68 East Magazine // #06#

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Welcome to Issue #06# Logan Landry << >> photo: jim hogan full story on page;
















Logan : Ben : Woody -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




& interview

jeremy gallant kerry melanson -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



Photo:M Bo







profile. profile. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

MUSICv -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



"One of the most progressive terrain parks in the Maritimes"

Crabbe Mountain Terrain Park crabbemountain.com


edit. For this month’s issue, at the last minute, we wrote something in our Facebook status asking if anyone had a few pictures lying around to fill some of the issue’s blank pages; within a span of 20 minutes (literally, 20 minutes), our inbox was already full of more pictures than we could even use. Riders in Atlantic Canada have one of the most supportive scenes around. Whether you need a place to stay, a guide to local spots, or even some pictures for a magazine, you can be sure that in Atlantic Canada every other rider is going to bend over backwards to help you out, just as you’d do for them. A lot of people talk about how the scene here is so small, and sure that’s true, but coming from a small scene is a strength not a weakness. Riders in Atlantic Canada are more of a family than anything else, thanks to how small our scene is, and we’re lucky to have that.

nick editor

cover shot: Jeremy Gallant. Special thanks to jeremy for doing the graphic design on his and kerry’s interview this month.



i s s u e 0 1

68 East Magazine issue two

Garret Gardiner Salad to Fakie P. Mason Burke

issue #01#

68East. issue #02#

atlantic canadian rider culture photo: Dustin Seca

“Janine Strickland pees in her wetsuit�

Profile: Nick Boyd & Nic Yetman


issue #04#

issue #05#

issue #03#

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half a year of 68east thanks for the support


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#06# issue #06#


Why film instead of still photography? Pictures worth 1000 words but video is the truth hahaha Started off taking photos actually but when I got my first video camera, a 1 ccd Samsung back in 2006, Video took over from there. It was kind of natural to me.

Where do you film and who is it your filming? Have you worked with any crews in particular? I'm from Cape Breton so thats where I've done most of my filming through out the years. I've filmed basically all over Nova Scotia and done a bit of filming in New Brunswick too, meeting some really good people along the way. People have came and went with my film crew over the past years, each of the three full videos I made had there own select crews, but there has been a few core skaters that have been there the whole time. Bobby Clements, Dan Cameron, Zach Macphee, Kyle McGuigan, Adam Enders, Dj Dauphney, Justin Mcleod, Black Rob(Rest in peace.)

Left: Mark and his Vx1000 photo: Mason Burke. Right: 5-0 in Coxheath, Nova Scotia. photo: Mason Burke.

What kind of equipment do you use? Is it hard for someone to get into filming because of all they need? Currently using a Panasonic Dvx100 with a mk2 death lense. It is kind of hard to get into filming and be serious with it because of the needs. As long as your motivated enough and work hard you should get through it and have some really good times with it. Do you edit too? Of course i do hahaha although I enjoy filming more then I do editing its a really fun process. I edit all of my own stuff. Its interesting seeing it from the point of view of filmer that edits his own stuff. Your there for all the attempts of the trick being filmed and have an idea of how your going to put it together in the edit. Alot of your shots you can vision how they will turn out in the post production.

Where can people check out some of your work? www.youtube.com/MarkHenny902 or add me to facebook, thats where all of my recent work is. Thanks for the reminder to update my youtube account hahaha. Any shoutouts to conclude? Black Rob(Rest in peace bro), All of the skaters that have been around over the years, Oromocto Boys, David White, Dave Sawler and everyone at Lighthouse, Garret Gardiner, Jon and everyone at Pro, Darcy Campbell, Harry Doyle, Stevie Dubbs, Ryan MacAurthur, Mark Sparrow, Matt Ingraham, Ryan Mansfield, Mason Burke, Shane Wilkie, Meghan Detheridge, All the boys at the Glace Bay Bowls and skateboarding itself.

Right: Morgan Skidmore, Mark down below, Halifax. photo: Zac Tovey. Below: Mark’sDvx100 photo: Mason Burke.



14 YOUR SHOTS SHAWN RICHARD p: matt warren








torino (a.k.a. turin) streets photo: steve

When did the NS team go to Italy? What was the plan behind it? We were in Italy at the end of November and the first week of December. We go around this time every year (and for the past 8 years) for a number of reasons. First, our season is a few weeks shorter than everyone else's. The only way we can get enough guaranteed on-snow time is to travel Zermatt/Cervinia is at almost 13000 feet above sea level so we're guaranteed snow. The timing is designed to allow us to carry the training straight on to snow when we get home (although that doesn't always happen even then!). The place itself is phenomenal and the perfect terrain to develop good basics. There you can repeat the same movement for 50 turns or more without a change in terrain or taking a lift. At home you might get 15 good GS turns

in and then have to sit on a lift for 7 minutes....not ideal for skill development. In ten days in Cervinia we can cover as many kms of terrain as we would in a month or more of training in NS. The cost for us, being on the east coast of Canada, is actually a little less than it would be if we flew to the west coast, plus of course, Europe is always a great cultural experience - and riding in the spectacular shadow of the Matterhorn doesn't hurt either! How was it? It's always good! Even on no-snow years the glacier is good but the last two years there's been enough early snow that we've landed some bonus pow days all the way down to Valtournenche, a village some 17kms down the valley from the Plateau Rosa lift. This year we had some great training on the Swiss side and there were almost no people on the hill!

