Neos Skopos- Serres

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Neos Skopos- Serres You know that…..


Neos Skopos

is located 9 km southeast of the city of Serres, not far from

Strimonas river, in the middle of the fertile Serres plain. In September 1923 refugees from Skopos, nowadays European Turkey, ended up in the plain of Serres and built new Skopos on a small hill (Toubitsa), that belonged to the Nasioudjik family and the holy Monastery of St. John the Baptist. It was a swampy area with stagnant waters, reeds and wild animals. They managed to transform the area through their hard work and alongside financial assistance of the state and emigrants in America into a well organised community with an urban street layout, pretty houses and a cultural center. Today Neos Skopos belongs to the municipality of Emmanuel Pappas and remains a lively town of 2000 inhabitants with rich cultural and social activities.

Residents of Neos Skopos originate from Skopos (nowadays ĂœskĂźp), a town located in Eastern Thrace (nowadays European Turkey, then Ottoman Empire), near Kirklareli, built on hills with four town quarters. The inhabitants were about 8000 mostly Greeks with a few Turkish and Bulgarian families. It is said that it was built before the fall of Istanbul, in a position that had designated guards to monitor the safe passage of travelers in the area. The population faced forced eviction during World War I, but they returned to the town after the capitulation of the Ottoman Empire. Yet, it was only for short, because after the defeat of the Greeks by the Turks in 1922, they had to flee permanently to Greece.

Ancient Vergi was located on the east bank of the Strimonas River in its current area of N. Skopos. This is an important ancient city that flourished from the late 6th century BC during the 5th and 4th century BC until the end of the Roman period. During the excavations a Hellenistic cemetery was found of the late 3rdearly 2nd century. BC with many offerings, such as pottery, figurines, silver and gold jewelry and Roman cemetery of the 3rd century AD.

The folklore museum

of Neos Skopos, located in the area of the Prophet

Elias and housed in a brand new building, opened its doors in April 2009. The exhibits, all residents’ offers, are housed in two large rooms. The first room contains objects related to the farming activities of residents (plowing, sowing, reaping fields, harvesting), but also tools related to the profession of the potter, the cobbler, the cart maker, now extinct. The second room contains objects associated with the household chores, such as cooking utensils, brooms, and clothing, such as shoes, local costumes, embroidery, weaving. Particularly impressive are: the loom, the representation of a living room, but also the simple and improvised toys.

On New Year's Eve children get out in the streets to sing the carols of St. Basil. Housewives make the cake, the "Milina" pie with leaves and cheese or stuffed with rice and nuts. They also use a coin, a sprig cornel, a straw and a nutshell. In the evening they prepare a rich table with tripe, pies, grilled meat and fruit. On the table they put the wallet and whatever gold jewel they posses for the year to be abundant. By the end of the meal the father cuts the cake and gives everyone a piece. Whoever receives the nutshell gets the house, whoever receives the dogwood will work the fields, whoever receives the straw will groom the animals and whoever is lucky, gets the coin of the year. Everyone, young-old, play the tile. They sit down, share the nuts, put the roof-tile reclining and throw a nut one by one. These roll and a hit one of those on the table. Then the one who throws it gathers all nuts and the game restarts. In the end the person who has gathered most nuts is the winner. The children go to bed and the party continues at homes of friends or relatives until morning.

On New Year’s Day

the children early in the morning take a cornel twig,

decorate it with ribbons and go from house to house to "sourvakisoun" saying: "Sourva Sourva with health and happiness and the new year for many years." Housewives open and give fruit, nuts and money.

THE EPIPHANY IN NEOS SKOPOS, formerly AND NOW The Epiphany is one of the oldest celebrations of our church which was established in the 2nd century AD and refers to the manifestation of the Holy Trinity at the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. On the eve of the Epiphany , the sacred sanctification is performed in the church at dawn . After mass priests visit all the village houses and illuminate them. The night before the housewives pave table with fasting dishes, and the father taking the ploughshare or a tile and candle burn incense throughout the house making noise for the "karkantzelia" to go away. (Goblins)

On the day of the Epiphany, the faithful go to church fasting to drink the holy water. After the Divine Liturgy all together, priests and congregation go to the river, where the Great Blessing psalm is chanted. People wait at the river bank to see the priest throw the Cross into the river to anoint the waters, while the village lads come to the river to catch the cross. They are divided into groups and fall into the river. The one who catches the Cross gives it in secrecy to one of his team to get it out without the opposing team perceiving it and trying to get it back. Whoever, succeeds in getting the cross out of the river, takes it to his house for his family to worship it. This is a great honor and blessing for their home. All the lads leave the river and go to their homes to change, to wear festive clothing. Then they gather in the church. There awaits them the priest who gives them the cross on a tray with flowers and laurels. They split into two groups and go to all houses singing the "in Jordan you were baptized, Lord" collecting money.

