5hue Training Prospectus 2011

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Training Prospectus 2011

50 Chin Swee Road #09-­‐04 Singapore 169874. Tel: +65 6838 0860 Fax: +65 6233 9292. Co Reg No: 201022322D. www.5hue.com

CORPORATE PROFILE 5hue was borne out of the belief that every individual has the potential of being transformed, revolutionized or changed through a Paradigm Shift. A Paradigm Shift takes place when one is driven by agents of change and 5hue strongly believes that learning is one such agent. Through learning, we challenge and help an individual to change one's assumptions and approaches towards goals and choices. This in turn improves performance in one's organizational, professional and personal life. We believe that change is preceded by learning. Learning leads to performance and ultimately, achieving results. Our Vision To be the premier training & consulting company. Our Mission Impacting organisations & lives by creating the best possible learning experiences and outcomes through quality, innovative and interactive solutions. Our Values • Heartiness – Delivering with passion and energy to achieve sustainable results. • Understanding – Building strong relationships through deep knowledge and a high level of sensitivity. • Excellence – Impacting with success by inspiring excellence in others. At 5hue, we lead you from Learning to Performing.

Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


PRODUCTS & SOLUTIONS At 5hue, we help both individuals and organizations to bring out their hidden potential which is the best asset. We offer programmes to enable the paradigm shift and make you view things with a new perspective that could be the changing point in your life. Public Programmes We organize regular public programmes. www.5hue.com

Please view the updated schedule at our website

Customised Training Solutions We understand that no two organizations are exactly the same. Therefore, we offer customized training solutions for your organization’s learning needs. 5hue’s comprehensive approach towards customized training includes the following phases: • Design We seek to analyze your needs and conceptualize the solutions. • Develop We ensure that your organization’s needs are comprehensively met by developing solutions with your learners’ needs in mind. • Deliver We handpick the best to conduct and facilitate our training programmes because your people deserve the best. • Evaluate We understand that return on investment (ROI) is key and it is our commitment to help you measure and attain your ROI. The key areas where we offer our solutions include:• Leadership & Change • Communications • Team and Teambuilding • Customer Service • Sales and Marketing • Problem-solving • Creativity & Innovation Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


ENQUIRIES Our Contact If you like to find out how 5hue can lead you from Learning to Performing, contact us for a friendly discussion. Edwin Sim M: +65 9066 0900 E: edwin@5hue.com Edna Liong M: +65 9100 2990 E: edna@5hue.com

Address: Tel: Fax: Website:

50 Chin Swee Road #09-04 Singapore 169874 +65 6838 0860 +65 6233 9292 www.5hue.com

Copyright Š 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Training Series Overview

Changing Organiza%ons and Persons from Inside Out Business Skills Series ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺

CommunicaHon Skills PresentaHon Skills CreaHng Golden Moments for Customers Sales EffecHveness Time Management Influence & AsserHveness Enterprising Spirit Workplace Diversity CreaHve Problem Solving Team ContribuHon Conflict Management

Managerial & Leadership Series ✺  ✺

Strategic Planning Performance Management

Crea%ng high performance through Posi%ve Empowerment

Value Leadership

Crea%ng & Prac%cing Balanced Leadership

✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺

EffecHve Leadership PracHces EffecHve Mentoring & Coaching Leading & Managing Change Developing Team Leadership Sales Leadership Benchmarking Growing into Managerial Competence The Musts and Don’ts for New Managers

Frontline & Personal Development Series Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later. " ~Dana Stewart Scott"

✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺  ✺

Awareness to EffecHveness Increasing Personal EffecHveness NegoHaHon Skills Network to Net-­‐worth Closing Sales EffecHvely Branding Your Customer Service

5 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Consul2ng & Growth Series Overview Maximizing Organiza%on & Personal Poten%al Consul<ng

• Competencies Development ConsulHng

In-­‐house consultaHon in developing performance-­‐based competencies/ leadership competencies for all organizaHonal levels.

• Training Strategies & Program Development ConsulHng

To enhance HRD strategies development through deriving key training needs and effecHve program development.

• Performance-­‐Based ConsulHng

Providing Performance Appraisal/Management consultaHon for organizaHons and managers/supervisors in seang successful and precise KPIs, performance criteria and indicators.

• Psychometric Strategies

To engage the results of psychometric analysis to study and improve corporate selecHon, culture, behavior, team paderns and performance through appropriate leadership and managerial intervenHons.

Growth Series

• Managerial/ExecuHves Group Coaching and Mentoring

Providing group coaching and mentoring consultaHons for managerial/ supervisory groups in enhancing their daily operaHve management competencies.

