Monday, august 24, 2015 new 2

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UN Scribe arrives Nigeria, meets President, governors


N Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon, yesterday, arrived Nigeria on a two-day official visit. Ban, who arrived Nnamdi Azikiwe Inter-


Vol. 5 N0. 1184


AIB to examine remains of Bristow pilots in US

tor, Daouda Toure, UNFPA Executive Director, Babatunde Oshotimehin and Special Representative of UN Secretary-General to Nigeria and West Africa,

national Airport, Abuja, at 4.15pm., was received by Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Bulus Lolo. UN Resident Coordina-

Monday, August 24, 2015




Free inside

National Mirror Online



Buhari to lawyers: P Don't defend crooks …seeks support in war against corruption

ISE-OLUWA IGE AND ROTIMI FADEYI resident Muhammadu Buhari, yesterday, urged lawyers in the country not to sacrifice the integrity of the country’s legal system in a bid to cover the misdeeds of their clients, no matter how lucrative the brief may be. Speaking at the opening of the 55th Annual

No automatic elevation of judges to S'Court –CJN


Rep tackles FG over Parradang’s suspension P.7

Gunmen abduct monarch’s mother-in-law


Zone 6 police command gets surveillance helicopter P.11

UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-Moon (right) and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Paul Lolo (left), during Ki-Moon’s arrival at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

















































































































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Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Buhari to lawyers: Don't defend crooks CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

General Conference of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) in Abuja, Buhari called on lawyers to support his administration’s war against corruption and help the country return to the path of rectitude by making Nigerian courts functional and effective again. He explained that the law, law-makers, lawyers, law courts and the law enforcement agencies all have pivotal responsibilities to discharge, if the change that the country needs is ever to materialize. The president stressed that his administration had taken on the challenge of improving security, fighting corruption and revamping the economy, among many others. Buhari said: “The fight against corruption is in reality a struggle for the restoration of law and order. Corruption and impunity become widespread when disrespect for law is allowed to thrive in society. Disrespect for law also thrives when people get away with all sorts of shady deals and the court system is somehow unable to check them. “Ability to manipulate and frustrate the legal system is the crowning glory of the corrupt and, as may be expected, this has left many legal practitioners and law courts tainted in an ugly way. “In a gathering such as this, I do not need to elaborate on the way that corruption and impunity have damaged our economy. But I would like to say more on what, I believe, should be your role as legal practitioners, in helping us back to the path of rectitude. “First, we need to make our courts functional and effective again. This means that we must have lawyers who take the ethics of the profession very seriously; lawyers who will not frustrate the course of justice, even though they defend their clients with all legitimate means and resources. “Nigeria needs ethical lawyers who always keep the end of justice in mind and will never sacrifice the integrity of the legal system to cover the mis-

deeds of their clients, no matter how lucrative the brief may be.” He noted that lawyers are often in the vanguard of the defence of human rights and therefore urged them to view corruption too as a gross violation of human rights. “For the masses of our people, the millions still wallowing in want and diseases, corruption is a major reason why they cannot go to school; why they cannot be gainfully employed; and why there are few doctors, nurses and drugs in their hospitals and health centers. It is the reason why pensioners are not paid and potable water is scarce. “In effect, corruption diverts public resources meant for millions of people into the private pockets of a greedy few, thereby causing a lot of suffering, deprivation and death. In my view, there

can be no greater violation of human rights. “Viewed in this way, I think we can all fully appreciate the gravity of this oppressive and destructive evil. This should rouse us to fight it with the same zeal and doggedness as we deploy in the defense of fundamental rights,” Buhari said. The president also urged the lawyers to work for a more efficient and effective legal system which would help to attract more investments to the country and accelerate the pace of national economic development. According to him, increased engagement with the outside world was necessary as the country seeks public private partnerships in the quest for enhanced capital and expertise, stressing that all these would depend on enforceable agreements and a reliable legal system.

He explained that contracts are only good to the extent that they are enforceable without undue delay. "If by the default of lawyers or the law courts, it is found that cases take ages to conclude or that the judicial system is somehow corruptible, we obviously cannot attract the kind of partnerships which we need or which our large vibrant economy would ordinarily have attracted. “The world today has been correctly described as a global village. Capital and expertise are readily mobile. Comparisons will inevitably be drawn between our country and others when the choice of where to do business is being made. "Our current position in this respect is not good enough. Our process for obtaining licenses and permits are too slow. It takes too long a time to en-

force contracts in our law courts and our regulatory and administrative processes are not noticeably predictable or efficient. “In all these, lawyers have a key role to play, whether in the reform of our laws and regulation or in the integrity of our judicial systems," Buhari said. The president expressed hope that the conference and other fora of lawyers and non-lawyers would closely and quickly work out ways of making the legal system much improved in terms of integrity, the human touch, efficiency and rigorous dedication to the cause of justice. He assured the gathering that his administration would give its full support to the implementation of the required legal reforms if convinced that they are in the best interest of the nation.

Also speaking, the Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Mahmoud Mohammed, said the National Judicial Council, NJC, has liberalised appointment of legal practitioners into the bench. He said the hitherto practice of automatic elevation of justices of the Appeal Court into the Supreme Court has been stopped to allow sound lawyers in private practice and the academia to compete with serving justices for available vacancies in the bench. The number one judicial officer in the country, accused lawyers of frustrating quick and effective justice delivery through various ways, including using all manners of tactics to delay trial in cases. Justice Mohammed said the judiciary had begun reforming itself. He said: “I wish to state CONTINUED ON PAGE 5>>

L-R: President, Supreme Court of Kenya, Justice Willy Mutunga; Chief Justice of Nigeria, Justice Mahmud Mohammed; Vice-President Yemi Osinbajo; President Muhammadu Buhari and President, Nigerian Bar Association, Augustine Alegeh (SAN), during the 55th annual general conference of NBA in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

Pastor blames conflicts on non-heeding of God's word


ome of the political, religious and tribal conflicts being experienced in the country have been blamed on deviation from the true words of God. Senior Pastor Ben Andrew of the Living Faith Church in Lafia, Nasarawa State, made the observation in a sermon titled: “The wonders of

the words,” in Lafia yesterday. “We are going through a lot now because everybody is interpreting the words as he/she feels. “You must do what God says to receive his grace. If you like, pretend to speak in tongues, God will not hear you", he said. Andrew listed positive

transformation as one of the benefits for obeying God's true word which could change a man from a terrorist, troublemaker, fornicator or thief to a peacemaker, who abhors sin. He also said that God's words carry cleansing power for man, adding that they also teach wisdom that could help be-

lievers to overcome challenges and succeed in life. “The more you adhere to God's true words, the more righteous you are. The words of God help believers to know what to do because whatever he/ she is looking for is hidden in wisdom and wisdom is in the true words of God. “Don't let anyone de-

ceive you to commit crime under the guise that you are obeying God's words. “Seek the true words through His holy books and personal meditation. Whenever things are not working, before you blame satan, change yourself and follow the true words of God,” he stressed.



or men with multiple sex partners who solely rely on condom for protection against sexually transmitted infections (STI), this latest study should be a note of warning. Experts have discovered that STIs such as Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and a new strain of gonorrhea can be transmitted through skin to skin contact even with condom use. At a cancer meeting held recently at the University of Nairobi, Kenya, Cancer specialists revealed that contracting one of the deadly viral infections, HPV can no longer be prevented by condom. One of the speakers, an Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and a principal research scientist at the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), Nairobi, Dr. Nelly Mugo, said that even as we take protective measures using condoms against most STIs including HIV/Aids, the rubber sheaths cannot provide 100 per cent protection against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). “Condoms offer 60 per cent of protection against HPV thus the virus can spread through skin-to-skin contact with infected areas of the skin not covered by the condom such as the scrotum, anus, or vulva,” Dr Mugo said. The 2014 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey, released during the meeting, shows that male condoms are the most popular preventive method against STI among sexually active unmarried women. Unmarried men too were found to prefer condoms as the popular method to protect against STIs. But for a virus whose disease has no symptoms, the inefficacy of condoms allows for faster and wider spread, especially amongst those with multiple sex partners, the experts revealed. “The only 100 per cent effective way to prevent HPV transmission is abstinence from any sexual contact, including oral, anal, and vaginal sex. Women can have the virus without having any symptoms but the chance of females infecting men is estimated at less than five per cent of

the rates of male-to-female transmission. There are more than 100 types of HPV and about 13 of these are cancer causing, with HPV types 16 and 18 causing approximately 70 per cent of all cervical cancers worldwide, Dr. Mugo said. He however advised couples to be faithful to their partners if in a relationship, while suggesting vaccination and screening for women. Sadly, it Is physically difficult to tell whether your partner has the HPV virus unless they have private part warts, yet those who do not have visible signs can also spread the virus, the experts said. According to them, the interesting aspect of this particular virus is that you do not need to have sex for it to be passed on from one person to another. “The virus is found in the flora of the man-hood, scrotum, vagina, vulva, or anus of a person who has the HPV. One can get infected through kissing or touching infected sex organs or through oral sex. Since cervical cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths among adult women, in the developing world, and the second most common cancer among women worldwide, preventive measures include

Hyper activities linked to early academic achievement



Good Health Now, condom no longer protects against some STIs


new study from Finland has suggested that being active could be crucial to children’s early academic achievement - particularly in boys. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland found that for boys, during the first 3 years of school, reading and arithmetic skills were best in those who had high levels of physical activity. Activities included walking or cycling to school and being active during recess. The report says the risks of sedentary lifestyle during childhood have been found to increase the risk of chronic conditions

National Mirror


Monday, August 24, 2015

such as cardiovascular disease in adulthood. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, the authors write that “there are no prospective studies that would have compared the relationships of different types of physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) with academic skills among children.” As such, they studied how different forms of physical and sedentary activities among children in the first grade were related to reading and arithmetic skills in grades one to three. The study followed 186 Finnish children during their first 3 years of school.

ONE CAN GET INFECTED THROUGH KISSING OR TOUCHING INFECTED SEX ORGANS OR THROUGH ORAL SEX getting a pap smear for women and/or getting vaccinated. “Better still, it’s important that you be honest with your partner about your s3’x history. Immunizing all girls before becoming sexually active ideally aged nine to 13 years in order to lower the risk of HPV took off in Kenya under a pilot project in Kitui County in 2013, targeting 20,000 girls”, the experts said. In another development, researchers have identified a new strain of gonorrhea that is resistant to multiple antibiotics, according to a new report. The researchers are concerned about this bacteria strain because they do not know how common it is, and whether it is present in other coun-


new study suggests people with blood type AB are 82 percent more likely to develop thinking and memory problems that can lead to dementia. The study was supported by the National Institutes of Health and the US Department of Health and Human Services, among other organizations, and is published in the journal Neurology. The researchers used data called ‘the Regards Study’, meaning (the reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke), and followed 30,000 people for around 3.4 years. Out of those involved in the study that did not have

tries around the world, said David Whiley, an infectious disease researcher at the Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute in Brisbane. Analysts say that the bacteria’s effects could be worse than those of HIV/AIDS. “This might be a lot worse than AIDS in the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive and will affect more people quickly,” said Alan Christiansen, a doctor of naturopathic medicine. Even though nearly 30 million people have died from AIDS-related causes worldwide, Christensen believes the effect of the gonorrhea bacteria is more direct. “Getting gonorrhea from this strain puts someone into septic shock and death in a matter of days,” Christiansen said. “This is very dangerous. It can be passed through skin on skin contact, making condoms only 30% effective.” “It’s an emergency situation,” said William Smith, executive director of the National Coalition of STD Directors. “As time moves on, it’s getting more dangerous. We are losing more lives.” This gonorrhea strand, HO41, was discovered in Japan two years ago in a 31-year-old female sex worker who had been screened in 2009. The bacteria have since been found in 41 U.S. States, and Norway. There have already been 5,126 reported deaths since its discovery in 2013.

Memory loss common in people with AB blood type –Study memory or thinking problems at the start, the researchers pinpointed 495 participants who developed thinking and memory problems or cognitive impairment during the course of the study. These participants were then compared with 587 people who did not have any cognitive difficulties. The results show that those with blood type AB made up 6 percent of the group that developed cognitive impairment, compared with only 4 percent found in the population.


Photo News

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Editor-in-Chief, News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), Mr. Lawal Ado (left) and Director-General, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria, Alhaji Bature Masari, after a NAN forum in Abuja.

L-R: Head of Department, Human Resources, MultiChoice Nigeria, Mr. Ayo Ajala; a student, Miss Pamela Osinika; Third Secretary, Political, South Africa Consulate General, Ms. Nondumise Ngubane; another student, Miss Nimat Ahmed and Public Relations Manager, DStv, Caroline Oghuma, during the “Take a Student to Work Initiative,” in Lagos, at the weekend

General Manager, Ethiopian Airlines, Mr. Solomon Begashaw (4th left, front row); Traffic and Sales Manager, Mr. Mulugeta Zewdu (4th left, back row) and airline agents who received Certificates of award during the airlines’ agency seminar in Abuja, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

L-R: Members of Youth Chapel of African Church, St. Paul’s Parish, Ilupeju, Lagos, during their 3rd anniversary thanksgiving service in Lagos, yesterday.

National News Ise-Oluwa Ige ABUJA


hairman and members of the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission, NSIWC, are yet to vacate office in disobedience to President Muhammadu Buhari’s directive dissolving boards of federal agencies, institutions and governmentowned companies. Federal Government had in July issued a directive dissolving all boards of its agencies, institutions and public-owned companies but later exempted those of the educational institutions. The directive was contained in a circular signed by Head of Civil Service of the Federation, Danladi Kifasi, dated July 16 and another dated July 23. Investigations on the compliance by various boards, however, revealed that Chairman of NSIWC, Chief Richard Egbule, and two other board members are still in office. Our correspondent learnt this is despite that both the chairman and

Dissolution: Salaries and Wages Board dares FG

members of the board were in possession of the circular dissolving all boards. Enquiries revealed that the board had refused to hand over affairs of the commission to the permanent secretary of the supervising ministry as directed by a cir-

cular issued by Mohammed Bukar, dated July 23. In the said circular, Bukar, who is Permanent Secretary (General Services Office) in the office of the Head of Service said: “l am to particularly draw your attention to paragraph 3 of

the circular, which directed that until such a time new boards are constituted, the chief executive officers of the parastatals and agencies are to refer matters requiring the attention of their boards to the permanent secretaries of their re-

spective supervising ministries or offices for action. “Accordingly, you are to refer all matters requiring the attention of the governing board of the National Salaries, Incomes and Wages Commission to the permanent secretary

(general services office) for consideration.” The circular was sent to Chief Egbule as chairman and was attached to the main circular issued by the Head of Service in the wake of the dissolution of all boards by the president.

How SMEDAN prevents SMEs’ collapse –DG


mall and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria, SMEDAN, said it provides the needed development services for business stakeholders to ensure that Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs, do not collapse. SMEDAN Director-General, Alhaji Bature Masari, said this in Abuja at a News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, forum. Masari said the agency

had established offices across the country to monitor, evaluate and provide guidance to small and medium enterprises for better performance. “We make sure that our offices are functional; we are interacting with individuals and groups, with a view to ensuring that whoever is able to access any intervention funds utilises it properly. “We are there to facilitate access to finance after

identifying individuals and their groups that are willing to set up micro, small and medium enterprises. “SMEDAN ensures round the clock monitoring and evaluation of their performance with a view to providing guidance needed to reduce the incidence of failure of enterprises shortly after establishment. “We also ensure sustainability in SMEs development in every state and

local government, which is the reason behind its establishment,” he said. Masari said the agency provided business development services support to Federal Government programmes for youth empowerment, leading to the “achievement of laudable results in the area of job creation and poverty alleviation.” He added that due to the experience and expertise SMEDAN had, it provided

such services to the ‘YouWIN’ awardees that recorded high rate of success. Masari said same services would be translated and transferred to other beneficiaries of Federal Government intervention fund in the SME sector. He called for synergy and collaboration in the implementation of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, MSMEs, related programmes to avoid duplication in SMEDAN activities.

National Mirror


Monday, August 24, 2015


AIB to examine remains of Bristow pilots in US OLUSEGUN KOIKI


ndications emerged over the weekend that the Accident Investigation Bureau, AIB, would at any moment from now conduct toxicological examinations on the remains of the two pilots of Bristow Helicopters that crashed into Lagos lagoon near Oworonshoki area at the Third Mainland Bridge, Lagos. The examinations would be carried out on the two pilots, Capt. Joseph Wyatt and the co-pilot, Peter Kayode Bello, probably in the United States of America, USA. The accident had occurred on Wednesday August 12, 2015 in the state when the helicopter departed SEDCO oil platform offshore enroute Lagos airport with 12 souls onboard. Six souls survived the crash while the other six were confirmed dead. A source close to the airline confided in our correspondent that the examination was necessary in order to know the state of the two pilots before the chopper crashed into a lagoon, adding that it was part of the requirement for

accident investigation by the International Civil Aviation Organisation, ICAO. The result of the examination would also assist AIB in carrying out its extensive investigation and might lead to the probable cause of the crash. Research conducted by our correspondent indicated that aviation toxicology addresses the effects of prescription and illicit drugs on pilot performance as well as the contribution of these agents to the cause or manner of death in aviation fatalities. Specimen collection, specimen suitability and analytical techniques for the investigation of the role of carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, ethanol, drugs of abuse and so on in aviation accidents are examined on the pilots. The prevalence of use and impairing effects of commonly encountered drugs such as ethanol, antihistamines, antidepressants, cannabinoids and opiates are also outlined. Examiners carry out urine, blood, hair sample, and other bodily fluids and organs of pilots involved in incidents

UN Scribe arrives Nigeria, meets President, governors CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1

Ibn Chambas were among those who received Ban. The Secretary-General was driven to Transcorp Hilton, where he is expected to hold talks with state governors under the aegis of Nigerian Governors’ Forum, NGF. The dialogue with the governors would hold under the theme: “Pathways to a New Nigeria - the Role of Sub-national Governments.” The UN Scribe would meet with President Muhammadu Buhari, at Aso Rock Villa today. Ban would later lay a wreath in memory of persons who died at the UN House bombing in 2011, as part of activities to mark the fourth anniversary of the incident. The UN scribe would

also have lunch with members of the business community with the theme: “The Role of Nigeria Business and the Economy in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and Addressing Climate Change.” The Secretary-General is billed to deliver a keynote address at a “Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights, Development, Climate Change and Countering Violent Extremism.” Vice-President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo, is expected to chair the dialogue at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Special Advisor of the Secretary-General on Post2015 Development Planning, Ms Amina Mohammed, is among those on Ban’s entourage.

or accidents in order to determine their state of health before the crash. The airline source further told our correspondent that AIB was in talks with it and the Lagos State Government on how the examination would be carried out on the deceased pilots. It was not the first time toxicological extermination would be carried out on deceased pilots in the country by AIB. When contacted for confirmation, the Head, Public Affairs, AIB, Mr.

Tunji Oketunbi simply said that the examination was one of the normal procedures for accident investigation by the agency. He said: “We conduct such examination on pilots in order to ascertain the causal cause of a crash. This is not new in our operations.” AIB carried out the same examination on the pilots of the helicopter company in 2011 when it had an accident in Port Harcourt International Airport, PHIA, on July 14 of that year.

The examination was carried out in South Africa. Similarly, the bureau conducted examination on the two pilots of another ill-fated Wings Aviation with the registration number 5N-JAH at Bushi Village, Obalinku, Obudu Cattle Ranch on 15th March, 2008 in South Africa. However, the examination could not produce any result then as some parts of the pilots had decayed before their bodies were discovered by hunters.

The aircraft was missing for six months before local hunters discovered its wreckage. In the case of Dana Air of June 3, 2012, the Lagos State Government footed the bill of the toxicological examination. Meanwhile, our correspondent gathered that one of the survivors (names withheld) had been airlifted to South Africa for further treatment. Information gathered revealed that the survivor sustained a spinal cord injury in the accident.

Intending Muslin pilgrims to Mecca boarding at the Kaduna airport, yesterday.

Buhari to lawyers: Don't defend crooks CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2

that reforms in the Nigerian judiciary are already ongoing with the implementation of the new Revised NJC Guidelines and Procedural Rules for the Appointment of Judicial Officers of all Superior Courts of Record in Nigeria 2014, put in place by the National Judicial Council (NJC). “The old Guidelines and Rules which saw only Justices of the Court of Appeal as of right making it to the Supreme Court have been swept away to give any qualified legal practitioner the opportunity of making it not only to the High Courts; Federal and State, the National Industrial Court, Sharia Courts of Appeal and Customary Courts of Appeal,

but also the Court of Appeal, the Supreme Court and even to the posts of Heads of Federal and States Superior Courts, including the Chief Justice of Nigeria. “That is why the list of 50 candidates now awaiting interview at the NJC to vie for 25 vacancies in the Federal High Court includes prominent legal practitioners, such as a renowned Dean of Law of one of the Nigerian Universities. “This will ensure that only qualified and competent members of the Bar find their way to the Bench. “That is why I call on the leadership of the Bar to ensure the sensitization of the Bar because once that has been successfully

accomplished, the sensitisation of the Bench which drinks from such a rich fountain of the Bar, shall be reassured. “It is for this reason that, as part of our determined effort to ensure that our Judicial Officers are alert to their responsibilities, the National Judicial Council has constituted an Inspection and Monitoring Committee for on-the–spot assessment of Judicial Officers on duty. “As we continue to fish out and discipline indolent and lazy Judges by showing them the way out of the system, we must also acknowledge and praise those judges that are diligent and hardworking. To this end, the NJC’s Judicial Officers

Performance Evaluation Committee has also been strengthened to perform its functions.” The CJN said efforts are in the pipeline to frustrate the tactics by lawyers to delay trial in the nation’s court. He said that the judiciary was planning to use information technology to fight some of these tactics, including the excuses by lawyers that they were yet to be served with court processes hence would need adjournment. He said the judiciary intended to serve court processes via e-mail and get acknowledgment for delivery of such processes He said they would need to work with the NBA to make the innovation effective.

National Mirror

National News

Monday, August 24, 2015


Muslim leaders seek universal love, peace Sekinah L awal


L-R: Wife of Special Adviser to President Muhammadu Buhari on Media and publicity, Mrs. Adenike Adesina; her husband, Mr. Femi Adesina; Osun State Governor Rauf Aregbesola and Apetumodu of Ipetumodu, Oba James Adegoke Akunraledoye, during a thanksgiving reception organized in celebration of Adesina’s appointment, Ipetumodu Township Hall, in Ife-North Local Government, on Saturday.

Rep tackles Buhari over Parradang’s suspension Tordue Salem, ABUJA


member of the House of Representatives, Timothy Golu (PDP, Plateau), has flayed President Muhammadu Buhari’s decision to suspend ComptrollerGeneral of Immigration, David Parradang. Golu, who represents Pankshin, Kanke, Kanam federal constituency of Plateau State, said the suspension of the CGI was hasty and does not give a good impression of Bu-

hari, “who claims to be fighting corruption.” He lamented that the action of the president fell short of his famed integrity and personality. The lawmaker advised the president to be tolerant of every view and not jump to conclusions whenever his close associates or political friends fabricate issues against others. “As a leader of the nation, Buhari is eroding public confidence of people by being reactionary each time an issue is presented before him. As a hu-

man being himself; Buhari should not always assume. I recall the president took such misinformed decisions twice or thrice and had to overrule himself because he was not properly briefed. “He should have called the suspended CGI as a leader to ask questions and where he is dissatisfied, he can take proper decisions and be able to tell Nigerians what happened. How can a permanent secretary query a CGI that is not appointed by him? That is insubordination and in-

discipline which the president himself is promoting and will not mean well for his much-talked about anticorruption crusade.” He also advised the president to pursue the anticorruption war with due diligence and respect for rule of law, saying: “The president must be fair to everyone in the country no matter what happens. Yes, he has the authority to sack anyone appointed by former President Jonathan as he has been doing, but should not give a dog a bad name to hang it.”

orld leader of Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, Hazrat Mirza Ahmad and many dignitaries at the 2015 international conference have called on mankind to strive to achieve love for all and hatred for none in their daily activities. They made the appeal at the 2015 convention of the Jamaat in Oaklands Farm, United Kingdom. Addressing over 35,000 delegates from all over the world, the leaders urged people to stop making judgments without facts as well as live without prejudice. “Our differences should not be reasons for conflicts. Let us embrace what unites us as humanity irrespective of all the differences. Let us cooperate to bring love, peace and harmony to our various communities.” All the guests, Muslims and non-Muslims alike commended the jamaat for standing for good news while calling on them to keep working hard to do this. At the international initiation of new converts and rededication of old members to the true teachings of Islam and the 10 conditions of the Bai’at, the world leader urged them to desist from speaking evil of others as this will only create further enmity among people. He charged people all over the

39 African nations export $480bn goods to US Olusegun Koiki


o fewer than 39 countries in Africa have exported goods worth $489bn to the United States of America, USA, in the past 15 years. The countries under the auspices of African Growth and Opportunity Act, AGOA, are participating in the US-African Growth and Opportunity Act, which commences today in USA. Media statement from consultants to AGOA in Nigeria stated that the governments of Gabon and USA will co-host the 2015 AGOA Forum in Libreville, themed “AGOA at 15: Charting a Course for a Sustainable U.S.-Africa Trade and Investment Partnership.” The statement stated that Gabon will be the first

Central African country to host the AGOA Forum that will end on Thursday August 27. The statement added that in 2014, the nonreciprocal trade preference programme that provides duty-free treatment to U.S. imports of certain products from eligible sub-Saharan African, SSA, countries was valued at $4.4 billion, representing a 250 per cent increase from 2001, the first full year of AGOA in the non-oil AGOA trade. The trade supports an estimated 300,000 direct jobs in Africa. The 2015 Forum organisers said would provide a unique opportunity to celebrate the recent re-authorisation of AGOA, take stock of AGOA’s successes over the last 15 years and launch a dialogue on our

shared vision for the future of U.S.-Africa trade. The AGOA legislation mandates that the United States and member countries regularly engage in trade and investment policy discussions at the annual AGOA Forum. This event brings together senior officials from the United States and the 39 AGOA member countries, business leaders, entrepreneurs (including youth and women), civil society actors, and private sector stakeholders to discuss a broad range of trade and investment-related issues. The private sector and civil society organisations have a particularly important role in the promotion of good governance, the elimination of barriers to trade and investment, and the adherence to the found-

ing AGOA eligibility criteria. The forum would feature civil society panel discussions on August 24 and 25, along with ‘Doing Business in America’ workshops and a trade exhibition, where participating entrepreneurs can network and display their products and services. The African Women Entrepreneurship Program, AWEP, would conduct workshops on August 25-26 to focus on preparing African women entrepreneurs to integrate into regional and global procurement supply chains. Some of the key topics at the 2015 AGOA Forum include ‘Building capacity to comply with eligibility requirements,’ ‘Promoting public/private partnerships,’ ‘Managing

natural resources as a key to economic growth’ and ‘Bridging the digital divide.’ In both Africa and the United States, there is growing consensus that open trade and increased international investment are critical to spurring economic development and reducing poverty in Africa. Enacted in May 2000, AGOA is the cornerstone of U.S. economic engagement in Africa, offering duty-free entry for nearly 98 per cent of all imports from eligible African countries, in combination with other trade preference programs. The AGOA has succeeded in helping eligible nations grow, diversify their exports to the United States, and create employment and inclusive economic growth.

world and Muslims especially, to love one another. Reacting to the crises in most parts of the world as well as the activities of ISIS in the Middle East and Boko Haram in Nigeria, he stated that the world was in its dark age, and urged true believers to promote the true teachings of Islam and set it right for others to emulate. He added that the gathering of this sort was meant to make the Muslim a better person and change the world for better. According to the Huzur, living peacefully with one another is the hallmark of Islam. With the growing Islamophobia, the Jamaat works with stronger passion and zeal to spread the true teachings of Islam. The leader of the Nigerian delegation to the ongoing annual convention of the Jamaat, Dr. Mashuud Fashola made it known that members are compiling notes on ways of tackling the common problems of terrorism in some parts of the world and the spiral effect of poverty in Nigeria and other African countries, and see how nations and Muslim individuals can effectively tackle terrorism and the scourge of poverty. According to him, at the end of the convention, the Jama’at will come out with possible solutions to the two hydra-headed challenges of terrorism and poverty. He said that the impact of a virtuous woman is very important as she will be able to raise a good family. Also, the Head of Tabligh in Nigeria, Dr. Saheed Timehin, sought the visitation of the Khalifa to Africa and Nigeria in particular, saying the visit would engender huge spiritual benefits. Timehin stated that Ahmadiyya in Nigeria’s healthy relationship with the media has helped tremendously in spreading the message of peace in the country. Delivering a lecture on “National reformation is related to personal reformation,” Muhammed Tahir Nazeem of the Arabic Desk of the Jamaat in UK urged members to work to follow the injunctions of the glorious Quran as explained by the Imams in various sermons. The spiritual leader also advised men to always treat their women with respect and dignity.


South West

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Buhari still behaving like military dictator –Fasoranti Ojo Oyewamide AKURE


eader of Afenifere, Chief Reuben Fasoranti, has observed that President Muhammadu Buhari is still behaving like a military dictator. Fasoranti, who made his observation known yesterday in Akure, Ondo State capital, accused Buhari of running a one-man show. The Afenifere leader noted that the president had not settled down for governance, warning that time was running. He said: “I think the President should sit down and have a package. What people are saying is very correct. He is just picking people here and there. “He does not have time to settle down for governance yet, and time is flying. Let him constitute the cabinet and start working. As it is now, Buhari is still behaving like a military dictator, just picking on people. “He is running a oneman show now. But let us give him some time. We will wait until then. At that time, we will still want to express our opinion. When we are convinced, we will say it.” It would be recalled that Fasoranti and his Afenifere team supported former President Goodluck Jonathan during the last general elections. He said he and other Yoruba leaders supported Jonathan because of his pledge to implement

the recommendations of the 2014 National Conference. He lamented that the Buhari administration has not shown any interest in considering decisions taken at the confab, saying their implementation was the only way out of the woods for Nigeria. “The reason we supported Jonathan, of course, was because he agreed to carry out the decisions of the National Conference. Present government is not working towards that and when the time comes, we shall speak again. “Unless we implement the recommendations of the conference, Nigeria will not settle. There are restructuring and many other things in the recommendations. And so much money was spent on it. It will be a shame; in fact, it will be a disaster if the report of the confab is dumped somewhere. “I am sure people will continue to talk until something is done. Although, APC didn’t like it, they didn’t attend, but the recommendations formed the blueprint for the future of Nigeria,” he said. ‎The Afenifere leader described the passing of the former Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuade, as a sad and heavy loss. Fasoranti, who said it would be difficult to fill the place of the former Ooni, expressed hope that the people of Ife would choose the right person to fill the vacant stool.

Men of Lagos State Task Force after an early morning clearing of area boys’ hideout at Oshodi, Lagos, yesterday.

Arepo pipeline explosion: Dons blame police, NNPC, rich Nigerians Kemi Olaitan IBADAN


esearchers at the Criminology Unit, Department of Sociology, University of Ibadan, have identified the police and rich Nigerians as aiding frequent oil pipeline vandalism at Arepo community, Ogun State. The researchers, Dr Oludayo Tade and Ayodele Austin, in a report titled, “Social organisation of Oil Pipeline Vandalism in Arepo community, Ogun State”, and made available to journalists in Ibadan, yesterday, called on the Inspector General of Police, IGP, Solomon Arase, to probe the complicity of his men posted to work at Arepo for allegedly working with moneybags, corrupt Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, NNPC, staff to aid pipeline vandalism.

