Eg parts of speechby tanbircox

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অ঩নার আ−বুক বা pdf ররডাররর Menu Bar এর View ঄঩লনরি তে রিক করর Auto /Automatically Scroll ঄঩লনরি র঴র঱ক্ট করুন (঄থবা ঴রা঴রর তযরে  Ctrl + Shift + H )। এবার ↑ up Arrow বা ↓ down Arrow তে রিক করর অ঩নার ঩ড়ার ঴ু রবধা ঄নু ঴ারর স্ক্র঱ স্পীড রিক করর রনন।

আংরররজ ভা঳ায় তকান Sentence-এ বযবহৃে প্ররেরি word-আ রভন্ন রভন্ন কাজ ঴ম্পন্ন করর থারক। ঄েএব Sentence-এ বযবহৃে প্ররেযকরি word- তক parts of speech বর঱। আংরররজরে


1. Noun

2. Pronoun


3. Adjective


3. Verb

অি প্রকারঃ

parts of speech


5. Adverb

(রিয়ায়া রবরল঳ণ)

6. Preposition

(঩দান্বয়ী ঄বযয়)

7. Conjunction


8. Interjection

(অরবগ঴ূ চক ঄বযয়)


Rahim, Karim, Dhaka, Khulna, boy, girl, father, mother, honesty, kindness, gold, iron


1. Noun:



দ্বারা তকান রকছু র নামরক বুঝায় োরক

গুর঱ার দ্বারা নাম বুঝায় োআ োরা নাম বুঝায় োআ োরা -এর



বর঱। তযর঵েু উ঩ররর





঩ররবরেব তয ঴ক঱ লব্দ বযবহৃে ঵য় োরক


লরব্দর ঄থব ঩ররবেবরনর

঴মেু঱য। ঴ু েরাং Pronoun

লরব্দর ঄থব ঵র঱া


঩ররবরেব বা


I, we, you, they, he, she, it.

Asad is good boy. He goes to school daily.



বার বযব঵ার করর঱ ভা঱ শুনায় না বর঱ এখারন রদ্বেীয়

Sentence-রিরে Asad-এর


বযব঵ার করা ঵রয়রছ। োআ

‚He‛ Pronoun.

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Want more Updates  তয় word দ্বারা তকান কাজ করা বুঝায় োরক Verb বর঱।


read, run, sing, eat, see, play, walk, write, go,

sleep, say


They play football.

উ঩ররর লব্দরি




দ্বারা কাজ করা বুঝায়। োআ









তদা঳, গুণ, ঄বস্থা, ঴ংখযা, ঩ররমাণ আেযারদ প্রকাল ঩ায় োরক



good, bad, ill, red, one, two, much, many


He is a rich man. This is a blue pen. He has much money.



blue pen (Noun)




He (Pronoun)

ক঱মরি তকমন ো প্রকাল করর।

রি এর ঄বস্থা প্রকাল করর;


রক ঩ররমাণ িাকা অরছ ো রনরদবল করর। োআ


blue, much adjective.



঄থবা তয তকান তযমনঃ



Part of speech


Pronoun-বযেীে Verb, Adjective

রনরদবল করর োরক


঄থবা ঄নয


এমন রক তকান



quickly, slowly, carefully, early, swiftly, swiftly, very, soon, fast, always.

He walks slowly. You are very sad.

উ঩ররর ১ম রদ্বেীয়

Sentence-এ slowly

লব্দরি ত঴ তকমন করর ঵া​াঁরি োর রনরদবল করর। োআ

লব্দরি েুরম রক ঩ররমাণ

Sentence-এ very


ো রনরদবল করর ঄থবাৎ









এর ঴রে




করর। োআ

very-এ Sentence-এ Adverb.

তয Sentence-এর




঄ন্তগেব ঄঩র তকান




঩ূ রবব বর঴ ত঴


঴ম্বন্ধ প্রকাল করর োরক




Preposition (pre-঩ূ রবব position-


বর঱। তযমনঃ

at, in, with, by, for, to, of, off, from, with, against, up, upon, on, in, into, behind, after, under.

The book is on the table.


Sentence-এ on



table-এ Noun

দু রির ঴ারথ ঴ম্পকব স্থা঩ন করর। উর঱খয এখারন

লব্দরি বাদ রদর঱


তয তযমনঃ

তকান ঄থব ঵য় না। word

দু আ বা েরোরধক




তক যু ক্ত করর োরক

And, but, or, yet, if, though, since, less, unless, until, because,

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Jamal and Kamal will come today.

