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Introduction America - the United States - 2018 - it is important that people do not get moving down the confused tunnel known as vapid patriotism. We are not a free people. The Constitution has been rendered a Debt Contract, and we as a people have been subdued to a lowly state of quantifiable equity, able to output a quantifiable amout of labor over a statistically average lifetime, giving over a portion of our wages to the leviathan system known as the hegemonic church-state. Many hide behind the Constitution, speaking to rights they can’t begin to define, nor defend. This sort of scoundrel patriotism has been with us from the beginning and when an American realizes the true nature of our degraded nation-state, they will begin to see the first 13 Amendments as a machine where all the cogs have to spin equally efficiently and any degradation of any one cog brings a degradation to our whole society. In this pamphlet, I’ve outlined how the cogs have been wrenched so that a specific and severe form of entropy creeps into our society. Knowing the historic path to the current state is only a portion of the battle - finding a means to act once you understand the degree and breadth that our collective apathy has brought upon our doorstep in squandered resources and endless suffering is the much larger and more important war. Its my hope that in reading about the amendments and how they never had a chance to function as the framers intended, that you become a true American, capable to see that every man, woman, and child is equal in their standing upon birth, we are all popes, and there is nothing that can render me subordinate, only death, or a willfull suspension of rights, we write our own edicts, papal bulls, and charters.

The rockets red flair, the bombs bursting in air, and all the through the night, people were blighted to the reality that “America” would never be the same again, nor reflect the egalitarian ideals that were penned into existence by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison on behalf of many contributors. From the beginning of the 1800’s onward, the quick spiral inward and downward towards occulted kleptocracy for America was highly contrasted with it’s physical expansion outwards and economically upwards. How did we manage to connect “Sea to Shining Sea” with the additional massive resource land-mass, Alaska? What an amazing triumph to have your capitol burned but auspiciously gain the global trade ports and massive land resources contained within the “Louisiana Purchase”! What could have possibly been traded for such a veneer of wealth and abundance? America traded it’s sovereignty - which is to say, it’s right to govern itself. It is not an independent nation, ruling itself and creating internal policy and external diplomacy that reflects it’s vast and diverse population - but instead, exemplifies a kleptocratic prefecture of a larger corporatized inter-network of factions (governments, churches, non-governmental organizations) that make up the contemporary Holy See, and the New Holy Roman Empire. Columbia, as America is not-so-secretly referred to is the prefecture that pertains to military force, technological exportation, and the engineering of thought and opinion through the use of technology and entropy-inducing subversion of communication platforms. A quid pro quo for being allowed the veneer of maintaining the “more perfect union of states” was an incorporation of the human and

natural resources as maritime freight, that can only be transported, not moved, and can only be commerced, not traded or bartered, and only commerced between “registered parties” and not between common living men and women with no incorporated status. The “NATURE OF OUR WAYS” was subverted, by decree, to a lower realm of existence, one that is timelessly referred to as “BABYLON”. The US Govt does not create rights, only preserves them - yet the pluralistic governmental system was modified to subdue even the most basic and plain-to-see rights and bring to bear a much older and tyrannical system of rule, that of the system of Maritime Admiralty Law. This modification, brought the system of mercantilism onto land, and rendered all living breathing men and women as chattel goods, that have a calculate-able shelf life and a define-able means for which they require transportation, insurance, identification and port of origin/entry papers, known as manifests. The change was noticeable only by those who were charged with executing the modifications in the three branches of government - each with their own protocols for exerting power/influence. The rate of de-evolution from vibrant family of colonial powers, to degenerative tribalism and exploitation of natural resources was tremendous but the American history books tell a different story and latch on to a phony notion that the War of 1812 somehow had a “victorious outcome for Americans” instead of portraying the reality that going into 1811, two major themes were pressing the Americans for a 2nd Revolution: annexation and ownership of British North America and the passing of the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution - the TONA or Titles of Nobility Amendment that would have effectively barred any man or woman from U.S. citizenship, and

