Vermont legal system in disarray
Fave Little State
Climate migrants from around America are seeking refuge in Vermont BY KEVI N MCCALLU M, PAGE 28
The rise of the xenobots!
On the HGTV Dream Home in Warren
Zero Gravity, Great Northern share space
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1/11/22 3:21 PM
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emoji that AT THE READY
Three Vermont National Guard soldiers will compete on the U.S. Biathlon team at the Olympics in Beijing next month. Go for gold!
Some Vermont schools closed on Tuesday because of frigid temperatures and dangerously low wind chills. Back in our day… Vermont students and teachers experienced a chaotic postholiday return to classes last week as the Omicron variant raced through the state and pushed COVID-19 case counts to record highs. Some schools weren’t able to conduct contact tracing, because they simply couldn’t keep up with it as the virus raged. Others ran out of the rapid antigen tests they’d previously used to conduct “Test to Stay,” a program that allows close contacts to attend class rather than quarantine. By week’s end, education and health officials decided that schools should stop both contact tracing and weekly surveillance tests. Seven Days broke that story last Friday night after obtaining an Agency of Education email to school administrators announcing the policy change. The agency announced that it would adopt a new plan that shifts testing responsibility from school personnel to families. If a student is positive, the school will inform families of all students in that class. Those who have had two vaccine doses will not need to quarantine. Unvaccinated students and staff who are exposed to COVID-19 in school, meanwhile, will be offered kits containing five rapid antigen tests to be conducted at home. As long as they test negative each morning following their exposure, those students and staff can continue to attend school.
?? ? ? ??
A common merganser brought to VINS last summer
“A key variable for implementing this new system will be testing supplies,” Education Secretary Dan French said on Tuesday. “Schools will be receiving deliveries of additional test kits this week … They can transition to this new system when they feel they have an adequate supply of tests to do so. Which I expect for many schools will be later this week.” Rapid tests can also be provided to asymptomatic vaccinated students, who may want to test themselves several days after potential exposure, Health Commissioner Mark Levine said. He acknowledged that the new approach shifts some of the responsibility from schools to families. “But this will actually help parents and caregivers make decisions about illness and likelihood of COVID every day,” Levine said. Dr. Rebecca Bell, president of the Vermont chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics, was on hand at a news conference on Tuesday to explain her support for the policy. Bell acknowledged that many educators feel like they are at their “breaking point.” She added that strategies to fight Omicron had to change “so that we can manage this virus without letting it break us.” Read Alison Novak’s full reports and keep up with developments at
Vermont hunters bagged about 15,600 deer last year, according to preliminary stat figures. That’s down by about 3,000 from 2020.
Rutland officials say they’re dealing with a surge of downtown graffiti in recent months. Tag — you’re it!
$4.5M That’s how much brokerage firm Merrill Lynch will pay in a settlement over its role in the EB-5 fraud at Jay Peak Resort.
1. “New Vermont Guidance Directs Schools to Stop Contact Tracing” by Alison Novak. Vermont schools should stop contact tracing and PCR surveillance testing for students and staff, the Agency of Education said last Friday in an email to school administrators. 2. “Vermont’s COVID-19 Cases Soar Amid Postholiday Omicron Surge” by Colin Flanders. For the first time in Vermont, the daily case count exceeded 2,000. 3. “Schools Contend With Omicron Surge During First Week Back” by Alison Novak. A huge spike in cases and changing guidance complicated the return to classrooms from winter break. 4. “VPIRG Completes Probe of Burlington Councilor but Withholds Results” by Courtney Lamdin. The nonprofit is not releasing findings after reviewing misconduct allegations over Councilor Jack Hanson, a former VPIRG staffer. 5. “Burlington Food and Beverage Company Invests in Stowe’s Idletyme Brewing” by Melissa Pasanen. Third Place, the company behind American Flatbread Burlington Hearth, has taken an ownership stake in Idletyme.
tweet of the week @BusDadInc If I’ve learned one thing in my time in Vermont, it’s that any road with “hill” or “mountain” in the name is not fucking around FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
Here’s one way to get your cute (but not cuddly) animal fix. The Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee is seeking volunteers interested in ferrying ailing avians — from petite hummingbirds to awe-inspiring eagles — to its on-site Center for Wild Bird Rehabilitation. There, a team of half a dozen rehabbers nurse injured birds back to health and return them to the wild. Every year, the center takes in more than 1,000 native birds that have been hit by cars, been attacked by cats or fallen out of nests, according to rehab center director Grae O’Toole. Game wardens, police officers and members of the public in Vermont and New Hampshire call
VINS to report injured birds but don’t always have time to bring them in. That’s where volunteers matter. The transporter program, which currently has 60 to 70 volunteers from all over the region, has been operating for about two decades, O’Toole said. But trainings for new volunteers were put on hold last winter because of the pandemic. The center is restarting them with a virtual training on February 6. Driving with an injured bird in the back seat can be a stressful experience for both animal and human. For newbie transporters, O’Toole provides these tips: Put the bird in a warm, dark place such as a covered box or pet carrier. Don’t blast the car’s heat or air conditioning. Keep the radio off. And get to the rehab center as quickly as possible. Though carrying or cuddling your bird friend might be tempting, resist those impulses, O’Toole
warns. Those behaviors are “extremely stressful for them.” Transporters are often quite invested in the birds they bring in and call VINS to follow up on their status, O’Toole said. Though some end up being too injured to save and must be euthanized, many recover. Birds’ bones are filled with air, which helps fractures heal within days or weeks, according to O’Toole. She’s also seen impressive comebacks from severe head trauma after “a couple of days of some medications and rest.” “It’s very rewarding when we are able to release any of the patients that we get,” O’Toole added, “and actually seeing that what we’re doing is helping.” For more info, visit ALISON NOVAK SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
publisher & editor-in-chief
Paula Routly
deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editor Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,
Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen A R T S & C U LT U R E
coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig Music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Adams, Jordan Barry,
SNOWFLAKES by 91 MAIN STREET, STOWE, VT • 802.253.3033 •
Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak
proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Frank Smecker AssistAnt proofreAders
Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros
6h-ferro121620.indd 1
12/9/20 1:16 PM
D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee senior MultiMediA producer Eva Sollberger MultiMediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN creAtive director Don Eggert Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production MAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts senior Account executive Michael Bradshaw Account executives Robyn Birgisson,
Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka MArketing & events director Corey Barrows sAles & MArketing coordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business MAnAger Marcy Carton director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Andy Watts CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Steve Goldstein, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Kim MacQueen, Bryan Parmelee, Mark Saltveit, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Yasmin Tayeby, Travis Weedon, Molly Zapp
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5/12/21 2:51 PM
“A Man of Letters” [December 15] was an impressive piece of journalism in so many ways! Tim Brookes’ work calling attention to endangered alphabets was fascinating and inspiring. Author Ken Picard can turn a phrase as skillfully as Brookes himself can. And reading a thoroughly researched and well-written, long-form profile was a treat in itself. I remember Tim Brookes’ writing from the 1980s, when I lived in northern Vermont and devoured every issue of the Vanguard Press. It was a special treat to happen upon this article while visiting White River Junction. Thanks for keeping great journalism alive. Emily Harrison Weir
[Re Feedback: “Ode to the F-35: The Grinch That Stole Vermont,” December 22]: The Grinch that stole Christmas Is not the damn plane, But St. Patrick, that snagged it For political gain. Best not to expect Those we ask for protection To be the same people That bring the infection. Mark Estrin
C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec. DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Matt Hagen, Peter Lind, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Oklan, Ezra Oklan, Toby Record, David Schein, Dan Thayer, Andy Watts With additional circulation support from PP&D.
6-Month 3rd clAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd clAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
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The December 29 “Backstories, Sidebars and Follow-Ups” article series is always an enjoyable flashback on the work behind your reporting. The same cannot be said regarding the feedback given to your reporter Kevin McCallum in “Backstory: Nastiest Blowback.” The sampling provided, describing the disdain given to him for his experience in an indoor shooting range, is both callous and inflammatory. Assault rifles like the AR-15 should be banned. It shouldn’t even be a matter of discussion that this weapon is called an “assault rifle.” The only reason this gun exists is to mow down people, just as slaughterhouses exist so that cows and other farm animals can be butchered for human consumption. Its only “permissible” use should be in warfare by the military, not by the general public. People using intimidation against a
3. Allow councilors the space to call out abusive, disrespectful language and ask the citizen to rephrase their comments in a civil manner. 4. Employ experts in conflict resolution to intervene in disruptive events, to restore civility. Let’s start the New Year with respect and civility at our city council meetings. Sylvia Knight
reporter for political aims fall under the definition of “terrorists.” As such, these terrorists should be treated, prosecuted and jailed for making insidious threats against the freedom of the press and free speech. They are a threat and will not hesitate to use guns to quell dissent. Daniel Sanchez
One thing came to mind: Louis DeJoy, appointed by … what was his name? The guy who did nothing and continues to lie about COVID-19, who then appointed the new post office czar. It’s Christmas, and I will be singing “No joy” and thank you ... to that other guy. In Shelburne, we had some delivery problems for a bit but rallied around our hardworking posties. Sean Moran
Having recently finished your year-inreview issue, I noted that you wrote: “The UVM Medical Center released an action plan documenting how it expected to reduce wait times” [“Backstories, Sidebars and Follow-Ups: Best Crowdsourcing Effort,” December 29]. After a diagnostic scan in mid-December, my primary care physician felt it wise to refer me to a specialist at the UVM Medical Center, alerting me that it might be a couple of months. The “couple of months” turned out to be six — until June 30 at 8:40 a.m., to be exact. Hmmm, clearly there is a distinct difference between a plan and action. Jill Smith
I had to choke back a tear as I read the “Mail Fail?” letter to the editor [Feedback, December 22]. Understaffed, of course — just like everyone has been in the COVID19 pandemic — but then the not-so-subtle jab: “Complaints seem to fall on deaf ears, but with the way the federal government is being run right now, I guess it’s not really surprising.” “Run right now”? Seriously?
