9 minute read


Hang out with An gela Zo n u n pari

by Dawn Geertsema


Founded by Angela Zonunpari, No Business Magazine fo c u s e s on a r t a nd c u lt u r e . Z onu np a r i a nd he r te a m self-published Identity, t he f i r s t i s s u e of t he m a g a z i ne , in June 2019. And this month, 150 copies of P o w e r Colors w i l l b e r e l e a s e d . T he m a g a z i ne h a d a s uc c e s s f u l Kickstarter c a mp a i g n , e a r n i n g mor e t h a n $2 ,70 0 for t he ne w e s t e d it ion . O ne hu nd r e d c opie s w i l l b e m a i l e d o ut , a nd t he r e m a i n i n g 5 0 a r e e x p e c te d to b e for s a l e on t he No Business Magazine w e b s ite b y t he e nd of Ju l y. W he n s he i s n’t w ork i n g a s e d itor-i n- c h ie f of t he p u bl ic at ion , Zonunpari works from Sioux Falls with Fresh Produce and Ipso Gallery a s a w r ite r a nd p u bl ic r e l at ion s .

Z onu np a r i op e n s up a b o ut he r l i fe o ut s id e of t he m a g a z i ne a nd Fr e s h P r o duc e , e x p a nd i n g on he r lov e of art, her neighborhood, and more.

5 R a n d o m Fa c t s

+ We moved to Sioux Falls three and a half years ago. Before that, we lived in New York for three years, and then before that I lived in India for 24 years. It’s been a journey—and a good one.

+ I’ve sewn almost a week’s worth of clothing for myself.

+ I love making things for our home, especially patchwork floor cushions from old pillows and repurposed quilting fabric.

+ My husband and I collaborate on different projects, and we recently made a bench that I’m obsessed with.

+ I’m ethnically from a fairly small community (in context of the country) in Northeast India, a state named Mizoram. I haven’t met a Mizo yet in Sioux Falls, but I would love to! (If you’re Mizo and reading this: Uiha! Kan va vang ve, lo connect i la.) Art Affects Being an arts writer, partner to artist Eli Show, and a writer at Fresh Produce and Ipso Gallery, I’ve had the opportunity to immerse myself as best I can in the local arts community. Our family of three frequents art openings and First Fridays at Ipso Gallery, the Visual Arts Center at the Washington Pavilion, Sioux Falls Arts Council, Third Eye Gallery at Vishnu Bunny Tattoo & Piercing, and Post Pilgrim Gallery, to name a few.

Personal Gallery We enjoy collecting art, and the last few years of being a part of Ipso Gallery has allowed me to connect with a lot of artists. So you’ll see a lot of different artworks around our house with the purpose of sharing artists we love with the people who come into our space. I have a good story about each piece we’ve collected and the relationships we’ve built from it. Some of our favorites are from Amy Jarding, Peter Reichardt, Mark Stemwedel, Sarah Cherrington, Chris Bostwick, and Erin Lynn Smith.

Sips of Signif icance Since becoming a parent, my love for good coffee and sours (beer) has grown tremendously. Is it directly related? Who knows. This has been the perfect excuse to support our friends at The Breaks Coffee Roasting Co. and Fernson Brewing Company. My mornings and my summers would be dreadful without them.

To Dine Out or Not to Dine Out? My office is located pretty close to our house, so we often make it home for lunches. But it’s always a resounding yes (maybe too often) to the No. 37 and B-04 at Pho Quynh Vietnamese Restaurant and the Vietnamese Fried Chicken Sandwich at Bread & Circus Sandwich Kitchen.

Prospering with Plants A few plants from New York made it to Sioux Falls with us when we moved in 2016, and since then I’ve been lucky to slowly fill our home with plants that have grown from clippings from friends. Other than visiting our local garden centers, one of my favorite things to do is scour local Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist plant listings to find some special ones. That’s how we found our monstrous 8-year-old lacy tree philodendron, which now has its own room.

Creative Connections In the last few years of producing concept-based publications, I’ve always enjoyed connecting with other creatives in the Sioux Falls community as well as working with small shops for our printing needs. Marc Wagner of Skullmore Magazine is a solid guide and has answered a lot of dumb questions from me, and shops such as Mailway Printers Inc. and The Mitographers Inc. have been a pleasure to work with.

Roaming the Region One of our routine activities from spring to fall is walking around our central Sioux Falls neighborhood in the evenings. We have a lot of alleyways, which are a prime spot for our toddler to explore and run around. We usually end up at Menlo Park midway through our walk. I love that we have so much space and so many facilities close by to unwind as a family. Our evening walks turn into mid-morning walks on the weekends where we visit our favorite Sioux Falls Food Co+op for a snack and a quick grocery run.

