UNIT 1 http://www.haikudeck.com/p/D6bUIW6tdn/communication
A. CULTURE 1. REFLECT: What is culture to you? Give your definition of culture.
2. WATCH/THINK/DISCUSS: Video: Culture. Definition of Culture. Watch the video and compare your definition of culture with the given definitions . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8pbmbfeoHs 3. EXPLORE: Definitions of Culture. Analyse the definitions and find out what dimensions of culture are mentioned.Use Dictionary Links. Culture Oxford dictionary
Culture Longman English Dictionary Online
Culture MerriamWebster Online
Culture Dictionary.com
Culture Free Online Dictionary
B. COMMUNICATION 1. REFLECT: What is communication to you? Give your definition of communication.
2. WATCH/THINK/DISCUSS: Video: What is Communication? Watch the video and compare your definition of communication with the definition given. http://youtu.be/k33k1rtrqTY
3. EXPLORE: Definitions of Communication (use Dictionary Links). Analyse the definitions and find out what elements and levels of communication are mentioned.
C. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 1. REFLECT: What is intercultural communication to you? Give your definition of intercultural communication.
2.. WATCH/THINK/DISCUSS: Video: What is Intercultural Communication? Watch the video and compare your definition of communication with the definition given.
3. EXPLORE: Mindmapping. Capture and organize your ideas on intercultural communication with Popplet: http://popplet.com/
KEY LANGUAGE. Use the words in situations of your own. Add other useful expressions and share them with others.
COMMUNICATION. CULTURE. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Words and phrases cultural literacy to communicate a message communication channels societal / institutional / group / interpersonal / intrapersonal communication cultural diversity to be influenced by cultural perspective formal / informal communication to navigate across cultural landscapes timekeeping to undertake a journey of understanding other cultures to develop cultural intelligence to communicate confidently
Use the words in situations of your own
LISTENING: Who on Earth are we? Part 1. Listen to the audio.
http://www.bbc.co.uk/mediaselector/check/worldservice/learningenglish/meta/dps/2008/04/080501_tae _whoonearth_01?size=au&bgc=003399&lang=enws&nbram=1&nbwm=1&bbram=1&bbwm=1 Comprehension questions: 1) What happens when communication breaks down? 2) Why was the UN established? 3) What was the proclamation of the year 2001 devoted to? 4) Do we see the world in the same way? Give examples. 5) What is needed to make intercultural communication more efficient?
CRITICAL THINKING / PROBLEM SOLVING: Choose one of the links given and analyse the culture column in a newspaper/magazine/site. What aspects of culture are covered? What layers of culture are depicted there? Why?
http://www.bbc.com/culture http://www.economist.com/culture http://www.theguardian.com/uk/culture http://www.cbc.ca/gsa/?q=culture
CREATING A VIRTUAL LIBRARY: Explore online resources on intercultural communication and share it with others. 1. Name of Web resource and URL (Web address) of the resource. 2. Describe the Web resource. 3. Explain why this resource would be useful in your learning. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tpra76589svCU518YoohQ3ECqAvFMYvr1YtSWRAa90/edit ?usp=sharing