[Re “Mad at Meetings,” December 22]: I believe that abuse, insults and combative language hurled at our Burlington city councilors or at fellow citizens are destructive to our social fabric and make our city less livable; furthermore, such behavior does not contribute to progress on issues about which citizens and councilors care deeply. Respectful disagreement is part of civil discourse; rudeness and abuse are hurtful to all and do not have a positive role in democracy or civil society. Feelings of anger or pain can be expressed without insult or abuse to others. That said, I do understand the frustration that comes from presenting one’s concerns or questions at a meeting and not receiving a response — ever. So I make the following suggestions: 1. Start meetings with a meditation or several moments of silence. 2. Institute a limited time period of up to an hour before or during the meeting when citizens can bring a concern to the council and a council member can provide a brief answer or designate a councilor to follow up with that person or organization.
[Re Off Message: “School Administrators Failed to Stop Racial Harassment of Black Student, Complaint Says,” December 21]: The principal of Twin Valley Middle High School, Anna Roth, said the Nazi salute was “just something the kids did here”! She told that to the mother of the only Black child in the school, who was being bullied and given the Nazi salute in the hall. Superintendent Barbara Anne Komons-Montroll supported her. Educators, I implore you: Take a deep breath. Feel your own heart. How it longs for kindness, compassion and love. You must. You are in charge of the next generation. Talk to them. They need kindness, compassion and love, too. They want to be heard. You must teach tolerance. Please rise to the occasion or else step down. I can’t afford to pay taxes for educators who make remarks that perpetuate hate. You are as guilty as those bullies if you do nothing. How would you react if you were the mother of that Black child, if you walked in that child’s shoes for a week in your school? You are the mothers of all children in your schools. Young minds are at stake. Close that door of hate. I am afraid for minorities. I am a former teacher, school psychologist, mediator and interfaith minister. I see the light in the eyes of all peoples. And I can see it in your eyes. The ball has been pitched to you. Now it is time to swing. Deanna Shapiro
SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
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1186 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403 (Next to the Alpine Shop) OPEN 10-7 DAILY 802.863.0143 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022 4v-cheesetraders011222.indd 1
7 1/10/22 12:01 PM
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At Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont, our employees live and work here — more than 400 of us. So when it comes to the health and well-being of our neighbors in this brave little state, we know what’s important: You want your health care dollars to work their hardest. People who treat you right. And affordable plans with extras to keep you well. That’s what makes us Vermont’s health plan. Through the American Rescue Plan, your monthly costs could drop by 50% or more. Find out if you qualify, go to
Open enrollment ends January 31. Federal subsidies available through January 15.
1T-crosby(BCBSVT)011222 1
1/10/22 10:10 AM
contents JANUARY 12-19, 2022 VOL.27 NO.14
Fave Little State
11 41 54 57 58 93
23 40 46 50 54 58 60 64 65
A Butter Place
Magnificent 7 Side Dishes Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend
Life Lines Food + Drink Culture Art Music + Nightlife On Screen Calendar Classes Classifieds + Puzzles 89 Fun Stuff 92 Personals
Nomad Coffee head baker Chris Johnson knows his croissants
44 Good Neighbors
Burlington’s Zero Gravity Taproom and the Great Northern fuse into a new beer hall
Online Thursday
Climate migrants from around America are seeking refuge in Vermont B Y K E VI N M C C AL L U M , PAGE 2 8
From the Publisher
Signs of Life
Disorder in the Courts
Vermont’s judiciary is a national example of a COVID-19-disabled system
Progressive Predicament Burlington’s Town Meeting Day could look much different for the left-leaning party
Dearth of Nurses
Training isn’t keeping up with demand for crucial health professionals
A UVM researcher uses artificial intelligence and frog cells to create self-replicating “xenobots”
In a Fix
The pandemic highlights a shortage of sewing machine repair professionals
Home, Sweet F’n Home Dreaming of the HGTV Dream Home in Warren
Clinton “Yogi” Alger has been the road SUPPORTED BY: foreman for the Huntington Highway Department for almost 26 years. When he’s not moving snow or digging ditches, he’s cooking burgers and planting trees at Brewster-Pierce Memorial School; its students voted to name two snowplows after him.
Making History
The Sheldon Museum’s outgoing director contemplates his past and future
We have
Growing Pains
Book review: Prepare Her, Genevieve Plunkett
Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 72 and online at
Drawn Out
Book review: A Comic Year, Meg Reynolds
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8H-oilngo011222.indd 1
1/10/22 11:09 AM
To: The Ticket Holders & Guests of VTBF2022 The Vermont Burlesque Festival strives to provide an extraordinary experience while also offering a safe and fun environment for all our performers, staff, volunteers, and guests. As festival organizers we have done our best to adjust and fight against the current rising wave of COVID and the obstacles it has thrown at us. The constant changes in venue policies, protocols, closings, cancellations, staff shortages, and restrictions have now overwhelmed our abilities. We have reached a point as organizers where we are no longer able to produce an event on the dates we have chosen that will meet the expectations of our ticket holders, deliver the standards expected of us, and meet the safety requirements we feel are adequate to protect our community at large. In short, we are unable to move forward with VTBF2022 this January 19th-22nd. We believe this is the best and safest decision for our community and event. There is some good news here… With the understanding and cooperation from our hotel, our multiple venues, sponsors, and headliners… “the show” will go on this spring! New dates will be announced in the coming days on our website and social media channels. For more information regarding this announcement and ticketing questions, please scan the QR code or visit… Please stay safe, stay healthy, stay beautiful. -The VTBF Organizers
4T-VtBurlesque011222 1
1/11/22 12:36 PM
Untitled-13 1
1/11/22 4:24 PM
2021! 75 Main Street | 802-865-6555
THE SMOKE SHOP WITH THE HIPPIE FLAVOR Excl usi v e d e a le r o f Illu min a t i, Illa d e lp h a n d S o ve re ig nt y G l ass. 75 Main St., Burlington, VT 864.6555 • Mon-Sat 10-9 and Sun 10-8 Must be 21 to purchase tobacco products, ID required
2h-northernlights011222.indd 1
@Nor ther nLi ghts V T
1/3/22 12:01 PM
Mistaken Identity Phoenix Books teams up with Macmillan Publishers to virtually celebrate the paperback launch of Finlay Donovan Is Killing It, Elle Cosimano’s comedy of errors in which a recently divorced writer gets mistaken for an assassin and roped into a scorned wife’s dastardly plans. An audience Q&A follows the author’s discussion of the novel with fellow writer Kellye Garrett.
Submit your upcoming events at sevendaysvt. com/postevent.
Vibrant Vacation The Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury hosts Dianne Taylor Moore’s solo show “Let Us Fly Away,” a collection of pastel landscapes sure to soothe winter doldrums. Encompassing views of Colorado, the Florida Keys and the southwestern U.S., Moore’s works highlight the vibrant colors of sunny climes. SEE GALLERY LISTING ON PAGE 51
Out of Darkness Sarasa Chamber Music Ensemble presents Music From the Heart: Mitteldeutschland at the Brattleboro Music Center. A septet of instrumentalists and renowned countertenor Reginald Mobley draw from the explosion of classical music that occurred in Germany following the 30 Years’ War for a program proving that beauty can arise from the darkest of times.
WELL AND GOOD A decade ago, Ronald Braunstein and Caroline Whiddon founded Me2/, an organization of classical music ensembles by and for musicians living with mental illness. Now, Me2/Burlington presents its 10th Anniversary Celebration, an orchestral extravaganza featuring works by Gioachino Rossini, Hector Berlioz, Edvard Grieg and Ludwig van Beethoven interspersed with stigma-free stories from ensemble members.
I’m Mr. Lonely Since 1989, marine scientists have attempted to track down the mysterious “52 Hertz Whale,” a creature whose song is pitched at an utterly unique frequency undetectable by other whales. The Loneliest Whale, the latest entry in Billings Farm & Museum’s Woodstock Vermont Film Series, follows the latest team of intrepid nature detectives in a quest to find the ocean’s most lonesome bachelor. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 62
Revisionist History The Vermont Historical Society hosts Jean M. O’Brien, an Ojibwe professor of history at the University of Minnesota, to kick off its virtual Winter Speaker Series. In “Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians Out of Existence in New England,” O’Brien examines how white Americans positioned themselves as the apex of human development by eliminating Indigenous people from the narrative. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 63
Birds of a Feather Birders itching to catch a glimpse of some of Vermont’s most curious feathered denizens join up with Rutland County Audubon for Winter Regulars & Rarities in the Champlain Valley, an all-day exploration of the Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area in Addison County. Bring a lunch and water, dress warmly, and meet in the parking lot of Otter Valley Union High School. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 62
to the sponsors who helped make the magic of Winter Lights 2021 at Shelburne Museum!