Sentence-এ ‚and‛




যু ক্ত করর। উর঱খ


লব্দরি বাদ রদর঱



মরধয তকান ঴ংরযাগ থারক না। োআ তয়


‚and‛ Conjunction.

অনন্দ, দু ঃখ, রবস্ময়, তবদনা, ভয়, ঘৃ ণা, আেযারদ মরনর অরবগ বা ঄নু ভূরে

অকরস্মকভারব প্রকাল করর োরক Interjection

বর঱। তযমন:

oh! A! Alas! Hurrah! Bravo! Hush!


Alas! I am undone.



দ্বারা দু ঃরখর অকরস্মক ভাবারবগ প্রকাল করররছ। োআ

Alas Interjection.

Exercise 1. রনরচর লব্দগুর঱ তকান Parts of Speech ো রনণবয় করঃ (a) play (b) upon (c) Asad (d) Honesty (e) behind (f) bravo (g) alas! (h) nicely (i) sing (j) they (k) gold (l) sell (m) from (n) but (o) quietly (p) against (q) tomorrow (r) Tie Answer Keys: (a) verb (b) preposition (c) noun (d) Noun (e) preposition (f) Interjection (g) Interjection (h) Adverb (i) Verb (j) Pronoun (k) Noun (l) verb (m) Preposition (n) Conjunction (o) Adverb (p)

RULE- 1 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ Y থারক ত঴গুর঱ার তেরে ‘y’ এর স্থর঱ i র঱রখ ly তযাগ করর Adverb গরিে ঵য়। তযমন Lucky – Luckily, Heavy – Heavily, Tidy – Tidily বযরেিম- Shy – Shyly facebook /gmail/skype: -

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RULE- 2 তলর঳ le/ue/y/ic যু ক্ত Adjective ঴মূ ঵ বযেীে ঴াধারণে ঄নয প্রকার ঴ক঱ Adjective এর ঴ারথ ly যু ক্ত করর Adverb গরিে ঵য়। তযমন Formal – Formally, Fortunate – Fortunately, Clever – Cleverly

RULE- 3 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ ic থারক ত঴গুর঱ার ঴ারথ ally তযাগ করর Adverb গরিে ঵য়। তযমন Critic – Critically, Economic – Economically

RULE- 4 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ ble থারক ত঴গুর঱ার তেরে ‘e’ এর স্থর঱ y র঱রখ Adverb গরিে ঵য়। তযমন Deplorable – Deplorably, Humble – Humbly, Possible – Possibly

RULE- 5 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ ue থারক ত঴গুর঱ার তেরে ‘e’ এর স্থর঱ ly তযাগ করর Adverb গরিে ঵য়। তযমন True – Truly, Due – Duly

RULE- 6 তলর঳ bly/ally লব্দ বযেীে তবলীরভাগ তেরে adverb তথরক ly বাদ রদর঱ adjective রি ঩াওয়া যায়। এরেরে lly থাকর঱ েখন ly বাদ রদর঱ Adjective রি ঩াওয়া যায়, েরব ally এর তেরে নয়। তযমন Beautifully – Beautiful, Surely – Sure, Proudly – Proud

RULE- 7 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ al তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। তযমনMusic – Musical, Region – Regional, Digit – Digital, Education – Educational

RULE- 8 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ some তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। তযমনTrouble – Troublesome, Hand – Handsome/Handy facebook /gmail/skype: -

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RULE- 9 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ ly তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। ঄রনরক এগুর঱ারক Adverb মরন করর থারকন তযমনFriend – Friendly, Cost – Costly, Man – Manly

RULE- 10 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ ful তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। যেমনBeauty – Beautiful, Use – Useful, Wonder – Wonderful

RULE- 11 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ y তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। েরব তলর঳র Consonant এর অরগ একরি Vowel থাকর঱ Y তযাগ করার ঩ূ রবব Consonant রি double ঵য়। তযমন-Cloud – Cloudy, Sun – Sunny, Fun – Funny

RULE- 12 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ ous তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। েরব তলর঳ Y থাকর঱ ো প্রথরম i- তে ঩ররবেবন ঵য়। তযমন-Courage – Courageous, Envy – Envious

RULE- 13 রকছু Noun এর তলর঳ able তযাগ করর Adjective গিন ঵য়। তযমনKnowledge – Knowledgeable, Fashion – Fashionable বযরেিম- Love – Lovable, Desire – Desirable

RULE- 14 রকছু Adjective এর তলর঳ ness তযাগ করর Noun গিন ঵য়। েরব তলর঳ Y থাকর঱ ো প্রথরম i- তে ঩ররবেবন ঵য়। তযমনFond – Fondness, Happy – Happiness, New – Newness বযরেিম- Dry – Dryness