steve + chris photo: josh Who is on team right now? We have a real blend of 'old' and new. Riders like Devon Chandler, Greg Kerr and Lesley MacKeigan have been around since back in the day and still train with us, so they're in a great position to mentor and be positive role models for the younger riders. Devon (who has also been to Cervinia with us a number of times in the past, once with yourself) was at the 2007 Canada Games and is such an amazing all-round rider who seems to get better every year...I wish he knew what he knows now when he was 16!! Stuck in the middle is Kita McRory. She showed up just before the Whitehorse Games and basically learned to ride for those Games. Actually what's really happened is she learned to ride / after/ the Whitehorse Games and the feel and power she has right now is the best it's ever been. She's still eligible for Canada Games in 2011 so

she's coming good at the right time. Then we have a core of younger athletes all pushing, most of them getting their first PGS and PSL NorAm experiences this year...Jenn Hart, Zach Fraser, Gabrielle Fairbairn, Sam Flinn.....and below them there's Marc Chasse who is just 14 but fearless and already talented - I think he could make a name for himself in the future. Our SBX team has some real talent and potential...Zack Francis, Josh Drapeau, Kyle Seagram are all part of a competitive, fit new breed of rider challenging the 'old guard.' On the Women's side, Dallas Rourke and Kim Sutherland are making great stides, Dallas making top 15 at Nationals last year against riders like Maelle Ricker and Dominique Maltais. Who are you exactly? I often ask myself the same question.

torino (a.k.a. turin) plaza photos: steve

“...my favorite part was for sure experiencing the different cultures, the food and the people, everything is so much more slack in the alps, like there would be a little ribbon and one sign in front of a huge crevace, something you would never see in the americas haha, and the town of Cervinia itself has such a great feel to it. Waking up every morning with the Matterhorn leaning over you and the crisp clean mountain air is just incredible!!!� - Josh Drapeau


What's your history in NS snowboarding? Yikes. Well. I showed up here (NS) in 1990 from the UK. I'd surfed there since I was a kid and I started snowboarding around 1986 because I figured I'd be moving to Canada and didn't know if I'd still be able to surf there. When I got here there really wasn't much happening in snowboarding. No instructor certification, no competitions, no coaching...but lots of people doing it. I bumped into Andrew MacLean at Martock and we brought in an evaluator to train some instructors in 1991. We ended up becoming evaluators and I ended up organizing instructor courses in Atlantic Canada for some 15 years. At the same time we formed the NSSA with NS snowboard legend Sonny Woodworth and Jeff Marshall and the competition scene was born here. It was an amazing few early years. Riders like Trevor Andrew, Ben Crowe and Scott Doucette started back then and for a little province we quickly grew a reputation for good riding. Trevor of course went on to compete in two Olympics, paving the way for another Olympian Sarah Conrad and National Team riders like Alex Duckworth and Kristin D'Eon. I dabbled in a few World Cups and National Championships myself but seemed to grow old faster than those guys so I went into coaching around 99. I think the success of NS riders now owes a lot to those early years because everyone realized that it IS possible to reach that level of excellence, regardless of the small amount of terrain available in this province. When I went into coaching

we'd just come through the 98 Olympics and there weren't really that many responsible coaching programs around but they were developing. I went on to coach with the Canadian Team at a couple of Junior World Championships in Europe (Prato Nevoso and Klinovec) as well as at World University games in Zakopane, Poland. It's pretty funny, I'm sure Sarah Conrad will thank me for telling the world that I coached her as a racer for a year before she specialized in Halfpipe around '99 or 2000. I can see her sticking pins into my wax doll right now. I eventually ended up as assistant team leader at the Torino Olympics in 2006, a wonderful experience and one that I won't forget - and Sarah was our top female halfpipe athlete there. We were so unlucky (particularly in SBX) not to come home with many more medals than Dom Maltais' bronze. Somehow during that time I also served four years as Chair of the Canadian Snowboard Federation. The Federation was growing rapidly in all areas; events, high performance, sport development ...and suffering at the same time, like many rapid expansions. The added government expectations once 2010 was announced meant that the position carried a lot of stress. But I don't regret any of it. It was a fantastic learning experience and I'm still proud of the passion and perseverance that characterizes everyone who's involved in our sport. Currently I'm Head Coach of the NSSA and specifically focused on getting us ready for Canada Games in 2011 Who is Chris Higgs and what's his story? Never heard of him. Higgs is a diminutive Welshman who has more passion for snowboarding than most diminutive Welshmen. He showed up in NS to train to be an instructor and ended up living at my house for the 5 following winters, instructing and assisting me with coaching the provincial race teams through



