Eg model questionby tanbircox

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1. Goggles : Eyes .

তয তকউ আইন ভঙ্গ কররব োরক লারি তেওয়া হরব।

A. Helmet : head B. Leather : hide

A. Whoever breaking the law will be punished.

C. Hands : feet D. Brush : teeth

B. Whoever break the law will be punished.

E. none

C. Whoever breaks the law will be punished.

2. Choose the pair of words that best completes

D. A+B E. None of the above.


7. Everyone who – into the woods should

analogy PETAL : FLOWER -


A. Fruit : Seed. B. Author : Publisher.

common poisonous plants such as poison ivy and

C. Tree : Roots. D. Chapter : Book

poison oak.

E. none

A. go B. goes C. can goes

3. .......... answers the phone should be pleasant.

D. went E. none

A. Whoever B. Whomever C. Whom

8. Choose the correct sentence -

D. Both B+C E. Both A+B.

A. Let him and you be witness

4. Which one is correct sentence?

B. Let you and him be witness

A. A ten year old child was run over yesterday.

C. Let you and he be witness

B. Two thirds of the work has been done.

D. Let he and you be witness E. Both B+C.

C. Two third of the work have been done.

9. Choose the correct option.

D. Both A+B E. Both B+C

A. She behaved with me in friendly way.

5. Choose the pair of words that best completes

B. She behaved with me friendly.


C. She behaved with me in a friendly way.


D. She behaved with me friendly way.

A. Doctor : Symptom B. Author : Publisher.

E. She behaved with me in a friendly.

C. Biographer : Confession D. Painting : Self-

10. Give the prize to ............ deserves it.


A. whoever B. whomever C. whom

E. Both B+C

D. whose E. Both A+D.

6. Translate it into English.

11. Your name comes after – on the list.

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A. me B. I C. your

C Abstract noun D. Common noun

D. mine E. my.

E. Collective Noun

12. We think – to be a dolt.

22. Choose the correct option.

A. he B. him C. his

A. Distribute these books between you and I.

D. they E. Both B+C

B. Distribute these books between you and me.

13. — comes is welcome.

C. Distribute these books between you and mine.

A. who B. whoever C. whomsoever

D. Distribute these books between yours and me.

D. whom E. whosoever.

E. None of the above.

14. Find out the noun form the following.

23. Complete the sentence

A. Barbarian B. Barbarism C. Barbarity

Your name comes after – on the list.

D. All of the above E. Both B+C.

A. me B. I C. your

15. Mr. Brown will hire a new employee, either

D. mine E. my.

Rashid or -

24. Choose the correct option.

A. She B. her C. whose

A. I saw she at the bank B. I saw her at the bank

D. I E. he.

C. I saw hers at the bank D. Me saw her at the

16. The top of the mountain was covered in cloud.


It is -

E. None of the above

A. Pronoun B. Adverb C. Noun

25. Choose the correct option (59

D. Verb E. Preposition.

A. It is I who is responsible for the

17. His skin prickled with horror. It is -


A. Noun B. Adjective C. Adverb

B. It is I who am responsible for the mismanage.

D. Interjection E. Pronoun.

C. It is I who am responsible for the

18. Some of the students had done their



D. It is I who are responsible for the

\ut most b[^n‖t. It is -


A. Noun B. Pronoun C. Adverb

E. None

D. Preposition E. Adjective.

26. A. They requested me to take part in the

19. Shila entered the interview room in fear and


trembling. It is -

B. They requested I to take part in the

A. Pronoun B. Adjective C. Noun


D. Adverb E. Preposition.

C. They requested me to be taking part in the

20. They showed no mercy to their captives. It is -


A. Noun B. Adjective C. Pronoun

D. They requested mine to take part in the

D. Adverb E. None of them.


21. He showed great courage and determination in

E. None of the above

battle. It is -

27. A. I like you walking like a cat.

A. Proper noun B. Material noun

B. I like your walking like a cat.

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C. I like yours walking like a cat.

D. with E. None of the above.

D. I lik_ you‖r_ w[lkina lik_ [ ][t

34. The U.S legal system -------- based upon

E. None of the above


28. Complete the sentence.

relationship, but this is not always the case in

Eva believes she knows – will win the election.


A. who B. whom C. whose

A. it is B. since it is C. being

D. wbo‖s E. Non_ o` tb_ [\ov_

D. is E. None of the above.

29. Choose the correct option.

35. ------- large rodents about the size of a pig

A. The chap who came here yesterday is my son.


B. The chap who came here yesterday was my

live in South America.


A. Capibaras B. Capibaras that are

C. The chap whom came here yesterday must be

C. Capibaras are D. Capibaras while they are

my son.

E. None of the above.

D. Tb_ ]b[p wbo‖s ][m_ b_r_ y_st_r^[y w[s my

36. -------- refers to right to build in the space



E. None of the above

such areas an building roads or railroad tracks.

30. I go to university with – everyday.

A. The term air rights B. Air rights term

A. she B. her C. us

C. It the term air rights D. Air rights are

D. None of the above E. All.

E. None of the above.

Sentence Completion:

37. --------- have two sets of eyelids an outer lid

31. -------- of the larding of the May flower is a

that covers the


eye when the cat blinks or is asleep and the

small, gray store.


A. The site B. For the site

eyelid on the inside that washes and protects the

C. There is site D. To the site

eye from

E. None of the above.

the elements when they eat in a wake.

32. Although most species of fox are reddish,

A. Cats B. That cats C. For cats


D. A cat E. None of the above.

in color,------ it often pure white.

38. Although he was a brilliant philosopher much

A. the Arctic fox B. that the Arctic fox


C. but the Arctic fox D. so the Arctic fox

M[rtin H_i^_aa_r‖s tb_ory -------- into question

E. None of the above.

\_][us_ b_ w[s [ m_m\_r o` Hitl_r‖s p[rli[m_nt.

33. Upper New York state --------- some of the

A. who is calling B. which calls


C. having been calling D. has been called

landscapes in the eastern part of the United

E. None of the above.


39. Scientific research in oncology ------- the

A. boasts B. being C. that has


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it deserves.

E. him and I

A. is seldom B. seldom given

47. The results of the test surprised ---------

C. being given D. is seldom given


E. None of the above.

everyone seined much better than expected.

40. A. Nipa and us are going to join the same

A. they B. them selves C. them


D. their E. B + C

B. Nipa and we are going to join the same

48. Do you really believe that she has blamed -----



C. Bob & me plan to look for another job.

for the accident, especially ---------?

D. Bob & I plan to look for another job.

A. we; you and me B. we; you and I

E. B + D

C. we; your and me D. us; you and I

41. When they have enough money, Tuli and ------

E. us; you and me


49. The cake is from Jalal, and the flowers are

will probably go back to school.


A. she B. her C. hers

Jamal and ---------.

D. herself E. None

A. we B. us C. our

42. After Sandy talked them into buying bikes, ----

D. ourselves E. None


50. Just between --------, tbis isn‖t [ v_ry aoo^

--- never drove to university.


A. she and they B. she and them

A. you and I B. your and I

C. her and they D. her and them

C. you and me D. your and me

E. she and their

E. None

43. --------- whom everyone wanted to win.

51. Among --------, it was he who always acted as

A. It was he B. It was him


C. it was his D. It was himself


E. It was hisself

A. they B. them C. we

44. Di^n‖t you know tb[t it ---- who played the

D. their E. our


52. A. We can count on her helping we.

A. were we B. was we C. was us

B. We can count on her helping us.

D. was our E. were ourselves

C. He regretted their misunderstanding his him.

45. They asked --------- whether we were satisfied.

D. He regretted their misunderstanding

A. your, Jame and I B. you, Jame and me

E. B + D

C. your Jame and me D. you, Jame and I

53. W_ ^on‖t un^_rst[n^ wby you o\j_]t to --------

E. yours, Jame and me


46. He always helps ------ with our tax returns.

coming with us.

A. my wife and I B. my wife and me

A. his B. he C. him

C. me wife and I D. his and me

D. she E. None

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54. I would appreciate -------- letting me known as

A. who B. whom C. which

soon as possible.

D. whose E. what

A. your B. your‖s C. yours

62. There is someone on the line two ---------

D. ours E. all of above


55. The doctor insisted on ---------- taking a leave

like to speak with you.


A. which B. whom C. who


D. where E. what

A. her B. hers C. she

63. The student ---------- receives the highest score

D. he E. himself

will be awarded a scholarship.

56. My father approves of -------- studying in the

A. which B. whose C. whom


D. who E. None

A. me B. my C. I

64. A. I asked him who he was calling.

D. you E. None

B. I asked he who he was calling.

57. Kevin jammed -------- finger while he was

C. I asked him whom he was calling.


D. I asked him whom him was calling.

his car.

E. I asked he whom he was calling.

A. he B. its C. the

65. He did not know --------- he would take to the

D. his E. him


58. -------- [r_ so lona_r tb[t b_ ][n‖t `in^ sbists

A. whom B. who C. which

to fit

D. whose E. None


66. There is often disagreement as to --------- is

A. The arms B. Arms C. His arms


D. Him arms E. He arms

better student, Bob or Ellen.

59. A. She broke the wrist in the accident.

A. whom B. who C. which

B. She broke her wrist in the accident.

D. whose E. A + D

C. How did you twist the ankle?

67. Did you meet the girl --------- was chosen

D. How did you twist your ankle?

Homecoming Queen?

E. B + D

A. whom B. who C. which

60. A. She is the secretary who works in the

D. whose E. None


68. Be careful or you will hurt ----------.

B. She is the secretary whom works in the library.

A. yourself B. your C. you

C. This is the new typewriter which you ordered.

D. yours E. None

D. This is the new typewriter who you ordered

69. A child can usually express --------- by the age

E. A + C


61. The people --------- cheated on the

six months.


A. self B. him C. himself

had to leave the room.

D. he E. itself

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70. I had to teach --------- to swim.

79. These are the assignments that --------

A. me B. myself C. my

A. our teacher giving us

D. I E. self

B. our teacher to give us

71. A. An oven that cleans its is very handy.

C. give our teacher

B. An oven that cleans itself is very handy.

D. our teacher gave us

C. Help your to whatever you like.

E. our teacher

D. Help yourself to whatever you like.

80. These are some things that --------

E. B + D

A. ^on‖t un^_rst[n^

72. R[kbi [n^ R[ki\ [r_n‖t ^[tina --- any more.

B. does not understand

A. each other B. one another

C. ^i^n‖t un^_rst[n^

C. one to other D. one to the other

D. understand

E. each others

E. I ^on‖t un^_r st[n^

73. It is considered cheating when students help --

81. It is a shame that -------


A. you missing the movie

----- on the tests on quizzes.

B. you is missing

A. each other B. one another

C. you to miss the movie

C. each the other D. other one

D. you missed the movie

E. A + B

E. you misses the movie

74. L_t‖s m__t -------- after the class.

82. She knows that --------

A. other B. other one

A. mistakes in grammar

C. one the other D. each other

B. mistake ion grammar

E. A + B

C. mistaking in grammar

75. My sister & I visit -------- about once a week.

D. to mistake in grammar

A. each other B. others C. another

E. she mistakes in grammar

D. one another E. A + D

83. He said that --------

76. This is the way --------

A. going was he wanted

A. coming the last time B. come the last time

B. going was he had wanted

C. comes the last time D. to come the last time

C. he wanted to go

E. we came the last time

D. wanted to go he

77. These are the one that --------

E. go was he wanted

A. we bought B. bought

84. I noticed that --------

C. buy D. buying

A. M[ry‖s [\s_n]_ today

E. to buy

B. Mary was absent today

78. This book is the one that --------

C. Mary absence today

A. our class B. our class used

D. Mary was absense today

C. our class using D. our class in use

E. Mary absent today

E. our class to use

85. The experiment proved that --------

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A. less water for the plants

A. develop B. development

B. need less water for the plants

C. developing D. developed

C. needing less water for the plants

E. develop ion

D. the plants needed less water

91. I ^i^n‖t un^_rst[n^ ---------

E. less water needed for the plants

A. what is say B. he said

86. The --------- is not legal unless everyone signs

C. what did he say D. what he said


E. what did he said


92. Do you know ---------

A. agreeing B. agreement C. agree

A. how much do they cost B. how much they cost

D. agreementation E. agreely

C. how much they do cost D. how much they costs

87. Even young children begin to show -------- in

E. how they cost much


93. I wonder ---------

A. able to B. ability C. able

A. when is her birthday B. when her birthday

D. ability for E. able for

C. when her birthday is D. when is her birthday

88. --------- have been made for the funeral

E. when her birthday is?

A. Arranging B. Arrangements

94. Could you please tell me ---------

C. Arrange D. Arrangement

A. where is the post office?

E. Arranged

B. where the post office is?

89. A free --------- is guaranteed to every citizen.

C. where is the post office ?

A. educating B. educated C. education

D. where the post office is.

D. educated E. educative

E. where the post office?

90. The -------- of hybrids has increased yields.

Answer Keys: 1.a 2.d 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. b 9. c 10. a 11. d 12. b 13. b 14. d 15. b 16. c 17. a 18. b 19. c 20. A 21.c 22.b 23.d 24.b 25. c 26. a 27. b 28. a 29. a 30. b 31. a 32. a 33. a 34. d 35. c 36. a 37. a 38. d 39.d 40. E 41. a 42. a 43. a 44. b 45. b 46. b 47. c 48. e 49. b 50. c 51. b 52. e 53. a 54. a 55. a 56.b 57.d 58.c 59.e 60. e 61. a 62. c 63. d 64. c 65. a 66. b 67. b 68. a 69. e 70. b 71. e 72. a 73. b 74. d 75. a 76. e 77. a 78. B 79. d 80. e 81. d 82. e 83. c 84. b 85. d 86. b 87. b 88. b 89. c 90. b 91. d 92. b 93. c 94. b 95. a

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1. A synonym `or ―Epo]b‖ is -

D. a+b+c E. Both a+b.

A. Generation B. Society C. Era

11. .......... answers the phone should be pleasant.

D. Event E. Relevant.

A. Whoever B. Whomever C. Whom

2. Wb[t is tb_ plur[l `rom o` ―B[n^it‖? :-

D. Both b+c E. Both a+b.

A. Bandits B. Banditti C. Banditess

12. Find out the correct spelling -

D. Both a+b E. Both a+c.

A. Inferred B. Diarrhoea C. Renaissance

3. What is the feminine form of the word signor?

D. a+b+c E. Both b+c.


13. Which is the correct spelling?

A. Signress B. SignoraC. Signorix

A. Aptitude B. Accesible C. Occupide

D. Signorerix E. Both a+c.

D. All of these E. None of these.

4. Give the prize to ............ deserves it.

14. Wb[t is tb_ synonym o` ‗Frustr[t_‘ ? : -

A. whoever B. whomever C. whom

A. Foil B. Idle C. Afford

D. whose E. Both a+d.

D. Curious E. Vermin.

5. Find out the correct spelt word:

15. Choose the pair of words that best completes

A. Maneuver B. Mannoeuvre C. Manoeuvre


D. Both a+b E. Both b+c.

[n[loay ‗Submission : Yielding

6. Tb_ opposit wor^ o` ―Form[tiv_‖ is -

A. Subjection: Liberation B. Restrain: Indulge

A. Moulding B. Development C. Destructive

C. Complaint: Acquiescent D. Restriction:

D. Shaping E. Clergy.


7. Wb[t is tb_ A^j_]tiv_ o` tb_ wor^ ‗H_[rt‘?

E. Impulsive: Deliberate.

A. Heart B. Hearten C. Heartening

16. Which one will be the plural form of the

D. Heartful E. Heartfully.


8. Choose the correct sentence -

―Comm[n^_r-in -]bi_`‖?

A. Let him and you be witness

A. Commanders-in-chiefs B. Commander-in-chives

B. Let you and him be witness

C. Commanders-in-chives D. Commanders-in-chief

C. Let you and he be witness

17. Choose the correct spelling.

D. Let he and you be witness E. Both b+c.

A. Aniversary B. Anniverrsary C. Anniversary

9. Which of the following word is a Plural

D. Aniverrsary E. Annivarsary


18. Make it plural

A. Aristocracy B. Vermin C. Peasantry

A. Syllabi B. Syllabuses C. Syllabusess

D. a+b+c E. Only a+c.

D. Both a+b E. Both b+c.

10. Which one is Singular?

19. Find out, Which one is the plural number?

A. Information B. Expenditure C. Machinery

A. Poultry B. Tenantry C. Perfumery

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D. a+b+c E. Both a+b.

A. Two and two make four.

20. Make it plural – ―Formul[‖?

B. ―Gr_[t Exp_]t[tions‖ \y Di]k_ns is [ `[mous

A. Formulae B. Formulas C. Both a+b


D. Formulases E. Both b+c.

C. The poor lives from hand to mouth.

21. Choose the correct spelling.

D. Three months is a long time.

A. Assesment B. Assessment C. Asessment

E. The United States of America is a host country

D. Asesment E. Asseisment


22. Make feminine of the word – – ―Pros_]utor‖.

the world cup football of 1994.

A. Prosecutress B. Prosecutrix C. Prosecutretrix

30. Find out the plural form ?

D. Both a+b E. Both b+c.

A. Agenda B. Alumni C. Vertices.

23. What is the synonym of Mystery ?

D. a+b+c E. Both a+c

A. Answer B. Enigma C. Clue

31. Wb[t is tb_ synonym `or tb_ wor^ ‗E]st[sy‘?

D. Solution E. Ominous.

24. What is the synonym of Jealousy?

A. Ill B. Bad C. Mourn

A. Suspicious B. Geniality C. Indifferance

D. Joy E. happy

D. Tolerance E. Wavering.

32. Wbi]b wor^ is ]orr_]t witb pr_`ix ―il‖ ?

25. Make it Masculine gender – – ―Nympb‖.

A. illegal B. illogical C. illiterate

A. Swain B. Widower C. Steward

D. All of them E. none

D. Patron E. Enchanter.

33. Goggles : Eyes .

26. Which one is correct sentence?

A. Helmet : head B. Leather : hide

A. A ten year old child was run over yesterday.

C. Hands : feet D. Brush : teeth

B. Two thirds of the work has been done.

34. Choose the pair of words that best completes

C. Two third of the work have been done.


D. Both a+b E. Both b+c

analogy PETAL : FLOWER -

27. Which one will be correct?

A. Fruit : Seed. B. Author : Publisher.

A. A three years diploma course will be start.

C. Tree : Roots. D. Chapter : Book

B. More than two boys were present.

35. Tb_ synonym o` ―F_[si\l_‖ is-

C. The poor drag a miserable existence in their

A. Brittle B. Inevitable C. Practicable

day to

D. Harmful. E. none

day life. D. Both b+c E. Both a+b

36. Tb_ synonym o` ―R_l_v[nt‖ is-

28. Which of following is a correct sentence?

A. Eternal B. Germane C. Furtive

A. The Titanic went down on her first voyage.

D. Inventive E. Both b+c

B. The Titanic went down on its first voyage.

37. Which one is the correct adjective form with

C. The dog is noted for its faithfulness.

the suffix

D. Both a+c E. Both b+c.


29. Which of the following is not a correct

A. Sagacious B. Ostentacious C. Genious


D. Both A+ B E. none of the above

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38. Wbi]b s_nt_n]_ isn‖t ]orr_]tly us_^ o`

D. informative. E. none


45. Tb_ plur[l `orm o` ―Poultry‖ is —

A. You are beautiful enough to satisfy me.

A. Poultries B. Poultry C. Poul

B. You can love if you have enough money to

D. None of the above. E. Both a+b

spend for women.

46. Which of the following is a correct sentence?

C. You are enough beautiful to satisfy me.

A. Rarely are you found in the room.

D. Both A + B. E. none

B. He always used to agree with me.

39. Which one is the correct adjective form with

C. You have hardly never seen a cheque of five

the suffix

lac taka.

―[\l_‖ ?

D. Both A + B. E. none

A. Supposable B. Repayable C. Immovable

47. Tb_ synonym o` ―Equivo][l‖ is —

D. All of the above E. Both b+c

A. Foolhardy B. Pinnacle C. Ambiguous

40. Choose the correct usage of adjective.

D. Arrogant E. none

A. Muhit is enough matured to take

48. Tb_ synonym o` ―Pro^iaious‖ is —


A. Audacious B. Dull C. Gigantic

B. You do not have to wait little while.

D. Copious E. none

C. Sherlock Holmes has few clues to the

49. Find out the correct spelling.


A. Accomoddation B. Acommodation


C. Accommodation D. Accoommodation.

D. None of the above. E. Both b+c

50. Find out the correct spelling.

41. Find out the correct adverb form.

A. Hygeinic B. Hygieniic C. Hygienice

A. Ruthlessly B. Northerly C. Disrespectly

D. None of the above E. Both b+c

D. A+B+C E. fatherly

51. Find out the correct spelling.

42. Choose the correct usage of adverb.

A. Fahrenheight B. Farenheit C. Fahrenheit

A. Britney called aloud for help

D. Mallifluous. E. Both b+c

B. We barely had no time to catch the train.

52. Complete the sentence.

C. You have to simply change your attitude.

Bipasha found it very — when her parents

D. That night the house seemed abnormal quite.


E. Both b+c

A. contentious B. distressing C. punctilious

43. Wbi]b s_nt_n]_ isn‖t ]orr_]t?

D. skittish. E. none

A. She looks beautiful.

53. Tb_ [^j_]tiv_ o` ―S_nsi\ility‖ is —

B. She looks up beautiful.

A. Sensitive B. Sensible C. Sensibly

C. She looks up beautifully.

D. Sense E. Sensibility

D. I saw a beautiful cottage girl. E. Both b+c

54. Choose the pair of words that best completes

44. Complete the sentence.


I want you to collect — regarding this issue.


A. information B. informations C. inform.

A. Doctor : Symptom B. Author : Publisher.

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C. Biographer : Confession

su``ix ―ous‖?

D. Painting : Self-portrait. E. Both B+C

A. studeous B. Rebellious C. Rightious

55. Everyone who – into the woods should

D. Pretenteous E. None of the above.


62. Tb_ synonym o` ―Equivo][l‖

common poisonous plants such as poison ivy and

A. Universal B. Mistaken

poison oak.

C. Quaint D. Clear

A. go B. goes C. can goes

63. Choose the correct use of adverb hardly-

D. went E. none

A. Tb_ r_st[ur[nt w[s so p[]k_^ tb[t I ]oul^n‖t

56. Ethics – the study of moral duties, Principles





B. The restaurant was so packed that I could

A. are B. deal C. is


D. are about. E. none


57. Choose the incorrect option.

C. The restaurant was packed that I could hardly

A. These are twenty dollar shoes.


B. These are twenty-dollars shoes.

D. None of the above. E. All.

C. These are a twenty-dollars shoes.

64. Which of the following words are plural

D. All of the above E. a+b.


58. Translate it into English.

A. cattle B. gentry C. vermin

তয তকউ আইন ভঙ্গ কররব োরক লারি তেওয়া হরব।

D. all of them E. None of the above.

A. Whoever breaking the law will be punished.

65. An [ntonym `or ―Obstacles‖ is

B. Whoever break the law will be punished.

A. Hindrance B. Impediments C. Hurdles

C. Whoever breaks the law will be punished.

D. Supports E. None of the above.

D. A+B E. None of the above.

66. In which sentence adverb is placed properly?

59. Real estate prices in New York, like those of

A. Tb_ m[n b[s to [rriv_ [lw[ys 9 O‖ ]lo]k [t tb_



other major cities, have declined ---- .

B. Always the man has to arrive at the office at 9

A. over the few years B. over the past few years


C. over less years D. over the past few year

C. Tb_ m[n b[s to [rriv_ [t tb_ o``i]_ [t 9 O‖]lo]k

60. ---- have amphibious attributes, although not


all are

D. Tb_ m[n b[s to [rriv_ [t 9 O‖]lo]k [lw[ys [t


the office.

A. Much quadrupeds B. More quadrupeds

E. The man always has to arrive at the office at 9

C. Many quadrupeds D. A quadruped

O‖ Clo]k

E. none of the above

67. Choose the correct option.

61. Which one is the correct adjective form with

A. She behaved with me in friendly way.


B. She behaved with me friendly.

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C. She behaved with me in a friendly way.

A. ten degrees B. ten degree C. of ten degrees

D. She behaved with me friendly way.

D. ten of degrees E. all of the above

E. She behaved with me in a friendly.

76. Several of the people in this class speak––.

68. Our final assignment for the English class is

A. three language B. four language

to give

C. three or four languages D. three or four

an impromptu speech.


A. eloquent B. technical C. unprepared

E. none

D. unbiased E. none

77. The shape of –– unique.

69. The counterfeit bills were a good facsimile of

A. a snowflake is B. a snow is

the real ones.

C. snow flakes are D. a snowflakes are

A. factorial B. reproduction C. identification

E. snows are

D. similarity E. same.

78. A. California has good weather.

70. The television station was inundated with

B. California has a good weather.


C. Laughter is the best medicine.

protesting the distasteful program.

D. A laugh is the best medicine.

A. harassed B. probated C. modulated

E. Both A+C

D. confiscated E. flooded.

79. We are supposed to have –– this wreaked.

71. The people interviewed for the survey were

A. a sunshine B. sunshine C. sunshines


D. sunbeam E. none


80. We are late because we got struck in ––.

A. carefully B. sincerely C. carelessly

A. a traffic Jam B. traffic C. a traffic

D. thoughtfully E. indiscriminately.

D. a + b E. All of the above

72. After a long, hard struggle, we gradually

81. A. A mail travels faster when the zip code is

succeeded in


having people accept the truth of our theory.

on the envelope.

A. slowly B. momentarily C. suddenly

B. A piece of mail travels faster when the zip

D. graciously E. gratefully.

code is

73. A desert receives less than twenty five –– of

indicated on the envelope.


C. There is a limit of two pieces of carry on

every year.


A. centimeter B. a centimeter C. centimeters

for each passenger.

D. of centimeters E. none

D. There is a limit of two carry on luggage for

74. The teacher has ––, but they are not in at


boos tone.

passenger. E. b + c

A. four book B. four of book C. four books

82. ––– in this display is on sale for half price.

D. four of books E. a four book

A. Each piece of furniture B. Each furniture

75. The temperature has risen –– in two hours.

C. Furnitures D. Each pieces of furniture

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E. Each furnitures.

A. little B. the little C. few

83. According to estimates by some botanists,

D. a few E. the few

there are

91. Tb_ l_tt_r w[s sbort \_][us_ tb_r_ w[sn‖t ––

–– of plants.


A. seven thousand type B. seven thousand types

A. many B. much C. little

C. type of seven thousand D. types of seven

D. few E. a few


92. How –– years have you been living in Texas?

E. none

A. many B. much C. more

84. I only know how to run –– computer

D. less E. lots


93. He always has –– problems with his teeth.

A. one type of B. one type C. one type a

A. many B. much C. more

D. one types of E. all of the above

D. little E. a little

85. A. This exam has two types problems.

94. I think that there is –– violence on T.V.

B. This exam has two types of problems.

A. many B. too many C. too much

C. Are you looking for a special kinds of car?

D. few E. a few

D. Are you looking for a special kind of car? E. b

95. A. We have a little time. B. We have little



86. We saw several –– birds at the wild life

C. We made a few mistakes.


D. We made few mistakes. E. all of the above

A. kind of B. kind C. kinds of

96. Give me –– butter, please.

D. types E. type of

A. little B. a little C. few

87. Pro`_ssor‖s stor_ k__ps –– in his office because

D. a few E. all


97. There are –– tickets left for the concert.

^o_sn‖t b[v_ room `or m[ny.

A. few B. a few C. little

A. few chairs B. few chair C. little chairs

D. a little E. None

D. a little chairs E. a + c

98. ––– people in my apartment building are

88. A. John has very little friends.


B. John has very few friends.

A. A little B. Little C. Few

C. There is few time to waste.

D. Much E. The little

D. There is little time to waste. E. b + d

99. ––– people were at the reception.

89. My brother used to help me a lot, but now he

A. Only few B. Only little C. Only a few


D. Little E. Only a little

me –– advice.

100. A. Only a little students are lazy.

A. few B. a few C. the few

B. Only a few students are lazy.

D. little E. no little

C. Tinne took only a few pictures.

90. He had to balance his account very carefully

D. Tinne took only few pictures. E. B + C

because he had –– money.

101. The advisor makes ––– to the rules regarding

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A. enough hamburgers B. hamburgers enough as

A. only few exceptions B. only a few exceptions

C. hamburgers enough D. hamburgers enoughly

C. only a little exceptions D. only little exception

E. All

E. None

111. I n__^ to \uy [ l[mp \_][us_ I ^on‖t b[v_ ––

102. We will need ––– food for the picnic

in my

A. few B. a few C. only a little


D. only little E. little

A. light as enough B. light enough

103. ––– own most of the land there.

C. light enoughly D. enough light

A. A small number of families

E. c + d

B. A small amount of families

112. H_r littl_ ][r isn‖t –– to seat more than two

C. A small amount of family


D. A small number of family


E. A little number of families

A. big enough as B. enough big

104. The lab has a –– of equipment.

C. big enough D. the enough big

A. large number B. large amount C. more number

E. enoughly big

D. few number E. little number

113. Her score on the exam was –– to qualify her

105. W_ ^on‖t b[v_ tim_ `or –– of interruptions.

for a

A. a large number B. a large amount

graduate program.

C. a few amount D. a few E. none

A. good enough B. enough good

106. There are ––– Chinese restaurants in the

C. good as enough D. as enough good


E. None

A. small number of B. small amount of

114. He should be –– to get out of bed in a few

C. large amount of D. a small number of


E. large number

A. enough strong B. enoughly strong

107. A. We have enough tickets.

C. strong enough D. strongly enough

B. We have tickets enough.

E. strong as enough

C. We have enough time.

115. Billy isn‖t –– to enlist in the army.

D. We have time enough. E. a + c

A. old enough B. enough old C. enoughly old

108. Tb_r_ [r_n‖t –– for all of us to go.

D. old as enough E. as old enough

A. enough car B. car enough C. cars enoughly

116. Tb[t _x]us_ isn‖t ––.

D. enough cars E. enough the cars

A. good enough B. enough good

109. Without ––, you won‖t \_ [\l_ to ^o w_ll tb_

C. good enoughly D. enough the good


E. a + b

A. enough sleep B. enough of sleep

117. One movie starts at five, ––– starts at seven

C. sleep as enough D. sleep enoughly

and the

E. None

other movies starts at nine.

110. Do we have –– for the party?

A. a movie B. the other movie

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C. another movie D. the other E. others

C. another applicant D. others applicants

118. One of my roommates studies engineering,

E. others applicant


125. Put the mail on the –––.

studies business, and –– studies computer science.

A. b[ll t[\l_ B. b[ll‖s t[\l_ C. b[lls t[\l_s

A. others B. the other C. the others

D. hall of table E. a + b

D. an others E. None

126. All of us are foreign––.

119. One English proficiency test is the TOEFL and

A. language teachers B. languages teachers

–– is

C. languages teacher D. teacher of language

the Michigan TOEFL.

E. languages teacher

A. other B. another C. others

127. I forgot your–––.

D. the other E. some other

A. t_l_pbon_‖s num\_r B. t_l_pbon_ num\_r

120. There are three kinds of solar eclipses, one is

C. telephones number D. number telephone


E. None

another is annular, and –– is partial.

128. There is a sale at the ––.

A. the another B. the other C. others

A. sbo_s stor_ B. sbo_‖s stor_ C. sbo_ stor_

D. other E. some

D. store shoes E. shoes stores

121. Some of these T-shirts are red, –– are blue,

129. All –– must take the Graduate Management

and the

Admission Test.

rest are white.

A. \usin_ss‖s stu^_nts B. \usin_ss stu^_nts

A. other B. others T-shirts C. others

C. businesses students D. businesses student

D. another E. the others

E. all of the above

122. Some plants are annuals, –– are biennials,

130. Agriculture 420 is a ––– class.

the rest

A. five-hours B. five-hour C. five-the-hour

are perennials.

D. the five-hour E. a + b

A. some another B. anothers C. other

131. –– is cheaper than a four-door model.

D. others E. none

A. A two-door car B. A two doors car

123. Some of my friends are player, other friends

C. A two-car-door D. A car two-door


E. A the two-door car

businessman, and –– are professor.

132. I have to write–– this weekend.

A. the other B. the other friends

A. a one-thousand-word paper

C. the other friend D. some another

B. a one-thousand-word papers

E. All

C. a one-thousand-words papers

124. Some applicants want student visas, –– want

D. a one-thousand-words papers E. a + d

resident visas, and the other applicants want

133. They have–– baby.


A. a four-months-old B. a-four-months-old


C. a four-month-old D. a four-old-month

A. other applicants B. other applicant

E. None

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134. ––– call any where in the United States costs

144. The tiny pictures on Micro film are –– small


to be

than a dollar when you dial it yourself.

read with the naked eyes.

A. The three-minutes B. A three-minutes

A. so B. too C. much

C. A three-minute D. The three-minute

D. more E. such

E. c + d

145. A. It is too cold to go swimming.

135. We were –– by the results of the test.

B. It too cold to go swimming.

A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise

C. Ralph is such a young to retire.

D. surprises E. the surprise of

D. Ralph is too young to retire. E. a + d

136. What an–– idea!

146. The top shelf in the cupboard is ––– high for

A. interested B. interesting C. interesting of

me to

D. interested of E. the interesting


137. The petition has been signed by –– citizens.

A. too B. to C. so

A. concerning B. concerned C. concerned of

D. such E. much

D. concerning of E. concern

147. This brand is too expensive –– buy.

138. Drug abuse is increasing at an––.

A. for B. to C. too

A. alarmed rate B. alarmed rates

D. so E. such

C. alarming the rate D. alarming rate

148. Mercury is not often visible because it is ––

E. alarming the rating

near the

139. He is ––– he never gets to class on time.

sun to be seen.

A. so slow B. so slow that C. as slow that

A. too B. so C. such

D. as slow as E. too slow that

D. more E. a + d

140. This suitcase is –– I can hardly carry it.

149. We went out to eat because we were –––

A. as heavy that B. too heavy that


C. too heavy as D. so heavy as

A. very B. too C. so

E. so heavy that

D. much E. such

141. We arrived –– Professor Zahan had already

150. Darlene says that the courts are ––– lenient.


A. so B. too C. to D. very E. such

the roll.

151. Young rivers have no flood plains & their

A. so late that B. so late as C. too late that


D. too late as E. a + b


142. He drives –– no one likes to ride with him.

A. very narrow B. too narrow C. so narrow

A. so fast so B. so fast too C. so fast that

D. narrowly E. such narrow

D. so fast as E. too fast as

152. This dorm has –– small rooms.

143. Preparing frozen is –– anyone can do it.

A. very small B. too small C. so small

A. too easy B. so easy that C. so east as

D. such small E. to small

D. as easy that E. as easy as

153. Last month we had a –– high electric bill.

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A. too B. so C. such

D. taste bad E. a + c

D. very E. to

156. The music ––– and soothing.

154. We love to go to the country in the spring

A. sounds sweetly B. sounds sweet


C. sound sweet D. sounding sweet

the wild flowers smell––.

E. None

A. sweetly B. so sweet C. so sweetly

157. When he complained the food tasted –––, the

D. to sweet E. as sweet

waiter took back to the pitcher & brought him

155. Although the medicine––, it seems to help

something else.


