5 foods to never eat without committing diet suicide

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Losing Weight without Commenting Diet Suicide!

"Fit In Those Favorite Jeans In No Time Flat - Healthy Forever"...

by Terry Clark

Table of Content

1. A General Guide to Dietary Supplements 2. A Guide to the Blood Type Diet 3. Acai Diet Explained 4. Adopting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet 5. All about Becoming a Vegetarian 6. All about High Protein Diets 7. Are all Diets Healthy? 8. Can Diabetics Diet to Lose Weight? 9. Controlling Hypertension through Diet 10. Devising the Best Detox Diet for You 11. Diet for Diabetics 12. Diet Suggestions for Acid Reflux 13. Features of a Good Weight Loss Diet Plan 14. Getting through the Diet Plan Maze

15. Gluten Free Diet Explained 16. Going on a Low-Sodium Diet 17. High Protein Diet 18. How Diets can be Dangerous 19. How to Build Muscle through Diet 20. How to Eat Less and Still Feel Full 21. Identify Your Goals to Make a Diet Choice 22. Improve Your Mood with Diet 23. Is the Cookie Diet the Dream Diet? 24. Low Carb Diet 25. Major Dieting Mistakes to Avoid 26. Overview of the HCG Diet 27. Pros and Cons of the Raw Food Diet 28. New addition: Relief of Gout through Diet 29. The Alkaline Diet My Review 30. The Caveman Diet My Review 31. The Glycemic Index Diet Explained 32. The Grapefruit Diet and Its Effectiveness and Safety 33. The Mediterranean Diet 34. The Morning Banana Diet My Review 35. The Philosophy behind the Macrobiotic Diet 36. The Truth about Detox Diets 37. The Truth about the Lemonade Diet

38. Tips for Choosing the Right Weight Loss Diet 39. What Do You Want Your Diet to Accomplish? 40. What is the Paleo Diet? 41. What You Must Know about the Cabbage Soup Diet 42. Which Diet is Best for ADHD? 43. Which Diet is Best for Brain Health? 44. Which Diet is Best for Diverticulitis? 43. Which Diet is Best for Heart Health? 44. Which Diet is Best for Teenagers? 45. Which Diet is Best to Prevent Cancer? 46. Why Dieting May not be the Answer 47. Holiday Dieting Remedies 48. The Toughest Aspect of Dieting 49. How Aerobic Walking Improves Your Looks 50. Get Healthy - Lose Weight

Resources (recommendations)

A General Guide to Dietary Supplements

Many of the modern day diets involve the use of a dietary

supplement. In some cases, it may be more than one. The supplements can be used for different purposes - for enhancing the effect of the diet, for speeding up the effect and for providing additional nutrients. It is worth looking at the effectiveness and safety of such products so that you can decide whether to use them or not.

Vitamin, mineral and nutrient supplements are typically used when the diet cannot provide sufficient amounts of nutrients to the person. They may also be used to enhance the effect of the diet and to improve the wellbeing of the person further. In general, these supplements are recommended to people whose diet is part of the treatment of a certain condition, to vegans and to those on very restrictive weight loss regimens.

The supplements providing vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to the body are generally safe. Still, it is crucial not to overdose them. Higher dosages may lead to serious health problems including allergies and liver damage. For this reason, it is essential to consult your doctor before using any king of supplement. The physician should be able to recommend the right product and the optimal dosage for you.

Weight loss supplements have been always been subject to controversy. Some people swear that supplements like green tea, hoodia and acai berry have helped them lose weight while others claim they are absolutely worthless. The reality is that there is little scientific evidence to support the theory that herbal, chemical and other substances promote weight loss. Still, this does not mean

that they are ineffective and that you should not try them.

It is best to do some research to find out as much as possible about the ingredients in the respective product which you plan to use. You must confirm that they are perfectly safe. Keep in mind that most weight loss supplements are designed to aid weight loss. This means that they will enhance the effects of the diet, but they will not be able to replace it.

Protein supplements are typically used by those who go on a protein diet to build muscle mass and/or to lose weight. There is no solid scientific evidence to prove that these supplements are effective for building muscle mass and for slimming down. It is true that the amino acids in protein are the building blocks of cells and that protein brings fewer calories than carbohydrates. However, it is not clear whether the direct benefits described above can actually be achieved. Furthermore, higher amounts of protein may be dangerous for the kidneys and the liver.

A Guide to the Blood Type Diet

It is certain that not a single weight loss diet can work for each and every person. That is why individually tailored programs have come to existence. One of them is the blood type diet. The idea is that you need to choose the foods which you eat based on your blood type. It is certainly worth looking at this interesting program in greater detail.

There are 4 blood types - O, A, B and AB. Each type of blood digests food proteins called lectins differently. The purpose of the blood type diet is to focus on eating foods with lectins which are compatible with your blood type. In fact, the developer of this diet suggests that the foods are divided into three categories for each blood type and, mainly, beneficial, neutral and ones that must be avoided.

O stands for old when it comes to the blood type diet. This means that your metabolism works just like the metabolism of the people who were hunter gatherers. That is why you should eat lean protein and, namely, meat, poultry and fish plus vegetables and fruits. You should avoid whole grains and legumes. You need rigorous exercise if your blood type is O.

A is for agrarian. If your blood type is A, you should go for a vegetarian diet with whole grains and vegetables. You need mild exercise only.

B makes you a nomadic type for the purpose of the blood type diet. Low-fat meat and dairy are good foods for you. You should not eat wheat, corn and lentils. Moderate exercise is best for you.

AB is the modern blood type. One of its characteristics is the sensitive digestive tract. If your blood type is AB, you eat should dairy products, seafood and most types of vegetables. You need to avoid meat and poultry. Gentle

exercises are recommended for you.

Is the blood type diet effective and safe? Even though this diet sounds very scientific, there are no scientific evidence that your blood type determines the foods which are good for you and the ones which are not. At the same time, all the recommendations made as part of the program are healthy and should give you the nutrients you need. Basically, it is safe. This type of diet may help you lose weight, improve your energy levels and lower your risk of certain serious diseases.

You can readily try the blood type diet, if you wish. However, there is no guarantee that it will work to lose weight.

Acai Diet Explained

The Acai Berry is a small purple colored fruit obtained from the trees of the Acai palm. It is harvested in the jungles of the Amazon, especially in Brazil. The fruit has traditionally been used by the people of Brazil for thousands of years and they have been adding it to drinks, smoothies and an ice-cream without making fuss about the fruit. However, Acai Berry has been the talk of the town ever since American celebrities started to make use of this fruit for weight loss.

With Hollywood stars going gaga over the efficacy of the fruit, it was only logical for people to become interested in this small fruit from the Amazon jungle. If something is being endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, one can imagine its mass appeal and the craze for it among people. The same happened with Acai Berry when Oprah praised the fruit as being effective for losing body fat.

The Acai Berry – the diet that isnâ€&#x;t

The Acai diet is no full diet plan like most other popular diets, but it is an attempt to reap the benefits of this amazing fruit by adding it to oneâ€&#x;s daily diet. If you are on an Acai Berry diet, all it means is that you are following a certain diet plan but adding Acai Berry to your diet every day. Now there may be variations in consuming Acai Berry in terms of quantity and frequency, but this is basically what an Acai Berry diet is.

It is well known that the anti oxidant features of the Acai Berry are more powerful than those of any other food item. Other properties of the fruit include helping with digestion, improving cardiovascular health, increasing mental alertness, improving vision, and slowing down the aging process which makes it a big hit among men and women aged over 40. As far as losing weight and staying slim is concerned, the Acai Berry has been proven to be full of essential fatty acids and amino acids that increase metabolism and curb appetite making us stay away from snacks and junk foods.

Acai has many health benefits

Acai Berry is not a fruit that is easily available like other fruits and one has to search for it in health food stores and stores that supply health supplements to gyms and the public. The increasing popularity of this fruit has forced many popular chains to introduce smoothies containing Acai Berry. However, despite the amazing claims that are being made by companies selling Acai Berry products and advertisers showing images of celebrities having lost weight supposedly as a result of eating Acai Berry, there is no evidence to suggest that one can lose weight directly by consuming the Acai Berry fruit. But if doctors and health experts are hell bent on praising Acai Berry when they appear on popular TV shows, it is only natural and logical for people to go for the Acai Berry diet in large numbers.

For example, when a famous doctor appears on the Oprah Winfrey show praising Acai Berry for its ability to ward off ailments of the skin, eyes, and other organs of the body through its anti oxidants that remove free radicals from our bodies, it is hard for the viewers to stay away from this wonder food. But the most alluring part of all the praise of Acai Berry concerns its ability to slow down the aging process. For women past their youth, Acai Berry has emerged as a wonderful option not only to lose their fat to get back into shape but also to slow their aging and appear young and attractive for a long time.

The benefits of Acai Berry have been blown out of proportions and it has been projected as a wonder food capable of solving all weight related problems such as

obesity. More important are its abilities to ward off various ailments and the unique ability to slow down aging.

It thus becomes clear that Acai Berry diet is a marketing tool to lure more and more people obsessed with losing weight towards this fruit and the myriad of health supplements that are being marketed these days. It is up to you to decide whether to use such a supplement.

Adopting an Anti-Inflammatory Diet

You may not have heard of anti-inflammatory diets, but, in fact, most of the popular programs followed by millions of people are based on the anti-inflammatory principle. Find out more about this type of diet and the health benefits it provides. This will help you decide whether it is right for you or not.

The idea behind anti-inflammatory diet is simple. Its main purpose is to prevent inflammation in the body. As we know, inflammation is a health problem that requires adequate treatment. The conditions that end in "itis" involve inflammation of a certain part of the body. Colitis is inflammation of the stomach while encephalitis is inflammation of the brain. Some conditions of this type are much less serious and harmful than others, but if they are repeated over time the organs of the body and their tissues become weaker and the overall functioning of the systems in the body becomes distorted.

With an anti-inflammatory diet, you can stay healthy for longer and protect yourself from serious acute and chronic conditions. If you already have an inflammatory condition, the diet can help you keep it under control. It usually provides for pain relief as well as for improvement.

There are no specific plans when it comes to an anti-inflammatory diet. There are just some simple rules which you need to keep and most of them focus on the types of foods that you should include and exclude. You should eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. There are no restrictions when it comes to produce. Whole grains are also recommended. You need lean protein preferably from poultry.

The omega-3 fatty acids are known to have a powerful anti-inflammatory action and to promote cardiovascular and brain health. That is why it is important to include foods that contain them in your diet. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are fatty fish, nuts and seeds.

The typical anti-inflammatory diet should exclude fatty foods of all types and red meat and dairy products, in particular. It is best for you to reduce your consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates such as rice and pasta to the minimum. You should eliminate processed and refined foods from your diet.

It is essential to use healthy food preparation methods when you go on an anti-inflammatory diet. Nutrition experts and

doctors recommend adding spices and herbs that are known to have an anti-inflammatory effect. These include ginger, turmeric and bay leaf, to name a few.

Keep in mind that the anti-inflammatory diet is not an all-powerful tool, but it can help you a lot when it comes to staying healthy and keeping your optimal weight.

All about Becoming a Vegetarian

Most people learn from experience that short-term weight loss diets have short-term results. That is why many choose to look for a diet that they can keep for the rest of their lives. Adopting a vegetarian diet is a popular choice these days. It is a big decision that may change your life for good, however. For this reason, you need to think things through carefully.

Strictly speaking, a vegetarian diet excludes all kinds of meats. You are not supposed to eat poultry either. In some cases, vegetarians decide not to eat fish as well, but this is generally a personal choice. Vegetarians can eat dairy products and eggs, but many choose not to.

The good thing about the vegetarian diet is that it is fairly liberal. The only hardcore rule is not to eat meat. You can have small amounts of fish and dairy. You can eat and use eggs for cooking as well.

It has been found that the vegetarian diet can lower the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and the more serious conditions that these lead to such as heart attack, stroke and diabetes type 2. There is no solid evidence that this diet may lower the risk of cancer, but many studies have shown positive results. In general, it can be said that this type of diet is healthy. It should help you keep a normal weight for your age, gender and physique. You should get enough energy and feel fresh.

In some cases, vegetarians develop vitamin and mineral deficiencies, however. They may not get sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals that come from meat and dairy products. The most common deficiencies are vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, and zinc and protein deficiency. It is possible to get larger amounts of these nutrients through certain types of vegetarian foods so you need to make sure that these are abundantly present on your table.

It should be pointed out that excluding meat and possibly dairy and eggs from your diet may not be sufficient for attaining the health benefits described above. You should be careful about the amounts of sugar, white flour and other ingredients rich in carbohydrates that you use to prepare food. It is worth keeping a check on the processed and canned foods that you eat. It is essential to use healthy cooking methods as well. Avoid frying the ingredients and using unhealthy oils.

The transition from a typical diet to a vegetarian diet

should be gradual for best results. At the same time, you have to be determined to complete the transition.

All about High Protein Diets

If you do some research, you will see that many of the most popular weight loss diets these days are based on the increased consumption of protein. Is this effective for shedding all those extra pounds? Is it safe for you in the short term and in the long term? Find the answers to all of these questions using this guide.

The high protein diets involve increased consumption of protein-rich foods and limiting the carbohydrates that you intake. The basic principle behind this formula is very simple. The body gets its energy mainly from carbohydrates and fats while proteins provide amino acids, which are the building blocks of the cells and tissues. When you consume limited amounts of carbohydrates, your body will automatically resort to its fat deposits for energy. It will switch to a mode in which it burns fats and you will lose weight.

The reason why most people go for high protein diets is that they are perhaps the least restrictive of all. You can consume all kinds of protein-rich foods including meat, fish, poultry, eggs and dairy products. You can eat as much of these as you want. Of course, it is best if they are prepared in a healthy way. Nuts and seeds are recommended

too as they have good amounts of protein. You can eat some fruits and vegetables as well. Foods containing carbohydrates are forbidden. The main exclusions from the diet are white rice, potatoes, foods with refined sugar and foods made from white flour.

The high protein diets have been proven to be quite effective for weight loss. Most of them allow for the inclusion of foods containing carbohydrates at later stages of the program so you should be able to keep the results which you have achieved. It should be pointed out that the weight loss is not usually quick to come. You may need to stay on the diet for weeks in order to achieve the desired results. Additionally, most programs include exercise as well so that you can make the most out of the diet plan.

There are some concerns when it comes to the safety of high protein diets. In general, they may be able to help prevent diabetes as they eliminate the risk of insulin spikes. However, when you do not consume carbohydrates, your body is in a state of ketosis which is characterized by symptoms such as bad breath, headaches, nausea and dizziness. These can go away eventually, but doctors fear that the increased consumption of protein may increase the risk of heart disease and cancer.

