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克里斯多夫.拉克哈伯出身於鄰近德國莫尼黑的城市 Pfaffenhofen,畢業於歷史悠久的萊比錫視覺藝術學院 (Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst Leipzig)。師 承「萊比錫畫派」藝術大師Arno Rink的他,擁有硬底子繪 畫功夫卻不將自己輕易歸類,本次個展他以大膽具象的線條色 塊交織而成的巨幅創作,將奔放思緒盡情釋放在真實與虛幻之 間。

克里斯多夫不僅止步於繪畫,多才多藝的他與友人們一同經營 獨立出版社LUBOK與實驗劇場‘LURU-Kino,跨領域的豐富 經驗令他的繪畫創作有如活色生鮮的舞台場景,眾多角色與背 景像尚未找到歸屬的拼圖,觀者能隨心所欲撿拾並自行拼湊出 內心所想的模樣。有別於早期創作的陰鬱色彩與完整人物外 型,2021全新繪畫系列之中,他將類卡通的人物輪廓彎曲, 製造出流水般的圓滑線條。同時拆解人體結構與五官,將它們 壓至扁平,以鮮豔色彩,或黑白壁壘分明的尖銳線條再次分 割、重組。

克里斯多夫.拉克哈伯的創作不單只在「畫布」之上,平面已 然無法滿足一切,他在世界各地的展覽布置都相當驚人也意圖 創新,畫作上的顏料如同沒有熱度的火焰,一路蔓延到高牆上 或流淌地面。藝術家如同色彩的魔術師,以噴灑奔放的顏料色 塊玩弄戲法,意圖創造出超越四維的空間向度。對克里斯多夫 而言,「空間」之於我們,是如同「火焰」一般的已知存在。 我們能親眼所見並感受火的炙熱,卻鮮少、也膽怯去體驗觸 碰。

Christoph RUCKHÄBERLE (b.1972)

Christoph RUCKHÄBERLE was born in Pfaffenhofen, Germany. He received a degree from animation studies, California Institute of Arts Valencia, California (USA) and Master studies of painting at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig in the class of Prof. Arno Rink. He currently lives and works in Leipzig.

Christoph RUCKHÄBERLE is the most conspicuous outsider of the new Leipzig school, which has a reputation for melancholy. In his early works, the paintings appear rather gloomy with patterned walls, floor carpet, window and door that carved out the spatial dimensions for his characters to live.

Nevertheless, RUCKHÄBERLE managed to put this characteristic behind him and exploits the graphic potential of relief mediums by creating strong, clashing patterns, such as the stripes of the subject's dress, hair, and socks and the diamond motif on the floor.

In his recent approach, RUCKHÄBERLE flattens the figures. They become more like cartoon characters and sometimes even just oddly twisted limbs and body parts combining and overlapping on the surface of the canvas. A transition of the idea of space is found in his playful compositions.

His works have been displayed in numerous international exhibitions, including Musashino Art University Museum and Library (2021), Brandenburgisches Landesmuseum für Moderne Kuns, Frankfurt/Oder (2020), Museum der bildenden Künste, Leipzig (2019), Museum Abtei Liesborn, Liesborn (2018), Angerlehner Museum, Thalheim (2017), Hudson Valley Center for Contemporary Art, Peekskill, New York (2015), Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf Frühstück im Freien (2013), Seongnam Art Center, Seoul (2012), Art hall, Budapest (2008), European Biennial of Contemporary Art, Trentino (2008), Frye Art Museum, Seattle / Salt Lake Art Center, Salt Lake City / Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art, Kansas City (2007). His artworks have been collected by MoMA, Migros Museum, Essl Museum, Rubell Family Collection, Saatchi Collection, The Olbricht Collection and Weserburg, Museum fur moderne Kunst.

(L)Christoph RUCKHÄBERLE | Untitled | Oil on canvas | 120 x 180 cm | 2021 (D)Christoph RUCKHÄBERLE | Untitled | Oil on canvas | 120 x 180 cm | 2021 (R)Christoph RUCKHÄBERLE | Untitled | Oil on canvas | 120 x 180 cm | 2021

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