PCH Corral February Issue

Page 1


their own

fire Athletes find interests lie outside of school sports p. 12 Behind the scenes of a Snow Day p. 4 Nine sign to play college sports p. 23


CORRALC Parkway Central High School 369 N. Woods Mill Road Chesterfield, MO 63017 314-415-7978 Volume 58, Issue 4, Feb. 14, 2014



FEB. 14, 2014

It was the first place where I loved everything about it and I liked the coaches. - Brady Feigl (12)

page 23

5 Health classes create nu-

Boys wrestling 21

tritious meals; three to be served at lunches

11 Four excellent ways to ask

your King to King of Hearts

10 Osborn photography

17 “Ride Along” brings a com-

bination of riveting action and hilarious comedy to the screen Tattoos 6

18 Exessive Netflix use and ad-

diction leads to ultimate psychological dificulties




Feb. 14, 2014

Valentine’s recipes 16

Peer Teaching Turmoil Members struggle with commitment to program Dean Trail Sports Editor

program entirely. “I quit because it was too time consuming, and I’m taking hard classes so I really just didn’t have time to do it he Peer Teaching program has led participants to miss hours of class, creating unanticipated problems anymore,” senior Scott Coulson said. Coulson was not the only Peer with the snow days and change of class schedule. Teacher that had trouble managing the The program aims to warn kids of the dangers of time commitment. alcohol before they are placed in a situation involving “I was too busy with other things, Junior Carly Beck explains the dangers of drinking and driving to Parkway underage drinking, but many students who believe in the and I didn’t have time for it,” senior program’s goals are still struggling to participate. Central Middle School students. Photos by Dean Trail. Shannon Long said. “I missed the morning on Wednesday and Thursday lis said. “Last year we had a week to prepare, make our Upon resigning from Peer Teaching, and for the next three weeks I will be missing class,” poster and make our question boxes. We have to do that Long met with sponsors to discuss the implications. junior Jacqueline Ihnat said. “I have to find a way to try all in one night.” “There were a lot of us in Psychology who were in Peer and make up all that work, and it is critical to talk with the Although Hwang agreed that the short notice took him Teaching, and they sent an email to us that said we had teacher to try and make up all the work.” by surprise, he believes that the issue should be resolved to go talk to them and decide if we wanted to continue,” Peer Teaching sponsor Terri O’Leary emphasizes that Long said. “So I went with a bigger group of people, and I in the future. Peer Teachers were allowed to choose which classes they “Everyone had short notice,” Hwang said. “We were was the only one said they weren’t going to could miss on A days, based on taught the day before we had to teach. Now we know the keep doing it.” what would be most convenient upcoming schedule, so it shouldn’t be a problem anyOther former Peer Teachers communifor their individual schedules. more.” cated their decisions in a one-on-one meet“We let the Peer Teachers O’Leary, however, believes that the information is best ing with O’Leary. choose which time slots on a conveyed when the Peer Teachers remember details from “With the responsible kids, they talked Google form based on their pritheir original lesson. to us about the conflicts that they were orities,” O’Leary said. “Generally “We try to teach the kids as close to the day that they having and we parted ways on good terms,” kids have gotten to teach during are teaching so it is fresh in their minds,” O’Leary said. O’Leary said. the times that they have chosen.” In addition to the logistics issues, some students are According to Coulson, not all of the Although the sponsors tried concerned that the program does not effectively reach its meetings to discuss dropping out have their best to accommodate to the goals: to instruct students about alcohol prevention and ended peacefully. students needs, the Peer Teachers character building. “I just told the sponsors that I couldn’t will miss six days of class through“Connecting with the kids we are talking to is difdo Peer Teaching anymore because I had out the year for the program. ficult because with the sophomore class in TryPOD they a lot of schoolwork to do,” Coulson said. “I miss a lot of my classes and “They were really mad, but I couldn’t really seemed uninterested in what we were teaching when we it is always the same class, so it’s gave long lessons,” Long said. say anything else about it.” difficult to make up the work,” Along with having trouble connecting with the youngAnother issue that Peer Teaching is dealsenior Peer Teaching Executive Junior Anna Kleydman draws out er kids, Coulson believes that Peer Teaching has not ing with comes in the one-day turnaround Jonathan Hwang said. the plot to a situational story about for learning the lessons. achieved its goal to limit underage drinking. The amount of time that is drunk driving to help the middle “It should prevent people from drinking, but I am “That was really strange; it’s OK because needed to fully commit to Peer afraid the effect is not there yet,” Coulson said. “We are school students learn about respon- I did it last year, but for the people who Teaching has also led more than have never done it before,” senior Zoë Wal- just a nuisance in the classroom.” sibility and accountability. 10 students to drop out of the


Snow Day Shenanigans Sophomore Elyssa Beilenson used the time off to ask Austin Rader to KOH. “Practice got canceled and then Elyssa wanted to come over and chill,” Rader said. “When she got to the door she was there holding the poster. I wasn’t expecting it to happen. We went outside to take pictures and it was suggested that we take a picture jumping in the air like they did in ‘High School Musical.’” Sophomore Kristen Stolte made a giant snowman. “My neighbors started making the snowman, then I decided to go over and help them,” Stolte said. “We were piling all of the snow on it, and we had to break up the parts because it was too heavy to put all of the layers on at once. It took us two hours and I was freezing cold and had snow in my gloves, but once we were done people driving by would stop and wave to us which was pretty cool.” Juniors Natalie Dicker and Rosie Weber dealt with travel delays due to snow. “I sat in the airport and tried to reschedule flights the first day of the snow storm,” Dicker said. “Our connecting flight from Atlanta to St. Louis was canceled, and we were there alone without our parents. We were scared because we had to book everything for ourselves. It was definitely an experience that I’ll never forget.” Senior Zack Lazenby with family members Nick, Alex and David Lazenby made snow angels in their underpants. “It became a tradition to go out during the first big snowfall of the year and make snow angels,” Lazenby said. “I don’t feel cold because of all the adrenaline, and it’s really fun when we get up and start wrestling.” Sophomores Danielle Feigenbaum, Christie Oxler and Katie Novak made a snow bunny. “We saw a snowman outside and I had never made one before,” Feigenbaum said. “We decided that we should make a snow bunny because it would be cuter. It took us 30 minutes to make the snow bunny and afterwards we went sledding.”




Feb. 14, 2014

FROZEN District decision-making tries not to leave students out in the cold

Jason Sobelman Editor in Chief


ue to nights of snow and freezing temperatures, inclement weather has forced Parkway to close for seven and a half days (at time of press) in the 2013-14 school year. However, many remain unaware of what district officials examine prior to making a final decision on the status of school. “If snow and ice are in forecast and/or has fallen, I go out at 3:30 a.m. and drive Parkway primary roads, secondary roads and neighbor streets to determine if they are safe for school bus transportation,” Parkway Director of Transportation Mr. Will Rosa said. “I also spend time communicating with colleagues from other districts doing the same thing. We all report the information up to our respective superintendents.” After driving the streets and walking the sidewalks, officials must determine if it is safe for students to be in session the following day. “Usually, there is a conference call with the superintendent, deputy superintendent, myself, and the facilities and communications directors to discuss impending weather,” Rosa said. “Area superintendents also have a conference call to discuss the same.” In addition to the Parkway conference call, there is typically a superintendent discussion with local school district leaders including Rockwood, Mehlville and Kirkwood. While street conditions are closely monitored, temperatures and wind chill are also taken into consideration. “The weather forecast is monitored the day and night before,” Rosa said. “If snow has or is falling in significant quantities and other factors that could contribute to unsafe roads look like they will be present then we try to reach a decision the night before. Temperature and wind chill are harder to precisely determine when it becomes unsafe. We will err on the side of safety for all weather-related events.” While snowfall plays a key role in determining if the conditions are safe, the wind chill can also factor into the decision. According to Parkway’s Director of Communications Mr. Paul Tandy, the use of the National Weather Service’s wind chill chart also plays into the equation. “Any time the calm temperature or wind chill temperature gets below -20 degrees we will consider closing school,” Tandy said. “This is because exposed skin could experience frostbite within 30 minutes. While most students don’t wait for the bus anywhere near 30 minutes, we feel this is the

safest way to go. We also take other factors into consideration such as the weather forecast and current conditions on the streets and sidewalks.” With many local districts starting to implement a snow schedule, Parkway has been talking about a possible addition of a delayed start for two years. Currently, the district has a delayed start schedule for professional development that occurs on the first Wednesday of every month. “With the implementation of the delayed starts a few years ago, the structures are in place to implement a similar schedule for snow days,” Tandy said. “Dr. (Keith) Marty actually raised the question with area superintendents two years ago, and they are discussing it as a group this year. Dr. Marty is also discussing it with our school board. If they decide to implement a snow schedule, it probably wouldn’t begin until next year to allow time to plan and communicate iwt with the community.” Until this schedule is approved, officials will continue to look at the conditions as St. Louis approaches the second part of winter. According to Tandy, Marty tries to make the calls regarding the status of school as quickly as possible. “He prefers to call off the night before if at all possible to give families plenty of time to plan,” Tandy said. “However, we do not send snow day phone calls to homes any later than 9 p.m., so the decision needs to be made around 8 p.m. to get the phone calls completed in time. Most of the time, the weather conditions are still uncertain the night before. So most of the time, the superintendent can’t make the decision until the morning.” However, winter weather does not always make the timing easy for district officials. According to Assistant Principal Mr. Travis Fast, who lives approximately 40 miles from school, the inclement weather can provide a difficult challenge reaching the school on some regular start days. “I definitely have been late before because of the weather,” Fast said. “There was probably a time where I was an hour and a half late last year because it was just snarled traffic.” While snow covered streets can provide a difficult challenge for administrators, the potential snow schedule is an asset that could help alleviate some of the problems. “I think having some more flexibility is a good thing,” Fast said. “There are those mornings where it seems like by a couple of hours after we would normally start, the roads are clear. I think that it’s a good tool to have. I am all for having that as a possible tool that we can use to stay on schedule throughout the year.”

