Coffee O'clock- Copywriting Inspired by Doi Chaang Coffee

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Arabica and Robusta, what's the differences?

Please keep it in mind, 2 types really matter, Arabica and Robusta. If you wonder why coffee drinkers have to know the differences between these two, believe me, it will be useful once you find your favorite coffee taste. Here are the differences!


Growing Condition

Arabica is the cold weather lover while Robusta is the tropical climate and humid lover. The weather in Northern Thailand is cooler for sure if we compare it to other parts. This is a perfect place for Arabica growing. However, this Arabica is extremely attractive to the pests. It turns out that it is pretty challenging to nurture and harvest. In contrast with Robusta, it is totally opposed. Robusta not only has a different growing location shift from North to South, but it is also easier in terms of cultivation. It's requires less attention to grow and is unattractive to the pests. Such an independent one right? Still, those two types are totally different. It is impossible to have the same taste and smell. Before going to that part, let me tell you another difference first! Stay tuned!

02 Shape

Apart from being brown, any other differences? Here, there are little differences. Arabica has a flat oval shape of beans while Robusta is a bit smaller and rounder, almost in the shape of a circle. It is clearly shown here that those 2 types stated are different in shape. Next, would a coffee bean without a middle line still be a coffee bean? I would say no. Without a middle line, those beans might turn out as some weird small brown roundshape objects. The Arabica’s middle line is quite zigzag, not perfectly straight. In contrast, the Robusta’s middle line is perfectly straight from top to bottom of the beans. See! We can separate these 2 types from each other. Flat and oval one with the zigzag line is the Arabica beans and smaller and rounder one with a straight line is Robusta beans. There you go. Even though it is all brown, I would say they are like siblings rather than twins. These two show some different appearances, but still in the coffee family.

03 Taste

Another outstanding between Arabica and Robusta is their personalities- their flavors. This is the biggest concern when it comes to coffee, isn't it? Personalities in this point are referring to the taste. It is the most concerned point when it comes to coffee choosing, isn’t it? Arabica has more sugar. It doesn’t mean it is sweet. It means that Arabica has a smoother, softer, and lighter taste in addition to fruity or flora tones. It is more richly by its own personality. Robusta, on the other hand, it has a stronger and more bitter taste. This doesn’t mean it is not good or has low-quality. The personality of Robusta is that it has a unique powerful bitter taste. Some might prefer it as a perfect cup of morning Espresso. Or in the market, instant coffee is made from Robusta. There you go with another good usage of Robusta.

Here are my little suggestions. If you want a cup of softer taste coffee, Arabica is your perfect choice. The mixture of sour and sweet tastes will stick at the tip of your tongue. If you desire something that could freshen you up since the first sip, there you go: a cup of Robusta.

The point is that each coffee shop will have a different recipe for sure, like the proportion mix of each type of coffee. Who would know, it's confidential. Some might use only Arabica, some might use only Robusta, or even some might mix these 2 types together. The signature taste will be created. Believe me, the fact is that the definition of good coffee depends on your personal taste. To find your preferred taste is the key of coffee drinking, cheers.

The Long Story before Becoming a Glass of Coffee


Coffee Cherry


Parchment Coffee with Mucilage


Parchment Coffee

150-350 THB/Kg.


Green Bean

60-190 THB/Kg.


25 THB/Kg.

Roasted Coffee

150-4,500 THB/Kg.

** The price are depending on its quality and origins

Starting from the coffee

It's important to find the best unrotten and

trees and turn into a cup of

used in every style of coffee process. You

coffee. How? Now see!

compact coffee cherries first. It’s gonna be better wash and separate the dirt and away before going to the other steps.

Let me guide you first that there are 3 methods of coffee processes with 5 states

Now, if you have a picture of beautiful red

of coffee bean transformation that are

coffee cherries in your head, you’re ready to

really essential.

know about the processes! Here we go!








This method is based on natural sunlight. It is the oldest one in the world. Start with bringing the coffee cherries to set in the middle of the sun for about 15-30 days. After those cherries dried, people would peel off those dry skin and take those green beans roasted in the hot pan. There you go! Roasted coffee ready for y'all! Dry mill coffee bean will tend to have a smell and a taste in a tone of ripe fruit or dry fruit, it's depending on the species of the coffee bean.


