Water Pollution-By: Cata, Maite, Vitti anda Vicky.

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Water Pollution

Victoria Pati単o Victoria Redigo Maite Abelleira Catalina Viola (members of the group) 5th Blue

The Purpose of this presentation is to….  Make people conscious about what can happen if we waste the water.  Teach people not to pollute.  Tell people to help others that are collaborating.  Teach people about Water Pollution.

Water Cycle • Sunlight evaporates the water, this forms water vapour and gases. Then they form the clouds, this process is called condensation. •

After that, water falls from the clouds as rain or as snow. Then the ground soaks with water.

Types of water: Fresh water: We can drink it. We can find it in the lakes, streams, rivers, and underground. The problem it is that the water is coming polluted, because factories dump rubbish into the water. Frozen water: We can't drink it. We can find it in the Polar Regions. Salt water: We can't drink it. We can find it in oceans and seas.

The problem with our fresh water: • The problem it is that the water it is coming polluted, because of the factories that are polluting the water, because they dumped rubbish into the water, now the water is getting all polluted .

Pollutants Characteristics Homeowners


Cars/industries Airborne pollutants Oil/chemical spills

They put pesticides, weed killers, and fertilizers in the gardens and they pollute water. They put pesticides, weed killers, and fertilizers in the crops and they pollute water. They rise into the air and mix with water vapor They get underground and polluted groundwater. When It rains, chemicals polluted streams, rivers, etc.

Acid rain: • Gases are released into the atmosphere by cars, or factories. Then the wind carries them into the clouds and then, when it's rainy the water that comes down is all polluted. It is called Acid Rain. The consequences are that the rain water the trees and the trees die because of the pollution in the rain. The birds and insects that were living in those trees can't live there anymore because their houses are destroyed. If the acid rain keeps destroying the houses of animals, they will be endangered.

Why is water so important?

• The water is so important because the living organisms need it to live since our bodies are twothirds water. • When we eliminate water we need to replace it again.

What are the consequences of chemicals in water? • The consequences of pesticides in water are that they accumulate in it and it gets polluted, so all the living things are at risk of dying, because they can drink the polluted water. Even if they don't die, the poisonous water remains in their bodies.

The consequences of waste in water: • Animal and human wastes in water produce bacteria and viruses which make anyone who gets into the water or drink it fall ill. If there are many wastes in the water, they will rob off the oxygen from it so fish can not live there anymore.

Why are the wetlands so important? • The wetlands are so important because they are the habitats of many animals, there is a lot of life. They are also very important because they help to clean lakes & rivers and they prevent floods. Wetlands act like giant sponges soaking up and holding a lot of water. The plants roots trap mud and dirt. They are in danger because the people dump rubbish into the wetlands and they are getting all polluted. Besides people are destroying wetlands to build homes, businesses and recreational areas.

How can we stop polluting the water? • • • • • • • • •

Use safer stuff Use natural cleansers Don't use pesticides, weed killers and chemical fertilizers. Do not dump paints, oil, or chemicals down the drains. Do not run the water to get it hot or cold. Put water in the refrigerator to keep it cold, and let the stove do the heating. Repair leaky faucets or toilets right away. Only water the yard when it really needs it. Sweep off walks and outdoor steps instead of hosing them down.

Conclusions • We do not have to waste water. • We do not have to use chemicals. • We do not have to dump rubbish any way. • As a result: DON’T POLLUTE!.

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