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".....the modern theory of the perpetuation of debt has drenched the earth with blood, and crushed its inhabitants under burdens ever accumulating." THOMAS JEFFERSON

^=== In the above image, one can regard the brutal nakedness and wretched disregard for common good. It does perfectly well to symbolize the American cultural status quo where selfishness and callous disregard is acceptable within the context of “capitalism and progress�. Institutional narcissism has been an ongoing challenge for humans - these are all men - all armed. Combate de Hombres Desnudos Antonio Pollaiuolo Louvre

^=== In the above image, one can regard the re-creation of two very primary human memetics (memes) the ocean, in the style of Hokusai and the familiar sailing ship of the pirate bay bit-torrent community of file sharers. JFK exclaimed that it is to the ocean that we are tied, and when we go back to it, we are going back to whence we came. In this same sense, i welcome everyone to share this publication via torrent, and fly the banner of human cooperation and good-will, may the wind be at your back.





A time has come for Americans, and all humans, to understand that the maturation of civilizations follow a common theme; this theme has stages, and the current stage we have found ourselves in, in 2017, is that of apathy. This apathy is created by many admixtures of outside forces but has been generationally transferred and as a person born in 1980, I have only walked upon the earth for a short time - yet the country I belong to has been perpetually at war my whole life. I questioned the necessity of this tyrannical perpetuation from early on, but at 37, I question it even more strongly today. The American empire was not originally part of “the plan�; we have deviated from what was originally drawn up as a continental union of states that joins its resources to maintain a strong inter-network of diverse communities, diverse economies, and inter-related activities of common-interest and common fecundity. Currently, the state of the union is very poor. Divisionary forces have wreaked havoc on the American tapestry, and although we live in relative material comfort, among technologies that create convenience, we have alienated ourselves from the natural relationship between cause and effect. From the soil, everything else comes. The means of production is the most vital resource to a civilization and within America, respecting its status quo of nepotistic subversion of institutional and social systems, we have realized a brutalistic society that condones any means to arrive at any ends. The apathy for which we are tasked with to ignore this reality is daunting - yet material comfort and a steady supply of propaganda that triggers internal fear responses keeps the populace entranced. Please let this publication be one of many resources we can apply towards our resurrection as a civilization. All is not lost, and all that is good, is quite well at hand.


part I AM-ER-RI-KA - THE STATUS QUO TWO THOUSAND SEVENTEEN: sta•tus quo ˌstādəs ˈkwō/noun noun: status quo; noun: statusquo the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. “they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo” Origin Latin, literally ‘the state in which.’


Collective Recidivism Collective – from many individuals Recidivism – repeating undesirable behaviors after having experienced negative consequences previously noun: the activity of a collective society to take actions deemed self-subversive, even after having experienced the negative consequences of the exact action previously collectively deciding something is a good idea, even if history shows otherwise “the American citizenry has been programmed to want instant solutions, and instant wealth, their bankers provide both”




em•pa•thy ˈempəTHē noun: empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Origin early 20th century: from Greek empatheia (from em- ‘in’ + pathos ‘feeling’)


ˈtapəstrē noun: tapestry; plural noun: tapestries a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering. used in reference to an intricate or complex combination of things or sequence of events. “a tapestry of cultures, races, and customs”


COMPASSIONATE SYSTEMS REGARD ABUNDANCE, NOT SCARCITY: “We live in a very scary time. Or should I say we don’t live at all.” Madonna “We live in an age of artificial scarcity, maintained by ignorance and fear.” Robert Anton Wilson “The scarcity of years does not necessitate lack of wisdom.” James Clavell “Most realized folks are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise.” Uknown


“Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization. Peter Kropotkin “Individually we are but one drop, but together we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro “Farming is not a job, it’s a way of life.” Uknown











Two Thousand Seventeen - The Status Quo of Am-Er-Ri-Ka


sta•tus quo ˌstādəs ˈkwō/noun noun: status quo; noun: statusquo the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. “they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo” Origin Latin, literally ‘the state in which.’

^=== In the above image, one can regard the federalist, corporatist nature of the mid-late 19th century (1800’s) that was symbolized by the “railroading” of American land owners and tenant farmers. Agrarian communities, isolated and challenged with plummeting prices for crop commodities found themselves up against deep pocketed industrialists and railroad barons. Compare this to the current status quo parallel where deep pocketed corporate lobbyist groups “legalize” cannabis under pretenses of “taxing and redistributing”. This is an insidious tendency of American culture for corporate interests help “grow the state”.

<=== In the image left, one can regard the federalist malfeasance involved in the federal courts allowing railroad barons to deprive agrarian communities of their right to farm the land they live on with equal protection of profit and access to markets. Price fixing for shipment of raw agricultural products to markets and nepotistic relationships to granaries and commodity markets in cities by railroad corporations left farmers with a tremendous challenge of monopolistic, hegemonic over-lording of fascistic interests. Notice how the smoke from the stack has “judicial famine” and the club on the left has “capital” written on it. This is a clear indication that the courts did not do (due process) their jobs in checking the balance of the legislative and executive branches that allowed the railroad and industrial barons to lobby (which is to say, buy) their interests into policy/law. Money seems to play a part in every American paradigm and point of conflict. Apply this to the current parallel of the drug war, lobbied into effect by numerous industrial barons and industry interests. We have a famine of not only judicial prudence, but of ethical and logical prudence as well. Distortion reigns, yet still.


Two Thousand Seventeen - The Status Quo of Am-Er-Ri-Ka sta•tus quo ˌstādəs ˈkwō/noun noun: status quo; noun: statusquo the existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues. “they have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo” Origin Latin, literally ‘the state in which.’

In 2017, Americans are finally coming into conscious contact with the visceral feeling of discontent. The sort of loathing that sits down inside your lower abdomen. The kind of fear that comes from 240 years of de-evolution in America (140 if you’re a salivating optimist). This type, is the type of generational degradation that comes incarnation after incarnation and gets handed off like a torch and now here in this current era, Americans are finally having the waking of slumber within the smelling salt experience that occurs when a deeply seeded injustice needs cultural correction. This smell is the scent of our own burning flesh and not smelling salts at all. We finally understand the seriousness of our collective degraded state – this cultural correction can be nothing less than a peaceful revolution of human self-understanding, and collective relationship. Edward Snowden must have been profoundly troubled by the fact that Americans acted on nothing after integrating his revelations into their reality. His loathing must have been a preamble for the kind that each American is now feeling in their guts – this is gut-check time. The cultural correction is catalyzed by injustice at the hand of governing institutions. The newfound obviousness of the incestuous relationship between man-made institutions that should remain autonomous, even sovereign is beginning to spur common citizens, common people to wake up and begin to blame the federalism and hegemonic over-reach of the governments around the world, finding that all manners of inalienable rights have been usurped through clever language and word schemes. Primary to the scheme to subvert what should be sovereign man made institutions within our current-era is the partnership between religion and government. These two longstanding bedfellows have recently become incestuously co-enabling in America - the separation between church and state is being programmatically dissolved. Institutional human injustice has been with us all along, but it’s the severe cognitive dissonance that arrives within the body/mind when common citizens embrace the severity to which the government exerts terroristic acts and the length and breadth to which terrorism has occurred both abroad as well as domestically. Americans, among other civilizations of our current era are required to come to the understanding that we have been a self-sabotaging species since day one, fumbling in ignorance and fighting over what we perceive to be scarce resources at every stage of our existence. Racism, ethnic bigotry, geocentricism, separatism, exclusionism, superiorism are all distortions of the

human psyche that religions and governments have cultivated in humans to be a controllable mechanism for eliciting a wide-scale cultural “cause and effect” that furthers the control agenda and makes people emotionally vulnerable through fear. Polarization of identity politics and the over identification of emotions and the excuse that everyone has been gifted - to project their traumas outward towards “something”, or “someone” is the “parlance of our times” and we are living through a highly degraded, hyper-connected phase of society where victimhood and instant results, instant satisfaction is the normalcy. Americans aren’t taught what “ad hominem” means and so they can’t be cognizant of when they are engaging in ad hominem behavior and identity politics. The polarization of the landscape is a natural result of people becoming triggered through fear and anger; these are two low vibratory states that will render useless people’s ability to assess cause and effect accurately. While triggered, people choose to use pre-packaged responses and fall prey to subversive social schemes and programs. Social media, TV, news, and popular culture are all programmatically schemed so that people can both escape reality, as well as systematically adopt a seemingly new prepackaged scheme (triggering mechanism) that is fabricated for them, without consciously understanding the process in the least.

“Constructive fraud” : A contract or act, which, not originating in evil design and contrivance to perpetuate a positive fraud or injury upon other persons, yet, by its necessary tendency to deceive or mislead them, or to violate a public or private confidence, or to impair or injure public interest, is deemed equally reprehensible with positive fraud, and therefore is prohibited by law, ... “ Bovier’s law dictionary - 1856 edition “fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments.” I.e. Documents, constitutions, court decisions….. U.S. vs. Throck Morton, 98 U.S. 61 1. The united states went “bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by president Roosevelt by executive orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, (see: senate report 93-549, pages 187 & 594) under the “trading with the enemy act” (sixty-fifth congress, sess. I, chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12 U.S.C.A. 95a. 2. The several states of the union then pledged the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the national government, and formed numerous committees, such as the “council of state governments”, “social security administration”, etc., to purportedly deal with the contrived economic “emergency” caused by the bankruptcy. These organizations operated under the “declaration of interdependence” of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in “book of the states.” Note: the council of state governments has now been absorbed into such things as the “national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws”, whose headquarters office is located at 676 north St. Clair Street, suite 1700, Chicago, Illinois 60611, and “all” being “members of the bar”, and operating under a different “constitution and by-laws” has promulgated, lobbied for, passed, adjudicated and ordered the implementation and execution of their purported statutory provisions, to “help implement international treaties of the united states or where world uniformity would be desirable.” (See: 1990/1991 reference book, national council of commissioners on uniform state laws, pg. 2) This is apparently what Robert Bork meant when he wrote “we are governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” (See: the tempting of America, Robert H. Bork, pg. 130) 3. In view of Robert H. Bork’s statement, it is more than worthy of note that there is an “original” 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution called the “title of nobility” amendment that reads: “if any citizen of the united states shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the united states, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.”

4. In January, 1810, Senator Philip reed of Maryland proposed the “title of nobility” amendment (history of congress, proceedings of the senate, p. 529-530). On April 27, 1810, the senate voted to pass this 13th Amendment by a vote of 26 to 1; the house resolved in the affirmative 87 to 3; and the resolve was sent to the states for ratification: by Dec. 10, 1812, twelve of the required thirteen states had ratified as follows: Maryland, Dec. 25, 1810; Kentucky, Jan. 31, 1811; Ohio, Jan. 31, 1811; Delaware, Feb. 2, 1811; Pennsylvania, Feb. 6, 1811; New Jersey, Feb. 13, 1811; Vermont, Oct. 24, 1811; Tennessee, nov. 21, 1811; Georgia, Dec. 13, 1811; North Carolina, Dec. 23, 1811; Massachusetts, Feb. 27, 1812; New Hampshire, Dec. 10, 1812. Before a thirteenth state could ratify, the war of 1812 broke out and interrupted this very rapid move for ratification. On May 13, 1813, the state of Connecticut failed to ratify this original 13th amendment, leaving it to Virginia to be the required 13th state to ratify. Virginia ratified with the march 12, 1819 publication of the laws of Virginia. Connecticut then published it in four separate editions of “the public statute laws of the state of Connecticut” as a part of the U.S. constitution in 1821, 1824, 1835 and 1839. Then, without record or explanation, it mysteriously disappeared from subsequent editions prior to the civil war between the states. However, printing by a legislature is prima facie evidence of ratification, and it has been found to have been printed as part of the constitution by many of the other states until after the civil war and into the reconstruction period - when it mysteriously disappeared from all subsequent printings, the last official publication found being the 1876 laws of the territory of Wyoming fronts page, Amendment 13. 5. The reorganization of the bankruptcy is located in title 5 of United States Codes annotated. The “explanation” at the beginning of 5 U.S.C.A. is most informative reading. The “secretary of treasury” was appointed as the “receiver” in bankruptcy. (see: reorganization plan no. 26, 5 u.s.c.a. 903, public law 94-564, legislative history, pg. 5967) since a bankrupt loses control over his business, this appointment to the “office of receiver” in bankruptcy had to have been made by the “creditors” who are “foreign powers or principals”. 6. The united states as corporator, (22 U.S.C.A. 286e, et seq.) And “state” (c.r.s. 24-36- 104, c.r.s. 24-60-1301(h)) had declared “insolvency.” (See: 26 i.r.c. 165(g)(1), u.c.c. 1-201(23), c.r.s. 39-22--103.5, Westfall vs. Braley, 10 Ohio 188, 75 am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 S.W. 2d 911; Ward vs. Smith, 7 wall. 447) a permanent state of “emergency” was instituted, formed and erected within the union through the contrivance, fraud and avarice of the international financial institutions, organizations, corporations and associations, including the federal reserve, their “fiscal and depository agent” -- whose member banks are “privately owned corporations”. 22 U.S.C.A. 286d 7. The government, by becoming a corporator, (see: 22 U.S.C.A. 286e) lays down its sovereignty and takes on that of a private citizen. It can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter. (see: The Bank of The United States vs. Planters Bank of Georgia, 6 l. Ed. (9 Wheat) 244, U.S. vs. Burr, 309 U.S. 242) the real party in interest is not the de jure “United States of America” or “state”, but “the bank” and “the fund.” (22 U.S.C.A. 286, et seq., c.r.s. 11-60103) the acts committed under fraud, force and seizures are many times done under “letters of marque and reprisal” i.e. “recapture.” (See: 31 U.S.C.A. 5323)

The bankruptcy has never ended! More on this subject is included in the appendix of this pamphlet.

The Turning Tide

Collective Recidivism Collective – from many individuals Recidivism – repeating undesirable behaviors after having experienced negative consequences previously noun: the activity of a collective society to take actions deemed self-subversive, even after having experienced the negative consequences of the exact action previously collectively deciding something is a good idea, even if history shows otherwise “the American citizenry has been programmed to want instant solutions, and instant wealth, their bankers provide both”

<=== In the image left, a regard for the person standing has to be immediately felt. They are a farmer, and the people who have “laid down” for the railroad fascistic robber barons and railroad tycoons are all featured under the tracks already. Thomas Jefferson wrote about the un-corruptible capacity of the farmer - that people that are the means of production are not quickly given to “schemes” and their Self Agency allows them to remain sovereign, given they are able to own the land they are producing from and can exercise Self Determination in regards to what is cultivated. This image from the mid 1800’s shows us here in 2017, that nothing has changed in terms of the fascistic relationship between industry and government. The railroad barons were given preferential treatment, blighting an already economically impoverished agricultural base within the southern and western USA. Today, we might say the same thing about “tax and legalize” supporters, as well as prohibitionist supporters. Both schemes allow the nepotistic relationship between cartel industries and the government to flourish. Farming should be emancipated outright, as an inalienable right, gained at birth. Many argued the constitutionality of the railroad barons’ ability to “land grab” and parallel today, we argue that the controlled substances act allows pharma, prison cartels as well as their brethren state agencies to profit, expand, and conduct rackets in total discord of several constitutional principles.

The Turning Tide

Collective Recidivism Collective – from many individuals Recidivism – repeating undesirable behaviors after having experienced negative consequences previously noun: the activity of a collective society to take actions deemed self-subversive, even after having experienced the negative consequences of the exact action previously collectively deciding something is a good idea, even if history shows otherwise “the American citizenry has been programmed to want instant solutions, and instant wealth, their bankers provide both”

With the “status quo 2017” description of degradation and de-evolution, there is still several reasons to be massively optimistic that the human species is also going through a collective awakening that can be attributed to entheogenic adaptation and realization of one’s own participation in narcissism and co-dependence. Humans, not surprisingly, are beginning to construct social systems that reflect the same. The inner is like the outer and the above is like the below. It’s a simple concept that takes as long as it needs to be realized, both on an individual basis, but also on a collective scale. Once the internal identity is shifted, the world around it has to follow. Plant partners of all kinds are ready and waiting to assist humans through their self-realization. Cannabis just happens to be one of them – and happens to be the first of many that we will embrace to help us build more empathetic, and more novel systems among our species. One of the major aspects of the cannabis awakening is that we as humans have a built-in receptor system that we, and all mammals, evolved with over the course of hundreds of thousands of years, and this system has a modulating effect on many if not all the other endogenous systems that keep us in good health and impact the gross and subtle switches within our physiology. The acknowledgement of the receptor system, by science, is on par with the discovery of the “cell”, discovery of the “atom” and discovery of “living biome” theories of understanding between natural systems of soil, air, water minerals and fauna/flora that make up our world. It literally cannot be understated how grotesquely we’ve misidentified our surroundings and their inter-relationship, due to our grotesque ignoring of partner plants and the entheogenic experience of the human psyche. This “explosion of realization” regarding the end-cannabinoid receptor system and its implications is so substantial, that it literally makes people feel differently about themselves immediately – the humans that feel the hugeness of the implication – even if the brain can’t fathom what it all means. The idea that a plant is historically partnered with us, to create a greater quality of life in countless ways, in a world that is harsh, hard, difficult, unforgiving, and completely relentlessly crushing to the human spirit, human body, and to our collective evolution because of individual and collective self-sabotage; this realization makes people feel empowered, responsible, capable, and self-ordained – that is to say self-agented. #selfagency is a unique tag we use to designate the infinite concept within spiritualism that comes from most all religions and native traditions, that we are created equal, and maintain free will. Reliance on, and responsibility for the self is the first step in maintaining an integrated lifestyle that values #mindfulness and the idea that collective health or distortion is dependent on individual success or failure and taking agency for ourselves is the fundamental key to #selflove and a positive contribution to the collective. Spiritual and emotional autonomy is the basis for any healthy and ethical society and we are collectively making the shift towards greater individual #selfagency – through which #entheogens help cultivate.

This explosion of realization, because it re-configures people’s relationship to themselves, it also changes their relationship to the world, and their relationships to other humans, and to animals, and to plants. This is loosely referred to as “a human renaissance” and we are in nothing short of an “entheogenic renaissance” where humans are steadily discovering the benefits of cannabis, and from there, become open to further exploration of their psyche through other partner plants such as mushrooms, DMT, salvia and the countless list of others that will need to be rediscovered from having decimated native civilizations and their shaman lineages but will be found through higher aspect’s coalescence with those of the living who are true of spirit and intention. What was lost, was never really lost at all. Statistically speaking, cannabis has a growing adoption rate among humans that is not rivaled by anything else on the planet within the natural world – perhaps the internet is in the same domain of broad adoption but this is a broad comparison. A long dark period of religion, and government - both architectures made by man, to lord over their fellow man are becoming identified as the sources of entropy and dissatisfaction, not to mention outright suffering, horrible violence, sexual abuse, and the outright sacrifice of human life through perpetual war. As these identifications continue to be made by people, they make the choice to stop supporting them and can “cage themselves” so that systems can crumble through de-participation. Most all of our subversive systems are supported by choice - government, religion, vapid excess consumption….all things the individual controls 100% of their participation in. The tide is coming back in, and the waters of self-realization that come with entheogenic partnership makes it so that continued participation in emotionally compromising systems is not acceptable in any way shape or form. As soon as religions and governments are seen by individuals as succubus as well as fear and suffering factories, the next moment they decide to de-participate and the beginning stages of building human social systems that have integrated humanity can be begun. Humans by nature, want to help each other. This can be seen unequivocally in the purity of children and their built in empathy for others. The meek shall inherit the earth, and the child-like nature that is born within everyone can find a safe place to express itself and be a part of the fabric of being human, being vulnerable, and being among other humans who you know have your safety and protection at heart. This is a fundamental realization of the entheogenic experience - that we are all wounded children coping as best we can in a harsh world that has been subverted to make people lose their childlike empathy for everything around them. Cannabis and other entheogens are doing their part to rebuild humanistic capacity for empathy towards ourselves, so that we may begin to radiate it out into the world.

New Human Organization That Represents Empathy em•pa•thy ˈempəTHē noun: empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Origin early 20th century: from Greek empatheia (from em- ‘in’ + pathos ‘feeling’)

<=== In the image left, a regard for the contrast between the health and vigor of the two birds of prey that represent our nation. This change from fit and capable to run-down and bedraggled happened extremely quickly in the time referenced in the image. American history is a mash of boom and bust bubbles and severe outcomes that have come at the result of constitutional parity not being implemented as we matured as a nation. The monarchies found a way to usurp the checks and balances and the “justice” that was supposed to be infused into the judicial branch of government has been devoid for a long time going backwards from 2017. The image right corroborates this truism that the judicial branch is a famine of justice, as we lack equality societally.

New Human Organization That Represents Empathy em•pa•thy ˈempəTHē noun: empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Origin early 20th century: from Greek empatheia (from em- ‘in’ + pathos ‘feeling’)

In America, capitalism reigns supreme and the free-market principles that enable the highly motivated, the highly entrepreneurial, and highly industrial have allowed us to become one of the most powerful human civilizations in the history of the human species. This unfortunately is coupled with a serious immaturity and devolved sense of self - by the collective culture as well as by individuals within the culture. America is a country of entitled narcissists who are fed exceptionalism and nationalism from a very young age so as to mal-adapt them to evolving into a flourishing adult that can make decisions with clarity and reason. The scientific method, tied to dogmatic religiosity and nationalism has created a sickening amalgamation of entitled humans, who feel that wealth and power equate to capability and that capability can be demonstrated through changing nature, creating wealth from nothing, killing people because you can, and taking land and resources because you can. We are the most scientifically advanced civilization on the face of the earth and yet we suffer from a collective immaturity that represents itself in how we ignore our sick, our elderly, and denigrate veterans and drug addicts instead of helping them. Science and religion are distortedly intertwined in America and it is a vast entheogenic adoption by the populace that will erode our generations of programming and deceitful propaganda that build identities around traumatic experiences. When trauma begins to be collectively integrated, we will wake up to the subversion and wake up to our participation in the subversion - wake up literally to the reality that we are doing it to ourselves and to each other. No fingers can be pointed outward that aren’t first pointed inward. Responsibility within all of this, is collective, but individual first. When empathy for oneself is established, the outer world has to begin to reflect this, its natural law. This happening on a collective scale will force our social systems into chaos and re-organization. People who see this coming are working to have systems ready for people to utilize that can mitigate the suffering and loss that will surely occur in the “flux” that will be a part of our human entheogenic renaissance. Part of this re-organization, will be that of America’s realization that we’ve carved up our reality into artificially separated systems. This separation was part of our understanding of reality at the time, but with a new understanding of unity, comes social systems that reflect this understanding. Unity and synergy are a constant factor in nature, it’s always attempting to correct itself and find higher levels of both novelty, but also coherence and unity. This is something that is very deeply felt within humans during the entheogenic experience. This unconditional love that we feel, is the same force working behind all events to create

cooperation and unity and synergy and the ongoing quest for greater novelty. Many great sages refer to this as the “cosmic giggle� that humans get to snap glimpses of, and have some small inkling of an understanding that our realities are nothing more than fun chemical and physical reactions taking place and nothing is good or bad other than our own relationship towards the hugeness of it all, that we both have a part to play, as well as a complete insignificance within it. 2017 is beginning to show that humans are willing to see the artificiality of our current paradigm and are on the verge of de-participating in it. When this happens, new systems will be required immediately and the re-creation process can start in earnest.

The Points within the Tapestry tap•es•try ˈtapəstrē noun: tapestry; plural noun: tapestries a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering. used in reference to an intricate or complex combination of things or sequence of events. “a tapestry of cultures, races, and customs”

===> In the image right, a “before and after contrast is drawn on each side. The farmers started out standing tall, with his chest out, lots of crops behind him, chin up. The photo on the right shows a farmer looking at a foreclosure sign. The chart in the middle shows literally the decline of crop commodity pricing as the railroad barons created market inequity and ongoing stagflation. <=== In the image left, the labor party flavoring of the defining of the capitalistic caste system within society is shown. The populist ideology is symbolized at the bottom enjoining the “common worker” with the “agrarian/farmer”. The barons and merchants ride just above them, next is the police and military, above them is the judge, priest, and teacher, above them is the banker, monarch, and politician, and at the top of the capitalist pyramid, is the sack of “capital”. How do you see 2017’s societal tapestry? Do you see much difference? Guess what - the bottom is gone! We have no farmers, no manufacturers since we enrolled into the supra-national bodies that dictate our contrived corporatized culture.

