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Coordinated by: Sabina Shikhlinskaya, Bahram Khalilov


Union of Azerbaijan Artists

United Artists' Club

Center of Contemporary Art


The USSR-remix project includes the works of visual art, photography, video-art and multimedia generations who have had spent. Participants are generations Azerbaijani artists who partially have lived their lives in the USSR. Each of the participants' individual artistic experience allows us to see a broader picture that we could call “Azerbaijan idea” of recognizing the Soviet past. In a sense, this particular project may be equally called nostalgic as well as futuristic. By usage of the artistic game the project allows to go through the past in our minds getting rid of the Soviet myths. In general, the USSR image is presented by tree different features which compliment one another. Those features may be described as three modules. The first module - nostalgic. It was the country, which many of us lived by the hope for future garden-city. The country, where we were young. The country, it seemed to us, which granted us equal opportunities. The country, which, by many of us today, is being pictured as idyllic. The country, which many of us remember with unprecedented nostalgia. The second – realistically-historical. It was the country of the imprisoned nations. The country, which was the evil dwelling for the others. The country, where we lived most of our lives condemned for captivity. The country, where most of our ideas were predestined to stay unrealized. The country, which one wants to forget and never come back to it.

The third module – unconsciously-destructive. It was the country, which had disappeared from the political map of the world, still being imprinted in our unconsciousness. The country, which occurred to be our aging illness. The country, which reminds of itself in us every time when we evince our infancy and weaknesses. The country, which will stay with us as an eternal relapse of our enslaved submission. Each of the artists at the exhibition keeps in mind a personalized image of USSR and represent the subjective point of view. The three mentioned above modules and their various mixtures which could represent a unique image. In any case, these would be pieces about the country we lived in and conscious or unconscious imagery of the personal experiences. Consequently, the USSR images observed at the exhibitions may bring relative associations to the viewers. On the other hand, images at the exhibition redirect the viewers' minds and emotions toward creating their own personal USSR experience. Involvement of the viewers in an artistic game is the main goal of such a conceptual exhibition. In addition to that, the usage of forms of irony in combination with the above is the best way of parting with one's historical past.

Rahman Badalov, PhD, art critic


Grand Tour of Confused Nostalgia Photo Collage, 2006-2008 C-Print, Dimension variable

A project in progress exploring the after life of communist era myths, utopian projects, texts, functional objects, misused inventions and artifacts.

# 1. Grand Tour An installation of four C-Prints (a,b,c,d), 60 x 48 cm each, mounted on board. Yellow masking tape, indicating a warning sign, frames the images. a. Dream THE AEROFLOT BUILDING, an unrealized project for Moscow from 1934, is one of the most beautiful samples of architectural drafting from the pre-computer era. b. Public Swimming Pool The PALACE of SOVIETS was an unrealized project from 1934. Dozens of historic buildings and churches were destroyed to clear the location for the palace, but in the end a gigantic swimming pool was built instead. c. Glamour HOTEL MOSCOW, a partially realized project in 1936, was the first communist era five star hotel d. Souvenir A fragment of the BERLIN WALL installed in New York City, USA on East 53 Street, next to a fancy restaurant and one block east of the Museum of Modern Art was, in the past, part of a fearful functional object.

Self Portrait in Rainproof Jacket Diptich, 2009 C-Print, Dimension variable



Following Prisoner or Takeaway perfomance 2010



Money Faces Pre-Post series, multimedia installation, c prints 2007-2010

If it is the truth that the borders of countries are the scars of war; then, the money is its face. Money is a new idol of the new religion of prosperity. Some say they do not stink! It is not totally correct. Though, it is true that striving toward making money people's actions do so a lot more that the money itself, for money is simply paper and ink. The images which are presented on the currency surfaces usually reflect philosophy and goals of each country. At this point, money's worth is more than the nominal number. It caries the The value of the money is an illusion as people on their surface and their sayings or ideas. Only doings are actual. Only intentions are real. Are we not the value of the money with our intentions and actions or the money is the value of us? Do we value the money or it is us?!



Lenin Installation 2010



Photo project The Nargin is the island situated near Baku – the capital city of Azerbaijan. It is a small island, long and flat, and it is strategically situated close to Baku. As you get close to the Nargin peculiar feelings takes over you. From a historical point, this island is a strange, scary and an unpredictable place, and at the same time it looks like a paradise, simple and naïve. There are many stories about this island's past. Since the times of Russian Empire this island served as a home for the Baku Garrison. Mission of the garrison was to provide security for Baku or this island used as a dacha of a general. Some claim political prisoners were kept and executed here. Some believe at night ghosts of these dead prisoners and soldiers appear. There are many underground passages like a spider web. When you visit the Nargin, you will leave with the impression of a war zone: ruined barracks, damaged fences, leftover pieces from buildings and a huge graveyard for navy ships. One thing is for sure; the island definitely has a bad image. One must imagine how many people might have passed through this hell during the time of Stalin's repression. Here, on the island of Nargin, there is a lighthouse rising above the low hill from the ruins of our colonized past. Its light helps passing by ships to maneuver towards their destiny. One might also interpret its light as a scream from the heart of this dark times; trying to reminds us dangers of imperialism in our past and now.

