Why do Fish die out of the Water? - Mocomi Kids

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BIology for Kids


Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water? F UN FOR ME!

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Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water?

Like all other living creatures, fish too need oxygen to breathe. Fish get their supply of oxygen from water. They take water into their mouths which passes through its gills. A fish's gills work only in water. This is why most fish die when they are out of water for long.


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Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water?

When water passes through the fish's gills, it absorbs oxygen from the water and replaces it with carbon dioxide from the fish's bloodstream. The water flows out under the gill's cover and this process is repeated.

Water flows in

Water flows out


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Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water?

SOME FISH CAN LIVE EVEN WHEN THEY ARE NOT IN WATER Climbing Perch: This fish can breathe in water as well as in air. It uses its tail to help it walk on dry land for short periodsb of time.

Mudskipper: A mudskipper can take in oxygen from the air through its gills and skin when not in water. F UN FOR ME!

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Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water?

Lungfish: A lungfish digs a hole in the mud and enters it and breathes air using its lungs. This usually happens in the dry season where there is not enough water. Snakehead: Is found in Africa and Asia, has chambers near its gills meant for breathing. A snakehead can survive for long periods out of the water and also hibernates in mud during the summers. F UN FOR ME!

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Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water?


ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Most fish have four gills in a chamber on each side of their heads. Each gill contains numerous gill filaments that can take oxygen from the water into the bloodstream. In turn, they remove carbon dioxide from the blood and expel it into the water. F UN FOR ME!

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Why Do Fish Die If They Are Out Of The Water?

The African and South African lungfish are unusual because they breathe through their lungs and do not have gills. If they are held underwater, they will drown. PROJECT Even though fish breathe mostly in water, visit your nearest aquarium shop to see how every once in a while, fish come out of the water to breathe. Name 5 mammals that can breathe in water as well as on land. For more such cool biology articles and videos, visit: http://mocomi.com/learn/science/biology/ F UN FOR ME!

Copyright Š 2012 Mocomi & Anibrain Digital Technologies Pvt. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

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