A. badly B. well C. bad


D. worst E. c + d

A. tastes bad B. tastes badly C. tests bad

Answer Keys: 1. c 2. d 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. b 9. d 10. d 11. a 12. d 13. a 14. a 15. c 16. d 17. c 18. d 19. d 20. c 21. b 22. b 23. b 24. a 25. a 26. d 27. d 28. d 29. c 30. d 31. d 32. d 33. a 34. d 35. c 36. b 37. d 38. c 39. b 40. c 41. d 42. a 43. b 44. a 45. b 46. d 47. c 48. c 49. c 50. d 51. c 52. b 53. b 54. d 55. b 56. c 57. a 58. c 59.b 60. c 61. b 62. b 63. b 64. d 65.d 66. e 67.c 68. c 69. d 70. e 71. e 72. a 73. c 74. c 75. A 76. c 77. a 78. e 79. b 80. d 81. e 82. a 83. b 84. a 85. e 86. c 87. a 88. e 89. d 90. a 91. b 92. a 93. a 94. C 95. e 96. b 97. b 98. c 99. c 100. e 101. b 102. c 103. a 104. b 105. a 106. d 107. e 108. d 109. a 110. a 111. D 112. c 113. a 114. c 115. a 116. a 117. c 118. b 119. d 120. b 121. c 122. d 123. b 124. a 125. a 126. a 127. B 128. c 129. b 130. b 131. a 132. a 133. c 134. c 135. b 136. b 137. b 138. d 139. b 140. e 141. a 142. c 143. B 144. b 145. e 146. a 147. b 148.a 149. a 150. d 151. a 152. a 153. d 154. b 155. a 156. b 157. c158. a 159. a

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1. –––– the wasp deposits an egg, the flower

_l_pb[nt ][v[lry‖s mytb o` invin]i\ility.


A. Although B. Until

a protective covering.

C. When D. So that

A. Then B. As if

8. –––– the government disapproves, cultivation

C. In fact D. After


2. Tb_ r_aion is r_`_rr_^ to [s tb_ ‗L[n^ o` Fruit‘

the opium poppy thrive.

A. As if B. Until

–– it yields a bountiful harvest of oranges and

C. So that D. Even though


9. –––– capable of walking upright, apelike

A. although B. because

Australopithecus did so only for short periods of

C. so that D. such as


3. Seat belt laws were introduced –––– traffic

A. As if B. Though

fatalities would be reduced.

C. Until D. Because

A. so that B. then

10. –––– erupting in May 1980, Mount Saint

C. when D. as if


4. –––– the fires were blazing, the skewers

continued erupting intermittently throughout the


following year.

the fish were tilted toward the flames.

A. After B. Such as

A. As soon as B. So that

C. Since D. As if

C. As if D. Such as

11. –––– having seized their prey with their

5. The great stone city Angkon flourished for six


centuries ––– it fell in 1431 and lay prey to the

pythons swiftly coil themselves around it and

jungle for four long centuries.

suffocate it.

A. as soon as B. because

A. Until B. Because

C. until D. so that

C. Since D. After

6. The most modern ladders cannot reach above

12. –––– running grizzly bears are capable of

seven stories, ––– firefighters must enter

attaining speeds of 35 miles an hour.

skyscrapers dressed in suits designed to supply

A. So that B. When

oxygen and reflect heat.

C. Though D. So

A. before B. So

13. –––– making a person ill enough to warrant

C. as D. until

hospitalization, poison ivy does not kill.

7. –––– Ku\l[i Kb[n‖s [r]b_rs destroyed the

A. As soon as B. Since

Burmese war elephants; he shattered the

C. While D. So that

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14. –––– declaring the area useless, Daniel

A. when entering B. he enters


C. entering D. having entered

could not have foretold how irrigation would

20. The Andean condor glides on currents and

m[k_ C[li`orni[‖s Imp_ri[l V[ll_y \loom.

^o_sn‖t `l[p its winas –––– it must do so to reach

A. Because B. When


C. Though D. So that

A. Because B. until

15. –––– plowing the field, the farmer uncovered

C. that D. as if


21. –––– sighting an approaching car drivers tend

dinosaur jawbone.


A. As though B. While

speed up.

C. Since D. Until

A. When slowing down instead of

16. –––– publicly executed in 1536 for making

B. Instead when slowing down at


C. When instead of slowing down

his enemies considered a false translation of the

D. Instead of slowing down when

Bible, William Tyndale wrote a version which

22. –––– to England remain strong, the Channel

became the foundation of subsequent English

Islanders are exempt from most British taxes.


A. Although their ties B. Although tied

A. As if B. After

C. Before their ties D. Tied

C. When D. Although

23. ––––, the travelers found that their flight had

17. ––––, their small size and the thin soil make

been canceled because of the severe snowstorm.


A. That they arrived at the airport

easy to [ bik_r‖s b__l.

B. As soon as arriving at the airport

A. Alpine flowers which can resist wind, cold, and

C. At the airport


D. They arrived at the airport

B. When alpine flowers can resist wind, cold, and

24. When competing in a demolition derby, –––



C. While alpine flowers can resist wind, cold, and

their cars are demolished.


A. that drivers continue

D. Alpine flowers resisting wind, cold, and snow

B. drivers must continue

18. –––– pandas eat bamboo almost exclusively,

C. drivers continuing


D. although drivers must continue

are also carnivorous.

25. –––– governments point with pride to

A. Not only B. Until


C. As soon as D. Although

mechanization in agriculture, human and animal

19. Although –––– a country illegally is risky, the

power still produces a significant portion of the

alien who finds work may believe the risk

worl^‖s `oo^.


A. Since B. Because

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C. So that D. While

A. Having failed to reach

26. ––––, tobacco farmers had not yet felt its

B. Having failed reaching


C. He failed to reach

A. Though a campaign against smoking

D. That failed reaching

B. That there was a campaign against smoking

32. –––– the United States consists of many

C. Even though there was a campaign against

different immigrant groups; many


sociologists believe there is a distinct national

D. There was a campaign against smoking


27. There were few settlements along the North

A. In spite of B. Despite

Carolina coast –––– many problems for

C. Even though D. Whether


33. –––– ended traffic on the Mississippi River,

A. Because the offshore barrier posed

Mark Twain left his job as a river pilot and

B. before posing the offshore barrier

moved west to Carson City.

C. while posing the offshore barrier

A. During the Civil War

D. that the offshore barrier had posed

B. Because the Civil War was

28. –––– since the death of her father.

C. That the Civil War was

A. The ancestral home of my mother abandoned

D. When the Civil War

B. My motb_r‖s [n]_str[l bom_ st[n^ina

34. –––– are the juice and pulp of the grape


useful, but various products are made from

C. My motb_r‖s [n]_str[l bom_ b[s stoo^

the skins and seeds.


A. Not that they B. They never

D. My motb_r‖s [ncestral home which has stood

C. Neither D. Not only


35. Neon is said to be inert –––– does not react

29. ––––, the owner and buyer finally agreed on a

easily with other substances.

price for the house.

A. because of it B. because it

A. They had been bargaining for several weeks

C. it is because D. is because it

B. After bargaining for several weeks

36. –––– he has created striking stage settings for

C. After several weeks they began bargaining


D. As if bargaining for several weeks

Martha Graham dance company, artist Isamu

30. –––– of the tranquilizer, the scientist put a

Noguchi is more famous for his sculpture.

tag on

A. But not B. Nevertheless

its ear recorded details about the animal.

C. In spite of D. Although

A. While under the effect the deer

37. Automatons programmed to perform a given

B. While being under the effect the deer

task –––– the flexibility and adaptability of

C. While the deer was under the effect

human beings.

D. While the deer under the effect

A. without B. lack

31. –––– the finish line fist, the runner gave up.

C. minus D. not having

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38. Some metals are malleable, –––– others are so


brittle that they break easily when bent quickly.

C. because of his academic and artistic ability

A. but B. like

D. as resulting of his ability in the art and the

C. there D. which


39. An ultrasonic wave has –––– a high frequency

46. –––– did Arthur realize that there was

that it is inaudible.


A. therefore B. above

A. Upon entering the store

C. such D. thus

B. When he entered the store

40. The changes in this city have occurred ––––.

C. After he had entered the store

A. with swiftness B. rapidly

D. Only after entering the store

C. fastly D. in rapid ways

47. –––– the best car to buy is a Mercedes Benz.

41. –––– received law degrees as today.

A. Because of its durability and economy

A. Never so many women have

B. Because it lasts a long time, and it is very

B. Never have so many women


C. Tb_ wom_n [r_n‖t _v_r

C. Because of its durability and it is economical

D. Women who have never

D. Because durability and economy wise it is

42. Mr. Duncan does not know –––– the lawn



than all the others

after they had finished using it.

48. John has not been able to recall where ––––.

A. where did they put B. where they did put

A. does she live B. she lives

C. where they put D. where to put

C. did she live D. lived the girl

43. Our flight from Amsterdam to London was

49. He ––– looked forward to the new venture.

delayed –––– the heavy fog.

A. eagerly

A. because of B. because

B. with great eagerness

C. on account D. as result

C. eagernessly

44. Of the two new teachers, one is experienced

D. in a state of increasing eagerness


50. People all over the world are starving ––––.


A. greater in numbers B. in more numbers

A. the others are not

C. more numerously D. in greater numbers

B. another is inexperienced

51. The jurors were told to ––––.

C. the other is not

A. talk all they wanted

D. other lacks experience

B. make lots of expressions

45. He has received several scholarships ––––.

C. speak freely

A. not only because of his artistic but his

D. talk with their minds open


52. Jack understood everyone ––––.


A. perfect B. perfectly

B. for both his academic ability as well as his

C. perfection D. perfections

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E. perfectfully

60. When students register –––– for class they

53. Please do –––– as your doctor says.


A. exactness B. exact C. exactly

pay an additional fee.

D. exactful E. exacting

A. late B. lately

54. From the top of empire state building tourist

C. lateness D. latest


E. lateful

able ––––.

61. First class mail travels as –––– as airmail.

A. too clearly see New York

A. fast B. fastly

B. to see clear New York

C. faster D. fastest

C. to clearly see New York

E. fasterly

D. to see clearly New York

62. –––– in that hotel.

E. to see New York clearly

A. Never again they will stay

55. –––– speaking, curriculum includes all

B. Never again they stay


C. Never again stay

A. Broad B. Broadly

D. Never again will stay

C. Broadless D. Broadfully

E. Never again will they stay

E. Broadful

63. Only rarely ––––.

56. Passengers travel –––– in the new Jumbo Jets.

A. an accident has occurred

A. comfortable & safe

B. an accident occurred

B. comfortably and safely

C. occurred an accident

C. comfortable and safely

D. has an accident occurred

D. comfortable and safe

E. has occurred an accident

E. comfortably and safe

64. Very Seldom –––– my attention like this one.

57. Helen types ––––.

A. can a movie hold B. a movie can hold

A. fastly & efficiently

C. can hold a movie D. a movie hold

B. fast and efficiently

E. hold a movie can.

C. fast & efficient

65. Not one paper –––– on time.

D. fastly and efficient

A. She has finished B. has finished she

E. faster and efficient

C. has she finished D. has she finishes

58. The plane is scheduled to arrive ––––.

E. finished she has

A. lately B. lateness

66. Not once –––– us to their house.

C. late D. latest

A. Steve and Jane have invited

E. latelinely

B. have Steve and Jane invited

59. He tried as –––– as he could.

C. Steve and Jane invited

A. hardly B. harder

D. have invited Steve and Jane

C. hardest D. hard

E. have Steve and Jane invites

E. hardfully

67. –––– the light rain, the baseball game was not

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C. Arrange D. Arrangement

A. Despite of B. Despite for

E. Arranged

C. Despite D. The spite

75. A free –––– is guaranteed to every citizen.

E. Because

A. educating B. educated

68. They are still planning to get married ––––

C. education D. educated


E. educative


76. The –––– of hybrids has increased yields.

A. despite of B. in spite of

A. develop B. development

C. because of D. because

C. developing D. developed

E. in spite

E. develop ion

69. –––– the interruption, she was able to finish

77. Class will be canceled tomorrow –––– it is a


national holiday.


A. because B. because of

A. In spite B. Because of

C. though D. despite

C. Despite of D. Despite

E. in spite of

E. Because

78. She was absent –––– her cold.

70. –––– their quarrel, they are good friends.

A. although B. because

A. Though B. Despite of

C. because of D. despite

C. Because of D. Because

E. in spite

E. In spite of

79. Jobn‖s `[mily is v_ry b[ppy –––– he has been

71. –––– the delay, they arrived on time.

awarded a scholarship.

A. Despite B. Despite of

A. because B. although

C. Because D. Because of

C. because of D. despite of

E. In spite for

E. in spite of

72. The –––– is not legal unless everyone signs

80. She did not buy it –––– the price was too




A. although B. despite

A. agreeing B. agreement

C. because of D. because

C. agree D. agreementation

E. in spite

E. agreely

81. It was difficult to see the road clearly ––––

73. Even young children begin to show –––– in




A. able to B. ability

A. because B. because of

C. able D. ability for

C. although D. despite

E. able for

E. in spite of

74. –––– have been made for the funeral.

82. He borrowed the money –––– he could finish

A. Arranging B. Arrangements


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E. Over

A. so B. so that

90. All of the group –––– Raza went to lake.

C. so what D. why

A. except B. except to

E. that

C. exception D. excepting

83. Larry took a bus from New York to New

E. exception to


91. All of the students –––– the seniors will

–––– he could see the country.


A. so that B. so what

their grades.

C. so D. so what

A. except B. except to

E. that

C. excepting D. but

84. Don‖t `ora_t to r_aist_r your name –––– you

E. A + D


92. Everyone –––– Rana wants milk in the tea.

vote in the election.

A. except B. except to

A. so B. so what

C. excepting D. exception

C. so that D. what

93. None –––– Ruma knows very much about it.

E. that

A. except B. but

85. ––––Hasan and his wife, three couples are

C. except to D. excepting


E. A + B

A. Beside B. Besides

94. Tb_ m[il ]om_s [t t_n o‖]lo]k _v_ry^[y ––––

C. for D. to


E. over

A. not B. except

86. –––– Dominos, four other pizza places deliver.

C. except to D. excepting

A. Beside B. Besides

E. exception

C. for D. to

95. The choice is –––– vanilla, chocolate and

E. over

strawberry ice cream cone.

87. We sat –––– the teacher.

A. between B. among

A. beside B. besides

C. at D. divided

C. for D. to

E. A + B

E. over

96. John and his wife solved their problems ––––

88. Jenny has lots of friends –––– her roommate.


A. beside B. besides

A. between B. among

C. for D. to

C. before D. after

E. over

E. A + B

89. –––– \us s_rvi]_, tb_r_ isn‖t [ny pu\li]

97. Profits are divided –––– the stockholders of



A. Beside B. Besides


C. For D. To

A. between B. among

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C. since D. except

E. such for

E. besides

103. Magazines –––– Times, Newsweek publish

98. The votes were evenly divided –––– the B.N.P

pictorial reports

and the A.L.

A. such as B. as such

A. between B. among C. for

C. such D. such for

D. since E. except

E. such for

99. Find the correct sentence-

104. Jobs at restaurants –––– M]Don[l^‖s or T[]o

A. The property was divided equally among his

Bell are often filled by students.


A. for such as B. such as for

and daughter

C. such D. such as

B. The property was divided equally between his

E. such for

sons and daughters.

105. R[n[‖s `[tb_r w[nts bim to \_ an engineer –

C. The property was divided equally among his

–– a



and daughters.

A. instead B. instead of

D. The property was divided equally between his

C. except D. but


E. none

and daughter.

106. Could I have rice –––– potatoes please?

E. both C + D

A. instead B. instead of

100. By using coupons, you can get discount on a

C. excepting D. exception to


E. except to

of things –––– groceries, toiletries & household

107. She likes to go to movies –––– to class.


A. instead B. instead of

A. such B. as such

C. stead of D. insteading

C. such as D. examples

E. except

E. such as for

108. We choose Raihan –––– Rabbi as our

101. Taking care of pets –––– dogs and cats can



A. instead B. instead of

children lessons in responsibility.

C. instead from D. stead of

A. such B. as such

E. except

C. example D. such as

109. It‖s \_tt_r to \uy `oo^s –––– buying snacks.

E. such as for

A. instead B. instead of

102. Some birds –––– robins and cardinals spend

C. instead from D. stead of


E. except

winter in the north

110. Be careful not to get sunburned –––– out of

A. such as B. as such


C. such D. example

beach too long.

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A. from stay B. for stay

D. from copying E. to copying

C. from staying D. for staying

119. Wby ^on‖t you us_ tb_ mi]ros]op_ in tb_ l[\

E. because staying


111. We felt sleepy all day –––– television so late

– the specimen.


A. for examine B. for examining


C. to examine D. to examining

A. for watching B. from watching

E. from examining

C. to watch D. because watch

120. You can win ––––.

E. for watch

A. for practicing B. to practice

112. Toe is going to get sick –––– to much.

C. from practicing D. by practicing

A. too study B. to study

E. by to practice.

C. from studying D. for studying

121. Make a reservation –––– our 800 number.

E. to studying

A. for calling B. to call C. by call

113. If you go early, you will just get nervous –––

D. from calling E. by calling


122. Biva lost weight ––––.

A. to waiting B. to wait

A. for hiking B. to hike

C. for waiting D. from waiting

C. by hiking D. from hiking

E. in waiting

E. to hiking

114. The car is really hot –––– in the sun all day.

123. Gloria made a lot of friends –––– in the

A. the sitting B. from sitting


C. sit D. from to sit

A. to working B. for working

E. to sit

C. to work D. by working

115. I bought a trunk –––– my winter clothes.

E. from working

A. for to store B. for store

124. Choose the correct answer –––– the letter.

C. to store D. to for storing

A. for marking B. by marking

E. to storing.

C. to mark D. from marking

116. She has a CB radio in her car ––––

E. with mark


125. The key officials responded ––––.

A. for B. to C. in

A. evasive B. evasively

D. on E. as

C. in a evasive manner

117. Each room has its own thermostat –––– the

D. in a manner that was evasive


E. in evasive

A. for to control B. to for control

126. David knows a great deal ––––.

C. to controlling D. for control

A. in terms of the situation

E. for controlling

B. of the condition of the situation.

118. Sam needs another VCR –––– videotapes.

C. in terms of condition of the situation

A. for copy B. to copy C. for to copy

D. about the condition of the situation.

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E. about the situation.

C. Flying is not faster only but safer also than

127. The Problem was ––––.


A. Very difficult in character

D. Flying is faster not only safer but also than

B. Very difficult in nature


C. difficult character

E. Flying is faster only but safer also than

D. difficult nature E. difficult


128. Choose the correct sentence:

132. Choose the correct sentence:

A. She is not only famous in the USA but also

A. He registered for both Engineering and



B. She is not famous only in the USA but abroad

B. He registered for both Engineering and to



C. She is not only famous in the USA but abroad



C. He registered for Engineering and Mathematics

D. She is famous not only in the USA but also



D. He registered for both Engineering and

E. She is famous not in the USA only but also

Mathematics also.


E. He registered for Engineering both and

129. Choose the correct sentence:


A. The exam tested both listening and to read.

133. This is the way ––––.

B. The exam tested both to listen and reading.

A. coming the last time

C. The exam tested both listening and reading.

B. come the last time

D. The exam tested both listen and read.

C. comes the last time

E. The exam tested and listening both reading.

D. to come the last time

130. Choose the correct sentence:

E. we came the last time

A. He is not only intelligent but also he is

134. These are the one that––––


A. we bought B. bought C. buy

B. He not only is intelligent but also he is

D. buying E. to buy


135. This book is the one that––––

C. Not only he is intelligent but also creative

A. our class B. our class used

D. He is not only intelligent but creative also

C. our class using D. our class use

E. He is not only intelligent but also creative

E. our class to use

131. Choose the correct sentence:

136. These are the assignments that––––

A. Flying is not only faster but also safer than

A. our teacher giving us


B. our teacher to give us

B. Flying is not only faster but also it is safer

C. our teacher give


D. our teacher gave us


E. our teacher

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137. These are some things that––––

A. going was he wanted B. going was he had

A. ^on‖t un^_rst[n^ B. ^o_s not un^_rst[n^


C. ^i^n‖t un^_rst[n^ D. un^_rst[n^

C. he wanted to go D. wanted to go he

E. I ^on‖t un^_rst[n^

E. go was he wanted

138. It is a shame that ––––

141. I noticed that ––––

A. you missing the movie B. you is missing

A. M[ry‖s [\s_n]_ to^[y B. M[ry w[s [\s_nt

C. you to miss the movie D. you missed the movie


E. you misses the movie

C. Mary absence today D. Mary was absence today

139. She knows that ––––

E. Mary absent today

A. mistakes in grammar B. mistake ion grammar

142. The experiment proved that ––––

C. mistaking in grammar D. to mistake in

A. less water for the plants


B. need less water for the plants

E. she mistakes in grammar

C. needing less water for the plants

140. He said that–––––

D. the plants needed less water E. less water needed for the plants

Answer Keys: 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. c 6. b 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. a 11. d 12. b 13. c 14. b 15. b 16. d 17. c 18. d 19. c 20. b 21. d 22. A 23. c 24. b 25. d 26. c 27. a 28. c 29. b 30. c 31. a 32. c 33. d 34. d 35. b 36. d 37. a 38. a 39. c 40. b 41. b 42. C 43. a 44. c 45. c 46. d 47. b 48. b 49. a 50. d 51. c 52.b 53.c 54.d 55.b 56.b 57.b 58.c 59.d 60.a 61. a 62. e 63. d 64. a 65.c 66. b 67.c 68. b 69. d 70. e 71. a 72. b 73. b 74. b 75. c 76. b 77. a 78. c 79. a 80. d 81. b 82. b 83. a 84. c 85. b 86. b 87. a 88. b 89. b 90. a 91. a 92. a 93. b 94. b 95. b 96. a 97. b 98. a 99. e 100. c 101. d 102. a 103. a 104. d 105. b 106. b 107. b 108. b 109. b 110. c 111. b 112. c 113. d 114. b 115. c 116. a 117. e 118. b 119. c 120. b 121. c 122. c 123. d 124. b 125. b 126. b 127. b 128. a 129. c 130. e 131. a 132. a 133. e 134. a 135. b 136. d 137. e 138. d 139. e 140. c 141. b 142. d 143. b 144. c 145. b

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1. She looked up ––––– on particularly t

D. whose E. why

occasion than she had ever done.

10. Choose the synonym of COUNTERFEIT.

A. much beautifully

A. risk B. fake C. frailty

B. much more beautiful

D. dull E. excessive

C. much more beautifully

11. Choose the correct spelling.

D. more beautiful

A. Rhodendron B. Rhododendron

E. far beautifully

C. Rhodondron D. Rhodedondron

2. To ––––– we give the contract is important

E. None of the above


12. Choose the correct option: -

A. who

B. whom

C. whomever

D. whose E. how 3.

B. One of the best boys are coming today.

Coffee and tea ––––– more expensive now. A. is

B. has

C. have

D. are E. had. 4.

A. cares 5.

B. care

C. caring

E. is care.

D. One of the best boy has already come.

A. costs

B. costing

13. Choose the antonym of AUTHENTIC A. Adept B. Counterfeit C. Brief D. Open

Five dozen ––––– me taka seventy. D. has cost

C. He is one of the best boys of the class. E. Both a+c.

No friend and no relative ––––– for him. D. are care

A. He is one of the best boy of the class.

C. cost

E. had cost.

E. Benevolent 14. Choose the correct sentence: A. You are one of the most honest man I have

6. We ––––– the assignment three days before

ever seen.

l[st Fri^[y‖s ^_[^lin_.

B. You are more honest than anybody I have

A. completed C. will complete

B. had completed D. were completing

E. will have completed.

ever seen is. C. You are more honest than anybody else I have ever seen is. D. You are one of the most honest men I have

7. Add this amount ––––– that.

ever seen.

A. with B. in C. to D. by E. at

E. You are one of the more honest men I have

8. He is absorbed ––––– thought.

ever seen.

A. in B. on C. with

15. He is – of the two pedestrians.

D. upon E. at

A. better B. best C. the best

9. For ––––– this design was prepared is still a

D. the better E. c+d.


16. Choose the synonym of RELEVANT.

A. who B. whom C. whomever

A. Poverty B. Pertinent

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C.Ttimely D. Joy

23. ––––– the scene of the accident, I could have

E. Huge

administered first aid to the victims.

17. Choose the correct spelling.

A. Had I seen B. If I were

A. Pomegrante B. Pomegranite

C. If I was D. I should have been

C. Pomgranate D. Pomegranate

E. I might have been.

E. None of the above

24. It is not for you to take responsibility; it is,

18. The more he tried hard to dance –

rather, me who is the guilty person in this

A. the more he failed


B. the most he failed

A. me who is B. me who am

C. the less he failed

C. I who is D. I who are

D. more he failed to do that

E. I who am.

E. he failed to do that.

25. With the exception of him and I, everyone in

19. He looks ––––– now than he looked before.

class finished the assignment before the bell

A. much careful B. more carefully


C. much more careful D. careful

A. I, everyone B. me, everyone

E. carefully.

C. my, everyone D. I, one

20. Choose the correct sentence.

E. me one.

A. Rarely she does well in the examination.

26. Which is the correct spelling:

B. Rarely does she well in the examination.

A. Anesthesia B. Mediaeval

C. Rarely she did well in the examination.

C. Messenger D. Interruption

D. Rarely she does not well in the examination.

E. All of the above.

E. Rarely does she not well in the examination.


21. Your complaint is no different from the last

A. Coop: Chickens B. Muzzle: Eggs

customer who expected a refund.

C. Gill : Fish D. Swarm: Bees.

A. no different from

E. Almanac: Dates.

B. no different from that of


C. similar to

A. Game: Series

D. no different than that of

B. Alliance: Nations

E. the same as.

C. Delegates: Alternates

Correcting the grammatically incorrect part in

D. Congregation : Preachers


E. Merge: Corporation.

following sentence, if necessary. (22 - 25)


22. Nobles customarily drunk their wine from

A. Lavish: bribes

elaborately chased drink horns.

B. Garner: Grain

A. drunk B. have drinked

C. Disperse: Enemy

C. drank D. had drunken

D. Refund: Deposit

E. drinking.

E. Obese: Corpulent.

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30. One argument against the welfare system is




it ––––– r_]ipi_nt‖s in^_p_n^_n]_.

35. Neither

A. encourage B. reports C. aids


D. saps E. steps.

the reporters nor the editor Were

31. More ivory is obtained from elephants in



Satisfied with

––––– elephants in Asia.


A. rather than B. more than

the salary offer made by

C. than from D. as well as


E. from than.


32. Where the suffix has not been properly used:

publisher . No error

A. congruent B. inadvertent


C. unbelievable D. both a+b


E. none of these.

36. Which one is correct?

33. Find out the incorrect part.

A. Questionnaire B. Resturant

Neither you nor I

C. Thermometre D. Paralelogram


E. None of these.

can realize affect

37. Which sentence is correct?


A. I will meet Mr. Jane next Sunday.

his behavior

B. I wish, I had the wings of a bird.

will have

C. I have had my revenge at last.


D. The president and secretary was present in the

on his chances for promotion



E. All of these.

. No error

38. Before the 1900s., Children ..... in the yards of


their homes and in the streets.

34. If

A. playing B. played C. has played


D. are playing E. None.

the flag is given

39. Many critics of plea bargaining ---- it allows


large numbers of criminals to escape

to him, Juan and hism

appropriate punishment.


A. believed it B. to believe


C. believing D. believe E. a+b.

be of the begining

40. To get an idea o` [ soil‖s porosity, ---- a small


amount of top in your hand.

of procession. No error

A. to rub B. rubbing

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C. rubbed D. rub E. None.

A. This encyclopedia costs twice more than the

41. The risks of developing cancer can ----by not

other one.

smoking and by drinking in moderation.

B. This encyclopedia costs twice so much the

A. be significantly reduced

other one

B. to be significantly reduced

C. This encyclopedia costs twice as much as the

C. significantly reduce

other one

D. to reduce significantly

D. This encyclopedia costs twice much more

E. None.

than the other one.

42. Even though many couples ---- smaller

E. None.

families, the number to births could rise.

49. Cboos_ tb_ ]orr_]t synonym o` ―PACIFIC‖

A. now having B. now has

A. Apathy B. Calm C. Apex

C. are now having D. is now having

D. Banal E. a+b.

E. a+b.

50. Choose the correct synonym of

43. To make up for losses in revenue, bus


companies ---- service and maintenance.

A. Massive B. Happy

A. cutting B. tends to cut

C. Compulsory D. Reckless

C. tending to cut D. tend to cut E. None.

E. a+b

44. City planners in Sr. Paul ––––– models for

51. Choose the correct synonym of

building compact towns and cities.


A. proposing B. have proposed

A. Economical B. Placid

C. proposed D. proposal

C. Competent D. Credulous

E. None.

E. None.

45. Refrigeration ––––– food spoilage by keeping

52. Cboos_ tb_ ]orr_]t synonym o` ―ABRIDGE‖

temperature near or below freezing

A. Adore B. Support

A. prevention B. prevents

C. Reconcile D. Shorten

C. preventing D. is prevented

E. None.

E. None.

53. Choose the correct synonym of

46. Every year both large and small businesses ––


––– into financial trouble.

A. Disaster B. Easy C. Reclusive

A. getting B. gets C. gotten

D. Eminent E. None.

D. get E. gate.

54. Cboos_ tb_ ]orr_]t [ntonym o` ―SANGUINE‖

47. Why ----to sell products?

A. Pessimistic B. Lazy C. Rash

A. companies have B. do companies have

D. Rage E. None.

C. companies do have D. companies did have

55. Choose th_ ]orr_]t [ntonym o` ―SHABBY‖

E. None.

A. Hostile B. Sober C. Astute

48. According to comparison which one is

D. New E. None.


56. Cboos_ tb_ ]orr_]t [ntonym o` ―SCANTY‖

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A. Talkative B. Avid C. Copious

old one.

D. Jolly E. None.

B. The speed of this engine is greater than that of

57. After reading the letter, he ––––– that the

the old one.

manager was attempting to ––––– a contract

C. The speed of this engine is greatest than that

with him.

of the old one.

A. implied --- abrogate B. surmised --- breach

D. The speed of this engine greater than the old

C. inferred -- negotiate D. imposed --- nullify


E. a+b.

E. Both a + b.

58. Mr. Sizer was walking ––––– a wood ––––– a

66. Find out the correct option for the underlined

rainy day.

words. Your courage is as great as any other

A. to - or B. trough – on

man in defending your country.

C. of -- through D. by – in E. None.

A. as great as any other man.

59. That is the person ––––– I was speaking –––––

B. so great as any other man.

A. whom - with B. whom – to

C. great like any other man

C. who - with D. who – to E. None.

D. as great as that of any other man

60. Choose the correct spelling.

E. as that of any man.

A. Monologue B. Mountaineer

67. Find the correct option.

C. Mushroom D. All of the above

A. These two lines are more parallel the others.

E. None.

B. These two lines are parallel and the others are

61. Find out the incorrect spelling.


A. Predecesor B. Perseverance

C. The box is more square than the other.

C. Pronunciation D. All of the above

D. both a+c E. both b+c.

E. a+b.

68. The food in my country is very ––––– that in

62. Choose the incorrect spelling.

our country.

A. Psychology B. Maintenance

A. different B. different than

C. Progresion D. Miscellaneous

C. different from D. differ

E. None.

E. differ from

63. Find out the incorrect spelling.

69. Which word is ]orr_]t witb ―Pr_`ix‖ ―im‖?

A. Redundency B. Rhododendron

A. mortal B. measurable

C. Rendezvous D. Sagacious

C. possible D. mature

E. None.

E. All of the above.

64. Find out the correct spelling.

70. Noun o` tb_ wor^ ‗APPROVE‘ is —

A. Penicillin B. Sovereignty

A. Approving B. Approved

C. Submission D. All of the above

C. Approveness D. Approval E. None.

E. None.

71. Which one is a correct sentence?

65. Choose the correct option.

A. I am going for a walk daily.

A. The speed of this engine is greater than the

B. He has just come here yesterday.

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C. I go for a walk daily.

79. Choose the incorrect option.

D. He has just come here. E. Both c + d.

A. Of the four exams this one was the harder.

72. Choose the correct option.

B. This job is more boring than the previous one.

A. The sky was blackker than coal

C. She looks as pretty as a doll.

B. The color of her eyes was more misty.

D. All of the above E. None.

C. Antarctica is the most lonely place on earth.

80. Complete the sentence.

D. None of the above E. a+b.

The second half of the book is ––––– exciting –

73. Choose the correct option.

–––– the first.

A. Her look was more glassier than the sunshine.

A. as, so B. so, as

B. Sandra sat nearer to the window than I.

C. more, than D. as much, than

C. The bridge was as narrow as a lane

E. None.

D. Both b+c E. None.

81. Choose the correct option.

74. Complete the sentence.

A. Steve reads more quickly than his brother.

It wasn‖t so \[^ ––––– we expected.

B. She does twice as much work as her brother.

A. that B. than C. as

C. The more he rowed the boat, the farther he

D. None of the above E. a+b.


75. Complete the sentence.


His assignment is different ––––– mine.

D. Both b + c E. a+c.

A. from B. than C. as

82. Choose the incorrect option.

D. to E. for.

A. You have more experience than anybody

76. Choose the correct option.

applying for the post.

A. The university is farther than the mall.

B. Who is the more famous novelist in the

B. The more you practice your steps will be more



C. The museum is farther away of the three

C. To^[y is bott_r tb[n y_st_r^[y‖s.


D. Both a+c

D. All of the above E. None.

E. None.

83. Complete the sentence.

77. Complete the sentence.

We received no notification prior ––––– the

No animal is so big ––––– the blue whale.


A. than B. from C. but

A. as B. than C. to

D. as E. to.

D. at E. it.

78. Choose the correct option.

84. Choose the correct sentence.

A. Tb_ `irst st_p is tb_ most import[nt o` [ll‖

A. The former world cup champion France failed

B. The Mexico earthquake of 1985 was far

to show their prowess.

worser than that of 1979

B. One of the more upper rooms is damaged.

C. Nannu is as cleverer as bulbul.

C. I chose neither them.

D. None of the above E. a+b.

D. All of the above

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E. None.

save the birds is to create a strong awareness

85. Complete the sentence.

among people from all walks of life through

The ––––– part of the address contained some

different initiatives and management programs.

important points.

88. An appropriate title for this passage is -

A. later. B. latter. C. more late.

A. Guest birds: the beauty of nature

D. None of the above E. a+b.

B. Guest birds: the international resource

86. Choose the correct option.

C. Guest birds: threatened by human predators

A. This summary is the best of the pair.

D. Guest birds: on the verge of extinction

B. My last test was bad than this one.

E. None.

C. We have little gas this year than we had last

89. ―Ironi]‖ m_[ns -


A. Satirical B. Chronic C. Annoyed

D. None of the above E. a+b.

D. Capsize E. None.

87. Choose the correct option.

90. ―Hospit[lity‖ is -

A. Many of us does office work.

A. Verb B. Adjective C. Noun

B. The painting will be awarded to whomever

D. Adverb E. a+b.

sells the most tickets.

91. What is responsible for decreasing the

C. Several of them have arrived already.

number of guest bird?

D. None of the above E. a+b.

A. P_opl_‖s [``lu_n]_

Read the following passage carefully and

B. Human greed

answer the questions:

C. Lack of awareness

It is ironic that, migratory birds, fondly called

D. The climate

―au_st \ir^s‖ [r_ `[r `rom tr_[t_^ witb bospit[lity

E. Capsize.

and instead are often trapped poisoned; Shot

92. Winter ducks, geese and shore birds perish

^_[^ \y uns]rupulous ―bosts‖ in B[nal[^_sb. A

because -

good number of winter ducks, geese and

A. They become the food of opulent people


B. It is the rule of nature that they will perish

perish here every year. This happens

C. They have got a very short life-span

mainly because of a small number of affluent

D. Their destiny is written like this

people who see these birds as a delicacy to

E. Both b+c.

satisfy their greedy palates rather than as the

93. ―P[l[t_‖ is [ t_rm r_l[t_^ to -

invaluable international treasures that they are.