The Points within the Tapestry tap•es•try ˈtapəstrē noun: tapestry; plural noun: tapestries a piece of thick textile fabric with pictures or designs formed by weaving colored weft threads or by embroidering on canvas, used as a wall hanging or furniture covering. used in reference to an intricate or complex combination of things or sequence of events. “a tapestry of cultures, races, and customs”

Humans, because of cannabis, are continually realizing the ways and means that the institutions are corroborating against individualism and self-expression as well as self-awareness and has for time immemorial, subverted human’s connection with themselves - distorting all connections with the outside world by relationship. The tapestry of the human status quo of the timeline that is defined from the European renaissance to the current day, is a tapestry markedly imbalanced by the longstanding institutions of suffering that we know to be the church, but has extended to its current-day machination - the government, and now supragovernment. Wasting of resources and subversion of truth, and the deliberate polarization of people’s relationships with themselves and with each other is the modus operandi of the self-sabotage that is inherent in the human condition. In short, we are wired to be manipulated, and through manipulation, we live our lives having very little understanding of self-awareness and how it relates to manifestation. This causes the type of suffering that the individual doesn’t even become aware is unnecessary and the continuation over generations is possible - people teach each other to be powerless. All states of consciousness are contagious! The major points within our tapestry are as follows: Social + political systems: government - church - clubs - sports - associations Financial systems - economic systems, banks, markets, commerce systems, speculation systems, usury, fiat currency, supply-side theory, capitalism, socialism, communism Industrial systems - farms, factories, corporations, non-profits, government programs, multi-national government programs, non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) Many of the points of the tapestry fit in several categories however the tapestry’s points are far separated from each other and this separation is a facet of entropy and disorder. Our realization that integrated systems are reflecting of our integrated nature, and that we can utilize our capacity to be helpful to one another far more completely, if we cease and desist all artificial separation between cause and effect and supply and demand – the impersonalization of consumption has made us impersonalized with ourselves. Shortening the distance between the nodes will help dredge the separation out of our society that creates division and polarity and distorts the relationship humans have to cause and effect. When people realize

how manifestation operates and that they themselves can choose succinctly what they manifest, so long as they are not emotionally compromised and compensating 100% of the time they are awake and moving about in the world, a macro-reduction in the compensatory factors of our society as whole will have huge ripple effects overnight and people can begin to be good to each other immediately. Many of our human systems have been centralized, others have been de-centralized so that a system could be perpetuated that lets some humans lord over others, restricting access to resources, and restricting access to the very things that will give people a sense of self, a sense of comfort, and a sense of being important within a woven drama of human existence that is made up of countless points of connection within a tapestry. This systematic alienation will be acknowledged and new systems will be immediately built to reflect the new self-awareness, the new sovereign relationships that are defined by mutual cooperative self-agency. Entheogens are partners with humans, and offer partnership in realizing this new value system every step of the way. Compassion, empathy, sympathy, inter-relatedness are all qualities that are lacking in our current paradigm and it’s the shortening of the nodes within our cultural and societal tapestry that will allow us to build and utilize systems that have these qualities integrated from the start and respect human dignity.




X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. ^=== In the image above, the tenth amendment was surely looked at as a main pillar of “checks and balances”. It gave the judicial branch the ability to serve justice towards any agents within the federal government that attempted to exercise powers not granted specifically. The tenth amendment, which makes explicit the idea that the federal government is limited to only the powers granted in the constitution, has been declared to be a truism by the Supreme Court. In United States v. Sprague (1931) the Supreme Court asserted that the amendment “added nothing to the [constitution] as originally ratified.” States and local governments have occasionally attempted to assert exemption from various federal regulations, especially in the areas of labor and environmental controls, using the tenth amendment as a basis for their claim. An often-repeated quote, from United States v. Darby lumber, 312 U.S. 100, 124 (1941), reads as follows: The amendment states but a truism that all is retained which has not been surrendered. There is nothing in the history of its adoption to suggest that it was more than declaratory of the relationship between the national and state governments as it had been established by the constitution before the amendment or that its purpose was other than to allay fears that the new national government might seek to exercise powers not granted, and that the states might not be able to exercise fully their reserved powers.

"The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."

Thomas Jefferson

In the image at right, a farmer is holding both his rifle and his spade. This combination was favored by the colonial founders who understood that selfdetermination had much to do with owning your own land as well as being able to cultivate what you please, in the way you please, is critical to self-agency and true personal liberty that comes from sovereignty. The farmer’s hat shows the rattlesnake that Benjamin franklin said signifies the species of animal that does not strike first, but only defends itself when endangered, pestered, or given sustained aggressive treatment. The farmer’s bibs feature the dove, the symbol of peace on earth and a general rule of all agrarian people, “live and let live”. Rural, agricultural life can be highly connected, highly educated, and be every bit a part of the cultural and political processes of the American tapestry. No universalizing force has been able Successfully keep the rural, farming Family intact, able to afford a Family, property to cultivate, and The equipment needed to remain Competitive with corporate agri-business And large scale, mass production farms. With the use of technological systems, implemented with constitutional and humanistic parity by private citizens, owned by the same, and broadened across all civilian geographies within rural, suburban and urban cultural centers, Americans can follow t. Jefferson’s words. Currency is ours to take back, immediately, without any regard to state governments or exchange commissions.

Civil asset forfeiture scheme/entrapment

is clearly an affront to due process rights and property rights.

Shamefully, the exact number of seizures and just what happens to this money and property is not known, because police agencies are not required to report their activity to the state in a comprehensive or uniform manner. However, it is clear from media reports and court records that law enforcement abuses individuals. In 2012, the brown county drug task force arrested a man on drug charges. They told his mother to bring his bail in cash, even though cash is not required for bail. When the family arrived at the jail, the officers brought out a drug sniffing dog, who alerted on the cash which had only just been withdrawn from ATMs and the bank. The officers seized the $7,500, and only after the family was able to get an attorney did they get their funds back.

"By incentivizing forfeiture, civil forfeiture policies encourage policing for profit rather than the pursuit of justice." General Common Sense Americans

Civil forfeiture is a “gold mine” “now think about this, this is a gold mine, a gold mine. You can seize a house, not a vehicle. They seize the house, and it goes on to say that there’s no judiciary involved.” --- Harry s. “Pete” Connelly, Jr. “Toys” for police “It’s usually based on a need - well, i take that back. There’s some limitations on it.....actually, there’s not really on the forfeiture stuff. We just usually base it on something that would be nice to have that we can’t get in the budget, for instance. We try not to use it for things that we need to depend on because we need to have those purchased. It’s kind of like pennies from heaven--it gets you a toy or something that you need is the way that we typically look at it to be perfectly honest. --Kenneth m. Burton, Columbia, mo., police chief “Don’t ruin forfeiture for all of us” An Arizona prosecuting attorneys advisory council training presentation cautioned against succumbing to the temptation to “just start seizing everything in sight.” Such behavior could “screw things up” and “ruin forfeitures for all of us”.

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks‌will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered‌. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." --Thomas Jefferson in the debate over the re-charter of the bank bill (1809)

"It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking". -- Dr. Ron Paul 1992

"The natural tendency of the state is inflation." --Murray Rothbard "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments." --Friedrich Hayek

"Invest in inflation. It is the only thing going up." -- Will Rogers



The American landscape has been injected with a longstanding scourge - the opium that gets trafficked through clandestine markets, as well as corporate medical markets will be looked back upon as one of the most inhumane segments of American domestic and international policy. The graphic left shows a patient taking effort to shut off the light in front of the nurse. This is meant to show the blight that is induced with narcotic-based reactive and palliative medicine of western society. Narcotic scourge is a longstanding issue in our culture and has been a direct result of widespread cannabinoid deficiency due to demonization of THC Tetrahydrocannabinol. Cannabis, and its many organic compounds have a specific and general beneficial effect on narcotic, nicotine, and other substances addiction. CBD - Cannabidiol has the capacity to modulate the very same receptors that opiates do, the cb1 receptors found in the brain and central nervous system. Jeff Sessions, the most recent Anslinger racist proto-type poster-child, the justice department, and the war on drugs is a direct racketeering campaign to maintain industries of longstanding oppression, environmental degradation, and thought control. The endo-cannabinoid receptor system is the scientific revelation that backs up the philosophical precept that all that nature makes available to humans is natural, and all that is natural is an inalienable right restricting activity that has no criminal intent is the definition of tribal war, brutalism, and inhumanity. Cannabis deserves to be emancipated, not persecuted. This makes Att. Gen. Sessions a tool of the greatest proportions - ignoring truth to prolong a known distortion. Google patents 6630507 to see why.

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Compassionate Systems Regard Abundance, not Scarcity “We live in a very scary time. Or should I say we don’t live at all.” Madonna “We live in an age of artificial scarcity, maintained by ignorance and fear.” Robert Anton Wilson “The scarcity of years does not necessitate lack of wisdom.” James Clavell “Most realized folks are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise.” Uknown

^=== In the image above, the cannabi-culturalist and entheogenic partner, the farmer, contemplates how the American landscape could be redefined by adhering to the tenth amendment principles as well as the original thirteenth amendment that was ratified in 1819. Self-agency, sovereignty and selfdetermination were true principles of the enlightenment period, but the judicial branch was not able to remain for justice, the legislative branch was not able to remain for the public, the executive branch was not able to remain a servant to the constitution.

WHAT IS MY ACTION STEP NOW THAT i HAVE A MORE FULL GRASP ON HOW I PERPETUATE SCARCITY-BASED-SYSTEMS? Apathy can no longer exist once you have a grasp on how our consumption identities are intertwined with the continuation of the fiat monetary bubble, the economic expansion at all costs and hazards, and a human paradigm defined by our ingenuity applied to militarize everything in existence. You simply want to act, in concert, with others who have the same understanding of “false identity” being construed by unconstitutional institutions to bring down the system entirely. Here’s the list of action items that will make the most amount of peaceful change with the least amount of investment of resources, energy, least chance for violence peaceful eroding of the false systems is the task at’s how you do it....... 1. Take out credit with all available options and opportunities and purchase grow equipment from your local grow shop A. Patronize local grow businesses that use organic materials and locally and ethically sourced inventory including organic soils, nutrients, and fertilizer. B. Patronize local seed banks and local clone farmers 2. Change name on utilities and communications accounts A. Jack Herer, Thomas Paine, Andrew Hamilton, Henry Anslinger B. Offer social security no. 420-42-1972 3.Exchange petro-dollars for gold, silver, and crypto- currency. Remove all finances from banks of national and international origin that are not being used for number 1. A. Enroll in credit union in locality B. Remove all activity from visa/mc/amex 4. Refrain from all consumer activity - consuming only necessities related to food, shelter, cleanliness, and artistic creation. Stop buying “things”. 5. Withdrawal from employment-related income tax and educational tuition parity - do not pay 6. Withdrawal from military and overseas military dependent employment including government contracting and private mercenary work 7. Shop through all local consumer portals and local coops. Cease consumer/shopping activity - only food necessities - do not enter the public commercial zones for any reason.

8. Break no existing laws against property or health. Do not impede the gesticulations and activities of those that reside in consumer-identity A. Project yourselves only in the form of public art or public display of artistic expression, charity, or common good. 9. Offer extreme compassion + helpfulness to seniors, vets, disabled, and children. Create campaigns to Bring needed resources to people living in abject poverty 10. Treat animals as companion sentients and not as property or commodities A. Consume animal protein that has been raised and processed in a humane and ethical manner in your local geography 11. Stop attending religious meetings, faith based socials, pre-existing fraternal groups and create your own group that acknowledges the spiritual use of cannabis. 12. Write on all currency bills “in cannabis we trust” 13. Wash all currency bills in alcohol that has been brined with resin and chlorophyll of plant excess after processing the plants for your own use A. Dry and follow previous step 14. Stop buying all alcoholic beverages that are brewed outside your geography and not considered micro- distillers or micro-brewers A. Create geo-centric community distilleries that create pure organic 191-200 proof ethyl for using to wash cannabis oils from plants at a low cost i. Create community use “reclaim units” that can boil off alcohol while condensing it again for re-use

15. Cease all activity related to:

A. Silicon Valley i. Bring engineering and mfg. of technology products back to U.S.A. ii. Diversify MICRO-CHIP making industry iii. Diversify OPERATING SYSTEM making industry B. Hollywood/mass media/ passive entertainment/news i. ABSTAIN from TV/movie/gaming consumption ii. ABSTAIN from sporting events and TV spectating C. Las Vegas/gambling/fiat tourism D. Wall Street/finance/speculation i. ABSTAIN from market activity and remove finances from internationally held financial cartels E. Fifth Avenue/fashion/cosmetics/self-image F. Energy i. Petro oil ii. Fracking iii. Industrial additive ethanol iv. Auto industry v. Shipping/logistics G. Mining/excavation H. Any activity related to precious stones or metals

Compassionate Systems Regard Abundance, not Scarcity “We live in a very scary time. Or should I say we don’t live at all.” Madonna “We live in an age of artificial scarcity, maintained by ignorance and fear.” Robert Anton Wilson “The scarcity of years does not necessitate lack of wisdom.” James Clavell “Most realized folks are virtuous because of the scarcity of opportunity to be otherwise.” Uknown

Where do resources come from? How they used? Who gets to profit? Who has to make the decisions around who is plentiful and who is without? This has largely been the realm of politics but under the new entheogenic paradigm, this is artificially polarized and creates immediate identities out of the notion that resources are scarce and some humans always have to suffer and perish so that others can thrive and procreate. People will be connected with that which brings abundance so that systems can be created to manage the abundance instead of managing scarcity. Nobody is entitled to have a perfect life, and the world shows constantly that a perfect life is not what is realistic in any capacity so let’s just agree that life is about mitigating suffering through free will, and selfrealization is what ends all suffering, not death; death is an illusion used to create the notion of scarcity and mortality. Entheogens allow humans to see the relationship we have with ourselves is reflected in the relationships we have with each other, with the earth and with the perceived resources it provides. Abundance is everywhere; it’s just our relationship with ourselves that inflects abundance on our manifestation. (or lack thereof as in the current paradigm) Self-agency is a massive factor within self-awareness and people immediately realize that our social systems have been created to serve co-dependence instead of self-agency - this is reflected in the food and medicine systems in America - food is ignored as medicine and medicine is manufactured in a lab under patent and trademark. Proprietizing health is one of the most artificial and degrading aspects of our society, increasing suffering in ways incalculable. The medicinal nature of entheogens, as well as the whole of the naturopathic world initiates humans into the world of self-agency, and people see the inherent quality of life increase that is realized when one takes self-agency for their happiness, health, and participations within life. This realization bleeds over into every facet of life and co-dependent relationships become far more difficult to sustain with this new

understanding of cooperation, self-determination, self-awareness, and manifestation. People will want their social systems to reflect this self-agency as well and the medical, media, and financial systems will meld together to formulate social systems that function like a government but outwardly look more like a cooperative. People will “opt-in� to participatory systems that we felt were mandatory in our current paradigm of separateness and entropy. Our sense of liberty will be required within these new systems, as self-agency can only occur when liberty is realized. No one can affront their own self-reliant nature when they can’t even see that they are dependent to begin with. Entheogens force us to observe our co-dependent relationships, whether we take action on these observations is a factor of free will and fortitude of the human spirit, which is individual to each and every human. The unique nature each human brings to its drama of selfrealization is the tapestry of the human collective spirit and is only as diverse as the collective human spirit is liberated. We live in a very non-diverse paradigm, but entheogens are helping to increase liberation, increase novelty, increase diversity.

Cooperative Self Agency “Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization.” Peter Kropotkin “Individually we are but one drop, but together we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro “Farming is not a job, it’s a way of life.” Uknown

“In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus caritas” “In necessary things unity, in doubtful things liberty, in all things kindness” ^=== The quote above is to be regarded in tangent with the curation of images to the left - as well as with the quotes given at before the imagery. The free-masonic fraternalistic tapestry has been woven into the founding of our country and even though the history of our founding, our revolution, our civil war, and the many major pivotal points in history have been shrouded and misconstrued to current-day citizens, it can still be accounted, that fraternity has been a core-aspect of the American landscape since oppression was felt within the colonies at the hand of the british monarchy. Government was necessary then, and is the necessary unity that is required in the current human paradigm and it is up to the sovereign to stand by the inalienable principles enumerated in the founding documents so that future generations can have a chance at self-determination. Apathy and brutality go hand-in-hand when observing the downfall of a civilization. The amount of suffering that is potentiated when vast amounts of resources are being funneled into weaponization programs and secretive black budget programs is uncountable. The people allow this by not creating a legislative branch that is accountable to the constituency. In the image top-left, the document shown is an encrypted public document given out at the time of the founding to show that the inner-circle of Washington was more-or-less 100% mason - that the top military resources had all been initiated into the fraternal system for which Washington was a member and a leader. This sent a loud and clear message to the monarchy that any attempt to penetrate the brotherhood created within the American fraternal order would be both noticed, and routed espionage would not be easy, and it would not be received with an ounce of compassion. The image top-right is a cartoon circulated in the colonies at a very early time when farmers in colonies in specific areas were feeling the tremendous economic pressure of merchant schemes around currency and lead a revolt against european merchants, tax collectors, sheriffs, lawyers, and courts. “Shay’s rebellion” is a fantastic flash-point in history that lead to major catalytic events within the founding - and should be recounted by all 2017 sovereign Americans. The imagery middle to bottom denotes the symbolism that currency is “lifeblood” of civilization and when it is manipulated, a core-distortion is echoed out upon all layers of society. If a 2nd amendment is allowed to protect a tenth amendment, and partner plants of all kinds are implemented into a societal plan to inter-weave cooperative self-agency into the resources that are deemed “critical to human quality of life”. Privacy is at the core of liberty, privacy is at the core of self-determination and with the shovels encircled within a leaf-pattern coming from the cannabis-leaf - a symbolic reference is being made to show that even with a couple of shovels, a small village can have a chance at sustaining itself through a famine with the help of cannabis. The last images are a historic reference to the fact that Americans have tried numerous times to mint their own currency, to take the lifeblood and energetic transfer among people, self-agent it.

Cooperative Self Agency “Competition is the law of the jungle, but cooperation is the law of civilization. Peter Kropotkin “Individually we are but one drop, but together we are an ocean.” Ryunosuke Satoro “Farming is not a job, it’s a way of life.” Uknown

Finance and industry have taken over production. Production is the most important factor or facet of any given system and with regards to a society, culture, country, or civilization - controlling production allows you to control everything. The subversive nature of our status quo in 2017 is that banking and finance has historically controlled business and industry and through this control, total control is welded over all vital systems regarding humans and the earth. Thomas Jefferson elucidated that farmers were the least apt to be bamboozled by Babylon’s language schemes and systems for deceit and subversiveness. This was because they were closest to the means of production and understood first hand that quality of life was directly related to the quality of relationship you have with the earth. Abundance comes with right relationship and farmers are always the first link in the food chain that keeps our civilization fed, happy. Thomas Jefferson knew that monarchies and churches are bedfellows and American commerce and mercantilism would be quickly enveloped by the massively rich powers of Europe. The shipping companies and mercenary organizations that were made unfathomably rich through relationships with the monarchies were the exact entities Thomas Jefferson knew would pressure America into rendering its vast resources into a scheme. Jefferson made the insinuation that farmers were far more steadfast to corruption and would maintain ownership and control of their own destiny, and maintain direct stakeholding while urban industries were swept up by industrial barons. Jefferson understood that giving away the means of production will have entropy-laden effects on the whole system of civilization and that nothing can be overcome if the farmers are convinced to be a part of scheme. This scheme is referred to as “big-Ag” or “big agriculture”. This is the same scheme as “big timber”, “big petro”, “big Pharma”, “big cotton”, “big cattle”, “big dairy” that has sabotaged our ability to manage resources and manage the deleterious effect these highly artificial systems have on the environment and on us as a species. Big Ag had to come first and if you are historically cognizant of America’s de-evolution - you understand this came at the hand of the civil war and through reconstruction efforts of the south and through expansion efforts of the railroads and the industrial barons that inevitably follow railroad barons. If you are cognizant of history, you know that “big currency” had to be instituted for big-Ag to have any bearing in reality. The civil war was about currency and sovereignty and if we can see that a fiat currency system is

needed for all artificial systems to seem acceptable, we can begin to de-participate in a system that has been devised and implemented over a long period of time and over several stages. The north really did win the war, but really, the monarchies won a bigger victory in that corporatizing and monopolizing the means of production will help monopolize every aspect of our society. Everything comes from our connectivity to the land. Once the disconnect with the land is complete, many distortions can be perpetrated on humans. We are not able to be aware of our oppressor without this connection to the earth, to the land, and circuits for intuitive capacity are shorted. This is the story of the industrial revolution and the vast urbanization that came at the hand of many factors that were catalyzed by the financial banking and industrial barons that include the great depression, the dust bowl, the various petro draughts, and the stagflation that has been a constant facet of any American born after JFK was removed from power. Nixon, the sycophant figurehead of a clandestine cabal of fixers and crooks sold the manufacturing base to china while we traded our technology for cheap goods and an ever expanding economic ponzi that has only benefitted the so to speak, one percent. This same subversive collusion was not alien to the founders - they experienced the same left-handwashing-the-right within the colonial period where they observed merchants manipulating their ties to the crown. The shipping companies were corrupt - just like corporations and banks are corrupt today. In the colonial period, bringing in the crown’s products, undercut the local markets, and the loyalists living in the colonies were happy to make businesses out of offering the less expensive imported goods. These sellout scabs of the “old country” were referred to as “tories” in colonial days. Today we see the same cooperative hand washing between corporations and governments. Jefferson offered the advice that we should keep a substantial portion of our overall populace within the undertaking of agriculture and husbandry and that land ownership and the working of the land should never be left to those not in ownership of the land. This brings up the term of “yeoman” or “yeoman farmer” which is a term that denoted a person who “worked his own land”. This is contrasting to the term of “planter” or “gentry” that implied that land is owned, but so are slaves and servants to manage things too. Jefferson knew, even though he himself was a land and slave owner until death, that the plantation equates a corporation, and a corporation cannot have the best interests of the individual, nor the sovereignty, the self-agency that is inalienable upon birth. This is where cooperative self-agency begins to take shape in the new paradigm where centralized systems and de-coupled systems are arbitrarily adopted when they are clearly observed to be causing more harm than good. The idea of self-agency can be extended to the collective when a party that has a niche practice or service or good to offer, enters a larger cooperative of humans who have also arrived at a niche practice or service or good. Within society, it is not likely that every single person can create what they need to live a high quality of life. This is where specialization is highly prized as a means to gain capital, for which you can use to enter a marketplace where other humans have chosen to offer their practice, service, or good. This is not a new concept and has many familiarities with a “company store” or “cooperative trust” and much has been written about the british-tradesman-cooperatives that were the first collective bargaining groups, and insider buying clubs that struck out against the monarchies. In even more recent history, after the civil war ravaged the infrastructure of the south and southerners

did not trust northerners to come down and assist in the reconstruction programs that were badly needed - a solution was thought of by people in the north to gain the trust of southerners. Scalawag was the derogatory term for anyone of the south who let a northerner help them in post-war reconstructionist era America – deriding their own was a sure-way to keeping diversity or evolution from occurring. Cooperative self-agency was the solution that was used in the post-civil war era, where-in a prominent freemason named Oliver Kelley travelled through the south and established new chapters, with new initiations, for people within or associated with agricultural undertakings within the southern economy. This new secret society accepted both genders, something freemasonry could not say. The newly established patrons of husbandry chapters offered communication among isolated communities and collective bargaining abilities through organized lobbying on their own behalf. The farmers of America use to make up the majority of the economy, and they will again, if the same cooperative self-agency is undertaken by highly connected (via internet) communities that are highly isolated today, and not even cognizant that horticulture is a birthright as well as a very plainly good idea for the human soul. The connectivity and inter-networking of resources and bartering offered a massive injection to rural life in America at the time of southern reconstruction when polarities were extremely pronounced and racial inequality was at its pinnacle.


In the image at center, the all-seeing-eye that has been popularly associated with “secret societies” or “illuminati” has been juxtaposed to the inflorescence of the cannabis plant as well as the macro-visual of the resin-glands called the trichome that constitutes the valuable resin that the cannabis plant creates in abundance. American history is full of references to this image and it is many times in relation to the pyramid with the missing capstone. This missing capstone denotes the all-pervading energy within everything and is the same essence that is symbolized by the “eye” or reference to the ‘grand architect of the universe” that is the generative force behind all phenomenon. Humans can create a more mature, more reciprocating relationship with their understanding of how this generative energy is applied within manifestation. The missing capstone is “god” but it is the relationship with consciousness that is missing, humans are the bridge between the non-manifest, and the generative energy. Perhaps it is our destiny to see this relationship and to take the next step in our collective evolution in that we do much harm to ourselves, and this selfsabotage reflects in society, the brutalism, the apathy, the violence the co-dependent rivalries being perpetuated over generations.

^=== In the image above, a “societal tapestry” was created by the grange system through the outer boxes and in the center the farmer rests on his plow with the text “i feed you all!” The grange was established to help the agrarian communities throughout the American landscape have access to resources that were only available at the time within cities. This image attempts to say the same thing as Thomas Jefferson and his enlightenment period contemporaries in that the means of production is the most critical layer of civilization but is also the most vulnerable in that the commodities produced have fugibility across wide areas of geography - creating a “predatory”, “brutalistic” dynamic that attempts to racketeer resources from the most critical demographic of people - the farmers. Nothing can flourish without food; no great human endeavor can sustain itself without resources for livelihood. A civilization is only as free as is the most basic farming family. The range of self-determination that the most basic farmer employs in their life is indicative of the range of liberty available across the whole of society. Owning land, cultivating it as you see fit - bringing the fruits of your labor to a market that is free of retarding forces that deteriorate your products’ value, or erode your competitive edge is the fundamental layer of liberty and sovereignty. Economic freedom cannot be claimed when manipulation of currency is a constant factor. Inflationary economics is at the heart of fiat currency and private central financial planning. It is this truism that inspired Thomas Jefferson to be so blatantly in support of public currency.


