CHANGING portfolio
Always Keep Changing Never Stop Moving
ABOUT ME HuaiAn-Kan /
Study At Shih Chien University Industrial Design
Basic Design /
Vertiacl & Horizontal Plus Brace 1:1 Designer’s Play Locomotion
Product Design / Brand Study / Sony Affordance Product Semantics
“ Step out of my comfort zone ” I a m a s tudent w ith pa ssi on and ambi ti on. I was always th in kin g a bout how to g e t better and better in my lif e n ot o n ly in my learn in g bu t also m y c ha ra c t he r. I u s ually pus hed m y s elf o u t of my c omfo r t z on e. B ec au se I kn ew t ha t t he o n l y w a y to pro g re ss is to put your s el f i n the chal l enge. Ot h er wi s e , you’l l s t uc k i n t he s am e level. I f o unded the fan page “Nothi ng_” wit h so me of my frien ds. We wa nt to g e t i n to t he wor ld of new m edia an d tried to in ter fere th e people wh en brows i ng our c o n tents . I knew that I can t’t ju st learn wh at o u r teac h er tau ght i n t he s c hool e s p e cially w hen I w as a design er. I mu st pay attenti on on the ne we s t t re n d i n m y d a ily life . Therefore, I c an keep th in kin g an d f in din g wh at w i l l i t be i n t he f u t ure, s o I can prepared myself well wh en I am in th e wo rkplac e .
01 02 “Start Moving”
Basic Design /
Vertical / Horizontal Plus Brace 1 : 1 Designer’s Play Locomotion
“Keep Going” Product Design /
21 29 39
Brand Study From Shape From History
Affordance & Product Semantics
07 09 11 13 15 17
47 55
OUR FAN PAGES Nothing_ Xiamen Cultural Industries Fair
“Always Changing”
01 Breakthruogh
Vertical / Horizontal
Size / 300 . 500 . 1000 mm Material / cardboard
Using the transformation of the form, tr ying to express my breakthrough. The work of “Ver tical and horizontal� told me that this is not only a breakthrough in the ratio of beauty, but also a breakthrough in cognitive design.
Caugth Unprepared Plus + Size / 120 . 120 . 1000 mm Material / wood . iron
The cut ax chopped is so deep that makes the tree going to fall. And I want to use this idea to convey the sitution when emergency pop up.It is just like the circumstances in our daily life.We have to beat these challenge that pop up unprepared. Plus is as the name suggests, this job challenges me is to make different materials together, how to use the material to express things, and what the material feels. The material issue is the impor tant problems that I must solve. Because of this project I understand how to combine the different materials together. Through the plus I understand more material around us can be used.
Temperature Of Material
Lextra Brace
Size / 200 . 300 . 500 mm Material / orfit . iron Suppor t + structure + movement . I want to create a device which can wear on our foot just like an armor . Therefore, I make a wearable device that could move ever ywhere we want and also could sit ever ywhere we want . Suppor t structure. I always see a chair is located on the ground, so I imagine can I design a suppor t structure, which can be used by user anywhere.It was a ver y tough project for me to do, not only in the organization has many problems, the most difficult things is how can I combined the hard structure with my feet ver y obediently. After the dozens of failure, and I found the orfit. Finally I solved my difficulties. This project is challenging, but it is also my most accomplished works this year.
Overcome The Big Challenge
Energy 1 : 1
Size / 1200 . 400 . 1700 mm Material / iron . herringbone . cement
Looking At Myself Deeply
When the runner prepare to sprint on the star ting line , he might be both ner vous and excited , and it is my mood , too.The gradual change of the runner ’s thigh muscle is filled with energy and dynamic . This is my attitude that I want to express when doing the design work . It's always fun to looking at yourself. Knowing myself and projecting it in the project will not only make me more aware of myself, but it will also make me learn that when things are as big as people, it must have something to be solved.In my work the angle is too tilted, and it can’t stand, but for tunately, I used the weight of cement to solved my problem.
Collision Designer’s Play
To convey the conflict between new idea and old thinking , I use the soap and cement . Because the characteristic of these two material are similar with my opinion . Using the magnifying glass to obser ve its details between these entirely different stuff . Then we can clearly see the interesting relation on my work .