• Strategic Business Coaching/Mentoring for SMEs If the past cannot teach the present and the father cannot teach the son, then history need not have bothered to go on, and the world has wasted a great deal of time. " ~Russell Hoban"

Strategic business coaching/mentoring from experienced and successful business leaders so as to achieve higher level of performance. (This service is in collabora%on with 7 Notes Capital)

6 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series COMMUNICATION SKILLS Overview EffecHve communicaHon rest on the ability of the individual to build understanding, sound authenHc, and bringing across clarity and convicHon. Good communicators leave an impression. CommunicaHon is more than just informaHon transfer but an ability to master a transacHonal ‘moment.’ This highly interacHve and pracHcal course aims at helping parHcipants who seek to improve their ability to communicate effecHvely face-­‐to-­‐face or over the telephone. It is an exciHng course also for those who have had adended other communicaHon courses. Outline •  Establishing rapport and creaHng right impression •  Enhancing the key touch points in communicaHon •  How to pace and lead in communicaHon using quesHons •  AcHve listening •  Understand your listening styles •  Body-­‐language and people reading in communicaHon •  Handling difficult conversaHons Outcomes •  Gain confidence in face to face conversaHon •  Demonstrate skills in creaHng great impression •  Demonstrate adapHve strategies in addressing listening styles •  Develop supporHve communicaHon style in workplace environment DuraHon 1-­‐2 Days

Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. ~Vernon Howard"

7 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series PRESENTATION SKILLS Overview

The ability to communicate well in a presentaHon is crucial to many businesses today. The thought of having to give a presentaHon leaves many with a feeling of uder dread. How shall one connect in different situaHons, with a wide spread of audience can be tough going even for more seasoned presenters. This course, with on site pracHce, will enable parHcipants to learn the skills of preparing for a presentaHon from content prioriHzaHon to handling quesHons effecHvely.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Developing objecHves and selecHng the right structure CreaHng the right climate and connecHng in the first 19 seconds Beginning strong to Closing with a lasHng impression. EffecHve profiling of your audience. Omiang the 5 deadly mistakes in presentaHons Using visual and audio aids effecHvely. Confidence building and anchoring

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •

Recognize the importance of presentaHon preparaHon. Describe the presentaHon stages and allocate Hme percenHle. Deliver acHve connecHon skills. Demonstrate the use of a good presentaHon structure. Deliver a confident and effecHve presentaHon.

DuraHon You have learned something. That always feels at first as if you had lost something. ~H.G. Wells"

2-­‐3 days

8 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Good customer service delights customers and inspires customer loyalty and referrals. It has become essenHal to how one differenHate an organizaHon or service provider from another. It is a cuang edge in the compeHHve jungle of business survival. This highly interacHve and inspiring course is suitable for individuals who seek to impress and impact in a customer-­‐facing role. ParHcipants will learn of best pracHces and creaHng a more personal-­‐based customer service approach.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Common mistakes in customer services. IdenHfying the role of service providers. What are the best services in customer service? How to uHlize the ladder of loyalty through excellent service? Rising from expectaHons to engaging in meaningful exchanges. Building understanding and delivering saHsfacHon. Handling service recovery Extending services into the telephone. Sustaining service commitment.

Outcomes •  •  •

Ability to explain the importance of ‘service mindset’ and its importance to business sustenance and customer loyalty. Recognize personal service characterisHcs and gaps. IdenHfy the essenHal elements necessary for effecHve service pracHce – eg. communicaHon, help, support and iniHaHve. Demonstrate empathy through acHve listening skills Develop strategies to overcome service gaps and service recovery.

Quality in a •  service or product •  is not what you put into it. It is DuraHon what the client or 2-­‐3 days customers get out of it. You have learned something. ~Peter Drucker"

Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Business Skills Series TIME MANAGEMENT Overview

EffecHve Hme management is a growing competency required in today’s workplace. The key is to get more results with less effort – or to get more done in shorter Hme period. Managing Hme requires a collecHon of skills spanning from effecHve planning to structured ‘uninterrupted’ Hme. This thought-­‐provoking, pracHcal and interacHve course explores the ways how one can beder uHlize one’s approach in workplace. The aim is to educate and train people to work smarter and gain more Hme.

