The christmas recipe book

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Christmas Recipe Book is an eTwinning collaborative work of The

2017-18 3



Classical wheat kutya


Пшенична кутя класична


Roscón de reyes


Roscón de reyes


Kourampiedes (butter cookies)




Shortbread Cookies


Christmas Gingerbread Men


Croatian Christmas Jam Cookies


Hrvatski božićni kolačići s pekmezom






Coconut Balls


Kokos kuglice


Sweet bread

















Cabbage Soup




Fried Fish


Vyprážaná ryba


Potato Salad


Kartoffeln salat


Potato Salad


Zemiakový šalát


Potato Salad




Festive Rice


Γιορτινό Ρύζι



Ingredients Wheat :1 glass; Raisins : 100-150 gr; Poppy seeds : 100 gr; Walnuts :100-150 gr; Honey : 2-3 spoons; Sugar : your taste.

Method Pour wheat into a pan and fill with water in a ratio of 1:3; Cook (boil) on slow heat, stirring from time to time; Shred nuts, put poppy in the bowl with boiling water and grind, put also raisins into boiling water for 2 minutes. Pour out water; when the wheat is cooked, add the prepared ingredients to it and mix; Add honey and sugar if you want to make it sweeter.


Ingredients Пшениця : 1 склянка; Родзинки : 100-150 г; Мак : 100 г; Ядра волоських горіхів : 100-150 г; Мед : 2-3 столові ложки; Цукор : за смаком.

Method пшеницю висиплемо в каструлю і заллємо водою у співвідношенні 1:3; варитимемо на повільному вогні, час від часу помішуючи; подрібнимо горіхи, мак запаримо окропом і розтовчемо, родзинки теж запаримо окропом; коли пшениця звариться, додамо до неї підготовлені інгредієнти; заправимо кутю медом, а якщо хочеться, щоб було ще солодше — додамо й цукру за смаком.


Ingredients 350 grams of baking wheat flour 25 grams of fresh yeast 125 ml of fresh milk 100 grams of sugar 75 grams of butter (left at room temperature for soft malleable texture) 1 whole egg + 1 egg yolk orange zest 1 tbs of rum 1 tsp of orange blossom essence (fit for food) a pinch of salt To decorate: candied fruit, sugar, almonds, or whatever you like

Preparation Put the fresh yeast in warm milk and dissolve with your fingers. Leave for 15 minutes so the yeast activates. Put 320 grams of flour in a bowl. In the center place the orange zest and sugar. When the milk and yeast are ready add it to the center of the flour Stir the center with a spatula, slowly incorporating the flour on the bottom and sides of the bowl until a thin paste forms, however flour must remain on the walls of the bowl Add the butter, the orange blossom essence, the rum, the egg yolk and the salt Mix well with the spatula until you have a sticky dough, incorporating the flour on the walls of the bowl Sprinkle the table you will be working on with the rest of the flour. Put the roscón de reyes dough and knead. It will stick to the surface at first, but as you knead it it will stop sticking. If it's impossible, add some more flour (only if strictly necessary). The dough has to be slightly sticky, but if you slide it quickly through the surface it mustn't adhere to it When the dough is ready shape into a ball. Sprinkle some flour in a large bowl and put the dough in it. Cover with cling film and put the bowl in a warm place, perhaps a room with a heater. The mass must double its volume, and it can take from 2 to 3 hours depending on the temperature When the dough has grown enough remove from the bowl and knead for one minute to remove the air from it. Form a ball with the dough. With both thumbs make a hole in the middle and enlarge to give the roscón de reyes it's shape. It must have more or less the size of the baking tray you will be using Line the tray with baking paper and put the dough on it. It's likely it will shrink a little. Spread it evenly on the tray until it has a good size. If the dough sticks on the baking paper it doesn't matter. Cover the dough with another sheet of baking paper and let it leaven in a warm place until it's size doubles. It should take between 30 and 60 minutes. Once it's leavened, with a brush paint the roscón de reyes with egg batter and decorate to your taste Put the tray in the oven for 25 minutes at 160º C (302º F) until it gets a golden color and remove from the oven. Let it cool before cutting or filling it. If you happen to be visiting Spain during the winter holidays, don't miss out on Roscón de Reyes! 10

Ingredientes 1/2 kg de harina de fuerza 125 gr de azúcar 3 huevos 1 chorrito de agua de azahar 1/2 copita de ron 1 chorro de leche 25 gr de levadura fresca de panadería 1 chorro de agua 1 pizca de sal 150 gr de mantequilla Para decorar: 4 guindas corteza de naranja huevo batido azúcar glas

Elaboración de la receta de Rosco de Reyes tradicional Mezcla en un recipiente la harina con el azúcar, los huevos, el agua de azahar, la copita de ron, la leche, la levadura fresca, el agua y la sal. Amasa con cuidado hasta que te quede una mezcla compacta y sin grumos. Posteriormente, agrega, amasando poco a poco con las manos, la mantequilla hasta que consigas hacer una bola. Deposita la bola de masa en un recipiente, tápala y deja reposar unas horas para que fermente (hasta que duplique o triplique su volumen). Pasado el tiempo de fermentación, vuelve a amasar y dale forma de rosco. Coloca el rosco sobre una placa forrada con papel antiadherente y adórnalo con unas tiras de piel de naranja y unas guindas y déjalo reposar durante un par de horas. Introduce dentro la "sorpresa" y unta toda la superficie del rosco con huevo batido. Hornea a 175ºC durante 15-20 minutos. A la hora de servir, puedes adornar el rosco de Reyes con azúcar glas. Consejo: Cuando introduzcas "la sorpresa" es importante que el muñequito que elijas admita la temperatura del horno, para que no se deshaga.