Nargin. Island near Baku – the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan photography, 30x45 cm 2002

My Hi stor y print on fabric, 50x100 cm 2009

(history of triptiych) I was born in Soviet Azerbaijan. I remember those “quiet” times that I associated with a lot of red color and widespread negligence. Soviet regime made up for the longer part of my life. At some point, as I started realizing that the regime was really not as it was presented to us, I became disappointed, disgusted and scared. I was disappointed because of my family and friends and also because of the misled and indoctrinated people - all of us that had to live there. But it was my life, it was our common shared Soviet life and I could not get away from it. I could not hide, no matter how much I really wanted to. I also could not change anything. The only thing I could do was to continue thinking and trying to survive. Surviving for the sake of sharing this small part of our common past history. Soviet ideology was engraved in people’s minds in our country. People did not have faith in any other life. People even lost faith in God. Soviets would have never imagined that such mighty regime could ever crumble. But the world history has already proven the fact that empires do not last forever. Today’s life cannot be imagined without taboos and stereotypes. For instance one of the ideologies of mass culture is the symbol of “McDonald’s”. I am using the big M symbol in my work as a metaphor for the intervention of mass Western culture in our life. Referring to the dilemma of my country’s independence, I juxtapose the symbol of McDonald’s fast food chain to the Soviet regime. It is clear to me how one ideology – Western, replaced the old one – Soviet. One type of dependency became another type. Are we really independent or did we just change orientation? In order to summarize my thoughts on these three stages of history: past – Soviet, present -Azerbaijani and future – Western, I would like to pose these unavoidable polemic questions: Will I ever leave Soviet epoch? Do I live in present Azerbaijan or the past Soviet Union? Do I love the imposed Western culture?




Windows cut through earth, cut into air... Photographs of Azeri refugee camps. Sabirabad. 1995-1996

Chadir (The Tent) photoinstallation, 2009



Artefacts installation, digital prints, objects 2010



Knoking down (BakuSoviet) video, 5' 2007 In my opinion, the idea of Soviet Union has been imposed to people. It was colonization under red union. But no artificially imposed "element" can live a long life. After acquisition of freedom, post Soviet state developed an urge to erase Soviet Union off the memories. And you eyewitness the process.

The Belt oil on canvas, 160x140 cm 2010



Ave Maria video 3’, digital print 2007

«It's time to gather stones…» Over its history the mankind hesitates between the Believe in God and the Denial of Him. Establishment of the Communist regime in Russia and its outskirts led to formation of totalitarian state and became one of the most large-scale and monstrous in its manifestationforms of the Denial of God. Time of militant atheism is over, and the temples – the God Houses – are erecting from ruins and glimmering with its purity. It's time to gather stones…



Very Very Red Installation 2010



THE CHAIRS Video 3' 2010

In the movie “Chairs” the leaders and the politicians have been presented in the image of chairs. The chair is the integrated attribute of any government. Actually, this is something like, the subject symbolizing the authority itself. In the middle ages, this inanimate subject was the throne. Nowadays, this attribute is changing day after day, but it is not changing its assignment – its nature. Think over it well!



Robot in front of a machinery plant. Sumgayit, Azerbaijan 50x50 cm, gelatin silver print 2006

Metal scrap and remnants of old Soviet ships. Ship cemetery at Bibi Heybat, Azerbaijan 50x50 cm, gelatin silver print 2006

Monument to Kolkhoz worker. Astara, Azerbaijan 50X50 cm, gelatin silver print 2006

Flee market loader on artists' alley. Baku, Azerbaijan 50x50 cm, gelatin silver print 2006

Pipe dreams. Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey projection, 14’, 2010 Oil and gas pipelines are the modern-day arteries of our world, transporting precious hydrocarbons, the blood of our civilization. Even in the current economic crisis, as the world’s economy still expands, demand for energy grows, and the needy fingers of oil companies reach further and deeper into the earth. Snaking 1,700 kilometers through five conflict zones, in the shadow of the Caucasus mountains, the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan (BTC) pipeline maneuvers through a delicate web of social, environmental and political concerns. Carrying one million barrels of oil daily to the West, while combating Russian energy influence, this pipeline project is a part of “the New Great Game”, a game that affects the lives of millions of citizens in the adjoining countries of Azerbaijan, Georgia and Turkey. From slum dwellers who lost homes to an oil-bloated real-estate boom to victims of unresolved conflicts and female sex workers attracted by the petro-bonanza, the impoverished people I met in this six-year photographic journey bear the brunt of efforts to allay the West’s appetite for oil. The purpose of this book is to portray the human cost of a multi-billion dollar project - the price paid by those who lost their farms and livelihoods while their faces have been hidden by glossy publications which praise the pipeline project: “It’s for the country’s greater good!” No doubt states’ budgets have increased, but at what cost to the people who live their silent lives along this pipeline?



