HsinI Ho portfolio

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Hsin-I Ho


Shu Yuan,Wu The teacher who introduced to me the knowledge of landscape urbanism and helped me to figure it out a lot.

Meng Tsun, Su The teacher who opened my eyes to theories and histories of the discipline.


[ Recent work ] Metabolism City 01|28 Wasteland 29|46 [Practical work] Floating Landscape 47|60 [Other work] Public Art 61|64 Parklet in seattle 65|72 [Resume] Resume 73|74

METABOLISM | The City of Future

Urban Concept in Taiwan, Taipei- A new urbanism experience

LOCATION Taiwan,Taipei DATE September 2011 to May 2012 PROPERTY Graduation Design of Dept. Landscape Architecture of CYCU TYPE Urban Design,Housing Design, Commercial Space Design SIZE 84.16 hectares INSTRUCTOR Shu-Yuan,Wu(MA of AALU)

What will Taiwan be after 50 years? Taiwan will have been developed completely and start to Decay. What problem will we need to face? How will this urban react to get with the users and environment in the future? What will be kept and what will be gone? Taiwan has lost her own unique face for a long time due to the high-speed urban growing. This project tries to combine the characteristic and the future life of Taiwan and create a brand new urbanism.


Every necessary meterials of life will decrease in the future.

About the Decrease of Taipei in the future "Decrease" Taipei as a developed city will face this problem like every developed cities do. Every meterials and resources are decreasing. Because of the extremely low birth rate and the natural death, population growing in Taipei will be a negative growth. Population in Taipei will be less and less, and composed by elder people. Even if they are reaching the age of retirement, they still have to be one of the laboring populations.

Population-growing line of districts of Taipei

Population structure predictive model of districts in Taipei



Global CO2 emssion chart

The comparison of CO2 emssion between world and Taipei

Taiwan-Taipei is a very small island, but its ability to producuce pollution is very horrible. The main factors of this phenomenon are the necessary-consuming of livnig and the low percentage of public transportation using. Except the concume on living, transportaion way is the biggest problem of Taiwan which has to change.


Using-mode of Transportaiotn in Taipei Taipei also need to face the problem of global crisis of resources and food, we need to reduce all production and the personal energy- consuming.I make the analysis to figure out what will Taipei face in the future, including the number and the composition of population, the prediction of future transportation, and the pollution situation. I use this data as the preview to design the new Taipei.

Site:Taipei Station The Core of Taipei

This is the most lively and the most complicated area in Taipei. Here is the main developmental axis in ancient Taipei. It has many historical districts,buildings and also many administrative authorities. In addition, here is where the biggest public transit station located. I choose here as my site to combine these factors and make them connected to grow into a new urban.



Site analysis 1:Road and district connection 2:Parkway connection 3:Open space nearby 4:Green space nearby 5:Building height 6.7:Accessibility of buildings 8:Drainage direction 9.10.11:Road analysis (axis and entrance) 12:Land-used type chart

Planning Concept 011

Theory Study

Space Syntax planning system

Space Syntax provides strategic, evidence-based consulting services in economics, planning, design, transport and property development. Space Syntax works to de-risk property investment decisions, showing how the spatial layout of places can be optimised to enhance the social, economic and environmental value of developments. Using a highly graphic, datarich and audience-engaging set of techniques, we help our clients achieve powerful results quickly.

012 Analysis Item: ■Movement, such that Space Syntax models can be used as strategic traffic modelling tools for vehicle, pedestrian and cycling movement. ■Land use, showing how land use performance is deeply influenced by spatial location. ■Safety, allowing risk to be identified and safer places to be created. ■Land value, demonstrating the influence of spatial networks on property economics. ■Carbon emissions, highlighting the contribution of spatial planning and design to environmental impact.