Outline •  •

•  •  •

Time management approaches & principles IdenHfying 5 major Hme bandits •  Fuzzy ‘urgent’ •  Emails •  MeeHngs •  Small talks •  Procedural Overloads Planning for Hme usage – using pareto theory AcHviHes that will save Hme Good Hme habits

Outcomes •  •  •  •

The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live. ~Mortimer Adler"

•  •

Ability to idenHfy and work on ‘Hme-­‐wasters’ and ‘Hme-­‐pressures’. IdenHfy one’s most effecHve working Hme frame. IdenHfy key producHve acHviHes in one’s work Hme-­‐space. Learn good Hme-­‐keeping strategies and developing Hme-­‐keeping key strategies. Turn meeHngs into beder and more valuable events. Work on Hme usage strategies for teams.

DuraHon 2 days

10 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series INFLUENCE & ASSERTIVENESS Overview

Influence and AsserHveness is a skill that adults can learn. Proper usage of asserHveness and influence can increase one’s personal effecHveness and contribute greatly to the success of one’s organizaHon. It is always when one is able to confidently express oneself accurately to get tasks done or to overcome problems. This pracHcal course will guide parHcipants into enhancing one’s persuasion and asserHve skills to bring about posiHve influence in resolving work-­‐based issues and problems.

Outline •  •  •  •  •

IdenHfy your personal influence style RelaHonship between Influence and Persuasion How can you be asserHve posiHvely? – Techniques for posiHve asserHon-­‐behavior. NegoHaHon posiHons that will enhance your influence. How to navigate through people, opposing ideas, and build lasHng posiHons of posiHve compromise – and sHll win your case.

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere." ~Chinese Proverb"

Ability to differenHate between aggressive and asserHve behavior IdenHfy personal asserHve and influence styles during conflicts. State the benefits of posiHve influence strategies in the workplace. Plan and demonstrate posiHve asserHve behaviors versus negaHve and counter-­‐producHve behaviors in workplace. Learn how to integrate listening, quesHoning, negoHaHon, conflict management and communicaHon as a influence strategy. Increasing sales effecHveness through posiHve influence strategies


1, 2 or 3 days

11 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series ENTERPRISING SPIRIT Overview

Many organizaHons today have established a cultural shio in empowering employees and managers with greater sense of ownership so as to create higher producHvity and innovaHve ideas. The course aims to introduce employees to the essence of intra-­‐ preneurship so as to encourage and equip parHcipants with know-­‐hows to develop a greater sense of corporate ownership and a spirit of enterprise.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Introducing entrepreneurship in organizaHons OrganizaHonal types and intra-­‐preneurs. The power of Intra-­‐preneurs – Enterprise spirit New business formaHon (Business Mindset) and creaHng interdependence Square-­‐wheel leadership Environment scanning and IdenHfying areas of change in an organizaHon Developing a intra-­‐preneurial cycle and environment

Outcomes •  •

•  •

I don’t think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday. " ~Abraham Lincoln"

Develop a “business mind set”. Grow and improve employees’ understanding of the role they can perform in contribuHng to the adainment of the organisaHon's business goals. Development of skills to grow in today’s business environment and in their business units as if they were their own businesses. Inspire a sense of responsibility to innovate and improve on their performance in the organizaHon.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

12 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series WORKPLACE DIVERSITY Overview

EffecHve teamwork someHmes hinge on resolving workplace diversiHes. Prejudice and intolerance of any kind in the workplace hinders employee producHvity and ooen creates legally hosHle work environments, undermines employee safety, and damages customer experiences. This course aims to draw parHcipants to greater awareness in dealing with workplace diversity and applying appropriate strategies to enhance personal and others’ work experience, thus resulHng in beder performance overall.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •

A view on workplace expectaHons – what consHtute a conducive and producHve working environment. IdenHfy workplace diversity issues. Defining pracHces, conversaHons and values on discriminaHons. Understanding stereotyping Being proacHve and coping with discriminaHon Applying TransacHonal Analysis to diversity tolerance/acceptance

Outcomes •  •  •  •

Man’s mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions. " ~Oliver Wendell Holmes"

•  •

Learn the importance of diversity to building stronger working relaHonships through increased understanding. To be more sensiHve to needs of other team members of different race, gender, religion, etc. Learn to communicate more professionally and effecHvely with co-­‐ workers. Able to reduce the instances of being misunderstood or misrepresented. Enhance communicaHon skills that can eradicate harassment and discriminaHon before it begins Learn to avoid risky work place conduct

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

13 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series CREATIVE PROBLEM SOLVING Overview

The ability to overcome problems calmly and raHonally is expected of employees today. To understand a new problem and get to its root cause, requires open minded, creaHve and yet systemaHc processes to arrive at lasHng soluHons. This course provides parHcipants with creaHve, interacHve and systemaHc approaches on recognizing roots causes to problems, systemaHc decision making and problem-­‐solving methodologies.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •

Understanding the Problem-­‐Solving Cycle CreaHve Thinking and Mind Frames How to do situaHonal analysis. Key CreaHve Thinking approaches Unlocking personal creaHvity Solving problems on your feet

Outcomes •  •  •  •

List the creaHve 4 steps approach to problem solving. Recognize personal barriers in mind-­‐frames. Establishing a personal creaHve problem-­‐solving cycle. Understand the importance of dialogue with team members and select appropriate approaches to resolving issues.

