2020Portfolio_Chia-Hsiu Liu

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CHIA HSIU LIU Portfolio 2014-2019


Resume Brief Introduction

07 09 19


31 33 41 49

PRODUCT DESIGN Drop Ruhig Lamp Shaking Shaking

57 59


71 73

CURATION Evolution of Fiber Art


Library of Things

SPECIALITIES | am specialized in Service Design / UX&UI / Prototype I am glad to do Design / Research / Music / Business / Yoga



Netherlands +31 (0)625594740 vanshow89@gmail.com

LANGUAGE Mand rin - Native English - Fluent (TOEFL 93) German- Basic (B1)


SKILLS Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe Photoshop Adobe Lightroom Processing Solidworks R Language Microsoft Package

Extracurricular Activities

Education Background


Jubo health UI/UX Intern │ Taiwan

Technology Universtiy of Eindhoven (TU/e) │ Eindhoven Master │ Industrial Design ( Supoorted by Ministry of Education )


Nursing Department, Medical College of NCKU Research Assistant │ Taiwan

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) │ Taiwan Master │ Industrial Design


Logic Art Automation Co., Ltd Intern of Strategic Business Design │ Taiwan

National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) │ Taiwan Bachelor │ Business Administration / Psychology (minor)


MERIDA and Centurion Germany Intern of Marketing Department │ Germany

Brandenbug University of Technology │ Germany Exchange Student │ Environmental Resource Management


KKLabs Assistant of Project Manager │ Taiwan

National Singapore University (Scholarship) Summer School │ Singapore


New Design Dimension Company (NDD) Assistant of Project Coordinator │ Taiwan


Chore of National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine Piano Accompaniment │ Taiwan


National Cheng Kung University 10th NCKU Student Forum Leader of Advertisement Section │ Taiwan


National Cheng Kung University Piano Club Head of Advertisement │ Taiwan



Chia-Hsiu is passionate on exploring �Human�, including how people act, how people think and also how to transfer the needs to a better design. Driven by her enthusiasm and curiosity, she has bachelor degrees of Business Administration and Psychology for. Following the academic background and interests, she is studying Industrial Design for master degree. She aims to become a multidisciplinary specialist, who works on combining the core values from different professions. Her goal is to become a practical researcher on observing and planning the strategies based on design perspective for various organizations to individuals. This portfolio is organized with three chapters, which are Ocean, Sun and Mountain. The ocean expresses the wide and systemic range of design, from product to user experience and service design research. The sun explains the innovation in design discipline. Using processing program as prototyping tool is the first step to vivid realizing design through technology. Lastly, mountain represents the height that design can be. Design can not only brings us to innovation, design can also bring us to stand on the giants shoulder to use the past knowledge and think for the future.



Ocean connects all life together. It symbolizes a system, which contain product and service. In this theme, designer starts from UX project refering to draw the look of design. Then product design indicates individual part in this system.

User Experience Design

09 Talki Talkie 19 Easybox


Talki Talkie


Experiencing Food Producing Process & Having Better Communication with Other Stakeholders for Elderly through Voice Agent

Date ¦ 2019 Particiation ¦ Ideation• User Research• Modeling•Prototype• Hardware Integradtion•Film Co-Designer ¦ Veerle van Wijlen

The elderly healthy eating project presents a product, Talki Talkie, and a service blueprint, which are included among a product-service system that explores the needs of the elderly healthy eating in caring

The first phase represents the definition of the project scope through contextual design including the first and second design concepts around meal co-creation. The second phase is mainly focused on

dations with the elderly with the realized design concepts.

type and voice agent, Talki Talkie, which aims to improve the communication of

home ecosystems. We have done eight exploratory interviews and observations with the stakeholders, as well as the vali-

First of all, we utilized the contextual design approach to build up the first concept theoretically. Following with the evidence we found through the validations with the elderly, we applied service design


approach to collect qualitative data from stakeholders, including the food company and the caretakers to build up service blueprint. The design process comprises two phases.

design, including interaction, dynamics and technology. From these design iterations, we built up our interactive proto-

elderly with the other stakeholders in their eating process and experience the food producing process of the food company providing their meals. With introducing Talki Talkie to the caring home for the elderly, we gain the insights of the elderly that they require a platform to transfer their opinion and look forward to the feedback.