Quilting in the Quiet I usually spend a few nights a week sewing and quilting. Since becoming a parent, I think a big struggle has been finding a space for myself and for some quiet. This has been a really big meditative practice for me and something that allows me to make things I love for myself, my family, and friends. The Conscious Clothing collection at Terra Shepherd Boutique & Apothecary has been an inspiration in building my wardrobe.

Capturing Downtown My office being downtown has allowed me to explore and walk around the area. This has really fed my love for photography, especially photographing abstract architectural elements around downtown. I’ve been building a body of work around this concept with photographs from downtown and the north side of town.


F act

Carnaval is known for its pineapple, which is also part of Rodizio service and is also used in a variety of dishes and drinks.


by Sydney Wood

“We're the only place from Minneapolis to Denver that you can get Rodizio-style service,” said Carnaval Brazilian Grill bar manager Ben Schempp.

Carnaval’sGauchos have been carving rotisserie-cooked meats tableside in Sioux Falls since 2005.

“We're a super unique restaurant in the way that we operate with our Rodizio-style service,” said Schempp. “We also have a great à la carte menu that you can order from.”

Kitchen manager Gabriela Marquez says there are plenty of other options for guests to try if patrons want a more traditional way of dining. A new dish lets guests sample an assortment of meat sans Gauchos.

“The Churrasco Sampler platter of the Rodizio meats is pretty interesting,” said Marquez.

The Churrasco Sampler includes two mini skewers with parmesan chicken, picanha (sirloin), flank steak, and house sausage served with a side salad, farofa, freshly mashed potatoes, and chimichurri sauce.

Marquez is a native Brazilian from São Paulo. She joined the Carnaval team in June of 2018.

“I love to cook. I am from Brazil, so I am very proud to be here doing what I know how to do and spreading my culture,” said Marquez.

One of Carnaval’s newer menu items is the Antipasto Platter, which is an assorted platter of cheeses, olives, salami, pickles, hearts of palm, and fruit.

“In Brazil, we often have something to drink like a beer or wine, so while eating this you can sip on a drink,” said Marquez.

Marquez says that the Coconut Shrimp is a menu favorite.

“The flavors in the shrimp go really well with the coconut,” said Marquez. “It is our Tiger Shrimp with coconut breading served with sweet chili sauce and lime.”



E The Rodizio Experience Picanha, top sirloin, flank steak, chicken drummies, garlic beef, house pork sausage, lamb sirloin, parmesan beef, parmesan chicken breast, barbecue pork tenderloin, shrimp, cinnamon-roasted pineapple, and cold and hot sides.


E Brazil's Favorite Plated specialty protein (six slices/pieces) are served with a side of rice or freshly mashed potatoes, farofa, and a side of Carnaval pico.


E The Rio Cinnamon roasted pineapple, parmesan chicken, and mozzarella.


E Picanha Dip House-roasted picanha, caramelized onions, peppers, mushrooms, provolone, creamed horseradish, au jus, on a ciabatta bun or baguette.


E Market Fish Pan-seared market fish in lemon caper sauce, served with steamed vegetables and either rice or mashed potatoes.


E Lamb Chislic Fried cubes of lamb, served with fries and chimichurri aioli.


E Cocada Shredded coconut baked with condensed milk and cream, served warm with ice cream and lime zest.

What is Rodizio Service? +

Rodizio service is when Gauchos bring guests unlimited skewered meat and a variety of sides right to their table. Guests are provided a two-sided disk—green for “meat” and red for “stop.”

Being a Brazilian steakhouse, Schempp says Carnaval uses a lot of fun, unique flavors, like passion fruit, pineapple, and coconut.

“Our Brazilian 6.0 is one of our signature cocktails,” explained Schempp. “We hollow out the inside of a pineapple and then blend six different liquors with coconut milk and some of the pineapple, and serve it back in the pineapple. It’s super fun.”

Among Carnaval’s drink options, you can find the locally brewed Carnaval Beer, which is a partnership with WoodGrain Brewing Company. “The partnership that we have is something that we created around a year and a half ago,” said Schempp. “We give them our pineapple and they make an IPA out of it.” Schempp says the restaurant is always switching up its drink menu and offers a plethora of new rum-based cocktails for the summertime. However, he says that you can’t pass up on the national drink of Brazil, a Caipirinha.

“You cannot come to Carnaval without having a Caipirinha. It’s lime, sugar,


and cachaça.”

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