Between Art And Design
Designer ’s play is the most special project, through the thinking before we go, and from the trip to find the answer. This time we went to Taitung, and I hope that I can travel in this trip to find out the difference between ar t and design, using the materials presented in Taitung local aborigines. Not only the local landscape but also the ar tists we visited, Zeng Zhengyuan greatly gave me a big impact. It is a wonderful experience for me in design.
Size /
200 . 300 . 1000 mm
Material /
copper . soap . cement . wood
Learn From Frustration
Size / 200 . 300 . 1000 mm Material / iron . aluminum . wood . canvas Bag + movement . Combined the thing that ever yone may bring when going out with the wheels . when my bag transformedďźŒit will turn into a vehical . And if you don’t need the bagďźŒwe can also take it away . Mobile devices, a challenging piece of work , from wanting to do a fun way to move, and later because of the technical infeasibility, I have been doing fine-tuning, re-design, until it finally made out. Although the final product is still no way to move, but also because of this, the har vest even more in the past.
Before The Start Of Product Design
Before star ting to designing the products for SONY, we obser ved the shape of their products, tr ying to find out the clues of their form.
The Sketchs Before II Start I sketch some different shape when I am studying the features of SONY.
Model Comfort
Using the round shape to convey comfor t,and the shape below round is connect with the clue “Y”.And it is link with the details behind the round shape.I also use the “Y”shape on headphone to convey comfor t,it’s the same as my design.I use “Y”shape to demonstrate the better readability inadver tently.
Neat 1
Comfort 1 23
Model Neat
I adjust the organic form which is too sensitive for SONY. ThereforeďźŒI simplify my model in order to emphasize its different surfaces.
Neat 2 Comfort 2
M e N
Model Neat 25
M Co
Mododel om-
Combined Neat and Comfor t two concept, and it is also my final model from SONY. It express my feeling of SONY earphone / headphone.
Development Process
Neat + Comfort
BACK The Final Modeling Of SONY
THE MODELING OF NEAT & COMFORT I design two different par ts of feelings. On the front side I tried to express comfor t of SONY. And on the back side I want to tell the people of its neat design. So I use the plump shape to convey its cozy feelings and the sag shape to express its clear feelings.
Brand History
SONY Console Mixer
do you dream in Sony?
We help dreamers dream. 2005
Ubiquitous Value Network
1982 It’s a Sony
like. no. other
Sony United
I research the history of Sony and try to findout its Big ideal. Then concluded the difference between other brands like Samsung and Apple.
Sony’s products is always related to personal experience, like movie, VAIO, PL AYSTATION, WALKMAN and so on. They are not necessities,we can live without them.The reason SONY exist is to create human being’s desire,and go in to their life. SONY provide a dream,in order to achieve this dream, they retain curiosity and sincere.Give mankind a life with carefree and without worries.SONY help us make our dream come ture.
2009 make. believe
Be Moved
TR-55 / TPS-L2 Two products that I studied
Before SONY invent TR-55,the penetration of radio is about 70 percent but listening to radio is a pleasure with family members at that time.It is just like watching TV with our family now.Thus SONY imagine that maybe we could have a personal radio for ever yone.Then SONY made their dream come ture and totally change our habit of listening to radio.
SONY create the culture of personal radio so we could have a good time listening to music for our own.But SONY didn’t stop imagining the dreams.They eager to create a device that could listen to music but also don’t bother anyone.Therefore,SONY subver t the entire world again,they satisfy our craving.With the invention of Walkman,SONY create the headphones/earphones.It is an another popular culture which influence us until now.
Think Think the the way way that that Sony Sony invent invent TR-55 TR-55 TPSL-2 TPSL-2
I put the thinking that SONY invent TR-55 at present. I tr y SONY in ve nt SONY.Therefore, T R- 5 5 a t I to think like wonder presen t .I that t r y istothere t hiankthing exist now but not popular to all of us.Then I think with SONY’s Big Ideal like SONY.Th erefo re,I wo n der th at is t h ere a t hi ng e xi s t again. Finally I found Console Mixer.I also combined the thinking that nowSONY b u t invent n ot pWalkman opu lar with to all u s.Th en I want th in kto wi t h Sthat O Nwhether Y ’s my of concept.Thus,I know is a again possibility to ally createI the to so play bring Big there Ideal . Fin fonew u n dway Con le music M i xeand r.I also also out a new trend to our pop culture.At last I put the idea into my combin ed t h e th in kin g t h at SONY in ven t Wa l km a n wi t h concept,too.
