No-tto-Low Cost C Mark keting By Pa at Zaby, CRS, CRB, C CCIM
Know w What to Say! “When n you have a fa amily, it’s alwayys a good time to buy a home e.” “It didn n’t make sense e for us to spen nd the same am mount of moneyy renting some ething when we e could own it” “Worki king with a REA ALTOR® took all a of the guesss work out” “This is i the best marrket in years in terms of choice.” “In thiss market, there e are a lot of op ptions.” “Buyin ng a house is th he best investm ment anyone ca an ever make” 2007 NAR N Public Aw wareness Camp paign
Create e a Point of Diifference • • •
Tax advanta ages Creative financing Investment aspects
Elevattor Speech I’ve fou und a niche in re esidential real esstate that really serves my custo omers by focusin ng on the tax advvantages, financing alternatives, and investmentt aspects of their homes. I’ve developed a Custo omer Appreciatio on Program thatt provides inform mation and serviices by email to keep them up‐to‐ n between their moves. It allowss me to work primarily with repeeat and referralss customers. date in Develop a Plan
No-to-Low Cost Ma arketing © Patt Zaby, 2008 m Pat@ m
Customer Appreciation Program Package of services • Email newsletter service – this monthly newsletter will keep you informed about your changing local market as well as changes in laws and other things that will influence your home ownership. • Complimentary consulting – as a CAP member, you are entitled to one hour a year of real estate consulting at no charge. • Annual CMA for any purpose – comparable market analysis can be used for any purpose such as insurance valuation, estate purposes, or market value. • Eliminate transaction fee – we will waive our normal transaction fee charged in addition to the real estate commission when selling a home. This will be a savings of $XXX.00. • Reduced closing costs – we will use our resources and influence to get normal fees reduced through frequently used mortgage and title companies. • Homeowner’s Tax Sheet – this complimentary form will help you keep track of the basis of your home and can save you tax dollars when you sell your home by minimizing the gain. • Household Inventory – this complimentary form will give you physical and visual record of your personal belonging that can be invaluable if sustain a loss due to burglary, fire, or natural disaster and have to file an insurance claim. • Contractor referral service – we will share our experience to help locate contractors for you who are reputable and reasonable for whatever home maintenance items you need. • Refinancing Analysis – this form will quickly tell you the viability of refinancing your home, what you’ll save and how long it will take to recapture the costs of refinancing. We’ll also make recommendations for securing the financing. • Mortgage Accelerator –this interesting form can show you how you can save significant interest and shorten the term of your fixed rate mortgage by making regular additional principal contributions. • Free copy machine and fax – limited to 30 pages per day/visit for personal use. • Free notary service – offered during most business hours but call ahead to verify availability of notaries. • Help lower tax assessment – we’ll provide you an overview of the procedure for challenging the assessment and comparables to support your position. • Maintenance reminder –We’ll send you email reminders suggesting specific maintenance items such as • Change HVAC filters bi-monthly • Change batteries in smoke alarms semi-annually • Change batteries in CO2 detectors semi-annually • Optimum time to apply pre-emergent week killer
No-to-Low Cost Marketing © Pat Zaby, 2008
Reach Out & Touch Someone 1. Block out time on calendar to make phone calls to past customers and friends; make it a recurring appointment. 2. Select the group of people to call 3. Open each contact record; review notes prior to calling 4. Determine what you are going to say prior to calling 5. Call Contact 6. Record a note about what you talked about 7. Follow-up with a note or email 8. Schedule appropriate contacts.
No-to-Low Cost Marketing Š Pat Zaby, 2008
Create a Monthly Mailing Plan 1. Create a recurring event on your calendar so that you don’t forget to send your mailing every month 2. Select your mailings a year in advance 3. Mail merge to the group.
