13 minute read
from Leeds Issue 2
Try these classic Chinese dishes from Kwoklyn Wan that use only five ingredients. Alongside a basic store cupboard of five essentials - salt, pepper, soy sauce, sugar and oil - you can make a feast of easy dishes using the bare minimum.
Indo-Chinese flavours have become increasingly popular in the UK over the last 10 years, thanks to the explosion of street food markets in most major cities. This dish is a classic Indo-Chinese creation mixing ingredients from China with spices from India.
Ingredients • 2 chicken breasts or 300g (10oz) shredded char siu pork • 1 nest of dried egg noodles • 1 red (bell) pepper, cut into strips • 175g (3½ cups) beansprouts • 1 tbsp mild curry powder • 3 tbsp vegetable oil • ½ tsp salt • ¼ tsp white pepper • ½ tsp sugar
• Bring 800ml (3½ cups) water to the boil in a medium saucepan. Add the chicken breasts, bring back to the boil and then reduce to a simmer and cook for 12–15 minutes. Drain and set to one side. Once the chicken has cooled, cut into thin strips.
• Meanwhile bring another 800ml (3½ cups) water to the boil in another saucepan. Add the dried egg noodle nest and cook for 5 minutes until soft. Drain and set to one side.
• Place a wok over a medium heat; once it begins to smoke add the vegetable oil along with the red pepper strips and cook for 1 minute, then add the beansprouts and cook for a further minute. Add the curry powder and continue to cook for a further 2 minutes. Add the salt, pepper and sugar and mix well.
• Add the cooled sliced chicken (or pork, if using) and drained noodles to the wok and continue to cook for a further 5–8 minutes, making sure all of the ingredients are well combined and heated all the way through, allowing the noodles to catch some colour in the wok.

Even I was surprised at just how quick this dish was to cook; no sooner had I started the dish, than it was on my plate and being scoffed. Washing up consisted of just my wok and the wooden spoon I used. Chewy noodles, juicy chicken, crunchy onions and peppers smothered in a rich spicy satay sauce. Lovely!
Ingredients • 2 chicken breasts, cut into bite-sized pieces • 1 white onion, cut into strips • 1 green (bell) pepper, cut into strips • 4 tbsp satay dipping sauce (or use 2–3 tbsp satay paste, to taste) • 300g (10oz) straight-to-wok udon noodles • 2 tbsp oil (vegetable, groundnut or coconut) • 1 tsp salt • pinch of white pepper
Tip: Add a sprinkle of crushed salted peanuts just before serving to add a lovely crunch.
• Heat a large non-stick wok over a medium-high heat and add the oil. Add the chicken and allow to brown on one side, then stir in the onion and green pepper for 1–2 minutes to soften.
• Season with the salt and pepper, then stir in the satay dipping sauce, along with 250ml (1 cup) water. Once all of the ingredients are well combined in the sauce, add the noodles and cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently to separate the noodles. Serve immediately.

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Ingredients • 4 tbsp fermented Chinese black beans • 340g (12oz) firm tofu, cut into bite-sized pieces • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped or grated • 1 bag of ready-prepared stir-fry vegetables • 1 tbsp cornflour (cornstarch) mixed with 2 tbsp water • 2 tbsp vegetable oil • ½ tsp salt • ¼ tsp white pepper • 1 tsp sugar • 2 tbsp light soy sauce Tofu has been used in China for well over 2,000 years. As a staple ingredient for vegetarian Buddhist monks, Buddhist chefs often shape and cook the tofu to resemble meat. Black bean fried tofu can be found on many Cantonese restaurant menus and is still one of the top ordered vegetarian dishes.
• Soak the fermented black beans in 120ml (½ cup) water for 10 minutes, then drain in a sieve and set to one side.
• Heat the oil in a wok over a medium-high heat and fry the tofu for 6–8 minutes until golden brown on all sides. Drain on kitchen paper and set to one side.
• Reheat the oiled wok over a medium heat and gently fry the garlic and black beans for 45 seconds until fragrant. Add the stir-fry vegetables, increase the heat to medium-high and fry for 2 minutes.
• Then add 120ml (½ cup) water, the salt, pepper, sugar, soy sauce and fried tofu and bring to the boil.
• Give the cornflour mixture a stir and slowly pour into the sauce, stirring constantly, to thicken. Serve immediately.

Did you know most denture wearers struggle daily with the problem of loose and uncomfortable dentures?
Badly-designed dentures not only cause this discomfort but can greatly affect a denture wearer’s confidence and appearance, causing that premature aged look so often associated with wearing dentures.
Well it doesn’t have to be that way at Smile Denture Clinic, which has recently opened in Cleckheaton.
With today’s technology there are fantastic solutions for most denture wearers’ desires or problems, from full denture restoration that can restore your natural facial shape, the latest generation partial denture options to implant stabilised dentures.
In many cases, it’s just a matter of careful evaluation and correcting bad design.