Sophomores design new lunch entrees Katie Richards Opinions Editor


n an effort to expand from repetitious curriculum, health teacher Ms. Terri O’Leary reached out to administration to get her students involved in writing meal plans. Three students from O’Leary’s class had their meal plans chosen, and had them served to students on Feb. 12. They will also be served on Feb. 19 and 26. “[O’Leary] challenged her class to write a menu with our cost and nutrition guidelines,” Parkway Director of Food Services Marlene Pfeiffer said. “No more than 30% total fat, 10% saturated fat, and zero trans fat.” The challenge was loosely based on previous curriculum. O’Leary normally assigns a project of designing an average meal plan, not something that must meet school and USDA regulations. This year’s different approach made students learn about the calories and cost of food production, com-

bined with a chance for students to be involved. “I hear kids complain about school lunches all the time,” O’Leary said. “It’s easy to complain about something, it’s harder to change it.” O’Leary says that the project was a very difficult task, but a great learning experience for the kids. Reactions of students before and after the project led her to believe that this experience was beneficial. “Lots of them didn’t know what you had to cost out or what the nutritional information looked like,” Pfeiffer said. “The student got to have ownership.” Costs and calories didn’t stop at the entree; the nutrition guidelines had to be considered for sides dishes, as well. Every meal the students came up with had to include a fruit and a vegetable, even if on the side. Costs extended farther than just the ingredients of the meals, it included the salaries, uniforms, and equipment for every worker from every step along the way.

Sophomore JP Byrne, who won third place with his Asian cucumber chicken pasta salad, says that he was able to both learn and have a good time participating in the contest. “I’ve always been into cooking, so I just thought all these flavors mixed well together,” Byrne said. “I just tried to come up with something new. I came up with my meal and started doing research to make sure that I stayed within the guidelines.” Besides costs and nutritional guidelines, winners were also selected on predictions of how well the students would enjoy the food and availability of products. Parkway uses the same vendors all year, so checking that all ingredients are sold by these people is essential. The competition is already trying to expand, as O’Leary has already tried to get more Central classes participating. She says that as long as Pfeiffer is willing to work with her she will continue the program. “Other teachers wanted to see how it went over before they took it on,” O’Leary said. “I’ve mentioned it to all the other health teachers and they seemed pretty excited. It’s easier for us to work with them, though, because the administration building is right next door.” The beneficial experience was felt by the faculty, as well. Student comment cards have helped Pfeiffer’s team gauge what problems they could fix with the students lunch that number of sales could never tell them.

Three winning sophomores from Ms. Terri O’Leary’s health class had their entree options selected to be served to Goodcents Roastbeef meal - 479 calories Chick-Fil-A meal - 637 calories Turkey Sandwhich - 310 calories VS. the school based on cost, calories, and VS. VS. Tucker’s Irish Stew at 218 calories per JP’s Asian cucumber chicken pasta salad Justin’s turkey & bean Mexican style burrito predicted popularity. Here is how these at 312 calories per 6 ounces, going to be at 226 calories per 8 ounces, going to be new healthier lunches compare to classerving, served on Feb. 12 served Feb. 26 served on Feb. 19 sic options in terms of calories.

Drama department recognized at thespian conference


our members of the drama department were recognized at the Missouri State Thespian Conference. Seniors Katie Richards and Nick Bible each received a $1,000 technical theater scholarship. The duo competed individually among eight others for three scholarships. According to Richards, all ten competitors set up tables featuring their theatrical work. Richards, a National Honors Thespian and Assistant Production Manager, is a Stage Manager for the All-State Show, Violet. She displayed a portfolio with pages of blocking and scene breakdowns, a list of props and pictures from past shows along with her general achievements. Bible exhibited pictures of lights and sets from past shows and a time lapse from the All State Show Violet. “It’s a great honor because there were so many people competing as stage managers, more than all the other technical areas,” Richards said. “To be chosen out of so many people feels like my hard work these past four years is really paying off.” Bible is a National Honors Thespian, Technical Director and Assistant Scenic Designer for Violet. Richards said that she enjoys working alongside Bible, and that having someone from the same theater department was beneficial. “We’ve had each other to learn from and compete with to get this far,” Richards said. “Working with someone else [Bible] for four years who enjoys theater as much as I do and has the same drive as me and is really cool.” After the contest, few participants were called back to interview with theater representatives from various colleges. In the meeting, the repre-

sentatives advertised their school to the students. Richards joked saying that she won with 13 call backs. Bible had 11. Junior Bianca McKenna, the theater department historian, received the $1,000 Community Outreach Grant to use for the troupe’s performances at local Children’s Hospitals. Senior Tim Whyman was recognized for his original short film, Night Light, in the individual competition. Whyman, along with three actors and co-writer/co-producer Peyton Mogley, completed the film in 11 weeks, encompassing nearly the entire first semester of class. According to Whyman, the vision for the final product originated at the 2013 conference. “After becoming part of the school play, I went to the conference and saw short film competitions and I thought that they looked really cool,” Whyman said. “I became a Thespian just so I could submit a short film of my own.” Whyman said that the message of the film can be traced back to his belief in a strong relationship with Jesus Christ. Presenting the message to the 1,500 audience members served as motivation for completing the video. “I felt like my prayers were heard when I won,” Whyman said. “But just because I showed 1,500 people, I think what is really cool is talking to the individual people about the idea.” Even though Whyman received credit at the conference, he said that making the film was a team effort. “I told [Peyton] the story, but I couldn’t have made the video without her.” Whyman said. “She was my encouragement. I could have given up easily but she wanted it to happen. She never wanted to give up. We both realized that it is possible to finish an idea. All you have to do is be committed and work on it.”

Seniors Nick Bible, Katie Richards, Tim Whyman, and junior Bianca McKenna were recognized at the Missouri State Thespian Conference for their works in the Drama department. Photo courtesy of Ms. Nicole Voss.


Feb. 14, 2014


Nathan Kolker Digital Integration Editor in Chief


Stains of

one’s neck. Yet, what do all of these tattoos have in common among students? They allow for individuality upon those who they cover. attoos are frequently visible through- As a result of their strong meanings or stylish design, they consistently differentiate one from out the halls of any high school. Their meanings range from memories of loved the masses. Here, several students talk about ones, past personal history, or pure enjoyment their own personal tattoos, their meaning, their advice for others considering tattoos and more. of design. Their size differs from coverings of the top portion of arms to small details upon

Matt Frischer News Editor



feels that tattoos have other potentials as well. “Tattoos are a great sign of art to express yourself, just don’t go wild with it,” Cox-Bradley said. While Cox-Bradley describes the strong family ties tattoos can create, he also acknowledges that different people have contradicting views on tattoos. “The older generation might not agree with it, but between the young people, tattoos are definitely a family tie,” Cox-Bradley said. “I can see why teachers may think that having tattoos are a bad idea because tattoos weren’t as popular when they were kids. People often never really talk about me having a tattoo.” While Cox-Bradley’s tattoo has personal significance, he believes that all tattoos, if received for the right reasons, can be powerful. “It’s just basically showing a symbol of love,” Cox-Bradley said. “If you tattoo someone on your body permanently, you’re basically showing them you’ll love them forever.“




Feb. 14, 2014


Tracking tattoo

Forever bonded

kin to many other students with tattoos, junior Jared Cox-Bradley’s idea for his tattoo stems from his family history and symbols. “I went out and got my mom’s named tattooed on me in eighth grade,” CoxBradley said. “It’s kind of something that runs in my family. She has my name [tattooed] on her, and my brother has the same. It’s a symbol of the love I have for my mom.” Along with displaying family loyalty, Cox-Bradley

racking his entire life, senior Ethan Morse received a tattoo in December. Morse’s tattoo represents both places of which he has lived. “My tattoo is a fluer de lis, with a bible verse over it,” Morse said. “I was born in New Orleans and the fluer de lis is the city symbol for New Orleans and then I moved to St. Louis, and it’s also a predominant symbol here. It’s really representative of my past.” Along with the symbolic ties to the cities in which he has lived, Morse added a personal touch to his tattoo from his family. “I have a bible verse [on the fluer de lis] from a keychain my grandma gave me when I first got my license, and it had this Bible verse on it,”Morse said. “I crashed my car and almost died and I still have the keychain. It’s definitely my favorite Bible verse.” Morse’s current tattoo is his only, and he was surprised by the whole procedure of receiving a tattoo. “It was funny because I went to the tattoo parlor and thought I’d just talk to the guy about what I was getting and set up a date,” Morse said. “I went in there, told him what I wanted, he sketched it out, and then twenty minutes later I’m on the table getting tatted.” Upon physically receiving the tattoo, Morse was in for another surprise. “Don’t get [a tattoo] on your ribs, because it was literally the most painful experience of my entire life,”Morse said. “I’ve had five knee surgeries and it was [still] the most painful thing in my entire life.” While his tattoo has ties to his family, and was supported by his family, tattoos altogether are something that connects Morse further to his family now, and in the future. “My cousin and I, who wants to be a tattoo artist after high school, are going to get a matching tattoo on the back of our arms, just because we’re really close,” Morse said. While many choose to get a tattoo that simply looks cool on their bodies, Morse’s tattoo stands as a literal permanent reminders of what he holds close. “My tattoo is one of those things that I am happy is on me forever; it’s always going to represent a part of my life that I don’t really ever want to forget,” Morse said. “It’s just very special and sentimental to me.”


aking after others in her family, sophomore Melinda Winkelmann recently received a tattoo. “I’ve always wanted a tattoo, and I decided on what I wanted probably 3-4 months before I actually got it,” Winkelmann said. Upon deciding on what to get tattooed on to her, Winkelmann took to the Internet to research the multiple meanings of all the different tattoo possibilities. “I generally knew where I wanted my tattoo, and when I went online, I found out that stars can represent a lot of different meanings,” Winkelmann said. Winkelmann has four stars, in blue, green, red and orange, that grace the right side of her neck, directly below her ear. “My tattoos, all the four stars, symbolizes truth, spirit, strength and hope,” Winkelmann said. The tattoos are largely hidden during the day by her hair, but Winkelmann admits that the majority of her peers have noticed the tattoos. “Some other peers think it’s cool while others think it was a bad decision,” Winkelmann said. “Usually teachers don’t see it because my hair covers it, but the ones that do [at least] pretend to like it.” While many teenagers who wish to get a tattoo face opposition from their family, specifically their parents, Winkelmann looked to her family for support when deciding to get a tattoo. “My family was okay with it, especially because my mom and a lot of other people in my family have tattoos,” she said. Regarding other teenagers who wish to get a tattoo, Winkelmann supports the idea, but believes it is a personal decision. “If you want a tattoo and it has meaning to you, then you should get it, no matter the age,” Winkelmann said. “If you do get older and decide you don’t like it, you can always get another tattoo over it to cover it.”


ome want tattoos filled with meaning or memory, others simply enjoy the design; junior Nathan Mellenbruch has a tattoo of both

varieties. “My dad died over this past summer, so I got a tattoo in his memory,” Mellenbruch said. “My other tattoo is a phoenix design that I just got Jan. 30. I just saw it and really liked it.” According to Mellenbruch, his first tattoo is one of memory, and is simple, yet helpful. “The tattoo on my right arm is a cross with the year my Dad was born and the year he died, and it is says Dad right on top of it,” Mellenbruch said. Due to his age, Mellenbruch underwent steps of the process those over 18 do not have to undertake upon receiving a tattoo. “I went to the [tattoo parlor] and got a sheet for my mom to sign, since I’m not 18 yet,” Mellenbruch said. “Once I got her signature, I made an appointment. Then, the guy sketched it out and did it. It took a couple of hours.” While Mellenbruch’s two tattoos provide him experience with the art form, both represent very different qualities. “My cross tattoo definitely makes me remember my dad every single day, but my phoenix tattoo I just thought looked cool; there’s no real meaning or anything like that,” Mellenbruch said. While his first tattoo is family centered, he still had to do a little bit of convincing to be allowed to obtain it. “One of my brother, who has a couple tattoos, was fine with me getting my tattoo, but my other brother wasn’t too sure about it,” Mellenbruch said. “My mom was iffy about it, but I convinced her in the end.” Overall, Mellenbruch truly believes his tattoos impose a positive benefit. “I think my tattoo of my dad has a great impact on me,” Mellenbruch said. “It’s just a great way for me to remember him.”