DESIGN BACKFROUND & CHALLENGE The rise of aging population and the lower Quality of Life (QOL) In addition, the number of elderly in long-term care facilities with increased dependency on caring sta is expected to rise, due to more complex health needs (Hasson & Arnetz, 2008). Because of these changing working conditions, caring sta in nursing homes experience high workload and increased stress levels (Kennedy, 2005) . This results in decreased caring quality having consequences for the elderly s QOL.


Aging population is a phenomenon occurring all over the world. The amount of older adults over 65 years old in the Netherlands is expected to be around 4,6 million in the year 2040 (PBL, 2013). This rise concerns the caregiving industry and the elderly s daily quality of life (QoL).Therefore, research emphasizes on healthy aging amongst older adults (Peel, McClure & Bartlett, 2005). 11

Observations in nursing home envionrments, including living rooms and the public spaces.

STAKEHOLDER MAPS Empowering the elderly through choose their own food and gain the authority A variety of eating problems amongst older adults is one of the causes for the elderly s greater dependency on caring staff. Aging affects the older adult s eating patterns and ability to eat.In order to provide quality of care, empowering care has been researched beneficial, making sure older adults keep in control of their lives and so increase their QOL (Tu, Wang, & Yeh, 2006). In this way one of the challenges for designers is to increase elderly s authority to decide what to eat which is of major importance in order to positively influence their healthy eating behavior (China Network of Clinical Nutrition, 2018).


PRIMARY STAKEHOLDERS Residents / The Elderly



Physically disabled and slightly mentally issues Swallowing Problem


Left : Interviews with caretakers in nursing home. Right : Interview with food technologist.

The stakeholder map aims at visualizing the specific service, which provides the elderly healthy food. By this way, the customers, staffs, and other stakeholders can be analyzed from different dimentsion. 12

Workhsop : taste and environment


Find out the core values for the topic of the elderly healthy eating with caretakers and the chef in the nursing home.



TIme to eat!

Give me food

Nothing particular


Workhsop : different solutions Find out the possible solutions with the stakeholders.

Meeting : Meeting with the caretakers and food comapny to reect the current food providng strategies for the elderly.




Improving the communication of the residents with the other stakeholders in their healthy eating process in a nursing home by empowering them a platform to choose, involve and let their voices be heard.

Main insights out of the user ow is there were multiple activities for design intervention, meaning that this intervention could be a product-service system connecting their pain points.






When will the food come?

Same dish again

Don’t like the food


Seek for entertainment

Prepare for the following schedule






Not so motivated

Important stakeholders to research are both caretakers and elderly, still unsure about family. The potential pain points are shown in the graphic above. After validation by observations, interviews and co-reflection workshop with caregivers, chef and a speech therapist, we changed the user flow into a user journey map to have a more clear overview of the older adult s experience, how this changes during the eating process and where to improve. From these validations the focus shifted towards choosing and preparation of the hot meals.


PROTOTYPE AND VALIDATION Validation for the food taste and technology prototypes

Prototype different product interactions and video validations with the elderly

Sketch of final design and plan of conversation flow

Prototype hologram food shooping experience


After validation, new concepts were made implementing voice recognition, sound playback (talking function), physicality and personalized context. Iteratively, 4 concepts for voice agents were created, a playful choosing cube with personal talking cone; a personal choosing flower; abstract human-like agent and finally voice agent Talki Talkie.

Produc : Talki Talkie

Notification and picking up

Talki Talkie is the evolution out of previous concepts from both phases. It is a personal voice agent situated in the personal rooms of the elderly residents (55-85 years old) living in long-term facilitation in nursing homes. Goals for the design are to make their opinion heard to all involved stakeholders as caretakers and food company; and to directly couple back stakeholder feedback to the residents. Furthermore, to increase trust towards the overall eating process and therefore the design offers information in the form of notifications about the food company s food producing process phases. When validating what the shape of this personal object should be it was found the residents did not care so much.

Talki Talkie gives information about the various phases in the food producing process of the food company with a slowly breathing light ring. In order to prevent a disruptive daily life experience, residents can choose on their own to pick it up to listen to its notification and so a more passive interaction was created. When picked, the light stops breathing, indicating it is playing the message, when put down, light goes out till a new phase starts or it is time to choose.

Sound Playback and Voice Recognition

Final Validations

The design works with spoken feedback to inform and guide the users through the choosing process of next meals and record the opinion.




Talki Talkie lights up blue as food process notification. When the user picks up, it speaks the feedback.