photo: josh

photo: steve



a number of seasons and National Championships. He was the driving force behind our first camp in Cervinia and still meets us there every year. I miss him to be honest. We work really well together and have a knack for knowing what the other is thinking. I think he might be the brother I never had! Higgs still instructs more than 300 days a year in London UK of all places on an artificial hill. In fact he recently helped us find some artificial matting to construct a permanent SBX start training facility thanks to Canada Games funding. So all these years later his mark is still on creating opportunities and a level playing field for NS athletes.


chris higgs, cervinia pow photo: steve

marc chasse photo: josh

27 photos: steve

28 What's going on with the NS team? Are you guys looking towards anything special right now? Well right now our big focus is Canada Games, which we host in 2011. There are a number of programs around that build training legacies for our athletes so our province can maintain it's reputation as the little province that can! Funding around the Games also helped us to hire a part time administrator (Natasha Burgess), me as a head coach and to help get more of our athletes to outof-province competition, raising the bar. Our team program now covers four disciplines (PGS/PSL, HP, SBX and SS), a dry-land year round program and a variety of support services for our top athletes. This March we're hosting the first International Snowboard event in Atlantic Canada (an SBX NorAm) and we're so stoked - we'd like to get this level of competition to the province to help our riders more often. It's a crazy amount of work though, and we're currently

building a huge start gate, installing sophisticated timing equipment and training more than 100 volunteer officials to help us. What was the best thing that happened this year in Italy? Why? Well we had some bonus pow turns thanks to a big snowfall while we were there but the thing that sticks out was probably the crazy last afternoon on the hill. The wind suddenly picked up from 10km/h to 120 km/h and the lift company closed the gondolas, stranding us for a while in Valtournenche. When you're in that environment there's nearly always an 'adventure' at some point and that one was pretty amazing. The wind was so bad it was literally blowing people toward cliffs! I was never really too worried for our safety but I DID wonder at one point whether it would make us miss our flight home. I'm not sure anyone would have complained though.....

torino. photos: steve What's the biggest challenge facing the race team? Hmmm. There's more than one. The length of our season. The lack of terrain. Money of course. We have to travel to access appropriate training and competition and from NS it seems everywhere is a long way and expensive. Also there are so many talented kids who are basically excluded from reaching their full potential because of the costs involved. We're all fearful that the increased investment in sports in the province will disappear after 2011. Which is ironic when report after report tells us that Canadians are fatter and less fit than they have ever been and that it's particularly significant amongst teenagers and young adults. So we have this amazingly fun sport that has the potential to keep those very people active all winter and summer, and yet we face the prospect of financial assistance drying up,

photo: steve reducing the number of people who can do it... which will end up costing more in health care in the long run. I'm not sure our race team is actually / thinking/ about this right now, but down the road it could easily impact on their future. What's the biggest opportunity? Chasing your dreams. I have a huge amount of respect and time for people who follow their dreams and who make sacrifices to do so. I'm inspired by kids who can sit on airplanes and do homework on the way to competitions or training, to make time for the necessary physical training. They're learning life skills and life management skills that school just can't teach. Not all of them will become Olympians of course. But I think their experiences genuinely make them better people and open up huge opportunities for them in later life.

greg kerr photo: steve


Logan : Ben : Woody N.S. Surf Crew.

p: phil taylor Nova Scotia surfing in the past has been pegged as slow moving mushy point breaks, and sub par beach breaks; well, is this the case? As for me




Nova Scotia has always been a place where I feel the possibilities are endless. Not until recently have these possibilities been found. I would say in the last few years the whole perception has changed, both as to what we can do and ride as surfers, and as to what world class waves we actually have. All this came with a few individuals that are paving the way for a new generation of surfers in Nova Scotia, and I have been privileged to be part of and take part in surfing and finding these new waves. Some of the surfers I have had the pleasure of becoming very close friends with and be mentored by are guys like Nico Manos and Neal Durling, and I’m sure there are a bunch of other guys out there that have had an influence on the way things are happening and the progression we are seeing in Nova Scotia. For me surfing is everything; there is nothing more for me as long as I am surfing I am the happiest person alive and I just happen to live in a place where surfing is new so it’s a whole different experience for me. We get to find new waves and different places to surf where people don’t even think there is surf, so it is exciting for me to wake up at 4:30 in the morning and go out. When people ask why I do it I usually answer them with it is because I love it, I love the unknown and what is possible and of recent we have started to document what we do for other people to see, and maybe they will think it is interesting and something will come of it, but if not, then to tell you the truth I don’t care I will continue to do this till I get too old to do it anymore. - Logan Landry -