Feb. 14, 2014


Purposeful variety

Familiar footsteps



Sternklar grows through music, social media Matthew Walter Entertainment Editor


tarting with a humble 35 Twitter followers, in the past few months senior Brayden Sternklar has exploded to over 1000 followers. After branching away from his original profile, he created his new profile to focus on his music life. “I have been able to gain so fast by word of mouth,” Sternklar said. “People hear about me and then they tell others about me and the process continues.” Through Twitter and other social media sites, Sternklar shares his music with the world. Since getting a solo part for the “On the Rocks” a cappella group, Sternklar began to record with sophomore Josh Mannis, last year. “About five months ago Josh asked me to come over because he had recording stuff and we just made a couple of covers,” Sternklar said. “My popularity shot up with these covers and there was a need for my music on iTunes.” After a positive reception for his cover of “Say Somethin” by Austin Mahone, Sternklar decided to put it on iTunes, and the demand for his music increased. After the release, he and Mannis decided to start writing their own music. On Jan. 15, Sternklar released “Head Held High,” a song written by Sternklar and produced by Mannis which has sold over 1000 copies so far. “I think I’ve helped him because I’ve used my knowledge about music to help him write songs that are now on iTunes,” Mannis said. “Also I’ve used my knowledge about

Sophomore Josh Mannis (left) and Brayden Sternklar perform a cover of Taylor Swift’s “22” on Sternklar’s YouTube Channel. Sternklar has over 2000 views on his channel. Photos courtesy of Brayden Sternklar. music production to help him put videos of him singing on YouTube for the world to see.” “Head Held High,” took two days to write, record, mix, and produce according to Sternklar. “Josh and I just wanted to write something with an inspirational message,” Sternklar said. Sternklar credits pop singer Jake Miller’s concert he went to in November in Saint Louis for his success. From

there, he started to build up his first Twitter following with people he met at the concert. “After the show Jake meets everyone that went to the concert,” Sternklar said. “When Josh and I met Jake, we showed him a song that he thought was so good and he wanted us to email it to him.” Recently Sternklar and Mannis emailed a mix of five different Jake Miller songs for him to listen to. Despite connections with Miller that could potentially prolong his music career, Sternklar will put music aside as he goes to college in the fall. “Unless I get signed this summer, I will be attending Bradley University where I will be studying business,” Sternklar said. “I will still try to live my dreams on the side.” When at home, Sternklar’s sister, sophomore Shaun Sternklar, notices the work Brayden puts in and how it affects him. “I see that he’s really passionate about what he writes and sings,” Sternklar said. “He always wants to show me and my family what he’s been working on. He’s been really happy since he’s been working with music.” Right now Sternklar is just plans to focus on his music and school. “I’m able to do something that so many people only dream of and I am able to make it a reality,” Sternklar said. In the upcoming weeks Sternklar plans to release his third single to iTunes. “I think my fans will really like it,” Sternklar said. “This one is more upbeat and is more of a dance song.”

‘Free period’ holds underlying importance Kirk Randolph Staff Writer


lthough students in office aid may view it as a simple break in the day, they are constantly called upon to perform numerous tasks that are important to the school. “I took office aid so I can catch up on my work and to finally have a chill class in my schedule,” senior office aid Peyton Mogley said. Office aids are students who have a period in their schedule that they can use to help around the office of administrators such as Mr. Mike Roth. There are a number of people that feel the same way as Mogley about office aid. You can “chill.” One of those people is senior Nathan Biggs, who is one of Dr. Sarah Power’s office aids. “It’s second semester senior year,” Biggs said. “Gotta take it easy.” Nathan feels this way because his days of office aid consist of jobs like bringing passes to students in various classes and distributing supplies. These activities give the students plenty to do on a daily basis though. “I haven’t really worked with [Mr. Fast] all that much,” Mogley said. “I really just run errands for Mrs. Burch [Fast’s secretary] and Mr. Roth.”

The office aids stay busy with all those errands but still have some free time. Although it may seem like the students need the office aid for the free time, the office needs the students for the extra help. “It’s a nice luxury,” athletic director Mr. Mike Roth said. “They help make things run smoothly.” Roth is appreciative for a reason. There are enough tasks that they begin to pile up and become time consuming. According to Powers, the office aids’ work gives her time for the bigger obligations that come with an administration position. “The biggest thing is knowing that you have support,” Powers said. “They can get things done that I don’t have Senior office aid Drew Grossman sets up time to do.” Powers puts that time to use. She re- chairs for an event taking place later in the called a time earlier this year when she day. Photo by Matthew Bernstein. needed to make a list of kids taking ACT prep and, instead of taking hours to type up the list, was able to use that time to look at important data on the students. Although the administrators are willing to hand tasks such as typing up lists to their office aids, they still want those jobs done well. So they don’t let just any student have a spot in the office. “I have said no to students with bad grades,” Powers said. “If they need help in their classes then they need to focus on that.” As well as students struggling with grades, students with attendance issues will also be denied because the office needs them present most days. On the days when the office doesn’t need the aids, the students will have some free time. How the kids spend that free time may have some hidden benefits. “When the kids go to college they will have free time,” Powers said. “It prepares them for what they need to do with that free time.” Students and teachers alike can be thankful for office aid due to the support that it provides on a daily basis. “It’s nice to have them around,” Roth said.

King of Hearts takes timely theme Jack Blethroad Features Editor


he King of Hearts dance will take on a much classier vibe this year, using a “Winter Wonderland” theme to transform the commons with decorations. According to senior dance organizer Kyle Pollak, the attire sported at this year’s KOH dance will more closely resembles that of the homecoming dance. However, Pollak did acknowledge that it will be slightly less formal. “We have always been strict on our no jeans and no tennis shoes policy,” Pollak said. “However, we expect girls to wear shorter dresses in comparison to prom. Guys should wear slacks, button downs, and ties.” Senior Katie Rembold, who is also working to plan the dance, thinks that the more formal theme will go over well because it will give people a chance to dress nicely. “We felt that a change would be nice,” Rembold said. “We know for the girls it isn’t too often that we get to go out and get a dress and get all dolled up except for dances, so this was another chance. The dressy-casual aspect of last year was nice but overall people like the dressier side more. And our theme this year of Winter Wonderland gives the ‘fancier’ effect too.” Tying into the more formal theme, there will be a special back drop setup for couples to take their photos instead of a photo booth, which has been done in the past. However, going with a group of friends is acceptable and even encouraged, according to senior class secretary and event planner Emily Xu. “It’s supposed to be less of a couples-only dance,” Xu said. “We’re hoping that will make it less awkward.” Seniors Kyle Pollak and Jacob Maier hang lights in the commons to create a “Winter The Student Council planners are hoping this year’s dance is as successful as last Wonderland”atmosphere. Photo by Matthew Frischer. year’s dance, which saw a significant increase in attendance. Feeling the time crunch, they are rushing to make arrangements to ensure the dance is the best they can make it. dance,” Pollak said. “It is difficult to plan the dance, as it has been every year, with the “It has been more stressful this year with all the snow days we’ve had,” senior Lizzie importance of the Mr. PCH pageant and planning for this aspect of the week that pairs Altman said. “It left us much less time to prepare.” with KOH. But every year we pull it off and I know this year will be even better.” Pollak echoes these concerns, but has a positive outlook on the dance’s outcome and Rembold agreed, and is optimistic about the turnout. predicts success for the Mr. PCH pageant. “We are hoping to get a lot of people at the dance this year like we do every year,” “We meet every week to discuss decorations and have begun buying items for the Rembold said. “Hopefully people jump on the opportunity to come to the dance.”

Senior takes aim at photography Kate McNeal Assistant Features Editor


aking her seventh photography class, senior Natasha Osborn takes pictures of bands and nature while looking to pursue a career in art photography. “I became interested (in photography) in 8th grade when I saw Photo as a class in the course book,” Osborn said. “I started photographing the summer going into my freshman year.” Osborn has taken Photo 1 and and Photo 2, and is currently taking Photo 3 for the fifth time. Despite taking the class multiple times, Osborn finds new things to enjoy in the class every time she takes it. “The class isn’t the same every time I take it,” Osborn said. “There are new people, which means new ideas, and more brains to give feedback on my work. The projects are different every time and Mr. (Brian) Guilfoyle makes it a great class.” Not only does Osborn enjoy taking Guilfoyle’s class, but Guilfoyle has also enjoyed having her in his class. “It’s been great having her in class,” Guilfoyle said. “She’s hardworking and a great photographer.” Osborn focuses on photographing nature but has branched out into photographing bands, including photographing her youth group’s band at the Crossings Church and a Christian

Junior Melissa Buerk poses for one of Osborn’s photos. Along with photographing nature and bands, Osborn sometimes photographs random people on the street.




