Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 57

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MAY 29, 2020



Akbar Birbal:

a Hasty Judgement




One day, Akbar was riding near a mango orchard, when an arrow whizzed past him. The guards accompanying him rushed to find the culprit and caught the archer who had shot the arrow. He was just a young boy and was quivering with fear after being caught. When Akbar saw the boy, he asked him angrily, “Why did you try to kill me? Tell me which of my enemies has sent you here?” The young boy folded his hands and replied, “His Highness, I was not trying to kill you. I was just trying to knock down a mango with my arrow.” The Emperor was infuriated at the young boy’s careless way of shooting arrows and

Akbar Birbal:

a Hasty Judgement

ordered his guards, “Put him to death in the same manner he tried to kill me.” The guards tied the youth to a mango tree and were getting ready to shoot him. Birbal could not stop himself from chipping in and addressed the soldiers, “Wait a second! If you want to shoot this boy in the same way he tried to shoot the Emperor, then you must aim at the mango; the arrow must miss the mango and then strike the boy.” Akbar’s realised his folly and understood that it was not fair to take away the youth’s life for something that he did not do deliberately. He ordered his guards to let the young man go scot free. The young man fell down on Birbal’s feet and thanked him from the bottom of his heart.

Find ten hidden animals in the picture

Stories in Rhyme A lynx once met by chance a mole, Just emerging from his hole. The lynx with penetrating eye The beauties of the place did spy, And asked the mole to take a share In the fine prospect, rich and rare. "I've seldom found so good a place. From this small hill you see a space Extended far beneath your view, I like it much; pray do not you? See now the sun begins to rise,

The Lynx and the Mole

And with crimson tints the skies. It spreads all round its genial heat, And nature now enjoys a treat. "Well, well!" the mole aloud did cry "You may see this and more, but I can only now before me see, A very heavy mist." "Truly, now," said the lynx, "I clearly see The difference 'twixt you and me."


Discoveries and Inventions

Who invented the light bulb?

The light bulb has become such an

price of platinum stopped the bulb

essential part of our lives, can you

from achieving commercial success.

imagine a world without it? But in

A breakthrough came in the year 1860,

order for them to be developed into

through the work of the British chemist

the efficient electric lights we know

Joesph Swan. He replaced the platinum

today, there are many inventors and

filaments of de la Rue's bulb with more

scientists that played an important

affordable carbonised paper filaments.


Though his prototype worked during

The light bulb's journey began in 1800,

demonstrations, it still had issues with

when Italian inventor Alessandro Volta

practical use.

created the first practical way to gener-

Thomas Edison, an inventor we all

ate electricity through the 'voltaic pile'.

know of, improved upon Swan's de-

Soon after, British chemist and inven-

signs and replaced the filament materi-

tor, created the Davy's arc lamp using

al with a more practical alternative. He

voltaic piles. Though the lamps would

demonstrated his bulb in 1879 and

burn out quickly, they were used


through the 1800s.

ments into his design. After a battle for

A efficient model of a light bulb was

patents, Edison and Swan joined forces

created using a coiled platinum filament in 1840, by British scientist

to form Edison-Swan United, which to form Edison-Swan united, which went on to become one of the world's

Warren de la Rue. However, the high

largest manufacturers of bulbs.





Q: What is the oldest animal in the world? A: The zebra because it's in black and


Q: Why did the zebra cross the road? A: Because it was a zebra crossing


Q: What is black and white


and eats like a horse?

A: A


Q: What’s black and white and red all over?

A: A


sun-burnt zebra!


Healthy Me Why is

Feeling Anger Important?

Feelings of anger have always suffered a bad reputation. It has always been seen as a destructive emotion, rather than a constructive one. Children with uncontrolled 'anger issues' are known to break things, throw tantrums, attack other children and lash out at their parents. However, within all of this bad press, parents also need to remember that anger can be a good thing – when expressed healthily. Pent up anger left unexpressed, isn't good. Releasing your anger often leads to a sense of calm. It's important to know that it isn't always good to hold back your anger and react or behave in a "proper" manner. It can blow up in your face. Showing anger is also an important part of life. Anger is just another emotion – much like happiness and sadness. Expressing emotions is a helpful act, leading to a feeling of calm and peace. Internalizing anger does not allow for the natural cycle of feelings to occur. Feeling anger can also be a motivational tool. Sometimes you may have tantrums when you feel helpless, lost or confused. It is your reaction to situations out of your control. When you are taught to understand and explore your feelings of anger appropriately can take control of the situation and achieve your goals. Suppressing anger takes up more energy and time than releasing that anger and moving forward. The feeling of anger is like receiving a bad grade in a test, it shows that there is room for improvement and guides you in the correct direction. 5

Fun with Words

Pondering Corner What Makes

Stamps Valuable?