Too lazy to peel off the coffee bean’s skin? Well, here is another choice. It's

dry it up and roasted it in the hot pan or coffee bean roasted machine.

called Wet mill. As we know, the word "wet" will of course be related to water. This







processing ,also, it takes the least time if we compare it to the dry mill style. Start with peeling off the pulp of the coffee cherries and put it, parchment coffee with







water days.

for The

mucilage around the parchment coffee will go away easily after we rub it. And then, as always, set it in the sun to


Well, to be honest to you, I have to mention that there is a bad point in the wet-mill method. It might use too much water if we have to go through tons of coffee beans. I would suggest going with the next method instead.




Wonder of the taste? The natural sour taste of coffee would show up when we use this way of coffee process.






SEMI-MILL, PULPED-NATURAL, SEMI-WASHED This is the pretty-easy type of process

trick that makes the coffee beans

in the world, but quite complicated

taste sweeter! This is why people

in some ways. Let me introduce you!

normally use this type of process!

Starting like other processes, peel off the pulp, set those coffee beans with

The taste of the coffee bean from

mucilage in the hot sun until it turns

this process is the mixture of dry-

into parchment coffee. Follow by put

mill and wet-mill. It would have a

it in the depulper machine, and roast

sour taste a little bit, but trust me,

it in the hot pan. The way that

the sweet taste at the tip of your

people set the coffee bean with

tongue will make you forget the

mucilage in the sun is the










Here are all types of coffee processes. As you can see, the different processes create different tastes. However, the best of the coffee taste is the taste that you personally like or obsess with, isn't that right?

Roasted Coffee Levels First of all, you have to know your favorite taste of coffee first. When you know yours, just find the right bean level that matches your taste. Then, BOOM! There you go. You will look very professional once you order your coffee by saying the roasted coffee level used and then the coffee type that you want. For example, one medium roasted, semi-sweet, Cappuccino please, a new coffee professional is standing here babe. Before we start going through each level for a better understanding, let me introduce you to these 2 important words here first:


Original Flavor

Literal translation, original flavor


Roasted Flavor

It is about the burnt coffee bean

of coffee beans. Coffee beans

flavor. The amazing part is that,

that differ at types, growing

sometimes, it creates a new

conditions, and origins will have

flavor, for example,a flavor of

an extraordinary taste and

burnt coffee or a flavor of bread.

smell. The taste and smell of

Imagine, coffee with the taste

fruits, flowers, or even tea are

and smell of bread in your cup,


isn’t that interesting?


Light Roast


Estimated Price

Light brown color

100-300 THB / 250g.

Dry surface

How was it? The cup of coffee that is brewed from the

What should I know more? Retaining the most Caffeine if compare to other level

of the coffee beans. Apart from the bitterness of the coffee that you would find in every cup of coffee, the wonderful sweet and sour tastes

Having an original flavor of

would also stick at the tip of your tongue. I

coffee beans

would like to say that the different tastes and

Having fruity or floral smell Having a mixture of sour and sweet flavor

light roasted coffee will hold the original taste

smells are depending on the origin of the coffee bean. People normally drink coffee from a light roasted beans without mixing with milk. The natural pure coffee is the signature of light roasted coffee beans.


Medium Roast

Texture Medium brown color Dry surface

Estimated Price 160-300 THB / 250g.

What should I know more?

How was it? At the first sip of medium roasted coffee, the aromatic smell added with a full taste of coffee would fill you up. Medium roast will show up the balanced flavor of coffee, not too bitter and not too sour. Milk is a medium roast's sidekick. Espresso and milk is the perfect match because they will give you a rich coffee flavor.

Having less caffeine level than the light roasted coffee Starting to have a roasting flavor Having less sweet taste and sour taste Having a stronger smell of coffee Having a mixture of nutty and chocolate flavors


Dark Roast


Estimated Price

Dark brown or

180-300 THB / 250g.

sometimes almost black Oily surface

What should I know more?

How was it?