Talki Talkie lights up green When the user picks up, it starts the meal choosing.

Talki Talkie recognized voice, “yes” & “no”, it is going on with the process and giving the categories to choose.






Delivery ingredients at food hall

Ingredients cooked and cooled

Create and taste new meals

Pasteurization of ingredients

Meal assembly

Talki Talkie starts to record the feedback, when the user is not satisfied with the current choice.

After the opinion is recorded, Talki Talkie will send the feedback to the stakeholders, e.g. caretakers, food company.

F u t u r e

When ther user picks up, talki tlakie gives the choice to give the feed back


Give feedback on hot meal they just had

When talki talkie gives feedback, it plays speech feedback

Receive feedback on feedback

Talki Talkie creates notification light pattern. When pick up sound feedback

Watching TV in room

Line of interaction

Provide feedback chef / caretaker / company on past experience


Notify about meal assembly in food company

Line of interaction


Inform chef / caretaker / company

Formulate advice on past experience resident

Line of visibility



Transport of meals to carehome

Delivery meals at care home

w o r k




Check with past feedback

Store feedback




Reducing effort for community volunteer and benefitting more to the society

Category ¦ Easybox Date ¦ 2015 Output ¦ Visual Model Particiation ¦ Ideation• Research• Modeling•App Product Develope•Film Co-Designer ¦ Hung, Tzu-Hsuan • Liang, Chiu-Pin• Lin, Nien-Pu• Tang, Ching-Wen

It is an increasing trend that lonely elders

live alone, especially in Asia society. However, the solution has still been tested and many experts try to figure out various supports for them. The project, Easybox, aimed to create a product-service design, benefiting for volunteers and also the elders.

analyzed the problems and designed a new service design. The design includes a product, easy box, with app as well as a whole new working process.

In addition, we cooperated with communi-

Easybox is volunteers best friend for packaging left overs, efficiently classifying meal and managing the flow. It is a result-oriented product service system,

nience while they were volunteers for helping lonely elders. When they collected the remaining food from children s lunch

easybox helps volunteers eliminate physical pains from the works and complete their packaging job.

ty, located in Tainan city, Taiwan. Firstly, we visited the community few times and discovered some residents faced inconve-

in elementary school, they felt time-consuming and energy-wasting. 19

As a result, we followed the process,

composing of lunch boxes in different colors and an easy box app. Thought color classification and flow management,


DESIGN BACKFROUND Community Oranization in Taiwan


Improving Con betwee People and S

Communituy Center Gorund of Temple

Space Culture & Creative Industry




Community organization is part of a process that brings people together. In Taiwan, there are many distreict areas, Li, which is a local-centralized commitee. The place is related to social development of economy, politic, and society. By solving the problem in Li, people can enhance not only the living quality but having long-term beneďŹ t on development.

Bookstroe & Department

O b s e r v a t i o n i n YO N G F U L I



Localize Outsider



Discover the Problem

Unrooted Local People

- VIsiting the citizens regularly. - Joining some clubs activities.

- Visiting and interviewing some main characters to understand their life background

- They miss their sons and daughters meaningful thing to do. do.






- The volunteers want to

In oder to know the citizens daily life, and ďŹ gure our the possible problem. We visit them, do the interview, and also design and solve the problm.





APP & Product In order to let volunteers put right amount of food into the packs, we design an app. By the app, the volunteers get the situation faster and easier instead of choatic.

Step 1 Loading page




Log in page

Set the number of people who need the food

4 Set the time which is needed to prepare

5 System will strat to calculate

Product Service System Instruction

Manufacturer Packaging

Sending Food to Classes

Manufacturer labels each dish into Easyboxes according to the colors.

According to the label on the boxes, manufacturer send the boxes to each class.

Flow Management

By calculating the packaging amount through Cloud Computing, the light on Easyboxes can direct the users where to send the boxes.

The check can easily divide the food by the colors. Thus, they don’t have to check the food inside the boxes repeatly.


Cloud Computing Mechanism


Product Analysis

Packing Stand Guiding Light The guiding light up green instructs students to take the boxes back to packing stand.

Box-Gathered Area Guiding Light The guiding light up red instructs students to take the boxes directly to box-gathered area.

Easybox Cover / Easily take up from both sides. / Able to pile up and remain stable.

Colored Box Body For volunteers and students easily recognize the food inside.