300 g Dairy butter 120 g Almonds 1/2 te. Baking powder 1 pinch of vanilla powder 110 g Icing sugar + extra for sprinkling 25 g cognac or rum 1 egg yolk 600 g all-purpose flour 1. Spread the almonds on a baking sheet and roast at 160°C in a preheated oven for eight minutes. 2. Allow to cool well. 3. Beat the butter with the icing sugar in the mixer on high speed for about 20 minutes. (The more you beat, the better the dough will be.) 4. Then gradually add the egg yolk. 5. Sift the flour, baking powder and vanilla and add them to the mixture. 6. Finally add the almonds and rum. 7. Shape small round cookies. 8. Press with the finger lightly on top. 9. Place the cookies on a tray, on a baking sheet. 10. Bake in a preheated oven at 170 ° C for 20-30 minutes. 11. Remove from the oven and allow to cool well and then cover them with icing sugar.


300 γρ. Βούτυρο γάλακτος 120 γρ. Αμύγδαλα 1/2 κ.γ. Μπέικιν πάουντερ 1 πρέζα βανίλια σε σκόνη 110 γρ. Άχνη ζάχαρη + επιπλέον για το πασπάλισμα 25 γρ. Ρούμι μαύρο ή κονιάκ 1 κρόκο αυγού 600 γρ. Αλεύρι για όλες τις χρήσεις 1. Ψήνουμε τα αμύγδαλα στους 160 ° C σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο για οκτώ λεπτά. 2. Αφήνουμε να κρυώσουν καλά. 3. Βάζουμε το βούτυρο με την άχνη ζάχαρη στο μίξερ σε υψηλή ταχύτητα για περίπου 20 λεπτά. (Όσο περισσότερο, τόσο καλύτερη θα είναι η ζύμη). 4. Στη συνέχεια, προσθέτουμε σταδιακά τον κρόκο αυγού. 5. Προσθέτουμε στο μείγμα.το αλεύρι, το μπέικιν και τη βανίλια. 6. Τέλος προσθέτουμε τα αμύγδαλα και το ρούμι. 7. Σχηματίζουμε μικρά στρογγυλά μπαλάκια. 8. Πατάμε με το δάκτυλο ελαφρώς από πάνω. 9. Τοποθετούμε τους κουραμπιέδες σε ένα δίσκο με κόλλα ψησίματος. 10. Ψήνουμε σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο στους 170 ° C για 20-30 λεπτά. 11. Βγάζουμε από το φούρνο και αφήνουμε να κρυώσουν καλά προτού στη συνέχεια τα τυλίξουμε με ζάχαρη άχνη.


Ingredients 2 cups butter, softened 1 cup white sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 4 cups all-purpose flour Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180 degrees C). Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Stir in vanilla; add flour and mix well. Put through cookie press and form cookies onto baking sheets. Bake for 10 12 minutes.


100g butter 100g caster sugar 1 egg 225ml treacle (syrup) 1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 1/2 teaspoons warm water 450g plain flour 1 1/2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 50g colourful chocolate chips for decorating, if desired In large bowl, cream butter, sugar, egg and treacle. Dissolve bicarbonate of soda in warm water and add to butter mixture. Beat until smooth. Mix in flour, spices and salt until well blended. Cover and chill for 24 hours. Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas mark 4. Grease baking trays. Roll out dough to a thickness of .5cm on a floured surface. Cut out gingerbread men using manshaped cutters and place 5cm apart on baking trays. Use chocolate chips to make eyes, noses and buttons. Bake 10 to 12 minutes in the preheated oven, or until firm. Let cool on wire racks.


Ingredients 500g plain flour 300g cubed butter 5 tbsp cream 4 egg yolks Pinch of salt 1/2 lemon juiced & the rind (no pith) 200g jam of your choice – we love plum! Note: You will need a cookie cutter. We like to use a star with and without a center hole as pictured.

How to Make Croatian Christmas Jam Cookies Rub the flour and butter in a large bowl with your fingers Mix in the cream, egg yolks, salt and lemon juice & lemon rind with your hands until in turns into a pastry ball. Let it rest for 1 hour Warm the oven at 180°C. Prepare a baking tray lined with baking paper Roll the pastry out to a thickness of 3-4mm With cookie cutters cut out the shape of your choice. Remember to make an even number of cookies with and without holes Bake for about ten mins – or until light brown. Repeat until all the cookies are baked and allow them to cool. Spoon the jam onto the cookies without holes – you can also use a piping bag to make the jam application easier. Add the second cookie on top – if needed add a little more jam to the center Finally, arrange the cookies on a plate and sprinkle powdered with sugar.


Sastojci: 500 g običnog brašna 300 g maslaca 5 žličica kreme 4 žumanjka Prstohvat soli 1/2 soka od limuna i kora (ribana) 200 g džema ili pekmeza po vašem izboru – mi volimo šljivu! Napomena: trebat će vam kalup za rezanje. Možete koristiti zvijezdu sa i bez središnje rupice kao na slici. Kako napraviti kolačiće za božićne kolače: *Pomiješati brašno i maslac u velikoj zdjeli prstima. *Pomiješajte u kremu žumanjke, sol, limunov sok i limunovu koricu dok se smjesa ne pretvori u kompaktnu kuglu. Pustite da tijesto odmara 1 sat. *Zagrijte pećnicu na 180 °C. Pripremite lim s papirom za pečenje. *Razvaljajte tijesto na debljinu od 3-4 mm. *S kalupima za rezanje izrežite oblike po vašem izboru. Ne zaboravite napraviti jednak broj kolačića sa i bez rupe. *Pecite oko deset minuta - ili dok ne postanu svijetlo smeđe boje. Ponovite sve dok se svi kolačići ne ispeku i pustite da se ohlade. *Stavite džem na kolačiće bez rupe - možete koristiti i vrećicu za kreme kako biste si olakšali punjenje kolačića. Dodajte drugi kolačić na vrh - po potrebi dodajte malo više pekmeza u centar. *Konačno, posložite kolačiće na tanjur i pospite šećerom u prahu.