Benoit Electric Cabot Creamery Co-operative Greenbacker Capital
1T-shelburnemuseum011222 1
1/3/22 1:07 PM
I woke up on Sunday morning to the sound of a hard rain — a freezing one, in fact, that coated every west-facing window on my Burlington home with a layer of ice. Looking through the glass, I saw a distorted view of the backyard I know so well, the familiar made abstract through a new lens. The effect was beautiful but foreboding. Anxious, I went to the weather app on my phone to find out when the temperature would rise enough to melt it. January scares me — even in a normal year. After the madness of three back-to-back holidays, the month emerges, merciless and punishing, like the bony finger of the last ghost in “A Christmas Carol.” The fun is over. That’s why I keep the tree up until it’s a code-red fire hazard. I’ve often wondered why early Christians, who adopted and tweaked pagan traditions to promote their religion, didn’t move the birth of Jesus to the end of January to help us get through the winter — anything to make a perennially brutal month a wee bit cheerier. No doubt those folks had to live through worse than new variants of COVID-19. Still, we could use some good news. Amid the Omicron surge, after almost two years of the pandemic, the next few months look no clearer than the view from my ice-covered windows. Everything seems unpredictable, from our whiplash weather to the local retail economy. The same haphazardness extends to coronavirus guidance around prevention, testing, quarantine and school attendance. Some restaurants are open; others are shuttered. It’s the same with performance venues. Burlington’s Radio Bean closed unexpectedly on Saturday night and announced that it would stay that way through the end of the month. The University of Vermont’s Lane Series canceled its first concert of 2022, but not the rest of the season. Seems like everyone in the business of getting people together is figuring it out as they go along. Similarly, Seven Days has had to make some tough decisions about our events and ancillary publications. For the third year in a row, we aren’t going to publish 7 Nights, our annual dining guide. This spring’s Vermont Restaurant Week likely won’t happen, either. Right now, our fragile eateries need more employees, not customers. The annual Kids VT Camp and School Fair, however, is on — in person at Burlington’s Hilton on Saturday, March 5. Planning outdoor summer adventures and bunkhouse shenanigans six months hence might be the best thing parents can do for their kids this winter. If you like what we do and can afford to help If the coronavirus crashes the event, we’ll figure pay for it, become a Seven Days Super Reader! out another way to make those connections. Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of Summer sure feels a long way off, though. Or send a check with your In fact, just a few hours after Sunday’s thaw address and contact info to: came another chilling blast: I tested positive SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS P.O. BOX 1164 for COVID-19. Now, along with countless other BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 fully vaccinated and boosted Vermonters, I’m not going anywhere. At least my partner is For more information on making a financial virus-free, for the moment, and we’ve got a stillcontribution to Seven Days, please contact Corey Barrows: glowing-but-now-shedding conifer in the house to cheer us up. VOICEMAIL: 802-865-1020, EXT. 136
Paula Routly
‘Positive’ Thoughts
Rental Housing Bill to Return as Part of New, Larger Measure
Disorder in the Courts
Vermont’s judiciary is a national example of a COVID-19-disabled system B Y D E REK BR OUW ER •
ven before the pandemic, the backlog of criminal cases in Orleans County was getting out of control. Each year from 2016 through 2019, the state’s attorney’s office filed many more cases than the court could resolve. The number of pending felonies and misdemeanors shot up from 362 to more than 600. Since the virus arrived, the situation has only worsened. For more than 20 months, the jury box in the old, cramped court in Newport has remained empty as the state judiciary has puzzled over how to safely resume trials there. Every case has been affected, from those involving minor hunting violations to allegations of sexual abuse of minors. Defendants seeking to assert their right to a trial by a jury of their peers have been left waiting for their day in court, some in COVID-19-prone jails, while victims await justice. The court in Orleans County is among very few nationwide still unable to hold trials, according to the Washington Post, which spotlighted the Newport courthouse last month as an “extreme” example of how the pandemic has clogged the country’s judicial system. While the problem in Orleans is perhaps the most severe, it is not an isolated one in Vermont. Nearly two years into the pandemic, COVID-19 continues to wreak havoc on a clunky state judiciary that has failed to fully adapt to the initial strain of the virus, let alone the Omicron variant, which has brought fresh uncertainty. The courts typically hold 100 or more criminal jury trials each year. Since March 2020, the judiciary has recorded fewer than 40. The sluggish restart is the result of a disjointed and overloaded system that has been hampered by obsolete facilities, bureaucracy and, some attorneys argue, mismanagement. Many defendants have tried to assert their due process rights, arguing that the delays have impinged upon their constitutional right to a speedy trial. For more than 18 months, such arguments were futile. But recently, an Orleans County judge
A civil trial in Addison County last month
tossed nearly two dozen cases — mostly low-level — for precisely that reason. Sen. Dick McCormack (D-Windsor) summarized the bind last week during a legislative hearing. “What we have are two alternatives, neither one of which is acceptable,” he said. “One is that we simply ignore the United States Constitution. And the other one is that we let multiple child molesters go free.” Unlike the rest of Vermont, the state’s independent judiciary, helmed collectively by Vermont Supreme Court justices, remains under its own emergency declaration. Progress toward full operations has been slow and uneven, and at least half a dozen courthouses still “aren’t quite where we’d like them to be,” Associate Justice
Harold Eaton told lawmakers. Meanwhile, the two officials who oversaw day-to-day operations during the pandemic — court administrator Patricia Gabel and chief superior judge Brian Grearson — both retired in the last few months. Vermont’s judicial system is rarely nimble. It’s adversarial by design, which is challenging when public health demands a cooperative response. Add in historic, outdated courthouses that are rented from a different branch of government, and the challenge of adapting to an airborne pathogen becomes even harder. But prosecutors and defense attorneys alike say the judiciary hasn’t acted with enough urgency or transparency, and they point out that neighboring states were able to resume trials last year more quickly and uniformly. The lawyers vented their frustrations at a hearing last week before the Senate Committee on Institutions, which is chaired by Sen. Joe Benning (R-Caledonia), himself an exasperated defense attorney. John Campbell, executive director of the Department of State’s Attorneys and Sheriffs, told lawmakers bluntly that the court administrator’s office had poorly managed the courts during the pandemic and failed to communicate with clerks and DISORDER IN THE COURTS
» P.16
Gov. Phil Scott disappointed housing advocates last summer when he vetoed a rental housing bill that would have more strictly regulated landlords. This year, sympathetic lawmakers are trying again with a larger, more comprehensive housing bill that includes permitting and other matters. The failed rental housing bill, S.79, would have established a statewide registry of rentals and created paid inspector positions through the state Division of Fire Safety, replacing the volunteer health officer positions now used in most Vermont towns. It also would have included short-term rentals in its registry proposal. In vetoing the bill, Scott decried its added bureaucracy, including the new inspector positions. The new measure, S.210, will also include permitting reform and other housing-related ideas in what Sen. Michael Sirotkin (D-Chittenden) described on Monday as an omnibus housing bill. “The goal is to make new construction easier and more affordable,” Sirotkin said. “There are many things we can do in terms of smart growth, land use planning and housing rehabilitation.” Sirotkin said he expects to see several housing-related measures introduced this year as the state looks for ways to spend billions of dollars in federal COVID-19 relief money. Lawmakers and the administration have already committed hundreds of millions to housing initiatives, including new construction. There is a growing consensus in the Statehouse that lawmakers need to remove redundancies from the permitting process to lower costs for home builders. Sirotkin said he expects to see a proposal for doing that, and for other housing-related initiatives, this winter. “We’ll confine them all to one bill,” he said. Sarah Carpenter, the chair of the state’s Rental Housing Advisory Board, said she doesn’t understand why the governor’s office is so deeply opposed to the rental registry as described in the original bill. Property owners would pay a fee based on the number of units they rent out, and people who have just a few units at their own homes would be exempt. “I’m still perplexed,” said Carpenter, noting that the owners of short- and long-term rentals are already subject to inspection. “We register dog groomers and tattoo artists. Why don’t we want to know where rental property owners are?” m
Progressive Predicament
Burlington’s Town Meeting Day could look much different for the left-leaning party BY COURTN E Y L AMDIN •
urlington’s Progressive Party was opposition’s incumbent advantage may riding high after last year’s Town be waning. Meeting Day election. “It will change the conversation,” The Progs up for reelection held on said Adam Roof, chair of the Burlingto their seats, maintaining six members ton Democratic Committee. He made a on the 12-person council, and several particular point of the council president’s Progressive ballot items won with wide- decision. “[Tracy] always does really well spread support. in Ward 2, but now that the seat’s open, City Council President Max Tracy people may be rethinking.” (Ward 2), the party’s candidate for mayor, The Progressives’ rise to power n e a r l y t o p p l e d started in 2019, when political newcomthe incumbent, ers Perri Freeman (Central District) and Democrat Miro Jack Hanson (East District) ousted two Weinberger. His centrists from the council. The ascension loss by just 129 votes showed an erosion continued with Hightower and Stromof support for the longtime mayor. berg’s victories in 2020, which put six “When an incumbent has a really close Progs on the 12-member council — the race like this, it can be really difficult to most during Weinberger’s tenure. come out of that,” Tracy said at the time. The Progs can’t unilaterally pass policy, but their success Yet, a year later, it’s the Progressives who are in a in attracting at least one bind. Tracy announced extra vote has given the last week that he won’t party significant sway. run this March for the With Tracy at the helm, Ward 2 council seat he’s councilors have ushered held since 2012. And through measures to two Progressives who ban no-cause evictions, first won in 2020, Jane reinstate ranked-choice Stromberg (Ward 8) and voting, and regulate home Zoraya Hightower (Ward and commercial heating 1), have yet to say whether systems, though all still they’ll seek second terms. require approval of the Hightower said in a stateVermont legislature. ment that she’d decide Perhaps the Progs’ this week, ahead of the most impactful vote was CITY COU NCIL party’s caucus on Janu- PRE SIDE NT MAX TRACY in summer 2020, when ary 18. She said her role they led the effort to cut as a “compromiser” is critical in policy police department staffing by 30 percent debates but that the time commitment, through attrition. Activists, hundreds of politics and heated rhetoric are wearing whom had demanded accountability for her down. cops accused of violence, cheered the “I’ve tried to be clear that I’d prefer to decision. The Progs claimed it as a victory take a break and step away for the right against systemic racism. candidate, but they’ve been slow to mateThe decision has deepened the divide over public safety reform. On rialize,” Hightower said. Of the four Progs up for election on the campaign trail last year, WeinMarch 1, only Joe Magee (Ward 3) — who berger pointed to the vote as proof that in August won a special contest — has a Progressive mayor wouldn’t have the committed to another term. city’s best interests in mind. The police Democrats, meanwhile, have recruited union and acting Police Chief Jon Murad candidates for five of the eight ward seats criticized the council for making cuts to be filled in the upcoming election and without another plan in place. are working to find more — a prospect that some say is brighter now that the PROGRESSIVE PREDICAMENT » P.20
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1/10/22 4:41 PM