The first stamp was issued in 1840 in England. Up until then the postage price was paid by the receiver of the mail. However it got difficult to collect money from receivers who refused the mail. What a waste of time, energy and effort! That’s when the idea of a stamp sparked as it ensured the prepayment of mail. Stamps later became something like time capsules. They carried a little information about the history, geography, art and culture of a particular time. So, a good stamp collection gives you a view of the world from any era you would want. The value of a stamp is defined by 1. Age of the stamp 2. Place where it is issued 3. Condition of gum on the stamp 4. The perforation on the stamp 5. Stamps become more valuable once they are discontinued. The lesser the total number of a stamp available in the market, the more valuable it is to collectors.

comic story

einstien iyengar Atmospheric Pressure Why don’t we tell the principal?

The children were discussing the fact that the new Physical Education substitute used to punish children with his scale.

He is on very good terms with the principal. He is related to him. So the principal will never believe us. It’s our word against his.

What’s with the discussion? Let us start today’s lesson. Today we will read about atmospheric pressure.

It is the force exerted by the weight of the air. Even though air is made of small molecules and we can’t see it, we feel it. This pressure is higher at sea level. The earth’s atmosphere is pressing against every square inch of our body with a force of 1 kilogram per square centimeter. So you can imagine that the force on us will be in several tons!

Sir, then why don’t we get squashed with so much pressure?

We will continue this class tomorrow.

That was an interesting class.

I don’t know how will that help us in the Physical Education class. I am dreading going there.

Maybe this newspaper will help us!

Stay tuned to find out more... 10

spot ten differences


Questions about the English Language

A New Word is Added to the Dictionary Every Two Hours

At this speed, we Do you think the same dictionary has always been should be buying a new around? Is the dictionary you use today the same dictionary every day! as the dictionary years ago? Do you know that a new word is added to the dictionary every two hours? So if that happens every day, imagine how many words will be added to the dictionary in a year! But where do they get hold of so many new words from? Everywhere! There can be old words or phrases which have been used and the meanings not known or new phrases or words or even slang words used today to communicate. Did you know that the word ‘Oompa Loompa’ from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory has been added to the Oxford dictionary? These are not just any silly words that are added. They are added because they have a meaning or refer to something unique. People who make dictionaries read a lot! Today, the Oxford Dictionary is one of the largest and longest running research projects. Changes in language reflect in the day to day world... and so do the dictionaries.

Tim and his little sister were zebras who lived in a sactuary in South Africa. They lived happy lives, safe from poachers and within a loving and protective herd. One afternoon, the herd was grazing in the grasslands, when they came upon a startling sight! A baby zebra, all by himself, with his parents nowhere to be found!

Complete the Story...

fun facts

with Hamlet the Hamster

To know or not to know, that is the question! Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts About Zebras Just like the human fingerprints, each zebra has unique stripes unlike any other zebra. Zebras can sleep while standing. You can tell the mood of zebra by looking at its ears. If its ears are standing straight, it is relaxed. When a zebra is frightened, its ears are pushed forward. When it is angry, the ears are pulled backwards. Zebras are believed to be black in colour with white stripes, not white with black stripes. 11

Find the correct shadow


The Team Editor

Assistant and Copy Editor

Aryaa Naik Dalmiya

Contributing Writers Kaniz Fatima Khan

Priyanka Garegat

Deepti Raavi

Ekta Bhatnagar

Raunaq Amarnani

Rituparna Chatterjee

Archana Rajagopal


Lavanya Khare

Layout and Design Walmik Pawar


Kalpana Siromani

Amol Padwal Shailendra Havane Sujith VS Rohini Dusane


Bhavini Damani Sitanshu Bhartiya Atul Wankhade

Digital Marketing

Archana Rajagopal Bharat Pillai Tushar Rokade

Dnyanesh Thombre Prashant Kini Shekhar Ramaiah

Creator Jesh Krishna Murthy

Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone! follow us on facebook for daily fun content for kids


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