A. painting B. relaxation

Statistics show that the

C. taste D. hardship of life

number of these birds have been declining

E. a+b.

rapidly over the past few years. It is the lack of

94. Adje]tiv_ o` ―^_li][]y‖ is -

awareness in the society that is leading to the sad

A. Dedicating B. Delectable C. Deity

demise of the bird population. The only way to

D. Delicate E. None.

English – Lec – 18

95. ―T_rri\l_‖ m_[ns -

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A. unenviable B. dreadful

E. a+c.

C. rival D. potential

101. Though they travel ––––– central America,

E. None

the swallows always make a punctual return

96. Five ounces of skim milk contains ––––– the

to the mission in Capistrano.

same volume of regular milk.

A. far away as B. far as away

A. more than protein as

C. as far away as D. away as far

B. more protein than

E. None.

C. more protein

102. Even With vast research, there is still a great

D. as more protein

deal that is ––––– known about the workings

E. None

of the human brain.

97. The mass of insects on Earth is ––––– all

A. neither B. none C. no


D. not E. None.

land animals combined.

103. Seldom ––––– games been of practical use in

A. greater than that of

playing real games.

B. as large as

A. theories of mathematics

C. more greater

B. theorized as mathematics

D. broader than the one of

C. has the mathematical theory of

E. None.

D. the mathematical theory has

98. Everest being the highest, K2 is –––––

104. A microscope can reveal vastly ––––– detail

mountain peak in the world.

than is visible to the naked eye.

A. the second of the B. of the second highest

A. than B. than more

C. the second highest of the level

C. more than D. more

D. the second highest E. None.

105. Andy Warhol was ––––– in the Pop Art

99. ––––– on an airplanes wings, the less the

movement who was known for his multiimage

resistance on the craft and the greater its full

silk-screen paintings.


A. that one of a leading figure

A. The smaller the amount drag

B. a leading figure

B. The smaller drag

C. leading figures

C. If the smaller the amount of drag

D. who leads figures

D. The smaller the amount of drag

106. The air inside a house or office building

E. a+b.


100. Humans reach physical maturity more slowly

has higher concentrations of contaminants ––

than –––––

––– heavily polluted outside air.

A. most other large mammals were

A. than does B. more

B. most other large mammals

English – Lec – 19

C. does most other large mammals

C. as some that are D. like of

D. the most other large mammals. facebook /gmail/skype: -

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107. The decimal numeral system is one of the ––

A. one of the larger B. one of largest


C. one of the largest D. largest

– ways of expressing numbers.

114. The facilities of the older hospital –––––.

A. us_`ul most worl^‖s

A. is as good or better than the new hospital

B. worl^‖s most us_`ul

B. are as good or better that the new hospital

C. us_`ul worl^‖s most

C. are as good as or better than the new hospital

D. most worl^‖s us_`ul

D. are as good as or better than those of the new

108. Not only ––––– to determine the depth of



115. The more she worked, –––––

ocean floor, but it is also used to locate oil.

A. the less she achieved

A. to use seismology

B. she achieved not enough

B. is seismology used

C. she did not achieve enough

C. seismology is used

D. she was achieving less

D. using seismology

116. The classes at Dhaka University are–– at

109. The United States spends more money on


advertising ––––– country in the world.


A. other B. other than

A. different

C. than any other D. while other

B. different from

110. Tommy was one –––––

C. different from those

A. of the happy childs of his class

D. different than

B. of the happiest child in the class

E. different than those

C. child who was the happiest of all the class

117. The English that is spoken in Canada is ––––

D. of the happiest children in the class

111. Last year, Matt earned ––––– his brother,

the United States.

who has a better position.

A. Similar

A. twice as much as

B. similar to

B. twice more than

C. Similar to the

C. twice as many as

D. Similar to that of

D. twice as more as

E. Similar to those of

112. There were two small rooms in the beach

118. Find the correct sentence

house, ––––– served as a kitchen.

A. Drugstores here are not like those at home.

A. the smaller of which

B. Drugstores here are not like at home.

B. the smallest of which

C. Drugstores here are not like that at home.

C. the smaller of them

D. Drugstores here are not like that those at

D. smallest of that


113. Cuba is ––––– sugar-growing areas in the

E. Drugstores her are not like than those at



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119. The time in Dhaka city ––––– three minutes

D. The interest at city bank is higher than Sonali

from that of khulna city.


A. different B. differs

E. The interest at City Bank is more high than

C. different from D. differs from

that of Sonali Bank

E. different than

125. That car is almost ------- .

120. Her qualifications are better ––––– any other

A. the same B. alike


C. the same as mine D. the same as

A. than those B. than that of

E. similar

C. those D. than those of

126. My briefcase is exactly –––––.

E. than

A. similar B. alike

121. Pro`_ssor B[k_r‖s ]l[ss is –– Professor

C. the same yours D. the same as yours


E. the same as you

A. more interesting than

127. Is your book –––––.

B. much interesting than

A. the same mine? B. the same as me?

C. more interesting than that of

C. the same as mine? D. similar as as

D. very interesting than that of

E. as

E. more interesting than those of

128. Are this picture and the one of your desk–––

122. The audience is ––––– l[st y_[r‖s ]on]_rt


A. much larger than that of

A. the same? B. similar to ?

B. more larger than that of

C. the same as ? D. alike E. None

C. much larger than that

129. The teacher gave Martha a failing grade on

D. more larger than that

her composition because it was ––––– he had

E. much larger than those of

already read.

123. The rooms in the front are ––––– in the back

A. alike B. the same as

A. more noisier than those

C. similar D. as E. none

B. much noisier than those

130. Altbouab w_ o`t_n us_ ‗sp__^‘ [n^

C. much noisy than those


D. more noisy than those

interchangeably, in [ t_]bni][l s_ns_, ‗sp__^‘

E. much noisier than that

is not always ––––– ‗v_lo]ity‘

124. Find the correct sentence

A. alike B. the same as

A. The interest at city Bank is higher than Sonali

C. similar D. as E. none


131. I would really like to have a stereo that is ––

English – Lec – 20


B. The interest at city Bank is higher than that of

– the one on display.

Sonali Bank

A. similar B. alike

C. The interest at city Bank is higher than those

C. similar to D. similar as

of Sonali Bank

E. the same

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132. My roomm[t_‖s v[lu_s [r_ ––––– in spite of

C. like D. alike E. as like

our being from different countries.

141. Antbony ^o_sn‖t look ––––– his brother.

A. similar B. similar to me

A. like to B. like as

C. similar to mine D. similar as mine

C. like D. alike E. as like

E. similar mine

142. Although they are smaller, chipmunks are ––

133. Cli``‖s al[ss_s [r_ –––––, but his cost a lot


––most other ground squirrels,

A. similar B. similar to you

A. like to B. like as

C. similar to your D. similar as yours

C. like D. alike E. as like

E. similar to yours

143. I want to buy a pair of shoes ––––– tb_s_ I‖m

134. That joke is ––––– that I heard.


A. similar B. alike

A. the same style B. the same style like

C. similar to D. similar as

C. the same style as D. same style as

E. the same

E. same style like

135. All of the other departments are ––––– this

144. This is not ––––– he rest of the apartments.


A. the same big like B. the same big as

A. similar B. alike

C. same big as D. same big like

C. similar to D. similar as

E. the same big

E. the same

145. The gold chain that Edith saw is ––––– yours.

136. The vegetation in temperate zones all around

A. the same weight like B. the same weight

the world is ––––.

C. same weight like D. the same weight as

A. similar B. like

E. same weight as

C. same as D. as E. similar to

146. Please cut my hair ––––– he style in this

137. The weather feels ––––– spring.


A. like to B. like as

A. the same length B. the same length like

C. like D. alike E. as

C. the same length as D. same length like

138. This suit is ––––– that suit.

E. same length as

A. like to B. like as

147. Is this thread ––––– the cloth?

C. like D. alike E. as like

A. the same color B. the same color like

139. Your recipe for chicken is ––––– a recipe

C. same color as D. same color like


E. the same color as

my mother has.

English – Lec –21

A. like to B. like as

148. Some retirement communities will not sell

C. like D. alike E. as like

property to new residents unless they are

140. I want to buy some shoes ––––– the ones I

about –––– the rest of the residents.


A. the same age B. the same old

A. like to B. like as

C. the same age as D. the same old as

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E. all of the above

A. differ B. different

149. M[ry‖s jo\ is ––––– ill‖s.

C. different from D. different than

A. as hard B. as hard as

E. more different than

C. as hard that D. hard as

157. Long distance telephone rates for daytime

E. as hardly as

hours are ––––– rates for nighttime hours.

150. Miss Jon_‖s Enalisb is not ––––– Dr. B[k_r‖s.

A. differ B. different

A. as clear B. as clear as

C. different from D. different than

C. as clear that D. clear as

E. more different than

E. as clearly as

158. A nursery school is ––––– a day care center.

151. He is not ––––– his brother.

A. differ B. different

A. as tall B. as tall as

C. different from D. different than

C. as tall that D. tall as

E. more different than

E. as tall like

159. The tour packages that we offer are –––––

152. The meat at the supermarket is not –––––

most tours.


A. differ B. different

meat at a butcher shop.

C. different from D. different than

A. as expensive B. as expensive as

E. more different than

C. as expensive that D. expensive as

160. The works of Picasso were quite –––– during

E. as expensive like

various periods of his artistic life.

153. College Station is not ––––– Austin.

A. differ B. different

A. as big B. as big as

C. different from D. different than

C. as big that D. big as

E. more different than

E. as big like

161. Sharon is ––––– other women I know.

154. Although the name was not popularized until

A. differ B. different

the Middle Ages, engineering –––––

C. different from D. different than


E. more different than

A. as old as B. is as old as

162. Do you have anything a little ––––– these?

C. that is old as D. as old as that

A. differ B. different

E. A+B

C. different from D. different than

155. Although they are both weekly news

E. more different than

magazines, Times is ––––– Newsweek in

163. The campus at State University ––––– that of

several ways.

City College.

A. differ B. different

A. differs B. differs from

C. different from D. different than

C. different from D. different than

E. more different than

E. differs than

156. The watch in the window is a little ––– this

164. J[yn_‖s [p[rtm_nt is v_ry ––––– Bill‖s _v_r


though they are in the same building.

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A. differ B. different

A. so much as B. as much as

C. different from D. different than

C. as many as D. more than

E. more different than

E. as much that

165. Customs ––––– one region of the country to

172. After the purchase of the Louisiana Territory,


the United States had ––––– it had previously

A. differ B. differ from


C. different from D. differ than

A. twice more land than

E. differ than

B. two times more land than

166. Modern blimps like the famous Goodyear

C. twice as much land as

blimps –––––– the first ones in that they are

D. two times much land than E. A+B

filled with helium instead of hydrogen.

173. ––––– people came to the meeting.

A. differ from B. different from

A. More one hundred

C. is different from D. different E. differ

B. More than one hundred


C. More then one hundred

167. This one is prettier, but it costs twice –––––

D. Much than one hundred

the other one.

E. Most than one hundred

A. so much as B. as much as

174. We have lived in the United States for –––––

C. as many as D. more than

seven years.

E. as much that

A. lesser than B. the lesser than

168. The rent at College Apartment is only half ––

C. less as D. less than E. less then

175. The main library has ––––– volumes.

–– you pay here.

A. More one million

A. so much as B. as much as

B. Most than one million

C. as many as D. more than

C. More then one million

E. as much that

D. Much than one million

169. Bob found a job that paid twice ––––– he

E. More than one million

made working at the library.

176. A new shopping center on the north side

A. so much as B. as much as


C. as many as D. more than

have ––––– shops

E. as much that

A. More five hundred

170. The prince was very reasonable; I would

B. More than five hundred

gladly have paid three times ––––– he asked.

C. More then five hundred

A. so much as B. as much as

D. Much than five hundred

C. as many as D. more than

E. Most than five hundred

E. as much that

177. There are ––––– students in the lab, but only

171. W_ ^i^n‖t \uy tb_ ][r \_][us_ tb_y w[nt_^

two computers.

twice ––––– it was worth.

A. More fifty B. More than fifty

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C. More then fifty D. Much than fifty

A. more spacious as

E. Most than fifty

B. more spacious than

178. In the Great Smoke Mountains, one can see –

C. more spacious then

D. the more spacious than

––– 150 different kinds of trees.

E. most spacious than

A. more than B. as much as

186. The bill which we received was ––––– the

C. up as D. as many to


E. all of the above

A. the highest B. higher than

179. We expect ––––– thirty people to come.

C. the higher than D. higher then

A. approximate B. until

E. higher as

C. as many as D. more

187. Eileen has been ––––– lately than she was

E. as much as

when she first came.

180. There are ––––– students attending summer

A. happier B. more happy


C. happiest D. the happier

A. approximate B. more

E. the happiest

C. as much as D. until

188. The books for my engineering course are

E. as many as

more ––––– the books for my other courses.

181. The children can see ––––– baby animals in

A. expensive as B. expensive than

the nursery at the zoo.

C. expensive then D. much expensive than

A. more B. as much as

E. expensiveness than

C. as many as D. approximate

189. The climate here is ––––– that of New

E. until


182. –––– planes have sat in line waiting to take

A. mild than B. milder as


C. the milder then D. milder than

A. as many as B. approximate

E. much mild than

C. more D. until E. as much as

English – Lec – 06 . 23

183. State University offers ––––– major fields of

190. The Disney Amusement Park in Japan is ––––


Florida or California.

A. as much as B. approximate

A. the largest than the ones in

C. as many as D. until E. more

B. larger than the ones in C. larger the ones in

184. It has been estimated that ––––– one

D. the largest of the ones E. A+D


191. She is ––––– of all of the girls in our class.

thousand men participated in the gold rush of

A. the prettier B. prettier


C. prettiest D. the prettiest

A. approximate B. until

E. the most pretty

C. as many as D. more E. as much as

192. New York is ––––– of all American cities.

185. This room is ––––– the other one.

A. the larger B. the largest

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C. largest D. large E. larger

200. Please give me ––––– sugar than you did last

193. Of all of the candidates, Alex is probably –––


A. much B. little


C. fewer D. more E. the most

A. less qualified B. least qualified

201. This composition is ––––– than your last one.

C. the least qualified D. the less qualified

A. better B. best

E. qualified

C. the better D. better

194. Although there are a number of interesting

E. good

findings, ––––– results are in the abstract.

202. ––––– apples are grown in Washington State.

A. the most significant B. the more significant

A. Best B. The most good

C. more significant D. most significant

C. The best D. The better

E. significant

E. Better

195. In my opinion, ––––– place in Oregon is

203. Professor Tucker was pleased because our

Mount Hood.

group approached the project ––––– the

A. the more beautiful B. more beautiful


C. the most beautiful D. most beautiful

A. most scientifically than

E. beautiful

B. more scientifically than

196. The blue whale is –––– known animal,

C. the more scientifically than

reaching a length of more than one hundred

D. scientifically as


E. scientifically than

A. the large B. the larger

204. This train always leaves ––––– the time on

C. the largest D. most largest


E. all of the above


197. The lab is ––––– from the bus stop than the

A. later than B. latter than


C. the later than D. the latest

A. farthest B. the farthest

E. latest

C. the farther D. more farther

205. Tb_ stu^_nts in Dr. N_[l‖s ]l[ss ]ompl[in_^ –

E. farther

–––– about the grading system.

198. ––––– accident in the history of the city

A. the more bitterly B. most bitterly

occurred last night on the North Freeway.

C. the most bitterly D. much bitterly

A. The worse B. The worst

E. bitterly

C. Worst D. Worse E. Most

206. I wish we could see each other –––––.


A. more frequent B. most frequently

199. These photographs are very good, but that

C. more frequently D. the more frequently

one is ––––– of all.

E. the most frequently

A. the better B. better

207. He drivers ––––– she does.

C. the best D. best E. much best

A. faster than B. fastest

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C. the faster D. the fastest

B. one must pay fewer income taxes

E. fast than

C. less one must pay in income taxes

208. Many chemicals react ––––– in acid solutions.

D. the least one must pay in income taxes

A. more quick B. more quickly

English – Lec – 06 . 24

C. quicklier D. as quickly more

E. the lesser one must pay in income taxes

E. A+B

212. –––––, the better you will do it.

209. ––––– you study during the semester, –––––

A. More you practice speaking

you have to study the week before exams.

B. The more you practice speaking

A. The more, the least B. The more, the less

C. The most you practice speaking

C. The most, the less D. The lesser, the less

D. You practice speaking more

E. More, the less

E. You practice speaking the most

210. ––––– we finish, ––––– we can leave.

213. It is generally true that the lower the stock

A. The faster, the sooner

market falls, –––––

B. The fastest, the sooner

A. hither the price of gold rises

C. Faster, sooner

B. the price of gold rises high

D. The fastest, the soonest

C. the higher the price of gold rises

E. The faster, sooner

D. rises high the price of gold

211. The less one earns, –––––

E. all of the above

A. the less one must pay in income taxes

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1. ––––– and prolonged droughts result from combinations of several factors.

of the sun. A. can turn is slowly B. can slowly turn

A. Most severs, clearly B. Mostly severe, clearly

C. slowly, it can turn D. slowly turn and

C. Clearly, most severe

E. can turn slow.

D. Clearly, most


6. Mnemonic systems ––––– information so that

E. Most sever, clearly.

it can be

2. A stem may grow upright, horizontally


along the

A. organic B. organized

ground, and ––––– underground.

D. organize

A. sometimes even

B. even some time

C. organization

E. None.

7. As he grow older, autistic children

C. evenly, sometimes D. sometimes and even

seldom –––––

E. even and sometimes.

attachments to living creatures

3. ––––– o` on_‖s winnina tb_ lott_ry is [\out

A. forming

one in three

D. forms

million. A. Probably, the statistically B. Statistically, the probable C. Statistically, the probability D. Probably, the statistical E. Probably, statistically.

B. a form

C. form

E. None.

8. Always ––––– diskettes to their envelopes as soon as you remove them from the disk drive. A. they return B. it is returned C. a return D. return E. they returned. 9. According to a survey, test scores –––––

4. Pesticides do not break down easily, ––––

prominently in

university admission decisions.

concentrated in the food chain. A. particularly, becoming B. becoming particularly

A. may be a figure B. may figure C. have a figure D. may have figures

E. may have been figures.

C. becoming particularly D. becoming particular

10. ––––– are periodic vibrations in the

E. None.

loudness of a

5. The sunflower ––––– around and face in the direction facebook /gmail/skype: -

sound. A. There are beats B. That beats C. Beats

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D. It beats E. None.

C. Whenever people live

11. Small sailboats can easily capsize ––––– they are not

D. Whenever living

people E. When who lives.

handled carefully.

18. ––––– managed by an independent governor

A. but B. which C. if

and board

D. so E. that.

of directors, the Bank of Canada is owned by

12. ––––– they are tropical birds, parrots


can live in


temperate or even cold climates. A. Despite B. Even thought C. Nevertheless D. But E. Notwithstanding.

A. And yet B. In spite C. Although D. It is E. Yet. 19. ––––– pieces of rope are of different

13. ––––– added to a liquid, antifreeze lowers the

thickness, the


w_[v_r‖s knot ][n \_ us_^ to join tb_m.

temperature of that liquid. A. That B. That

C. It is

D. When E. None.

A. Two of

20. –––––, the seeds of the Kentucky coffee plant are

United States,


it has had an enormous effect on American life. B. As is

C. Two such

D. If two E. of two.

14. ––––– advertising is so widespread in the

A. Why

B. What

C. It is

D. When E. How. 15. ––––– toward shore, its shape is changed by

A. Until they have been cooked B. Cooking them C. They have been cooked

D. Cooked until

E. Cooked till.

its collision

21. Natural silk is till highly prized –––––

with the shallow sea bottom.

artificial fabrics.

A. During a wave B. As a wave C. A wave rolls D. A w[v_‖s rollina E. Non_.

A. although is available B. despite there are available

16. ––––– are increasingly linked over long

C. in spite of the availability of

distances by

D. even though an availability of

E. None.

electronic communications, but many of them




prefer face-to-face encounters.

A. wherever B. everywhere C. overall

A. Although people B. Despite people C. Today people D. The fact that people E. a+b.

Cattle ranches are found almost ––––– in

D. somewhere E. nowhere. 23. ––––– though a prism, a beam of white light breaks

17. ––––– together in one place, they form a

into all the colors of the rainbow.


A. When shines B. It shines C. It is shone

A. When people who live B. When people living facebook /gmail/skype: -

D. When shone E. When it shone.

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24. ––––– most people think of freezing as a

A. moreover B. both C. together D. besides E.



modern method of food preservation, it is

30. Most crustaceans live in the sea, ––––– some

actually one

live in

of the oldest.

fresh water and a few have ventured onto land.

A. Even B. As though C. However

A. both B. also C. but D. and E. between.

D. Although E. a+b.

31. Ann –––– television when the phone rang.

25. ––––– large bodies of water never freeze solid

A. was watching B. is watching C. has watched

is that

D. watched E. none

the sheet of ice on the surface protects the water

32. Find out the correct sentence?


A. Listen, he is speaking. B. Listen, he speaks.

it from the cold air.

C. I had met him yesterday.

A. Because B. Why do C. The reason that

D. My servant says he had gone to Bazar. E.

D. For the reason E. Why not.


26. ––––– granted by the Patent Office, it becomes

33. He found a lot of dust underneath the table.


It is -

inv_ntor‖s prop_rty [n^ b_ or sb_ ][n k__p it,

A. Adverb B. Conjunction C. Preposition

sell it, or

D. Verb E. Noun.

license it to someone else.

34. Complete the sentence.

A. Once a patent is B. When a patent C. A patent,

He was excused ––––– his age.


A. along with B. according to C. by means of

D. A patent, wherever it E. When once a patent.

D. by reason of E. by means with.

27. Owls can hunt in total darkness ––––– their

35. Choose the correct option.

remarkably keen sense of smell.

A. Oliver has usually early B. We often will go

A. since B. because of C. the result


D. that E. as that.

C. I forgiving her a long time ago

28. ––––– most bamboo blooms every year, there

D. I am going to buy a luxurious apartment

are some

E. I forgiving her a long time.

species that flower only two or three times a

36. Choose the correct option.


A. I have never hurt anyone

A. Whenever B. That C. While

B. Aftab already left when I phoned

D. However E. None.

C. It has impossible for me to leave my family

29. Demographers believe most metropolitan

D. She was not already sure, if she could marry

areas will


continue to grow in ––––– population and area in

E. None.


37. Complete the sentence.


We have ––––– to decide, what action to take.

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A. yet B. already C. since

D. Disdain E. Accept.

D. just E. Nearly.

44. Tb_ Synonym o` ―N[iv_‖ is -

38. Choose the correct option.

A. Futile B. Ingenuous C. Unintelligible

A. Monica has been absent for Monday.

D. Obliterate E. None.

B. I have reached the station long ago.

45. They are some ––––– I think are clever.

C. While Laboni was cooking food, James was

A. whom B. who C. that

reading the

D. which E. None.


46. Which sentence is correct?

D. Monica has been absent of Monday

A. None but him can do it B. None but he can do

E. None of the above.


39. Complete the sentence.

C. Only but he can do it D. a+b

We had dinner ––––– they arrived.

E. None of the above.

A. after B. before C. while

47. Tb_ noun `orm o` ―Curious‖ is –––––

D. when E. that.

A. Curious B. Curiously C. Curiosity

40. Choose the correct option.

D. None of the above E. a+c.

A. When I reached home, she had fallen asleep.

48. It –––– very much in summer.

B. Tushar will have doing his homework before

A. ^o_sn‖t r[in B. ^on‖t r[ins C. ^i^ not r[in

you scold.

D. A+C E. none

C. She feared that he harms her.

49. Which word is incorrectly spelled?

D. I will admit that, it will not be a very sensible

A. Accomplishment B. Brilliant C. Colleague

thing to do.

D. Disappointment E. None of the above.

E. None.

50. Choose the correct sentence:

41. Mozart ––––– more than 600 pieces of music.

A. Rarely you are found in the room

A. wrote B. writes C. writing

B. Rarely are you found in the room

D. A+B E. none

C. You are rarely found in the room

42. Choose the correct option.

D. Both b+c E. both a + b.

A. We had completed the assignment three days

51. Choose the correct sentence -

\_`or_ l[st Fri^[y‖s ^_[^ lin_.

A. Give me a ten page book. B. Give me ten pages

B. We were stuffing envelops every day last week.


C. I listened to the radio when the accident

C. Give me a ten pages book. D. Both b+c E. both


a+ b.

D. We had completed the assignment three day

52. Pl_[s_ ^on‖t m[t_ so mu]b nois_. I‖m –––––.


A. work B. worked C. working

l[st Fri^[y‖s ^_[^ lin_.

D. B+C E. none

E. All of the above.

53. Which is the ]orr_]t ―synonym‖ o`

43. Tb_ Synonym o` ―D_t_r‖ is -


A. Refute B. Obstruct C. Expert

A. Unreasonable B. Contaminate C. Pollute

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D. Both b + c E. None of the above.

B. He left home three weeks since

54. Which is the correct synonym of

C. I never realized that I loved you until now


D. He will regularly appears on television

A. Unbelievable B. Unthinkable C. Unlikely

E. All of the above.

D. Unassuming E. a + b+d.

63. Complete the sentence.

55. Which word is incorrectly spelled?

I b[v_n‖t r_]_iv_^ [ l_tt_r `rom b_r - .

A. Malaria B. Ferocious C. Manoeuvre

A. since B. often C. just

D. Fahrenheit E. None of these.

D. already E. yet.


64. Wb_r_‖s M[ra[r_t? Sb_‖s ––––– a bath.

A. pigeon: dove B. dog : cat C. gander: gosling

A. has B. have C. had

D. swan: drake E. gander: goose.

D. having E. none


65. I‖m tir_^ I‖m ––––– to bed now.

A. Officer : clerk B. Doctor : patient

A. went B. go C. going

C. Evangelist : sinner D. Educator : ignorance

D. gone E. none

E. Judge : court.

66. Choose the synonym of the word


Brittle -

A. Laborer: wages B. Manager: employees

A. Strong B. Soft C. Tough

C. Moon lighter: debts D. Arbitrator : complaints

D. Fragile E. None.

E. Exhortation : flattery

67. Choose the synonym of the word

59. Which of the following is a synonym of

Deceit -


A. Truth B. Honesty C. Fair-dealing

A. Inharmonious B. Harsh C. Raucous

D. Duplicit E. None.

D. A & C only E. A, B, & C.

68. Choose the synonym of the word Calm-

60. Which of the following is a synonym of

A. Agitated B. Quiet C. Inflamed


D. Angry E. None.

A. Verbose B. Prolix C. Pinnacle

69. ––––– to the radio? No, you can turn it off.

D. Diligent E. Gallant.

A. Do you listen B. Are you listening

61. Except for you and I everyone brought a

C. Have you listened D. Did you listen

present to this

E. None.


70. We usually ––––– vegetables in our garden but

A. Except for you and I everyone.


B. With the exception of you and I everyone.

year we ––––– any.

C. Except for you and I, everyone had.

A. grow, are not growing B. grow, grow

D. Except for you and me, everyone.

C. are growing, grow D. are growing, are not

E. Except for you and me everyone had.


62. Choose the correct option.

E. None.

A. I have met her last week facebook /gmail/skype: -

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71. Tonuja ––––– her hand when she ––––– the

D. see E. none


82. During his formative years Ronald Reagan –––

A. was burning, cooked B. burnt, cooked

–– on a

C. burnt, was cooking D. burnt, had cooked

form in Illinois

E. burns, was cooking.

A. has lived B. lived C. living

72. We saw an accident while we –––––

D. had living E. None.

A. traveled B. were traveling C. had traveled

83. Spanish culture ––––– the new world by

D. are traveling E. None.


73. When I was young, I ––––– to be a bus driver.

century conquistadors

A. wanted B. was wanting C. had wanted

A. was brought to B. be brought to C. brought to

D. want E. an wanting.

D. brought E. None.

74. Jane ––––– for me when I arrived.

84. By the end of the year. the speed limit in

A. waited B. was waiting C. had waited

many states –

D. waits E. is waiting.

–––– 55 miles per hour.

75. He told me his name but I ––––– it.

A. was reducing B. had reduced to

A. have forgotten B. had forgotten C. forgot

C. had been reduced to D. was being E. None.

D. an forgetting E. None.

85. Archaeologists believe that the calendar –––––

76. The house was dirty. They ––––– cleaned it

by the

for weeks.


A. had not cleaned B. have not cleaned C. did not

A. were inventing B. have been invented


C. had been invented D. being invented

D. were not cleaning E. None.

86. Water safety experts feel we should ––––– at

77. Wb[t ^o_s tb_ pbr[s_ ‗C[t‖s p[w‘ m_[n?

young an

A. A C[t‖s ^oll B. Favorite person

age as possible.

C. Vi]tim o` som_on_‖s will D. En_my E. Non_.

A. begin to teach children to swim

78. Complete the sentence.

B. begins taught children to swim

No animal is so big ––––– the blue whale.

C. beginning to teach children to swim

A. than B. from C. but D. as E. c+d.

D. began to teach children to swim E. None.

79. Complete the sentence.

87. L_t‖s ao out now. It isn‖t ––––– any more.

A person who is ––––– is not –––––.

A. rain B. rains C. raining

A. sanguine, optimistic B. gullible, credulous

D. rained E. none

C. meticulous, careless D. facetious, silly E. None.

88. The cyclist ––––– he crossed the main street.

80. Hello, Jane, Are you ––––– the party?

A. looked with caution after B. had looked

A. enjoy B. enjoying C. enjoyment

cautiously before

D. enjoyed E. enjoys

C. was looked cautious when D. looks cautious

81. I ––––– Rose in town a few days ago.


A. had seen B. have seen C. saw facebook /gmail/skype: -

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89. Lee contributed fifty dollars, but he wishes he

A. his wife was sleeping B. his wife slept


C. his wife has slept D. his wife has been sleeping

contribute –––––.

E. None of the above.

A. one other fifty dollars B. the same amount also

94. George did not do well in the class because ––

C. another fifty D. more fifty dollars

E. None of the above.

A. he studied bad B. he was not good study wise

90. N[n]y b[sn‖t \_aun working on her Ph. D. –––

C. he was a badly student D. he failed to study



workina on b_r m[st_r‖s.

E. None of the above.

A. still because she is yet B. yet as a result she is

95. After the funeral, the residents of the



C. yet because she is still D. still while she is

building –––––.


A. sent faithfully flowers all weeks to the

E. None of the above.


91. The teachers have had some problems

B. sent to the cemetery each week flowers

deciding –––––.


A. when to the students they shall return the

C. sent flowers faithfully to the cemetery each

final papers


B. when are they going to return to the students

D. sent each week faithfully to the cemetery

the final



E. None of the above.

C. when they should the final papers to the

96. Because the first pair of pants did not fit


properly, he

D. the time when the final papers they should

asked for –––––.

return for

A. another pants B. others pants C. the others

the students E. None of the above.


92. The families were told to evacuate their

D. another pair E. None of the above.


97. Alfred Adams has not –––––.

immediately –––––.

A. lived lonelynessly in times previous

A. at the time when the water began to go up

B. never before lived sole

B. when the water began to rise

C. ever lived alone before

C. when up was going the water

D. before lived without the company of his

D. in the time when the water raised


E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

93. When Henry arrived home after a hard day at

98. This year will be difficult for organization

work, –

because –––



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A. They have less money and volunteers than

104. Only if ––––– will proper labeling be

they had last year


B. it has less money and fewer volunteers than it

A. the law is changed B. is changed the law

had last year

C. is the law changed D. the law being changed

C. the last it did not have as few and little

E. None of the above.

volunteers and money

105. The sulky, a horse drawn carriage, ––––– to

D. there are fewer money and volunteers that in

have been

the last

invented in the early nineteenth century by an

year there were E. None of the above.


99. On_ o` tb_ pro`_ssor‖s ar_[t_st [ttri\ut_s is ––


A. believed B. was believing C. is believed

A. when he gives lectures

D. is believing E. None of the above.

B. how in the manner that he lectures

106. Mary has been on a diet –––––.

C. the way to give lectures

A. since three week B. for three weeks

D. his ability to lecture E. None of the above.

C. since three weeks D. for three week

100. Tb_ stu^_nts lik_^ tb[t pro`_ssor‖s ]ours_

E. since tree for weeks

because –––.

107. Lack of exercise and high-fat diets have ––––

A. there was few if any homework

– to be

B. not a lot of homework

factors in heart attacks.

C. o` tb_r_ w[sn‖t [ ar_[t [mount o` bom_work

A. long been knownB. been long known

D. there was little or no homework E. None

C. known been long D. long known been

101. John said that no other car could go –––––.

E. None of the above.

A. so fast like his car B. as fast like his car

108. ––––– the water clear but also prevent the

C. as fast like the car of him D. as fast as his car

river from

E. None of the above.


102. He gave –––––.

A. Not only tb_ bippo‖s _[tina b[\its keep

A. to the class a tough assignment

B. K__p not only tb_ bippo‖s _[tina b[\its

B. the class a tough assignment

C. Tb_ bippo‖s _[tina b[\its not only k__p

C. a tough assignment for the class

D. Not only k__p tb_ bippo‖s _[tina b[\its

D. an assignment very tough to the class E. None

E. None of the above.

103. Potatoes and onions ––––– from sprouting by

109. Not until 1865 ––––– the first antiseptic

a new

treatment on a

technology using radiation.

compound fracture.

A. are preventing B. prevention is C. are

A. when Joseph Lister tried B. when did Joseph


Lister try

D. prevented E. None

C. did Joseph Lister try D. that Joseph Lister tried E. None of the above.

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110. At each end of the tube –––––, one which

surrounded by acres of gardens.

gathers light

A. where the Aston stately home stands

and one which magnifies the image.

B. the stately home stands of Aston

A. are two lenses there B. two lenses are

C. the stately home of Aston stands

C. are two lenses d. two lenses are there E. None

D. stands the stately Aston home E. None

111. When –––– into the Colorado wilderness, no

117. In the Sonora desert, the daytime

one could

temperatures –––––

have predicted how popular the animal would

to 500 degrees Celsius.


A. rise B. rising C. to rise D. risen E. None

A. llamas first bring B. were llamas first brought

118. ––––– after years of planning did the project

C. first bringing llamas D. llamas were first




E. None of the above.

A. Seldom B. Only C. Often D. Always E. None

112. Centuries ago, ––––– known source of

119. ––––– should the expense of the new bridge



and myrrh was Yemen.

considered a problem.

A. not only B. the only C. only

A. Scarcely B. Nor C. Often D. Always E. None

D. only the E. None

120. ––––– had the restaurant opened than people

113. Noise pollution generally receives less


attention than ––

flocking to eat there.

––– air pollution.

A. No sooner B. Nowhere C. Often D. Always

A. does B. it does C. over

121. ––––– should a young child be allowed to

D. it does over E. None

play with

114. During the investigations, those questioned

fireworks without adult supervision.

included ––

A. Under no circumstances B. No sooner than C.

––– top officials, but also the minor employees



D. Always E. None of the above.

carried out the orders.

122. ––––– have playing cards been used for card

A. when B. both C. without

games but

D. not only E. None

also for fortune-telling.

115. Putrefaction ––––– by bacteria and not by a

A. Not as much B. Not only C. Often


D. Always E. None


123. ––––– will the emperor penguin leave its

A. to be caused B. causing C. caused

nest before

D. is caused E. None

the chick hatches.

116. West of Newport –––––, one of the many

A. Not once B. Not until C. Often


D. Always E. None

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124. ––––– intensive research can a vaccine for

131. In 1990, the population of Bangladesh –––––

the virus be




A. Only when B. Only through C. Often

A. is B. was C. are D. were E. had been

D. Always E. None

132. Choose the correct sentence

125. ––––– are the autumn colors so splendid as

A. W_ ^on‖t r_]_iv_ m[il y_st_r^[y \_][us_ it w[s

in New

a holiday


B. W_ ^i^n‖t r_]_iv_^ m[il y_st_r^[y \_][us_ it

A. Only B. Nowhere C. Often

was a holiday.