Two Candidates Announce Runs for Lieutenant Gov B Y A NNE WAL L A C E ALLEN & KEV I N MCCAL L U M Two candidates, one a member of the Vermont House and the other a political newcomer, have joined what could become a crowded field for lieutenant governor. Rep. Charlie Kimbell (D-Woodstock) was first to announce, last week. Now serving his third term, Kimbell is a former banker and business owner who has been active in rural economic issues and workforce development. He said he’d like to use the LG’s statewide platform to coordinate some of those efforts. “With workforce development, there are a lot of different silos in education, labor and other different places where people have different interests,” he said. “I see the role of lieutenant governor as convening those and looking for one path forward.” On Monday, Patricia Preston, the executive director of the Vermont Council on World Affairs, said she’d, too, run as a Democrat for the post being vacated by Lt. Gov. Molly Gray, who is running for Congress. “As Vermont’s next lieutenant governor, I will work tirelessly to build the trust and cooperation we need to solve our most pressing issues to make Vermont the state we know it can be,” Preston said in a video announcement. Preston, 36, has run the Burlingtonbased Vermont Council on World Affairs for nearly a decade. The nonprofit organization seeks to foster international understanding through public forums and visitor exchanges. That experience makes her “uniquely positioned” to be lieutenant governor, she said, because the work has taken her all over Vermont and given her insight into issues facing the state. This is her first run for public office. Others who’ve expressed interest in the position include Sen. Joe Benning (R-Caledonia), former Democratic representative Kitty Toll of Danville and former Democrat/Progressive lieutenant governor David Zuckerman, who served two terms before making an unsuccessful bid for governor in 2020. The lieutenant governor presides over the Vermont Senate, but the position is largely ceremonial. In addition to being prepared to serve should the governor be unable, the lieutenant governor can cast tie-breaking votes and also plays a limited role in legislative committee appointments. The job is often viewed as a stepping-stone to higher office. Gov. Phil Scott served three terms as LG before he was elected governor in 2016. m
Disorder in the Courts « P.14
attorneys about the specific problems with each building. “They don’t understand that we should all be partners in this,” he said. After listening to two hours of testimony critical of judicial leaders, Eaton largely defended the judiciary’s efforts to balance access and COVID-19 safety. “While there are things that we would do differently in hindsight, I can assure you that we have not, for one second, lost sight of our responsibility, nor have we ever thought we should do nothing to address cases getting heard,” he said. Retrofitting old, cramped courthouses to accommodate social distancing and ensure adequate air circulation, which trials do require, isn’t always simple. In Orleans County, attorneys began pushing last year for the judiciary to open an alternative site for jury trials if the courthouse couldn’t be upgraded. The judiciary declined after state Buildings and General Services staff estimated that it would cost $1.4 million and take at least six months to set one up. “We did not feel, under the circumstances, that that was prudent, having in mind that there are plans for a new facility there that we hope will reach fruition,” Eaton said. Orleans County State’s Attorney Jennifer Barrett told lawmakers that the delay has been “unacceptable” for victims and defendants. Barrett said she had even joined with defense attorneys to beg the judiciary to resume criminal trials in her county. “The whole process has just been so incredibly frustrating,” she said. In recent months, defense attorney David Sleigh filed dozens of motions to dismiss charges that had been pending against his clients in Orleans County before COVID-19 hit. At a combined court hearing in November, many of those defendants testified that the pending charges had affected their ability to pursue new careers or restore their reputations. One of them, John Larose, faced multiple counts of violating an abuse prevention order for allegedly contacting a former spouse by text in 2019. The middle-aged man had been living at his elderly father’s house on a 24-hour court-imposed curfew for the duration of the pandemic. “Even something like a soda, or anything like that, I can’t go get it myself,” he said during the November hearing, according to a transcript reviewed by Seven Days. “And I can’t have no social life.” To the surprise of most everyone in Vermont’s judicial system, Judge Robert Mello granted 22 of Sleigh’s motions, the attorney said, including in Larose’s case. They appear to be some of the first
charges dismissed because the state could not provide a trial in a reasonable amount of time. As the rulings rolled in, the judiciary announced that it had identified a fix to the Orleans criminal courthouse that would enable trials to start safely as soon as this month. “They suddenly found this miracle cure,” Sleigh said. “Now it’s all hunky-dory.” The “cure” was the installation of a heating coil that allows the HVAC system to operate during the winter months, said
interim court administrator Scott Griffith, who assumed the role this month. The judiciary landed on the fix following an engineer’s report that was completed in August 2021; the first jury draw is scheduled for January 24. Sleigh’s speedy trial argument has yet to catch on elsewhere, including in cases with more serious pending charges. “There’s a whole lot of clients of mine that are very angry that I can’t accomplish what you did,” Benning told Sleigh at the hearing last week. The gravity of an alleged offense does not explicitly factor into speedy trial analyses, but some attorneys believe that judges consider it. Cabot Teachout has filed numerous motions for a client who has been locked up on pending sexual assault charges for more than two years, seeking to have the charges dismissed because the man has not been granted a timely trial. Federal and state judges and the Vermont Supreme Court have all ruled against the speedy trial motions by Draxxion Talandar, who was charged in December 2019 with numerous counts of sexual assault and domestic assault. The Windsor County case still has no trial date.
In places such as Windsor County, where criminal jury trials are still not being held, judges have opted to schedule them in neighboring courthouses with jurors from the neighboring county. But Teachout, Sleigh and other defense attorneys filed a petition in Washington County last month to have these changeof-venue orders stricken as administrative overreach. Teachout said the orders disadvantage some criminal defendants, who may believe that a local jury is more likely to be sympathetic to their case. “It really comes down to the unfairness of the process for the people who are sitting in the defendants’ chairs,” he said. The petition is still pending. There’s at least one instance in which all parties have worked together to address the case backlog. In Franklin County, Superior Judge Martin Maley, State’s Attorney Jim Hughes and the local public defender’s office met last fall and agreed to the mass dismissal of more than 350 pending low-level cases. Hughes told Seven Days that winning such cases would have little value: Offenders could soon have such convictions sealed or expunged. The dismissals scarcely made a dent in the problem. And such a solution isn’t possible in other arms of the court, such as the similarly overburdened family divisions. Upgrading or installing HVAC systems in all of the state’s courthouses would cost $5.7 million and take at least two years to complete, Eaton told lawmakers last week. But it won’t solve all of the judiciary’s woes. Eaton said five courthouses don’t have enough security personnel, because the local sheriff ’s office is either shortstaffed or redeploying its deputies to more lucrative assignments. Regardless, Eaton and others in the judiciary were quick to point out that lawmakers were scrutinizing them at a time when some other states had again halted jury trials due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant. So far, the Vermont Judiciary has encouraged courthouse visitors to wear better masks but is leaving any decision to postpone trials to individual judges. As of press time, Seven Days had not identified a Vermont trial that was canceled due to Omicron. Some changes were taking place, however. One juryless civil trial in Addison County began in December with paralegals and a Seven Days reporter joining the judge and attorneys in the courtroom. When the trial resumed last week, as Omicron cases surged, access to the courtroom was further restricted, and Judge Mary Miles Teachout was on high alert. At one point during last Friday’s proceedings, she chided an attorney for leaning in too closely to confer with his associate. m
Database Reveals Vermont Congressman Was a Slave Owner B Y KEVI N MCCAL LU M •
Matthew Lyon fought in the Battle of Bennington during the Revolutionary War. He founded the Town of Fair Haven, whose post office is named after him. After being elected to Congress in 1797, he championed free speech, winning reelection from the Vergennes jail cell where he was imprisoned for criticizing then-president John Adams. The businessman, soldier, printer and newspaper publisher was also a slaveholder. U.S. Census records from 1810 show that after moving from Vermont to Kentucky, Lyon owned 10 slaves, a fact that complicates his legacy.
Portrait of Matthew Lyon
“He was quite a rabble-rouser,” said Paul Carnahan, a librarian at the Vermont Historical Society. This particular chapter came to light on Monday when the Washington Post published a database listing more than 1,700 members of Congress known to have owned slaves. The paper built the database by examining thousands of pages of census records for all known members of Congress during the 18th and 19th centuries, and it reviewed other records, too. Post journalists undertook the enormous project to better understand the links between slavery and political power in early America — and how that history shapes debates about racial inequities today. The effort is a work in progress. The Post has asked for the public’s help in updating the database with relevant information. It couldn’t determine whether 677 members of Congress owned slaves.
There is little question, however, that Lyon became a slaveholder after moving from Vermont to Kentucky. In 1801, Lyon moved to a town in that state called Eddyville and was again elected to Congress, serving from 1803 to 1811. The 1810 census lists him as owning 10 slaves, said Stephen Perkins, executive director of the Vermont Historical Society. The revelation should inform conversations about how he is remembered, including whether his portrait should continue to hang in the Statehouse, said Vermont state curator David Schutz. The portrait hangs outside the Senate Natural Resources and Energy Committee room. Vermont was already in the midst of rethinking Statehouse artwork following criticism that its walls are dominated by images of governors who are almost exclusively white men. Portraits of three women lieutenant governors are scheduled to be unveiled at the Statehouse on January 12. “We are asking tough questions for the first time about who should be in the Statehouse,” Schutz said. Public hearings on the Statehouse’s new interpretive plan are expected to take place this winter. Schutz noted that a portrait of Alexander Twilight, the first person of African descent to serve in a statehouse in America, will soon be unveiled at the Vermont Statehouse. Twilight, a Middlebury College graduate, was elected in 1836 to the Vermont House of Representatives, but it is unclear whether his African lineage was public knowledge at the time, Schutz said. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced the bill that got the Fair Haven post office named after Lyon in 2006, and Schutz said Sanders even wanted him on a stamp. Sanders’ office did not respond to a request for comment. Vermonters tend to focus on the state’s role in the abolitionist movement, downplaying its ties to slavery, and this is an opportunity to take a closer look at that narrative, Schutz said. “That is what history is — ever-evolving information that is being reevaluated through new lenses,” Schutz said. “And those new lenses are examining how we come to terms with our own time.” The Post’s list initially included another Vermonter: Samuel Chandler Crafts, who served in Congress from 1817 to 1825 and as governor from 1828 to 1831. His parents founded the Vermont Town of Craftsbury. But that citation turned out to be an error. Carnahan explained that the Post likely mistook a slaveholder who was probably Crafts’ uncle, Samuel Crafts of Pomfret, Conn., for the Vermonter. Post reporter Julie Weil told Seven Days that the database would be updated to remove Crafts. m
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Dearth of Nurses
Training isn’t keeping up with demand for crucial health professionals in Vermont B Y CO L I N FL A ND ER S •
ermont has long needed more nurses than its colleges can train, and the gap has only widened during the pandemic as burned-out health care workers retire or quit faster than they can be replaced. Hospitals are filling hundreds of vacant nurse positions with expensive traveling workers, while the state has assembled its own team of temps to prop up long-term care facilities. The supply-and-demand equation is expected to worsen. A third of Vermont’s registered nurses are at least 55 years old, meaning that the next decade will likely bring another wave of retirements. It’s now estimated that Vermont will need to add 1,800 nurses in each of the next five years to keep pace with the demand. That’s about three times as many graduates as Vermont’s four colleges with nursing programs — the University of Vermont, Castleton University, Vermont Technical College and Norwich University — produce annually combined. Concerned by these trends, Vermont’s elected leaders say the state’s nursing shortage has become a true crisis, one that can only be resolved by enlarging the training pipeline. “We have to be aggressive in addressing this shortage now,” state Senate President Pro Tempore Becca Balint (D-Windham) said at a news conference last week, alongside Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Gov. Phil Scott. “We need to do this for all Vermont communities, because when we need medical care, we want to make sure that somebody is there to help us.” Vermont nursing programs have steadily grown over the last two decades and now graduate about 500 to 600 people annually, though a fourth of those end up leaving the state. College leaders say a number of common barriers prevent them from further increasing their enrollments. One of the biggest: a lack of teachers. Vermont needs about 50 more fulltime nursing instructors on top of the 75 it already has to begin preparing an adequate number of new nurses, according to estimates from Sanders’ office. That’s a daunting figure given how difficult it can be to fill the positions already available; several nursing faculty jobs have been vacant for months at Vermont Technical College.
