Better Off Wet Water Lifestyle MagazineSummer 2014

Page 26



calloping is underway in Homosassa! Harvesting bay scallops is an exciting recreation for all ages. Many of our Captains offer various scalloping trips with affordable rates. Now is the time to book your trip and let our experienced captains be your guide to some of the best scalloping and fabled fishing grounds in the world. Homosassa, located in the heart of the Florida Nature Coast, an old-fashioned corner of Florida where all the tall fishing tales are true, and your cares slip away like the slack in your line. The beauty and abundant wildlife of this river is stunning. Hire a professional fishing guide to make your visit enjoyable and rewarding! Scalloping season runs from June 28th until September 24th. Visit us at


CAPTAIN WILLIAM TONEY Pres. of the Homosassa Guides Association. A 4th generation full time guide from Homosassa. His boat is a custom built Tremblay powered by Mercury Outboards. It has a very shallow draft that can bring you deep into the Chassahowitzka National Wildlife Refuge or can handle the chop of Homosassa nearshore reefs and rockpiles. He also offers cooked shorelunches and scallop trips. 352-621-9284 or 352-422-4141


CAPTAIN DON CHANCEY VP of the Homosassa Guides Association. Don guides inshore from his restored 24 Carolina skiff to handle inshore trout and redfish parties. A fifth generation Floridian. Whether this is your first experience fishing or you are a seasoned angler, Don is a great guide for you. Available for half day or all day trips. All bait, tackle, fishing licenses and fish cleaning included for a one price trip. 352-303-9399 Facebook “f ” Logo

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CAPTAIN DUANE TIBBETTS A native of Citrus County, and a long standing member of the Homosassa Guides Association. I specialize in Redfish, Trout and Scallop trips, also Site Seeing Manatee Tours are available. 34 years of guiding experience and Captain a 24 Carolina Skiff. You need nothing but food and drinks for a fun day of fishing. 352-628-5878 352-302-5727 Facebook “f ” Logo

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CAPTAIN MARK ZORN A wildlife biologist. Capt. “Z” will flatter you with his knowledge of the fishes and birds. A 8th generation native Floridian and has lived and fished in Citrus County for the past 31 years. Guides from a 24-foot Carolina skiff, and has a bow mount trolling motor for stealth approach. Reds and Trout are his specialties. Fishes up to four anglers and will give his clients a day they will remember. 352-489-5168 or 352-400-1925 MZORN1@TAMPABAY.RR.COM Facebook “f ” Logo

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