D. Always E. None

C. W_ b[v_n‖t r_]_iv_^ m[il y_st_r^[y \_][us_ it

126. Just before he died, my friend who –––––

is a holiday.

poetry –––––

D. W_ b[^n‖t r_]_iv_^ m[il y_st_r^[y \_][us_ it is

his first book.

a holiday.

A. writes, publishes B. wrote, publishes

E. W_ ^i^n‖t r_]_iv_ m[il y_st_r^[y \_][us_ it w[s

C. writes, published D. wrote, published

a holiday.

E. write, publish

133. Although there ––––– 200 foreign students at



127. Until the day he –––––, he always ––––– in

University in 1995, there ––––– more than 500

class Just as


the bell rang.

A. were, are B. are, were C. is, was

A. dies, arrives B. died, arrived C. died, arrives

D. had been, are E. has been, are

D. dies, arrived E. had died, arrives

134. She has been living here ––––– April.

128. Before he ––––– the man who ––––– across

A. Before B. after C. since D. for E. long

the street

135. We have known each other ––––– 1974.

used to help me.

A. since B. as C. because D. for E. after.

A. died, lived B. dies, lives C. died, has been living

136. A. Junu will l_`t \y t_n o‖]lo]k.

D. had died, is living E. died, has lived

B. Junu will b[v_ l_`t \y t_n o‖]lo]k.

129. A short time before he ––––– the old man ––

C. Junu will b[v_ \__n l_`t \y t_n o‖]lo]k.

––– a will.

D. Junu will \__n l_`t \y t_n o‖]lo]k. E. Non_

A. has died, wrote B. had died, has written

137. You ––––– your home work by the time the

C. died, had written D. dies, has written


E. had died, had written


130. John ––––– typing his paper last night.

A. will finish B. will finished C. finished

A. does not finish B. have not finished

D. will have finished E. will have been finished

C. had not finished D. did not finish

138. Before we can tell them about the discount,

E. were not finished

they ––––– the tickets.

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A. have bought B. will have bought C. bought

153. The water ––––– now. Can you turn it off?

D. buying E. None

A. is boiling B. is boiled C. boils

139. I ––––– all of my library books, before school

D. was boiled E. none

is not.

154. Listen to those people. What language –––––

A. will return B. have returned C. return

they –––––

D. will had returned E. will have returned


140. Catherine wants to work in Italy, so she is ––

A. does, speak B. are, speaking C. do, speaks


D. was, speaking E. B+D


155. I ––––– to bed now; Goodnight.

A. learn B. learning C. learned D. learned E. none

A. go B. went C. am going D. was going E. none

141. Some friends of mine are ––––– their own

156. Maria is in Britain at the moment. She –––––



A. built B. build C. builds D. building E. none

A. is learning B. learns C. has learned

142. You‖r_ ––––– hard today.

D. was learning E. none

A. working B. works C. worked D. work E. none

157. Water ––––– at 100 degree Celsius.

143. Is Susan ––––– this week?

A. is boiling B. boils C. was boiling D. A+B E. none

A. works B. working C. worked D. work E. none

158. Excuse me; ––––– you ––––– English?

144. The Population of the work is ––––– fast.

A. do, speak B. are, speaking C. were, speaking

A. rises B. rising C. rose D. B+C E. none

D. B+C E. none

145. Is your English ––––– better?

159. What ––––– you usually ––––– at weekends?

A. getting B. gets C. got D. A+B E. none

A. does, do B. did, do C. are, doing D. do, do E.

146. She is ––––– to work.


A. driven B. driving C. drove D. B+C E. none

160. Most people ––––– to swim when they are

147. Nurses ––––– after patients in hospitals.


A. looks B. looking C. looked D. look E. none

A. learn B. learns C. are, learning D. do learn E.

148. I usually ––––– away at weekend.


A. go B. goes C. went D. have gone E. none

161. I usually ––––– to work by car.

149. The earth ––––– round the sun.

A. go B. went C. have gone D. do go E. none

A. go B. goes C. went D. has gone E. none

162. She ––––– composing at the age of five.

150. I ––––– up [t 8 O‖]lo]k _v_ry mornina.

A. was starting B. is starting C. starts

A. am getting B. get C. got D. A+B E. none

D. started E. none

151. How often ––––– you ––––– to the dentist?

163. I ––––– to watch this cinema three times.

A. are, going B. do, go C. did, go D. B+C E. none

A. have gone B. went C. go D. had gone E. none

152. In summer, John usually ––––– tennis once

164. The police ––––– me on my may home last

on twice a



A. stops B. has stopped C. stopped

A. plays B. played C. is playing D. A+B E. none

D. had stopped E. none

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165. She passed her examination because she ––––

D. A+C E. none

– very

176. I ––––– four cups of coffer today.


A. have drunk B. drink C. had drunk D. drunk E.

A. studied B. has studied C. had studied


D. studies E. none

177. I ––––– Tom this morning.

166. This time last year I ––––– in Brazil.

A. ^on‖t s__ B. b[^n‖t sun C. s[w D. b[v_n‖t s__n

A. is living B. was living C. has lived

178. Mou ––––– very hard this term.

D. had lived E. none

A. b[sn‖t work_^ B. b[^n‖t work_^ C. isn‖t

167. What ––––– you ––––– [t 10 O‖]lo]k l[st



D. ^o_sn‖t work E. non_

A. had, done B. have, done C. are, doing

179. It‖s tb_ `irst tim_ sb_ ––––– a car.

D. were, doing E. none

A. is driven B. has driven C. had drive

168. I waved to her but she –––––.

D. driven E. none

A. w[sn‖t lookina B. [r_n‖t lookina C. b[v_ look_^

180. He ––––– never ––––– a car before.

D. had looked E. none

A. has, driven B. had, driven C. is driven

169. I ––––– home, when I met Dave.

D. is driving E. none

A. had walked B. have walked C. is walking

181. It ––––– for two hours.

D. was walking E. none

A. rains B. has been raining C. rained

170. I ––––– home after the party last night.

D. was raining E. none

A. walk B. have walked C. was walking

182. We heed an umbrella. It –––––.

D. walked E. none

A. has bun raining B. is raining C. had bun

171. Tom ––––– his hard when he ––––– the



D. rains E. none

A. burnt, is cooking B. burns, has cooked

183. The ground is wet. It –––––.

C. burnt, was cooked D. burnt, was cooking

A. has bun raining B. is raining C. had been

E. none


172. When Karen arrived, we ––––– dinner.

D. rains E. none

A. are having B. were having C. have had

184. My hands are very dirty. I ––––– the car.

D. had had E. none

A. has repaired B. am repairing

173. ―Is S[lly b_r_?‖ No, sb_ ––––– out.

C. have been repairing D. had repaired E. none

A. has gone B. had, gone C. is going

185. The car is Ok again now, I ––––– it.

D. goes E. none

A. have repaired B. have been repairing

174. ––––– you ever ––––– caviar?

C. had repaired D. was repairing E. none

A. Had, eaten B. Are, eating C. Have, eaten

186. Where have you been? ––––– you –––––

D. Were, eating E. none


175. We ––––– never ––––– a car.

A. Have, been playing B. Had, been playing

A. have, had B. had, have C. had, had

C. Were, been playing D. A+B E. none

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187. Mary ––––– the report today.

194. I ––––– a lot of sweets, when I was a child.

A. has written B. have written C. written

A. ate B. eat C. have eaten D. had eaten E. none

D. wrote E. none

195. Tom ––––– bis k_y. H_ ][n‖t a_t into tb_

188. They ––––– t_nnis sin]_ 2 O‖]lo]k.


A. were playing B. have been playing

A. lost B. has lost C. had lost D. A+B E. none

C. had been playing D. are playing E. none

196. It ––––– this week.

189. They ––––– tennis three times this week.

A. w[sn‖t r[inina B. b[^n‖t r[in_^ C. b[sn‖t r[in_^

A. have played B. played C. play

D. b[sn‖t \_ r[inina E. non_

D. have been playing E. none

197. We ––––– for an hour.

190. I ––––– for two hours.

A. has waited B. was waiting C. are waiting

A. waited B. have waited C. have waiting

D. have been waiting E. none

D. am waiting E. none

198. It ––––– rain last week.

191. Sally ––––– here for six months.

A. ^i^n‖t B. ^o_sn‖t C. w[sn‖t D. isn‖t E. non_

A. has been worked B. has been working

199. I ––––– a lot of work yesterday.

C. had worked D. had been working E. none

A. do B. did C. had done D. have done E. none

192. The weather ––––– nice yesterday.

200. We ––––– golf when we were on holding last

A. will be B. has C. is D. was E. none


193. They ––––– ten minutes ago.

A. ^i^n‖t pl[y B. ^on‖t pl[y C. b[v_n‖t pl[y_^

A. was arriving B. arrived C. had arrived

D. b[^n‖t pl[y_^ E. non_

D. arrive E. none

Answer Keys: 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. d 9. b 10. c 11. c 12. b 13. d 14. d 15. b 16. c 17. c 18. c 19. d 20. a 21. c 22. b 23. a 24. d 25. c 26. a 27. b 28. d 29. b 30. c 31. a 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. d 36. a 37. a 38. c 39. b 40. a 41. A 42. a 43. b 44. b 45. b 46. a 47. c 48. a 49. e 50. d 51. a 52. c 53. d 54. a 55. e 56. e 57. b 58. a 59. e 60. c 61. d 62. c 63. e 64. d 65. c 66. d 67. d 68. b 69. b 70. a 71. c 72. b 73. a 74. b 75. a 76. a 77. c 78. d 79. c 80. B 81. c 82. b 83. a 84. c 85. c 86. a 87. c 88. b 89. c 90. c 91. c 92.b 93.a 94.d 95.c 96.d 97.c 98.b 99.d 100.d 101.d 102.b 103.c 104.a 105.c 106.b 107.b 108.c 109.c 110.c 111.d 112.d 113.a 114.d 115.d 116.d 117.a 118.b 119.a 120.a 121.a 122.b 123.a 124.b 125.a 126. d 127. b 128. a 129. c 130. d 131. b 132. e 133. a 134. c 135. a 136. b 137. d 138. b 139. e 140. b 141. d 142. a 143. b 144. b 145. a 146. b 147. d 148. a 149. B 150. b 151. b 152. a 153. a 154. b 155. c 156. a 157. b 158. a 159. d 160. a 161. a 162. d 163. a 164. c 165. A 166. b 167. d 168. a 169. d 170. d 171. d 172. b 173. a 174. c 175. a 176. a 177. d 178. a 179. b 180. a 181. b 182. b 183. a 184. c 185. a 186. a 187. a 188. b 189. a 190. b 191. b 192. d 193. b 194. a 195. b 196. c 197. d 198. a 199. b 200. a 201.d 202.a

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1. Although Emily Dickinson is now a well-known

A. known what B. known what it is

American poet, only seven of her poems –––––

C. what is known D. what it is known

while she was alive.

E. what known

A. publishing B. to publish

7. Volcanoes are divided into three main groups,

C. have published D. were published

based on their shape and the type of material

E. to publish

they –––––.

2. Before every presidential election in the

A. are made B. made of


C. are made of D. make for

States, the statisticians try to guess the

E. make of

proportion of the population that ––––– for each

8. The growth of psychobiology owes ––––– to


major conceptual advances in the way people

A. are voted B. voting

think about the brain.

C. to be voted D. will vote

A. much B. as much as

E. to be vote

C. much which D. there is so much

3. Narcissus bulbs ––––– at least three inches

E. much as


9. Now considered an art form, quilt making

and covered with about four inches of well

originated as a means of fashioning bed covers

drained soil.

from bits of fabric that otherwise –––--.

A. should be planted B. to plant

A. not use B. were no use

C. must planting D. should plant

C. had no use D. it was not used

E. should be plant

E. no were use

4. In many areas the slope and topography of the

10. He entered a university –––––

land ––––– excess rainfall to run off into a

A. when he had sixteen years

natural outlet.

B. when sixteen years were his age

A. neither permit B. without permitting

C. at the age of sixteen

C. nor permitting D. do not permit

D. at age sixteen years old

E. without permit

E. when sixteen years he had

5. Microscopes make small things appear larger

11. That magnificent ––––– temple was

than –––––.


A. really are B. are really

by the Chinese.

C. are they really D. they really are

A. eight-centuries-old B. eight-]_ntury‖s-old

E. are really they

C. old-eight-centuries D. eight-century-old

6. A logarithm is ––––– in algebra as an exponent.

E. old -centuries-eight

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12. The people at the party were worried about

C. permitting the photographers enter the

Janet because no one was aware ––––– she had



D. the photographers let into the building without

A. where that B. of where

the proper documentations E. None

C. of the place where D. the place

18. The professor said that –––––.

E. of the place which

A. the students can turn over their reports on the

13. Sin]_ b_ ]b[na_^ pro`_ssions, Fr_^‖s y_[rly


income has –––––.

B. the reports on Monday could be received from

A. nearly tripled

the students by him

B. got almost three times bigger

C. the students could hand in their reports on

C. almost grown by three times


D. just about gone up three times

D. the students will on Monday the reports turn

E. by three times almost grown


14. It is very difficult to stop the cultivation of

E. None of the above

marijuana because –––––.

19. Choose the correct sentence

A. it grows very carelessly

A. He was among the few who want to work on

B. o` it‖s arowtb witbout [tt_ntion


C. it grows well with little care


D. it ^o_sn‖t ][r_ mu]b to arow

B. He was among the few who wants to work on

E. it grow well with little care


15. Mr. Roberts is a noted chemist –––––.


A. as well as an effective teacher

C. He is among the few who wants to work on

B. and too a very efficient teacher


C. but he teaches very good in addition


D. however he teaches very good also

D. He is among the few who want to work on the

E. however he teache very good also


16. Manufacturers often sacrifice quality –––––.

E. None of the above

A. for a larger profit margin

20. Choose the correct sentence

B. in place of to earn more money

A. She closes the door and hurries away to class.

C. to gain more quantities of money

B. She closes the door and hurry away to class.

D. and instead earn a bigger amount of profit

C. She closed the door and hurries away to class.

E. for margin

D. She closed the door and hurry away to class.

17. The manager was angry because somebody ––.

E. None of the above

A. had allowed the photographers to enter the

21. Choose the correct sentence


A. We receive several applications and with them

B. had let the photographers to enter into the

had been copies of transcripts


B. We receives several applications and with them

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are copies of transcripts.

A. finds B. found C. has found

C. We received several applications and with

D. find E. to find


26. Choose the correct sentence

are copies of transcripts.

A. When she told that everything is ready, we

D. We received several applications and with



into the room.

were copies of transcripts.

B. When she told that everything is ready, we

E. None of the above


22. Choose the correct sentence

go into the room.

A. He found only part of the information that he

C. When she told that everything was ready, we



B. He found only part of the information that he

into the room.


D. When she told that every thing was ready, we

C. He finds only part of the information that he

went into the room.


E. None of the above

D. He found only part of the information that he

27. They asked him if he ––––– us.


A. will help B. helps C. is helping


D. would help E. helping

E. None of the above

28. Professor told that there ––––– 10,000 species

23. Choose the correct sentence


A. A man usually opens the door when he


accompanied a woman.

A. is B. are C. were D. has E. being

B. A man usually opened the door when he

29. I will call you when ––––– from my home

accompanies a woman.

A. I will return B. I return C. I returns

C. A man usually opened the door when he will

D. I returned E. I returning

accompany a woman.

30. Maria plans to work when ––––– her M.B.A

D. A man usually open the door when he

A. she gets B. she get C. She got

accompanies a woman.

D. she will get E. she to get

E. None of the above

31. He will buy a computer when –––––

24. Choose the correct sentence

A. she will get paid B. he get paid

A. I thought that he comes today.

C. he gets paid D. he got paid

B. I thought that he is coming today.

E. he get paid

C. I thought that he was coming today.

32. We can ––––– tolerate living with Tony.

D. I thought that he has come today.

A. no long B. not longer C. no longer

E. None of the above

D. not long E. longer

25. He reported that he –––– a blood test to

33. Brad ––––– works here


A. none longer B. not longer C. no long

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D. no longer E. longer no

42. I made the machine –––––.

34. I plan to move ––––– another apartment

English – Lec – 08 . 17

A. as soon as I will find B. as soon I will find

A. to work B. work C. working

C. [s soon [s I `in^ D. [s soon [s I‖m `in^ina

D. worked E. work it

E. as soon as I shall find

43. She made the boy ––––– a nap.

35. Taxi fare from the airport may run –––––.

A. take B. to take C. taking

A. as soon as twenty dollars

D. taken E. took

B. as high as twenty dollars

44. Pro` Roa_rs ^i^n‖t m[k_ bim ––––– the essay

C. as high to twenty dollars


D. as high twenty dollars

due course of time.

E. as high two dollars

A. type B. to type C. typing

36. She will call you back –––––.

D. to typing E. typed

A. as soon as she will finish

45. Are you going to make your daughter –––––

B. as high as she finishes


C. as soon she finishes

time in the store this summer.

D. as soon as she finishes E. to find it

A. to work B. work C. working

37. The cost of one day in an average hospital

D. to working E. work to


46. I ][n‖t s__m to m[k_ tbis ^isb w[s b_r –––––

run –––––.

A. running B. to run C. ran

A. as soon as 2000 Tk. B. as high to 2000 Tk.

D. run E. ranning

C. as high 2000 Tk. D. as high as 2000 Tk.

47. Too much water makes plants ––––– brown on

E. as high as Tk 2000

the edge of their leaves.

38. Your application will be considered –––––

A. turning B. turn C. to turn


D. to turning E. A+C

file is complete

48. We will have to get someone ––––– the phone

A. as soon B. soon as

right way.

C. as high D. as soon as

A. fixing B. fix C. to be fixed

E. as soon as he

D. to fix E. to the fixed

39. We can leave ––––– Donna is ready.

49. Nor[ aot b_r motb_r‖s w_^^ina ^r_ss ––––– so

A. ever B. ever when C. whenever

that it perfectly.

D. when E. who

A. altered B. alter C. to alter

40. I can meet with you ––––– you have the time.

D. altering E. after

A. ever B. whenever C. whenevers

50. Choose the correct sentence:

D. whenever any E. over

A. L_t‖s a_t R[lpb to ao witb us.

41. His mother made him ––––– medicine.

B. L_t‖s a_t R[lpb ao witb us.

A. to take B. take C. taking

C. L_t‖s a_t our ][r `ix_^ `irst.

D. taken E. take to

D. A + C E. None of the above

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51. I want to get the house ––––– before winter.

60. Professor Baker let me ––––– a paper instead

A. paint B. to paint C. painted


D. painting E. as painted

taking in course exam.

52. L_t‖s get some of our money ––––– for dollars.

A. to write B. writing C. write

A. exchanged B. exchange C. to exchange

D. wrote E. written

D. exchanging E. A+B

61. Mehedi is so good hearted that he lets people

53. Choose the correct sentence:


A. Tom had a tooth filling.

–– advantage of him.

B. Tom had a tooth filled.

A. took B. take C. to take

C. Tom had a tooth fill.

D. taking E. take it

D. Tom had a tooth to be filled.

62. Her husband always helps her ––––– the

E. None of the above


54. Choose the correct sentence:

A. doing B. done C. do

A. They had their lawyer change their wills.

D. to doing E. did

B. They had their lawyer changed their wills.

63. This book should help you ––––– the lecture.

C. They had their lawyer to changed their wills.

A. to understand B. understand

D. They had their lawyer to change their wills.

C. understanding D. A + B

E. None of the above

E. None of the above

55. Have you had your temperature ––––– yet?

64. Father-in-law helped me ––––– this job.

A. taking B. to take C. take

A. to get B. getting C. got

D. taken E. token

D. to getting E. to gat

56. My English teacher had us ––––– oral test.

65. Bob said that he would help us ––––– the

A. to give B. give C. giving


D. given E. gibed

A. find B. to find C. finding

57. I like the way you had the beautician –––––

D. found E. fond


66. Don‖t you b_lp _[]b otb_r ––––– for tests?

your hair

A. they study B. study C. to study

A. do B. to do C. done

D. B + C E. None of the above

D. doing E. did

67. Choose the correct sentence:

58. When I was learning to drive, My dad let me

A. My wedding ring is making of red and white

–– his car.


A. use B. using C. to use

B. My wedding ring made of red and white gold.

D. used E. use to

C. My wedding ring to make of red and white

59. Would you let us ––––– your notes?


A. borrow B. to borrow C. borrowed

D. My wedding ring is made of red and white

D. borrowing E. to borrowing

gold. E. All of the above

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68. Nipa ––––– as Nips to his friends.

76. We ––––– if there was a problem.

A. known B. knowing C. is known

A. were to be notified B. were notify

D. know E. knew

C. to be notified D. are to be notified

69. If your sister –––––. she would come.

E. be notified

A. invited B. inviting C. invites

77. Choose the correct sentence:

D. were invited E. invite

A. The game is to reschedule.

70. Choose the correct sentence:

B. The game is to be rescheduled.

English – Lec – 08 . 18

C. The game is to rescheduled.

A. Luna born in lowa.

D. The game to be rescheduled.

B. Luna was born in lowa.

E. None of the above

C. Luna was been born in lowa.

78. Choose the correct sentence:

D. Luna was to born in lowa.

A. This paragraph needs revising.

E. None of the above

B. This paragraph needs to revise.

71. Choose the correct sentence:

C. This paragraph needs to be revised.

A. This car was inspected for customs.

D. A + C E. None

B. This car was inspected by customs.

79. The house needs –––––, but we plan to wait

C. This car was inspected customs.


D. This car inspected by customs.

next summer to do it.

E. None of the above

A. to painting B. to be painted C. to paint

72. The decisions on cases like this are –––––

D. painted E. painting


80. The rug needs ––––– before we move in.

A. making by B. make by C. made by

A. cleaned B. cleaning

D. made to E. A+C

C. to be cleaned D. B +C

73. Choose the correct sentence:

E. None of the above

A. Most of we are sponsored from our parents.

81. The hem of this dress needs ––––– before I

B. Most of us are sponsored from our parents.


C. Most of us sponsored from our parents.

it again.

D. Most of us are sponsored by our parents.

A. mending B. to mend C. mend

E. All of the above

D. be mended E. to mending

74. The results of the exam ––––– tomorrow.

82. Choose the correct sentence:

A. are be announced B. are to be announced

A. His car needs to fix.

C. are announced D. to announced

B. His car needs to be fixed.

E. None of the above

C. His car needs fixing.

75. The finalists ––––– at the next meeting.

D. B + C E. None of the above

A. are to named B. are named

83. It is thought that our ancestor ––––– this city.

C. to named D. are to be named

A. building B. built C. to build

E. is name

D. to building E. building

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84. Choose the correct sentence:

B. The party has been planned for two weeks.

A. It is believed that a horseshoe bringing good luck.

C. The party planned for two weeks.

B. It is believing that a horseshoe bringing good luck.

D. The party has been planning for two weeks.

C. It is believed that a horseshoe brings good luck. D. It is believed that a horseshoe to bring good luck. E. None of the above

85. It is said that a buried treasure –––––. A. near here B. was hidden near here C. hidden near hear D. to hide near here E. hidden to 86. ––––– she is leaving at the end of the year. A. that tit is B. that knowing C. that is known D. It is generally known that E. That is 87. It is believed that all mammals ––––– dreams. A. experience B. to experience C. experiencing D. to be experience E. experienced 88. We ––––– in Cox‖s \[z[r `or `iv_ y_[rs. A. live B. lived C. have lived D. have live E. have to 89. Sukhi ––––– us a lot of help since we arrived. A. given B. has given C. gave D. to give E. gaved 90. We ––––– friends since we were five. A. have been B. have C. been D. having E. to have 91. Have you ––––– your mother a letter? A. wrote B. to write C. write D. written E. Writting 92. Father ––––– this medication since 1985. A. takes B. to take C. took D. has taken E. take to 93. Choose the correct sentence: A. The party has planned for two weeks. facebook /gmail/skype: -

E. None of the abovesh – Lec – 08 . 19 94. Your typewriter –––––, and you can pick it up now. A. been fixed B. has fixed C. to fix D. has been fixed E. fixed 95. Choose the correct sentence: A. We been taught to cook. B. We been taught how to cook. C. We have been taught to cook. D. We have been taught how to cook. E. None of the above 96. The class ––––– changed to room 10. A. been B. has been C. has D. having E. have 97. Choose the correct sentence: A. We had hoped that he staying longer. B. We had hoped that he would stay longer. C. We had hoped him staying longer. D. We had been hoped him staying longer. E. None of the above 98. His father had hoped that he ––––– into business with him. A. go B. goes C. would go D. gone E. going 99. I had hoped ––––– to the panty. A. she coming B. that she would come C. she would come D. she comes E. came 100. They had hoped that ––––– about it. A. not find out B. she not find out

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C. her not find out

A. should return B. should returned C. return

D. she would not find out

D. should be returned E. to return

E. None of the above

108. The plane ––––– by had weather.

101. The party is a surprise, but all of her friends

A. was delayed B. has delayed C. had delayed


D. delayed E. to delayed

A. are coming B. coming C. come

109. Choose the correct sentence:

D. came E. to come

A. My paper has not typed.

102. I ][n‖t w[lk witb you riabt now \_][us_ ^oor

B. My paper has not been typed.


C. They have informed already.


D. B + D E. None of the above

A. rings B. ringing C. is ringing

110. Choose the correct sentence:

D. to ring E. to ringing

A. One of the trees are dead.

103. Choose the correct sentence:

B. One of the trees is dead.

A. We have gone there before

C. One of the art is in the museum.

B. We gone there before C. We going there before

D. Some of the art is in the museum.

D. We are go there before E. None of the above

E. None of the above

104. The sun ––––– when we left this morning.

111. ––– to eat vegetable is to add fiber to your

A. shining B. shines C. had shined


D. was shining E. to shines

A. One of the best reasons

105. Choose the correct sentence:

B. One of the best reason

A. The plants are watered.

C. Some of the best reasons

B. The plants have been watered.

D. Some of the best reason

C. The plants should be watered.

E. None of the above

D. A + B + C E. None of above

112. ––––– major fields of study that Lubna is

106. The phone ––––– automatically.

considering is nursing.

A. to be answered B. is answered

A. one of B. some of C. one of the

C. answering D. answeres E. to answer

D. some of the E. to some

107. The books ––––– today.

Answer Keys: 1. d 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. d 12. b 13. a 14. a 15. a 16. a 17. a 18. c 19. d 20. a 21. d 22. d 23. d 24. c 25. b 26. d 27. d 28. c 29. b 30. a 31. c 32. c 33. d 34. c 35. b 36. d 37. d 38. d 39. c 40. b 41. b 42. b 43. a 44. a 45. b 46. d 47. b 48. b 49. a 50. d 51. c 52. a 53. b 54. a 55. d 56. b 57. a 58. a 59. a 60. c 61. b 62. c 63. d 64. a 65. d 66. d 67. d 68. c 69. d 70. b 71. b 72. c 73. d 74. b 75. d 76. a 77. b 78. d 79. b 80. d 81. a 82. d 83. b 84. c 85. b 86. d 87. a 88. c 89. b 90. a 91. d 92. d 93. b 94. d 95. b 96. b 97. b 98. c 99.b 100. d 101. a 102. c 103. a 104. d 105. d 106. d 107. d 108. a 109. d 110. b 111. a 112. c 113. b 114. a 115. b

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D. She takes her responsibility more seriously than 1. Complete the sentence.

anyone else I know.

A new house is ––– expensive than an older one.

E. Both C+D.

A. much B. the more C. most

6. Complete the sentence.

D. much more E. more much.

The colder the weather gets –––– I feel.

2. Choose the correct option.

A. more sick B. sicker C. the sicker

A. His drawings are as perfect as his instructor.

D. the more sicker E. none 7. Complete the sentence.

B. The Sundarbans is one of the thickest forests

This shirt costs –––– the other one.


A. two times as B. thrice more as

the world.

C. twice as much than D. half as

C. Today it is more chilly than yesterday.

E. None of the above.

D. I am wiser than him.

8. Choose the correct option.

E. All of the above.

A. I have much more books than her.

3. Complete the sentence.

B. February has less fewer days than the March.

Although the drought was not –––– severe ––––

C. The salary of Manna is higher than Dildar.

the previous one, its effect was more damaging.

D. Classes in the university are more difficult

A. as, as B. much, than C. more, than


D. mast, as E. so, as.

those in the college. E. None of the above.

4. Choose the correct option.

9. Choose the incorrect option.

A. Her taste is different than mine.

A. This painting is least impressive from the one

B. Manam is more clever as you.

in the other gallery.

C. Hasib plays the guitar as better as Ayub

B. Our hotel suite is farther from the elevator



D. The empire state building is much more taller

yours is.

than the statue of liberty.

C. Tuesday was the cloudiest day of the week.

E. None of the above.

D. Rock is more famous than any other wrestler.

5. Choose the correct option.

E. None of the above.

A. The higher we flew, the worst Alicia felt.

10. Complete the sentence.

B. The cinema hall is farther away of the four

California is farther –––– New York ––––



C. Ratna is the more polite of the two girls.

A. than, from B. from, than C. than, as

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D. as, than E. from, as.

18. Choose the correct spelling.

11. Complete the sentence.

A. Therapeutic B. Therapetic C. Therapautic

I‖v_ n_v_r \__n insi^_ tb_ bous_‖s –––– room.

D. Pronounciation E. None

A. most inner B. much inner C. more inner

19. Choose the pair of words that best completes

D. innermost E. innerrest.

the analogy - OUTSIDE: INSIDE

12. Choose the correct sentence.

A. Door: Open B. Steam: Evaporate

A. Monisha is clearly superior than the other

C. Cloud: Rain D. Brim: Center


E. Heat: Temperature.

B. This was the more unique achievement.

20. Choose the pair of words that best completes

C. The fable was more round of all

the analogy - ATLAS: MAPS

D. The most outer wall of the house was affected.

A. Star: Planets B. Car: Wheels

E. None of the above.

C. Album: Photographs D. Circus: Acrobats

13. Choose the correct sentence.

E. Doctor: Patient.

A. Your dress is different from hers.

21. Tb_ ]orr_]t synonym o` ―Din‖ is -

B. The traffic jam was much more unbearable

A. Clamor B. Disaster C. Persuasive


D. Taunt E. Placid.


22. Tb_ ]orr_]t synonym o` ―Molli`y‖ is -

C. The weather of Bangladesh is finer than that of

English – Lec – 09. 14


A. Temper B. Chaos C. Deride

D. The University of Dhaka is older than J.U, by

D. Assuage E. Condense.

more than 50 years

23. The correct synonym o` ―Culp[\l_‖ is -

E. A+C+D.

A. Credulous B. Censurable C. Ominous

14. Choose the correct Option.

D. Talkative E. Ameliorate.

A. N[t[li_ [n^ V[l_ri_ ^o_sn‖t liv_ [t tb[t [^^r_ss.

24. Tb_ ]orr_]t synonym o` ―H[]kn_y_^‖ is -

B. Neither of them had anything further to say.

A. Overjoyed B. Unconcealed C. Malevolent

C. There were less people in the auditorium.

D. Agile E. Commonplace.

D. You completed the run off exceptional well.

25. Complete the sentence:

E. B+C+D.

A student may study diligently, but without

15. This train is ––––

adequate rest –––– cannot expect to do well.

A. slower B. slow C. slowest

A. one B. you C. he D. they E. that.

D. much slower E. none of the above.

26. ––––, I would have helped him.

16. Choose the correct spelling.

A. Had I gone there B. If I had gone there

A. Quarrantine B. pennicillin C. predecessor

C. If I could go there D. Did I go there

D. negligeble E. All of the above.

E. A + B.

17. Choose the incorrect spelling.

27. আমরাই এ কাজরি করররি। -Translate it

A. Miscellaneous B. Maintenence C. Obeisance

A. It is we who have done the work.

D. Pessimism E. All of the above.

B. It is we who had been doing the work.

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C. It is we who have been doing the work.

B. The accused was released on bale.

D. It is we that have done this work.

C. The accused was released on bail.

E. It is we that who have done this work.

D. The accused was released on bile.

28. Which is the correct sentence?

E. none of the above.

A. He struck me on the head.

36. I saw him ––––.

B. He struck me on head.

A. gone B. going C. goes

C. He struck me to the head.

D. went E. A+C.

D. He struck me of the head

37. I –––– him recently.

E. He strike me on the head.

A. saw B. has seen C. see

29. Which is correct?

D. have seen E. none of the above.

A. I‖ll t[k_ \otb sbirts. B. I‖ll t[k_ [ll two sbirts.

38. He –––– home just now.

C. I‖ll t[k_ [ll tb_ two shirts.

A.had returned B. has returned C. returned

D. I‖ll t[k_ [ll o` tb_ two sbirts E. A + C.

D. returns E. A+B

30. Sears Roebuck and company –––– the leader

39. They –––– the work by Monday next.


A. finish B. will finish


C. will have finished D. have finished

A. were B. was C. has

E. A+C.

D. is to E. None of the above.

40. Ershad said that he –––– home the next day.

31. Choose the correct spelling -

A. had gone B. would go C. can go

A. Sacrilegious B. Secrilaigious C. Sacrelagious

D. has gone E. none of the above.

D. Seacrelegious E. Sacrealegious.

41. I had my rice ––––

32. Which one is correct?

A. to be cooking B. cooked

I –––– home yesterday.

C. in cooking condition D. cooking

A. I have come home yesterday.

E. None of the above.

B. I am coming home yesterday.

42. The color of his eyes –––– blue.

C. I came home yesterday.

A. are B. were C. is

D. I come home yesterday. E. None

D. have being E. in.

33. Choose the correct option.

43. He –––– out just now.

The Principal desired the notice ––––.

A. went B. goes C. gone

A. to hung B. to be hang C. to be hung

D. has gone E. None of the above.

D. to be hanging E. None of the above.

44. Complete the sentence.

34. Which one is correct?

Every boy and girl –––– to be educated.

It is many years since I –––– to Dhaka.

A. wants B. want C. wanting

A. had come B. coming C. comes

D. wanna E. none.

D. came E. A+B

45. Choose the correct option.

35. Which one is correct?

A. Each of the buildings were situated on the

A. The accused was released on bell.


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of the river.

watched the parade, while others were talking

B. Neither he nor his sons has done this.

to each other.

C. Nicky as well as his friends intends to visit

A. of the B. standing C. watched


D. were E. no error.

D. The quality of the mangoes were not good.

51. After the accident took place, neither the

E. A+B+D

passengers nor the policeman were able to

46. Choose the incorrect option.

catch the bus driver.

A. The local council is in charge of repairing

A. After B. took C. neither


D. were E. to catch.

B. The possibility of bankruptcy is distinct if sales

52. Choose the correct word to complete the

^on‖t improv_.


C. To refuse invitations are not always easy.

The concept of industrial democracy in all the

D. The man who helped the physically

states –––– extremely important.

handicapped children has come.

A. become B. becomes C. becoming

E. All of the above.

D. have E. None of the above.

47. Fill in the gap.

53. Finish the sentence.

English – Lec – 09. 15

Few among them –––– willing to wait.

Our discussion group –––– meeting this week.

A. are B. is C. can D. ought to E. none.

A. are B. is C. have D. would be E. none.

54. Complete the sentence.

48. Choose the correct option.

The number of people applying –––– increased

A. Thirty minutes is long enough to finish the

this year.


A. has B. have C. would D. is E. none.

B. None of the boys is responsible for this

55. Choose the incorrect option.


A. More people are buying home computers now

C. We had heard the tales before, and most was

a days.