Soup Division

Lengthen L Shape Handle Easier pull up the handle and take several boxes at the same time.


Video Presentation

During concept developing, we generated many different kinds of idea. One of them is that we could conerct different stores near the community. Thus, more people can benefit by this service design. Furthermore, we would like to even expand the area to whole city. By this way, the service can have bigger influence amount citizens.However, because of the limitation from the course, which includes time and finance problem, we can only develop part of the project. If there is further chance, I would like to create a larger and more complete project.


Product Design

33 Drop 43 Ruhig Lamp 49 Shaking Shaking



Draw out your creativity during the showering

Category ¦ Daily Necessities Date ¦ 2017 Output ¦ Functional Portotype

During taking shower, people like to contemplate, think or relax. Taking shower is an important moment for most of people. However, when they are thinking over,

there is no things for them to write down. The curtain, Drop, can help showering people to generate the idea or simply make more fun for people during showering. 33

Water Writing Paper (水寫紙) is normally used as practicing calligraphy. While I was wondering how is it possible to write in the bathroom, such a humid and watery place. This paper suddenly came to my mind. The following introduction will introduce the experimental process of testing different material of water writing paper to see what may happen.



To generate an idea of innovating the exist product, the first thing comes to my mind is something related to take shower or bath. I am someone, who like to reflect from the day during showering. Bathing time for me is a very private and self moment. Some of people even take it as a ritual. We can come up with many creative ideas. Unfortunately, the consciouness flows through quickyly with water. After the showering, everything goes away as well. Thus, the product is created for both users wanting to record the thoughts also taking shower as playful moment with children.





This paper portotyping house tried to show the place where is suitable for the writing curtain. Also, all the furnitures are scaled with the same ratio. By paper portotying, people can easily understand the usage of the curtain. The concept is similar to how the platform from IKEA intends to show.


The below part reveals the experiment of the suitable papers. I put dierent paper, including the pure water one and the other one with fabric, in the showering room to test if the paper is strong enough to stand much water. 37

Characteristics of using the DROP

1 2 3

Use Water to Draw Your Idea on the Double-Sided DROP

Use Zipper to change the new curtain easily

Open the Hole to Hang on the Pole 38

Logo Deisgn

The philosophy of DROP is to bring happiness and interesting ideas for customers. The shape of the logo is inspired by the shape of real drop. The identity of logo also tries to design in round shap which can commute wisdom concept. In chinese culture, people believe water represents wisdom. As a result, we use drops as our main element for logo design. However, in oder to simplďŹ e the logo, I melt drop image into words, drop as logo. Two colors are refered to calm and water, also happiness.


DEMO Day Showring Curtain drop as well as the paper model are displayed during the semester.

Using the water inside the big bowl.

Visitors can play in the exhibition. Water will dry out in 30 secs to 1 min.



Ruhig Lamp

Interactive story lamp for children and parents Category ¦ Lighting Date ¦ 2017 Output ¦ Functional Portotype Material ¦ Wood, Arduino, Cardbroad

In the society today, parents get less time to accompny their children. According to the research, 20% of parents

spend no time at all reading with their primary school aged children; 54% of parents spends less than an hour a week reading to their kids. Since reading to children activates various function of children, American Academic Pediatrics strongly suggests that parents should read to children. This project, Ruhig Lamp, wants to cultivate the habbits between parents and children. Firstly, the lamp box consists four paragarph of a story and becomes a short story. Also, parents can tell the stories by different volumns, which will change the brightness of the light. Secondly, children and parents can cooperte together to play shadow game. In addition, there are various colors of light. Due to different content of the stories, the light will change steadily. 41



Initial Ideas

In the beginning, I came up with an idea to create something for children. I was thinking through all day schedule during my childhood. The bedtime of listening stories from records inspiring me a lot. In addition, I built up very strong connection with my sibilings during the time we listened the stories together. Thus, I believe the power of storytelling, especially in the childhood period. These are my first thought of creating this work.

Current Research

After doing more research,I found to tell story in the bed time really help the development of children. From cognitive, motor, creativity , to speech and communication development, by talking and interacting with parents is able to help children graw up benefitting from various perspectives. To be more specific, firstly, with reading loudly, children have higher possibility to have school scuccess. Secondly, young children may amplify the language they hear more than just talking


Telling story is also similar to a kind of performance. How do I want to present the performance ?There are several ways of telling the stories, such as listening to the radio, talking by parents, creating stories with intimate people. All of above include some common features. Firstly, there is sound. Secondly, people tell story . Following the two directions, how can they both interact and play with the stories vividly? Before sleeping, parents normally leave some weak light for children. Under the light, it will be the best moment for them to have fun together. By using the skill of paper cutting, I tried to use the light to show the shadow. As a result, parents and children play not only with the box, but interactive with the shadow.