Feb. 14, 2014

singer, Monty Hobson. Osborn has also done some experimenting with photography. “I tried painting with light, like moving a glow-stick to form a word or object at night,” Osborn said. “I tried macro photography and high speed photography. And there’s the experimenting with the chemicals when developing the photo, like sepia tone.” Beyond high school, Osborn looks to have a career as a photographer. “My dream is to be a national geographic photographer but recently I’ve been looking into being a photographer for the Marines,” Osborn said. To become a photographer for the Marines, Osborn would have to go become a Marine and go through boot-camp, and then pick a specific job afterwards. In contrast to Osborn, sophomore Danielle Sartori is not going into photography in the future, but will continue taking Photo classes at Central in preparation for a future career. “I plan on taking Osborn tries to experiment with light Photo 2,” Sartori said, “and I’m plan- and different color tones in her photography. Photos courtesy of Natasha ning on pursuing a Osborn. career in art.”

Calling on creativity

Catherine Melvin Social Media Editor

The top four ways to ask your king to KOH

Richelle Bain

Freshman, Richelle Bain set the bar high with her originality and charm. Richelle asked her boyfriend, freshman Zach Hresko, through the help of a furry friend. “I typed out a note and highlighted certain letters so that the letters came together to spell ‘Will you go to KOH with me?’ Next, I attached it to my dog Tiger,” Bain said.

Caitlin Magruder

Sophomore Caitlin Magruder enjoys a more dramatic presentation, and it was with careful planning and theatrical performance that she carried out her KOH idea. A couple weeks before KOH, Caitlin decided to procrastinate her homework by playing on crutches she had from when she sprained her ankle. It was through this experience that she had the great idea of using them as a prop in asking sophomore, Matt Kane, to KOH.

Richelle invited Zach over and put her dog upstairs. When Zach arrived at Richelle’s house, Tiger ran down and instantly greeted him. Zach immediately noticed the note and began figuring out the secret message. Everything went as planned aside from a small tear in the note. Zach thought the idea was awesome and happily agreed to go. They highly anticipated their first KOH.

“For some reason I thought of how ‘crutchin’ sounds like ‘crushin’ and how it was the perfect line to ask him to KOH with. I met him in the music commons and I held up a sign that said “I’m really crutchin’ on you, so will you go to KOH with me?” Magruder said. Luckily Matt thought Caitlin’s stunt was hilarious. However, when her basketball coach saw her on crutches, he didn’t think the joke was too funny.

Courtesy of Caitlin Magruder

Courtesy of Richelle Bain

Lindsey Fafoglia

Junior, Libby Kaiser had nothing to fear when she asked junior Jonathan Samuels. The King of Hearts dance has been a tradition for the two friends throughout their high school career. So it was even more important that Libby found a new and bold way to ask Jonathan to the dance. In a last minute plan, Libby and two friends drove to Jonathan’s house while planning out how Libby should ask.

When Lindsey Fafoglia and all of her best friends went out to dinner for her 18th birthday, Lindsey decided to make the night extra special by asking her boyfriend, senior Michael Tsvetanov, to KOH. With the birthday feast located at PF Changs, Lindsey decided to incorporate some culture into her idea. “I took out the fortune in a fortune cookie and replaced it with one that said “KOH with Lindsey?” Then I had the waiter at PF Changs deliver it to Michael. He had no idea but everyone else at our table was trying to hide their excitement.”

“I don’t know how to play the guitar, and if you know me I can’t sing for my life, but I knelt on one knee and sang my heart out,” Kaiser said. Once Jonathan came outside, Libby sang a made up song and strummed random notes on the guitar. Her friends stood in the background holding three balloons with the letters KOH. Lucky for Libby, Jonathan laughed and said yes to continuing their tradition.

Courtesy of Libby Kaiser

Courtesy of Lindsey Fafoglia

Michael laughed and thought the idea was adorable, and of course, he said yes. For those who want to try this idea out, Lindsey made note that the cookies are very fragile and replacing the paper was a bit of a challenge.

Entertainment Feb. 14, 2014


Libby Kaiser


Horse Power: Riders turn passion into teaching Matthew Bernstein Online Content Editor


tarting to ride horses at age 8, it became more than a hobby for senior Emily Muchnick. The thrill was what led Muchnick into the activity. “I liked to go fast,” Muchnick said. “Horseback riding was the exciting thing I got to do every vacation.” Muchnick also started working at the Cedarledge Equestrian Camp where she worked as a Wrangler in Training. “Working at the camp, it was hot every day and we had few workers so we were always busy,” Muchnick said. “We made sure to make it fun by filling up the troughs with ice water and dunking our heads in them. Along with it being my first one-on one-experience with horses, it kept me hooked to working with them.” Muchnick now works at Cedarledge on the weekends and recently started volunteering at Noonan Farms. Noonan Farms is a new place where Muchnick can help teach the workers how to run the barn. “It’s rewarding because it’s the one thing you do to learn about the horses and their different behaviors,” Muchnick said. “It also lets me work with kids, and I show them how fun it is to ride as well as how important the behind the scenes work is.” Senior Chelsea Corno, who rides with Muchnick, mirrors her thoughts about horses. Corno has a bond with her own horse that she has ridden since she was 9. “I’m out there every day to take care of my horse,” Corno said. “He’s the first horse that I was able to gallop with, and he’s like family to me.” Corno has found taking care of horses to be fun but hard at times. This

is due to the size and language barriers that humans and horses have. “It’s like teaching a dog, yet it’s just a humongous animal where you have to gain respect,” Corno said. “Some horses react harshly, and you can get really hurt.” Along with the work of taking care of horses, Muchnick believes there is a new challenge every time you ride a horse. This is because horses like humans have their own personality and react differently to things. “Each ride is different because a horse’s mood will change,” Muchnick said. “It makes it fun because you begin to work as a team of two, and when you get over the communication barriers you and the horse build a mutual respect.” Muchnick’s head trainer Ms. Priscilla Calvird sees Muchnick overcome these barriers and credits her work ethic. “They’re large animals, and she is patient and learns quickly,” Calvird said. “It helps to train them, and then she has a work ethic that allows her to listen and learn things from everyone, including the horse.” The barriers to overcome can be particularly tricky as Muchnick remembers a particular time when a horse would not let her saddle up. “I was trying to put the saddle on and each time the horse would either bite or kick me,” Muchnick said. “This gives you more patience, though, as I just switched my procedure. Although troublesome, it provided a learning experience.” After riding with Muchnick, Calvird believes Muchnick can accomplish many things because of her understanding of horses. “She plans well and will stick to it,” Calvird said. “You need a proper workout for horses, and she listens and does this well.” With gained experience through working with horses and riding them, Muchnick can do new tricks, even if they don’t always go as planned. “The first time I went to jump I cantered up, and I almost fell off the horse,” Muchnick said. “I was able to stay on while most people fall off the horse. I was really terrified because if my horse didn’t jump over the log I was going to fall face first. Things like this make riding horses my favorite thing.”




Nathan Kolker Digital Integration Ed


hile most stud Richard Beem petition. The sponsored by accolades do In Beemer’s first me qualified for the Youth June at Missouri Weste lifting 215.6 pounds in awarded the bronze m “It was exciting,” B shock. I passed my ow for me. I learned that lot.” Beemer’s interest al in his original home, L “He got me into lift Beemer said. “It wasn’ He encouraged me to als.” After an unexpecte before the national com in preparing. With his home, Beemer set out “I thought, ‘Wow, t have my coach with m a.m., and I found a job back. I did two-a-days Beemer continues t Gym as well as The L to his team of 20 other at The Lab Gym, Beem lifting provides comfor “When lifting, you


of their


While many athletes spend their time biking in the gym or running on a treadmill, some choose to engage in off-campus sports. From competitive weightlifting to rowing to horseback riding, teens embrace alternative forms of exercise.

omore ‘sets the bar high’ in weight lifting

Editor in Chief

tudents lift weights to gear up for seasonal play, eemer uses the weight room as a stage for comhe sophomore competes year-round in meets by USA Weightlifting and has racked up a list of doing so. meet as a competitive lifter in January 2013, he uth National Championship, which was held in stern State University in St. Joseph, Mo. After in his final clean-and-jerk attempt, Beemer was medal in the 170-pound boy’s 15-16 division. Beemer said. “I got third, which was kind of a own thought of what I can do. It was really good at when you put in the hard work you can do a

all began with instruction from a football coach , Leavenworth, Kan. lifting by involving it in football workouts,” n’t really competitive, but I had a talent for it. to go to my first meet, and I qualified for nation-

ted move from Leavenworth nearly one month competition, Beemer faced a drastic adjustment is lifting coach 264 miles away from his new ut to train independently. , this might be rough,’” Beemer said. “I didn’t me. I would go to Gold’s Gym by myself at 6 job at Creve Coeur Lake. After work I would go ys for about a month before the meet.” s to train five days a week at the local Gold’s Lab Gym. While he credits much of his success her lifters and three coaches who he trains with eemer said that the individual aspect of weightort. u get to focus on what you need to do,” Beemer

said. “If you do what you personally need to do, you will be successful. It kind of puts me at ease.” Beemer is currently training for the Arnold Weightlifting Championships which will take place in Columbus, Ohio, on Feb. 27. During the first semester of class this year, Beemer lifted in Mr. Mike Wright’s Strength and Conditioning course. According to Wright, Beemer’s work ethic reflects directly from his love for lifting. “He is an extremely hard worker,” Wright said. “You can tell that this is something that he is extremely passionate about. He works real hard in the weight room and you never have to get him going. He always has extra things that he is trying to get done in there.” Although Beemer said that lifting in class was helpful, the lifts were different from his routine. “For weightlifting, it’s not like you have squat racks and bench press; you have a platform and bumper plates set up,” Beemer said. “It’s definitely different.” After completing the required lifts, Beemer would go through separate auxiliary workouts independently. According to Wright, Beemer served as an example for the other lifters in the course, both with his experience and his dedication. “When he came in my class on the first day, it was obvious that he had a background in weightlifting,” Wright said. “He was very good technically and fundamentally. He executed all of the lifts very well. He really came in and set the bar high for the other students in the class.”