RULE- 15 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ or রকংবা ar থারক ত঴গুর঱ার ঴ারথ ity তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনSenior – Seniority, Prior – Priority, Familiar – Familiarity

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RULE- 16 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ et রকংবা te থারক ত঴গুর঱ার ঴ারথ t/te এর বদর঱ cy তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনIntimate – Intimacy, Accurate – Accuracy, Private – Privacy

RULE- 17 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ nt থারক ত঴গুর঱ার ঴ারথ t এর ঩ররবরেব ce তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনImportant – Importance, Present – Presence, Innocent – Innocence বযরেিম (t এর ঩ররবরেব cy তযাগ)- Current – Currency, Pregnant – Pregnancy

RULE- 18 তয ঴মস্ত Adjective এর তলর঳ ous থারক ত঴গুর঱ার ঴ারথ োর বদর঱ ity তযাগ করর Noun গিন। েরব ous এর ঩ূ রবব i থাকর঱ ঴াধারণে ety তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমন- Various – Variety, Prosperous – Prosperity, Anxious – Anxiety বযরেিম- Curious – Curiosity, Generous – Generosity, Audacious – Audacity

RULE- 19 তয ঴মস্ত Verb এর তলর঳ fy থারক ত঴গুর঱ার ঴ারথ y এর ঩ররবরেব ication তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমন-Pass – Passage, Marry – Marriage, Leak – Leakage বযরেিম- Store – Storage, Stop – Stoppage

RULE- 20 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ ment তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনEmploy – Employment, Punish – Punishment, Better – Betterment

RULE- 21 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ al তযাগ করর Noun গিন। েরব তলর঳র e িা a তে ঩ররবেবন ঵রব। তযমনRemove – Removal, Refuse – Refusal, Propose – Proposal

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রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ t/te এর ঩ররবরেব tion তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনCollect – Collection, Cultivate – Cultivation, Narrate – Narration, Elect – Election বযরেিম Expect – Expectation, Invite – Invitation

RULE- 23 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ ume থাকর঱ ত঴রেরে e এর ঩ররবরেব ption তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনAssume – Assumption, Consume – Consumption

RULE- 24 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ ize থাকর঱ ত঴রেরে e এর ঩ররবরেব ation তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনOrganize – Organization, Popularize – Popularization, Industrialize – Industrialization Memorize – Memorization

RULE- 25 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ it থাকর঱ ত঴রেরে t এর ঩ররবরেব ssion তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনOmit – Omission, Permit – Permission, Commit – Commission

RULE- 26 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ fy থাকর঱ ত঴রেরে y এর ঩ররবরেব ication তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনQualify – Qualification, Classify – Classification, Purify – Purification, Beautify – Beautification বযরেিম Signify – Significance, Satisfy – Satisfaction

RULE- 27 রকছু Verb এর তলর঳ eed থাকর঱ ত঴রেরে এর ঩ররবরেব ess তযাগ করর Noun গিন। তযমনExceed – Excess, Succeed – Success, Proceed – Process

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রকছু Verb এর শুরুরে em তযাগ করর Verb গিন। তযমনBrace – Embrace, Bark – Embark, Power – Empower

RULE- 29 রকছু লব্দ (Noun/Adjective) এর অরগ be তযাগ করর Verb গিন। তযমনFriend – Befriend, Little – Belittle, Fool – Befool

RULE- 30 রকছু লব্দ (Noun/Adjective) এর অরগ en তযাগ করর Verb গিন। তযমনChant – Enchant, Throne – Enthrone, Danger – Endanger, Title – Entitle

RULE- 31 রকছু লব্দ (Noun/Adjective) এর তলর঳ fy তযাগ করর Verb গিন। এরেরে তলর঳র y রি প্রথরম i ঵য়। তযমনBeauty – Beautify, Glory – Glorify বযরেিম- Just – Justify, Class – Classify, Ample – Amplify

RULE- 32 রকছু Adjective এর ঴ারথ ize তযাগ করর Verb গিন। তযমনSpecial – Specialize, National – Nationalize, Civil – Civilize

RULE- 33 রকছু লব্দ (Noun/Adjective) এর ঴ারথ en তযাগ করর Verb গিন। তযমনBright – Brighten, Fast – Fasten, Deep – Deepen, Black – Blacken

RULE- 34 রকছু Noun তক Verb করার জনয Consonant ঩ররবেবন কররে ঵য় এবং কখরনা কখরনা Vowel তযাগ ঵য়। Breath – Breathe, Life – Live, Thief – Thieve

