1 minute read

Don’t Forget Your Bike

Biking the paved roads, gravel sideroads and logging trails is the “Goldilocks” of exploring the Northwoods – not so fast as in a vehicle where you miss something, not so slow as walking where the day’s hours fade away before the next attraction.

Bring your bike and make Baraga County your hub to explore not only our friendly towns, but also to Marquette or Houghton in our neighboring counties. As you pedal your road bike or fat bike, you’ll come across breathtaking waterfalls, historical sites, roadhouses for a tasty burger and fries, and much more, including sunsets over Lake Superior that make even the locals’ hearts skip a beat!

Check out these suggested tour routes with family and friends:

Mountain Biking

Tour De Mt. Arvon – 29 miles

Road Biking

Tour da Aura – 26 miles

Tour da Houghton – 42 miles

Tour da Skanee – 51 miles

Tour da Pequaming – 22 miles

Tour da Pelkiie – 16 miles

Tour da Baraga – 5.6 mile

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