Having less caffeine level if compare

Here it is, the super-strong coffee of the

it to the light roasted and medium

day is ready to be served for you. A cup of

roasted coffee

coffee from dark roasted beans is a real

Having a strong roasting flavor

black coffee. The strong bitter taste and

Having bitter taste and a little bit of

its smell will wake you up, actually at any

burning taste

time that you sip it. Dark roasted coffee is

Having a outstanding flavor and

equal to the "Espresso". People would

smell of coffee

drink it individually, no milk or sugar mixed or added.

Coffee 101 What’s a base of coffee? The answer to this question is simple. ESPRESSO is the base of all coffee, for all types. No matter what the coffee is mixed with, milk or cocoa, it's cold or hot, an Espresso must be there, in your cup of coffee. In this chapter, I'm going to introduce you to the must concern factors while brewing a cup of coffee and also the must-have tools that are used to make your cup of coffee. Follow with telling you how to brew the coffee, by yourself, at home. This part would be a little in details, please don’t give up on it by your first glimpse. I hope that this part will let you learn a little bit more about coffee.

- Brewing Variables 01 Water Let's imagine drinking a smelly water, like a smell of chlorine. Disgusting, right? So do when brewing coffee, your coffee might taste disgusting also. The water use in coffee brewing has to be clean and odor-free. The smelly water will affect the coffee's smell and taste. Then how could we know the water in our house is odor free and clean? The water test kit is the answer. You can pick it up from the internet or any Science equipment store. Once you measure your water, you just compare









water Coffee

Association. It is on the internet as

a PDF file, you can google for it 24/7. If the above steps sound complicated, here is the easier one. Carbon filter is needed, just only one carbon filter. All you have to do is filter your water through this thing 4-5 rounds. Tada! The clean and odor free water is right in front of you!

02 Grind

Roasted coffee beans have to be chopped into very tiny pieces. The perfect size of the cut coffee beans has to be finer than the salt in your kitchen.It is impossible to cut or crush it by yourself, isn’t it? The tool that is necessary in the grinding process is easy to guess. A grinder. The one that I would like to recommend you is a ‘Burr Grinder.’ What is it, right? It is a home hand-grinder machine that cuts the coffee bean into tiny pieces. Those little pieces are coming with the result of being exactly the same size. Not too big, not too small. The already cut coffee is called coffee grounds.

03 Tamp Tamping has the same meaning as compacting things.Why is tamping coffee grounds important? Why do we have to worry about it this much? Let’s think about it this way. If something is pressed into an extremely thick compact, and we want the water to flow through it freely, do you think it is possible? It might not, right? So do the ground coffee, there is no point to press the coffee grounds that hard. I mean into a thick compact. Just let the coffee surface flat and smooth,

that’s enough. Water could flow through those coffee grounds so that it could become a coffee that we drink.There is a sign telling us just to let us know when we have to stop pressing the coffee grounds, when we know the coffee grounds are pushing us back. With the perfect size of coffee grounds, the non-dense amount, and the flat surface.The good start of a nice cup of coffee is right in front of your face.

04 Temperature Think about the temperature in the easiest way that it could be. The temperature has to be high enough to dissolve coffee.


standard temperature for coffee brewing is about 90.5-96°C. Well, the temperature would be set for you if you have the electronic one. I mean a brewing machine. Actually, as a Science knowledge, 100°C water means the water is meeting its boiling point, right? 100°C means the water is boiling and hot. To estimate the water temperature by yourself might be too difficult to know whether it is higher or lower 90.5-96°C. Just making it hot and boiling is just good to go.

05 Yield “Which size do you prefer, small, regular, or large?” This is the classic sentence in almost every coffee shop. The cup size is the customers’ choice. Let’s think back to the amount of the coffee; the different cup sizes will be filled up with different amounts of coffee. I know it might be too difficult for some people if it comes to a number calculation. Though, here, I would explain to you in the easiest way. The ratio of Espresso brewing is 1:2. If you set a coffee in one portion, the ready-to-drink coffee would come out in double portions. Like, you would brew 20g. of ground coffee, the espresso that you would get is 40g. (Minus the cup’s weight out already, okay?). So, the different cup sizes must use different amounts of coffee grounds and water. It depends on your preference.