You can decide for yourself whether a high protein diet will be right for you.

Are all Diets Healthy?

We know that diet means a combination of the different kinds of food items that we eat but the word has also come to mean a method to aid weight loss by putting a restriction on consuming certain kinds of foods. Millions of people in the country are on this or the other kind of diet mainly to shed fat or lose inches off their waist and thighs.

Dieting is not new and people have been using this way to control the intake of certain food items for ages. But the craze for reducing oneâ€&#x;s weight to look more attractive and sexy has become a passion and this rage has given birth to dozens of different diets that claim to produce fast results. However, it is a fact that not all diets are suitable for all individuals. A more important question is whether all of these diets are healthy or not. This is being discussed in forums and dieticians and nutritionists are being asked regularly. Let us find out the truth.

We are all aware of the importance of the food we eat for our body. Various food items provide the vitamins and minerals required by the body to keep functioning. Food items also provide our bodies with energy and protein to grow and survive. When we start a diet, we are often depriving our body of essential nutrients. In the initial stages of dieting our body does not get the fuel it needs for survival which makes it draw energy from the stored fat but in the later stages, there can be a breakdown of the bodyâ€&#x;s own muscles causing lots of problems.

Even the diet considered best may not be healthy for your body

With the passage of time, the desire to be in shape and to look attractive and young has become stronger than ever before. It is this desire that has given birth to new and innovative ways to lose weight fast. People use them to be able to wear one size smaller dresses. How a dieting method becomes most successful and „the best everâ€&#x; is something that is very intriguing indeed. But the fact of the matter is that today one can find dozens of different diets all promising to be the most effective and to produce visible results in the shortest possible time.

One simple fact behind all dieting plans is that they make the metabolism of the body faster so that it burns more calories than it can consume. What many dieters fail to realize is that the body needs a minimum number of calories every day to keep performing in an optimal fashion. This minimum intake of calories for an adult man is around 2250 calories while it is 1940 calories for adult women. This difference of 300 calories between a man and a woman is due to differences in their metabolism and also because of the differences in their body makeup.

Diets force bodies to accept changes in calorific intake in a drastic fashion

The problem with nearly all the diets on the internet (and also those that are being sold through books offline) is that they force the body of an individual to accept drastic

changes in the calorific intake and the types of foods that are allowed to be consumed. This may seem normal, but actually this induces headaches, nausea, and a feeling that something is wrong somewhere. Most people in their excitement of trying to reach their goal forget about the basic needs of their body.

In many cases while a person may be using the help of a diet to get back into shape thinking he is obese and needs to diet, the real culprit is his total lack of exercise. In other cases, only minor changes need to be made in the diet of a person to let him lose weight and get back into shape. In their desire to earn more, people have become so busy that they have forgotten that their bodies need a little bit of exercise. And when it comes to exercise one is not asked to run a marathon or do 100 sit-ups. Cycling to work and walking to take the kids to school are simple exercises that can keep a person in great shape.

While some diets are really effective and do not harm the body most of the fad diets are not healthy.

Can Diabetics Diet to Lose Weight?

Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure. Once a person is diagnosed with diabetes, he has to learn to live with it by keeping his blood sugar levels under control all the time. For the management of diabetes in an effective manner, it is ideal if obese or overweight diabetics stick to a diet

plan that aims to reduce their weight by half to one pound every week, according to a recent study performed at University of Maryland. In addition, what diabetics need is some regular exercise.

A diabeticâ€&#x;s diet is mainly to control blood sugar levels

There is a misconception among people that as diabetes is a sugar control disease, a diet for a diabetic must be one without any sugar. This is not the case, and there is no specific sugar restriction for diabetics. The actual mission of a diet for a diabetic is to control glucose and also to control blood fats and lipids. But experts feel that in addition to controlling blood sugar levels, the diet of a patient should also focus on weight loss as it helps to reduce the chances of complications that are commonly seen in a disease like diabetes.

Thus it is clear that though weight loss may not be the primary objective for the diet of a diabetic, it is desirable to keep diabetes complications at bay. This is achievable by striking a delicate balance between the proteins, carbohydrates and the fats that a diabetic is allowed to get through each meal. Even a small amount of weight lost is significant in the case of diabetes patients as it saves them not just from complications of diabetes but also from heart disease.

There are many different diets that are recommended to diabetics and their variations mainly revolve around making changes in the intake of protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

There are diets with high or low carbohydrate intake and with high protein intake. There are also diets with restrictions on calories. The different people have different body makeup so they respond differently to changes in the composition of their diet. The reaction to a diet for diabetics is also dependent on whether the weight of the patient is distributed evenly or concentrated around the abdomen.

Recent research is in favor of weigh loss in addition to control of blood sugar

Every diabetic has different dietary needs as his genetic makeup and responses to different food items are different. There was a time when diet plans for diabetics were all generic in nature but recent advances in science have made it possible to customize a diet as per the needs of a diabetes patient. The patient gets the calories and all the nutrients that are necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle while at the same time ensuring that the blood sugar levels are kept low within the normal range. However, the latest trend is to aim for weight loss even if it is minimal to keep diabetes complications away. There can be no two opinions about the need for a diabetic diet plan that controls blood sugar levels and also works to reduce your weight if you happen to be a Type 2 diabetic and at the same time are overweight.

The latest research on diabetes has made some stunning revelations. A person with diabetes is seen to have significantly reduced blood sugar levels when he is made to lose weight. Even if the diet of a diabetic is made to

reduce his weight by 5-10%, he is seen to have much lower blood sugar levels.

Let there be no doubt about the fact that diabetics need the same nutrition and almost the same nutrients that normal people need. The only requirement is to closely monitor the glucose levels in the blood. In some cases, there is a need to watch the overall calorie count while in other cases there may be a need to keep a tab on sodium, cholesterol, or the sugar in the food items.

In general, a diabetic can consume most items from the category comprising of grains, breads, and starches while he should consume fewer items from the category comprising of oils, fats and sweets. There is only partial restriction when it comes to the category comprising of fruits and vegetables.

Controlling Hypertension through Diet

Researchers have found that some chemical compounds in food increase blood pressure while others lower it. At the same time, obese individuals are more likely to develop hypertension. That is why going on a special diet is recommended to those suffering from high blood pressure and to those who are at greater risk of this disease. The diet is fairly simple to follow and does not have any particularly strict rules.

Lower your sodium consumption to 2,300 milligrams per day and eventually to 1,500 milligrams per day. This is necessary since sodium has been found to increase the blood pressure of most people. It is important to keep a check on the amount of sodium you consume by reading food labels carefully and consulting special charts for the content of this mineral in different foods and dishes. It may be a good idea to reduce your sodium consumption gradually so that you get used to the new optimal amounts for you.

Fiber rich foods should be included in every diet for hypertension. This should help you keep your blood pressure at normal levels. Foods rich in fiber include whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes. You also need to consume foods that are high in potassium and magnesium. These minerals have been found to control blood pressure naturally. Potassium and magnesium are found in many vegetables and fruits. Some of the best choices include carrots, tomatoes, broccoli, dark leafy greens, green beans, kale, apples, apricots, bananas, grapefruit, grapes and dates, to name a few.

The legumes and nuts are also good sources of potassium and magnesium so they should definitely be included in your diet for high blood pressure. In addition, they have chemical compounds called phytochemicals which have been found to offer protection from cardiovascular disease and cancer. You can enjoy all kinds of legumes and nuts with some of the best options being kidney beans, peas, almonds, walnuts and Brazil nuts.

You should also include low-fat dairy products in your diet

for high blood pressure. These contain calcium and vitamin D which are essential for heart health. You should get sufficient amounts of lean protein as well. The best sources include lean veal, poultry and fish. These also contain important vitamins such as vitamin B12. It is recommended to include fatty fish in particular in your diet as these are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health.

Cook foods in a healthy way and use healthy sources of fat such as olive oil as part of your diet for high blood pressure.

Devising the Best Detox Diet for You

Unfortunately, most detox diets involve fasting which can be dangerous. It is true that you will lose a considerable amount of weight, but you will regain it very quickly afterwards. The good news is that you can detoxify your body and become stronger and more energetic and lose weight in a healthy way. You do not have to go for a costly program which requires the use of a supplement. You can devise the program yourself following some basic principles.

Get the minimum number of calories that you need in order for your body to function normally during the day. Women should get at least around 1200 calories per day while men need between 1200 and 1600. You can readily use calorie charts to determine the necessary calculations.

Include only healthy unprocessed foods in your detox diet. You should eat plenty of vegetables. The ones with most potent detoxification properties are leafy greens, cabbage, broccoli and watercress. You should also include fruits that have such properties and ones that are highly beneficial for the body. Citrus fruits and lemons and grapefruits, in particular, are among the best choices. Berries and apples have many health benefits and only few calories. Seeds and raw nuts must be consumed as well. Sesame seeds and walnuts are highly recommended. You can eat small amounts of whole grains, lean meat and even low-fat dairy products preferably low-fat yogurt.

Do not eat processed foods, sugary foods and fried foods while you are on your detox diet. This should not be a problem as you have plenty of healthy foods to choose from. It is best to prepare your food yourself. You can use a variety of recipes which involve healthy cooking methods and the use of very small amounts of oil.

Drinking plenty of water is an important part of the detox diet. You can go for the traditional method and consume eight glasses of water per day. There are also tools which allow you to calculate the optimal daily amount of water for you given your weight. You can readily drink fruit juices instead of eating fruits. Do not drink alcohol, sweetened or carbonated drinks.

You can use green tea for detoxification. It is one of the most widely recommended natural herbs for detoxification.

It can improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and give you more energy. It may aid weight loss as well. It is best to drink tea prepared from leaves of the plant instead of taking any supplements.

You can stay on a healthy detox diet for as long as three weeks.

Diet for Diabetics

Most individuals diagnosed with diabetes assume that they will have to be on a strict diet for the rest of their lives. This is totally wrong. The truth is that there is not a single diet for diabetics with rules that must be kept without deviation. Your goals must be to keep the blood sugar levels under to control, to get enough nutrients and to prevent possible damage to vital organs such as the heart and the liver.

The first step is to identify the things which cause blood glucose to spike. These are carbohydrates, fats and generally, too many calories. This makes it easier to determine which foods to avoid.

Carbohydrates break down to glucose directly. This is the reason why they can cause major and frequent fluctuations in the blood sugar levels. It is important to restrict your consumption of foods that contain simple carbs such as

sugary foods, white rice, potatoes and foods made from white flour. At the same time, you can get healthy complex carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. In general, you should use the help of an experienced nutritionist who will help you learn how to control your carbohydrate intake yourself.

The foods which are rich in saturated fats, trans fats and cholesterol should be excluded from your diet. Try to limit your consumption of red meat and red meat products, fast food, processed foods, junk food and margarines. High-fat dairy, egg yolks, organ meats and shellfish are rich in cholesterol so it is best to consume limited amounts of them. You can readily replace the high-fat dairy products with low-fat ones and eat eggs for breakfast less often.

It should not be difficult for you to keep your calories under control. If you avoid foods rich in simple carbs and fats, you will have half the job done. You can readily use calorie charts to control your daily calorie intake more effectively.

There are different foods which can help you keep your diabetes under control and prevent complications. Foods rich in fiber like vegetables, fruits, legumes and nuts should be included in your diet. Fiber may help prevent blood glucose spikes apart from improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Fatty fish are also good for you. They are the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids which promote cardiovascular health.

Salmon, herring and mackerel are excellent choices. In general, you can use different types of low-fat fish to give you the nutrients which you would normally get from poultry and meat, which contain more fat. Tuna and cod are excellent choices for the diet of diabetics.

Diet Suggestions for Acid Reflux

Unfortunately, acid reflux is a very common condition among adults. It usually goes away on its own in pregnant women and babies, but other sufferers need to take special measures. One of the main complementary treatments is an acid reflux diet. The regimen should be easy to keep as it is fairly simple. It is all about avoiding foods that trigger stomach acid to splash up the esophagus and to eat foods which improve digestion.

The foods which trigger acid reflux must be excluded from your diet. These foods fall into two main categories ones that make the lower esophageal sphincter loose and ones that slow digestion. Chocolate and mint belong to the first category. It is essential to eliminate these items and all other foods which contain them as ingredients from your diet. Fat-rich foods are the main causes of slow digestion. You are certainly familiar with these. It is best not to eat fatty meats, fatty cheese, fast food and dishes from exotic cuisines which are known to contain a lot of fat.

There is a third group of foods which may trigger acid

reflux. These are highly acid and are thought to increase the amount of acid which the stomach produces. As a result, they may trigger acid reflux and make it worse. The main acidic foods which you should exclude from your diet are tomatoes, tomato juices and tomato sauces and citrus fruits and their juices.

Garlic, onion, alcohol and caffeine must be excluded from your diet as well. These have also been found to trigger acid reflux in different ways. It is a good idea to be careful with dairy products as well as they may cause digestion problems. It is best to consume just low-fat milk or preferably low-fat yogurt which contains probiotics that are known to improve digestion.

Include plenty of fiber-rich foods in your diet for acid reflux. These are known to improve digestion. Generally, they are beneficial for the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract. The best sources of fiber are the vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Cook meals in a healthy way. This is very important for acid reflux sufferers. It is best not to fry any of the ingredients. Use other methods for preparation such as baking, boiling, stewing and simmering. Try not to make the foods too spicy as this may cause digestion problems. Add herbs and spices that are known to improve digestion. Good examples include ginger and turmeric.

Eat smaller meals as part of your diet for acid reflux.

Features of a Good Weight Loss Diet Plan

Usually, the devil is in the details. This is absolutely true for weight loss diets. The program may meet all the general criteria for effectiveness and safety, but it may still lack essential components that will actually help you get rid of those extra pounds and slim down. Take a look at some of the major features that every program should have.

Foods from all food groups - The foods from each group contain vital nutrients that the body cannot go without. That is why it is best to eat whole grains, meat, poultry, fish and dairy products and legumes, vegetables and fruits. If your body is deprived of a certain type of nutrient, all kinds of health problems may arise. It is even possible for vital organs such as the kidneys and the liver to be permanently damaged.

Small portions - Experts say that good diets are the ones that involve the intake of fewer calories. The simplest way in which this is achieved is through the reduction of the amounts of foods that you eat. If you have smaller portions, you will still get the nutrients you need and lose weight at the same time. Diets that encourage you to stuff yourself with unlimited amounts of some foods and forbid you to eat others are certainly not good for you.