College leaders blame their recruitment challenges on salary disparities: Nurses can make far more money working in the field than teaching others how to be a nurse. The average faculty gig pays $65,000, Sanders said. By contrast, the average registered nurse in Vermont makes $72,000, while the top 10 percent earn $98,000 or more, according to data from the state Department of Labor. Helen Papeika, who chairs Castleton’s nursing program, supplements her income by picking up shifts at a hospital. She would make far more money were she to focus solely on clinical work, but she said her love of teaching makes the sacrifice worth it. That’s not a decision everyone can make. “You also have to live,” she said. “It’s a tough balance.” Educators acknowledge that boosting instructor pay would help lure people into faculty jobs but say they’d be unable to afford it without help from the state or federal government. They’d get that money
if it were up to Sanders, who used his remarks at last week’s nursing workforce news conference to highlight the “abysmal” pay of nursing educators, pointing out that hospitals expect to spend upwards of $75 million on their temporary workforces this year. “Instead of spending money to educate nurses who will be part of a long-term sustainable workforce, we are spending huge sums of money on people who come into the state and then leave,” Sanders said. He vowed to work with state leaders on increasing instructor pay, though he offered no specific plan or funding source. Vermont nursing faculty are required to have master’s degrees, something few nurses have earned. Castleton recently launched an online graduate program to join UVM and Norwich in offering a master’s degree in nursing, so there’s hope that the pool of potential faculty will increase over time. Uptake has been slow so far, though; in its first year, Castleton’s program has only five students.
“There’s nurses working in hospitals who would love to teach but say, ‘I don’t want to pay for another degree,’” said Sarah Billings-Berg, the associate dean of nursing education at Vermont Technical College. Inadequate infrastructure represents an additional barrier for some nursing colleges. Vermont Tech has 14 nursing class locations around the state. Some of those classrooms can accommodate fewer than a dozen people. Others have old equipment in need of replacement. “We have some investment to do before we can grow too much,” Billings-Berg said. Every department at UVM is looking for more classroom space, said dean of nursing Noma Anderson. “More space to teach our students — even office space,” Anderson said. “Our faculty are sharing offices. The chair of nursing has told me: ‘If I had more space, I could bring in more students.’” Vermont colleges are far from alone in these challenges. U.S. nursing schools turned away some 80,000
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qualified applicants in 2019 due to shortages of faculty, classroom space and other resources, according to the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. Even if Vermont found more space and faculty for its nursing colleges, it would still likely need to get more people interested in becoming nurses. One way to do that is through financial incentives. Nursing programs aren’t cheap; in-state tuition at Vermont Technical
College and Castleton costs $15,000 a year. Two state scholarship programs seek to reduce this burden by giving money to people who agree to work in Vermont for at least a year. But the programs are highly competitive and distribute only $1.2 million annually — enough for only 200 or so nurses. Last year, the legislature spent $5 million in federal funds to set up a freetuition program at the Vermont State Colleges System to support students pursuing nursing and other “critical” occupations. It was wildly popular — so popular, in fact, that the system ended up with about 230 more requests than it could fulfill. The system eventually funded $2.4 million in additional
scholarships and is now seeking reimbursement from the legislature. Vermont Technical College employs a “1+1+2” ladder approach that allows students to obtain lower-level nursing certification and join the workforce before continuing their education. Students on the lowest rung go through a one-year program that certifies them as licensed practical nurses, or LPNs, who work under the supervision of doctors or nurses and provide more basic care: taking vital signs, collecting samples, administering medication. From there, students can earn a two-year associate’s degree and seek certification as a registered nurse, then pursue the final two years of a bachelor’s degree. The free-tuition initiative was announced after the application deadline for the one-year LPN program, so it did not lead to an enrollment boom. But it did help double the online nursing bachelor’s program from 50 to 100 students, Billings-Berg said. The state college system has asked for $10 million in the upcoming budget adjustment act to re-up and expand the free-tuition program. Nursing college leaders are also pushing for additional loan repayment programs and say they could use money to increase support services such as advising and tutoring, in hopes of cutting down on student attrition. Meanwhile, Gov. Scott’s administration has proposed two initiatives to bolster recruitment and retention of health care workers. One would allocate $15 million for organizations hardest hit by staffing shortages so that they could offer bonuses to workers who agree to stay in the state for a year or two. The other would use $18 million in federal funds to support home- and communitybased providers with bonuses, training and career advancement opportunities. As the legislature gets back to work this month and begins to divvy up the latest trove of federal funds, Democratic leaders say addressing the nursing shortage will be one of their priorities. That’s welcome news to college leaders such as Anderson, the UVM dean of nursing, who believes that her school can help solve the crisis. “We are proud of what we’re doing, but we know we could do more,” said Anderson. “We certainly want to educate more.” m
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1/6/22 12:18 PM
Lawmakers Will Try Again to Boost Unemployment B Y A NNE WAL L A C E ALLEN After their attempt last year was sidelined by the feds, Vermont lawmakers are taking another run at adding $25 to weekly unemployment benefits. “We need to step back and make sure we are meeting the needs of families experiencing unemployment right now,” said Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale (D-Chittenden), a cosponsor of S.221, which was introduced last week. Ram Hinsdale said she has heard about people who have missed weeks of work as COVID-19 infections moved through their families. If they can’t afford to miss work, she said, they face difficult choices. “In this moment, people are choosing to go to work sick because there are no immediate resources to help them stay home,” she said. The idea of adding money to weekly unemployment insurance checks became a heated issue last year after lawmakers tried to include the money as part of a general bill on unemployment insurance that passed in the spring. Lawmakers later learned from the state Department of Labor that federal rules prevented Vermont from tacking on the additional payments. Money from unemployment claims is typically drawn from the state’s unemployment trust fund, which employers pay into. But the new proposal for the $25 weekly supplement calls for using some of Vermont’s federal COVID-19 relief money. S.221 also seeks to permanently increase Vermont’s weekly benefit amount. The Senate Economic Development, Housing and General Affairs Committee is currently considering the bill. “We can’t just close our eyes and make believe we never made this promise to raise people’s unemployment benefits by $25 a week,” said Sen. Michael Sirotkin (D-Chittenden), the committee chair. Labor Commissioner Michael Harrington said on Tuesday that the administration doesn’t support the idea of further raising benefits. The existing benefit amount is reasonable, he said, and was never intended to provide longterm support to individuals and families. Committee member Sen. Randy Brock (R-Franklin) doesn’t support the measure either, partly because permanently raising benefits would increase the amount that employers must pay into the trust fund. And he thinks raising benefits could discourage people from returning to work. “People can find employment now; our major problem in Vermont is the lack of employees,” he said. m
City Council President Max Tracy on Election Night last year
Progressive Predicament « P.15
Progressives twice fended off efforts to raise the number of officers. But some Prog councilors relented in October after an independent consultant recommended a more robust police force. In December, NBC News recapped the drama, painting Burlington as a city with a shambolic public safety system and casting Progressives as rash decision makers who now regret their vote. Hightower, in a text message to Seven Days, said she’s received “hate messages from across the country” since the national broadcast aired. At the same time, city council meetings have become increasingly uncivil. Activists on the left lobbed profanities at councilors during several meetings after Weinberger announced the closure of a large homeless encampment in the city’s South End. In December, an angry mob descended on city hall to protest a proposed mask mandate for indoor public spaces. Speakers regularly blew past their allotted time during public forums and screamed at councilors during deliberations. Longtime Councilor Chip Mason (D-Ward 5) said the declining decorum is one reason he’s not running again.