Planning Program 013

Planning Strategy In mathematics, a Voronoi diagram is a way of dividing space into a number of regions. A set of points (called seeds, sites, or generators) is specified beforehand and for each seed there will be a corresponding region consisting of all points closer to that seed than to any other. The regions are called Voronoi cells. It is dual to the Delaunay triangulation. As implied by the definition, Voronoi cells can be defined for metrics other than Euclidean (such as the Mahalanobis or Manhattan) distances. However in these cases the boundaries of the Voronoi cells may be more complicated than in the Euclidean case, since the equidistant locus for two points may fail to be subspace of codimension 1, even in the 2-dimensional case. A weighted Voronoi diagram is the one in which the function of a pair of points to define a Voronoi cell is a distance function modified by multiplicative or additive weights assigned to generator points. In contrast to the case of Voronoi cells defined using a distance which is a metric, in this case some of the Voronoi cells may be empty. A power diagram is a type of Voronoi diagram defined from a set of circles using the power distance; it can also be thought of as a weighted Voronoi diagram in which a weight defined from the radius of each circle is added to the squared distance from the circle's center.

The dual graph for a Voronoi diagram (in the case of a Euclidean space with point sites) corresponds to the Delaunay triangulation for the same set of points. The closest pair of points corresponds to two adjacent cells in the Voronoi diagram. Assume the setting is the Euclidean plane and a group of different points are given. Then two points are adjacent on the convex hull if and only if their Voronoi cells share an infinitely long side. If the space is a normed space and the distance to each site is attained (e.g., when a site is a compact set or a closed ball), then each Voronoi cell can be represented as a union of line segments emanating from the sites. As shown there, this property does not necessarily hold when the distance is not attained. Under relatively general conditions (the space is a possibly infinite dimensional uniformly convex space, there can be infinitely many sites of a general form, etc.) Voronoi cells enjoy a certain stability property: a small change in the shapes of the sites, e.g., a change caused by some translation or distortion, yields a small change in the shape of the Voronoi cells. This is the geometric stability of Voronoi diagrams. As shown there, this property does not hold in general, even if the space is twodimensional (but non-uniformly convex, and, in particular, non-Euclidean) and the sites are points.



Planning Strategy 016


â– According to the wind chart, It can see the wind blowed in the building group. On the groud layer, the wind in voronoi type building group is more fluent than the wind in the original building type. But on the other layer, we can see the wind in original building type is much more instable than the voronoi's.

Detail Program Greenery the civi-viaduct by the liner green. Analysize the shade caused by buildings nearby and define the percentage of green of the area. The shady place will have less green, may be the plaza or the main promenade. The lighter place will have more green, may be the lawn,wetland, or even forest. The 100% green place will have flyover to pass the area.


Connetction System 019

A typical neuron possesses a cell body (often called the soma), dendrites, and an axon. Dendrites are thin structures that arise from the cell body, often extending for hundreds of micrometres and branching multiple times, giving rise to a complex "dendritic tree". An axon is a special cellular extension that arises from the cell body at a site called the axon hillock and travels for a distance, as far as 1 meter in humans or even more in other species. The cell body of a neuron frequently gives rise to multiple dendrites, but never to more than one axon, although the axon may branch hundreds of times before it terminates. At the majority of synapses, signals are sent from the axon of one neuron to a dendrite of another. There are, however, many exceptions to these rules: neurons that lack dendrites, neurons that have no axon, synapses that connect an axon to another axon or a dendrite to another dendrite, etc.

Design Process 020


Green space release

Greenery percentage

Neightborhood relationship

Open space and neightborhood




Model and Exhibition

Wasteland | Verticle Open Space A subtle greenery proposal in the changing city

LOCATION Taiwan,Taipei DATE September to November 2013 PROPERTY Taiwan Landscape Association Competition TYPE Urban Design,Housing Design, Open Space Design INSTRUCTOR Chia-lin,Chao(PhD of Oxford Brookes) PRIZE Taiwan Landscape Association Competition Third Prize

In the future, people will increase, but the houses is keep building. Vacancy house will be a big problem in the city changing. We will face a phenomenon that people will be less in the future. But we still have the new residental buildings built more and more now. Due to these two fact, the problem of vacant buildings becomes more critical. There will be much more vacant houses which no one uses in the city. Make the consumption of spatial resource.


According to the chart on left, We can see a phenomenon that people will be less in the future. But we can also figure out that the new residental buildings is built more and more now. Due to these two fact, the problem of vacant buildings becomes more critical. There will be much more vacant houses which no one uses in the city. Make the consumption of spatial resource.