Four or five meals per day - It has been proven that the more small meals you have the more effective your weight loss will be. The idea is to have three main meals per day plus one, two or possibly more snacks. The main purpose of snacks between meals is to prevent the fall in blood sugar levels which causes hunger pangs. You should certainly be suspicious of programs that require you to eat once or twice a day only.

Tips for dealing with hunger pangs and cravings - There are physical factors that make us feel hungry and crave for certain foods, but there are psychological ones as well. A good program should take care of these problems in an effective and safe manner. Apart from having snacks and eating sugary foods from time to time, there are various psychological tricks which you can use. A good diet should provide advice on these methods.

Tips on drinks - A comprehensive weight loss diet will guide you to the things which you should and should not drink. Water plays an essential role in metabolism and the burning of fat so it is best if it is consumed in sufficiently large amounts. Alcohol, sugary and carbonated drinks will have an adverse effect when it comes to slimming.

Getting through the Diet Plan Maze

There are millions of Americans who are worried about their appearance as they are overweight or obese. These are the

people who are always on the lookout for a magic pill or a diet that will make them slim overnight or in a short time period. A lot of companies have started capitalizing on the desire of the people to get back into shape to look slim and sexy like those Hollywood celebrities. The internet is full of diet plans that make tall claims to allure people to buy them. It is indeed a tough job to make sense of a diet plan unless you happen to be a doctor or a nutritionist as most plans use medical jargons. This article attempts to help the average reader who is overweight and interested in dieting to better understand the different diet plans.

Do not fall prey to aggressive advertising of a diet plan

It is one thing discovering the need to lose weight and to get back into shape and an entirely different thing to have a clear knowledge of how to begin and where to turn to. There are myriad plans to confuse a layman and he often goes by the popularity of a diet plan or the recommendation of a friend or a relative who has already made use of a diet plan. There are far too many confusing voices pulling the mind of a person in different directions. There are the advertisements of magic pills and a magic fruit doing it all for you while all you are required to do is to pop them once a day to stay slim and trim.

Do not make the mistake made by thousands before you

There are thousands if not millions, of people who have paid and then felt dejected as they could not find the right path through the maze of calorie counting and all the related

advice that has become customary with all the diet plans sold on the internet these days. People feel cheated as they did exactly what they were required to do by their respective diet plans. They counted the calories, restricted the food items, and even exercised in the way and manner in which they were asked in their diet plan. Yet they could not achieve the weight loss goals they had in their minds when they invested in the plan.

No single diet plan can work for all people

One thing that people fail to appreciate is that all of them are unique as they have different genetic makeup and dispositions towards food items. There are a lot of people suffering from various medical conditions. Imagine a person suffering from high blood pressure or diabetes expecting to lose weight in the same way as a normal healthy individual. It is a fact that nearly all diet plans are made by nutritionists keeping in mind the requirements of normal people and it would be foolhardy to expect same results in all individuals.

The promises made by diet plans make us excited initially and we readily do things as we are directed. But soon the initial euphoria is over and the user finds the counting of calories and the restrictive food list bit too much to follow. If the results are visible, it is bearable but it is when the user finds that despite his best efforts, he is not shedding extra fat that he becomes desperate.

Get a mentor

It is a good idea to have someone knowledgeable become your mentor and guide you through the maze of diet plans. This is because your mentor will understand where you stand and where you want to be at the end of the diet plan. He will also know your body and its needs and requirements and will recommend a diet plan that is tailor made to work for you.

Get a plan you are comfortable with

Remember, a good diet plan is designed to be flexible so it should be customized according to the needs of the user. Another feature of a good diet plan is that it is based on scientific principles that are tried and tested and can be followed for a long time.

Gluten Free Diet Explained

Gluten is a protein found in some grains like wheat, rye, barley and malts. Gluten is also used as a thickening and stabilizing agent in many recipes for breads and ice-creams. There are a lot of people around the world who are born with intolerance towards gluten and they suffer from many ailments when gluten comes in contact with their small intestine. This is a medical condition known as celiac disease. It afflicts nearly 0.5% of the world's population. This disease affects more Caucasians than people from other races. There are nearly 3 million victims of celiac disease in the US alone.

What is a gluten free diet?

There is currently no permanent cure for celiac disease and the only treatment for a person diagnosed with it is a gluten free diet. It is hard for a person to be diagnosed early as the symptoms of the damage to the lining of small intestine come to light only when a person complains of cramps or suffers from vitamin and mineral deficiency. There are also other symptoms like gas, diarrhea, and bloating. These symptoms remain as long as person continues to eat foods containing gluten. It is when a patient with celiac disease gives up gluten completely that he gets cured as his small intestine heals up in the absence of gluten. This is the significance and importance of a gluten free diet.

All patients suffering from celiac disease may have different symptoms but they all respond to a gluten free diet. Being a parent of a child suffering from gluten intolerance is not an easy task as it is hard to find a gluten free food for the kid all the time and at all the places where your family goes. One cannot remove gluten from a food item once it has been prepared. Grain is commonly used in the preparation of food items and it is often hard to know by the list of ingredients whether the food item contains gluten or not. That is why many a times celiac patients eat gluten unknowingly.

One has to learn to live with celiac disease

Once a celiac, always a celiac means that once a person is diagnosed with gluten intolerance, he has to remain on a gluten free diet for the rest of his life. What this implies is that knowing about different foods and deciding on a gluten free diet after consulting a dietician is a good idea for a person. Of course it is very frustrating for a kid to remain stuck with gluten free food items but soon he learns the importance of a gluten free diet for himself. There are also many substitutes for a food item containing gluten. Today, there is a greater awareness about the disease and far more gluten free food items are available in the market than a decade ago.

Oats is one food item that has been a topic of debate among experts as to whether it contains gluten or is safe for celiac patients to consume. There are nutritionists who say that it is safe for adults to consume oats while there are also studies which show that eating oats may be detrimental for kids having gluten intolerance. The problem with oats lies not with the grains but the manufacturing process that contaminates the product with gluten. With no final verdict, it is better for gluten patients to stay away from oats.

One has to learn to live with the knowledge that staying away from foods containing gluten is the best way to remain disease free and live a happy and healthy life. There are many foods that do not contain gluten and the patient is free to eat them. The list includes many beans and nuts, eggs and meats that are fresh, all fruits and vegetables, a lot of dairy products, and so on. There are many grains and starches that can be eaten by a patient such as rice, millet, arrowroot, amaranth, soy, sorghum, etc.

However, a celiac patient has to avoid wheat, barley, and rye at all costs. Unless they are especially labeled gluten free, the patient has to avoid beers, cakes and cookies, breads and cereals, French fries, and so on.

High Protein Diet

A high protein diet is mostly undertaken by athletes and bodybuilders when they are trying to increase their muscle mass. However, an increasing number of people interested in fat loss are also seen consuming a high amount of protein these days. While it is possible to get extra protein from food items, most people tend to take health supplements available in the market in the form of protein bars and shakes. However, there are controversies surrounding high protein diets as some nutritionists believe that consuming too much protein may lead to high stress levels in the body. High protein consumption may also lead to failure of the kidneys in some cases. There is a risk of dehydration associated with the consumption of too much protein as the metabolizing of protein requires large amounts of water.

High protein diet for a short time period can produce quick weight loss results

If undertaken for weight loss, a high protein diet is not very harmful if it is continued for a short time period of 3-4 months and not more than that. Another reason for the

popularity of high protein diets among people who want to lose weight is that proteins seem to have a better capacity to satiate hunger than fats and carbohydrates. Coupled with a suitable exercise regimen, a high protein diet has been shown to produce better weight loss results. High levels of protein have been shown to help people fight their hunger in a better manner. This is perhaps a result of the brain receiving much lower signals from appetite stimulating hormones.

But how to decide on protein levels for a high protein diet? It is well known that our body needs protein at all stages of life for a variety of reasons and body functions. Protein makes up a large proportion of cells, muscles, and bones. If protein is required in high amounts during childhood for better growth and development, it is required to maintain immunity levels and to prevent degeneration of muscles and bones at all times. Protein helps significantly in warding off infections and ailments.

Proteins have been shown to suppress appetite

RDA suggests taking 56 grams of protein daily for adult men and 46 grams of protein per day for adult women. This amount of protein is not considered high and is easily managed by men and women. For building muscles and for weight loss, you need to consume much larger amounts of protein. You need more than a hundred grams of protein per day. Unless you have a renal problem, there is no danger in increasing the intake of protein but it is better to slowly raise the consumption. In a high protein diet meant for weight loss, more than 30% of the daily calories come from proteins. If

losing weight is your only goal, you can have large amounts of protein to cut down on carbohydrates as proteins are known to suppress hunger also.

There is not a single high protein diet but a range of different high protein diets all emphasizing the increased intake of meats, egg whites, and poultry. Due to their low biological value, plant proteins are not included in any high protein diet plan. In addition, it is a known fact that plant proteins lack essential amino acids.

There are many benefits that a person can get from a high protein diet and anyone can go for a high protein diet irrespective of what his goals and objectives are. Some of the important benefits include:

* Increased lifespan

* Slowed down signs of aging

* Improved immunity

* Lower risk of cardiovascular diseases

* Building of muscle mass

* Improved performance levels

* More effective weight loss

Protein is one component that is vital for growth, repair, and maintenance of all our body organs, tissues and cells. And this includes our muscles and bones as well. Muscles are mostly made up of proteins. So if you want to have a muscular build, it is imperative to go on a high protein diet. Those who want to lose weight have found that going on a high protein diet has been the best way to lose body fat without losing muscle. You can readily consider such a diet.

How Diets can be Dangerous

With the kind of lifestyle being led by modern day people in addition to their poor nutrient intake, it is no surprise that nearly half of the population is overweight. The number of obese individuals is increasing day by day despite the growing awareness of the benefits of staying in shape. People have become conscious of their appearance and they have started making concerted efforts to lose weight to look young and smart. But in their endeavor to look slim, millions undertake dieting in an unscientific and haphazard manner that can be dangerous for their health and well being.

People expect miracles from a diet

Though there are better methods for losing weight and toning the body such as doing workouts at the gym, most people find it tiresome and exhausting in addition to being inconvenient as they cannot take time out every day to hit the gym at the right time. This has given birth to a number of popular diets that have been designed to help people who dream of losing weight quickly. Knowing the fact that different people have different body makeup and different reactions to various food items, there can be no single diet or diet plan that can be labeled as perfect or ideal for all. That is why it becomes prudent to consult oneâ€&#x;s health care provider or doctor before starting a particular diet, irrespective of how popular and effective it might be claimed to be.

If there are genuine, result producing diet plans devised by nutritionists and doctors, there are also fad diets that promise to make a person slim and sexy in a very short time period. In addition to quick weight loss, these fad diets also promise health benefits. Yes, talking in general terms, making a person lose weight does provide him with health benefits but the fact of the matter is that these diets do more harm than good to an individual. Some diets require people to go on a very restrictive food regimen that provides calories sufficient to survive only. This kind of diet lacks vital nutrients and can severely harm the individual in the long run.

Dieting is a short term solution only

If dieting were so effective in providing permanent loss of weight, there would not be so many obese people in the world today. You have to take into account the fact that millions of people that are on a diet get no permanent results. The truth hurts but with most of the so-called wonder diets, the weight lost by an individual is quickly regained once the person is off the diet. This is the reason why nutritionists refer to such diets as yo-yo diets.

It is quite easy to identify fake/fad diets. Do not fall prey to the false claims made by a particular diet if it proposes focusing on one food group while avoiding all other groups. Also, there is no reason to believe tall claims and promises unless there is scientific evidence to support the claim. There are thousands of people suffering from eating disorders like bulimia, binge eating, anorexia etc who say that they were all right until they went on a fad diet suggested by their friend.

Our society and the standards it has set for beautiful and sexy are also responsible for millions of teenagers and adults going into starvation mode every now and then with a desire to become size zero. Experts are of the opinion that this is a dangerous way to measure the health of an individual. There are all sorts of misconceptions like the ones that fat is bad and that a fit person is someone who is thin.

If we think of a balanced diet at one extreme and eating disorders with obsession for some foods while ignoring

others is at the other extreme, fad diets must occupy a place close to eating disorders. Dieting is better controlled in nature although there is nothing natural about the diet or the lifestyle that goes with it.

The reason why fad diets have become so popular is because of our craving for instant results when it comes to our obesity. We do not have the time and inclination to do hard workouts at the gym or even exercises at home which sets the conditions right for fad diets.

How to Build Muscle through Diet

You need to exercise in order to build muscle. However, in order to gain muscle mass, your body requires protein. At the same time, you will need energy in order to perform the exercises. Carbohydrates are the main sources of energy which will fuel your body. These are the main facts that reveal the importance of nutrients and consequently food for the building of muscle. You should certainly adopt the right kind of diet in order to become strong, fit and perfectly chiseled.

Protein should be the main component of your diet for building muscle as it provides the building blocks of cells and tissues - amino acids. The best sources of lean protein are fish, meat and ground beef. Eggs are also excellent sources of protein. You will get 5 to 6 grams of this valuable nutrient from a single egg which generally has few


You should not disregard plant protein either. The best sources of plant protein are soy and legumes such as beans. Quinoa and almonds are other foods recommended for body building. Apart from offering good amounts of fiber, they are rich in various vitamins and minerals. Generally, all nuts and seeds are good for body builders. The important thing is to eat them raw.

You should certainly include low-fat dairy in your diet for muscle building as well. Cottage cheese and skimmed milk are the best choices because they are rich in protein and have tiny amounts of fat. At the same time, they will give you sufficient amounts of calcium and vitamin D which are essential for the strength and performance of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.

You need to get carbohydrates from your diet because they are the main sources of energy which you need for working out. Complex carbohydrates are broken down into glucose gradually and consequently give you energy for long periods of time. Simple carbohydrates, on the other hand, break down very quickly and provide for weight gain. Hence, you need good amounts of complex carbs. Get them through whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Avoid foods rich in simple carbs such as potatoes, white rice, foods made from white flour and sugary foods.

Healthy fats have an important role in the body and should also be consumed in appropriate amounts. The best sources

of healthy fats are avocados, olive oil and canola oil. You will get such fats from nuts and seeds as well, even though they will be in smaller amounts.

Try to have between 5 to 8 meals a day as part of your diet for building muscle.

How to Eat Less and Still Feel Full

Despite all the workouts at gyms and rigorous diet plans, the problem of obesity is escalating. In Western countries, nearly half of the population does not know what to do to get back into shape. This is one question that has been troubling nutritional scientists for quite some time and they have finally come up with an answer that is ingenious. The idea is to suppress hunger. In turn, this will prevent us from eating the junk food which is the main culprit making us obese.

