Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 70

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JUNE 11, 2020

Fun facts

about the walrus



What is the

arctic circle?



How the Moon Was Created

A very long time ago, when the world was just created, the moon was not there and the sun shone all the time. There was no concept of night as the sun never set. It was bright and sunny and there was daylight all the time. People worked hard continuously and did not realize when to rest. One fine day, the creator of the world visited the men in the fields while they were working. He asked one of the men,” When did you last water this field?” “Today,” replied the sweating farmer. “And when did you dig the hole?” “Today,” replied another man. “When did you plant those trees in the garden?” “Today,of course. It is day all the time so everything was done today.” The creator then saw a woman with a small child and asked her, “When was your son born?” “Today,” replied the woman. The creator then understood that the people of the world had no understanding of time; they would work all the time. He thought that he should do something about it. He then told the sun, “You must shine all day and set in the evening, and rise once again the next morning. People will then realise the difference between day and night. They will stop working when it becomes dark and will get some rest.” The sun readily agreed. When it became evening, the sun went down quietly. Suddenly, everything became dark. Everyone got scared with the abrupt darkness.They panicked and ran here and there, some stumbled

upon each other and some hurt themselves by falling into ditches. People were not used to this and so they did not realise what to do about it. Finally, the leaders and the elderly realised that nothing could be done in the darkness, so they told everyone,”Please lie down and take some rest, and you shall work again when it becomes bright.” When the sun came up the next morning, everyone woke up and started working. Thus, from then on, night became the time for resting. People started living more happily and comfortably, as they were well rested. But one problem still persisted. It became completely dark after sunset, so the people could not see anything at all.They would often bang against a tree, and hurt themselves by hitting against rocks and falling into ditches. They also broke things as they couldn’t see where they were kept. After some days the creator visited them once again and asked them,”Are you happy now?” “Yes, we are. We sleep all night and wake up fresh to work the next morning,” replied a man. “But there is still one problem—we cannot see anything in the dark. We tend to hurt each other and break a lot of things. Can we at least have the sun for some time?” asked the man. The creator thought for some time, and replied, “No, you can’t. But don’t worry. I shall give you something else, something more soothing and less bright than the sun.You can see things and still sleep peacefully in its presence.” Thus, the moon was created.

Find ten hidden Objects in the picture

Pondering Corner

What is the

Arctic Circle?

The Arctic Circle is a parallel latitude that runs north of the equator. The exact position of the Arctic Circle is not fixed. The shifting of the circle is caused because the Arctic Circle is not a fixed mass of land like Antarctica. This shift in the position of the circle is known as Polar Shift Theory. Everything north of this circle is known as the Arctic Circle. And the region just south of it is known as the Northern Temperate Zone. Only about 4 million people live north of the Arctic Circle, due to the severe climate. 10% of the region’s population is made of indigenous people, who have inhabited the area for thousands of years. Several thousand years ago, waves of people migrated from eastern Siberia across the Bering Strait into North America. The Arctic Circle experiences extreme cold. The temperature can sometimes fall below – 50 degrees in winter. In some areas, summer temperatures can reach as high as 30-degree Celsius. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon, that occurs in the summer months in places in the Arctic Circle. This means the sun is visible even at midnight. The Arctic Circle experiences the Polar Night - a phenomenon where the sun is not visible throughout the day, in winters. This can last for more than 24 hours. In some places, it can last for a week and in some places, it can last for a couple of months.

spot ten differences

Science explorer Plasticity VS Elasticity

What is elasticity? In physics, when an external force is applied to the surface of any material, the material goes through a physical change or deformation. When the force is removed, the material, depending on its properties, may or may not return to its original shape. Now, if the material returns to its original shape, it is said to be elastic in nature, and this property is known as ‘elasticity’. What is plasticity? On the other hand, if the material does not regain its original shape, it is said to be plastic in nature, and this property is known as ‘plasticity’. What kind of materials are known as elastic and plastic materials?

Elastic material: One of the most common examples of elasticity is a rubber band. You can easily stretch it to a length many times its original one, but when you release it, it returns to its original shape. The balloons that you use in your birthday parties are again made of rubber, which is an elastic material. Even those stretchable jeans and shirts that you wear are made of an elastic material, mostly spandex which is a stretchable fiber. Plastic material: The bending of a steel rod upon applying force is an example of plasticity. Once bent, it cannot come back to its original position.

Tickle A:

Q: What do you call


a walrus that flies? A jumbo jet.

Q: What weights 2 tons and rolls around?

funny Q: bone

A: A

walrus on a skateboard.

What does a walrus get from

sitting on the ice too long?

A: Polaroids!

Healthy Me


Gardening The monsoon season is considered the best season to plant and re-pot plants. The air is abundant with moisture and the weather is perfect to take on gardening activities. If you do not have access to a garden or don't want to step out into the mud, consider taking on planting a plant in a pot or on the terrace or balcony rather than in a garden. There are several options when it comes to planting a family garden. If you have an outdoor garden, then a vegetable patch is always a wonderful idea. Growing the patch comes with many steps which can involve everyone. Another great part of planting a family garden involves choosing the kinds of plants you would like to grow. Each family member is entitled to their own opinion and it is important to involve the entire family in the same. Speak to your local nurseries and get an idea of the kind of plants you can grow and in which type of soil. You can create markers out of old popsicle stick to demarcate which plants are growing where. Homemade fences painted in bright colours are also a wonderful way to brighten up your garden. 4

comic story

Akbar Birbal Birbal the Child

Akbar came to the court to attend a function and Birbal was not present. Where is Birbal?

He has not come yet, Huzoor!

Not yet?

After few minutes Birbal arrived at the court and apologized for being late. Birbal! You do not know how to manage a child! Let me show you how to do it.

I am extremely sorry, Huzoor. My child was crying. I had to placate him!

Today I will act as your father and you become my child. You can ask me for whatever your child would have asked you.

I want a cow!


Cow? Okay. Bring a cow for him.

A cow was brought to the court.

I want its milk.

The cow was milked by the servants.

Birbal drank little of it and handed the bowl with rest of the milk to Akbar.


Now put the milk back to the cow.

What are you saying Birbal?

Put the milk back to the cow please!‌‌Please!

Akbar could not found any answer and left the place quietly. Moral: One must experience the realsituation before blaming others.

Fun with Words

in the

blanks with the



starting with W.

1. Squirrels like to eat

2. The

= _________

howls at the moon = _________

3. My cat likes to play with 7

= _________ Answers: 1. Walnuts, 2. Wolf, 3. Wool


We were on an exploratory trip, looking to capture images of a family of walruses that lived on an iceberg not far from our ship. We had to get as close as possible without distrubing them. On the iceberg, I saw two large walruses with four calves near them. I needed to get closer, but how?


the Story...

fun facts

with Hamlet the Hamster To know or not to know, that is the question!

Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts about the Walrus Walruses are the water-loving residents of the North Pole and they like to spend most of their time living in shallow icy water. In the spring and fall, the walruses migrate following their food. Male walruses are known as bulls, and the females are called cows. The longer a walrus's tusk, the more important rank it holds in its group. A walrus can sleep while it swims.


Help the baby Walrus Find his Mother 9

The Team Editor

Assistant and Copy Editor

Aryaa Naik Dalmiya

Contributing Writers Kaniz Fatima Khan

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Rituparna Chatterjee

Archana Rajagopal


Lavanya Khare

Layout and Design Walmik Pawar


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Mocomi timepass is a mini magazine available daily for children!

Packed full of stories, puzzles and fun facts.. there’s a little bit of fun for everyone! follow us on facebook for daily fun content for kids


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