I p u t t h e t hi nki ng t ha t
m y c o n c ep t .Th u s,I wan t to kn ow th at wh et he r t he re i s a possib ilit y to c reate t h e n ew way to p lay m us i c a nd a l s o br ing o u t a n ew tren d to ou r p op c u ltu re.At l a s t I put t he idea in to my c on c ep t ,to o.
Console Mixer
Break the gap between Music lover s and Professional recording.Tr ying to create a simpler and more instinctive console mixer.In order to let us be able to have a good time when we make our own music in spite of we didn’t have professional knowledge.
AUDIO INTERFACE Analog to Digital Signal
MIXER Mix the music
Demo 35
Break the gap between Music lovers and Professional recording.Tr ying to create a simpler and more instinctive console mixer.In order to let us be able to have a good time when we make our own music in spite of we didn’t have professional knowledge.
Using the color to tell the different steps
ConsoleMixer Mixer Console Conceptofofshape shape Concept
Using different shape Using the the different shape andand color to distinguish different color to distinguish the the different parts of function. parts of function.
I redesign interface of console mixer.In order to this let this I redesign the the useruser interface of console mixer.In order to let product more to learn,I research console product more easyeasy to learn,I do do the the research on on howhow console mixer works.First,I changed interface used to see mixer works.First,I changed the the interface thatthat we we used to see on on these products.Second,I used color different these products.Second,I used the the color to to tell tell the the different stage of recording song. stage of recording the the song.
White: effect / sound White: effect / sound fieldfield Grey: Grey: MixMix
Affordance & Product Semantics
Affordance Product Semantics
Affordance is about “how to use.” We can obser ve it when using tools, doing housework or even eating meals.Affordance is ever ywhere in our daily life. It might be a shape, a color, or texture. With these clues,we may expect how to use the products. Other wise, we’ll be ver y confused.
Shape Color Texture
Product Semantics
Affordance also can be more interesting as long as we think it more emotional. Sometimes affordance can be an experience of the object that we used to know. So when there’s a CD player that was combined with the experience of using the fan,we can not only get the clues of using it but also recieved a surprising experience. Therefore, it came to product semantics.
per ience By Naoto Fukasawa
The Major Thinking Of my Product
I kept digging how to design more emotional. Therefore, I have an idea of combining alarm clock with telephone, just like the concept of “Morning Call�. Therefore, we may have another experience when we go to bed. It might be really fun while setting the time.
“Morning Call !”
“Dial The Number To Call Yourself Up”
I design an alarm clock by using the clues of rotar y dial telephone. As our experience of this telephone, we will rotate the turntable unconsciously. Then, we can just set the clock by rotating the turntable.
2 1
7 8
The hole is suitable for people to put their finger s in, and it’s shape is also reasonable for us to use. Therefore, I choose the shape of circle for my products.
Timer 45
Our Brand Nothing_ Xiamen Cultural Industries Fair
This is the Fan Page of design. We will talk about Fashion design, Graphic design, Industrial design, Architectural design, music, and even foods...... We are combined with the student of design department, so our big ideal is to connect the students of Shih Chien design department. We hope that the four different departments can have more communication.
49 49 50 50
My Column
I own an column in our fan page, and it is talking about fashion. I’ll update some new information of fashion. Just like some fashion show, new outfit, or introduction of fashion designer.
Xiamen Cultural Industries Fair 53
“My First Time That I Joined The Exhibition At Foreign Country”
Xiamen Cultural Industries Fair 55
This exhibition is very interesting for me because it is the first time that my work have been seen for the foreigner. Not only much more confidence to myself but also much more passion in design.
“Keep Changing”
HuaiAn-Kan 甘懷安
Changing Portfolio