Filming Filming Locations Locations in in Los Los Angeles: Angeles: Best Best Movies Movies Filmed Filmed
Los LosAngeles Angeleshas hasseen seenititall. all.
from fromsuperheroes superheroesin incapes capesto toHollywood Hollywoodsatires, satires,the theplace placehas hasbeen beenthe the location locationfor forvarious variousmovies moviesall allthroughout throughouthistory. history.
In Infact, fact,ititisisvery verycommon commonto tofind find production productioncrews crewsfilming filmingtheir their movies moviesat atthe thestreet streetof ofLos LosAngeles. Angeles.
ItItis isordinary ordinaryto tosee see stars starsall allaround. around.
Either Eitherfor forphoto photoshoots shootslocation, location,Los LosAngeles Angelesproves provesto tobe beaafavorite. favorite.
As Asproofs, proofs,below beloware aresome somefilms filmsthat thatwere weretaken takenin inthe theheart heartof of this thisbeautiful beautifulcity: city:
Terminator Terminator2: 2:Judgment JudgmentDay Day
Filmed Filmedat atthe theElysian ElysianPark, Park,The Thecity cityof ofLos LosAngeles Angelesis isset setin inaanuclear nuclear fire firein inthis thisblockbuster blockbustermovie. movie.The Thedirector directoreven evencaptured capturedsome someof of the thecity citythrough throughaachase chasescene scenein inthe themovie. movie.
To ToLive Liveand andDie Diein inL.A. L.A.
This This1985 1985film filmtakes takesus uson onaatour tourto toL.A.’s L.A.’sunderground. underground.Memorable Memorable scenes sceneswithin withinthe themovie movieare areshot shotin inLos LosAngeles; Angeles;take takethe thecase caseof of its itswrong wrongway waychase chasescene scenethat thatwas wasshot shotat atthe theTerminal TerminalIsland Island Freeway. Freeway.
Clueless Clueless Who Whocould couldforget forgetthis thisspoiled spoiled Beverly BeverlyHill Hillgirl? girl?Some Someof ofthe thescenes scenes captures capturesare arethe themall mallculture cultureof ofLos Los Angeles Angelesand andits itsstreet streetwas wasfeatured featured in inthe themovie’s movie’sscary scarydriver driverscene. scene.
L.A. L.A.Confidential Confidential
The Thefilm filmwas wasentirely entirelyshot shotin inthe thereal realwalls wallsof ofLos LosAngeles. Angeles.In Infact, fact, watching watchingthe themovie movieitself itselfcan cantake takeyou youto toaaride ridearound aroundthe thecity. city.
Magnolia Magnolia
The Themovie movieis isset setat atthe thenorthern northernregion regionof ofLos LosAngeles. Angeles.Although Although there thereis isaaquick quickdetour detourto toNevada Nevadafor forthe thecasino casinoscene, scene,most mostof ofthe the film filmshot shotin inL.A. L.A.
Chinatown Chinatown Despite Despitethe themovie movietitle, title,ititwas wasactually actually filmed filmedat atLos LosAngeles. Angeles.For Forexample, example, they theyshot shotat atthe theBig BigTujunga TujungaWash Wash found foundat atFoothill FoothillBlvd. Blvd.
As Asyou yousee, see,Los LosAngeles Angelesisisaafamous famousmovie movielocation. location.
ItItisiswell wellloved lovedby bylocation locationscouts scoutsbecause becausethe theplace placeisisnot notonly only beautiful, beautiful,but butititisisentirely entirelyaccessible accessibletoo. too.
The Thepeople peopleare arewarm warmand andfriendly, friendly,that thatthey theywould wouldlook lookeagerly eagerlyamong among scenes scenesbeing beingshot shotthat thatsome someof ofthem themmay maybe bemore morethan thanwilling willingto tojoin jointhe the film. film.
You Youcan canalso alsofind findaalot lotififhomes homesopen openfor forfilming filminglocations locationswhich whichyou youcan can visit visitlike likethe thehouse housefeatured
You Youcan canfind findmore moreof ofsuch suchhomes homesand andeven evenfamous famousmovie movielocations locationsinin Beverly BeverlyHills. Hills.
Take Takeaatour tourininthese theselocations locationsand and enjoy enjoythe theadventure adventureLos LosAngeles Angeles offers. offers.
For Foravailability, availability,walkthroughs, walkthroughs,and andfurther furtherlocation location information informationabout aboutshooting shootingat at5401 5401Olympic, Olympic,you youmay maycontact contact us usdirectly directlyor orsend sendan anemail emailat
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