Ben Marsh p: phil taylor Alright, where do I begin? My name is Ben Marsh, I'm 20 years old, and I'm from Liverpool, Nova Scotia. I've been surfing for just about 7 years now. Where I'm from is a small town about a half hour away from Bridgewater, the population is probably around 5,000 people, everybody knows everybody, everybody knows everything about who you are, who your dad is, what you do, etc. Growing up in Liverpool there isn't alot to do. For fun we would play sports, like hockey, soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, occasionally skateboarding, you know, the typical sports. Surfing was virtually unheard of, to my knowledge before I started surfing, there were a handful of "them crazy surfers" in my town. We had a local shop, Rossignol surfshop, that was located downtown selling a few boards, a few wetsuits, some clothes, shoes, and skateboards. Nothing big, nothing fancy, just a small shop. When I started surfing I had no idea what exactly I was getting into, I had no real interest in

the sport and my mother had randomly setup some surf lessons for myself and my cousin. After the second lesson, I was hooked. I thought to myself, " I'm screwed." within the month I ended up spending close to 600 bucks for a starter board, a wetsuit, boots, gloves, and wax, sex wax at that. And so began my new surf life, and after almost seven years, 2 years on the Canadian world jr. team, teaching lessons, freezing jesus cold winter after freezing jesus cold winter, I'm still surfing, still learning and experiencing on every single wave I ride. I can thank a few people for that, because surfing alone, for me, hasn't kept me in the water. Other than locals in my area (Chris Wagner, Nick Fralic, Jeff Norman, Jon Pat, to name a few), my family for driving me out and getting me started, there has always been Logan and Woody. Now the things I'm about to say about these two individuals is a little hard for me to do. This is because when we surf, we absolutely rip into each other; nothing personal

of course, it's all good fun. But very few compliments towards each other for reasons of maybe being a "pussy", maybe for fear of sarcasm or awkward silence, I dunno, but for whatever reason, it's still all good fun. The three of us have been surfing together for quite some time now, the exact time is a blur to me. We've surfed up and down the province for years, we've experienced flat tires, empty gas tanks, waxed windows, we've had the air let out of our tires, we've blown up car engines, hit trees, rocks, experienced near miss car accidents (this is daily), we've also driven entire days, getting up extremely early, driving a ton of hours only to find the waves are flat. As far as the Nova Scotia surfing experience goes, we've experienced it and we continue to experience it. Dude, it's been a "tubular", "steller", "radical", "gnarlburger", "gnarkill", "pitted", "shacked", "piped", ride man. And for anybody who has come along for the ride on our little trips, they know. They would have also experienced our antics, which go from absolutely outrageous to dumb and back, boarder-line offensive to down right ridiculous. I swear that if anybody comes on a day-long trip or longer with us, they will come out changed. Maybe they will have a new outlook on life, maybe they'll come out with new humor, maybe they will be scarred for life, who knows. Now I'm gonna tell you about the individual fellas. Woody. Woody's real name is Ben Woodford, Woody is derived from Woodford ha ha get it? Yeah. Anyways Woody has grown up down the street from me in Liverpool since I can remember. His family and my family have been friends and neighbors for damn near 15 - 16 years maybe more, so I'll say I have known Woody my entire life or at least longer than any of you sons of bitches. I'll give you a quick background on Woody. Woody played as a goalie in hockey all the way up until the end of high school. On the side, Woody was in a local punk band called "The Cransons", he was a drummer and he made a ton of noise. I remember everytime The Cransons would practice, my whole street was filled with the crash of Woody's symbols and snair. Those guys were crazy and loud, and from watching a few shows, and hearing the stories of the shows and antics involved, it's a damn wonder (maybe even a damn shame) that nobody has ever been arrested (notice how I didn't say "fined"). Woody continues to play the drums in jams, and although the glory days of The Cransons are over, the fire still burns, and there's more to come. He worked at the local superstore in produce forever, calling in an incredible amount of sick days to surf, sometimes he wouldn’t even show up to work, or he'd be in the water knowing he had to work and just shrug his shoulders; he was never fired. He's solid. Woody started out surfing a little bit after myself and has come an absolute long way. This kid has balls (haha. woody. balls. yeah.), I've seen this kid catch more bombs than alot of people I know, more bombs than me, more bombs than you. If this kid had the chance, he'd surf jaws, and he'd take off deeper than anybody else. Woody has a great attitude in surfing. With him, it's not about sponsors, magazines, localism, or anything