Fenton muscles through competition Matthew Walter Entertainment Editor


addling through lakes is where you will find senior Brandon Fenton day in and day out. Six days a week he practices for the St. Louis Rowing Club, where he works on rowing, strength and conditioning. “Coach Tim Franck came to Central and introduced the sport to me,” Fenton said. “I went to try it out and fell in love with the sport after I saw people going fast.” After adjusting to the sport in his first year, over the past three years Fenton has over 20 regional completion medals, two medals from Midwest Regionals, including a gold medal in the lightweight division, and two trips to the US Rowing Youth Nationals on his résumé. “It’s been a privilege to go to championships with people from all over the world,” Fenton said. “I’m one of the fastest in the Midwest region, which has nine states, and we’ve become one of the most feared clubs.” Like Fenton, a couple of other students joined the St. Louis Rowing Club looking to try something new. Senior Alex Mesnier and junior Andrew Grant decided to join the rowing club during their freshman years of high school. “I got started when they (St. Louis Rowing Club) visited for their recruiting thing during freshman gym,” Mesnier said. “I then became really close with my teammates, so even after the initial excitement wore off it was still fun.” While both Fenton and Mesnier tackle the rowing aspect of the boat, Grant helps with the communication of the boat as the coxswain. “I'm a coxswain, the guy that sits in the front of the boat, controls steering, keeps the crew in line and provides motivation,” Grant said. “I got into coxswaining because of my size because it was one of the only things I could be highly competitive at.” Whether racing with teams of eight, four or two, Fenton believes that teamwork is one of the most important aspects of the sport. “Rowing is definitely about the team; you really have to work together to move the boat,” Fenton said. Although not involved in the sport, Brandon’s brother Eric has seen his work first hand over the past couple of years. “He’s really dedicated to rowing,” junior Eric Fenton said. “He never gives up

and whenever he sets his mind to something, he gets it done.” The list of achievements for Grant ranges from winning the national championship over the summer to being named to the United States Junior High Performance team. Mesnier recalls winning a rowing event over the summer in Columbus, Ohio. “My most important achievement so far has been winning the first eight event at the Head of the Haxton,” Mesnier said. “Our team has become much closer and better as a whole over the past four years.” Along with rowing, Fenton also recently enlisted in the United States Marine Corps. He enlisted last year on 9/11 into the Delayed Entry Program and will attend boot camp in July, setting him up for an August graduation. As of now, he plans on attending the University of Missouri in the fall. “I’m still not sure what I’m going to do yet but it’s possible that I could go into the Marine Corps after Mizzou and work someplace on base as a second lieutenant,” Fenton said. Although a nationally recognized rower, Fenton is also unsure on plans about rowing in college. “Mizzou does have a rowing team, but I’m already better than most of their rowers,” Fenton said. “Our club works a lot harder so it depends on the situation, but I would look for a high position on the team.” According to Fenton there have been ups and downs through his involvement in rowing and the Marines. Fenton believes having the right mentality is often a challenge. “The mentality is really hard because I was injured for a couple of weeks and since getting back it’s hard to get back into training hard and getting faster and stronger,” Fenton said. Despite the process of recovering from injury, the success of his rowing club has pushed Fenton and he looks to finish his final year of club season strong. “The most rewarding part about rowing is winning and standing on the podium,” Fenton said. “I want to be standing on the podium of the Youth Nationals with my team that I’ve worked so hard with for my final season.”


of their

own Visit parkwaynews.net/corral to see future “League of their own” stories

Love at first bite:French bakery authentic, yet innovative

Lillie Wasserman Production Manager


eep in the vibrant Tower Grove Park, a gem of many flavors resides. La Patisserie Chouquette par Simone Faure supplies fresh and delicious French food six days a week. This quaint bakery, nestled in a street corner in the heart of the Botanical Heights, emits a welcome atmosphere. Part of the name of the establishment, Chouquette, is a croissant-like pastry. Upon entering the establishment, smells of

delicious pastries swirl around. The patisserie itself also has a unique feel due to its chic decor and appropriately limited space. Not to mention the mood-lifting natural light the placement and windows of the bakery allow. While the elegant interior of the patisserie is a high point, the food, as it must, proves that its 2013 win for best bakery in the Riverfront Times Best of St. Louis is an award well deserved. Among the options at the cafe part of the patisserie are French Macarons, assorted other cookies, fresh pastries, teas and coffee beverages. Custom cakes are also made upon request.

Butter croissant

$3.00 This croissant is what all croissants should strive to be. Delicious throughout, the outside flakiness is complemented by the airy and doughy inside. A great classic.


$4.00 With layers of flavor, each bite of this parfaitlike sweet comes with a kick. Layers of white cake, white chocolate, raspberry filling, topped with cream cheese mousse and sticks of dark chocolate create ultimate tasteful bliss.

French Macarons

$2.00 per cookie These French macarons are the real deal. When eaten, the crunchy external layer of the cookie patties collapses to the air within them with the filling completing the flavor.

Poached Pear Danish

$3.00 A light, flaky pastry with flavorful poached pears on top. A thin layer of cream cheese filling holds the parts of the pastry together. Photos by Lillie Wasserman

Cyber music showdown

Katie Richards Opinions Editor

Students select their favorite online music provider

Honorable Mention: While not or some who love new songs or if it’s a necessity to have background music while doing their homework, the best way to listen to music is getting as many votes as Pandora an online music station. Instead of only hearing what’s on the radio, one can listen and find new songs that fit a customized genre. Whether or Spotify, the ‘other’ category it’s because downloads cost too much or if a busy life necessitates an app, there’s a different online music provider for everyone’s needs. From had a significant amount of votes. Here are lesser known stations that a poll with 100 students, Central has chosen Pandora in the close competition between music radio, while lesser-known stations are incredibly students are still devoted to. prevalent, too.


Preferred music and radio websites None (9%) no unnecessary downloading to iPhone; good Broadway musicals stations

Spotify (25%) Other (20%) CONS: too many ads; not enough skipping songs; occasionally stops; mixes up stations; repeats songs; can’t search specific songs

Pandora (47%)

PROS: pick own songs, create own playlist, or pick from already made playlists; very convenient; has a radio mode

CONS: share all playlists; better options than iTunes too many ads; guilty pleasure music links to Facebook; pops up on computer no ads; caters to occasion and mood when not instead of just playlist by artist being used; playlists don’t last long 15

Entertainment Feb. 14, 2014


PROS: lots of new songs; good suggestions; free; listen to almost anything; have multiple stations on one account; user friendly

Baking for your [sweet] heart

Catherine Melvin Social Media Editor


illsbury is famous for the seasonal “slice and bake” sugar cookies which fly off store shelves during any given holiday. The cookies are simple, delicious and have a 100 percent approval rating -- unless burnt. However, there comes a time in every baker’s life when this two-step creation is no longer impressive. It’s time to branch out and test the culinary abilities. This Valentine’s Day, prepare homemade delicacies in pink and red, outfit them in sprinkles galore and enjoy putting the taste to the test for your special someone.

Peanut Butter Sprinkle Cookie • 1 ¾ C all purpose flour • ½ C sugar • ½ C firmly packed brown sugar • 1 tsp baking soda • ½ tsp salt • ½ C shortening

• • • • •

½ C peanut butter 2 tbsp milk 1 tsp vanilla 1 egg 48 heart-shaped chocolates

1. Heat oven to 375°F. 2. In large bowl, combine flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, salt, shortening, peanut butter, milk, vanilla and egg; mix with electric mixer on low speed until stiff dough forms. 3. Shape dough into 1-inch balls; roll in sugar. Place 2 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheets. 4. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until golden brown. 5. Immediately top each cookie with 1 milk chocolate candy, pressing down firmly so cookie cracks around edge; remove from cookie sheets.

Red Velvet Whoopie Pies • For the cookies • • • • •

2 C flour 2 tbsp cocoa ½ tsp baking powder ¼ tsp salt 8 tbsp unsalted butter(room temperature) • 1 C packed brown sugar, • 1 large egg

• 1 tsp vanilla • ½ C buttermilk, at room temperature

• For the frosting: • • • • •

8 oz. cream cheese 5 tbsp unsalted butter 2 tsp vanilla extract 2½ C confectioners sugar red food coloring

1. Preheat the oven to 375˚ F. Cut out a heart with cardstock and use this stencil to trace 36 evenly spaced hearts onto pieces of parchment paper. 2. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and salt. 3. In a different bowl, cream together the butter and brown sugar until light and fluffy. Next beat in the egg followed by the vanilla, the dry ingredients and the buttermilk. Blend in the food coloring. Do not overbeat. 4. Transfer the batter to a pastry bag. Pipe the batter onto the parchment paper using the heart tracings as a guide. Bake 7-9 minutes. Allow the cookies to cool, then transfer to a cooling rack. HE


Entertainment Feb. 14, 2014

5. Pair up the baked cookies by size and flip one of each pair over so that the flat side is facing up. 6. To make the cream cheese frosting, beat together the cream cheese, butter, vanilla extract; gradually add in the confectioners sugar. 7. Pipe frosting onto the flat-sided cookie of each pair. Sandwich the cookies together and refrigerate in an airtight container.

New stars rise up to perform in spring play Hanna Whitehouse Staff Writer


ox on the Fairway” features theater students that are just now stepping into the spotlight. “It’s really great to be in the play,” junior KaitSophomore Matthew Kertzlynn Ferris said. “Learnman rehearses lines in the the- ing so many lines and atre. “I like this role because blocking is new to me it is nothing like any role I’ve but I’ve been enjoying ever played before,” Kertzman every minute of it.” This will be Ferris’s said. first main role. She has previously performed in senior-directed One Acts and in the preview for the fall play, “Sorry Wrong Number.” In “Fox on the Fairway,” Ferris plays Pamela, the vice president of the Quail Valley Country Club. “I’ve learned a lot by being able to work with different people,” Ferris said. “Pamela is very different from any other role I’ve played, however, I’ve gotten more confident and comfortable in becoming my role and not being afraid to do something wrong.” “Fox on the Fairway” is about two country clubs that make a large bet on the outcome of their golf tournament. Throughout the play the characters pick sides while getting into difficult situations. The president of the Crouching

Squirrel Country Club is Dickey Bell, played by sophoThe play will premiere Thursday, Feb. 27 and will run more Matthew Kertzman. until Saturday, March 1. “The challenging aspect is that I haven’t played a part “I am extremely excited for this whole other side of similar to this at all,” Kertzman said. “I am doing a lot theater,” Kertzman said. “It’s a great play and it has been of character work to get in touch with my character and fun working with new actors.” really find out the reasons behind everything he does.” In order to play their character to the best of their ability, the actors go through a character analysis in which they answer specific questions about their life and answer them as if they were the character. Then, they discuss their character’s motives, obstacles, desires and needs. This allows the actors to get to the heart of their character and how they interact with each other. “I like this play because I have never been in such a fast-paced and energetic show,” Kertzman said. The play also features some returning members such as senior Jake Blonstein who plays Justin Hicks, one of the golf players in the tournament representing Quail Valley Country Club. “The hardest part of this role is keeping my character fresh,” Blonstein said. “I will be trying to make Justin Hicks different from any other role I’ve played and certain aspects of his character make that hard to do.” The actors have been rehearsing three days a week for three and a half hours, including blocking the scenes, practicing the dialogue and getting Junior Matthew Schmittdiel plays Henry Bingham, the owner of into character. Quail Valley Country Club. Photos by Hanna Whitehouse.