This pamphlet is less about American history and more of a critique on how to apply readily available resources in a highly attentive manner. Any critique of the present-day is benefitted by drawing upon contexts from history and i would like to draw upon the reconstruction era within the south and bring up that the grange system was the answer to the highly polarized atmosphere in the post-civil war era. The rights of initiation found within the degrees of the grange allowed people to feel as though their minor differences could be overlooked for the greater benefit of cooperation of resources and knowledge cosharing and mutually accepted need for community in rural places. Farmers had pressures coming from many directions and collective action against the many outside interests was fundamental to allowing them any real sense of self-agency within their livelihood. Fraternal bonds were introduced to farmers by freemasons and initiations were offered across all of America as grange chapters were established that finally allowed women to have equal standing to men in the officer-roles of each chapter. The fraternal bond is not geographically based and so a granger can travel to any chapter and find themselves welcomed and at home at any grange hall. Of course this fraternal universalism is a page ripped out of the book of freemasonry and there is no irony in that the grange system also has numerous other overlaps with fraternal societies and not just freemasonry. Grange meetings were conducted like mini-corporate board meetings where officers all attended their “stations” or duties in updating the chapter of the status of their area of focus (station) within the various programs and cooperative collaborations the chapter and its members were involved in. The meetings had a strict structure and were presided over by a specific officer with apt title. Each officer position is succinctly outlined and their duties and deliverables are clear. Each position has a portion of the meeting to communicate their vital data. Also within grange chapter meetings, a general period of airing grievances is offered and members of the chapter can all have a podium to communicate any hardships, oppressions, complaints, or grievances to everyone present. The strict structure to meetings gave everyone appropriate time to communicate their

data points and bring up any pertinent information that would affect the community, their family, their farm, or anything related to the region. People joined for the camaraderie, fraternity, but also for a safety net and a place to come and communicate any abuses from outside entities. Bootstrapped to the community of chapters was a system of pooled resources that helped offer health and life insurance, cooperative resource mercantilism, low interest loans, short term loans, and a large rolodex of businesses that could be trusted within the ancillary network that made up the agrarian economy. Robber barons and middlemen were everywhere attempting to scab off of the producers/farmers/ agrarians and take advantage of the very people who are the most important level of the society. Collective or cooperative self-agency is not a new phenomenon in America, in fact, the whole notion of a country from sea to shining sea as a freemasonic society was the original plan and this “manifest destiny” has been portrayed in many ways throughout American architecture, art, music, and other cultural memes. The secret societies of all types, including freemasonry all contributed to the tapestry of the American landscape and there are many gems that can be harvested from the practice and theory of fraternal orders. Secret societies were needed to rebel against the church/monarchy and have stayed intact to rebel against whatever succeeds the church, which is clearly the banks, governments, and supranational institutions. The difference with the grange was that it was, and is, not secret and everything is published publicly about what the grange does, or is about. The only aspects not public are the initiations and rituals around them - if they were public knowledge, they would lose value to those who come in contact with the mundane as well as profane aspects of the rites. The grange also had and has tremendous equality compared to its predecessor fraternal orders that were essentially “white male only” and did not respect pluralism in the least. The grange improved the standing of women, racial minorities of African Americans and Hispanic agriculturalists, as well as the Italian, Irish and eastern Europeans who found themselves just as alienated in the highly polarized atmosphere of the post-civil-war-era-American south. The grange however is not without prejudices, let me continue.









----v In the composite below, a silhouette been created with the blind scales of justice being held by lady liberty. This should evoke a sense of times gone by when the justice dept. was for maintaining fairness and upholding the constitutional principles that this country was founded upon. “bar stooge” was a common term used to denote a trickster, huckster, or schemester who is involved in the corporations of the big cities. We learn in this pamphlet that the bar is actually a foreign agency and not constitutionally able to hold its societal role in exclusively licensing lawyers to practice law. Bar agents are not citizens, and cannot take posts as attorneys or states-people. We have been affronted our rights.

----v In the image below, an original photo of the location at grange, Texas is redone to show a massive field of cannabis being grown behind. When you are growing more cannabis than you can consume, the seriousness of the charges of intent to distribute get intensified, yet no victim is ever presented within your case. The grange system took up a collective bargaining opportunity to stand up to the railroads and sellout legislators that allowed farmers’ position with the markets to be eroded by barons, merchants, and thieves - and they had almost 10 million members at the height of participation. Imagine today what a fraternal system could do against a judicial branch of government that has far exceeded its tenth amendment jurisdiction. This also happens to be the farm used in “Texas chainsaw massacre� and it is no irony that a chainsaw is exactly what law enforcement uses to cut large cannabis plants when doing a seizure.

SMOKING, dealing and growing POT is ILLEGAL, it is not,

however, UNLAWFUL. The courts are violating our Inalienable, Human, Civil and Constitutional Rights by enforcing an unjust Political Policy known as “PROHIBITION”; the way the courts once enforced an unjust Political Policy known as “JIM CROW”. POT does not meet the FRY STANDARD to be considered a drug. Drugs don’t grow on trees . . . POT is not manufactured. Describing POT as being “manufactured” proves that the affidavit or warrant is defective on its face . . . On April 24, 2015, in Division 25, Shelby County, TN in the State v. THE KINGPIN THORNE PETERS, Possession for Sales of CANNABIS, JUDGE RHONDA HARRIS upheld THE KINGPIN’s ruling to stop calling POT a drug, unless the State could name the person that invented it. HARRIS admonished A.D.A. SARAH POE not to refer to POT as a drug; to call it MARIJUANA and to refer to THE KINGPIN as a “MARIJUANA Dealer” not a “drug dealer.” Quote this as a precedent the next time you hear a cop or prosecutor or sheep refer to POT as a drug. WE are not charged with a CRIME; we are charged with a VICTIMLESS CRIME. Since there is no such word as VICTIMLESS and a CRIME by definition must have a VICTIM then, therefore, ipso facto, a VICTIMLESS CRIME does not exist . . . as we learned with issues of segregation and Interracial Marriage and Homosexuality . . . JIM CROW/ PROHIBITION is unlawfully unconstitutional . . . MOTION to DISMISS . . “NO MENS REA!” (No Guilty Mind.) The State cannot make their Prima Facia case that a CRIME has been committed unless they can prove the Defendant “committed an overt act with the intent to do harm to a person, property.” It’s Latin for “olly olly oxen free!” PLEAD . . . “CONSENT”, as if you were a FREE citizen in a FREE country. If you can plead CONSENT to a rape charge, you can certainly use it for a POT charge. DEMAND that the State uphold your 6th AMENDMENT RIGHT to face your ACCUSER by providing one. HINT: There isn’t one! OUR 14th AMENDMENT RIGHT to DUE PROCESS is being violated, because other courts offer legal remedies to protect citizens from CANNABIS-related charges, ER GO, under the FULL FAITH & CREDIT CLAUSE, each court must uphold the rulings from other States where CANNABIS users are protected from unlawful prosecution. SUBSTANTIVE DUE PROCESS is being violated because the codes against CANNABIS are not supported by law. (See: THE DRED SCOTT DECISION/

BROWN v. BOARD of EDUCATION/ LOVING v. VIRGINIA/ and whatever gave homosexuals the right to marry.) FILE A MOTION for a CLAYTON HEARING to demand that the State drop this baseless charge “IN THE FURTHERANCE OF JUSTICE.” FILE AN AMICUS BRIEF (“Friend of the Court”) Bring in the parents of dying children who could be saved by CANNABIS; or representatives of LAW ENFORCEMENT AGAINST PROHIBITION (L.E.A.P.) that want to uphold the rights of citizens to make consensual personal choices; bring in ecologists to describe the desecration of nature that is created by the loss of HEMP; bring in doctors that will confess that CANNABIS cures cancer; bring in pie charts to expose the racially biased infliction of this Political Policy against POT; remind the courts that every time you lock away a POTHEAD you desecrate the Constitution. Always take your POT bust to jury trial and present your movement to rest the case and dismiss charges as no victim can be presented and no fluid execution of due process can be expected! Do not expect your defense attorney to make this legal argument, because they feed from the shark pool of injustice; it is not in their best interest to kill off their sacred cash cow of PROHIBITION to defend your rights, by calling for an end to the CRIMINALIZATION of FREE citizens and demanding the liberation of our Political Prisoners . . . the lawyers are in business for themselves . . . we are on our own. If the Enemies of FREEDOM wish to wage a war on drugs that includes POTHEADZ make sure that they pay the price until they have to close every last goddamn school to build fucking prisons for CANNABIS Universe. Don’t be a lamb that allows yourself to be led to the slaughter by the sheeple---stand up for your rights in court like an American and make your ancestors proud of you for a change! IF YOU DON’T fight for your rights, your children will be sacrificed to THE EVIL EMPIRE! So use this manifesto to take the law into your own hands when facing THE LEGAL INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX . . . The law is on our side! They have lawyers . . . We have Founding Fathers . . . paper covers rock.



"The Constitution of the United States was made not merely for the generation that then existed, but for posterity, unlimited, undefined, endless, perpetual posterity."


"An oppressed people are authorized whenever they can to rise and break their fetters."





growing cannabis is actually not that difficult

being emancipated while practicing self determined horticulture is the back breaker emancipatehorticulture inalienablenature


geo-armory "A free people ought not only be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government." -George Washington

"To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them." -George Mason

"No freeman shall be disbarred the use of arms." -thomas jefferson

"Ignorant men don't know what good they hold in their hands until they've flung it away." -Sophocles

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not." -Uknown quote

"Firearms are second only to the constitution in importance; they are the peoples' liberty's teeth." -George Washington


geo-armory "today we need...citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of reedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." -John F. Kennedy

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it away." -Thomas Jefferson

"Any society that will give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." -Benjamin Franklin

"I am thus far a quaker, that i would gladly argue with all the world to lay aside the use of arms and settle matters by negotiation, but unless the whole will, the matter ends, and I take up my musket and thank heaven he has put it in my power." -Thomas Paine

"Arms in the hands of the citizens may be used at individual discretion for the defense of the country, the overthrow of tyranny or private self-defense." -John Adams

TAKE A Moment of silence and say thank yo america for the insightful addition of the 2 peace so that all handling of arms

ou to the founders of these united states under 2nd amendment of the constitution. may we seek can be for sport and fitness of our aim.







Cannabis and the Grange In 2016, the Oregon marijuana lawmakers saw to it to subjugate the medical program under the Oregon liquor control. This forces medical growers to participate in the same metric reporting and bar code system that was implemented within the prop91 scheme. For many cannabis cultivators that used the Oregon medical marijuana program as a legal umbrella, this new change was a big red flag to cease and desist all activity and relationship to Oregon health authority. The lack of leadership has been longstanding and with all growers with more than two six plant sites, reporting is being made mandatory to the state, each month on various metrics related to the grow-site. Also, legislation regarding consumption in public was railroaded by the medical lobbying groups. Stupendous loads of money were poured into using the clean air act to prohibit social consumption of “marijuana” and these same groups came forward to preserve their sacred legislation - citing that if you let the cannabis smokers have their way, so then will the hookah, vape box, and meth heads have to have their public consumption too…..and think about the children!! So, effectively, the Oregon legislature orphaned a few hundred thousand growers, consumers, caregivers, patients, and people who like to socialize and recreate. This was not by accident. I saw an immediate problem for the OMMP community in that it cannot get together, it cannot partake of the plant for which we’ve all taken on specific identities to use for our health, and furthermore, cannot have farmers markets and open air swap-meets to help ease the horrible issues with supply and demand and overburdening cost to the consumer by “wreckreational marijuana laws”. So, thinking creatively, I saw a massive opportunity to create a mutually beneficial relationship with the Oregon grange system. The grange has had a steady decrease in its ranks since the late 1800’s and many chapters have less than a handful of members. I phoned the grange master of the state of Oregon and had a conversation around the recent activities of legislators that have had deleterious effects on thousands of Oregonians who are involved in a very obvious agricultural activity. I painted the picture that had been the OMMP and described how “legal marijuana” has degraded the medical program and that with no place to congregate, no place to strategize, no place to fraternize, the individuals within the OMMP have lost their most valuable asset - community. I asked the grange master what the organizations current stance is with cannabis. (knowing already the answer due to having read their manifesto) her response was fairly verbatim from the manual, the grange is not accepting of the usage, horticultural work or husbandry of cannabis and lists it as being a drug that should be avoided in the bylaws. I asked her if there is any capacity for the grange to open its arms to the orphaned community that made up the medical cannabis community within Oregon. Her response was extremely boilerplate, reiterating the policies in their organizations bylaws that prohibit all consumption or agriculture of “marijuana”. I asked if each chapter of the grange had its own sovereignty to make its owns policies around local agriculture in the same way that many chapters in grape-centric bio-regions allow for liquor to be served,

tasted, and dispensed. Her answer is that each chapter has the capacity to make rules that best suit it’s local culture but can risk it’s grange membership if it adopts rules that contradict general grange policy. Chapters can be downgraded by the state assembly if found to be out of compliance. I asked her if the subject of cannabis is being assessed by the state assembly and whether policies concerning such are being put in to question as more and more of our agricultural economy is centered in cannabis and cannabis ancillary activity. I took the opportunity to notify her that cannabis revenue has surpassed wine and christmas tree revenue combined and that Oregon has had very little agriculture in cannabis fiber and baste byproducts – when this portion of cannabis horticulture comes online, it will be a massive portion of the whole cannabis economy. Her answer is that nothing is being dealt with at the state level within the grange currently. I asked if there might be some empathy on the part of the local grange members who are actively maintaining chapters in that they may be able to extend their locations as places for medical community members to come together and strategize and extend resources to each other. She reiterated that most grange members are extremely conservative farm people who do not condone the use of marijuana under any circumstances and would likely not have any inspiration to help people who are using it. I thanked her for her time and did not verbalize outwardly that the grange might want to commission defense lawyers because they will likely have a civil rights lawsuit on their hands. I figured that would lead to a soured first impression and i had done an acceptable job in maintaining good terms during the phone conversation. I did not insinuate in the least that I was litigious minded in that the grange is being tacitly unequal in their enforcement and acceptance of agricultural fraternity. In its founding, the grange somehow opened general fraternity to both men and women, both Caucasian as well as African American and perhaps native American but today, the organization somehow feels compelled to segregate against people who take self-agency with their health and engage in plantism. Such is life! As a white man, I too get to feel what it’s like to be discriminated against. Charge the brigades! Storm the ramparts! Damn it burns your ass when people demonstrate blatant discrimination. We’re in 2017! Right?!?!? I’m now empathetic to any human or species that has had to undergo discrimination just for being what they are - damn that is gross human behavior! Within the nomenclature of cannasapiens, this type of blatant discrimination, as demonstrated by the grange system of Oregon, is referred to as “plantism”. It gets projected much like racism and people of previous generations were likely just as matter-of-fact about dishing out racism, as people are today with plantism. The master of the Oregon grange was very professional and otherwise respectful, other than to have to inform me her organization has made itself completely obsolete. Elitism and plantism are bedfellows and there is no place for this type of human narcissism in 2017 if we are to call ourselves a mature society. The grange itself has rendered itself obsolete, yet many of its foundational structures are highly valuable within the context of cooperative self-agency. With my conversation with the Oregon grange master complete, and having zero confidence that their organization has any value to the people who will lead the way in the new green economy and green socio-culture, the revelation made the way forward less complicated. Being dogmatic, and letting that over-ride you’re ability to be empathetic to a group of people who are very clearly being discriminated against, is a sure sign that you’re out of touch with the earth, and the intuitive capacities that come with working close to the earth. The grange showed me that their policies are reflective of the narcissistic self-identity our society has been perpetuating since the

founding. My feelings around whether to fight litigiously into the doors of the grange are that of humor - I would rather create something from the ground up, mining the gems from the grange system that were applicable when they founded it, and have lost their implementation along the way due to dwindling participation and narrow demographical membership. Building from the ground up will allow the gems that are mined from the original system, while implementing the technological benefits of contemporary organizational systems of 2017 in a way that can cohesively benefit all people, not just members, and not just agriculturally inclined participants and ancillary business stakeholders – but all humans. In the beginning, they had initiations. Initiations inject pomp, circumstance, and ceremony into the experiential alchemy of the grange hall. These highly novel human experience sharing additions have a binding quality for groups with otherwise insurmountable or tremendous diversity. Initiations might also help overcome polarity - something that is very much a factor within our society today - identity association and polarization. People have projected their identity into constructs that are outside of themselves and part of a larger collective thought-form. This has been the central pillars of the sophisticated schemes of the priests of the Babylonian mysteries before governments became the societal shepherds. These are the same schemes that were classically avoided in monarchs and priests – avoided so severely, people sailed across oceans to new unsettled places to distance themselves from “the old world”. Also, the economic inter-networking that was a part of the early grange system is highly applicable to today’s economic eco-system of ongoing denigration and financial discrimination by banking institutions against anyone who is engaged in cannabis agriculture or ancillary entrepreneurship. The organization of insurance pools, health pools, no-interest loan pools are directly within reach once centralized organization is established on a decentralized system of operations such as the grange had. It is designed to operate with many isolated chapters all functioning as autonomous community centers and business resource centers, and socio-agrarian epicenters of commerce, resource sharing, and general human fraternity. Today, we have an amazing resource at our disposal. It has changed the lives of many billions of people and will be the single-most impacting evolution humans have undergone since the beginning of farming and husbandry of animals. This resource is the internet. Within the human internetwork, and the many layers of human organizational tools that can run on top of it, we, here in America can lay out a foundation for how humans can take the best facets of each our historic systems and implement them with true humanistic purpose. Within history, it has been prophesized that America is said to be a country founded on freemasonic principles, but inequality was woven into our very beginning and much distortion needed to be dramatized over 225 years so that we may have direct cellular understanding of what it’s like to create, with our own bare hands, a narcissistic society, that projects it’s mal-maturity around the world through media, military, and sophisticated schemes of finance and agencies of information gathering through clandestine and technological means. We, here in 2017, as Americans, have to live with the reality that we’ve created wealth out of thin air, and have tremendous apathy towards the inequality that we perpetuate. The fraternal systems of history allowed people to remove their polarized thinking and their identified states of consciousness so that they can be calm for a while, and be in service to a group, to feel both connected, but also in service and able to be a small part of a greater whole. This is needed greatly

in today’s society where everyone is acting from emotionally compromised positions of fear, anger, and isolation. The fraternal systems of old can be directly applied to today’s societal ills and much benefit can be realized in a very short period of time, due to the internet and the “viral” nature of information dissemination in today’s hyper-connected world. Let me explain how the gems of the old mines of fraternity can be applied in today’s glass houses where everyone is as fragile as Chinese tea plates.

Cooperative Self Agency Systems of 2017 Today’s software systems and management systems have much to offer cooperative self-agency - in a sense, corporations of a multi-national sort have had to integrate systems while maintaining security - this is a valid template for what can be used to help augment the isolated communities that have many diverse resources amongst them, and need a management system to help bring supply to the demand. The grange today is woefully under evolved with technological systems. They employ a membership commerce site as well as some other programs related to insurance and roadside assistance as well as hotel discounts but the amenities are scarce because the membership is scarce - the program doesn’t have the participation because farming does not have the participation it once did. This is where cannabis changes everything. People every day will wake up to the notion that most everything we build can be made from a plant composite. Growing it abundantly is the most logical decision we could make as a collective species, let along society. This will expand our agricultural economy and many different forces (from outside) will bear down on local communities as recognition that cultivation of this plant is both lucrative and logical. Respect for the individual farm and farmer is lost when huge waves of economic progress sweep across the societal landscape - this is true across American history many times over. The cooperative self-agency management systems will need to be designed to enabled the individual farmer and individual family - the sanctity of privacy and the value of liberty and being able to exercise one’s own free will within the group system. Each system is only as valuable as its ability to keep each family’s individuality sacred - everyone’s choice is valid, everyone’s livelihood should be respected in-so-that they are not detrimentally effecting someone else. Blockchain systems can help create diverse crypto-currencies that are centered in each obvious bioregion. Blockchain systems can also help inventory specific products and services that are available within specific groups of contributors and client management systems can be employed to give people the most efficient means to find one-another within a given bio-region. A fraternal system, one that binds people regardless of race, creed, religion, background, or age is of tremendous value in each bio-region so that people can emerge within their group, free of burdening identities that create co-dependent and hierarchical relationships right from the get-go. Yes, we live in mal-adapted societies where people project prejudice in all manners and with a fraternal system, these mal-adaptions can be checked at the door. Cooperative self-agency takes on new strengths when individuals leave their identities at the door and take on a community-led capacity within their position, whatever that position happens to be, and the group is strengthened when each individual is acting in a capacity that puts the group before them and that decisions made, will be made with the group’s interests at heart, not just self-absorbed profit and gain. This is a fantastic way to allow blockchain and client management systems to flourish and do their most good, the mindset of allowing each person to benefit, and that each chapter, or hub, or grouping of people, are only as good as their weakest link - helps decentralized systems stay free of tyrants and selfaggrandizers.

The importance of currency in the modern day cannot take a second place to fraternity. Mature use of management systems is not any more or less important than maintaining inclusiveness in a highly polarized society and culture. All three of these systems have to be applied artfully so that humans can balance their more basic nature to be predatory, brutal, or otherwise narcissistic to one another. In the new paradigm, systems have to be self-correcting and each new engineered system has to have a selfcorrecting level of operation, a built-in ethic, so-to-speak, or it will have nothing underneath it for which to see success in this world. People want systems that help synergize with their newfound intuition where-as observed anomalies and microcosms of entropy can be identified and muted and removed from the whole system without detriment to individual contributors or to the group as a whole. Resource management will be hyper-critical in the new paradigm and services will be treated much like any physical resource. It is clear that everything in life has a price, and it’s simply a matter of creating a system that allows for the supply of resources be simply inputted into a system, so that demand can easily locate it, place an intention to consume it, and enable a process to compensate the supplier for it, and complete the transaction so that the supplier can fluidly bring that compensation back to their suppliers and the process of commerce can maintain a highly fluid state where transactions are supported by technologies in encryption, instant confirmation, and double ended authentication. Being able to transact with someone, on the spot, is the most obvious benefit a society can offer to itself and blockchain, cryptocurrency, and client-management systems working co-habitably with an agrarian fraternal system that allows people to move from geographical location and bio-region to another and have instantaneous benefit to the new chapter, and the chapter has instantaneous benefit to the new chapter member, and together, the systems have a cohesiveness that is improved through diversity and specialization of individual inputs. Client management systems can be thought of as private social networking with a purpose - having the ability to show or advertise or announce what you offer as a product or service within your area, and then be able to itemize what you have is of massive benefit to not only the contributor, but also the pool of potential consumers. This is a tremendous streamlining of supply and demand and removes the arbitrary means of mass consumption that depersonalizes the very things that should always be personal - our community, our food, our medicine, our vital commodities, and everyday consumables. Fraternity, community, equality is the realized benefit that self-correcting systems can be engineered to launch with, but also maintain a high degree of parity among contributors. Self-correction implies that the system has a degree of intuition as to where distortions are occurring and can prompt inputs to be made or can make inputs based on pre-conception outcomes. This is how automated stock market trading algorithms are engineered and we can see today that computers are better at trading than humans, and of course, are faster. A system can be designed so that it cannot be usurped by deliberate tyrants. Such a system may have a much harder time with non-deliberate ineptitude. We understand now, that lending the job of printing currency, to a private institution is a sure-fire way to poverty. The new paradigm will require more than just currency within the civilian domain, but also the means of production, and the management of the produced. If people are to keep their individual identity through privacy, as well as their individual wealth, then management of both will need to stay within the civilian domain. The government cannot be allowed the ability to manage the wealth of the civilians, through garnishing of wages, or through death taxes or through property taxes. Individual civilians have to make conscious decisions as to what is the domain of the government and what funds are extended to meet the costs associated with this domain. This has to be assessed at the local, state, and federal level and with currency being decentralized, it’s going to be very difficult to maintain sophisticated federal systems

with heavy costs. This is the point, the benefit, and the self-correction engineered into the new cultural system. Highly centralized systems do not benefit nor support individual liberty, our American paradigm has proven this, and it is up to the new generation to engineer a new paradigm that self-corrects back to local hierarchy so that humans cannot inflict dominance over one-another such as we see in our highly narcissistic society.