“Ship Bolshevik Nariman Narimanov” video, 7”, two channels 2006 Video project “Ship Bolshevik Narimam Narimanov” - filming an abandoned Soviet shipwreck and combining the visual image with interviews of artists on the subject of post-Soviet change and stagnation



Stalin & Monroe.Tbilisi photo print 2004

Lenin. Dagestan photo print 2008



A farewell to the USSR Multimedia installation. Audobannervinil (digital print), orders, medals and badges from the USSR, 290 Ń… 200 cm 2010

The artwork basically presents a real photo image of the space. This image has its additional layer of true orders, medals and badges from the USSR. The project's soundtrack presents national anthem of the USSR, recorded in tempo of multiple slow down and with addition of special sounds helping to hear this soundtrack as "a voice of space". Barrier placed in front of the artwork doesn't allow viewers to come close, keeps them distanced, while they can see any detail using a true soviet field-glass. The artwork is symbolizing world, which we recently lived in, and loved in, and died in; world that seemed eternal, and soviet people seemed doomed for being its obedient marionettes; world that went crushed suddenly, and its monolith structure turned to be a myth; world that remains just in memoirs and historical issues only; world that one cannot get closer without special optical equipment - in both mental and literal meaning. And all of them – anthem, orders, medals – that recently inspired an awe, then suddenly lost their sacral content, and today the best luck for them is being in the interest focus of either collection lovers or keepers of their own family relics.



Childhood oil on canvas, 150x120 2009

Constructor 3 oil on canvas, 120x150 2010



Alenushka installation, chocolate, bird-cage 2008

Poets in silent Photography series, digital print, 2010 To me, artists, especially poets, are more sensitive people than others in any society. The freedom of speech is very important for the human beings. If poets remain silent and are afraid to express their opinions, it means danger for the society. This work aims to show such dangerous situation by the symbolic means. The sculptures that are being restored belong to real poets. I took the picture of them in order to describe such dangerous situation for any society in the world.


Aga Ousseinov

Ali Hasanov,

1962 Born in Baku, Azerbaijan 1992 present lives and works in New York City, USA EDUCATION 1980 ВFA, Azim-Zade Art School, Baku, Azerbaijan 1986 MFA, V.I.Surikov Art Institute, Moscow, Russia Since 1982 Aga Ousseinov has exhibited extensively in Azerbaijan, Russia, Europe, USA and Japan. RECENT EXHIBITIONS (SELECTED) 2011 -“ILLUMInazioni” 54th Venice Biennale, Pavilion of Azerbaijan, Palazzo Benzon, Venice, Italy. -“1911″ Christopher Henry Gallery, New York -“So Zik !” , Ober Gallery, Kent, CT 2010 -Brucennial 2010, Miseducation, New York, USA -Work on Paper, International Art Salon 2010, Krimsky Val, Moscow, Russia -Observers of the Flight, Museum of Modern Art, Baku, Azerbaijan -Gallery Selections, Ober Gallery, Kent CT USA 2009 -"Alternative Methods of Flying", Installation at Hermes Madison Ave & E 62 Street, New York USA -4th International Biennial of Contemporary Art Baku, Azerbaijan -"The Map as Art", curated by K.Harmon and C.Henry Christopher Henry Gallery, New York USA -"Kuf/Mold 2009", curated by KOOH Oud Charlois, Rotterdam, Netherlands (catalogue) -"Fall Group Show", Christopher Henry Gallery New York USA - "Smithumenta", R.Smith Studio, Brooklyn NY curated by Bruce High Quality Foundation -"Lo Sguardo Obliquo", Spazio Tadini, Milan, Italy(catalogue) -"Self Portrait in Bathyscaphe and Other Loosely Connected Stories" /solo/ Christopher Henry Gallery, New York USA -"Grand Tour II", Gallery MC, New York USA -"Grafika" Rajko Mamuzic Gallery, Novi Sad, Serbia,(catalogue) 2008 -"Religion Based Initiative", Gallery MC, New York -"Alternative Flying Method", /solo/ Gallery MC, New York -"Steps of Time" Residenzschloss, Drezden, Germany (catalogue) -"USSR-REMIX", Center for Contemporary Arts, Baku, Azerbaijan (catalogue)

Ali Hasanov was born in 1976 in Baku, Azerbaijan. He graduated from the Azerbaijani State University of Culture and the Arts and receivedan MFA in Filmmaking from Rustam Ibragimbekov's Baku International Film School. He is the pioneer performance artist in Azerbaijan and represented Azerbaijan at the 52 Venice Biennale. He is also the founder and leader of a musical collective called "PG Large Used Project." Ali Hasanov remains active in various genres such as visual and performance art, video and sound installations. Ali currently lives and works in Baku. EXHIBITIONS AND PROJECTS (SELECTED) 2011 - Takeaway/Prisoner and The Great Caucasus performance installations, Perm Museum of Contemporary Art, Perm, Russia - Sonnet XXX / Initiation short film (7 min), as a Director and Art Directo 2009 - Video Installations "Think of the Radio", "Appointment" at DEPO, Istanbul, Turkey. - Personal Exhibition "Cathedral Spy" at Protvor Gallery, StPetersburg, Russia. - Mars Gallery (Marsovo pole project), performance-installation "Sentencia", Moscow, Russia 2007 - International Art-forum «Art Caucasus». Tbilisi, Georgia; «Air Mail» - video. - 52nd Venice Biennale «OMNIA МЕА», Italy. 2006 - Art residence (Rogaland Art Centre, Art Centre Tou Scene). «Keelcoushe» performance - installation, Stavanger, Norway - «Art Caucasus» - National centre or contemporary art, Moscow, Russia. - International art festival "East-o-West" «Keelcoushe» performance-installation, Die, France 2005 - «Memory Unit» - performance - installation. Museum Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan - «Blood with Milk» performance. French Cultural Centre, Baku, Azerbaijan 2002 - Music art festival «Gender + Theatre» «PG large used project». Musical project «Fridarumental 8000-th probe», Baku, Azerbaijan 1999 - Art Manege «Sex 2000», Moscow, Russia