Tracy told Seven Days last month that the raucous meetings were also weighing on him as he considered another run. But last week, Tracy attributed the decision to a lack of time. Meetings regularly span four or five hours, wrapping up at midnight or later. Councilors, who are paid a $5,000 annual stipend, also serve on subcommittees and help constituents, which can amount to 20 hours of council work per week. For Tracy, it’s become too difficult to balance his council role with his fulltime job as a health care union organizer, particularly as contract negotiations loom with the University of Vermont Medical Center. “It’s not that I don’t want to do politics anymore,” Tracy said. “It’s that I feel like I have a lot on my plate right now, and I need to focus on the work that’s in front of me.” Hoping to take his place is Gene Bergman, a 50-year resident of Burlington who fell in with progressive politics in the 1970s when Bernie Sanders was a long-shot U.S. Senate candidate in the Liberty Union Party. Bergman held the council’s Ward 2 seat from 1986 to 1992 as a Progressive and worked as an assistant city attorney in Burlington for 20 years, retiring in 2018. Bergman, 68, could be labeled an “old guard” Prog, but he favors a number of
policies spearheaded by the current crop of Progressives — and has worked behind the scenes as their paid researcher. In 2020, Bergman helped craft Councilor Freeman’s proposal for a citizen-led board that could discipline and investigate cops for misconduct. Progs helped pass the measure, which Weinberger later vetoed. In an interview with Seven Days last week, Bergman said he’s running to “push some really important, transformational policies.” He supports building housing that working and low-income people can afford, as well as banning no-cause evictions. “Perhaps there’s a way I can bridge divides,” he said, adding that he knows the players in city politics. “I’m interested, and I care. I love the city, and I love its people.” Josh Wronski, executive director of the Vermont Progressive Party, said Bergman is such a strong candidate that he’d be surprised if anyone else jumps in the race. The Dems didn’t nominate anyone in Wards 1, 2 or 3 at their caucus last month, but they can still tap candidates before the January 24 filing deadline. Roof, the Dem party chair, said he’s optimistic that he’ll recruit other candidates, particularly in Hightower’s Ward 1. In 2020, Hightower upset Sharon Bushor, an independent who had held the seat for 32 years. The Dems have already picked UVM student Hannah King to run in Ward 8, an area that encompasses student-heavy neighborhoods downtown. Stromberg won there in 2020, knocking off Roof. In Ward 5, Ben Traverse, a local attorney and chair of the city’s parks commission, will seek the seat that Mason has held. And in Ward 7, the party is backing political newcomer Aleczander Stith. It’s unclear whether the incumbent there, independent Councilor Ali Dieng, will run again. Incumbents Sarah Carpenter (D-Ward 4) and Karen Paul (D-Ward 6) are running for reelection. Despite being the local Progs’ most prominent member, Tracy said the caucus has “a number of leaders” and that his exit won’t weaken the party. His seat is unlikely to fall into Democratic hands, nor is neighboring Ward 3’s, where a rematch of the summer’s special election is under way: Incumbent Magee will face Christopher-Aaron Felker, the chair of the Burlington GOP. Wronski expects that the Progs will have at least five contenders on the ballot, whether Hightower and Stromberg run or not. He said he’s spoken with possible alternative candidates for those seats and that the incumbents’ indecision doesn’t mean that the party is losing power. “I think we have a strong chance of holding all six and maybe even picking up a seat,” Wronski said. m
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Harold “Buddy” E. Harvey died peacefully on December 24, 2021, with his daughter by his side and in the caring hands of the Green Mountain Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center in Colchester, Vt. Harold was born on July 9, 1941, to George H. Harvey Sr. and Anna (Farr) Harvey in Richmond, Vt. He graduated from Richmond High School and the University of Vermont. After his four children were born, he graduated from UVM, working nights while attending day classes. He was proud to be a computer programmer and worked for IBM for 25 years until his retirement.
Harold was active with the Williston Little League as a coach and was instrumental with creating and maintaining the Brennan Ball Field in Williston. He was an avid snowmobiler and active with local snowmobile clubs and as a county director for the Vermont Association of Snow
Leanne Ponder
dearest to his heart and included his much-loved dogs, faithful companions who would ride shotgun. He is survived by his children, Anthony Harvey (Penny) of Monkton, Dawn Marland (partner Michael Felber Sr.) of Richmond, Cynthia Epinette (Richard) of Glover, and Susan Jones (Bruce) of Aroda, Va.; stepdaughters Jessica Cermola (partner Wayne Long) of Springfield and Julie Cermola of Bellows Falls; and several grandchildren and great-grandchildren. He felt fortunate to be a part of the lives of his grandchildren as they were growing up and had close relationships with granddaughters Heather Blanchette, Amy Alexander and Sarah Blindow; grandsons Charlie Epinette and Danny
Holly Valach Hanley
Leanne Ponder died peacefully at home in East Montpelier, Vt., on Christmas Eve at 1:45 p.m., after a long illness. She was surrounded by family and friends and received loving care. She tackled her difficult final years with the same strength, discipline, skill and attention to essentials as she brought to being a poet, spoken word artist, Celtic harper, friend and wife. Her poetry was published both in small journals and in large-circulation magazines as diverse as Esquire and Cricket. A few years ago, she brought out a book of her poems, Tonight Not Even My Skin. She helped many hundreds of children write strong poetry as an artist-inresidence in schools across Vermont. She spent many years performing around the state in the character of a 1850s backwoods peddler, first through the Shelburne Museum, then through the Vermont Humanities Council. She had a 30-year loving and productive artistic
Travelers, participating in many ride-ins throughout the state and working on clearing trails and building bridges. He was the compiler of the first map of snowmobile trails for the state of Vermont. Upon retirement, he started a turkeygrowing business, which he operated for about 14 years. Having a camp was a lifelong dream for him, and in 1980, Ye Stagger Inn (aka the “Don’t Eat Yellow Snow” camp) became a reality. He will be remembered by many as the fun-loving host in his beloved camp in Averill. Camp was an open house for family parties, progressive dinners, snowmobile weekends, bonfires, lost and cold snowmobilers in need of help, and his annual camp cookouts. He was the camp’s official Bacon Chef. His family was nearest and
partnership with her husband, Tim Jennings; their duo storytelling performances with Celtic music were widely recognized as being among the best of their kind; their spoken word albums received multiple awards. A self-taught Irish harper, she released two instrumental music albums, The Water Kelpie and Sheefra, that were acquired by the Irish Traditional Music Archive in Dublin. She is survived by her husband, a brother, a sister-inlaw and brother-in-law, and many nieces and nephews scattered around the globe. There will be a very small memorial service at home and a joyful celebration of life in mid-July 2022.
It is with profound sadness and heavy hearts that we share the unexpected passing of Holly Valach Hanley on January 2, 2022. Holly was born in Plattsburgh, N.Y., on December 26, 1961, and was the daughter of Victor and Ethel Valach of Champlain, N.Y. She was raised on Oak Street in a community with a close-knit circle of friends, many of whom continued throughout her entire life, particularly Heather (Rowe) Casey, Kurt Southwick and Lisa Maskell. She graduated from Northeastern Clinton Central School in 1980 and pursued a career in the medical support field, most recently at the University of Vermont Medical Center in radiology. Holly had a beautiful and contagious smile that brought joy to those around her, a wonderful sense of humor that surfaced even in the most difficult of times, and a true gift in helping
those in pain feel consoled and loved. Family, friends and patients who were lucky enough to have known Holly will always treasure the ways she touched their lives. Holly’s greatest achievement was raising her two children, Bridget and Patrick, whom she loved dearly and who encompassed her entire world. She found great joy in time spent at Hinkum Pond in Sudbury, Vt., where her family gathered annually for summer reunions, always enjoying the serenity of days and nights spent by the water, countless hours of floating and kayaking, and appreciating the occasional loon sightings. She loved taking care of her gardens
Epinette; and step-grandson Anthony Mitchell. He is also survived by his sister Claire Streeter (John) of Windham, Maine; brothers Seward Harvey (Ida) of Richmond and Philip Harvey (Leta Rae) of Bushnell, Fla.; sister-in-law Mary Harvey of Richmond; and many nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his former wife and mother of his children Bea Harvey of Williston and former wife Jeanette Harvey of Bellows Falls. In addition to his parents, he was predeceased by his brothers George Harvey Sr. and James Harvey; his sisters Rebecca Boiney and Alice Robertson; step-grandson Mark Marland Jr.; and stepdaughter Jennifer Cermola. His family would like to thank Green Mountain
Nursing Home and Rehabilitation Center for the care and support they provided our father over the past few years. A special thank-you to Bea Harvey, who remained a constant presence in his life and went above and beyond to provide comfort, care and support to our father. Funeral services will be held on December 31, 2021, 11 a.m., at Corbin and Palmer Funeral Home, 9 Pleasant St., Essex Junction. A celebration of life is planned to be held in the spring of 2022. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association of Vermont, 75 Talcott Rd., Suite 40, Williston VT 05495, or the Humane Society of Chittenden County, 142 Kindness Ct., South Burlington, VT 05403.
at home and was always bringing arrangements to every family event and to whomever she knew was ill or going through a rough patch in life. She took particular pride in her signature “Holly” arrangements during Christmastime as her seasonal namesake gift. There is no doubt that Holly brought an abundance of laughter to any event she attended. Her personality and energy would fill a room and make even a small gathering of friends a lifetime memory. Whether it was her dancing antics or the imitations she mastered, she would infuse fun and laughter at the perfect moments. She was truly the life of the party and will be remembered and missed by everyone who encountered her spirited soul. We feel blessed and fortunate that we were able to celebrate her 60th birthday with her before her untimely death. It truly was a gift to us, and we will always cherish that, in her last days, she was surrounded by family and friends. Holly is predeceased by her beloved parents, Vic and Ethel; and in-laws, Bill and Joan Hanley.
She is survived by her husband, Christopher Hanley, and son, Patrick, both of South Burlington, Vt.; daughter, Bridget, of Essex Junction, Vt.; sister and brother-in-law Tami and Tony Nori of Port Charlotte, Fla.; sister and brotherin-law Linda and Brian Donahue of Essex Junction, Vt., and their children Jack, Kevin, Liam and Maggie; and brother Steve of Mystic, Conn., and his daughter Alex. Holly also leaves her aunt and uncle Richard and Jean Pulsifer; aunt Shirley Cheek; several cousins; and a large extended Hanley family. The family is grateful for the outpouring of support and love during this difficult time. If desired, contributions can be made to the Howard Center, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3J, Burlington, VT 05401. Due to current COVID-19 conditions, visiting hours will be postponed and will be held on Saturday, May 28, 2022, from 2 to 4 p.m. at Corbin & Palmer Funeral Home in Essex Junction, Vt., with a gathering immediately following at her sister Linda’s home.