These are very tasty biscuits for tea or coffee eaten during the Christmas time. Preheat the oven at 175°C You need: 250gr flour 210gr butter 80gr sugar 50gr ground hazelnuts 50gr ground almonds 2 sachets of vanilla sugar Mix all the ingredients well until you get a smooth dough. Let it chill in the fridge for one hour. Then form small crescents, bake them at 175°C for 20 minutes until they are light golden. Take them out of the oven and sprinkle them with powdered sugar. Enjoy it.


Dies sind sehr leckere Kekse für Tee oder Kaffee während der Weihnachtszeit gegessen. Ofen auf 175°C vorheizen Sie benötigen: 250g Mehl 210g Butter 80g Zucker 50g geriebene Haselnüsse 50g geriebene Mandeln 2 Päckchen Vanillezucker Alle Zutaten zu einem Teig mischen, für 1 Stunde kalt stellen und dann kleine Kipferl formen. Bei 175°C für 20 Minuten backen bis sie leicht gebräunt sind. dann in einer Mischung aus Puderzucker und Vanillezucker wälzen.


Ingredients 200g of powdered milk 1 cup of sugar (you can use less if you wish) 2 tbsp vanilla extract 120 mls water 200 desiccated coconut (always use fine desiccated coconut so that it’s easier to roll) 125 g butter 100g skinned & toasted hazelnuts How to Make Coconut Balls Warm the water with butter and sugar in a medium size bowl When it comes to a boil, simmer for another 5 minutes and set aside to cool slightly Add to the bowl vanilla, powdered milk and half of the desiccated coconut, stir through and pop in the fridge to cool – while you are waiting for it to cool Once cooled, roll the mixture into small balls – adding a skinned hazelnut into the center of each coconut ball Roll each of the balls into more desiccated coconut, place into a small paper cup and move to a decorative plate.


Sastojci 200 g mlijeka u prahu 1 šalicu šećera (možete koristiti manje ako želite) 2 žlice ekstrakta vanilije 120 ml vode 200 sušeno kokosovo ulje (uvijek koristite fino sušeno kokosovo tijesto, tako da je lakše prevrtati) 125 g maslaca 100g kožnih i prženih lješnjaka Kako napraviti kokos kuglice Zagrijte vodu s maslacem i šećerom u posudi od srednje veličine Kada je riječ o kuhanju, pirjati još 5 minuta i staviti na stranu da malo ohladite Dodajte u zdjelu vanilije, mlijeko u prahu i polovicu sušenog kokosa, promiješajte i popite u hladnjak da se ohladi - dok ga čekate da se ohladi Nakon hlađenja, smjestite smjesu u male kuglice - dodajući kožu lješnjaka u središte svake kugle kokosa Roll svaku od kugli u više osušeni kokos, stavite u malu šalicu papira i premjestite na dekorativnu ploču.


This is a light and sweet Romanian favorite. It is traditionally served at Christmas and Easter and a few other celebrations.

Ingredients 300 g. sugar (1 ½ c.) 1 kg. flour (5 c.) 1 T. vanilla 6 eggs ½ t. salt 200 g. butter (¾ c.) 2-3 T. oil

nut filling: 250 g. walnuts (2 c.) ½ c. rum flavoring ¾ c. milk 1 t. vanilla 1 c. sugar

Directions Preparing the dough: Begin by separating the eggs, reserving both the egg yolks and the egg whites. In a small pan, warm the milk over a medium flame. When the milk is warm, remove 3 tablespoons and continue heating the milk. Place 3 tablespoons of milk in a small bowl or container. Add the yeast, 1 teaspoon of sugar and a little flour. Mix until it is the consistency of a thick cream to proof the yeast (See YEAST in TIPS). Cover and set aside for about 5 minutes. Once the milk on the stove comes to a boil, remove it from the flame. Add the vanilla and mix well. Set aside. In a large bowl, mix together the sugar, egg yolks and salt. Slowly stir the warm milk mixture into the sugar mixture and mix well. Then stir in the yeast mixture and 3 egg whites. Gradually add the remaining flour until it forms a dough, using all the flour. Transfer the dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead. In a small pan, begin melting the butter over a medium flame and stir in the oil. Once melted, remove the butter mixture from the flame. Slowly add the mixture of warm butter and oil until the dough forms bubbles and easily comes off the hands (about ½ hour). Cover bowl with a towel and let rise in a warm, draft free place until it has doubled or tripled in bulk. Generously grease a loaf or baking pan(s). Once the dough has risen, about 1 ½-2 hours, form the dough to the shape of the loaf pan. (This is the point where you would add a filling if desired, see nut or chocolate fillings below.) Allow the dough to rise for at least ½ hour. Before baking, brush the top of the dough with some of the remaining egg whites (or beat one extra egg and glaze with the beaten egg). Bake in a medium high temperature oven for 30-45 minutes. When cooked through, remove the cozonac from the pan and let cool on a wire rack. For nut filling: Begin by grinding or grating the walnuts. In a small pan, heat the sugar, milk and vanilla over a medium flame until the sugar has dissolved. Add the ground nuts while mixing to prevent them from sticking to the bottom of the pan. Bring the mixture to a rolling boil for 1 minute, stirring constantly. The consistency should be similar to a paste. Remove the pan from the heat. Add rum flavoring. Once the mixture has cooled, roll out the cozonac dough and spread the nut mixture over the surface. Roll the dough back up and shape it to the size of the baking pan. Bake as directed above. 22

