1 minute read



Fire is a natural part of most of our Florida ecosystems. It can maintain healthy natural environs or turn homes to ashes. There are wildfires every year, especially during our “dry” winter season.

TGO is built within a Wildland / Urban Interface; the area where the edge of a community transitions or abuts into woodlands or grass prairie. In TGO we border both woodlands and grassland and often have large thunderstorms that can ignite those ecosystems.

Many wildland / urban interface homes are lost because of fires associated with the most vulnerable parts of a home, the roof and the area immediately surrounding the structure. Fire embers

landing on or around the home or slow-moving fires contacting flammable portions of the structure are the two principle causes of a home being lost.

People who live within this potentially dangerous interface need to take precautions to protect their homes and RVs from fire. Since some preventative measures are too expensive or structurally unfeasible, we will focus on what we can do to minimize this serious threat to our community.

This guide has been designed to serve our community as a resource for what we can do specifically for Preparation, Planning, and Evacuation in a worst-case scenario.

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