RULE- 35 রকছু Noun তক Verb করার জনয মাঝখারনর Vowel ঩ররবেবন কররে ঵য়। facebook /gmail/skype: -

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Seat – Sit, Food – Feed, Blood – Bleed

Exercise – Attend (Noun) –

Kind (Adjective) –

Resign (Verb) –

Ugly (Noun) –

Fail (Noun) –

Garrulous(Noun) –

Detain (Noun) –

Literate (Noun) –

Oblige (Adjective) –

Patient (Noun) –

Laugh (Noun) –

Buoyant (Noun) –

Cancel (Noun) –

Assistant (Verb) –

Complain (Adjective) –

Year (Adjective) –


Accident(Adjective) –

Upgrade (Noun) –

Storm (Adjective) –

Greedy (Noun) –

Surely (Adjective) –

Brief (Noun) –

Correct (Noun) –

Hot (Noun) –

Automatic (Adjective) –

Pure (Verb) –

Real (Noun) – Do (Noun) –

Questions of the previous years 2005 - Energy (Adverb); Transport (Adjective); Occasion (Adverb); Soft (Verb); Water (Verb); Attention (Adverb); Harmful (Verb); Mind (Noun); Expend (Adjective); Buy (Noun); 2006 - Decent (Noun); Signature (Verb); Waste (Adjective); Satisfaction (Adverb); Free (Noun); Virtue (Adjective); Able (Verb). facebook /gmail/skype: -

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Arizona ________ a very dry climate. @A. has

B. being

C. having

D. with

One of the least effective ways of storing information is learning ____ it. A. how repeat

B. repeating

@C. to repeat

D. repeat

Strauss finished _______ two of his published composition before his tenth birthday. A. written

B. write

C. to write

@D. writing

Many modern architects insist on _________ materials native to the region that will blend into the surrounding landscape.



A. use

B. to use

C. the use

@D. using

Before the Angles and the Saxons _________ to England, the Iberians had lived there. A. coming

B. come

@C. came

D. did come

By the time a baby has reached his first birthday, he should, without the help of an adult, ________ sit up or even stand up.


A. to be able to

B. able to

C. to be able

@D. be able to

The theory of Continental Drift assumes that there__________ long-term climatic changes in many areas during the past.


@A. must have been

B. must be

C. must have

D. must

The general public _________ a large number of computers now, because prices are beginning to decrease. A. must buy B. must have bought @C. must be buying D. must buying

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11. 12. 13. 14.

15. 16. 17.



Since more than 50 percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce, about half of the children in America must ______ in single-percent homes. @A. grow up B. to grow up C. growing up D. have grow up In a liberal arts curriculum, it is assumed that graduates will ______ about English, languages, literature, history, and the other social sciences. @A. know B. know how C. knowledge D. knowing Harvard ________ a school for men, but now it is coeducational, serving as many women as men. A. was used @B. used to be C. was used to D. was used to be To check for acidity, one had better ________ litmus paper. @A. use B. using C. to use D. useful Rhododendrons would rather ________ in shady places, and so would azaleas. A. to grow B. growing C. grown @D. grow A good counselor would rather that the patient _____ his of her own decisions after being helped to arrive at a general understanding of the alternatives. A. makes B. making C. will make @D. made Please _______ photocopies of copyrighted material without the permission of the publisher. A. no make @B. don't make C. not make D. not to make After her famous husband's death, Eleanor Roosevelt continued _____ or peace. @A. working B. work C. the working D. to working The Palo Verde tree ______ in spring. @A. has beautiful yellow blossoms B. beautiful yellow blossoms C. having beautiful yellow blossoms D. with beautiful yellow blossoms The great apes, a generally peaceful species, ______ in groups. A. would rather living @B. would rather live C. would rather they live D. would rather lived Psychologists believe that incentives ______ increase our productivity. @A. make us want


21. 22.

23. 24.

