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Manager Of Engineering And Planning



Hometown/Current City: Anchorage

Education: Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, minor in mathematics, UAA Community Work: I work with the Solid Waste and Recycling Advisory Commission, which provides public input on solid waste and recycling initiatives for Anchorage. I’m also a member of the local chapter of the Solid Waste Association of North America. Other community work includes volunteer work with my wife at the Alaska Literacy Program and previous work with Habitat for Humanity. Family: I met my wife, Kate Powers, while we were attending UAA our sophomore year. Kate was awarded Top 40 Under 40 in 2022. We have two kids: Lou (5) and Willie (2). We also have an old English black lab, Sadie (10).

What is your favorite place in Alaska and why?: It's impossible to choose between many of the amazing wilderness areas on the Kenai Peninsula. Growing up I spent a lot of time there every summer with my dad and siblings. There are many places to backpack where I learned fly-fishing and to appreciate the outdoors. Now I get to take my kids there for the same experiences, which I’m incredibly grateful for.

Name the person you respect and why: There are so many people who have helped me along my path, but I’d say my parents. The reason I’m in Alaska today is because my parents moved here in the ‘70s with little to their name other than a sense of adventure. Between juggling the grueling early morning hockey practices and teaching me life’s lessons, they’ve given me so much. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.

What is your favorite pastime or hobby away from work?: Getting into the outdoors with my kids and Kate. I also love taking our dog Sadie out for neighborhood strolls.

What was your first job?: The summer between middle school and high school I worked as a grocery bagger at Carrs on Huffman.

What has been your most rewarding community service?: Some of the most rewarding times in this stage of my life is when my wife and I can continually teach our kids the value in helping others and recognizing those in need. One annual favorite is choosing families through Kids Corp to buy presents for during the holidays, because toys are a very relevant conversation with kids!

Looking back, it was very rewarding when I worked building houses for people who lost their homes due to hurricanes in Miami and New Orleans with Habitat for Humanity. In your professional life, what has been a project or achievement you have found to be the most fulfilling?: Working in the engineering field in the public sector has been extremely rewarding, because every project that we do is for the betterment of the community we serve and the employees who work within the department. It’s been a privilege to be a part of restructuring Anchorage’s solid waste utility while managing the planning and construction of Anchorage’s new Central Transfer Station. The new transfer station will provide Anchorage with an efficient, state-of-the-art waste facility for the next 40 years. Not to mention how rewarding and exciting the various and unique challenges are that come with managing a landfill. There’s a lot more to burying trash than meets the eye.

Based on your own experiences, what advice would you give on maintaining a good work-life balance?: Take the time every day to step away and do activities that make you feel renewed so you can be a good co-worker and supportive leader for those you work with. For me personally, that’s getting outside for a ski, hike or just a quick walk to get fresh air and clear my mind.

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