Prototyp to try the size and the effect of light At first, I designed four layers of wood, since more levels can create different strong effect of the light. Hoever, after testing, the effect of shadow projecting was not as good as look on the product self. I used different materiasl of paper to lazer the frame as well as make the holes and the empty place for the light to go through. The inner layer of the paper is thinner, which will help the light go through; in the contrast, the outside paper is thicker, which seems like a frame for the whole box.


Connecting devices with Arduino The lamp has several functions working by Arduino. Firstly, the touch bar. By touching the touch bar, light will change the color. With trying to work approprately, I tried many methods to make the screen work smoothly. Also, I use microphone to take the sound from the user. I also tried various types of micrphones. Fianlly, the one in the product is the best for accepting the sounds.


Function of Ruhig Lamp

Time Setting To get darker in the last chapter of story, so it helps children calm the emotion

Volume Control By dierent levels of volume, the brightness of the light will change gradually.

Horizontal Scroll By scrolling the bar horizontally, the story box will turn from one side to another.

Touch Bar By touching the bar, the light will change color. The color can be dertermined by parents and children.


Mode of Color Changes


Accessories with Ruhig Lamp In oder to promote the interaction between users. I designed an easy accessory, which is similar to a ring. With the ring, people can change the gestures. Thus, get dierent shadow cut of animals.


Shaking Shaking


Let music dance with you.

Category ¦ Conceptual Product Date ¦ 2014 Output ¦ Visual Portotype Co-Designer ¦ Lambo Ze En

This project is inspired by two cours-

We apply PPG technique on earphone

product, it still bring us a further understanding about the generation.

user s biological reacts. Hence, Shaking Shaking will give feedback, such as playing romantic song while the user falls in love. We hope Shaking

es. Since we found it is interesting, we try to do the deeper research and generate a more complete project. Even though we didn t produce a real

Nowadays, people are under signifi-

cant pressure beaches of the works or more complicated society. Also, we

found many people think that they are alone and no one understand them truly. Therefore, we try to design a mini robot who can be your considerate top and accompany users.


and combine with Shaking Shaking. Therefore, while the user wear the earphone after they come from tiring works, PPG sensor can measure the

Shaking can satisfy people s desire, help them relax and have fun in their life.

Initial Ideas We all get worried, nervous, or stressed out from time to time. Anxiety is a general human experience. , Dr. Gassiday said. When people has been feeling anxious and worried for more than months, and if their symptoms are causing the diďŹƒculties on sleeping, studying, working, or other living parts. Everyone knows to use tips, tricks, and techniques to get calm their nerves down. There is a good news reported by the neuroscientist: make a playlist of the 10 songs found to be the most relaxing on earth. The study found 65% of participants can reduce overall anxiety by listening to the song; and 35% of them can reduce the usual physiological resting rates.


Mind Map

Smart Bracelet

Ear Phone

Heart Rate

Face Model


Voice Self-Understanding Emotion HRV

Blood Pressure


Function of Shaking Shaking

Smile Emotional Function Forming a smile emotion on the face part automatically via LED display panel ,while PPG sensor senses user s emotion.

Design Yourself UsinUsing washable marker to draw and design as you like !

Flat Packed Enjoying assemble by DIY.

LED Lighting Selection 4 basic RGBW color & 12 others mixing colors and function. Setting speciďŹ c color according to own emotion by

Roly Poly Function Shake ! Shake it, while you need something to punch. 52

Using Porcess

PP Bio-Se

Before wearing the headphone


After whole day work, user usually sits in front of desk in their own room. Some people may take a rest, and some may start to use the computer to listen to the music. Shaking shaking can detect your emtion and give music feedback. In addition, it will record the data regulerly. It also can help people who have light mental disease to track their daily condition.

Different emotion translates different biological evidence

Depending on various emotions, people will show different biological evidence. After the users wear the headphone or earphone, the bio-sensor, PPG, will detect the biological data, such as Heart Rate Variability and so on.