R. Allan Paul AUGUST 18, 1931JANUARY 3, 2022 BURLINGTON, VT.
R. Allan Paul passed away peacefully at home on January 3, 2022, having lived a life full of love, law and golf. Allan was born on August 18, 1931, in Albany, N.Y., the son of James A. and Celia R. Paul. He graduated from Albany High School in 1949. While Albany was his place of birth, Burlington and Vermont were his home. Allan made his way to the University of Vermont, where he was a member of the Phi Sigma Delta fraternity and received a bachelor of arts in political science in 1953. While at UVM, Allan met the love of his life, his college sweetheart Elsie Epstein, who would become his wife. Elsie graduated from UVM a year later, in 1954, and joined him in New York City, where Allan attended and graduated from Columbia Law School in 1956. The day after graduating from law school, Allan returned to Vermont for his first job as a lawyer with A. Pearly Feen. Building a career founded on his love of the law and a strong desire to provide for his then-young family, he went on to fulfill one of his many professional goals by starting his own legal practice. In 1968, he, along with Joseph Frank and Peter Collins, formed Paul Frank and Collins. Allan served as its founding president for the first 26 years of its now 53-year history. Throughout Allan’s life, he served his community and state, giving his time and energy to public service and improving the legal profession to attract lawyers to the state. In 1965, Allan was elected to the Burlington Board of Alderman, representing what is now Ward 6. He was active in the Burlington Rotary, serving as its president, the Lake Champlain Chamber of Commerce and the Vermont Business Roundtable; and he was a director and board chair of the Greater Burlington Industrial Corporation, receiving that
organization’s highest honor for his work in bringing science and math education initiatives to local schools. Public service extended to Allan’s love and commitment to the synagogue where he and Elsie were married, and his three daughters were bat mitzvahed and married. He was president of Ohavi Zedek Synagogue in the early 1970s. One of Allan’s greatest honors was serving on the board of trustees of his alma mater, the University of Vermont. He served as a member of the board, including two years as board chair. Allan was a strong supporter of the founding of Vermont Law School. He served on the board of trustees of Vermont Law School from 1994 to 2004 and as president of the board from 1995 to 2001. In 2006, he received an honorary degree from Vermont Law School. He was a director of the Howard Bank for many years and served as board chair. The Howard Bank later became Banknorth Group, Inc. and then TD Bank. He was a member of the Vermont State Racing Commission and its chair from 1977 to 1989. Allan served as president of the National Association of State Racing Commissioners from 1981 to 1982. He loved the beauty and excitement of horses. He and Elsie traveled all over the country with the racing commission. Allan was recognized for his service to the state and honored as the Vermont Chamber of Commerce Citizen of the Year in 2006. A golfer from the time he was in high school, Allan
Patricia McClure
whom became close friends to her. For several years, Patti worked as a teacher’s aide and a staff member at Colchester High School, and in the 1990s, she began working as a unit secretary for the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont. In the early 2000s, Patti worked as a pharmacy technician at Costco. In 2004, her husband, Will, died of complications relating to hepatitis C. Not long after, she shifted to working as a Costco greeter, a natural fit for her friendly and sociable personality. In 2006, Patti began dating Bob Mummert of Colchester, whose children she had gotten to know while working at Colchester High School. She and Bob soon found that they were a perfect match for one another. Not long after, Bob’s son Jon and daughter-in-law Sarah gave birth to their first child, Kristoffer, followed by a daughter, Sarah Rose, while Patti’s son Kris and daughterin-law Erin also welcomed two children into the world, son Colin and daughter Meara. Patti was delighted to help care for and spend time with her four grandchildren.
Among the other highlights of her later years were her vacations to Maine with Bob, spending time in the peaceful yard of the home that she shared with him, catching up with friends over Facebook, doing crossword puzzles with her morning cup of coffee and playing Words with Friends. Patti will be remembered as a warmhearted and generous person, with a tough streak that she would credit to her New Jersey upbringing. She will also be remembered for her quick wit and intelligence, demonstrated in part through her lifelong love for playing “Jeopardy!” and Scrabble, as well as her appreciation for literature and film. Finally, Patti had a strong belief in God and in Catholic teachings regarding charity and compassion toward others, particularly toward the less fortunate. She is survived by her sister, Jacqueline Richins; sons Kris McClure and Ryan McClure; life partner Robert “Bob” Mummert; his son, Jon Mummert and daughter-inlaw Sarah Mummert; grandchildren Kristoffer Mummert, Sarah Rose Mummert, Colin McClure and Meara McClure; daughters-in-law Erin McClure and Serena Vascik; and nephews Kevin and Dennis Richins. The family would like to say a special thanks to the staff of University of Vermont Home Health & Hospice care, particularly Nancy Carlson and Lisy McIntyee. A small, private family ceremony will be held in Patti’s honor. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to UVM Home Health & Hospice.
with few resources find a measure of justice and being a positive influence to uplift their lives. Prior to joining Legal Aid, she served in the
Chittenden County State’s Attorney’s Office. In addition to her parents, she is survived by her adoring husband, Ryan Fredette, and a cherished daughter, Alexandra Brinkman, both of Burlington; a sister, Kathryn Mathews, of Florida; and Harper, her much-loved feline. In addition, she leaves behind numerous friends and professional colleagues who will surely miss her spirit and spontaneity. Ready Funeral Home in Burlington, at 261 Shelburne Road, is in charge of arrangements. Calling hours were on Tuesday, December 28. The family plans a celebration of her all-too-brief life at a future date.
MARCH 17, 1948DECEMBER 23, 2021 COLCHESTER, VT. loved the game and played at the Burlington Country Club as one of its longestserving members, as well as in Florida for the nearly 20 years he and Elsie spent their winters there. Above all else, Allan loved his family. He enjoyed his daughters’ countless dance recitals, gymnastic and swim meets, and musical performances, and felt truly blessed to have eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Allan is survived by Elsie, his wife of 67 years, and his daughters, Karen Paul and her husband, Mark Saba, of Burlington; Diana Kernoff and her husband, Bret Kernoff, also of Burlington; and Laurie Mittenthal and her husband, Eric Mittenthal, of Arlington, Va. He leaves his eight grandchildren, Andrew, Adam and Caroline Saba; Joshua Kernoff and his wife, Kathryn; Jennifer Patnaude and her husband, Bradley; and Dara Mittenthal; along with his four great-grandchildren, Annie, Daniel and Abraham Kernoff, and Molly Patnaude. Allan lived life to its fullest, and his family is grateful for the many years we had his love, wisdom and guidance in our lives, memories and life lessons that will inspire and comfort us always. We are also grateful to Betsy McGee, Jamie Broomfield, Devin Kingsbury, Janice Lawrence, Silverleaf Home Care, Louise Brown, Mary Miller and Lina Sardella who were his caregivers in the last few weeks of his life. Their devotion to his care made it possible for Allan to remain at home, surrounded by his family. Funeral services were held via Zoom at 11 a.m. on Wednesday, January 5, at the Ohavi Zedek Synagogue in Burlington. There was a graveside service immediately following at the Hebrew Holy Society Cemetery on Patchen Road in South Burlington. In lieu of flowers, gifts in Allan’s memory may be sent to the UVM Health Network - Home Health & Hospice, 1110 Prim Rd., Colchester, VT 05446, and Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, 188 N. Prospect St., Burlington, VT 05401.
Patricia “Patti” Gail McClure passed away on December 23, 2021, after a struggle with a long-term illness. Patti was born on March 17, 1948, in Fair Lawn, N.J., to Robert and Charlotte Durrenburger. She was the younger of two daughters. Growing up, she was outgoing and made friends easily. Listening to radio broadcasts from nearby big cities, she developed a passion for doo-wop and rock and roll and spent many weekends at Palisades Park watching the biggest musical groups of the ‘50s and early ‘60s perform. Patti also became a voracious reader, with A Tree Grows in Brooklyn often noted as her favorite book. She graduated from Fair Lawn High School in 1966. Soon afterward, Patti left New Jersey for Vermont. In 1974, Patti married Will McClure of Burlington. Will was a working musician and aspiring actor, and Patti followed him to New York City and then to Florida, where their eldest son, Kristoffer, was born in 1976. A few years later, Patti and Will returned to Vermont and welcomed a second son, Ryan. Patti would spend the next four decades in Colchester. During the 1980s, the family lived in a converted summer camp just five minutes from Lake Champlain; in the summer, Patti would spend most days at the beach with her children, while she and Will would often throw parties for their neighbors, many of
Jennifer Lynn (Mathews) Fredette
AUGUST 14, 1972DECEMBER 20, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Jennifer L. Fredette, 49, died unexpectedly on December 20, 2021, at her home in Burlington, Vt. She was born at home in New Haven, Vt., on August 14, 1972, the daughter of Harold and Linda Mathews, formerly of Colchester and now residing in Riverview, Fla. Jennifer was a graduate of Colchester High School and employed by Vermont Legal Aid. She was passionate and committed to helping those
Kristin Ann Johnson
NOVEMBER 25 1946DECEMBER 27, 2021 GEORGIA, VT. Kristin Ann Johnson passed away peacefully on the morning of December 27, 2021, at the McCLure Miller Respite House. She had just celebrated her 75th birthday. Kristin was born in Minneapolis in 1946, the daughter of Dr. John and Polly Johnson. She is survived by her loving husband, Edward P. Swierk, who was an inspiring caregiver for the past three years during her final challenge with bile duct cancer. She is also survived by her brother Steve Johnson and his wife, Joan, of Kady, Texas, and their two children of California. She was predeceased by her
brother Bruce Johnson of Brazil. Kristin especially loved traveling there to visit her late brother’s family, which consisted of four nephews and nieces and seven grandnephews and grandnieces. Kristin was a lifelong seeker of truth who had a desire to expand her consciousness through mind-body
Mark Eldridge
settling in Vermont as a reading specialist at Champlain Valley Union High School. With coauthor Polly Baird, Kristin created a series of K-8 textbooks entitled Mega Words. She also opened a small business in Winooski as an instructor of “Brain Gym” and applied kinesiology. One of her greatest loves was singing with the Noyana Singers, whose celestial voices comforted her during the last weeks of her life. Kristin also adored gardening and spent many happy summer days tenderly nurturing her lakehouse flowers. She also enjoyed traveling, playing the piano, kayaking, biking, dancing, skating and skiing. She especially loved viewing the sun setting on the lake from the deck of her home on the Georgia shore.