No-to-Low Cost Marketing Š Pat Zaby, 2008
No “D Dead-End” Dea als™ By visiting them once e a week for eight weeks afte er the closing, you y get the cha ance to show yo our buyers thatt you we ere interested in more than ju ust a commissio on. When you stop-by their home, h you alwa ays have sometthing for them that t will make their t homeowne er experience better. While serving s the nee eds of your passt clientss, you will be bu uilding your business with refe errals. Week 1 – Change off Address postccards Week 2 – Change off Address labels Week 3 – Note cards s with their hom me on them Week 4 – Home Inve entory Week 5 – Homeowne er’s Tax Workssheet A Week 6 – Mortgage Accelerator Week 7 – Calendar Week 8 – Recommended contracto or’s
No-to-Low Cost Ma arketing © Patt Zaby, 2008 m Pat@ m
No-to-Low Cost Marketing Š Pat Zaby, 2008
No-to-Low Cost Marketing Š Pat Zaby, 2008
No-to-Low Cost Marketing Š Pat Zaby, 2008
No-to-Low Cost Marketing Š Pat Zaby, 2008
The Cost Saving Features of a Contact Manager •
• • • • •
Most buyers and sellers are satisfied with the service they receive in a transaction and will do business with them again if the agent stays in touch; Contact management makes that easy Consolidate databases and save time and money by only having to maintain one Merge letters, labels, and messages with little or no effort Reminders will pop-up on your computer or your phone A history of all email, sent or received, is kept in Contact record A real estate specific contact manager has already been customized for your business o Additional info on the Contact o Property information o Letters & email messages o Campaigns for the way you work
Reasons to use Microsoft Office to run your real estate business Has set the standard for e-mail, word processing, multimedia, spreadsheet software Spends more than every other company on research and development Has more training than any other product Is somewhat familiar to everyone Is more powerful to allow you to work the way you work Outlook is always kept open and so should a contact manager Outlook has a familiar interface since most agents use it for their email Receive all of your different email addresses in one place Synchronize with Smartphones
No-to-Low Cost Marketing © Pat Zaby, 2008
Dripping You’ll Never Want to Stop Campaigns - noun (kăm pān) – a series of scheduled activities, sometimes attached to documents like letters email, etc., undertaken to achieve an objective. • Tasks • Letters • Appointments • Messages • Postcards • Phone calls People - Prospecting
Property - Transaction Management
Agent Referral Closed Buyer Expired Listing For Sale by Owner Fly Your Flag Internet Inquiry Not Ready Yet Open House
Listing Listing Sold Sale
Example of Email Follow-up Days 1 7 14 21 28
Subject Thank you for visiting my open house A week ago… Good financial information… Changes in the market area a challenge… It’s been over a month…
No-to-Low Cost Marketing © Pat Zaby, 2008
Doc# 1 2 3 4 5
Merge Type Email Email Email Email Email
Power-tips to get more out of email 1. Complete signature or EBC, electronic business card a. EBC available only in Outlook 2007 b. Create contact record on yourself c. Select Business Card icon on main ribbon d. When Edit Business Card dialog opens i. Add or change image ii. Select desired layout iii. Change background color iv. Adjust fields to taste e. Go to Tools, Options, Mail Format, Signature and make an EBC signature using the business card just customized. 2. Mail merge a. Create document in Word first; save and close b. Select names to be merged c. Select Tools, Mail Merge d. When the Mail Merge dialog opens: i. Select only selected contacts ii. Select Existing document and locate using the Browse button iii. Under Merge Options, select Form Letter, Email, and give a good subject line iv. Click OK e. When the Word document opens, add merge fields if desired and merge to email 3. Drag ‘N’ Drop to Contacts or Calendar buttons a. Dragging an email message to the Contacts button will open a new contact record and automatically fill the name and email address b. Dragging an email message to a Calendar button will open a new appointment record and automatically fill the subject with the subject of the email and a copy of the email message in the note of the appointment. No-to-Low Cost Marketing © Pat Zaby, 2008
4. Forward referrals as EBC, electronic business cards
7 FREE “Killer Contact” Website services 1. - Jott converts your voice into emails, text messages, reminders, lists and appointments
2. – send files up to 1 GB each and recipient can download across the Internet 3. Google Text Message Search – Text 46645 and ask for anything; be specific 4. ChaCha – (242242) ask any question to a have a “real person” search for an answer 5. – consider using this for presentations over the phone to buyers and sellers – local or out of town 6. – publication website that gives you embedded code for your email and website 7. – map mashup of any address to show locations 8. – see US Census data for any zip code 9. – a free screen capture application
Press Releases – Wide margins, double-spaced; first paragraph answers the questions: who, what, where, why, and how. Article must be newsworthy and written in descending order of importance. Include pictures or artwork.
No-to-Low Cost Marketing © Pat Zaby, 2008
New Release... 2009 Edition The New 2009 Edition of the Marketing Library is loaded with over 800 templates for Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook. They’re ready to use or you can customize them like you would any Microsoft document.
“The Marketing Library is great tool for agents...easy-to-use, relevant, and makes me look like a professional. THANK YOU!!!” The theme sets give each document a consistent, designer appearance that will have all of your different marketing materials looking like they’re Deda Myhre, CBS, Omaha, NE
part of a professional series.
eCards let you send great looking graphics by email Send individually or mail merge to can’t imagine how easy this is. Stay in touch with your con‐ tacts on a regular basis and cut the cost to post‐ age, no printing, no sweat!
$399 $299
24 Brochures Over 800 112 eCards Documents 66 Email templates 33 Flyers Marketing Wizard 14 Notecards 500 Postcards 15 PowerPoint Presentations 15 Printed Presentations Buyer & Investor Seminars 48 Spreadsheets
Seminars & Systems by Pat Zaby 5023 Sea Pines , Dallas, TX 75287 972‐407‐1337 | | | Fax 972‐407‐0780
Upgrade from 3.0
Name Marketing Library & Companions Company Address Phone E‐mail Credit Card Expires Marketing Library 2009 New Purchase $299 Marketing Library 2009 Upgrade $100 –good to 6/30/09 Marketing Library 2009 & Companions Upgrade $150—good to 6/30/09
Joe Pryor, RE/MAX Associates
top of that, add Dave Beson's LetterWriter and Respond is just great."
in Dallas, I didn't understand the link between Marketing Library and Respond. On
"Pat, I installed Respond and all I can say is WOW! Before attending your CRS class
Keep track of your contact's * birthdays, anniversaries, and children's names * properties * desired property requirements * multiple phones numbers and addresses *The Marketing Library is not required to operate Respond
The data you store in the contact record will seamlessly flow to their respective property flyers and postcards in the Marketing Library!