B. was People a successful magazine?

D. He found that nobody were at home.

C. Three fifths of the candidates have failed.

E. Both A+B.

D. More than one book was expensive.

Identify the grammatically incorrect word in the

E. None of the above.

following sentence. (49 - 51)

56. Fill in the gap.

49. Carbon-di-oxide together with other CFC gases

Ferdous got the problem ––––.

are causing many problems in our

A. to solve B. solve C. solved


D. to be solved E. None.

A. together with B. are causing C. many

57. There –––– two types of calculus, differential

D. in our environment E. no error.

and integral.

50. Some of the people were standing in the

A. is B. are C. have D. should E. None.

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58. With the exception of Karim and I, everyone

B. I have many a books of this kind.


C. Billu as well as his friends deserves the prize.

the office finished the credit report before the

D. A+B E. All of the above.

final date.

67. Choose the correct option.

A. Karim, and I, everyone in the office finished.

A. Hasib together with Rohan is going to the

B. Karim and me, everyone, in the office finished.


C. Karim and me, everyone in the office had

B. The board are going to arrange a meeting



D. Karim and I everyone in the office had

C. The study of languages is very interesting.


D. A+C E. None of the above.

E. Karim and me, everyone in the office finishes.

68. Complete the sentence.

59. Choose the correct spelling.

I could give you –––– for not going.

A. Sychophant B. Missile C. Nightingle

A. hundreds reasons B. a hundred reason

D. Vacuam E. None of the above.

C. a hundred reasons D. hundreds reasons

60. Choose the correct spelling.

E. None of the above.

A. Superstitious B. Referance C. Separetation

69. Choose the correct option.

D. Stationacry E. All of the above.

A. To save money now seem impossible.

61. Choose the correct spelling.

B. Reading French is easier than speaking it.

A. Counseller B. Abbreviate C. Kerosine

C. The team try hard, but it lacks class.

D. Embarass E. Both a+d.

D. A+C E. All of the above.

62. Choose the incorrect spelling.

70. Choose the incorrect option.

A. Succulent B. Sapphire C. Shepherd

A. The pride of lions were taking rest under the

D. Recommendetion E. All of


63. Choose the incorrect spelling.

B. Fifteen minutes is not a very long time.

A. Possession B. Phenomenon C. Millionnaire

C. None of them have replied yet.

D. Restaurant E. None of the above.

D. A+C E. None of the above.

64. Choose the correct option.

71. Complete the sentence.

A. Slow and steady win the race.

A number of items –––– been deleted.

B. He and I am a singer.

A. has B. have C. was

C. Every man and woman are to be educated.

D. were E. None of the above.

D. A+B E. None of the above.

72. Choose the correct option.

65. Complete the sentence.

A. Everything was destroyed.

Neither her sons nor her daughter –––– piano.

B. The few houses we have seen is in terrible

A. play B. plays C. are playing


D. had played E. None of the above.

C. All of the mourners was dressed in black.

66. Choose the correct sentence.

English – Lec – 09. 16

A. Each of the papers were scattered on the floor.

D. A+B E. All of the above.

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73. Choose the incorrect option.

A. is B. are C. can

A. ―Gulliv_r‖s Tr[v_ls‖ is [n int_r_stina \ook.

D. know E. None of the above.

B. Here are the others.

82. Never in his life –––– have a single day of

C. It is two miles to the beach.


D. None of the above. E. all of the above.

about his purpose.

74. Finish the sentence.

A. did Thomas Edison B. do Thomas Edison

Fifteen hundred dollars a year –––– the per

C. was Thomas Edison D. does Thomas Edison

capita income in the united states in 1950.

E. None of the above.

A. was B. were C. has

83. Those who have experienced its power ––––

D. had E. A+B.

light of the sighting of a tornado.

75. Choose the correct option.

A. never makes B. never making

A. His earnings has increased rapidly.

C. never would make D. never make

B. Three fourths of the invited guests were

E. None of the above.


84. Drawing from –––– and unpublished work, the


No[m Cbomsky R_[^_r‖s S_ri_s b[s \__n

C. More than one dish were found to be

enormously successful.


A. their published B. his published

D. A+C E. None of the above

C. published D. it published

76. In a chess game the player with the white

E. None of the above.


85. Stephen Hawking, along with his university

always –––– first.

professor, who –––– not teaching at the time,

A. will be move B. move C. moves

published his first version of chaos theory early

D. is to move E. None of the above.

in his career.

77. George got Hannan –––– the problem.

A. was B. were C. did

A. solved B. to solve C. solve

D. would E. None of the above.

D. solving E. None of the above.

86. Everything that lives –––– some source of

78. Everything under construction during


bargaining sessions –––– not publicized.

A. need B. needs C. will be needs

A. was B. were C. had been

D. needing E. None of the above.

D. could E. None of the above.

87. The factors in vocal control beyond conscious

79. Choose the correct spelling.

control –––– the act of respiration.

A. Renaissance B. Reneissance C. Renaissence

A. includes B. including C. include

D. Suvenir E. None of the above.

D. was included E. None of the above.

80. Choose the correct spelling.

88. Atlanta, Georgia is a city where –––– recently.

A. sumptous B. Referance C. Pecuniary

A. there a lot of media attention

D. A+B E. All of the above.

B. there a lot of media attention has

81. Several in this car –––– able to drive.

C. there has been a lot of media attention

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D. there a lot of media attention has been

E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

94. Noun o` tb_ wor^ ―[pprov_‖ is -

89. Although –––– more than 40 presidents in the

A. approving B. approved

United States over the last 200 years,

C. approveness D. approval E. None.

Americans can seldom remember more than 15

95. Few among them –––– willing to wait.

at any given time.

A. are B. is C. can

A. there have been B. there has been

D. ought to E. None of the above.

C. has been D. have been

96. Which one is correct?

E. None of the above.

A. The president along with the ministers were

90. –––– scandal that in spite of the clear



B. The president along with the ministers was

tb_ ^_stru]tion o` tb_ worl^‖s r[in `or_sts



C. The president along with the ministers has

A. They are B. There are C. It is


D. There is E. None of the above.


91. It is natural that baby eagles –––– to their

D. Both B+C E. None of the above.


97. The wages of sin –––– inevitable.

A. while still in the nest do submits

A. are B. is C. are to be

B. while still in the nest are submitted

D. None of the above E. All.

C. while still in the nest submit

98. There –––– photographs and graphs in this

D. while still in the nest submits

book that meet the needs of instructions in

E. None of the above.

introductory courses.

92. No Supreme Court decision ––––, who meet in

A. is many B. are many C. many

private, have conferred on the case in question.

D. many more E. None of the above.

A. are ever given until the justices

Choose the correct option: (99

B. are ever give until the justices

99. A. One of my friend has come lately

C. is ever given until the justices

B. One of my friends have come lately

D. ever gives until the justices

C. One of my friends has come lately.

E. None of the above.

D. One of my friends came lately.

93. Public discussion of our international and

E. None.

domestic problems –––– by congressmen who

100. A. Jane with her friends have done the job.

are actually interested only in re-election.

B. Jane with her friends has done the job

A. is being over politicized

C. Jane with her friend have done the job.

B. are being over politicized

D. Jane with her friends are present at the park.

C. to be over politicized

E. None.

D. overly politicizes

101. A. Either she or her sisters is responsible.

English – Lec – 09. 17

B. Neither she nor her sisters is responsible

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C. Either she nor her sisters are responsible.

A. was B. were C. are

D. Neither she nor her sisters are responsible.

D. have E. have been

E. None.

108. The ambassador, with his family and staff ––

102. His knowledge of languages –– him in his



you to a reception.

A. aid B. aids C. aiding

A. invite B. invites C. inviting

D. added E. aiden

D. have invited E. are invited

103. The facilities at the new research library

109. Mary, accompanied by her brother on the

including an excellent microfilm file ––––.


A. is a among the best in the country

–––– very well received at the talent show.

B. is among the best in the country

A. were B. are C. have

C. are among the best in the country

D. was E. have been

D. are a among the best in the country

110. Senator David, with his assistant and his

E. are being among the best in the country


104. Choose the correct sentence:

secretary –––– scheduled to arrive in NY today.

A. All trade between the two countries was

A. are B. were C. have been


D. have E. is

B. All trade between the two countries were

111. Sakira, accompanied by Elton John ––––


appearing in the concert.

C. All trades between the two countries was

A. are B. is C. have D. has E. were


112. There –––– ten people in line.

D. All trades between the two countries being

A. is B. are C. has


D. was E. had

E. All trades between the two countries be

113. There –––– very little rain in this summer.


A. has been B. have been C. were

105. The production of different kinds of artificial

D. are E. has

materials –––– essential to the conservation of

114. Here –––– their house

our natural resources.

A. are B. were C. has

A. is B. are C. were D. be E. being

D. is E. has

106. Since the shipment of supplies for our

115. There –––– several objections to the new

experiments –––– delayed, we will have to


schedule our work.

A. is B. was C. has

A. were B. are C. have

D. has been E. have been

D. have been E. was

116. I think that there –––– a problem

107. The gust of honor, along with his wife and

A. was B. were C. has D. had E. are


117. Everyone who –– in architecture ––––

sons, –––– seated at the first table.


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A. major, study B. majors, study C. major studies

B. The final exams, an easy test

D. majors, studies E. majors, studying.

C. The final exam, some easy tests

118. Choose the correct sentence.

D. The final exam, a easy test

A. Either of these buses go past the University.

E. The final exam, an easy test

B. Either of these bus go past the University.

125. Choose the correct sentence:

C. Either of these bus goes past the University.

A. Many people is coming to the graduation

D. Either of these bus going past the University.

B. Much people is coming to the graduation

English – Lec – 09. 18

C. Much people are coming to the graduation

E. Either of these buses goes past the University.

D. Many people are coming to the graduation

119. Anyone who –––– to participate in the state

E. Many peoples are coming to the graduation


126. An audience usually –––– applaud in a

– a ticket at a store.


A. Wishes, purchases B. wish, purchases

A. do not B. does not C. have not

C. wishes, purchases D. wish, purchase

D. are not E. were not

E. wishes purchasing.

127. The staff –––– meeting in the conference

120. Neither Canada nor Mexico –––– that citizens


of the United States –––– passports.

A. is B. are C. were D. have E. had

A. require, has B. require, have C. requires, has

128. –––– migrate long distances is well

D. requires having E. requires, have


121. The first two problems –––– very difficult,

A. That it is birds B. That birds


C. Birds that D. It is that birds E. None

the rest of the problems –––– easy.

129. A. That we need to move is sure

A. are, are B. are, is C. is, are

B. It is that we need to move is sure.

D. is, is E. was, were

C. Is likely that the library is closed

122. Choose the correct sentence:

D. That the library is closed is likely E. A + D

A. Twenty dollars is the price

130. –––– absurd.

B. Twenty dollar is the price

A. That is not fair seems

C. Twenty dollar are the price

B. That it is not fair seems

D. Twenty dollars are the price

C. That it is not fair seem

E. Twenty dollars were the price

D. That is not fair seem E. None

123. –– in my class, mostly international ––, are

131. –––– almost curtain.


A. She will win that B. She will win is

A. The people, students B. the people, student

C. That she will win D. That she will win is

C. people, students D. people, student

E. A + D

E. the peoples, students

132. Not until the end of the nineteenth century,

124. ––––, will be given during the last week of


A. The final exam, an easy tests

– become a scientific discipline.

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A. plant breeding had B. did plant breeding

B. not become frustrated

C. plant breeding have D. have plant breeding

C. have not become frustrated

133. –––– some countries that have two seasons

D. is not frustrated


E. None

the year instead of four seasons.

140. Paper ––– from cellulose fibers.

A. Are B. Any C. There are

A. is produced B. producing C. produced

D. There is E. None

D. which is produced E. None

134. The ways of traveling –––– dramatically since

141. There are ––– art galleries in the city of

the late nineteenth century.


A. will have changed B. has changed

A. a great deal B. many C. much

C. have changed D. will change

D. lots E. None

E. None

142. The Caspian Sea, a salt lake, is –– any other

135. Native American people arrived on the North

lake in the world.

American continent –––– Europeans.

A. largest B. the largest

A. since B. for C. before

C. larger than D. the larger than

D. ahead . E. None

E. None

136. –––– common nuclear reaction, cold fusion does

143. Ballet dancers, ––– actors, must spend many

not require a high temperature.

hours a day practicing before a performance.

A. Alike B. It is unlikely C. It is not like

A. like B. the like

D. Unlike E. None

C. the same D. same as E. None

137. Lasers –––– steel by focusing an intense

144. High levels of hazardous waste ––– in soil



on the metal.

many nuclear defense facilities.

A. cutting B. cut C. to cut

A. have been measured B. has been measured

D. of cutting E. None

C. is measuring D. are measuring

138. Successful salespeople –––– and understand

E. None


145. Bigamy is a situation in which a man –– two

needs of the market.

women at the same time

A. products are thoroughly known

A. marries to B. is marry to

B. know their products thoroughly

C. married D. is married to E. None

C. thoroughly know their products are

146. –– the rainfall was adequate this year, the

D. their products are thoroughly know

apricot trees still did not produce a high yield.

139. How many of us –––– over complicated

A. Since B. However


C. Although D. Due to E. None

in the law!

147. Ludwig van Beethoven is considered one of

A. not frustrated


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greatest composers –––.

A. between B. therefore C. for

A. who ever lived B. he lived

D. to E. None

C. when living D. while he lived

154. The sound of the dryer –– my concentration.

E. None

A. bother B. bothering C. bothers

148. The white House is where the president

D. has bothering E. been bothering


155. The prettiest girl in our class –– long brown

and the Capital Building is where–––

hair & brown eyes.

A. laws made

A. having B. has C. have

B. the laws are making

D. to has E. to have

C. the laws are made

156. In my opinion, it– too soon to make a

D. are making the laws


E. None

A. is B. are C. has D. have E. having

149. ––– in an electric typewriter is the ability to

157. Do you know whether the movie that–– at

correct spelling errors.


A. There are many new features

is good?

B. New features

A. start B. starting C. to start

C. The new features

D. starts E. None

D. One of the new features

158. The book that I lent you –– a good

E. None


150. ––– covered by the sea, which occupies 71

A. is B. has C. having

percent of the earth.

D. to have E. have

A. A huge unknown world is

159. Choose the correct sentence:

B. An huge unknown world

A. Most states have a sales tax.

C. How huge the unknown world

B. Most of the states have a sales tax.

D. So huge is the unknown world

C. Almost all states have a sales tax.

E. None of the above.

D. Almost all of the states have a sales tax.

151. Tears –––– anger and tension naturally.

E. All of the above

A. are relieved B. relieving C. relieve

160. ––– fuel that is used today is a Chemical

D. what they relieve E. None

form of

152. After World War I, automobiles, buses, and

solar energy.

trucks became the most common ––––.

A. Most of B. The most C. Most

A. of transportation B. transport form

D. Almost the E. None

C. forms of transportation

161. It is time that –– Americans watch TV. every

D. transportation of form E. None


153. It‖s not _[sy `or [ ][us[l o\s_rv_r to

A. almost all of the B. the most C. most of


D. almost E. almost the

–––– genuine paintings and copies.

162. ––– information about pronunciation.

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A. most the dictionaries have

an actor in California.

B. Most dictionary has

A. when Ronald Reagan began

C. most of the dictionaries have

B. Ronald Reagan began

D. almost dictionaries have E. None

C. that Ronald Reagan began

163. All ––– of the world carry on breeding

D. to know Ronald Reagan

experiments to increase yield or to improve

165. Bees have compound eyes ––– almost 6000

disease resistance.


A. countries that grow wheat


B. growth of wheat countries

A. made of B. made in

C. wheat-producing countries

C. made on D. made up

D. countries where wheat is grown

E. None

164. Some people find it surprising ––– his career as

Answer Keys: 1. d 2. b 3. e 4. e 5. e 6. c 7. e 8. d 9. a 10. b 11. d 12. e 13. e 14. b 15. b 16. c 17. b 18. a 19. d 20. c 21. a 22. d 23. b 24. e 25. c 26. e 27. a 28. a 29. a 30. b 31. a 32. c 33. c 34. d 35. c 36. b 37. d 38. b 39. c 40. b 41. b 42. c 43. d 44. a 45. c 46. c 47. b 48. e 49. b 50. c 51. b 52. b 53. a 54. a 55. e 56. c 57. b 58. c 59. b 60. a 61. b 62. d 63. c 64. e 65. b 66. c 67. d 68. c 69. b 70. a 71. b 72. a 73. d 74. a 75. b 76. c 77. b 78. a 79. a 80. c 81. b 82. a 83. d 84. b 85. a 86. b 87. c 88. b 89. a

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1. Choose the correct sentence. A. He is the one of the artists who

A. Your computer is up-to-dater than mine. B. Your computer is more up-to-date than I.


C. Your computer is more up-to-date than mine.


D. Your computer is the most up-to-date of this

B. He is one of the artists who deserve recognition.

two. E. Both b+C.

C. He is one of the artist who deserves recognition.

7. He got used to –––– books. A. read B. reading

D. He is the one of the artists who

C. be read D. have read. E. must read


8. He got the work ––––.


A. doing B. do C. to do

E. both A+B. 2.

D. done. E. has done

Find out the correct spelling. A. Bureaucracy C. Bureacracy

B. Brucracy D. Bureucracy

E. Burocracy

9. Choose the correct sentence. A. You can hardly never seen a man like him, can you? B. You ][n b[r^ly s__ [ m[n lik_ b_, ][n‖t you?

3. She seemed to be –––– than she had been

C. You can hardly see a man like him, do you?


D. You can hardly see a man like him, can you?

A. much careful

B. more carefully.

C. much more carefully.

E. You can hardly ever saw a man like he, can you?

D. much more careful.

10. Find out the correct spelling.

E. both A+D.

A. Moanuvre B. Manuvre

4. Here –––– I who –––– responsible for this

C. Mannouevre D. Manoeuvers


E. None

A. am, is B. is, is C. is, am

11. Here –––– I, –––– ?

D. should , is E. am, am.

A. is, isn‖t I B. [m, [r_n‖t b_r_

5. Rarely –––– more than 50 miles from the coast.

C. is, isn‖t b_r_ D. [m, [r_n‖t b_r_

A. redwood trees grow

E. [r_, [r_n‖t b_r_.

B. redwood trees do grow

12. The chairman and headmaster of this school –

C. grow redwood trees


D. do redwood trees grow

A. has just arrived B. have just arrived

E. both B+C.

C. is arrived D. are arrived E. are arriving.

6. Choose the correct sentence.

13. Choose the correct sentence ––––.

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A. I or they am rich B. I or they are rich

20. In 1867, Hiram R. Revels –––– the first Black

C. I or they is rich D. He or they is rich.


E. both B+D.

be elected to the U.S. Senate.

14. Choose the correct sentence.

A. becoming B. became

A. Did all the senators who you wanted to

C. to have became D. has became


E. both B+C.

meet with you?

21. She sang instead of ––––

B. Did all the senators whom you wanted to

A. play B. played

interview meet with you?

C. have playing D. playing

C. Did all the senators who you wanted to

E. have played


22. Choose the correct sentence.

met you?

A. Perhaps they were meeting right now.

D. both B+C E. none

B. Perhaps they are meeting right now.

15. –––– he gets, –––– he wants.

C. Perhaps they meet right now.

A. The more, the most B. The more, the more

D. Perhaps they have been meeting right now.

C. The most, the most D. The most, the morE.

E. Both B+D

E. both B+C.

23. I wish, you –––– rich.

16. Find out the correct spelling.

A. had B. had been

A. Taciturnity B. Taciturenity

C. were D. both B+C

C. Tacturnity D. Takturnity E. none.

E. None

17. You will get pneumonia, if you –––– your

24. Find out the correct spelling.


A. Acknowledgment B. Acknowledgement

A. will not change B. would not change

C. Aknowledment D. Acknowlegement

C. do not change D. did not change.

E. None

E. both A+B.

25. Choose the correct sentence.

18. Choose the correct sentence.

A. If he will fail to do this, I will punish him.

A. He as well as they was supposed to do his

B. If he will fail to do this, I would punish him.


C. If he would fail to do this, I will punish him.

B. He as well as they was supposed to do their

D. If he fails to do this, I will punish him.


E. Both A+D

C. He as well as they were supposed to do their

26. If you had done this work, you –––– punished.


A. would be B. would have

D. He as well as they be supposed to do his duty.

C. should have D. would have been.

E. He as well as they should do their duty.

E. both A+B.

19. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―Penalty‖ ––––

27. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―Loyal‖ ––––.

A. Punishment B. Compensation

A. Detached B. Disinclined

C. Pardon D. Reward E. Help

C. Devoted D. Untrammeled

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E. Disinterested

C. have been D. would be

28. Choose the correct sentence.

E. should be

A. Our agency has begun distributing

33. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―Malice‖ ––––.

advertisements 12 years ago.

A. Animosity B. Affection

B. Our agency began distributing advertisements

C. Kindness D. Love E. Bravery


34. Choose the correct sentence.

years ago.

A. By the time we will arrive we will sell most of

C. Our agency had begun distributing

the special items.

advertisements 12 years ago.

B. By the time we will arrive we will have sold

English – Lec – 11 . 13

most of the special items.

D. Our agency was beginning distributing

C. By the time we arrive we will sell most of the

advertisements 12 years ago.

special items.

E. none

D. By the time we arrive we will have sold most

29. If you –––– there, you –––– me.


A. will go, will find B. go, would find

the special items.

C. go, will find D. will go, find

E. none

E. both B+C.

35. He talked as if he –––– a lawyer.

30. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―Latent‖ ––––.

A. were B. was C. had been

A. Conspicious B. Concealed

D. would have been. E. A+C

C. Evident D. Visible

36. Choose the correct one:

E. Auspicious

A. It is the best of the pair

31. Choose the correct sentence.

B. It is better of the pair

A. We have sent all our customers the new price

C. It is the best one of the pair

list last

D. It is the better of the pair.


E. both B+C.

B. We had sent all our customers the new price

37. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―T_^ious‖ ––––.

list last

A. Amusing B. Dull C. Exciting


D. Quick. E. Loveable

C. We sent all our customers the new price list

38. I was pleased –––– his behavior.


A. with B. by C. at


D. for E. in

D. We have already sent all our customers the

39. Choose the correct sentence


A. He works as if he was a host in himself.

price list last month.

B. He worked as if he was a host in himself

E. Both C+D

C. He works as if he were a host in himself

32. He seems as though he –––– a lover boy.

D. He works as if he would be a host in himself

A. was B. were

E. He worked as if he would a host in himself

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40. The river has –––– the banks.

48. Choose the correct sentence.

A. overflown B. overflowed C. overflowing

A. When I will know the experiment is finished, I

D. been overflowed E. both a+B.

will dismiss the class.

41. Find out the correct spelling.

B. When I know the experiment is finished, I will

A. Curiculam B. Curriculam C. Curriculum

dismiss the class.

D. Curiculum E. None

C. When I will have known the experiment is

42. Choose the correct sentence.

finished, I will dismiss the class.

A. Neither she nor I has been with the company a

D. When I will know the experiment is finished, I


dismiss the class.

B. Neither she nor I have been with the company

E. Both A+C

a year.

49. Everybody should know how to –––– himself

C. Neither she nor I was with the company a



changing circumstances.

D. Neither she nor I are with the company a year.

A. adapt B. adopt C. adept

E. Both B+D

D. adopted E. be adept

43. They had the car ––––.

50. Thousands of –––– of jute are exported from

A. to be washed B. washed C. washing


D. to be washing. E. has washed

A. bail B. bell C. bale

44. Shahed saw everything in the room ––––.

D. belle. E. both A+C.

A. at a glance B. at a stretch

51. Choose the correct sentence.

C. as the crow flies D. at all risks.

A. She has living in Australia for a year.

E. both A+B.

B. She has been living in Australia for a year.

45. Choose the correct sentence.

C. She has lived in Australia for a year.

A. I was speaking when we were disconnected.

D. She was living in Australia for a year.

B. I had spoken when we were disconnected.

E. She has been lived in Australia for a year.

C. I spoke when we were disconnected.

52. He punished the boy –––– he found was

D. I was speaking when we had disconnected.


E. none

a noise.

46. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―Sacred‖ -

A. whom B. who C. by whom

A. Evil B. Secular C. Profane

D. whomever E. to whom.

D. Divine E. Polluted.

53. Cboos_ tb_ synonym o` ―Gigantic‖ ––––.

47. –––– about four years for a new aircraft

A. Little B. Minute C. Small


English – Lec – 11 . 14

to move from the preliminary design stage to the

D. Large E. both A+C.

full production stage.

54. He seems – than his father.

A. It takes B. Taking C. That takes

A. much lawful B. more lawfully

D. To take E. both B+C.

C. much more lawfully D. much more lawful.

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E. both B+C.

prove his reliability.

55. Find out the correct spelling.

E. Both b+c

A. Homogenous B. Homogenious

61. The Colorado beetle is a beautiful insect, ––––

C. Homogeneous D. Homogeinous


E. None

causes a great deal of damage to food crops.

56. The higher one rises in the atmosphere, ––––

A. but B. what C. or D. that E. so that


62. George would certainly have attended the

temperature generally becomes.

proceedings -

A. colder than B. the colder C. the colder as

A. If he didn't get a flat fire

D. is colder E. the coldest.

B. If the flat fire hadn't happened

57. Choose the correct sentence.

C. had he not had a flat fire

A. Rumana was talking to someone when I saw

D. had the fire not flattened itself


E. both b+C

B. Rumana talked to someone when I saw her.

63. Choose the correct sentence.

C. Rumana had talked to someone when I saw

A. Kopernicus discovered that the earth moves


roun^ tb_ sun, isn‖t it?

D. Rumana was talking to someone when I had

B. Kopernicus discovered that the earth moved

seen her.

roun^ tb_ sun, ^i^n‖t b_?

E. none

C. Kopernicus discovered that the earth moves

58. The real culprits made a –––– of this dull boy.

roun^ tb_ sun, ^i^n‖t b_?

A. dark horse B. scape goat

D. Kopernicus discovered that the earth moves

C. black sheep D. short cut

roun^ tb_ sun, ^o_sn‖t it?

E. both A+B.

E. Both c+d

59. He together with his friends –––– this.

64. Find out the correct spelling.

A. have done B. had better done

A. Honourary B. Honorary C. Honarary

C. has done D. are used to doing

D. Honurary E. Honorury

E. are doing

65. Choose the correct one:

60. Choose the correct sentence.

A. I prefer starve to beg

A. A shipping order from each of these firms

B. I prefer starving than begging


C. I prefer starve than beg

his reliability.

D. I prefer starving to begging

B. A shipping order from each of these firms

E. both B+D.


66. Choose the correct sentence.

his reliability.

A. It is we who has introduced this product in

C. The shipping orders from each of these firms

this country.

prove his reliability.

B. It are we who has introduced this product in

D. The shipping order from each of these firms

this country.

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C. It is we who have introduced this product in

D. If I was she, I would have requested your

this country.


D. It are we who have introduced this product in

E. None

this country.

73. Death is preferable –––– disgrace.

E. It are us who has introduced this product in

A. than B. to C. for

this country.

D. from E. both A+B.

67. Change the sentences from active to passive

74. Silk worm feeds –––– mulberry trees.

I have written in time.

A. with B. on C. upon

A. It has been written in time by me.

D. at. E. for

B. I have been written in time. C. In time I have

75. Choose the correct sentence.

been written.

A. He is one of the teachers who have achieved

D. None of above. E. both B+C.

both fame and money within very short time.

68. Find out the correct spelling.

B. He is the one of the teachers who has achieved

A. Exaggerate B. Exeggarete

both fame and money within very short time.

C. Exaggerete D. Exagarete E. None

C. He is one of the teachers who has achieved

69. Change the sentences from active to passive


I am going to school.

fame and money within very short time.

A. I am being gone to school

D. He is the one of the teachers who have

B. It is being gone to school by me.


C. school is being gone to by me.

both fame and money within very short time.

D. None of the above.

E. Both A+B

E. cannot be changed into passive

76. Guard –––– all errors.

70. Change the sentences from active to passive

A. upon B. under C. against

Who will carry the pot for picnic?

D. with E. for

A. The pot for picnic will be carried by whom?

77. Choose the correct sentence.

B. By whom will carried the pot for picnic?

A. I will complete the book by the time they

C. By whom will be carried the pot for picnic?


D. The picnic will be carried by whom?

B. I will have completed the book by the time

E. By whom will the pot be carried for picnic?

they arrive.

71. He cared –––– nothing.

C. I have completed the book by the time they

A. for B. about


C. with D. in E. at

D. I would complete the book by the time they

72. Choose the correct sentence.


A. If I was she, I would request your advice.

E. Both B+D

B. If I were she, I would request your advice.

78. He was excused –––– a crime he did not

C. If I were she, I would have requested your



A. with B. at C. to

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D. of E. for

A. narcissism B. elaboration

79. Find out the correct spelling.

C. specificity D. redundancy E. altruism

A. cantankerows B. kantankerous

87. Choose the correct sentence.

English – Lec – 11 . 15

A. If that item was in stock, we will ship it to you

C. kantunkerows D. cantankerous


E. both B+C.

B. If that item were in stock, we would have

80. Choose the correct sentence

shipped it to you immediately.

A. Who do you think would be a good candidate?

C. If that item were in stock, we will ship it to

B. Whom do you think would be a good




C. Whom you think would be a good candidate?

D. If that item was in stock, we would ship it to

D. both A+B E. None


81. Find out the correct spelling.


A. plateau B. plateaux C. plataeus

E. If that item were in stock, we would ship it to

D. palateu E. None

you immediately.

82. Find out which one is misspelt.

88. You should –––– this paragraph in order to

A. vermillion B. reminiscence

make your

C. plebiscite D. all of the above.

essay more ––––.

E. both A+C.

A. delete, concise B. enlarge, Superfluous

83. Affix this stamp –––– the letter.

C. rewrite, succinct D. revise, abstruse

A. with B. from C. upon D. to E. at

E. None

84. Choose the correct sentence.

89. Make it active.

A. This inquiry is only one of many that require

You had been called by me before he came -

special attention.

A. I had called you before he coming.

B. This inquiry is the only one of many that

B. I was called you before he came.

requires special attention.

C. I called you before he came.

C. This inquiry is only one of many that requires

D. I had called you before he came E. A+D.

special attention.

90. Choose the correct sentence.

D. This inquiry is the only one of many that

A. He wish that he were a child again.


B. He wishes that he were a child again.

special attention.

C. He wish that he was a child again.

E. Both A+B

D. He wishes that he would be a child again.

85. He left the house –––– bag and baggage.

E. He wishes that he was a child again.

A. with B. in C. within

91. Which one is correct?

D. no preposition. E. without

A. deliverence B. labirynth

86. When drawing your conclusions –––– is

C. predecessor D. both a+c E. None


92. He was convicted –––– theft.

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A. on B. in C. for D. of E. about

E. none

93. Choose the correct sentence.

103. I decided to stay at home last night. I would

A. He and not I always have to go there.


B. He and not I always has to go there.

gone out if I –––– so tired.

C. He and not I have always to go there.

A. w[sn‖t B. w_r_n‖t

D. He and not I have to go there always.

C. woul^n‖t b[v_ \__n D. b[^n‖t \__n E. non_

E. He and not I has to go there always

104. I wish I –––– a car. It would make life so

94. Find out the correct spelling.


A. Questionnaire B. Superintandent


C. Perenial D. Recurrence E. both A+D

A. have B. had C. would have

95. ―–––– tbis w__k?‖ ―No‖ sb_‖s on boli^[y.‖

D. A+B E. none

A. Is Susan working B. Does Susan work

105. –––– tomorrow, so we can go out

C. Does work Susan D. A+B E. None


96. I ^on‖t un^_rst[n^ tbis s_nt_n]_. Wb[t ––––?

A. I‖m not workina B. I ^on‖t work

A. does mean this word B. does this word mean

C. I woul^n‖t work D. A+B E. Non_


106. That bag looks heavy. –––– you with it.

means this word D. A+B E. None

A. I‖m b_lpina B. I b_lp C. I‖ll b_lp

97. John –––– tennis once or twice a week.

D. A+B E. None

A. is playing usually B. is usually playing

107. I think the weather –––– be nice later.

C. usually plays D. plays usually E. None

A. will B. shall C. is going to

98. How –––– now? Better than before?

D. both A+C E. None

A. you are feeling B. do you feel

108. ―Ann is in bospit[l.‖ ―Y_s, I know. –––– her

C. are you feeling D. A+B E. None


99. It was a boring weekend. –––– anything.

A. I visit B. I‖m aoina C. I woul^ visit

A. I ^i^n‖t B. I ^on‖t ^o

D. B+C E. None

C. I ^i^n‖t ^o D. B+C E. Non_

109. W_‖r_ l[t_. Tb_ `ilm –––– by the time we get

100. Tom –––– his hand when he was cooking the

to the cinema.


A. will already start B. will be already started

A. burnt B. was burning

C. will already have started

C. has burnt D. A+B E. None

D. A+B E. None

101. I woul^n‖t sl__p i` I –––– to bed.

110. Don‖t worry –––– late tonight.

A. go B. went C. had gone

A. if I am B. when I am

D. would go E. none

C. wb_n I‖ll \_ D. i` I‖ll \_ E. Non_

102. If were you, I –––– tb[t ]o[t. It‖s mu]b too

111. We –––– by a loud noise during the night.


A. woke up B. are woken up

A. won‖t \uy B. ^on‖t \uy

C. were woken up D. were waking up

C. [m not aoina to \uy D. woul^n‖t \uy

E. none

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112. Tb_r_‖s som_\o^y w[lkina \_bin^ us. I tbink

D. which E. None


120. Some of the people –––– to tb_ p[rty ][n‖t

A. we are following B. we are being followed


English – Lec – 11 . 16

A. inviting B. invited C. who invited

C. we are followed D. we are being following

D. they were invited E. None

E. None

121. If the primary candidates –––– more on the

113. ―Wb_r_ –––– ? ―In Lon^on‖

issues, the results of the election would have

A. were you born B. are you born


C. have you been born D. did you born E. None

quite different.

114. Where ––––? Which hairdresser did you go

A. have focused B. had focused


C. focused D. were focused E. None

A. did you cut your hair B. have you cut your

122. Unless a public official –––– with the



C. did you have cut your hair

he can be removed from office at any time.

D. did you have your hair cut

A. will comply B. had complied

E. None

C. complies D. complied E. none

115. I ^on‖t lik_ stori_s ––– have unhappy

123. Lately, several linguists have come to the


conclusion that if we –––– to model cognitive

A. that B. they C. which

processes for language in a manner different

D. who E. both A+C

from other mental functions, we would not have

116. I ^i^n‖t \_li_v_ tb_m [t `irst \ut in `[ct

an adequate theory of language.

everything –––– was true.

A. are B. had been C. will be

A. they said B. that they say

D. were E. none

C. what they said D. it was said E. None

124. Several businesses would stand to lose a

117. Wb[t‖s tb_ n[m_ o` tb_ m[n ––––?

great deal of

A. you borrowed his car B. which car you

money if open trade agreements –––– followed.


A. have not been B. had not being

C. whose car you borrowed

C. are not being D. were not being E. None

D. his car you borrowed E. None

125. Many writers –––– it very difficult to

118. Colin told me about his new job, –– very

produce a


]ob_r_nt _ss[y i` tb_y b[v_n‖t pr_p[r_^ [

A. tb[t b_‖s _njoyina B. wbi]b b_‖s _njoyina

detailed outline fist.