Acesta este un favorit ușor și dulce românesc. Este servit în mod tradițional la Crăciun și Paste și alte câteva sărbători. Ingrediente 300 g. zahăr (1 ½ c.) 1 kg. făină (5 c) nuca de umplere: 1 T. vanilie 250 g. nuci (2 c) 6 ouă ½ c. aroma de rom ½ t. sare ¾ c. lapte 200 g. unt (¾ c.) 1 t. vanilie 2-3 T. ulei 1 c. zahăr Directii Pregătirea aluatului: Începeți prin separarea ouălor, rezervând atât gălbenușurile de ou, cât și cele de ouă. Într-o tigaie mică, încălziți laptele peste o flacără medie. Când laptele este cald, scoateți 3 linguri și continuați încălzirea laptelui. Așezați 3 linguri de lapte într-un bol mic sau într-un recipient. Adăugați drojdia, 1 linguriță de zahăr și puțină făină. Se amestecă până când este consistența unei creme groase pentru a dovedi drojdia (vezi YEAST în TIPS). Acoperiți și lăsați-o la o parte timp de aproximativ 5 minute. Odată ce laptele de pe sobă ajunge la fierbere, scoateți-l din flacără. Adăugați vanilia și amestecați bine. Pus deoparte. Într-un castron mare, amestecați împreună zahărul, gălbenușurile de ou și sarea. Se amestecă lent amestecul de lapte cald în amestecul de zahăr și se amestecă bine. Apoi amestecați amestecul de drojdie și 3 alburi de ou. Treptat adăugați făina rămasă până când se formează un aluat, folosind toată făina. Transferați aluatul pe o suprafață ușor frecat și frământați. Într-o tigaie mică începeți să topiți untul peste o flacără medie și amestecați în ulei. După topire, scoateți amestecul de unt din flacără. Adăugați încet amestecul de unt cald și ulei până când aluatul formează bule și se desprinde ușor de pe mâini (aproximativ ½ oră). Acoperiți vasul cu un prosop și lăsați-l să urce într-un loc cald, liber, până când se va dubla sau se va triple în vrac. Depuneți cu grijă o pâine sau o tavă de copt. Odată ce aluatul sa ridicat, aproximativ 1 ½ - 2 ore, formați aluatul până la forma tigaiului. (Acesta este punctul în care adăugați o umplutură dacă doriți, vedeți umpluturile de nuci sau ciocolată de mai jos.) Permiteți aluatului să se ridice timp de cel puțin ½ oră. Înainte de a coace, periați partea de sus a aluatului cu unele dintre restul de ou alb (sau bateți un ou în plus și glazura cu oul bătut). Coaceți într-un cuptor cu temperatură medie de 30-45 de minute. Când este preparat, scoateți cozonacul din tigaie și lăsați-l să se răcească pe un suport de sârmă. Pentru umplerea cu piuliță: Începeți prin șlefuirea sau ștanțarea nuci. Într-o tigaie mică, încălziți zahărul, laptele și vanilia peste o flacără medie până când zahărul se dizolvă. Adăugați piulițele măcinate în timpul amestecării, pentru a evita lipirea acestora de fundul tăvii. Se aduce amestecul la fierbere timp de 1 minut, amestecând constant. Consistența ar trebui să fie similară cu o pastă. Scoateți tava din căldură. Adăugați aroma de rum. Odată ce amestecul s-a răcit, scoateți aluatul de cozonac și împrăștiați amestecul de piuliță peste suprafață. Rotiți aluatul înapoi și formați-l la dimensiunea tăvii de coacere. Coaceți așa cum este indicat mai sus.


400 g Orange juice 530 g sunflower oil or olive oil 50 g cow butter, melted (gives a nice scent) 30 g powdered sugar 1/2 tsp. baking soda 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/5 tsp. cloves 1 orange, its zest 1200 g flour for all uses 1/2 kg of walnuts coarsely chopped for serving For the Syrup 500 g water 700 g sugar 1 orange cut in half 2 cinnamon sticks 100 g honey

For the syrup In a saucepan, put the water, sugar, orange and cinnamon sticks. Let them boil for 1 minute (from the minute boiling starts). Pour the honey and let it cool down. Melomakarona In a large bowl, pour all the liquids and butter. Add the sugar, soda and all herbs together. Mix very well and then add the flour. Gently continue mixing by hand from the center outwards so that the dough does not "twist". We place the melomakarona (in small oval shapes) in a baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven at 180 ° C for about 30 minutes until they get a dark golden color. Then we put the warm melomakarona in the cold syrup. Let them for about 1 minute. Take them out and leave them in a sieve to drain. Place them on a platter and pour some honey and finely chopped walnuts. 24

