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Classified Ads
All Classified Ads - For Sale, Rent and Wanted - will cost $10.00 per ad, per issue. Payment is by cash or check, payable to “CSA.” Classifi ed ads list tangible and real property owned or wanted within TGO by the resident who places the ad. All ads must be brief, 25 words or less. Forms are available at the Manor CSA Office, 145 Plantation Drive. The placement of new ads and the renewal of existing ads must be made, with payment, no later than 5:00 pm on the Friday before the upcoming publication date. No refunds for early cancellation of ad. All ads are placed on a first-come basis. Space is limited.
FOR RENT: RV Lot at 50 Sunset Drive. May - December openings. Monthly rental preferred. Discount for consecutive months. Cal/text Dave at 616-450-4509. Email: dverstra@comcast.net (exp 01-05-24)
WANT TO RENT: Park Home or House. Couple looking to rent for four months, December 1 thru April 1, 2024. Non-smokers, no pets, have rented here for nine years. Call or text Judy at 506-874-8772 or Henry 506-874-0953 or email: Corberrie@hotmail.com (exp 08-04-23)

WANT TO RENT: RV Lot. Couple looking to rent an RV lot with or without Executive Suite for February and March 2024. Please reply to Steve Fleming at 705-826-4603 or stevefleming036@gmail.com (exp 09-15-23)
FOR SALE: Hopkins Brake Buddy Select 3 Towed Vehicle Brake System. Demco Excali Bar 11, 10,500 lb tow bar. Excellent Condition. Both for $1000. Contact Bill at 301-908-0492... (exp 9-15-23)
FOR RENT: RV Lot at 19 Sunset Drive. Beautiful lake view lot. 12’ x 12’ Florida room included with multi-month rental. Call/text Dave at 207233-7191. Email: rent19sunset@gmail.com (exp 08-04-23)
FOR SALE: 160 Plantation Drive. Large RV Lot with view of 18th fairway. 12' x 16' shed with new washer, dryer & refrigerator. $179,000. Call 904-629-2729 (exp 08-04-23)