thus the ability to serve in government, if they have been honoured with any title from a foreign agency. This would have included all agents of the British Accredited Registry, or BAR. In England, these agents are referred to as Barristers. In America, these agents are generally, but not always referred to as Lawyers, and sometimes Esquires. These pressing themes became secondary, and then altogetherforgotten in the collective hearts of Americans as the propaganda of the three major oligarchies worked in concert to frenzy the American colonies into a war. Impressment of sailors, recruiting of first nation people into militia-formations for use as agitators and catalysts for escalated violence in the American colonial frontier lands, and being forced into economic alliance with Napoleon and his inbred continental system. The Spanish Bourbons, the British Carlo Magnos, and the Florencian Families of the Genoese House of Buonaparte all conspired to incorporate the Babylonian system of Maritime Admiralty Law under the jurisdiction of the Vatican System known as the Holy See (Sea) for the expansion and preservation of authority of the New Holy Roman Empire. The seats of power became District of Columbia, City of London, and Vatican City and can be confirmed by their prominently displayed public phallic symbols known as “Obelisks�, known as MonU-Ments. As you may already have come to understand, each oligarchy was given it’s personal domain within the new jurisdiction of Columbia and can be seen in retrospect through the patterns of historical contribution to human suffering that America has been engaged

in. The Bourbons were offered a new continent from which to religious-ize and inculcate. The Carlo Magnos were given domain over the currency and resource extraction, and the Florencian House of Genoese collaborated in the currency and banking fraud, and further engineered the flow of raw resources towards the expansion of brutalistic power, through militarized means, to the hands of the black nobility that maintains it’s bloodline and influence for the continuation of the Babylonian Priest Doctrine. The prominent feature of this Babylonian Doctrine is it’s brutalistic treatment of humans, animals, and natural resources and the requirement that anyone who rises to power within the complex be completely devoid of empathetic capacity for the plight of others. The rise of the Corporation of United States of America’s power is coupled with the rise of the central banking complex and a quick and obvious degradation of the natural systems of the earth; coupled also with a global population explosion. Two World Wars, two atomic bombs, and an expansion of the globally internetworked petroeconomy has anchored the Columbian prefecture, with it’s sister prefectures of London City and Vatican City as the tripartite complex that makes up the New Republic of Scion - the obvious evolution of from the year of 1800 and beyond as a 225 year program of doctrine gets employed, nothing new, just transmogrified to fit the “group mind” of the current age set families of people who have incarnated presently on earth. The executive branch of government has been occupied by incumbents that originates their pedigree from this same tripartite family of interbred kleptocrats and the nature of our republic has been reduced to a political hegelian dialectic that creates an illusion

of ideological factions that in true observation have no actual contrast between them, only the veneer of difference and a huge system of dramatization. All but one USPOTUS has been blood related to King John “Lackland” Plantaganet of England who reigned from 1199 to 1216 and was among the signers of the Magna Carta in 1215 and received his name “Lackland” for losing the Duchy of Normandy to King Philip II of France. He is the villain that is depicted in the Robin Hood Tales and is the very lynchpin that maintains the bloodline relationship between Columbia and the Old Holy Roman Empire. The New Republic of Scion is neither a republic, nor a new system. Its extremely old in fact, just retro-fitted to utilize the petroleum, computers, and communication that is available today. If you have suspected something in your American history classes and books was missing, misrepresented or just outright maliciously miss-portrayed, you suspected correctly. The scope of the plan, and the length of time for it’s execution spans the distance of many generations of humans, and control over information is tantamount to the Spanish and their continued inquisition on free thought and self determination. The church, the banks, the barons, and the inbred network of families that nepotistically maintain their priestclass hegemonic rule over the many land masses of the world, the prefecture of Columbia reigns as the military wing that acts as the global sledgehammer that aligns opposition to the Babylonian Doctrine known as Scionism, or Priory de Scion, or historically referenced as “Mystery Babylon”. The doctrine is most easily identifiable in it’s necessity to identify and quantify and compartmentalize. It is also identifiable in it’s need to commit resources to the sustaining of it’s own system -