To design a successful denture takes years of experience and technical knowledge, dedication and an ability to empathise with denture wearers’ needs and expectations. The most important step is choosing the denture £50COUPONLimited time Off er Applies to new dentures Prestige range & above Applies to new dentures Prestige range & above Are you struggling with loose, uncomfortable dentures? DENTURE WEARERS! Are you struggling with loose, uncomfortable dentures? Do you want to Feel More Confi dent, Look Younger and Function Better than ever? Book your FREE consultation TODAY and fi nd out how Smile Denture Clinics and fi nd out how Smile Denture Clinics Book your can help you discover better dentures, solve your denture problems, regain can help you discover better dentures, solve your denture problems, regain your denture confi dence and improve your denture wearing life
“ I’ve never had dentures that look so good ... t so well and feel so comfortable. ey’re just fabulous! anks to the care and attention I received from David at Smile Denture Clinic .” Mrs M
expert with the right skills and experience. If you’re considering having new dentures to replace an old worn out set or wish to look years younger as a denture wearer, you naturally want the best care, a safe and hygienic environment and the fastest possible treatment. Most importantly if you’re going to pay good money, you want to see results in both comfort and a great, natural appearance: after “I’venever had dentures that all, your dentures are vital to your everyday look so good life and your smile is the first thing you ...fitsowelland feel so comfortable. They’rejust present to the world. fabulous! Thanks to the care andattention I DENTURE Wouldn’t you want that statement about you to be the right one? received from DavidatSmileClinics DentureClinic .” MrsM naturally beautiful Clinical dental technician David Coates Dip dentures CDT RCS (Eng) at Smile Denture Clinic uses David CoatesDip CDTRCS (Eng)
Did you know most denture wearers struggle daily with the problem of loose and uncomfortable dentures?
Badly-designed dentures not only cause this discomfort but can greatly affect a denture wearer’s confidence and appearance, causing that premature aged look so often associated with wearing dentures.
Well it doesn’t have to be that way at Smile Denture Clinic, which has recently opened in Cleckheaton.
With today’s technology there are fantastic solutions for most denture wearers’ desires or problems, from full denture restoration that can restore your natural facial shape, the latest generation partial denture options to implant stabilised dentures.
In many cases, it’s just a matter of careful evaluation and correcting bad design.
To design a successful denture takes years of experience and technical knowledge, dedication and an ability to empathise with denture wearers’ needs and expectations. The most important step is choosing the denture expert with the right skills and experience.
If you’re considering having new dentures to replace an old worn out set or wish to look years younger as a denture wearer, you naturally want DENTURE WEARERS...
Do YouWantToFeelMoreConfident, Look Years Younger and EatBetterthan ever?
“Iamabsolutley thrilledwiththefinal result ...andcannowlookforwardto everydaywithaBIGsmile! Thanksforeverything”
As one of the UK’smost experienced Clinical Dental Technicians with 41 years denturedesign experiencegained overthousands of happy customers, it’snowonder denturewearers trust David Coates to helpthem feel moreconfidentwith agreat appearanceand livetheir denturewearing lives to the full. To book your FREE consultation with David, call todayon: 01977 01274 285 911 911 820 43 Ropergate,Pontefract WF8 1JY4 Cross Crown Street, Cleckheaton, BD19 3HW (Next door to Age UK) (Patientswithnatural teethremaining or have dental implants will need aprescriptionfromadentist) FREE no-obligationCONSULTATIONS Full DentureRange Partial Dentures Flexible Dentures Chrome Dentures ImplantStabilised
the best care, a safe and hygienic environment and the fastest possible treatment.
Most importantly if you’re going to pay good money, you want to see results in both comfort and a great, natural appearance: after all, your dentures are vital to your everyday life and your smile is the first thing you present to the world.
Wouldn’t you want that statement about you to be the right one?
Clinical dental technicians David Coates Dip CDT RCS (Eng) and
Did you know most denture wearers Clive Walkden Dip CDT RCS (Eng) at struggle daily with the problem of Smile Denture Clinic use the latest generation of hand-crafted naturalloose and uncomfortable dentures? Badly-designed dentures not effect teeth, the highest-grade denture materials and the latest denture technology. only cause this discomfort but can greatly affect a denture wearer’s Recognised as two of the UK’s leading clinical dental technicians, David and Clive each have 41 years’ confidence and appearance, causing that premature aged look denture design, thousands of happy patients and a trusted reputation as being the denture wearer’s first so often associated with wearing choice when it comes to providing comfortable, natural dentures that dentures. optimise fit, function and comfort.