Logan Landry p: jim hogan

Logan Landry p: phil taylor

39 Logan Landry

p: Jim Hogan

Woody p: Jim Hogan like that. He could care less what anybody thinks about him or his surfing, if you like him, that's cool, if you don't...then who cares. I personally don't know if this is true or right, and anybody can correct me if I'm wrong, but Woody surfs for the love of surfing, not necessarily that alone, there's the elements of possibly myself and Logan and whoever else we bring along, also the experience we have on the way to the surf, when we're in the water maybe, also the places we go. It's always an interest and a passion that he never gets bored of. If you ever have pleasure of surfing or hanging out with Woody, you'll know what I mean. Logan. There's probably one hundred things I'd love to roast Logan on, same with Woody, and they'll both say the same thing about me but here we go. Logan is a character, you'd know what I mean if you meet him. Logan's from a small town in the valley of all places, Berwick. I've played hockey against Logan, he was a goalie (huh, Woody and Logan are goalies, I've never scored on any of ‘em). I met Logan through another good buddy of mine named Taylor

(who was originally in our group, but moved to the cape, hence why the bastard isn't in this article). When Logan found out that a bunch of us from Liverpool surfed, he just about shit his pants. It turned out Logan surfed too, and he's been hanging with us ever since. Don't ask me since when cause, yes, that's a blur. Now, Logan is probably the most extreme dude I've seen. He surfs, he skates, he snowboards, fourwheels like crazy, shoots things, yells at everything, races his cars, crashes his cars, backflips just about anything that goes fast. So if you go fast, chances are, Logan goes faster. Myself and Woody owe alot to this kid, if it wasn't for Logan, we wouldn’t have been at the level

we're at in surfing, and we wouldn't be progressing like we are as well. It's not just him driving us places to surf, or buying us energy drinks so we can get pumped, no. Logan pushes myself and Woody to become better, yes he's a complete dick in terms of dropping in on us and paddling around us, butting in line ups, making a bigger splash, boosting higher, and catching more waves, but he pushes us and it works. But that's only in terms of surfing. No, I don't wanna be pushed to wearing tighter jeans, no, I don't wanna be pushed to drink that many energy drinks in a single day, no, I don't wanna do a backflip on that thing going that fast. Logan's surfing has grown to be pretty damn good I reckon. He's surfed in multiple places around the world, gaining huge steps in experience along the way. I have to say a huge turning point was when him and I were in Portugal, something in him clicked and ever since he's been taking bigger and bigger leaps in skill and style. As Nova Scotian surfers, we have huge determination and commitment, and as a Nova Scotian surfer saying this; Logan has huge determination and commitment. There's few people I know that'll get up that early to drive that far away in that kind of weather. There's few people I know that'll spend that much time of a day either surfing, thinking about surfing, reading about surfing, or anything surfing related. Logan's humor can go from absolutely dry to soaking wet and dirty (haha!) crossing many lines, turning people's day's around, changing situations, just....nuts. He is a habitual line stepper, he steps over many lines, all in good manner though. If you ever get a chance to hang with Logan, take a step back, don't be quick to judge, cause he's actually a really good guy. Logan will do favors and things for just about anybody, if you really need something, Logan's gonna try and get it for you or help you get it. So if you meet him, don't tell him you read this because he might just tell you to "suck it" of all things, but keep in mind what you're dealing with (no, not some dude who looks like a hobo with ADHD sluggin' back redbull.) A wang dang doodle. - Ben Marsh THE FUTURE-


p: phil taylor

Phil Taylor, where do I start. Well he took most the phtos in this article and without him this wouldn’t have happend. First time I met Phil I pulled up to this house in the south end and was like you have to be kidding me and he was gonna come take pictures of us I didn't know the guy from Adam and I go to his house he’s nowhere to be seen. I wait and wait and wait some more. Finally I go to his bedroom window and knock hes not even up yet at this point he had no idea what we were about soon he would figure out but this was not the only time. This became a regular occurrence, usually he would stumble out all tired wanting Tim Hortons and a smoke then it was game time and he was ready to take photos. Phil went out on the rainiest days coldest days and we’d look up from the line up and see him there waiting for us to do something and through this he has captured some of our best surfing as seen threw his lens, and through this he has become one of my best friends although we lost him to surfing, now that's all he wants to do so its hard to get him to take photos, but he’ll still take the camera out now and again and capture some action.