In the heart of the Summer Solstice, on the eve of the feast of St. John the Baptist's birthday, June 23, the ancient custom with the fires, the “boubounes” revives in our town. In every neighborhood residents light fires and set their May Day wreaths on fire. Youngsters and elderly people jump over the fire three times to force “fleas and bedbugs” vanish, get rid of evil and start the new time period, in the summer clean, healthy and vigorous.

Every year in the chapel of Prophet Elias on occasion of his celebration (July 20), the reviving of the old custom of "kourbani" takes place. Kourbani means sacrifice and is a reminder of the collective community meals. Volunteers from the town cook veal braised meat with rise and offer it to the people after the church mass.

The unique local kourabiedes

(kurabiye) of Skopos is a confection prepared with flour, butter and sugar. Their designs are masterpieces. They usually prepare them to celebrate engagements or name days. At Easter children bring them as presents to their godmothers, in plates impressively wrapped.

Saragli Orto (upright) A dessert made with phyllo leaves, grated nuts, butter, sugar and cinnamon. It was connected to the engagement of young people. The bride's family prepared ‘saragli’ to treat the guests on the couple’s engagement. At the end, the groom's family was given 1-2 pans ‘saragli’ when leaving. The next day a child from the family, passed by the houses of their relatives with a full ‘saragli' tray. He offered the dessert and announced the news of the engagement.

The Therapeutic Riding Center of Serres

(KE.TH.I.S.) is a non-profit

organization founded in Neos Skopos Serres in 2005 by a physiotherapist, specialized in autism and cerebral palsy, Maria Liga. Through its movement, the horse transfers to the neuromuscular disabled rider, normal gait patterns. Coordination of movements, balance, muscle tone and rider psychology are improved. It provides treatment to children and adults with cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, central nervous system disorders, autism, mental retardation, etc. With specialized volunteers, riding therapists, physiotherapists, trainers specialized in autism, with experience in PwD and psychologists, it tries to improve the physical and psychological uplift of PwD. It prepares equestrian athletes with disabilities to participate in national & international competitions.

Flower Exhibition of Monovrisi In the middle of spring, beginning of May the flower show of Monovrisi is organized. It is a reference point for both the community and for the Municipality of Emmanuel Pappas region. Producers of Monovrisi exhibit their flowers and visitors flock to the stadium facilities -where the exhibition is held- to see them and buy them to decorate their gardens, balconies and life. It is an event that lasts one week, and has surpassed the limits of Serres with visitors from the wider region of Northern Greece. Along with the exhibition cultural events are organized with the participation of organisations from different villages.

The cave of Alistrati is one of the most important natural monuments in the whole Europe and it is situated 6km southeast of the town of Alistrati, in a stony area. The cave was discovered by chance in 1959 by local people and it has been open for the public since 1988. The cave covers a surface of at least 25.000 sq. meters and it is about 3km long. It has got a unique, very rich ecosystem which is exceptionally rare. The fossilised fauna which is enclosed in sediments of smaller or bigger width and it is scattered all over the surface of the cave, dates back to 3.000.000 years. Decorated in a dreamy way with pure white stalactites in contrast to the impressive red ones, the height of which in some chambers, reaches up to 18m. There is a great abundance in complexes of delicate eccentrites, while from the chambers; ceiling grant stalactites of 15m height are hung. The entire spectacle is “out of this world�!

In a short distance from the cave of Alistrati , the gorge of Aggitis river is located. The view from the enormous rocks, the dense plantation and the rich waters of Aggitis river is breathtaking. Rafting, trekking, mountain biking, climbing are some of the activities the visitor of the area can take pleasure in. One can also take a train trip on the top of the gorge of Aggitis river.

Lailias is a forest with rich flora and fauna with tall trees, steep ravines, steep and huge cliffs, hiking trails, ski slopes and mountain lodge. Located 25km from the city of Serres, in the Vrontou Mountain Range, it is a magnificent location, of high aesthetics and exceptional natural beauty. It is a tall beech and Scots pine forest which covers an area of 33,000 sq.m.; the highest peak is at 1850m, with 83% forest cover. On the north side of the peak, at an altitude of 1600m, is the ski center of Lailias, created by the Greek Mountaineering Club of Serres. It has one main ski slope 1000m long and 70m wide.

Just 40km NW from Serres, we can meet one of the most beautiful places in Greece, Lake Kerkini. Its unique wetland has been declared as National Park according to Ramsar Convention and it is one out of ten wetlands of International Importance of Greece. The man’s intervention caused the formation of this heaven. In 1932 the first dam was constructed in the waters of river Strymonas and gradually lake Kerkini took shape. The riparian plantations consisting of riparian forests of wild willows, the suspended water-lilies expanded in a surface of thousands hectares, the fish high diversity, the buffalos swimming in lake’s calm water and the great mountainous areas of Belles and Krousia give a unique grace to this land. Τhe lake offers the ideal conditions for bird watching. It is one of the best places in Europe for natural watching of about 300 rare and protected bird species that live and breed here. It is no coincidence that many scientists and amateurs from around the world visit us every year for their research.