Bahram Khalilov Born in 1970 in Baku, Azerbaijan 1999-2001 Azerbaijan State Academy of Fire Arts (Magistrate IMFA) I Baku, Azerbaijan 1995-1997 Pratt Institute (BFA) I Brooklyn, New York 1993-1995 Rockland Community College (M) / Rockland NY 1989-1992 Azerbaijan State University of Arts / Baku, 1985-1989 State College of Fine Arts n/a A. Azirn-zade (Teaching Draftsmanship and Drawing) / Baku, Azerbaijan Since 1998 Member of the Artists' Union Since 2003 Official Representative of the International Artists Association IIAA, Azerbaijan Since 2006 Chairman of the United Artists Club (BRK) Since 2007 Creative Director of the Center of Contemporary Art (MiM) PROJECTS AND EXHIBITIONS 2011 - "Proximity" joint exhibition of PROUN Gallery, Docks on Seine, Paris, France - “Harmony” International exhibition, Yeoksam Culture center, Seoul, Korea 2010 - Istanbul 2010 Cultural Capital of Europe, "Openly" International Exh, Antrepo, Istanbul, Turkey - "USSR-remix" group exhibition, Contemporary art of Azerbaijan, Tou Scene Art Centre, Beer Halls,Stavanger, Norway 2009 - International Forum of Contemporary Art - "Maiden Tower", Exh. "To be a Woman" Center for Contemporary Art, Baku Azerbaijan 2008 - International project "USSR-remix", Center for Contemporary Art,Baku,Azerbaijan - "Steps of Time" Exhibition of Azerbaijan Art, Dresden Museum of Art 2007 - 52nd Venice Biennale, Pavilion f Azerbaijan Republic,Land Art "Fire" Project, Venice, Italy - "ЦДХ- 2007" Moscow International ART SALON, Union of Azerbaijan Artists', - exhibition at the Center Of Contemporary Art, Baku, 2006 - "ЦДХ- 2006" Moscow International Art Salon, Union of Azerbaijan Artists' Group - Group Exhibition at The Academy of the Arts in Iran - Labyrinth Group exhibition "Oil", Giz Galasi Gallery \ Baku, Azerbaijan - Labyrinth Group exhibition dedicated to children suffered from Katrina Hurricane, Giz Galasi Gallery \ Baku, Azerbaijan 2005 - "ЦДХ- 2005" Moscow International Art Salon 2000 - Land Art "Fire" Project's Catalog Presentation Baku, Azerbaijan 1999 - "Land Art II" Calendar Presentation & LABYRINTH group Exhibition - Bakuvian Society Humai Achievement Award. Baku, Azerbaijan

CHINGIZ Born in Baku, Azerbaijan EDUCATION 1983-1984 Azerbaijan State Universityof Arts, Baku 1986-1991 Azerbaijan State University of Arts, Baku 1979-1983 M. F. A. Azerbaijan State Art College, Baku 1975-1979 Teacher of Fine Arts. Art School, Azerbaijan, Baku SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2011 - THE JORNEY TO THE EAST, Bialystok, Poland 2010 - International project "USSR-remix", Center for Contemporary Art,Baku,Azerbaijan - elite-tile 2010 - Fourth International Ceramic Tile Triennial Centro Leon, Santiago De Los Caballeros, Dominican Republic 2009 - BakUnlimited, Basel, Switzerland - CURRAINT D'AIJER, Nairs, Switzerland - Baku, Yerevan, Tbilisi: Roger! Caucasian cities, “Transkaukazja”, Culture Festival, KORDEGARDA Gallery, Warsaw, Poland 2008 - "Steps of Time" Exhibition of Azerbaijan Art, Dresden Museum of Art 2007 - 52nd Venice Biennale, Pavilion f Azerbaijan Republic, Venice, Italy 2007 - "ЦДХ- 2007" Moscow International ART SALON, Union of Azerbaijan Artists', 2006 - co/Curator of Azerbaijan representation Exhibition, Transfusion", Basel, Liestal, Switzerland 2005 -2006 "Ecotopia", Berlin, Germany 2005 - "The Tile Project", Destination: The world, Public Art, USA-Azerbaijan 2002-2003 Photo-Video Centre, Tessaloniki, Greese 1998 - Pitshanger Manor & Gallery, UK 1995 - Donauraum Gallery /Solo/, Vienna, Austria 1992 - Manezh Central Exhibition Hall, St. Petersburg, Russia 1990 - L'orangerait, Gallery, Saint Paul de Vence, France 1988 - Arts & Culture Center, Saigon, Vietnam 1986 - Sattar Bahlulzadeh Gallery, Baku, Azerbaijan Works represented in collections in Azerbaijan, Russia, Ukraine, Vietnam, USA, UK, Austria,Italy, Estonia, France, Poland, Finland, Norway, Switzerland, Dominican Republic.