DuraHon 2 days

Education consists mainly of what we have unlearned. " ~ Mark Twain" 14 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series TEAM CONTRIBUTION Overview

The ability to work together cannot be assumed. Team working is an integral part of any organizaHon’s day-­‐to-­‐day operaHon. EffecHve team working ooen defines the different between successful and sustained results versus divided performance and much wastage of Hme and resources. Members of teams can bring together their collecHve talents, experiences and energy to achieve phenomenon results. This course aims at helping parHcipants to assess one’s team contribuHon as well as develop pracHcal knowledge and skills in team contribuHon.

Outline •  •  •  •  •

The various types of funcHoning team. What is team contribuHon competency? How to assess it? Team Stages and key team-­‐acHon steps. How to communicate successfully in a team? Building team environment and develop ‘team-­‐thinking’ paderns and processes.

Outcomes •

You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives." ~ Clay P. Bedford"

•  •  •  •

IdenHfy and define the traits of a successful team versus a divided team. Understand the concepts of various funcHonal teams IdenHfy key stages of team formaHon and how successful integraHon and contribuHon is key to successful team performance. Recognize the importance of ‘team thinking’ processes. Developing team strategies to growing team commitment.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 Days

15 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Business Skills Series CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Overview

Conflict, no mader how small can affect us more than we imagine. And no mader how hard we try to avoid conflicts, it creeps into situaHons that we find ourselves in. EffecHve conflict management requires a self-­‐ examinaHon as much as a correct assessment of the situaHon. Understanding the intenHon behind some of the exchanges and acHons do always help. This course provides parHcipants with a clear view on how conflict could have risen when they least expect it. It examines life posiHons of parHcipants to enhance their relaHonship with others.


• Conflict paderns and root causes • How to keep your cool through the conflict spiral • Choosing to fight a good fight • Conflict Management PosiHons & Dynamics • Disarm the other person to successfully express your views and create a climate of trust • The games people play and changing the game • Give your opponent an escape route in building the partnership


You learn something everyday if you pay attention." ~ Ray LeBlond"

• Understand what conflict is and moderate their reacHons to conflict • Gain a greater awareness of personal preference in conflict management. • Learn how personal behaviours, emoHons and values affect conflict situaHons • IdenHfy the 5 Conflict posiHons and develop an understanding of the reacHons of others in a conflict situaHon • Learn to manage the behaviour and reacHons of others in conflict situaHons • Understand how to foster a compromising/negoHable relaHonship in a conflict situaHon

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

16 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series STRATEGIC PLANNING Overview

Strategic Thinking and Planning is a process essenHal to all organizaHons. Personnel tasked with the responsibility of aligning limited resources with mounHng needs are required to effecHvely judge scenarios and apply the right pracHces and prioriHes. This course takes managers and leaders of organizaHon to consider the importance of strategic thinking and planning process through systemaHc and pracHcal processes.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Applying Strategic Thinking Cycle PosiHoning Strategic Planning Establishing common issues Diverging to Converging – Mapping a VMV Using a SWOT Analysis effecHvely Developing Strategic Map Applying Strategies and AcHon Planning

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •

Describe the challenges in Strategic approaches in organizaHon. IdenHfy and use OrganizaHonal Assessment methodologies. Understand the components that make up a strategic plan. EffecHvely crao Vision, Mission and Value statements. TranslaHng vision and mission into measurable indicators. Develop acHon and alignment plans with strategies.

DuraHon 2 days

A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position. " ~ John Maxwell"

17 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series POSITIVE PERFORMANCE – Performance Management Overview

Performance management is a empowerment cycle including moHvaHng staff, developing and realizing business goals and developing staff potenHal. EffecHve performance management is about empowerment and not control. This course enable managers, supervisors and leaders to establish realisHc objecHves and select a moHvaHonal approach in managing the performance of their team. CreaHve and interacHve exercises enable managers to internalize the power of posiHve performance management.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Rethinking appraisal and management RevisiHng goals, indicators and objecHves The crossroad of theory X and theory Y AccentuaHng the posiHve and redirecHng the negaHve Indicators, measurement and periodic markers CreaHng Win-­‐Win and Want-­‐Want teams. Sustaining results and saHsfied performing teams