400 γρ. χυμός πορτοκαλιού 530 γρ. ηλιέλαιο ή ελαιόλαδο 50 γρ. βούτυρο αγελάδος, λιωμένο (δίνει ωραίο άρωμα) 30 γρ. άχνη ζάχαρη 1/2 κ.γ. μαγειρική σόδα 1/4 κ.γ. κανέλα 1/5 κ.γ. γαρίφαλο 1 πορτοκάλι, το ξύσμα του 1200 γρ. αλεύρι για όλες τις χρήσεις 1/2 κιλό καρύδια χοντροκομμένα για το σερβίρισμα Σιρόπι 500 γρ. νερό 700 γρ. ζάχαρη 1 πορτοκάλι κομμένο στα 2 2 ξυλάκια κανέλας 100 γρ. μέλι Σιρόπι Σε μια κατσαρόλα βάζουμε το νερό, τη ζάχαρη, το πορτοκάλι και τα ξυλάκια κανέλας. Βάζουμε στη φωτιά, αφήνουμε να βράσει για 1 λεπτό (από όταν αρχίσει ο βρασμός) και αποσύρουμε. Ρίχνουμε το μέλι και το αφήνουμε να κρυώσει. Μελομακάρονα Σ’ ένα βαθύ σκεύος ρίχνουμε όλα τα υγρά και το βούτυρο. Προσθέτουμε την άχνη, τη σόδα και όλα τα μυρωδικά μαζί. Ανακατεύουμε με το χέρι πολύ καλά και προσθέτουμε το αλεύρι. Συνεχίζουμε απαλά το ανακάτεμα με το χέρι από το κέντρο προς τα έξω έτσι ώστε να μην «κορδώσει» η ζύμη (δεν χρειάζεται πολύ ανακάτεμα για να μη σφίξει). Πλάθουμε τα μελομακάρονα σε μικρά οβάλ σχήματα και περνάμε τη μια επιφάνειά τους σε τρίφτη ή σε σήτα για να αποκτήσει σαγρέ όψη. Τα 25

τοποθετούμε σε μία λαδόκολλα και ψήνουμε σε προθερμασμένο φούρνο στους 180°C για 30 λεπτά περίπου, έως ότου πάρουν σκούρο χρυσαφί χρώμα. Μόλις βγουν από το φούρνο τα ρίχνουμε ζεστά στο κρύο σιρόπι. Με μια κουτάλα τα γυρίζουμε για 1 λεπτό περίπου. Τα βγάζουμε και τα αφήνουμε σε σήτα να στραγγίξουν. Σε μια πιατέλα βάζουμε λίγο μέλι και χοντροκομμένο καρύδι. Τοποθετούμε μια στρώση από τα μελομακάρονα και επαναλαμβάνουμε την ίδια διαδικασία αρκετές φορές.



Preparation: 1 medium size bakalar (dried cod) 1 lb of potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced 4 cloves of garlic, chopped 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley 1 cup of virgin olive oil Salt and freshly ground black pepper Soak the bakalar in cold water for 48 hours, changing the water every eight hours. Peel the skin off and flake the fish. Remove the bones and the brown gut section. Cook the bakalar in water in a large pot for 2-3 hours over a medium heat. Cook potatoes separately. Drain both well. Place both into a large bowl and add parsley, salt, pepper, oil and garlic and mix until the dish is almost a paste containing lumps of potato. In Dalmatia, bakalar (dried cod) soup is the traditional dish for Christmas Εve. On Christmas day, it's customary to eat pasticada (Dalmatian pot roast), sometimes sarma (stuffed cabbage), raisin doughnuts, krostuli (traditional Christmas doughnuts, finely knotted, fried and dusted with icing sugar), as well as dried figs and nuts.


Priprema: 1 bakalar srednje veličine (sušeni) 1kg krumpira, oguljenog i tanko narezanog 4 režnja češnjaka, sitno nasjeckanog 1žlica sjeckanog peršina 1 šalica djevičanskog maslinovog ulja Sol i svježe mljeveni crni papar Namačite bakalar u hladnoj vodi 48 sati, promijenite vodu svakih 8 sati. Ogulite kožu i filetirajte ribu. Uklonite kosti i crijeva. Kuhajte bakalar u vodi u velikom loncu 2-3 sata na srednjoj temperaturi. Kuhajte krumpir zasebno. Ocijedite oboje dobro. Stavite oboje u veliku zdjelu te dodajte peršin, sol, papar, ulje i češnjak, miješajte dok sadržaj posude ne postane gotovo kao tijesto koje sadrži krumpir. U Dalmaciji, juha od bakalara (sušeni bakalar) je tradicionalno jelo za Božić. Na Božić je običaj jesti pašticadu, ponekad sarmu (punjeni kupus), krafne, kroštule (tradicionalne božićne krafne, fino zafrkane, pržene i posipane sa glazurom od šećera), kao i suhe smokve i orasi.


Preparation: Take an entire pickled cabbage head. Wash each leaf thoroughly. Remove the thick part of the stem without tearing the leaves. It’s best to allow the leaves to drain on some paper towel or to pat each one dry. Take a large mixing bowl, and combine:

1 kg of mince meat. We prefer to use 50% pork neck and 50%veal. 200 grams of finely diced bacon. 4 peeled & crushed garlic cloves 1/2 bunch roughly chopped parsley leaves 3 tablespoons of soda water or a pinch of bicarbonate soda 1 cup of uncooked rice 1 1/2 tablespoons Vegeta 1 tablespoons of hot paprika. (optional) 1 tablespoons of sweet paprika. (optional) 2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs (optional) Salt & pepper to taste 1 egg 1 tablespoon olive oil Mix all of the ingredients until well combined Let’s Roll You want each of the leaves to be about the same size so that each cabbage roll cooks at the same time. So go ahead and cut any large leaves in half, and also join two smaller leaves together as you go. Take approx 3 tablespoons of the minced meat, and gently combine in the palm of your hand. Do not roll or compress as this will make them too dense when you eat them. Place the meat on the edge of the cabbage leaf and roll away from you. Then tuck in the sides of the leaf gently into the meat. There should be no exposed meat. If there is remove some of the filling. Set these aside, and prepare the sauce.