06 Time Time is also an important factor that most beginner coffee brewers wouldn’t think of. There is a best estimated time for the coffee brewing processes. The time will count when you press a start button to let the water flow through the coffee grounds until you press the stop button. The perfect range of time is around 22-28 seconds depending on each recipe of the coffee shop. If you stop brewing the Espresso for too fast, the coffee would be too under-extracted, but if you brew the coffee for too long, the taste of your Espresso would also be too over,extracted. I would suggest you to have a stopwatch with you, even though you are a beginner or an expert already. This thing would help you a lot, at least, you will have a good taste of coffee on that day.

- Brewing Tools A good cup of Espresso requires only a few coffee kits. The good tools will forever lead to a good cup of coffee.

01 Machine There are various types of coffee brewing machines. The very first step of buying a brewing machine is to know what you want first, which type of the brewing machine suits you the most. For example, if you only brew a coffee for yourself in the morning before work, all you want is just a small brewing machine. It’s not worth it for you to buy the big size one that people use in the cafe, it’s the waste of your money. I would like to introduce you briefly to 2 types of Espresso brewing machine that works for home coffee, fully automatic Espresso machine, and semi-automatic Espresso machine. Before we go through those 2 types, let me tell you something first. Before using these 2 types of coffee brewing machines, you have to grind the coffee, load the portafilter, and tamp the coffee grounds first. Don’t worry about that we will talk about it later in the next part. Now, I think you are ready to move to the machine. Start with the first one, fully automatic one, the machine works very easily by just pressing the start button. The special part is the machine contains the internal timer to stop the shot automatically. You don’t have to count the second by yourself while you do your coffee shot anymore, once you press the start button, the time counts. The second one is the semi-automatic, it is quite similar to the automatic one. It also works after you press the start button. Still, you have to manage and determine things. You have to determine grind size, the time to start or end the coffee shot, or even how much coffee used in that shot that you want. If you use this type of brewing machine, you will look like a boss. You can control and manage your shot by yourself. The price of the brewing machines is various. It could start from 9,000THB until 150,000THB depending on the brands, the size, and its abilities.

02 Grinder Every nice cup of coffee around the world starts with an exceedingly consistent grind coffee grounds. How come those consistently grind coffee grounds? The answer is it comes from







automatic and manual, they are called automatic grinders and hand grinders. You could choose the one that you think that you would enjoy while you use it for your Espresso brewing. I mean, I know some of you would feel quite lazy in the morning, the automatic one will suit you for sure. It takes less time and you don’t have to do anything, you just have to sit and wait. I would like to tell you that the grinder isn't a piece of equipment that you would stingy on. A good grinder leads to a good cup of coffee, it is worth it to invest. Please remember, your grinder quality which






outcome of coffee grounds are the main point of delicious Espresso. The price could be various from 250THB to 40,000THB. The hand grinder would be a little bit cheaper because it is smaller, and the machine's system is not that complicated. On the other hand,






expensive for sure, the machine size is bigger and







03 Filter The filter would be a portafilter basket for your coffee brewing process. The brewing machine might come with 1 or 2 baskets, depending on your preference of brewing machine. The filter is a small circle cup with a net attached. The net is used to filter the water that runs through the coffee grounds, aka Espresso. You might be familiar with this thing when you see the barista pour the coffee ground into something with the handle and attach this thing with the brewing machine. That’s the filter. You couldn’t brew a coffee without the filter. This item is also an important one. In the market, this tool can seperated into 2 parts, the filter only, or the portafilter (the filter and the handle). The only filter’s price would be around 100THB to 500THB, depending on the size. At the same time, the portafilter’s price will be higher for sure. It would cost around 900THB to 3,000THB



Once you have a filter, you shall have another tool that is work together as a team with it, tamper. Tamp has the same meaning as the word press. The tamper is the object that uses to press the coffee grounds once it is in the filter. A good tamper is a tamper that fits perfectly in your portafilter basket. The reason why it has to be the same size with the portafilter basket is that the tamper has to press the coffee grounds surface, and that surface has to be even and flat. So, it is a must that the filter and the tamper would come together. The price range can start from the cheapest like 60THB, or it could be more expensive to 1,500THB. The price is depending on the size, the material, or the design of the temper.

05 Vessel This one is the most important one. You want something to brew your Espresso into it, right? The vessel could be anything that could contain your coffee. It could be a shot glass, like the one for the vodka, or it could be your normal coffee cup. Just make sure that your vessel could collect the extraction of your Espresso. The price could be from tens to thousands. You can choose or change it as often as you want.