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. " ~ Steve Jobs"

Recognize the importance of performance management in achieving producHvity and effecHveness. Sell and exemplify the benefits of performance management to staff. IdenHfy steps to address performance gaps effecHvely. Apply selected moHvaHonal strategies in performance management. EffecHvely define goal images and performance indicators. IdenHfy the importance and steps to posiHve enforcements. Apply 3 step simple coaching pracHces.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

18 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series VALUE LEADERSHIP – Crea2ng Balance Leadership Overview

Everything rises and fall on leadership. The failure of leadership pushes organizaHons and employees to look for leaders who will lead them not just to achieve results but to be fully enriched in the journey along the way. It is not the end that maders, the experience of the ‘mean’ is as crucial. This course provides a disHnct view on leadership from Asian perspecHve in the area of value leadership. ParHcipants will learn of strategies to review and align leadership values corresponding to their leadership pracHces.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Leadership Challenges in the 21st century Leadership Lessons in Asian Wisdom Value Leadership in today’s organizaHon Values Profiling for leadership 12 Balance Leadership Values and PracHce •  6 CapaciHes •  6 Deliverables Values and Influence – Exemplifying Leadership Sustaining Leadership Influence

Outcomes A good leader inspires people to have confidence in the leader, a great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. " ~ Anonymous"

•  •  •  •  •

Describe the new challenges for leadership in the 21st century Describe the importance of value leadership in organizaHons IdenHfy and develop strategies in 12 leadership values and pracHces. Develop creaHve strategies to nurture 12 leadership values Apply leadership values and strategies to specific organizaHonal situaHons to address leadership needs.

DuraHon 2 days

19 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP PRACTICES Overview

EffecHve leadership pracHces are a blend of appropriate knowledge, values and skills. Over the years, effecHve leaders provide inspiraHons with down-­‐ to-­‐earth wisdom and acHons that create convicHons and commitment which delivers results for organizaHons. Adapted from Kouzer and Posner’s “The Leadership Challenge” the course provides pracHcal wisdom and useful applicaHons for leaders and managers to improve their leadership skills and lead teams confidently and effecHvely.

Outline •  •  •  •

Understanding Leadership Competence and Capacity Defining your personal leadership focus The 5 EffecHve Leadership PracHces The new leadership challenges in today’s market

Outcomes •  •  •  •

Describe the parameters of leadership competency IdenHfy steps to nurture leadership capacity and influence Apply the 5 leadership pracHces to workplace scenarios and to address leadership gaps in the workplace. Develop strategies to grow leadership potenHal.

DuraHon 2-­‐3 days

Great minds have purposes, others have wishes." ~ Washington Irving" 20 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series EFFECTIVE MENTORING & COACHING Overview

To be a successful coach is to apply a blend of intervenHon strategies, communicaHon and performance monitoring to assist staff in gaining confidence to achieve posiHve growth and results. This highly pracHcal course enable managers to gain confidence in coaching and take pracHcal steps to begin short term coaching with staff.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Defining Mentoring/Coaching in organizaHon. Mentoring/Coaching performance cycle How to begin Spot-­‐Coaching Mentoring & Coaching repeated under-­‐performers Interview, QuesHons and Listening Skills S.C.O.R.E. Model Performance coaching for results

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •

IdenHfy key elements in a coaching process Develop a short-­‐term coaching roadmap Recognize the importance of spot coaching Use S.C.O.R.E. to establish objecHve seang and defining effects. Learn key communicaHon steps in successful spot coaching and mentoring.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

To be able to lead others, a man must be willing to go forward alone." ~ Harry Truman" 21 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series LEADING & MOTIVATING


Leadership is the process of moHvaHng others to willingly work towards meeHng specific objecHves. When a manager fails to lead his or her employees he or she will not be successful to moHvate them. MoHvaHon is the skill and the set of forces that will influence producHvity in an organizaHon. This course enable managers to lead beder through moHvaHon. It provides specific moHvaHonal strategies as well as intervenHon steps in dealing with team issues in dissensions, criHcisms, conflicts, etc.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

QualiHes of a good leader Develop your unique leadership style CommunicaHng with confidence and influence Defining team roles and developing delegaHon strategies Address criHcism, confrontaHon and conflicts in teams Theories of moHvaHon Difficult people to influence and impact

Outcomes •  •  •

Leaders don’t wait. They shape their own frontiers. The bigger the challenge, the greater the opportunity." ~ Anonymous"

List the characterisHcs of an effecHve leader and idenHfy personal leadership qualiHes. Match the leadership quality/style with team needs and mix. Develop asserHve and influence behavioral strategies to deal with criHcism, confrontaHon and conflict in the team.