The Fraternal Underpinnings That Help Cultivate Equality and Community Due to the 2017 political and governmental climate, the long-time drug war and increase of statesanctioned corporate incarceration, there has been a great number of Americans under duress, including minorities, veterans, disabled, women, and parents. Families have been broken, property has been confiscated and forfeited, entire futures ruined through felony incrimination. To answer this duress with community, collaboration, and charity, a localized initiation of a set of 13 people, 6 male, 6 female, and a chair of either gender are brought together as a directorate to create the inaugural charter of the Sapient Ensemble Horticultural, Agrarian, and Entheogenic Fraternity. With 13 charter members taking on directorship roles, a Sapient Ensemble chapter can be initiated and with dues paid, a local resource center location can be found for holding meetings. Meetings, in addition to highly managed events and charitable programs, a fraternal network of civilian-American cannabis supporters can effort together to anchor our 1st amendment right to nature, to agriculture, and to practice our personal rites, or manage our personal health, in peace. In peace, we can begin to rebuild our economy and our communities. With the structure and resources offered by the fraternal chapters of cannabis-utilizing-American citizens, we can ensure our future generations have a chance to enjoy the freedoms engendered in the Declaration and the Constitution that were not made available to us, until we took them back peacefully. The Sapient Ensemble fraternity of cannabis horticulturalists supports the public acknowledgement and the justice department’s reintegration of “no mens rae� within criminal justice system. In order for a crime to be committed, an intention to commit crime must be established. Cannabis cultivation, processing, distribution carries no mens rae and thus, no victim can be established, no crime can be identified, no jurisdiction to inflict penalty can be claimed by the government. This fundamental pillar of pluralistic society must be respected, or we fall into entropy and tyranny where the principals of the few get mandated on the many.

No victim, no crime.

Charter members - known as directors: {Information redacted} Index of links below will be made “live� Nov. 1st 2017 Please bookmark for future reference

Sapient Ensemble horticultural, agrarian, entheogenic fraternity resources are published in public repository for all to use Charter member role descriptions and responsibilities Link here Meeting minutes Link here Founding Sapient Ensemble documents for new chapters Link here Sapient Ensemble technology resources index Link here Sapient Ensemble technology resources application manual Link here Enroll your chapter in national directory Link here List of charities, fundraisers, development projects, and crowdfunding contexts Link here The positions above give a glimpse of the directorship under which a new chapter of the S.E. fraternity can be initiated. The monthly or bi-weekly meetings have a formal routine that enables each role to play its most efficient part, giving opportunity to communicate progress and benefits, but also grievances to the fraternity regarding each officer’s division of focus. Each grievance then is dealt with, within the chapter, in a way that anyone who has an intention to submit their opinion, can do so. This allows all possible solutions and observations of a particular point of conflict to be set forth before a systematic or programmatic means to coming to a solution or setting forth resources to explore possible solutions towards the conflict brought forth. In short, it gives everyone a platform to be heard, and in this, the selfcorrecting nature of the chapter, open platform chapters will have very few blind spots and can deal with the major challenges of their bio-region, which will likely be as diverse as the tapestry of ecosystems and humans across the American landscape.

Again, this is the fraternal underpinnings that allow for community and equality to come forth together. There is a need for additional resources, that are already at hand, that can build a full suite of resources for each chapter to maintain a strong tapestry of supply and demand and a liquid transference of information and commodities for payment of information or goods. Of course, commodities that back up currencies is a subject that deserves deeper discussion within each chapter of S.E., members can wrestle with this age-old question: what should back a currency? Who should possess it? What should its fungibility be?

{Information redacted} Index of links below will be made “live� Nov. 1st 2017 Please bookmark for future reference

Sapient Ensemble horticultural, agrarian, entheogenic fraternity resources are published in public repository for all to use Charter member role descriptions and responsibilities Link here Meeting minutes Link here Founding Sapient Ensemble documents for new chapters Link here Sapient Ensemble technology resources index Link here Sapient Ensemble technology resources application manual Link here Enroll your chapter in national directory Link here List of charities, fundraisers, development projects, and crowdfunding contexts Link here

Additional Civilian Platforms Enabling Liquidity, Equality, and Community Below are additional resources that will help fill out the full suite of platforms that help build community and equality (privacy and reparations for services or goods rendered without surcharge). Blockchain, plus crypto-currency, plus client management systems, plus online social networking, plus mercantile portals will add up to a robust system that can help local bio-regions maintain strong local tapestries so that any fluctuations at the federal level, or with federal financial tools (petrodollar, stock market, derivative markets, precious metals markets) can be buffered against and any vital resources are maintained by the local chapter of citizens. Additional technology resources: • Online social networking resources O Online social networking has become a central facet to modern day internet-centric society. Being able to share information instantly is a core resource to maintaining liquidity of information and commodities. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Skype, Zoom, Salesforce, Linkedin, Craigslist can all bring their best features together to offer each chapter the resources needed for individuals to share what is best for themselves, as well as the chapter. •

Privacy, communication applications, and access to knowledge vaults and co-learning resources will need to be observed as a fundamental layer of resource for everyone to have an equal standing in the current paradigm.

Setting up civilian-owned cooperative internet service providers will need to be observed as a necessity for the continued sovereignty of Americans

Setting up private networking infrastructure between chapters, between communities, between industrial entities will be a crucial service that chapters can provide seeing as that everything privacy-centric in this paradigm, comes from being able to conduct private networks, non-centralized platforms, with virtual clients, syhsyk double ended authentication for logins, and robust systems for data storage and duplication. The information age has its benefits, and we can employ them, but not without foresight as to the risks to privacy – which is more generally a risk to sovereignty.

Member mercantile portal (for consumer discounting) O Leading mercantile platforms such as: Amazon, Zappos, Mycelium Swish can all become templates that bring their best features together to offer each chapter

the resources needed for individuals to share their products and services. The format is that people within the chapter gain membership discounts and access to exclusive merchandise, but can extend a discount to friends and family with a simply code. The mercantile portal would work to contain the highest user-rated products at the lowest whole-sale pricing so that items that we as Americans choose to consume regularly “consumables” can be ordered through a discount platform that allows that proceeds of the aggregate sales to cycle back in to the treasury of the chapter O Liquid fungibility inter-relationships between bitcoin, cannacoin, doggiecoin, litecoin (free and instantaneous exchange between currencies – as well as responsiveness to adoption of new currencies as they come online – more diversity in meta-currency means more robust systems against attack or subversion) O Allows l% fluid transfer rate back to dollars (pdfc) (petro dollar fiat currency) in digital form so that people can exit the petro-dollar ponzi in a calculated strategy, without foregoing consumption they would otherwise not wish to forego. (create local clearing houses in each bio-region, or within chapters themselves that can exchange meta-currencies to petro-dollars (pdfc) (petro dollar fiat currency) so that the 1% charge can be cycled back into the community) •

Hemp + cannabis product and merchant directory O Salesforce and SAP have tremendous customizable inventory and client management systems that can utilize blockchain and crypto-currency on top of their systems that also can run concurrently with the social networking layer. Having a directory and inventory system that is both useful as well as private and/or anonymous is the foundation to helping local bio-regions be autonomous and robust communities with real liquidity of goods and services – having a directory that is authenticated and can be acted upon by potential consumers is critical to allowing people the most efficiency of their time in commerce without taking away the personalization. People can interact as personally or impersonally as they choose – and the communities and chapters will each have their unique identities and methodologies in employing the various tools and resources available to all, but with privacy and self-correction built in at each level.

Hemp + cannabis mercantile portal O (for delivery)

Amazon, Zappos have extremely robust systems that can synergize with mycelium to give members an opportunity to order any product for delivery – the additional layer of meta-currency transference is added so that buyers and sellers can begin and end their process without any delay due to currency variability. The internal control of clearing-house activities between currencies is “critical infrastructure” and must be integrated so that chapters can reach a balance between acceptance and simplicity O (for bidding)

eBay has an extremely robust system for designing an auction platform that can apply to individual products, as well as services, but also to whole-sale items and bulk resources that will surely come from the diverse cannabis agricultural ecosystem. Having a software platform that allows people or companies to market their wares (goods/services) in a bidding platform makes sense so that there cannot be any subversive “bottlenecks” of wholesalers or commodity speculators •

An additional pamphlet will be written on the topic of speculation and production – farmers are in themselves speculators, so the human inclination to wager against something that is seen as a probable outcome needs to be allowed to flourish under the cooperative self- agency format. Speculating commodities, markets, currencies, resources, or attempting to move/

middleman resources instead of being a production node will be seen as brutal or self-serving form of speculation – that is to say “scab behavior” and “not an honest living”. This “self-first” activity will need to be directed out of the private community and to the petro-dollar financial schemes. Bidding market platforms that are created to help individuals bring products and services to market, gain a fast and discreet and respectable market value for their ware, and turn around and be able to use those funds immediately for their market consumption activities needs to remain free of self-serving enterprising behaviors that feign their empathy but act otherwise when the commodities or services are on the line. •

Capacity for several meta-currencies to be quickly exchanged or stored in digital wallets by clients will enable more robust markets to establish themselves and for individual contributors (people) to show support for currencies and blockchain that have commodity backings that they themselves value. (commodity backing being discussed in different pamphlet)

• Mercantile resources for working with crypto-currency wallet and access to personalized merchant platform O Mycelium Swish and the card service that it couples itself with is a 1% transaction fee back to dollars (pdfc) (petro dollar fiat currency) that are immediately available on the card in a digital form. This, plus a platform for transferring one currency to another so that true liquidity can be achieved among different contributors would complete a robust system that does not allow outside “ money changers” profit from surcharges, fees, or other transactional activities. • Circumnavigating central banking card services and using petro-dollars (pdfc) (petro dollar fiat currency) is the number one benefit of creating a local meta-currency clearing house. Having direct control over currency and blockchain as well as the inventory system that contains the commodity that backs the currency is all part of a robust suite of civilian platforms that can assist with safeguarding people from the pernicious trap of central banking and fiat currency schemes. • Crowdfunding, self-publishing, home media platforms O The new paradigm will work less off of trite speculation such as what defines the current stock market. Instead, entrepreneurial outfits and companies will appeal directly to investors through crowdfunding sites and citizens will have opportunities to enter into individual contracts for individual, direct injection loans. Chapters and communities and bio- regions will see tremendous value in using grass-roots media to help promote programs that can have positive ripple-effects within the chapter or community through group awareness, group action. This can be tremendous for the environmental causes that need to be brought to the fore-front of human awareness – much of the propaganda we experience can be “de-participated from” because alternative sources of information are promoted from within community centers O Media and consumer entertainment will be crowdfunded before its created and publishing houses will maintain communities that rally behind its style of artistic expression and artist promotion. With these communities, artist coveys will develop and will likely garner resources to consistently be able to pay artisans to bring their skill to task and choose which media and publishing houses to employ for making their art.

Cooperation and SelfAgency Overlapping Empathy and Equality The systems described above are available today, but have not been implemented with the context and framework that has been offered with it – specifically the context of cooperative self-agency. Described so far is two points that form a line – this is unity (togetherness), liberty (freedom to act, to be private in acting). A third point is needed to form a trine. The third point is equality (the outward expression of empathy). Outward equality can only source from empathy towards oneself, and therefore one-another. Empathy for one another allows people to step outside their identities so that they can maintain the most beneficial position and resource to their community, family, and social circle. This is the foundational basis for any balanced system to operate and define itself as “self-correcting”. This is the necessary three points of balance that are needed to overcome the human tendency to be narcissistic, especially in the “parlance of our times”. Fraternity is only as good as the fundamental principles it lives by and operates by. Taking specific action to break down individuals’ identities, without having an authentic place for people to re-establish themselves within a balanced, self-correcting system, a natural vacuum occurs that manipulative people fill so that they may manipulate vulnerable people who simply want to feel like they are part of something bigger than themselves and have understanding that what they were participating in before was selfsabotaging and brutalistic. It makes no sense to replace the current narcissistic system with another narcissistic system. Self-correction has to be exactly what it describes, something that identifies codependent and subversive activity and relationships between people, and the transactions they complete between each other need to be identified as detrimental to the whole community. Fraternity without true equality is just another caste system, just another religion, just another man-made subjugation tool. This is not the goal with Sapient Ensemble, and certainly not the goal of any mature society that is attempting to build its economy and culture on local bio-resources, namely cannabis and its aggregate derivatives. Community also has to be fundamentally supported by equality. The immature way to make one group feel less or unequal, is to isolate them, or to create any sort of “separate but equal” clause. Isolation in a narcissistic society is the most common form of abuse. Separate but equal is not pluralism. It is not empathy. Community is substantially more robust and diverse and healthy when all groups feel accepted to play their part, and that their unique contribution is respected. The internet has done wonders at breaking down borders and allowing humans globally to connect to each other without cultural barriers. Using tenants of empathy to cultivate equality through fraternity, a more mature platform for existence can be built so that humans can direct their resources, their time, and their unique love for whatever it is they love can be realized, because they have more excess resources to direct towards discovering what that is. Community is also defined through open source information and helping people understand how to improve their processes, improve their product, or improve their general quality of life through education, sharing of uniquely applicable information, and peers offering professional consultation within the community which for many will be more familiar when it’s referred to as “mentoring”. Educators are everywhere, and in everyone, once an atmosphere of sharing is cultivated among a diverse group of professional people who have experience. Software education systems and remote learning platforms will further enhance

our social systems and allow “rock star educators” and “selfless mentors” to have a resource to publish their material so that the most people can benefit from the highest quality material. Educational silos and proprietization will not be the direction our society can go if we want to maintain empathy and maturity. Self-agency of course is the cornerstone of any mature society and it is cannabis and other entheogens that will assist our new paradigm in understanding how to become more capable of managing our own affairs and reduce our human condition that is defined by co-dependence on the government, the community, and our relationships. This is the notion of being a sovereign - practicing autonomy within all interactions and maintaining self-agency throughout all energetic transfers. There are of course, people who will never be capable of practicing the same self-agency as others – today’s nomenclature is “handicapped”. These less physically capable humans many times get overlooked very quickly in brutalistic societies - the sick, the elderly, the malformed at birth, the individuals who will always have some form of dependency on others throughout their lives always seem to be the first to suffer when resources are scarce. A culture, so to say, a civilization, through the lens of history, will always be judged based on how well it treated its least capable. This new paradigm will finally give equal standing to everyone, regardless of their physical standing in life. Equality has to be universal, otherwise it is just another subjugation scheme. Cooperation can happen with low amounts of equality. Cooperation can happen with low amounts of unity. Cooperation can happen at the barrel of a gun if that’s how a society formulates its value system and cause and effect matrix. This is the non-empathetic nature of pure capitalism without sanctity or reverence for cause and effect – for karma. Abundance tends to breed apathy, and apathy tends to breed narcissistic behavior. The new paradigm is one where humans finally feel within themselves what it’s like to project negative energy at another, like a mirror-reflection of one’s own “bad karma”. This is another facet of the “self-correcting nature” of the new platforms that will be built - people won’t keep doing what brings them bad feelings. Inherently, we seek less pain, and more pleasure. Becoming empathic, that is, feeling towards your projections, people will be nicer to each other, and seek equanimity instead of competition. Cooperatives across history had many advantages over their competition because they had “membership incentives”. Sapient Ensemble is a suggested cannabicultural fraternity that hopes to employ readily available technological platforms under the context of cooperative self-agency for the good of the common person – the yeoman farmer as it was understood in colonial days. Many of the platforms that will come to underpin the civilian market community will grow or shrink on their own merit and the values they use as central pillars will speak for themselves through its members actions and the reverberating/ripple effect that the actions have on the community. Many fraternal organizations already use charity and goodwill as their central pillars. This is not new. What’s revolutionary about sapient ensemble is that true equality, through authentic empathy towards self, and therefore others, will be employed at the very beginning and at every step of the expansion. If one chapter can help a local community, then it has merit to help all communities. Every bio-region has its own merging of cultures and human intricacies and so each chapter will look unique based on the values that help form it and make it applicable and useful to its unique community. Preserving what makes us unique is the lifeblood of feeling respected and if Sapient Ensemble can help America, it’s in helping it preserve its many unique cultural identities that help make its tapestry so diverse.

From many, one.




appendix I

THE GRANGE AND FREEMASONRY EXCERPT FROM “AMERICA: NATION OF THE GODDESS” ALAN BUTLER AND JANET WOLTER 2015 DESTINY BOOKS There are few times in the careers of historical researchers when something so “odd” and so utterly incongruous turns up that when it does happen there is a tendency to wonder whether the whole thing is a dream. Such a rare occurrence is a time of wrinkled brows and frantic searches to verify that there are rational answers to be had. Generally patience and persistence win out–but not always. When subsequent research only complicates the issue, there is nothing to be done but to feel the thrill of excitement that attends the start of any adventure and to say, as did Sherlock Holmes, “the game’s afoot!” What began our particular adventure was a single word. It was a word that was of importance to both of us, but for totally different reasons. That word was grange, and it started a quest that had more twists and turns than a medieval maze and which shows no sign of finishing any time soon. It might seem as if the monastic medieval meaning of the word grange, and the way it was used in nineteenth-century America had little in common–except for the fact that grange comes from the latin word gran, meaning “grain.” As a result the word grange was closely associated with the word granary–a place where grain is stored. However, in the way the Cistercians used it, grange meant an outlying farm, separate from but yet directly owned and run by a particular abbey. In the case of the United States grange, more properly known as “the national grange of the order of patrons of husbandry,” it meant a gathering together of many thousands of independent farms–all across the country–associated by mutual interest and common problems. In this way it served as the farmers’ “union.” As our mutual research began Alan was spending more and more time in the United States working on television documentaries and doing research for his book Washington D.C. – city of the goddess. Alan believes that Washington D.C. is the most extraordinary deliberately planned city in the world. One of the observations that had caused him to look in great detail at the founding of Washington D.C. was the tremendous proliferation of “goddess” statues to be found within its civic heart and throughout its parks and intersections. Underpinning the “secular” stance of the founding government of the United States had been a particular reverence for a strong feminine component within the spiritual beliefs of at least a fair proportion of Washington D.C.’s designers. Because many of those who created Washington D.C. were freemasons, and also because to those in the know there is a secret “goddess slant” to

freemasonry, it was not too surprising to see why all the goddess statues were present. Like freemasonry, the grange consists of a series of stages of initiation, which are known as degrees. Those who wish to become members of the grange have to proceed, stage by stage, through the degrees in order to reach the top of the grange ladder of initiation. Accompanying the degrees are specific costumes, role-playing, and carefully memorized dialogue. It is the nature of the degrees of grange membership–available to both men and women–that sets the grange apart from its freemasonic origins. What is more, many of the presiding officers present during the conferring of grange degrees are women who take on the names of different goddesses known in the ancient world to be goddesses of nature and agriculture. To the majority of those taking part across so many decades, all of the costumes, the play-acting, and the carefully learned lines must have been a fascinating departure from the humdrum lives of the subsistence farmer and his family. Grange meetings not only cemented communities together (probably for the first time in many isolated townships), but the grange ultimately gave small farmers a “national” voice. The grange brought people together on a regular basis and must have been a social godsend, especially to hard-pressed, isolated women. The feeling of warmth, inclusion, and quite inexplicable sense of calm that we both felt when we visited the oldest of the surviving grange halls is difficult to describe. All the same, no matter how significant and important the grange has been to its many members, it remains one of the greatest enigmas of developing society in the United States. This is primarily because throughout the whole of the degree rituals neither the name “jesus” nor the title “christ” is mentioned, despite the fact that the grange has always considered itself to be a christian institution. Farming communities have tended to be conservative in their outlook and have often been comprised of people from a strong, fundamentalist christian background. It is incomprehensible that such people would have taken part in ceremonies that have an unabashed “pagan” feel to them. It turns out that the use of the word grange for this unique experiment in agricultural cooperation was no coincidence. It was deliberately chosen by a group of people who have been steering the ship of humanity for a very long time. We call these people the “venus families,” but they have appeared in very many forms and guises. They took control of western europe in the eleventh century and were responsible for both the Cistercians and the knights templar. They set the scene for european settlement of north America in the twelfth century, and they left ample evidence of their presence and their alliances with the indigenous peoples. The dream of the venus families was always the same: self-determination, equality, and fairness, a foundation laid with the cornerstone that was placed with great freemasonic ceremony at the northeast corner of the capitol in Washington D.C. they also believed vehemently in religious freedom, despite holding fast to personal beliefs that are older by far than any organized religion in the world today.

The Original Thirteenth Article of Amendment To The Constitution For The United States (EXERPTS FROM AMENDMENT-13.ORG)

“If any citizen of the United States shall accept, claim, receive, or retain any title of nobility or honour, or shall without the consent of Congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office, or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince, or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the United States, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” [Journal of the Senate] LINKS Press Release Chronology Glossary State Data Research Links Study Links

Legislative History And Ratification Of The 13th Amendment Legislative Extracts Pertaining To The 13th Amendment Rebuttal to Arguments Against The 13 Amendment VA1819 State Department Copy Images Official Publications State Ratifications Private Publications The TONA Research Committee Biographies of Persons Associated With the 13th Amendment History The Virginia General Assembly How A Bill Becomes A Law In Virginia Pocket Glossary of Legislative Terms The CONSTITUTION For The United States, Its Sources and Application

On March 12, 1819 the state of Virginia, with the enactment and publication of the laws of Virginia, became the 13th and final state required to ratify the above article of amendment to the constitution for the United States, thus making it the law of the land. With the enactment of act no. 280, March 12, 1819, which was voted, en bloc, and publication of the revised code, the state of Virginia notified the department of state, the congress, the library of congress, and the president of their action by issuing to each a copy of the laws of Virginia. [see VA 1819 images] . In fact, the journal of the Virginia senate; Tuesday, may 1st, 1810 (pages 511-512 shows that the resolution to amend was properly enrolled and ratified on that date by the Virginia house and senate, to be laid before the president of the united states, therefore the first state to ratify. This article of amendment is intimately connected to questions of loyalty, honesty, war and national defense. It is designed to combat internal subversion and discord sowed by people who are adhering to powers foreign to the congress of the United States without stepping across the bold constitutional line of treason. The authors of the TONA wrote it after some additional experience with how the

british empire, as well as other european nations, actually conduct their affairs. It is a corrective and supplemental measure to go along with constitutional treason. This article of amendment added an enforceable strict penalty, i.e., inability to hold office and loss of citizenship, for violations of the already existing constitutional prohibition in article 1, section 9, clause 8 on titles of nobility and other conflicts of citizenship interest, such as accepting emoluments of any kind for services or favors rendered or to be rendered, and is particularly applicable today in the 21st century as government is increasingly for sale to the highest bidder, as foreign nations and multinational corporations and individuals compete to line the pockets of politicians and political parties to accommodate and purchase protection or privilege for their special interests, i.e. With honors, such as money or allowing dual-citizenships. In terms familiar to the common man, this might quite properly be called the use of bribes and graft by individuals and powers foreign, i.e. External, to the congress of the United States to subvert the constitutional process and suborn our political system and the interests of we the people. After appearing in numerous official publications until 1876, this article “disappeared” from our constitution, to be replaced by another made nearly 50 years later. You may well ask how such a thing could have happened. So did we. It is of particular interest to read the last three paragraphs of the preface to ”echoes from the cabinet,” published in 1896 .... Click here .. To understand why our legislators made it disappear. The disappearance of the original 13th amendment to the constitution of the United States has been under investigation by independent modern researchers during the past -1866 years. We’ve learned a lot. We now know that the original 13th amendment was, and still is, the law of the land. The law is still there, waiting only to be publicly recognized and enforced once again to protect the sovereignty and interests of we the people, and to force the elected representatives of the people to adhere strictly to their solemn and binding oath of office, i.e., “i, ab, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that i will support and defend the constitution of the united states against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that i will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that i take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that i will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which i am about to enter. So help me god.” , and to the limitations of government imposed by the constitution. This site is brought to you directly by the primary researchers themselves, functioning as the TONA research committee. We are dedicated to continuing this research, and to placing all the facts and news on this important subject before the public. The TONA research committee hopes that the hard and sometimes tedious work of the committee and the personal sacrifice of time and money involved over the past -1866 years will have a positive effect for you and our nation. The excitement of finding each new hidden piece of the puzzle has made it worthwhile for us. September, 2002 -- an exciting find has come into our hands, “military laws of the united states to which is prefixed the constitution of the United States”, published in 1825 under the authority of the war department. See military law book images and the chronology of its publication.

Shortly thereafter, the TONA research committee received images from a high school principal who had located an 1818 digest of the territorial laws of Missouri in the Missouri supreme court library, Jefferson City, MO ... The organic act for Missouri territory, of June 4,1812, separating Missouri territory from Louisiana, became effective December 7, 1812. These images with those of 1816 Massachusetts and 1818 Pennsylvania indicate that the 13th amendment was ratified prior to 1819 ... See Missouri law digest images 2003 -- a bill, house concurrent resolution 10, is now before the New Hampshire legislature, reaffirming New Hampshire. December 9, 1812 ratification of the TONA... See New Hampshire house concurrent resolution 10 February 2003 -- Rep. Marple, prime sponsor of the New Hampshire resolution 10 above, sent the TONA committee copies of pages from the NH journal of the senate, dated June 12, 1812, that has these surprising statements on pages 48 and 49: Page 48: “The following was received from his excellency the governor, by the secretary. To the senate and House of Representatives. I herewith communicate to the legislature for their consideration, certain laws and resolutions passed by the legislatures of Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Vermont, upon the subject of amendments of the constitution of the United States, together with letters from the executive officers of those states. William Plumer” Page 49: “voted, that messers. Kimball and ham, with such as the house of representatives may join, be a committee to take into consideration certain laws and resolutions passed by the legislatures of Georgia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and Vermont, and other documents accompanying the same, communicated this day by his excellency the governor, and report thereon. Sent down for concurrence.” Images of the New Hampshire journal entries. Pages 48 and 49 Members of the TONA committee have long suspected that Virginia ratified the TONA in February, 1812, prior to the march 12, 1819 date of the publishing of the revised code of the laws of Virginia, but we do not consider these New Hampshire journal entries as definitive. However, they are substantive. March 2006 -- two private publications, the true republican, published in 1841, and the constitutionfederalist, published in 1862 during the war between the states, were found. Images of their pertinent pages may be seen on the private publications page.