They advocated the deployment of technology surveillance such as motion and flow detectors to check corrupt practices and vandalism as well as equipping security agencies with state-of-heart weapons, bullet proof vehicles and gunboats, which they currently lack. According to the duo, pipeline vandalism in Arepo involves active collaboration of security agencies in general and in particular the police, senior staff at the NNPC (Mosimi), Department of Petroleum Resources, DPR, who have corruptly enriched themselves at the expense of the nation. They maintained that all these actors provide the necessary information and deploy their networks to aid the crime and even get the arrested vandals released from the hands of the law. The researchers stated further that while the

Ooni: Yoruba in Cuba condole with Aregbesola Boladale Bamigbola OSOGBO


Cuban Association comprising Yoruba people, named Asociación Yoruba de Cuba, has commiserated with Osun State Governor, Rauf Aregbesola, on the transition to glory of the Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijade. The association in a

condolence letter sent to the governor joined other Yoruba the world over to mourn the transition of a worthy ambassador and a pride of the race with deep sorrow. The letter signed by its President, Sir. Awo José Manuel Pérez Andino, noted that the organisation and her people in Cuba share in the pain and sorrow of other Yoruba people, praying that

God will console the family over the loss of the late monarch. The letter read: “With deep sorrow for the passing away of the Ooni of Ife, Oba Okunade Sijuwade, Yoruba traditional leader and friend of Cuba, we join wholeheartedly the pain of the Yoruba people and his family for the loss of such a dear friend.” Members of the Cu-

ban based Association include; Council of Elder Priests of Ifa of the Republic of Cuba, Council of Elder Priests Oba - Oriaye of Cuba and Council of Elder Iyalochas Priestesses of the Republic of Cuba. Others are; Council of Elder Babalochas Priests of Cuba, Council of Elder Arará Priests of Cuba and Council of Priests Chiefs of Cabildos of the Republic of Cuba.

NSCDC Act empowers it to protect government infrastructure such as pipelines, the reported romance between police and top NNPC personnel has impeded successful routing of vandals in the location as compromised officers and staff provide vandals with information on when pressures are sent out across pipelines. “There is also politics in the anti-vandalism campaign. How do you expect security agents to face well equipped vandal when our security agents do not have bullet proof jackets, helmet, let alone vehicle and other incentives? Poorly equipped officers look the other way when confronted and become corrupted by the network of influential people. “We conclude that Arepo is a compromised environment and needs total liberation. People in the community who are not involved in vandalism live in fear and cannot talk because of fear for their lives. They do not trust security agencies because they are allegedly compromise. “Our key informants told us that none of the vandals that had been arrested could afford the implements they used for vandalising pipelines. They even told us how some compromised NNPC staff have invited them for meeting to be on their payrole on a monthly basis and allow vandals carry out their illegal oil scooping.

“For instance, they use drilling machine, carry sophisticated weapons like AK 47 which costs about N400, 000 per one, an average speed boat cost around N5m, but the one mostly used in Arepo are locally constructed. They also use gun boat costing about N20m. “We gathered that they use General Purpose Machine Gun, GPMG. All these point to the direction of sponsorship. The boys are given stipends. There is no doubt that the corrupt rich are sabotaging the country and sponsoring pipeline vandalism,” they said. The researchers also challenged security agencies to reveal reports of their investigations on the vandals arrested and their sponsors wondering why no sponsor has been prosecuted. They similarly lamented that just as it happened in drug trafficking, vandals benefit from the highly powerful network of their sponsors and the insiders they have among security agencies, NNPC, and DPR which make them operate successfully. While calling on the new Group Managing Director of NNPC, Dr. Ibe Kachiwku and the IGP, to probe the complicity of top officers of the corporation and police in the Arepo episodes, they also called for a review of the Memorandum of Understanding, MoU, between the police and NNPC.

National Mirror

South West 9

Monday, August 24, 2015

Gunmen abduct monarch’s mother-in-law Ojo Oyewamide AKURE


septuagenarian, Mama Omogbene Aderibole, has been kidnapped at Igbotako, Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State. Aderibole is mother-inlaw of Olugbo of Ugbo, Oba Fredrick Akinruntan, and wife of Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Ward 2 Chairman, Igbotako. Sources said the abductors invaded the town in a Toyota car, shooting sporadically into the air to scare away people before abducting their victim. A member of the House of Representatives, representing Okitipupa/Irele Federal Constituency, Mike Omogbehin, said the hoodlums were heavily armed when they stormed the town.

According to him, the abductors carried out their evil act unhindered because nobody could challenge them. Omogbehin urged security agents to help secure the release of the old woman and increase security in the area. He said people in the federal constituency now live in fear, adding that the perennial blackout in the southern senatorial district of the state had worsened the situation. Police commissioner Isaac Eke confirmed the incident, saying however that details of the incident were still sketchy at press time. Eke disclosed that men of the state command had swung into action and were already on the trail of the abductors.

CAC backs Buhari’s anti-graft war Boladale Bamigbola OSOGBO


nti-graft war of President Muhammadu Buhari yesterday received the backing of Christ Apostolic Church, CAC, with the declaration by its president, Pastor Abraham Akinosun, that waging war against graft remains the only means to grow the nation’s economy. Akinosun, in a chat with newsmen shortly after delivering sermon at the golden jubilee celebration of Christ Apostolic Church, Oluwasogo Alekuwodo, Osogbo, noted that despite the vast resources God endowed Nigeria with for the benefit of the people, some of its leaders have not ruled with the fear of God. He accused those criticising anti-graft crusade of Mr. President of plotting to hinder the growth of the country, noting that they are only out to discourage and silence President Buhari. He maintained that lust for money has eroded the need for rest by Nigerians, saying people barely rest, even when given opportunities in their work places to be off work and called for adequate rest after any

tedious job. In his message entitled ‘Jubilee Celebration’, Pastor Akinosun quoting from Leviticus 25: 11-12 stated that because God does not want his people to remain in captivity, he mapped our strategies that would ensure liberation and comfort for them. He charged the congregation not to lose sight of their duty to bring more souls to Christ even as they celebrate the 50th anniversary of the church. In his welcome address, the Superintendent, Alekuwodo District Coordinating Council, Pastor Joseph Ogunyomi, charged the congregation to do unto others what they would want to be done unto them. He cited the establishment of some churches including the Glorious Chapel English Assembly, construction of mission houses, two children chapels, maternity centre, library among others as the physical developmental activities embarked on by the church. Highlights of events marking the anniversary included the installation of elders and deaconesses, presentation of awards to worthy founders of the church, song ministrations among others.

L-R: Wife of District Overseer, FGC, Ifako District, Deaconess Remi; District Overseer, FGC, Ifako District, Rev. Paul Fadayini; General Overseer, Foursquare Gospel Church in Nigeria, Rev. Felix Meduoye; District Overseer, FGC, Ikeja District, Rev. Dayo Adewunmi and Chairman, Board of Directors, McPherson University, Deacon Afe Mayowa, during the FGC, Ifako District fifth Convocation Ceremony, in Lagos, yesterday.

Ondo NSCDC attack: Ex-Rep, 3 others escape death Ojo Oyewamide AKURE


ormer member of the House of Representatives, Albert Akintoye, narrowly escaped death at the weekend when officers of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps, NSCDC, allegedly opened fire on his convoy. Two vehicles in the convoy were said to have been riddled with bullets, causing three persons to sustain injuries. The victims are re-

portedly receiving treatments at a private hospital in Ore, Odigbo Local Government Area of the state. It was learnt that the NSCDC officers later apologised to Akintoye when they identified him and discovered they had mistaken the lawmaker’s convoy for that of oil thieves. Akintoye, who represented Irele/Okitipupa federal constituency of Ondo State in House of Representatives, told journalists in Akure

yesterday that he was returning home after a political meeting at OdeIrele when the incident occurred. According to him, the NSCDC officers numbering around 30 suddenly accosted his convoy along Irele/Ore road and ordered members of his entourage (including himself) to lie down at gunpoint. The former lawmaker, who believed the attack was politically motivated, alleged that the officer who led the team was the

younger brother of a top politician from the area. He said: “The officers claimed they were chasing some oil bunkerers who usually ply the route. But I want to believe the attack was politically motivated. I was returning from a political meeting at Irele when the incident happened. “It was God that saved me. By now I would have been a dead man. The officers later apologised and claimed that they mistook my convoy for that of oil bunkerers.”

Salaries: Why focus was on Osun –Aregbesola Boladale Bamigbola OSOGBO


sun State Governor Rauf Aregbesola has revealed why focus appeared to be only on Osun among several states owing workers salaries in the country, saying he was being attacked for his role in defeating the PDP-led Federal Government in the last general elections. Aregbesola disclosed this in Ipetumodu, headquarters of Ife North Local Government Area of Osun State at a reception to honour the Special Adviser on Media and Publicity to President Muhammadu Buhari, Mr Femi Adesina. Describing it as “cam-

paign of hatred and bitterness,” Aregbesola noted that those sponsoring disparaging news against Osun State were doing it to retaliate against his government for the defeat suffered by their leaders, which led to eventual loss of power by Peoples Democratic Party. He said: “Every objective-minded Nigerian should pause to ask the pertinent question: Is Osun the only state that owed workers’ salary? The apparent answer is no. More than 22 states found themselves in this crisis. “The reason Osun is always in the news is not far-fetched. I make bold to say that some individuals in the state are

deliberately sponsoring hate campaigns against the state because of my government’s role in the ‘Project Change’ that led to the downfall of their party during the general elections. “It is not news again that our state contributed to the defeat of their leader (Goodluck Jonathan).What they did is to latch on to the general financial crisis to wage war of attrition against the Osun government in the media. All the bad portrayals of Osun have their root in our opposition to Jonathan.” He added: “Femi Adesina became the spokesperson of President Buhari on merit and through dint of handwork and dedica-

tion to his chosen career. “The All Progressive Congress (APC) is an honest government: that is why appointments so far made by President Buhari are based on merit. Adesina has an illustrious career spanning 28 years and is still counting. With all these years, he has demonstrated that he is cut out to be one of the best in his professional field. “He is a thoroughbred professional, journalists’ journalist and editors’ editor. We are happy to associate with our own son. We are happy for what God has done for Femi, his family, his town (Ipetumodu) and the state of Osun.”



Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Otuoke community leader D decries water scarcity

DPR warns against touting in Eket petroleum depots


hairman, Community Development Committee, CDC, Otuoke, Ogbia Local Government Area, Bayelsa State, Mr. Elijah Ateki, has bemoaned the scarcity of potable water in the area. Otuoke is the home town of former President Goodluck Jonathan. Speaking with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Otuoke, yester-

day, he said lack of drinking water was a major problem in the community. According to him, the situation is due to pollution of rivers in the area by oil spillage. He said the community had suffered inadequate potable water over the years, and urged the state and Federal governments to provide the people with

potable water. “Otuoke community depends on rivers and now that all the rivers are polluted by oil, it is difficult for us to get potable water here.” Ateki said. A member of the National Youth Service Corps, NYSC, serving in the area, Emmanuel Agede, expressed dissatisfaction with the situation and called for govern-

ment’s intervention. “You will not believe it that here in Otuoke, we use water from an unused suck-away pit dug near our lodge for washing clothes and bathing. “For cooking and drinking, we buy sachet water; life is very difficult here; we spend the bulk of our monthly allowances on water for survival,” he said.

epartment of Petroleum Department, DPR, in Eket, Akwa Ibom State, has warned against touting around petroleum product depots in the area. DPR’s Controller of Operations, Mr Asuquo Antai, gave the warning in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria, NAN, in Eket yesterday. He said there were many touts and fraudsters parading as marketers at the depots. “We have observed that during the sale of petroleum products, the depots are always overcrowded by touts and fraudsters.

“Some of these people do not have DPR licences, yet they end up buying products. “Some of them collect licences from illegal sources and use same to buy products far in excess of their storage capacity,” he said. Antai called on depot owners to make concerted efforts to control crowd at their sales points in order to avoid explosions. The controller said also that, henceforth, the department would take samples of the products from vessels before allowing them to discharge, to ensure that the products met specifications.

Society donates first aid kits to Anambra FRSC Command


Traditional ruler of Ogui Nike, Igwe Tony Ojukwu (middle) with Batch 'C' 2014 and Batch 'A' 2015 NYSC corps members serving in Enugu, during a visit to the traditional ruler, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN


n a show of solidarity and possibly the assemblage of the largest number of party elders and stakeholders in the state’s three senatorial districts, the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in Akwa Ibom State led by its chairman, Obong Paul Ekpo, at the weekend, passed a vote of confidence on Governor Udom Emmanuel. The elders commended the governor for the steps taken so far to position the state on the path of continuous growth, prosperity and development. The party commended Senate Minority Leader, Senator Godswill Akpabio, on his election and urged him to continue to provide quality leadership in the Senate. “Akwa Ibom State is, and remains a PDP stronghold yesterday, today and tomorrow, as evidenced in the pattern of voting in the past 16 years of our current democratic dispensation. “The election of Udom

Akwa Ibom PDP passes vote of confidence on Emmanuel Emmanuel represents the collective will of our people and therefore, remains sacrosanct and inviolable,” the party said. It pledged to support the government of the state, promising to stand by the governor to ensure he achieves each and every part

of his vision as encapsulated in his 5-Point Agenda for the state.” The motion to adopt the communiqué was moved by Akpabio and was seconded by the Speaker of the state House of Assembly, Rt. Honourable Aniekan Uko. Speaking earlier, Gover-

nor Udom enumerated the achievements of his almost three-month old administration especially in areas of industrialisation, power generation, human capacity development, youth e empowerment, and received a standing ovation from the packed audience.

100 pilgrims shun pregnancy test in Bauchi


o fewer than 100 intending female pilgrims in Bauchi State for the 2015 Hajj in Saudi Arabia have shunned pregnancy test as precondition for travelling. This is contained in a statement issued by Information Officer of the state’s Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board, Alhaji Mohammad Yunusa, in Bauchi yesterday. The statement explained

that the number was part of the 2,842 female intending pilgrims from the state. It said those affected had neither showed up for the screening at designated medical centres nor reported to the board. The statement gave the affected women up to tomorrow to visit Al-Amin Clinic at Nasarawa-Jahun Road, Bauchi, for the screening. It expressed the concern of the board over the failure

of the women to appear for the pregnancy test. The statement said the non-appearance was causing unnecessary delays in the preparations for a hitchfree pilgrimage. The board assured intending pilgrims that it had concluded preparations for successful pilgrimage. It called on intending pilgrims to cooperate with officials of the board to enable it to succeed.

nambra State chapter of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria, PSN, yesterday donated 20 boxes of first aid materials to Anambra State Command of the Federal Road Safety Commission, FRSC. Delivering the items in Awka, Chairman of PSN in the state, Mrs. Chisom Uchem, said the gesture was to complement the efforts of FRSC in tackling emergencies. Uchem said PSN was impressed with the efficiency of the command and needed to support the establishment to do more. She said the donation would go a long way in supporting FRSC to do more to save the lives of road users. The chairman called on individuals and corporate

bodies to assist FRSC in its bid to reduce carnage on Nigerian roads. The RS5 Benin Zonal Commander, Mr. Shehu Zaki, described the donation as historic. Zaki said he had not seen such assistance since he joined FRSC, noting that the Commission needed assistance from the public. He described safety as everybody’s business, saying all hands must be on deck to keep roads free of accidents. The zonal commander said FRSC had created the special marshals’ unit to accommodate volunteers wanting to enlist in the FRSC. Anambra State Sector Commander, Mr. Sunday Ajayi, described PSN as partners in progress, promising to ensure judicious use of the first aid materials.

8 countries arrive in Abuja for Pan-African Science Olympiad


articipants from eight African countries have so far arrived in Abuja for the Pan-African Science Olympiad 2015. The Olympiad, which began on Saturday with registration of participants, would be formally opened at the ECOWAS Secretariat, Abuja, today. It was gathered that 17 African countries had indicated interest to participate. The 17 countries likely to compete in the event are Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Egypt, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania,

Togo, Tunisia and Uganda. So far, participants from Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ghana, Niger, South Africa, Tanzania, Tunisia and the host country, Nigeria, have arrived for the event. The Pan-African Science Olympiad is a competition for gifted and brilliant secondary school students in the sciences. Each country will be represented by six students comprising three male and three female. The programme identifies very talented children early, develops them rapidly in one or more subject areas for national and international competitions.

National Mirror

Paulker frowns at PDP chieftains’ exit Osahon Julius YENAGOA


enator representing Bayelsa Central in National Assembly, Emmanuel Paulker, yesterday expressed dissatisfaction over exit of prominent People's Democratic Party, PDP members to All Progressive Congress, APC, in Bayelsa State. Noting that he remained a committed PDP member, the lawmaker frowned at the caliber of people who exited the state party recently, saying same scenario played out at national level of the party last year and resulted in its defeat. He stated, however, that consultations were ongoing to lure defected members back to the party. According to him, "As a politician, definitely I am not comfortable, especially as regards the crème of people that left PDP. “I say this because of my knowledge of what hap-

South South

Monday, August 24, 2015

pened to us (PDP) at the center which began with the exit of some key members and it took us quite some time to pull ourselves together. Before we did, election was around the corner, and you all know what happened. It is all history now.” He noted further that Bayelsa is a PDP state, and that “very soon all effort will be made where chunks of these people will return back." On his gubernatorial aspiration, Paulker told newsmen in Yenagoa that though his constituents were clamouring for him to contest, he was still consulting with stakeholders. He promised however to make his position known soon to Bayelsans. He debunked allegation of any hidden acrimony with the state governor, Seriake Dickson, saying he remained a committed party member despite his ambition.


Bayelsa Assembly flays APC’s criticism of Dickson …says it is misplaced, cheap propaganda Osahon Julius YENAGOA


embers of Bayelsa State House of Assembly have described as “misplaced and cheap propaganda” the rising criticism by politicians in the state chapter of the All Progressive Congress, APC, over the delayed implementation of promotions and payment of gratuity to workers in the state. The House, through its Chairman Public Service and Establishments Committee, Koku Obiyai, at the weekend said the huge debts incurred by past administrations in the state and the negative impact of

deductions from federal allocations were responsible for the governor's inability to pay gratuities and implement promotions in the civil service. Obiyai, a former chairperson of the Nigerian Labour Congress, NLC, in the state who represents Yenagoa Constituency 2 in the state Assembly, told newsmen in Yenagoa that critics of Dickson's administration were unfair in their judgment on labour issues. She said, "Dickson has tried and it is unfair for anyone to say he has not done well. The performance of the present administration is evidence-based. "Most of these critics in

opposition were given positions of authority in the past; what did they do? I have repeatedly encouraged Bayelsa people to ‘shine’ their eyes. If these people want to condemn a performing governor, they should tell us what they did better when they were in authority. Some indebted the state to the tune of over N272 billion, which this government paid. It is not because of elections you will say the man has not performed. "The issue of unpaid gratuity and non-implementation of promotion were created during the past administration because of the huge loans and deductions made at the federal level.

Because of these debts and deductions, the little that come were used for prompt payment of salaries and other development plans. If not for the prudence of Dickson's administration, the N272 billion paid out of the N500 billion accrued to the state would not have been. If these people didn't owe, Dickson would have done more for the state. "There is gain in continuity. And I want the people of the state to vote for continuity; let Dickson continue. When people talk about Akwa Ibom and that Former Governor Akpabio performed, I always tell them that he stayed for eight years.

Zone 6 police command gets surveillance helicopter Richard Ndoma CALABAR


surveillance helicopter has been added to the arsenal of the Zone 6 Police Headquarters, Calabar, Cross River State. The Bell 412 surveillance helicopter, according to the Assistant Inspector General of Police, in charge of the zone, AIG Tunde Ogunsakin, would facilitate operations of the command particularly when it comes to detecting and combating activities of criminals like kidnapping, sea piracy and militancy which often are perpetrated along the creeks and waterways of the Niger Delta. Receiving the helicopter at the Margaret Ekpo International airport, Ogunsakin maintained that he is happy and proud of the gesture of the Police authority in Abuja for boosting the command`s performance. He added that with the helicopter he believes that productivity of the command would be highly increased to bring peace in the zone. The police boss stated that the helicopter would assist the curbing of sea pi-

racy, militancy and several other types of criminal activities that often take place along the creeks and water ways of the zone. This came on the heels of a recent pact by the command and sister security agencies within the zone to form a joint taskforce to checkmate security threat in the area. National Mirror learnt that the six-seater helicopter gotten from the force headquarters Abuja, is fitted with modern communication gadgets to aid effective surveillance of the creeks. While harping on the benefits of a joint security operation, the AIG assured that the security forces would deploy technologically-driven and actionable intelligence to actualise their common goal in stemming all forms criminality from the zone. The police helmsman said he was optimistic that the helicopter would go a long way to reinforce the command’s arsenal, adding that the incidences of kidnapping and militancy which used to take place along the waterways would soon become a thing of the past.

Ebonyi State Governor Dave Umahi (left) and his Kebbi State counterpart, Abubakar Bagudu, during the National Economic Council meeting, recently.

Group lauds Buhari over Parradang’s suspension

…wants 2014 NIS recruitment exercise probed tion after paying N1,000 each

Theophilus Onojeghen WARRI


arri-based Centre for the Vulnerable and Underprivileged, CENTREP, has commended President Muhammadu Buhari for the suspension of the former Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Immigration Service, Mr. David Parradang, for allegedly recruiting 1,000 immigration officers without following due process. A statement issued by the Executive Director of CEN-

TREP, Oghenejabor Ikimi, said the suspension clearly signified that the era of impunity in the nation's politic especially among public office holders was gone. The group charged the federal government to reopen investigation into activities surrounding March 2014 ill-fated immigration recruitment exercise where no fewer than 15 job seekers died during a stampede across the country. It stated, "We call on President Muhammadu Buhari to re-open the first recruitment scandal by ordering an inquest into the said inci-

dent and the present one in a bid to arresting, prosecuting and jailing all the actors in any of the above shameful and criminally minded recruitment exercise irrespective of their status." Ikimi, who had urged immediate past administration to probe the exercise noted, "We are however not oblivious that the above scandal is a replay of a similar recruitment exercise under the watch of the Immigration boss in March, 2014 wherein over 700,000 unemployed persons applied for advertised vacancies of about 4,000 space in the organisa-

as application fee, which in all amounted to a whopping sum of over N700million. "20 persons including a pregnant woman later lost their lives when pandemonium erupted in each of the recruitment centres across the Nation. "Neither was the Immigration boss nor the then Minister for Interior, Mr. Abba Moro or the firm they allegedly engaged to conduct the said recruitment exercise sanctioned by the President Goodluck Jonathan administration over the unfortunate incident."



Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Kwara govt, PDP bicker over N5bn loan Wole Adedeji, ILORIN


wara State government and the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the state are now at loggerheads over plans to borrow N5 billion to pay salary arrears of local government staff. State Publicity Secretary of PDP, Chief Rex Olawoye, had queried the decision, more so when loans and bonds earlier taken by government had no proof of benefits to the poor. He also wondered what had become of the multibillion naira federal allocations to local governments in the state. Olawoye said the N3.5bn federal allocation to the 16 local government councils in the state for the month of June was adequate to offset the three months salary arrears. According to him, this was aside the state’s statutory allocation of N5.2bn from the Federation Account for the same month. “Once an organisation resorts to borrow to pay salaries, such organisation should be counting its days of collapse or bankruptcy. “As much as it is good to pay salaries with borrowed money, how do you pay back the loan with the interest? Borrowing to pay salaries means postponing

the evil days,” he added. He challenged Governor Abdulfatah Ahmed to “tell the world what happened to the June allocations that should warrant his borrowing money for salaries” But the state government, through Senior Special Assistant to the governor on Media, Muyideen Akorede justified the loan intention. He said: “The N5bn Federal Government bailout loan is the cheapest and most efficient means of paying accumulated arrears of salaries and allowances owed to primary school teachers and other local government employees. “The loan also covers arrears of pensions and gratuities owed to retired local government workers, some of which go back several years. “When received, it will bring relief to local councils, their staff and retirees as federal allocations are currently inadequate to meet salary, pension and gratuity obligations at state and local government levels. According to him, a breakdown of the N5bn liability showed that as at July 2015, the total salary arrears for local government workers was N2bn, while salary arrears for primary school teachers also stood at N2bn.

FIDA vows to prosecute spiritual rapist Priscilla Dennis, MINNA


nternational Federation of Female Lawyers, FIDA, Niger State, has vowed to deal with a spiritualist, who allegedly drugged and raped a 33-year-old woman on the pretext of delivering her from spiritual challenges. It was gathered that the suspect, Mallam Haruna Bello, hails from Jikin Katangan in Kaduna State, while his victim, Janila Ibrahim, is from Kano State. Bello was alleged to have claimed that he has the answer to the spiritual problems of the victim, who resides in Minna. He allegedly mixed concoction with water and gave the woman to drink for spiritual cleansing. Soon after drinking the concoction, she allegedly slept off and he took advantage of the situation and had canal knowledge of her. This, however, resulted in pregnancy. Speaking on the devel-

opment when presenting food items, clothing materials and some undisclosed amount of money to the victim that delivered last week, the state’s Chairperson of FIDA, Fati Suleiman Takuma, said all hands must be on deck to ensure the elimination of any form of violence against women and children, especially rape cases. She stated that the association will go all out to persecute the suspect and bring him to book. “We have been taking care of the victim but unfortunately the offence took place in Kaduna. We have contacted FIDA chairperson in the state for prompt action. I have sent the details so that she can take up from there to ensure that the suspect is apprehended and charged to court,” she said. Takuma urged women, particularly young ladies not go anywhere unaccompanied, adding that if the victim had gone with someone, Bello wouldn’t have raped her.

Medical personnel attending to patients during a free medical out-reach and inauguration of medical equipment donated by Jos Tin-City Rotary Club to the community’s primary healthcare, in Jos, yesterday. PHOTO: NAN

BoI approves N903.4m loan for SMEs in Gombe Femi Adeosun, ABUJA


ank of Industry, BoI, has put loan approval for the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, MSMEs, in Gombe State at N903.4m. Managing Director/ Chief Executive Officer of the bank, Mr. Rasheed Olaoluwa, who disclosed this during commissioning of BoI’s new office in the state, said agro-pro-

cessing accounted for 80 per cent of the loan portfolio. Olaoluwa said so far, projects being financed through loans from the bank had created 1,900 direct and indirect jobs in the state. He noted that Governor Ibrahim Dankwambo, shortly after assumption of office in 2011 expressed his desire to partner with BoI, as a vehicle to accelerate socio-economic development of the state. The governor thereaf-

ter pledged to contribute N500m towards the establishment of a N1bn Entrepreneurial Development Fund, EDF, which was to be matched in like sum by BOI. Olaoluwa noted that given the fact that the state had been identified as a major hub for commodity-based industrial clusters within the north east, the bank would concentrate its lending efforts in major industrial clusters such as meat processing, metal fabrication

rice milling and groundnut oil production, among others. Responding, Dankwambo noted that the Entrepreneur Development Partnership Scheme had been of immense benefits not only in promoting small business concerns, but also in its multiplier effects on the state. He said while 171 cooperative societies had so far benefitted from the programme, it had led to the creation of 1,190 direct and 562 indirect jobs.

Gunmen kill 2 cousins in Plateau attack •Lalong to partner with NGOs over insecurity

James Abraham, JOS


wo cousins were at the weekend killed in Barkin Ladi Local Government Area of Plateau State, which has heightened insecurity in the area. The victims, identified as Ibrahim Nyam and Jimmy Pam, were ambushed and killed by gunmen suspected to be Fulani herdsmen. They were said to be heading to Jos when they were attacked by the gunmen. Family sources said the assailants killed the men and left them in the pool of their blood on Saturday evening, adding that both men were married with children. Riyom and Barkin Ladi councils have been facing security challenges for

over a decade and the rate of attacks in the areas have been on the rise in the past few weeks. Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Abu Emmanuel, confirmed the attack on phone yesterday. He said corpses of the deceased have been deposited in a mortuary. In his reaction, the member representing Riyom/Barkin Ladi in the House of Representatives, Istifanus Gyang described the ambush as “barbaric and reign of terror, occupation of the people,” saying it is totally illegal and unlawful. He called on President Muhammadu Buhari to give an immediate directive to the military high command as he did in the case of the Boko Haram insurgency in the NorthEast, to end the killings. Meanwhile, Governor

Simon Lalong, said his administration will effectively partner with organisations that are ready to assist government achieve the desire peace and harmony in the state. The governor stated this yesterday, during the 13th graduation ceremony of 221 trainees of the Apurimac Onlus skill acquisitions centres located in Jos, state capital. Lalong, who was represented by the Deputy Chief of Staff, Silas Vem, commended the initiatives of the organisation for turning around the fortunes of victims of Jos crises, and other citizens, thus making them become employers of labour through vocational skills. He assured that the state government was ready to partner with Apurimac Onlus and other nongovernmental organisations

in ending the protracted crisis in the state, through training citizens to become self reliance. Earlier in an address, country director of Apurimac Onlus, Mr. Godwin Okoko, said only those that have been satisfactorily trained in various kills and adjudged worthy both in learning and character were allowed to graduate. He said the aim of the training, particularly for the youth, was to minimax redundancy and restiveness in the state. The beneficiaries were trained in catering, hair dressing, shoe making, kitting, tailoring and computer application among other skills. They were also taught on how to live peacefully among other citizens, so as to be become productive in the society.

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror



Oyo APC berates opposition over stand on govt. decisions KEMI OLAITAN IBADAN


yo State All Progressives Congress, APC, yesterday took a swipe at opposition elements in the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, and Accord Party in the state, over their joint condemnation of government’s decisions to suspend payment of the West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examination, WASSCE, fees for final year students in public secondary schools and sponsorship of people on holy pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia and Israel in view of current economic challenges. It will be recalled that

Governor Abiola Ajimobi said the measures were aimed at reducing spending and assist government in coping with the current cash crunch and economic instability. Reacting to PDP’s and Accord’s different statements in national dailies condemning the policies, the APC, through its Director of Publicity and Strategy, Mr. Olawale Sadare, described the opposition parties in the state as bad losers and hypocrites, who were always united by the urge to promote irrational agenda with a view to setting the people against the person of Ajimobi and the APC. It said “The governor had

stated that the measures were temporary as the palliatives would not only be restored soon, but many more are to be added to better the lots of the people. The two painful decisions were taken as the last resort in view of the desire to take the state out the current economic imbroglio as quickly as possible.” Saying that Ajimobi deserves accolades for resisting the temptation to agree with some concerned individuals and groups who had come up with pieces of advice considered inevitable for the state to jerk up its internally generated revenue at all cost, Sadare added that “the governor, out of his

love for the masses, declined to accept most of the suggestions made, as he was of the opinion that such would aggravate the suffering of the common man. He added: “We recall that the state government had earlier taken major measures in that direction and these include; reduction of cost of governance which brought about the pruning of ministries from 23 to 13, stoppage of daily feeding of fasting residents at Government House and distribution of food items to the needy during Ramadan fast, postponement of all political appointments, turning down of sponsorship requests from many partners

L-R: Comptroller of Immigration, Imo State, Mr. Abba Idu; Director of Protocol, Imo Government House Chapel, Mr. Jerry Okosun and Director, Religious Affairs to Governor Rochas Okorocha, during a prayer summit to celebrate the successful conduct of 2015 general election in Oweri, on Saturday. PHIOTO: NAN

Kwara House summons agency over conversion of houses to hotels WOLE ADEDEJI ILORIN


wara State House of Assembly has summoned the state Town Planning and Development Authority for non-enforcement of town planning regulations in towns and cities within the state. The order came after a resolution of the House on a motion tagged: ‘Conversion of Residential

Buildings to Hotels, Club Houses and Beer Parlors,’ sponsored by the member representing Ilorin Central state constuency ,Hajia Segilola AbdulKadir. The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Ali Ahmad, while announcing the resolution noted with displeasure that non-enforcement of the town planning regulations had led to gross inorderliness of towns and cities in Kwara State. The House, even after

summoning the Authority charged it to be more alive to its responsibilities by ensuring that residential buildings were not inappropriately converted to event centres without necessary approvals and taking into consideration the public nuisance and security implications that such places would pose to residents. Hajia AbdulKadir had observed in her motion that the Town Planning and Development Author-

ity has a responsibility to control, regulate and maintain all laws guiding the physical planning of the state to ensure healthy development of settlements and communities, but expressed worry that the indiscriminate conversion and distortion of environmental planning as well as the master-plan of cities in the state had resulted into security and social problems to other residents in the affected areas.

and non-governmental organisations. “Interestingly, all of these had little or no direct negative effect on the common man and it was when further measures were needed to be introduced that the governor considered the options of WASSCE fees and pilgrimage sponsorship.” APC said that it was sheer hypocrisy and height of irresponsibility on the part of opposition elements if they chose taking advantage

of the current situation to display their hatred for the people, adding: “The question on the lips of the people is that; what difference did the PDP make in the life of the state in its eight years combined rule? Between 2003 and 2011 that the PDP was in the saddle; values were not only eroded and peace did not only vacate the land, resources of the state were plundered while the economic base of Oyo State was badly depleted.”