C. b_‖s _njoyina D. b_‖s _njoyina it

A. finding B. had found C. find

E. None

D. found E. none

119. Sb_il[ ]oul^n‖t ]om_ to tb_ p[rty, –––– was a

126. Which one of the following options is



A. that B. it C. what facebook /gmail/skype: -

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A. I` w_ ^i^n‖t b[v_ to pr_p[r_ tb_ monoar[pb,

A. Had we known that you were there, we would

we could


go out tonight.

you an e-mail

B. I` w_ ^i^n‖t b[v_ to pr_p[r_ tb_ monoar[pb,

B. Had we known that you were there, we would



could have gone out tonight.

sent you an e-mail.

C. I` w_ ^i^n‖t b[v_ to prepare the monograph

C. Had we known that you were there, we would



could went out tonight. D. Both A+B.

sent you an e-mail.

127. The correct passive form of the sentence

D. None of the above. E. All.


130. Tb_ []tiv_ o` ―Consi^_r[\l_ ^[m[a_ b[s \__n

delegates had received the information before

][us_^ \y tb_ `ir_‖ is ––––.

tb_ r_]_ss‖ is -

A. The fire caused considerable damage

A. The information had being received by the

B. the fire is causing considerable damage


C. The fire has caused considerable damage

before the recess.

D. None of the above E. All

B. The information had been being received by

131. Finish the sentence.


If I had a map –––– it to you.

delegates before the recess.

A. I would have lent B. Would lend

C. The information had been received by the

C. Could lent D. None of the above


E. All.

before the recess. D. None of the above.

132. Pick the option that is free from grammatical

128. Choose the correct indirect form of the



A. Tb_r_‖s [ n_w Cbin_s_ r_st[ur[nt, in town,

Tb_ m[n s[i^ to m_ ―You w_r_ [ m_re boy when

isn‖t it?

I s[w you l[st‖ ––––

B. Tb_r_‖s [ n_w Cbin_s_ r_st[ur[nt in town, is

A. The man said to me that I was a mere boy


when he

C. Tb_r_‖s [ n_w Cbin_s_ r_st[ur[nt in town, is

saw me last.


B. The man said to me that I had been a mere

D. Tb_r_‖s [ n_w Cbin_s_ r_st[ur[nt in town, isn‖t



when he had seen me last.

E. None

C. The man said to me that I was a mere boy

133. Find out the most appropriate option.

when he had

A. S[n^r[ ^i^n‖t ]om_ to ]l[ss y_st_r^[y, She

been seen me last. D. Both B+C. E. None

should have

129. Identify the correct sentence.

had an accident

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B. S[n^r[ ^i^n‖t ]om_ to ]l[ss y_st_r^[y, sb_ m[y

A. is the B. are the C. was the D. has been a


140. Neither Jane nor her brothers –––– a consent

had an accident.

`orm `or tomorrow‖s `i_l^ trip.

C. S[n^r[ ^i^n‖t ]om_ to ]l[ss y_st_r^[y, Sb_

A. need B. needs

must have

C. is needing D. has need

had an accident.

141. The skiers would rather –––– through the

English – Lec – 11 . 17

mountains than go by bus.

D. None of the above E. All.

A. to travel on train B. traveled by train

134. If I were you, I –––– their offer

C. travel by train

A. would accept B. accept

D. traveling by the train

C. should accept D. accepted

142. ––––, he would have been able to pass the

E. would have accepted.


135. The committee has met and ––––.

A. If he studied more

A. they have reached a decision

B. If he were studying to a greater degree

B. it has formulated themselves some opinions

C. Studying more D. Had he studied more

C. its decision was reached at

143. –––, he would have signed his name in the

D. it has reached a decision


136. Jobn‖s s]or_ on tb_ t_st is tb_ biab_st in tb_

A. If he painted that picture

class; ––––.

B. If he paints that picture

A. he should study last night

C. If he had painted that picture

B. he should have studied last night

D. If he would have painted that picture

C. he must have studied last night

144. Ben would have studied medicine if he ––––

D. he must had to study last night

to a

137. Henry will not be able to attend the meeting

medical school.

tonight because ––––.

A. could be able to enter B. had been admitted

A. he must to teach a class

C. was admitted D. were admitted

B. he will be teaching a class

145. Choose the correct sentence.

C. of he will teach a class

A. If water freezes, it becomes a solid.

D. he will have teaching a class

B. If water freezes, it will become a solid.

138. ––––, he would have come to class.

C. If water freezes, it would become a solid.

A. If Mike is able to finish his homework

D. If water freezes, it has become a solid.

B. Would Mike be able to finish his homework

E. A + B

C. If Mike could finish his homework

146. If orange blossoms are exposed to very cold

D. If Mike had been able to finish his homework

temperature, they ––––.

139. Here –––– notebook and report that I

A. wither and died B. withered and died


C. wither and die D. will withered and died

you last week.

E. would wither and die

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147. If children are healthy, they –––– to walk at

C. attend D. would have attend

about eighteen months old.

E. a + c

A. will learn B. would learn

154. Choose the correct sentence.

C. learnt D. would have learnt

A. She will lose weight if she ate fewer sweets.

E. None

B. She would lose weight if she ate fewer sweets.

148. If light strikes a rough surface, it ––––.

C. She would have lose weight if she ate fewer

A. diffused B. diffuses


C. would diffuse D. would have diffused

D. She would lose weight if she eat fewer sweets.

E. B + C

E. She will lose weight if she will eat fewer

149. If water is heated to 212 degrees F, ––– as



155. If you went to bed earlier, you –––– so

A. it will boil and escape

sleepy in

B. it is boiling and escaping

the morning.

C. it boil and escape

A. will not be B. will not be being

D. it would boil and escape

C. will not have been D. would not be

E. it boiled and escaped

E. would not have been

150. Choose the correct sentence.

156. I` Jim‖s `[mily –––– Karen, they –––– her.

A. If we find her address, we would write her.

A. meet, would like B. met, would like

B. If we find her address, we will write her.

C. met, will like D. met, would have liked

C. If we find her address, we will be writing her.

E. met, liked

D. If we found her address, we will write her.

157. If drivers obeyed the speed limit, fewer

E. If we found her address, we write her.

accidents –––.

151. If you put too much water in rice when you

A. occur B. will occur


C. would have occurred D. occurring

it, –––– sticky.

E. would occur

A. it would get B. it will have got

158. Choose the correct sentence.

C. it gets D. it will get

A. If we had found her address, we would have

E. none

written her.

152. I will stop on my way to home if they –––– a

B. If we had found her address, we could have

good sale.

written her.

A. have B. had

C. If we had found her address, we might have

C. having D. have had

written her.

E. will have

D. A + B + C

153. If we finish our work a little early today, we

E. None


159. If I had more time, I –––– my paper again.

the lecture at the art museum.

A. would have checked B. would check

A. will attend B. would attend

C. will have checked D. checked

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E. C + D

166. If the meat –––– a little more done, this

160. I` tb_ n_iab\ors b[^n‖t quitt_^ ^own, I ––––

would be


an excellent meal.

call the police.

A. are B. were C. was D. had E. none

A. have had B. would have had

167. If Nipa were really my friend, she –– me

C. would had had D. will have had

once in a while.

E. had

A. called B. would call

161. If her mother –––– her, Anne would have

C. calls D. will call E. calling


168. Usually boys cannot become Boy scouts ––––



A. let B. have let

fifth grade.

C. had let D. will let

A. unless complete B. unless completed

E. would let

C. unless they complete D. unless they completed

162. We could have met her at the bus station, if

E. a + c

we –

169. Dina never calls her father unless he –––

––– that she had planned to arrange.


English – Lec – 11 . 18

A. needs B. need C. needed

A. had known B. known

D. has needed E. none

C. knew D. have known

170. Choose the correct sentence.

E. had been knowing

A. They are going to get a divorce unless she

163. If the party –––– on Friday, we could go.


A. were B. was

taking drugs.

C. is D. are E. been

B. They are going to get a divorce unless she

164. This apartment would be perfect if it –––– a

stopped taking drugs.


C. They are gone to get a divorce unless she


stopped taking drugs.

A. were B. was

D. They are gone to get a divorce unless she

C. is D. are


E. being

taking drugs.

165. Choose the correct sentence.

E. all of the above

A. If my daughter is here, I would be very happy.

171. Choose the correct sentence.

B. If my daughter is here, I would very happy.

A. I ][n‖t ao I ^on‖t a_t my work `inisb_^.

C. If my daughter are here, I would be very

B. I ][n‖t ao Unl_ss I a_t my work `inisb_^.


C. I ][n‖t ao Unl_ss I aot my work `inisb_^.

D. If my daughter are here, I would very happy.

D. I ][n‖t ao Unl_ss I aot my work `inisb.

E. If my daughter were here, I would be very

E. A + C


172. You would not get well –––– your medicine.

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A. unless take B. unless you took

A. sent B. send C. to send

C. unless you take D. you take E. if you take

D. be sent E. sending

173. In a single day––– are as many as thousands

183. Maria is getting her hair –––– tomorrow.


A. cut B. cutting C. to cut

people involved in business deals in one area.

D. to be cut E. be cut

A. yet B. they C. ever D. there

184. The teacher let all ––––– the classroom.

174. ––– the Pulitzer Prize in 1924.

A. left B. leave C. to leave

A. Edna Ferber won

D. leaving E. to be left

B. When Edna Ferber won

185. There were not –––– to have the meeting.

C. Witb E^n[ F_r\_r‖s winnina

A. enoughly people B. people enough

D. E^n[ F_r\_r‖s winnina

C. enough people D. too people

175. The teacher made Juan –––– the room.

E. too much people

A. to leave B. leave C. leaving

186. –––– and John gave the money to the boy.

D. to be left E. to leaving

A. Her B. Hers C. Herself

176. Toshiko had her car ––––– by a mechanic.

D. She E. None

A. to repair B. repair C. repairing

187. Mr. Jones cut –––– while shaving.

D. repaired E. to repairing

A. himself B. hisself C. him

177. Ellen got Marvin –––– her paper.

D. he E. his

A. typing B. to type C. to typing

188. Allen has learned ––– to study in France

D. type E. to be typed

next year.

178. I made Jane –––– her friend on the

A. enough French B. French enough


C. too enough French D. enoughly French

A. to call B. calling C. call

E. French enoughly

D. to be called E. called

189. Do you have –––– to take now?

179. We got our house –––– last week

A. enough time B. enoughly time C. time enough

A. painted B. to paint C. paint

D. time enoughly E. too time

D. painting E. be painted

190. Her call to California lasted ten minutes. She

180. Dr. Byre is having the students –––– a

made a ––––– California.


A. ten minute call B. ten minutes call

A. writing B. write C. written

C. ten minutes calls D. ten minute calls

D. to write E. to be written

E. call for ten minute

181. The policemen made the suspect –– on the

191. Mary and ––––– would rather go to the



A. to lie B. lying C. lie

A. me B. myself C. my

D. lied E. to be lying

D. I E. meself

182. Mark got his transcripts –––– to the

192. We teach languages. We are –––– teachers.


A. languages B. language C. a language

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D. a languages E. None

English – Lec – 11 . 19

193. I was used to –––– at noon when I started

D. calm E. calmness


203. Sharon was supposed to be here at nine

A. eating B. eaten C. be eaten D. eat E. be eating


194. If I had a bicycle, –––– it every day.

She –––– about our meeting.

A. I will ride B. I would be ridden

A. must have forgetting B. must have forgotten

C. I would ride D. I would have ridden

C. must forget D. must be forgotten

E. I would have ride

E. should have forgotten

195. George –––– on a trip to Chicago if he had

204. Thomas received a warning for speeding. He

had time.

–– so fast.

A. would have gone B. would go

A. must have driven B. should drive

C. will go D. would gone

C. should have driven D. must drive

E. will have gone

E. must be driven

196. M[r]_l[ ^i^n‖t ]om_ to ]l[ss y_st_r^[y. Sb_ –

205. Your cold sounds ––––.


A. terrible B. terribly C. terribleness

an accident.

D. terriblefully E. None

A. would have gone B. should have gone

206. Paco was working –––– on the project.

C. must have gone D. must go E. would go

A. diligently B. diligent C. diligence

197. The sun is shining ––––.

D. diligentful E. diligentfully

A. brightness B. brightly C. brightfully

207. Of the four dresses, I like the red one ––––.

D. bright E. brightful

A. best B. the best C. better

198. The girls speak –––– French.

D. the better E. good

A. fluentness B. fluent C. fluently

208. No animal is so big –––– King Kong.

D. fluentful E. fluentfully

A. as B. like C. so

199. The boys speak Spanish ––––.

D. like as E. as like

A. fluentness B. fluent

209. Alv[ro ][n‖t a_t us_^ to ––––.

C. fluently D. fluentful E. fluentfully

A. studying B. study C. to be studied

200. He used to –––– ^inn_r [t `iv_ o‖]lo]k.

D. studied E. be studying

A. eating B. eaten C. eat

210. Phil is the –––– person we know.

D. be eaten E. be eating

A. happy B. happier C. happiest

201. The food in the restaurant always tastes ––––

D. the happiest E. the happier


211. The pianist plays very ––––.

A. well B. better C. best

A. well B. better C. good

D. good E. None

D. best E. the best

202. The campers remained ––– despite the

212. The twins have less money at the end of the

thunder storm.

month –––– they have at the beginning.

A. calmly B. calmfully C. calmful

A. from B. than C. as

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D. like E. than from

D. to be finding E. to be found

213. Her sports car is different –––– N[n]y‖s.

217. Gene got his book ––––– by a subsidy

A. from B. than C. as


D. like E. than from

A. publishing B. published C. publish

214. We would rather –––– home tonight.

D. to publish E. to be published

A. stay B. staying C. to stay

218. It was difficult to deliver the letter –––– the

D. to be stayed E. to be staying

sender had written the wrong address on the

215. You should type –– that you will not make


an error.

A. because B. because of C. in spite of

A. enough slowly B. enough slow

D. despite E. due to

C. slowly enough D. slow enough

219. The chickens have died –––– the intense

E. enough slowness


216. We have to help Janet –––– her key.

A. because B. because of C. in spite of

A. find B. finding C. found

D. despite E. due to

Answer Keys: 1. e 2. a 3. d 4. e 5. d 6. c 7. b 8. d 9. d 10. d 11. b 12. a 13. b 14. a 15. b 16. a 17. c 18. a 19. a 20. b 21. d 22. b 23. d 24. b 25. d 26. d 27. c 28. b 29. c 30. b 31. c 32. b 33. a 34. d 35. e 36. d 37. b 38. c 39. c 40. b 41. c 42. b 43. b 44. a 45. a 46. d 47. a 48. b 49. a 50. c 51. b 52. b 53. d 54. d 55. c 56. b 57. a 58. b 59. c 60. c 61. a 62. b 63. c 64. b 65. d 66. c 67. a 68. a 69. e 70. e 71. a 72. b 73. b 74. b 75. e 76. c 77. b 78. d 79. d 80. a 81. a 82. e 83. a 84. e 85. d 86. c 87. e 88. a 89. d 90. b 91. c 92. d 93. b 94. e 95. a 96. b 97. c 98. c 99.c 100.b 101.b 102.d 103.d 104.b 105.a 106.c 107.d 108.b 109.c 110.a 111.c 112.b 113.a 114.d 115.e 116.a 117.c 118.b 119.d 120.b 121.b 122.c 123.b 124.d 125.c 126.a 127. c 128.b 129.b 130.c 131.b 132.d 133.c 134.a 135. d 136. c 137. b 138. d 139. a 140. a 141. c 142. d 143. c 144. b 145. e 146. c 147. a 148. b 149. A 150. b 151. d 152. a 153. a 154. b 155. d 156. b 157. e 158. d 159. b 160. b 161. c 162. a 163. a 164. a 165. e 166. B 167. b 168. c 169. a 170. a 171. b 172. b 173. d 174. a 175. b 176. d 177. b 178. c 179. a 180. b 181. c 182. a 183. A 184. b 185. c 186. d 187. a 188. a 189. a 190. a 191. d 192. b 193. a 194. c 195. a 196. c 197. b 198. b 199. c 200. C 201. d 202. d 203. b 204. a 205. a 206. a 207. b 208. a 209. a 210. c 211. a 212. b 213. a 214. a 215. c 216. a 217. B 218. a 219. b 220. b 221

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1. Choose the correct option.

E. None of the above.

A. The houses are so very different in shape and

7. Choose the correct option.

color that they appear novel and fantastic.

A. Everybody says that it is one of the great

B. Give me your so watch that I can see how it



of the world.

C. I could not do it in time because of my illness.

B. Every body say that it is one of the greatest

D. He was truthful as he was rewarded.

picture of the world.

E. None of the above.

C. Every body say that it is one of the greater

2. Choose the correct option.

pictures of the world.

A. We were sleeping while the thief broke into

D. Every body say that it is one of the great

our house.


B. I met an old man walking to the mosque.

of the world.

C. Walking I met an old man to the mosque.

E. None of the above.

D. The teacher noticed that the boy changed his

8. He was –––– to agree to the proposal.


A. foolishly B. foolish C. foolishness

E. None of the above.

D. folly E. None of the above.

3. Choose the correct option.

9. Unemployment is the burning question ––– the

A. Both walking and running is good for health.


B. Both walking and running are good for health.

A. to B. at C. by D. for E. of.

C. Both walking and running have for health.

10. He spent a –––– sum of money for the

D. Both walking and running had good for health.


E. Both A+C.

of his daughter.

4. The policemen are different, and ––––.

A. considerate B. considering

A. the cabs are so B. so the cabs are

C. considerable D. considerably

C. too are the cabs D. so are the cabs

E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

11. Choose the incorrect opti.on.

5. - the sun in the west, I started the car.

A. He gradually came round.

A. Having noticing B. Noticed

B. Rabindranath was greater than any poet.

C. Had noticed D. Noticing

C. He and I are brothers.

E. Noticing that.

D. You should not lose heart. E. Both B+C.

6. I have some duties -

12. Choose the correct sentence.

A. performing B. to perform

A. We have and still helping him.

C. preformed D. to performing

B. He knows to type.

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C. He knows to typing.

21. I go to school with –––– everyday.

D. The boy attends his duties regularly.

A. he B. his C. him

E. None of the above.

D. she E. None of the above.

13. Find out the correct spelling.

22. It‖s too bot [n^ my b[ir n__^s –––– .

A. Permanence B. Permanance

A. to cut B. to cutting

C. Observence D. Observince

C. cutting D. to be cut

E. Both A+C.

E. Both C+D.

14. He is prone –––– idleness.

23. Tb_ synonym o` ―Cir]umsp_]t‖ is ––––.

A. at B. of C. to

A. Scrupulous B. Malicious C. Bigoted

D. with E. None of the above.

D. Assiduous E. None of the above.

15. He is forgetful –––– his duties.

24. Tb_ synonym o` ―R_trosp_]t‖ is ––––.

A. to B. at C. in

A. Abridge B. Circumscribe

D. of E. None of the above.

C. Trustworthy D. Curtail

16. The teacher decided –––– the paper.

E. None of the above.

A. to accepting B. accepting

25. Of the four dresses, I like the red one ––––.

C. to accept D. to have accepted

A. better B. best C. good

E. None of the above.

D. more better E. None of the above.

17. Richard is expecting –––– to go to class

26. Choose the correct option.


A. The dispute between the faculty and the

A. us B. our C. we

administration was not resolved until they got

D. ours E. None of the above.


18. Choose the correct option.

working conditions.

A. George rarely never forgets to do his

B. Until they got better working conditions, the


dispute between the faculty and the

B. George never rarely forgets to do his



was not resolved.

C. Rarely forgets George to do his homework.

C. The dispute between the faculty and the

D. Rarely is George forgets to do his homework.

administration was not resolved until they had

E. None of the above.


19. J[son‖s `[tb_r \ouabt bim –––– bicycle that he

better working conditions

had wanted for his birthday.

D. Both A+B E. None of the above.

A. a B. the C. an

27. The –––– went to sleep during the ––––

D. no article E. None of the above.

A. boring students, bored lecture.

20. Neither Bill nor Mary –––– going to the play

B. bored students, boring lecture.


C. boredom students, boring lecture.

A. are B. is C. have been

D. bored students, boredom lecture.

D. shall E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

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28. The –– Monalisa, is on display in the Louvre

C. She or Lance has called already Dr. Peter

in Paris.


English – Lec – 12 .

D. She or Lance already have called Dr. Peter

A. smiled of B. smile C. smiling


D. smilingly E. None of the above.

E. Already she or Lance has called Dr. Peter

29. Choose the correct sentence.


A. We hope that he would be able to attend.

35. Translate it –AvnZ ˆmw\KwU †Mvu †Mvu

B. We hoped that he will be able to attend.

Ki‡Q -

C. We will hope that he would be able to attend.

A. Tb_ injur_^ sol^i_r is m[kina ―ao ao‖ nois_.

D. We hoped that he would be able to attend.

B. Tb_ woun^_^ sol^i_r is m[kina ―ao ao‖ soun^.

E. Both B+D.

C. The wounded soldier is groaning.

30. She made a –––– call to California.

D. The injured soldier is howling.

A. ten-minutes B. ten-minute

E. None of the above.

C. ten-minut_‖s D. Botb B+C

36. Which is the correct spelling?

31. Choose the correct sentence.

A. Rhythmic B. Rhythemic C. Rsythmic

A. The plans that offer the most benefits will be

D. Rithmic E. None


37. Choose the correct sentence.

B. The plans that offers the most benefits will be

A. If you or someone you know needs help, call



C. The plan that offers the most benefits will be

toll-free number.


B. If you or someone you know need help, call

D. The plan that offer the most benefits will be


accepted. E. Both A+C

toll- free number.

32. The examiner made us –––– our identification

C. If you or someone you know will need help,



order to be admitted to the test center.

our toll-free number.

A. showing B. showed C. show

D. both A+C E. none

D. to show E. shown

Mark the appropriate use of gerund (38 - 43)

33. What is the meaning of the word Numbness?

38. A. He came for seeing me. B. He came for see

A. Emotionless B. Nobody C. Nameless


D. Without number. E. Numberless

C. He came for to see me. D. None of above.

34. Choose the correct sentence.

E. Both A+B

A. She or Lance has already called Dr. Peter

39. A. Have you finished write


B. Have you finished your writing.

B. She or Lance have already called Dr. Peter

C. Have you finished for writing


D. None of above. E. Both B+C 40. A. He prevented me to go.

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B. He prevented me to going.

D. None of the abovE.

C. He prevented me from going.

E. Both a+c

D. None of above. E. Both A+B

50. –––– imaginative stories about the origin of

41. A. I could not help to do it.


B. I could not help for doing it

game of chess.

C. I could not help to doing it

A. Many of the B. Many

D. None of above E. Both A+C

C. There are many D. Of the many

42. A. He succeded in wining the prize.

E. Much

B. He succeded to win the prize.

51. Find out the correct spelling.

C. He succeded for wining the prize.

A. Miscellaneous B. Miscelaneous

D. None of above E. Both A+B

C. Miscellanious D. Miscellanous

43. A. He persisted to go B. He persisted for going

E. None

C. He persisted in going. D. None of above

52. Choose the correct sentence.

E. Both A+C

A. I had been mailing the letter before I received

44. –––– on barren slopes can help prevent

your telephone.


B. I mailed the letter before I received your

A. Planting trees B. For trees to be planted


C. In order to plant trees D. Trees are planted

C. I have mailed the letter before I received your

E. None of the above.


45. Find out the correct spelling.

D. I had mailed the letter before I received your

A. Personel B. Personnel


C. Personale D. Parsonnel

E. I have been mailing the letter before I received

E. None

your telephone.

46. Choose the correct sentence.

53. Zzwg wK nvZ †`wL‡Z Rv‡bv ? Translate it.

A. To whom was the letter addressed?

A. Do you see hand? B. Do you see hand?

B. To who was the letter addressed?

C. Do you know how to read hand?

C. To whom the letter was addressed?

D. Do you calculate?

D. To who was the letter addressed?

E. None of the above.

E. Both A+B

54. Choose the correct sentence.

47. Translate it: I hope you are hale and hearty.

A. I know a person who I think can do the Job.

A. Avkv Kwi Zzwg kvixwiK I gvbwmK Kzm‡j

B. I know a person whom I think can do the Job.


C. I know a person whom can do the Job.

B. Avkv Kwi Zzwg me©vš• Ki‡Y I gvbwmK fvj

D. I know a person who can do the Job.


E. Both A+D

C. Avkv Kwi Zzwg me©w`‡K I gvbwmK fvj Av‡Qv|

55. Find out the correct spelling.

D. Dc‡ii †KvbwUB bq

A. Handkerchief B. Handkarchief C. Hankerchief D. Hankarchief

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E. None 56. Zvnv‡K Avwg wek¦¯• †jvK ewjqv Rvwb| Translate it. A. I know him as a believable person. B. He is a man who I know is trustworthy. C. Both a and b are correct. D. I know his trustworthy E. A+B 57. Choose the correct sentence. A. By April our companies will merge with Microsoft corporation. B. By April our companies will have merged with Microsoft corporation. C. By April our companies will be merging with Microsoft corporation. D. Both B+C E. None 58.

The condition of most slum-dwellers is so

miserable that it cannot be described in words. A. ew¯•i †jvK‡`i A_©‰bwZK Ae¯‖v GZB Lvivc †h, Zvnv eY©bv Kiv hvq bv| B. ew¯•i †jvK‡`i A_©‰bwZK Ae¯‖v GZB Lvivc †h, Zvnv fvlvq ejv gykwKj| C. ew¯•i †jvK‡`i A_©‰bwZK gvbwlK Ae¯‖v GZB Lvivc †h,

C. I am looking forward for seeing you D. I am looking forward for my seeing you E. None of the above. 60.

Find out the correct spelling.

A. Assignmant

B. Assaignment C. Asgnment

D. Assignment E. Assinment 61.

Choose the correct sentence.

A. I insist you do this. B. I insist you doing this. C. I insist on your doing this. D. I insist to you to do this.

E. None

62. One of the oldest large suspension bridges still ––– – today is the George Washington Bridge between New York City and Fort Lee, New Jersey. A. use B. is used C. the use of 63.

D. in use

E. usage

Which one is correct?

A. It is us who can help him.

Zvnv eY©bv Kiv hvq bv|

B. It is us who could had help him.

59. Choose the correct sentence.

C. It is we who can help him.

A. I am looking forward to seeing you

D. It is we who were helped him.

B. I am looking forward to see you

E. None of the above.

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What is the meaning of the word


Conversation? A. Discussion C. Talking

B. Some of our customers pays cash for all

B. Explanation


D. Speaking of two persons

71. This is charming scenery. It is -

B. to be a good student

D. the way of efficiency in study.

A. Infinitive B. Gerund C. Participle D. Verb E. None 72. Choose the correct sentence.

C. how to study effectively E. None

Find out the correct spelling.

A. Committee

purchases. purchases. E. Both A+C

A good student must know ––––.

A. to study hard


C. Some of our customer pay cash for all D. Some of our customers has to pay cash for all

E. Conservative 65.

A. Some of our customers pay cash for all

B. Commity C. Comittee

D. Committe E. None of the above. 67. Choose the correct sentence. A. Was it Sumona who you were expecting? B. Was it Sumona whom you were expecting?

A. If the roof leaks, we should repair it immediately. B. If the roof leak, we should repair them immediately. C. If the roof leaks, we should repair them immediately. D. If the roof will leak, we should repair it immediately. E. If the roof will leak, we should repair them immediately. 73. A rolling stone gathers no moss. It is A. Participle B. Infinitive

C. Was it Sumona who were you expecting?

C. Gerund D. Verb E. None

D. Was it Sumona whom were you expecting?

A. Every boy and girl who toured the plant were

E. Both b+d 68. He is fond of riding. It is A. Participle B. Infinitive C. Gerund D. Verb E. None 69. John has not been able to recall where ––––. A. does she live B. she lives C. did she live D. lived the girl. E. None 70. Choose the correct sentence.

74. Choose the correct sentence. given a souvenir. B. Every boy and girl who toured the plant was given a souvenir. C. Every boy and every girl who toured the plant was given a souvenir. D. Every boy and every girl who toured the plant were given a souvenir. E. Both B+C 75. Walking is a good exercise. It is A. Infinitive B. Participle C. Verb

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D. Gerund E. None

84. She saw a –––– move .

76. A serious study of Physics is impossible ––––

A. frighten B. frightened C. fright

some knowledge of Mathematics.

D. frighteningly E. None.

A. not with B. no C. not having

85. Choose the incorrect option.

D. without. E. but

A. Had rested, the men continued their journey.

77. Which one is correct?

B. Flies carry germs of disease, settle on the

A. Wbo‖s p_n is tbis? B. Wbom p_n is tbis?

exposed food and contaminate it.

C. Whose pen is this? D. Who pen is this?

C. He found the book interested.

E. None of the abovE.

D. Both A+C E. All of the above.

78. Translate it – mvcUv †dvum †dvum Ki‡Q -

86. Identify the grammatically incorrect part in

A. The snake is making growling sound.

the following

B. The snake is making hissing sound.


C. The snake is making trumpeting.

The audience became restless and noisy before

D. The serpent is about to strike.

the singer appeared on the stage.

E. None

A. became B. restless C. before

79. He is engaged in writing [ l_tt_r. It‖s [ -

D. appeared E. no error.

A. Infinitive B. Gerund C. Verb

87. To the [rtist‖s dismay, the picture was hung

D. Participle E. None


80. –––– such as banking and travel, in which

down, to his embarrassment, no one noticed the

computers are not a convenience but a necessity.


A. Where some industries B. In some industries

A. [rtist‖s B. w[s buna C. ^own

C. Some industries

D. embarrassment E. no error.

D. There are some industries

88. Were it not for the quick thinking of the

E. None

pilot, the

81. What is the meaning of the word

plane would have crashed; killing many



A. Importance B. Serial number C. Known

A. were it not B. quick thinking

D. Expression. E. None

C. would have D. many passengers

82. Which one is correct?

E. no error.

A. He abstains to smoke

89. Zvi AvR iscyi hvIqvi K_v| Translate it.

B. He abstains from smoking

A. He will go to Rangpur today.

C. He abstains in smoking

B. He has to go to Rangpur today.

D. He abstains with smoking. E. Both A+B

C. He is to go to Rangpur today.

83. Complete the sentence.

D. He should go to Rangpur today.

They implored her ––––

E. None of the above.

A. staying B. to stay

90. Complete the sentence.

C. to staying D. stay E. None.

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The –––– snuggled close to the fireplace.

103. In 1892, Dr. James Naismith invented the

A. purred kitten B. purring of kitten


C. purring kitten D. purred of kitten

of basketball –––– college students with exercise

E. None of the above

during the winter months.

91. Choose the correct option.

A. provide B. for providing

A. Trina finally confessed to have stolen the

C. to have provided D. to provide


E. None

B. Trina finally confessed to having stolen the

104. –––– steel, iron must be alloyed with a small


amount of carbon.

C. Trina finally confessed to have being stolen the

A. Forming B. To form C. It forms


D. To be formed E. None

D. Trina finally confessed to having been stealing

105. During polio epidemics, quarantines and

the money. E. B + D


92. Choose the correct sentence.

restrictions were often imposed because people

A. He is always ready to help his friends.

were terrified of –––– the disease.

B. He is always ready to helping his friends.

A. to contract B. contracting

C. He is always ready to helped his friends.

C. contracted D. having contract

D. Both A+B

E. None

E. He is always ready to helps his friend.

106. ––––, many long distance swimmers coat

93. Choose the similar pair SIGNATURE :



bodies with an insulating layer of grease.

A. byline : column B. alias : charge

A. Against hypothermia

C. credit : purchase D. note : scale

B. To guard against hypothermia

E. reference : recommendation

C. Guard against hypothermia D. Guarding hypothermia against. E. None 107. During a fire, –––– may help prevent injury due

100. Choose the synonym of Heavenly ––––

to smoke inhalation.

A. Diabolical B. Divine C. Wicked

A. to keep low to the ground

D. Profane E. None.

B. keeping low to the ground

101 H_llo, Jim. I ^i^n‖t _xp_]t to s__ you to^[y.

C. low to the ground keeping

Sonia said you –––– ill.

D. keeping low to the ground, that E. None

A. are B. were C. was

108. Having been served lunch, ––––.

D. should be E. None

A. the problem was discussed the problem

102. Ann –––– and left.

B. the committee members discussed the problem

A. said goodbye to me B. said me goodbye

C. it was discussed by the committee members

C. told me good by D. a+b E. None

the problem

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D. a discussion of the problem was made by the

degree from London.

members of the committee

D. After Graduating from DU, his PH. D degree

English – Lec – 12 .

received from London by him

109. Captain Henry, –––– crept slowly through the

E. After graduating from, his received his PhD


degree from London.

A. being remote from the enemy

114. Choose the correct sentence

B. attempting to not encounter the enemy,

A. Returning to her room, several books were

C. trying to avoid the enemy D. not involving himself in the enemy 110. ––––, he began to make friends more easily. A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that B. After entering the new school C. When he had been entering the new school D. Upon entering into the new school 111. While attempting to reach his home before the storm, ––––. A. the bicycle of John broke down B. it b[pp_n_^ tb[t Jobn‖s \ik_ \roke down C. the storm caught John D. John had an accident on his bicycle E. C + D 112. –––– that new information to anyone else but the sergeant. A. They asked him not to give B. Tb_y [sk_^ bim to ^on‖t aiv_ C. They asked him no give D. They asked him to no give E. They asked his to no give 113. Choose the correct sentence

missing. B. Returning to her room, several books missed. C. Returning to her room, she were missing several books. D. Returning to her room, she missed several books. E. Returning to her room, she were missed several book.

115. Choose the correct sentence A. Having been delayed by heavy traffic, it was impossible for her to arrive on time. B. Having been delayed by heavy traffic, it was impossible for her arriving on time. C. Having been delayed by heavy traffic, she was arrived late. D. Having been delayed by heavy traffic, she arrived late. E. None 116. Choose the correct sentence A. Accustomed to getting up early, the new schedule was enjoyable. B. Accustomed to getting up early, she enjoyed the new schedule. C. Accustomed to getting up early, the new schedule is enjoying. D. Accustomed to getting up early, she was enjoyed by the new schedule E. Accustomed to getting up early, the new schedule enjoyed her.

A. After graduating from DU, his PhD degree was

117. Choose the correct sentence

received from London.

A. After finishing his speech, he invited the

B. After graduating from DU, He was received his

audience to ask questions.

PhD degree from London.

B. After finishing his speech, the audience was

C. After graduating from DU, he received his Ph.

invited to ask questions.

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C. After finishing his speech, he was invited to

tickets early.


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D. In order to take advantage of low rates, buying

D. After finishing his speech, the audience invited

tickets early.

him to ask questions.

E. In order to taking advantage of low rates, buy

E. After finishing his speech, he was being invited

tickets early.

by the audience to ask questions.

121. Choose the correct sentence

118. Choose the correct sentence

A. To taking action pictures, always use a

A. Prot_]t yours_l` `rom tb_ sun‖s r[ys, usina [





B. To take action pictures, always use a high-

B. To prot_]t yours_l` `rom tb_ sun‖s usina [ sun




C. Prot_]t yours_l` `rom tb_ sun‖s r[ys, us_ [ sun

C. To take action pictures, always using a



D. To prot_]t yours_l` `rom tb_ sun‖s r[ys, us_ [



D. Taking action pictures, always use a high-speed



E. Prot_]tina yours_l` `rom tb_ sun‖s r[ys, usina [

E. Take action pictures, always use a high-speed

sun screen.


119. Choose the correct sentence

122. Choose the correct sentence

A. Prepare for the TOEFL, studying hard every

A. To send letters from Bangladesh overseas, use



B. Preparing for the TOEFL to study hard every

Global Mail.


B. The send letters from Bangladesh overseas, use

C. Preparing for the TOEFL, study hard every day.


D. To prepare for the TOEFL, studying hard every

Global Mail


C. Sending letters from Bangladesh overseas, use

E. To prepare, for the TOEFL, study hard



Global Mail

120. Choose the correct sentence

D. Sending letters from Bangladesh overseas, use

A. In order to taking advantage of low rates, to



Global Mail

tickets early.