& interv

jeremy ga kerry m


allant melanson

Photo:M Bourgoin

Where are are you you guys guys both bothfrom fromand andhow howold oldare areyou? you? Kerry: Dieppe, Dieppe, New New Brunswick Brunswickand andI’m I’m21 21years yearsold old Jeremy: I’m I’m also also from fromDieppe Dieppeand andI Iam am24 24years yearsold old Jeremy: How did did you you guys guys start startriding ridingtogether, together,and andwhat whathas haskept keptyou youriding riding together up up to to today? today? together

Kerry: II saw saw an an episode episodeof ofXXGames Gameson onTV TVand andititgot gotme mestoked stokedononBMX. BMX. So I had had my my first first bike bike within withinaamonth monthand andI Imet metJeremy Jeremyatatthe theDieppe Dieppepark park not long long after after that. that. When Whenwe wefirst firststarted startedriding ridingtogether togetherJeremy Jeremywas wasa abig big influence influence and and it’s it’s been beenabout about55years yearssince sincethen. then. Jeremy: Jeremy: II met met Kerry Kerry at atthe theDieppe Dieppepark parkone oneday dayand andwe’ve we’vejust justbeen beenfriends friends ever ever since. since. It’s It’s always alwaysaagood goodtime timeriding ridingwith withKerry Kerryno nomatter matterwhat whatwe’re we’re riding. riding.


What Where

Kerry: Shear Jerem start 3 cool h

Does for yo Kerry: to hel Jerem repres some

exactly is SHEAR for those who don't know? Where diddid it come What exactly is SHEAR for those who don't know? Where it comefrom? from? e do you hope it'sthat going? Where do youthat hope it's going?

Kerry:isShear is a clothing that Jeremy started I would liketotosee see : Shear a clothing brandbrand that Jeremy started up.up. I would like Shear grow and spread all across Canada. r grow and spread out allout across Canada. Kerry pretty much nailed it. Shear is a clothing brand that I decided to my: Jeremy: Kerry pretty much nailed it. Shear is a clothing brand that I decided to start 3 years ago. I would like to see Shear get a little bigger but for now it’s 3 years ago. I would like to see Shear get a little bigger but for now it’s cool how it’s still small and tight nit. how it’s still small and tight nit.

Does owning/riding for an Atlantic Canadian company mean something special owning/riding for an Atlantic Canadian company mean something special for you? ou?Kerry: Yes because it helps get my name out there and it’s awesome to be able to help out a friend. : Yes because it helps get my name out there and it’s awesome to be able Jeremy: It means a lot to me from a rider point of view because it’s nice to lp out a friend. and from the point owner’s awesome helpto out my: represent It meansaalocal lot tobrand me from a rider of side viewit’s because it’stonice some of my best friends. sent a local brand and from the owner’s side it’s awesome to help out

e of my best friends.

Who else is on the SHEAR team and what are they all about? Can you guys give us one word for each of them? Darcy Peters – Kerry: Stranger Jeremy: Funny

Kean Fougere – Kerry: Cutie Jeremy: Smooth

Steven Moxley – Kerry: Butterfly Jeremy: So dialed

Devin Szmata – Kerry: Heavenly Jeremy: GOOD!

Kerry Melanson – Jeremy: A riot

Will Fisher – Kerry: Mini Arnold Jeremy: Awesome

Greg Flag – Kerry: huuuuuuuh Jeremy: Brother Jeremy Gallant – Kerry: Heisthetechkingandanallaroundgoodguy… Does that still count?

Kyle Kelsey – Kerry: Crazy! Jeremy: Dialed! Mark Lockhart – Kerry: We’re brothers Jeremy: Sweetheart Ryan Gagnon – Kerry: Old coot Jeremy: Gaga

Alex Leblanc – Kerry: Grandpa Jeremy: Out of control lol Josh Richard – Kerry: Silver Fox Jeremy: funny Rob Gallant – Kerry: Big Jeremy: Tyrannosaurus Rob!

Doesowning/riding owning/riding Atlantic Canadian company something Does forfor an an Atlantic Canadian company mean mean something special sp foryou? you? for Kerry:Yes Yesbecause because it helps name out there and it’s awesome to be Kerry: it helps getget my my name out there and it’s awesome to be able to to help helpout outa afriend. friend. Jeremy: a lot to me from a rider pointpoint of view it’s niceit’s to nice to Jeremy:ItItmeans means a lot to me from a rider of because view because represent brand andand from the the owner’s side it’s awesome to helpto outhelp ou representa alocal local brand from owner’s side it’s awesome some friends. someofofmy mybest best friends.

What has riding on the SHEAR team meant for your riding? What Being has riding on the SHEAR meant new for your riding? Kerry: on a team with friendsteam and meeting people is probably the Kerry: Being on a team with friends and meeting new people best thing. Team trips is always a good time and it get’s pretty zesty.is probably th

best thing. Team trips is always a good time and it get’s pretty zesty.

