court was opened by the East Lancashire Masonic Charity [ELMC] in 1979 as Sheltered Accommodation for the Elderly. Hewlett Courts aim is to provide good quality, affordable accommodation with support services tailored to meet individual’s needs.
Hewlett Court supports individuals in an independent, safe and caring environment.
We understand that moving from your home into a communal living setting can be a very difficult and momentous decision, for both the potential individual and their Families. We are here to support that decision to ensure the right conclusion is made for all concerned.
Hewlett Court prides itself on providing a warm, friendly, Family environment.
The Staff are all dedicated to ensuring that each individual have control over their own lives, to encourage them to make their own choices and opportunities to maintain their independence, encouraging them to play an active role in the improvement and development of the services provided. Hewlett Court continually look at ways to improve the amenities and to provide the best service available.
There is a varied menu at Hewlett Court providing three home cooked meals per day, including any special dietary needs.
For more information please contact:
Mary M – You can go and look around Bury and you won’t find any another facilities like Hewlett Court. The food is excellent and the staff are very obliging. Everyone enjoys all the entertainment and the outings that are free. We can come and go as we like
Julie – I really enjoy it, myself and my Sister have been made to feel welcome and have made lots of friends. I enjoy the baking classes and all the activities.
John – I am very happy at Hewlett Court, I feel safe and well looked after. The staff are very helpful and the food is excellent.
Doreen B - Just fabulous, a great place to be. Nothing is too much trouble. Fantastic staff and a friendly, clean, homely place.
5th April 2024
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
7th April 2024
Arrival - The Hits of Abba
3rd & 4th May 2024 Ultimate Classic Rock Show
19th April 2024 Dreamcoats
18th May 2024
28th May 2024 High Jinx
For more info visit; www.alberthalls-bolton.co.uk
For tickets visit;
www.quaytickets.com/boltonalberthalls or call