E. Send letters from Bangladesh overseas, use a

B. In order to take advantage of low rates, to buy

Global Mail

tickets early.

123. I would rather take classes –––– the

C. In order to take advantage of low rates, buy


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A. on B. in

D. going E. A + B

C. at D. to E. upon

135. Amzad completed –––– his thesis this

124. Rima has a part-time job –––– night


A. on B. in

A. writing B. write C. to write

C. at D. for E. to

D. wrote E. written

125. The rainy season begins –––– July.

136. I enjoyed –––– with your friend.

A. on B. in

A. talk B. talking C. to talk

C. at D. upon E. for

D. the talking E. talked

126. The graduation is –––– May 20.

137. I miss –––– the news when I am traveling

A. on B. in

A. watch B. to watch C. watching

C. at D. over E. for

D. the watching E. to watching

127. We came to the United States –––– 1997.

138. She forgot about –––– her appointment.

A. on B. in

A. canceling B. cancel C. to cancel

C. at D. over E. to

D. canceled E. None

128. We had planned –––– day before yesterday.

139. She is likely ––––.

A. leaving B. to leave

A. to know B. know C. knowing

C. leave D. left E. none

D. knew E. A + C

129. Urbi wanted –––– with Mr. Arif.

140. W_ ][n‖t b_lp –––– why she left.

A. to speak B. speak C. speaking

A. to wonder B. wonder C. wondering

D. have to speak E. A + B

D. wondered E. to wondering

130. I intend –––– you that we cannot approve

141. I have been looking forward to –––– you.


A. meet B. to meet C. meeting


D. met E. meet with

A. inform B. informed C. the inform

142. A. W_ woul^n‖t min^ to w[it.

D. information E. to inform

B. W_ woul^n‖t min^ w[itina.

131. Tb_y ^i^n‖t pl[n –––– a car.

C. W_ woul^n‖t min^ w[it.

A. to buy B. bought C. buy

D. W_ woul^n‖t min^ to w[itina

D. to be bought E. buying

E. W_ woul^n‖t min^ w[it_^.

132. The weather tends –––– in May

143. A. Father insisted me on go to cinema.

A. improving B. to improve

B. Father insisted me on to go to cinema.

C. improve D. improved

C. Father insisted me on to going cinema.

E. had improved

D. Father insisted me on going to cinema.

133. He enjoys –––– by plane.

E. Father insisted me on to be gone to cinema.

A. to travel B. traveling C. travel

144. A. I know the answer.

D. traveled E. none

B. I know how to answer the question.

134. She is considering not to ––––.

C. I know how answer the question.

A. go B. went C. gone

D. I know to answer the question. E. A + B

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145. If she knew ––––, he would lend her his car.

153. –––– provides people with personal

A. to drive B. how to drive


English – Lec – 12 .

as well as money.

C. to drive how D. how drive

A. work B. to work C. working

E. drive how to

D. to working E. B + C

146. Untill he came to United states to study, –––

154. A. The sneeze spreads germs


B. To sneeze spreads germs

A. b_ ^i^n‖t know to ]ook.

C. Sneezing spread germs

B. b_ ^o_sn‖t know to ]ook.

D. To sneezing spread germs

C. b_ ^o_sn‖t know bow to ]ook.

E. To sneezing spreads germs

D. b_ ^i^n‖t know bow to ]ook.

155. –––– considereds a serious crime.

E. b_ ^i^n‖t know to ]ook bow.

A. To shoplifting is B. Shoplift is

147. I ^on‖t know –––– use the card catalog in the

C. Shoplifting are D. To shoplift is


E. To shoplift are

A. how to B. to C. the

156. –––– in the afternoon is a custom in many

D. how E. none


148. Do you know ––––?

A. The rest B. Resting

A. to type B. how to type C. type

C. To resting D. Rest

D. how type E. all

E. The resting

149. Sharmin always boils water twice –––– tea.

157. Having managed the team for years, he

A. to make B. make C. made

understood the players.

D. making E. for make

A. Having managed the team for years, he

150. A. David has studied hard to succeed. B. David has studied hard for succeed. C. David has studied hard to successful. D. David has studied hard for succeeded. E. None 151. Don‖t mov_ your `__t wb_n you swina –––– golf well. A. for play B. for played C. to play D. to playing E. play 152. Papyrus was used –––– not only paper but also sails, baskets & clothing. A. for to make B. make C. for make D. to make E. making facebook /gmail/skype: -

understood the players B. After managing the team for years, the players were understood by him C. Having managed the team for years, the players were understood by him D. For years having managed the team, its players were understood by him E. Because he had managed the team for years, its players were understood by him.

158. If he was to decide to go to college. I, fore one, would recommend that he plan to go to Yale. A. If he was to decide to go to college, B. If he were to decide to go to college C. Had he decided to go to college, D. In the event that he decides to go to college

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E. Supposing he was to decide to go to college

D. Suggestion, which is more skillful, is used in

159. Tb_ aro]_r b[^n‖t b[r^ly [ny o` tbos_ kin^

place of argument by advertisers


E. Instead of suggestion, depending on argument

canned goods.


A. b[^n‖t b[r^ly [ny o` tbos_ kin^

used by skillful advertisers.

B. b[^n‖t b[r^ly [ny o` tbos_ kin^s

163. Using it wisely, leisure promotes health,

C. had hardly any of those kind

efficiency, and happiness

D. had hardly any of those kinds

A. Using it wisely

E. had scarcely any of those kind

B. If used wisely

160. Having stole the money, the police searched

C. Having used it wisely

the thief.

D. Because it is used wisely

A. Having stole the money, the police searched the thief.

E. Because of usefulness

B. Having stolen the money, the thief was searched by the police C. Having stolen the money, the police searched the thief.

164. If he were to win the medal, I for one would be disturbed.

D. Having stole the money, the thief was searched

A. If he were to win the medal

by the police

B. If he was to win the medal

E. Being that he stole the money, the police searched the thief

161. Had I realized how close I was to failing. I would not have gone to the party. A. Had I realized how close B. If I would have realized C. Had I had realized how close D. When I realized how close E. If I realized how close 162. Depending on skillful suggestion, argument is seldom used in advertising. English – Lec – 12 . A. Depending on skillful suggestion, argument is seldom used in advertising B. Argument is seldom used by advertisers, who depend instead on skillful suggestion C. Skillful suggestion is depended on by advertisers instead of argument facebook /gmail/skype: -

C. If he wins the medal D. If he is the winner of the medal E. In the event that he wins the medal 165. When one eats in this restaurant, you often find that the prices are high and that the food is poorly prepared. A. When one eats in this restaurant, you often find B. When you eat in this restaurant, one often finds C. As you eat in this restaurant, you often find D. If you eat in this restaurant, you often find E. When one ate in this restaurant, he often found 166. Tb_ aov_rnm_nt‖s `[ilina to k__p it‖s pl_^a_s will earn the distrust of all the other nations in the alliance. A. aov_rnm_nt‖s `[ilina to k__p it‖s pl_^a_s

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B. aov_rnm_nt `[ilina to k__p it‖s pl_^a_s

the tonsils were found to be diseased

C. aov_rnm_nt‖s `[ilina to k__p its pl_^a_s

D. The physical examination completed, the

D. government failing to keep its pledges


E. governments failing to keep their pledges

were found to be diseased.

167. Her brother along with her parents insist

E. The physical examination found that the



she remain in school.

were diseased.

A. insist B. insists

170. Having bowed our heads, the minister led us

C. are insisting D. were insisting


E. have insisted


168. Crossing the street, a car almost struck us.

A. Having bowed our head, the minister led

A. Crossing the street, a car almost struck us.

B. After we bowed our heads, the minister led

B. A car almost struck us, crossing the street.

C. After we bowed our head, the minister led

C. As we crossed the street, a car almost struck us

D. After we had bowed our heads, the minister led

D. A car, crossing the street, almost struck us.

E. Having bowed our heads, the minister leads

E. Having crossed the street, a car almost struck us.

171. More than any animal, the wolverine

169. Completing the physical examination, the

exemplifies the


un\ri^l_ `_ro]ity o` ‗n[ture red in tooth and

were found to be diseased.


A. Completing the physical examination, the

A. More than any animal


B. More than any other animal

were found to be diseased

C. More than another animal

B. Having completed the physical examination,

D. Unlike any animal


E. Compared to other animals

tonsils were found to be diseased C. When the physical examination was completed,

Answer Keys: 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. d 6. b 7. e 8. b 9. e 10. c 11. b 12. d 13. a 14. c 15. d 16. c 17. a 18. e 19. b 20. b 21. c 22. e 23. a 24. e 25. b 26. e 27. b 28. c 29. d 30. b 31. e 32. c 33. a 34. a 35. c 36. a 37. a 38. a 39. b 40. c 41. d 42. a 43. c 44. a 45. b 46. a 47. a 48. c 49. d 50. c 51. a 52. d 53. c 54. e 55. a 56. e 57. b 58. a 59. a 60. d 61. c 62. d 63. c 64. d 65. c 66. a 67. b 68. c 69. b 70. a 71. c 72. a 73. a 74. e 75. d 76. d 77. c 78. b 79. b 80. d 81. c 82. b 83. a 84. e 85. a 86. a 87. e 88. a 89. c 90. c 91. b 92. a 93. a 94. b 95. b 96. d 97. b 98. c 99. b 100. b 101.b 102. a 103. d 104. b 105. b 106. b 107. b 108. b 109. a 110. b 111. d 112. a 113. c 114. d 115.d 116. b 117.a 118.d 119.e 120.c 121.b 122.a 123.b 124.c 125.b 126.a 127. b 128.b 129.a 130.e 131.a 132.b 133.b 134.a 135. a 136. b 137. c 138. a 139. a 140. c 141. c 142. b 143. d 144. e 145. b 146. d 147. a 148. b 149. a 150. a 151. c 152. d 153. e 154. b 155. d 156. b 157. a 158.b 159.d 160. b 161.a 162.b 163. b 164. a 165. d 166. c 167. b 168. c 169. e 170. d 171. b 172. d 173. d 174. b 175. C facebook /gmail/skype: -

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1. Do not jeer --- him. A. at B. on

C. of

A. so insects can B. insects can either

D. in

E. with

C. so can insects D. also can insects E. both A+D.

2. The man has ---- away. A. flied B. flown C. fled D. flee 3.

E. flee

The book is --- the corner of the table. A. at B. with

C. in

D. of

B. should

A. I cannot also C. neither can I

E. on

B. also cannot I D. I cannot swim too.

E. both A+D.

4. You – not to go there. A. must

10. He cannot swim, and --- .

C. ought

D. may


Find out the correct sentence.

E. A+D.

A. If you become a doctor you will be happy


B. If you will become a doctor, you will be

You should come --- time to get your meal. A. on B. in


C. at D. off


E. of

C. If you become a doctor, you would be happy

The river is near --- our village. A. at B. in


C. to D. into E. with

D. None of above.

7. The bus driver turned right --- time before the

A. in B. on


C. at D. off

E. about

B. by

C. in

D. at

Birds can fly, and --- .

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D. with E. of 13.

He came to our house --- foot. A. on

He is good – mathematics.

A. in B. at C. on




E. Both A+C.

He should have come at 9 p.m., but he was

not --- time. E. with.

A. on B. in C. at D. off. E. with

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14. My birthday is – July. A. in B. on C. at D. by

E. with

15. My birthday is – Monday. A. on B. in C. at D. by

E. with

16. You will come – the evening. A. at B. in C. on D. by E. about 17. My `ri_n^ s[i^ to m_, ‗Wby [r_ you sittina alone b_r_‘? A. My friend said to me that why you were sitting alone here. B. My friend told me if was sitting alone there C. My friend told me whether I am sitting alone here. D. None of above. E. Both B+C. 18. I s[i^, ‗I wisb I woul^ \orrow tb_ \ook _[rli_r.!‘ A. I told that I wished I would borrow the book earlier. B. I told with loudly that I would borrow the book earlier. C. I told with Joy that I wished I would borrow the book earlier. D. None of the above. E. Both A+B. facebook /gmail/skype: -

19. Tb_ t_[]b_r s[i^, ‗B_ [tt_ntiv_ [n^ list_n to my l_]tur_‘. A. The teacher advised to be attentive and listen to his lecture. B. The teacher told to become attentive and listen to his lecture. C. The teacher said to being attentive and listen to his lecture. D. None of the above. E. Both A+C. 20. Choose the correct sentence. A. You become after five to you study if you will a good student B. If you become attentive to your study, you will be a good student C. You will be a good student if you become attentive to your study. D. None of the above. E. Both B+C. 21. Tb_ synonym o` ―Cr_^i\l_‖ A. believable B. moderate C. change D. probable E. belief 22. Tb_ synonym o` ―M[an[nimous‖ A. climax B. light minded C. plain D. generous E. none .23 24 .25 .

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36. Ivory readily adapts itself – tb_ C[rv_r‖s [rt.


A. in B. to


C. on D. for


E. with


37. The teacher dealt – the subject.


A. on B. in C. of D. with E. at


38. I called – him at his office.

29. Find out the correct spelling.

A. in B. at C. on

A. Nourish B. Nurish C. Narish

D. under E. of

D. Norish E. All of the above

39. Choose the correct spelling-

30. Find out the correct spelling.

A. abhorense B. abhorence C. abhorrence

A. Galant B. Gallent C. Galent

D. abhorencum. E. None

D. Gallant E. None

40. Choose the correct spelling-

31. Tb_ synonym o` ―Cryptic‖ is -

A. Agreggate B. Aggregate C. Agreegate

A. Meek B. Secret

D. Aggrirate E. None

C. Decipher D. Crystal.

41. Choose the correct spelling-

E. overt

A. Idiosyncrasy B. Idiosyncracy C. Idiocyncracy

32. Tb_ synonym o` ―mandatory‖ is -

D. Idiosyncracye E. None

A. Obligatory B. Salutary

42. Choose the correct sentence.

C. Rotary D. Wise. E. high.

A. If you intermarry, you rejected from the

33. Translate it – K‡qK gvm †K‡U †Mj -


A. A few months is going by

B. If you inter marry you will be rejected from

B. A few months was going by


C. A few months elapsed


D. Few months is past.

C. You intermarry if you will be rejected from the

E. None


34. Translate it wZj‡K Zvj Kiv -

D. None of above. E. A+B.

A. Pitch your aim high

43. M[k_ it in^ir_]t. H_ s[i^ ‗I b[v_ ^on_ it

B. Great boast. small roast


C. To carry Coal to New Castle

A. He said that I had done it today.

D. To make a mountain of a mole hill.

B. He said I had done it to day.

E. None

C. He said that he had done it that day.

35. Shaluk excels – dancing.

D. He said he had done it that day. E. None

English – Lec – 13 .

44. Sb[j[l S[i^ ‗H_r_ is my p_n‘. M[k_ it in^ir_]t.

A. in B. on C. off

A. Shajal said that there was his pen.

D. of E. None

B. Shajal said that here was his pen.

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C. Shajal said that there is his pen.

Mehedi did.

D. Shajal said that here is my pen. E. None

C. I ^i^n‖t s__ Up[m[ tbis mornina [n^ n_itb_r

45. Find out the correct spelling.


A. Benificial B. Beneficial C. Benifical


D. Benefecial E. None

D. Both A+C E. None.

46. Tb_ t_[]b_r s[i^ ‗Tim_ is mon_y‘

51. Choose the correct Option.

A. The teacher said time was money.

A. Mercury, the silver-coloured metal used in

B. The teacher said time is money.

thermometers, is usually in a liquid form.

C. The teacher said that time is money.

B. Mercury, usually in a liquid form, the silver

D. The teacher said that time was money.

coloured metal used in thermometers.

E. Both A + C.

C. Mercury, used in thermometers, is usually in a

47. Choose the correct Option.

liquid form, the silver-coloured metal.

A. They will leave at noon and you will too.

D. none of the above

B. They will leave at noon and too will you.

E. B+C

C. They will leave at noon and too you will.

52. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition.

D. They will leave at noon and you too will.

He has an abhorrence — war.

E. None

A. for B. to C. of

48. Choose the incorrect Option.

D. in E. None

A. Asif went to the mountains on his vacation

53. I have no bias — her.


A. with B. of C. to

we did too.

D. for E. at.

B. Asif went to the mountains on his vacation and

54. She congratulated me — my good results.


A. to B. on C. in

we did.

D. for E. at.

C. Asif went to the mountains on his vacation and

55. Choose the correct Option.


A. Each of the women expressed their views.

did we.

B. Who would you be if you could be someone

D. None of the above E. A+B.


49. Complete the sentence.

C. Five dollars were all it cost.

W_ ^on‖t pl[n to [tt_n^ tb_ ]on]_rt, [n^ — .

D. Both B+C E. None.

A. n_itb_r tb_y ^o B. _itb_r tb_y ^on‖t

56. Complete the sentence.

C. _itb_r ^on‖t tb_y D. non_ o` tb_ [\ov_

Three fourths of the members — paid their dues.

E. B+C.

A. has B. have C. would

50. Choose the correct Option.

D. none of the above E. A+B

A. I ^i^n‖t s__ Up[m[ tbis mornina [n^ M_b_^i

57. Choose the incorrect option.

_itb_r ^i^n‖t.

A. The reason of my silence is due to my illness.

B. I ^i^n‖t s__ Up[m[ tbis mornina [n^ n_itb_r

B. The reason of my silence is my illness.

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C. My silence is due to my illness.

when would the train arrive?

D. Both B+C

C. The passenger asked the porter when the train

E. None.

would arrive?

English – Lec – 13 .

D. The passenger asked the porter when the train

58. H_ s[i^ to m_ ‗I w_nt bom_ in J[nu[ry‘.

would arrive.


E. None

A. He said to me that he went home in January.

61. Tb_ synonym o` ―Divula_‖ is —

B. He said to me that he had gone home in

A. Protest B. Mammoth


C. Irrelevant D. express

C. He said to me that I had gone home in

E. None


62. Tb_ synonym o` ―D_pr_][t_‖ is —

D. He said to me that he himself went home in

A. Retreat B. Condemn


C. Eradicate D. wither

E. None

E. None

59. My `[tb_r s[i^ to m_ ‗W_ [r_ aoina tb_r_

63. Tb_ Synonym o` ―Err[ti]‖ is —


A. Hazardous B. Delicious C. Capricious


D. Temporary E. None

A. My father said to me that they were going

64. Spelling error occurs in —


A. Wierd B. Vicious


C. Scissors D. None of the above

B. My father said to me that we are going there

E. Both b+C.


65. Choose the incorrect spelling.

following day.

A. Revel B. Suppossition

C. My father said to me that we were going there

C. Picturesque D. Both A+B


E. None

following day.

66. Choose the correct spelling.

D. My father said to me that they were going

A. Lietenant B. Lieutenent


C. Lieuteenant D. Lieutenant

the following day.

E. None

E. None

67. Complete the sentence.

60. Tb_ p[ss_na_r s[i^ to tb_ port_r ‗wb_n will

H_ ][n‖t swim, [n^ —


A. so I ][n‖t swim B. I ][nnot swim too

tr[in [rriv_?‘ (In^ir_]t)

C. neither can I D. neither I can

A. The passenger asked the porter that when

E. I cannot too.


68. Complete the sentence.

the train arrive?

If someone tried to take bribe, — the police.

B. The passenger asked the porter if he knew that

A. I would have told B. I would tell

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C. I would told D. I would be told

A. in B. against

E. None

C. on D. to E. for

69. Choose the correct option.

75. I instilled a sense of responsibility — his

A. If he left his bicycle outside, someone would


steal it.

A. to B. into

B. Unl_ss you ^o not st[rt [t on]_ you‖ll \_ l[t_.

C. on D. over E. for

C. You must go today whether are you ready or

76. They were carrying the injured player off the



D. If I had a car I could have gone there in time


E. A+B

A. The injured player was being carried off the

70. Choose the incorrect option.


A. If we had found him earlier, we could have

B. The injured player was carried off the field.


C. The injured player carried off the field by

his life.


B. If you had obeyed orders, this disaster would

D. None of the above


English – Lec – 13 .


E. Both B+C

C. The car broke down, but for that we would

77. The streets are swept every day (Active).


A. Everyday sweeps the streets.

been in time.

B. Everyday swept the streets.

D. Both A+C E. None

C. Everyone swept the streets everyday.

71. Complete the sentence.

D. None of the above E. Both A+B

W_‖r_ aoina \y \us, i` w_ w_r_ aoina \y \o[t, —

78. People say that tortoises live longer than

much happier.


A. I had felt B. I would feel


C. I would felt D. I had been feel

A. Tortoises are said to be lived longer than

E. None


72. Fill in the blank with appropriate preposition.

B. Tortoises are said to live longer than

In the UK Children under 16 are exempt—


prescription charges.

C. Tortoises are said to lived longer than

A. of B. for C. upon


D. from E. at

D. Tortoises live longer than elephants are said.

73. The freelance design work provides a useful

E. B+C

supplement — my ordinary income.

79. Almost all the countries of the world allow

A. in B. at

foreign students to study in their Universities.

C. to D. on E. for


74. I prevailed — her to go home. facebook /gmail/skype: -

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A. Foreign students were allowed by almost all

A. Delicious B. Asinine C. Capricious


D. Fastidious E. None

countries of the world to study in their

85. Which one of the following is not a synonym



B. To study in their Universities foreign students



A. Preference B. Inclination C. Disposition

be allowed by almost all the countries of the

D. Both B+C E. None.


86. Tb_ synonym o` ―Intri][t_‖ is -

C. Foreign students are being allowed by almost

A. Tortuous B. Innate C. Imperceptible


D. All of the above E. None.

the countries of the world to study in their

87. Choose the correct spelling.


A. Messanger B. Correspondance C. Queenine

D. Foreign students are allowed by almost all the

D. B+C E. Psychology

countries of the world to study in their

88. Choose the incorrect spelling.


A. Heinous B. Receipt C. Neglegence

E. None

D. deceive E. All of the above

80. Choose the correct sentence.

89. No spelling error occurs in -

A. Let Juliet and me go B. Let Juliet and I go

A. Contemptous B. Contemptuous C. Contemptus

C. Let Juliet and mine go D. Let Juliet and myself

D. Imaginery E. A+B


90. Complete the sentence.

E. None

Abul would rather— the movie at a cinema hall —

81. Choose the correct option.

at home.

A. The company will compensate you the loss.

A. watching, than B. watched, to C. watch, than

B. The company will compensate you of the loss.

D. watch, to E. then, watch

C. The company will compensate you for the loss.

91. Complete the sentence.

D. The company will compensate you to the loss.

The man who sponsored the concerts —

E. None


82. Choose the incorrect option.

A. remain B. remains C. remaining

A. The smell of flowers pervaded through the

D. will remains E. None.


92. His going home is uncertain. It is -

B. The smell of flowers pervaded the house.

A. Adjective phrase B. Adverbial phrase

C. He ascended the throne.

C. Noun phrase D. Conjunctional phrase

D. All of the above. E. None

E. None of the above

83. Tb_ synonym o` ―Imp_]][\l_‖ is -

93. There is none but wishes to be happy. It is -

A. Colossal B. Immaculate C. Salubrious

A. Noun clause B. Adjective clause

D. Prodigal E. None

C. Adverbial clause D. None of the above

84. Tb_ synonym o` ―M_ti]ulous‖ is -

E. A+B+C

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94. His silence proves that he is guilty. (make it

B. Morse code, was invented by Samuel F.B.



A. His silence proves he is guilty.

a system of telegraphic signals composed of dots

B. His silence proves that his guilt.

and dashes.

C. His silence proves his guilty.

C. Morse code, a system of telegraphic signals was

D. His silence proves his guilt E. None

invented by Samuel F.B. Morse, composed of dots

95. Study hard or you will fail. (Make it complex)

and dashes.

A. If you do not study hard, you will fail.

D. Morse code, invented by Samuel F.B. Morse, a

B. Unless you do not study hard will fail.

system of telegraphic signals composed of dots

C. If you unless study hard you will fail.


D. Both A+B E. A+B+C.

dashes. E. B+D.

96. Complete the sentence.

100. Identify the grammatically incorrect part in

Butler goes to that church, and — .


A. Neville too goes B. Neville goes too

following sentence. Totem poles provide eloquent

C. so Neville does D. so does Neville

r_]or^s o` [ tri\_‖s lin_[a_ [n^ bis bistory.

E. so goes Neville.

A. Totem B. records C. lineage

97. Choose the correct option.

D. his E. no error.

A. He is a confirmed bachelor, and so I am.

101. Although Emily Dickinson wrote some of the

B. He is a confirmed bachelor, and too I am.

most haunting lines of American poetry, only

C. He is a confirmed bachelor, and I am so.

seven of her poems were published during their

D. He is a confirmed bachelor, and too am I.

life time.

English – Lec – 13 .

A. the B. poetry C. were

E. None of the above.

D. their E. no error.

98. Choose the incorrect option.

102. Dr. August Raspet was a researcher and

A. Tb_y won‖t ao to tb_ r_st[ur[nt, [n^ n_itb_r



of sailplanes and inventors of the flying bicycle.

my friend.

A. was B. inventors C. flying

B. Tb_y won‖t ao to tb_ r_st[ur[nt, [n^ _itb_r my


`ri_n^ won‖t.

D. of sailplanes E. no error.

C. Tb_y won‖t ao to tb_ r_st[ur[nt, [n^ my `ri_n^

103. Tb_ synonym o` ―In]_ption‖ is —

won‖t _itb_r.

A. Elucidation B. Complication C. Commotion

D. Both B+C E. All of the above.

D. Outset E. A+C.

99. Choose the correct option.

104. Choose the correct sentence.

A. Morse code, a system of telegraphic signals

A. I` b_ will runs, b_‖ll a_t tb_r_ in tim_.

composed of dots and dashes, was invented by

B. I` b_ runs, b_‖ll a_t tb_r_ in tim_.

Samuel F.B. Morse.

C. If he will run, he got there in time. D. If he will run, he will be got there in time

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E. Both A+B.

D. Your work satisfied me.

105. Choose the incorrect option.

E. Your work satisfied I.

A. I` I liv_^ n_[r my o``i]_, I‖^ \_ in tim_ `or

111. Which book do you want? (Passive)


A. Which book is wanted by you?

B. I` I liv_^ n_[r my o``i]_, I‖^ b[v_ \__n in tim_

B. Is which book wanted by you?

for work.

C. Which is book wanted by you?

C. If I dyed my hair green, everyone would laugh

D. Which book was wanted by you?

at me.

E. Which do book is wanted by you?

D. If you heat ice, it will turn to water.

112. Choose the correct option.

E. Both A+C.

A. She can swim, can she?

106. Complete the sentence.

B. Sb_ ][n swim, ^o_sn‖t sb_?

If we had found him earlier, we — his life.

C. Sb_ ][n swim, ][n‖t sb_?

A. could save B. could have saved

D. Sb_ ][n‖t swim, ][n‖t sb_?

C. could be saving D. could saved

E. None of the above.

E. could have been saving.

113. Choose the correct option.

107. She took me to task (Passive).

A. I Prefer to walk than to ride.

A. I was taken task by her

B. I prefer walk than of ride.

B. I was taken to be task by her

English – Lec – 13 .

C. I was taken to task by her

C. I prefer walking than of riding.

D. I had taken to task by her

D. I prefer to walk than ride.

E. I had been taken to task by her.

E. I prefer walking to riding.

108. He has been punished enough. (Active)

114. Tb_ synonym o` ―A\oriain[l‖ is -

A. God was punished him enough.

A. Amusing B. Primitive C. Slow

B. God has punished enough him.

D. Biased E. None of the above.

C. God has enough punished him.

115. Complete the sentence.

D. God has punished him enough.

Among them few — willing to help.

E. God had punished him enough.

A. was B. were C. have

109. She found it as last (Passive).

D. had been E. None of the above.

A. At last was found by her.


B. It has found by her at last.

A. spy : counterspy B. reporter : source

C. It was found by her at last.

C. author : editor D. architect :

D. It was to be found by her at last.


E. None of the above.

E. sailor : mutineer.

110. I was satisfied with your work (Active)


A. Your work satisfy me

A. decisive : act B. gullible : cheat

B. Your work had satisfied me.

C. perceptive : observe D. theatrical : perform

C. Your work satisfied with me

E. taciturn : speak

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do D. neither do they E. None of the above.

A. sermon : lengthy B. anecdote : witty

125. Fill in the blank with appropriate

C. fable : didactic D. epic : comic


E. allegory : obscure

The new rule is advantageous --- us.


A. for B. of C. to

A. irreversible : cure

D. with. E. None of the above.

B. invulnerable : emotion

126. Florida has not yet ratified the amendment,

C. impeccable : flaw

and –

D. intolerable : defect


E. immovable : choice.

A. s_v_r[l otb_r st[t_s b[sn‖t _itb_r


B. neither has some of the others states

A. miser : generosity B. saint : elevation

C. some other states also have not either

C. nomad : refuge D. judge : accuracy

D. neither have several other states

E. martinet : discipline

127. California relies heavily on income from fruit

121. Fill in the gap.

crops, and –––––.

Two-thirds of the road — repaired.

A. Florida also

A. have been B. are

B. Florida too

C. has been D. were

C. Florida is as well

E. None of the above.

D. so does Florida

122. Which one of the following sentence is

128. Pioneer men and women endured terrible


hardships, and –––.

A. They will leave at noon, and I too will.

A. so do their children

B. They will leave at noon and I will too.

B. neither did the children

C. They will leave at noon, and so will I.

C. also the childs

D. Both B+ C

D. so did their children

E. None.

129. It was not until she arrived in class –––

123. Finish the following sentence.


Tb_ S]i_ntist isn‖t too b[ppy witb tb_ proj_]t,

she had forgotten her book.

and ------

A. and she B. when she

A. his supervisors are neither

C. she D. that she

B. his supervisors either are not.

130. The doctor told his receptionist that he

C. neither are his supervisors


D. Both B +C E. None.

return ––.

124. Finish the following sentence.

A. as early as it would be possible

W_ ^on‖t plan to attend the concert, and -----.

B. at the earliest that it could be possible

A. either they do B. either do they C. neither

C. as soon as possible


D. at the nearest early possibility

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For each of the following questions, identify

138. M[rk Antbony‖s eulogy of Caesar at his

the meaning of the underlined part of the



is memorably recorded in a play by Shakespeare.

131. Library cards will expire when they are not

A. prayer B. praise


C. biography D. denunciation

A. cost more money

139. The Congress respected Jefferson because,

B. cease to be effective

although he was stern, he was fair.

C. \_ m[il_^ to tb_ bol^_r‖s [^^r_ss

A. emulated B. looked up to

D. be continued automatically

C. counted on D. obeyed

132. Because of a long drought, Midwestern

140. Trees that block the view of oncoming traffic


should be cut down.

are doubtful about the prospect of a good yield.

A. alter B. obstruct

A. sympathetic B. dubious

C. improve D. spoil

C. intrepid D. thrilled

141. People who live in the country enjoy a rustic

133. Professor Baker is a coworker of Professor




A. an advocate B. a rival

A. slow B. simple

C. a disciple D. a colleague

C. difficult D. happy

134. The value of an old item increases with time.

142. Although buses are scheduled to depart at a

A. a facsimile B. an antique

certain hour, they are often late.

C. a bonus D. an original

A. listed B. obligated

135. Frontier settlements had to depend on the

C. requested D. loaded


143. Because light travels faster than sound,

English – Lec – 13 .


A. visit B. meet

appears to go before thunder.

C. trust D. help

A. prolong B. repel

136. In some states drivers are fined $ 100 for

C. traverse D. precede


144. The Constitution guarantees that private



A. routine B. adept

will not be searched without a warrant.

C. reckless D. aggressive

A. special guard

137. A series of columns supporting a large porch

B. written authorization


C. national emergency

typical of the architecture of pre-Civil War

D. small payment

mansions in the South.

145. Vendors must have a license.

A. statues B. pillars

A. everyone employed in food service

C. murals D. arches

B. everyone engaged in selling

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C. everyone who drives a care

152. Contractors hire surveyors to mark the limits

D. everyone who works in a hospital


146. The copperhead, a snake that strikes without

the property before they begin construction.

warning, is considered much more dangerous

A. basements B. expenses

than the rattlesnake.

C. boundaries D. supplies

A. exquisite B. treacherous

153. When Pope John Paul visited Latin America,

C. sporadic D. aloof


147. The audience applauded enthusiastically after

often signaled for the children to come to him.


A. denied B. beckoned

performance at the Grand Old Opera.

C. adored D. allowed

A. clapped B. chatted

154. Sometimes, while living in a foreign country,

C. laughed D. contributed


148. A legal combination of United States

craves a special dish from home.


A. desires B. prepares

Inc., and the Intercontinental Airlines Company

C. eats D. looks for

was approved at a joint board of directors

155. Lin^\_rab‖s `irst nonstop `liabt []ross tb_


Atlantic Ocean was an act of great daring and

A. reconciliation B. merger


C. strike D. memorandum

A. a narrative B. an attempt

149. John Dewey loathed the idea that children

C. a feat D. a conspiracy


156. The system of Daylight Saving Time seems

not participate in activities as part of their


educational experience.

silly until one understands why it is done.

A. monarchy B. trend

A. clever B. foolish

C. treaty D. censure

C. unusual D. prudent

150. The rock music made popular by the Beatles

157. The representatives of the company seemed



been modified over the past two decades.

callous concerning the conditions of the workers.

A. improved B. changed

English – Lec – 13 .

C. discovered D. remembered

A. liberal B. responsible

151. Prior to his appointment as secretary of

C. ignorant D. insensitive


158. The ultimate cause of the Civil War was the

Henry Kissinger was a professor of government

bombardment of Fort Sumter.

and international affairs at Harvard.

A. final B. true

A. After B. During

C. only D. simple

C. Before D. Instead of

159. Phosphorus is used in paints for highway signs

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and markers because it is bright at night.

prior to the War of 1812 to guard Baltimore

A. luminous B. adequate


C. harmless D. attractive

A. mansion B. tower

160. The Supreme Court has a reputation for

C. garrison D. museum


167. Americans have been criticized for placing



A. stubborn B. humorous

much emphasis on being on time.

C. impartial D. capricious

A. importance B. bother

161. Einst_in‖s tb_ory o` r_l[tivity s__m_^

C. activity D. assistance


168. It was necessary to divide the movie Roots

at the time that he first introduced it.


A. unbelievable B. brilliant

five parts in order to show it on television

C. complicated D. famous

A. adapt B. segment

162. Congress was hesitant to repeal the

C. abridge D. transact


169. In his biography, Thomas Hardy is described


as a

A. willing B. reluctant

very industrious writer.

C. urged D. supposed

A. sensible B. diligent

163. The president is often awakened by a noisy

C. pessimistic D. successful


170. When baseball players became impatient

which assembles on the White House lawn to


protest his policies.

their contracts, they went on strike, causing most

A. jocular B. gigantic

of the 1981 season to be lost.

C. clamorous D. capricious

A. alarmed B. exasperated

164. Since none of the polls had predicted the

C. enthusiastic D. organized


171. In the past, energy sources were thought to

everyone was surprised by the results of the




A. astounded B. encouraged

A. without limits B. natural

C. delighted D. perturbed

C. inexpensive D. solar

165. The perpetual motion of the earth as it turns

172. It will be necessary for the doctor to widen



its axis creates the change of seasons.

pupils of your eyes with some drops in order to

A. ancient B. leisurely

examine them.

C. rhythmic D. constant

A. massage B. dilate C. treat D. soothe

166. The fort now known as Fort McHenry was

173. Cruel treatment of inmates instigated a riot



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one of the Indiana prisons.

readily with any other element; because of this

A. Tolerant B. Brutal

property, it is called an inactive element.