PG ensor

Via PPG, the headphone and PRL will give both music and color as feedback

It can provide regular recording

Via PPF, the headphone will play the music which is accordant to your emotion. For example, while the user

It will record daily data. Thus, the user can view their own changes of emtions. The function can especially benefit patients who have mental disease. By using PRL, - the patients family and doctor can both get the data. Thus, they can know the patients situation and offer advancing care and help.

just make boyfriend or girlfriend, it may play some love songs. In addition, the doll will change the color. According to scientific evidence, both music and color can heal or change people’s emotion.


S UN Mountain has grogerous height which is accumulated through thousands of years. The characteristic of being the height is the same as curating. By curation, we can learn the experience from others, which is like “standing on the shoulders of giants�

Interactive Design

59 How is your life

How is your life

Interactive Design

You never know what will happen in the following life. Seize the time and moment.

Category ¦ Interactive Design Date ¦ 2018 Output ¦ Graphic Design, Poster, Game Program

Our values affect the way we think the partners we choose and ultimately the results we are getting in life. The main benefit of knowing

and understanding our core values is to improve the results we are getting in those areas that are truly most important to us. We can use them as a reliable navigation system for our life moving closer to the values that best serve us, and away from the ones that are not serving us so well. When we know our core values, the task of setting goals that intuitively resonate becomes a lot easier. This game is designed for people to experience whole life in a short time. Since a good way to understand yourself could be learning in different

phases of life, I decide to use the concept of reading a novel to let the player experiecne the uncertainty and unpredictable life.There are seven core values in your life, so players can pick up the values they believe to see what may happen in this choice. 59

Initiation of the Idea In the beginning of the project, I want to apply proceesing program on exploring ourself, which may be related to our emotion, our belief in life or how do we perceive ourself in daily life. I have explored the topic from Stree , Self , to Life . Finally, I found that to understand how may your life go is the can be the first step for everyone to start an exploration about yourslef. Ultimately, understanding our values helps us make choices, goals and decisions that are best suited for our personal success and happiness. I believe, we should frequently ask ourselves what things are important to us and we should live our lives according to those things.

Story Development

You cannot connect the dots looking forwaed , you can only

connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.

--- Steve Jobs

Then I start to think how can I let people experience and think deeper about their life meaning in short time. What came to my mind is the experience of reading a novel. A good novel always can let a reader immerse into the emotion, which created by writer intentionally. After reading the story, the reader will feel she finished a new journey of life. Then, she will start to think deeper about what the writer want to say. So, in this project, I want to design an interavtive game with players. Through the process, they can create a new story by selecting the values they believe in different life stages.


You never know what s going to happen in your life. However, you still have to choice one option for the next step.

Value Internal










What kinds of value you believe in your life?

In this diagram, I devide life into six stages. From 18 to 78, each 10 years presents a phrase of age. In addition, I pick up seven core values and seperate them into two categories, including internal and external . Furthermore, I write few stories, which fit in different ages and follow the core value as well. Except the visualized effect design, I also put the sounds into each sentence, which can express the possible context, which I set for every column.


Value Internal










The range of age is 10 years. 18-28 28-38 38-48

48-58 58-68 68-78


Meaning of Objects Box Box means the limitation in our life. Everyone is borned in very different backgorund, with various characteristics, or different talents. After the player enter to the box, the game starts.


Various balls in the box represents all options which the players may face in their life. No matter the player choose or not, there are still options, which they have to choose.

Description and Sounds After the players enter the ball, they will see different contents. These contents will appear with sounds differently due to different values and ages.


Sound Effects

In addition to the sounds I collected from youtube open source, I also record the guiding sounds, which tell players about the rules in this game. Furthermore, I used the simplified online mixer system to create the sounds.

Ball Effects

Since I tried to create some abstract feeling, the scenerios would seem like to be in the space. Also, the sound that happen will be similar as some sounds from fiction movies. Therefore, I want to make some glowing balls. However, the effect is hard to present in 3D environment in processing. I have tried several methods.

Game Process Player will be guided by the sound and enter to the box. Game starts.

Go through a tunnel and back to the box.

After entering to the box, the player will see balls with seven colors and some balls without colors. The value will also rotate around the ball. Click a ball to enter.

After going through 6 dierent life stages, the balls which are selected by players will be connected together. The sounds in each ball will be played orderly.

After entering to a ball, the text will appear with shaking. The player needs to clickand make the words become a line. Sound will appear in the same time. Click the box to leave.