We know that we become obese when we eat more than our body requires. If our bodies can be made to feel full all the time, we will obviously not feel hungry and grab a bite either at home or outside. This is the basic idea. You just need to know how to eat less and still feel full. You would be surprised to learn that the idea has caught on with the developed world and in Britain alone, food items worth 45 million pounds that were merely fillers for human bodies were purchased by the population. Manufacturers have understood the requirements of the people and now they are

coming up with food items that are high on protein but low in calories so that they fill the stomach. These food items prevent the hunger pangs that are blamed for our overeating leading to obesity.

Children know when to stop eating

There are many food items on our everyday list that can perform the task of suppressing the hunger pangs keeping us feeling full most of the time. Why buy hunger suppressants from the market when you can eat some biscuits and even plums to get a feeling of fullness? But why are we dependent upon food items to ring the alarm bell in our minds to tell us that we do not need to eat? Why not depend upon our own biological clock that seems to work so very well for small babies and toddlers. They suddenly stop showing interest in food when they get cues from inside the body that they are no longer hungry.

Parents make kids ignore the internal cues by encouraging them to empty their plates

This sensitivity to the feeling of fullness decreases when babies start getting lectures from their parents to finish everything that is there in their plate. A child is force fed and asked to ignore internal signals that he gets from his own body. A baby learns to drain the bottle of milk completely as he knows that his mom will love him for this act. And this becomes a habit later on and may lead to the child becoming obese. Putting on weight is natural under these circumstances as the hormones that make you feel full

decrease in amount and number inside the brain. These hormones, called PYY decrease in number as one grows overweight. There is then less likelihood of you feeling full when you really are, and so you will continue to eat even though your body has had enough.

Some food items are better fillers than others

There are some food items like fruits and vegetables that are known as fillers because they contain a lot of air, water and fiber to fill the stomach and make a person keep feeling full even for a long time after eating such foods. Not many know that the healthiest of them all, the apple, contains 25% air which is why it is an excellent filler food item. Apples produce a hormone called GLP which is known to send satiety signals to the brain when it is being digested. The trick with fillers is to eat them early even before starting a meal so that once digested, they start to send satiety signals thereby stopping us from eating more.

Now you certainly cannot ask for an apple before food is served to you when you are in a restaurant, right? But what you can do is ask for a salad. This is because salads have a lot of fiber and water and are excellent fillers. High protein diets are believed to be better in this regard as proteins are the best of the three major nutrients when it comes to making a person feel full.

Identify Your Goals to Make a Diet Choice

Many people want to change what they eat and how they eat in order to lose weight. However, this is not the only reason for adopting a special diet. Before you start your search for the ideal plan, you should focus on figuring out what you want to achieve with it. Which diet is best for you? Only you can answer that question.

What do you want to achieve by going on a diet? This is the question that you have to answer first. The most common reasons are weight loss, weight gain or treating an illness. It is essential to be more precise, however. For instance, some people may just want to gain weight because they feel that they are too skinny. Others may want to gain weight and muscle mass. This is a completely different objective that requires a different approach.

What results do you want to accomplish with your diet? This is a question that you need to answer precisely. For example, if you want to lose weight, you have to get an idea of how much you want to lose. Similarly, you may have additional goals such as getting rid of belly fat. In this case, it is a good idea to set the precise number of inches that you want your waist to measure. In general, working with numbers is highly recommended. This is because it is easier to achieve measurable goals.

How realistic are your goals? It is essential not to get carried away when it comes to determining the results which you want to achieve with the help of the best diet. Becoming too skinny or gaining a very large muscle mass may have

serious negative effects on your health. It is a good idea to do some research and even to consult a doctor or a dietician to find out what weight and shape are healthy for the human body. That way, you will set realistic goals that will not get you into trouble. It is essential to take into account your abilities, lifestyle and health as well.

How motivated are you to achieve the set goals? There is no point in going through the process of comparing diets to choose the best one and then spending time devising an individual plan if you will quit after a week or two. You have to make sure that you are well aware of the challenges and obstacles ahead of you. These along with other factors should motivate you and not scare you.

Improve Your Mood with Diet

There are no specific diet plans available for people who have been diagnosed with depression. However, this does not mean that food cannot help you overcome this condition. There are various nutrients which have been proven to have a positive effect on the brain functioning and health and on the mood. Hence, it is worth including them in your diet. Following some simple nutrition rules can really help you fight depression effectively.

Include foods which are rich in antioxidants in your diet for depression. Antioxidants fight the free radicals which damage the healthy brain cells. They will certainly improve

the health and functioning of your brain. The best sources of antioxidants are berries, and blueberries and strawberries in particular, citrus fruits, vegetables like carrots and broccoli, nuts and seeds and the oils made from them.

Food rich in complex carbohydrates should be included in your diet for depression as well. Research has shown that carbohydrates may boost serotonin levels in the brain and improve your mood. Still, the simple carbs are not very good for you as they have a short-lasting effect and may lead to weight gain. The best sources of complex carbohydrates are the whole grains, vegetables and fruits. Try to avoid foods rich in simple carbs such as sugary foods, potatoes, white rice, and foods made from white flour.

Protein-rich foods should be present in your diet for depression as they may increase the levels of some brain chemicals which help for concentration and better memory. It is important to get lean protein from sources like fish, poultry, lean veal, low-fat dairy and legumes.

Researchers have found that omega-3 fatty acids may be effective for the prevention of depression and for promoting its curing. In general, they are good for brain health and for cardiovascular health. You should certainly include foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. The main sources of these healthy nutrients are fatty fish like salmon and mackerel and sardines. The nuts and seeds are also good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

Foods rich in selenium should be an important part of your diet for depression. It has been found that selenium may improve mood, even though more scientific evidence is needed to confirm this. The best sources of this chemical compound are legumes, lean meat, low-fat dairy products, seafood and nuts and seeds.

The diet for depression has to be balanced. You need to make sure that you do not get more calories than you need as weight gain may make depression worse.

Is the Cookie Diet the Dream Diet?

Everyone knows that weight loss diet exclude sugary foods of all types. What if you could slim down by eating cookies? The cookie diet has been around since the 1970's and has it is thought to have helped hundreds of thousands of people. Check the facts behind the claims to find out what this program is all about.

Eating cookies is the simple formula of the cookie diet. These are not regular cookies, however. They contain amino acids from protein and fiber. The amino acids give you some energy and keep your body going while the fiber makes you feel full. The cookies are actually sweet, but not as sweet as the regular ones. The good news is that you can pick from a variety of flavors with some of the most popular ones being chocolate, banana and blueberry.

During the day, you are supposed to eat between 6 and 8 of these cookies and nothing else. You can take one cookie at a time whenever you feel hungry. There are no special meal and snack timings. The cookies are supposed to give you between 500 and 800 calories per day. In the evening, you need to have dinner which consists of lean protein and vegetables. The evening meal should give you between 300 and 400 calories.

Its simplicity is one of the main advantages of the cookie diet. It is extremely easy to follow as you do not have to worry about calorie counting and choosing different types of foods. The diet is flexible as well. You can eat a cookie whenever you want so you can control your hunger pangs and cravings more easily. You need to drink a lot of fluids, preferably water. Some experts recommend drinking decaffeinated coffee as well.

The total number of calories that dieters consume daily is between 800 and 1200. This is sufficient for losing weight while providing your body with enough energy to function properly. In general, dieters are recommended not to go below 1200 calories. Those who choose this option should be supervised by physicians.

The main drawback of the cookie diet is that in the beginning you may not feel particularly well due to the reduced calorie intake. Fatigue, weakness, nausea and headaches are among the most common symptoms, but they usually go away once your body adjusts to the diet. You should not suffer from vitamin and mineral deficiency.

After achieving your goals with the cookie diet, you need to include other foods in your meals gradually so that your body can get used to a balanced diet without accumulating extra fat.

Low Carb Diet

There are many different diets that people undertake depending upon their goals and requirements. The low carb diet has been around for quite some time and there are quite a number of diet plans based upon the principle of restricting the number of carbohydrates in a personâ€&#x;s dietary intake. The basic premise of all low carb diets is that when the diet is extremely low in carbohydrates, the body produces very low levels of insulin and starts to use its own fat and protein resources for its energy requirements.

Low carb diets are also known as ketogenic diets. This is because a low carb diet makes a body produce ketone bodies that are required by different body parts such as the brain as they cannot make use of the stored fat for their energy requirements. When this happens, there is a varnish like smell coming out of the mouth of the person and he also feels tired and nauseated most of the time. These are some of the side effects of a low carb diet that is mostly undertaken for quick weight loss.

The diet is alluring enough

As the name implies, the food intake is so arranged that the body is able to receive very few carbohydrates. But this requires fat and protein content to be increased and this means taking more meat, butter and cheese while cutting down on bread, pasta, alcohol, rice etc. This is also the reason why a low carb diet looks easier to undertake. It gives you the liberty to eat more butter and cheese.

However, there is a lot of controversy surrounding the efficacy of a low carb diet. A person on a low carb diet no doubt loses weight and this happens too quickly. This weight loss comes from muscle and water loss and not from the loss of fat in the body. This is the reason why a person taking this diet cannot retain the results and quickly regains the lost weight. Also when losing weight for good is your objective, losing lean muscle mass may be damaging to your own body makeup as muscle mass is helpful for burning calories even when the body is in a rest mode. When there is reduced muscle mass in the body, you know that you cannot burn calories easily and thus you will quickly gain weight after stopping this type of diet plan. Your weight will go up even with an average calorie intake.

The diet is not able to produce permanent results

If this is the situation, why are people so attracted to low carb diets and why are there so many low carb diets in place? Perhaps the reason lies in the ability of these diets to make a person lose weight rapidly. Believe it or not,

most of us love diet plans that produce visible results in a short time period. So if there is a diet that can make us wear a dress 1-2 sizes smaller in a matter of days, most of us would go for that diet as it is hard to resist the temptation of looking attractive in a short time irrespective of the fact that the magic lasts for a short time only. You must have seen Hollywood stars shedding weight quickly to meet the demands of a character. This is no magic. It is done using a low carb diet. However, it has to be remembered that a low carb diet does not produce permanent weight loss and one tends to regain the lost weight quickly after dropping a low carb diet.

If one tries to analyze a low carb diet based on the way in which it has been designed, it becomes apparent that the ingredients are not balanced. For a balanced diet, a person must have fruits and green vegetables that provide the essential nutrients required by the body on a daily basis. Another factor that makes low carb diets unhealthy is the too high protein content. This large amount of protein puts the kidneys under a lot of stress as they work at a much harder rate.

These are the reasons why low carb diets are also referred to as yo-yo diets. They are notorious for causing weight loss and rapid weight gain afterwards.

Major Dieting Mistakes to Avoid

Most people fail to lose weight because they make bad choices and mistakes when it comes to dieting. The reality is that slimming down is not rocket science. You just need to use common sense and avoid the major traps.

Going on a fad diet is the worst mistake which you can make. These diets promise quick weight loss and they can really help you shed quite a few pounds within a short period of time. The problem with them is that they involve starvation. You will certainly feel sick at least on some days. The worst part is that you actual lose water weight and muscle and not fat so you will quickly regain your weight afterwards. The really bad thing is that you can develop a chronic medical condition. The best way to slim down is to use a balanced diet with fewer calories that allows you to lose weight progressively.

Not getting enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals is a mistake which you need to avoid at all costs. Unfortunately, even popular diets which are considered healthy, can lead to nutrient deficiencies. For instance, some vegetarians and especially the ones that do not consume dairy and eggs, lack sufficient amounts of vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, iron, zinc and lean protein. It is perfectly possible to avoid such deficiencies by consuming greater amounts of plant foods that can supply you with these nutrients.

High protein diets may leave you without sufficient amounts of carbohydrates. This will not cause any major health problems, but you may experience undesirable symptoms such as headaches, weakness, bad breath and dizziness. That is why, it is always best to consume a small amount of healthy

carbs daily. It is best if these come from foods such as whole grains and certain types of fruits that are high in fiber.

Not exercising while you are on a weight loss diet is a huge mistake. Many people dream of diet programs that do not involve any type of exercise. The reality is that working out will help you not only with burning more fat; it gives you energy and it may even help you cope with hunger pangs and cravings. Besides, you will feel more relaxed while on a weight loss diet if you exercise. The key to doing things right is to choose exercises that you enjoy.

Going back to your previous eating habits after completing the diet is a serious mistake to avoid. Reintroduce only healthy foods to your diet and do it gradually. Keep a check on your daily calorie intake and on your weight.

Overview of the HCG Diet

Millions of men and women are overweight and obese because of their lifestyle and diet. As of late, there has been an increase in the awareness of the dangers of obesity. These people now want to get back into shape and to live a healthier life and also to look attractive in the eyes of others. This realization has given rise to dozens of diets that have been designed to make people lose weight and inches to achieve their dream shape that will allow them to wear two size smaller clothes.

One such diet that was accidentally discovered by a doctor while he was working on malnutrition in underdeveloped countries is the HCG diet. Just what is this HCG diet and what are its implications for all those who want to get rid of their obesity in a quick and efficient manner? Let us find out in this article.

HCG was accidentally discovered in the urine of a pregnant woman

HCG is actually a hormone that is produced by the body of pregnant women when they conceive. There are HCG-testing kits available in the market. These are designed to confirm the pregnancy of a woman. The name of the hormone is Human Chorionic Gonadotropin and the strange fact that Doctor Simeons observed was that after giving birth to babies, the health of women deteriorated and they lost weight. The doctor concluded that the loss of weight was because of the hormone taking away stored fat from the body of the woman to provide nourishment to the fetus via the placenta. If this was really so, small amounts of this hormone synthesized in laboratories could help people who want to lose weight as the hormone seemed to have the potential to drain fat cells of the body.

HCG is considered a fat eater

The good thing about the hormone HCG is that it eats up extra fat inside the body of a person. It eats the fat that is

stored in hips, thighs, buttocks, waist, arms etc. This is the fat that is not used for anything. There are people who say that this fat could be eaten up by any low carb diet. Then why use a hormone for this purpose? The fact is that a low calorie diet forces the body to eat up all types of fats like normal reserve fats as well as extra fat. Another problem that is observed is that after stopping a low calorie diet, a person regains weight fast.

HCG diet works on the basis of suppression of hunger and the direction the hormone issues to the body to make use of fat as a fuel for the body. The HCG diet consists of a mere 500 calorie per day diet containing unprocessed foods along with drops of HCG hormone given under the tongue or through an injection. The patients are asked to follow this diet for 45 days and they are told that they will lose 2 pounds per day.