Ogun-East: Tension as tribunal decides Kashamu’s fate WALE IGBINTADE


here is palpable tension in Ogun State as the people await the verdict of the Ogun State Election Petitions Tribunal in the petition filed by Prince Oladapo Abiodun of the All Progressives Congress, APC, challenging the election of business tycoon, Prince Buruji Kashamu of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, as senator representing the Ogun-East senatorial district. The tribunal, headed by Justice Ebiowei Tobi, also has Justices Adekunle Lawal and Quadi Adamu Usman as members, had on August 3, after taking arguments from parties reserved the matter for judgment. Abiodun and APC had jointly filed an 81-page petition, challenging Kashamu’s victory in the March 28 election, praying the tribunal to nullify his election as senator representing Ogun-East senatorial district. Other respondents are PDP, Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, and the state Resident Electoral Commissioner, REC, respectively. But, Kashamu through his lawyers, Alex Izinyon, SAN, and Ajibola Oluyede in a 29-page document prayed the court to dismiss the petition for lacking in merit. The petitioners are chal-

lenging Kashamu’s election on the grounds that there were alleged wide-spread irregularities and malpractices that characterised the election in several parts of Ogun-East senatorial district and the alleged nonqualification of Kashamu over his purported indictment by a United States of America court. Praying the tribunal to declare Kashamu not qualified to contest the election as at when he did and that he did not win majority of the lawful votes cast in the election to warrant his being declared winner, Abiodun prayed the tribunal to declare him winner and the duly elected senator for Ogun-East senatorial district, having scored the highest number of lawful votes cast at the March 28 election. In the alternative, the petitioners prayed the tribunal to cancel the entire election on the grounds of substantial non-compliance with the electoral laws guiding the conduct of the election and direct INEC to conduct a fresh election. It was the contention of the petitioner that Kashamu, having been allegedly indicted for criminal offences by a Ground Jury in the United States of America, had a burden to clear his name of the indictment before he could be eligible to contest any election.



Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Reducing cost of governance: Matters arising The need to reduce the cost of governance is critical to our national development. ROBERT AWOKUSE examines the essence of such step.


ith much effort being dispensed BY THE Federal Government to rake in more money into its coffers to effectively implement more developmental projects and achieving greater economic and social transformation, making necessary sacrifices to complement this feat in tandem with the government policy to cut down cost of governance is apparently a rational thing to do, especially by political office holders who may have the interest of the country above their selfish gains. Over the past 12 months, Nigeria has been faced with a chronic public finance challenge characterised by inability of many states to pay salaries and the inability of the Federal Government to raise sufficient revenue amidst declining crude oil prices. The problem with Nigeria’s economic performance is not really the plunge in oil prices, but the failure to harness resources from other sectors and most importantly saving up during boom for raining days. It is pitiable that many political office holders are not ready to make necessary sacrifices that will enhance speedy development. The latest situation at the National Assembly indicated that many of the federal lawmakers may not be ready to make some sacrifices as being predicted by many political watchers. If indeed the lawmakers, as representatives of the Nigerians, refuse any possible reduction of their salary and allowances, their actions may be said to contrast the role of a responsible father, who is expected to prioritise the needs of his family over his own sentiments. Many have fumed at the swelling ranks of lawmakers who accrue so much to themselves, particularly the situation where they are alleged to collect huge salaries and allowances, running into billions of naira without addressing the legitimate concerns of the workers. But contrary to the criticism that trailed the lawmakers’ refusal to consider any downward review of their salary and allowances, kudos have been pouring in for President Muhammadu Buhari for his altruistic attitude for a downward review of his salaries. Analysts describe President Buhari as the head of a family who put the welfare of his family above everything else; including his comfort with his decision to reduce his and his vice’s salaries by 50 per cent. The federal lawmakers subsequently were tasked to borrow a leaf from the President in order to drastically reduce the high cost of governance, which is believed to be draining the nation’s finances. While past governments lacked the political will to reduce government expenditures, a success story may however be achieved if a lean cost model of governance can be actualised by the present administration. With the emergence of President Buhari, the political will to address the ‘elephant in the room’ will be tested and stretched to the limit. Although his humble profile and austere values are well


Senate President, Bukola Saraki



known, the machinery of government inherent in his administration may not be so cooperative. For instance, he must convince the National Assembly, fortunately with his party in the majority, to lead by example to reduce the N120-N150 billion ‘unquestioned and undisclosed’ budgets that come to legislators yearly. A nation’s hope would be left to glimmer of survival if only members of the National Assembly, whose salaries and allowances run into billions of naira take home this huge amount from the budget. Swipe on MDAs The possibility that Buhari will be reducing or merging Ministries, Departments and Agencies, MDAs, have continued to receive applause from different shades, as reports have it that no ministers will be appointed Ministers of State, in contrast to what was obtainable in the past administrations. A policy advisory committee has in its recommendations urged Buhari to reduce the number of the ministries to about twenty in order to reduce the high cost of governance. However concerns have been raised about how Buhari’s administration can implement a constitutional provision that stipulates a minister per state within the context of reducing ministries to less than 20, with a 36 state-structure and the Federal Capital territory, FCT. But legal experts have opined that the constitution does not state that there should be 36 ministries to cover the 36 ministerial nominees. Senate’s decline

Despite expectations from across the populace that federal lawmakers may follow in the footsteps of President Buhari to sacrifice and cut their salaries and allowances, the red chamber has opposed any likely possibility of reducing their salaries. This followed a recent resolution by the upper chamber of the National Assembly to reject any reduction of their salaries. The Senate recently suspended consideration of the report of its Finance Committee on review of salaries and allowances, following sharp disagreements among senators over the pay cut recommended by the panel. After wide consultations, the lawmakers concluded that the budget of The National Assembly is not only for the lawmakers in the Senate and House of Representatives, but also include that of the management, the National Institute for Legislative Studies, the Public Conduct Commission, the National Assembly Civil Service Commission, and over 3, 000 legislative aides, who are beneficiaries of the N120 billion annual budget. They opined that if any review has to be made, the heat should not only be limited to the legislators. But such proposition cannot be put into effect without the consent from the appropriate body. For any alteration or review of salaries and allowances of political appointive and elective offices to be made, it is the sole prerogatives of the Revenue Mobilisation and Fiscal Allocation Commission, RMFAC, to assess, review and make adjustments after recommendations to the arm(s) have been ratified before such can be passed into law. Imperatives of cost reduction Nigeria has a history of bogus cost of governance which political scientists link to the system of government being practised. Nigeria’s presidential system of government has been identified as one of the most expensive in the world. As a system of government which is headed by the president who is a head of government and head of state, leading an executive cabinet that is separated from the legislature, pundits have described as ‘over-bloated and unsustainable.’ They believe that such system attracts a relatively high cost, especially a situa-

tion where the legislative arm is bicameral and the multiple MDAs under the executive arm.. Prof. Isaac Albert of the Institute of African Studies, University of Ibadan, blamed the high cost of governance on the fact that Nigerian politicians were not practising true democracy, arguing that many politicians ventured into politics because of their craving for material acquisition. But Dr Femi Sopade, a senior lecturer at the Department of Political Science, Osun State University, said the high cost of governance had nothing to do with a particular system of government. He argued it was the orientation of the political class about governance, rather than political system, which determined the cost of running government. Sincerely, Nigerians have been seriously short-changed by the lawmakers’ excessive remunerations, forgetting that they were, ironically, elected to protect the people’s interests. It is pathetic that while an average civil servant is crying over the implementation of the N18,000 national minimum wage which some states cannot still afford, the lawmakers are raking in millions of naira every month with utter impunity. If the lawmakers’ expenses are reduced, the electioneering killings which usually characterise our politics and pre elections will be a thing of the past, as many desperate politicians will no longer vie for such positions as the offices will no longer serve as financial factories for pocket enrichment. Call to serve Apparently public office holders in the last 16 years have collectively institutionalised a geometrical high cost of governance in the country. And it is a trend that must stop for any meaningful development to be achieved. An appetite for greed, selfishness and corruption aided by loose financial control has led to the impoverishment of the state. With the President having taken the bull by the horn, first to cut his remunerations and that of his vice and cause same to be effected for all other political appointees, and also moved to prune down the MDAs, which to a large extent gulp the nation’s resources, it is expected that the legislature will follow suit and make the necessary sacrifice and have their salaries and allowances reduced. Following these steps he has obviously positioned himself to foil any further profligacy. And this is a right step in the right direction, especially with the dwindling economic fortunes of the country. The savings from this exercise may not be much, but the symbolism is laudable. This fresh air permeating the polity will provoke applauds for the federal lawmakers if they consider the general wellness of the country over their individual interests, particularly in this critical time the country is experiencing financial crisis following fall in oil prices and the virtually empty treasury left by the previous government, and bearing in mind that they are called to serve.

National Mirror


Monday, August 24, 2015


Hey, don’t squirm on your single status SANDRA AKUOMA


he idea that true happiness can be found only with someone else is a myth. Wherever you go in life, there are some aims and desires we are all expected to share - get a job, advance our careers, meet our perfect partners, have a family, own our own homes, have grandchildren, etc. Wherever you go, you see allusions to this progression, but it is largely a myth perpetuated by culture, culture masked as religion, marketing and the media. In my opinion, marriage is not the end all and be all of life. I believe that marriage is simply a segment of life that some of us experience if and when we find romantic, sustainable, enduring love with another person. Sadly, many people feel that their life is not complete if they don’t find that special person. When did being single become such a disease? Isn’t it better to be single and wait for the right partner than be in a lonely relationship? It is time you change your perspective and view being single as an opportunity. Don’t take the blessings you do have for granted. Hey, being single have opportunities! For one, you are free to develop yourself in any direction you choose. If you want

to learn to fly an aeroplane, pursue studies in anything, or take dancing classes, you don’t need to explain yourself to a partner or get his support. You can sign up for online classes or take courses at a local university. No one will be standing over your shoulder asking, “What about me?” You can also design your own schedule. You only have to consult yourself about working late, going to the gym, getting together with friends, or visiting that art exhibition that caught your eye. If you decide to throw a last minute gettogether with friends, you don’t have to worry about inconveniencing your partner or encroaching on his/her space. Don’t underestimate the value of this flexibility. There is little need for negotiation: Did you ever consider the blessings inherent in being able to do things at your own pace? You can let the laundry pile up as long as you wish, or never let it pile up; or eat “eba” for breakfast or cereal for dinner. Your living space is yours alone: You can paint, wallpaper, decorate and arrange your living space exactly the way you want it. If you decide to change it next week, you can do so without consulting anyone. You can play your favourite tunes at home, be they classical, jazz, rock and roll, blues, hip-hop, Afro beats

IT IS TIME YOU CHANGE YOUR PERSPECTIVE AND VIEW BEING SINGLE AS AN OPPORTUNITY or hard rock. It is your space – you make the rules as you go along. In-laws are a non-issue: Embracing a second family isn’t always the easiest proposition. Generally, it requires tremendous patience and understanding. Our culture does not help as well. The in-laws normally dictate the tone of the marriage - they interfere a lot. It is great that at least for now, this is a non-issue. It can be difficult enough to iron out problems with your own family, talk less someone else’s! Holidays and travel plans are your call: Do you have special holiday rituals that you look forward to each year? As a single person you can continue to enjoy them, at each and every holiday. Is it your dream to travel round the world, engage in a lot of adventurous trips? This might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but you are free to plan the trip for whenever, stay where you like, sun bathe, or shop till you drop. The possibilities are endless, and the choice is yours and yours alone.

Rejuvenating good governance in Nigeria IBRAHIM MUYE YAHAYA


crisis of governability has beleaguered Africa. It is a serious calamity that Nigeria and many other African countries have been simultaneously experiencing political breakdown; globalization is producing a widening gap between what electorate are asking of their governments and what those governments are delivering. The disparity between the rising demand for good governance and its flinch supply is one of the gravest obstacles facing Nigeria today. The predicament of the larger proportion of Nigerians is not having good governance and purposeful leadership. Democracy for close to a score has not only brought economic distress to majority of Nigerians, but is also confronting them with intense threats and stress, such as unemployment, dearth of small scale industries, inflation, power supply, oil theft, corruption, infrastructural decay, poverty, inequality, insecurity and environmental degradation. Majority of the voters feel betrayed as only few benefit from the government, mostly political godfathers, ballot box snatchers, thugs, friends, family members, mistresses, religious and traditional rulers. But just as globalization is stimulating this pressing demand for responsive governance, it is also ensuring that its provision is in desperately short supply in our country. This is where the administration of Alhaji Muhammadu Buhari should strive hard to make the electorates feel the impact of good governance. This cannot be achieved without the support of the legis-







R E A S S E RT P O P U L A R C O N T RO L OV E R ECONOMIC AND POLITICAL SYSTEMS lative and judicial arm of government. For some reasons, governance in Nigeria has been experiencing unparalleled ineptitude. First, day light corruption and empowering of cabals with unfunded import waivers and fuel subsidies payment have created a new class of nouveau riche that flaunt private jets, cruise ships, unoccupied mansions, luxury cars, etc. Secondly, democracy can be nimble and responsive when the electorate are contented, but it is clumsy and sluggish when the citizens are downcast. Representative government in Nigeria has proved far better at distributing benefits to few cliques than at apportioning sacrifice for the betterment of the people and country. In Nigeria, this catastrophe of governability has taking the form of a paralyzing polarization. Average household income has continued to fall and the country is now one of the most unequal in the continent. The legislative arm of government is tied up in knots, offering voters plenty of partisan bile, but little in the way of substantive legislation. The judiciary arm of government, which is the hope of citizen’s also helped in greasing the failure of good

governance in Nigeria. Nigerians will remember some controversial verdicts and squashy bail conditions some of our judges gave out to corrupt individuals and public officials, whereby our Senior Advocates of Nigeria (SANs) proudly jump the gun and take it as a feat. Nigeria has experienced a dangerous renationalization of its politics for close two decades. Unemployment is on the increase, corruption at its highest peak, power supply failure, wages falling and comfortable welfare systems on the chopping blocks as payment of workers salary has become a burden to many States. She has cycled through four presidents in the last 16 years with different policies and programmes ground to a halt even on urgent issues as the executive, legislative and judiciary arm of government contribute to the failure of good governance one way or the other. Nigeria has been stuck in a political and economic no man’s land; exposed to the dislocations of subsidy and waiver economy; yet absent of good governance at both the central and state levels. As African powers compete for a place in good governance, it is not only the Nigeria’s material, population, human and natural resources dominance that is at stake, but also its ideological primacy if a real change is not introduced. Unless governance is redefined in Nigeria, our democracy can’t reclaim effective governance, the politics, as well as the geopolitics of the 21st century may not well be up for grabs. Nigeria urgently needs a compelling answer to the fundamental tensions among democrats; unemployment, security, power sector, economy, corruption and globalization policies. The stunning economic boom

Less drama, less headache: You are not constantly arguing and thinking whether the person called or text you back, you save so much money as you do not need to buy gifts to impress your partner. You are free to mingle: You can mix up easily with people, have more male or female friends with no fear of someone getting jealous and throwing tantrums or the feeling that you are cheating on your partner. Here you get to network better and even build lasting relationships. Self-discovery: You find out who you really are? As a single person you need to learn to be comfortable with yourself, love and accept yourself. Life is about what makes you happy, not what would make your parents, friends and the general public pleased. Being content is in no way defined; each person must find his or her own happiness, which will not always align with the world’s expectations. Food for thought Know this, relationship doesn’t define you. Single is not a status, it is a word that describes a person who is strong enough to live life without having to depend on someone else. Ms Akuoma wrote from Lagos via and can be reached on 08165583876 (SMS ONLY)

of the past few years was not a blessing to the masses as it wasn’t utilized prudently to help move the country forward. The boom didn’t solve the longstanding problems of the education sector as Nigerian’s continue to troop to neighbouring African countries for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes; the boom didn’t help improve the corroded infrastructures; the boom didn’t ease the health care delivery problems as medical tourism abroad has continue to flourish; the boom didn’t improve the agricultural sector as importation of rice and frozen meats has continued to rise; and the boom didn’t help in improving our power sector as importation of generators and energy saver devices has continued to rise. A new political agenda must be set by President Buhari to reassert popular control over economic and political systems. This is because emerging economies turned to strategic planning and state-led investment in infrastructure, technology development, and social programmes to restore competitiveness, redress inequality and favour the masses rather than the party faithful or special interests. Until such an agenda is devised and realized, the Nigeria’s democratic melancholy will persist. Yahaya wrote from Jagbele Quarters of Muye, Niger State via

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Monday, August 24 2015

National Mirror



Zero FG delegation to 2015 Hajj


n a terse statement of less than three paragraphs a fortnight back, Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, announced President Muhammadu Buhari’s decision not to bankroll any Federal Government delegation to this year’s Hajj in Saudi Arabia. The government, Garba said, “shall play its traditional roles of providing consular, medical and security services to Nigerian pilgrims’. The decision, according to projections, would translate to the FG saving about $1 million in hard currency and N30m in local expenses. Coming at a time when President Buhari faced intense public criticism over his recent approval of concessionary exchange rate of N160 to $1 for this year’s Christian pilgrims; when the official exchange rate of the naira to the dollar was above N230, it is not improbable that the FG decision was responsive to public rage against huge waste of funds on religious pilgrimages year-in-year-out. The Nigerian Constitution (as has been altered) is not in self-denial of the huge relevance of religion, hence its recognition of the freedom of thought, conscience and religion as a fundamental human right. But the Constitution in (Section 10) expressly provides, in addition, that the government of the federation or

of a state shall not adopt any religion as state religion. Unfortunately, however, both the FG and states have been conducting their affairs in contemptuous breach of the latter constitutional reality. The FG established the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) for Muslims and the Nigeria Christian Pilgrims Commission (NCPCO) for Christians. There are also their equivalents in states; whereas the Constitution confers no authority on any government in the country to fund or sponsor pilgrimages. Through the ritual of annual pilgrimages, the country loses humongous sums of money in both foreign exchange and local currency on yearly basis. A recent report gave insight into how state governments, including those down with unpaid workers’ salaries, as well as some organisations and individuals were bracing up to lavish at least N70 billion this year on pilgrimages to Mecca, Israel and other locations. NAHCON was credited as saying that 76,000 slots were allocated to Nigeria by Saudi Arabia for the 2015 Hajj. Of the number, 66,000 slots will go to the nation’s 36 states, the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) and the Armed Forces; while the remaining 10,000 is for ‘international pilgrims’ or tour operators. The conservative figure for Christian pilgrims visiting Israel, Rome and Greece, based on 2014 statistics,




is 30,000; meaning that roughly 96,000 Nigerians are expected to perform pilgrimages this year, majority of them at government’s expense. Reports also indicate that the Hajj fare announced by NAHCON for 2015 is N758,476.59 minimum for each Muslim departing from the northern part of the country; and N766, 556.59 minimum for each of those going from the southern part. For Christians, it would cost each pilgrim whose destination is only Israel N379, 840; Israel/Rome, N462, 510; and Israel/ Greece, N462, 510. The package includes air ticket, visa fee, feeding, accommodation and tour to holy sites for 11 days. For the 76,000 Muslims performing this year’s Hajj, their total spending would be about N57.6 billion; and for the 30,000 Christian pilgrims, even if they end up in Israel alone, their spending

ON THIS DAY August 24, 1991 Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as head of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The only general secretary in the history of the Soviet Union born during the Communist rule, Gorbachev (March 2, 1931), is a former Soviet statesman. He served as the General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union from 1985 until 1991, and as the last head of state of the Soviet Union from 1988 until its dissolution in 1991.

Letters tothe theEditor Editor Letters to

August 24, 2010 In San Fernando, Tamaulipas, Mexico, 72 illegal immigrants were killed by Los Zetas and eventually found dead by Mexican authorities. Los Zetas (Zetas, Zs) is a powerful and violent criminal syndicate in Mexico. It is considered by the United States government to be the “most technologically advanced, sophisticated and dangerous cartel operating in Mexico.” The origin of Los Zetas dates back to 1999.

would not be anything less than N11.3 billion, for 2015 alone. Pathetically too, the religious rites are scarcely insulated from being corrupted through all manners of racketeering, including those involving Hajj forms, seats reservation in airplanes and so forth. Perhaps more importantly, the positive impact of the annual ritual on morality and good conscience in the land is questionable. Our thinking is that this is not the right way to go for a country that for over 50 years of her independence has little or nothing concrete to point to as evidence of true development and good living other than forcefully remaining as one nation, amid grudges and agitations for self-determination by many of the federating units. President Buhari’s decision not to waste public funds on FG’s delegation to this year’s Hajj is a welcome development, but it should serve as a springboard for dismantling all forms of waste on pilgrimages at both federal and state levels over time; excepting for the provisions of consular, medical and security services to Nigerian pilgrims as evidence of responsible governance. Neither the Muslim Koran nor the Christian Bible prescribed pilgrimages as compulsory rituals for Muslims or Christians. They should be left for the ritzy that possess the wherewithal for the indulgence.

x August 24, 2014 A 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck Napa, California, in the northern San Francisco Bay area in United States. The tremor’s epicenter was located south of Napa. It was the largest earthquake to strike northern California since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake. The quake killed one person, injured about 200, and interrupted power to more than 69,000 Pacific Gas and Electric Company customers.

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Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror



Bature Umar Masari, SMEDAN, DG

Exploring SMEs’ sub-sector for improved job creation, economic growth Small and medium enterprises have been described as the engine of economic growth and for promoting equitable development. However various efforts by past governments to salvage the sub- sector have not yielded much fruits. Market watchers say the extent the President Muhammadu Buhari led government can go in creation of jobs which was one of its main campaign promises depends on the level of support it would give to SMEs. Adejuwon Osunnuyi reports


lobally, Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs are generally acknowledged as having huge potentials for employment generation and wealth creation in any economy. This sub-sector of the economy is globally acknowledged to contribute substantially in enhancing employment creation or generation, poverty alleviation, equitable distribution of resources, income redistribution, technical and technological innovation, and so on. According to a recent

micro, small and medium enterprises survey conducted by the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Agency of Nigeria, SMEDAN, in collaboration with National Bureau of Statistics, NBS, Nigeria has about 37 million MSMEs. These Micro Small and Medium Enterprises MSMEs, according to the survey, account for 48 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, while also taking 60 million people off the labour market. However, available evidence shows that a lot of factors are stacked against

the entrepreneurs or operators of these businesses. In Nigeria however, the sector remains relatively small in terms of its contribution to GDP or to gainful employment. Although SMEs are seen as veritable and viable engines of economic development, the growth and development of SMEs in Nigeria have been slow and in some cases even UDO ONYEKA, CO-ORDINATOR BUSINESS COURAGE c

Global Media Mirror Limited

National Mirror

Rasheed Olaoluwa, BoI, MD

stunted, due to a number of problems and challenges confronting this all-important sub-sector of the economy. Some of the problems highlighted as being responsible for their slow growth and development include: deplorable infrastructural facilities; funding and financing challenges; inadequate managerial and entrepreneurial skills; limited capacity for research and development as well as innovations; limited demand for their products and services; burden of multiple taxes; and overbearing actions of government functionaries and agents. Others include difficulties associated with complying with regulatory requirements in the specific areas of operations of the SMEs; problems of undercapitalization and difficulty with access to bank credits; bureaucratic bottlenecks; corruption and lack of transparency arising from government regulation and regulators; as well as government’s lack of interest or focus in addressing the specific factors responsible for the abysmal performance of the sub-sector. While stakeholders believe that the most disturbing among these challenges is funding, they however pointed out that in most cases, most new small business enterprises are not attractive prospects for banks as they want to minimise their risk profile. In the past, there have been several efforts in the past by successive govern-

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

ments in Nigeria to propel growth in the small and medium enterprises sector. Trying to salvage the SMEs, the federal government had in the 1950s established the Nigerian Industrial Development Bank NIDB, with several incentives to maximise exploitation of natural resources. Also in the 1990s, the federal government redoubled its SME development effort via the creation of the Peoples Bank of Nigeria, PBN, and Small and Medium Industries Equity Investment Scheme, SMIES. While many Nigerians are still waiting for the present administration of President Mohammadu Buhari to kick start its plans for the SMEs as well as creation of massive employment as it specified during its campaign period, it would be recalled that the last administration of former President Goodluck Jonathan had launched various initiatives aimed at assisting the SMEs. One of the project it launched was the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, MSMEs, with cash flow of about N39.6 billion meant to fund business development services to enhance the efficiency and productivity of the MSMEs. According to its architects, while it was an attempt to re-position the MSME sector for better productivity, the project, tagged the Nigerian Business Development Services Network, NBDS, was designed to be an estab-

lishment comprising private sector business development services providers, whose main objective was to mentor, provide support services and link up with financial institutions. Before then, the federal government had in August 2013 also launched a N220bn Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Fund, MSMEDF, which objective was to provide long-term, affordable funds for players in the sector. This particular fund laid claim to 60 per cent consideration for women. Also, in March, this year, the Bank of Industry, BoI, earmarked about N300bn to further bridge the financing gap created in the operations of Small and Medium Enterprises, SMEs. The facility, designed to be accessed, over the next five years, is expected to boost activities of small businesses in the country. Besides, the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises ,NASME, the Bank of Industry (BoI), Access Bank Plc and Fidelity Bank Plc gave their readiness to provide required support for the Small and Medium Enterprises ,SME, sector, especially in the area of accessible financing. To the Executive Director, Small and Medium Enterprises, BoI, Waheed Olagunju, while it is obvious that the country is awash with funds for SMEs, the development financial institution has earmarked the facility for the next five years to achieve its objectives in the sector.

Olagunju explained that since the bank discovered that most SMEs’ businesses are not bankable, serving as a debacle hindering growth and development, BoI employed the services of 122 Business Development Service Producers, BDSPs, to help produce a tune of 1220 successful bankable projects over the next 12 months. He said the bank also has a cluster-based financial programme to support industrialisation, saying that infrastructure still remains a major constraint to the development of the sector. “We anticipate an upsurge in the demand for finance by SMEs; as a result of this, we have strengthened the bank to meet these demands. The funds are there but we are only going to support genuine businesses,” he said. To President and Chairman ‎of NASME council, Alhaji Garba Gusau, efforts to develop the sector require strong and supportive institutions and holistic infrastructural development as well as key and impactful sectorial intervention by the Nigerian financial sector, as a deliberate effort towards addressing the many years of the sector’s neglect. Buhari had promised to create an environment where millions of youth would be employed directly and indirectly. According to him, he would build a country that provides jobs for its young people, reduce unemployment to the lowest of single digits and provide safety nets so that no one is left behind. He also added that if elected, entrepreneurship will thrive, enterprise flourishes and the government will gets out of the way so that people can create value, build the economy and aggressively expand wealth. To him, during his administration, entrepreneurship will thrive, enterprise flourishes and the government will gets out of the way so that people can create value, build the economy and aggressively expand wealth. Buhari, promised to create job opportunities through agriculture and mining, if elected. “My administration will focus on agriculture and mining as a way to secure jobs for able Nigerians. There is a circle of insecurity, unemployment and corruption in the country, which I will break when elected next month. “I have faith that 2015 is the year we shall begin

to write a new story – a story of our youth creating jobs and expanding the frontiers of innovation and creativity everywhere from Mavin Records to the Co-Creation Hub; a story of genuine investment in our children and students be they in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka or in the Delta State University, Abraka; a country that finally makes a permanent shift from our debilitating dependence on the freefalling price of crude oil,” he said. Many stakeholders believe that while it is an obvious fact that MSMEs are agreeably the bedrock of any economy, no matter the sector they are situated, beyond the financial challenge a good number of MSMEs face, the lack of proper articulation of entrepreneurial ideas and conceptions poses an equally serious challenge for the sector. MSMEs in Nigeria are faced with the challenge of lack of functional infrastructure, which creates an additional burden on costs of production, stakeholders noted. Toying the same line with many stakeholders in the industry, in order to address the enormous challenges facing the SMEs in the country, the position of the Lagos Chamber of Commerce and Industry ,LCCI, is that the Federal Government should go beyond financial interventions to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME, and provide infrastructure for businesses to thrive. According to Vice President of the chamber, Mrs Toki Mabogunje, the challenges of the nation’s economy had made it imperative for the government to provide critical structures to facilitate sustainable growth of MSMEs and make them internationally competitive. According to her, there are greater challenges beyond funds confronting the MSMEs. She identified the needed infrastructure as power, road, portable water and effective mass transportation system. Mabogunje, in her submission, pointed out that power deficit increased operational cost of enterprises, reduced their production capacities, made Nigerian goods uncompetitive and contributed to the ailing of local industries. “Roads are required to get goods to market; yearon-year, our agricultural produce waste and rot

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in the villages due to the poor conditions or lack of good roads. Potable water is needed for any aspect of human life, not to talk of business. “Imagine how the lack of these precious inputs affects industries, whether micro, small, medium or large,” she said. The chamber Vice chairman said that there was a great need for mass transportation, stressing that poor infrastructure for the conveyance of cargo had stunted the growth of MSMEs and limited their opportunities. Urging commercial banks to practice true banking by making access to funds easy for SME operators, she noted, “There is the missing middle in financing of MSMEs. These are small and medium-size businesses that should be able to access the financial services that they require to grow through their banks. “Unfortunately this is not happening for many reasons; the Commercial banks have appetite for large transactions and are averse to risks. The banks view SMEs as high risk and are unwilling to lend to them. “Options outside traditional banking circles such as ‘Angel investors and venture capital’, though present in this economy, are very few. “Our financial framework in this country is quite shallow and a bit volatile right now; long term financing is not readily available,” she said. Mabogunje advocated business support services and training for operators of MSMEs to nurture and help them to find their way through the tough terrain of growing businesses. “No matter how schooled they might think they are, managing a business is an education in itself. “Being coached, mentored and tutored in this area increases their chances of succeeding at growing their own businesses,” she added. She advised that concerted efforts to simplify the tax system for MSMEs and enact policy on government’s patronage of locally-produced goods should be pursued to encourage production of quality products for export. “The fact is what needs to be done goes beyond money; it is money and a lot more,” she said. BC

National Mirror

pairs, plumbing, welding, satellite maintenance and catering. She said that they are currently undergoing training in the NDE/Millennium Development Goals skills acquisition centres in Minna, Bida and Kontagora areas of the state. The director further said that under the Environmental Beautification Training Scheme, 50 of the unemployed persons had been posted to master trainers to undergo training in fabrication, maintenance of interlocking stones, concrete paving, hand railing, kerbs and Plaster of Paris (POP). She said that at the end of the training, the youths would be adequately positioned to be self-employed and also employ others. Awoseme appealed to the state government, corporate bodies and NGOs to assist the beneficiaries with tools and equipment to set up their own businesses on completion of the training. She called on unemployed female graduates and other unemployed persons in the state interested in starting their own businesses in the area of food processing and making of cosmetics to register with the state office for selection.

