1 minute read
Alligators are found in fresh water whereas crocodiles live in both fresh and salt water. Crocodiles
Pondering Corner
It can be dicult to distinguish between alligators and crocodiles as they do have similar body types and colourings. Sometimes, people believe they're interchangeable! However, here are a few ways to dierentiate between the two - 1. The alligators have a snout that is U-shaped while crocodiles have a narrow and V-shaped snout. 2. Alligators are found in fresh water whereas crocodiles live in both fresh and salt water. Crocodiles have salt glands on their tongue, the excess salt in food and water leaves their body through these glands. 3. Alligators are shy animals and avoid humans, unlike crocodiles. 4. Alligators have 75 teeth, while crocodiles have 24 teeth. What is the Difference Between an Alligator and a Crocodile?