Finally, all balls will be formed as a new constellation. The process aims to let the player review what kinds of values they choosed, what they have experienced.








Game Diagram

Front Scene Game Scene





Ending Scene 67

Floating Value


Demo Day In order to let user can devote into the scenerios and the context, I set up the environment as a comfortable and warm room, where can let people feel relax. The feedbacks are very positive. Many people reect what decision they made before, and start to think more about the following life.


Mountain Mountain has grogerous height which is accumulated through thousands of years. The characteristic of being the height is the same as curating. By curation, we can learn the experience from others, which is like “standing on the shoulders of giants�


73 Evolution of Taiwan Fiber Art 81 Library of Things

Evolution of Taiwan Fiber Art


Ecolution combines the definition of "ecology" and "evolution". The exhibition transmits value of Taiwanese craft aesthetics. In the same time, it inherits Taiwanese culture

Category ¦ Curation Date ¦ 2014 Output ¦ Graphic Design, Poster, Execution Company ¦ New Design Dimension Position ¦ Intern Assistant of Project Manager


"Ecolution of Taiwan Fiber Art is an issue according to an exhibition with the same name, which is

In order to have an exhibition which can clearly present the past, present and future of

warp. The aim of the Ecolution of Taiwan Fiber Art exhibition is to present a clear picture of the development of the craft of dyeing in Taiwan.

future innovation in Taiwan s handicrafts sector.

published by National Taiwan Craft Research and Development Institute in 2014. The word Ecolution combines meaning of Ecology and Evolution. The contents include Taiwan Natural Dye Art Exhibition . The exhibition has been planned with natural dyes as its weft and fiber weaving as its

Taiwan s dyeing tradition, we cannot ignore the many different elements and factors that have contributed to the development of the dyeing sector in Taiwan. Therefore, people can realize that actually we have a great deal of potential that can enable us to move forward confidently into the


Initiation of the Exhibition This project Evolution of Taiwan Fiber Art is commistioned by Taiwan Technology Research and Development Center in 2014. The aim of the curation is to organize the history of fiber and dying in Taiwan. By understanding the history of Taiwan, people will realize that both fiber and dying are essential ingredients from our daily life to trading goods.

Research and Data Collecting for Fiber and Dying Chronology During the time, we collected literature as more as possible to present the chronology of fiber and dying in Taiwan since 1990. We categorized the data into the four categorises, including history, government, policy, non-government. From the context, we figured out many surprising stories and history. Following the contexual discovery, we visualized the details of basic information for transmitting more


Inforgraphic Information Demographics of Taiwan The population in Taiwan is approximately 23. 4 million. Taiwanese Taiwanese nowadays use Traditional Chinese and ㄅㄆㄇ system. Formosan Black Bear Formosen Black Bear is a subspecies of the Asiatic black bear. Formosan Black Bears are endemic to Taiwan. There are nearly 200 Formosan Sika Deer Formosen Sika Dear is a subspecies of sika deer endemic to the island of Taiwan. There are around 200 deers in Taiwan now.


Curation Process / Fiber Art



Collecting information from essays and understanding whole


Pin out the location producing ďŹ ber and dyeing ingredients


By international conference and gathering scholars from all over the world, we wanted to share the idea of delicate handcraft skill and breathtaking works all over the world


Curation Process / Dian Shin


In this project, I joined final step of exhibition. I helped photographers shoot phots, organize the event and layout the exhibition. During the experience, I learned to negotiate with different roles in the preparing period.



Library of Things


Do you want something, which would not used for more than 2 times? Come to LOT and borrow the things you need.

Category ¦ Curation Date ¦ 201 Output ¦ Graphic Design, Poster, Plan ,Execution Position ¦ Curator

LoT works like a normal library but instead of just books, all kind of tools and products can be rented. In order to make the LoT user-friendly, it will be integrated into the current book rental system of NCKU. Some tools will not be allowed to leave the LoT work area, but can be used under the supervision of LoT staff in the LoT work room. In order to utilize the many resources spread across NCKU campus, the LoT will also provide information about tools housed in certain departments which can be reserved for use under supervision of that department. Such a service will allow current resources to be Through sharing, less products are needed and less waste is created. Sharing optimizes the usage of a product and may be the best way to achieve a recycling circle as described in Circular Economy. LoT will become a non-profit organization within NCKU with the goal of increasing campus sustainability while reducing living costs for students.