How would you describe each other is one word? How would you describe each other is one word? Kerry: Heisthetechkingandanallaroundgoodguy… Does that count? Jeremy: Good question, gnarly! Kerry: Heisthetechkingandanallaroundgoodguy… Does that count?

Jeremy: Good question, gnarly!


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If you co Kerry: Ev GOD?! Jeremy:

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P.S. I lov Jeremy: growing at Easter basis, Ni Photo:L McDowell

Be sure

Photo:J Bourque Photo:J Bourque

you couldthem choose them now,would what would be your dying words? ouldIf choose now, what be your dying words? Kerry: Everyone should livethe life fullest to the fullest andtheir live their dreams. WHY NOW veryone should live life to and live dreams. WHY NOW GOD?! Jeremy: It was good while it lasted!

It was good while it lasted!

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received, that you'd like to pass on

he tobest piecereaders? of advice you've ever received, that you'd like to pass on 68 East's ast'sKerry: readers? My uncle told me once to live life and F-The Rest! Jeremy: Don’t yellow snowlife and F-The Rest! My uncle told meeat once to live Don’t eat yellow snow

Any thanks? Where can someone learn more about the SHEAR empire or grab a piece of SHEAR clothing? nks? Where can someone learn more about the SHEAR empire or grab Kerry: I would like to thank Jeremy for helping me out by having me on the of SHEAR team andclothing? all the photo shoots, all the riders I’ve met along the way for would like to my thank Jeremy me family. out by having me on the influencing riding, and allfor myhelping friends and

d all the photo shoots, all the riders I’ve met along the way for love you mom dad! ngP.S. my Iriding, and all and my friends and family.

Jeremy: I would have to thank my mom and grandparents for everything up,and the Shear ve growing you mom dad! team for being the sickest bunch of fellas around, Leigh at Eastern Bikes, Craig at 1664 Distribution, everyone I ride with on a daily I would have to thank my mom and grandparents for everything basis, Nick at 68East, and last but not least my friends and family.

up, the Shear team for being the sickest bunch of fellas around, Leigh rn Be Bikes, at out 1664 Distribution, for everyone ride with on a daily sure Craig to check shearbrand.com all news Irelated the Thanks! o Shear. ick at 68East, and last but not least my friends and family. to check out shearbrand.com for all news related the Shear. Thanks!


Michael Thibeault

photo: Jeremy Rioux


Dave Gauvin

photo: Corey Jauques Cojax Media


Dave Gauvin

photo: Corey Jauques Cojax Media

Zac Summers photo: Ian Ripley

Kevin MacDonald photo: Ian Ripley

Chris Cormier photo: Chad Steeves

John Emberly photo: Jonathan Burke jonburke.ca

photo: Corey Jauques Cojax Media

Pat Boissonnault

Pat Rushton

photo: Nick Khattar

Ryan Watt

photo: Kyle Sears


years on snow:



age: town: Dartmouth hill: Ski Wentworth sponsors: Entity Boardshop my nick name is “old boy” lets leave it at that


SEN photos: Jonathan Burke jonburke.ca

JENSEN photos: Jonathan Burke jonburke.ca




years on snow:


ELLS age:18 stance: regular town: White Rock hill: Martock sponsors: Urban Butter Limitless (ducky)




photo: Derek Cyr

HOCLA HOCLA IR v IR v C HOCLA HOCLA IR v IR v C HOCLA HOCLA IR v C IR v C HOCLA HOCLA IR v C IR v C HOCLA OCLAIR I RvC v CHO OCLAIR CLAIR vC v CHO OCLAIR CLAIR vC v CHO OCLAIR CLAIR v CH v CHO OCLAIR CLAIR v CH v CHO OCLAIR CLAIR v CH v CHO CLAIR CLAIR v CH v CHO CLAIR CLAIR v CH v CHO CLAIR CLAIR v CH v CHO CLAIR CLAIR v CHO v CHO CLAIR LAI A lot of people describe you as a legend in Canadian Hip-Hop; how would you describe yourself? I would just describe myself as someone who always believed in the talent in Canadian hip hop and made sure that it would get heard Has the position you hold in Canadian hip-hop history ever affected the way you make your music? Not really, I've always made sure the music I do reflect myself and the emotions that I feel to put out there at the moment. You can't let things distract you, you have to just put yourself, your true self, in your music

When did you first realize that you were going to make it big? How did it feel? I never really thought about that until the first week sales came out for ice cold and I had the number one record, I was like wow! Then all the phone calls and stuff started happening, girls crying, I was like," is this what it's like"

