Rice Donuts - Ry i spurgos Add the Rice, Milk, Water and Sugar together in a saucepan and simmer for approximately 25 30 minutes, until the Rice is cooked thoroughly and has absorbed all of the liquid. Don't forget to stir the mix to prevent the Rice from sticking to the bottom of the pan. If there is no liquid left but the Rice is not thoroughly cooked then add a little bit more water, and continue to check the mix until the rice is cooked. Once cooked remove from the hob and allow to cool.
Ry ius u pilkite pienu bei vandeniu, berkite cukraus, ir u deng virkite tol, kol ry iai i virs ir sugers vis vanden (tai gali u trukti ~ 25-30 min). Nepamir kite karts nuo karto juos pamai yti, nes ry iai, esantys puodo dugne, gali prisvilti. Jeigu matysite, jog vandens nebeliko, bet ry iai vis dar kieti, pilkite dar iek tiek vandens. Kai ry iai i virs, palaukite, kol jie atv s.
Atv susius ry ius perd kite didesn duben l , sud kite likusius ingredientus ir visk Once cooled transfer the mix into a large i mai ykite. I tepkite rankas aliejumi ir i mixing bowl and add the remaining gautos mas s suformuokite nedidelius ingredients, apart from the oil. Mix together kamuoliukus. kaitintame aliejuje kepkite and form small balls, approximately 2 inches in kamuoliukus tol, kol jie gra iai apskrus. Kai diameter. Heat the oil in a pan, and add the i imsite i kepusias spurgas, ant popierinio balls, turning occasionally until they are rank luos io nuvarvinkite aliej ir golden brown. apibarstykite jas cukraus pudra. Remove the donuts from the pan and dust with Skanaus! powdered sugar. Bon Appetit!
Ingredients 300g Rice 300ml Milk 400ml Water 80g Sugar Lemon Zest 3 Eggs 4tbsp All Purpose Kitchen Flour Pinch of Cinnamon 2tbsp Brandy Oil (for Cooking) Sugar Powder (for Dusting)
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Promotion Gold Rice 4 x 100g
ÂŁ0.95 ÂŁ1.45