March 29, 2006 -- a very high quality private publication, echoes from the cabinet, published in 1855 before the war between the states was found by Steve Kouroyen, who was able to open and scan the pages. The images of the pertinent pages may be seen on the private publications page. The TONA team has two other copies, too delicate and brittle to open and scan.

HOW WE GOT THIS WAY? exerpts from “the errant soveign’s handbook” + FOUNDING DOCUMENTS + + british accredited registry + + AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION + by Augustus Blackstone (AUTHOR OF “THE ERRANT SOVEREIGN’S HANDBOOK) The American Bar Association (and its state alter-egos) has, for all intents and purposes, taken over our entire federal, state, and local governments. The legislative branch follows the advice of their bar member advisors in the constructing of statutes. The executive branch does the same in the enforcement of those statutes. The judicial branch is literally a closed union shop in that regard. You can’t be a judge unless you are bar member and you can’t practice in their courts unless you are a bar member. The term “bar” is an acronym for british accredited registry [see comments below]. These snakes are in fact working for the crown of england. And that is why the gold fringed flags are in the courtrooms. It signifies admiralty jurisdiction* [maritime law], which is another way of saying British jurisdiction [england is a maritime nation]. When you cross the bar in a courtroom, you are entering a british colonial forum. There are over 30 grievances listed against the king of england in the declaration of independence (1776). Nearly all of them are applicable today against the crown of england via the bar association. If you don’t have a copy, get one and read it. Each grievance therein begins with “he” (in reference to the king). As you read through the grievances, mentally supplant “he” with “bar association, on behalf of the crown of england” and you’ll see exactly what i mean. The root for the term “attorney” originates in Sanskrit (the oldest known language) and its original meaning was “to turn or to twist”. That meaning carried forward largely unaltered into the english language. The letter “a”, when used as a word, is defined as “an indefinite article” and when used as a prefix it equates with the word “one” (indefinite article) which modifies the base word (torn) accordingly—as does the suffix “ey”. The extra “t” is added to separate the two vowels for proper pronunciation in accordance with the rules of english grammar. Thus, “a-(t)torn-ey” quite literally means “one who turns” (something). This takes on added meaning when you understand that the legal profession in england has a number of titles (job descriptions), such as esquire, barrister, solicitor, counselor, attorney, etc. And each one has a very specific function within that monarchial system. An english attorney’s function is to see that all titles and estates properly turn over to the legitimate heirs. The closest equivalent to that function in this country would be an attorney who specializes in probate law.

It is no accident that the generic term used to describe a practitioner of law in this country is “attorney”. As agents for the crown of england, their function is to turn the sovereignty and wealth of this country back over to the crown of england. And they have just about succeeded.

The “father of the constitution”, James madison, stated in the federalist papers: “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” The American bar association (aba) was first organized in 1878. Its purposes were “to promote the administration of justice, to advance jurisprudence, to uphold professional honor, and to encourage social intercourse among lawyers.” [Jerold s. Auerbach, unequal justice: lawyers and social change in modern America (1976)] the “federal bar association” was officially incorporated by congress in 1954, public law 662, chapter 911. I have not found any evidence that bar is indeed an acronym for british accredited registry. According to Augustus Blackstone, the tie-in to the American bar association is the “inns of court”. “the [American] revolution swept away a `bar’ in the english sense of an upper branch of the profession, possessing certain special privileges by virtue of its connection with the inns of court.” [present-day law schools in the United States, 1928, by Alfred Reed.] However, the british inns of court eventually planted its roots on American soil. The following quote was taken from the American inns of court web site: “…the American inns of court adopted the traditional english model of legal apprenticeship and modified it to fit the particular needs of the American legal system.” So just what is the “english model” today? Here is how black’s law dictionary (6th ed.) Defines “inns of court”. “these are certain private unincorporated associations, in the nature of collegiate houses, located in london, and invested with the exclusive privilege of calling people to the bar, that is, conferring the rank or degree of a barrister. They were founded probably about the beginning of the fourteenth century. The principal inns of court are the inner temple, middle temple, lincoln’s inn, and gray’s inn. The two former originally belonged to the knights templar.” The key question that Mr. Blackstone asks regarding the inns of court is: whose court is it? The answer he gives is, of course, the crown of england. Even today in england admission to an inn is required before registration on the bar vocational course. The knights templar is a secret society; they were the first international bankers. Today the knights templar is also part of another secret society, freemasonry. Notice the use of the word “degree” in the inns of court definition above. The word “degree” is a secret society term which refers to the level to which the initiate has risen. The initiate must take “blood oaths” in order to progress to higher levels of initiation. A friend of mine who was a 32 degree “shriner” freemason left the secret society because the blood oaths became unconscionable and repulsive to him. The blood oaths themselves imply or state that the

initiate will suffer a most horrible death if he reveals the secrets of the lodge. Some men have reported being required to drink blood from a skull as part of a masonic initiation. Many judges and lawyers are freemasons. In fact, a very large number of civil servants, from judges to presidents, are members of secret societies such as skull & bones, knights of malta and freemasonry. Can we trust judges and lawyers who are freemasons? According to the handbook of masonry by ronanyne, page 183: “you must conceal all the crimes of your brother mason….and should you be summoned as a witness against a brother mason be always sure to shield him. It may be perjury to do this, it is true, but you’re keeping your obligations.” The following is the blood oath that freemasonic “shriners” take: “in willful violation whereof may i incur the fearful penalty of having my eyeballs pierced to thru center with a three edged blade, my feet flayed and forced to walk the hot sands upon the sterile shores of the red sea until the flaming sun shall strike with a livid plague, and my allah the god of arab, moslem and mohammedan, the god of our fathers, support me to the entire fulfillment of the same.” Augustus Blackstone suggests that the sovereignty and wealth of America is being turned back to the crown of england through admiralty jurisdiction. This may very well be the case. In the early 50s Norman Dodd was the director of research for a congressional investigation into the tax-exempt Rockefeller, Ford and Carnegie foundations. What he discovered was that these foundations were working together to control the educational system of America so that Americans would be indoctrinated into the principles of collectivism as opposed to the principles in the original united states’ constitution and declaration of independence. Furthermore, here is what Mr. Dodd stated about Mr. Carnegie: “his publicly declared and steadfast interest was to counteract the departure of the colonies from great britain. He was devoted just to putting the pieces back together again.” Mr. Dodd indicated that it was the bankers and lawyers who were making this possible. Today the courts in America do in fact display a gold-fringed admiralty flag. However, the judges and prosecutors of the bar association always refuse to reveal the jurisdiction when asked. The jurisdiction is a secret that they do not want people to know about. This means that the bar association is, in fact, a secret society. On a few occasions judges have lied about their secret jurisdiction by stating that the court was under “statutory” jurisdiction. The imposition of admiralty jurisdiction on land was one of the primary grievances that the colonists had against king george. The first paragraph of the declaration and resolves of the first continental congress of October 14, 1774 sums it up: “whereas, since the close of the last war, the british parliament, claiming a power, of right, to bind the people of America by statutes in all cases whatsoever, hath, in some acts, expressly imposed taxes on them, and in others, under various pretenses, but in fact for the purpose of raising a revenue, hath imposed rates and duties payable in these colonies, established a board of commissioners, with unconstitutional powers, and extended the jurisdiction of courts of admiralty, not only for collecting the said duties, but for the trial of causes merely arising within the body of a county.”

Follow the money: the Rothschild’s and the bank of england along with the london banking houses ultimately control the federal reserve banks in America through their stockholdings of bank stock and their subsidiary firms in new york. As Alan Greenspan stated in london on September 25, 2002: “the tie between the bank of england and the federal reserve was cemented during the 1920s.” Actually, that “tie” was formed even before the federal reserve act was fraudulently passed in 1913. It is also interesting to note that former president George Bush (SR) was knighted by the queen of england. The founding fathers prohibited such “titles of nobility”. The question remains: who was George Bush actually serving when he was president—we the people or the british empire? According to the prestigious “burke’s peerage”, a guide to english aristocracy, George Bush and John Kerry are both descendants of Queen Elizabeth II as well as other british royalty. About twothirds of the U.S. presidents are cousins with ties to british royalty. Al gore is also one of the elite. He is a cousin to the bush family as well as Richard Nixon. It was George Bush (SR) who used the phrase “new world order” many times in public speeches. Both George Bush, JR. And George bush, sr. Are members of the infamous “skull & bones” secret society, aka the order of death or simply “the order”, which originally came from Germany. Adolph Hitler wrote “my new order” after writing “mein kampf”. George bush’s father, Prescott bush, was also a skull & bones member along with Percy Rockefeller and bush family business partners, the Harrimans. Their symbol is, in fact, a skull and crossbones—the symbol for drugs, poison, piracy, death and the Nazi’s “death’s head” battalion. According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Prescott Bush joined John D. Rockefeller and the british royal family in sponsoring the eugenics initiatives that gave rise to Hitler’s racial hygiene programs. Prescott bush was found guilty of trading with the enemy (the Nazis) during WWII. According to court records, the Rockefeller family and their standard oil company supported Hitler more than they did the allies during WWII. In fact, one judge declared Mr. Rockefeller guilty of treason. Dr. Gary glum has also documented the insidious eugenics programs to create a “superior race”, which were initially sponsored not by Adolph Hitler, but by the American elite (e.g., the Rockefeller, Carnegie, Harriman, Morgan, DuPont, Kellogg and Bush Families). The Rockefeller family, along with their lawyer friends john and Allen Dulles, created the United Nations for the purpose of establishing a world government. Allen Dulles became head of the CIA as did George bush, both members of secret societies. George Bush (SR) is an active participant in the CIA’s MK Ultra mind control programs. On February 1, 1992 George Bush (SR) addressed the general assembly of the United Nations and stated: “it is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance.” Patriotic Americans often view George Bush’s statement as treasonous. George bush also stood before the United States congress and stated that the “new world order” is the “rule of law”. Perhaps what he meant to say was “rule of lawyers” because it is the lawyers and judges in America who are in fact implementing the “new world order” through fraud. However, not all lawyers are aware of the ultimate plan of the global elite and many lawyers are helping to restore our natural rights and freedoms.

“Constructive fraud” DEFINED A contract or act, which, not originating in evil design and contrivance to perpetuate a positive fraud or injury upon other persons, yet, by its necessary tendency to deceive or mislead them, or to violate a public or private confidence, or to impair or injure public interest, is deemed equally reprehensible with positive fraud, and therefore is prohibited by law, ... “ Bovier’s law dictionary - 1856 edition “fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments.” I.e. Documents, constitutions, court decisions….. U.S. vs. Throckmorton, 98 U.S. 61

1. The united states went “bankrupt” in 1933 and was declared so by president Roosevelt by executive orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260, (see: senate report 93-549, pages 187 & 594) under the “trading with the enemy act” (sixty-fifth congress, sess. I, chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12 u.s.c.a. 95a. 2. The several states of the union then pledged the faith and credit thereof to the aid of the national government, and formed numerous committees, such as the “council of state governments”, “social security administration”, etc., to purportedly deal with the contrived economic “emergency” caused by the bankruptcy. These organizations operated under the “declaration of interdependence” of January 22, 1937, and published some of their activities in “ book of the states.” Note: the council of state governments has now been absorbed into such things as the “national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws”, whose headquarters office is located at 676 north st. Clair street, suite 1700, Chicago, Illinois 60611, and “all” being “members of the bar”, and operating under a different “constitution and by-laws” has promulgated, lobbied for, passed, adjudicated and ordered the implementation and execution of their purported statutory provisions, to “help implement international treaties of the united states or where world uniformity would be desirable.” (see: 1990/1991 reference book, national council of commissioners on uniform state laws, pg. 2) This is apparently what Robert Bork meant when he wrote “we are governed not by law or elected representatives but by an unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable committee of lawyers applying no will but their own.” (see: The Tempting of America, Robert H. Bork, pg. 130)

3. In view of Robert H. Bork’s statement, it is more than worthy of note that there is an “original” 13th amendment to the U.S. Constitution called the “title of nobility” amendment that reads: “if any citizen of the united states shall accept, claim, receive or retain any title of nobility or honor, or shall, without the consent of congress, accept and retain any present, pension, office or emolument of any kind whatever, from any emperor, king, prince or foreign power, such person shall cease to be a citizen of the united states, and shall be incapable of holding any office of trust or profit under them, or either of them.” 4. In January, 1810, Senator Philip Reed of Maryland proposed the “title of nobility” amendment (history of congress, proceedings of the senate, p. 529-530). On April 27, 1810, the senate voted to pass this 13th amendment by a vote of 26 to 1; the house resolved in the affirmative 87 to 3; and the resolve was sent to the states for ratification: by Dec. 10, 1812, twelve of the required thirteen states had ratified as follows: Maryland, Dec. 25, 1810; Kentucky, Jan. 31, 1811; ohio, jan. 31, 1811; Delaware, Feb. 2, 1811; Pennsylvania, Feb. 6, 1811; New Jersey, Feb. 13, 1811; vermont, oct. 24, 1811; tennessee, nov. 21, 1811; Georgia, Dec. 13, 1811; North Carolina, Dec. 23, 1811; Massachusetts, Feb. 27, 1812;new hampshire, dec. 10, 1812. Before a thirteenth state could ratify, the war of 1812 broke out and interrupted this very rapid move for ratification. On May 13, 1813, the state of Connecticut failed to ratify this original 13th amendment, leaving it to Virginia to be the required 13th state to ratify. Virginia ratified with the march 12, 1819 publication of the laws of Virginia. Connecticut then published it in four separate editions of “the public statute laws of the state of Connecticut” as a part of the U.S. constitution in 1821, 1824, 1835 and 1839. Then, without record or explanation, it mysteriously disappeared from subsequent editions prior to the civil war between the states. However, printing by a legislature is prima facie evidence of ratification, and it has been found to have been printed as part of the constitution by many of the other states until after the civil war and into the reconstruction period - when it mysteriously disappeared from all subsequent printings, the last official publication found being the 1876 laws of the territory of Wyoming fronts page, amendment 13. 5. The reorganization of the bankruptcy is located in title 5 of United States codes annotated. The “explanation” at the beginning of 5 U.S.C.A. is most informative reading. The “secretary of treasury” was appointed as the “receiver” in bankruptcy. (see: reorganization plan no. 26, 5 u.s.c.a. 903, public law 94-564, legislative history, pg. 5967) since a bankrupt loses control over his business, this appointment to the “office of receiver” in bankruptcy had to have been made by the “creditors” who are “foreign powers or principals”. 6. The united states as corporator, (22 U.S.C.A. 286e, et seq.) And “state” (c.r.s. 2436- 104, c.r.s. 24-60-1301(h)) had declared “insolvency.” (see: 26 i.r.c. 165(g)(1), u.c.c. 1-201(23), c.r.s. 39-22--103.5, Westfall vs. Braley, 10 Ohio 188, 75 am. Dec. 509, Adams vs. Richardson, 337 s.w. 2d 911; Ward vs. Smith, 7 wall. 447) a permanent state of “emergency” was instituted, formed and erected within the union through the contrivance,

fraud and avarice of the international financial institutions, organizations, corporations and associations, including the federal reserve, their “fiscal and depository agent” -whose member banks are “privately owned corporations”. 22 U.S.C.A. 286d 7. The government, by becoming a corporator, (see: 22 U.S.C.A. 286e) lays down its sovereignty and takes on that of a private citizen. It can exercise no power which is not derived from the corporate charter. (see: the bank of the united states vs. Planters bank of Georgia, 6 l. Ed. (9 wheat) 244, U.S. vs. Burr, 309 U.S. 242) the real party in interest is not the de jure “united states of America” or “state”, but “the bank” and “the fund.” (22 U.S.C.A. 286, et seq., c.r.s. 11-60-103) the acts committed under fraud, force and seizures are many times done under “letters of marque and reprisal” i.e. “recapture.” (see: 31 U.S.C.A. 5323)


"Only blood flows and gold shines." NIKOLA TESLA

"Water is the softest thing, yet it can penetrate mountains and earth. This shows cearly the principle of softness overcoming hardness." Lao Tzu

Numerology and the American Bar Association Is the social security number (ssn) just a number to identify Americans or is it the number of the mark of the beast? (or is this just a bad joke by bad lawyers?) Revelations chapter 13 speaks of a beast who “forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man’s number. His number is 666.” Title 42, section 666 Title 42, section 666, paragraph “13” of the united states code (usc) requires that as a condition to receiving federal funds states must establish procedures requiring that the social security number (ssn) of any applicant for a professional license, driver’s license, recreational license, occupational license, or marriage license be recorded on the application. Also, if you assign the number value of each letter in the word “title” relative to how each number appears in the alphabet, these five numbers add up to 66. 4 + 2 equals 6. Therefore, title 42 adds up to 666 in numerology, completing a second “666” in front of “section 666”. The odds of this occurring “by coincidence” are astronomical. The fact that these numbers are being used to restrict and control basic human rights that one needs to survive is further evidence that this is not just a coincidence. This ssn requirement occurred in 1996 when title 42, section 666, paragraph 13 was amended by section 317 of the “personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act of 1996” (public law 104-193). The intent was to make this uniform throughout all the states. Can you guess who was behind this? If you guessed “lawyers”, you are right on the mark. Did not congress pass these laws and isn’t the most prevalent profession in congress lawyers, i.e., members of the “bar association”? Also, when the so-called “patriot act” was passed by congress, none of the congressmen actually read the bill! The Orwellian patriot act and real id act were both introduced by lawyer/politician Jim Sensenbrenner. According to Sensenbrenner’s Wikipedia page, one the authors of the patriot act was “Assistant Attorney General of the United States Viet Dinh” (i.e., another lawyer). section 321 of public law 104-193 (which amended aforementioned section 666, paragraph 13) states:

“sec. 321. Adoption of uniform state laws. “section 466 (42 u.s.c. 666) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection: “`(f) uniform interstate family support act - in order to satisfy section 454(20)(a), on and after January 1, 1998, each state must have in effect the uniform interstate family support act, as approved by the American bar association on February 9, 1993, together with any amendments officially adopted before January 1, 1998 by the national conference of commissioners on uniform state laws.’.” The question we should be asking ourselves is: why does each state have to get the approval of the “American bar association”? The American bar association is not a government entity! Here again is a documented example of the violation of the separation of powers doctrine--that is, tyranny. The “father of the constitution”, James madison, stated in the federalist papers: “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” Most people do not believe that the social security number is the mark of the beast, but until you actually revoke it and try to survive without that number, you will never realize how much your survival depends upon it. Even though there is no constitutional provision for a social security number, Americans can no longer get a bank account to conduct their business without a social security number. You cannot get a credit card without a social security number. You cannot get a professional or occupational license to make a living without a social security number. No one will hire you as an employee if you do not have a social security number. Even if you have a job or business, how are you going to get to work without a driver’s license (unless you happen to live in a city with public transportation)? You can be imprisoned for not having a driver’s license. You cannot get insurance without a social security number. You cannot get a hunting or fishing license without a social security number. You cannot get a marriage license without a social security number. How are you going to buy a home or car unless you have the cash or credit? The bottom line is that you cannot buy or sell (that is, survive financially) without a social security number unless somebody with a social security number is providing for you by buying your food, clothing, shelter and all the things you need to survive. Although there is no law that forces people to obtain a ssn (the 13th amendment prohibits slavery and “involuntary servitude”), once you get a ssn, you will be stuck with it for the rest of your life because the social security administration will never rescind it. Also, if someone with a ssn is providing your worldly needs, they cannot deduct you as a dependent unless you have a ssn. For more info about this subject visit this web page:

Here are few more important facts about the social security administration (ssa) and the internal revenue service (irs): 1. The social security administration is not authorized by the United States constitution and therefore is unconstitutional. 2. The social security administration is not even located in Washington D.C., the constitutional seat of the “federal” government. The ssa is located in Baltimore, Maryland. 3. The social security administration does not even have franking privileges. That is, they have to pay for their own postage on their mailings. Since the US post office is authorized by the constitution, there is no need for federal entities to purchase postage when conducting “official business”. If the ssa were a legitimate entity under the constitution it would have franking privileges, but it does not. 4. The social security system is broke: security.html. 5. According to a form letter sent from the social security administration in Baltimore, Maryland, the IRS has jurisdiction over the SSA. 6. The IRS is not an agency of the US government according to official court documents filed by the US Attorney in the following case in Idaho: pdf. Given 1) that the IRS has jurisdiction over the social security administration and 2) that the IRS is not an agency of the US government, the next question we should all be asking is where do people’s payments to the IRS go? To answer that question correctly one must determine what is being paid to the IRS--that is, federal reserve notes (or “checks” denominated in federal reserve note “dollars”). According to black’s law dictionary, the definition of money cannot include “notes”. A note is a promise to pay or “IOU” and is not “payment” in itself. Federal reserve notes are not money. According to the US Constitution, the only currency that can pay debts is silver and gold coin. Federal reserve notes (i.e., “bills of credit”) are prohibited by the constitution. What we do know is that the checks that people send to the IRS are cashed by large banks in the federal reserve system, such as “bank of america”. Sometimes the back of cancelled checks list a large bank then state: “or pay to the nearest frb”. “frb” stands for federal reserve bank. Since the federal reserve is a secretive, privatelycontrolled banking cartel, we the people are apparently not allowed to know where these “notes” end up. It is doubtful that these “notes” ever reach the United States department of the treasury. It appears that they end up at the federal reserve to be applied as interest to the national debt to these banksters. The federal reserve act of 1913 was unconstitutional from the start because congress cannot lawfully amend the US Constitution with a mere statute.

During the constitutional convention the delegates used the words “emit bills of credit” to refer to the issuance of paper (debt-based) currency. The framers of the constitution were so adamant about prohibiting the printing of paper currency that one of the delegates, George Reed of Delaware, exclaimed that if they put the words “emit bills of credit” in the constitution it would be “as alarming as the mark of the beast in revelation!” There are some people who will argue that the mark of the beast is a microchip implant and that they haven’t accepted this implant, therefore they haven’t accepted the mark. Today some people have accepted biochip implants in their hand or wrist and some governments are gradually mandating them in certain circumstances. However, virtually every adult who has a social security “number” has memorized it and therefore some argue that the number is lodged in their forehead (brain). Of course, a possibility is that these lawyers (or the people behind the lawyers) were creating a means to control group thought. According to one pro-Rockefeller book, David Rockefeller and his attorney, CIA director Allen Dulles, met after church on Sundays to discuss how they could control religious thinking. There is currently a great interview on Google video of Aaron Russo, the producer/ director of the movie “freedom to fascism”. In this interview Mr. Russo describes his friendship with nick Rockefeller who through time revealed to him that their plan was to control society by creating a cashless society and “chipping” everyone. To watch this video click on this link: videoplay?docid=5420753830426590918&q=aaron+russo+interview It is vital for everyone to watch Aaron Russo’s free movie, “freedom to fascism”. To watch this movie visit his web site at You can also stream this movie and his interviews on Google video and YouTube.