Dean’s movie Rating: of the month


‘Ride Along’ adds comedic twist to cop film

Dean Trail Sports Editor


ide Along” brings a combination of action and comedy to the screen, Kevin Hart brings the comedy and Ice Cube the action. Hart plays Ben Barber, a goofball video game addict whose dream is to join a police academy. Ice Cube’s role of James Payton is a hard-nosed, independent cop bent on cracking a case that has been open for years. The catch is that Barber needs Payton’s blessing before he can marry his sister. To prove that Ben is worthy, he must go on a “Ride Along” with Payton. The movie was a great twist on the stereotypical cop movie. It had its action moments, but Hart also supplied comedic relief throughout the movie. The plot of the story had me guessing at times, but it wasn’t too complex for me to have difficulty figuring it out, so I enjoyed the movie overall. My biggest complaint for the movie

was at times there were scenes that were too played out and were no longer funny; they were pretty repetitive after a while. Hart and Ice Cube’s relationship in the movie was the classic straight man, funny guy bond. Hart made me laugh and Ice Cube kept the plot moving along. In a typical cop movie, there is a more serious mood and a lot more action and fighting. In “Ride Along” there was a comedic presence throughout the movie along with the action. I enjoyed the different twist on the stereotype of cop films. I enjoyed the movie but I wouldn’t need to watch it over again. I recommend seeing it, but I wouldn’t pay the money to see it again in theaters.

C ORRALC 2013-2014 Staff

Editor in Chief Jason Sobelman

Managing Editor Clare Conlisk Production Manager Lillie Wasserman Business Manager Meaghan Flynn Digital Integration Editor in Chief Nathan Kolker Online Content Editor Matthew Bernstein

District needs a snow schedule now Corral Staff


here is only one name on the Caller ID that we want to see at 5 a.m. on a school day: Parkway School District. No matter our age, there is no better feeling than hearing the computerized message revealing that school has been canceled. Turning off the alarm and going back to sleep finishes at a very close second. As the cancellations continue to pile up, however, there is a point at which enough is enough. Many districts in the metropolitan area, including Kirkwood and Ladue, have adopted a snow schedule. This schedule allows for a late start at all levels of education, providing road crews with extra time to treat the roads. In addition, this allows students more time during their travel to school. Parkway, on the other hand, has decided to err on the extreme side of caution this winter and cancel classes for the entire day. With more than five inches of snow on the ground, that decision is understandable. However, it is clear that certain cancellations

Netflix prevents productivity in students

Online Sports Editor Sam Winter Multimedia Manager Emily Schenberg Social Media Editor Catherine Melvin News Editor Matt Frischer Features Editor Jack Blethroad Opinions Editor Katie Richards Sports Editor Dean Trail Entertainment Editor Matthew Walter Staff Writers Jeffrey Eidelman Joe Goldberg Kate McNeal Kirk Randolph Matt Stern Hanna Whitehouse Adviser Ms. Tara Stepanek

The Corral is a student-written, edited and produced publication of Parkway Central High School, 369 N. Woods Mill Road, Chesterfield, MO 63017; 314-415-7978. The Corral is given away free of charge to students and faculty. Subscriptions and patronships for one year may be purchased, starting at $20. The goal of this publication is to provide accurate, informative and entertaining information in the true spirit of responsible journalism and to operate as an open forum for students, faculty, administrators and parents. The Corral is created on Hewlett-Packard computers using Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 and is published by PressJournal Printing. Unsigned editorials reflect the views of the majority of the staff. Signed columns and artwork reflect the views of that individual. The staff appreciates comments and suggestions. Letters to the editor, guest editorials and other correspondence are encouraged but must be signed. The Corral reserves the right to publish or refrain from publishing, as well as edit, all submitted material.




Feb. 14, 2014

could have been avoided with a snow schedule. After the implementation of a two-hour delayed start schedule for professional development once a month for the past year and a half, there is no reason that the delayed schedule could not be implemented during bad weather, as well. With this schedule, a snow day for a slight dusting is replaced with an easy fix that could save the district days of hassle from making up cancellations late in the school year. After communication with district officials, it appears that the process to implement a snow schedule next year is underway. This decision is worthy of applause because this is a simple addition that will enhance the district’s ability to keep students in class. In addition, it will provide the opportunity for district officials to still be cautious when road conditions are questionable in the early morning hours. While the delayed start phone call might not be what we want to hear initially, everyone will genuinely appreciate the fact that four-day weekends and national holidays aren’t taken away and days aren’t added on in late May.

Meaghan Flynn Business Manager


f all other methods of procrastination fail, our generation doesn’t have to worry anymore: Netflix is accessible almost everywhere you go. Available by phone, computer, or television, Netflix creates an even bigger procrastination problem than the usual techniques in youth today. Not only does Netflix serve as a procrastination outlet, but it can serve almost any purpose concocted by youth today. Feeling bored? Watch Netflix. Upset about a bad day? Netflix can help you relax. Nothing to do with friends? Netflix has your back. No matter what the problem is, people always seem to use this online service as an escape from reality. Before Netflix even existed, studies found that the average person watches three hours of television. This means that someone who lives to 75 would spend nine years in front of the television. What problems could be solved in those three hours? We might not be able to solve world hunger, but hey, maybe I could get that math homework done. Or I could watch five episodes of Gossip Girl. The real question is, is it a matter of my own will power or a psychological problem? BTIG analyst Richard Greenfield told CNBC that Netflix currently has 31 million subscribers worldwide. He predicts that by the end of 2015, they will reach 40 million viewers. In addition, Greenfield says that the average viewer spends 93 minutes per day watching different shows. While an hour and a half does not seem like a lot of time for just one individual, putting it in the perspective of 31 million people makes me wonder about the productivity of people today. It was bad enough when people were wasting 93 minutes of their lives, but when you put it in perspective of nine years, it seems absolutely ridiculous. However, some researchers say that television watching is not always a personal decision. In Scientific American by Robert Kubey and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, researchers used an electroencephalogram to track participants’ brain waves while watching television. The brain scans showed less mental stimulation while the participants watched the show. In addition, participants reported that they

were very relaxed while the program was playing and had trouble concentrating after viewing the show. I will admit that I certainly have felt these effects after having a Gossip Girl marathon. I had no motivation to work on anything after I spent a couple of hours watching Serena and Blair constantly fighting. Reality was so boring in comparison to the lives of the Upper-East siders. According to the studies, people have been classically conditioned to associate TV watching with rest and lack of tension. For those of you who have yet to take psychology, classical conditioning is a style of learning based on conditioned associations. An unconditioned stimulus will result in a natural, unconditioned response. However, people can condition themselves to respond to a conditioned stimulus to elicit the same unconditioned response. In the case of television watching, people who frequently watch television learn to expect a natural state of relaxation. As a result, people who watch more TV are more prone to feeling irritated or anxious when they are not watching a show. Because of the accessibility of the service, people who have undergone operant conditioning can constantly use it as a way to calm down. People have forgotten other modes of relaxation as a result of Netflix. I shouldn’t need to live vicariously through Serena and Blair to relax. What happened to enjoying the outdoors? Does anyone ever read a book anymore? Why can’t we just paint a nice picture to relax? Fifteen years ago, when Netflix didn’t exist, people found ways to ease their stress without having to involve being lazy. As the future leaders of the world, our generation should be able to break away from this addiction to television and focus on more productive ways of spending our valuable time.

Student addiction to Netflix can lead to psychological problems. Photo illustration by Meaghan Flynn.

Jack Blethroad Features Editor


rowing up in an increasingly globalized world, students of this generation will be attending college and ultimately applying for jobs with speakers of many other languages. In order to be considered a competitive applicant for universities and corporations in many countries, knowing a minimum of two languages fluently is considered a basic requirement. In the U.S., too many students skip out on learning another language, taking advantage of the fact that much of the world speaks English. However, when compared to multilingual applicants, they consistently fall short. Surprisingly, Parkway Central does not require students to take a single foreign language credit in order to graduate. Considering foreign language at some schools is considered a core subject, just as important as science or math, it raises questions about whether or not Parkway is adequately preparing its students by making it an option. According to the Central Course Guide, the goal of Parkway’s Modern and Classical Language Department is “to offer students the opportunity to develop proficiency in a second language and culture so that they can acquire skills, knowledge, and attitudes important for living and working in a multi-lingual, multi-cultural world.” In this statement, it is clear that the district acknowledges the importance of keeping students from being culturally ignorant and giving them the tools they need to succeed in today’s world. Unlike other schools, however, Parkway doesn’t follow through with this statement. While it is true that students who are uninterested in foreign language would likely drop the class after completing the requirement, it is also probable that being required to take a language for some amount

of time before graduating would expose students to a subject that they never thought they could enjoy or succeed in. Parkway is doing a disservice to students by not ensuring everyone explores these opportunities. As students are often reminded, knowing a language other than English has many advantages in the college and job application process. However, the benefits don’t stop there. According to a study done in 2011 by the Center of Applied Linguistics in Washington, D.C., “bilingual students are better able to focus their attention on relevant information and avoid distractions, and are shown to be more creative and better at planning and solving complex problems than monolinguals.” The positive impact that learning a language has on the brain can last well beyond high school years, even if the language is not completely retained. Interestingly, the effects of aging on the brain were found to be significantly diminished in speakers of two or more languages. If Parkway were to add a foreign language requirement, they would certainly not be the first district in the region to do so. Edwardsville, Francis Howell, Hazelwood, Normandy, Pattonville, Lindbergh and Wentzville have already adopted requirements stating two years of a foreign language is required to graduate. All this being said, Parkway is a well-regarded and highly performing school district. It offers many foreign language options to its students among many other college-preparatory classes. What should be done, though, is making these foreign language classes a requirement. It would better prepare Parkway’s students and expose all of them to the benefits of learning a new language.