whether sacrificing humans to war on specific dates, or sacrificing human working hours to a system of arbitrary resource scarcity, or implementing a system of currency terrorism that utilizes inflation, the debasement of savings, which literally defines enslavement, there is nothing pluralistic or egalitarian about Mystery Babylon, it only supplies a veneer of equality. It’s most identifiable characteristic of the Babylonian system is it’s need to prominently display public symbols that announce their deities for the masses to misinterpret. The system creates a potpourri of symbolism that sources ideologies and pantheons from various historic civilizations - freemasonry has shown to use the exact same system of “allegorical re-use”. The State of The Church of The Columbian Priory de Scion is extremely healthy and as you see, with the unilateral support the United States of America being given to the creation of a Israeli Jerusalem, you will begin to notice that the current phase for our prefecture of the Holy See is to begin consolidation of resources for the enfoldment to the world of the Temple of the Children of Solomon, also known as the Temple of Solomon - which you can find a pre-built replica in Sao Paulo Brazil, inaugurated on July 31st, 2014. (many other replicas can be found around the world) Columbia, the North American prefecture of the Holy See has countless Temple replicas and have some of the most prominently displayed and luxuriously engineered sites, including the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Grand Temple and the various Grand Temples within the Latter Day Saint Complex. The tremendous feat of understanding for non-familiar Americans and laymen around the world, is that within this “Temple Complex” that makes up “Mystery Babylon” and uses “The Temple Bar”

to execute it’s Priest-Class System of societal castigation, is to understand clearly and succinctly, that this whole system has nothing to do with Jewishness, nor Judiasm, and uses a sophisticated system of obstructionism and co-conspiracy to prolong it’s capacity to maintain influence and hegemony. Central to this occult castigation is religion and thought and identity control - and this leads us to the 2nd half of this pamphlet - the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution under Babylonian Jurisdiction. Lets review the Bill of Rights with a new lens. A lens that allows us to understand how the inbred families of Europe used it to wipe their collective asses following the negotiations inside United Netherlands, at Ghent - a place that was politically different than Antwerp, and Brussels and a historic link to the old Holy Roman Empire - that of the Frankish French-speaking Florencian Bankers of the Medici Complex - and home to the incorporated system of maritime admiralty code and mercantilism - the anglo-saxon families that maintained strict control over the tight narrows of the Scandinavian channels that connect the Baltics to the Atlantic Ocean and the trade that the world ran on, through them. No object under the sun was excluded from the system of mercantilism that came to be enforced by the maritime kingdoms of Northern Europe; if it moved, it was a for-profit transaction for someone within this maritime complex - and through the use of this Babylonian Management System, the whole of the Asian Continent was subjugated and the mass importation of goods from the Silk Road were rendered chattel to the Babylonian Priesthood that has existed since the Temple of Solomon. Lets continue‌..

Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution: The first clause in this section prevents Congress from passing any law that would restrict the importation of slaves into the United States prior to 1808. Congress could however, levy a per capita duty of up to ten Spanish milled dollars for each slave imported into the country. This clause was further entrenched into the Constitution by Article V, where it is explicitly shielded from constitutional amendment prior to 1808. On March 2, 1807, Congress approved legislation prohibiting the importation of slaves into the United States, which went into effect January 1, 1808, the first day permitted by the Constitution. The Title of Nobility Clause prohibits Congress from granting any title of nobility. In addition, it specifies that no civil officer may accept, without the consent of Congress, any gift, payment, office or title from a foreign ruler or state. Emoluments were a profound concern of the Founders. However, a U.S. citizen may receive foreign office before or after their period of public service.

Amendment 1 of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. The U.S. Navy has subdued the private domain of Americans through the use of communication technology and has abridged this right to free and private speech, private association and congregation. Edward Snowden, showed the world, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the internet has been subdued for the enrichment of Mystery Babylon.

Amendment 2 of the U.S. Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The judicial branch, through enforcement of laws of prohibition, have usurped this right. Furthermore, the department of interior, and department of education has inculcated Americans to assume that the word “militia” represents a governmental apparatus, and not something fully appropriated and volunteered by the populous and that each American has the same unique responsibility to maintain their volunteerism to the militia, else the republic lose it’s capacity to stand up for the ideals of common fecundity. A “militia of one” is required before someone can volunteer themselves to a larger militia system - maintaining Arms, and the capacity to bear Arms is a core ingredient to a healthy republic and is a core component to the Babylonian System to inculcate people to “give up arms” in place of protection from the nanny state. Disarmament is historically a stage in all authoritarian protocols.

