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Jeremy Conkling

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edwin Bifelt

edwin Bifelt

presIdent, AnChoRAge poliCe dept. eMployees AssoCiAtion ; sergeant, AnChoRAgepoliCedept.



educatIon: Bachelor’s Degree, Political Science, University of Colorado-Boulder; Third-Year Law Student, Mitchell Hamline School of Law

communIty work: Volunteer, Anchorage Cops for Community; Chair, Coalition of Municipal Unions; Little League Baseball coach

famIly: My three sons, Hawkins (10), Westin (7), and Campbell (2).

hometown: I was born in Napa, California and grew up in Moraga, California.

current cIty: Anchorage

what Is your most memorable

alaska experIence? It’s impossible to pick just one. A bluebird day skiing at Alyeska, crabbing off of Coon Island in Ketchikan Gateway Borough, and hunting all over the state.

name the person you most

respect and why. The men and women of the Anchorage Police Department. Their selfless, professional service to the Municipality of Anchorage is unwavering.

what Is your favorIte pastIme

or hobby away from work? Traveling, especially to warmer climates during winter. All eight months of it.

favorIte quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” — Most commonly attributed to Dr. Suess

what was your fIrst job? Little League umpire at 12 years old

what Is the book you most often

recommend? “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Dr. Robert Cialdini.

what has been your most rewardIng communIty servIce, and what Is your pItch when you are seekIng others to

get Involved In a cause? Shop with a Cop and Firefighter. I’m grateful to be a part of bringing so much happiness and joy to underprivileged children in our community. I don’t have a “pitch” per se, but I am passionate about the event and I think that shines through when I talk about it. I hope that passion is contagious and encourages others to volunteer.

In your professIonal lIfe, what has been a project or achIevement you have found

to be the most fulfIllIng? Being the President of the Anchorage Police Department Employees Association and working each day to represent the over 580 sworn and non-sworn members of the Anchorage Police Department.

durIng the past year, what has been your bIggest pandemIcrelated challenge eIther personally or professIonally and how have you worked to

overcome It? The inability to travel and Zoom meetings share my top spot with regard to pandemic-related challenges. I admit I failed to overcome the inability to travel due to federal law. However, I do feel that was successful in overcoming the challenges of Zoom meetings by retooling my sense of humor to really shine through digitally.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.

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