Elnur Babayev free-lance artist and photographer, was born in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1962 and obtained his degree at the Azim-zadeh Fine Arts School there in 1981. He earned professional membership in the Union of Azerbaijani artists in 1988, which he holds today. Babayev worked as a photographer for intemational magazines. He has participated in and won a number of international and local photo competitions, including First Prize at the 1995 International UNICEF Photo competition, as well as World Press Photo and Mother Jones annual photo competitions. His paintings, graphic works and photographs have been exhibited at numerous solo and group exhibitions, both in the US and internationally. Some of Babayev's works have been included in public and private collections such as the Niederosterreich Landes Museum, Vienna, Austria;the Ministry of Culture, Paris, France; Art Modern Gallery, Moscow, Russia, to name a few. He presently lives and works in Maryland, USA. EXHIBITIONS 2010 - International Art Salon, Moscow, Russia - "USSR-remix" group exhibition, Contemporary art of Azerbaijan, Tou Scene Art Centre, Beer Halls,Stavanger, Norway 2009 - Museum of Contemporary Art, Baku, Azerbaijan 2004 - International Visions Gallery, Washington DC, USA 2002 - Lancaster Museum of Art, Lancaster, PA, USA 2000 - Alia Rogers Gallery, Washington DC, USA - Moscow International Art Salon, Moscow, Russia 1999 - Art Manege Gallery, Moscow, Russia - Personal Photo Exhibit, UN Mission of Turkey, New York, NY, USA - Personal Photo Exhibit, Indiana University Gallery, Bloomington, Indiana, USA - Personal Photo Exhibit, L.I.P.A. Gallery, Washington DC, USA - Humay Gallery, London, Great Britain 1998 - Contemporary Artists from Azerbaijan, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA

Fakhriyya Mammadova Artist-designer, photographer 1974 born in Baku, Azerbaijan 1989 -1992 college, the ceramic faculty 1998 - 2005 Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Arts 2000 - member of association for creative initiatives "Wings of time" 2002 - member of Azerbaijan Artist's Union 2004 - member of Azerbaijan Photographers Union EXHIBITIONS 2010 - Solo-exhibition, Kichik QalArt Gallery, Baku, Azerbaijan - USSR-remix project exhibition. Baku, Azerbaijan - Photofest 2010. Tbilisi. Georgia. - Exhibition of Azerbaijan woman photographers. Baku, Azerbaijan - Photography exhibition "The Seven". Baku, Azerbaijan 2009 - Aluminium4 Transformation, festival of contemporary art. Baku, Azerbaijan - BakUnlimited. Exhibition of contemporary art of Azerbaijan. Basel. Switserland. - Artisterium. International festival of contemporary Art. Tbilisi. Georgia. - Transkaukazja festival. Warsaw. Poland - Azerbaijan Culture Days in Georgia, Tbilisi - Maiden Tower International Forum of Contemporary Art, Azerbaijan, Baku - M'ARTIAN FIELDS - COLLABORATION, Exhibition ot young artists, Russia, Moscow 2008 - Urban Jealousy, the 1st International Roaming Biennial of Tehran - Steps of time, exhibition of contemporary arts in the frame Azerbaijan Culture Days in Germany, Dresden 2007 - Aluminium3 Realities of Dreams festival of contemporary art - Exhibition honored GUAM, Kiyev, Ukraina - Centre of Contemporary Arts МОМА, Moscow 2006 - Colors of autumn, exhibition of arts - "Caucasus", contemporary exhibition, Moscow - "East or West", festival of arts, France, Die - Women exhibition in "Gazelli Evi" Gallery - Sankt Petersburg, photo exhibition "Deciding instant'

Farid Rasulov

Hussein Hagverdiyev

Born in 18.07.1985

Bom in 1956 Baku, Azerbaijan

Graduated in Medical University. Lives and works in Azerbaijan, Baku.

EDUCATION 1971-1975 A.Azimzade State College of Fine Arts, Baku, Azerbaijan 1975-1980 V.Mukhina Institute of Arts,St.-Petersburg, Russia MEMBERSHIP 1983 - Union of artists, Baku, Azerbaijan 1989 - Baku Art Sentre 2004 - received a title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

EXHIBITIONS 2011 - “ Foreword ” , opening of Yarat contemporary art space, Baku -“ Fabulous Four ” , exhibition of contemporary art, Baku 2010 - "USSR- Remix", Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Baku - "Contemporary Art of Azerbaijan”Aidan Gallery, Moscow, Russia - “Fired Up ”,GazelliArtHouse, London - “Thing ”,Personal exhibition, Baku 2009 - "Cultunscapes"Azerbaijan cultural days in Switzerland. Basel. - International Festival of Caucusus Cultures: TransCaucasus, Warsaw - Venice biennale 53, Azefbaijan pavilion, Italy,Venice - "Sodrujestvo" Mars gallery, Moscow 2008 - "Art is not only ugly", Germany, Berlin. - "Steps of time".Germany, Drezdsen. - "Satelltie Talk"Event gallery, London 2007 - "Aluminium" biennale, Azerbaijan

