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Whether you think you can or you think you can’t—you’re right.

This is a story of why it is better to train people so they think for themselves rather than require them to follow a long list of rules and requirements to make sure they do their job.

For the last 40 plus years, I have gone on at least one backpacking trip per year. Over time, there have been over 60 trips, around 3500 trail miles, over 375 nights in the wilderness and over 60 friends and family members who have shared the stars, the campfires and more laughs and stories than you can imagine. In all that time, we have never had a major injury and, other than some scary moments, we have never lost a person overnight. Between the bears, blisters, mosquitoes, rattlesnakes, snow storms, rockslides, a few 25 mile days, 100 pound packs, running out of food and water, getting lost while bushwhacking, we must have had a great time because every year we go back and do it again.

When my son Dylan was nine we went on our first father-son trip with three other dads and their sons. We have continued the tradition every year and sometime soon we will either be leaving on or planning another trip, probably somewhere in Yosemite. The boys are now much bigger and stronger, so they carry the heavier packs. Before our first trip there was a lot of concern for safety … mostly from the moms. We had a barbecue to plan the trip and assure everyone that the trip was just a “walk in the woods.” After a while the normal questions started: “Are there bears? Is there poison oak? What happens if someone gets hurt? Will you make sure they don’t burn themselves at the fire? Do they need pajamas?” The questions went on and on.

I remember looking at the moms and saying, “Everything will be fine—to ensure safety, we have two rules on the trip.” I thought that would be the end of it, because we really didn’t have rules, other than common sense. “Well, what are the rules?” the moms asked me.

Thinking fast, I said, “We have two rules on the trail.” Everyone got quiet, wanting to hear what the rules were and assuming the rules were going to be profound and ensure safety. In my best authoritative voice I said, “Rule #1 is that

the boys have to brush their teeth at least once a day; Rule #2 is that they have to wash their hands after they go to the bathroom.”

Dead silence followed. We are not completely crazy and, obviously, there were more things for them to be aware of than brushing their teeth and washing their hands, but the basic concept was that the boys needed to figure out a lot on their own and to learn through practice to do the right thing. We expected the boys to carry their own equipment, to help set up camp, and to listen when we were telling them something important. They were constantly reminded that the wilderness is beautiful, but anything could happen at any time.

I have never really been a “rules” person. I believe people should be capable of governing themselves in an appropriate way. This theory follows in business as well. If you hire the right people and foster the proper environment, their own self-motivation and drive to succeed for themselves and for the company will ultimately require less oversight and direction.

Nearly 15 years ago, Jim Collins published the book, Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t, a study of how average companies become great, while others fail to make the leap. According to Collins, these companies knew that you have to get “the right people on the bus (and the wrong people off the bus) and then figure out where to drive it.” Rather than being governed by a set of rules and infinite bureaucratic mechanisms, great companies create cultures of discipline that weave employee freedom and responsibility together within a broad framework built by the company’s leadership. Self-disciplined employees do not need a lot of rules or monetary incentives to ensure they are doing their job and doing it well. They don’t need to be micromanaged, which allows the company leadership to manage the system, and not the people. Study after study has shown that the companies that build a culture around employee freedom and creativity will do better. The employees will grow and learn to handle difficult situations with confidence and ease.

Now back to backpacking. The first father-son camping trip was a success and we continued the tradition on an annual basis. Over the years, the boys grew, the trips became longer and more adventurous, but the rules never changed. When the boys were fifteen years old, we had quite a scare. There had been more snow than usual during the previous winter, and many of the trails were covered with snow and ice and difficult to follow. At this point, the boys had been on five backpacking trips, so when they asked to go ahead of us on the trail, we agreed. We showed them on the

map where we were planning to set camp for the night and pointed to the only trail junction in between. “Make sure you stop at the junction,” we repeated a couple of times.

The boys took off, and we followed at our own pace. Several hours later in the late afternoon, after a 9-mile hike and several mountain passes, we got to the campsite location we had pointed out on the map. We looked around — no boys. We looked up and down the river — no sign of the boys. Over my years of being a father, I have “lost” my kids in a number of different places: stores, shopping malls, Chuck E. Cheese and even the lobby of The Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite Valley. But those situations were nothing compared to the realization that our sons were missing deep in the wilderness of Yosemite. By this time I had been on over 50 trips and knew being lost in the Wilderness after a long day of hiking and not much sunlight left was not a good thing. Never being one to panic and knowing that staying calm and thinking through the options would yield the best results, Ben and I came up with a plan.

I had been in this area several times and had hiked through many days of snow covered trails, so I knew how easy it was to miss the trail for a couple of hundred feet at a time. We figured the boys had gotten off the trail and when they looked down the mountain they probably saw another trail at the bottom of the snowcovered slope and followed it. They had missed the trail junction and headed in the wrong direction where the next junction was probably 5 miles in the wrong direction. If this was true that meant they were about 9 miles from us and after hiking 8 miles with heavy packs, we were pretty tired. Big problem. Leaving some stuff at camp and taking enough food for a couple of days we set off not knowing what lay ahead. As I started up the mountain, I thought I better find them or my wife will kill me. We took off back up the mountain and towards the area we hoped they were, knowing that we would not make it till after dark.

Several hours later and using headlamps to guide us through the dark, we reached the junction and were greeted with a very welcoming sight. There was a large marker in the trail pointing to a flat area where the boys had set up camp.

Realizing their mistake after a couple of miles of going down the wrong trail, they did all the right things. They stayed on the trail, when they reached the next junction they set up camp to wait for us rather than try to navigate the washed-away trails in the dark. They had set up a marker on the trail and put up their tent to wait for us and get away from the mosquitoes. They even had a plan the next day to backtrack and find us.

They were not panicking (though they were relieved we had found them before nightfall)—in fact they seemed quite proud of themselves for “surviving” on their own. They said, “It’s not a big deal, Dad. We knew we messed up and figured we would just set up camp and wait for you. Somehow we knew that you would find us.”

This story always makes me think of the lessons in Good to Great, namely the importance of finding people who are capable of figuring stuff out without constant supervision or direction. On the first camping trip, we (the dads) had set the framework, the “culture of discipline.” We laid out the two rules they were expected to follow and trusted them to be able to handle themselves in the middle of Yosemite. With this loose structure in place, the boys were given large amounts of freedom and large amounts of responsibility. They learned as they went along, and not only survived in the middle of the woods, but were also able to solve the problem all by themselves.

The only thing they still haven’t figured out is how the dads divide up the “community equipment and food” in even piles and then manage to give them the heavier stuff.

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