Water Pollution Cecilia Parodi, Constanza Martinez Cerana, Pedro Amado, Ramiro Couceiro 5th Blue
Water Pollution The Purpose of this presentation is to….
Improve the quality of human life Study about the environment Teach how to care about water. Don’t waste water.
Water Cycle. The water cycle starts when the water of the rivers, oceans is evaporated by the sun so the water changes into a gas that is called water vapour. The water vapour rises into the atmosphere, mixes up with cold air and turns into clouds. This process is called condensation. When water falls from the clouds as rain or snow we call it precipitation. Then, the same heat makes the trees and living things transpire so the same process happens again and again.
Types of water
Fresh water: We can find it in streams, lakes, rivers and underground. We can drink it. The problem is that the water is coming polluted because factories dump rubbish and people throw wastes. Frozen water: We can find it in the Polar Regions like Antarctica and the Arctic. We can´t drink it. Salt water: We can find it in oceans and seas. We can´t drink it.
Water Pollutants Characteristics Homeowners
They use weed killers and fertilizers for their gardens which they pollute the air and the water.
They use chemicals, pesticides, weed killers and fertilizers on their crops which pollute the air and water.
Cars/industries Airborne pollutants
The smoke from cars and factories rise into the air and when they fall down they contaminate groundwater. They can build up in people's bodies, causing serious diseases.
Oil/chemical spill
They get into the water underground polluting it after the acid rain.
Acid Rain. The acid rain is the rain that is contaminated. And it is caused by the smokes of the factories and cars and other fumes. Those smokes contaminates the vapour which rise into the atmosphere to form clouds . The acid rain is formed when water precipitates from the contaminated clouds. The consequence is that acid rain kills animals, plants and trees because it pollutes rivers and streams.
Why is water so important? ď Ž
Our body needs a lot of water because it is two-thirds water and we need to replace it constantly. We need the water to be alive.
ď Ž
When human and animals waste get into the water they produce bacteria and viruses which cause illnesses to living organisms that drink it. If there is too much rubbish in the water, they absorb the oxygen and fish die.
Wetlands. Wetlands are important because many animals live there. They are also very important because they help clean lakes and rivers and they prevent floods. Wetlands act like giant sponges soaking up and holding a lot of water. The plants roots trap mud and dirt. Wetlands are in danger because people destroy them to build home, shops or recreational areas.
How can we stop polluting water?
Use safer aerosols Use natural cleansers in your home. Avoid using pesticides, weed killers and chemicals fertilizers. Do not dump paint, oil or chemicals down the drain Waste not (put water in the refrigerator to keep it cold and on the stove to heat it. Repare leaky toilets right away Only water the yard when it really needs it. Sweeps off walks, don´t hose them.
With this presentation we have learnt that we should care about the water because water is very important for life . If we pollute water, life in the world will not exist any more. If we continue contaminating water, waste is going to kill fish, penguins, and other sea animals