EXHIBITIONS 2011- solo exhibition, New Gallery, Baku, Azerbaijan 2010 - "USSR-remix" group exhibition, Contemporary art of Azerbaijan, Tou Scene Art Centre, Beer Halls,Stavanger, Norway 2008 - International project "USSR-remix", Center for Contemporary Art,Baku .Azerbaijan - "Steps of Time" Exhibition of Azerbaijan Art, Dresden Museum of Art 2007 - 52nd Venice Biennale, Pavilion of Azerbaijan Republic, Land Art Project, Venice, Italy. 2006 - International simpozium, "Virtual army", Hevsuretia, Georgia. 2004 - "Baku-Paris. 20 artists", Orangeri de Senat, Paris, France. - Giz Galasi Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan. - International simpozium, Svanetia, Georgia. 2003 - 1st Biennale of Contemporary Art "Aluminium", Baku, Azerbaijan - International exhibition'ireland and people". Nargin Irleand.Caspian Sea 2002 - "Orientalizm inside and outside" International Exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan. 2001 -"Land Art" project, Baku, Azerbaijan. 2000 - Lipa Gallery, Solo Exhibition, Washington, USA 1999 - V.Samedova Gallery, "Labyrinth" group Exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan. 1998 - World Bank Gallery, Exhibition of Azery Artists, Washington, USA. 1997 - International simpozium, Lapideu, Germany. 1995 - International sculpture symposium, India Hampikamutaka Lalin Kala Akademi.


GASIMOV Currently lives and works in Connecticut, USA. Majority of recent works are held by collectors in Moscow, Geneva, Antwerpen, Tel-Aviv, Jerusalem and Toronto EDUCATION 1983-1990 University Of Art - Baku (former USSR)MA in Sculpture 1979-1983 College Of Arts - Baku (former USSR) BF In Sculpture 1976-1979 School Of Fine Art - Baku (former USSR) SELECTED COMMISIONS AND EXHIBITIONS 2011 - “ILLUMInazioni” 54th Venice Biennale, Pavilion of Azerbaijan, Palazzo Benzon, Venice, Italy. 2010 - "USSR-remix" group exhibition, Contemporary art of Azerbaijan, Tou Scene Art Centre, Beer Halls,Stavanger, Norway 2009 - Installation in Contemporary Art Center, Warsaw 2008 - Completed a sculpture project commission for permanent installation in Rockefeller Park Cleveland, OH. 1994 - Gallery Hittite - Toronto, Canada, Solo show 1994 - Gallery Sobot Fine Art - Toronto Canada Group Show 1993 - Gallery Hittite - Toronto, Canada, Solo Show 1992 - Gallery Kamey - Toronto, Canada, Group Show 1991 - Ben Cionit Center-Jerusalem, Israel, Group Show 1990 - International Tourist center - Baku (Former USSR) Commissioned to sculpt 15 mosaic compositions (Each 60"x 60") 1989 - National Museum - Baku (Former USSR) Received and completed a sculpture commission (Sculpture: 30'x 18'x12') - Central Union Art Galley - Moscow (Former USSR) 1987 - Architect Union Gallery - Baku (Former USSR), Group Show 1986 - National Republic Gallery - Baku (Former USSR), Group Show

Rena Effendi Bom in 1977 in Baku, Azerbaijan. Rena Effendi has been photographing since 2001. From the outset, Effendi has focused her documentary work on the oil industry's effects on people's lives in her own country. As a result, she followed a 1,700 km oil pipeline through Georgia and Turkey, collecting stories along the way. This work of six years was published in 2009 in her first book "Pipe Dreams: A Chronicle of Lives along the Pipeline" by Schilt Publishing AWARDS 2011 - Prince Claus Fund Award 2009 - Winner, Magnum Photos Caucasus Award 2008 - Finalist OjodePez Human Values Award - Winner, All Roads National Geographic photography award 2007 - Finalist, Magnum Photos Inge Morath award - Photo District News (PDN) one of 30 emerging photographers to watch - Winner, Mario Giacomelli Memorial fund award 2006 - Winner, Getty Images Editorial Grant 2005 - Participant, World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2004 - Winner, Fifty Crows International Fund for Documentary Photography, USA PERSONAL EXHIBITIONS 2011 - Contemporary Art Center Winzavod, Moscow, Russia 2009 - Pipe Dreams, HOST gallery London, UK - Pipe Dreams, Antrepo, Istanbul Biennial, Turkey - Pipe Dreams, Culturescapes festival, Bern, Switzerland 2008 - House of Happiness, Image Singulieres festival, Sete, France - House of Happiness, Vinzavod Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia 2006 - "Azerbaijan in search of identity" Visa Pour L'lmage festival, Perpignan, France - "Internally Displaced" Les Imagiques Photography Festival, Bordeaux, France GROUP EXHIBITIONS 2011 - “Moving Walls”, OSI-New York, USA 2007 - "Pipe Dreams* Venice Biennale, Venice, Italy 2006 - "Caravanserai: Land of Fire" Archeology Museum, Stavanger, Norway 2005 - "Ordinary" Arti et Amicitiae, World Press Photo Joop Swart Masterclass, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Rauf Khalilov Bom 1981 in Baku 1987-1998 Art Gymnasium 1998-2002 Azerbaijan State Art Academy (Graphics Department)