NAICOM facilitates payment of N540m insurance claims


he National Insurance Commission, NAICOM, has facilitated the payment of N540m genuine insurance claims through its Complaint Bureau to policyholders across the country. The claims paid emanated from 34 complaints arising from disputes over delayed or non-settlement of genuine insurance claims by insurers to the insured in the first half of 2015. Head, Corporate Affairs, NAICOM, Mr. ‘Rasaaq ‘Salami, in a statement last week, said the monetary value of the resolved complaints paid to the various complainants was N539,760,298.88. Noting that NAICOM received a total of 147 complaints from policyholders, beneficiaries or their representatives during the period under review, he said majority of these complaints are at advanced stages of being resolved. The commission, he stressed, employs a civil process of resolving these disputes and complaints through correspondences and mediation meetings between all stakeholders. The Complaint Bureau Unit of NAICOM was established in line with extant laws to process and resolve complaints

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

L-R: Deputy Director Health Education, Lagos State, Mrs. Omowunmi George; Marketing Director, Mortein, RB West Africa, Mr. Oguzhan Silivrili; Reproductive Health Program Officer, Lagos State Primary Health Care Board, Dr. Veronica Vaughan-Iwayemi and Senior Program Officer, Global Find Malaria, Dr. Diwe Ekweremadu, during the Mortein Own a Community press conference in Lagos

received from aggrieved insurance consumers and beneficiaries on all facets of insurance business in the country.

Nine states pay into employees RSAs


f the 36 States of the Federation, only nine states were said to have been up-to-date in the remittance of pension contributions into the Retirement Savings Accounts, RSAs, of their respective employees. The National Pension Commission, PenCom, who disclosed this in its 2015 first quarter review, added that the states are: Lagos; Delta; Rivers; Kaduna; Zamfara; Niger; Ogun; Osun and Anambra. It noted that out of the nine states, only seven of them are funded, while those of Kaduna and Zamfara are not funded. It said the total value of pension assets increased from N4.6trn as at the end of the fourth quarter of 2014 to N4.7trn at the end of the first quarter of 2015, representing an increase of N134.71bn, 2.92 per cent. The commission said as at the end of the first quarter,

26 states governments had enacted laws on the contributory pension scheme, while the remaining 10 were at the bills stage. Similarly, it stated that Delta, Lagos, Niger, Ogun, Osun and Rivers states have commenced the funding of their Retirement Benefit Bond Redemption Fund Accounts, RBBRFAs. The breakdown shows that Lagos have N10 billion in its account, Osun with N1.15bn and Osun Local Government having N2.27bn balance in its RBBRFAs, while Ogun State funded its account to the tune of N1.15 billion, even as Delta State Bureau and Delta Local Government have N5.53bn and N3.34bn respectively, in their accounts. Rivers account is funded to the tune of N3.10bn, with Niger State having N9.10bn in its RBBRF account as at January 2015. Meanwhile, workers in 32 states are presently not covered by group life insurance, according to the PenCom report. The commission stated that only Rivers; Osun; Niger and Lagos states employees are presently covered in the scheme.

Katsina State subsidises 26,000 tons of fertiliser to farmers



he Katsina State Government has purchased 26,000 metric tons of fertiliser for sale to farmers at a subsidised rate of N1, 780 per bag, Gov. Aminu Masari said in Kankia on Friday. The governor, who disclosed this while launching the sale of

the commodity, said that 100 bags would be given to each polling unit in the 34 local government areas of the state. Masari said that the subsidy was to reduce the hardship farmers encountered in obtaining fertiliser. The governor said that the commodity would be sold only to genuine farmers irrespective of their political party affiliations. He said that government had retrieved 1,000 tons of fertiliser that were given to individuals by the former administration in the state, and warned against the diversion of the commodity, “Anyone found wanting in the course of the distribution of the fertiliser will face the wrath of the law,’’ he said. The governor said that his administration would accord agriculture a top priority to ensure self-sufficiency in food production, adding that government would resuscitate grazing lands in the state to minimise clashes between farmers and herdsmen.

Microfinance experts to deliberate on women entrepreneurship


he 22nd edition of LAPO Annual Development Forum, is expected to witness participants from microfinance, banking and Small and Medium Enterprises,SMEs, sectors, who will deliberate on issues, opportunities and approach in women entrepreneurship development in the country. The conference, billed to hold in Abuja on 21st October, 2015, provides a veritable platform for relevant stakeholders

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to discuss and proffer practical solutions to identified issues in poverty eradication and job creation that could lead to economic development. A statement by LAPO, over the weekend, noted that development partners, policy makers, academia, professionals and civil society organisations have been invited to participate in the forum. Keynote speakers at the forum, according to the statement, includes: Country Manager, International Finance Corporation, IFC, Ms Eme Essien Lore; Secretary to the Edo State Government, Professor Julius Ihonvbere; Professor Sarah Anyanwu of the University of Abuja, Nigeria and former Managing Director, Bank of Industry, Dr. Evelyn Oputu. Speaking on why the conference is focusing on women empowerment, LAPO said: “Women constitute almost 50 per cent of the Nigerian population and empowering them through entrepreneurship has become a development issue in Nigeria today. Though burdened with family and household responsibilities, they actively participate in economic activities in the informal sector. Regardless of their impacts and contributions, they generally have obstacles in being entrepreneurs, hitherto considered a non-traditional occupation for them.” Financing women-owned enterprises, according to the organisation, has the potential to positively influence women’s lives in developing countries and contribute to economic growth through the formal economy. This, it said, is especially important in post-conflict situations like North-Eastern Nigeria where women tend to be the sole adult survivors when their male counterparts are killed or injured, adding that, similarly, women tend to actively participate less in conflicts, making them more trustworthy in their local communities. In the long run, it stressed that there was also a correlation between female entrepreneurship and increased participation and empowerment of women in the political sphere, and more broadly in the formal economy. However, conflict and postconflict countries have even larger barriers for women business owners beyond the typical obstacles faced in developing countries, it noted. “This makes programmes to finance effective women-owned SMEs especially important. In order for programmes financing women-owned SMEs to be successful, they must be based on systematic evaluation of the actual empowerment impacts on women recipients,” it pointed out. BC

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Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Companies & Markets

BSI awards triple ISO certification to GTBank H

HP revenue falls on weak PC sales Isaiah Erhiawarien

Udo Onyeka


uaranty Trust Bank, GTB, Plc has been awarded a triple International Organisation for Standardisation, ISO Certification. The British Standard Institute, BSI, awarded the bank the triple certifications, which include ISO/IEC 27001- for Information Security, ISO 20000 – for IT Service Management and ISO 22301 – for Business Continuity Management along with PAS 99:2012 Integrated Management System certification. The British Standard Institute, BSI, certification recognises companies that have implemented systems and structures that ensure their operations are in line with international best practices. With more than 70,000 certified clients and more full-time assessors than any other certification body worldwide, the BSI Group is one of the largest and most experienced certification bodies focused primarily on training, auditing and certification of qualified organisations. The certification attests that Guaranty Trust Bank has instituted internationally accepted processes that guaranty the security of its customers’ information, the ability of the institution to consistently provide quality service and its capacity to resume business within a short timeframe in the event of

Segun Agbaje, MD, GTBank

any business disruptions. The bank embarked on gaining the certification of its Management System Standards last year in order to align with international best practice and meet the increasing expectations of its various stakeholders. According to Regional Managing Director BSI, Middle East & Africa, Mr. Theuns Kotze, “To achieve certification to these standards, a company must show a continuous, structured commitment towards assessing security risks, managing sensitive information, and ensuring a holistic plan is in place to respond to any potential disruptions. “In obtaining these certifications, Guaranty Trust Bank

clearly demonstrates that they are operating at this level and meets the needs of their customers,” he said. Also, the said GT Bank was the first organisation in Nigeria to obtain and fully implement these certifications in its operational processes. Speaking during the presentation of the certificate, Executive Director of GT Bank, Ohis Ohewerei, said the bank remains committed to following global practices and standards to ensure our customers enjoy the highest quality of service delivery, efficiency and convenience at all times. “For us, holding these standards offers stakeholders increased confidence and ensures effective business continuity management, information security and information technology service at all levels.” “As a bank, we are dedicated to preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all physical and electronic assets of the bank with the sole objective of enhancing the customer experience through improved information security. The bank’s firm commitment remains centred on providing superior IT service delivery, the timely resumption of the bank’s business operations in the unlikely occurrence of an incident and the protection of its staff and the organisation in its entirety”, he said. BC

Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers wins Best PFA award


tanbic IBTC Pension Managers Limited has won the 2015 Best Pension Fund Manager in Nigeria in the Global Banking & Finance Review Awards. The awards, which were instituted in 2011, recognises achievements and innovations by companies in the global financial community, cutting across banking, Islamic finance, hedge funds, asset and


wealth management, real estate, and corporate social responsibility, among others. Reacting to the award, the Managing Director, Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers Limited, Dr. Demola Sogunle, said: “We are quite honoured to receive such a distinguished award showcasing our flagship role in nurturing the growth of Nigeria’s pension industry.” “Since we opened our doors nine years ago, our aim has always been to set higher standards of service delivery and ensure that our retirement savings account holders have peace of mind as well as derive maximum value from their investments,” he added. As industry leader, Sogunle said the PFA will continuously innovate and help to enhance industry best practices, part of which includes creating awareness about the benefits of retirement savings and helping workers plan for that eventuality. Among innovations introduced by the PFA to enable clients experience excellent

and convenient service delivery are; the Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers mobile office; the first 24-hour multilingual call centre manned by personnel who speak the three major Nigerian languages - Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa; as well as Pidgin English; a footprint of over 200 branches of Stanbic IBTC Bank where Retirement Savings Account,RSA, clients can access pension service; Stanbic IBTC Pension Managers’ regional offices; as well as selected branches of Zenith Bank Plc. Other access points include; Stanbic IBTC Bank ATMs, online service for RSA holders, email, SMS and the Pension Notes, which accompany hardcopy RSA statements sent to customers quarterly. The company boasts of over one million RSA holders and assets under management in excess of N1trn, paying approximately N1.8bn to almost 30,000 retirees monthly. Over N180bn has been paid to retirees seamlessly since the PFA commenced operations in 2006. BC

P CEO Meg Whitman expects the factors pressuring the PC market to continue well into the next fiscal year. HP CEO Meg Whitman expects the factors pressuring the PC market to continue well into the next fiscal year. Hewlett-Packard reported a drop in revenue for the fourth straight quarter, hurt by weak PC sales and lower demand from corporate for its services. Shares of the world’s number two PC maker, which also forecast full-year adjusted profit largely below estimates, fell as much as four per cent in extended trading. Chief Executive Officer, Meg Whitman said the factors pressuring the PC market were expected to continue through the fourth quarter and well into the next fiscal year. The 76-year-old company, which has struggled to adapt to mobiles and online computing, is splitting into two listed companies later this year, separating its computer and printer businesses from its faster-growing corporate hardware and services operations. HP is nearing the end of a multi-year restructuring under Whitman, who has been cutting costs and focusing on highermargin sales. The plan includes the elimination of about 55 000 jobs. Chief Financial Officer Cathie Lesjak said the company expects

the number of job cuts to increase by up to 5 per cent by the end of October. A relentless decline in PC sales has hurt the company hard – HP has reported a drop in quarterly sales in 15 of the last 16 quarters. The decline in global PC sales was exacerbated in the second quarter of 2015 as customers awaited the release of Windows 10 in July. As a result, revenue at HP’s PC and printer businesses, its largest, fell 11.5 per cent in the third quarter ended 31 July. Enterprise services division sales dropped 11 per cent, while revenue at the enterprise group rose 2 per cent. For the full-year ending October, the company said it expected adjusted profit of $3.59-$3.65 per share, largely below the average analyst estimate of $3.64 per share. Total revenue fell 8.1 per cent to $25.35bn in the third quarter, also hurt by a strong dollar. BC


Google, Infinix others unveil Smartphone Adejuwon Osunnuyi


oogle in partnership with equipment manufacturer, Infinix, mobile operator, MTN and online retailer, Jumia, has launched the Android One program in Nigeria starting with the Infinix HOT 2-X510. This is part of an on-going initiative to bring high-quality smartphones to millions of people in Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. These phones are now available for purchase in Egypt, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Morocco and Nigeria. The Infinix HOT 2-X510 smartphone, which is the first device to run on Android One in Africa, is available via online retailer Jumia and at select retail outlets at a recommended retail price of N17, 500. The Infinix HOT 2 phone offers a high-quality experience, running the latest version of Android (5.1 Lollipop). It will also get the new Android M release — an update that will offer Google’s new material design, improved battery life, enhanced security features, and smarter notifications. In terms of hardware, the phone features front and rearfacing cameras, 1G or 2G of memory, fast quad-core Medi-

aTek processor, long battery life and other features particularly important to Nigerians, including dual SIM slots, a FM radio tuner, 16GB on-device storage and a microSD card slot for additional storage. The Infinix HOT 2 smartphone comes in two variants; the standard version, which will be available in black, white, blue and red, and the premium version which will be available in gold. Through Google Play, Android One phone users have access to over one million apps that allow them to message friends, make video calls, socialize, check news and weather, and play games. Google apps such as Gmail, Google Maps, YouTube, Google Search, and Google Translate will come pre-loaded on the phones. Google also announced that in coming weeks, much of YouTube would be available offline in Nigeria, Egypt, Ghana, Kenya and Morocco. With YouTube being available offline, people can store videos in the YouTube app when they are on WiFi and watch them later when they not online — a great benefit for times with a slow connection or re-watching videos without using up a data plan. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

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Companies & Markets

Ecobank customer wins CBN Award on e-payment scheme

Stories by Udo Onyeka


cobank customer, Julie Chioma Ukwosah has emerged one of the winners in the ongoing Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, Electronic Payment Incentive Scheme ,EPIS. At the raffle draw conducted in Lagos, Adeyinka Adejuwon, who banks with GTBank emerged the first prize winner. He went home with N100, 000; the first runner-up was Julie Chioma Ukwosah who banks with Ecobank won N50, 000 while the second runner-up, Jerry Boakye-Mensah banks with Diamond Bank and got a N15, 000 cash prize. The Head, Acquiring Cards and e-Banking Department, Ecobank Nigeria, Mrs. Funso Oyelohunnu, commended the CBN reward initiative, stressing

that this would further encourage the use of e-payment channels. She noted that the emergence of Ecobank customer as one of the winners of the draw attest to the efficiency of the bank’s e-payment channels. “This is a great initiative. As a bank, we are glad that one of our customers is one of the winners. This is a further proof that our various e-payment channels are efficient. This is an opportunity to urge both customers and non customers of the bank to make our e-payment channels their choice,” she said. Speaking during the redemption of prizes in Lagos for the first three winners, representative of the Banking Payment System Department of the CBN, Isah Abubakar, said the apex bank will keep giving the desired support for the EPIS project. He

Jubril Aku, MD, Ecobank

commended the transparent process used in selecting the winners, noting that the cashless banking initiative is helping to promote financial inclusion and getting banking to the grassroots. The CBN is behind the incentive scheme and will support any project that takes banking

to the grassroots he said. Executive Director, Business Development at NIBSS, Mrs. Christabel Onyejekwe, said this initiative is a welcome development as it remains a key driver of universal usage of electronic payment system in the country. This, she said, prompted the management of the CBN to approve an industry-wide incentive scheme and awareness campaign for electronic payments for stakeholders and users. The EPIS idea was first conceived in March 2013 which was followed by a workshop in December 2013 driven by NIBSS amongst other key stakeholders like banks, several card schemes, among others. Following the submission of the proposal, CBN approved the EPIS in September 2014 with a Go Live/Implementation date for November 2014. BC

Premium Pension dedicates Award to pension industry


remium Pension Limited has dedicated the Award for Mass Mobilisation of Pension Asset conferred on it, at the 2015 Commerce and Industry Awards by the Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industry, LCCI, to the entire pension industry. The Managing Director of the firm, Mr. Wilson Ideva, shortly after receiving the award in Lagos, noted that the award was in recognition of the giant strides made by the entire pension industry in translating the Contributory Pension Scheme, CPS, into a huge success. According to him, “It is the collective effort of the entire industry stakeholders that has resulted in the humongous amassment of pension assets in the country through the new CPS. The N4.9trn secured as pension assets in the new pension scheme represents the tremendous success that is possible


when interpretation and translation of government policies is private- sector driven under strict regulatory guidelines and supervision.” Meanwhile, the Executive Director, Operations and Services, Mr. Kayode Akande, stated that driving the CPS requires exemplary synergy among operators and cooperation among all stake-

holders, especially in the area of generating public awareness on how the scheme runs. “There is practically nothing anybody can do alone in ensuring the success of the CPS. We all have to work together and we are already doing that,” he said. Ideva also seized the opportunity to commend the National Pension Commission, PenCom, for its high sense of commitment and professionalism demonstrated from inception in the regulation and supervision of the pension industry. “By my own estimation, PenCom is the most effective regulatory body on the continent of Africa. The result of their manifest professionalism and high sense of commitment is what we are celebrating today,” he stated. Premium Pension Limited is one of the Pension Fund Administrators, PFAs, operating the CPS and currently manages over 600,000 Retirement Savings Ac-

counts, RSAs. The pension asset under its management is put at over N370bn, while the company has paid out more than N87.3bn to 33,785 retirees or their Nextof-Kins since 2007. Pension enrolees under the company’s management are spread over 1000 organisations across the country while the company has consistently posted impressive returns. According to LCCI, the annual Commerce and Industry Award is to recognise, promote and celebrate public and private institutions operating in Nigeria for best business practices, growth through innovation, business sustainability and positive impact on people. The metrics for selecting awardees included but not limited to corporate governance, level of disclosure, wealth creation, level of compliance with set standards and generally positive impact on society. BC

Access Bank grosses N168bn in earnings


ccess bank plc have recorded a strong performance in the first six months of the year, reasserting its capacity and resolve to deliver strong returns in spite of a tighter operating environment. In the audited financial results released to the Nigerian Stock Exchange, NSE, on Thursday. The bank recorded gross a earnings of N168.3bn, representing an increase of 43 per cent over the N117.9bn recorded in the same period in 2014. The Bank proposes an interim dividend of 25Kobo per share. Growth in gross earnings was boosted by an 18 per cent increase in interest income to N98.9bn in the first half of 2015 from N83.6bn in the comparative period of 2014. The Group posted a profit before tax of

N39.1bn which rose by 44 per cent from N27.1bn in 2014. Profit after tax was up 39 per cent in 2015 to N31.3bn, compared to N22.6bn in half year 2014. There were also increases in other financial indices; noninterest income rose 101 per cent to N69.4bn in 2015 from N34.6bn in 2014; Operating income of N17.6bn grew by 42 per cent in half year 2015 compared with N83.1bn in the corresponding period of 2014 and Return On Average Equity, ROAE, of 21.6 per cent in 2015, from 16.5 per cent in FY 2014. Commenting on the results, Herbert Wigwe, Group Managing Director stated, “The results reflect the Bank’s concerted efforts to deliver on its

growth objectives for 2015. The first half of the year was defined by significant macroeconomic and policy headwinds with major impact on all aspects of our business. The group despite those challenges reported improved profits in the first half of the year with significant contributions from our securities trading business. We are particularly pleased with the strong support from our shareholders as they exercised their Rights during the recently concluded Offer which raised N41.8bn. The successful Capital raising underscores the overwhelming support of our shareholders and their belief in Management’s ability to deliver long term value. With our capital position secure,


our priority will be to focus on; driving migration of our customers to alternative platforms to boost profitability of our channels; implementing BC

CIBN inaugurates USA branch


he Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria, CIBN, has inaugurated its USA Branch, in Atlanta, Georgia. This was necessitated by the need to serve Nigerian bankers in diaspora, especially, those residence in USA. The inauguration of CIBN USA Branch which is the third to be set up by the Institute abroad was necessitated by the increasing number of professionals including the Institute’s members who were relocating overseas for more lucrative and fulfilling professional opportunities coupled with the encouraging interests and requests from members and interested candidates in diaspora for opportunities to participate in the Institute’s wide range of activities. President/Chairman of Council of the Institute Otunba Mrs. Debola Osibogun, while delivering her welcome Address observed that “this initiative has indeed created veritable platforms for members of the Institute in those countries to interact and also add value to activities of the Institute”. She added that the USA branch will give full expression and fulfilment to the yearnings of US based members to actively participate in the activities of the Institute and contribute meaningfully to the growth of Banking and Finance Industry in Nigeria. “This global acceptance and confidence is a testimony to the enriched standards of professionalism and best practice in Nigeria” she said. Otunba Osibogun urged the branch to develop strategic relationships with other professional bodies, institutions and relevant stakeholders in the USA to enhance best practice; create opportunities for numerous young Nigerians in the country who desire to write the Institute’s flagship examinations and also obtain other relevant certifications, assist them to realize their dreams as well as support in terms of providing guidance, tuition and mentoring. She encouraged the branch to attract talents to enhance the deliverables of the Institute for the benefits of its teaming members, the Nigerian banking and finance industry and her economy at large. The branch led by Mr. Emmanuel Amosu as Chairman, would also have the responsibility to bridge the gap between National Secretariat and members to enhance quality service. “These are especially germane, as a significant number of Nigerians desire to return home to take up professional opportunities in the Banking and Finance Industry”, she emphasised. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

A9 25

Brand Watch

NB invests N1bn on plant expansion Stories by David Audu


ollowing the merger between Nigerian Breweries Plc and Consolidated Breweries Plc in December 2014, some brands in the conglomerate are also experiencing turnaround as NB have expended over N1 billion on More lager beer plant in Makurdi, Benue State. Corporate Affairs Adviser, NB Plc, Mr. Kufre Ekanem disclosed this during the relaunching of the beer in Makurdi recently. He said as the brewery responsible for brewing More Lager Beer, a brand wholly produced with locally sourced raw materials, this investment totaling over N1 billion for 2015 alone, highlights confidence in the fundamentals of the local economy to provide the enabling macroeconomic environment for businesses to thrive.

“This brewery and the ancillary industries that support the business, will impact the economy of this region in diverse ways. It will create employment, increase non-oil revenue generation to different tiers of Government and contribute to improved standard of living in the area.” On the investment potentials of the brewery, Ekanem pointed out that the investments in upgrading the Makurdi brewery and enhancing the brand represents a bold attempt to showcase the company’s commitment to the people of Benue State. Ekanem said the relaunch of More is meant to reinforce the heritage embedded in the product and its connection with consumers in Benue State and environ. “Our enlarged company embarked on an upgrade of the Makurdi brewery to deliver on


stakeholder expectations and reflect the world class standard of Nigerian Breweries Plc. This upgrade has led to the enhancement of the brewery’s infrastructure and production process which is evident in the improved quality of More Lager beer that offers our consumers a new taste experience.” He stressed that today’s

More Lager Beer, “still proudly brewed in Benue and is comparable to any quality beer of repute. More lager is specially brewed in controlled manner under closely monitored processes to confine with precise parameters which gives the beer that special aroma and taste that is uniquely Benue.” Beyond the economic investments, Ekanem stated that the company remains committed to its societal responsibility as part of its philosophy of winning with Nigeria. “To this end, it has, since 2014, constructed and commissioned a block of six classrooms and a library furnished with tables and chairs at NKST Primary School, Angwar, Gboko. Similarly, it also constructed and commissioned a school block of three classrooms and an office at NKST primary School Agbaikyor, Fiidi in Makurdi, Ekanem said. Currently, there is an ongo-

ing renovation of three blocks of classrooms and construction of three toilets at NKST Gaadi Primary School, KM 5 Gboko Road, Makurdi. Also, plans have been concluded for the construction of a school block of three classrooms and a library at Mbaiwyem Community Secondary School, Yaikyo, Makurdi. “This is just one dimension of our commitment to Winning with Nigeria, a philosophy that has guided the company’s operations since 1946.” Ekanem said. Benue State Governor, Dr. Samuel Ortom had visited the fully upgraded Makurdi brewery where he commended the company for the bold step it took in acquiring the brewery and for injecting funds that led to its overhauling which gave birth to the new More lager, a proud heritage of Benue. He also unveiled a “giant replica bottle” of the new More Lager beer and planted a commemorative tree. BC

Djembe, Forbes to unveil new study on job creation Over 5,000 apply for jobs in in Africa Women-focused radio station


jembe Communications, in association with Forbes Insights, has announced it will unveil a report on “Entreprenurship in Africa”. The research findings garnered from over 4,000 African nationals aged 16 to 40 in Angola, Ghana, Mozambique and Nigeria respectively, will be presented during a series of roundtables to be held in each market. The inaugural study, to be unveiled in September, and will also marks the launch of Djembe’s new research arm, Djembe Insights. A statement from Djembe Communications notes that Djembe Insights has been established to support the young consultancy’s quest to provide strategic consultancy with rigorous market insights for clients across the continent. Speaking on the upcoming unveiling, Managing Director, Djembe Communications, Mitchell Prather said, “we are proud to announce the launch of our research arm, Djembe Insights, a new capability that will release high quality annual research reports on key issues and trends impacting Africa. “As a communications consultancy, we believe that a dedicated research platform will enable us to provide insightsdriven solutions that meet the needs of our clients and stakeholders across sub-Saharan Africa”, The report, “Job Creation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Entrepreneurs, Governments, and Innovation” will ascertain how youth and young adults in key subSaharan African countries view the state of entrepreneurship in


the region; its role in sustainable and urgent job creation; where they feel the opportunities lie; and how they can be supported in creating entrepreneurship-led jobs that today’s innovation economies demand.

“One of the most pressing issues in Africa right now is job creation for its expanding youth population. Fuelling entrepreneurship skills amongst African youth and catapulting SMEs across key sectors is crucial for sustainable job creation. Our research, in association with Forbes Insights, aims to provide African stakeholders, including governments and business leaders, with valuable insights into the crucial role that entrepreneurs play in advancing the region’s economy,” added Prather. The reports will be unveiled in a series of roundtables in Luanda, Angola, Accra, Ghana, Maputo, Mozambique and in Lagos, Nigeria in November. Each roundtable will feature a panel of distinguished government, business and industry leaders in each market. BC

CPC flags off consumer education programme would treat topiprogramme on TV the cal consumer issues weekly,


he Consumer Protection Council, CPC, has begun a consumer education television programme to equip consumers with the necessary skills for their market interactions. The Council, in a statement, disclosed that the new move was designed to raise the bar of consumer education for Nigerian consumers to assume their rightful kingship position in their interactions in the market place. The public enlightenment, which it said would rent the airwaves beginning from this week, would commence with the television programme on the network of the Nigerian Television Authority, NTA. The agency pointed out that

pointing out consumers’ rights and responsibilities as well as arming them with the necessary skills for an informed consumption. The new leadership of the Council had on assumption of office about two years ago, identified low consumer education as one of the causes of consumer lethargy in the country and has been introducing a number of initiatives to correct this. To ensure the sustainability of the new effort, the Council was able to secure some support from an international development partner, the Ford Foundation, to build an ultra-modern audio-visual studio within the premises of its headquarters in Abuja. BC


omen and family-focused radio station, WFM 91.7, will commence operations preparatory to its test transmission, the management has confirmed. The station owners disclosed that the selection process had produced some talents and brilliant individuals that would make the station the delight of the listening public. “When we sent out call for applications, the response was overwhelming. We received over 5,000 applications initially. We trimmed the applications down to less than two thousand after the initial chat with the applicants. And from the over 1,500 applicants interviewed, the judges shortlisted 15 for auditioning. The selected talents that will be voices and faces of the station will be unveiled soon,” she said. Judges at the audition include media veterans Femi Sowoolu, Seun Olagunju, Toun Okewale Sonaiya & radio trainer


guru of many years Sydney Ufeli of Spik Rait, Saund Rait. “Though we are licensed for women, WFM 91.7 will also cater for the men and the family by engaging on issues of local, national and international importance for all. It will operate 24 hours of talk and less music. The station will address everyday issues for women and their families. It will be a reliable, leading and trusted source for all related news, information and matters of interests for women and their families,” she enthused. According to one of the brains behind WFM 91.7, Toun Okewale Sonaiya, a veteran broadcast journalist, the station will formally unveil the voices and faces that will drive the radio station soon. According to her, the interview exercise was thorough and arduous. “It will be recalled that the station which makes history as Nigeria’s and by extension, Africa’s first and only radio station dedicated to women and their families, was launched at Holiday Inn, Mayfair in London recently”, she said, WFM 91.7, an initiative of St. Ives Communications was recently granted license by the Nigerian Broadcasting Corporation, NBC, to operate Nigeria’s 1st radio station for women and their families in two states, Lagos and Ogun at its initial operations. The station will be run by Toun Okewale Sonaiya, a Director of the company and an experienced broadcaster within and outside Nigeria.BC

A10 26

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Energy Review

Experts list options to achieving uninterrupted electricity supply

Gbenga Odogun


part from sustainable war on corruption, employment generation is one of the cardinal point on which the present administration headed by President Muhamadu Buhari rode to power. However, epileptic power supply both for domestic and industrial usage have continued to threaten the realization of this objective as adequate and regular power supply is the pivot on which the wheel of employment generations rotates. This visible poor power generation and supply in spite of privatization of both the generation and distribution networks though the unbundling of the defunct power Holding company of Nigeria PHCN have prompted stakeholders to continue to offer suggestions on the way out of the sorry state of the power industry. Experts are of the opinion that the present dependence on thermal and hydro as the source of power supply to the country posed danger to the environment as carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere will still be there in one hundred years to come. The increased content of carbon dioxide increases the warmth of the planet thereby causing Global warming and the only solution is to invent alternative source of power supply. The British petroleum and Royal Dutch shell, said onethird of the world’s energy will need to come from solar, wind and other renewable resources by 2050.Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no undesired consequences such as fossil fuels or nuclear energy, they are thought to be free of or have lower carbon emissions compared to conventional energy sources. Combined with the use of re-


cycling, the use of clean alternative energies such as the home use of solar power systems will help ensure our survival well into 21st century and beyond. Talks on harnessing various alternative source of power supply were said to be on going and receiving governments attention from stakeholders who were canvassing vigorously for renewable energy sources such as solar which is readily available due to constant sunny climatic conditions Chief among the suggestions came from the president of the Lagos Chambers of Commerce and Industries LCCI, Alhaji Remi Bello who called on government to consider investment in embedded power generation through the provision of enabling environment to attract investors to the project.