Sauce Ingredients 2 onions 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 100 grams diced smoked bacon (pancetta) or smoked bones 1/2 bunch chopped parsley 2 carrots diced small 400 g passata 1/2 kilo shredded sauerkraut. Make sure you give it a rinse in fresh water before use. salt pepper In a shallow sauce pan splash in some Extra Virgin Olive oil (EVOO) add the 2 diced onions and cook until transparent on a low-med heat. Then add the 2 diced carrots, diced speck and parsley. Continue to fry on low-med heat until carrots start to soften. Add the shredded sauerkraut and create a layer on the bottom of the saucepan. Now pack the Croatian sarma into the saucepan. They should be packed close together. Now pour in boiling water so that it just covers the sarma. Add the passata and a pinch of salt and pepper. Every 15 minutes give the saucepan a shake. Tip: Never mix with a spoon as you will break the sarma. The sarma should simmer now for 2-2 1/2 hours. The way to test if it’s ready is to take one out and try it. The cabbage should have softened. 30

Priprema: Uzmite glavicu kiselog kupusa. Svaki list isperite temeljito. Odstranite deblji dio pazeći da ne iskidate listove. Najbolje bi bilo da ih osušite na papirnatim ručnicima. Uzmite veliku zdjelu za miksanje, zatim dodajte: 1 kilogram mljevenog mesa. Najbolje je uzeli pola kilograma svinjetine i pola kilograma teletine.

200 grams sitno narezanog špeka. 4 režnja češnjaka (protisnutog) 1/2 grančice grubo narezanog peršina 3 žlice mineralne vode ili prstohvat sode bikarbone. 1 šalica nekuhane riže 1 1/2 žlice Vegete 1 žlica ljute crvene paprike. (po želji) 1 žlica crvene paprike. (po željil) 2 žlice krušnih mrvica (po želji) Sol & papar 1 jaje 1 tžlica maslinovog ulja Pomiješajte sve sastojke dok se ne objedine. Motajmo sarmice Bilo bi najbolje kada bi svi listovi bili jednaki kako bi svaka rolica bila kuhana u isto vrijeme. Velike listove možete prepoloviti, a 2 manja spojiti. Uzmite, odprilike, 3 žlice mljevenog mesa i lagano oblikujte u dlanovima. Nemojte rolati ili stiskati jer će meso postati previše zgusnuto i gumenasto kada ćete ga jesti. Stavite meso na rub lista zelja i zarolajte. Zatim lagano zavucite rubove zelja u meso. Meso ne bi trebalo viriti. Ako ga ipak ima onda smanjite punjenje. Stavite to postrani i pripremite umak. Umak

Sastojci 2 luka 3 žlice ekstra djevičanskog ulja 100 grama narezane dimljene pancete (pancetta) ili rebrica 1/2 grančice nasjeckanog peršina 2 sitno narezane mrkve 400 g pelata / umaka od rajčice 1/2 kilograma isjeckanog kiselog kupusa. Isperite ga u vodi prije upotrebe. sol papar U plitku posudi za umake staviti malo ekstra djevičanskog maslinovog ulja (EVOO), dodajte 2 nasjeckana luka i kuhajte dok se ne zažuti, na srednje jakoj vatri. Zatim dodajte 2 narezane mrkve, kockice špeka i peršina. Nastavite s prženjem na laganoj vatri dok mrkva ne omekša. Dodajte isjeckan kiseli kupus i stvorite sloj na dnu posude za umake. Sada posložite hrvatsku sarmu u posudu.Treba ih posložiti jednu do druge. Sada ulijte kipuću vodu, toliko da pokriva sarmu. Dodajte pasiranu rajčicu, prstohvat soli i papra. Svakih 15 minuta protresite lončić. Savjet: Nikada nemojte miješati sa žlicom jer ćete razmrviti sarmu. Sarma se treba kuhati 2-2 1/2 sata. Način testiranja ako je sarma kuhana - uzeti jednu i probati. Kupus bi trebao biti omekšan. 31

Kapustnica (cabbage soup) is a Slovak thick soup traditionally prepared at the end of the year – for Christmas and New Year’s Eve. Kapustnica can be prepared in a lot of ways (ingredients, length of cooking, etc.), it differs from region to region. In some regions, Kapustnica may contain smoked meat, sausages and mushrooms, in some regions it is much simpler soup. Those prepared for special holidays are also different. For example, Vianočná Kapustnica (Christmas Cabbage Soup) is cooked without meat, it is thickened with white plain halušky, cream and potatoes. Preparation time: 1 hour Ingredients:

Sauerkraut : 0,5 kg Pork : 0,5 kg Dried mushrooms Sausage : 1 piece Onion : 2 small pieces Garlic : 2 cloves Sour Cream : 1 cup Clove, nutmeg, caraway, bay leaf, black pepper, paprika, red pepper

Instructions: 1. Put sauerkraut with a liter of water into a large pot. 2. Turn 2 cloves of garlic into a paste and add it to the sauerkraut. 3. Add black pepper, caraway seeds, cloves and nutmeg, dried mushrooms, 2 bay leaves and onions. 4. Cut pork into small pieces and add it to the rest of used ingredients. 5. Sometimes more water is needed. Add it if necessary and let it cook for 20 minutes. 6. While cooking, cut the sausage into small pieces (Hungarian sausage is a good choice) and add it after the mentioned 20 minutes of cooking. 7. Add red pepper and paprika, cover the pot and simmer for approximately 30 minutes. 8. Typically, the soup is served with sour cream added after cooking, but it is up to you, how you like it. 32