- How to Make Espresso 01 02

Fill up your brewing machine with water in the provided cavity. Please make sure that your water is clean and odor-free.

Open your brewing machine and let it heat up for a while. It could take around 15-45 minutes to heat up itself, depending on the machine’s size. All you have to do is just relax during this time. Once the water is heated, let the water clean up the other parts of the machine a little bit by just opening the water to clear out the stale water that might remain in the machine. That’s easy.


Grind your coffee beans with your favorite grinder. You can check your grinder fineness by just throwing 4-5 beans into the grinder and trying to grind it first. When you see that the result turns out to be a bit finer than the slt in your kitchen, you can go ahead to the next step.


Grind your coffee beans into your portafilter basket by following the dose of your portafilter basket, not too much and not too little. Tapping or shaking it a little bit to make the coffee grounds’s surface smooth and even. That’s okay if its surface is not perfectly flat because the next step would do it instead.


Tamp your coffee grounds. Make it firm and have a smooth surface. Like I said before, don’t press too hard, take it easy on it.Tamp your coffee grounds. Make it firm and have a smooth surface. Like I said before, don’t press too hard, take it easy on it.






Lock your portafilter basket into the machine. Please make sure that you didn’t hit the portafilter against anything, that will destroy your coffee grounds’ surface.

Place your vessel underneath the portafilter basket. Now, you can start to brew your coffee, go go!

Press the stop button a few seconds before your coffee reaches your desired amount. Let the coffee drop into your vessel, that’s almost the end of the coffee brewing.

Knock the used coffee grounds out from the portafilter. Follow by flush the water a little bit to clean the remains and the coffee oil from the previous brewing activity. Also, clean your portafilter basket to make it free of dirt.

The last step, now, you can enjoy your cup of coffee. If you prefer an Espresso, stir it a little bit and you could take a sip. In the other ways, you could mix your coffee with other ingredients also. You could create your own favorite taste of coffee. It’s all now your choice.

Coffee Types (Based in Thailand) Imagine your first time standing in the coffee shop, in front of the order counter, and reading all the menus on the wall. I think everyone would feel overwhelm at first. Every menu in the coffee shop doesn't have a clue for us to guess what it is. Here, I will introduce you the main coffee types that normally have in Thailand. Next time when you go for an order, you will feel more confident for sure, I guarantee you!

01 Espresso Espresso, aka short black, is a base of almost every type of coffee in the world, It's a normal black coffee. If it taste bad, it also ruin everything. So, it is reason why there are tons of Espresso guide.Â

02 Americano Americano is normally goes along with breakfast. It's similar to an Espresso, but the water is added to extend the taste and the amount of the coffee.

03 Latte Latte is a coffee milk with foam, to be clear. It contains with a little amount of black coffee, The rest of it will be milk and a milk foam as the additional main ingredients. The taste will be softer if we compare it with Espresso.

04 Cappuccino Cappuccino is similar with the previous Latte. However, there's a main difference. The milk foam is thicker, also, there's a glaze of chocolate or cinnamon sprinkle on top.

05 Mocha Mocha is a half coffee half chocolate. This chocolate could cuts the bitter taste of the coffee down. Sometimes a whipped cream is also added to add a rich flavor in type of coffee.

06 Flat White

Flat White is similar to Cappuccino. The only difference is there is no whipped foam or sprinkle chocolate or cinnamon on it. This type is more creamy and easy to drink.

07 Macchiato Macchiato means mark or stain. Here in this type, it means that the steamed milk is marked on the Espresso. That little amount of milk is mellow the Espresso's taste down. That might be more easy to drink for some people.

Here are the main coffees that almost every coffee shop have. I hop that you will not confuse about the name anymore. Promise me, next time when you order your coffee, you will order it out loud with confident !

I want you to imagine a nice brew coffee waiting for you to pour it into a cup, get a picture? Let’s imagine if your choice of cup

How your coffee cups improve your

prevents you from enjoying your

coffee taste

cup of coffee. That’s not fair, is it?

You might think that it's impossible for a cup of coffee, a normal cup of coffee, can really affect your coffee’s taste. Believe me, it’s possible. There are studies that say the cup’s shape, size, and materials.