Embedded power is a system of power generation on a smaller scale and not centrally dispatched through the grid, but directly connected and supplied to a distribution network or customer load point through a bilateral agreement between the power generating and distribution companies. Alhaji Bello said it is obvious that government alone cannot generate enough power for the entire country and so private sectors must be involved, empowered and attracted to actively participate in power generation and distribution. Speaking at a seminar organised by the Power Sector Group of the LCCI on last Tuesday, the President, LCCI, said, “We expect to see government provide an enabling environment for private sector investments in the embedded power generation sector under the Nigeria Electricity Regulatory commission authority He said that the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission’s embedded power regulation allows an independent power producer to embed power within the network of the local distribution company without going through the trouble of connecting to the transmission network. Also speaking on the same topic General Manager, Lagos State Electricity Board, Mr. Peter Okonji, said independent power generation and distribution would go a long way to reduce over reliance on the national grid as exemplified by the

Lagos state experience whose independent power plants project have contributed a combined capacity of 47.5 megawatts, to electricity consumption in the state. Deregulation of the petroleum product sector has been identified as the key to a sustainable development in the country. Such deregulation if undertaken by the government would go a long way to free up government from its concurrent control and involvement in the business of refining, importation and distribution of refined products in the Nigerian market This position was articulated at the weekend by the Chairman Managing Director Mobil Oil Mr. Tunji Oyebanji. Oyebanji who presented the lead paper titled” Deregulation of the Petroleum Products sector – (Fuels): A Key to Sustainable Development” at a one day seminar organized by the National Association of Energy Correspondents in Lagos said that between 1960s and the late 80s,the petroleum industry had been battling with such problems as lead and lag effect arising from pump price at import parity, limited refining capacity and lack of an efficient economic model to determine pump prices based on value chain. “ Marketers margin has remained unchanged in almost 8 years thereby discouraging investment, there have been frequent supply shorts due to lack

of refining capacity, logistics infrastructure and delays in subsidy reimbursement by government while Supply shorts have created pricing arbitrage opportunities along the supply chain.” The managing Director said in spite of these challenges, marketers can still operate either in regulated or deregulated environment as long as they receive economic returns that allow them to cover their costs, encourage investments and make reasonable returns. Making further clarifications on his idea of deregulation Oyebanji said no country in the world leaves its oil industry solely to the vagaries of demand and supply without input whatsoever in terms of some form of regulation as such would lead to arbitrariness in the price of products. Instead, Oyebanji advocate for “Liberalised pricing” as against complete deregulation to improve profitability, ensure steady supply act as dis-incentive for product adulteration, and smuggling as well as ensure strict enforcement of regulations. Other benefits of liberalized pricing as identified by Oyebanji include Large Scale Investments, Refineries, Petrochemical plants, Pipelines ,Import Facilities, Mega Terminals, Jetties ,SPM,Competitive Landscape ,Increase efficiencies in organisations, Better value to consumer – Promotions, Technology Tools , Pricing and control system BC

National Mirror

Monday, August 24, 2015

Business Courage

A11 27

Improving e-transactions’ll depend on banks’ commitment – CWG boss The euphoria of the introduction of Automated Teller Machine, ATM, technology following the telecoms revolution in Nigeria may have begun to dwindle going by recent experiences of ATM users. Controversies over poor ATM services have been ranging between ICT providing companies and banks for some time now. In this interview with some select journalists, the Chief Executive Officer of Computer Warehouse Group Plc., Mr. Austin Okere, spoke on the issues involved and what banks needed to do to up the scale of e-transactions in the financial system. Isaiah Erhiawarien was in the team and captures his views


an share your thoughts on the present state of Automated Teller Machines, ATM? I will start by recalling what happened recently when a national daily published a story with the caption: “Bauchi Deputy Governor Can’t Access Cash at ATMs”. The story had it that the deputy governor visited three ATM to make withdrawal but was disappointed when he could not make any cash withdrawal. That was a sad commentary for the banks in Nigeria, especially against the backdrop of the recent NOI polls on Bank Financial Channels in the country, which revealed that ATMs were the most visible proceed of the banking sector reforms to Nigerians. Does that mean ATM technology is beneficial to the economy? According to the survey, of all the bank channels, customers used ATMs 68 per cent of the time compared to just 6 per cent for Internet Banking and 6 per cent for Point of Sale terminals ,PoS, respectively, with most customers using the ATMs more than once a week. The ATM has assumed great importance as the barometer of a bank’s brand as far as customers are concerned. It is therefore difficult to phantom why banks have not taken advantage of this ubiquitous channel to enhance their brand value and gain customer loyalty. Are you saying the banks have not effectively deployed the ATM technology? Given that my company is an active player in the industry as a Value Added Reseller of Wincor-Nixdorf ATMs, I feel obligated to disclose my interest; but it is this same vantage position that affords me the insight to comment on this passionate issue bedevilling Nigeria’s bank customers. In my view, the unavailability of Banks’ ATM are predicated on six cardinal sins namely; Suboptimal Support Strategy, Low Spread, Low Penetration,

Old Systems, Dirty and Mutilated Currency notes, and Techies running the show instead of business savvy personnel. The major culprit of ATM unavailability is the suboptimal support strategy of most banks. They are suboptimal because they usually fall on the sword of ‘penny wise and pound foolish’. Let us look at a situation whereby merely installing appropriate monitoring tools provided by the manufacturers, ATMs can be remotely diagnosed and most times proactively, before a fault occurs. In this situation the fault can be trapped and fixed before it occurs, or in the case where a fault has occurred, the engineer appears at the site with the appropriate spare part, rather than make two trips, one to diagnose and the second to carry the right spare part to fix the problem. By saving on the investment on the monitoring tool, the bank is losing much more on the opportunity cost of unearned fees and more importantly, on brand impairment. During the week, the ATM infrastructure benefits from the widespread support from the branches where they are located. The bank’s custodians ensure that the surround environment such as power and networks links are available, and any cash jam or out of service issue is quickly resolved or escalated to the support company. It is during the weekend when that support structure is unavailable that ATM attendance is most required. And it is precisely this critical period that banks chooses not to support their ATMs in order to save cost. You mean that the faults are not taken care of? Yes, the ATM faults are piled up and reported en-block to the support company first thing on Monday morning, but they become overwhelmed because this

bucks the trend of faults forecast under normal circumstances for, which they would have been prepared. Being saddled with a ton of faulty ATMs simultaneously is not normal and inadvertently results in shortages of ATM Spares and long wait times. To compound issues, the banks typically do not make it easy for the support partners to have spares on hand by, insisting on maintenance payment in arrears. Maintenance payments in advance will greatly help sufficient spares procurement and readiness to attend to faults on time. What should be the maintenance plan for the ATM, particularly at weekend? Another ‘catch 22’ situation in the support strategy relates to access of the ATMs for maintenance purposes during the weekend, in the few cases where banks have signed for weekend support. There is the dilemma of having the two people who each have an access key for the ATM, to both be on site, as the keys are simultaneously required to open the ATM from a security perspective. Many of the custodians live very far from the ATMs which keys have been entrusted to them, and so there is an inherent wait time for them to make the long journey to the ATM to open it for the support personnel to have access for repairs, or even for cash loading in the case of cash out. What do you think is the solution? It may be expedient to zone ATM keys to custodians who live close to the particular ATMs, or make adequate alternate arrangements. The second cardinal sin is the poor distribution of ATMs across the country, with most of them concentrated around the 5,000 odd bank branches. Going by the statistics of the CBN that there are 12,000 ATMs in Nigeria, and following the trend of at least two ATMs per branch, leaves only 2,000 ATMs to be distributed across all the other locations

requiring cash dispensing in Nigeria. Typically, ATMs should be liberally placed around high footfall areas such as Malls, Markets, Petrol Stations, etc. The realities of distributing only 2,000 ATMs across all these areas are quite stark, not enough to go round. And that is barely enough to provide two ATMs each, for our 774 Local Government Areas. And this leads to the third cardinal sin, low penetration of ATMs where they exist. The story was told around Christmas of 2013, where the only ATMs that seemed to be working on the whole Gbagada axis were the couple at the Charlie Boy Bus stop. Of course the queue had built up to the extent that faint hearted customers rather opted to go without cash than risk the possible consequences of a stampede. The problem could be solved by providing appropriate number of ATMs per location based on a study of the queues. If the intention is to keep the customers from crowding the banking halls, it seems to me a circular argument bickering about the ATM and support costs, because this has to be compared against the cost of a bigger branch and more tellers, with their attendant salaries and benefits should the customers be compelled to go into a branch for lack of adequate ATM channels. Let’s hear the fourth cardinal sin of the ATM? The fourth cardinal sin is over-flogging the ATM well past its ‘use by’ date. Many senior bank officials will typically have their official cars changed after every four years (the ATMs are much less than half of the costs of the status cars of the banks’ middle management staff), yet even where statistics show that the cost of repair of a consistently failing old ATM is unsustainable and will be cheaper to replace, there is a deep reluctance to do so. This could perhaps be because the support partners aren’t given the opportunity of slab pricing, where they charge a higher support premium for very old systems. In the end, every shortcut gradually catches up with us. The system is just not able to perform the function for which it was procured, and the customers bear the brunch. The fifth cardinal sin is loading the ATM cassettes with currency notes not fit for that purpose. While it is understandable that it is not possible to always have crisp notes in the ATM, every effort should be made to sort and aerate the notes going into the ATM to ensure that that they are fit for purpose, and do not cause cash jams, which throw the ATM out of service, notwithstanding the amount of cash in it. It is common knowledge that bank staff and their friends do somehow find crisp notes for ‘spraying’ at social functions at the weekends. These are the kind of notes that should be loaded into the ATMs and not the unfit ones that will quickly fill the ‘reject bin’ and render the ATM out of service. BC

A12 28

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

NCC set to tackle telecoms declining quality of service Stories by Isaiah Erhiawarien

( 08059234648 (sms only)


ocial media is one communication channel that is just as important to your business as public relations, advertising, email marketing, direct mail as it raises awareness of your brand, bringing leads to the table and interacting with customers by putting many people into your existing marketing communications channels as possible. Aligning social media into sales will affect sales volume and revenue. Below are five categories in the social media sales funnel:


Sholanke, Director, Technical Standards, Mr. Fidelis Onah, Head, Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement, Mr. Efosa Idehen, Head Compliance and Monitoring, Mr. Ephraim Nwokenneya, and Deputy Director, Projects, Mr. Bashir Idris. The list also include Head, Legal and Regulatory Services, Mrs. Yetunde Akinloye, Head, Public Relations, Mr. Reuben Muoka, Assistant Director, Consumer Affairs and, Mr. Philp Eretan, Assistant Director, Technical Standard, Mr. Edoyemi Ogoh. The Task Force is expected

‘Twitter can enhance TV viewing’ T

witter one of the popular social media engagement platforms has revealed how the medium can enhance television viewing for Nigerians. According to a statement made available to Business Courage, the use hastag holds great potentials saying that “years ago when the idea of interactive TV was first introduced, it seemed impossible that viewers could watch a TV programme and have a separate conversation with our friends all at the same time.” Twitter disclosed that recent development showed that the same people watched in several television programme can now be connected with real time through Twitter stressing that “what’s great is that you don’t have to be real life friends to be part of the conversation because you can simply follow your favorite TV shows on Twitter.”

with Esther Ozue

Aligning social media into sales


orried by the general outcry about declining Quality of Service QoS, in the telecommunications sector, the Nigerian Communications Commission NCC at the weekend set up a 9-member Task Force to proffer solutions to this problem. An initiative of the Executive Vice Chairman, EVC, Prof. Umar Danbatta, the Task Force was the highlight of his maiden top management meeting on Friday. The Task Force has just one term of reference which is“To look at the issue of QoS in all its ramifications and suggest practical measures that will lead to the improvement of QoS, and recommend any other measure as appropriate that will project the image of the Commission in a good light.” A statement by NCC Director of Public Affairs, Mr. Tony Ojobo said that it was agreed at the management meeting that a Task Force be constituted to drive the QoS initiative of the Commission. He listed the members of the Task Force to include: Director, Special Duties, as Chairperson, Mrs. Iyabo


National Mirror

The statement said that if someone enjoys watching #Nollywood films, he or she can tune in to @AfricaMagicTV, which offers great local Nigerian content adding, even if one is not a fan but just enjoy being in the know about different television shows, he can follow the official hashtag, such as #AfricaMagic.” “Nigerians can not only watch most of these programmes from the comfort of their own homes, but can also watch these programs online through different vendors or official live-streaming product offerings. “For those of us that can’t watch Nigerian films from the comfort our own homes, there are a number of TV stations dedicated to fulfill your #Nollywood film needs.@ ibakatv, @irokotv and @olekutv allow you to watch Nollywood movies from anywhere in the world”, the statement

to submit its reports to the monthly management meeting, beginning from Friday, August 21, 2015, until the expiration of its tenure in six months. In general terms, the Task Force will look at the underlying course of the poor Quality of Service, right of way issues, and infrastructural problems and suggest ways out of these. Relevant stakeholders are expected to be engaged and advise management on how to tackle this long and windy problem of Quality of Service. BC

said. On how to know which programme to watch, Twitter said that can be achieved using high volumes of tweets on a particular subject and #hashtag spark a Twitter Trend, which acts as a flag alerting you of popular topics on Twitter in real time. “As many Nigerians are football enthusiasts, you can keep up to date with the latest football scores whilst watching your favourite team play. Nigerian football fans can follow @theNFF to find out more about the official page of the Nigerian Football Federation has to say about the present state of football”, said the statement. Twitter said its platform enables television viewers keep up to date on sports programs, but it also gives a platform on which to share your thoughts and comments and to connect with other fans. BC

Exposure Exposure focuses on brand reach. Social media provides an opportunity to significantly increase the number of people who are exposed to your brand at a fraction of the cost of public relations, TV, radio, and online advertising. The idea is that the more people who see your brand, the more they are likely to remember your brand and the better the opportunities your company has to create sales. people have the potential to see a message about your brand as in public relations and online advertising which is measured in impressions which doesn’t equate to the number of people on the other end of the computer screen who actually notice your advert but in social media, fans, followers, and subscribers all have the potential to see your updates. Influence Influence describes those people who were exposed to your brand by an influencer in your industry. This is different from exposure because those who are exposed to your brand by an influencer convert more like those who found out about your company through a referral from a friend. Influencers have loyal followers, fans, and readers who trust their opinions. Therefore, when they mention your brand, their words carry more credibility and influence than when you mention your brand yourself and they are more likely to buy than someone who might have seen one of your status updates. Companies are starting to recognize the power of influence as it has created a need to measure how influential people are and paying more attention to them. Engagement You can quantify those who are engaging with your brand in the social channels as anyone who took a physical action. Social media’s big differentiator from traditional marketing channels is its ability to facilitate two-way interactions as people can easily interact with the brand and people are more likely to buy if they have taken the time to engage with it. The reality now is that companies that embrace social engagement are experiencing up to four times greater business impact than less socially engaged rivals. Action Action is dedicated to those who go on to purchase your products or services regardless of the goals, after getting people to engage with you, sales will result. However, it is important to understand how lead generation in social media works and how it differs from other traditional advertising channels. Social media leads tend to be earlier in the buying cycle; however, the benefit is that because you have engaged them, you are more likely to beat your competition to the prospect. You need to always follow up with appropriate content to push them through the sales cycle, once your product or service fills the need they have, they will be more likely to buy from you than from a competitor they haven’t developed a relationship with. Customer Retention Customer retention is important in determining the overall profitability of your business. Important considerations should be how long social media customers stay, and how much new business is referred from social media customers. Once prospects have become customers, try using different marketing activities to keep them. Keeping them happy during their first experience will make them stick to you. BC

National Mirror

Monday, August 24, 2015

Business Courage

A13 29

Benedict Murray-Bruce:

An entertainment pacesetter Rather than wait to inherit his father’s Domino Stores, he chose a career in showbiz and today, Benedict Murray-Bruce has conquered Nigeria’s entertainment sector and inches nearer his dream of becoming Africa’s showbiz numero uno. By Adejuwon Osunnuyi


ad Benedict Murray Bruce chose to follow his parent business line; he today would probably have being sitting pretty well on one of the biggest departmental stores in the country. His father, Mulligan Murray-Bruce, a retired UAC staff ran Domino Stores, one of the biggest departmental stores in those days but the young Murray-Bruce opted for showbiz, against his father’s wish and today, he has come atop the multi-billion naira industry. The second in the family of 10, from an Ijaw parentage, Ben, born and raised in Lagos at a tender age of 22 got married to Evelyn, his American wife, the same year he began his voyage into the business world after a brief stint in his father’s Domino Stores, where he worked after completing his degrees at the University ofSouthern Carolina, USA. Now 55, Ben Bruce as he is fondly called has waded through the turbulent socio-economic climate to emerge a colossus in the entertainment world. Yet, it was not all bed of roses for the fair-skinned Bayelsan in the early days of his business life, for he also tasted the bitter pills of failure. Silverbird Magazine, his very first business concept did not enjoy the patronage of the reading public, and so, he decided to call it quit with publishing, shifting his attention to staging and promoting concerts across Nigeria. His venture into show business did not enjoy the support of his parents, particularly his father who thought showbiz was a mere waste of time. “One time, I was dancing and my father saw me dancing. He said, “If I ever catch you dancing, you’ll never use those legs again,” Ben Bruce said in a recent interview. Though his father hated show business, Ben said he enjoyed the attention he was getting as the father to Ben. Ben’s entry into showbiz was accidental. He had wanted to be a Professor of History but all that changed when he encountered an American who taught the likes of Janet Jackson, Todd Bridges and Garry Coleman. According to him, he was at his Los Angeles home one day when somebody knocked on his door asking to see someone not living in the apartment. As the conversation ensued, Ben realised that his unwanted guest was a teacher to some of the world best showbiz personalities. The man told him he was working on a set at that time and invited him over. That was where, according to him, he met Redd Fox of the Sandford and Sons’ fame, the Jeffersons and others. The relationship blossomed and they ended up with a show in Nigeria, the show that opened the way for the Murray-Bruce family. Apart from this anonymous friend of Ben, several other American friends of his prepared him for the success he is enjoying today. One of them, Dick Griffey, a college dropout, owner of Solar Record, a former partner of Ben Murray-Bruce, who he described as a fascinating man, infused him with a word that became his guiding principle in life. He told Ben when asked the reason he dropped out of school ‘I don’t want to read life, I want to lead life’. That statement, according Ben Murray-Bruce, sparked a fire in Continued on pg A14

him. ‘So, l was fascinated by what he did. I began my career just like him, he had a nightclub; he had concerts; he had a record company and then he stopped, but I went on to radio/television, malls, cinemas and so on,” he said. Those that Ben worked with then included Don Cornelius, the creator of Soul Train and Joe Jackson, Michael Jackson’s father who he says was his friend in the 80s. “I was surrounded by, in my mind, the most brilliant minds in the world in the 80s and when you are surrounded by geniuses, you would be very successful because you can’t but follow in their footsteps because they were sharp, intelligent black men. There was one in particular, he was the president of Motown when The Jacksons were discovered; his name is Abna. What fascinated me about him was that he would wear sneakers, jeans and one earring and a T-shirt, but he was the smartest black guy I ever met. Talk about black movement, talk about black power, he was very smart and I really got into the movement and I decided to believe that to be black is not a crime, but to be black means you have to work twice harder to be successful.” Ben believes that the fact that one is born in the ghetto doesn’t mean one cannot be successful. “We have people like Nwankwo Kanu, these kids were not born rich but they made life. Choose the path of success and you will m a k e it. If I could make it at what I did, you


Business Courage

can make it too but you have to work hard,” he said. Interestingly, what today stands like an entertainment conglomerate started with Silverbird Productions in 1980 with a borrowed capital of N20, 000.00; a desk in a small corner of the administrative office of his father’s Domino Stores, six staff and only two business activities, pageant and programme syndication. Today, with hundreds of staff, the Silverbird Group has three radio stations, Rhythm 93.7 in Lagos, Abuja and Port Harcourt; a television station; the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria; Silverbird Entertainment, Silverbird Galleria and Silverbird Cinema, the first and only Cinema multi-plex with five screens. Widely credited for bringing the popular Cinema back to Lagos, the Silverbird group has equally exported its franchise to Zambia, Kenya, with a state-ofthe-art Cineplexes, with a total of 18 luxury theatres, and two media stores selling the latest books, music, apple computing and filmed entertainment products. It is continuing its eastward push with eyes firmly on Uganda and Tanzanian markets. In Ghana, Silverbird has also established the country’s first-ever Cineplex. With the acquisition of Kenya’s Nu Metro Group, Silverbird has taken possession of Nu Metro Cinema at Ceddi Plaza in Abuja and also opened up its own nine theatre offering in its modern Abuja plaza. The opening of Silverbird Showtime in Port Harcourt also promised new growth with 8-screen Cineplex, a kingpin restaurant and Baglios ice cream. Silverbird Lifestyle Store and Games Arcade are also on the card. In the eighties when the Miss Nigeria franchise was beginning to lose its glamour and the interest of Nigerians and sponsors, Silverbird introduced the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria (MBGN) pageant which eventually took over the market leadership from the Miss Nigeria franchise, owned and operated by the Daily Times (a media organisation owned by the Nigerian government). Silverbird, using their MBGN platform produced the likes of Omasan Buwa and Bianca Onoh who at different times wore the Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria crowns. Bianca Onoh’s reign as the MBGN was more memorable because it was during her reign that Nigeria first staked its claim to winning a major beauty pageant internationally. Bianca represented Nigeria at the Miss Universe pageant of 1989 and won the Miss Photogenic title, a consolation prize though but the achievement set the stage for Nigeria’s arrival on the global radar. Despite the concerns of morality and criticism from religious leaders, the Bruce broth-

ers have invested such heavy dose of personal and corporate probity into the enterprise that it has been practically impossible for smart Alecs to hijack the project for debauchery. Through the pageants, Nigerian girls are being taught that their God-given beauty can be converted to a veritable source of recognition, respect, fame and wealth, rather than be sacrificed ignominiously on the altar of lust, prostitution and bottom power! Today the Nigerian girl holds her head high when she looks back to 2001, the year Agbani Darego, a product of Silverbird, was crowned the 51st Miss World after earlier becoming the most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria!. Ben, a motivational speaker and role model to many Nigerian youths is director of several companies in Nigeria as well as in France, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. He has served as Executive Director – Black Music Association of America with Quincy Jones, Dick Griffey, Stevie Wonder as well as Executive Director – Coalition for a Free Africa with the late President Samora Machel of Mozambique and the Rev. Jesse Jackson. He was also on the board of National Arts Theatre Management, The Federal Film Censors Board, and The Board of the Nigerian Film Corporation, National Film Distribution Company and Nigerian Anti-Piracy Action Committee. In spite of his achievements the Ijaw man from Akassa, a tiny village in Bayelsa says he will never consider himself a success until he puts Nigeria in the Guinness Book of Record for the things he does. A strong desire in the mind of Silverbird group is to emerge the number one entertainment company in Africa by 2012. One thing Ben would wish to live to achieve is turning the entertainment industry in Nigeria to a wealthmaking machine. Those who are close to him say he is not very far from realising his dream. Generally seeing as Nigeria’s ‘Entertainment Octopus,’ Ben’s Silverbird has his tentacles spread across every facet of Nigeria entertainment industry. “We couldn’t agree more with that description since he has also ‘predicted’ the boom of the entertainment business in Nigeria, way back- when most of the entertainment millionaires are probably in their mother’s womb or in diapers,” says Biodun Kupoluyi. Those close to Ben have described him as a man of integ-

Monday, August 24, 2015

rity and honour; abhors sycophancy and he is always willing to better the lots of those who cross his path. Besides, Ben is very passionate about Nigeria and has the dream of seeing the country move forward through the enthronement of the right leadership. Though a showbiz man, Ben Murray-Bruce is a man of character and would not be easily swayed by what people say. “I have an understanding of my value and who I am. I know I am very focused, so if you criticize me, I will look into your eyes and I can tell if you are lying, if you are telling the truth, if you are flattering me or if you are a sycophant,” he said. And if you are a sycophant you can never be Ben’s friend as he says, “No, sycophants can work with me. I tell my staff when you come into our meeting, you tell me the truth, if you lie to me, that is the day you stop working for me. My wife and kids don’t flatter me, I encourage them to tell me the truth and when you tell the truth, I can look myself in the mirror and say what I did yesterday was selfish. I need to improve. I do not take disaster and catastrophe as a stimulus to complain,” he said. Ben Bruce says he is a diehard optimist, who believes no human being, is born stupid. One of the events Murray Bruce will live to remember in his life time happened during his days as the Director General of Nigerian Television Authority (NTA), when, against popular opinion, he chose to give drivers and even messengers the opportunity to rise to take key positions at the corporation. For him, it was a way of living what he believes, which is ‘live and let’s live’. He is an advocate of developing fellow human beings to enable them perform at their real potentials. Ben, with passion, dislikes the attitude of stifling people from achieving their full potentials in life. His words: “When I was at NTA, we needed to hire new folks, but I met about 4,000 employees and we were trying to build over 70 stations. I built them and I didn’t hire one person because we were overstaffed. Now, when it came down to filling the role of new staff to employ, I said anybody in NTA who would like to be promoted and moved to another city and be somebody should apply. Drivers are now directors; my messenger in my office is now a newscaster and the reason I did that was because I wanted to

I was surrounded by, in my mind, the most brilliant minds in the world and when you are surrounded by geniuses, you would be very successful because you can’t but follow in their footsteps

A14 30

National Mirror


prove a point. When I did that, directors in NTA criticised me, they said I was crazy; they said why didn’t I look for degree holders? I said no, this man who is a driver does not want to be a driver for the rest of his life; my messenger does not want to be a messenger for the rest of his life. I don’t care if you went to school; all I care about is if you are smart and ready to learn. So all those guys who were smart and ready to learn, I promoted them, I trained them at the college in Jos and they are the ones running the NTA across the land today,” he said. Ben Bruce believes that it makes no sense hiring new people and abandon those you can promote. “I will not tell you to be a steward, a cook or messenger for the rest of your life, you have a better calling than that. I don’t want to meet you as a driver, my son meets you as a driver, by the time my grandson is around, you are bound to retire as a driver, which means that in your entire lifetime, you could never own that car that you have been driving, I will not be part of that. So, I did that in government to prove a point, I got criticised, I got attacked, I didn’t give a damn, I am a private sector guy; nobody is born stupid and if you are not born stupid, I can’t understand why you as a messenger can’t improve yourself. Till now, my former messenger sends me text every three months, telling me how happy he is. My driver is now an assistant director in Benin, he calls me all the time to ask me how I am doing and I am proud of him. Because the frustration in man is about leaving him in a position, why leave him in a position,” he stressed. Now that he has attained a remarkable status in life, Ben believes his job is to make sure the “guy I meet on the street, I make him become somebody, if I can. Those of us in the arts

understand that a star is born every day; if a star is born every day, the next president could be the guy who is on the street. The next CEO could be the guy you disrespected, therefore, I urge people never to disrespect anybody. Give everybody a chance, if you give everybody a chance, you have a chance to make it and that is what is missing in our country today. People become successful and think the rest of us should remain where we are”. Ben Bruce believes that the secret behind the many firsts he has achieved lies in his dogged believe in his abilities. He says the knowledge that the entire industry in the world is controlled by Caucasians, a very few blacks, motivates him to always strive for excellence. Besides, Ben says for anybody in business to excel, especially in Nigeria, perseverance must be one of the attributes he must imbibe. “If you run a multinational company, you have to persevere. You know our industry is a very tough one because nobody understands it except those who are in it and so you persevere because you have no choice, you get stuck and you have to go on and it becomes a monumental problem. It is about your ability to survive. It is belief in yourself that you can make it regardless of the odds.” He insisted that he derives his strength in the fact that the entire industry in the world is controlled by Caucasians, a very few blacks. “So it gets me going; every time I compete against a foreigner, I become a crazy person, that is an obsession for me, so the obsession that I will not be beaten by an American, or British drives me 24 hours a day to be successful. You must have something; something has to motivate you. You know in life, something has to push you over the cliff”. BC

National Mirror

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

A15 31

ThebuddingEntrepreneurs KLINIC

With Mamora Victor Mamora is a system thinker and advisor whose belief and activator leadership strengths are directed towards improving workers perspective for city and enterprise development.



here once a lion that grew up in a flock of sheep, hence, lost its identity. For several years, it never knew it was a lion but was acting like sheep and eating whatever sheep would eat. It was even bleating like a sheep, except in its case, the bleating wasn’t perfect. One day, the company of sheep and this lion were wandering in a big jungle when a mighty lion let out a big roar and leaped out of the forest and right into the middle of the flock. All the sheep and sheeplion scattered and ran away. After this terrible and fearful experience, the sheep-lion was at a lake in order to drink some water. However, for the first time, it saw its reflection. Instantly, it could see that the lion that made it and other sheep ran for their dear lives actually had the same features with it. Without hesitating, it also let out a mighty roar and it was never a sheep again. It took only change in perspective to change and realign. Dear friend, it is important to note that the first step to life and personal brand improvement is personal identity. The struggle to understand your personality, strength, and your space and mental model affect service offerings as either employee or employer. Who am I? What do I value? Where do I belong? These are questions that influence our performances at work. “Man that is in honour, and understandeth not, is like the beasts that perish.”-King David Jesse According to the Oxford English Dictionary (on-line), identity involves “the sameness of a person or thing at all times or in all circumstances” (OED 2.a) and, more specifically, personal identity involves “the condition or fact of remaining the same person throughout the various phases of existence.” Identity has its roots in the Latin word for “same.” The word, identity, could mean your mind set and thinking matching up with your values. The moment your values changes, then it alters your identity and what you are able to do changes. Ultimately, our source of values influences how we see ourselves

and what we are able to achieve in business. In every enterprise, building a popular brand is a function of entrepreneur personal value for services and humanity. What we call a great brand such Microsoft, Facebook, Covenant University, Daystar, Redeemed Christian Church of God and GTbank are products of entrepreneur’s collective values, which formed mental model. An example, Sam Adeyemi, who is the senior pastor of Daystar, has values for knowledge, learning, and service. His mental model is that no one succeeds beyond his leadership capability and today he leads a known brand (Daystar Christian centre) for leadership development in Africa among others.

Improving your brand presence Either you are an employer or employee, it is important to project your identity. Your uniqueness is your brand. You are made of valuable stuff that serves social and economic good. It is time to explore, deploy and improve on your brand

What am I saying? I am saying that brand is built on the value and identity of an entrepreneur. Team members in any organisation cannot function, discover and maximise potentials of their personal identity more than the leader would do. It is the input of people functioning at maximum capacity with clarity of personal identity that builds a great brand. Wherever

How do you improve on your brand?


you have massive numbers of workers who are clueless about whom they are, then confusion and struggle are inevitable in that company. Either you are an employer or employee, it is important to project your identity. Your uniqueness is your brand. You are made of valuable stuff that serves social and economic good. It is time to explore, deploy and improve on your brand.

Know that you are a creator. A creator is an inventor, maker, author, initiator and designer. I know it is easy to think that entrepreneur is a creator. The truth is that if you ever initiate an idea that solves people’s problem and make your community better, then you are a creator. The responsibility is for you to consistently deploy your invention, designs, and initiative to add values in work place and your community by this you are on your way to becoming global brand. Every human being is valuable because inherent in everybody is the potential to invent, initiate, design, and add value. Serve in your passionate space. It is very hard to improve without passion. People who are popular brand in any industry function with excitement. They are happy with what they do because they know what they are good at and doing. They are appreciated and celebrated. It is not enough to be creative but deploying your initiative where it is wanted and needed encourages you to do more.