250 years and St. Louis is still unappreciated Joe Goldberg Staff Writer

was founded by rock ‘n roll legend Chuck Berry and serves some of the best burgers and live musical entertainment in the city. The Loop is a fun, energizing area filled with delit. Louis encompasses a rich culture with an array of di- cious food and interesting stores and people. It is a definite must-visit on a Saturday night. verse ethnic groups. Although St. Louis is turning 250 Forest Park is one of the largest in-city parks in the this year, we tend to stay stuck in our “I-270 bubble” country. It was the host of the 1904 World’s Fair and Sumand do not truly appreciate the wide variety of culture. St. Louis was founded in honor of the French King Louis mer Olympics. Among its many attractions are the St. Louis Zoo, Art Museum, History Museum, the IX. After the Louisiana Purchase, St. Louis Muny, and Science Center. The St. Louis became a major port city along the Mississippi Zoo is the largest free, outdoor, zoo in the River. In 1904 we hosted the World’s Fair and country and the Muny is also the largest Summer Olympics. outdoor theatre in America. The Gateway Arch marks downtown St. St. Louis is home to a variety of cuiLouis as “The Gateway to the West”, where sine reflecting various immigrant groups Louis and Clark began their expeditions. It including Bosnian, Italian, Greek, Irish, and shadows over the Old Courthouse where the German. We are home to toasted ravioli, Dred Scott case was first argued. We have the waffle cone, gooey butter cake, provel two Basilica churches, unique churches with cheese, Ted Drewes, and St. Louis-style a central nave and aisles: Cathedral Basilica pizza. From Greek to Italian on the Hill to and Basilica of St. Louis, King of France. The Imo’s Pizza to Irish pubs to German bakerformer is home to the world’s largest mosaic ies to Bosnian sandwich shops to Japanese installation, and the latter, the oldest Roman sushi, one can visit a variety of ethnic Catholic cathedral west of the Mississippi restaurants on any given night. River. We tend to lack appreciation towards Teenagers often like to complain about the little things that are actually culturally Blueberry Hill, local burger how boring St. Louis can be. However, significant such as gorgeous architecture. and rock ‘n roll joint, located in this is only because they’re trapped inside These St. Louis architectural monuments the Delmar Loop. Photo by Joe of their “I-270 bubble”. In order to experideserve more than a once in a lifetime visit ence the true delight of St. Louis, one from their locals. Goldberg. must venture out to the different corners In University City, the Delmar Loop has of the city. We have a rich and diverse been called a “great American street” by the American history built off the cultures of many. As St. Louis turns Planning Association. The Loop is home to Fitz’s Root 250 this year, I encourage each of us to take a Saturday or Beer, Blueberry Hill, and the Tivoli Theatre. Blueberry Hill Sunday afternoon and go out and explore St. Louis.


A Lil Crazy Snow daze

Lillie Wasserman Production Manager


he anticipation before a snow day is equally exciting and destructive. The fight against procrastination increases ten fold as the thought of sleeping in and having a whole day to yourself the next day fills up every inch of the brain. Snow days can prove to be both a blessing and a curse, in many different ways. As previously said, the excitement of a potential snow day is unparalleled. Whether in kindergarten or a senior in high school, getting a day off of school is the bomb. But the back and forth of whether or not we’ll get a snow day is the least fun part. Some, like me, will try to self-convince that we will not have a snow day in order to not get their hopes up. This is almost a form of crazy modified superstition. But the absolute worst part of pre-snow days is waking up in the morning and hearing that you have to go to school. Not to mention, you probably didn’t go to bed too early the night before. The night before snow days can be a real struggle. The fight against procrastination is at full flare, and Netflix seems to be calling your name every minute. Although it might take longer the night before to get your work done, having a snow day to relax with homework totally finished is the nicest type of day off. However, snow days can also be useful to get ahead on work so the following days are not as stressful as anticipated. Another unhealthy part of the night before snow days is the anger that erupts if a snow day isn’t given. Sure, I agree that sometimes snow days are not justified. But if the hype is huge, the roads are pretty bad, and there’s more than a couple inches of snow on the ground, just call it man. The next difficult part of snow days is being productive the next day. If you have nothing to do, excuse me while I live vicariously through you. Just kidding, sometimes we all have those days. But as far as being productive goes on snow days, my best advice would be to get at least a couple productive things done and then kick back and relax. Strengthen that mental health. You go (guy/girl). There are many things to do during snow days, so if you say you’re bored, you’re either boring or lazy. You could eat, sleep, watch a movie, watch TV, read, bake, sleep, dance, do at-home yoga, take a shower (you smell...just kidding), hang out with friends, etc. Basically, what to do on snow days should not be your issue or complaint. Then there’s the issue of making up snow days. Built-in inclement weather make up days make snow days somewhat bittersweet. However, sometimes having a day to sort of break up the week is more valuable than a three or four day weekend. Plus, after a while, make up days won’t even matter for us seniors. So bring on the snow days, Parkway!


Feb. 14, 2014


Learning languages benefits students


Wrestling battles with lack of commitment Emily Schenberg Multimedia Manager


ighting for victory is one aspect to focus on, but the wrestling team is turning its attention to individual achievements rather than team results. “Unfortunately, as a team we have not won a single match this season,” junior Ian Harvey said. “We don’t have enough guys on the team so we can’t win anything no matter what.” In order to properly compete in any match, there must be at least one person to represent each weight class. “Between the struggling new guys and the guys that keep quitting we just don’t have enough people to even practice with,” Harvey said. “Let alone fill all the weight classes needed to create a full team. Even if we all pinned our guy, which is worth the most team points towards the meet we still wouldn’t win because we have so many empty slots that count against us.” These empty weight classes were not empty during the start of the season, but slowly throughout the season guys have been cuttings ties with the team. “All but five people have quit this season, so that makes about 13 or 14 people who have quit the

team,” freshman Gavin Vanhoogstate said. “If it was easy I guess everyone would do it.” As more guys have quit, the team has moved their focus from only winning, to individual accomplishments and supporting one another. “As a team we are really funny and supportive of each other when we lose, but honestly few of us know how to

Junior Ian Harvey takes on a Parkway North wrestler during a tournament held at University City High school on Jan. 23. Photo by Emily Schenberg.

Transfer student adapts to American basketball Jeffrey Eidelman Staff Writer


ot only having to fight a language barrier, the boys freshman basketball team’s transfer student Seong Hun Kim, is also working to adapt to the new style of basketball in America. “Here it’s very different, a lot faster, like press defense,” Kim said. “I didn’t do that in Korea.” There are many differences between the game styles of the two countries. In South Korea, where Kim is originally from, there are fewer designed plays and it’s similar to an American “pick-up game” of basketball. “In Korea, it’s find the open spot and go,” Kim said. “Here, how to move is designed and planned out.” Not only does Kim have to adjust to the different style of American basketball, but he also has to overcome a new language. “If I don’t understand something, I’ll ask my teammates what the information was, like the details, which makes it easier,” Kim said. Freshman teammate Michael Man and Kim both played freshman soccer together this fall. Man is the point guard for the team, and he is one of Kim’s helpful team-

mates when it comes to making sure Kim understands the designed plays. “We make sure he knows what he is doing,” Man said. “Otherwise we will stop and re-run the play.” This is the first time Coach Jon Hardy has had a player overcoming the language barrier. When needed, Hardy or a teammate will re-explain a play to Kim. To run a play during a game or practice, they sometimes use hand motions to indicate which play they are running. Both Hardy and Kim’s teammates notice it’s helping. “You can see the progress he has made from day one to now, where it seems like he is now comfortable,” Hardy said. In addition to progressing on the court, his communication skills and friendships are also continuing to build on the court. According to Hardy, Kim is even starting to joke around with his teammates. “I think the bond between him and the players is starting to happen,” Hardy said. “And the players are starting to get more comfortable understanding he doesn’t understand everything.”

wrestle,” sophomore Tucker Jesse said. “We have one varsity and one JV team and they are made up of the same five people.” With the lack people trying out and people quitting, Harvey stepped up to the plate as a role model in an effort to bring back some team moral. “I would definitely consider Ian Harvey to be the leader of the team,” Jesse said. “He has a lot more experience than most of us and he’s very committed to the team which is something we have been lacking of lately.” While as a team they are struggling, certain individuals seem to be making some progress of their own. “I plan to go to the national tournament and represent Missouri at the National Championship,” Harvey said. “To do that I have to place first in state, and I fully expect to come home with a win.” Taking a look at next year, brings a new prospect of hope for this dwindling team. “Next year I hope we get some fresh faces that are willing to give the sport a try,” Harvey said. “Hopefully all of those people will also stay committed to the team and not give up, we have already had a enough of that to last us a few years.”

Divers contribute to overall team success Dean Trail Sports Editor


trio of divers develop a close relationship while also increasing the swim and dive teams overall score. “The diving event helps out the whole swim team a lot by adding points to the total score,” sophomore Jamie Goldberg said. “Often if it is a close meet diving will make the difference between a win or a loss.” The three divers include senior Hannah Swyers, junior Caroline Fenton and Goldberg, help the team boost overall scores so that it is easier for the team to win close matches. Junior Caroline Fenton Fenton uses her positive attitude to try to increase team tucks to complete a dive morale. “I usually try to cheer everybody up and create a positive at meet against Rockenvironment for me and the team,” Fenton said. wood Summit on Jan. 23. Fenton creates a fun environment for the team in many different ways. “We usually have a little bit of time between each dive in practice and in meets so we talk and joke around to get our minds off any frustration or nerves,” Fenton said. “I also dance a lot at practice which makes everyone laugh.” The three girls have become close friends after spending so much time together every day during the season, for the past two years. “All of us have a really good relationship,” Goldberg said. “After spending more than two hours together every day we’ve become really close and have become really good friends.” Fenton and Swyers relationship began even before they both joined the diving team. “Caroline and I have been good friends for a long time but doesn’t take away from wanting to be close with the other girls on the team,” Swyers said. However, Swyers and Fenton’s friendship doesn’t stop her from becoming close with

the other three divers and about 30 swimmers on the team. “Hannah and I have been best friends for years, so it’s really nice to have someone like her on the team,” Fenton said. “I’ve also grown a lot closer with the other girls as well. We’re like a family.” All three girls do not exclusively dive for the school team, but they also participate on a club team, Clayton Diving Alliance, together to stay in peak condition during the offseason. “I dive all year round with my club team so when I am not in high school season I practice three days a week,” Swyers said. The girls are in the pool almost every day of the week and on weekends during the high school dive season. “I prepare for a meet by going through each of my dives several times to try and perfect it,” Swyers said. The day of the meet it is also important to be prepared, for Fenton the key is to relax and not psych herself out. “Listening to music really helps calm me down and the team makes everything Senior Hannah Swyers is in the midst of so fun it gets my mind off my nerves,” an inward dive pike at Marquette on Jan. Fenton said.