B. make us to want

C. making us want D. makes us wanting Lobbyists who represent special interest groups get ______ that benefits their groups. @A. Congress to pass the legislation B. Congress passed the legislation C. the legislation to pass by Congress D. the legislation that Congress passing Like humans, zoo animals must have a dentist ___ their teeth. @A. fill B. filled C. filling D. to be filled The Immigration and Naturalization Service often __ their visas if they fill out the appropriate papers. @A. lets students extend B. lets students for extend C. letting students to extend D. let students extending In partnership with John D. Rockefeller, Henry Flager ______ the Standard Oil Company. A. helped forming @B. helped form C. he helped D. helping to form If water is heated to 212 degrees F.___ as steam. @A. it will boil and escape B. it is boiling and escaping

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C. it boil and escape D. it would boil and escape If services are increased, taxes ________. @A. will probably go up B. probably go up C. probably up D. going up probably If Americans ate fewer foods with sugar and salt, their general health _______ better. A. be B. will be @C. is D. would be According to some historians, if Napoleon had not invaded Russia, he ___ the rest of Europe. A. had conquered B. would conquer @C. would have conquered D. conquered


If humans were totally deprived of sleep, they ___ hallucinations, anxiety, coma, and eventually, death. @A. would experience B. experience C. would have experienced D. had experienced


Football teams don't play in the Super Bowl championship ______ either the National or the American Conference. @A. unless they win

B. but they win

C. unless they will win D. but to have won 30.

If the Normans had not invaded England in the tenth century, the English language ________ in a very different way.


A. develop

B. developed

C. would develop

@D. would have developed

In the Wizard of Oz, the wizard could not help Dorothy ________. A. that she return to Kansas @B. return to Kansas C. returning to Kansas D. returned Kansas


If teaching ______ more, fewer teachers would leave the profession. A. pays B. is paying @C. paid D. had paid


Less moderate members of Congress are insisting that changes in the social security system ___ made. A. will


B. are

C. being

@D. be

It is the recommendation of many psychologists _______ to associate words and remember names. A. that a learner uses mental images B. a learner to use mental images C. mental images are used @D. that a learner use mental image

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It is necessary _______ the approaches to a bridge, the road design, and the alignment in such a way as to best accommodate the expected traffic flow over and under it. A. plan


@B. to plan C. planning D. the plan

In the Morrill Act, Congress granted federal lands to the states _____ agricultural and mechanical arts colleges.


A. for establish

@B. to establish

C. establish

D. establishment

In the stringed instruments, the tones ____ by playing a bow across a set of strings that may be made of wire or gut.


A. they produce

B. producing

@C. are produced

D. that are producing

The famous architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, was greatly ________, who wanted him to study architecture. @A. influenced by his mother B. from his mother's influence C. his mother influenced him D. influencing for his mother


The TOEFL examination _____ by the year 2000. A. completely revised B. is revised completely @C. is to be revised completely D. completely is to revise


If more than five thousand dollars in monetary instruments is transported into the United States, a report needs _______ with the customs office. A. file B. filing C. to file


@D. to be filed

________ Giant Ape Man, our biggest and probably one of our first human ancestors, was just about the size of a male gorilla. @A. It is believed that C. That is believed



B. That it is D. That believing

People who have very little technical background have ______ to understand computer language. A. learn

B. learning

@C. learned

D. learns

Many books ______, but one of the best is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. A. have written about success B. written about success @C. have been written about success D. about successful


By the twenty-first century, the computer ________ a necessity in every home. A. became C. has become


B. becoming @D. will have become

Although research scientists had hoped that the new drug interferon ____ to be a cure for cancer, its

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applications now appear to be more limited.


A. prove

B. had proven

@C. would prove

D. will prove

The giraffe survives in part because it _______ the vegetation in the high branches of trees where other animals have not grazed.


A. to reach

@B. can reach

C. reaching

D. reach

Hydrogen peroxide _________ as a bleaching agent because it effectively whitens a variety of fibers and surfaces.





A. used

@B. is used

C. is using

D. that it uses

There are still many examples of Cro-Magnon murals _______ in the caves of France and Spain. A. they are left

B. leaving them

@C. left

D. leave

_______ that Lee Harvey Oswald may not have acted alone on the assassination f John Kennedy. A. Thinking

B. To think

@C. It is thought

D. The thought

phosphates _______ to most farm in America. A. need added

B. need to add

C. need to adding

@D. need to be added

When Franklin Roosevelt became very ill, his wife began to take a more active role in politics, and many people believed that _________ and the president shared the responsibilities. @A. she


B. her

C. herself

D. hers

According to the Christian Bible, hen the disciples saw Jesus after he had risen from the dead, they said, ___________.


A. it is him

@B. it is he

C. it is his

D. it is himself

Moby dick is a mythical account of evil and revenge as shown by Captain Ahab's pursuit of the whale that had wounded ______ earlier in life.


A. he

@B. his

C. him

D. to him

Since the earth's crust is much thicker under the continents, equipment would have to be capable of drilling through 100,000 feet of rock to investigate the mantle _________.


