w o r k s | Y u s u k e K a n e m o t o

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Yu s u k e K a n e m o t o | 兼 本 祐 輔

Yu s u k e K a n e m o t o w a s b o r n i n I n n o s h i m a , H i r o s h i m a i n 1 9 9 3 . H e g r a d u a t e d f r o m To k y o U n i v e r s i t y o f S c i e n c e as a master's degree in Architecture in 2019.During his Graduate studies, he made a research trip across Sri Lanka and worked under Channa Daswatte <MICD Associates> as an internship.The awards he received are Hiroshima Architecture Student Challenge 2018 -Special Recognition Award in 2018, L'attrait + KOIZUMI 4th student Construction Competition 2018-Silver & Koizumi Award in 2018, JPM 6th Dream rental house CompetitionGrand Prix in 2016. 120

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