Pollution By Renee Wu
Table Of Contents
What is Pollution
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Cited Sources
About The Author
Introduction Have you ever wondered what types of pollution there is or how it forms? Or how pollution could effect you and the world? Or even why it is there in the first place. This is the book to find out. It is all real facts and it tells almost everything you would want to know about pollution.
What Pollution Is Pollution is anything that is let into the earth's or
Some pollutants are all harmful in small
water faster then it can break it down. Even
parts. Some, even are completely
though natural resources are always working to
natural. Human trash is one type of
break down existing pollutants, new ones keep
pollutants that are completely natural
on coming really fast and sometimes the earth
and harmless in small doses. These
just can't keep up. The outcome is that in a lot of
things make good fertilizer for crops. It
places the earth is suffering from pollution.
decomposes easily and when it is shown to natural
Earth Suffering from pollution. Earth Coughing because of pollution.
Air Pollution How Air Pollution Forms Most pollution is made in and
Most air pollution that humans make
around cities. But, because wind
come from burning fossils fuels. Fossil
can carry pollution thousands of
fuels are coal, gasoline, and oil. When those
miles away from where they
type of things burn, they let out poisonous
were created, places with not
gases. They also let out dust, soot, and
many people can suffer from
other particles. All of these things go in the
pollution as well.
atmosphere where they stay as pollution.
Air pollution happens when peculiar types of liquid drops, gases, and tiny bits of things are let into the air. Many things make pollution worse, as well as gas from motor vehicles, smoke and gas that come from factories, burning trash, and other materials.
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Water Pollution How water Pollution Can Effect You
How water pollution Forms
One effect from water pollution is toxic
Water pollution starts when things that hurt
buildup. Toxic buildup happens when bad
the earth go into natural waters, such as
things are released into the waterways.
rivers, lakes, streams, and oceans. These
These things stay at the bottom of the sea
things will either stay at the bottom or float
and cover plants. The plants are eaten by
around in the water. Most water pollution
small fish, who may be eaten by bigger fish.
happens because of sewage. There are
As the chemicals go up the food chain, they
three types of sewage they are called
become more thick in the animals body.
domestic, industrial, and storm.
Finally at one point it stars to do some harm.
Garbage Garbage People not only pollute the earths’s air
In America, paper and
and water, but also litter the earth’s
cardboard are 40% of their
land with trash with plastic, wood,
garbage. food is 10% and the
metals, ext... In most developed
rest is a mix of glass, wood,
countries, one person makes many
plastic, metal, cloth and other
pounds of garbage each day.
Glossary Atmosphere: Air, sky. Pollutants: Pollution. Developed: Advanced, matured.
Cited Sources Books
Hirschmann, Kris. Pollution. N.p.: Kidhaven, 2005. Print. Our Environment.
Pictures Links http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/aa/AlfedPalmersmokestacks.jpg http://www.personal.psu.edu/users/j/g/jgg5037/images/contro1.jpg http://www.successfulworkplace.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/Big-Data-pollution.jpg http://cdn.coastalcare.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/alaska-plastic-pollution2.jpg http://ak.picdn.net/shutterstock/videos/1321231/preview/stock-footage-ecological-pollution-dumping-ofgarbage.jpg http://labsaints.com/wp-content/uploads/water-pollution-300x253.jpg http://www.ecouterre.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/water-pollution-china-2-537x402.jpg http://www.unece.org/typo3temp/pics/035f65a62b.jpg http://s4.hubimg.com/u/437491_f520.jpg
About the Author
Renee likes to read books, and also likes to play sports. She likes to fence, and she also can’t keep away from candy. She is also a weird person with many personalities.
The End