After all that's happened, how does it feel to make music today? Has anything changed? It's still feels good to make music today the great thing is that there are more people (artist) visible now than before so to the mainstream public it actually looks Like a sceen where as before if you were not into the underground hip hop in Canada you would not have known what was just under the surface bubbling Do you still remember the first thing you ever wrote? If you do, what was it about? I don't remember the first thing I ever wrote but I do remember that it was about 100 bars before the first hook came in, but it was good though because after I said that lyric people really pushed me into being a MC How about the last thing you wrote. Yeah the last thing I wrote was the lyrics to my new album coming out this year called "C. Evolution" I can't wait for the world to hear it Anyone you'd like to thank? Everyone who has supported me over the years, for they keep me motivated and the motivation they give me helps to breathe life into this Canadian hip hop biz





So your originally from Cambodia? Could you tell us a little bit about the phases in your life that would one day get you to Saint Johns Newfoundland? My parents left Cambodia as refugees in the early 80's to look for a better life in Canada. I was raised in Calgary, Alberta until I was about 10 years old and then we relocated to the nation's capital where I spent most of my teenage years. I was always the kid at the party that had the best mix tapes and I was always the life of the party. My first experience with djing I was about 16 years old. I went over to my friend's basement and he had a set of techniques 1200 turn tables. I was very curious and he showed me a few videos of the 1997 US DMC championships. There was one dj that

v DJ-SI NA v DJ-SIN SINA v DJ-SIN A v DJ-SIN SINA v DJ-SIN A v DJ-SINA SINA v DJ-SIN A v DJ-SINA SINA v DJ-SIN D A v J-SINA INA v D J-SINA DJ-S v INA v D INA J-SINA DJ-S v INA v D INA J-SINA DJ-S v INA v NA v D J-SINA DJ-S v INA v NA v D J-SINA DJ-S v INA v NA v D J-SINA DJ-S v INA v NA v D J-SINA DJ-S v INA v NA v D J-SINA DJ-S v INA v A v DJSINA v DJ-SI NA v A v DJSIN D especially stuck out to me. I was completely blown away by his creativity and stage performance so I decided to buy a set of decks. I started going to clubs and watching other djs, how they controlled crowds and their music selections. Then I decided to move to Montreal to pursue my dj career. I spent a lot of time in night clubs and after hours clubs watching and learning from the top djs in the country and the world. I was playing small gigs in Montreal and Ottawa, then I decided to form a crew called 417 Sound Crew. That was the highway number we took from Montreal to Ottawa frequently. Then one of the members of my crew ended up moving to St. John's, NL and I got a phone call from him one day telling me he was starting a new residency called Fresh Fridays at Konfusion night club. I didn't know what to expect as I had never been this far east before, but I thought why not. I was totally blown away with the people here and the way they enjoy partying, especially their friendliness. I thought to myself 'I think I could live here one day' and the rest in history. Do you still identify with Cambodia at all, or has it just become the place where you were born? To be honest, I would love to say I do indentify with Cambodia but I grew up in Canada so all I can really identify with is Western culture.

Who and what would you say inspires your music? What inspires me and my music, is when I can look on the dancefloor and see all those people's faces light up because for those 4 hours that they're in the club, I can tell they have no worries about their jobs or their problems. They're just there to party with me and have fun. That's what keeps me going. Where is the best place your music has taken you? Why? St. John's, NL. Just because I love the people here.

What about the craziest thing that’s ever happened at one of your shows? I could probably give you 100 different stories, but one of the craziest was when I was playing at Salmon Fest 2009 at Red Cliff. It was about 3 AM with 3500-4000 people going crazy, and all I see is this big bright light coming at my face and basically a firework exploded about half an inch in front of my face which shot me back about 5 feet. All I saw was white light, couldn't hear anything...Truly thought I was dead. Then I came to and there was about 4 or 5 people looking over me, saying my name and trying to see if I was alive & okay. I was pretty mad, but I got up and went back to my set. I played 'Many Men' by 50 Cent and the crowd went crazy, then I kept playing for another 4 hours. That was probably the craziest. What does making music mean for you? Could you imagine yourself doing something else? I really can't answer this question the way you've asked because I'm not a producer. Some say djs are musicians, some say they are not but I consider myself a musician because a turn table can be an instrument if you use it right. No, I can't see myself doing anything else. I think I was born to do this, but one day I will have to put down the turn tables. However I plan to always be in the business of club promotions, and events. Or I would love to start managing other djs. Who would you like to thank? I would like to give big shoutouts to the one that started this all for me, he is my main mentor, DJ Shortcut. My management team, Jason Winsor and Seamus Dooley. All the club owners that have allowed me to pursue my dreams, there are just too many to name. And much love to all the djs who hold it down to keep the party alive. Ain't no party like a DJ Sina party!

thanks for reading # Valle de Bravo, Mexico. photo: Nick Budden.

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