2 minute read
RESIDENTS REDUCING WILDFIRE RISKS Visit tgocsa.org to view Firewise video and brochure or TGO Firewise on Facebook
Remember, you must have written permission to remove any living shrubs or trees beyond your property line. Contact CSA if you have questions about removal and consult the Architectural Review Board before making landscape changes.
Evacuation Drill - January 27, 2023
by Ed Brown
No, you are not leaving TGO on that date. A drill (practice for evacuation) will be conducted by Management, The Firewise Committee and our Safety Patrol to reenforce and fine tune our evacuation procedures and radio techniques. The training scenario will be for a wildland fire that has crossed the fire break, represented by the golf cart Nature Trail and is advancing on the Library! Residents of TGO are not expected to participate but they will be briefed on the outcome of the drill and lessons learned. This briefing and the lessons learned will be shared in our Firewise article in the following issue of “The Happenings.” Some firefighters themselves will be on display if not in use fighting a fire or responding to EMS calls. They will be happy to answer your questions regarding the equipment, training, fires in general and brush fires and wildland fires in particular. This question/answer session and equipment displays will be conducted in the Manor parking lot, as in previous years. Please take advantage of this rare opportunity to get to know the men, women, and equipment of YOUR fire service, Brevard County Fire Department!
Evacuation is one of your survival strategies in the event of a natural disaster involving TGO. A hurricane would come to mind. It would offer the greatest opportunity for preparation time based on a time line supplied to us by the science of weather forecasting. Those forecasts are increasing in their accuracy, however they still require the resident to decide whether to leave or stay. A TORNADO, by comparison, gives you minutes to seconds of lead time to get your family into a home shelter! A HAZMAT SPILL: minutes to hours; a FLOOD: hours to days. All these events can be mitigated with minutes, to hours, to days of survival preparation.
Your decision is a fantastic game. It is the ultimate gamble. Keep in mind, however, that your survival gamble will not only affect you. Most importantly, It will affect your family member’s and pet’s health and safety, and by your example, will also influence the survival decisions of your friends and your neighbors.
Firewise Committee - Contact Information
Tim Graham Chairman 561-262-8833 Donald Payne 407-222-0583 Ed Brown 321-383-8253 Mike Lavery 585-472-1538 Ron Peoples 407-509-0486 Betty Salter 321-223-8073 Ed Olefirowicz 919-360-3174 Karri Olefirowicz 919-265-4315 Christopher Miller 407-375-8310 O.M. Butch Jones 804-514-4458 Albert McGuire 810 338 5646 Sharon Maloney 770-294-6362