The chart shows the average green sapce and the vacant houses rate in every city. The chart shows that Taiwanese has only 5 m2 green space but has the highest vacant rate. It means Taiwan need a more effective using way in spatial design. So can we turn the vacant spaces into the good spaces in the city. In a word, the vacant spaces in Taiwan have unlimited potential.



Infiltration,not demolition then build In subtle way, no longer the great way

Instead of tearing down the houses to build a new large park, I keep the origianal houses’ structure and turn it into the tiny guerrilla parks. The green area of both way looks almost the same on the topview, but the latter is actually bigger than for former. In the future city, vancant houses will apear anytime, this design rule can respond it and turn in green timely. People have not a flat parks but the three-dimensions ones. This way spends less cost, but also can make a reflection of changing city in time.




A.Vacant houses bank When the number of vacant houses is out of control, the government should come forward to digest those houses and manage them. Classify them into some kinds, and deal with them in different ways. B. Analyze the house type In the future, city will compose of different kinds of vacancy houses. Some are too old to provide the basic founction of living. Some are still people who live in. And also for the future livnig demand, new buildings will be bulit. We need to separate them and give them different design regulaitons.




E. ■C.Oldest houses/All vacant Buildings Design regulation: Don’t spend unnecessary cost to tear down the buildings, design the green in and let it return to the original condition or shape of land by nature. ■D.Livable houses/ Fragmental vacant buildings Design regulation: Design the green in the fragmental vacant spaces with different way to suit the various growing condition.

■E.New appropriate Housing provide new offer of new life When the type of using population change, we need the new type housing, can offer the better living function. But before ithem built, we need to oder the some building type like low layers, fixed percentage of green system...etc.

Theory and Prototype


Fractal Theory Fractals are typically self-similar patterns. So we devide up the space of the buildings into many tiny pieces, every pieces will have the similar type. And I analyze each pieces and define them. And each pieces have its own type of design way. Make it become a system. And it can slove the same problem in everywher.

Make a prototype of the builiding structures. Control the unit of walls to make the different environments. Each differents environments have different sun shine rate, wind speed, and temperature. That decides the usage way and the various eco-system making.

Unit Prototype


Unit Prototype


Unit Prototype


Program of Prototype






For nocturnal animals to live and moving. It’s darker and weter.

A forest eco-system. Make a new lifesyle in city.



For Birds to live and moving. The chink is only the birds can get in. The broad-leaved evergreen forest system. People can't reach.

To be a open space, people can do many activies here.

Program Model

To be a park, people can do many activies here.


Program Vision



Concept Masterplan



Concept section


Open Space Route


Ecological Route

Store Area

Open Space System

Urban Farming System

Sub-Torrid Zone Eco-system


Ecological Route

Torrid-Zone Eco-system

Nocturnal Animals Habitat

Bird Habitat

Floating Landscape | Practical Working Project

Wind and Water Orinted Landform in Xitong Technology and Science Park

LOCATION Wu-Shi,Chiang-Su,China DATE June to August 2012 PROPERTY Wu-Shi Xitong Technology and Science Park planning and design project TYPE Open Space Design,Commercial space design COMPANY MOTIF Planning and Design Consultants Host:Shu-Yuan,Wu(MA of AALU)

Planning Program


City Vision

Plan Masterplan

Plan Zoning Chart

Open Space Connection

Pattern Reference


Site Analysis


Blue Belt

Unit Mode

Green Belt

Unit Connection

Road system




Other works | Public Art Design

Design the Public Art project of a residential project

LOCATION Tainan,Taiwan DATE June 2012 PROPERTY Practical Work TYPE Public Art Design COMPANY MOTIF Planning and Design Consultants Host:Shu-Yuan,Wu(MA of AALU)

Public Art Design


Design Chart


Display in the Architecture Exhibition

Photo of Construction Site

Other works | Parklet design in Seattle

Participatory Design Project with UW,Seattle in China Town.

LOCATION China Town, Seattle, U.S.A. DATE August to August 2012 PROPERTY Participatory Design TYPE Open Space Design, Street Furniture Design COOPERATE University of Washington Dep. Landscape Architecture

City Observation



Urban Concept Model/ Mobile 2013


King Street Analysis and Planning


King Street Design and Street Furniture Design


Design Final Critique in UW


Idea Exchange with Inhabitants on Street in China Town



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