30. Photos by Elizabeth Leath.

Competitive sports not an incentive for active students Matt Stern Staff Writer

What is your motivation?


ontrary to popular belief, playing a sport is not the only method to get in shape. Several students have chosen to hit the gym to stay physically active.

Why do you work out? “Before I would just eat whatever the heck I wanted, but one day I looked in the mirror and told myself I needed to make a change, and now I’ve lost 40 pounds.”- Nick Lammert (12)

How often do you work out?




Feb. 14, 2014

“I usually try to work out three or more times in a week.” - Samantha Schneiderman (9)

“My parents are my motivation because they are really active, so they want me to stay active and fit as well.” - Caroline Rodgers (10)

Which equipment best adapts to you? “During the winter when I can’t run outside, I like to use the ellipticals. For my arms I like to bench and use different sets of dumbbells.” - Jeremy Levy(11)

Have you noticed any changes to your health? “I have put on a lot more muscle, and my durability has improved. I can now run faster and over long distances.” - Emma Sosnoff (11)

Nine athletes commit on Signing Day

Seniors Zoë Wallis, Brady Feigl, Zach Rogers, Augie Brooks, Jessica Brady, Jonathan Bonner, Trey Knes, Johnny Naughton, and Khalen Saunders stand together after signing to their respected colleges. Photo by Tara Stepanek.

Zoë Wallis College of Charleston School’s all time leader in blocks. All-McDonald’s team nominee.

Brady Feigl Mississippi “He’s your average high school teenager with a 90-mile-per-hour fastball.” - Coach Mike Feit

Zach Rogers Missouri Holds the school record in the 100-yard backstroke.

Augie Brooks Culver-Stockton Broke the school record for touchdowns in a single season this year.

“One of the best attacking defenders in the entire area.” - Coach John Theobald

Jonathan Bonner Notre Dame 2nd in school history in sacks. “He’s a better human being than football player.” - Coach Mark Goldenberg

Trey Knes Miami - Ohio Preseason All-Metro. Top 30 recruit in the metro area. Recruited despite injury keeping him from playing.

Johnny Naughton Southwest Baptist Scored five defensive touchdowns this season. “Epitomizes Parkway Central football.” - Coach Mark Goldenberg

Khalen Saunders Western Illinois Holds the school record in the shot put. Also plays the piano.

Ceremony delayed due to snow Sam Winter Online Sports Editor


ue to the inclement weather, the National Signing Day Ceremony was postponed until Thursday, Feb. 6, in the social studies commons. Nine athletes were awarded the opportunity to participate in the ceremony, including seven Division I athletes. This is the most athletes Parkway Central has had committed to represent them in college athletics since they began publicizing the ceremony at the school. “Usually we have three or four athletes, possibly five on a good year,” Athletic Director Mr. Mike Roth said. “It is a huge deal to have that many athletes represented this year.” The ceremony began with an introductory speech from Roth. He praised each athlete for their hard work toward reaching this goal and mentioned the significance of having so many athletes continue their sports careers at the collegiate level. “As our coaches can attest, these remarkable student athletes have given so much joy and pleasure to so many here in the Parkway Central community,” Roth said. “They’ve always represented Parkway Central with dignity, class and a commitment to excellence.” Following Roth’s speech, each coach for the nine athletes spoke on their player’s behalf. Most of the coaches spoke of the player’s contributions to their program throughout the past four seasons and their accomplishments in school history. Senior Jessica Brady, a four-year girls varsity soccer starter who signed to Southeast Missouri State University, had Coach John Theobald speak about her contributions. “She’s as fit and competitive as any kid we’ve ever coached,” Theobald said.

Committing to the College of Charleston, Zoë Wallis will be playing basketball at the collegiate level next season. Senior Brady Feigl, a four-year varsity baseball starting pitcher who signed to the University of Mississippi, was praised by varsity pitching Coach Mike Feit. Feigl has developed his mechanics as a pitcher to become the Colts’s ace over the past two years. Feigl verbally committed to Ole Miss during his junior year. “Ole Miss was the first place where I loved the university and everything about it and I really liked the coaches,” Feigl said. “Everything kind of just fell into place.” Senior Zach Rogers signed to the University of Missouri’s swim team. Rogers attended Parkway Central for only two years but was able to lead the team to a top four finish at State two consecutive seasons. “I started talking to Mizzou at the end of last swim season and over the summer and had my official trip on my birthday in October,” Rogers said. “My dad lives in Kansas City, so being an hour and a half away from both my parents is perfect.” Head varsity football Coach Mark Goldenberg spoke about five signees. Senior Khalen Saunders signed to Western Illinois University, where he plans to both play football and to throw shot put for the Track and Field program. “I didn’t really want to give up on football and didn’t want to end all my chances of taking it any further with football, so I decided to go to the Division I program that I could go to,” Saunders said. “Fortunately I get to throw shot put there too.” Goldenberg also praised the accomplishments of seniors Jonathan Bonner, Trey Knes, Johnny Naughton and Augie Brooks.


Feb. 14, 2014


College Athlete Quick Facts

Jessica Brady Southeast MO State



ompeting at three show choir festivals throughout January and February, Pizzazz, accompanied by their backup band TDL, performs to energize and entertain their audience. “One of the main priorities of Pizzazz as a show choir is to make sure we are not only exciting to watch, but sound good as well,” senior member Greta Rosenstock said. During rehearsals, members work on the musicality aspect of their performance with choir director Ms. Claire Minnis, along with having dance rehearsals with choreographer Ms. Emily Peterson. “We set up the choir room with platforms facing the mirrors and use them to work on not only the movements themselves, but also to make sure we have good energy and facial expressions so that our show is more entertaining,” Rosenstock said. Incorporated into the group’s competition set is a theme that the songs and choreography revolve around. “All of the songs in our competition set have to do with ‘green,’” Rosenstock said. “Our show starts with ‘One Short Day’ from the musical Wicked, and our closer is ‘Mean Green Mother from Outer Space.’” Between the opener and closer, there are four songs, including two Irish songs the girls and guys perform sepa-

A cappella ‘blends’ with the beat Meaghan Flynn Business Manager


ecause of the large number of singers auditioning for a cappella groups, choir teacher Ms. Claire Minnis decided to create a coed group, Blends with Benefits, to expand the vocal opportunities. “We have a large curricular choir with students from every grade participating,” Minnis said. “There weren’t enough places for small groups of talented singers to rehearse.” Another change to the vocal groups this year is that auditions are now open to freshmen singers. Because Minnis taught last year as the middle school choir teacher, she was familiar with the vocal abilities of the current freshmen. As a result, Blends with Benefits has 16 members, with singers representing each grade. “I wanted to get the freshmen involved as quickly as possible,” Minnis said. “Opening up the auditions to freshmen seemed like the perfect way to do it.” Despite the addition of freshmen, Minnis said the singers in Blends with Benefits have come together to form a strong connection with each other. Because there are not any student leadership roles in the group, there have been no conflicts concerning a balance of power. HE



Feb. 14, 2014

“The upperclassmen have been really helpful in mentoring the underclassmen,” Minnis said. “They show the younger students how to approach a higher level of singing and master the songs quickly.” Senior Lizzy Langa agrees with Minnis concerning the group dynamic. She added that the underclassmen bring a lot of energy to the group. Since Langa has been interested in creating a mixed group since her sophomore year, she was excited to audition for the group this year. “Mixed groups always have stronger songs,” Langa said. “Girls don’t always have the vocal range to hit the low notes, so combining with guys helps bring out a nice, rich sound.” As a result of limited practices, Blends with Benefits has not had a lot of opportunities to perform. However, one performance did include Cabaret Night in December. During the show, the group performed “Stay” by Rihanna as well as “Sail” by Awolnation, with Langa as a soloist. “The vocal range is pretty easy in ‘Sail,’” Langa said. “What I have to focus on is listening to the rhythm of the song and trying to find my own style to fit in.” Langa and Minnis both believe that another unique part of their performance of ‘Sail’ is the beatboxing skills of freshman Anthony Blatter. Langa said that Blatter’s beatboxing skills make the song sound real, which adds a lot to the performance. While some people may find beat


Kate McNeal Assistant Features Editor


Pizzazz makes it easy being green

rately, a ballad and a performance of just five girls. Both Rosenstock and sophomore Matthew Kertzman agree that the closer is one of their favorites to perform. “My favorite song as a whole and the most entertaining is our closer because I think it’s very energetic,” Kertzman said, “but my favorite song that we sing vocally is our ballad, ‘How Are Things in Glocca Morra,’ because I think it showcases our vocal talent the best.” Since Pizzazz is a class, the group rehearses during school, as well as rehearsing outside of school when a competition is coming up. “The week before our first competition, we had a dress rehearsal at school on Sunday night and we also had a rehearsal the following Tuesday,” Rosenstock said. “Parents and alumni were both welcome at these rehearsals so that we could get some performing experience in front of an audience before the competitions.” Members say the atmosphere of rehearsals changes when a competition or performance is coming up. “There’s always a select group of people who are always working hard and there’s the people that are always slacking off, but when it’s the week before a competition everyone is on top of their game,” Kertzman said. Pizzazz had three competitions in a four week span. The third competition has been the same weekend as KOH the past couple years, meaning performers could not attend the dance. Junior Jacob Parmley, a member of TDL, said missing KOH wasn’t a big deal for him. “I would mind if it was Prom or Homecoming,” Parmley said, “but I’m not upset about missing KOH.” Parmley plays trumpet in TDL along with other brass instrument players and percussionists from the Jazz Band. “Mr. (Doug) Hoover and Ms. Minnis asked me to do it,” Parmley said. “I think it’s really fun.” In addition to being fun, Rosenstock’s interest in joining Pizzazz came out of a way to carry on the family legacy. “My brother was in it before me, and I have been deeply involved in the choir department my entire high school career,” Rosenstock said. “I love singing and performing, and Pizzazz is an activity in which I get to do both.”

boxing a difficult task, Blatter said that his skill comes naturally. “It’s all in the mouth,” Blatter said. “I use my tongue and lips to make the noises. I can even make little additions to the music when I breathe. You can really make music with anything.” Blatter has been involved with music since he joined his choir in elementary school. When the a cappella groups came to the middle school to perform last year, he decided it was a group he wanted to be a part of. With Blends with Benefits, Blatter feels as if he has found a tight group of friends. “No one tries to make themselves seem better in this group,” Blatter said. “After we practice, it’s really fun to see how our work together pays off in performances.”

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