Cup's Shape & Size

These 2 things are about the aroma of the coffee. How? Have you ever heard of a headspace? Headspace is an area between the coffee’s surface and the top of the glass. This headspace is the major factor that makes the coffee taste better, when the space is narrow, our nose would go closer to the coffee’s surface. This might sound weird but the studies found out that the smell is the main factor that related to the flavour perception. I will explain to you in this way. Imagine that the coffee is in the same volume, okay? When the cups are smaller and narrower, the coffee would sometimes almost reach the top of the cups. When you tilt the coffee to drink, your nose would go closer to the coffee’s surface. In contrast, if the cups are bigger and wider, the coffee will settle in the bottom of the cup. After you tilt your cups to drink, not only the space between the coffee’s surface and the top

of the cups are wide, but your nose is also far from the coffee. The smell is decrease. That cup of coffee might be untasty like the other cups.



Well, the cup’s material doesn’t affect the coffee’s taste that much. However, there’s a point that could make you feel that you want to throw your coffee away, you don’t want to drink it anymore.

Plastic Plastic absorbs the odor, that’s the fact. You can prove this fact by pouring your coffee into the plastic cup. After you finish your cup, wash your cup and pour another kind of drink into it. The result is that you would likely smell the scent of the coffee a little bit when you drink it. If your favorite cup is the plastic cup, it is quite noticeable until you use that cup with different kinds of drinks.

Paper Paper cups are normally used for hot drinks. Apart from getting seek and difficult to hold, sometimes those wet parts of the paper cups can also slightly ruin your coffee's taste with a paper’s scent. When you use paper cups, make sure that you are the quick-drinker.

Ceramic To be honest, I would like to say that ceramic cups are one of the best choices for coffee cup selection. It would give your coffee’s taste as it is. Ceramic cups are neither seeking or absorbing your coffee, your coffee taste would stay the same for all time.

Double-Walled Stainless Steel I would like to say that here’s the best choice. The one that you might be familiar with might be the brand called YETI, yeah, double-walled stainless steel is something like that. It could keep the coffee’s temperature stable all day long. Also, it doesn’t destroy your coffee’s taste.

From the end here, I want to know, do you have your favorite cup? What’s yours? However, I would like to suggest to you something a little bit. Nowadays, the garbage in our world was produced more and more by us. Yes, us, the one who didn’t care about the environment that much. I would like to encourage you guys to help our world. If not us, then who? Right? If possible, bring your own cup to the coffee shops. Or else, if you are not free to bring yours, recycle the plastic one that you get. That will help the world a lot.


Zero Waste


Coffee There's one thing that I stated before, coffee grounds. After it go through every process the coffee grounds will be knocked directly into the bin. Isn't that a waste ? Don't you think that those coffee grounds could do something else instead of just throwing it away? I'm here to suggest you how to recycle the coffee grounds. There are 3 things that is made of coffee grounds. It would save your life in your tough day. Let's see what are they !!


Coffee Grounds Soap

Here's the first reason why we shouldn't throw away used coffee grounds, a soap! a DIY soap that we can do it at home. Coffee grounds soap is deodorize and make our skin look nice and healthy all the time !

Ingredients Glycerin Soap

230 g.

Used Coffee Grounds

1/4 cups


1 tsp.

Materials Small saucepan Small metal or glass bowl Muffin tin

Ladle Butter knife


Let's get started 1.Prepare your glycerin soap first. Chop it into a small cube, to make it easier to melt.

Coffee Scrub

2. Create a double boiler by fill the saucepan with 4 cups of water. After that, place a metal bowl or glass bowl above it. Set the heat into medium. Let the water boil for a while, and then add the soap in the bowl. Let the steam completely melt the soap down. 3. Bring out the muffin tray. This

This thing gives us natural skin benefits.

recipe will use only 4 holes of the

It removes dead skin cell, smooths your

muffin tray only. Lay full teaspoon

skin to make it more youthful, helps

of coffee grounds in the hole of

reduce stretch marks, and prevents

the muffin tray.

acne. This recipe is made without a coconut oil. Why? The reason is that the

4. After the soap is completely

coconut oil can clog your pores, and it

melt, turn off the heat and add

may cause acne. In this recipe the

the vanilla and the rest of the

almond oil will be used instead, it is a

coffee grounds in the soap.Â

lot better!