WHAT IS A DOLLAR? The word “dollar” evolved from its phonetic precursor, “thaler”, which was an abbreviation of “joachimsthaler”. Joachimsthal was a mining town in bohemia, where Count Schlick first began striking these silver “thaler” coins in 1519. In 1789 the word “dollars” appeared in the United States’ constitution in article i, section 9. At the same time article i, section 10 of the constitution defined the substance of American “dollars”: “no state...shall make any thing but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts.” Two years later the word “dollars” appeared in the bill of rights in article 7: “in suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by jury, shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.” However, the first “dollars” were neither American nor english. The “dollars” referred to in the United States’ constitution were spanish milled dollars. In the years leading up to the adoption of the constitution spanish dollars (also called “pieces of eight”) were the most accepted form of money. In 1785 Thomas Jefferson submitted a pamphlet to the continental congress which stated: “taking into our view all money transactions, great and small, i question if a common measure, of more convenient size than the dollar, could be proposed....the unit or dollar is a known coin, and the most familiar of all to the minds of people. It is already adopted from south to north; has identified our currency, and therefore happily offers itself as an unit already introduced.” [The creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin] At the time there were many different kinds of colonial shillings in circulation, all with different values in terms of the english shilling. However, the spanish silver dollar, which came in by trade across the frontier from Louisiana, which Spain later ceded to France, was the principal coin of commerce. It contained 374 7/8 grains of silver. On the second day of the second continental congress, May 11, 1775, John Hancock of Massachusetts proposed a plan to raise funds for support of our forces in the fight for freedom, involving the use of spanish milled silver dollars for payments of notes to be issued by the congress. The journal of the continental congress on June 2, 1775, records a “resolve” that a sum not exceeding two missions of spanish milled dollars be emitted by the congress in bills of credit for the defense of America. However, when the constitution was ratified in 1789, congress was henceforth prohibited from emitting bills of credit (i.e., debt-based paper money). The founders had discovered during the revolutionary war that paper money could be inflated until it was virtually worthless. They figured the only way to finance the war was

to issue notes because there was no way to tax the people. Their original intention was for the states to redeem the paper notes with silver dollars in late 1779. However, their plan failed because in 1780 it took forty continental paper “dollars” to equal one real silver dollar. In 1778 General Washington complained, ”it takes a wagon load of money to pay for a wagon load of supplies”. This is why the constitution prohibited congress from printing paper notes as money and then defined “money” as gold and silver coin. Article i, section 8 has never been amended and still states: “the congress shall have coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.” Notice that it does not say “print” money. The framers of the constitution were so adamant about prohibiting the printing of paper currency that one of the delegates, George Reed of Delaware, exclaimed that if they put the words “emit bills of credit” in the Constitution it would be “as alarming as the mark of the beast in revelation!” On April 19, 1776, a committee of seven was appointed by the continental congress, to examine and ascertain the value of the species of gold and silver coins then current in the colonies and to determine the proportions “they ought to bear to spanish milled dollars.” This committee filed such a report on September 2, 1776. Included in the report are references to such denominations as english and french guineas, johannes and half johannes, spanish and french pistole, doubloons, english and french crowns, english shillings, and the then popular spanish milled dollars, all of which served as a medium of exchange in the colonies. Thomas Jefferson expressed the opinion that in fixing the unit of money the following circumstances were of principal importance: 1. That it be of a convenient size to be applied as a measure to the common money transactions of life. 2. That its parts and multiples be in easy proportion to each other so as to facilitate the money arithmetic. 3. That the unit and its parts or divisions be so nearly of the value of some of the known coins so that they may be of easy adoption for the people. Mr. Jefferson concluded the spanish dollar seemed to fulfill all these conditions. The superintendent of finance in the continental congress, Robert Morris, wrote in 1777: “the various coins which have circulated in America have undergone different changes in their value, so that there is hardly any which can be considered as a general standard, unless it be spanish dollars. These pass in Georgia at five shillings, in North Carolina and New York at eight shillings, in Virginia and the four eastern states at six shillings, and in all the other states except South Carolina at seven shillings and sixpence, and in South Carolina at thirty-two shillings and sixpence.”

The dollar was established as the ideal money unit of the United States of America by the continental congress, on July 6, 1785. On the eighth of august 1786, it was enacted that the standard for coinage of gold and of silver should be eleven parts fine and one part alloy, and that the money unit or dollar should contain 375-64/100 grains of fine silver. However, the spanish dollar varied in weight between issues, which created an inconvenience in trade. Jefferson voiced this concern in 1785: “if we determine that a dollar shall be our unit, we must then say with precision what a dollar is. This coin as struck at different times, of different weight and fineness, is of different values.” In 1789 the constitution gave congress the power to regulate the value of the dollar by weight and fineness. Eventually on April 2, 1792 the first mint act was passed under the present constitution and the dollar and its value were finally defined. The coinage act of 1792 established the following: 1. Authorized coinage of the silver dollar (of the value of spanish milled dollar) against the deposit of silver and fixed its weight at 371.25 grains of pure silver or 416 grains of standard silver; 2. Fixed the standard for silver coins as 1485/1664 (.8924) fine; 3. Fixed the coinage ratio of gold and silver as 1 to 15; 4. Provided for free coinage; and 5. Declared silver dollars (and all other coins authorized) lawful tender. [the five points above were taken verbatim from the U.S. mint web site. Notice that they refer to “silver dollars” as “lawful tender”, not “legal tender”. The terms “legal” and “lawful” are not synonymous.]

What is a Sovereign? What form of government does the United States have? The viewpoint of a sovereign in relation to health freedom issues is that we as spiritual beings have a natural right of ownership of our bodies. This means that “self-medication” is a natural, human right. The current de facto government and the owners/controllers of the pharmaceutical corporations have been working assiduously to undermine and usurp this right. To understand what a “sovereign” is from a constitutional basis one must first understand what form of government exists in these United States. Politicians and the mainstream media have constantly inculcated people with the notion that they live in a “democracy”. However, if you carefully read the declaration of independence (“the unanimous declaration of the thirteen United States of America”, in congress, July 4, 1776) and the Constitution for these United States of America, you may be surprised to find that the word “democracy” does not appear even once in either of these two founding documents. This is because the framers of the constitution did not want to create a “democracy”. On the contrary, they wanted to create a “republic”. James madison, the “the father of the constitution”, stated: “democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.” [“Economic solutions”, p. 35] Benjamin franklin once quipped: “democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well armed lamb contesting the vote.” Article IV, section 4 of the United States’ constitution, the “supreme law of the land”, states: “the united states shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government....” Therefore, the United States is a republican form of government, slick-talking politicians and media talking heads to the contrary notwithstanding. Not only that, the citizens are guaranteed a republican form of government as a matter of constitutional right. But just what does it mean to have a republican form of government? To answer that question simply look in black’s law dictionary under “government” and you will see the following definition: “Republican Government. One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested* in the people and are exercised by the people, either directly, or through representatives chosen by the people, to whom those powers are specially delegated.” [Black’s law dictionary, sixth ed., p. 695] Black’s law dictionary defines a “sovereign” as: “ a person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested; a chief ruler with supreme

power; a king or other ruler in a monarchy.” “we the people” are the sovereigns because sovereignty is vested in the citizens, not in their (civil) servants. Furthermore, individual citizens have the authority to choose whether to exercise their powers of sovereignty either 1) directly or 2) through representatives. For example, sometimes people exercise their powers of sovereignty directly when they make a citizen’s arrest. On the other hand, people can also choose to act through a representative by electing a civil servant (e.g., sheriff) to make arrests for them. Before the founding of our country, people were mere subjects of the king of england, the sovereign. However, after our country was founded the sovereignty of the king was ended in America and the people became sovereigns instead of subjects. As sovereigns, the citizens are now the kings (and queens) of their own castles, i.e., our homes. Therefore, ownership of our homes is vested in each of us, thereby securing our rights to private property. That is, by constitutional law, the state does not own our property. However, the state, via our “public servants” and lawyers, has been usurping these and other rights through deception, especially in the banking industry (federal reserve fraud). Little by little from the time of the founding of our county people have been programmed to believe that politicians are the “leaders” and that sovereignty is vested in them, not in “we the people” as individuals. Abraham Lincoln reminded people repeatedly of these basic founding principles--a country “of the people, by the people, for the people”. Lincoln also stated: “the people are the masters of both congress and courts, not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert it!” Yes, the people are the masters and the politicians are the servants. What does the master of the house do when he has a disobedient servant? He fires him, doesn’t he? Today most people are afraid to stand up to their public/civil servants. The servants have taken over the house. The people often allow corrupt politicians to usurp* constitutional rights, unalienable rights and our sovereignty. This phenomenon is the direct result of people no longer taking the viewpoint of being sovereigns, that is, of being the masters of the house. Therefore, to turn the tide of corruption all one needs to do is to assume the viewpoint of a sovereign and exercise the rights of a sovereign. The only reason a servant can usurp the authority of the master of the house is if the master lets him (i.e., acquiescence or consent to the usurpation). This may sound all very simplistic and theoretical, but one can demonstrate the workability of this principle in real life, as i and many others have done. * vested: “fixed; accrued; settled; absolute; complete. Having the character or given the rights of absolute ownership; not contingent; not subject to be defeated by a condition precedent. Rights are “vested” when right to enjoyment, present or prospective, has become property of some particular person or persons as present interest; mere expectancy of future benefits, or contingent interest in

property founded on anticipated continuance of existing laws, does not constitute “vested right.” [Black’s law dictionary, sixth edition] * usurp: to seize and hold any office by force, and without right; applied to seizure of office, place, functions, powers, rights, etc. Of another. [Black’s law dictionary, sixth edition]

NATURAL LAW Natural law is not the law of the jungle as some people mistakenly believe. The following quote on natural law was made by John Locke. John Locke’s political theories had a strong effect on colonial America. The declaration of independence embodies these principles. “The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obliges every one, and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind who will but consult it, that being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life, health, liberty or possessions. The natural liberty of man is to be free from any superior power on earth, and not to be under the will or legislative authority of man, but to have only the law of nature for his rule.” John Locke ***** The following quote on natural law was made by Sir William Blackstone (1723 - 1780). Blackstone was an english judge, author, and professor who won recognition for his commentaries on the laws of england. This book presented a comprehensive picture of the english law of his time and became the most influential book in the history of english law. It was the basis of legal education in england and America for years. It had great influence in the American colonies, where it provided the colonists with their chief source of information about english law. “good and wise men, in all ages...have supposed, that the deity, from the relations, we stand in, to himself and to each other, has constituted an eternal and immutable law, which is, indispensably, obligatory upon all mankind, prior to any human institution whatever. “this is what is called the law of nature, which, being coeval with mankind, and dictated by god himself, is, of course superior in obligation to any other. It is binding over all the globe, in all countries at all times. No human laws are of any validity, if contrary to this; and such of them as are valid, derive all their authority, mediately or immediately, from this original.”

***** The following quotes were made by Alexander Hamilton, one of the framers of the constitution and one of the authors of the federalist papers. “upon this law, depend the natural rights of mankind, the supreme being gave existence to man, together with the means of preserving and beautifying that existence. He endowed him with rational faculties, by the help of which, to discern and pursue such things, as were consistent with his duty and interest, and invested him with an inviolable right to personal liberty and personal safety. “hence, in a state of nature, no man has any moral power to deprive another of his life, limbs, property, or liberty; nor the least authority to command, or exact obedience from him.... “hence also, the origin of all civil government, justly established, must be a voluntary compact, between the rulers and the ruled; and must be liable to such limitations, as are necessary for the security of the absolute rights of the latter; for what original title can any man or set of men have, to govern others, except their own consent? To usurp dominion over a people, in their own despite, or to grasp at more extensive power than they are willing to entrust, is to violate that law of nature, which gives every man the right to his personal liberty; and can, therefore, confer no obligation to obedience.” “when human laws contradict or discountenance the means, which are necessary to preserve the essential rights of any society, they defeat the proper end of all laws, and so become null and void.” [it should be noted that Alexander Hamilton later betrayed his own words and American citizens when he became a civil servant.]



DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE In CONGRESS, July 4, 1776. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America

When in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one People to dissolve the Political Bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the Powers of the Earth, the separate and equal Station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent Respect to the Opinions of Mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the Separation. We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness -- That to secure these Rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers from the Consent of the Governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient Causes; and accordingly all Experience hath shewn, that Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while Evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long Train of Abuses and Usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object, evinces a Design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their Right, it is their Duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future Security. Such has been the patient Sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the Necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The History of the present King of Great- Britain is a History of repeated Injuries and Usurpations, all having in direct Object the Establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid World. He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good. He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing Importance, unless suspended in their Operation till his Assent should be obtained; and when so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them. He has refused to pass other Laws for the Accommodation of large Districts of People, unless those People would relinquish the Right of Representation in the Legislature, a Right inestimable to them, and formidable to Tyrants only. He has called together Legislative Bodies at Places unusual, uncomfortable, and distant from the Depository of their public Records, for the sole Purpose of fatiguing them into Compliance with his Measures. He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly Firmness his Invasions on the Rights of the People. He has refused for a long Time, after such Dissolutions, to cause others to be elected; whereby

the Legislative Powers, incapable of the Annihilation, have returned to the People at large for their exercise; the State remaining in the mean time exposed to all the Dangers of Invasion from without, and the Convulsions within. He has endeavoured to prevent the Population of these States; for that Purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their Migrations hither, and raising the Conditions of new Appropriations of Lands. He has obstructed the Administration of Justice, by refusing his Assent to Laws for establishing Judiciary Powers. He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the Tenure of their Offices, and the Amount and Payment of their Salaries. He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their Substance. He has kept among us, in Times of Peace, Standing Armies, without the consent of our Legislatures. He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power. He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation: For quartering large Bodies of Armed Troops among us; For protecting them, by a mock Trial, from Punishment for any Murders which they should commit on the Inhabitants of these States: For cutting off our Trade with all Parts of the World: For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent: For depriving us, in many Cases, of the Benefits of Trial by Jury: For transporting us beyond Seas to be tried for pretended Offences: For abolishing the free System of English Laws in a neighbouring Province, establishing therein an arbitrary Government, and enlarging its Boundaries, so as to render it at once an Example and fit Instrument for introducing the same absolute Rules into these Colonies: For taking away our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments: For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislate for us in all Cases whatsoever. He has abdicated Government here, by declaring us out of his Protection and waging War against us. He has plundered our Seas, ravaged our Coasts, burnt our Towns, and destroyed the Lives of

our People. He is, at this Time, transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the Works of Death, Desolation, and Tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty and Perfidy, scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous Ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized Nation. He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the Executioners of their Friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands. He has excited domestic Insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the Inhabitants of our Frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages, whose known Rule of Warfare, is an undistinguished Destruction, of all Ages, Sexes and Conditions. In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated Injury. A Prince, whose Character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the Ruler of a free People. Nor have we been wanting in Attentions to our British Brethren. We have warned them from Time to Time of Attempts by their Legislature to extend an unwarrantable Jurisdiction over us. We have reminded them of the Circumstances of our Emigration and Settlement here. We have appealed to their native Justice and Magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the Ties of our common Kindred to disavow these Usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our Connections and Correspondence. They too have been deaf to the Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the Necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of Mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace, Friends. We, therefore, the Representatives of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, in GENERAL CONGRESS, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the World for the Rectitude of our Intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly Publish and Declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES; that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which INDEPENDENT STATES may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm Reliance on the Protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

bill of rights ***** The document known commonly as the American “Bill of Rights” was the First Amendment to the united States’ Constitution. It was a package deal consisting of ten articles and it had its own preamble, which gives the purpose, or construction, of the “Bill of Rights”. If one takes the time to closely examine and analyze this preamble, using a good dictionary, one can determine the true purpose, context and correct interpretation of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is really about natural, human rights, but unfortunately, the federal government is not following it. ***** PREAMBLE The Conventions of a number of the States having, at the time of adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added, and as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution: “BILL OF RIGHTS” Article 1 Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Article 2 A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Article 3 No soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law. Article 4 The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Article 5 No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property,

without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article 6 In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article 7 In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law. Article 8 Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article 9 The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article 10 The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.

The original constitution for these united states Preamble We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE I Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Section 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of members chosen every second year by the people of the several states, and the electors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the state legislature. No person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the several states which may be included within this union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three years after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the state of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York six, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten, North Carolina five, South Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers; and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Section 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the legislature thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, they shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expiration of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one third may be

chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation, or otherwise, during the recess of the legislature of any state, the executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the legislature, which shall then fill such vacancies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years, and been nine years a citizen of the United States and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose, they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present. Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States: but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment and punishment, according to law. Section 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Section 5. Each House shall be the judge of the elections, returns and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members, in such manner, and under such penalties as each House may provide. Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two thirds, expel a member. Each House shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may in their judgment require secrecy; and the yeas and nays of the members of either House on any question shall, at the desire of one fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither House, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two Houses shall be sitting. Section 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for

any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time: and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either House during his continuance in office. Section 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it become a law, be presented to the President of the United States; if he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections, to the other House, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each House respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their adjournment prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment) shall be presented to the President of the United States; and before the same shall take effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be repassed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and limitations prescribed in the case of a bill. Section 8. The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads; To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries;

To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years; To provide and maintain a navy; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and other needful buildings;--And To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof. Section 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or revenue to the ports of one state over those of another: nor shall vessels bound to, or from, one state, be obliged to enter, clear or pay duties in another.

No money shall be drawn from the treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Section 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws: and the net produce of all duties and imposts, laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the treasury of the United States; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, keep troops, or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as will not admit of delay. ARTICLE II Section 1. The executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same term, be elected, as follows: Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. The electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President; and if no person have a majority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, the person having the greatest number of votes of the electors

shall be the Vice President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice President. The Congress may determine the time of choosing the electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice President, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation or inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what officer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the disability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services, a compensation, which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the execution of his office, he shall take the following oath or affirmation:--�I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.� Section 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of impeachment. He shall have power, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, to make treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the United States, whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law: but the Congress may by law vest the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of departments. The President shall have power to fill up all vacancies that may happen during the recess of the Senate, by granting commissions which shall expire at the end of their next session. Section 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.

Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. ARTICLE III Section 1. The judicial power of the United States, shall be vested in one Supreme Court, and in such inferior courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behaviour, and shall, at stated times, receive for their services, a compensation, which shall not be diminished during their continuance in office. Section 2. The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;-- between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects. In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make. The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed. Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court. The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted. ARTICLE IV Section 1. Full faith and credit shall be given in each state to the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state. And the Congress may by general laws prescribe the manner in which such acts, records, and proceedings shall be proved, and the effect thereof. Section 2. The citizens of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several states. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which

he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. No person held to service or labor in one state, under the laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in consequence of any law or regulation therein, be discharged from such service or labor, but shall be delivered up on claim of the party to whom such service or labor may be due. Section 3. New states may be admitted by the Congress into this union; but no new states shall be formed or erected within the jurisdiction of any other state; nor any state be formed by the junction of two or more states, or parts of states, without the consent of the legislatures of the states concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state. Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence. ARTICLE V The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress; provided that no amendment which may be made prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any manner affect the first and fourth clauses in the ninth section of the first article; and that no state, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI All debts contracted and engagements entered into, before the adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding. The Senators and Representatives before mentioned, and the members of the several state legislatures, and all executive and judicial officers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation, to support this Constitution; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII

The ratification of the conventions of nine states, shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present the seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof We have hereunto subscribed our Names, [Signed by:] G. Washington; Presidt. and deputy from Virginia New Hampshire: John Langdon, Nicholas Gilman Massachusetts: Nathaniel Gorham, Rufus King Connecticut: Wm: Saml. Johnson, Roger Sherman New York: Alexander Hamilton New Jersey: Wil: Livingston, David Brearly, Wm. Paterson, Jona: Dayton Pennsylvania: B. Franklin, Thomas Mifflin, Robt. Morris, Geo. Clymer, Thos. FitzSimons, Jared Ingersoll, James Wilson, Gouv Morris Delaware: Geo: Read, Gunning Bedford jun, John Dickinson, Richard Bassett, Jaco: Broom Maryland: James McHenry, Dan of St Thos. Jenifer, Danl Carroll Virginia: John Blair--, James Madison Jr. North Carolina: Wm. Blount, Richd. Dobbs Spaight, Hu Williamson South Carolina: J. Rutledge, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, Charles Pinckney, Pierce Butler Georgia: William Few, Abr Baldwin



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Tools for Freedom "Freedom has a thousand charms to show, that slaves, howe'er contented, never know." - William Cowper, THE HOUR OF THE TIME "Caged birds accept each other but flight is what they long for." - Tennessee Williams, Camino Real "There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One is roots; the other, wings." - Hodding Carter "A right is not what someone gives you; it's what no one can take from you." - Ramsey Clark "You can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." - Robert Heinlein "Gardening is civil and social, but it wants the vigor and freedom of the forest and the outlaw." - Henry David Thoreau "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves." - William Pitt, Nov. 18, 1783 "I believe that liberty is the only genuinely valuable thing that men have invented, at least in the field of government, in a thousand years. I believe that it is better to be free than to be not free, even when the former is dangerous and the latter safe. I believe that the finest qualities of man can flourish only in free air - that progress made under the shadow of the policeman's club is false progress, and of no permanent value. I believe that any man who takes the liberty of another into his keeping is bound to become a tyrant, and that any man who yields up his liberty, in however slight the measure, is bound to become a slave." - H.L. Mencken

"For He that worketh high and wise, nor pauses in his plan, will take the sun out of the skies ere freedom out of man." - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Ode Sung to the Town Hall "All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree. All these aspirations are directed toward ennobling man's life, lifting it from the sphere of mere physical existence and leading the individual towards freedom." - Albert Einstein "If a nation values anything more than freedom, it will lose its freedom; and the irony of it is that if it is comfort or money that it values more, it will lose that too." - Somerset Maugham "Those who profess to favor freedom and yet depreciate agitation, are people who want crops without ploughing the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning; they want the ocean without the roar of its many waters. The struggle may be a moral one, or it may be a physical one, or it may be both. But it must be a struggle. Power concedes nothing without a demand; it never has and it never will." - Frederick Douglass "You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom... Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." - Malcolm X, 1965 "I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free. Mankind will surely not deny to Harold Skimpole what it concedes to the butterflies!" - Charles Dickens, Bleak House






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Robert Bissett: Letters to Jessica, A Child’s Guide to Freedom Augustus Blackstone: Final Solution to Property Tax (Allodial Title via Land Patent); Truth About the ABA William Blum: Rogue State Branton: Dulce Book Ellen Brown: Web of Debt; How to Resolve the Credit Crisis: Credit Where Credit is Due, 1/11/9 Harry Browne: How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World; Why Government Doesn’t Work Zbigniew Brzezinski: Between Two Ages; The Grand Chessboard Smedley Butler: War Is A Racket; pdf William Guy Carr: Pawns in the Game Alex Christopher: Pandora’s Box Frank Chodorov: Income Tax - Root of All Evil John Coleman: Conspirator’s Hierarchy: Committee of 300; One World Order Socialist Dictatorship; Rothschild Dynasty; Tavistock Institute of Human Relations Alex Constantine: Mockingbird: The Subversion of the Free Press By the CIA; Nutrapoison William Cooper: Behold a Pale Horse; another; Secret Societies, NWO Egon Corti: Rise of the House of Rothschild, 1928 Cremo & Thompson: Hidden History of the Human Race Mary Elizabeth Croft: How I Clobbered Every Bureaucratic ...; Authority Hoax; The 144,000; The Cause of All Problems with Authorities; Two Completely Different, Separate, Distinctive Forms of Accounting; Red Ice Interview John DeCamp: Franklin Cover-up Étienne De La Boetie: Discourse on Voluntary Servitude Frederick Douglass: My Bondage & My Freedom; This Fourth of July is yours, not mine Eric Dubay: Atlantean Conspiracy; Famous Freemasons Exposed Erik Du Plessis: The Advertised Mind Sheldon Emery: Billions for Bankers – Debts for the People; Real Story of the Money Control Over America A. Ralph Epperson: New World Order, 1994; Unseen Hand - An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History Myron Fagan: Hollywood Reds Are On the Run; Illuminati & the Council on Foreign Relations; Red Stars in Hollywood; audios Erik Fortman: Some Paine-ful Common Sense Fraser & Beeston: The Brotherhood & the Manipulation of Society Garet Garrett: American Omen; Cinder Buggy; Ouroboros; People’s Pottage; Satan’s Bushel; Who is GG? John Taylor Gatto: Underground History of American Education; pdf Douglas Gnazzo: Gold: Sovereign of Sovereigns Robert Gould: History of the Masons G. Edward Griffin: Creature From Jekyll Island (audio); Mandrake Mechanism; Norman Dodd Interview, 1982 Ted Gunderson: Illuminati & the NWO Manly P. Hall: Secret Destiny of America, 1944