Kapustnica je slovenská hustá polievka tradične pripravovaná na konci roka – na Vianoce a na Silvestra. Kapustnica sa môže pripravovať rôznymi spôsobmi, je iná v každom regióne. V niektorých oblastiach môže kapustnica obsahovať údené mäso, klobásy a huby, niekde je to oveľa jednoduchšia polievka. Aj tie, ktoré sa pripravujú na špeciálne sviatky sú odlišne. Napríklad Vianočná kapustnica sa varí bez mäsa, je zahustená haluškami, smotanou a zemiakmi. Čas prípravy: 1 hodina Ingrediencie: kyslá kapusta : 0,5 kg bravčové mäso : 0,5 kg sušené huby klobása : 1 kus cibuľa : 2 menšie cesnak : 2 strúčiky kyslá smotana : 1 hrnček klinček, muškátový oriešok, rasca, bobkový list, čierne korenie, mletá paprika, červená paprika Inštrukcie: 1. Položte kyslú kapustu do veľkého hrnca a zalejte litrom vody. 2. Pretlačte 2 strúčiky cesnaku a pridajte do kyslej kapusty. 3. Pridajte čierne korenie, rascu, klinčeky a muškátový oriešok, sušené huby, 2 bobkové listy a cibuľu. 4. Narežte bravčové mäso na malé kúsky a pridajte k zvyšku ingrediencií. 5. Niekedy je potrebné väčšie množstvo vody. Ak je to potrebné, pridajte vodu a varte 20 minút. 6. Počas varenia narežte klobásu na malé kúsky (maďarská klobása je dobrá voľba) a pridajte ju po spomínaných 20 minútach do polievky. 7. Pridajte červenú papriku, zakryte a nechajte vrieť približne 30 minút. 8. Polievka sa podáva s kyslou smotanou, ktorú podľa vlastnej chuti môžete pridať po odstavení kapustnice.


Fried Fish is part of the Christmas Dinner in most of Slovak families. It is easy to prepare and very tasty. It is served with potato salad which recipe is just below this one. Preparation time: 20 minutes Ingredients:     

Fish fillet Eggs :2-3 pieces Flour : 4-5 tablespoons (tbsp) Bread crumbs : 4-5 tbsp Oil

Instructions: 1. First of all, rinse the fish fillet under running water and dry it using paper towel. 2. Prepare three bowls in a row. One bowl of flour, another bowl of eggs (well mixed) and a bowl of bread crumbs. 3. Coat the fillets in flour first, than in eggs, and finally in bread crumbs. 4. Put the fillets into the heated oil and fry it (both sides). It takes only a few minutes.


Vyprážaná ryba je súčasťou vianočnej večere vo väčšine slovenských rodín. Príprava je veľmi jednoduchá a výsledok veľmi chutný. Podáva sa so zemiakovým šalátom, recept ktorého nájdete nižšie.

Čas prípravy: 20 minút Ingrediencie:  rybie filety  vajcia : 2-3  múka : 4-5 polievkových lyžíc  strúhanka : 4-5 polievkových lyžíc  olej Inštrukcie: 1. Najprv umyte rybie filety pod tečúcou vodou a vysušte ich papierovou utierkou. 2. Pripravte si tri misky vedľa seba. Do jednej misky pripravte múku, do druhej vajcia (dobre vymiešané) a do tretej strúhanku. 3. Obaľte filety najprv v múke, potom vo vajíčkach a nakoniec v strúhanke. 4. Vložte filety do rozpáleného oleja a vyprážajte (z oboch strán). Pražíme len niekoľko minút.


Potato salad with sausages is eaten by many Germany on Christmas Eve. You need: 1kg cooked and peeled potatoes, finely sliced 1 big apple, finely diced 2 pickled cucumbers, finely diced 1 big onion or spring onions, chopped 1 red sweet pepper, finely diced salt, pepper, sour cream Put all the ingredients into a big bowl, mix well and let them chill for one hour. Heat the sausages. Enjoy your meal.


Diesen Salat mit Würstchen ist man in vielen Familien am Heiligen Abend. Sie benötigen: 1kg gekochte und geschälte Kartoffeln, fein geschnitten 1 großer Apfel, fein gewürfelt 2 eingelegte Gurken, fein gewürfelt 1 große Zwiebel oder Frühlingszwiebeln, gehackt 1 rote Paprika, fein gewürfelt Salz, Pfeffer, Sauerrahm

Die in Scheiben geschnittenen gekochten Kartoffeln und die in feine Würfel geschnittenen saure Gurken, Zwiebel, Paprika und Apfel in einer großen Schüssel mit Salz, Pfeffer und Salatcreme mischen. Etwas ziehen lassen und in der Zwischenzeit die Würstchen erhitzen.


Potato salad is usually served at Christmas Dinner as a side dish for the fried fish. Preparation time: 1 hour preparation + few hours to let it stand in the fridge Ingredients:       

Potatoes : 4-5 bigger pieces Onion : a half Sweet peas : medium can Carrots : 3 pieces Eggs : 2 pieces Mayonnaise : 6-7 tablespoons (tbsp) Salt, black pepper, paprika

Instructions: 1. Boil unpeeled potatoes and peeled carrots in salted water in separated pots. 2. Also, boil 2 eggs. 3. Cut half of an onion, pickles and carrots that are soft already into small cubes; combine them in a separate pot. 4. When the potatoes are almost done (soft outside with a slightly hard core in the middle), take them out, peel and slice them and finally add them to the pot full of vegetables. 5. It is time to add the mayonnaise now. 6. Last ingredients are eggs; mix them into the salad. 7. For even better taste use salt and black pepper. 8. Leave it in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.