Motivational Business Quotes

urviving a failure gives you more selfconfidence. Failures are great learning tools.. but they must be kept to a minimum. – Jeffrey Immelt Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. Thoughts are things! And powerful things at that, when mixed with definiteness of purpose, and burning desire, can be translated into riches. – Napoleon Hill It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change. – Charles Darwin Industry is the soul of business and the keystone of prosperity. – Charles Dickens I don’t pay good wages because I have a

lot of money; I have a lot of money because I pay good wages. – Robert Bosch People are definitely a company’s greatest asset. It doesn’t make any difference whether the product is cars or cosmetics. A company is only as good as the people it keeps. – Mary Kay Ash In business, I’ve discovered that my purpose is to do my best to my utmost ability every day. That’s my standard. I learned early in my life that I had high standards. – Donald Trump In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later. – Harold Geneen BC

Audit your company There is no point building a team of people whose values are sharply different from yours. One of the indicators that you may be off course in your attempt to improve on your brand is dissimilarity in core values among people you relate with often. If you spend majority of your time with persons who do not value honesty, excellence, learning, then your personal mastery will erode with time. “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” -King Solomon David Dear entrepreneur, people need to know you for the problem you solve, the initiative you birthed, and the products you manufactured. You are a creator with potential to serve global consumers and you must keep company with those going in the direction of a preferable future. Be courageous to improve on your brand toady. BC

A22 38

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Nestle Nigeria records 50.8% profit decline in Q1

Udo Onyeka


estle Nigeria first quarter, Q1, 2015 results showed declines across all key P&L line items with sales of N27.6bn, a decline of 18 per cent when compared with Q1 2014. Profit before tax, PBT, dropped by 50.7 per cent to N3.487bn, while profit after tax, PAT also crashed by 50.8 per cent to N2.954bn. A significant, 230 per cent y/y rise in finance costs more than offset any benefits accruing from an 8 per cent y/y decline in opex. On an annualised basis, Nestlé’s sales and PBT track well behind consensus full year 2015 estimates of N156.3bn and N28.9bn respectively. According analysts this set of results may spark a sell-off and consequent repricing of the stock. 2014 full year The company’s full-year results for the 12-month ended December 31, 2014, reported turnover increase by 8 percent to N143.328bn from N133.084bn in 2013. Profit before taxation, PBT, dropped by 6 percent to N24.445bn from N26.047bn in 2013. Profit after taxation, PAT, dropped by 0.1 percent to N22.235bnfrom N22.258bn in 2013. The company recorded 567 percent rise in interim dividend payout in 2014, valued at N7.926bn against N1.188 billion in 2013. Its total dividend payout rises by 8 percent, to N21.798bn against N20.212bn in 2013. This of cause has affected its share price, dropping 21.4 per cent year to date to close at N820.00 per share, from N995.60 per share at which it opened for trading on January this year. The company earned N21.26 per share at the end of the third quarter of 2014, earned N28.07 per share at the end of 2013 and paid a total cash dividend of N24.0 per share. Earnings per share stood at N26.67 in 2012, representing an

increase of 28 per cent on N20.81 recorded in 2011. Gross dividend increased by 59 per cent from N9.95bn for 2011 to N15.8bn for 2012, representing dividend per share of N20 for 2012, as against N12.55 distributed in 2011. Structure Nestle Nigeria engages in the manufacturing, marketing and distribution of food products including purified water throughout the country and West Africa. The company operates in two business segments: food and beverages. Its food segment includes the production and sale of Maggi, Cerelac, Nutrend, Nan, Lactogen and Golden Morn. Its beverages segment includes the production and sale of Milo, Milo Ready to Drink, Chocomilo, Nido, Nescafe, Nestle Pure Life among others. Business strategy To stimulate industrial growth, the company has long term sustainable business practices. Almost all of the company’s key ingre-

dients are sourced locally through farmers and suppliers where available. In addition to its commitment to local sourcing of raw agricultural materials, the Company is involved in two major initiatives in the agricultural sector. In 2011, Nestle Nigeria commenced a new project to help farmers increase output and quality of cassava starch production in collaboration with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) in Ibadan. The project is aimed at increasing productivity per hectare in cassava through multiplication and dissemination of high yielding varieties and ensuring smallholder farmers’ benefit from improved cassava management practices. The project will enable sustainable supply of cassava roots (with high starch content) to local processors. The company has committed over N120m on this project for over two years. The second project, Grains Quality Improvement initiative is aimed at ensuring high quality grains by reducing

Mycotoxin contamination in grains through good agricultural and storage practices. This project has significantly reduced the nutritional and economic losses in grains and legumes and ensures high quality raw materials for the factory. Liquidity The company financial position is weal, considering the borrowings and overdraft taken from banks as at December 31, 2014, the company total assets stood at N106.1bn, a decline of 2.03 per cent when compared to N108.2bn recorded in the corresponding period of 2013. Property, plant and equipment rose to N67.5bn, from N65.9bn in 2013, while the value of long term debtors stood at N1.16bn in 2014, from N573.2bn in 2013. Cash and cash equivalent was N3.70bn, from N13.7bn in 2013, while prepayment stood at N398m, from N300m in 2013. The company total liabilities dropped marginally by 3.71 per cent to N70.1bn in the review period, from N67.6bn recorded in the

same period of 2013. Short term borrowings increased to N12.7bn in 2014, from N947.8m in 2013, while long term borrowings reduced to N18.3bn, from N26.5bn in 2013. Working capital fell to N7.25bn, from N8.52bn in 2013, while net assets depreciated to N35.9bn, down 11.5 per cent from N40.6bn in 2013. Analysts view The consensus forecast covering Nestle Foods Nigeria is that the company will underperform the market. The analysts offering 12 month price targets for the company have a median target of N879.19, with a high estimate of N1,150 and a low estimate of N646.60. The median estimate represents a 4.67 per cent increase from the last price of N840.00 With respect to operating expenses, we believe that the significant growth in distribution, sales and marketing costs was part of a business strategy geared towards increasing product penetration and sustaining market leadership in a matured sector. BC

A24 40

Business Courage

Monday, August 24, 2015

We buy .. We sell.. We manage


Making spaces better places.. LAGOS PROPERTIES FOR SALE


Location: Price: Description: Location : Price: Description : Location: Price: Description : Location: Price: Description : Location: Price: Description :

Location: Price: Description :

Location: Price: Description : Location : Price : Description :

Location : Price : Description : Location: Price:

7 bedroom mansion with 3 sitting rooms, 2 bedroom guest chalet,2 rooms boys quarters, swimming pool, barbecue hut and gate house. TY Danjuma Asokoro, Abuja N 1.2b 4Bedroom detached house with BQ, electric gate , borehole , space for swimming pool.(vacant) Estate directly opposite games villages ,Abuja 150m

Description : Location: Price: Description :

Location: Price:

5 floors office complex with a banking hall building sitting on 9,000sqm Central Business District , Abuja N5.5b (asking)

Description :

Residential land measuring 3000sqm katampe, Abuja N70m

reservoir. Location: Price:

6 Bedroom detached duplex on 2888sqm Ibrahim Abdullahi Crescent off Sowemimo Asokoro , Abuja N550m(asking)

4 bedroom fully detached with all rooms ensuite good security system City scape estate , Wumba Abuja N70m (asking)

duplex and

5 bedroom fully detached with all rooms ensuite swimming pool , 1room BQ pent house . City scape estate , Wumba Abuja N90m (asking)

duplex , and a

District ,

District ,

Location: Price:

PORT HARCOURT PROPERTIES FOR SALE Description : on a plot of land

A 2 storey building and a


tastefully finished Aluminum curtain walled and serviced purposed built office complex sitting on 5,020 m2 zone 5 Wuse , Abuja N3.5b

Description : Location:

plots of land with C of O Beside Fidelity Bank by Artillery Bus stop, Aba road N160m (asking)

6nos of 3bedrm flats,1no 2bedroom flat(pentfoor),2nos 1bedroom flat (basement) , 2nos 1bedroom sitting on 1,040.50sqm Garki Area 2, Abuja N185m


Description :

6nos of 3bedrm flats,1no Block,2nos Gate House on 1,202.85sqm Wuse II , Abuja N600m

Newly renovated 5 bedroom detached house with B.Q sitting on 1500sqm land G Cappa Estate Maryland N350m (asking)

4 plots of land with C of O Artillery Junction, Aba road N250m (asking)

40 units of 2 Bedroom flat sitting on 7000m2 Along Kubwa express, Abuja. 650m (asking)

Location: Price:

Location: Price:

4 bedroom bungalow sitting on 730.8 sqm Ibeju Lekki N26m

Description : Location: Price:

Description :

Description :

1 Block of 8 luxury flats 3bedrooms/4bedrooms 2nd Ave. Gowon Estate, Ipaja On Request

3600sqm land . Behind Sheraton Hotel, Abuja N500m (asking)

3 bedroom bungalow with 2 sitting rooms , all rooms ensuite , a gate house and a car porch , sitting on 900sqm Wuse zone 6 , Abuja N120m(asking)

Location: Price:

Description :

Fatai Atere Way, Mushin On Request


Description : Location: Price:

6 bedroom detached house with 4 spacious living rooms , well finished , swimming pool CCTV surveillance camera,etc. 5th Avenue Gwarimpa , Abuja. 300m

5 bedrooms bungalow Ismail Estate, Maryland On Request

Description :


with C of O Aba road by Isiokpo street , Rumuomasi N120m (asking)


Location: Price:

Description : Location: Price:

Location: Price:

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National Mirror



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Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror


Law & Justice

Racial tribal discrimination in any form and in any degree has no justifiable part whatsoever in our democratic way of life Justice George Oguntade, Retired Justice of Supreme Court. xx

Amend 1999 Constitution to empower states to generate, distribute power 42

Bar confab 2015: Lawyers list issues, expectations NBA President, Mr. Alegeh, SAN

How S’Court struck off, restored Abuah’s name on Lawyers’ Roll 45

Appeal Court won’t reinstate arson-murder conviction 46


igerian lawyers from various parts of the country will today assemble at the International Conference Centre, Abuja, for the opening ceremony of the 55th Annual General Conference of the NBA. The NBAAGC 2015,. which will hold from 21- 28 August, 2015, has the theme ‘Lawyers and National Development’. NBA President, Mr. Augustine Alegeh, SAN, had earlier at a media briefing in Lagos stated that the conference ‘’promises to be very rewarding and enriching, judging by the content and speakers invited to the sessions.’’ Among others, the President had assured that the NBA would address how law could be used to assist the Federal Government in its bid to tackle corruption in the society. Aside Alegeh’s assurance, a host of top lawyers in the country, however, have listed their expectations from the conference. Chief Ganiyu Adetola-Kazeem, SAN, said the NBA annual conference should serve as an avenue to discuss the challenging problems affecting the country.

Chief Justice of Nigeria, CJN, Justice Mahmud Mohammed

As lawyers from the 109 branches of the Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) converge on Abuja today for the opening of this year’s Annual General Conference (AGC) of the NBA, top legal practitioners have listed issues that should dominate discussions at the event, writes FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary.

Part of discussions at the national conference should include ways to assist government tackle corruption in the country Adetola-Kazeem, said that was essential for those who would attend the conference to discuss how NBA as a body would be strengthen. Former National Publicity Secretary of the Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Chief Oladipo Jimilehin, who also spoke with National Mirror, said the various nagging legal issues in the country should be the focus of discussions at the national conference. He added that the discussions should include whether it is right for Attorney –General of the Fed-

eration not to have been appointed three months after the new government had been sworn-in. Jimilehin, a member of the National Constitutional Conference Commission in the mid-1990s, also said the discussions should include whether the present government should or not comply with the reports of the National Conference and the plight of young lawyers. Chairman, NBA, Ikeja branch, Mr. Yinka Farounbi, stated that ‘’this year’s conference is a special one, coming at the time there is a

wind of change in government in which all Nigerians are expecting magic. He hoped the conference would focus on what the NBA could do towards the progress of this country. According to him, ‘’part of the discussions at the national conference should include ways to assist government to stop corruption in the country. In order to achieve progress and tackle corruption in the country, there is need for a strong judiciary that would take its integrity so high and be able to present justice without fear or favour.’’ Farounbi further said, “I think part of the discussion at the coming conference should include the level of security for the judges and lawyers because a judge who presumes that he is not secured CONTINUED ON PAGE 44


Law & Justice

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Amend 1999 Constitution to empower states Eyitayo Jegede, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria (SAN), and Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice in Ondo State, in this interview with WALE IGBINTADE, speaks on the Judiciary workers crisis, the challenges of the office of Attorney-General and the legal reforms being implemented in Ondo State for speedy dispensation of justice, among others. Excerpts: Since you assumed office as the state AG, what are the legal reforms you have introduced in Ondo State to ensure a speedy dispensation of justice in the state? The vision of this government at inception was to bequeath to the state a better administration of justice in terms of the laws, the personnel and the infrastructure and indeed a faster criminal justice system. To a large extent we have done that. The office of AG which I occupied is also charged with the responsibility of servicing all other ministries and also interfacing with the judicial arm of government. Now to the extent that we draft bills and also ensure that we prosecute cases and to the extent that we are involved in prosecution of criminal cases and participate in all litigation at least on the side of government, we support the entire administration of justice. Now, the legal framework is embodied in the relevant laws which we have codified when we came in. In respect of civil matters, it is embodied in the new High Court rules for the state and for criminal matters we have established High Court within the prisons to take care of capital offences.. The other side of it has to do with the processes leading to drafting of laws, preparing agreement and also litigation. Those three items are taken care of by the ministry of justice, and as it is said these days “under my watch.” So the legal frameworks are frameworks that are already established first, by the constitution because it allows for functions and powers of all relevant stakeholders in the judicial administration, the laws of the state especially those laws that deal with judicial administration, the courts and the laws that are relevant in respect of inter-governmental relationship, the rules relating to practice in civil matters and also rules that regulate the rights and proceedings in respect of criminal matters. What are the challenges facing your ministry as you carry out these judicial functions? Well, the challenges are institutional challenges, the position of the Attorney-General as a member of the executive that serves as a bridge between the executive and the judiciary. So much is expected from the AG from the judiciary while the executive in some instances sees the AG as one of its own. Where conflict exists you need to put your foot down because as a lawyer, you are a slave to the law, you are expected to say it the way it is and interpret the law especially to the executive because you are the chief law officer, you are expected to interpret the law clearly to your principal that is the chief executive and also to other stakeholders within the executive.

Jegede, SAN

Despite all efforts of the various states of the federation in providing IPPs, trying to generate electricity, trying to devise means to transmit, the FG has remained a hindrance to power generation and distribution. Don’t forget there are three arms of government, one arm is noted for being over bearing, the other is silent but vested with a lot of powers, you as the AG, you are in the middle of these two powerful institutions. You belong to both. That in itself is a challenge. The area of conflict most times is the funding, because funding is very critical to both the executive and the judiciary. They all draw from the same pool of fund that comes to the state. Of course, because there are constitutional provisions that would ordinarily safeguard the access to those funds, those provisions require and demand total obedience. You need to advise as honestly and as fearlessly as possible and ensure that the arm of government which you belong to majorly does not trample on the rights of other arms of government. Your loyalty and obedience is first to the constitution, because you are also a stakeholder in the judiciary, as a member of the Judicial Service Commission in the state and as the chief law officer. The second challenge has to do with making the business of the AG’s office to run

seamlessly within the protocol of the civil service. Yet, ensuring that you perform optimally and efficiently as a law firm which the AG’s office is and as a law chambers that is out there to compete with other lawyers from private offices who are not restricted by protocols and bureaucracy. This is because when it comes to issues that have to do with court proceedings, no advantage will be given to you simply because you are from the establishment or what we call official Bar. The competence that is required is also not in any way discounted because you are from a bureaucratic set up. You know civil servants resume work by 8 a.m. and close by 4p.m. A private law firm works from 8a.m. to 7 p.m and in most cases including weekends. The challenge is how to make your colleagues in the ministry of justice remove the garb of civil servants and do the job as a professional. That is why I believe that the AG chambers should operate outside the rules in the civil service for optimum performance. Because you work for government does not exempt you from the rules dealing with

computerization of time. The rules of court enjoin you to file your papers the same time as other private law firms; the rules bind all of us. As a lawyer within the ministry, you are expected to operate as efficiently as lawyers who are in private establishment. That in itself sometimes pose a challenge, because even to assess funds to file your process is not just opening your locker bringing out money and say go and file, you are to go through a process of request, approval, auditing, release and such other bureaucratic expectations that would slow you down when ordinarily, you should be able to put your legs forward. How will you respond to the call for the separation of the office of the Attorney-General from that of the Commissioner for Justice? I believe that what we have in our constitution now is not only defensible, it is meant to insulate the office of Attorney-General from political control. The only recommendation I have is that this office should be further strengthened, if indeed the Attorney-General should exercise his powers without directions from any quarter, especially the power of prosecution. Under the law as it stands, you need to be the Attorney-General before you can be Commissioner for Justice. If the unification of this office will reduce conflict when you have different persons occupying the two offices you need to define the duties of the Commissioner for Justice and that of the Attorney-General in the context of our politics and governance. The clamour for the

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, August 24, 2015


to generate, distribute power —Jegede separation of the two offices in my view is unnecessary. How did Ondo State resolved the demand of Judiciary Staff Union of Nigeria (JUSUN) for the implementation of court judgment in respect of funding of the judiciary? The dispute between the members of JUSUN and the various governments of the states and the Federal Government had to do with the implementation of the provisions of the constitution in respect of funding of the judiciary. The issue of funding is related to the independence of the judiciary, but that is not all. Funding should be part of the necessary and indisputable requirement to have an independent judiciary. But then, it is more than that. Independence of the judiciary basically has to do with the freedom of our Judges to dispense justice without fear or favour. This is aside the need for an enabling environment for our judicial officers to independently and fairly adjudicate on disputes before them. So if you starve them of funds, they may not be able to live up to the constitutional expectations and responsibility. So coming to your question, we transferred the funds due to the judiciary directly to them, on the basis of funds released to the state from federation account. Remittances therefore are first charge but such remittances are moderated by the quantum of funds released to the state. It is an improvement on the old order. The issue of funding has been a problem all along, not caused by this administration or the previous administration but caused essentially by the inability and none readiness of critical office holders to comply fully with the provisions of the constitution relating to funding of the judiciary. That of course, led to the JUSUN strike that affected the entire states of the federation including the federal courts. It is not a problem that is peculiar to a particular state, it is a problem that affected all the states of the federation including the Federal Government and if you ask me, I would say it is because all along the executive arm for whatever reason has not, and I say this with all sense of responsibility, been able to accord the judiciary the respect and the recognition that it deserves. There has not been,


and again, I say this with all sense of responsibility, a faithful implementation of those constitutional provisions that ordinarily are enshrined as a guarantee to ensure the independence of the judiciary. I do believe that given what happened, all the states of the federation have now taken a second look again at those constitutional provisions and have taken steps to ensure that where there is need to adjust and correct any non-compliance, such corrections should be effected. The problem had been with us for a long time now, the solution will not likely be found in one day, the judiciary itself needs to continuously assert its independence. What laws would you want the lawmakers to enact and why? I have had the privilege of working with some of my colleagues; that is AttorneysGeneral of various states across the federation to do a quick review of constitutional provisions and suggest amendments. Two areas I would mention. The first has to do with power; one of our major problems in this country is our inability to generate sufficient power for the country, and this issue of transmission, for as long as these problems are not addressed, then we continue to grapple with our challenges of development. Unless you amend the constitution to allow the states to legislate on generation, distribution and transmission we will continue to grapple in the dark, I mean dark in terms of lack of electricity or darkness and in terms of lack of direction. Under the constitution, the subject of generating electricity and distribution and transmission is under concurrent legislative list which means that both the Federal Government and state governments can legislate but the House of Assembly of a state can only legislate in respect of areas not covered by national grid, there is no area in the country that is not covered by national grid. What is National grid and how has its insertion in the constitution hindered electricity supply? National grid is just a system of connection of electricity or electricity network designed by the Federal Government. It is the area of coverage in terms of transmission, lines and the rest of it. As we speak, there is

There should be unrestricted rights of appeal from final judgments of National Industrial Court on all judgments of the court, where the court is sitting as a court of first instance. hardly any place in this country that is not covered by national grid so when you now empower the House of Assembly to legislate on generation and distribution of powers in respect of areas not covered by the national grid, all you have done is to give them something by the right hand and take it away by the left hand because of the restriction imposed by the constitution itself. Until and unless those offensive words in the constitution are removed, and there are about five or six words that limits the power of the state House of Assembly to legislate on generation and distribution of power, those words should be taken out they are “in areas not covered by national grid” under item in concurrent legislative list. Various states are struggling under this restriction, no amount of regulation or licensing will help, it is like scratching the surface. Despite all the efforts of the various states of the federation in providing Independent Power Projects, trying to generate electricity, trying to device means to transmit, the Federal Government has remained the hindrance to power generation and distribution, we only create more bureaucracy. The reason is simple. For as long as there is a restriction, no matter the megawatts that we generate in any state, you will continue to operate under regulation imposed by the Federal Government. In other words, you cannot operate on your own even when you generate, you channel to the national grid, in most cases because that is what the law and regulation demands. So for me, there is need for legislative intervention, all that need be done is to remove from paragraph 14b the words:” the areas not covered by the national grid system” and you give freedom to the states to provide their own regulations and make their own laws in respect of generation and distribution after

all, all of us now generates electricity in our houses because you and I have generator and we transmit, because we connect from generator to our sitting room, to our bed room, etc, we are already generating, we are already transmitting so why should we pretend and not give that powers to the states to do so under laws made by Houses of Assembly of different states. Don’t forget that some of the countries in Africa are not even half the population of Lagos, they are not as big as Ondo State yet, they generate and distribute why restrict the states from generating and distributing? Let us relax and loosen the system just like in the communication sector and open it up, let those who want to invest, invest and make money, the electricity sector is over regulated.

What other areas? The other area which I think the National Assembly should look at and this is about judiciary has to do with the finality of the decision of the National Industrial Court. The NIC by virtue of the third alteration would now have jurisdiction in respect of employment matters, allowances, union matters and so on yet, by the provisions of the law that we have now, we do not have a right of appeal generally as of right to enable aggrieved litigants appeal to the Court of Appeal in areas other than those affecting or touching on fundamental rights. There should be unrestricted rights of appeal from final judgments of National Industrial Court on all judgments of the court, where the court is sitting as a court of first instance. Section 241 which allows a right of appeal from final decisions in any civil or criminal proceedings before the Federal High Court or High Court of a state sitting at the first instance, should apply to decision of that court sitting as a court of first instance to the Court of Appeal.


Law & Justice

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 41 may not do his job as expected. I will also want the discussion at the conference to extend to the over loaded work load of the judges in the country, so that the common man can get judgement within the time limit; not necessarily waiting for three to five years before he can secure judgment over a simple matter.’’ The NBA chairman also stated that the welfare of the members was expected to be part of the discussions at the conference. “I think it is essential the participants of the conference should come with ideas on how to increase the welfare of the members particularly in time when it lawyers attain old age because a man cannot be active forever, there is need to have welfare package for the old lawyers among us even to the branch level”. On the stamp and seal scheme, Farounbi commended the NBA leadership under Alegeh, for the innovation which is being used to identify and flush out quacks out of the profession. On his own part, former NBA Chairman, Mr. Monday Ubani, said ‘’ the NBA-AGC is also expected to discuss the need for lawyers to participate in continuous legal education ‘’ in order to sharpen their skills and knowledge in legal practice in the country. He said ”as a lawyer we cannot grow without refreshing our memory and do a cleanup of the dead part of the memory, so there must the legal education that will sharpen the brain because the more knowledgeable a lawyer is determines his worth before the court and the result he may likely get in handling the cases” . Ubani also praised Alegeh for the introduction of the stamp and seal project adding that ‘’I have one and I think that the innovator of the ideal deserves commendation.’’ The NBA is a non-profit, umbrella professional association of all lawyers admitted to the Bar in Nigeria. It is engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria.

National Mirror

Monday, August 24, 2015

‘Security of judges, continuous legal education should top discussions’



Mrs. Ozobia

The NBA-AGC is also expected to discuss the need for lawyers to participate in continuous legal education in order to sharpen their skills and knowledge in legal practice in the country.

It has an observer status with the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, and a working partnership with many national and international non-governmental organizations concerned with human rights, the rule of law and good governance in Nigeria and in Africa. The NBA is made up of 109 branches, three professional sections, two specialized institutes, six practice-cadre forums, and



Stupid attorneys A lawyer was on his cell phone, calling a locksmith. “I locked my keys in my sports car!” said the nervous lawyer. “No problem, I should be there in about an hour,” replied the locksmith. “Do you think you can make it a little sooner?” pleaded the lawyer. “My top is down and it’s starting to rain.”

Justice Triumphs A lawyer had a jury trial in a very difficult business case. The client, who had attended the trial, was out of town when the jury came back with its decision, which was for the lawyer and his client. The lawyer immediately sent a telegram to his client, reading, “Justice has triumphed!” The client wired back, “Appeal at once!”

Doctor and Lawyer at a cocktail party A doctor and a lawyer were attending a cocktail party when the doctor was approached by a man who asked advice on how to handle his ulcer. The doctor mumbled some medical advice, then turned to the lawyer and asked, “How do you handle the situation when you are asked for advice during a social function?”

high level leverage in the political society in Nigeria. For instance, Lawyers in the Media (LIM), is a veritable practice-cadre forum of the NBA and comprises lawyers in the media industry. The LIM Chairman, Mr. John AustinUnachukwu described the LIM as a very important segment of the NBA, saying that the body’s session would hold on day two of

“Just send a bill for such advice” replied the lawyer. On the next morning the doctor arrived at his surgery and issued the ulcer-stricken man a $50 bill. That afternoon he received a $100 bill from the lawyer.

Two Lawyers in a Bank Two lawyers are in a bank when armed robbers suddenly burst in. While several of the robbers take the money from the tellers, others line the customers, including the lawyers, up against a wall, and proceed to take their wallets, watches and so on. While this is going on lawyer number one jams something in lawyer number two’s hand. Without looking down, lawyer number two whispers, “What is this?” To which lawyer number one replies, “It’s that $50 I owe you.

Cigars for the Judge A defendant in a lawsuit involving large sums of money was talking to his lawyer. “If I lose this case, I’ll be ruined.” “It’s in the judge’s hands now,” said the lawyer. “Would it help if I sent the judge a box of cigars?” “Oh no! This judge is a stickler on ethical behavior. A stunt like that would prejudice him against you. He might even hold you in contempt of court. In fact, you shouldn’t even smile at the judge.” Within the course of time, the judge rendered a decision in favor of the defendant. As the defendant left the courthouse, he said to his lawyer, “Thanks for the tip about the cigars. It worked!” Culled from Lawyers

the conference, Tuesday, August 25. He said the Lawyers in the Media (LIM) and Outdoor Advertising Association of Nigeria (OAAN) joint session will attract an array of personalities such as the Immediate past president, OAAN , Mr. Charles Chijide , who will preside over the first session of LIM/OAAN programme and Prof. Epiphany Azinge ,SAN, listed as the Chairman of the second session. Also expected as a Special Guests of honour at the LIM/OAAN session isthe Governor of Plateau State, Governor Simon Bako Lalong. Other guests are, Chief Joe-Kyari Gadzama,SAN ; former General Secretary NBA,Mr. Dele Adesina, SAN; former President Commonwealth Lawyers Association (CLA), Mrs Boma Ozobia, and Prof. Maxwell Gidado among others.

LEGAL TIPS Customary law marriage and the bride price system



*Customary law marriage comprises marriages under various customary practices in existence in Nigeria, and Islamic law. *The common characteristic of customary law marriages is the ability of the men to marry as many wives as possible. *Under the Islamic law, a man is allowed to marry as many wives provided he has the capacity to take care of them. *Yet another characteristic of customary law marriage, for instance, among the Igbo people and the Muslims of Northern Nigeria, is the fact that neither infancy nor old age is a barrier to marriage. *Consent of the bride’s parents and not that of the man, is an important prerequisite in customary law marriage. *This is because the bride-price is

paid to the woman’s parents. However, the bride-price today is basically a commercial transaction in some communities. *In some communities fixed amounts exist to be paid on the bride, in others amounts vary with professional qualification or income capacities of the woman. *It is also the practice nowadays among some families in the SouthWest to return the bride-price paid on their daughters. *The rationale for this is that their daughters are not objects of trade but precious gifts that should be well cared for by the groom’s families. Written by Francis Famoroti, Head, Judiciary. We welcome feedback and reactions from readers via our e-mail: nationalmirrorlaw@


National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, August 24, 2015




buah was called to the Bar on November 25, 1952 by the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, London. He was duly admitted to practice as a Banister and Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on July 4, 1953, and thereafter he set up practice as a legal practitioner in Aba, the then Eastern Region of Nigeria until sometimes in 1961 when he ran into trouble. On May 18, 1961, the lawyer was charged in the High Court, Aba, along with one of his clerks with offences under Sections 419, 467 and 468 of the Criminal Code. Specifically, Abuah was tried on the accusation that he unlawfully obtained and subsequently misappropriated money belonging to one of his clients. As evidence showed before the lower court, he had forged a Power of Attorney which enabled him to withdraw a comparatively small amount from the account of an apparently poor client of his, and he eventually used the money for his own purposes. Although the amount involved was small, the court held that the underlying moral turpitude at the time the offence was committed is not. He was duly convicted of these offences by Justice Kaine in the Aba High Court, on May 24, 1961, and was sentenced to a fine of N330 (£165) or six months’ imprisonment; but he immediately paid the fine. Abuah also promptly filed an appeal against the verdict. Sequel to his conviction, he was suspended from legal practice on August 8, 1961, pending the determination of his appeal to the Federal Supreme Court. However, the same apex court dismissed his appeal on October 30, 1961. It was learnt that no consequential order was made on that date, such that it became necessary for the Supreme Court to order, on April 30, 1962, that Abuah’s name be struck off the Roll of Legal Practitioners in Nigeria. Three years later, in 1965, he applied to the Supreme Court to have his name restored to the Roll of Practising Barristers, but his application was dismissed on January 14, 1966 on the ground that there was insufficient basis for the supplication. He made another application in 1970 asking for re-instatement of his name on the Roll but, again, this application was dismissed on May 21, 1971. During this period, Abuah had been reduced to a state of abject penury and that he appeared to have become really penitent. In 1973, he filed a fresh application through his counsel, Mr. J.A Cole, who argued before the court that Abuah’s name should be restored on the Roll. The application with Suit No. SC 24/1962 was brought under Section 9(1) (a) of the Legal Practitioners Act, 1962. In an affidavit which supported the application, he deposed as follows among others; ‘’With the stain and stigma of conviction I

Late Elias

Late Williams

How S’Court struck off, restored Abuah’s name on Lawyers’ Roll The Supreme Court on April 30, 1962, struck off the name of Alfred Chukwuemeka Abuah from the Roll of Legal Practitioners in Nigeria for professional misconduct. Between 1965 and 1971, he applied on two occasions to have his name restored on the Roll without any success. Reprieve however, came his way on November 23, 1973 when his name was restored on the Roll. FRANCIS FAMOROTI, Head, Judiciary writes. have found it absolutely difficult and impossible to obtain any employment in order to support myself and my dependants. ‘’I have been and I am still thoroughly ashamed of what has happened and that I truly regret the unfortunate incident and I am truly sorry for my conduct which has plunged me into this my present position. I have from my present experience learnt a great lesson for my future conduct in life.” The panel of Supreme Court justices that heard Abuah’s appeal are; the then Chief Justice of Nigeria (CJN), Justice Taslim Elias, and two other justices, George Sodeinde Sowemimo and Dan Ibekwe. While Abuah was seeking legal remedy to restore his name on the Roll, he equally presented a petition to the then Administrator of the East-Central State, asking him to exercise his prerogative of mercy by granting him a free pardon. By the Instrument of Pardon published at Enugu in the East-Central State of Nigeria Official Gazette No. 37 dated September 6, 1973 as East-Central State Notice No. 500, he was granted a free pardon by the Administrator of the East-Central State who said that he did so after reviewing his case. However, in the judgement which was delivered on November 23, 1973, the Supreme Court considered whether or not Abuah’s remorseful conduct should not be regarded as mitigating factors necessitating a measure of sympathetic review of his condition in life, including the sufferings of his family and other dependants. ‘’ Apart from a temporary employment

We are of the view that a re-instatement of his name on the

Roll of Practising Barristers would be a step in the direction of his professional rehabilitation.

as secretary to an indigenous firm between 1965 and 1967, the applicant would appear to have had no other work of any kind, and his house and almost all that he had at Asaba, his home town, had either been completely destroyed or looted during the civil war. The then CJN, Justice Elias declared ‘’We were able to observe the demeanour of the applicant in court, and we think that he is now a broken man who, if given another chance, would not be disposed even again to bring the honour of the profession into question. ‘’More recently, the applicant presented a petition to His Excellency, the Administrator of the East-Central State, asking him to exercise his prerogative of mercy by granting him a free pardon. By the Instrument of Pardon published at Enugu in the East-Central State of Nigeria Official Gazette No. 37 dated September 6, 1973 as East-Central State Notice No. 500, he was granted a free pardon by the Administrator of the East-Central State

who said that he did so after reviewing his case. ‘’We consider this to be an important factor evidencing not only the sense of remorse shown by the applicant since his last application, but also the fact that the Administrator of the East-Central State thought he ought to be re-admitted as a member of the ordinary citizenry. It should not, however, be considered that the mere grant of a free pardon automatically entitles an applicant to be reinstated. It is only one of the several factors to be taken into account, and each case must be considered on its own peculiar facts and in the light of its own circumstances. In this particular case, we are of the view that a re-instatement of his name on the Roll of Practising Barristers would be a step in the direction of his professional rehabilitation. The Supreme Court consequently granted his plea and accordingly ordered that the name of Alfred Chukwuemeka Abuah be restored to the Roll of Legal Practitioners in Nigeria with effect from the date of the verdict. Besides, the apex court ruled that a copy of this order should be communicated to the Benchers of the Honourable Society of Lincoln’s Inn, London, of which he was a member. Allowing Abuah’s appeal, the court added that ‘’a copy of the notice of the restoration of his name to the Roll of Legal Practitioners should be sent to the Chief Registrars of all the High Courts in the Federation for their information and necessary action.’’