Center of Natural Enviroment Protection – Museum Of Natural History Established in 1996, just outside the city of Serres, in order to highlight the richness of the region, to collect and expose all kind of fauna, flora and mineral resources, and to develop awareness, particularly among the youth in relation to environmental protection .

Amphipolis was an Athenian colony founded in 438/437BC the time of Pericles, by the general Agnonas, in a strategic position, near the fertile mouth of Strimonas river and the gold mines of Mount Pangeo, with the main purpose of controlling the rich hinterland of Strimonas. Amphipolis broke away from Athens and remained autonomous city until its entry into the Kingdom of Macedonia by Philip II (357 BC). Allied with the Macedonians, Amphipolis remained a strong city within the limits of the Macedonian Kingdom, with its own internal autonomy and an important economic and cultural prosperity. Near Amphipolis one can find Kasta Hill, known as the tomb of Amphipolis. From 1950 to 1970 it was excavated by the archaeologist Dimitris Lazaridis, bringing to light many frugal graves. From 2012-2014 the perimeter was excavated by Katerina Peristeri and it was announced that the monument was built by demand of Alexander the Great, for his friend Hephaistion, by Dinokrates.

In the Archaeological Museum of Amphipolis sections with representative exhibits from prehistoric, classical, Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine times are displayed (figurines, gold jewelry, wreaths, busts capitals, wall paintings, carvings, frescoes, reliefs...). They come from the settlements, cemeteries and shrines of Amphipolis and the surrounding region.

There are many beaches, near the region of Serres, like Kerdyllia, the coast of Serres, Asprovalta, Olympiada, Ofrynio, Peramos, Iraklitsa, which the inhabitants of Serres can enjoy during the summer. They are awarded with the Blue Flag by the European Union for their cleanliness!!

Serres is the capital of the prefecture of Serres and one of the most important commercial centers in Macedonia, with a population of approximately 80,000 residents. It was first mentioned in the early 5th century BC by the historian Herodotus with the name Siris or Peonian. In the 6th century it is one of the most important cities of the Byzantine Empire. From the 8th century it is considered a "great and wonderful city", "vigorous", "essential", "good" city. In the Middle Ages it suffered many disasters, and was enslaved several times, but ultimately survived. In 1204 the city was surrendered to the crusaders. In 1205 the Tsar of the Bulgarians John A. conquered Serres, captured the Frankish garrison and destroyed the city. In 1221 it was given to the Despot of Epirus, Theodore, but in 1230, the Bulgarian tsar John II captured Serres once more. In 1245 it was under the rule of the emperor of Nicaea John Vatatzes. In 1345 the city came into the possession of Serbia with Stephen DoussiĂŠ. Remnants of the Serbian occupation are part of the Acropolis walls and the great tower of Orestes.

In 1371 it was ruled by Thessaloniki’s King, Manuel II and then in 1383 it was occupied by the Turks. In the Ottoman period, Serres was referred to as the thirdlargest and most important city of European Turkey. Serres took part in the prerevolutionary movements of the enslaved Greeks for their release. During the last centuries of Ottoman rule, the plain of Serres and its vast wealth contributed to the great commercial prosperity of the city. It became a great server center gathering merchants and buyers from around the world .In the meantime education flourished and the letters were intensively cultivated. At the end of the Second Balkan War, in 1913 the city was burnt down by the retreating Bulgarians and had to be built entirely from scratch.

The Archaeological Museum of Serres is housed in Bezesteni since 1970, a market building of the 15th century located in the city center. It was built on the model of the medieval markets and the name originally means ‘fabrics market’. There are prehistoric artifacts, ancient, classical, Hellenistic and Roman (mainly pottery, statues and inscriptions).

In Serres in the past there were many Byzantine churches which were burnt down in 1913. Some were restored. Today there is the church of St. Theodore, also known as 'Old Cathedral' ', the church of St. Nicholas, the small monastery of St. George Kryoneriti, the temple of St.Anargeri and Prodromoudi a small temple that belongs to the monastery of Timios Prodromos

Bougatsa This pie was an integral part of the Byzantine tradition ...It ‘arrived’ in Serres by refugees and spread throughout Greece. The Serres pie is one of the best pies and a local and traditional product. It is a pie; the stuffing is wrapped in dough, and "closed" hermetically. The pie leaves are opened only with the help of oil and soft butter. It is a dish that offers variety, as it is prepared with two different fillings (sweet cream or salty), quality, fresh ingredients and low price. In Serres, there are now a total of 57 local bougatsa production enterprises. We are absolutely certain you will enjoy bougatsa when you come here our dearest partners!!!


is the traditional dessert of Serres. It looks like a small delight, but it has a unique and very sharp taste because it contains sheep and goat butter, roasted almonds, niseste, sugar, water and lemon. The name akanes probably came from the word "mix", because the mixture needs several hours of stirring and the affirmative word "yes", the slaves repeatedly said; they were the ones that stirred the mixture .

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