There is no scientific evidence to support the claim

However experts say that this is unlikely even though there are thousands of cases in which people have actually reported a loss of 2-3 pounds per day when following the HCG diet. Experts say that this weight loss may be a result of the very low calorie diet and not HCG. Despite testimonials and before and after photos of individuals following the HCG diet for 45 days, there is very little or no scientific evidence to support the theory that the rapid weight loss is due to the human pregnancy hormone HCG. As of today, there are no FDA approved HCG products for weight loss available in the market. In fact, FDA has not sanctioned manufacturers claiming rapid weight loss

through their HCG based products.

The consumer is the final judge provided there is no harm

The FDA says that it is impossible for a diet providing just 500 calories per day to meet the nutritional requirements of the body, including all the vitamin and mineral requirements. However, people desperate to lose weight fast are seen going for the HCG diet because of the promises made by companies marketing HCG products. One thing is certain - the HCG diet is either a wonder or a fraud that only the users can tell.

Pros and Cons of the Raw Food Diet

You can choose from a huge range of diets. One of the most peculiar options is to consume raw food only. This may seem easy at first sight, but this is certainly not the case. It is definitely worth learning more about this type of diet so that you can decide on it yourself.

As part of the raw food diet, you must consume only raw foods. It is possible to heat the food to a temperature of 104 to 108 degrees Fahrenheit as well. There are other methods which can be used for the preparation of the food so that it becomes suitable for eating while it remains uncooked. Soaking, sprouting, dehydrating, juicing, fermenting and pickling are some of the most widely used


The idea behind the raw food diet is to give you the maximum amount of nutrients and enzymes naturally present in foods and to protect you from harmful substances that are formed during the cooking process. When foods are cooked they lose some of their valuable nutrients and the enzymes which they contain are no longer useful for our bodies. The people who support the consumption of raw food believe that the deprivation from these enzymes will eventually cause serious problems of the digestive system and possibly of other systems in the body. Besides, some of the chemical compounds that are formed during the cooking process may be harmful and may lead to serious diseases.

The main benefits of the raw food diet include higher energy, weight lost and cleaner skin. These come mainly from the fact that the consumption of sugar and fat is considerably reduced. In addition, you get sufficient amounts of beneficial vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and potassium. These benefits combined may lead to lower risk of heart disease and cancer.

The main problem with the raw food diet is that it is fairly difficult to stick to. You can eat not only fruits and vegetables, which are traditionally consumed raw, but unprocessed milk and cheese, nuts and seeds and fish and meat which are uncooked, but made suitable for eating in other ways. However, it is very difficult to consume sufficient amounts of protein-rich foods with this type of diet. This is particularly applicable to poultry, veal and legumes.

It has been found that people who are on the raw food diet do not have sufficient amounts of certain nutrients in their bodies. They cannot get enough vitamin B12, iron, and zinc and omega-3 fatty acids.

You have all the information to decide on the raw food diet yourself.

New addition: Relief of Gout through Diet

Only people who suffer from gout know how painful this type of arthritis can be. Now there are medications which allow you to control this condition to a great extent. This has made it possible for the traditional diet for gout to become much less strict. Now you can enjoy more foods while eliminating the ones triggering the condition.

The main purpose of the diet for gout is to keep uric acid under control. That way, it will not accumulate in the form of tiny crystals around the joints and cause severe pain. Your body produced uric acid in order to process purines, chemical compounds found in certain types of foods. By lowering your consumption of purine-rich foods, you will lower the risk of gout attacks and make them less severe if they occur.

Lower your consumption of meat, poultry and fish as purines

are present in animal protein in the highest amounts. It is best to eliminate red meats and organ meats from your diet completely. Fatty fish and seafood are also rich in these chemical compounds so they should be avoided. Doctors recommend that you do not eat more than 4 to 6 ounces of meat, poultry and fish per day.

Get protein primarily from plants. This is the best thing that a person on a diet for gout can do to stay healthy and fit. The best sources of plant protein are the legumes. Include more beans, lentils and peas in your diet.

Low-fat dairy products may also help you lower the risk of gout attacks. Furthermore, the calcium and vitamin D contained in these are good for the bones and joints. Low-fat milk and yogurt are excellent choices for gout patients. 16 to 24 ounces of these per day should be sufficient for getting the desired results.

You are recommended to limit your consumption of sugary foods and foods rich in simple carbohydrates such as white bread, rice and pasta. This is because they are rich in calories and can provide for weight gain, which will make your gout worse. At the same time, you should get sufficient amounts of healthy carbohydrates and fiber. These are found in whole grains, vegetables and fruits.

Drinks are an important part of the diet for gout. Alcohol prevents the efficient elimination of uric acid from the body, so it is best to limit its consumption to the very possible minimum or to avoid it completely. At the same

time, you should drink plenty of water to help your body eliminate uric acid naturally.

The Alkaline Diet My Review

There are numerous people who want to lose weight and lower their risk of serious diseases. The alkaline diet is one of the options which they can go for. This type of diet is supposed to provide a variety of health benefits and to be perfectly safe. Is this the case? Use this objective review to find out.

What is the alkaline diet? Despite the scientific name, this diet is actually very simple. It is designed to help you keep your blood slightly alkaline with pH level within 7.35 to 7.45. In order to achieve this, you need to consume foods that promote alkaline pH levels. These include vegetables, certain types of fruits, legumes and whole grains. At the same time, you need to eliminate acid-promoting foods from your meals. These include meat, poultry, fish and dairy products plus processed foods, sugary foods and ones made from white flour.

What are the effects of the alkaline diet and how effective is it? There is no scientific evidence to prove that the pH level of the blood is affected either directly or indirectly by the foods which we eat. However, this does not mean that this type of diet does not have health benefits. Generally, the supporters of this type of diet

claim that when the pH level of the blood is optimal, certain essential minerals like potassium, magnesium and calcium are better absorbed by the body and improve its functioning while protecting it from internal and external threats.

Research has shown that people on this diet are generally healthier and at lower risk of some serious diseases like heart disease and cancer and colon cancer, in particular. There are also findings which show that the alkaline diet may help for the restoration of the hormonal balance, reduce bone density loss and relieve low back pain to an extent. Still, more scientific evidence is necessary to confirm these findings.

Is the alkaline diet safe? Doctors confirm that this diet is generally safe. The foods included in it should provide all the nutrients which your body needs. Besides, the consumption of water is encouraged and caffeinated drinks and alcohol are forbidden and this should also bring health benefits. Still, the alkaline-promoting foods may make your urine more alkaline and this increases the risk of kidney stones. In addition, the diet may affect the potassium levels in the body and this may have an adverse effect on the health of people suffering from heart disease.

Is the alkaline diet the best for you? Weigh the pros and cons and decide for yourself.But remember is not an one size fit all diet plan -- it requires a very stricted commitment on your part.

The Caveman Diet Reviewed

There are all sorts of modern-day advancements and findings in the area of health and nutrition that can make us fitter and healthier and help us live longer. However, there are also experts who suggest that we should go back to the diet of our ancestors who lived 10,000 years ago. Are you ready for the caveman diet?

The caveman diet actually has many different names. It is also known as the Paleolithic or Paleo diet and the Stone Age diet. Irrespective of its name, the basic principle is the same. You are supposed to eat only foods which were present in the diet of our ancestors when they were hunter gatherers.

The caveman diet includes foods like meat, fish, shellfish, eggs, nuts, vegetables, fruits and berries. These are all foods that can be found in nature and picked up even though today they come from farms. The major foods which are excluded from this type of diet are dairy products, legumes, sugar and sugary foods and potatoes. In general, all processed and canned foods including processed oils should not be consumed.

You can use herbs and spices to flavor your food, but the consumption of salt should be reduced to the very possible minimum. In fact, you should go without salt altogether if you can.

There are also some special rules regarding the drinks which you can consume while you are on the caveman diet. You can drink only water, green tea and coconut water. You cannot consume any other beverages.

Can the caveman diet provide health benefits? Many nutrition experts say that this diet can lower the risk of heart disease, promote weight loss, treat skin problems and give you more energy. There is more scientific evidence needed to confirm this, but it seems that this type of diet can help us be lean, strong, agile and energetic just like our ancestors who were hunter gatherers.

There are also those experts who are skeptic about the caveman diet. They point out that it excludes foods like milk and whole grains which have been proven to have various nutrition benefits. They argue that the long-term use of such a diet may have an adverse effect on the system of the modern-day person that has adjusted to the foods that came about with the introduction of farming.

Overall, the caveman diet may be able to provide health benefits, but it may not be helpful in the long term. One important thing to note is that our ancestors exercised a lot so you may want to do this as well irrespective of whether you go on this diet or not.

The Glycemic Index Diet Explained

The weight loss diets which are based on scientific findings and measures are naturally more attractive and more trusted by people. One such diet is based on the glycemic index of foods. It has gained great popularity in recent years so it is definitely advisable to look at it in greater detail.

The glycemic index diet is designed to help you consume foods with healthy carbohydrates. These foods cause only a slight increase in the blood sugar levels and most of them are rich in fiber. That way, hunger pangs and cravings are avoided. You feel full while consuming smaller amounts of calories and this helps you lose weight.

The glycemic index shows how carbohydrates affect blood sugar levels. All the foods are assigned a number between 1 and 100. Pure glucose has a score of 100. The foods fall into three major groups. Those with a score of over 70 are rated as high. Those with a score between 56 and 69 are rated as moderate and those with a score of less than 55 are rated as low.

Eating foods with low glycemic rating is the major principle of the glycemic index diet. Usually, these are combined with lean protein and healthy fats so that dieters can keep their metabolism working properly. In general, dieters should not feel discomfort while losing weight. They should get sufficient amounts of nutrients and vitamins and minerals.

Various studies have shown that the glycemic index diet promotes weight loss by helping dieters control their hunger pangs and cravings and by reducing the amount of

calories consumed daily. The program comes with other health benefits as well. Researchers have found that it lowers the risk of serious diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.

There are also those nutritionists who completely renounce this diet. They claim that the glycemic index is way too complex and not always accurate. This is because the score that each food gets depends on a range of factors such as the cooking methods used, any additional ingredients used and the level of processing which the food has undergone. These factors can vary greatly so it is difficult to make precise calculations. Furthermore, some generally healthy foods which are good for you have a high glycemic score.

It is up to you to decide whether to go on the glycemic index diet or not. In general, many experts say that it is simpler to evaluate foods containing carbohydrates on basic principles and using common sense.

The Grapefruit Diet and Its Effectiveness and Safety

One of the earliest weight loss diets which have survived to the present time is the grapefruit diet. It was developed in the 1930's and was supposedly highly popular with the Hollywood stars at the time. That is why it is often called the Hollywood diet. Is it good for the modern-day person? Use this guide to find out.

The grapefruit diet is based on this citrus fruit. It is thought that it contains a specific enzyme which can burn fat and help you lose weight. Along with eating fresh grapefruits or drinking fresh grapefruit juice in certain amounts every day, you need to consume lean protein and drop foods rich in carbohydrates. Basically, you can eat veal, fish, poultry and vegetables in small amounts. Specific plans are available to those who want to follow the diet.

No study so far has proven that grapefruit contains a unique enzyme that is a potent fat burner. However, the health benefits of this fruit are undeniable. It contains only a few calories. It is rich in vitamin C another powerful antioxidant and in fiber as well. One study conducted in 2006 showed that people who retained their traditional diet and consumed 4 ounces of fresh grapefruit juice daily lost 3 pounds over 12 weeks on average.

Experts say that the grapefruit diet can really help you lose weight. However, this is not because of any magic enzyme that grapefruit contains but because of the smaller amount of calories that you consume. It is true that grapefruit can help you control hunger pangs and give you some energy, but this is pretty much everything that it can do for you.

Due to the low calorie intake, most people do not feel particularly well during the initial days of the grapefruit diet. Symptoms such as fatigue, weakness, nausea, dizziness and headaches are not uncommon. These, however, will go away once your body adjusts to the diet. You should not experience any nutrient, vitamin or mineral deficiency when

you follow the program.

The main drawback of the grapefruit diet, according to nutrition experts and physicians, is that you are highly likely to regain weight when you go back to your normal eating habits. Still, it is possible to avoid the so called yo-yo effect if you reintroduce foods excluded from the diet gradually.

Weigh the pros and cons of the grapefruit diet carefully and decide whether it is the right one for you.

The Mediterranean Diet

There are many diets popular with people for their ability to keep the dieters healthy and in good shape. One such diet is the Mediterranean Diet, a diet that is traditional for the people of Southern Europe. It is common in countries like France, Greece, Italy, and so on. In fact, all countries bordering the Mediterranean Sea are called Mediterranean countries and the food habits of the people living in these countries form the basis of a diet called Mediterranean diet.

In the strict sense of the term as it is construed as a specific diet to lose weight, the Mediterranean diet is not a diet per se. But the fact that people living along the coast of the Mediterranean have long and healthy lives has

made people take notice of this diet. It is also a fact that people living in Mediterranean countries have much less incidence of ailments like cancer and heart diseases.

There is no Mediterranean diet per se

To be precise, there is no single Mediterranean diet as Greeks eat foods that are different from those consumed by the people in Italy. The cuisine of France and Spain is also different. But there seems to be a common thing connecting the foods of these Mediterranean countries. All the recipes have an emphasis on fruits, olive oil, beans, nuts and whole grains. The use of herbs to give flavor to recipes is another major characteristic. These people eat fish and seafood once or twice a week. They also seem to enjoy dairy and poultry products while they have red meats, wines and sweets only on special occasions.

It was Dr. Ancel Keys who popularized the Mediterranean diet in the 70â€&#x;s though it was not until 1990â€&#x;s that people all over the world realized the potential of this diet. It could be used to lose weight and to live a healthy life. Olive oil, one of the major ingredients in the Mediterranean diet, is known to lower the blood sugar and cholesterol levels, thereby helping patients who suffer from hypertension. The people of the Mediterranean countries consume red wine while those in other countries prefer beer. Red wine is known to contain flavonoids. These are active antioxidants that clean the body from toxins.

One can see the benefits by comparing the Mediterranean

population with American people

When one makes a comparison between American people and those living along the Mediterranean coast, it becomes clear that a Mediterranean diet helps to prevent many types of lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart diseases, Alzheimerâ€&#x;s, Parkinsonâ€&#x;s, and so on. Talking of benefits, there is obviously a longer lifespan, lower risk of high blood pressure, and lower risk of becoming overweight. This is evident if one looks across the population of the Mediterranean countries.

The healthy effects of the Mediterranean diet have been the subject of research and there have been a lot of studies to analyze this particular diet and to verify the claims made by experts about the diet. It has been found to be a balanced diet promoting good health and keeping weight under control, apart from reducing the risks of several diseases. However, it would be wrong to attribute all the health benefits to the Mediterranean diet alone as there is a clear difference between the lifestyles of the people living along the Mediterranean coast and those living on the American continent. In fact, the Mediterranean diet has been described by some as more of a lifestyle that makes good taste meet good health.

