1 minute read
Alaska Relay Speech-to-Speech
Speech-to-Speech (STS) service allows people with a speech disability to make and receive phone calls. The STS operators are specially trained to understand speech patterns to ensure you are understood. 711 or 866-355-6198 alaskarelay.com/sts
C all with Confidence and Ease
To use STS, dial 711 or 866-355-6198 and provide the telephone number of the person you want to call. Instruct the STS operator to: l repeat your words upon request l re-voice your side of the conversation
Alaska Relay STS offers the following options: l Telecommunications Relay Service (TRS) Customer Profile l Speech-to-Speech (STS) Call Setup
To learn more about the call processing options, visit alaskarelay.com/sts.
For more information or to request training, workshop, or presentations, contact:
– 907-563-2599
– akrelay@atlaak.org
– alaskarelay.com/outreach alaskarelay.com
15 Why are Women More Likely to Develop Alzheimer’s Disease?

18 Do
21 Add Resistance Training to Your Exercise Routine

Publisher: Andy Pennington e ditor: Nina Wladkowski a d d irector: Eric Groves s ales: Ryan Estrada, Victoria Hansen, Joleesa Stepetin, Erika Watsjold a dvertising o perations: Lisa McGuire

Graphic d esigner: Jian Bautista
Graphics m anager: Michael Oldroyd
This special publication was produced by the advertising department of Anchorage Daily News. The ADN newsroom was not involved in its production.