National Mirror

Law & Justice

Monday, August 24, 2015


Evaluating Maritime piracy and security in Nigeria CONTINUED FROM LAST WEEK

Mike Igbokwe


t has been aptly observed that energy trade and security largely depends on maritime transport and the Gulf of Guinea is estimated to currently be the source of around 5.4 million barrels of oil per day with the capacity for increased production annually with recent oil and gas discoveries and developments in the region. Regrettably, in recent timesthe region has become synonymous with violence, hijackings, kidnappings and deaths as a result of piratical incidences in the region. The region is the second most dangerous area in the world for maritime transport as it accounted for nearly 30 per cent of attacks in African waters between 2003 and 2011. The types of maritime piracy in the region are usually attacks directed at cargo, attacks carried out for logistic purpose (example, to steal food, fuel and other resources to keep the piracy operations going) and muggings. Most incidents in the region tend to be linked to oil production and usually occur in territorial waters while ships are anchored or berthed. The aim appears to be to kidnap and capture ships, particularly oil tankers, siphon and resell their cargo and not to highjack ship and hold hostages to obtain ransom, though there has been hijackings and hostage taking in recent years. This is markedly different from the form of piracy off the coast of Somalia, which is based on a kidnap and ransom model.Attacks in the region are also more violent than those off the coast of Somalia. However, recent statistics have shown that the spate of attacks have declined in recent years, though there is no such abatement/decline in the violent nature of such attacks. The statistics show that from 1 January 2010 to December 2014,there were 153 piratical incidences (actual and attempted) with Nigeria recordingthe highest number of incidences in the region. Pertinently, the statistics have shown that Nigeria, Cote d’ivoire, Ghana, Cameroon and Guinea have become the ‘hot spots’ for piratical activities within the region, with Nigeria topping the chart in both the spate and violent nature of such crimes. The decline in the spate of piratical incidences in the region could be attributed to the fact that the countries in the region have taken concrete steps to curb and/or eradicate the incidence of piratical activities in their territories. At national level, these countries are making efforts to resolve the political and economic causes of criminality including reducing poverty and entrenching good governance practices. In addition, there has also been increased military focus on the incidence of piracy in the region with the establishment of Special Forces, in collaboration with foreign partners, to deal with criminal activities in the waters of the region. However, it has been observed that the experience with the different types of initiatives in the region, whether national, bilateral or international, has shown that all these mechanisms have met with limited success. The operations have been stated to have been very expensive (though corruption in the system with attendant increment in ‘real’ costs cannot be ruled out) and there are doubts as to their sustainability, partly because the criminals usually move from well patrolled areas to less patrolled ones. There is no gainsaying that these efforts have met with limited success. However, it must be stressed that the limited success is not in terms of the spate of piratical incidences in the region (which has declined in recent years as a result of the existing initiatives in the region) but it is in terms of the non-reduction in the violent nature of the crime in the region. Nigeria’s coastline, measuring approximately 853 km, is a rich source of marine life, providing a livelihood for many Nigerians, mostly in the Niger Delta region and foreign fishermen. The importance of Nigeria’s maritime domain to her economy is underpinned by the fact that crude oil and gas which fetch over 90 per cent of Nigeria’s foreign earnings, is overly reliant on maritime transport. In addition, the haulage of Nigeria’s huge imports and non-oil exports are done by maritime transportation. Furthermore, the maritime domain is strategically important for the provision of Nigeria’s aquatic food needs for mostly those in coastal towns of

Igbokwe, SAN

In 2004, Nigeria’s waters were rated the most dangerous in

the world, apparently due to high fatality rate in piracy operations.

the country. Nigeria waters have been classified as the most risky waters for maritime transport in the Gulf of Guinea as a result of the frequency of piratical /armed robbery at sea incidences in them. In 2004, Nigeria’s waters were rated the most dangerous in the world, apparently due to the high fatality rate in piracy operations. However, recent statistics show a decline in the frequency of such attacks on Nigeria’s waters, though they still remain the most risky waters in the Gulf of Guinea and in Africa. Reports have shown that pirates operating in Nigerian waters are also involved in cases far out from its bay, across Togo, Gabon and all the way up to Ivory Coast, making the reported or registered total Nigerian piratical events lower than the actual number. Generally, all Nigerian waters remain risky but the Nigerian Navy in answers to the questionnaire confirmed that piracy, armed robbery and hijacks witnessed all over the Nigeria territorial waters and within the Exclusive Economic Zone of Nigeria is more prevalent around the Eastern flank of Nigerian waters especially around the Niger Delta Areas and gave the below table as records as its summary of such incidents in recent times:-. Pirates that operate in Nigerian waters are often wellarmed, violent and have attacked and robbed vessels and kidnapped crews along coast, rivers, anchorages, ports and surrounding waters. For instance, on 19 March 2015, an offshore supply ship ‘MV Maridive 603’ was attacked and boarded around 19 nautical miles (nm) south of Kwa Ibo, AkwaIbom State. About six armed pirates boarded the vessel and took 31 ship’s personnel hostage. The master raised the alarm, sent SSAS alert and all crew mustered. The pirates then kidnapped two crew members and stole the ship’s properties. In another incident on 21 March 2015, the FSPSO ‘MT Yoho’ was attacked and boarded by armed pirates while anchored around 36nm of Bonny Islands. Six pirates armed with guns from a small craft boarded the vessel, entered the accommodation area but were deterred by the sounding of the alarm. The pirates fled with three kidnapped crew members. Attacks have also been reported up to about 170 nautical miles from coast. Most of the attacks in Nigeria in recent times occur in Lagos, in ports and anchorages (particularly in Apapa); showing a paradigm shift in the incidence of piracy in Nigeria which used to be more frequent in the Niger Delta region in the past. The generalmodus operandi of Nigerian pirates is mostly to capture ships, empty their contents into another and then, either retain the crew for ransom or set them free with their ships. Their favourite targets are oil/product tankers. In its

answer to the questionnaire, the Nigerian Navy stated that the basic method adopted by pirates and sea robbers was ‘to attack petroleum product carrying vessels within 0-50nautical miles from the baselines and syphon the products for sale. On such occasions, they take hostages for ransom. They usually operate in small craft and in groups of between 6 and 10 pirates per boats often armed with small assault rifles. Some local syndicates have been identified and their efforts/arrangement thwarted.’However, a new dimension to their modus operandi has emerged in the Niger Delta region (particularly along the Bakassi waterways in Cross River State) as they now attack traders along that route and rape female passengers in addition to their robbery activities. It has been argued that factors leading to piracy in Nigerian waters include proliferation of small arms and light weapons (SALWS), high prevalence of youth unemployment and poverty (mostly in the Niger Delta region) and weak capacity of the security agencies in Nigeria and possibly corruption in these agencies. Though it seems that the concerted efforts of the Nigerian government and its relevant stakeholders and partners are becoming successful as underpinned by the decline in the rate of piracy, it seems that more efforts need to be made to eradicate this menace from Nigeria’s waters. It is noteworthy that the trend of piracy in Nigeria cannot be precisely determined as there are not enough data to monitor the trend of piracy in Nigeria. Another significant difficulty is that the most available statistics and the international focus are on attacks against ‘big’ commercial vessels and the oil industry. As a result, they ignore ‘small’ trawlers and fishermen who are the first victims of pirates in terms of homicides. Furthermore, most shipowners, especially trawler owners fail to report piratical attacks on them. Thus, the inimical effects of piracy on the Nigeria State cannot be quantified although an attempt should be made to ascertain, to a reasonable extent, such effects based on available data/information. This discussion is what follows.

Implications of piracy in Nigeria

Maritime transport is essential to the proper operation of any country’s economy and it is an integral part of a nation’s transport infrastructure. Piracy disrupts transport and trade flow as well as other economic activities such as energy production and fisheries, thereby potentially jeopardizing the development prospects of both coastal and land-locked economies in the affected region. Piracy gives rise to considerable direct and secondary other costs and has broader repercussions both at regional and global levels. The economic impact of piracy in Nigeria has been significant and devastating to the economy. It is estimated that Nigeria is losing US$1.5 billion monthly to maritime crimes which include piracy, armed robbery at sea, smuggling and oil bunkering fraud. The country is also estimated to lose US$9 billion annually to piracy alone. The impact of the scourge is more significant to the oil industry and to local fisheries. Its debilitating effect on the economy is reflected in the fact that it has over the years acted as a disincentive to the expected inflow of foreign direct investment into the country and has rather led to significant capital flight from the Nigerian economy to foreign countries.

Shipping implications

The multiplier effect of piracy on shipping costs, shipping business (in terms of business to shipowners and other stakeholders in the shipping business such as brokers, freight forwarders, terminal operators, exporters, importers, local consumers and the port authority) cannot be over-emphasized. It has been aptly observed that though shipping companies are mostly immediately affected, piracy also heavily undermines the reputation and business of ports in piracy prone regions and may result in detrimental multiplier effects that raise costs. This is because ports that are reputedly vulnerable and located in high risk areas will likely suffer from profit margin erosion resulting from a loss in traffic, overcapacity and high operating costs. Piracy’s inimical effect on ports in Nigeria and ultimately the economy is underscored by the fact that most incidents in recent times have occurred in ports while ships are anchored or berthed. Igbokwe, SAN presented this paper at the 7th practical Maritime Dispute resolution Seminar in Lagos recently. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK


Monday, August 24, 2015

CHANGE OF NAME OGBONNAYA: Formerly Known And Addressed as Ogbonnaya Nicodemus Okey, now wish to be known and addressed as OGBONNAYA NICODEMUS. All Former Documents remain valid. General Public Take Note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME This is to confirm that I, Jonathan Olufemi Funmilayo Okunniyi is one and the same person as Jonathan Funmilayo Okunniyi as they appeared on my documents respectively. All documents bearing these two names remain valid. General public and Authorities Concerned should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Kolawole Mary Oluwanifemi, now wish to be known as addressed as Mrs. Oluwasuyi Mary Oluwanifemi. All former documents remain valid, general public take note.


This is to confirm that Odo Sylviana Ifeoma, Nwodo Sylviana Ifeoma is the same person as Mrs. Eziokwu Sylviana Ifeoma. All former documents bearing the former names still valid. Unn, Nysc and general public should take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as IROEGBU PROMISE ENYIOMA now wish to be known, called and addressed as FORTUNE PROMISE ENYIOMA. All former documents remain valid. General public should please rake note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Oso Roseline Oluwatoyin now wishes to be known and addressed as Adeyanju Roseline Oluwatoyin. All former documents remain valid. TEPO,Osun state government and the general public should take note.


CHANGE OF NAME OZOR: I, formerly known as MISS. OZOR ANTHONIA IJEOMA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. AGWAGU ANTHONIA IJEOMA. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

EDE: I, formerly known as MISS. EDE ESTHER UDOCHUKWU, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. OGBU ESTHER UDOCHUKWU. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME IJENWAGU: I, formerly known as MISS. IJENWAGU SOCHIMA MONIQUE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. SOCHIMA MONIQUE KANNONZOE. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and general public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as ROSELINE ADEWALE IJAGBEMI, now due to my marital status wish to be known, called and addressed as ROSELINE OJO. All former documents/ transactions relating to my former name remain valid. General public should please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Bamigbola Adetoun Omolara, now wishes to be known and addressed as Adeshina Adetoun Omolara. All former documents remain valid. General public should take note.

I, formerly known and addressed as Irinyemi Omotayo Oyewole, now wish be known, called and addressed as George Omotayo Oyewole. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.



Advert space for sale 2 by 2 CHANGE OF NAME AMOO : Formerly known and addressed as Miss Amoo Olubusayo Abike now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Olaosebikan Olubusayo Abike. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Eziefule Cynthia Ogochukwu now Wish to be known and address as Mrs Okoro Cynthia Ogochukwu. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as miss Idowu Olabisi Ebunola now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ogunyinka Idowu Olabisi all former documents remain valid and general public take note .

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Ezeala Udo, now wish to be known and addressed as Kingsley Udo Osuagwu. All former documents remain valid. General Public take note.

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CHANGE OF NAME AKINSUN : Formerly known and addressed as Miss Akinsun Oluwaseun Racheal now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Akinbode Oluwaseun Racheal. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Asuzu Ijeoma anthonia now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Igboabuchi Ijeoma Anthonia. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as miss Oreneye Latifat Omolara now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Shittu Omolara Olorunfunmi all former documents remain valid Ogun state local government commission, banks and general public take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAME

This is to inform the public that wopurum peace and wopurum blessing refer as one but now wopurum blessing all f former documents remains valid. Temple Gate and general public take note. CHANGE OF NAME EZEIKE : Formerly known as Miss Ezeike Chinwendu Adaobi, now wish to be known and address as Mrs Okafor Chinwendu Adaobi Anthonia. All former documents remain valid. General Publlic take note.

PUBLIC NOTICE BORNO CHRISTIAN EMANCIPATION FORUM This is to inform the general public that above named trust fund has applied to the corporate affairs Commission for registration under part C of the Companies and Allied Matters Act 1990. THE TRUSTEES ARE. 1. Fali Wajauba 2. Usman Mtavikilwa Mshelia 3. Hassan Yakubu 4. Emmanuel Stephen AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ARE. 1. To campaign against societal vices in all ramification. Such vices as drug addition, prostitution, domestic violence and idleness. 2. To promote strong moral values in line with dictates of the Christian faith. 3. To provide professional programs and seminars on family life, skill acquisition, financial management and security consciousness. Any objection to this registration should be forwarded to the Registrar-general, Corporate affairs Commission plot 420 Tigris Cresent off Aguyi Ironsi street. Abuja within 28 days of this publication. SIGNED: THE TRUSTEES

AIGBOJE : Formerly known and addressed as Sylvia Aigboje now wish to be known and addressed as Modupe Aigboje. All former documents remain valid. General public take note

I formerly known and addressed as Miss Grace Iyabo Aiyedero now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Grace Temitayo Ojowa. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as miss Oyekoya Adefunke Olufunke Iyanu now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Iteyere Olufunke Iyanu all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as miss Omotosho Olajumoke Victoria now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ogunola Olajumoke Victoria all former documents remain valid Obafemi Awolowo university Ile-Ife ,NYSC and general public take note.


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CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Adebiyi Jamiu Adepoju now wish to be known and addressed as Adebiyi Joseph Adejesu all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

OKORO : Formerly known as Okoro Barnabas Uchechukwu, now wish to be known and address as Okorougo Barnabas Uchechukwu. All former documents remain valid. General Public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Oni Olaleye Ogunfuwa .Now wish to be known, called and addressed as Ola Oni Charles. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Damilola Deborah Olaniyi, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Damilola Olaniyi Adeyemi. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Ifeoma Mercy Onuoha now Mrs Ifeoma Mercy Innocent. All former documents remain valid. general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as Miss Dike Glory Nwanna now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Afeni Glory Nwanna. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and General public take note. CHANGE OF NAME

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Mr Sowunmi Michael Adebayo now wish to be known and addressed as Mr Adesola Michael Adebayo. All former documents remain valid. General public take note .

formerly known and addressed as MISS YUSUF AFOLASHADE IYABODE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS DOSUNMU AFOLASHADE IYABODE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


This is to inform the general public that the above named body has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under the part C of the Company and Allied Matters Act 1990.


National Mirror

Formerly addressed and known as Mrs Akanbi Omobosinuola Sola now wish to be called and addressed as Mrs Ojo Omobosinuola Sola. All former documents remain valid, general public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss adekanmbi damilola Deborah now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Okegbemi Damilola Deborah. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly Pastor Asenuga Favour Adewale now wish to be known and addressed as Pastor Success Favour Adewale .all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as miss Amusan Abiodun Oluwakemi now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Samuel Abiodun Oluwakemi all former documents remain valid and general public take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and address as Miss. Omobola Abiodun Majekodunmi, now wish to be known and addressed as Omobola Abiodun Boyede. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

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This is to confirm that the name Agunbiade Ifejola Olubunmi and Agunbiade Risikat Abosede is one and the same person. All former documents remain valid. Zenith Bank PLC and General Public take note

I formerly known and addressed as Akintoye Christiana Alaba .Now wish to be known, called and addressed as Adelana Christiana Alaba .All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as MISS EKUNDAYO KEHINDE OLUFUNMILOLA, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS SOPADE KEHINDE OLUFUNMILOLA SHARON. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as MISS RABIU MODINAT AMINAT, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS AWOYEMI MODINAT AMINAT. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

PUBLIC NOTICE LITTLE DROPS FOUNDATION. The general public is hereby notified that the above named foundation has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) for registration under part “c” of the Companies and Allied Matters ACT, LFN CAP C20, 2004. THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. Mr. Adediji Olanrewaju Adewuyi - Chairman 2. Mrs. Adediji Funmilayo Theresa 3. Mrs. Adediji Omobola Oluwatoyin 4. Oladele-Ajose Adewale (Prince) 5. Mr. Dele Goke Benjamin 6. Mrs. Shuaibu Olabisi Sariyu. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To provide financial assistance to people who are in hardship due to illness or disability and have exhausted all other funding sources including statutory funding, local and occupational Charities. 2. To provide financial assistance to people with physical and mental health challenges, learning disabilities; and also caregivers for people with such disabilities and living on a very low income. Any objection to the above registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420 Trigis Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within 28 days of this publication. SIGNED: ADEOLA ADEBISI (MISS) LLB (HONS), B.L

PUBLIC NOTICE THE HEART BUILDERS OF GOD CHURCH This is to inform the general public that the above named CHURCH has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under the part C of the Company and Allied Matters Act 1990. TRUSTEES ARE: (1) AJUJU ISAAC - GENERAL OVERSEER (2 MRS AJUJU ISAAC FELICIA



Formerly known and addressed as Miss Adeosun Elizabeth Folake Bosede now wish to be known and called as Mrs Olowu Folake Bosede. All former documents remain valid, State of Osun TESCOM and general public should please take note.



Any objection to the above registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420 Trigis Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within 28 days of this publication.


Formerly known and addressed as Miss Osemede Deborah Otibhor now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Oniyide Otibhor Deborah.All former documents remain valid.General public take note.


To promote unity and peace among the association.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS. AGULA ROSEMARY, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. MBAKIGHIR ROSEMARY. All former documents remain valid. Benue State University Teaching Hospital,Makurdi and general public should take note.



AIMS and Objectives Are:


CHANGE OF NAME BAKARE: Formerly known as Miss Bakare Lawunmi Labisi, now wishes to be known and addressed as Mrs. Ismail Lawunmi Labisi. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

To preach salvation and the gospel of Christ to all Nation. Any objection to the above registration should be forwarded to the Registrar General, Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420 Trigis Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within 28 days of this publication. SIGNED: AJUJU– ISAAC – GENERAL OVERSEER

Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror


World News

Europe is, in some regards, in a deep sleep and is still in holiday mode –GERMAN VICE CHANCELLOR, SIGMAR GABRIEL




housands of migrants have resumed their journey north through Macedonia and into Serbia after Macedonia reopened its border with Greece. Many migrants had been stuck at the border for days after Macedonia declared a state of emergency and sealed the crossing. On Sunday, they were able to board trains and buses that took them north to the border with Serbia. Most are seeking to travel to northern Europe, via Hungary. Many of the migrants are Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans fleeing from conflicts in their home countries. Macedonia reopened its border with Greece overnight after a stand-off lasting several days. Some migrants had managed to force their way through despite the closure, clambering over barbed wire fences, but others were blocked by police using stun grenades. Many, including pregnant women and small children, camped out in the open as they waited, with little access to food or water. On Sunday, Macedonian authorities were making no apparent effort to limit the numbers crossing from Greece. Corinne Ambler, a Red Cross official at the Macedonian border

Thousands of migrants resume journey through Macedonia

A security officer assisting some migrants, recently

town of Gevgelija said there were “far too many” people to help. “We’re just trying to concentrate on the most vulnerable people, the people with injuries, people with young children,” she told the BBC. “There are many, many children and it’s very hot today and there are many people fainting from the heat, and elderly people as well.” At the border with Serbia, Serbian Defence Minister Bratislav

Gasic, who was visiting a reception centre, said more than 5,000 people had crossed overnight. “A huge number of people have arrived and we expect the same intensity in the next day or two.” Europe is currently facing what the EU has called the worst refugee crisis since World War Two. Macedonia says that before this weekend, more than 42,000 people had entered the country from

Greece since mid-June. Greece itself has seen almost 160,000 people landing on its shores since January, the UN estimates, with 50,000 arriving in the past month alone. Macedonia and its northern neighbour Serbia are not part of the EU, but Hungary, its northern neighbour, is an EU member and is part of the Schengen passport-free area.

Train gunman dumbfounded by terrorist tag, says ‘I was hungry’


gunman who attacked passengers on a high-speed train in France two days ago is “dumbfounded” at having been taken for an Islamist militant and says he only intended to rob people on board because he was hungry, his lawyer said yesterday. As details emerged of the gunman’s early adult life in Spain, lawyer Sophie David said her client -now in detention near Paris -- also looked ill and malnourished. French and Spanish sources close to the case have identified him as a 26-year-old Moroccan named Ayoub el Khazzani who was known to European authorities as a suspected Islamist militant. “(I saw) somebody who was very sick, somebody very weakened physically, as if he suffered from malnutrition, very, very thin and very haggard,” David told BFMTV. “He is dumbfounded by the ter-

rorist motives attributed to his action,” she added. David said the man was barefoot and wore only a hospital shirt and boxer shorts for the police interrogation in Arras, northern France, where the train stopped

after the incident. The Moroccan told David he had found the Kalashnikov he had taken onto the train in a park near the Gare du Midi rail station in Brussels where he was in the habit of sleeping.

“A few days later he decided to get on a train that some other homeless people told him would be full of wealthy people travelling from Amsterdam to Paris and he hoped to feed himself by armed robbery,” David said.

WORLD BULLETIN Tunisia rescues 124 migrants from drifting boat –ICRC

Tunisia’s coast guard yesterday rescued 124 would-be migrants bound for Italy from a boat adrift at sea near Libya, said the International Committee of the Red Cross. The migrants, all Africans, had been “attempting to illegally reach the Italian island of Lampedusa before they were rescued” and taken to the southern port of Ben Guerdane, said Mongi Slim, an official at the ICRC. They had been at sea for three days after setting off from the Libyan coast on board a large inflatable vessel that later broke down, he told AFP. Among them were 109 Nigerians, including 19 women, seven Ghanaians, including four women, four Ethiopians, a couple from Cameroon and two Congolese. Tunisian has been at the forefront of rescue efforts for a flood of mainly African migrants bound for Europe on unseaworthy boats that run into trouble.

Tanzania begins presidential campaigns Campaigning for presidential elections in Tanzania began yesterday, with the race seen as the tightest in the east African nation’s history. The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party launched its campaign for the October 25 polls with a massive rally in the economic capital of Dar es Salaam, with its candidate promising to put an end to rampant corruption. “I know that you need an end to corruption, embezzlement, theft and abuse of office. I profoundly promise you all that will soon be history,” the CCM’s candidate, former works minister John Magufuli, told party supporters. “Upon my election I am going to spearhead the formation of a special court to deal with the corrupt, economic saboteurs and embezzlers,” he vowed, pledging an “end to injustice and the harassing of innocent civilians”.

Lebanese security forces use water cannon against protesters Lebanese security forces fired water cannon at protesters demonstrating against the government near Prime Minister Tammam Salam’s offices in Beirut on Sunday, live television pictures showed. Protesters threw projectiles at a line of riot police blocking a road to the Grand Saray government buildings in central Beirut. On Saturday, some three dozen people were injured when police used water cannon and tear gas against protesters who have mobilized over the government’s failure to resolve a crisis over rubbish disposal. French police investigating for clues on the train’s platform in Arras, France, on Friday


Monday, August 24, 2015

National Mirror

Community Mirror Artisans protest police brutality in Kogi Wale Ibrahim, LOKOJA


Repair of bad BRT road at Yaba Bus Stop, Lagos, yesterday.


Man in police net over rape of 8-year-old Kemi Olaitan IBADAN


42-year old man simply identified as Bala has been detained by men of the Oyo State Police Command, over allegation of raping an eight year-old-girl. Community Mirror learnt that he deceived the little girl with N100 to his one room apartment at Ago - Tapa area of Mokola area of Ibadan, before he had canal knowledge of her. It was also gathered that the mother of the little girl noticed blood in her gown when she got home and requested from her on how she came about it. It was at this point that she revealed how Bala gave her N100 , took her to his room and later raped her. But immediately the accused had the voice of the little girl’s mother in front of his house, he escaped through the back door. The parents of the girl later reported the case to Mokola Police Station but he was not seen since Monday when he allegedly raped the girl until

Thursday evening when he was arrested in his Ago-Tapa residence. It was gathered that his wife was said to have cried and begged for forgiveness for her husband when he had about the barbaric attitude of her husband. One of his neighbour who pleaded anonymity, called on the police to find lasting solution to the nefarious activities of Bala, a father of three, two girls and a boy, stating that ear-

ly this year he also raped a six year-old girl in the area and it was his wife that begged the parents of the victims and paid N30,000 hospital bill of the girl before the case was withdrawn from the police station. He said, “We parents that gave birth to female children are now afraid in this are because of Bala’s barbaric manner. I was told that they reported the present case to the Baale of Ago-tapa but Baale told

them to go and report him to the police because of his past records. Both the Oyo State government and the police should assist us and find lasting solution to his barbaric attitude”, the neigbour pleaded. When contacted, the state Police Public Relation Officer. (PPRO), DSP Kunle Ajisebute, said he is not aware of the matter and that he will find out about the case from the Mokola Police Station.

pparently disturbed by the unfriendly attitude and brutality of Police officers in Okene, the artisans have protested against the unwholesome activities of officers of the Nigerian Police force. The artisans in their hundreds in Okene closed their shops and suspended business activities over the weekend to embarked on a peaceful demonstration round the town. The artisans which comprised of motor mechanics, panel-beaters, auto mobile electricians, vulganizers, painters, motorcycle mechanics and car wash workers had earlier visited the palace of the Ohinoyi of Ebira to register their displeasure over the police arbitrary arrest, intimidation, detention, seizure of their tools and extortion of their members without any justifiable reason. They lamented that the unfriendly activities of the police have been heightened since the

NGO moves to fight AIDS/HIV in Bauchi Ezekiel Titus, BAUCHI


non-governmetal Organization (NGO) known as Muslim AID initiative Nigeria (MAIN) operating in Bauchi/Plateau states has donated 60 sewing machines in three LFA’s of Bauchi state to victims of AIDS/HIV. This was just as it said, the measure is to fight against the endemic scourges of AIDS/HIV among the victims in Katagum, Gamawa and Jama’are LGA’s in

the state. The executive director Sodangi Chindo made the observation while distributing skill acquisition materials to beneficiaries in Gamawa shortly during the graduation ceremony. Items distributed according to Chindo are 60 sewing machines, hair dressing kits as well as certificate of graduation with a plea on the LGA’s to offer a token amount to enable the beneficiaries start their business. Chindo had added that the NGO is poised to offer

assistance to victims of AIDS/HIV, TB and Malaria, especially among Muslim communities for solution on reproductive health reaching out to widows and orphans. According to the executive director, MAIN is working in collaboration with BaCATMA in the prevention of new HIV infection pose to offer support to the three selected LGA’s. “Our aim is to reach out to widows, vulnerable, and orphans and to promote good governance especially to the families of victims

of AIDS/HIV against stigmatization” he said. He therefore charges the beneficiaries to judiciously use the items donated to them with a creating wealth in the fight against poverty for self reliant Speaking at the occasion, the acting Council chairman, Alhaji Abubakar Amale had express delight for the gesture to the beneficiaries. He urges them to avail themselves with the rare opportunity towards self reliance with regard to poverty eradication.

killing of two policemen in Okene some weeks ago by unknown assailants, noting that the situation has become unbearable for them since they can no longer go to their various workshop to carry out their legitimate businesses. In a petition signed General Chairman of Association of Artisan in Kogi Central, Chief Monday Bansoh, the Association specifically mentioned the case of a member, Samuel Jimoh who was invited to Okene police for a job only to be arrested along with his son and has since been detained for over one week now. The artisan also alleged policemen posted to the field often now use their workshop/shed for shelter and relaxation, regretting that rather than the police showing element of civility, the police have turned out to witch-hunt and harass their members. Meanwhile they appealed to the Ohinoyi of Ebiraland to intervene by prevailing on the police to stop the negative activities against artisans, released their seized tools and those in detention. The Ohinoyi, Alhaji (Dr) Ado Ibrahim commended the artisans for the peaceful protest, stating that the police authority should caution their officers against the backdrop of indiscriminate arrest, extortion, shooting of gun. The royal father added that these could worsen cases of people with high blood pressure. Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.