What is amazing is that different countries along the Mediterranean enjoy different diets that are dependent upon the availability of foods and the cultural preferences of the people. However, there are similarities that allow specialists to design a diet for all health conscious people across the world known as the Mediterranean diet. Most of

the foods eaten in the Mediterranean region are simple and there are no deep fried food recipes. The plant foods dominate the diet and they are full of antioxidants and all the necessary vitamins and minerals that are required by the body on a daily basis. The presence of micronutrients and fiber in the Mediterranean diet ensures the prevention of many chronic diseases. There is scientific evidence to support the claim that Mediterranean diet helps for weight loss and also for increasing the life span.

The Morning Banana Diet My Review

When weight loss diets are endorsed by celebrities, they automatically become popular worldwide. This is the case with the morning banana diet, which originally came from Japan. Learn more about it so that you can decide for yourself whether to adopt it or not.

The morning banana diet is extremely simple to follow. The main rule that you need to keep is to consume only bananas for breakfast. You can drink only water at room temperature. Throughout the day, you can have any number of meals and snacks. There are absolutely no restrictions to the type of foods that you can eat and their amount. Still, you can have only one sweet snack in the middle of the afternoon. Another important rule is not to have any kind of dessert, ice cream, dairy products and alcohol after 8 in the evening.

Can bananas actually help you lose weight? There is no solid evidence to confirm that these fruits contain a substance that burns fat more effectively and more quickly, despite the various claims made. There are some who attribute the supposed weight loss properties of bananas to the enzymes they contain, but generally the body has enough enzymes to regulate metabolism.

A more plausible theory for the effectiveness of bananas for weight loss is the present of resistant starch in them. This type of fiber promotes fullness and may stimulate fat burning. It may also block the conversion of some carbohydrates. Still, it is thought that the amounts of resistant starch present in bananas are not sufficient to bring about any considerable change in metabolism.

Generally, there is little evidence to support the claims that the banana diet works for weight loss. So far, it has not been scientifically proven that bananas contain a chemical compound that burns fat. Besides, when you are allowed to eat anything you want, you may not get the slimming results that you expect. Still, trying this diet is highly unlikely to do you any harm since it does not involve fasting or the consumption of minimal amounts of certain types of nutrients.

You can try the morning banana diet to see if bananas will actually keep you feeling full throughout the day and help you consume smaller amounts of other types of food. It is best if you plan your daily intake of food so that you get sufficient amounts of lean protein and healthy carbs and consume fewer calories. This will certainly help you lose


The Philosophy behind the Macrobiotic Diet

It is often said that dieting alone cannot bring you any weight loss and health benefits. That is why many people prefer to adopt a complete lifestyle approach. The macrobiotic diet is designed to change your entire perception of eating and to allow you to look at it in a philosophical way. Find out more about this very intriguing diet which gets its name from the Greek word for long life and extends into a specific way of life.

The macrobiotic diet is based on the traditional Eastern philosophy of Zen Buddhism and has some modern elements as well. The goal of the dieter is to achieve the balance between yin and yang. There are yin foods. These are foods that are cold, passive and sweet. There are special yang foods as well. These are hot, salty and aggressive. Some foods are completely excluded as they are rich in toxins.

In its essence, the macrobiotic diet is a vegetarian diet that allows the inclusion of fish and meat from time to time. You can eat whole grains, tofu, beans and vegetables. Fatty foods, sugary foods and processed foods must be excluded completely. The same applies to foods with high carbohydrate content such as potatoes and those made from refined flour. Alcohol, coffee and carbonated, caffeinated and sweetened drinks should be avoided.

The macrobiotic diet places a great focus on the consumption of foods which are completely organic. Dieters are recommended to use only foods which come from farmers in the local area. There are special rules on the preparation of the food as well. Methods for food preparation such as boiling, steaming and baking are allowed while frying is not. You have to use only natural herbs and spices and avoid the ones that are really hot.

You may enjoy health benefits with the macrobiotic diet. These include maintaining optimal weight, low cholesterol levels, normal blood pressure and lower risk of heart disease and cancer. Still, there is no scientific evidence to confirm that with this diet, you will live a long and healthy life.

There are some concerns that the macrobiotic diet may lead to some nutrient, vitamin and mineral deficiencies which are common in people who do not consume meat and dairy products on a regular basis. Your body may not get sufficient amounts of vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron, calcium and protein. That is why it is recommended for children and women who are pregnant or nursing not to go on this diet or to include sufficient amounts of meat, fish and poultry in it.

The Truth about Detox Diets

There is no doubt that detox diets are the latest craze. Various celebrities have endorsed them and they are presented on numerous TV shows. These diets are supposed to have numerous benefits from weight loss and higher energy levels to lower risk of heart disease and cancer. Learn all you need to know about them before you try any of them.

How do detox diets work? The ways in which the various programs work differ slightly, but they are all based on the same principle - detoxification. The idea is that you will aid your body in eliminating all toxins naturally. By purifying your body, you will have improved digestion and more energy. Weight loss and lower risk of cold, flu and allergies are additional benefits. By eliminating toxins from your body, you are less likely to develop more serious conditions as well.

The most common detox diets involve a very low calorie intake per day. You can eat nothing but some fruits and vegetables. In some cases, all foods are eliminated from the program completely. You are supposed to drink plenty of fluids. These usually include water, fresh juices and herbal teas. There are also programs in which you have to drink a specifically formulated drink. Typically, the commercially sold programs include not only diet plans, but also a specific artificially formulated product for detoxification.

Are detox diets effective? It is worth looking at what happens when you follow such a regimen. Since you do not consume any calories, you will lose weight quite quickly. However, most of this weight will be water weight and not

fat weight. This is because the body goes into conservation mode and the burning of fat slows down. Basically, you will lose a considerable amount of weight fairly quickly, but as soon as you go back to your normal diet, you will regain the weight that you have lost fairly quickly.

When it comes to detoxification, researchers say that there is no solid evidence which proves that any diet or fasting can work to detoxify the body. Doctors explain that the body has its own natural mechanisms for detoxification and they work effectively in healthy individuals.

How safe are detox diets? Some programs which involve reasonable calorie intake and foods from various food groups should be fairly safe. However, the ones which involve fasting or extremely small amount of calories can be quite dangerous. You may experience fatigue, dizziness and nausea. Individuals who are not perfectly healthy may develop even more serious health problems.

The Truth about the Lemonade Diet

You can lose 20 pounds in less than 14 days with the lemonade diet. Who could resist such a temptation? It seems that this program can really work wonders. However, it is important to understand the science behind this rapid weight loss and consider the possible dangers.

The lemonade diet is actually one of the simplest ever devised. The only thing which you need to consume is lemonade which you can prepare at home. There are different recipes for the preparation of this drink.

The most popular recipe includes 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup, one tenth tablespoon of cayenne pepper and 10 ounces of water. This recipe is for one serving. You are supposed to have six or more servings during the day and nothing else. You can stay on the diet between 4 and 14 days depending on the specific program and the weight loss that you want to achieve.

You can really shed off a considerable number of pounds within a fairly short period of time with the lemonade diet. However, nutritionists and physicians explain that you do not lose fat, but water weight and muscle. This is because when you starve it, your body strives to preserve its fat deposits, which are its main source of energy.

You will lose weight with the lemonade diet, but you will regain it quickly afterwards. This is because your body will try to make up for the losses it has incurred. Furthermore, when you literally starve for some time, you tend to grab absolutely anything that it is your fridge afterwards. It is not uncommon for dieters to binge after the fasting.

The biggest problem with the lemonade diet is that it can be extremely dangerous for your body. Symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, weakness, fatigue and diarrhea or constipation are extremely common. In general, it is

recommended not to get involved in any physical activity while you are on the diet as it can actually make matters worse. The diet may lead to permanent loss of beneficial bacteria present in the digestive tract and to kidney and liver problems. You would not want to end up with a chronic illness for the sake of losing weight quickly.

Overall, the lemonade diet is ineffective and may be dangerous. If you want to slim down and remain lean in the long term, you need to go for a balanced diet plan developed on the basis of the principles of healthy nutrition.

Tips for Choosing the Right Weight Loss Diet

Slim means sexy these days. Besides, all other things being equal slim people are at lower risk of heart disease and cancer. For these reasons, millions of people are looking for the best weight loss diet. Use five essential principles for evaluating each program that you come across. These will help you pick the best diet for you.

Evaluate how the diet works. Most diets work by reducing the daily calorie intake. That way, the stored fat in the body is transformed to be used as energy which you do not get with calories from food. However, some programs use more complex methods such as reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates and increased consumption of proteins.

According to physicians, the best diet is the one that allows you to lose weight without depriving you of the optimal amounts of nutrients that you need. When evaluating a program, you should check the recommended daily allowances for all nutrients and ensure they will be provided. In addition, the reduction in the calorie intake should be healthy and not drastic.

Assess the comprehensiveness of the diet plan. Some plans are really basic and tell you only which types of foods to eat, what amounts to take and when. Others are more comprehensive and give you recipes which to prepare. They come with recommendations on snacks, replacement foods and drinks. There are more flexible plans that even give you a choice of foods. There are also those that come with a variety of tools such as calorie charts and calculators that allow you to choose which foods to eat provided that they meet certain criteria.

How much weight will you lose and how quickly will this happen? It is best to check any statistical data available on the average amount of weight lost by participants. It is equally important to get information on how many people complete the program successfully. It is crucial for the program to be realistic when it comes to the weight loss rate.

How safe is the diet? A program is safe when it gives you all the nutrients which you need and a sufficient amount of calories for your body to function normally every day. It is safest when the weight loss is gradual. It is best for you to lose between 1 and 2 pounds a week. It is safe

when it is approved by your doctor especially in case you are obese and/or chronically ill.

Consider any complementary elements to the diet. The main ones include exercise, supplements and after-diet programs.

What Do You Want Your Diet to Accomplish?

A large proportion of the population seems to be in search for that best diet plan that will make them healthy and fit. We are living in times when we have little time for anything, including the diet that we want because it will work miracles for us. So busy are our lives that we seem to hardly find some time for workouts and exercise. In a scenario like this, going to bed late at night and rushing to office in the morning along with having a poor diet makes matters worse for us.

It is heartening to see the increasing health and dieting awareness among people. They are motivated to lose fat and to get back into shape. More and more people are waking up to the dangers of poor diet coupled with social drinking and smoking. If you are one of the millions of people who have made up their minds to get into action by sticking to a good diet tailor made for your requirements, you must at least have the goals of your diet clearly spelt out in your mind.

The Internet is a treasure house full of diet plans

The Internet has emerged as the best source for those looking for various diet plans based upon their age, gender, and weight loss goals. There are many bodybuilding champions and gym experts trying to teach people about the efficacy of their diet plan. It becomes a dilemma as one finds more diet plans for weight loss than he needs. Different people have different expectations from their diet plans. However, whatever the reason for starting a particular diet is, the fact remains that people expect their plans to be super fast and efficient. They want to get visible results in a short time period.

It is easy to fall in the nets of internet marketers and buy a diet plan just because it seems to be in all places and because it is described as the number one diet plan in recent times. But you must keep in mind that no diet plan is perfect or can meet the requirements of all people. Thus there is no perfect diet plan for all people as they have differences in their genetic makeup and genetic predispositions. The different bodies have different reactions to food items. There is difference in the way people feel after having consumed them.

Match the plan to your own specific goals

You must decide on a particular diet plan only after taking a good look at your requirements and then matching them to the objectives of the diet. There can be a yawning gap between what a plan can do for you and what you actually

want to accomplish. A diet can drastically change depending upon your final goal which is why you must have a clear vision of your goal.

* Do you want to have a great body that looks stunning in swimwear?

* Do you want to look and feel confident?

* Do you want to get a cure for an ailment?

* Do you want to adopt a diet in order to improve your performance in a sport?

* Do you want to lose weight and fat?

* Do you want to gain weight?

* Do you want to have a muscular body?

* Do you want a combination of any of these goals?

These are some goals that are general in nature. One can also have very specific goals in mind like reducing their waistline by 3-4 inches, losing 25 pounds of weight,

increasing the chest by 5 inches, and so on. Some people might even expect their diet to be able to reduce cholesterol levels for them while there are some who take up a diet to stay away from cardiovascular disease.

You can have a plan customized to suit your objectives

Different diets have specific goals but it is possible to tweak the diet to suit your objective by altering some aspects of the diet like increasing or decreasing the amounts of certain food items. But no matter how specific your requirements may be, you can narrow down your goals into 3 main categories - building and gaining, losing and reducing, maintaining and improving, or any combination of these categories.

What is the Paleo Diet?

There is a lot of talk about the Paleo diet these days with doctors and nutritionists debating on the pros and cons of this type of diet on television. One can see experts giving their opinions at seminars and lecturing about the wonders it can do to the health and well being of people in the modern world. Just what is this Paleo diet and what does it mean to us in todayâ€&#x;s context?

What is the basic principle behind the Paleo Diet?

Also known as the caveman diet, the Paleo diet is believed to be the diet which humans had millions of years ago when they were mainly hunters and gatherers. The caveman lived on natural food that he could obtain from plants and trees in addition to the meat of the animals he hunted. Seafood, animal fat and meat, eggs, nuts, fish, vegetables etc constituted the food of the Paleolithic man. His diet was rich in proteins and animal fat and had few carbohydrates. With the passage of time and the introduction of the sedentary life as part of civilization, mankind introduced many other foods for taste and variety into its diet moving away from nature.

The introduction of agriculture seems to be the culprit

The reason why mankind shifted away from the Paleo diet was the introduction of agriculture some 10,000 years ago. Large quantities of grains and pulses found their way into our diet. Food items like rice and pulses along with poultry and dairy products became prominent in our diet replacing lean meats and seafood. The Paleo diet included mostly foods that suited our process of evolution and our bodies got full nourishment from a wide variety of animal meat such as pork, bison, lamb, fish, beef etc. The Paleo diet did not have dairy products and grains and also had limited amounts of vegetables and nuts and fruits.

Our bodies could not adapt to the sudden change in diet

In sharp contrast, the food that mankind started to eat after the introduction of agriculture was alien to the

bodies and the genetic make up of human beings at that time. This caused havoc with the metabolism and this resulted into the development of many civilization and lifestyle diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, heart diseases, and so on. Today we are facing scores of diseases that were unheard of in earlier times, and most of these ailments are a result of the modern lifestyle and the diet we have.