Robert Thomas Hay: Extortion System of the Ruling Elite Andrew Hennessey: Monkeys of Eden: Telepathic Overlords & the Slaves of Earth Patricia Henry: Give Me Liberty During My Life - Advice to the Young Who Want to Live Free Jack Herer: Emperor Wears No Clothes Bill Hicks: Home; wikipedia; wikiquote; quotes; Hustlin’ Hicks; Conspiracy Tribute; What is the Point to Life; It’s Just Fucking Television; Last Words; Bill Hicks is Dead Andrew Hitchcock: History of the House of Rothschild; History of the Money Changers; Synagogue of Satan Leonard Horowitz: online resources; Emerging Viruses - AIDS & Ebola; In Lies We Trust trailer David Icke: website; And the Truth Shall Set You Free; Biggest Secret; Children of the Matrix; I Am Me, I Am Free; Infinite Love Is the Only Truth; Robot’s Rebellion; Secret History of America; Tales From the Time Loop; Big Brother, Big Picture 7/6/08; Brixton Academy 2006 Informer: Notes of Debt Are Not Income - Check Endorsements; Against the Grain Press; History of Lawful Tender Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt: Deliberate Dumbing Down of America; Alex Jones, Pt. 1 Alexander James: Hidden History of Money & New World Order Usury Secrets; Hidden Secrets of Money Alex Jones: Endgame, Blueprint for Government Enslavement; Terror Storm; Infowars; Prison Planet John Kaminski: 2nd Wave Jim Keith: Mind Control, World Control Russ Kick, ed.: You Are Being Lied To Jim Kirwan: Confront the Delusions Laura Knight-Jadczyk: Secret History of the World & How To Get Out Alive Arthur Koestler: 13th Tribe Rose Wilder Lane: Discovery of Freedom; Give Me Liberty John Lennon: I Met the Walrus; Whitehead: Who Killed John Lennon?; Bresler: Who Killed John Lennon? Leonard Lewin: Report From Iron Mountain; Blueprint for Tyranny Johnny Liberty: Global Sovereign’s Handbook; U.S. is Broke David Livingstone: Terrorism & the Illuminati Willie Lynch: The Making of a Slave speech, 1712 William Lyne: Pentagon Aliens; Occult Science Dictatorship Albert Mackey: An Encyclopedia of Freemasonry 1 John Marks: Search for the Manchurian Candidate Jim Marrs: Rise of the 3rd Reich; Rule By Secrecy Texe Marrs: Codex Magica Marx & Engels: Manifesto of the Communist Party Massoneria: Symbols of Secret Societies Associated with the Illuminati Jordan Maxwell: Matrix of Power: How the World Has Been Controlled; documents Wendy McElroy: XXX: A Woman’s Right to Pornography Louis T. McFadden: Remarks in Congress on the Federal Reserve Corporation, 1934 Cynthia McKinney: Rammed Boat John McManus: The Insiders Rob Menard: Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception, video; pdf (scroll down); Magnificent Deception; Think Free; Security of the Person Small H.L. Mencken: Notes On Democracy George Mercier: Invisible Contracts; pdf Merrill: Are You Lost At Sea? Edith Starr Miller: Occult Theocrasy Linda Minor: Follow the Yellow Brick Road Ludwig von Mises: Quotable Eustace Mullins: pdf; Secrets of the Federal Reserve; another; World Order Michael Nield: Police State Road Map M.K. Night: Wayki Wayki Albert J. Nock: Freeman Book; Our Enemy, The State; Who is AJN? Ray Novosel: Illuminati Exposed Thomas Paine: Age of Reason; Common Sense; Complete Writings, vols. 1 & 2; The Crisis; On Freemasonry; The Rights of Man Ron Paul: Physical Opposition To Government May Become Necessary 08/20/08; Shift Toward Global Government Under Obama 11/5/8; Alex Jones, 11/7/08: New monetary system; Pt.2 Thelen Paulk: A Visitor from the Past

Paine’s Torch: Grateful Slave John Perkins: Confessions of an Economic Hitman Eric Jon Phelps: Vatican Assassins Albert Pike: Morals & Dogma Edward Popp: Great Cookie Jar L. Fletcher Prouty: Secret Team Carroll Quigley: Tragedy & Hope Daniel Quinn: Beyond Civilization Ayn Rand: Anthem; Anthem; pdf; Atlas Shrugged; ‘Atlas Shrugged’: From Fiction to Fact in 52 Years; Capitalism, the Unknown Ideal; On Money; excerpts; For the New Intellectuals; Fountainhead; Virtue of Selfishness Jon Rappoport: How Do Sheep Express Self? Wilhelm Reich: The Mass Psychology of Fascism Jeff Rense: Program; Rense Under Attack Fredric L. Rice: How to Disappear in America Without a Trace David Allen Rivera: Final Warning: A History of the New World Order Archibald Roberts: The Most Secret Science John Robison: Proofs of a Conspiracy (1798) Fred Rodell: Woe Unto You, Lawyers Larken Rose: How to Be a Successful Tyrant Burnice Ross: A Total Eclipse of Freedom Murray N. Rothbard: Library & Resources; Case Against the Fed; How Gen. Washington Crushed the Spirit of Liberty; Ludwig von Mises; New History of Leviathan; Who is MR?; Gordon: Essential Rothbard; Private Coinage J. Michael Waller: Fighting the War of Ideas like a Real War Walter White, Jr.: Harold Wallace Rosenthal Interview Aaron Russo: Aaron Russo and Rockefeller, Microchip & 9/11; Russo & Nicholas Rockefeller; America Freedom to Fascism; Alex Jones Interview Acharya S: Christ Conspiracy Thomas Scambos, Jr.: How to Beat the IRS; IRS Fraud Exposed Peter Schiff: He was right 2006-2007; On Fast Money, 11/20/08; PS gets Cut Off; Philosopher’s Stone; Nightmare Before Christmas; Why The U.S. Economy Will Collapse J. Neil Schulman: Stopping Power - Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns Steven Sora: Secret Societies of America’s Elite Lysander Spooner: A Defence for Fugitive Slaves; Constitution of No Authority; Let’s Abolish Government; Letter to Bayard; Letter to Grover Cleveland; Natural Law; No Treason; Taxation; Trial By Jury; Unconstitutionality of Slavery; Vices Are Not Crimes; Frederick Mann: The Greatest Lawyer That Has Ever Been; Wendy McElroy Charles Sprading: Liberty & the Great Libertarians Fritz Springmeier: Bloodlines of the Illuminati; Power of the Rothschilds Antony C. Sutton: America’s Secret Establishment; Trilaterals Over America; Wall Street & the Bolshevik Revolution; Wall Street & the Rise of Hitler Webster Griffin Tarpley: 9/11 Synthetic Terror, Made in the USA; Obama - Postmodern Coup Making of a Manchurian Candidate; Alex Jones Pt. 1 Brice Taylor: Thanks for the Memories Michael Tsarion: Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation; Weapons of Mass Destruction Found Sun Tzu: Art of War Jeff Vail: A Theory of Power Hartford Van Dyke: Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars; Van Dyke Letters Jan van Helsing: Secret Societies & their Power in the 20th Century Paul Joseph Watson: Order Out of Chaos Steve Watson: Financial Meltdown a Gigantic Fraud H.G. Wells: New World Order; Open Conspiracy; Shape of Things to Come; Anticipations of the New Republic Wheeler & Springmeier: Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave; Illuminati Mind Controlled Slaves Colin Wilson: A Criminal History of Mankind Naomi Wolf: Fascist Blueprint; Fascist America in 10 Easy Steps; End of America Claire Wolfe: Living the Outlaw Life; Freeing Your Inner Outlaw Jarret Wollstein: Society Without Coercion, 1969 Leo Zagami: Bacon & Dee Howard Zinn: People’s History of the United States author unknown: Historical Development of Modern Feudalism Earthlings is about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals and also complete disrespect for them. It is possibly the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests and selfishness. It cries to be seen. See also Cruelty of Food Animals THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time.

Footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, illuminates the corporation›s grip on our lives. Taking its legal status as a «person» to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist›s couch to ask «What kind of person is it?» Provoking, witty, sweepingly informative, The Corporation includes forty interviews with corporate insiders and critics - including Milton Friedman, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change. The film is based on the book The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power by Joel Bakan. Catching Wild Pigs Power of Conformity; Gullibility Test; Plato’s Allegory of the Cave Davy Crockett: Not Yours to Give (1884) Rights: There is only one fundamental right. All the others are its consequences or corollaries. My fundamental right is the right to my own life; the right to act on my own judgment, for my own goals, by my own voluntary, uncoerced choice; imposing no obligation on neighbors other than that they abstain from violating my rights. J. Croft: Freedom Guide

Gold & Silver: HJR 192 6/5/33; Schoon - Last American Hero; Alf Field: Chaos Chronicled; Truth in

the Coin Shop; J.S. Kim: Law of Supply and Demand Is Dead for Gold and Silver (9/15/8); Gold Primer 7/7/4; Evolution from Gold to Fiat Money; Rothschild & Gold, 4/23/4; Max Keiser on Alex Jones - Comex Default in December 08 Expect $2000 Gold in One Day!; Comex Gold Shock and Awe, 12/2/8; Manipulation of Gold Prices, 12/4/8; RED ALERT: GOLD BACKWARDATION!, 12/5/8; Jim Sinclair MineSet, 12/8; Manipulation of Prices; Is Gold & the Balance of Power Shifting from the West to the East, 1/21/9 You Really Need to See/ Read This: About, 1, 2; Anders: 12 Ways to Prepare for the Next Great Depression; Schoon: Great Depression of the 2010s; Spence: If I Were a Terrorist; 2; 100 Items to Disappear First; Tin Hats, Truth & Being Prepared; They Want Your Soul; Carolyn Baker: Making Sense of Collapse; Peak Bullshit; Private health Insurance: Leading Cause of Bankruptcies; A Financial Controlled Demolition Just Like 9/11; Calamitous Web Bot Predictions; Zeitgeist Addendum; Zeitgeist Movement; The most dangerous video on the Internet,11/30/8; Philosophy of Liberty; Shattering Denial; Don Cooper: Thank Goodness I Live in a Free Country; Paul Bonneau: Humans as Livestock; Karl Schwarz: Predictions for 2009; George Green: This is how they will kill us; Gerald Celente: Economic Forecast; Economic Armageddon; Revolution, Food Riots, Tax Rebellions By 2012; Coming Revolution, 1/6/9; Global Economic Meltdown, 1/29/9: Lindsay Williams: Economic Calamity Ahead, 1/16/9; Abraham-Hicks: Law of Attaction & Wall Street, 9/27/08 What to do?: Safe websites let you embarrass people in high places; Angie Riedel: And Then We Will Die; Mike Adams: Financial Hurricane Warning: How to Protect Yourself from the Global Financial Fallout Now Underway; John Galt: If you are scared, you are not prepared 10/8/8; Mark Yannone: Time to Act is Now, 12/19/8

Survival: John Seymour: Complete Book of Self Sufficiency


Loose Change, Final Cut; Berkowitz: The Truth About 9/11; Tarpley: Synthetic Terrorism Made In USA; Stranger Than Fiction; Illuminazi; John Kaminski: 9/11 Was a Hoax; Government Insider Says George Bush Authorized 911 Attacks; William Rodriguez audios; ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, pt.1; Missing Links; Bernard Weiner: 26 Things We Now Know Seven Years After 9/11, 9/9/8; Jesse Ventura on Alex Jones; Lana Wood & Physics Professors; Career Army Officer Sues Cheney, Rumsfeld For 9/11 Complicity; Insider Trading; Emergency Warning for Office Workers

Financial Collapse: Coming Financial Collapse of America; Steve Watson:

Reporter Warns Staged Financial Crisis Part Of Fascist Coup; T. Anthony Michael: Pre-Planned

Financial/ Economic 9/11 of 2008; Darryl Robert Schoon: Killers are with the Patient; William Cox: Betrayed by the Bailout: Death of Democracy; Crisis Explained - Really; Banking Collapse Announces the Beginning of the Golden Age; Burning Down the House; Bogus Meltdown; Forrest Gump Explains Mortgage Backed Securities; Greatest Transfer of Wealth in History; Federal Reserve caused the 700 billion dollar bailout and economic crash; U.S. Dollar Currency Collapse Within 30 Days; Architects of Economic Collapse; Pam Martens: Two Trillion Dollar Black Hole; Collapse of Pension Funds: The End of Retirement?; Baltic Dry Index Falls 93%; Fred Thompson on the Economy; Madoff’s Money Trail Leads to Washington; Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S.; Greatest Wealth Transfer in the History of Mankind Starts Now, 12/19/8; Bob Chapman: Financial Ruin & War for All Who Oppose the Rulers, 1/3/9; Economic Crash Course; 25 people who engineered the collapse; Taleb & Mandelbrot: mathematics of collapse; Bailout: Dirty Secret: 32 Words that None Dare Utter; America Has Died; Why Wont The Bail Out Work?; video; Taxpayers Forced To Bailout Zionist Gangsters; Inhofe: “No Way Of Knowing” Where Bailout Money Has Gone; Bailed-Out Bank Goes on Toll Road Buying Binge; A Devastating Impact as the Market Unleverages and a Winter of Discontent, 12/17/8; Golden Parachute with a Silver Lining; Megabanks Could Fail Despite Federal Aid; Bailout This!, 1/27/9; Housing Bubble: Real Estate Downfall; Personal Letter from Satan to Paulson Walter Burien, CAFR: Dust in the Wind, 1/13/9


JFK: Inside Job; Wean: There’s a Fish in the Courthouse; Bill Hicks; Did Bush Sr. Kill Kennedy and Frame Nixon?; JFK, Jr.: Who Killed JFK, Jr.?; Marc Stevens: JFKII - Bush Connection; Why Al Franken Should NOT Be Riding Private Planes

Banking: Banker’s Manifesto of 1892; Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago: Modern

Money Mechanics; How the Federal Reserve works; Introduction to Mathematically Perfected Economy; Little Banking Secrets; Brown: Dollar Deception: How Banks Secretly Create Money; Cook: What Banks Don’t Want You to Know; Grignon: Money as Debt; Fox to Guard the Henhouse; Mullineaux, Murinde: Handbook of International Banking; Durland: Theories; Primer On Money; Gouge: Principles of the Banking System, 1833; Federal Reserve Notes Are Not Legal Tender; Durland: International Bank Lord’s Timeline to Slavery; Federal Reserve Directors chart; Unknown $19 Trillion Depository Trust Company; Bank Ratings, 3/31/08; Americans Should Worry About Bank Deposits if Congress Doesn’t Act; Your Safe Deposit Box is at Risk; Walker Todd Affidavit; End the Fed 11/22/08; Bilderberg Seeks Bank Centralization Agenda; 8 Important Facts About the Federal Reserve; Fiat Money: Confidence is Leaving the Fiat Money System; Federal Reserve Notes vs. United States Notes; Non-Fiat Money: Copper Cards; video; Free Lakota Bank

Playing the Commerce Game:

Glossary of Terms; Lisa Guliani - The U.S. is a Corporation; Presentments Index; Money Stuff; Emancipation: SS Trust Indenture; Dave Champion: American Radio; Common Law Venue: documents; Richard Cornforth: Secrets of the Legal Industry; Sam Davis: Status Is Freedom; Freedom School: website; Greg Hansen: Family Guardian; Great IRS Hoax; Why You Aren’t Subject to the Draft; Sovereign = Foreign; Kevin Hines: myspace; Jean Keating: Jack Smith Transcript 0406; Material; Sam Kennedy: Take No Prisoners audio archives; White Ant?; Robert Menard: World Freeman Society; Lynn Schmaltz: How a Prisoner Funds America; Winston Shrout: Solutions in Commerce; Perceptions of Commerce; Ft. Collins Seminar; Jack Smith: Honour, Dishonour; Sovereignty Education & Defense Ministry SEDM; Forms; Marc Stevens:Adventures In Legal Land; Sui Juris: downloads; Think Free Be Free: Menard, Shrout, Maxwell, Belanger, Gravenhorst Archive; Truth Radio: website; Commerce & the UCC: Why the UCC Filing; Affidavit of Corporate Denial; Interpretive Writings on Redemption; Maxims of Commerce; Mastering the UCC; UCC Study Guide; Buhtz: UCC Investigative Report, 5/26/03; Commercial Liens: A Most Potent Weapon; Fictions: Office of the Person; Person & Individual; People or Citizens; Copyright Notice: Bill Clinton; Notary Protest: Forms; HonorDishonor; Bonding: UBC; UBC2; UBC3; Freedom School on Bonds; 1099-OID: Explanation; Allodial Title: Ownerships Highest Proof; What Is?; Allodial Freehold; Straight Talk; Car Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin: Forum; Asset Protection: Common Law Trusts; Not-

so-safe Deposit Boxes; video; Foreclosure:Foreclosure Defense; More people representing themselves; Licenses & Adhesion Contracts: Common Law Marriage; Structure of the Birth Certificate; State Birth Certificates; Fed Res.Acct. in Which the B/C was Deposited; Tracking the Birth Certificate Scheme; 501c3: Why not?; Social Security Number: SSN Not Required Policy Manual; 9 Digits called the SSN; Sales Tax: State; Oregon Governor wants a mileage tax, 12/27/8; Consumerism: Product Downsizing; Take Your Money Back; Barcodes: All About UPC Barcode; Prediction Markets: Intrade Still, they have to fool us to rule us.

Elite Controllers: Edward Mandell House quote; Global Elite: Who Are They?; Occult

Technology of Power; Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion; Ring of Power; again; Zeitgeist, the Movie; Esoteric Agenda; Quigley: The Anglo-American Establishment selections; Global Elders; Christopher Tennant: Official Filthy Rich Handbook; Illuminati:Fulford Contra Rockefeller; 40 Techniques; Arrivals; Rothschilds: Corti: Rise of the House of Rothschild; Armstrong: Money Trust; Rothschild Dynasty; Hitchcock: History of the House of Rothschild; Hitchcock: Timeline; Balla: Romance of the Rothchilds; Reeves: Financial Rulers of Nations, 1887; Leese: Gentle Folly, The Rothschilds; Octopus; Inbreeding; Rockefellers: Allen: Rockefeller File; Micheloud: John D. Rockefeller & the Standard Oil Company; Real Boss; Proud Internationalist; Rockefeller Internationalist; Bush: Tarpley & Chaitkin: George Bush - Unauthorized Biography; Remember John Hinckley?; Carlyle Group Exposed; Bush Family Business - Out of Control Fraud; Fake but True; V. Bugliosi: Bush should be tried for murder; Most Amazing short Bush video; Banned Bush Speech; Bush Fulfills His Grandfather’s Dream; War Criminal; Like Father, Like Son; Roots of the Savings & Loan Scandal; Bush Crime Family Flow Chart; Bush Family Paraguay Hideaway; George Bush Dodges Shoe, 12/14/8; Muntadar al-Zaidi: One man in a billion; Bilderbergers: Chantilly, VA, 06/2008; 2008 Attendee List; 2008 Participant List; Bohemian Grove: Following Bilderberg Conference, 2008; 2008 List; Trilateral Commission: TC, John, Hillary & Barack; Membership;

Jesuits: Martin: Black Pope: Most Powerful Man in the World?; Black Pope; Pitrat: Jesuits Unveiled; Blood Oath; Greg Szymanski: Confession #19; Piers Compton: Broken Cross;


Schoenman: Hidden History of Zionism; Einstein Warning of Zionist Fascism; Bjerknes: St. Einstein; Kirwan - Never have So Few; Brenner: Zionism in the Age of Dictaters; Hoffman: Truth About the Talmud; Gardener: Why are Jews Persecuted?; Makow: Zionist Fox Guards American Henhouse; Fahey: Waters Flowing Eastward; Douglas Reed: Controversy of Zion; Henry Ford: International Jew; Pelley: 45 Questions & Answers; French Connection Anti-Zionist Think Tank; Jewification Of America; Israeli Best Seller Breaks National Taboo - Idea of A Jewish People Invented, Says Historian; How Mossad Controls Our Political Parties; Israel Has No Right To Exist; Satanists: Pidcock: Satanic Voices, Ancient & Modern; Ritual Calendar; CIA & Satanism; Hand Signs; more; Robin Williams performing for Prince Charles;

Israel: Loss of Liberty; Bernstein: My Farewell to Israel; Obama says U.S. will always stand

by Israel; Barack Obama at AIPAC; Israel’s Grand Design; George Galloway Truth About Israel, 1/3/09; Holocaust: Did 6,000,000 Really Die?; Concentration Camp Money; Khazar Empire:Illuminati & NWO; History: Anti-Terrorist: U.S. is a British colony; Near Coup in 1934; Man Who Saved the World on September 26, 1983; Freemasons: Dillon: Grand Orient Freemasonry Unmasked; Secret Architecture of Wash.D.C.; Other Secret Societies: Hellfire Club;

Georgia Guide Stones: Vandalized, 12/11/8; A Message To the NWO From the Georgia Guidestones


Barack Obama (Barry Soetoro): Hail Satan; Pied Piper & Children’s Crusade Remaker?; Barbara Simpson - Political Pied Piper; Messiah?; video portrait; Accomplishments; 2004 Interview; Obama’s Use of Hidden Hypnosis Techniques in His Speeches; Collection of Lies; Laundry List; Obama File; Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing; 32nd degree Prince Hall Mason; Tom Fife: First Time I Heard Of Barack, 11/20/08; First Communist President; ObamaTest; David Icke: Naked Emperor; The Real Obama; Who am I?; ‘70’s Disco Funk Past; Obama Worship: In Grade School, 1/28/9; Military to Pledge Oath to Obama, not Constitution, 1/28/9; Birth: Birth Certificate Forgery Confirmed; Proof; Grandmother says Barack was born in Kenya; 8/4/61 724p Mombassa, Kenya; Calls to the Kenyon Embassy; DNC steps in to silence lawsuit over Obama birth certificate; Petition for Public Release; Mac Daddy, Produce the Doggone Birth Certificate!; Court won’t review Obama’s eligibility to serve, 12/8/8; Devvy: Imposter President Obama; The Facts;Who is Barack Obama?; Illegitimate trouble; Election: Winning numbers in the Illinois pick 3 lottery on the day after election day (11/5/8) were 6-6-6; Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are; McCAIN THREW THE ELECTION - OBAMAFIX WAS IN ALL YEAR; Hooray for Larken Rose!; This Emperor Has No Clothes; Inauguration: zoom in

anywhere on the picture; Change?: No Change; NY Federal Reserve chief Timothy Geithner to head the Treasury, 11/21/08; Beware of Elite’s Bearing Gifts; Imperialism You Can Believe In; Obama’s new appointments assure business as usual; Monsanto Man Chosen for Sec’y of Agriculture; Biotech Governor appointed Agriculture Sec’y; Obama picks RIAA’s favorite lawyer for a top Justice post; Unconstitutional Agenda; Dirty Trickster to head CIA; Obama’s People; Obama Inner Circle Filled With Bilderbergers; Obama Appoints Top Notch CFR, Bilderberg Members; Jon Stewart: Is This What You Call Change?; Bretigne Shaffer: An Open-Letter to My Pro-Obama Friends; CFR, NWO: Obama’s response to CFR ties; Barack Obama, the Rockefeller Family and NWO connection; NWO Speech 7/08; Fear of an Obama Cabinet; Obama & The CFR; Brzezinski on CFR, Bilderberg, & TC; Revolution; Unconstitutional Agenda; Brzezinski: Zbigniew Brzezinski: Man Behind Barack Obama; Obama Is Zbigniew Brzezinski Puppet; S.2433 Global Poverty Act: text; Obama’s Global Poverty Act would make U.S. law on issues ranging from the 2nd Amendment to energy usage and parental rights all subservient to United Nations whims; Compulsory Service (Slavery): Obama Calls For National Civilian Security Force; Barack Obama: Compulsory Service REQUIRED of Middle, High School, College Students; Rahm Emanuel talks about his draft plan; Civilian National Security Force; America Scouts;

Redistribution of Wealth: Obama Bombshell Redistribution of Wealth Audio Uncovered; Hide Your Stuff!; Real Letter From CEO To His Employees; Gun Control: Obama Discriminates; Devvy Kidd: Guns & God

Secret Rulers of the World:

Connecting the dots through ~3000 years of revisionist human history, spanning from the time of the pharaohs, all the way up to the present dynasties creating the New World Order, in a quest to perfect the enslavement of mankind. From pirates to banksters, to the ruling elite, who run the world’s finances, the media and cover both side of nearly every conflict or war: 1 That Morning of September; 2 Only the Start; 3 Profiting from 9/11; 4 Hidden Empire; 5 Vatican Hoarding; 6 Amen & the Pharoahs; 7 Abraham, a Pharoah?; 8 Oceans of Blood; 9 Queen; 10 King of Kings; 11 Empire; 12 Cult of Amen; 13 Committe of 300/ Illuminati; 14 Godfather/ Rothschilds; 15 New World Order; 16 Freemasonry/ M.A.F.I.A.; 17 Cheating at Monopoly; 18 Credit Monopoly; 19 Bushes & their Nazi buddies; 20 Palestine/ Israel; 21 Butcher Bankers; 22 Corporate Media; 23 Royalty’s Drug Running Kingpins; 24 War on Terror; 25 Iraqi Dates; 26 Antichrist; 27 Slave Credit System; 28 Silly Tax Slaves; 29 Power is Yours