5. Give a careful stir. Then, carefully ladle the soap into the muffin tray. Let it set and cool for several hour. 6. Pop them up with a butter knife. When you want to keep it or give it to other people, wrap it with a parchment paper. ** I would like to suggest you to keep the soap on the dry coffee tray. It can cause some stain.

Ingredients Used Coffee Grounds

130 g.


60 g.

Brown Sugar

60 g.

Almond Oil

85 g.

Vitamin E Oil

2 ml.

Materials 2 Bowls Fork Clean Jar

Let's get started 1.Mix all dry ingredients in one bowl, coffee grounds, salt, and brown sugar. 2. Mix all wet ingredients into another cup, almond oil, and vitamin E oil. drop a few drop of water into the oil. Then, stir it gently. 3. Spoon all dry ingredients into the wet ingredients. 4. Use the fork to stir it thoroughly. 5. Poor it into a clean wide-mouth jar so that you can use it conveniently.


Coffee Candle

Ingredients Used Coffee Grounds

1/2 cups

Used Candle, Unscented 60 g.

Materials Glass Jar Candle Wick Heavy-duty plastic bag Scissors

1. Tide the candle wick on the pen or pencil, then, place it on the glass jar. Make sure that the candlewick is upright and located in the middle of the jar. 2. Put the used candle into the heavy-duty plastic bag. Turn on the heat and set the pot on with low heat. Wait until the water is hot, not boil, then place the plastic bag into the pot. Be careful when you place the bag into the pot, it could melt. Also, if you want your candle to have a nice smell, you can drop some extract into the melted wax. 3. Cut off 1 corner of the plastic bag. Carefully pour the wax in to the glass jar, about 1 inch high. Relocate the candle, make it stay in the middle of the jar.

4. Sprinkle the coffee grounds. Make sure that it thick around 1 inch as same as the melted candle. 5. Pour another layer of melted candle follow by anther coffee grounds, as usual, 1 inch. 6. Pour the last layer of the candle, let it set around 1 hour. 7. Trim the candlewick into 1 inch long. There you go, your DIY coffee candle. 8. If you are planning to give it to others as a gift, decorate it with color paper or ribbon. In contrast, if you want to use it at home, decorate it as you desire

Tips ! If you want to use the scented candles in stead of unscented candles, that's fine. The only thing that I want you to concern is that make sure that the scent's that you have could get along with the coffee scent. Or else, you will

Warning ! This activity is dealing with heat, please be careful! Also, please be careful when it comes to handling wax, it may cause burn!

have to throw the candle away later on.

This is all for my recommended recipe. See! used coffee grounds also can do something in return for you. We don't have to throw everything in our life away, some can be recycled or reused. Would you mind to be a part of world saving? I'm the one of that team too! Let's make our world looks better, lives longer!

Chiang Rai's Coffee Shops Review Me, as the one who lives in Chiang Rai, I would like to say that there are tons of coffee shop in Chiang Rai. I don't know why, actually. The thing I know is I drink coffee everyday and I live my life to search for a new coffee shops in Chiang Rai. Now, I already know what's the reason that Chiang Rai has coffee shops all over the province. Let me bring you to the past, in 1969. The hill tribe farmers in Chiang Rai grow opium. Well ...we all know that the opium is one type of drug, right? It's illegal. As a kindness of H.M. King Bhumibhol Adulyadej Rama 9, he wants to improve people's livelihood by encouraging the hill tribe farmers to grow the winter crops instead, and that is Arabica coffee. That place is called Doi Chaang, Chiang Rai. Even though Doi Chaang's coffee was not accepted at first, but nowadays, this place is one of the well known place of high-quality coffee. Like I said before, I love coffee. I've tried many coffee shops in Chiang Rai and I found out that the place where there are good coffee. Here, in this part, I would like to introduce you my top 3 favorite coffee shops in Chiang Rai, 2 as a coffee shop originate from Doi Chaang and 1 as a normal coffee shop in the heart of the city.