Today we are getting away from nature and consume far too many food items that are bad for our bodies. These include all junk food and fried and fatty food items like burgers and hot dogs and steaks. Coupled with the intake of alcohol, colas, and tobacco, lack of exercise and a sedentary lifestyle this has led to many diseases that we can protect ourselves from if we revert to the diet consumed by our ancestors who were faster, more agile, and fitter than us.

It is not that the Paleo diet is just an attempt to imitate the diet pattern of the Paleolithic man without any scientific basis. What we can do is analyze and understand the health benefits of the food items consumed by the Paleolithic man and try to compare them with what we are eating today. Ultimately, our aim is not to eat meat raw or to start eating the way the Paleolithic man did but to have a diet that makes us healthier and more energetic than we are today.

A comparison of the Paleolithic man to todayâ€&#x;s man gives us a clue

Just compare and contrast an average Homo Sapiens (man) in

modern times with a Homo Sapiens during the Paleolithic times and you will find that whereas todayâ€&#x;s man is dull, out of shape, overweight, afflicted with diseases and living a stressful life, a Paleolithic man was fast and agile, fit and in shape, tall and muscular, athletic, and sharp. And what could be the reason behind this sudden transformation in the species? It has got to be agriculture and the prominence of grains and dairy products in our diets today.

Thus the Paleo diet is not just another fad diet but an attempt to get closer to nature and to a diet that is more suitable to us human beings biologically.

What You Must Know about the Cabbage Soup Diet

There are all sorts of modern diets based on scientific research and evidence, but there are also those that have been around for ages and that have been tried by almost every girl with weight problems. The cabbage soup diet is perhaps one of the oldest programs for losing weight. Learn more about it and its effectiveness and safety to decide whether it will work for you.

The cabbage soup diet is exactly what it says it is. Its main component is cabbage soup. You have to eat this soup for a week. There are different programs based on this principle. Some require you to eat nothing else apart from cabbage soup, but these are rare. Most involve a limited

consumption of vegetables and fruits plus some dairy and lean meat.

What is so special about cabbage soup? Firstly, it should be pointed out that there are different recipes for the making of this soup available from the authors of the diet plans that are based on it. Most involve not only green cabbage, but also carrots, onion, tomatoes and other healthy vegetables. You simply need to boil the vegetables and add some oil and flavorings.

The reality is that there is nothing special about cabbage soup, as far as science is concerned. The people who swear by cabbage soup diet say that this particular soup makes them feel full and suppresses their appetite. However, there is no scientific evidence to confirm this. Additionally, there are no special nutritious properties attributed to cabbage. The actual benefit of this dish is that it is low in calories. Basically, as you consume cabbage soup and tiny amounts of other foods, you do not get sufficient amounts of calories and you lose weight.

Experts classify the cabbage soup diet as a fad diet. You lose weight not because your body burns the stored fat, but because it loses water. The reality is that when you consume very small amounts of calories, your body goes into defense mode and tries to retain as much of its fat deposits as possible.

You will lose weight fairly quickly and you will be able to fit into your skinny jeans. However, when you go back

to your normal eating habits, you will regain the weight which you have lost. You may gain even more weight.

The cabbage soup diet is not only considered ineffective. It is risky as well. The restricted calorie intake and the dehydration may lead to kidney, liver and digestive problems.

Which Diet is Best for ADHD?

So far, there is no solid evidence that proves diet can either cause or cure ADHD. However, it is thought that it is possible for some foods to improve the symptoms and for others to make them worse. That is why going on an ADHD diet is usually recommended to patients. Use some practical tips that can help you come up with a beneficial individual diet plan for ADHD patients. In general, the recommendations are suitable for both child and adult patients.

There are some nutrients which are considered effective for improving some of the major symptoms of ADHD and for improving the quality of life of patients. You should certainly consider including foods abundant in these nutrients in your diet. Protein may improve concentration and enhance the effect of some medications. Healthy foods rich in protein include poultry, lean beef, eggs, beans, dairy products and nuts.

Complex carbohydrates are beneficial for patients because they can improve sleep. These nutrients are abundantly present in vegetables and some fruits like apples, pears, kiwis and citrus fruits. You should certainly include these items in your ADHD diet.

Even though there are different types of fatty acids, the omega-3 fatty acids are known to improve brain health. They may also help to regulate the mood. They are beneficial for the cardiovascular system as well. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include fatty fish like salmon and tuna, nuts like walnuts and Brazil nuts and oils such as canola oil and olive oil.

It is considered that simple carbohydrates can aggravate the symptoms of ADHD. For this reason, patients are advised to avoid foods that contain them or to reduce their amounts to the very minimum. You should try not to consume sugary foods, products made from white flour, potatoes and white rice. These can be easily replaced with healthier choices. You can readily have whole grain cereals, bread and pasta and brown rice.

Experts recommend keeping your own diary to try to identify a link between the foods which you eat and the symptoms that you experience. This is necessary because so far research has shown that the different foods have different effects on ADHD patients. By keeping a diary you will be able to identify the specific ingredients which are not beneficial for you and eliminate the foods which contain them from your diet. Generally, doctors recommend that you avoid foods which contain artificial colors, aspartame, nitrites and

monosodium glutamate.

Make sure that you get sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals with your ADHD diet.

Which Diet is Best for Brain Health?

It is perfectly possible to keep your brain healthy with the help of a diet. It is true that the aging process will have its effect on this essential organ, but you can minimize it with the right kinds of foods. It may even be possible to lower the risk of serious conditions such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Indeed, more research is necessary to prove the ability of certain chemical compounds found in food to keep brain cells healthy and protected, but there is no harm in adopting a diet that may help you achieve this.

The foods rich in antioxidants are the main components of every diet for brain health. The antioxidants are chemical compounds which prevent free radicals from damaging healthy cells. Researchers have found that some antioxidants may prevent the damage of brain cells effectively.

Berries are among the foods with highest concentration of antioxidants. Blueberries, in particular, are attributed powerful antioxidant properties. They may be able to

prevent brain damage by protecting this organ from oxidative stress. Generally, blueberries can help you improve your concentration and memory.

Beans, pinto beans and black beans, in particular, are rich in antioxidants too so they should definitely be included in your diet for brain health. Besides they promote cardiovascular health and, in this way, improve the blood flow to the brain. Dark chocolate is another source of powerful antioxidants so you may want to include it in your diet also provided that you consume it in its purest form without sugar being added to it.

It has been found that omega-3 fatty acids improve the functioning of the brain as well. Besides, they have anti-inflammatory properties. There is even evidence that they may prevent mental disorders such as depression and anxiety disorder.

Fatty fish are the Salmon is the more consume other fatty beneficial omega-3 benefits from nuts

best sources of omega-3 fatty acids. preferred choice, but you can readily fish as well. All nuts and seeds contain fatty acids. In order to get maximum and seeds, you must consume them raw.

Whole grains, avocados and extra virgin olive oil should also be present in your diet for good brain health. These promote the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular system. In this way, they help for optimal blood flow to the brain. Again, you get more benefits than just one.

It has been found that caffeine is good for the brain, but only in small amounts. In order to get the best possible results from the diet for brain health, you should consider drinking small amounts of green tea, black tea or coffee daily.

Which Diet is Best for Diverticulitis?

It has been found that diverticulitis affects mostly elderly individuals in Western countries. Diverticulosis is the condition preceding this disease. Small pouches are formed in the lining of the colon. If these pouches called diverticula become inflamed or infected, the person has diverticulitis. The symptoms vary, but usually include abdominal pain, nausea, constipation or diarrhea. Usually, antibiotic treatment is prescribed and it is typically accompanied by a diet.

The diverticulitis diet which accompanies the treatment of the condition includes only liquids. That way, the inflamed pouches in the lining of the colon can heal properly. Water, broth and fruit juices with pulp are the main components of this liquid diet. It is used for a fairly short time so you should not worry about digestive complications. Furthermore, you will get sufficient amounts of nutrients with these liquids. Other components of the diet may include ice pops typically with small pieces of fruit, tea without added cream and gelatin.

Low-fiber foods are included in the diverticulitis diet once the condition of the patient improves. You will be able to eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products in amounts recommended by your doctor. Other low-fiber foods which are typically included are breads, pasta and noodles made from white flour and white rice. Some canned or cooked vegetables such as green peas and potatoes may be allowed. You may be able to eat canned or cooked fruits without the skin and seeds.

There is sufficient scientific evidence to believe that diet low in fiber is the main cause of Diverticulosis and consequently of Diverticulitis. That is why, after the inflamed diverticula have been fully healed, patients diagnosed with these conditions should go on a high fiber diet. This is necessary to prevent the recurrence of diverticulitis.

Patients must consume between 25 and 35 grams of fiber daily. The best sources of fiber are whole grains, legumes, vegetables and fruits. You should include whole grain bread, pasta and cereals in your diet. Beans are among the legumes with highest fiber content so it is best to eat them more often. Potatoes, squash, peas, spinach, apples, pears and prunes are among the vegetables and fruits richest in fiber. They should be present on your table.

The best long term diet for diverticulitis is the one that is rich in fiber and that is well balanced. Consult a dietician who can advise you on the optimal daily amounts

of fiber-rich foods that you should consume. Make sure that you limit your consumption of foods which may affect digestion adversely.

Which Diet is Best for Heart Health?

The sad fact is that heart disease is the major cause of death in most of the developed countries in the world. What leads to poor heart health and more serious problems? Genes can be blamed, but the major culprits are sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy diet which lead to high blood pressure and high cholesterol and eventually to heart attack, stroke and diabetes type 2. It is important to adopt a diet for good heart health irrespective of your age, gender and lifestyle. It is easy to keep and the benefits are really great.

The best diet for heart health is comprehensive and diverse. You need large amounts of vegetables and fruits. They are all good for heart health. You should not worry about the fact that fruits contain sugar. Bananas, apples, apricots, berries and citrus fruits are extremely beneficial for the cardiovascular system. Experts recommend that you include veggies and fruits of various colors in your diet for best results.

Whole grains are really important for heart health as they help prevent insulin spikes and allow for the more effective absorption of nutrients. You can go for all kinds of whole

grain foods from bread and cereals to pasta. Lean protein should be an important component of your diet as well since it helps all organs and systems in the body work properly. The best sources of protein are lean veal, chicken and turkey breasts and fish. Beans are also great because apart from providing protein they are rich in antioxidants too.

Low-fat dairy products should be consumed as part of the diet for heart health as they are the main source of calcium, which is needed by the body. It is best to go for skimmed milk and yogurt. Feta cheese is also a good choice. You should stay away from fatty cheese products.

The omega-3 fatty acids are essential for heart health. You should consume all the foods that contain them. These include fatty fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna, sardines and various nuts and seeds

The diet for heart health excludes fatty, salty and sugary foods. Keep your fat consumption to the very possible minimum. You should consume no more than 2.3 to 2.4 grams of salt per day. Make sure that you check food labels and use salt sparingly for flavoring your dishes. Reduce your consumption of sugar to the very minimum.

In order to make the most out of your diet for heart heath, you need to reduce your alcohol consumption to the minimum and avoid sugary drinks. Make sure that you get cardio exercises daily.

Which Diet is Best for Teenagers?

Many teenagers, and especially girls, want to copy the looks of models and other celebrities and as a result, they often go on diets which are not healthy for them. The reality is that teens require many more calories on a daily basis than adults do because their bodies are still developing. They need more nutrients as well. You can use this guide to find out how to help your teens eat a healthy and balanced diet that will help them stay fit and look great.

Check the optimal calorie intake for your teens based on their gender. Indeed, there are different requirements for boys and girls. Girls that are aged 14 to 18 need between 1,800 and 2,400 calories daily. Boys in this age group require between 2,000 and 3,200 calories per day. The best way to decide on the optimal amount of calories for your child is to consider the growth level, overall healthy and level of physical activity. You may want to consult your doctor as well.

The best diet for teenagers is designed to provide them with the optimal amounts of nutrients which they need to grow and stay fit and full of energy. 10 to 30 per cent of their daily calorie intake should come from protein. Foods which contain lean protein include chicken and turkey breasts and lean veal. Tofu and beans are the main sources of plant protein.

45 to 65 of the daily calorie intake of teens should come from carbohydrates. There are various sources of healthy carbs. Whole grain foods are highly recommended. Kids can also eat cereals, pasta and white rice, but it is a good idea to keep a check on these. Vegetables, fruits and legumes can provide good amounts of healthy carbohydrates as well.

The amount of fat consumed by teenagers as part of their diet should account for 25 to 35 per cent of their daily calorie intake. Olive oil and avocados are among the healthiest sources of fat which you should certainly include in the diet of your teen. In general, kids should consume dairy products which contain small amounts of fat as well.

It is perfectly fine for teenagers to consume sugary foods and drinks from time to time, but this should not be done on a daily basis. It is your responsibility as a parent to explain the dangers of sugar, processed and refined foods. Generally, it is best for the teenager to just follow the example of their parents. That is why it makes sense to cook healthy food for the whole family and to have only healthy food items in your kitchen.

Which Diet is Best to Prevent Cancer?

You would certainly want to know whether diet can help prevent cancer. The reality is that the causes of most types

of cancer are unknown. Hence, it is still impossible for scientists to come up with preventive treatments. However, certain substances found in food are known to cause damage to the organs, tissues and cells of the body and to affect adversely their functioning. There are also foods which promote overall good health.

It can be safely said that the right kind of diet may lower your risk of certain types of cancer. Of course, you have to keep in mind that no one is perfectly safe from this life-threatening disease and that no diet or supplement for that matter can guarantee you total protection. The best thing you can do is consume foods that are beneficial for your body and avoid ones that have harmful effects.

Consume antioxidant-rich foods as part of your diet for cancer prevention. Antioxidants fight free radicals which damage healthy cells and may increase the risk of cancer. Most fruits and vegetables contain considerable amounts of different types of antioxidants. Berries and blueberries, in particular, are known to be among the most antioxidant-rich foods. The citrus fruits are excellent sources of vitamin C, which is among the most powerful antioxidants. Tomatoes, broccoli, cabbage and carrots also contain chemical compounds of this type. Nuts and seeds are rich in vitamin E, which is also a potent antioxidant.

Your anti-cancer diet should contain foods rich in folic acid, calcium and vitamin D. Folic acid has been found to provide universal protection from all types of cancer. It is found in good amounts in dark leafy greens and spinach, in particular, and in citrus fruits. Calcium and vitamin

D, on the other hand, may help lower the risk of colon cancer. Low-fat dairy products and dark leafy greens are the best sources of calcium. Vitamin D is found in good amounts in salmon, sardines, egg yolk and chicken liver.

The total amount of fat you consume per day should not exceed 35 per cent of your calorie intake. It is best if it is below 20 per cent. It is essential for you to avoid fatty foods and especially ones containing saturated fats. Taking these measures should lower your risk of cancers of the digestive system like stomach cancer and liver cancer.

