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Board of Directors

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Film Fund

Film Fund


President Laura has over ten years of experience in marketing, PR, and communications. She has a strong knowledge in digital marketing, content distribution, and loves helping clients grow their business. For the last eight-and-a-half years, Laura has worked in the outdoor industry in roles like Associate Media Director, where she was responsible for full funnel media planning strategies and Account Director and Senior Strategist where she has worked on developing and implementing brand strategy. One of her greatest passions is working with storytellers and filmmakers to ensure that their stories are being seen by as many people as possible. She believes that film has the power to move people and spark change.



Vice President Lindsey is an Executive Producer and emerging Director canvassing the film market across branded documentary work, cause related filmmaking, and commercial production. She spends her time amidst the mountains and the sea and comes from a background in journalism, marketing, sales and non-profit start-ups. Lindsey’s passion is creating cause related films and pursuing topics she feels need a podium. She believes as storytellers we have a responsibility to share truth, while creating opportunity for the voices seldom heard, and advocating for the changes we want to see in our world.


Treasurer- Roger, along with his wife Carrie and 2 daughters, moved to the Roaring Fork Valley in 1998 after he completed business school at CU. Roger knows everyone needs the spiritual uplift that being in nature brings and feels that this great social event and film festival is the perfect facilitator.


Megan is a 50-year-young local who moved to the valley at the ripe and ski-ripping age of 3. She has a passion for dogs, photography and health. A seasoned ski pro and trainer, Bourke spent 25 years working for Aspen Skiing Company. Previously educated in Wyoming, Boulder and NYC, she now spends 7 months a year in Aspen and the other 5 months in Maine. The outdoors and giving back to the communities in which she resides are her favorite past times.


Co-founder and Creative Director at Duct Tape Then Beer, Fitz started his career as a true dirtbag writer / naked subsistence hunter. He has an appreciation for fine (not-that-fine) beers, behavioral economics, his rad wife and two sons, and helping others realize their creativity.


After a childhood filled with family vacations to countless state and national parks, Connor embarked on a career in non-profit land conservation sprinkled with stints as a wildland firefighter, wildlife biologist, and some time spent playing cowboy. He now works with landowners across the West to sustainably manage their land while residing outside of Carbondale.


Ann is a weekend warrior and backcountry bon vivant who lives to ride, run, ski and paddle in the great outdoors. Originally from the UK, she met her husband Chad while hitchhiking. Now a Carbondale local, she is most often found on trail with her Jack Russell Terrier, Scooter.


Lou is currently the Director of Sales & Marketing at The Gant, Aspen, Colorado’s finest condominium resort where he directs the total operations of The Gant’s sales and marketing efforts. Lou has spent the entirety of his fifteen postgraduate years in the hospitality industry, and has worked with a variety of hotels and resorts across the country, from Charleston to Maui, but he specializes mainly in condominium resort management. Outside the office, Lou is an avid backpacker and skier, pensive photographer, and intrepid world traveler.


Lari strives to be gainfully unemployed but finds herself crazy busy wearing various hats including; stuffy accountant, restaurateur, crossfit coach, dog Mom, and wife of the infamous Mark Fischer. In her spare time, she tries to play outside as much as possible (when it isn’t below 32 degrees).


Derek has been a professional artist for over thirty years, and his fine art landscape photography has been widely collected and exhibited. It is included in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago and has been honored with a Colorado Council on the Arts Grant in Visual Arts. Derek is currently a professor and Director of Professional Photography at Colorado Mountain College, where he initiated a partnership with 5Point to help inspire young storytellers.


Ryan grew up playing baseball with dreams of playing in the big league in a big city. Instead, the choice to travel around the world after college led him to fall in love with mountain-town living and started a law firm in the Roaring Fork Valley.


After graduating from the University of Denver, Summers arrived in the Roaring Fork Valley and has since been an integral part of the community. As an artist, photographer, mentor, and curator, she exposes the brilliance in nature; human nature, natural light, landscapes, and her living subjects. As a mother, she found a knack for capturing her daughters expressions of innocence, wonder, and joy. Her love for the area is immeasurable, as she taught skiing for 11 years and worked with the Aspen and Carbondale Animal hospitals. Summers’ film Ten Years Out premiered at 5Point 2018 and has gone on to screen around the world.


Beatriz is originally from Chihuahua, Mexico, where she grew up in a bi-cultural setting between Mexico and the United States. She graduated from Basalt High School and went on to study architecture in Chihuahua City. Having the opportunity to work in both the US and Mexico, she has engaged in a diverse range of architectural and community projects, always with a focus on environmental and social justice. She is very passionate about sustainable and conscientious design. Regularly being a part of two different worlds, she tries to bring people together and be a liaison for people in any community she’s a part of; from Chihuahua City, to the tiny beach town of San Pancho, to the Roaring Fork Valley.


Greg joined Backbone Media in 2005 after managing the advertising team at Climbing magazine and co-founding the Philadelphia Rock Gym. At Backbone, Greg has worn many hats both on the PR and media team and has been instrumental in establishing and growing the media buying and planning side of Backbone’s business. Backbone’s media work spans all channels and includes award winning digital campaigns and national TV brand campaigns. Greg is an all-around outdoor enthusiast and lives in Carbondale with his family – Carolyn, Sage and Luke.

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