@A. beneath them

B. beneath their

C. beneath its

D. beneath they

One property of radioisotopes is that ___ decaying occurs in half-lives over a long period of time. A. they


B. them

C. they're @D. their

Sports medicine experts agree that ice should be applied immediately when an athlete suffers an injury to ___________ leg. A. its

B. an

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C. the

@D. his

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Charlie Chaplin was a comedian __________ was best known for his work in silent movies. @A. who


B. whose

C. which

D. what

In a parliamentary system, it is not the monarch but the Prime Minister ________. A. whom the real power @B. who has the real power C. whom has the real power D. who the real power


The jaw structure of a snake permits it to eat and digest animals much larger than ______. A. it


@B. itself C. its

D. it has

Business partners can usually sell their mutually owned property without consulting ________ unless they have agreed to a separate contract.






A. other

B. other one

C. one the other

@D. each other

A desert receives less than twenty-five ________ of rainfall every year. A. centimeter

B. a centimeter

@C. centimeters

D. of centimeters

____ at 212 degrees F. and freezes at 32 degrees F. A. Waters boils

B. The water boils

@C. Water boils

D. Waters boil

It is generally believed that an M.B.A. degree is good preparation for a career in _________. A. a business

@B. business

C. businesses

D. one business

Unemployment compensation is money to support an unemployed person while he is loosing for ___. A. job

@B. a job

C. works

D. a work

Fire-resistant materials are used to retard _____ of modern aircraft in case of accidents. A. a damage to the passenger cabin B. that damages to the passenger cabin @C. damage to the passenger cabin D. passenger cabin’s damages



Hybrids have one more __________ per plant than other varieties. A. corns

@B. ear of corn

C. corn ears

D. corn’s ears

According to estimates by some botanists, there are __________ of plants. A. seven thousand type @B. seven thousand types

69. 70.

C. type of seven thousand D. types seven thousand --------- trees is a custom that many people engage in to celebrate Arbor Day. A. The plant B. Plant @C. Planting D. To planting ---------is not a new idea.

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@A. The planning of cities B. Cities to plan them C. Plan cities D. To planning cities ___ migrate long distances is well documented. A. That it is birds

@B. That birds

C. birds that

D. It is that birds

Sunspots are known to cause ___________ enormous increase in the intensity of the sun’s electromagnetic radiation. @A. an



B. a

C. some

____________ of country Western singers may be related to old English ballads. @A. The music

B. Music

C. Their music

D. Musics

__________ is an ancient source of energy. A. The wind B. Winds


D. one

@C. Wind D. A wind

At Woolworth’s first five-and-ten-cent store, _________ more than a dime. A. neither items cost B. not items cost C. items none cost


@D. no item cost

One of _______ of the late Middle Ages was Saint Thomas Aquinas, a scholar who studied under Albertus Magnus. A. the thinkers who was great B. the great thinker @C. the greatest thinkers D. who thought greatly



Although southern California is densely populated, ________ live in the northern part of the state. A. a little people

B. a few the people

@C. few people

D. a little of people

Although the Ojibwa Indians fought frequently with the Sioux, they didn’t have _______ with early white settlers.


@A. much contact

B. many contact

C. lots contact

D. large contact

_________ is currently available to researchers and physicians who study and treat acromegaly, a glandular disorder characterized by enlargement and obesity, A. The little information B. Few information @C. Little information

80. 81. 82.

D. A few information ---------- can be grown on arid land. @A. Only a few crops B. Only few crop C. Only a little crops D. Only little crop Only ________ of the breeds of cattle have been brought to the U.S. A. a small amount B. a little amount @C. a small number D. a little number ---------fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar energy.

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89. 90. 91.


A. Most of B. The most @C. Most D. Almost the When your body does not get ------, it cannot make the glucose it needs. @A. enough food B. food as enough C. food enoughly D. enough the food The definitions for ‚gram calories‛ or ‚calories‛ are ---------- for most engineering work. A. accurate as enough B. enough accurate @C. accurate enough D. as accurate enough There are three kinds of solar eclipses: one is total, another is annular, and--------. A. the another is partial B. the partial is other C. other is partial @D. the other is partial Some plants are annuals;-----------are biennials; the rest are perennials. A. some another B. another @C. others D. other ----------planet from the sun, Mars, has a year of 687 days. @A. The fourth B. the four C. Four D. Fourth --------is cheaper for students who maintain a B average because they are a better risk than average or below-average students. A. Automobile’s insurance B. Insurance of automobiles @C. Automobile insurance D. Insurance automobile The evolution of vertebrates suggests development from a very simple heart in fish to a ------ in man. @A. four-chamber heart B. four-chambers heart C. four-chamber hearts D. four-chamber’s heart The Canterbury Tales, written about 1386, are as alive and --- today as they were nearly 600 years ago. A. appealed B. they appeal @C. appealing D. the appeal of Oil paints are------they have become the most popular painter’s colors. @A. so versatile and durable that B. so versatile and durable than C. such versatile and durable as D. such versatile and durable Water is --------that it generally contains dissolved materials in greater or lesser amounts. @A. such an excellent solvent B. such excellent a solvent C. such excellent solvent D. a such excellent solvent