There are some general rules to follow as part of your anti-cancer diet. Most of your food should be from plant sources. Limit your consumption of foods from animal sources.

Why Dieting May not be the Answer

Nearly half of the people in the US alone face the problem of obesity because of a number of reasons. Today, people have a fast lifestyle that leaves little time for exercise and coupled with a dietary intake that is full of colas and burgers this makes a sure shot recipe for disaster.

There are overweight people everywhere. This reflects the culture of consumerism and materialism that we are living in. However, what is good to see is that most people are

making conscious efforts to get back into shape by trying to lose weight. We are in the midst of a gym culture with many people working out hard while there are millions doing things using the other common method - sticking to diet plans to lose weight. But is avoiding certain foods and including few others in your daily diet the right answer to the problem of obesity? Let us find out.

People have been dieting for quite some time but the number of obese individuals has not fallen

The fact that emerges after taking a hard look at the number of people resorting to dieting is that as the number of people on a diet increases, so does the number of obese people. What does this indicate? It simply tells us that all those diets that claim to help people reduce their weight do actually achieve their goals but only for as long as the people are following the diet. The high protein diet that is also a low carbohydrate diet does not ensure that people will continue to remain in shape after giving up on this diet. There is no evidence to support the claim of long term weight loss made by several diets popular on the internet.

To make the matter worse, low carb diets virtually eliminate the normally healthy food items such as fresh fruits and whole grains. Vegetables and milk are also denied to those on a crash diet making less energy available to cause weight reduction. No diet can tell you how to avoid gaining weight once you are done with the diet. This is the reason why there are 54 million American adults on this or the other diet trying to maintain or lose some weight and yet the number

of people who are obese is at an all time high. What does this startling fact tell you? It tells you that if dieting was so effective, most of the people should have been lean and not obese today. Although there is no doubt that diet does help for losing weight fast only about 10% are able to maintain this reduced weight while the remaining 90% gain weight to become obese again.

Slowed metabolism is what causes fat loss

What happens in the case of diets that are restrictive in nature is that they lower the pace of the metabolism of the person. The body goes into a conservation mode consuming little resources. This does lead to weight loss but it is also a threat to the health of the individual. There are threats like anemia and poor immune system. These are usually a result of poor nutrition. Even the best of diets cause your body to burn more calories than you can eat. This is the main reason why your body is forced to shed fat.

If one were to look into the reasons why diets are not a permanent solution to weight loss, they would see that these diet plans are too hard to keep following for a long time. Can you stay on spinach or cabbage soup twice a day as your food for any length of time? This will certainly get a few pounds off your body but it will never teach you how to change your eating habit to stick to this diet. Also, sticking to a diet is difficult because of the counting of calories, avoiding carbohydrates and choosing good fat over bad fat. It all begins with a lot of excitement and thrill but becomes a pain in the neck and one starts to feel as if he is being punished. It happens that one continues with

a particular diet as long as he can keep up his motivation levels and then drops it to gain weight again.

Holiday Dieting Remedies

The holidays are here, or soon will be and you are on a diet. There's a very good chance that the temptation to binge on some of the foods on your taboo list will be within easy reach. How will you handle it?

Holiday dieting can be the hardest time to stayed focused especially since there are so many of them. Besides the common ones like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter, if you celebrate them, most people forget the various other celebrations like the sporting events, weddings, baby showers, birthdays and the like. Something can be celebrated almost every weekend. What is one to do?

While every intention is to stay on course with the dieting program, sometimes it may not be so easy as social pressures mount. Here are some suggestions to keep you from getting the holiday dieting blues.

Look at your dieting program as a continuing journey and not as an instant destination. If one of the meals exceeds your calorie allowance, look at the next meal and adjust it accordingly. Remember, most people get those holiday dieting binges and the ones that come out of it ahead realize

that one meal won't completely sabotage the entire program.

See the bigger picture. If you look at your dieting schedule weekly instead of daily, then one bad meal isn't going to be such a detriment if you have 30 or more meals in that week.

After a meal disaster, just get back into the saddle and continue on your dieting journey again. Most people give up because they feel they have failed and it's no use staying on the diet any longer. The ones that succeed are the ones who move on and don't give up.

Some knowledge of calorie amounts in foods can be very helpful. Find the foods that have lower calories and remember them for your holiday dieting adventures. You will be able to eat more of those lower calorie foods without feeling deprived.

Portion sizes can make a tremendous difference in your success. In calorie dense foods, the size of the portion consumed can amount to 1/3 or more of your daily intake.

There is a signal sent to the brain from the stomach that says it is full or satisfied. This satiety message takes approximately 20 minutes to reach the brain. To decrease the calories consumed in that meal, eat slower. Try chewing your food longer and taking a short break between mouthfuls as that will waste some time to get within that 20 minute window of opportunity.

Drinking water can be very helpful in keeping the diet on course. If you drink water before a meal, your stomach will have something in it and produce a somewhat satisfied feeling. This will help to cut down on the portion size of your meal. This suggestion can work anytime you feel hungry. Interesting enough, sometimes the need for water is disguised as a hungry feeling. So drinking water can not only help your holiday dieting needs, but also anytime you have a craving for food.

The drinking of water also has the benefit of having zero calories. Instead of having a sugar sweetened drink or any alcoholic beverage, have water instead. Remember to look at the total calorie intake taken in a one-week period of time. Water every day will help keep that total amount within control if you tend to binge.

Eating snacks can push up the calorie count in one day. Sometimes people will eat some snacks as a social thing and not really for the hunger satiety. Be aware of this because it can be very easy to consume a high amount of calories with just this action alone. If you need to snack then hopefully there will be a vegetable platter close by. Try eating celery. You can eat as much of it as you want because celery requires so much work for the stomach to digest. This makes the calorie amount negligible.

If holiday dieting is getting you down, perhaps some of the suggestions mentioned can pick you up and give that extra push to stay on track with your goals. Your success will

come from taking that continuing journey one step at a time to make your holiday and dieting adventures a good one.

The Toughest Aspect of Dieting

The emotional and mental strain of dieting has been felt by most people at some point in their lives. With many, those extra few pounds accumulate to a point where they get fed up and launch themselves into a dreaded DIET.

Many have asked what the toughest aspect of dieting is. There are far too many emotional and physical challenges to list in one article. However, here are a few, the last of these being what many consider to be the biggest challenge with respect to losing weight. Here are some of the most common hurdles:

The shear task of enjoying less calories is often enough to depress. People who are one of these individuals that absolutely love to overindulge, have probably gotten their body used to expecting that overly full feeling. Itâ€&#x;s difficult to accustom oneself to feeling satisfied on a less than full feeling after meals. It takes patience and perseverance to overcome this aspect of dieting.

Cutting out certain foods is difficult‌ and often unnecessary. Many diets that specifically exclude one type of food are often too much of an emotional strain for the

dieter to ensure. Unless this is done for extreme medical conditions, this type of diet is probably not nearly as effective as a diet that reduces your overall amount of food, without cutting out a food group altogether.

Increasing exercise (as a supplement to dieting) is wonderful, but often a downfall to those who cannot organize the exercise within their schedule. In these circumstances, it is imperative that one DOES organize physical activity within their life whether dieting or not. A life that includes heart disease and a host of illnesses associated with lack of exercise is much more devastating than „ruining‟ a busy schedule.

Social gatherings are tough on a diet. There is nothing worse that seeing friends and strangers eating to their hearts content while you pretend to munch on a delicious celery stick. “Mmm, that celery stick tasted good” is a statement that is really a hard sell. However, sticking with veggies, with a small indulgence to the sweet table is a healthy approach as a dieter or a non-dieter. The trick is constantly to tell oneself that they ARE enjoying moderation and that they ARE training themselves truly to enjoy this new lifestyle. If one believes enough, they will eventually change the way they think.

With all that has been said, many people find THIS final aspect of dieting the toughest part of all. During a diet, if you find yourself slightly overindulging (for example, at a party), make sure that the overindulgence doesn‟t become a gluten-fest. It is so tempting to say, “Oh well, I‟ve already ruined my diet. I may as well go crazy for one

night.� This type of attitude has ruined more diets that perhaps any other. Sure, we all have a weak moment. The trick is to make it a weak moment rather than a week two hours. The latter creates a morally devastating consequence to a healthy, balanced diet and lifestyle.

How Aerobic Walking Improves Your Looks

Aerobic walking contributes both towards health and beauty. You can become slimmer and healthier by walking, which is safe, inexpensive, convenient and needs no special facilities or equipment. Many people are worried about aerobic exercises thinking that they cannot keep up the pace with others. However, aerobic walking is great for all ages and fitness levels, and easy to do.

Of all aerobic exercises, walking has the most advantages. However, it is only moderately aerobic. While ordinary brisk walking uses mostly the calf muscles to power the forward motion, aerobic walking uses the whole leg for power. Using virtually all the muscles of the lower body results in a greater metabolic change and significant improvement in health and appearance.

Using the large muscle groups for power also increases the walking speed and this increases your sense of self-confidence. In addition, the smoothness of the technique minimizes the vertical forces on the joints of the body at every stride, making it a safe exercise.

In most weight reducing programs, people generally set goals of losing a certain number of pounds. However, it is not just the weight that people are interested in. As they lose weight, they are also concerned about the size of waist, thighs and so on. There is yet another focus for reducing weight and that is shape.

Shape is not just slimness. There are slim people who have flabby tissues, a bit of a pot belly and an overall appearance that may not be so appealing. There are others who have flat abdomens, well-shaped arms and legs and full of vitality.

So, what is the difference with the two groups of people? Much of it is in the tone of the muscles. Dieting can help you lose weight and inches, but only exercise can help you get into shape. Besides weight, size and shape, posture, grace and presence add to the whole aesthetic picture.

1. Weight

Weight is not just a function of size. It is also a matter of how much of it is fat and how much is lean tissue. Lean tissue is heavier than fat. In comparing two people with the same weight, you will find that the one with strong muscle and less fat will look smaller than the one with less muscle and more fat. So, small weight differences may not indicate fat gain or loss. Do not allow such little changes to be the cause for elation or dejection. Work at the longer

lasting results.

2. Size

Size again is another relative measure. A 22 inch waist on an average height person looks great but the same on a tall person will be cause for concern. Measurements must be relative to height and the body frame.

You should also measure other dimensions besides waist size. Hips, thighs, midriff, abdomen, chest and upper arms all contribute to how you look. Using exercise, specifically aerobic walking, you lose inches faster than weight. The tape measure will be a better way of measuring results rather than the weighing scale.

The easier way is, of course, when you can get into clothes that you have not been able to get into.

3. Shape

Dietary restrictions help in weight and size improvements, but do not help in shape improvements. With dieting, you can lose fat and become thin, but a bulging belly will not be flattened. When dieting, you lose weight not only in fat, but also in water and lean tissue.

In contrast to only dieting, aerobic walking yields a slim figure with only fat loss. There is a slight gain in lean tissue, and cells of vital tissues and organs are better able to utilize water in their metabolism. The muscles used in the exercise become toned and shaped, with no fat to hide them.

4. Posture

A good posture can add to the illusion of not just height but also self-assurance.

Aerobic walking provides mild, sustained exercise for the lower back muscles in balance with the abdominal muscles, which is great for posture. Aerobic walking itself requires one to hold the head high and in line with the body's center of gravity, which further contributes to posture.

5. Grace

A great shape is enhanced by good posture. This can be taken a step further by adding grace. The smoothness of the stride and strength, yet seeming ease of movement adds life to posture.

The convenience of modern civilization has made sitters of us instead of walkers. Aerobic walking provides the fluid motion that spares the jarring of the knees and spine, enabling even runners with chronic knee problems to get a

good workout.

6. Presence

Presence comes from among other things, posture, stride, self-confidence, energy and vitality. While aerobic walking does not directly confer this, it does however bring you the elements that contribute to it.

As you become adept at aerobic walking techniques and start working at levels that bring metabolic change, you can expect - A slimmer, stronger body - Tall, proud posture - Purposeful and effortless movement - Vitality - Enhanced self-esteem

To top all of these, aerobic walking bestows a more youthful appearance by granting vitality and a strong stride.

Get Healthy - Lose Weight

Do you remember the days of being able to eat whatever you

wanted, whenever you wanted, without seeing any change in what the scale was reporting? Weren't those the days! So what happened? As time passes, digestive systems take a real beating and many find themselves starting to pack on extra pounds. The good news is, it does not have to stay that way.

Studies have reported that as early as the age of three the stomachs of many children are already in a state of shock from what they are forced to process. While it usually takes a few years for symptoms to appear, the assault started long before.

Besides the affect of unhealthy food choices and chemical ingestion, the stomach and digestive system as a whole is hard-hit from the impact of life's daily stress. Since our body systems are intertwined, a blow in one area ripples into the others.

As the digestive system becomes impaired in its ability to process all that is sent its way, toxins start to build up in the body. As a survival mechanism the body then starts to gain mass to reduce the percentage of total body toxicity, storing the toxins in the fat cells. This then tends to push people to start dieting, which for many is the beginning of a frustrating loop of weight loss and weight gain - determination and disappointment.

The body really does not care how much it weighs. It is most concerned with how its systems are functioning and will spend its energy coming to the aid of any system working at a sub-optimum level. Since fat loss requires so much

energy, there is none available for it if some system is out of order.

So, the key to permanent weight loss is to get to the root of the problem, which for many is going to be getting their stomach out of the state of shock and back to operating at its full potential. While this can take some time, many will see results quickly when they start to provide their bodies with premium fuel: whole foods with live enzymes that the body can easily and readily assimilate for its essential processes.

To adequately provide your body with good nutrition, the whole foods should include a variety of colors and should incorporate different tastes such as bitter, sweet, sour, salty, astringent (cranberries and tea) and pungent (hot, spicy).

Once the body nourishes its systems back to health, it will then have the energy to focus on weight loss. As you nourish your body with nutrient-packed food, it will at some point turn its attention to the removal of the toxins that are stored in the fat. As those toxins are released, the body will shed the fat and you will effortlessly return to your natural healthy weight.

Do not beat yourself up if you have tried dieting and have been unsuccessful; instead turn your attention to finding ways to nourish your body with superior nutrition, then watch what your body will do for you.


The Venus Factor - The New Healthy Approach for Female Fat Loss Offer Ever! ( Very Recommended ) Go to: http://tinyurl.com/m755r3f

The Fat Loss Factor: ( Both Men & Women ) Go to: http://tinyurl.com/kb42ysz

I hope my diet tips and advice, will help you in making a good decision on what diet plan that's right for you.

Good Luck. Terry Clark

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