Mocomi TimePass The Magazine - Issue 82

Page 1


JUNE 23, 2020

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facts about

the dragonfly

How do

bees make honey?

The story

of the Great Musician



Once upon a time, a great musician lived in a small village. He had lived by himself all his life. One day when he was very old, he thought, “I should find somebody who can be a suitable companion; I am too old to live alone.” He then picked up his violin and started playing beautiful music. A wolf that was walking by was mesmerised by his music. He came to the musician and requested him with folded hands, “Will you please teach me your divine music?” “I will, but only if you promise to do whatever I say,” the musician replied. “I will be your student and you will be my master,” the wolf said. Then they started walking together. They came close to a pit and the musician said to the wolf, “Now you must jump into this pit.” The wolf immediately jumped into the pit. The musician said, “Wait here till I come back.” After some time, he started playing his violin once again. This time, a fox was attracted by the melodious tune of the violin. The fox also came to the musician and requested him to teach him music. The musician once again said, “I will teach you, but you have to follow all my orders.” The fox readily agreed and said, “I will be your student and you will be my guru.” Then the musician took the fox to a small tree nearby. He bent the tree and asked the fox to bring forward both his paws. He then tied up both the paws of the fox with the tree and released it. Now the fox was suspended in the air. He then told the fox to wait for his return.

The Great Musician

Next, the musician met a rabbit. The rabbit was also highly influenced by the wonderful music coming from the violin. He requested the musician to train him in music. This time too, the musician said, “I will teach you music if you agree to do whatever I say.” The rabbit said, “I will always be your obedient student.” The musician then tied the rabbit to a nearby tree and told him, “Wait here till I come back.” Some time passed and all the animals started trying to release themselves from their respective traps. The wolf managed to jump out of the pit. While he was walking, he noticed the fox hanging from the tree. The fox told the wolf, “Dear friend, the musician deceived me. Will you please release me from this trap?” The wolf helped the fox and both of them started walking. After sometime, they found the rabbit and released him too. Now, all three of them started searching for the musician. The musician kept walking in the forest while playing his violin. This time, a young and strong woodcutter was attracted by his music. The woodcutter came to the musician and said, “Will you please teach me your music? I will be your friend for life.” Before the musician could reply, the wolf, the fox and the rabbit reached the spot. The woodcutter immediately chased them away with his axe. Thus, the musician started teaching music to the woodcutter and they became friends forever.

Find the Ten Hidden Objects in the picture

Silly Rhymes

Bees A swarm of bees in May Is worth a load of hay; A swarm of bees in June Is worth a silver spoon; A swarm of bees in July Is not worth a fly.


Those Who Made a


Malala Yousafzai

Malala Yousafzai is an ordinary school-going teenager, just like you, but her fearless nature and daring acts have made her famous across the world. She was born in a small town of Mingora in Pakistan. Ever since her childhood, Malala was a brilliant student and featured amongst the top-scoring students of her class. She used to write on the internet about her tough life in Pakistan and her desire to attain education safely and freely. On October 9, 2012, Malala was shot by a terrorist group, Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan, when she was returning from school. Malala was hit in the head and the neck, but she miraculously survived the injuries. This condemnable act of the terrorists, instead of instilling fear and discouraging the girls worldwide, endeared this brave little girl to everyone around the world and further strengthened the girl education campaign. In recognition of her praiseworthy work, Malala was honoured with many awards. In 2011, she was awarded Pakistan’s National Peace Award for raising her voice against the gender bias. She was also invited to speak in the United Nations Youth Assembly about the importance of education for girls. To honour Malala’s noble efforts and to remind us that gender bias is unfair in today’s society, the UN has declared that Malala’s birthday, July 12, will be celebrated as Malala Day. Malala was awarded Harvard’s Humanitarian Award of the Year in September 2013. In the same month, she was presented with an honorary degree at Edinburgh University. She was also bestowed with the International Children’s Peace Prize from a Dutch children’s rights organization. Malala was also nominated for the 2013 Nobel Peace Prize and more than 300,000 people from every corner of the world signed a petition, advocating her as the worthiest candidate. She won the Nobel Prize in 2014 with India’s Kailash Satyarthi, a child rights activist. She continues to inspire millions of girls to have the courage in them to put an end to gender bias and other social evils prevalent in the society. We salute this brave girl!

spot ten differences

Pondering Corner How Do

Bees Make Honey?