Respond allows you to create a marketing campaign for each sale separately, separated by a listing, a sale, or any other specific activity.
With Respond you can operate one database, respond to e-mail, and sync with your PDA.
Respond was designed to fulfill a demand from agents all over the country in need of a way to customize Microsoft Outlook with the kind of information that they use.
The RESPOND™ Edition is designed specifically for the Real Estate Industry and for you, the agent!
The ™
MAKING IT ™ MAKE SENSE The MAKING IT MAKE SENSE™ Edition for Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 includes over 100 step-by-step videos that release the secrets to running your real estate business with the power of Microsoft Office including Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel. These training movies are conveniently viewed on your computer so that you can try the things you are learning in "real time".
PZCalc Finally, the real estate professional has a simple to use, fill-in-the-blank, financial calculator for the Palm or Windows PDA. Now, the same device that has your address book and appointments also has your financial calculator so you’ll have one less device to carry. PZCalc enables you to give buyers and sellers the sound financial advice they want and need with without having to remember the keystrokes of a conventional financial calculator.
Calendars Edition This add-on for the Marketing Library lets you make calendars for your customers with pictures of their home. They’re certain to keep these in open view for any visitors to see and you’ll be prominently identified as their REALTOR®.
Pocket Flyers Edition This add-on for the Marketing Library will easily produce business cards, client-identification cards, pocket-size flyers that have your business card on the back side, and bookmarks that will promote your properties. Convenient give-aways like these will lead to sales because people will hold on to them.
The COMPANIONS™ Edition is a series of individual marketing materials designed specifically for use in the Marketing Library.
Requirements - Windows XP or Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2003 or higher (Recommended - Windows XP & Office 2007)
Dozens of Individual Marketing Forms
Investor Seminar Kit
Buyer Seminar Kit
Email Templates
Over 35 Excel Spreadsheets
12 PowerPoint Presentations
5 Printed Presentations
Trifold Brochures
70 Flyers
Over 500 Standard and Jumbo Postcards
Multi-User Licensing available
MailMerge to Outlook contacts with a single step
Easily use a 2 step listing approach with the Flyer Wizard
Integrated Outsourcing to
5 Designer Theme Sets - Change all the content to one of the predesigned styles, giving you 5 times the installed content
Supplying financial information to both buyers and sellers will be a snap whether you are using the forms for a financial calculator or the Excel spreadsheets that automatically make the calculations.
Organization will become a simple task when you have the right form to use for the project. Business planning will no longer be a daunting exercise with a model to begin with.
Prospecting for buyers and sellers becomes a system with a variety of postcards targeted at specific markets like Sphere of Influence, First-time Homebuyers, Investors, Geographic Farms, and specialized services. Homebuyers and sellers will be impressed with both printed and multimedia presentations.
Each of these powerful marketing pieces can be customized or modified to meet your individual needs. No specialized training is needed because they work in the familiar Microsoft Office products.
The Marketing Library™ Edition is a comprehensive collection of postcards, flyers, forms, printed and multimedia presentations, and self-calculating financial forms that work in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Marketing Library
Making It Make Sense for Office is over 100 step-by-step videos to release the secrets of running your real estate business with the power of Microsoft Office including Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
Respond is a real estate specific application for Microsoft Outlook that customizes the contact record for the information you need to keep on a prospect and their home. Create and use marketing campaigns for listings, sales, and prospecting that will automatically remind you what and when to do critical tasks.
The Companions Edition is a series of additional marketing materials specifically designed for use in the Marketing Library.
The Marketing Library is a comprehensive collection of postcards, flyers, forms, printed and multimedia presentations, and self-calculating financial forms that work in Microsoft Office 2003 or 2007 -Outlook, Word, PowerPoint, and Excel.
The Marketing Library CD Collection is a series of products that allow the real estate agent to run their business using the power of Microsoft Office.
5023 Sea Pines Drive Dallas, TX 75287 972-407-1337
by Pat Zaby
seminars systems
Connie Havens RE/MAX Longview, TX
“The Marketing Library is the best collection of tools I’ve ever seen and they’ve paid for themselves many times over.”
Marketing Library
Marketing Library
Windows, Office, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook are all registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
What's missing from Microsoft Office to run your business?
Exp. Date
Sales (972) 407-1337 Fax (972) 407-0780
*Seminar specials available only the day of the seminar.
$ (TX Residents add 8.25%) Sales Tax (US Mail add $10-FedEx add $35)
Marketing Library............................... $299 Respond............................................. $299 Companions....................................... $100 Making it Make Sense 2007................ $100 Making it Make Sense 2003.................$100
Discount Prices Ship
Sub Total
1 2 3 4 5
Individual Products
Package Package Package Package
A (1+2+3+4).......................... $699 B (1+2+3)................................$599 C (1+2)....................................$499 D (1+3)....................................$399
MasterCard, Visa and American Express Accepted. Make checks payable to Pat Zaby.
Credit Card #
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