Zemiakový šalát sa zvyčajne servíruje ako príloha k vyprážanej rybe počas vianočnej večere. Čas prípravy: 1 hodina príprava + niekoľko hodín nechať odstáť v chladničke Ingrediencie: zemiaky : 4-5 (väčšie) cibuľa : polovica hrášok : stredne veľká plechovka mrkva : 3 kusy vajcia : 2 majonéza : 6-7 polievkových lyžíc soľ, čierne korenie, mletá paprika Inštrukcie: 1. Uvarte zemiaky v šupke a ostrúhané mrkvy v slanej vode v oddelených nádobách. 2. Taktiež uvarte 2 vajcia. 3. Narežte polovicu cibule, uhorky a mrkvy, ktoré sú mäkké, na malé kocky a premiešajte. 4. Keď sú zemiaky takmer hotové (mäkké zvonka a trocha tvrdé vo vnútri), vyberte ich, olúpte a narežte a pridajte k ostatnej zelenine. 5. Je čas pridať majonézu. 6. Poslednou ingredienciou sú vajcia, zamiešajte ich do šalátu. 7. Pre zlepšenie chuti použite soľ a čierne korenie. 8. Nechajte odstáť v chladničke niekoľko hodín predtým, ako budete šalát podávať.


Potato salad is usually served at Christmas Dinner as a side dish. Preparation time: 1 hour preparation + few hours to let it stand in the fridge Ingredients: 6-7 Potatoes One small Onion 6-7 small pickles Lemon juice 1 teaspoon mustard 10 tablespoons (tbsp) Mayonnaise Salt, black pepper, paprika

Instructions: Boil peeled potatoes, cut in small cubes, in salted water. Cut the onion in thin slices and put it in salted water for half an hour When the potatoes are done (soft outside with a slightly hard core in the middle), put them in a bowl and pour lemon juice with mustard. Then add a tablespoon of mayonnaise, the onion and pickles in slices. Mix everything and cover the salad with mayonnaise. Leave the salad in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.


Η πατατοσαλάτα σερβίρεται συνήθως στο χριστουγεννιάτικο δείπνο ως συνοδευτικό πιάτο. Χρόνος προετοιμασίας: 1 ώρα προετοιμασία + λίγες ώρες στο ψυγείο Συστατικά: 6-7 Πατάτες Ένα μικρό κρεμμύδι 6-7 μικρά αγγουράκια τουρσί Χυμός λεμονιού 1 κουταλάκι του γλυκού μουστάρδα 10 κουταλιές της σούπας μαγιονέζα Αλάτι, μαύρο πιπέρι, πάπρικα Οδηγίες: Ξεφλουδίζουμε τις πατάτες, τις κόβουμε σε μικρούς κύβους και τις βράζουμε σε αλατισμένο νερό. Κόβουμε το κρεμμύδι σε λεπτές φέτες και το βάζουμε σε αλατισμένο νερό για μισή ώρα Όταν οι πατάτες βράσουν (μαλακές από έξω κι ελαφρώς σκληρές στη μέση), τις βάζουμε σε ένα μπολ και ρίχνουμε χυμό λεμονιού με μουστάρδα. Στη συνέχεια, προσθέτουμε μια κουταλιά της σούπας μαγιονέζα, το κρεμμύδι και τα τουρσιά σε φέτες. Ανακατεύουμε και καλύπτουμε τη σαλάτα με μαγιονέζα. Αφήνουμε την σαλάτα στο ψυγείο για μερικές ώρες πριν την σερβίρουμε.


This festive rice is usually served at Christmas or New Year’s Day Dinner as a side dish. Preparation time: half hour preparation Ingredients: One small onion One cup wild rice Cashew, walnuts, chestnuts, pine seeds and pistachios. Salt, pepper. One tablespoon olive oil and one butter Parmesan flakes Instructions: Cut the onion in small pieces. Melt the butter with the olive oil and fry the onion with the nuts and the wild rice. Add two cups of hot water, salt, pepper and let it boil for about ten minutes. Serve with parmesan flakes.


Αυτό το ρύζι σερβίρεται συνήθως στο τραπέζι των Χριστουγέννων ή της Πρωτοχρονιάς ως ένα συνοδευτικό πιάτο. Χρόνος προετοιμασίας: μισή ώρα Συστατικά: Ένα μικρό κρεμμύδι Ένα φλιτζάνι άγριο ρύζι Κάσιους, καρύδια, κάστανα, κουκουνάρι και φιστίκια Αιγίνης. Αλάτι πιπέρι. Μια κουταλιά ελαιόλαδο και μία βούτυρο Νιφάδες παρμεζάνας Οδηγίες: Ψιλοκόβουμε το κρεμμύδι. Λιώνουμε το βούτυρο με το ελαιόλαδο και τηγανίζουμε το κρεμμύδι με τους ξηρούς καρπούς και το άγριο ρύζι. Προσθέτουμε δύο φλιτζάνια ζεστό νερό, αλάτι, πιπέρι και αφήνουμε να βράσει για περίπου δέκα λεπτά. Σερβίρουμε με νιφάδες παρμεζάνας.




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