Agape Coffee

Agape (A-ga-pe) is one of the best coffee

Apart from coffee, they are also provided

places located in the center of Chiang Rai

you high quality tea menu. Milk tea, Matcha

town. Agape is originated from Doi

green tea or even Peach tea are also

Chaang, generation to generation. The

waiting for you to try it.

place is decorated with a warm tone, and natural which it can make you feel relax

The seats are separated into 2 areas, in door

and enjoy your cup of coffee to the

with AC and outdoor with a smoking area.

ultimate level.

You can choose to sit wherever you are comfortable with.

The signature of this place is coffee grounds tea. Once you order a drink, you would receive a tea as an appetizer. I think this is a totally good idea, you can wash your mouth both before and after you drink the coffee. This place prepared you the main coffee types that I've mentioned to you before, but there are options for you to choose. For coffee, you could choose the ways to make your coffee. The staff would ask you whether you







foreigner's style. It's quite confusing, right? Thai's style is the way they make the coffee with condensed milk while the foreigner's style is using syrup instead. See, you can choose. Also, you can choose the type of your coffee bean, they not only provided normal Arabica or Robusta, there're also plenty of coffee beans' type like Kenya or Honey berry for you to choose. If you are not sure or curious about it, you could ask the staff. All of them are always welcome and kind. Everyone can give you the information about the coffee deep in detail.

Location: Set your location to Chiang Mai gate, face to Den-ha road. It is located 20 meters far from Chiang Mai gate , near Mae Salong Tour. Open: Monday-Saturday 07:00 AM- 05:00 PM Price Range: 70-100 THB


Yayo Coffee and Bed Here's the place that makes you feel like home by the interior of the brown tone of the wood and a little bit of green around the place. The coffee of this place has its origin from Doi Chaang. Every process of the coffee processing, start from planting until roasting, is controlled by the owner directly. Everything in this place would have a unique taste and have a high quality for sure! You don't have to worry about anything!

At Yayo, there are many types of coffee for you to choose. You could require them the sweetness level that you prefer, they can arrange it exactly what you need. The other types of beverages are also provided, tea, milk, and smoothies. It means that there are many things for you to choose and try. Apart from those good-taste beverages, there are also food and pastries for you in case you are hungry. I would say Yayo is a place that answers all your needs.

The seats are all located in one big area, in the shop. There are many sizes of tables for you to choose, from a huge size table, two-people-sit table, or one seat like a bar. You can choose wherever you want to sit. The shop has ACs all around the shop, so you don't have to worry when it comes to Thailand's summer. Location: Opposite with Samakkhi Wittayakhom 2 School, the same way to Singha Park Chiang Rai.


Open: Monday-Sunday 08:00 AM- 06:00 PM Price Range: 49-89 THB (For Beverage Only)

1:2 Chiang Rai Brew

Are you looking for a unique place that provided both nice coffee and nice pictures at the same time? 1:2 Chiang Rai Brew is a place that prepares those things for you. All over the shop is built up with loft-style, raw concrete and add some gimmick with some of the graffiti as a photo-shoot spot. 1:2's tone is neutral, gray, black, and white are the color where the shop use. If you want to have an outstanding in your social media platform, this is the place where you can't miss!

1:2 gathered you the premium coffee both from Thailand and Kenya with different roasted level. For Thai coffee, light, medium, and dark roast are all ready for you to try. For the one from Kenya, even though they provided us just in the light roast level, but believe me, it is worth to try. You have a new taste to motivate you to live your life. Aside from coffee, 1:2 also has other menus from tea and milk. Likewise, you also can choose your sweetness level. The thing that I like most about this place is that they didn't have only the normal types of coffee, they also have the fancy menus come out occasionally. Espresso with orange juice or a coffee with Nutella are the examples. Those menus would come and stay for a while. Besides, 1:2 also have cakes and sandwiches for you. I just want to say this place is dope! Both food and beverage are here for you! Even this place looks like a small grey box, but once you step inside, you will forget everything. With a distinctive interior design, you would feel that you live in another place rather Chiang Rai. However, there are only a few seats for you to sit. It might be better for you to go with grab and go instead. Location: In front of Farmland, Chiang Rai. Opposite with Samakkhi Wittayakhom School's gate no.3.

Open: Monday-Friday 07:30 AM- 04:30 PM Saturday-Sunday 08:00 AM-05:00 PM Price Range: 40-70THB (For Beverage Only)

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