Amendment 3 of the U.S. Constitution: No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. The Department of Treasury, after being re-housed under the Department of the Navy is responsible for the subjugation of all working Americans. The theft known as the “income tax” is a very obvious claim to right, by the Mystery Babylon Complex to the garnishment of income on the whole populace of the Columbian Prefecture. The era of central banking is overlapped by the era of perpetual war, there is no randomness to this fact and if Americans were sent a “bill of laden” that outlines the specific “items of war” that their specific “war reparations” contribute to, they would likely boycott the whole system and put an end to the “war for oil” schemes that have engendered the 20th and 21st centuries. With a perceived necessity to pay a portion of their income to the church-state, the inhabitants of the Columbian Prefecture help maintain the churchstate to maintain a system of fear and scarcity to necessitate the military industrial system. A portion of every soldier is impressed inside a portion of the homes of each person who pays their income tax dutifully. Impressment lives on to this day in 2018.

Amendment 4 of the U.S. Constitution: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. This right was subdued by the Judicial Branch of Government when it began abridging the principles required to define DUE PROCESS. Further, the system of “presumption of innocence” is discarded for a criminal code system that allows for the spector of legislation to be substituted for a standing accuser, or victim. Lastly, within Due Process, the system of criminality has evolved to lack the distinction of NO MENS REA. The concept of “Guilty Mind” has been negated from the structure of DUE PROCESS that requires that an act can only be culpable, if a person, place, or puppy is harmed, and the accused party can be proven to contain within them, a guilty mind for their actions to be charged as criminal. This abridgement of Due Process has lead to the Patriot Act and a huge governmental apparatus that is tasked with creating criminals ceaselessly for the private prison complex.

Amendment 5 of the U.S. Constitution: No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. This right was subdued by a joint resolution of the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Branch of government rendering the system of Due Process forever Abridged. The enforcement of codes of prohibition have created a system of “moral majority” that has inculcated people to use their perceived position of power to abridge the rights of their fellow humans through the de-based power of the democratic system of the hegelian dialectic. Due Process of law has to incorporate a “jury of peers” which can never be realized in a case where a prohibitory law is being enforced. Morality cannot be legislated and people cannot stand 1+1+1+1+1 with each other and assume they live in a society that preserves equality and self determination. To create true egalitarianism and common fecundity, we must stand 1x1x1x1x1 so that we may maintain a unity of common good. You are not a criminal, unless there is a victim. No person knows how another person should live. When a jury is formulated to enforce a moralistic doctrine, all participants in the human race lose to ignorance.

Amendment 6 of the U.S. Constitution: In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. This inalienable right was abridged much in the same way as the 5th Amendment and can be observed to have much to do with the missing victim within the American Judicial System, and the lack of defining a guilty intent to harm a person, place, or puppy, by prosecutorial agents of the judicial system. The abridgement of this Amendment has led to a “Kangaroo Court” system that has plenty of judges acting as juries, and plenty of prosecuted criminals who were never faced with an accuser, and were informed of a law, and the accusation that they created a “victim of society” through breaking that law, which is misuse of the definition of evidence, and leads to the “Spector of Evidence” that is central to all religious indoctrinations. Participants of the court, are “dramatists” creating a “Theater of Justice” that creates just enough realism for everyone to remain apathetic to the drama court’s subjugation of natural human rights and continued participation in theatrical dramatization of justice.

Amendment 7 of the U.S. Constitution: In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Common Law was thrown out the window the moment that Color of Law was Instituted with the revision to Due Process and it’s historical and crucial requirement for a victim and guilty mind of the accused to render their act culpable. The enforcement of prohibitory laws debases the system of Due Process and creates a platform of Civil Code to be enforced in the place of Common Law. The seriousness of this infraction can begin to be understood with the example of the speeding ticket. No ticket is less than 20 dollars and every American knows that they would be let off of their ticket if they could have a jury of peers to try their case - as they did not have a guilty mind when traveling the speed they were charged with “driving”. Under Due Process, the jury would consist of people who would also lack guilty mind traveling in the same fashion and would be remiss to attempt to convict a person based on simply traveling, not harming anyone. The same scenario can be attributed to cannabis convictions and other situations concerning a prohibition of an activity that lacks a definitive victim.