DuraHon 2 days

22 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series LEADING & MANAGING CHANGE Overview

Change is consistent in an organizaHon’s experience today. Managers and leaders are tasked with preparing, explaining, implemenHng and sustaining changes when organizaHons go through mergers, restructuring, downsizing, leadership movement, etc. This change management training course teaches parHcipants how to develop the skills to proacHvely address change and meet the challenges of transiHon in the workplace. ParHcipants learn of the challenges that change management faces in sustaining change strategies.

Outline •  •  •

What are the types of Change? Manageable Steps in Change. Leading Change •  •  •  •

•  •  •  •

Unfreezing Relearning Defining Refreezing

Leading Change in and with teams. Change methodologies and Change CommunicaHon 4 Ms of Change Management Developing sand sustaining change – ImplementaHon to RealizaHon

Outcomes •  •  •

Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men." ~ Goethe"

Understand the the valuable role of change leaders. Learn and pracHce the essenHal elements of Change Leadership. IdenHfy change resistance and plan concrete deliverables to deal with resistance. Develop an acHon plan through the change process.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

23 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series DEVELOPING TEAM LEADERSHIP Overview

Being in leadership roles require leadership skills. Such skills need to be developed and supported through Hme. The essenHal steps to effecHve team leadership is to first earn the respect and trust of the team members. This course is aimed at developing the parHcipants’ confidence in leading teams effecHvely. The highly interacHve course allow them to idenHfy key principles in acHve team leadership, and the developing one’s leadership strengths.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

The 3 needs in a team. Establishing team confidence through working through team properHes Confidence, MoHvaHon and Influence – 3 ingredients of team leadership. Seang goals and sustaining clarity and support. Dealing with team scenario and team mix. Puang forward team strengths. Developing concentric leadership scales/levels.

Outcomes Knowing that we can make a difference in this world is a great motivator. How can we know this and not be involved?" ~ Susan Jeffers"

•  •  •  •  •

Express and exhibit confidence in leading teams. Understand personal leadership profile. IdenHfy team stage and list team properHes to match leadership strategies. Apply appropriate moHvaHonal/influence strategies for team mix and team scenario. Develop an acHon plan to build systemaHc team influence.

DuraHon 2 days

24 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series SALES LEADERSHIP Overview

There are three key elements in sales effecHveness: Focus, Accountability and Building trust. It is crucial that sales people are led, although this can be a very difficult task because of the very ‘self-­‐directed’ nature of most effecHve sales persons. This course aim at providing sales managers or sales team management supervisors with key skill sets that will enable them to raise, support and lead a sales team.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

It all begins with selecHon. Lessons from ‘Sales Dogs’ – Pack the pack well. CommunicaHng sale competency and objecHves. Structuring the Sales Management Cycle Skills needed for sales management – the Front/Back Leadership Rewards and intervenHons Elements of a powerful sales force

Outcomes •  •

Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion." ~ John Welch"

•  •  •  •

Recognize factors that produce a high performing sales team. Learn to match candidates to sales competencies and product representaHon. How to establish levels in sales team management Apply principles of effecHve sales team performance management EffecHvely moHvate sales team and address performance needs. Develop a plan for repeaHng good sales results.

DuraHon 2 days

25 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series GETTING INTO BENCHMARKING Overview

Benchmarking is to understand the best pracHces that will provide a compeHHve advantage to your business in the market place. It is crucial for managers and leaders to accept that one must learn from others to improve on performance. The course is an ‘entry-­‐level’ introducHon on how managers can begin to move into benchmarking. It provides pracHcal Hps on starHng in benchmarking.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Knowing your opponents well Power of Benchmarking – Best PracHces Different type of Benchmarking – First steps Internal InvesHgaHon tools Comparison targets and steps Steps of ImplementaHon and Strategic view Branding and Benchmarking

Outcomes •  •  •  •

Gain knowledge on the importance on benchmarking IdenHfy industrial best pracHces for the organizaHon Describe the power of benchmarking Develop a simple 4 steps plan to departmental/organizaHonal benchmarking plan.

DuraHon We find comfort among those who agree with us – growth among those who don’t." ~ Frank A Clark"

1-­‐2 days

26 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Managerial & Leadership Series GROWING INTO MANAGERIAL COMPETENCE Overview

There has always been a dichotomy between being a manager and a leader. Nonetheless, managers today are expected to be leaders and vice versa. It is no uncommon to find newly promoted managers struggling to define his or her role in an organizaHon. Competencies are ooen not spelt out but assumed. This course, derived valuable lessons from Peter Drucker’s ‘EffecHve ExecuHves’, aim at providing managers with knowledge and hands-­‐on skills to grow in their managerial capacity and gain performance results as soon as they can.