The tiny pictures on microfilm are ________ small to be read with the naked eye. A. so



@B. too

C. much

D. such

Young rivers have no flood plains and their valleys are __________. @A. very narrow

B. too narrow

C. so narrow

D. narrowly

If one is suffering from a psychosomatic illness, that is, a disease contributed to by mental anxiety, one may still feel very _____. A. badly


@B. bad

C. worsely

D. worser

Although we often use ‚speed‛ and ‚velocity‛ interchangeably, in a technical sense, ‚speed‛ is not always _________ ‚velocity‛.


A. alike

@B. the same as

C. similar

D. as

The vegetation in temperate zones all around the world is ________. @A. similar B. like

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C. same

D. as

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Although they are smaller in size, chipmunks are ________ most other ground squirrels. A. like to


B. like

@C. like as

D. alike

Some retirement communities will not sell property to new residents unless they are about _________ the rest of the residents. A. the same age

B. the same old

@C. the same age as

D. the same old as

100. Although the name was not popularized until the Middle ages, engineering _______ civilization. A. as old as

@B. is as old as

C. that is old as

D. as old as that

101. The works of Picasso are quite _______ during various periods of his artistic life. A. differ

@B. different

C. different from

D. different than

102. Modern blimps like the famous Goodyear blimps _________ the first ones in that they are filled with helium instead of hydrogen. @A. differ from

B. different from

C. is different from

D. different

103. After the purchase of the Louisiana Territory, the United States had ___ it previously owned. A. twice more land than B. two times more land than @C. twice as much land as D. two times much land than 104. In the Great Smoky Mountains, one can see ___________ 150 different kinds of trees. @A. more than

B. as much as

C. up as

D. as many to

105. It has been estimated that _____ one hundred thousand men participated in the gold rush of 1898. A. approximate 106.

107. 108. 109. 110.

B. until

@C. as many as D. more The new Disney amusement park in Japan is ----------- Florida or California. A. the largest than the ones in @B. larger the ones in C. larger than the ones in D. the largest of the ones The blue whale is ---------known animal, reaching a length of more than ofne hundred feet. A. the large B. the largest @C. the larger D. most largest ----------apples are grown in Washington State. A. Best B. The most good @C. The best D. The better Many chemicals react -----------in acid solutions. A. more quick @B. more quickly C. quicklier D. as quickly more It is generally true that the lower the stock market falls, -------------. A. higher the price of gold rises B. the price of gold rises high @C. the higher the price of gold rises D. rises high the price of gold