C. Reliable D. Dubious

A. inert B. explicit

174. Unorganized guessing will probably not raise

C. adjacent D. obsolete


181. Attending a church, temple, or mosque is

test score as significantly as choosing one letter



way to make agreeable friends.

[ ‗au_ss [nsw_r‘ `or tb_ _ntir_ _x[min[tion.

A. enduring B. elderly

A. Cryptic B. Economical

C. congenial D. numerous

C. Haphazard D. Subsequent

182. Unless the agreement contains a provision

175. Owners should be sure that their insurance

for a


United Nations peace-keeping force to patrol the

replace all of their merchandise.

borders, the General Assembly is not likely to

A. Proprietors B. Benefactors

ratify it.

C. Tutors D. Debtors

A. proposal B. concord

176. Astronomy provides the knowledge necessary

C. document D. release


183. The cost of living in the United States has

correct timekeeping, navigation, surveying, and

risen at


a rate of 6 percent per year during the last

A. meticulous B. accurate


C. incessant D. ancient


177. In a search to further his knowledge of the

A. tenth B. decade

unknown, man has explored the earth, the sea,

C. century D. quarter

and now, outer space.

184. Primary education in the U.S. is compulsory.

A. quest B. fantasy

A. free of charge B. excellent

English – Lec – 13 .

C. required D. easy

C. colloquy D. documentary

185. In B_nj[min Fr[nklin‖s [lm[n[], b_ w[rns

178. One must live in the United States five years

against making hasty decisions.


A. expensive B. firm

order to apply for citizenship.

C. unhealthy D. quick

A. reside in B. invade

186. A good student is eager to learn and does

C. accommodate to D. abandon


179. Reagan seemed sure that he would win the

need to be warned for being absent too much.


A. admonished B. belittled

A. eager B. confident

C. punished D. spanked

C. hopeful D. resigned

187. An appendectomy is a routine operation.

180. Neon is an element which does not combine

A. cheap B. usual

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C. small D. quick

189. Rain lessens in the fall throughout most of

188. The author of a book, a musical composition,



Appalachian Mountain region.

an artistic work may choose to honor someone

A. pours B. abates


C. accumulates D. evaporates

putting his or her name in the front of it,

190. Several members of the royal family have



giving it.

held prisoner in the Tower of London.

A. consecrating B. dedicating

A. for protection B. captive

C. devoting D. pledging

C. by request D. briefly

Answer Keys: 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. a 12. b 13. a 14. a 15. a 16. b 17. d 18. d 19. a 20. e 21. a 22. d 23. d 24. d 25. c 26. b 27. c 28. c 29. a 30. d 31. b 32. a 33. c 34. d 35. a 36. b 37. d 38. c 39. c 40. b 41. b 42. b 43. c 44. a 45. b 46. c 47. a 48. c 49. d 50. c 51. a 52. b 53. d 54. b 55. b 56. b 57. d 58. b 59. c 60. d 61. d 62. c 63. c 64. a 65. d 66. d 67. c 68. b 69. a 70. b 71. b 72. d 73. c 74. c 75. b 76. a 77. d 78. b 79. d 80. a 81. c 82. a 83. b 84. d 85. c 86. b87. e 88. c 89. b 90. c 91. b 92. c 93. b 94. d 95. a 96. d 97. e 98. b 99. a 100. d 101. d 102. b 103. d 104. b 105. b 106. b 107. c 108. d 109. c 110. d 111. a 112. c 113. e 114. b 115. b 116. b 117. e 118. c 119. c 120. d 121. c 122. c 123. c 124. d 125. c 126. d 127. d 128. d 129. d 130. c 131. b 132. b 133. d 134. b 135. d 136. c 137. b 138. b 139. d 140. b 141. b 142. a 143. d 144. b 145. b 146. b 147. a 148. b 149. d 150. b 151. c 152. c 153. b 154. a 155. b 156. c 157. d 158. a 159. a 160. c 161. a 162. b 163. c 164. a 165. d 166. c 167. a 168. b 169. b170. b 171. a 172. b 173. b 174. c 175. a 176. b 177. a 178. a 179. b180. a 181. c 182. b 183. b 184. c 185. d 186. c 187. b188. b 189. b 190. b

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Regard with what are the correct meaning of the

A. at last


B. in deep

D. In spite of

C. at first


11. A. nervous

B. fit for

C. unkind

E. set for


C. if

E. increase of.

E. nearvous

opposite in meaning (Similar.....Opposite) of capitalized word (12-21).

B. at present

C. instead of

C. nevrous


Leave off --A. to stop

D. narvous

B. nerbous

to and

B. then and there

D. now and then

D. knnickerockers

Direction: Select the pair that is closely similar

On the instant --A. for this

B. nickerbockers

E. none of above

Worthy of--D. set out

A. knickerbokers

C. knickerbockers

E. at least

A. kind of

B. collatiral C. collaterial

D. colatteral E. none of the above.

At length --


E. regicide.

9. A. colateral

following phrases (1-4). 1.

D. rigiside


D. incase of

E. give up Choose the appropriate preposition that are blanked as

A. aid ..... praise

B. accuse ... scatter

C. irritate ... help

D. help ... support

E. support ... oppose. 13. HATE

the part of the following phrases (5-7)

A. pardon .... blame B. purify ... pollute


C. flatter ... waste D. abhor .. love

Choose the incorrect spelling. A. Regretable

B. Parallel

C. Loveable

D. both a+c E. None of the above. 6.

Choose the correct spelling. A. Aggreggate C. Efficient

B. Amatuer

D. All of the above

E. None of the above. 7.

E. despise .. scorn. 14. LAZY A. indolent ... energetic B. timid ... pacific C. vigorous ... idle D. indolent ... lavish E. palatable .. potent.

But---your help we should not have finished

15. HUGE


A. modest .... boastful B. large ... extra


C. vast .... small D. brave ... coward

A. for

B. of

C. with

D. none of above

E. peak .... valley.

E. in


Mark the correct spelling of the following words

A. modest .... boastful B. adamant ... flexible


C. reluctant ... eager D. loyal ... rebel

8. A. regicide

B. rigicide

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C. rigecide

E. neutral ... impartial.

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C. is symbolized to D. was symbolized

A. convict ... murder B. fascinate ... expose

E. All of the above.

C. pollute ... clean D. refine ... pollute

26. More ivory is obtained from elephants in

E. clean ... wash.

Africa – elephants in Asia.


A. rater than B. more than

A. durable .... fragile B. candid ... open

C. than from D. as well as E. C+D

C. open ... hypocrite D. vile ... honest

27. Find out the correct antonym of

E. frank ... truthful.



A. tidy B. genuine C. applause

A. innovate ... abate B. renew ... damage

D. eropitious E. aggressive.

C. renew ... cover D. conceal ... damage

28. Find out the correct antonym of

E. deny ... refuse.


20. RISK

A. docile B. arrogant C. credulous

A. constructive .. useless B. destructive...useful

D. biased E. sanitary.

C. joy .. danger D. jeopardy ... safety

29. Which one is not correct ?

E. stunt ... death.

A. chancellor B. ambiguous C. allegation


D. eficacious E. evanescent.

A. surplus ... shortage B. excess .. surplus

30. Which one is not correct ?

C. scarcity .. paucity D. surplus ... excess

A. loquacious B. Litterateur C. Interruption

E. crisis ... blessing.

D. Afable E. Accumulation.

22. The conditions necessary – this project have


not been met.

A. verbose: pithy B. improvised: unrehearsed

A. for the complete of B. of completion of

C. silence: golden D. witty: clumsy

C. for the completion of D. of complete

E. vacation: leisurely.

E. none.

32. Wb_r_ tb_ ―pr_`ix‖ is not prop_rly us_^?

23. A promissory note–anything without the trust

A. imfathomable B. immaterial


C. immemorial D. impalpable

A. does mean B. is mean

E. impracticable.

C. have not mean D. may not mean

33. What is the synonym o` ‗DEJECTED‘?

E. both B+C.

A. Depressed B. Despondent C. Dispirited

24. - on the floor of the ocean is a big farming

D. both B+C E. A+B+C.


34. Which is incorrect spelled?

A. Oysters raising B. Oysters are raised

A. Archipelago B. Approximation

C. The raising of Oysters D. The Oysters raised

C. Familar D. Arrogance

E. C+D

E. Gymnasium.

25. A barbershop – a red and white striped pole.

35. Which is the correct spelling?

A. what symbolizes B. is symbolized by

A. anaesthesia B. Mediaeval

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C. Messenger D. Interruption

A. For B. Regarding C. Across

E. all of the above.

D. Over E. Everywhere.

36. Choose the correct sentence:

44. I – to hospital last Friday.

A. L_t us ^o tbis toa_tb_r, sboul^n‖t w_?

A. would go B. must go

B. L_t us ^o tbis toa_tb_r, sb[n‖t w_?

C. have to go D. had to go

C. Let us do this together, shall we?

E. have gone

D. L_t us ^o tbis toa_tb_r, ^on‖t w_?

45. Not until the seventeenth century – to

E. Let us do this together, do we?


37. Choose the correct sentence

the speed of light.

A. I will go when it will stop rain.

A. did anyone even attempt

B. I will go when it would stop rain.

B. did even attempt anyone

C. I will go when it stops rain.

C. anyone did even attempt

D. I will go when it stop rain.

English – Lec – 14 .

E. I will go when it stopped rain.

D. none did attempt

38. While going to office, take your umbrella – it

E. did none attempt even.


46. I –– believe in Allah as –– my father because

A. in case B. as if C. if not

we are Muslim.

D. perhaps E. or else.

A. am --- is B. as --- as

39. My broken leg is – me.

C. do --- does D. does --- did

A. hurting B. wounding C. fainting

E. in --- out.

D. in pain E. aching.

47. When he arrived I was about to -

40. --- of the story the man and the woman were

A. be leaving B. leave C. left


D. go E. be gone.

A. At last B. Finally

48. Choose the correct sentence:

C. At the end D. At the last

A. H_ s[i^ tb[t it w[s [ mist[k_, w[sn‖t it?

E. In the end.

B. H_ s[i^ tb[t it w[s [ mist[k_, w[sn‖t he?

41. The dog was – in front of the door.

C. H_ s[ys tb[t it w[s [ mist[k_, w[sn‖t it?

A. lain B. lying C. lied

D. H_ s[i^ tb[t it w[s [ mist[k_, ^i^n‖t it?

D. laid E. laying.

E. H_ s[i^ tb[t it w[s [ mist[k_, ^i^n‖t b_?

42. A serious study of physics is impossible –

49. Choose the correct sentence.


A. The person whom I believe we all love is

knowledge of mathematics.

standing next to me.

A. not with B. without

B. The person whomever I believe we all love is

C. in absence of D. lacking

standing next to me.

E. not having

C. The person who I believe we all love is

43. –– Bangladesh, the general movement of air is

standing next to me.

from South to North.

D. The person who I believe we all love are

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standing next to me.

56. Choose the correct sentence.

E. The person whom we all love is standing next

A. The man who sponsored the concerts remains

to me.


50. Choose the correct Sentence?

B. The man who sponsored the concerts remain

A. I have not little money, do I?


B. I have little money, don't I?

C. The man who has sponsored the concerts

C. I have little money, have I?

remained anonymous.

D. I have little money, do I? E. both C+D.

D. The man who sponsor the concerts remains

51. Choose the correct sentence.

anonymous. E. A+C

A. A shipping order from each of these firms

57. Two-thirds of the road – repaired.

proves his reliability.

A. have been B. are C. has been

B. A shipping order from each of these firms

D. were E. has

prove his reliability.

58. Choose the correct sentence.

C. Shipping orders from each of this firm proves

A. I tbink tb[t I [m riabt, [r_n‖t I?

his reliability.

B. I [m riabt, [r_n‖t I?

D. both A+C E. none

C. I tbink tb[t I [m riabt, ^on‖t I?

52. She is the person for -- I am positive can be

D. I [m riabt, ^on‖t I E. both B+C


59. Choose the correct sentence.

A. whom B. whoever C. who

A. Matters like the organization of your

D. whomever E. C+D

committee reveals the complexity of politics.

53. Choose the correct sentence.

B. Matters like the organization of your

A. I will stop doing this when

committee reveal the complexity of politics.

I will a_t or^_r `rom you, won‖t I?

C. Matter like the organization of your committee

B. I will stop doing this when

reveal the complexity of politics.

I aot or^_r `rom you, ^i^n‖t I?

D. Matters as the organization of your committee

C. I will stop doing this when

reveal the complexity of politics.

I a_t or^_r `rom you, won‖t I?

E. B+D

D. both A+C E. none

60. Choose the correct Sentence.

54. Tareq, together with some of his friends,--

A. I have been lived here since seven years.

playing cricket.

B. I am living here for seven years.

A. was B. were C. will

C. I have lived here since seven years.

D. have been E. had

D. I have been living here for seven years.

55. Choose the correct sentence.

E. both B+D.

A. I ]oul^n‖t b[r^ly ^o tbis.

61. Choose the correct sentence.

B. I could never do this hardly.

A. I listened to the radio when the accident

C. I could hardly do this.


D. Hardly could I do this E. C + D

B. I was listening to the radio when the accident

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66. –––– of a bird serve to lift it into the air and

C. I was listening to the radio when the accident

move it forward.

was happening.

A. The wings B. A wing

D. I had listened to the radio when the accident

C. Wing D. Those wings.


E. None of the above.

E. I was listening to the radio when the accident

67. Traditional ...... of consumer purchases are

had happened.

clothing, bicycles, television sets, and stereos.

62. Choose the correct sentence.

A. example B. examples

A. Production quotas in each department was

C. the example D. the examples

determined by a worker- management team.

E. None of the above.

B. Production quotas in each department were

68. According to United Nations estimates, at

determined by a worker- management team.


C. Production quota in each departments were

half .... on this planet cannot read or write.

determined by a worker- management team.

A. an adult B. adults C. the adults

D. both B+C E. all of the above

D. the adult E. None of the above.

63. Choose the correct sentence.

69. Through .... , an individual commands the

A. H_‖^ [lr_[^y ao tb_r_, b[^n‖t b_?

disposition of his or her possessions.

B. H_‖s [lr_[^y aoina tb_r_, isn‖t b_?

A. will B. the wills

C. H_‖s [lr_[^y aon_ tb_r_, b[sn‖t it?

C. a will D. willing

D. H_‖s [lr_[^y aon_ tb_r_, b[sn‖t b_?

E. None of the above.

E. H_‖^ [lr_[^y ao tb_r_, woul^n‖t b_?

70. ––– is an official language of commerce and

64. Choose the correct sentence.

government in the Philippines.

A. One of the most beautiful girl has come

A. The English B. English

B. One of the most beautiful girls have come.

C. An English D. Of English

C. One of the more beautiful girl has come.

E. None of the above.

D. One of the more beautiful girls have come.

In each sentence, identify the one underlined

E. One of the most beautiful girls has come.

word or

65. Choose the correct sentence

phrase that would not be considered correct in

A. I had always done it there days before last

standard written English.

Monday. English – Lec – 14 .


B. I did it three days before last Monday. C. I have done it three days before last Monday.


D. I had done it three days before last Monday.


E. It has been done three days before last



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76. Fill in the gap:

D. Inquisitive E. Proper.

I am — r_aul[r su\s]ri\_r o` ‗Tb_ Az[^‘.

Find out the incorrect part.

A. a B. an C. the

86. Neither of the two candidates who

D. some one E. both C+D.


77. Complete the sentence.

ha d a pp lied

I like to go to Opera —


A. on the instant B. now and then

for admission to

C. moot point D. A+B

C the industrial Engineering

E. none of the above.

Department were

78. ―T[k_ on_ to t[sk‖ m_[ns —


A. Rebuke B. Imitate C. Rescue

for scholarships No error

D. Restrain E. None of the above.


79. Choose the correct spelling.


A. Hereditery B. Carriage

87. Choose the correct spelling.

C. Notoreity D. Profittable

A. Renaissance B. Recommendation

E. None of the above.

C. Procession D. both A+B

80. Choose the correct sentence.

E. A+B+C

A. I tbink tb[t I [m riabt, [r_n‖t I?

88. Choose the correct spelling.

B. I [m riabt, [r_n‖t I?

A. Seismograph B. Millionaire C. Registration

C. I tbink tb[t I [m riabt, ^on‖t I?

D. both B+C E. A+B+C.

D. I [m riabt ^on‖t I?

89. Complete the sentence.

E. both B+C.

I have never seen such — long queue.

Find out correct synonym. (81-83)

A. a B. an C. the


English – Lec – 14 .

A. Impartial B. Static C. Danger

D. no article E. None of the above.

D. Immobile E. Mess.

90. Complete the sentence.


The date of the next meeting has been fixed on

A. Frugal B. Thrifty C. Economical

D. Saving E. All of the above.

23rd of July.


A. no article B. the

A. Obstinate B. Proasic C. Enunciate

C. a D. an E. are.

D. Particular E. Temper.

91. Choose the correct option.

84. Fin^ out tb_ ]orr_]t [ntonym o` ―AMASS‖ -

A. He joined church B. I struck him on head

A. Invent B. Sustain C. Dispest

C. She died of the cancer D. I shall meet her on

D. Animate E. Tolerate.


85. S_l_]t tb_ \_st [ntonym o` ―PROXIMATE‖

E. None of the above.

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92. Choose the incorrect option.

A. left B. to leave C. leave

A. She speaks French fluently.

D. leaving E. None of the above.

B. Do you know where the Victoria lake is?

99. I went to bed having — my meals.

C. We travelled by sea.

A. took B. take C. taken

D. All of the above

D. taking E. None of the above.

E. None of the above.

100. Complete the sentence.

93. Finish the sentence.

People are travelling round the country — work.

Tajul went to — hospital as patient.

A. hard and fast B. in jeopardy

A. the B. a C. an

C. out and out D. in pursuit of

D. no article E. are.

E. None of the above.

94. Choose the correct usage of tag question:

101. Call an ambulance. There's been --------------.

A. You b[v_n‖t r_[^ [ny o` bis \ooks, b[v_n‖t

A. accident B. an accident


C. some accident D. little accident

B. Have you got much time to finish the task,

E. None.

b[v_n‖t you?

102. 'Where are you going? 'I' m going to buy ----

C. Few people can speak a foreign language


perfectly, can people?

A. a bread B. some bread

D. The m__tina is [t 9 O‖]lo]k isn‖t it?

C. a loaf of bread D. much bread

E. None of the above.

E. None.

95. Complete the sentence.

103. Sandra works at a big hospital. She's ---------.

L_t‖s b[v_ [ ^inn_r [t `iv_ st[r bot_l, —?

A. nurse B. a nurse C. the nurse

A. can we? B. shall we?

D. an nurse E. None.

C. isn‖t it? D. woul^ w_?

104. She works six days --------------- week.

E. None of the above.

A. in B. for C. a D. the E. an.

96. Choose the incorrect usage of tag question.

105. There are millions of stars in -------------.

A. He looked at her with his eyes full of love,

A. space B. a space C. the space

isn‖t it?

D. more space E. None.

B. You spend too much time watching TV, do

106. Every day ------ begins at 9 and finishes at 3,


A. school B. a school

C. One of my friends are going to Australia, next

C. the school D. an school E. None.

w__k, [r_n‖t tb_y?

107. –––– a problem in most big cities.

D. All of the above E. None of the above.

A. Crime is B. The crime is

97. It is many years since David — to New

C. The Crimes are D. An crime E. None.


108. When ––– invented?

A. had gone B. goes C. went

A. was telephone B. were telephones

D. would go E. None of the above.

C. was the telephone D. were the telephones

98. You had better — the place at once.

E. were and telephone.

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109. We visited –––.

116. W_‖v_ s__n ―M[tir Moin[‖-------

A. Canada and United States

A. H[^ w_? B. ^i^n‖t w_?

B. the Canada and the United States

C. b[v_n‖t w_? D. Don‖t E. Non_

C. Canada and the United States

117. Discover the most eligible word to fill in the

D. the Canada and United states E. None.

blank. Sambora is expecting ––––– to go to

110. Julia is a student at ---------------.

class tomorrow.

A. London University B. the London University

A. we B. our C. I D. us E. None.

C. the University of London

118. Which one of the following sentence is not

D. both A+C E. None.

infected with any kind of grammatical error?

111. What time --------- on television?

A. The next important question we have to decide

A. is the news B. are the news

is when do we have to submit the proposal.

C. is news D. at news E. None.

B. The next important question is we have to

112. It took us quite a long time to get here, It

decide when do we have to submit the proposal.

was –

C. The next important question we have to decide

– journey.

is when we have to submit the proposal.

A. three hour B. a three- hours C. a three-hour

D. Both A+B E. None.

D. threes hour E. None.

119. Complete the sentence.

113. Where is -------------------?

There were not ------------- to have the meeting.

A. the manager office B. the manager's office

A. Enough people B. people enough

C. the office of the manager

English – Lec – 14 .

D. the office of the manager's E. None.

C. people too enough. D. much people

114. Choose the most apposite option regarding

E. None.

the use

120. l_t‖s ao out `or [ w[lk,

of tag question.

A. sb[n‖t w_ B. won‖t w_ C. shall we

A. You and I talked with the professor yesterday,

D. will we E. will you.

w[sn‖t w_?

121. It is a good idea,

B. You and I talked with the professor yesterday,

A. is it B. isn‖t it C. [r_n‖t it

^i^n‖t tb_m?

D. ^o_sn‖t it E. Non_ o` tb_ [\ov_.

C. You and I talked with the professor yesterday,

122. None can do this,

did we?

A. ][n‖t you B. ][n‖t tb_y C. ][n b_

D. You and I talked with the professor yesterday,

D. can they E. can you.

^i^n‖t we?

123. Tb_ ^_t_]tiv_‖s resourcefulness helped him

E. None of the above.


115. Fill in the blank with appropriate article.

the mystery -

Simon attended ------------ Dhaka University.

A. Assistance B. Family C. Skill

A. the B. a C. an

D. Money E. adept.

D. No article E. None.

124. That he should ask her to him was rather

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presumptuous on his part.

n[tion‖s _]onomy.

A. audacious B. stupid C. brave

A. sluggish B. routine C. haphazard

D. nice E. adjustable.

D. annual E. hazardous

125. Choose the correct option.

132. S[int Elmo‖s Fir_ is [ pb_nom_non tb[t

A. Almost all of the states have a sales tax.


B. Almost all states have a sales tax.

when ships discharging harmless electrical

C. Most of the states have a sales tax.

charges into the atmosphere appear to shine.

D. Most states have a sales tax.

A. fade B. glow C. shrink

E. All of them.

D. vanish E. sink

126. Athletes learn to conceal their

133. All drinks that include saccharin must be


marked with a warning label because

when they lose.

saccharin may cause cancer.

A. ignore B. accept C. regret

A. packages B. beverages

D. disguise E. regard

C. medications D. desserts

127. Many of the first histories of the New World

E. desert

were written by monks and published by the

134. Magma is the primary source of all the

Catholic Church


A. put away B. approved of


C. brought out D. thrown out

A. cheapest B. nearest C. first

E. out through

D. worst E. costly

128. Milk is purified by heating it at 60 C. for

135. Microprocessors, unlike computers, are


programmed to complete defined tasks.


A. specific B. several C. arduous

A. cleansed B. mixed C. stored

D. similar E. the same as

D. packaged E. storing

136. The galaxy slowly circles around a spherical

129. Flu shots are given every fall as a precaution


against an epidemic the following winter.

A. expands B. accelerates

A. required treatment B. free service

C. rotates D. vibrates

C. preventive measure D. new cure

137. The most admired annual golf event in

E. none of the above

America is the Masters Tournament held in

130. Unless the population growth stabilizes,

Augusta, Georgia.

environmentalists predict a worldwide

A. exhausting B. competitive

starvation by the year 2000 AD

C. controversial D. prestigious

A. famine B. rebellion C. flood

138. The chickadee is noted for its tameness and

D. disease E. diarrhoea


131. The yearly growth of the gross national

A. audacity B. agility

product is often used as an indicator of a

C. geniality D. irritability

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139. The population of the United States is

A. transport B. pursue


C. inspect D. detain

240 million

147. Proximity to the court house makes an office

A. unfortunately B. approximately

building more valuable.

C. ideally D. usually

A. Interest in B. Similarity to

140. Carbohydrates are plentiful in nature where

C. Nearness to D. Usefulness for

they serve as an immediate source of energy.

148. A balanced diet should include fish and fowl

A. abundant B. unstable


C. obscure D. reliable

well as red meat.

141. Some sedimentary rocks are made entirely of

A. fruit B. birds

very large coral beds.

C. vegetables D. cheese and milk

A. unusual B. massive

149. Travel agents will confirm your reservations

C. mature D. subterranean

for you free.

142. In the fetus, cartilage forms a temporary

A. purchase B. verify


C. exchange D. obtain

that will gradually be changed into bone.

English – Lec – 14 .

A. transformed B. hardened

150. Some stretches of Florida resemble West

C. straightened D. fused


143. Canada and the United States are

A. deal with B. allow immigration from


C. look like D. restrict trade with

to clean up the dirty lakes along their borders.

151. Some of the gangs that terrorize Chicago in

A. contaminated B. mutual


C. huge D. gorgeous

1920s did not have the propriety to keep their

144. A compound break is more serious than a

activities off the streets.

simple one because there is more opportunity

A. decency B. resources

for loss of blood and infection.

C. ability D. courage

A. bruise B. burn

152. Variations in the color of sea water from

C. sprain D. fracture


145. The street lights in most American cities

to green seem to be caused by high or low


concentrations of salt.

automatically at dusk.

A. Changes B. Measures

A. in the middle of the night

C. Descriptions D. Clarity

B. in the evening just before dark

153. A clever politician will take advantage of

C. in the middle of the day

every speaking

D. in the morning just before light

engagement to campaign for the next election.

146. Flatboats ferry cars on the Great Lakes

A. rash B. crude C. intrepid D. shrewd

between the United States and Canada.

154. Home buyers are proceeding cautiously

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because of the high interest rates.

A. Except for you and I, everyone brought

A. hastily B. warily

B. With exception of you and, I, everyone brought

C. occasionally D. deliberately

C. Except for you and I, everyone had brought

155. By law, when one makes a large purchase,

D. Except for you and me, everyone brought

her must

E. Except for you and me, everyone had brought

have an adequate opportunity to change his

162. Although he was the most friendly of all


present and different from the others, he

A. an ample B. an informal

b[^n‖t b[r^ly [ny `ri_n^s _x]_pt m_.

C. a belated D. a gracious

A. ^i``_r_nt `rom tb_ otb_rs, b_ b[^n‖t b[r^ly [ny

156. Mail service will be suspended during the

friends except me

postal workers strike.

B. different than the others, he had hardly any

A. inspected B. uninterrupted

friends except me

C. delayed D. curtailed

C. different from the others, he had hardly any

157. Valium is a strong drug that can cause a

friends except me


D. different from the others, he had hardly any

to sleep at the wheel.

friends except I

A. dream B. doze C. sneeze D. snore

E. different from the others, he hardly had any

158. Sharks must swim all the time to avoid

friends except I


163. Whoever objects to me going to the

A. swiftly B. precisely


C. rarely D. constantly

ought to state his position promptly.

159. Some scientists have argued that the purpose

A. Whoever objects to me

of the human appendix may have been to

B. Whomever objects to me

digest uncooked meat and bark, functions that

C. Whomever objects to my

are now no longer useful.

D. Whoever objects to my

A. simulated B. obsolete

E. Whoever has an objection to me

C. perilous D. sluggish

164. She not only was competent but also friendly

160. Neither the earthquake or the subsequent


fire was


able to destroy the spirit of the city dwellers.

A. She not only was competent but also friendly

A. or the subsequent fire was

B. Not only was she competent but friendly also

B. nor the subsequent fire were

C. She not only was competent but friendly also

C. or the subsequent fire were

D. She was not only competent but also friendly

D. nor the subsequent fire was

E. She was not only competent but friendly also

E. or the fire that occurred subsequently were

165. The theme of this novel is how money

161. Except for you and I, everyone brought a


present to the party.

make you happy.

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A. Tb_ tb_m_ o` tbis nov_l is bow mon_y ^o_sn‖t

D. In tbis nov_l, tb[t mon_y ^o_sn‖t m[k_ you

make you happy

happy is the theme.

B. Tb_ tb_m_ o` tbis nov_l is tb[t mon_y ^o_sn‖t

E. In this novel, you are not make happy by

make you happy.

money is the theme

C. In tbis nov_l, tb[t mon_y ^o_sn‖t m[k_ you happy.

Answer Keys: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. c 7. a 8. a 9. e 10. c 11. a 12. e 13. d 14. a 15. c 16. a 17. d 18. c 19. b 20. d 21. a 22. c 23. d 24. c 25. b 26. c 27. a 28. d 29. d 30. d 31. b 32. a 33. e 34. c 35. e 36. c 37. c 38. a 39. a 40. c 41. b 42. b 43. c 44. d 45. a 46. c 47. b 48. e 49. c 50. e 51. a 52. c 53. c 54. a 55. e 56. a 57. c 58. e 59. b 60. d 61. b 62. b 63. d 64. e 65. d 66. a 67. b 68. c 69. b 70. b 71. c 72. b 73. a 74. b 75. a 76. a 77. b 78. a 79. b 80. e 81. c 82. e 83. c 84. c 85. b 86. d 87. e 88. e 89. a 90. b 91. d 92. c 93. d 94. d 95. b 96. d 97. c 98. c 99. c 100. d 101. b 102.c 103.b 104. c 105. a 106. a 107. a 108. c 109. c 110. d 111. a 112. c 113. b 114. d 115. d 116. c 117.d 118. c 119. a 120. c 121. b 122. d 123. c 124. a 125. e 126.d 127.c 128.a 129.c 130.a 131.d 132.b 133.b 134.c 135.a 136.c 137.d 138.b 139.b 140.a 141.b 142.a 143.a 144.d 145.b 146.a 147.c 148.b 149.b 150.c 151.b 152.a 153.d 154.b 155.a 156.d 157.b 158.d 159.b 160.d 161.d 162.c 163.d 164.d 165.b

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আপনি যযহ঵তু এই য঱খা পড়হেি , তাই আনম ধহর নিনি যয আপনি কনিউটার ও ইন্টারহিট বযব঵াহর অনভজ্ঞ ,কাহেই কনিউটাহরর প্রহয়ােিীয় নব঳য় গুহ঱া ঴িহকে ভাহ঱া খারাপ নবহবচিা করারা ক্ষমতা অবশ্যই আহে … তাই আপিাহের কাহে একান্ত অনুহরাধ “ আপিারা ঴ামান্য একটু ঴ময় বযয় কহর ,শুধু এক বার নিহচর ন঱িংহক নিক কহর এই DVD গুহ঱ার মহধয অবনিত বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার এর িাম ঴মূহ঵র উপর যচাখ বুন঱হয় নি​ি।”তা঵হ঱ই বুহে যহবি যকি এই DVD গুহ঱া আপিার কাহ঱কলহি রাখা েরকার!আপিার আেহকর এই বযয়কৃত ঴ামান্য ঴ময় ভনবষ্যহত আপিার অহিক কষ্ট ঱াঘব করহব ও আপিার অহিহক ঴ময় বা​াঁনচহয় নেহব। নবশ্বা঴ করুি আর িাই করুিঃ- “নবনভন্ন কযাটাগনরর এই DVD গুহ঱ার মহধয যেওয়া বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল বই , ঴ফটওয়যার ও নটউহটানরয়া঱ এর কাহ঱কলি যেহখ আপনি ঵তবাক ঵হয় যাহবি !” আপনি যনে বতেমাহি কনিউটার বযব঵ার কহরি ও ভনবষ্যহতও কনিউটার ঴াহে যুক্ত োকহবি তা঵হ঱ এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া আপিার অবশ্যই আপিার কাহ঱কলহি রাখা েরকার........ কারিঃ  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া যকাি যোকাহি পাহবি িা আর ইন্টারহিহটও এহতা ইিরটযান্ট কাহ঱কলি এক঴াহে পাহবি বহ঱ মহি ঵য় িা।তাোড়া এত বড় ঴াইহের ফাই঱ যিট যেহক িামাহিা খুবই কষ্ট঴াধয ও ঴ময়঴াহপক্ষ বযাপার।এোড়া আপনি যযই ফাই঱টা িামাহবি তা ফু঱ ভা঴েি িাও ঵হত পাহর ..  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া আপিার কাহ঱কলহি োকহ঱ আপিাহক আর যকাি কনিউটার নবহল঳জ্ঞহের কাহে নগহয় টাকার নবনিমহয় বা বন্ধুহের খানতহর “ভাই একটু য঵ল্প করুি” বহ঱ অন্যহক নবরক্ত করা ঱াগহব িা ... ও নিহেহকও ঵য়রানি ঵হত ঵হব িা ।  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱ার মহধয অবনিত আমার করা ৩০০ টা বািং঱া ই-বুক (pdf ) ও যোট ঴াইহের প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ফটওয়যার আপিাহের েন্য নবিামূহ঱য আমার ঴াইহট যলয়ার কহর নেহয়নে । নকন্তু প্রহয়ােিীয় বড় ঴াইহের বই, নটহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার গুহ঱া যলয়ার ঴াইট গুহ঱ার ঴ীমাবদ্ধতা ও ইন্টারহিহটর যলা আপহ঱াি গনতর েন্য যলয়ার করহত পার঱াম িা । তাোড়া এই বড় ফাই঱ গুহ঱া িাউিহ঱াি করহত যগহ঱ আপিার ইন্টারহিট পযাহকহের ক নেনব খরচ করহত ঵হব ... যযখাহি ১ নেনব পযাহকে েন্য ঴বেনিম্ন ৩৫০ টাকা যতা খরচ ঵হব , এর ঴াহে ঴ময় ও ইন্টারহিট গনতরও একটা বযাপার আহে। এই ঴ব নব঳য় নচন্তা কহর আপিাহের েন্য এই নিনভনি পযাহকে চা঱ু কহরনে ... যমাট কো আপিাহের কনিউটাহরর নবনভন্ন ঴মস্যার নচরিায়ী ঴মাধাি ও কনিউটাহরর েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বই, ঴ফটওয়যার ও নটউহটানরয়া঱ এর ঴ানবেক ঴াহপাটে নেহত আমার খুব কাযেকর একটা উহেযাগ ঵হি এই নিনভনি পযাহকে গুহ঱া ... এই ক ক 

... শুধু একবার যচাখ বু঱াি

[যমাট দুইটা নিনভনি , ঴াইে ৯ নেনব] আপিার নলক্ষােীবহির েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার  [যমাট নতিটা নিনভনি, ঴াইে ১৩.৫ নেনব]Genuine Windows XP Service Pack 3 , Windows 7 -64 & 32 bit & Driver Pack Solution 13 এর ঴াহে রহয়হে উইহন্িাহের েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় বািং঱া বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার  All MS Office, documents ,pdf reader & Pdf edit Software এবং প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া বই। যয যকাি ধরহির িকুহমন্ট এনিট , কিভাটে ও নিোইি করার েন্য এই নিনভনি নট যহেষ্ট , এই নিনভনি যপহ঱ অনফ঴ ও িকুহমন্ট ঴িনকেত যয যকাি কাহে অ঴াধয বহ঱ নকেু োকহব িা... আপিার অনফন঴য়া঱ কাহের েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ফটওয়যাহরর ঴িূর্ে ও নচরিায়ী ঴মাধাি...  : [ ঵হয় যাি য঴রা নিোইিার ] নিোইি ,গ্রানফক্স ও েনব এনিট ঴িনকেত প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল ই-বুক ,নটউহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার। ওএ ই ও এ ই আ ক ই প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল ই-বুক ,নটউহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার।  A2Z Audio & Video player , Edito & converter . CD, DVD edit ও উইহন্িাে যক সুন্দর যেখাহিার েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার।   

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