Outline •  •  •

There are no great limits to growth because there are no limits of human intelligence, imagination, and wonder." ~ Ronald Reagan"

The case of Manager-­‐Leader Growing into competency The Managerial Competency Framework and PrioriHes •  Goal Seang •  Infusing environment of co-­‐operaHon •  Managing performance and delegaHon •  Growing human capital Key elements for managerial effecHveness – Lessons from “EffecHve ExecuHves” •  ObjecHve clarificaHon – What are you paid to do? •  Decision Making/Problem Solving •  Time Management and MeeHng Skills •  Managing Up – Managing Down The manager redefined.

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •

Orientate and align prioriHes. Define managerial responsibiliHes/prioriHes. Understand and maximize on Managerial Framework Apply managerial prioriHes in managing staff Develop a work plan for managing up and managing down

DuraHon 2 days

Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


Frontline & Personal Development Series AWARENESS TO EFFECTIVENESS – DISC Overview

The DISC Profile has been comprehensively used in improving communicaHon and inter-­‐personal working skills. The four quadrants provide a good picture for one to learn of his or her behavioral paderns, derived from environment, job scope, background, etc. It provides adapHve strategies that enable one to become more effecHve through understanding oneself beder. This interacHve and inspiring course provide opportunity for one to learn of how he or she can beder improve themselves through a well researched psychometric tool.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

4 As of AdapHve Growth DiSC and William Marsten’s theory Strengths and limitaHons through DiSC MoHvaHonal Framework and Improvement Strategies People-­‐Reading and Pre-­‐empHve strategies CommunicaHon experHse through DiSC ApplicaHons into all areas of one’s life

Outcomes •  •  •

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness." ~ Lao Tzu"

•  •

Gain confidence in self improvement through a simple but powerful methodology. Gain insights into why and how others have responded to him or her. Understand and apply strategies to work effecHvely with ‘more liked-­‐ minded’ people groups. Establish communicaHon strategies and people strategies. Develop strategies to improve and excel in relaHonship management.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

28 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Frontline & Personal Development Series INCREASING PERSONAL EFFECTIVENESS Overview

Personal EffecHveness is defined as making use of our personal resources effecHvely. It requires a healthy assessment of self, and a focus on one’s strengths. Our thinking paderns and our daily orientaHon have direct bearings on how we will live and perform from day to day. This course enable parHcipants to have a healthy check on one’s own image and personal management system. It lead individuals to idenHfy that their ‘effecHveness frame’ affect the way they perform at work. The pracHcal course aims at educaHng and direcHng parHcipants to develop a healthy image of self and grow a strategy towards personal excellence.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •

Personal Thinking Padern – Self Acceptance vs Self DistorHon Defining Asset-­‐Thinking-­‐Padern Personal Thinking Profile – Knowing Self/Growing Self EffecHveness Traps – How to overcome them Establishing key steps in Asset-­‐Thinking-­‐Paderns Growing 4 Success Strategies in personal performance

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •

A man’s growth is seen in the successive choirs of his friends." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson"

Develop a more posiHve view of personal potenHal and self-­‐worth. IdenHfy and seek steps to resolve personal distorHon IdenHfy personal management strengths and struggles Learn the effecHve steps of Asset-­‐Thinking-­‐Paderns Improve in relaHonship management Grow in confidence

DuraHon 2-­‐3 days

29 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Frontline & Personal Development Series NEGOTIATION SKILLS Overview

Successful negoHaHons involve the element of exchanging valuable resources for another. It is arriving at points of understanding, trust and fair exchanges that allow both parHes to achieve saHsfactory outcome. This course is interacHve and put parHcipants in role-­‐play to negoHaHng possible exchanges. Borrowing from the B.A.T.N.A. strategy as well as influence strategies, the parHcipants will learn to establish negoHable posiHons and win-­‐win strategies.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

The negoHaHon process and how to prepare for it. Key elements to arrive at successful outcome. B.A.T.N.A and the 4 key elements within. PosiHoning and NegoHaHon and the true meaning of ‘win-­‐win’ CommunicaHon, AsserHon and Compromise QuesHons, Feedback and Dialogue Establishing long term negoHable relaHonship

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •

I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God’s business." ~ Michael J Fox"

List the key components of a structured negoHaHon process IdenHfy the principles of B.A.T.N.A. Plan and prepare ahead of the negoHaHon. IdenHfy and plan for a ‘win-­‐win’ within the context of negoHaHon. Develop strategies for long term beneficial relaHonship IdenHfy mutual benefits and communicate effecHvely to arrive at successful outcome.