National Mirror


Monday, August 24, 2015


Demolition imminent in Gombe as govt reclaims layouts Williams Attah, GOMBE


L-R: Head, Department of Law, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU), Zaria, Dr. Kabir Danladi; Sen. Shehu Sani and Deputy Dean, Faculty of Law, ABU, Mr. Dalhat Idris, during a one-day advocacy lecture in Zaria, Kaduna, yesterday.

‘Why there is improved power supply’ Livinus Menedi, YOLA


nti-corruption disposition of President Muhammadu Buhari has been linked to the improved gas supply and relative stability in power supply across the nation. Acting Managing Director of Yola Electricity Distribution Company, YEDC, Baba Umar Mustapha, stated this in his maiden interaction with journalists at the headquarters of Yola DISCO. Mustapha, who debunked insinuations linking improvement in power supply experienced across the nation to the rainy season, said the notion while incorrect, had gained currency because most people think power generation often peaks during rainy season due to power generation from the hydroelectric power stations in the country. Rather, he said the improvement in power supply, which is being witnessed across the nation, was due to anticorruption disposition of the Muhammadu Buhari presidency as well as improvement in

gas supply to the various thermal generating plants. Mustapha noted that the investors had been told to either shape up or ship out. The new acting managing director also informed that with the improvement of power supply, Mubi Town has been reconnected to national grid after several months of being in the dark. He also canvassed the assistance of the Federal Government to allow the restoration of power supply to some Borno towns following the reconnection of Mubi Town in Adamawa State to the national grid. Mubi town which fell to Boko Haram at the height of the onslaught of the insurgency has

been in blackout since October last year following the destruction of key power installations as a result of the war waged by the military to retake the captured town renamed Madinatul Islam by the insurgents. “They could have said there is gas supply improvement to the thermal power generation plants because the hydro-electric power stations do not contribute up to 25% of our demands for now, though they are more reliable. “The bottom line is that there’s a gas supply improvement in the system and partly also because of the zero tolerance for corruption by the present government has also contributed. Because it is no lon-

ger business as usual, whether you generate and make your money or you pack and go,” Mustapha stated. Mustapha noted that the Yola DISCO was privately owned and not unlike other privatelyowned entities does not get subvention from the Federal Government, hence was responsible for paying the emoluments of its employees through the revenues it generates. He revealed plans to take YEDC to greater heights even as he debunked insinuation that the company had been returned to the government. He also warned staff against corrupt practices, saying any staff found guilty of sharp practices would be fired.

ombe State government has set up a committee to reclaim its Layouts in the state capital of Gombe from organisations and private individuals that tampered with the original master plan. According to chairman of the committee and immediate past Commissioner for Lands and Survey, Shehu Durbi, “this committee is not for demolition as people are saying. It is a committee for the recovery of government layouts, which we call Gombe Development Plan (GDP). Its only duty is to recover layouts.” He, however, stated that in recovering layouts, there must be element of demolition. “If there are structures of whatever kind, for you to recover such layouts there must be demolition. “And if there is demolition, it is not this committee that is going to do it because there are institutions directly assigned the responsibility of demolition,” he said. Durbi said it was recently discovered that some miscreants were taking advantage of government layouts by demarcating and selling them off to unsuspecting buyers under the guise of selling their ancestral farmlands. He explained that the affected layouts include

GDP 16A and 16B behind Federal Teaching Hospital (FTH), GDP 20, GDP 4 and GDP 4A, GDP 12, GDP 27 and GDP 28. He said the most prone area is GPD 16A and GDP 16B which is closer to Shongo village where the villagers having sold out their farmlands, also sold parts of their houses and then started encroaching the layouts when there was nothing more to sell. While blaming the shoddy activities of staff of the Ministry for the problem, Durbi said “the earlier the situation is arrested, the better for the people and the state.” In his words, “So, the essence of this committee is to make sure that the plan is restored and that the original owners of land (government allottees) get their rights. “We want to do the investigation to drive away the miscreants and to determine the genuine owners of the land, in order to differentiate between those people that have the right papers and those cheated. “Besides, there is no way we can allow slums to be springing up at the centre of the city just like that. “If somebody builds on the road corridor, definitely we will demolish them since there are road corridors. I believe so many of them do not know that those areas were meant for road construction.” He said the 10-man committee has about three months to complete its assignment.

Hajj: Buhari accepts Muslim leaders’ support Rotimi Fadeyi, ABUJA


resident Muhammadu Buhari has accepted the offer by leadership of the Muslim community under the Sultan of Sokoto, Sa’ad Abubakar III, to carry out oversight function over the adhoc committee of government officials

established by the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria, NAHCON. The committee is to cater for Nigerian pilgrims for the duration of the pilgrimage. The Sultan was represented by Emir of Kano, Lamido Sanusi. A statement issued yesterday by Senior Special Assistant to the President on Me-

dia and Publicity, Mallam Garba Shehu, said this did not contradict the directive of the President that the Federal Government delegation for the 2015 Hajj be suspended in line with the cost-saving measures of his administration. According to the statement, the President said in accepting the voluntary offer of

service, government funds would not be spent nor would it also forward any name into the Emir’s delegation as member. It further said the President assured that all measures had been taken to ensure that the well-being of Nigerians on holy pilgrimage were well managed by the various ad-hoc committees on

medical, accommodation, transport, logistics, information and publicity, aviation and tour operators as well as security that generally assist the Commission in ensuring hitch-free Hajj operation. The President commended the Emir for adding this responsibility to his own personal Hajj plans.


Monday, August 24, 2015 CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known as Mrs. Ibrahim Roseline Oluwafunke, now wish to be known and addressed as Miss Augustine Roseline Oluwafunke. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss. Adewole Adekemi Moradeke, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Kayode Adekemi Moradeke. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Ogunyemi Victoria Omowumi now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ogundoro Victoria Omowumi.All former documents remain valid,Ekiti State Teaching Service Commission and general public note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Emekaobum Nnenna Juliana now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Nlewechi Nnenna Juliana. All former documents remain valid, Umuahia South L.G.A and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as MR. ADEBAYO AFOLABI IBRAHEEM, NOW WISH TO BE known and addressed as MR. ROBIU AFOLABI IBRAHEEM. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as miss Owode Olaoluwa Mary Temitope now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Adeyinka Olaoluwa Mary Temitope all former documents remain valid NYSC and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Owoyemi Abiola Rianat,now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Taiwo Abiola Rianat. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as OKERE OLUCHI ELIZABETH (MISS), now wish to be known and addressed as OKAAH OLUCHI ELIZABETH (MRS.). All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss, Oni Tolulope Mercy, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Olagundoye Tolulope Mercy. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Akinwande Folasade Abiye now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Oni Folasade Abiye.All former document remain valid,Local Government council and general public take note. CONFIRMATION OF AGE

Formerly known and addressed as Miss Ofoma Juliet Akunna now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Onyema Juliet Akunna. All former documents remain valid general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as MISS ADEOYE ESTHER ASHAKE,now wish to be known called and addressed as MRS. OMOYA BOSEDE ABIMBOLA ASHAKE. All Documents and certificates bearing my former names remain valid. General public should please take note

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as miss Rabiu Olufunke Rabiat now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Osideko Olufunke Rabiat all former documents remain valid Ogun SUBEB Ijebu north East local government Education Authority and general public take note.

CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as Miss Dorcas Nentawe Gobit, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Dorcas Nentawe Dennis. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

FAMILY CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Mrs oppong mercy Adedoyin now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Frederick Mercy Adedoyin., formerly Oppong Goodness Nyamesem now Fredrick goodness Oluwafunmilayo , formerly Oppong Miracle Afriyie now Fredrick Miracle Oluwatobi, formerly oppong Joshua now Fredrick Joshua Oluwagbemiga. All former documents remain valid L.G.E.A Odogbolu and general public take note.


This is to inform the the general public of the loss of Deed of Conveyance dated 28th December 1932 and registered at No. 55 page 55 volume 349 in the land registry office, Ikeja in favour of late Sarata Ajoke who bequeathed the property to late Olabode Akibu Akintan in respect of property at No. 30 Ajakaiye street, Lagos Island. All effort to trace the document prove abortive. General Public Take Note.

PUBLIC NOTICE HUMAN RIGHT ENLIGHTMENT AND SUPPORT FOR THE LESS PRIVILEDGE This is to inform the general public that the above named Organization has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under part ‘C’ of the Companies and Allied Matters Act, 1990. THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. Comrade Saleh Mohammed 2. Dr. Haruna Saleh 3. Hajiya Shafa’atu mohammed 4. Mr. Andrew Wya 5. Mr. Sunday Olawale 6. Mr. Livenus Okereke 7. Hajiya Binta Sani 8. Barr. Sandrela John 9. Mrs. Rebecca Titus 10. Mamman Osari AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To support those their right demand and rescue those that are in need 2. To assist the less privilege at all level especially the indigent Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the RegistrarGeneral Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within twenty-eight (28) days of this publication. SIGNED: Secretary

National Mirror

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Olalekan Yusuf Abiodun. now wish to be known and addressed as Omotayo Sodiq Olalekan. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Babatunde Raimot Oyindamola. now wish to be known and addressed as Quadri Raimot Oyindamola. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

I formerly known and addressed as Mr Ojo Rufus Ige now wish to be known and addressed as Mr Ogunjobi Rufus Ige. All former documents remain valid,Ministry of information,Sports,Culture and Social Developement and general public note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Miss Bakare Nimota Biola. now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Imam Nimota Biola. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Bakare Jamiu Kehinde. now wish to be known and addressed as Mr. Imam Jamiu kehinde. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

I hereby state that the surname I used while applying for my international passport was my Great Grand Father’s name, BAKARE, Oluwatoyin Hakeem, is incorrect and my correct name is IMAM, Akeem Oluwatoyin. All documents remain valid. Nigeria Immigration Service and general public take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as ETHEL OBIAJULU AKUMABOR, now wish to be known and addressed as IKPAKPA DICKSON ETHEL OBIAJULU. All Former documents remain valid. General public take note.


Formerly known and addressed as Miss Akinluyi Eunice Folake, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Ogunsimide Eunice Folakemi. All former documents remain valid. General public take note. CONFIRMATION/CHANGE OF NAME

Formerly known and addressed as Miss. Coker Oluwatoyin Esther, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Shaba Oluwatoyin Esther. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

Formerly addressed and known as Mrs Akanbi Omobosinuola Sola now wish to be called and addressed as Mrs Ojo Omobosinuola Sola. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Onagbola Abimbola Janet now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Fabusuyi Abimbola Janet.All former document remain valid,and general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as Mrs Adeyemi Oluwabunmi Maureem now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Adekunle Oluwabunmi Maureem.All former documents remain valid. All Authority Concerned and General public take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Moses Shulammite Oluchi now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Jonadub Shulammite Obidiya. All former documents remain valid general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed Miss Iheke Rose Amarachi now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Okoronkwo Thompson Rose Amarachi. All former documents remain valid NYSC and the general public take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly Miss Adebayo Racheal Labake Now Mrs Adeleke Racheal Labake All Former Documents Remain Valid Oyo State TESCOM And General Public Should Take Note

Formerly Miss Ayantokun Florence Gbemisola Adunni Now Mrs Ogungbenro Florence Gbemisola Adunni All Former Documents Remain Valid Oyo State Local Government Service Commission And General Public Should Take Note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as miss Adesanya Ramota Adebukonla now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Orekoya Ramota Abolore Adebukonla. All former documents remain valid and general public take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAMES

Adepoju Bamiro Adekunle is the same person as Adepoju Adekunle Abel and now wish to be known and addressed as Adepoju Bamiro Adekunle all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as miss Dairo Kehinde Funke now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Oyedele kehinde funke. All former documents remain valid Yemi Ogunbiyi Anglican School (YOAS) and general public take note .

CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as MISS UGADA SYNTHIA CHIAMAKA now wish to be known and addressed as MRS OBOKO CYNTHIA CHIAMAKA. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as MISS NNAJI ANWURIKA RACHAEL now wish to be known and addressed as MRS UBAGU ANWURIKA RACHAEL. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

I, formerly known and addressed as MISS OKAFOR IFEOMA CHINENYE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS ORJI IFEOMA CHINENYE. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

PUBLIC NOTICE BUKURU CATTLE TRADERS’ ASSOCIATION This is to inform the general public that the above named Association has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under part ‘C’ of the Companies and Allied Matters Act of 2004. THE TRUSTEES ARE: 1. Bala Mohammed 2. Dauda Nyoman Adams 3. Yunusa Tendyel 4. Abdullahi Kabiru Musa 5. Sunusi Haruna 6. Garba Abubakar Adu 7. Sani Alhassan Tsoho 8. Husaini Usman


Chairman Vice Chairman I Vice Chairman II Secretary Financial sec Treasusrer

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To promote and safeguard the economic and social well being of its members 2. To protect and preserve the civil and economic rights of its members Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the RegistrarGeneral Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within twenty-eight (28) days of this publication. SIGNED: Secretary



I formerly known and addressed as Miss Adelabu Christianah Kemi now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Bayode Christianah Kemi. All former documents remain valid, State Universal Basic Education Board(SUBEB) and general public take note.



Formerly known as Mrs. Ibrahim Roseline Oluwafunke, now wish to be known and addressed as Miss Augustine Roseline Oluwafunke. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME I formerly known and addressed as Miss Grace Iyabo Aiyedero now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Grace Temitayo Ojowa. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

I, formerly known and addressed as IROEGBU PROMISE ENYIOMA now wish to be known, called and addressed as FORTUNE PROMISE ENYIOMA. All former documents remain valid. General public should please rake note.

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Adeosun Elizabeth Folake Bosede now wish to be known and called as Mrs Olowu Folake Bosede. All former documents remain valid. State of Osun TESCOM and general public should please take note


This is to confirm that I, Jonathan Olufemi Funmilayo Okunniyi is one and the same person as Jonathan Funmilayo Okunniyi. All documents bearing these names remain valid. General public and Authorities Concerned should please take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as MISS AKINLOLU MOPELOLA TOSIN, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. AJAYI MOPELOLA TOSIN. All former documents remain valid; Ogun State Universal Basic Education Board (SUBEB), general public please take note.

I, formerly known as Miss Sakirat Modupe Badejo, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Sakirat Modupe Ajibose. All former documents remain valid. General public and Smile Comms Nig. Ltd. should take note.


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Miss Ogbonna Goodness Nneka now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Obinna Goodness Nneka. All former documents remain valid, general public take note.

I formerly known as MRS. SOSANYA ANN OMOLOLA now wish to be known and Address as MRS. ADEYEMI ANN OMOLOLA. All former \ documents remain valid. General public take note. CONFIRMATION OF NAMES

CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known as Obute Oluchi Carolyn, now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs. Omeja Oluchi Carolyn. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.

Formerly known and addressed as miss Oluwakemi Olayinka Adeeko now wish to be known and addressed as Mrs Otunuga Olayinka Adeeko all former documents remain valid NSCDC and general public take note


CHANGE OF NAME Formerly known and addressed as Damilare Samuel Joseph now wish to be known and addressed as Damilare Samuel Fakoya all former documents remain valid and general public take note.

Formerly Miss Korodele Hellen Olabamipe. now wish to be known and addressed as MRS AKINDEMOWO HELLEN OLABAMIPE. All former documents remain valid. General public take note.


CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as MISS OKONKWO CHINENYE IMMACULATE now wish to be known and addressed as MRS NWODO CHINENYE IMMACULATA. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

Formerly known and addressed as MISS PRECIOUS AMAKA JONATHAN, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS PRECIOUS AMAKA JONATHAN AGBO. All former documents remain valid. NYSC and General public should take note


CHANGE OF NAME I, formerly known and addressed as MISS IYOKE GLORIA UKAMAKA now wish to be known and addressed as MRS UGWU GLORIA UKAMAKA. All former documents remain valid. General public should please take note.

EBUNUOHA: I, formerly known as MISS. EBUNUOHA QUEENDALINE ADAEZE, now wish to be known and addressed as MRS. ADAEZE QUEENDALINE DESMOND AGBO. All former documents remain valid. General public please take note.

PUBLIC NOTICE ALAGBAKA COUNTRY CLUB This is to inform the general public that the above named CLUB has applied to the Corporate Affairs Commission for registration under part ‘C’ of the Companies and Allied Matters Act of 2004. 1. Otunba Alabi Alaba Charles (president) 2. Mr Lawani Abiodun Ayodeji (Secretary) 3. Mr. Ademola Ogunbodede 4. Mr. Abayomi Akinwale Alo. Aims and objective 1. To provide for the less privileged and internally displaced persons. 2. To promote friendship and peaceful co-existence among the citizens. 3. To promote social-cultural values across the country. Any objection to the registration should be forwarded to the Registrar-General Corporate Affairs Commission, Plot 420, Tigris Crescent, off Aguiyi Ironsi Street, Maitama, Abuja, within twentyeight (28) days of this publication Signed Trustee.

Monday, August 24, 2015

The EPL and Ligue 1 are two different systems. But I am quite happy that I have adapted very well here

National Mirror



IAAF Beijing 2015: Bolt still World’s fastest man



Nasarawa United players

Glo League results

Nasarawa Utd ends Pillars’ 12-years home invincibility Paul Erewuba


he invincibility of Kano Pillars at their home ground came to an abrupt end yesterday as the

reigning Nigeria Premier League champions suffered a shock 1-2 defeat


league with 10 points gained and the return of striker Gambo Mohammed, who has just recovered from gunshot wounds sustained in March, suggested that Pillars would have it good against the visiting Nasarawa team. But that was not to be the case as Nasarawa United literally rewrote the history books with their master class performance. It was Ex-Pillars forward, Munir Ubale, who opened the scoring in the 12th minute for the visitors. Four minutes later, Yaro Bature who has just been invited to








































the Super Eagles doubled the Lafia team’s lead. Though Kano Pillars skipper, Rabiu Ali, pulled a goal back in the 46th minute to make it 2-1, it was not enough to save the day for the reigning league champions. Even with the introduction of Gambo Mohammed in the 67th minute for Eneji Otekpa, there was no escape route for the Kano team who watched helplessly as their invincibility finally ended on a sad note. The last team to beat Kano Pillars at home in the Nigeria Premier League defunct Julius

Berger FC of Lagos in 2003. Berger won 2-1. In other centres, there was a goals rush in Akure as Sunshine Stars whipped El-Kanemi Warriors 5-0. The quartet of Lobi Stars, Abia Warriors, Kwara United and Warri Wolves all secured slim 1-0 home wins over the opponents. While the spoils were shared in Enugu and Uyo where Rangers played 1-1 with Dolphins and Akwa United played 2-2 with Giwa FC.

City extend EPL lead at Goodison Park


anchester City earned a third straight win to start the Premier League season, beating Everton 2-0 thanks to secondgoals by AleksanKolarov and Nasri. City has albeaten both

in the hands of Nasarawa United. Pillars were nearly beaten at home in recent times but they had managed to keep up their invincibility runs until yesterday when Nasarawa United defeated them 2-1. For 12 years, Pillars have not lost in Kano and there was no indication they would do that in their Week 25 NPFL game against Nasarawa United. Pillars boast of the best record in the second half of the


half d a r Samir ready We s t

Bromwich Albion and Chelsea 3-0, and tops the standings by two points as it looks to win a third league title in five years. Manuel Pellegrini’s team has n o w scored eight goals in three games and is looking much more solid in defense,

with Vincent Kompany and Eliaquim Mangala having excellent games at center back. Argentina defender Nicolas Otamendi, signed on Thursday for 40 million euros ($44 million), wasn’t in the squad for the match. Sergio Aguero was twice denied by Howard in the first nine minutes, while Sterling couldn’t stretch far enough to turn the ball into an empty net from David Silva’s disguised cross.

Silva struck the goal frame for City two minutes after the restart and the visitors had regained the initiative by the time Kolarov put them ahead. Silva led City on the counterattack, Sterling slipped in Kolarav - sprinting up from full back - and the Serbia international tricked Howard to beat the goalkeeper at his near post. The closest Everton came to equalizing was when Kompany cleared the ball off his goal line

following a header from Gareth Barry in the 78th, but it was all City in the closing stages. Nasri, marginalized this season after Sterling’s arrival from Liverpool, came on for the winger and clinched victory. A superb piece of skill from Silva set up another attack before Nasri passed to Toure and ran onto the midfielder’s clipped pass to scoop a shot over Howard from close range.

National Mirror


Monday, August 24, 2015


Okwaraji: Combining education with football Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

T LMC drums Principals Cup support Afolabi Gambari


he leadership of League Management Company (LMC) has expressed support for the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) Football Association with regard to the Principals Cup initiated by the FA. Chief Operating Officer of the LMC, Mallam Salihu Abubakar, who gave the expression when members of the Organising Committee of the Principals Cup competition paid him courtesy visit at his office in Abuja, said the initiative was in line with the LMC’s philosophy for Nigeria’s professional football league. “We have mandated all professional clubsides in the country to have a viable youth development programme that would help their sustenance,” Abubakar said. “As a matter of our new policy direction, we have also instructed the clubs to have feeders’ teams from where players can graduate to the main teams. “We have resolved that teams that do not meet this basic requirement will

not be registered from next season. We are doing this to encourage the young players to have a sense of belonging in the system.” Abubakar, who commended the Principals Cup organisers, also approved the FCT FA’s resolve to involve corporate organisations in the competition. “This will ensure credibility, transparency and accountability,” he further said. Chairman of the Principals Cup committee, Mr. Patrick Nwaogu, commended the LMC for its support, even as he also hailed the league management body for the strides it had achieved in turning around professional league in Nigeria positively. “We count on the LMC’s moral, technical and logistics support to make the Principals Cup a huge success,” Nwaogu, who is also Vice Chairman of the FCT FA, said. National Mirror gathered that the 2015 Abuja Principals Cup, which kicks off on October 12, will be preceded by a pre-tournament seminar for the games masters of participating schools on September 29.

NNL: Kogi United, Adamawa stalemate in Lokoja Afolabi Gambari


llegation of foul play has trailed the Week 12 match of the Nigeria National League between Kogi United and Adamawa United in Lokoja last week as the officials of the home have called on the lover division league body to wade into the matter. Eye witnesses told National Mirror yesterday that the game witnessed what they called strong power play and twists in the rules by the presiding officials led by centre referee Mohammed Issa Yelwa from Niger State. It was alleged that Adamawa United, one of the contenders for promotion to the Glo Premier League, came with a game plan to collude with referee with a view to getting victory at the end of

proceeding. Two goals were scored by the home side in the 24th and 38th minutes, all of which the referee ruled as offside despite the second slipping through the hands of Adamawa goalkeeper, Inyakson Andeika. It led to protest by Kogi fans who whistled to the officials to protest the unfair outcome and it took the Match Commissioner, Akosile Tijani Lanre, from Kwara State and the police personnel at the stadium to restore order. Interestingly the Adamawa players refused to continue with the game till referee ended the first half, with the players allegedly dropping the name of the club’s Chairman, Emmanuel Zira, who they believed would make a good case for them after abandoning the match, as Zira a board member of the NNL.

he remembrance of late Super Eagles’ midfielder, Samuel Okwaraji, will be forever celebrated as long as football is loved and enjoyed in Nigeria. Generations coming will always read about him. I was a kid when he died on August 12, 1989 while in active service for Nigeria. He was a patriotic soul and the memory of his death will linger in the head of many a true Nigerian. For a player who slumped and died in active service for his country is a hero. Much has been written to eulogize the late star. But on my part, I would address his educational prowess and his belief in sound education. I remember how arduous it is to do a Phd. I enrolled for my mine in 2013 but had to drop out after a few months because of the stress and commitment that went with it in combination with my career schedule. Sarcastically, I have said many times that some institutions should just gift me an honorary doctorate degree for my contributions to the society. On a lighter note, if I see am, I go take am. However, Samuel Okwaraji is dead, but his legacy lives on. The legacy that I want to pick from by what I have read and understand in his history is the fact that he was an educated footballer. It is eye-popping as it is a rare endeavour in modern day footballers, in fact, in generations gone by. Without doubt, education is good. It enlightens and guides through some issues and helps outlook towards life. The educated rightfully command respect and can be good analysts of humanity and existence. This great man had a university degree, a masters degree and was almost bagging a PhD when death literally came knocking on his door. But curiously at a time when education had value in Nigeria, many of his teammates didn’t share his foresight about its value in their lives after their short football career. If Okwaraji was alive today, he surely would have retired from football into something meaningful and most likely not looking up to the Nigeria Football Federation to sustain his livelihood like some ex-footballers do as they have no requisite education to lean on, aside having no personal savings. Many ex-internationals have gone bankrupt after their active playing days, after surrounding themselves with fair weather friends that misguided them into putting their hard earned money in shallow business ventures which soon liquidated. A Su-

per Eagles player once opened a multimillion naira night club that folded up quicker than it started and we heard nothing about it again. This, without doubt, represents a fearful scenario. As a matter of fact, businesses can fail without adequate research and application, whether being ex-footballer or not. But educational qualification would serve as succor when the need arises. Although a former athlete, Mary Onyali is duly employed by the National Sports Commission and she is putting her education and experience on the tracks into positive use. Former Nigeria international, Chief Segun Odegbami, is doing pretty well, due to his quality education. The incumbent Super Eagles’ Coach, Sunday Oliseh, is another intelligent personality with good writing skills and analytical mind. These are a few of other educated footballers and the sterling lives they live after retirement from active playing show in how they have carried on. I recently interviewed a top player and I asked what plan he had for the future. His answer was startling! Hear him: “It is in God’s hands.” Prodded further on the need to start planning at this stage, he simply replied: “God is in control.” There are many like this player all over the place that one cannot but feel pity for their lack of focus. Of course, I advised him that heavens help only those who help themselves. I was impressed that he took my advice to heart and he is currently studying an online course in one of the top universities in Europe. A Nigerian player in Switzerland, Steven Ukoh, is also playing and studying Law and he has assured me that he might fall back into sports law after his playing days. It certainly cannot be too harsh to ask our footballers to get themselves educated. It obviously cannot be too late to toe the right course. With a Masters degree in law, Okwaraji might have opted to later establish a law firm that could further inspire his compatriots to excellence after their football career. Sadly, it was never to be for the great patriot. Rest on, hero Samuel Okwaraji. Ogunleye-Bello is an Abuja-based multiple award-winning journalist, speaker, change agent, sports for development enthusiast and advocate


Largest collection of stickers Vol. 05 No. 1183 Monday, August 24, 2015

The largest collection of stickers belongs to Nidhi Bansal (India) and consists of 102,317 stickers as of 16 September 2013, in Bassi Pathana, Punjab, India.


History beckons at Buhari’s anti-corruption ideologues


resident Muhammadu Buhari made my day when he recently instituted a Presidential Advisory Committee Against Corruption and named six eggheads and an activist par excellence as its members. I see the gesture as the intellectualisation of the nation’s anti-corruption crusade. And by its very act, Mr. President has given added impetus to his declared war on corruption. It is the very first time any Nigerian leader has gone that length in the nation’s declared war on corruption. Take another look at the members of this committee: Professor Itse Sagay (SAN), a fiery retired professor of law and practising lawyer (Chairman); Professor Bolaji Owasanoye, a law professor (Committee’s Executive Secretary); Professor Femi Odekunle, a professor of criminology; Dr. (Mrs) Benedicta Daudu, associate professor of law; Professor

HeartBeat Callistus Oke 08054103275 (SMS ONLY) Etannibi Alamika, a professor of Criminology and Sociology; Professor Sadia Radda, also a professor of Criminology; and Hadiza Bala Usman, pharmacist, human rights activist and Chief of Staff to Governor Nasir el Rufai of Kaduna State. Describing them as anti-corruption ideologues is my way of acknowledging their intellectual capacity and straight ideological position on corruption. Three law professors and another three professors of criminology make a good combination. Spicing the combination with an activist pharmacist that shone like a lodestar in the heyday of #BringBackOurGirls# movement, show Buhari’s sincerity with the declared war. These men and women are expected to bring their strong intellectual bearing on the current drive to stem the corruption scourge that has hopelessly malnourished Nigeria. Professor Sagay et al have a date with history. Nigerians look up to them to arise and shine by offering the head of the corruption monster to them. Before May 29, 2015, Nigerians had given up on the anti-corruption war launched with pomp and pageantry by the Chief Olusegun Obasanjo administration at the inception of this democratic dispensation. Chief Obasanjo’s anti-corruption resolve gave birth to both the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC), established in 2003 principally to address the rising incidents of advance fee fraud (419 fraud) and money laundering in the country; and the Independent Corrupt Practices and Other Related Offences Commission (ICPC)


THERE IS A PROBLEM inaugurated in 2000 with the mandate to receive and investigate reports of corruption cases and prosecute the offenders. In 2007, the EFCC presented a damning report of the performance of our political leaders. For example, of the 36 governors, only three passed its integrity test. Though selective because the agency’s scorecard was silent on the federal political elite, the confounding truth revealed by the report was that we had a band of greedy ruling elite in first eight years of our new democracy. It was an encore of rapacious corruption in the second eight years of democracy. That governors and family members, associates and cronies are still being tried by the EFCC in 2015 is an indication that not much has changed. The existence of the EFCC, ICPC and other relevant agencies has not deterred corrupt behaviours by the political elite. Evidently, treasury looting by high profile political office holders is possible by circumventing extant laws and regulations and violation of due processes. We have lived with this irony ever since. It appears a change is on the horizon. Nigerians and the international community

have very high regard for President Buhari’s strength of character and integrity, which many believe could translate to political will, the most important ingredient needed in this current effort to kill corruption in the country. This is only plausible if the appropriate roadmap and strategic enforcement framework can be designed. This is the challenge before Professor Sagay’s committee. An objective evaluation of our political trajectory in the last 16 years will show the anti-corruption strategies have not made the necessary impact. These strategies have been largely of interventionism. The two main anti-corruption agencies, EFCC and ICPC, wait for verified corrupt conduct, move in to arrest the offender and then prosecute. Interventionism strategy emphasises retribution and deterrence. We have seen acts of retribution when offenders pay back all or some of their loots, or have their properties acquired with such proceeds seized. The strategy has failed to deter corrupt conducts. If plea bargain, which makes corrupt conducts profitable, is part of the process of wresting retribution, then there is a problem. You can now understand why the nation has been experiencing cyclic corruption in the public domain. In discussing the efficacy of the strategy, how do we mitigate the harm it has caused the society? President Buhari has said $150 billion was looted by our political elite in the last 16 years; this social aggravation has wreaked serious havoc on the country that cannot be undone. And more importantly, the strategy has no answer on unreported cases - the number of unreported corruption cases is higher than the reported one. And there is the resources needed by the anti-corruption agencies to work. Many believe the EFCC is not operating optimally because of poor funding. One other inhibiting loophole in our anticorruption strategies is that the anti-corruption agencies do not get the needed support from the judiciary and other relevant agencies like the police. They are known to be susceptible to corruption. How can we use compromised judiciary and police to fight corruption?

Sport Extra


EPL: Man United players lack quality–Scholes


ormer Manchester United midfielder, Paul Scholes, says the current players of the side lack quality, sequel to what he describes as an uninspiring goalless draw

at home to Newcastle United on Saturday. The Red Devils are top of the table with seven points from three games, but they have been unconvincing all season.

The Old Trafford club was also fortunate to escape with any points against Newcastle after Aleksandar Mitrovic hit the woodwork and Florian Thauvin came close at the

end. Scholes, a legend at United, contended yesterday that something drastic must be done sooner than later. “There is a real lack of

excitement and a lack of quality more than anything,” he said. “It’s okay having pace on the pitch, which we don’t tend to have, but a bit of urgency was lacking.

Scholes Emenike

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