開採/原料製造 農林漁牧回收

零件製造商 生化原料




回收 翻新/再製造




維修 沼氣 厭氧消化/堆肥


級聯 循環 消費者




Initiation of the Exhibition 能源回收


A circular economy seeks to rebuild capital, whether this is financial, manufactured, human, social or natural. This ensures enhanced flows of goods and services. The system diagram illustrates the continuous flow of technical and biological materials through the value circle .

A Pilot of Circular Economy Exhibition Tool



Facility There is a opportunity to rethink and redesign the way we make stuff. The circular economy tries to build a restorative economy with creativity and innovation. In this project, we set up a goal of doing something related to circular economy. There are several students coming from variuos departments trying to figure out a better plan. We generated several ideas to accomplissh the goal of planning. Finally, we picked up Libruary of Things as our main topic to discuss on. Hall oj



Central Library Tool



Knowledge Study Center


Tool Home applicance

Tool Home applicance


For the first step, we decided to aim on borrowing the things from library instead of just books. Before we started the exhibition, we would have a pilot. By doing so, we might can gather more feedbacks from the students or people in the campus.

NCKU Faculties 3D printer CNC machine Laser cutter


Where can the LoT be ? We decided to set up LoT in the main library. Since the concept of borrowing and returning is the one very closed to the concept of LoT , we decided to locate the exhibition here. The design below shows the plan of setting up various display boards.

東豐路 東豐路 統一健康 研究大樓


南部臨床 心理健康中心 研究中心

社科院 大樓





綠色魔法學校 小東路

C-Hub 都計系館 建築 系館 耐 震 榕園 大 工設二館 樓 (空中大學)

敬三 北棟

藥學系 勝利路

醫護大樓 台文系館

醫技醫工館 護理 系館

教職員 單身宿舍

敬三 敬業 南棟 網球場 近海水文中心 敬業 二舍 敬業一舍 醫師宿舍

物治系館 職治系館

小東路 修齊大樓



國家理 論中心

中文 系館




環工 系館

自強 韻律室

卓群 大樓

籃球場 排球場

工設系館 (大成館) 唯農大樓


自強操場 雲平大樓

光一舍 軍訓室

學生活動中心 I

站 台南火車

體 育 室


數學系館 測量系館



國際會議廳 光復操場



交管 統計 管 企管 院 工資管 會計




化學系館 理化大樓


草 皮

資訊系館 格致堂



博物館 分信 室 南榕廣場


照坤設備 儀器大樓



地科系館 物理二館

中正堂 大學路








建科研 禮賢樓




大學路 成大會館 太子學舍



K館 圖書部

勝六舍 學生活動 中心 II 勝四舍 勝一舍

科技大樓 微奈米中心


勝三舍 勝二舍 勝八舍 勝九舍 學人宿舍



How to borrow?



Use NCKU app to check and reserve the tools you need.

Find a Thing you want to borrow at NCKU library.


Before borrow the tools, you should watch a manual to assure you know how to use

Go to FB event page Library of Things at NCKU . Upload a LoT selfie of you, with the Thing you want to borrow (this must be under your own FB name)


Same system as library, use student ID card to borrow, and 30days usage period how to use

At the library check-out gate a library assistant will check your LoT selfie .Thing has a metal strip for the check out gate? He/she will make a picture/screenshot as confirmation


If overdue, you will be charged the fee

Leave a comment on your LoT selfie FB post on your experience (optional)


Poster and Other Porducts

In order to advertise the concept of LoT, we design the posters, cards and also stickers for people to collect. Thus, it helps on increasing exposure as well.


Opinions from Visitors What do you want to borrow in LoT? Money, Suitcase, Friends / Girlfriend, Time, Condem, Camera, Movie Project, Battery Charger, Mobile Power,Knife, Briefer, Laser Pointer, Fitness Equipment, PS4,Membership Card, Truck, Video Games, Umbrella, Hiking Equipments

Do you think the concept of LoT is feasible ? Yes. It is too short to borrow for 3 hours. The system should record the details of borrowing. It is possible, but people should take care of some small mistakes.

Report from Media The project is supported by the president of NCKU. Since it is a trend to develope circular economy, the success of building up this system can bring the beneďŹ ts from dierent perspective and also contribute to the society.


CHIA HSIU LIU vanshow89@gmail.com

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