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আপনি যযহ঵তু এই য঱খা পড়হেি , তাই আনম ধহর নিনি যয আপনি কনিউটার ও ইন্টারহিট বযব঵াহর অনভজ্ঞ ,কাহেই কনিউটাহরর প্রহয়ােিীয় নব঳য় গুহ঱া ঴িহকে ভাহ঱া খারাপ নবহবচিা করারা ক্ষমতা অবশ্যই আহে … তাই আপিাহের কাহে একান্ত অনুহরাধ “ আপিারা ঴ামান্য একটু ঴ময় বযয় কহর ,শুধু এক বার নিহচর ন঱িংহক নিক কহর এই DVD গুহ঱ার মহধয অবনিত বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার এর িাম ঴মূহ঵র উপর যচাখ বুন঱হয় নি​ি।”তা঵হ঱ই বুহে যহবি যকি এই DVD গুহ঱া আপিার কাহ঱কলহি রাখা েরকার!আপিার আেহকর এই বযয়কৃত ঴ামান্য ঴ময় ভনবষ্যহত আপিার অহিক কষ্ট ঱াঘব করহব ও আপিার অহিহক ঴ময় বা​াঁনচহয় নেহব। নবশ্বা঴ করুি আর িাই করুিঃ- “নবনভন্ন কযাটাগনরর এই DVD গুহ঱ার মহধয যেওয়া বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল বই , ঴ফটওয়যার ও নটউহটানরয়া঱ এর কাহ঱কলি যেহখ আপনি ঵তবাক ঵হয় যাহবি !” আপনি যনে বতেমাহি কনিউটার বযব঵ার কহরি ও ভনবষ্যহতও কনিউটার ঴াহে যুক্ত োকহবি তা঵হ঱ এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া আপিার অবশ্যই আপিার কাহ঱কলহি রাখা েরকার........ কারিঃ  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া যকাি যোকাহি পাহবি িা আর ইন্টারহিহটও এহতা ইিরটযান্ট কাহ঱কলি এক঴াহে পাহবি বহ঱ মহি ঵য় িা।তাোড়া এত বড় ঴াইহের ফাই঱ যিট যেহক িামাহিা খুবই কষ্ট঴াধয ও ঴ময়঴াহপক্ষ বযাপার।এোড়া আপনি যযই ফাই঱টা িামাহবি তা ফু঱ ভা঴েি িাও ঵হত পাহর ..  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱া আপিার কাহ঱কলহি োকহ঱ আপিাহক আর যকাি কনিউটার নবহল঳জ্ঞহের কাহে নগহয় টাকার নবনিমহয় বা বন্ধুহের খানতহর “ভাই একটু য঵ল্প করুি” বহ঱ অন্যহক নবরক্ত করা ঱াগহব িা ... ও নিহেহকও ঵য়রানি ঵হত ঵হব িা ।  এই নিনভনি গুহ঱ার মহধয অবনিত আমার করা ৩০০ টা বািং঱া ই-বুক (pdf ) ও যোট ঴াইহের প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ফটওয়যার আপিাহের েন্য নবিামূহ঱য আমার ঴াইহট যলয়ার কহর নেহয়নে । নকন্তু প্রহয়ােিীয় বড় ঴াইহের বই, নটহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার গুহ঱া যলয়ার ঴াইট গুহ঱ার ঴ীমাবদ্ধতা ও ইন্টারহিহটর যলা আপহ঱াি গনতর েন্য যলয়ার করহত পার঱াম িা । তাোড়া এই বড় ফাই঱ গুহ঱া িাউিহ঱াি করহত যগহ঱ আপিার ইন্টারহিট পযাহকহের ক নেনব খরচ করহত ঵হব ... যযখাহি ১ নেনব পযাহকে েন্য ঴বেনিম্ন ৩৫০ টাকা যতা খরচ ঵হব , এর ঴াহে ঴ময় ও ইন্টারহিট গনতরও একটা বযাপার আহে। এই ঴ব নব঳য় নচন্তা কহর আপিাহের েন্য এই নিনভনি পযাহকে চা঱ু কহরনে ... যমাট কো আপিাহের কনিউটাহরর নবনভন্ন ঴মস্যার নচরিায়ী ঴মাধাি ও কনিউটাহরর েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বই, ঴ফটওয়যার ও নটউহটানরয়া঱ এর ঴ানবেক ঴াহপাটে নেহত আমার খুব কাযেকর একটা উহেযাগ ঵হি এই নিনভনি পযাহকে গুহ঱া ... এই ক ক 

... শুধু একবার যচাখ বু঱াি

[যমাট দুইটা নিনভনি , ঴াইে ৯ নেনব] আপিার নলক্ষােীবহির েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার  [যমাট নতিটা নিনভনি, ঴াইে ১৩.৫ নেনব]Genuine Windows XP Service Pack 3 , Windows 7 -64 & 32 bit & Driver Pack Solution 13 এর ঴াহে রহয়হে উইহন্িাহের েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় বািং঱া বই ও ঴ফটওয়যার  All MS Office, documents ,pdf reader & Pdf edit Software এবং প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া বই। যয যকাি ধরহির িকুহমন্ট এনিট , কিভাটে ও নিোইি করার েন্য এই নিনভনি নট যহেষ্ট , এই নিনভনি যপহ঱ অনফ঴ ও িকুহমন্ট ঴িনকেত যয যকাি কাহে অ঴াধয বহ঱ নকেু োকহব িা... আপিার অনফন঴য়া঱ কাহের েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ফটওয়যাহরর ঴িূর্ে ও নচরিায়ী ঴মাধাি...  : [ ঵হয় যাি য঴রা নিোইিার ] নিোইি ,গ্রানফক্স ও েনব এনিট ঴িনকেত প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল ই-বুক ,নটউহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার। ওএ ই ও এ ই আ ক ই প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব বািং঱া ও ইিংন঱ল ই-বুক ,নটউহটানরয়া঱ ও ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার।  A2Z Audio & Video player , Edito & converter . CD, DVD edit ও উইহন্িাে যক সুন্দর যেখাহিার েন্য প্রহয়ােিীয় ঴ব ফু঱ ভা঴েি ঴ফটওয়যার।   

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