Amendment 8 of the U.S. Constitution: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. This inalienable right was cut off at the knees when framers of the constitution maintained that states had the right to define their unique system of morality concerning indentured servitude. Slavery was and is obviously a cruel and unusual punishment and created an immediate schism within the tapestry of the Bill of Rights. This Amendment, although pure in its intention, was a mirage of idealism from the very start. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison likely debated whether this clause should be written fluidly into the Declaration of Independence and followed up with a clause that extends the pursuit of freedom, health, and happiness to every sentient being on the face of the earth. It deserves placement in both documents and as we can see in retrospect, allowing for the creation of fiat currency and a central banking complex to manage it, is the surest means to become a surf on your own property. “Excessive Cost of Living” is a central principle to the panopticon known as “Fractional Reserve Lending” and “Inflationary Economic Usury”. The Babylonian Priesthood has made an art at commodifying anything tangible, including meta-assets that consist of 1’s and 0’s on a hard drive that aren’t physically tangible.

Amendment 9 of the U.S. Constitution: The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. This Amendment is a skeleton key and detonation point for the whole lattice known as the Bill of Rights. When this amendment is abridged, the whole system is corroded and the system known as “Checks and Balances” has no more means to enforce it’s capacity. If this Amendment is ignored by any of the three branches of government, when creating a new law, then a detonation of other Amendments is likely to occur and a quick recidivism is realized as the entropy of tribalism, brutalism, and corporatism (fascism) is inflicted upon the masses. Taking the speeding ticket as an example of subjugation of the Babylonian System, a ticket is issued to you, whereas hundreds, if not thousands of people in cars will speed past the same geographical location with no repercussions. This inability to universally enforce a doctrine, automatically prohibits the doctrine from becoming law, due to this 9th Amendment detonation point for legislation. You can compare it’s function to that of white blood cells within the immune system of the human body. If the endogenous immune system renders threatening a certain foreign organism (new proposed legislation that abridges other laws, or the rights retained by individuals), it will rush to the organism and attempt to destroy it so that it cannot spread to any other internal systems. The executive is tasked with never signing a bill that does not conform to the skeleton key, and the judicial keepers are tasked with striking down any signed laws that accidentally get passed by the executive. The legislative branch is tasked with only writing laws that conform to the bill of rights, and formulating a basis of equality

in all new potential laws - they should never hold vote on laws that do not preserve the fundamental rights sanctified by the previous 8 Amendments of our Founding Document.

Amendment 10 of the U.S. Constitution: The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. The 10th Amendment is the “Guide Wire” for the Detonation aspect of the 9th Amendment. If wired correctly, the Bill of Rights is a Self Corrective Mirror System that Allows a Critical Thinking Human to Perceive potential social contracts (bills/laws) through a lens that either identifies them as extending “more freedom” or “abridging already identified liberties” that have been specifically delegated to their respective ruling bodies, or that of the people, if no body can lay domain to the “powers”. A republic is unique in that it serves the will of the people who maintain their participation in the republic. The free-will association is a necessary component to any mature, or responsible society. This free-will determinism has been abridged with the creation of the Social Security Administration, and the “Born-Into-Identity” that is thrust upon newborn Americans men get a mutilated phallus, a mark of militant indentured servitude - and a serial number and a “certificate of birth” which is a common maritime document to assist in the shipping manifest of chattel goods.

Amendment 11 of the U.S. Constitution: The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State. The 11th Amendment, although worded straightforwardly, was abridged when the Judicial Branch of Government allowed the8th, 9th and 10th Amendments (the GuideWire and Detonation Point for a Bill) to be abridged with the incorporation of the Department of Transportation and it’s corporatized system of licensure and criminal code. Americans are free to travel by birthright and no system or code can be created to abridge this capacity to move from place to place unhindered. A system of forced identification also cannot be enforced for any reason, be it for voting, servitude into legion (selective service), or for the licensure to act in any capacity. Babylonian Templar Doctrine literally subjugates all actions, and objects under the sun to a ledger of value and identification based on their system of language, known as “LEGALESE”. This system is tasked with a very simple purpose, to perpetuate the perception of scarcity and fear. This fear keeps people from questioning the doctrine, and amassing collective pro-active attitudes towards correcting these large-scale injustices.