DuraHon 2 days

30 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Frontline & Personal Development Series NETWORK TO NETWORTH Overview

One of the key markeHng tacHc to grow and sustain one’s success in today’s business market is networking. It can accelerates one’s success through WHO KNOWS YOU and WHAT YOU DO. Networking is about building mutually beneficial relaHonships. This course helps parHcipants to assess their local network and establish strategies to seek out and meet the ‘right’ people to improve their sphere of influence.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

RelaHonship as a catalyst for growth and success. Assessing your network and defining ‘right’ connecHons you need Building a network strategy How to help others to know you – asserHng with credit The 8 Steps in networking conversaHons. ConnecHng wherever you go. PracHcal steps in growing referrals with your network

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •

Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected." ~ Steve Jobs"

IdenHfy success indicators for personal network EffecHvely assess personal list of network Develop networking conversaHonal skills Plan a step-­‐by-­‐step networking project Write a personal introducHon script Learn vital skill set in geang referrals

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

31 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Frontline & Personal Development Series CLOSING SALES EFFECTIVELY Overview

Sales closure is an art. But it is first a skill before its an art – because it is fill with workable steps. It becomes an art as one has experienced and internalize the mutual beneficial buying relaHonship of the vendor-­‐client that intuiHveness plays a large part. This course enables parHcipants to learn to close sales effecHvely through rapport building, clarity of purpose and benefits, and turning objecHons to closure opportuniHes. ParHcipants will learn that every objecHon is an interest unfulfilled.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Understanding buying paderns ConnecHng in 90 seconds The power of pacing and leading the customer Get them talking and keep them talking The Generic Sales Cycle – Developing a applicable sales cycle Handling ObjecHons and selling benefits Are they buying the goods? Or Are they buying you? Closing techniques revealed – 12 steps to them saying ‘Yes’

Outcomes •  •  •  •  •  •

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely." ~ Anonymous"

Establish selling paderns and buying paderns of consumers IdenHfy key objecHons. Develop skills to connect in 90 seconds Reading customers and handling objecHons. EffecHvely turning objecHons into interests and into closings. Plan a closing conversaHonal map.

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

32 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Frontline & Personal Development Series BRANDING YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE Overview

Customers and consumers always seek an experience that will enrich more than just the business transacHon. A business branding is a promise towards the excellence it would provide in every service touch point. This highly interacHve and inspiring course aims at enabling organizaHon or parHcipants to brand their ‘special’ customer service according to their brand posiHon and brand promise.

Outline •  •  •  •  •

What are your brand values and personality? Growing a heart of service TranslaHng branding into acHonable promises – behaviors. Big to small: aligning service promises with touch points. No longer Piece-­‐Meals! -­‐ Moving to a brand service integraHon.

Outcomes •

Explore your mind, discover yourself, then give the best that is in you to your age and to the world. There are heroic possibilities waiting to be discovered in every person." ~ Wilfred Petersen"

•  •  •  •

Ability to idenHfy company brand idenHHes and promises and align service pracHces to brand values. IdenHfy value-­‐behaviors that will represent brand promises. Grow a greater sense of service-­‐mission. IdenHfy specific service behavior that will enhance customer service. AcHon plan a personal/corporate service strategy to achieve a creaHve and unique customer service experience to grow customer loyalty.

DuraHon 1=2 days

33 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

Frontline & Personal Development Series STRESS MANAGEMENT Overview

Stress is a way of life for the working class. We are all subject to stress. But too much pressure and stress can adversely affect performance, creaHvity, communicaHon and personal health, and cost the organizaHon greatly. This course aims to assist parHcipants in idenHfying stress points in their work and to gain control of their experiences, so that they can become more effecHve at work.

Outline •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Defining stress and learning where it comes from. IdenHfying personal stress points. The quadrant of stress management. IdenHfying personal stress handling style – a ‘stress’ profile. Developing healthy adaptaHons to stress management. Managing Stress: 7 points to defuse tension. AcHon Planning

Outcomes Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." ~ Mark Twain"

•  •  •  •

IdenHfy and verify personal stress points IdenHfy stress points in workplace and how it affects performance Recognize personal threshold in stress management Develop acHon strategies in diffusing and resolving stress points and improving one’s stress management process

DuraHon 1-­‐2 days

34 Copyright © 2010 5hue Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved.


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