Honey is basically sugar which is mainly constituted of fructose and glucose. Today, humans consume honey as a sweet delicacy and as an ingredient in many recipes. But beyond that, honey is a precious gift of nature to mankind as it is full of vitamins, minerals and has many medicinal values. Honey also has many anti-microbial and healing properties associated to it. Nectar is collected from flowers that have 80% of water content. This water needs to be extracted out of nectar to make honey as honey contains just about 14 -18% water. In order to extract honey from nectar, bees get to work and fly up to 55000 miles to collect nectar out of flowers and visit approximately 100 flowers! The worker bees store this nectar in the sacks in their stomachs known as honey stomach where the sugar is broken into simpler compounds. When their honey stomachs are full of nectar, they go back to their hive. Here the worker bees from inside the hive take up the honey and store in the hexagonal cells and seal these cells with beeswax. While in the cell, the bees flap their wings rapidly to remove excess water.

Tickle your

funny bone

Q: What do you call a fly with no wings? A: A


Q: Why do ants dance on jelly jars? A: Because

the lids say “twist to open."

Q: What's green and jumps a mile per minute? A: A

grasshopper with the hiccups!


Jurassic Dragonfly

A mother of a young girl was brought racing into her living room upon hearing her daughter's screams. She was faced with the most horrifying monster - a dragonfly she described as "Jurassic Sized". Unsure of its species, the mother insists the dragonfly was massive, with its wings making "helicopter noises".

stories from history

The Pandya Dynasty

One of the three ancient kingdoms in the south of India was the Pandyan Kingdom who ruled over Tamil Nadu until the end of the fifteenth century.

Tamil Nadu Madurai Korkai Korkai, a seaport on the southernmost tip of India was initially their capital, but then later the capital was moved to Madurai. The Pandyan Empire was established by the Emperor Kadungon in the sixth century. He ascended the throne after defeating the clan of Kalabhras. The Pandyas grew in strength and expanded their kingdom. Tamil Nadu was divided between the Pallavas and the Pandyas. The river Kaveri acted as a boundary between the two kingdoms. They controlled the districts which are known as Madurai and Tirunalveli today as well as parts of Southern Kerala. They were best known for their extensive trade network which spread as far as Rome and Greece. They excelled in trading though the seas from Dhanushkodi, the sea shore of Ramanathapuram, and Poompuhar, a city which was used to trade with China, Malaysia, Maldives and other. The Pandyas controlled the pearl fisheries along the South Indian coast between Sri Lanka and India, producing some of the finest pearls known.

The Pandyan Kingdom was a powerful kingdom, but were often subdued during clashes with the Pallavas and the Cholas. This happened because as their kingdom expanded, their neighbors, feeling threatened by them, attacked. The Pandyas were soon overshadowed by the Cholas during the rule of Parantaka Chola II. His son, Aditya Karikala and his army went to war with Vira Pandya, defeating him in battle. Sinhalese forces (Sri Lankan) came to the Pandyas’ rescue, but even with their help, the Pandyas were defeated. The Pandyan Kings were driven out of their strongholds, and sent to Sri Lanka, where they sought refuge. This was the beginning of a long period in exile for the Pandyas.


The two kings who revived Pandyan glory were Maravarman Sundara Pandya and his successor, Jatavarman Sundara Pandya. Jatavarman was a brave and ambitious king. Eventually, the Pandyas became nothing more than local chieftains who owned some land around Tirunalveli.

Fun With WordS

Take out a pen and paper and make as many words as you can with the letters in the grid.

















The dragonfly spotted its prey in the distance - it was a small gnat, plodding along the windowsill. He immediately went into stealth mode, flapping his wings softly and gently approaching his snack. The thousands of eyes on his head zeroed in on the gnat and he swooped to catch it...


the Story...

fun facts

with Hamlet the Hamster

To know or not to know, that is the question! Well, wouldn’t you prefer to know?

Facts about the Dragonfly Dragonflies have two sets of wings with muscles in the thorax that can work each wing independently. They can intercept and catch their prey mid air. Dragonflies live as long as 2 years underwater. Their heads are comprised primarily of their enormous compound eyes, which contain 30,000 facets.

Find the Identical Pair


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