Amendment 12 of the U.S. Constitution: The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;-The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;-The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President-The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President; a

quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. The 12th Amendment of the Constitution was abridged when the Electoral College was created and the Legislative Branch was allowed to have entrenched placeholders for indefinite amount of time - with no term restrictions. Further, as central banking became the economic engine of the American landscape, private funding of elections, and the evolution of the corporate campaign donor quickly eroded any equality in the American Electoral System. “SuperPACs” as they are referred to today, are the contemporary engendering of the Babylonian System of reducing everyone to vote-less plebeians through the exaltation of the corporation to a position of campaign financier. This Amendment worked in Tangent with the later 13th Amendment, signed by the Bar Agent Lincoln. The other problem America faced with the passing of this “mirage amendment” is that it excluded women, slaves, and first nation people from equal protection under the law - which is a fundamental aspect of any society that is attempting to preserve equality as a fundamental principle from which to gain “consent of the governed” within a true republic. “Non-Consent” is the same as “Succession” and in the original system of birth within America, a natural born citizen could defect at any moment by simply removing their consent to be governed. With the combination of the Twelve Amendment and usage of the 13th Amendment and a treacherous use of “Martial Law”, Bar Agent Lincoln created a system of incorporated servitude for all Americans - and an occulted deep state that incorporated the totality of natural resources, and humans and their labor between the

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans under the Maritime Admiralty Doctrine enslaving everyone, including Animals and any natural resources that can be extracted. Succession however cannot be realized any longer within the current American Society due to the fact that basic rights have been abridged - namely the right to travel freely, communicate privately, and associate freely with whom you wish through trade, barter, or un-affiliated mercantilism. Without the threat of succession by individuals, or groups of people, the Church-State of the Babylonian Mystery Priesthood has no reason to act in kindness, or limit their abuse of power. Total capacity to weld power absolutely has been realized by the Holy See/Sea.

Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. The 13th Amendment is a “Mirage Clause” that ties with the 12th Amendment to help Americans feel empowered in their participation in the doctrine of the Columbian Militarized Enslavement Project. Lincoln, killed under Martial Law, was the first of only two presidents who attempted to create a currency outside of the central banking complex’s domain. The only other president to attempt this was John F. Kennedy. Lincoln was tasked with enslaving everyone in order to preserve the Union and erode the system of succession through the use of force. The Civil War was a byproduct

of a failed campaign for independence, and as two highly contested topics came to maturation: that of the Titles of Nobility Clause as a U.S. Constitutional Amendment, and where the domain of the Chartering of Banks and currency falls - to the state governance, to the people, or to the federal governance. This contention around banks and currency was central to the founding of the republic and argued and debated hotly at every stage in the manifestation of the founding documents. The domain of the people was left enshrined, as the constitution had no language that delegated the powers of the chartering of currency systems and financial systems. The emancipation of humans, under Lincoln’s Amendment did nothing to preserve freedom or extend liberty to anyone - and simply created a system of incorporation into the Maritime Admiralty System that creates entropy at every fractal of the social system - federal, state, county, township, and local. Lincoln imposed martial law, suspending habeas corpus throughout the entire United States, which quickly led to the abridgement of Due Process and the checks and balances that benefit the people wherein the legislative branch and/or executive branch could work in collusion to abridge the rights of the people. Sept 1863 was wen martial law was authorized, and Lincoln was assassinated in May of 1865; there were no less than three proclamations declaring the end of insurrection made during the following Johnson Presidency. No reference is made to the original 13th Amendment, referred to as the “TONA� (titles of nobility amendment) which was passed in 1819 at the latest, and passed in 1811 at the earliest - but swept under the rug by historians, policy makers, and agents of the Babylonian Priesthood under the Temple Bar, known as Bar Agents. The amount of life lost, and resources squandered is unfathomable

when you realize that American Libertarians came extremely close to creating an Amendment to the Constitution that excludes the lowest ranking members of the Vatican Babylonian Kleptocracy - that of the Temple Bar Agents who take the favour of accreditation and title from the British Accredited Registry (BAR) that is centralized in the City of London, the Atlantic Prefecture tasked with registration and organization of resources and the housing of wealth and peerage system that sustains it. If you are familiar with peerage or not, it’s the systematic process of proclaiming birthright to a domain, based on the title or nobility of a deceased relative and is what rules your life, and the vast resources contained on and within the earth. The Society of Cincinnati sealed the fate of the Columbian Prefecture and it’s resources for the express racketeering by future generations of offspring of the Society Founders - and rendered “goyim” the rest of the American human landscape who did not have a bloodline connection to the Priori de Scion and it’s Babylonian Priesthood that has rendered western civilization a patron to the Church-State of Babylonian Pope. If you can read this, you are a POPE! Take back your kingdom! THE END





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