Government: 545 people; Benedict LaRosa: Democracy or

Republic?; Republic or Democracy?; 14 Signposts to Slavery; Anti-Government Movement Guidebook; Voter Registration attachment; Citizen’s Guide to Using the Freedom of Information Act & the Privacy Act to Request Government Documents; Person; Treatise on Government; Policy Manual (for Living Without a Social Security Number); Are You Free?; We’re the Government & You’re Not; Communist Goals, 1963; Trading With the Enemy Act; Myth of Good Government; Truth about Big Government; Proper Role of Government; “Teach Your Children Well”; Walter Burien: Where All the Money Goes; Government is Terrorism; Pirates & Emperors; Government is Corporate: uSA v. USA; U.S. is a Corporation; Paul Andrew Mitchell; Secret Government: Bill Moyers; CIA, NSA, etc.:CIA Secrets; Jesse Ventura: CIA Embedded in Every State Government; Police: Boston T. Party: You & the Police; Police Use of Lies; humor; Blackwater Shadow Army; Ordinary Face of Everyday Evil; James Duane: Don’t Talk to the Police; George Bruch: Don’t Talk to the Police; Citizen’s Guide to Surviving Police Encounters; No Warrant, No Search; False Arrest; Police Have No Duty to Protect Individuals; Stinging the Police; Say No to Cops; Military & War:Questionnaire for Cops & Soldiers (#6, scroll down); ACN: I Need Some Soldiers; U.S. Lawmakers personally heavily invested in war; Vance: Heroes or Dupes?; Grossman: From Wounded Knee to Iraq - A Century of U.S. Military Interventions; Who Watches While the US Invades - Again 11/1/8; Israeli Bullying: Palestinian Loss-of-Land Mapcards; Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel,1/11/9; 100,000 Radiations; Fred: Gaza - Road to Ruad; Draft: Barnhill letter; McLamb: How to Avoid the Draft; audio; Rangel To Push Universal Military Draft Legislation, 1/15/9; Prisons: Prison Watch; U.S. Prison Population Dwarfs Other Nations; Prison as Industry; Civilian Inmate Labor Camps; Global Gulag; Privatized Prisons & the Global Drug Syndicate; Prisons are run by private corporations; Concentration Camp Uncovered By Reporters; News Crew Crashes Denver’s DNC Concentration Camp; Troy Chapman & the orange cat; Jails, Prisons, Bonds; FEMA Concentration Camps: New Legislation Authorizes FEMA Camps, 1/27/9; New Bill Will Turn Old Military Bases Into FEMA Camps, 1/27/9; H.R. 645: To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers; Making it legal; Torture: Shearer’s - Waterboardin’ USA; Martial Law: REX84 replace with new EOs; Military Preparation; Presidential Directives; Martial Law Beginning; Keith Olbermann: Beginning of End; Whitehead: End of America; U.S. Marine Boasts of Martial Law Takeover; Marines to begin martial law training in Indianapolis; Martin: Detention Camps; FEMA Red/ Blue List; Ketcham: Last Roundup; Confession of CIA Agent about FEMA; Survival Guide; Troops Gearing Up; Operation Garden Plot; Department of Defense Publications; Endgame: Detention & Removal

Plan; Is the American Holocaust at Hand?; Hawk’s Emergency Alert 10/2/8; Military starts Martial Law Mission 10/1/8; Brigade homeland tours start Oct. 1; Cynthia McKinney claims the DOD executed 5,000 prisoners; FEMA sources confirm coming martial law 10/8/8; Martial Law has arrived; Two More U.S. Military Units Assigned For Homeland Security; All Retired U.S. Army Officers and NCO’s Being Called Up, 11/18/08; 20,000 More U.S. Troops to be Deployed for “domestic Security”, 12/1/8; Alarming Military Escalation, 12/11/8; Petraeus doctrine; Constitution: Bill of Rights, 1791; Flawed From the Beginning; Founding Scoundrels; Understanding the U.S. Constitution; Constitution-Free Zone; Supreme Court Rules Against Fourth Amendment, 1/15/9; State Sovereignty:Increasing Number of States Declaring Sovereignty; United Nations: Rockefeller Roots; North American Union: Order Ameros Now; Super NAFTA; Hal Turner: I have an Amero; New World Order: Cook: Extraordinary Times; Fight the NWO with Global Non Compliance; Dueling Puppets; Financial Times Editorial Admits Agenda For Dictatorial World Government, 12/9/8; Student shows NWO in textbook; Kissinger: World must forge a new order or retreat to chaos, 1/20/9; Agenda 21: Amerikan Expose; Elections:Global Elite Like All Their Candidates; Obama & McCain: Pawns of the Global Elite; Jon Stewart: AIPAC Decides; Michael Rozeff: Why I Do Not Vote; Presidential Debates Are a Scam; World’s Smallest Political Quiz; War on Drugs: Successful Pot Smokers: Let’s Make a List; The True Villain

Gun Control:

Stossel: Higher Crime Rate; Stevens: 6 Things Americans Should Know About the 2nd Amendment; Jefferson quotes: 1, 2; Warning; Homeland Security; Gun Confiscation in N.O.; Obama Bill for UN Disarmament of Americans; Schulman: Stopping Power; The Future of Gun Control; Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership; Gun Control Clarity; History; British called - They want their guns back!;Ammo Control; Are states going to require serial numbers on bullets and require disposal of existing ammunition?; Revolution: JJ Johnson speaks to Senate about Militia; Free American Magazine; Everyone is militia!; The Revolution Will Not Be Organized; Edwin Viera: Committees of Safety

Population Control: Adachi: NWO Style; Martin: Thinning Out Useless

Eaters; Kissinger’s 1974 Food Control Genocide Plan; Georgia Guidestones; Leuren Moret interview; Ted Turner Says there’s too many of us; Creating a nation of zombies;Health: AMA: Town of Allopath; Prescription Drugs Kill More Than Street Drugs; Generation Rx; Iatrogenic Death; Psychiatriy Exposed; How Drug Reps Influence Doctors; Lanctot: Medical Mafia; Hawthorne: Inside the FDA; Birth Business Angers AMA; Medical Mafia; Death in a Bottle; 7 Dangerous Lies Your Doctor Tells; Prescription Drugs Kill 300 Percent More Americans than Illegal Drugs; AIDS: Alan Cantwell – Man-made Origin of AIDS; Cantwell - How & Why AIDS was Created; Cantwell - Secret Origin of AIDS; Strecker Memorandum; Military- Medical Complex; Leonard Horowitz: In Lies We Trust; African Holocaust - Killing with Kindness; Aspartame: Formaldehyde in My Sweetener; My Aspartame Experiment; Dark History; Avian Flu: Weaponized; Weaponized Avian Flue Intelligence Report; State Pandemic Flu Plans; H5N1 DNA in Flu Vaccine; Autism:If You Let the Idiots Talk; Cancer: Death by Doctoring; High-Priced Chemotherapy Treatments Bankrupting Families for a Few Months of Low-Quality “Life”; Mike Adams: Breast Cancer Deception; Chemotherapy Kills 27% of Sick Patients; Drugs: How do all those illicit drugs get past Customs and onto the streets?; Medical Journal Declares that Psychiatric Medications Should be Prescribed to Healthy People; Fluoride: Christopher Bryson – Fluoride Deception; Barbara Peterson – Don’t Swallow; Fluoride Accumulates in the Pineal Gland; Major Rudy; Perkins Letter; Silent Killer; Agenda 21; Government Testing & Spraying: Pesticide Over SF, Summer ‘08; Stop the Aerial Pesticide Spraying; 10 Evil Human Experiments; Guinea Pig Kids; Male Circumcision: Library of Halexandria; Electromagnetic Fields: Allergic to Wireless internet?; MSG: Slow Poisoning of America; What is MSG?; Vaccines: Dees; Alan Cantwell – Vexing Over Vaccines; Hadwen – Fraud of Vaccination, 1923; Hoax & Holocaust; Jon Rappaport interview of ex-vaccine researcher; Howenstine - Why Avoid

Vaccines; Mercola - How to Legally Avoid Immunizations; Ingredients; Carley: Vaccine Induced Diseases; Vaccination Exemptions; Inside Scoop on the Polio Vaccine; Tocco: Raising Healthy Vaccine Drug-Free Children; Hadwen: Case Against Vaccination (1896); Beddow: Case Against Vaccination (1936); Dole: Blood Poisoners (1965); Pushing Gardasil; 6 Good Reasons to Avoid the Flu Shot; Do Flu Shots Work? Ask A Vaccine Manufacturer; Food:Hartley: Doomsday Seed Vault, pt.1, pt.2; Markman: Could We Really Run Out?; Sparrowdancer: Mr. Potato; Eversole: Danger of Food Irradiation; The Criminalization of Raw Milk; Mennonite Farmer Hauled Away; Canada’s Bill C-51: Illegalizing Food?; A Silent Tsunami of Hunger is Coming; USDA Food Irradiation Plot; Melamine & Country Barcodes; High Fructose Corn Syrup Contaminated with Mercury; Fast Food: KFC; How Nasty Are McDonalds Fries?; McDonald’s 4 Year Old Cheeseburger; GMO:Hartley: Dispelling Common Myths About GMO Seeds; Major Threat to Fertility and Human Life on Earth; Monsanto: The World According to Monsanto; Monsanto & the Future of Food; Monsanto: Most Evil Company on the Planet; Raids on Seeds and Life; Do You Know Where Your Seeds Come From?; Microwave Cooking: Hidden Hazards; Dangers; Codex Alimentaris: Nutricide - Criminalizing Natural Health, Vitamins & Herbs; How the global elite will control your food supply; Water: Restoration Act of 2007; Population Control: Howard: History Timeline; Leuren Moret on Population Reduction


Plastic Soup; Vanishing Salmon; Palast: Court Rewards Exxon for Valdez Spill 6/26/08; Bees: Disappearance Caused by...; What’s Killing the Honeybees?; Bayer Pesticide Chemicals Link; Co-op bans eight pesticides after worldwide beehive collapse; Chemtrails, Morgellon’s Disease: Strange Days, Strange Skies; Aerosol Operation Crimes & Cover-Up; Rense Morgellons Radio Specials; Chemtrail vs. Contrail; Morgellons, chemtrails & nanotechnology; Stoopid Juice; Nano-sensors; If you ever doubted, you won’t after this; Nano-Sensor Implants?; Aerosol Crimes 1st Edition; Aerial Seeding of Biological Implants into Food, Water, & Air; 10 Years of Immune Breakdown; Depleted Uranium: Shrivastava: Blowing In the Wind; Westerman: Far Worse Than 9/11; 50,000 U.S. Soldiers Disabled within the last 3 months; Environmentalism: Green Agenda; Global Warming: Brenchley: 35 Inconvenient Truths; Murray: Gorey Truths; Engdahl - Cold Freeze; Roy Spencer; Macy: Greatest Danger; 32,000 Deniers; George Carlin on Global Warming; Global Cooling; Weather Channel founder wants to sue Al Gore; Great Global Warming Swindle; Global warming fraudsters dismayed by growing ice and expanding polar bear population; On the Brink of an Ice Age; Amazing Story Behind the Global Warming Scam; Peak Oil: Williams: The Energy NonCrisis; entire; html; pdf; Corsi: Abiotic Theory; Engdahl: Confessions of an ex-Peak Oil Believer; Ruppert: Crossing the Rubicon; Great Amnesia: How we became slaves to oil; We don’t need gasoline - we never did; Nuclear: What to do if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent; Inside Hanford - America’s Most Toxic Place ; Energy Solutions: Alcohol Can Be a Gas; Vertigro Algae; Algae Liquid Fuel; Energy Saver Lightbulbs (CFLs); Bioneers 2000

Income Taxes: Dear Fool; Hargis: His Especial Sovereign; April 15th Ritual of the

Enslaved; Adams: Rendering Caesar His Due; Mitchell: 31 Questions & Answers about the IRS; Feser: Taxation, Forced Labor & Theft; Freed: Simple Truth; Exempt from Signing Perjury Statement; Federal & State Withholding Options for Private Employers; Flawed Tax Arguments to Avoid; Galileo Paradigm; Good As Gold, trumping the IRS; Debunking IRS Lies; DOJ Criminal Tax Manual; IRS Chief Counsel Criminal Tax Bulletins; IRS Decoding Manual 6209-2003; IRS Organization Blueprint; IRS Pink Papers; IRS Tax Protesters Handbook; Nonresident Alien Position; Master File (MF) Decoder software; IMF Decoding; Report on the Tax Exempt Nature of Wages & Salaries; Tax Deposition Questions; State Income Taxes; “Trade or Business” scam; Willful Failure to File; What to Do When the IRS Comes Knocking; IRS Loss, Laws too complex, Paul Harvey mp3; Spirit of ‘43 - Donald Duck Sells Income Tax; Vivien Kellems; IRS Summons is Voluntary; IRS Attempt at Tax Honesty; Idiot Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid re: America’s Voluntary Income Tax; What Is Taxed?; Empowering IRS via Bailout; Banker Bailout Bill Contains IRS Police State Provision; United States bases tax on citizenship rather than residency; Income Tax Truth; Non-Taxable Check Endorsing; Peter Hendrickson: Lost Horizons; Criminal Rites of Spring; “Trade or Business” Approach; Peymon Mottahedeh: Free of IRS Tyranny?; Irwin Schiff: Federal Mafia; Jim Shaver: Notice of Federal Tax Lien packageNWO: Ron Paul: UN Pushed for Global Taxes

Law: Judge’s Conference re: Common Law

movement; Judicial Training Against pro Se Litigants; 7 Elements of Jurisdiction; Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd ed., 1910; Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Rev. 6th ed., 1856; Citizen’s Rule Book; Common Law Abatement; Jailhouse Lawyer’s Handbook; Lawyer’s Secret Oath; Jurisdictionary; Pro Se Handbook (Manual for Litigant Filing Without Counsel); Bridge: Treatise on Legal Remedies of Mandamus, Habeas Corpus, Certiori & Quo Warranto; Public Library of

Law; Myth of Judicial Immunity; Limited Immunity for Public Officials; Court Procedure; Sachs: World’s Biggest Corrupt Corporate Legal system; Americans Murdering Judges; Supreme Court Restores Habeas Corpus 061208; Jailhouse Lawyer; Federal Rules of Evidence; Federal Rules of Civil Procedure; Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure; California-specific legal information; How a Bill Becomes A Law by Coach John Madden; Maritime or Admiralty: Concerning Admiralty Law; Valiant Liberty: Secret of Special Maritime Jurisdiction Exposed; Attorneys: Why I Should Not Hire One; Should I Hire An Attorney?; How Your Lawyer Will Screw You; Secret Oath; Common Law: John Quade 1; Bouvier’s Common Law Dictionary, 1856; Jurisdiction: U.S. Has No Sovereignty; Jury: Handbook for Jurors; Intriguing Doctrine of Jury Nullification; Goodloe: Jury Nullification: Empowering the Jury as the 4th Branch of Government; Jury Summons Response letter; Traffic Court: Hardin: How to Win

Mind Control: The Power of Suggestion; Bowart History of Mind Control; Sutphen - The

Battle for Your Mind; How to Detect; Levy - The War on Consciousness; Forum Archives; Tietjen - Defending Against Mind Control; Cathy O’Brien Interview; Most Dangerous Game 1,2; Ewan Cameron: Sensory Deprivation; Delgado: Physical Control of the Mind(incomplete); Scary; Chemical Dumbing Down of America; Army’s Totally Serious Mind-Control Project; Jennifer Lerner on Emotion, Judgment and Public Policy; Bob Livingston: Gross Deception; Television: Subliminal Behavior Modification through TV; Fox News McCain Subliminal; Digital TV: Mind Control by the Sound of Silence; What TV does to your brain; Sheeple Of America; Information Control: Alex Jones: Death of the Internet; 2012: The Year The Internet Ends; Censoring the Internet essential links; i-9/11 & i-Patriot Act; Biden Is No Friend to File Sharing, Net Neutrality Protection or Online Privacy; Bursting the Vista Sales Bubble; Joel Skousen - How to Analyze the News; YouTube Partners with MOSSAD/ADL, 12/12/8; Education:Dismantle Public Education; Will Public Education be Militarized?; I’m a Saboteur; Religion: Power from the Pulpit Microchip: Mondex; Already here; FDA Approval; Agenda; Haggerty - A Generation; Watch a chip being implanted; North American Union & VChip Truth; Plan to Chip Newborns; Chip May Cause Cancer; Fox News Promotion; Masonic CHIP (Child Identification) Program; Bilderberg Agenda Leaked; On 6-6-6: Bush Announces Mark of The Beast System; Escape The Mark; Amish sue US government for ‘mark of the Beast’ on livestock, 11/17/08; Mandatory microchipping for pet owners


Plutonium Gamble; Lucifer Project; video; Apollo Moon Landing Hoax; Mysterious Space Machines; Fastwalkers; Keel : Man Who Invented Flying Saucers; Artificial Structures on the Moon; 100 Explosions on the Moon; Reptoids Research Center; Mass UFO Disclosure CNN; Underground: Bases & Tunnels; Phil Schneider lecture, 11/95; Tunnels under the USA; Underground Bases; Inner Earth: Richard Byrd: Flight to the Land Beyond the North Pole Privacy/ Surveillance: Privacy World; Offshore Manual; Project Echelon; Echelon Watch; How NSA access was built into Windows; Total Surveillance; Panopticon; Global Surveillance Infrastructure; Feds to collect DNA in every arrest; Sen. Dodd’s Wholesale Data Dump; Ubiquitous Computing: Big Brother’s All-Seeing Eye; FBI is creating database of everyone’s physical characteristics; Real Reason Behind the switch from Analog to Digital; Felon Area Search; Echelon; Google Latitude Spies on Americans’ Exact Geographic Location in Real Time; Computer: Evidence For The Microsoft WinXP Pro Bugging Device; Organized Stalking: Targeted Individuals; Lawson: FAQ; Freedom From Covert Harrassment; Freedom Isn’t Free; RFID: Are RFID credit cards secure?

Travel: U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement

- Documents & Electronic Media Search 071608; U.S. Customs Police 071608; Are towns really safer without traffic lights?; Passports: USA Passport attachment; How to Apply as a “National”; World Passport; again; Certificates of Non-Citizen Nationality; Petition For Writ of Certiorari; Driving: Florida HB137 Bill: Speeders Face Vehicle Confiscation & Prison Time; AntiPhotoradar License Plate Spray; Phantom Plate; Getting Through a Homeland Security Checkpoint; again 041405; Speeders to Pay for Cop’s Gas; New Federal Traffic Enforcement Laws, 0608; Tyranny of Seatbelt Laws; Red Light Cameras: Marriage Of Convenience That Produces The Underworld’s Black Vultures; Santas Disable Enforcement Cameras in Tempe; Stop the Cop: website; Ticket Slayer: website; ID: Papers Please Wizard of Oz: A Modern Day Parable; The Coded Movie, by Robert Kelly; Redemption In Law; Quentin P. Taylor: Money and Politics in the Land of Oz; famguardian; wikipedia Hemp: Stronger & Lighter than Cement; Who Needs Steel?; Illegal Green Tree Underground Satellite; Pharmacratic Inquisition; Red Ice Creations; Unexplained Mysteries; Old Fat Naked Women for Peace; BeeGee’s: 9/11’s a Lie; James Blunt: No Bravery; Jackson Browne: Lives In the Balance; Leonard Cohen: Everybody Knows; Michael Heart: We Will Not Go Down (Gaza) Don Henley: Inside Job; text; Penn & Teller: Patriot Act; Seal of Approval with alien drummer

this completes the portal segment





APPENDIX II INTRODUCTION TO ETHNOMYCOLOGY, MYCELIUM, MYCOTECTURE, AND BIOPOLYMERS, MUSHROOMS MYCOLOGY IS THE STUDY OF FUNGI - AND MYCOTECTURE IS THE STUDY OF MYCOLOGY AS A FORM OF BUILDING RESOURCE. Beneath the surface of the ground, fungi form a wide network of thin, root-like fibers called mycelium. That part of the fungus isn’t particularly tasty, but HUMANS HAVE discovered that when dried, it can be used to form a super-strong, water-, mold- and fire-resistant building material. The dried mycelium can be grown and formed into just about any shape, and it has a remarkable consistency that makes it stronger, pound for pound, than concrete. IT IS TRULY A 100% organic and compostable material.

Ethnomycology This is the study of the historical uses and sociological impact of fungi (a.k.a. “fungi lore�). It is often considered a subfield of ethnobotany or ethnobiology. Although in theory the term includes fungi used for such purposes as tinder, medicine (medicinal mushrooms) and food (including yeast), it is often used in the context of the study of psychoactive mushrooms such as psilocybin-containing mushrooms.


The discipline of biology devoted to the study of fungi is known as mycology, which is often regarded as a branch of botany, even though genetic studies have shown that fungi are more closely related to animals than to plants.

Advanced Materials From Fungal Mycelium: Fabrication and Tuning of Physical Properties SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2017

Abstract In this work is presented a new category of self-growing, fibrous, natural composite materials with controlled physical properties that can be produced in large quantities and over wide areas, based on mycelium, the main body of fungi. Mycelia from two types of edible, medicinal fungi, ganoderma lucidum and pleurotus ostreatus, have been carefully cultivated, being fed by two bio-substrates: cellulose and cellulose/potato-dextrose, the second being easier to digest by mycelium due to presence of simple sugars in its composition. After specific growing times the mycelia have been processed in order to cease their growth. Depending on their feeding substrate, the final fibrous structures showed different relative concentrations in polysaccharides, lipids, proteins and chitin. Such differences are reflected as alterations in morphology and mechanical properties. The materials grown on cellulose contained more chitin and showed higher young’s modulus and lower elongation than those grown on dextrose-containing substrates, indicating that the mycelium materials get stiffer when their feeding substrate is harder to digest. All the developed fibrous materials were hydrophobic with water contact angles higher than 120°. The possibility of tailoring mycelium materials’ properties by properly choosing their nutrient substrates paves the way for their use in various scale applications.























FROM THE DESK OF THE UNKNOWN SOVEREIGN...... "We were all so busy trusting, obeying and fearing, that like a boiled frog who didn't hop out of the gradually heated pan of water, we arrived at the place we are in. All along the way, we and the generations that preceded us failed to exercise our god given capacity to reason and somehow, somewhere along the way we forgot how to use the word of all power. No. No we will not accept falsity, greed or evil. No we will not settle for tyranny in exchange for the illusion of security. No we will not obey unjust laws or the dictates of evil men. No we will not believe that our actions or inactions do not have consequences for good or ill that will echo into eternity. No, we shall not be victims or slaves. No..... No we shall not believe or accept anything without examination and proof that it is so, that it is proper, valid and just. We forgot how to say no, and here we are watching our children and our planet die before our eyes in real time, not some distant far off future shielded from our view. What can we do? We can start by doing what we should have been doing all along the way.

We can say no. (end quote)

ENTHEOGEN: en-theo-jen noun noun: entheogen; plural noun: entheogens partner plant or chemical substance, of plant or fungus origin, that is ingested to produce a nonordinary state of consciousness for religious or spiritual purposes. Origin: from Greek, literally ‘becoming divine within’; coined by an informal committee studying the inebriants of shamans. EXAMPLES: CANNABIS, MUSHROOMS, DATURA, SALVIA DIVINORUM, PEYOTE, AYAUASCA, ECT. ECT.

ISCHYROGEN: isz-kr-eye-oh-jen noun noun: ischyrogen; plural noun: ischyrogens partner plant or naturally derived isolate, or aggregate, of plant or fungus origin, that is utilized to produce a increased abundance, or sense of wellbeing, within the human or gaia systems. Origin: from Greek, literally ‘making solutions to life’s troubles and challenges through the use of plants to become strong on the outside’. EXAMPLES: MYCOTECTURAL MATERIALS, CANNABIS BAST FIBER HURDAGE, CANNABIS EPIDERMAL FIBERAGE, CANNABIS SEED OILS/ FUELS/FOODS/BUILDING MATERIALS

#SelfAgency is a unique tag we use to designate the infinite concept within spiritualism that comes from most all religions and native traditions, that we are created equal, and maintain free will. Reliance on, and responsibility for the Self is the first step in maintaining an integrated lifestyle that values #Mindfulness and the idea that collective health or distortion is dependent on individual success or failure and taking agency for ourselves is the fundamental key to #SelfLove and a positive contribution to the collective. Spiritual and emotional autonomy is the basis for any healthy and ethical society and we are collectively making the shift towards greater individual #SelfAgency – through which #Entheogens help cultivate.

#EmanciPATED HORTICULTURE is a unique #CannaClatch tag that we use to designate the ideology that human’s right to nature is inalienable and that the emancipation of our natural earthly partners for their cultivation and co-evolutionary symbiosis with us. Cannabis is an #Entheogen and is part of a family of special flora that is grouped with mushrooms, salvia, peyote, hyausca, and others and is consider a very useful partner to these teacher plants. To emancipate the horticultural right humans have to these plants, we create #Liberty and #SelfAgency through a widening of our collective identity and the expansion of the notion of #OneLove that inevitably comes from the use of psychedelics. There should be no regulation or taxation of such a unique and important family of organisms, and as our culture shifts towards more ethical standards, we will realize that we have been shrouded by the supra-state and church implementing thought and identity control.

#InalienableNature is a unique tag we use to support the philosophy made popular by the enlightenment writers and renaissance artists that man (and woman) were created equal to nature and that we must co-exist in harmony with nature and that we have an inalienable right to nature vested to us by our birth onto this earth. No laws, no bodies, no states can make regulations that stand between man and his right to cultivate his consciousness and the plants upon the earth that allow him to impact his health, vitality, and self awareness.

#SevenTenPeasants this is a CC unique tag that we’ve created to designate a major fundamental philosophical premise that cannabis activity supports the average person and any deviation from this truth is a distortion of the natural partnership and #SelfAgency that comes from having the right to cannabis and it’s constituent elements as well as with all entheogens and the whole of nature. SevenTen is the meme for “oil” and oil is many times commonly used for the term hashish or hash oil and is the main constituent for which sensimilla cannabis is cultivated. Peasant is a slang term for someone who is close to the land, or close to the production side of a given social spectrum. To be a peasant within the seventen strainhunters, you’ve taken the time to gain a first hand understanding of the fundamental and inalienable right we have to nature, for which cannabis and all other plants are a part. This hashtag gets expounded in our pamphlets (ask to join the list).







The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep. Robert Frost

“I want you to be everything thats you, deep at the center of your being. Confucius

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