Oldham & Tameside Issue 68

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WHEN it comes to purchasing your first caravan, campervan or motorhome – especially if you are a first-time buyer of such a vehicle – the prospect may seem daunting, perhaps even a little overwhelming. How do you know where to look, what features to consider WINDSOR CASTLE & CRUISE THE THAMES and how to choose the right unit forBull yourHotel, needs? Gerrard’s Cross The ~ 4 Star If Ayou’re lovelylooking tour as for we specific discover the splendour of Royal Windsor andfirst explore tips on buying your van, mighty Windsor Castle. OfferingShow a welcome contrast, we also Rob Debenham, Manager enjoy a relaxing cruise along the River Thames. of The Caravan, Motorhome & Holiday Show, is here to give his | £489 advice on someApril of the |most important things 21st 5 Days to look for as a first-time buyer to make sure that you and your vehicle have the best adventures possible. Before you part with any money, think about why you want this vehicle and what you will be using it for. Do you plan to embark on a PICTURESQUE PEMBROKESHIRE new adventure, travelling across the country & BEAUTIFUL GOWER (or world) in your new home? Or will it be Bush excursions Royal Hotel, forThe longIvy weekend and summer Carmarthen ~ 3 Star staycations? What you want the van for and The natural beauty of the Pembrokeshire coast how to use it, willare playfamed a big role in andyou theplan Gower Peninsula all over the final world. Glorious your decision of sandy vehiclebeaches choice. and rugged coastline give way to the Preseli Hills, historic

and little villages. Atowns, good starting point is speaking to fellow caravan and motorhome owners. Use this 1st May | 5 Days | £419 as an opportunity to ask questions about the caravan, campervan or motorhome they own. Why do they like it? What would they recommend and why? What is something they wish they knew before they purchased it? These conversations will help you ensure you’ve made the right decision when it comes HISTORIC toTHE choosing your van.CITY OF WORCESTER & STRATFORD-UPON-AVON Attending such as The Fownesa show Hotel ~3 StarCaravan, This is an area of literary greats, of culinary Motorhome & Holiday Show, or similar is brilliance andway iconic heritage. Wedecisionenjoy the another great of helping your birthplace of William Shakespeare and a making. They fantastic one-stopcity shops relaxing riverare cruise, the historic of that Worcester, and the beautiful scenic Cotswolds. allow you to see a wide variety of vehicles under one roof, get up loose, explore inside and familiarise yourself with them.You’ll | 5 Days 8th May also get to speak to expert dealers| £439 and manufacturers so you can ask all the questions you need about specific vehicles.





capability already installed, so it’s worth looking into when browsing models.

SOUTHSEA & CHICHESTER HARBOUR CRUISE Best Western Royal Beach Hotel ~ 3 Star A great tour for the summer – stroll along Southsea seafront, visit the historic cathedral city of Chichester and enjoy a relaxing harbour cruise and indulge with a gin tasting at Bombay Sapphire.

plan to live in your van or just want to use it for the25th occasional adventure, there| £459 are some | 5 Days April necessities when it comes to what you will need to buy or install for your vehicle.

You may want to make getting a fixed bed, for example, a priority. The alternative would be converting your table into a bed and vice versa or sleeping above the seats in the cab. KENT, THE BEAUTIFUL GARDEN OF ENGLAND Another handy feature your van may benefit Bestis Western Burlington Hotel from a solar panelPlus on the roof. By installing ~ 4 Star a solar panel, you can easily top up your Knownbattery as the and Garden of England, leisure lessen the worryKent that boasts you beautiful beaches, stunning castles, exciting will run it down, especially when you are culture, and delicious food & drink. Our tour is ideally based Folkestone, include going off-grid. A inleisure batteryand is a we power visits to some coastal and inland and towns source that can lovely fuel the 12V appliances equipment in a caravan or motorhome. These 2nd May | 5 Days | £399 batteries are designed to provide a steady level of power over a prolonged period of time and are used for the lights, television, kettle, oven and similar appliances in your van. Unless you plan to undergo your van adventures with no electric appliances, you will probably be picking up a leisure battery BLACKPOOL during the purchase When you do, The Doric Hotelprocess. ~ 3 Star you may feel though there is soyou many A holiday in as Blackpool will leave feeling refreshed, recharged – But even choices thatrelaxed you feeland overwhelmed. asif you are on the go 25 hours a day! Perhaps it’s with everything in this process, try making the resort’s infectious zest for life, or maybe sure youthat, thoroughly research andyour choose a it’s just uniquely, whatever routine, Blackpool offer a perfect from it.on trusted andcan high-quality brand.break Depending your use, you may also want to think about having multiple leisure batteries.

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Remember, getting any kind of van – a caravan, campervan or motorhome – should be an exciting prospect. This is the starting point of the many thrilling adventures still to come, and thoughSOUTH it may initially feel daunting, SPRING, SHIELDS & feelings COAST of fear can always be THE these DURHAM quelledHaven by extensive research on your The Little Hotel ~ 3 Star behalf so tour you can be in sure you Shields are doing A great Spring based South overlooking the River Tynetoand Little everything possible make theHaven best Beach. We explore the scenic coastline before purchase for you. enjoying time in the historic city of Durham as well as a visit to Newcastle-upon-Tyne.

Returning to Manchester Central from the 12th to the 15th of January 2023, | £439 the Caravan, & Holiday Show. To 25th Motorhome April | 5 Days find out more – www.caravanshows.com

TIPS FROM GLOSSOP CARAVANS Before you start looking for your perfect DEVONSHIRE & ILFRACOMBE holiday home on wheels, there’s quite ~ a lot to The Royal & Fortescue Hotel consider. 3 Star Glossop Caravans have been in the business for over 45excursions years and to have helped A short break with interest everyone. of Wepeople take infind North thousands theirDevon dreamthroughout holiday with visits to interesting attractions which, home on wheels—and we can help you too! when combined with our excellent hotel, We’re to tell you that there’s nothing makeshere this an enjoyable break. more freeing than spending time in your own little slice of paradise—and we can help | 5 whatever 8th Days | your £479 you make thatMay happen; needs, we’ve got the right caravan to suit them. And if you don’t know what those needs are yet? That’s fine too! Our knowledgeable team have created some handy tips to help you figure out where to start.

It’s time for the big question. What type of BEAUTIFUL CORNWALL caravan do you need? You might be asking Rosemundy House Hotel AA ~ yourself: what does it matter? Isn’t a caravan a 4 Star caravan? Well, not quite. There are all sorts of Cornwall is in the far west of Great Britain on caravans to choose from, the Atlantic small and a peninsula tumbling intofrom the vast Ocean, almost completely by lightweight to the large andsurrounded luxurious.You’ll the sea. Cornwall is loved for its dramatic need to consider what car you will be towing with, how planand to use your caravan, and course, its you pasties cream teas! whether you have family or friends coming along on the trip? many people | 6how | £519 9th May | 5 Days | £299 13th MayIf so, Days will be in your party? What kind of space will And finally, the last suggestion of what can they need to sleep and relax? In addition to be installed in your van to make life just that INTERESTED? 01706 648126 that,request what kind of experience do you want little bit easier is a refillable gas bottle – this and Once you know what van you want and how to have? Do you want quiet, quality time as a a copy of our 2023 brochure. You’ll of tours will bebe suresurprised to save you a lotat of the moneyvariations in you want to use it, regardless of whether you the long run. Many vans do come with the we operate. Visit our website www.ellensmith.co.uk 17

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