FESTIVALS AND EXHIBITIONS 2011 - Cannes International Film Festival 2010 - "USSR-remix" group exhibition, Contemporary art of Azerbaijan, Tou Scene Art Centre, Beer Halls,Stavanger, Norway 2008 -"NYIIFVF New York International Independent Film And Video Festival United States 2007 - "La Biennale Di Venezia" Italy 2005 - International Short Film Festival "Detmold" Germany 2004 - International Short Film Festival "Oberhausen" Germany 2003 - "Appendix" International Art Exhibition, Tbilisi, Georgia -"Aluminium" Art+New Technoligies Festival of Contemporary Art 2002 - Orientalism: Inside & Outside International Exhibition 2001 - UNOCAL Ecology Poster Exhibition Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan Artists Union "Young Artists Exhibition” 2000 - Azerbaijan State Art Academy, Baku -Wings of Time, Azerbaijan

Sabina Shikhlinskaya Artist, curator. Lives and works in Baku, Azerbaijan 1977-1981 AAzimzade State College of Fine Arts, Baku, Azerbaijan 1981-1983 V.Mukhina Institute of Arts, St. Petersburg 1983-1988 Azerbaijan State University of Arts MEMBERSHIP since 1988 - Union of the Azerbaijan Artists since 2006 Title of "Honored Artists" of Azerbaijan since 2009 - ClMAM

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2011 - "PROXIMITY" joint exhibition of PROUN Gallery, Docks on Seine, Paris, France - “Impossible Community”, project “Portrait of 19 million”, State Museum of Modern Art of the Russian Academy of Arts, Moscow, Russia - “Harmony”, Yeoksam Culture Centre, Seoul, Korea - "The Journey to the East". Galeria Arsenal, Bialystok, Poland 2010 - “USSR-remix” Azerbaijan Contemporary Art, Art Centre Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway - 1st Land Art Biennial Mongolia, National Art Gallery, Ulaanbaatar 2009 - Transkaukaziya Festival, Center for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland 2008 -"Artisterium 1s International Forum of Contemporary Art, Tbilisi, Georgia - 3d International Festival of Contemporary Art, Cappadokia, Turkey -"Steps of Time" Exhibition of Azerbaijan Art, Dresden Museum of Art, - International Festival "Sarajevo Winter", Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina 2007 - 52* Venice Biennale, Pavilion of Azerbaijan Republic, Venice, Italy 2006 - 4th International Painting Biennale of the Islamic World. Tehran, Iran SELECTED CURATED EXHIBITIONS 2011 - TRANSKAUKAZJA International Festival, project”USSR-remix”, Italian Passage, Warsaw, Poland 2010 -"Openly" International Exh, Antrepo, Sanat limani, in frames of “Istanbul 2010 Cultural Capital of Europe”, Turkey 2009 - International Forum of Contemporary Art - "Maiden Tower', Exh. "To be a Woman" Center for Contemporary Art, Baku Azerbaijan -"Steps of Time" Exhibition of Azerbaijan Art, Dresden Museum of Art 2007 - 52nd Venice Biennale, Pavilion of Azerbaijan Republic, Venice, Italy - 3rd International Biennale of Contemporary Art "Aluminum", Shirvanshakh's Palace, Baku, Azerbaijan


Tarlan Gorchu

Sitara Ibrahimova

Bom in July 01,1953 in Baku, Azerbaijan Graphic designer, publisher, theatre director.

Bom in March 10,1984 in Baku, Azerbaijan

EDUCATION 1972-1977 Azerbaijan State Academy of Fire Arts

EDUCATION 2006 - present time - Famu University Prague, Czech Rep BA in Still Photography 2000- 2004 Baku State University, Azerbaijan. BA in Psychology

MEMBERSHIP since 1978 Member of the Union of the Azerbaijan Artists since 1984 Member of the Union of Theatre Makers of Azerbaijan since 1996 Chief coordinator of the TUTU Children's Cultural Centre - a local NGO.

Member of Azerbaijan Photographers Society EXHIBITIONS 2011 - USSR REMIX, Prague, Czech rep 2010 - ART BAZAAR, Baku Azerbaijan - “7”, photo festival , Georgia - “ Azerbaijani women “ Museum Centre. Baku 2009 - “7” , modern art gallery Baku - Inter Photo Camp,Fiap. Czech Republic - exhibition"MaidenTower",Baku,Azerbaijan 2008 - exhibition devoted to Independents day of Azerbaijan.Brno,Czech Repulbic - Autoportret, "objekt a subject meho ja" Kladno, Czech Republic - "Prague´s Passages" lucerna passage Prague 2007 - "Intimate revolt" Prague, Istanbul, Vilnius - ”photonic moment” photo festival in Slovenia - photo exhibition, muzeum of modern art,Moscow, Russia - "Sestka"-FAMU (Prague’s photo house) - personal exhibition, Kladno,Czech Republic 2006 - personal exhibition related to the topic of "Women" Baku, Tbilisi 2005 - “Kapadokia” exhibition in Paris, organized by Turksoy - “Fragments of reality“, “Daira”, Museum Center, Baku 2004 - “Women against violence ”, exhibition in Georgia - British Council organized “Livng together”, chain of annual outcome exhibition in London, Tbilisi, Baku and Yerevan. Supervised by Ann Doherty, England 2003 - “Daira” Young Photographers Exhibition, Museum Center Baku - Strasbourg exhibition on “Ethnic Minorities Living in Azerbaijan” - “Vergul” Exhibition organized by the French Embassy in Baku at Baku Art Center 2002 - Master class of David Trilling on “Small Business”, Open Society Institute, Baku

SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2011 - TRANSKAUKAZJA International Festival, project”USSR-remix”, Italian Passage, Warsaw, Poland - "Proximity", Visual Experiment in Conjunction with the 20th Anniversary of the CIS, Paris 2010 - “USSR-remix” Azerbaijan Contemporary Art, Art Centre Tou Scene, Stavanger, Norway - "Artisterium", Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Tbilisi - "USSR - Remix", Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Baku - "Contemporary Art of Azerbaijan",Aidan Gallery, Moscow 2009 - "Culturscapes"Azerbaijan cultural days in Switzerland. Basel. - The third Contemporary Art Biennale in Moscow - International Festival of Caucasus Cultures: TransCaucasus, Warsaw - Venice biennale 53, Azerbaijan pavilion, Italy,Venice 2008 - "Digital carpet", personal exhibition Brandenburg Academy, Berlin 2007 - "Aluminium" biennale, Azerbaijan - International Festival of Caucusus Cultures; TransCaucasus, Warsaw - Modern calligraphy art, personal exhibition, Yeni Gallery, Baku

ToraKhanim Aghabayova Born in 1979 in Baku, Azerbaijan graduated from Art Academy,class of BoyukAga Mirzoyev. been doing video arts and oil paintings, worked as a production designer for films and commercials, in 2006-2008 was living in Shainghai, China developing my "neo social realism" style. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2011 - personal exhibition, Kicik Galart gallery. Baku, Azerbaijan - "Street Art" Kicik Galart gallery. Baku, Azerbaijan - "Oil and Dreams" Solo exhibition in ROA Gallerry London,UK 2010 - “USSR Remix” - Tou Scene, Center for Contemporary Art, Stavanger, Norway - "Under the Scalding Sun" Chapelhaus, Baku. Azerbaijan 2009 - Bakunlimited Basel, Switzerland - Baku Biennale 2007 - Biennale of Venice - International exhibition in Modern Arts museum, Moscow, Russia "Aluminum 2" - International Contemporary art exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan "More Transparent" - Georgian-Azeri Artists exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan - "Aluminum Art+New Technologies" International Contemporary art exhibition, Baku, Azerbaijan - "Caravan Sarai" International Forum of Visual Art & Art Events Tbilisi, Georgia - “3rd International Student Triennial” Marmara University. Istanbul, Turkey - "Wings of Time” Contemporary art Exhibition Baku, Azerbaijan 1999 - "Evraziya-99" International Art Exhibition Moscow, Russia

Yeşim Ağaoğlu Born in Istanbul. Studied University Of Istanbul, Department Of Archaeology and Art History. Master of arts degree at the University Of Istanbul, Faculty Of Communications, Department of Radio-TVCinema .Attended a part time film lessons using super 8 camera at the New York School Of Visual Arts. Poems have been published in literary journals since the age of 18.Has six poetry books published in Turkey and also two poetry books published in Azerbaijan. A member of the PEN International Writers' Club and also a board member of BESAM. Used to be a board member of the PEN Writers at banishment and PEN Turkish Women Writers. Biographies are in some literature and art encyclopedias and poems in some anthologies. SELECTED SOLO EXHIBITIONS 2010 - Tou Scene[Bunker], Center for Contemporary Art, Stavanger, Norway 2009 - "I can do it too” Turkish Culture Center, Sarajevo, Bosnia. 2008 - "Artisterium", “I can do it too", Caucasian House,Tibilisi, Georgia. - "I can do it too", Yeni Gallery, Baku, Azerbaijan. SELECTED EXHIBITIONS 2011 - “Scholarship in Artist Residency” , Almeria,Spain - ‘‘Turkish Human Rights Asssociation 20 th year exhibition’’, Tütün Deposu, İstanbul - “Poetry festival “Kritia” and photography exhibition in gender subject’, Nagpur, India - ‘‘Collective Privacy ’’C.A.M Gallery, İstanbul 2010 - "Openly "Portable Art, Sanat liman, Antrepo No:5, Karakoy, Istanbul, Turkey - "Family Lounge,Sanatorium Independent Art Space, Istanbul, Turkey 2009 - "lstanbul next wave", Akademie der Künste, Berlin, Germany. - "Dirty Story", Group exhibition, BM Suma Contemporary Art Centre, Istanbul, Turkey. - “1st International Artist Initiatives Meeting", Kadirga Cultural Centre, Istanbul, Turkey. - "Istanbul off Independent Art Space Exhibition&Forum ", Bethanien, Berlin, Germany. 2008 - "lstanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Portable Art Project",Umraniye,Turkey. - "7848 km Korean-Turkish Exchange Exhibition" Inchon,Korea. - "Immagino" Workshop ,Genova,Italy. - "Steps of time( USSR-Remix) Dresden Museum, Germany. 2007 - Aluminium 3rd International Bienale of Contemporary Art, Baku, Azerbaijan 2006 - "Rejection Episodes Exhibition" , İstanbul Express Festival in Vooruit Culture and 45 Art Center Gent, Belgium.

Coordination: Sabina Shikhlinskaya, Bahram Khalilov Cover Photo: Rena Effendi Baku, Azerbaijan USSR-remix © United Artists’ Club | 2008-2011

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