Well it doesn’t have to be that way Smile Denture Clinics put their customers in control of cost and at Smile Denture Clinic, which has recently opened in Cleckheaton. treatment by offering a complete range of denture options, from entry level Premier replacement dentures, With today’s technology there are fantastic solutions for most denture Prestige and Ultimate cosmetic dentures to their astonishing Dimension Dentures – sometimes wearers’ desires or problems, from full denture restoration that called a denture facelift – as well as implant stabilised denture treatments for ultimate confidence. can restore your natural facial All you need do is book a free, noobligation consultation with your shape, the latest generation partial denture options to implant stabilised personal clinical denture technician. Call 01274 911820 and discover how he can help solve all your denture dentures. In many cases, it’s just a matter problems, look younger, feel more confident and eat better than ever. Smile Denture Clinic, 4 Cross of careful evaluation and correcting bad design. Crown Street, Cleckheaton BD19 3HW. THE EXPERTS: Get your dentures right with David Coates and Clive Walkden.
To design a successful denture takes years of experience and technical knowledge, dedication and an ability to empathise with denture wearers’ needs and expectations. The most important step is choosing the denture expert with the right skills and experience.
If you’re considering having new dentures to replace an old worn out set or wish to look years younger as a denture wearer, you naturally want DENTURE WEARERS...
Do YouWantToFeelMoreConfident, Look Years Younger and EatBetterthan “Iamabsolutley thrilledwiththefinal result ...andcannowlookforwardto everydaywithaBIGsmile! Thanksforeverything” DENTURE Clinics naturally beautiful dentures “I’venever had dent look so good ...fitsowelland feel so comfort fabulous! Thanks to the care received from DavidatSmile
the best care, a safe and hygienic environment and the fastest possible treatment.
Most importantly if you’re going to pay good money, you want to see results in both comfort and a great, natural appearance: after all, your dentures are vital to your everyday life and your smile is the first thing you present to the world.
Wouldn’t you want that statement about you to be the right one?
Clinical dental technicians David Coates Dip CDT RCS (Eng) and Clive Walkden Dip CDT RCS (Eng) at Smile Denture Clinic use the latest generation of hand-crafted naturalthe latest generation of handcrafted natural-effect teeth, effect teeth, the highest-grade the highest-grade denture denture materials and the latest materials and the latest denture denture technology. Recognised as two of the UK’s technology. leading clinical dental technicians, Recognised as one of the David and Clive each have 41 years’ UK’s leading clinical dental denture design, thousands of happy patients and a trusted reputation technicians, David has 41 years’ as being the denture wearer’s first denture design, thousands of choice when it comes to providing happy patients and a trusted comfortable, natural dentures that optimise fit, function and comfort. reputation as being the denture
Smile Denture Clinics put their wearer’s first choice when it comes to customers in control of cost and providing comfortable, natural dentures that treatment by offering a complete range of denture options, from entry optimise fit, function and comfort. level Premier replacement dentures, Smile Denture Clinics put their customers Prestige and Ultimate cosmetic in control of cost and treatment by offering dentures to their astonishing Dimension Dentures – sometimes called a denture facelift – as well a complete range of denture options, from entry level Premier replacement dentures, as implant stabilised denture Prestige and Ultimate cosmetic dentures treatments for ultimate confidence. All you need do is book a free, noobligation consultation with your to their astonishing Dimension Dentures – sometimes called a denture facelift – as well personal clinical denture technician. as implant stabilised denture treatments for Call 01274 911820 and discover how he can help solve all your denture problems, look younger, feel more ultimate confidence. All you need do is book a free, noconfident and eat better than ever.obligation consultation with your personal Smile Denture Clinic, 4 Cross Crown Street, Cleckheaton BD19 3HW. THE EXPERTS: Get your dentures right with David Coates and Clive Walkden. clinical denture technician. Call 07932 602847 and discover how he can help solve all your denture problems, look younger, feel more confident and eat better than ever. 57 Dental Implant Clinic, 57 Bradford Road, Cleckheaton BD19 3LB.
As one of the UK’smost experienced Clinical Dental Technicians with 41 As one of the UK’s most experienced Clinical Dental Technicians, with over 40 years denture design experience and TRUSTED by thousands of years denturedesign experiencegained overthousands of happy “ happy denture wearers across Yorkshire, denture expert David Coates CDT RCS can personally handcraft individually designed, hi-quality, natural looking dentures that optimise Fit, Comfort and Function and are as individual as you, perfectly refl ecting your gender, character and personality customers, it’snowonder denturewearers trust David Coates to helpthem feel moreconfidentwith agreat appearanceand livetheir denturewearing lives A Dedicated, Hi-Quality Denture Service that you can SMILE aboutto the full.
no-obligation CONSULTATIONS and denture assessment
Full Dentures Partial Dentures Flexible Dentures Chrome Dentures Implant Dentures To book your FREE consultation with David, call todayon: 01977 01274 285 911 911 820 To book your FREE, no-obligation consultation with David, please call: 01274 911 82043 Ropergate,Pontefract WF8 1JY4 Cross Crown Street, Cleckheaton, BD19 3HW (Next door to Age UK)07932 602847 DENTURE Clinics
naturally beautiful dentures