Micheline Hogue Junas
Mark Thomas Eldridge was born in Fairbanks, Alaska, on August 8, 1943, before it became the 49th state. This was a harbinger of a lifetime of being a bit ahead of the future. Mark died with the caring support of his family and hospice team at home in Burlington, Vt., on December 27, 2021. In the late 1970s, Mark created the Equity Transfer Assistance Program while assistant director for planning in Brookline, Mass., protecting low-income renters from displacement due to condominium conversions. Mark became Burlington’s director of planning and zoning in 1985, where he was a champion for climate change solutions, including the 10% Challenge. He tested out electric cars for the City of Burlington in the 1990s. After retirement, he completed the Green Roof Professional Training program in Toronto. Perhaps his most lasting work was conceiving the Community Boathouse, suggesting that it be built on a barge allowing for flexibility of location. He was most proud of his children, Elizabeth and Thomas, and wife, Nancy. As the son of an Episcopal minister, Mark lived in several states, with the
awareness. As part of her spiritual journey, she practiced yoga at the Himalayan Institute in Pennsylvania. In addition to yoga, she pursued a variety of spiritual practices, such as meditation, diksha and life energy fundamentals. In addition to her spiritual path, Kristin was an enthusiastic explorer of learning strategies and how best to help students with reading difficulties. She received an undergraduate degree from Northwestern University in sociology and a master’s degree in educational psychology from the University of Minnesota. After obtaining her degrees, Kristin spent 40-plus years teaching students with learning challenges at schools in Illinois and Maryland, eventually
family’s anchor being their home in Heath, Mass., since the 1940s. He received his undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College and a master’s in city and regional planning at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He served honorably in the Navy during the Vietnam War. He was an avid Cardinals baseball and UNC basketball fan. Mark is predeceased by his extraordinary parents, the Rev. Elsom Eldridge and Elizabeth Whitehead Eldridge. In addition to Elizabeth, Thomas, Nancy and the Rockett family, he leaves brothers Steve and Sommie, their families, and many beloved friends. Many thanks to University of Vermont Home Health & Hospice for supporting Mark’s choice to remain at home. His life will be celebrated at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul when the time is right.
Micheline Hogue Junas of Shelburne, Vt., died peacefully at home after a short illness on January 3, 2022, surrounded by her loving family. She was 88. Marie Pirouette Yolande Micheline Hogue was born in Montréal to Marcel Hogue and Annette Blais on March 18, 1933. She grew up on Rue St. Denis surrounded by her close-knit family, including many beloved aunts, uncles and cousins. She studied at Queens College in Kingston, Ontario, earning a secretarial certificate, and went on to work in downtown Montréal for many years as a secretary and executive assistant. An avid skier, she spent two weeks skiing at Gray Rocks in the Laurentians each March. This is where she met the love of her life, Tom Junas the American, in 1959, and an epic love story began. She and Tom moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, upon marrying on January 12, 1960, and then to Massachusetts, raising three children in Arlington. Micheline was active on the Dallin School PTO and the Arlington League of Women Voters, and she worked at one of the area’s first volunteer food co-ops. She went on to work at a
local office-supply company and then in the office of development and alumni relations at Brandeis University, retiring in 1998. She and Tom moved to Shelburne, Vt., in 2008, where she made new friends through the Shelburne-Charlotte Newcomers and volunteered at the Pearson Library and the Shelburne Food Shelf. Micheline was an avid home cook, making her famous tourtière for lucky friends and neighbors. Weekends were filled with cooking projects, dinner was always from scratch and the cookies were always homemade. She loved to walk and found great pleasure in walking around the neighborhood nightly — both in Arlmont Village and on Aspen Circle and Sycamore — and meeting neighbors and getting the latest news. Travel with Tom was a highlight of their later years.
Sincere thanks to all the wonderful staff from the Home Health & Hospice and the McClure Miller Respite House. Also to Dr. Paul Unger and his medical team at the Champlain Valley Hematology/ Oncology, who provided exceptional care; the surgery and oncology departments at Massachusetts General Hospital: Dr. Christina Ferrone, Dr. Jeff Clark and Dr. Ted Hong; Dr. Kumar Krishnan of MGH Interventional Radiology and the Interventional Radiology team at the University of Vermont Medical Center; Dr. Peter Cataldo of the UVM Medical Center Department of Surgery; and those dear friends and family who stood in loving vigil, both in person and from afar, holding her in
their hearts during her final hours. Kristin lived her life with integrity, grace and enormous heart. She brought a depth of presence and intentionality to all her pursuits, as well as a tremendous sense of fun and adventurous spirit. Her relationships likewise were blessed by her honesty, wisdom and heart presence. She will be deeply missed by all who had the privilege of knowing her. A celebration of life will take place in the spring in Vermont. Details will be posted on Ed Swierk’s Facebook page and in the Burlington Free Press the first week of May. In lieu of flowers, Kristin and Ed would appreciate donations to Vermont Foodbank, 33 Parker Rd., Wilson Industrial Park, Barre, VT 05641.
Micheline had fond memories of trips to Italy, England, Holland, Ireland and France. In her words, “I have lived a very good and full life, and I am incredibly fortunate to have the family and friends that I have had.” Micheline is survived by her loving and devoted husband of 62 years, Thomas Junas; and by her children, Elise Johnson and her husband, Greg, of Bedford, N.H.; Andrew Junas and his wife, Laura, of Wakefield, Mass.; and Nicole Junas Ravlin and her boyfriend, Chris Downing, of Charlotte, Vt. She was incredibly proud of her four grandchildren, Ethan and Colin Ravlin and Evan and Isabelle Johnson. They were the true light of her life, and it was an honor to be their Mimi and her children’s mother. She is also survived by her sister Suzanne Hogue Léveillé of Île des Sœurs, Québec, and her nephews Yves and Alain Léveillé. We are truly blessed to have had a good week with Micheline before she died — a week when, in true Micheline style, she told us exactly what she wanted for this obituary, her funeral and a few other things in great detail. (There’s a pastrami sandwich for Tom from Rustic Roots in this plan.) A memorial service will be held on Saturday, May 7, 11 a.m., at Charlotte Congregational Church, followed by a reception; a
virtual option is available and can be accessed by emailing for the link. Micheline chose to donate her body to the University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine’s Anatomical Gift Program. In lieu of flowers (and she was really serious about this — there are to be only four bouquets, all of which she already ordered), please consider a gift to First Call at the Howard Center, a service that was so very close to Micheline’s heart. If donating online, please click “area of greatest need” and indicate in the comments section “First Call in Memory of Micheline Junas.” We are eternally grateful for the care and compassion given by the nurses on Baird 4 and McClure 6; Brittany O. Bryan, PA-C at UVM Medical Center; the exceptional Bayada Hospice team; spiritual support from the Charlotte Congregational Church; and all of our family friends who have made this challenging time so much easier to bear. If you find yourself thinking about what Micheline would want, pour a glass of wine — or, even better, Champagne! — and toast to her incredible life, create and celebrate your own love story, tell those you love that you love them often, and be sure to eat all the delicious things — especially things with gluten!
OBITUARIES Mona Wheatley
AUGUST 17, 1934NOVEMBER 27, 2021 DALLAS, TEXAS Mona Meyers Wheatley, 87, passed away on Saturday evening, November 27, 2021, in Dallas, Texas, surrounded by loved ones. Born in Cleveland, Ohio, to Ann R. and Edward F. Meyers, Mona grew up in Pepper Pike. She attended Hathaway Brown School; went to Middlebury College, where she received her BA; and later earned her master’s degree from Boston University. While teaching at Center School in Bedford, Mass., in the 1970s, she organized phonathons around the country for Middlebury. Her beloved alma mater hired her as director of annual funds in 1980, and she served in numerous positions in development and alumni relations for the remainder of her career, culminating with her role as director of bicentennial planning for Middlebury’s celebration in 2000. Mona raised her family in Lexington, Mass., and, following her retirement from Middlebury, moved to Nantucket, where she kept busy working in an antiques shop and serving as an enthusiastic ambassador for the island. Mona spent many winters in Sanibel, Fla., where she became an avid duplicate bridge player. She moved to a retirement community in Dallas for the last six years of her life.
Mona was an active member of the Middlebury, Sanibel and Nantucket Rotary Clubs, as well as St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church in Middlebury, St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church in Sanibel, and St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Nantucket. Mona was an invested community member, embracing opportunities to address a need. She served on the founding board of Middlebury’s first infant and toddler child center, Otter Creek Day Care; mentored young professionals in philanthropy, individually as well as within the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education; helped form Vermont Women in Higher Education, from which she received the Sister Elizabeth Candon Distinguished Service Award in 1999; co-organized the Ice Fraus, one of the earliest synchronized figure-skating teams, at the Hayden Recreation Center in Lexington, Mass., in the 1960s; and served as an
accountant for the United States Figure Skating Association. Spirited, passionate, committed, energetic, fun and a force — words that describe this strong woman who threw herself fully into every endeavor with an infectious can-do spirit. The sign on Mona’s desk at Middlebury declared her “Director of Annual Fun,” an appropriate printer’s error. She was a world traveler, cared deeply about social justice and, while she had strong opinions of her own, listened deeply to understand others. She was invigorated by the presence of young people and reflected the optimism they shared for the future. Genuinely interested in every person, she was a master of the probing question and remembered each person’s story. She loved to entertain and was a popular host and desired party guest. Her youngest fans referred to her as “Momo” and often called upon her to perform the witch’s cackle she perfected as a teen on a radio show. Mona treasured moments reading, talking, traveling and singing show tunes with her children, grandchildren, and greatnieces and -nephews. She blurred the line between work and fun, celebrating life and people, and filling her time and others’ with curiosity and adventure. She was an inspiration and role model to many for overcoming life’s challenges and pursuing excellence while
PROMOTION Welcome, Peter Dysart
Primmer Piper Eggleston & Cramer is pleased to welcome attorney Peter Dysart. Peter will work with our corporate, banking and financial services, as well as litigation practice groups. Peter focuses primarily on commercial transactions, business formations and dissolutions, mergers and acquisitions, and trademark registration and protection.
giving of oneself to make the world a better place. Mona is predeceased by her beloved parents, Ann and Ed Meyers. She leaves behind her brother, Ed Meyers, and his wife, Fran, a lifelong friend and chosen sister, of Novelty, Ohio; as well as her three children: John Lewis Wheatley III and his wife, Karen, of Foxboro, Mass.; Linda Ann Wheatley of East Montpelier, Vt.; and Allison Wheatley Bovard and her husband, Chris, of Dallas, Texas. She also leaves behind her seven grandchildren: Kelly Steffen; Nipa Wheatley; Christian Lyman and his wife, Stephanie; Caroline Wheatley; and Charlie, Sam and Jack Bovard; as well as her ex-husband, Jack Wheatley. She is also survived by her five nieces and nephews: Lisa Abrahamson Nagel and her husband, Mike; Karl Abrahamson and his wife, Francoise McAree; Charlie Meyers and his wife, Jessica; Jim Meyers; Mallory Meyers Taylor and her husband, Paul; and so many others who were lucky enough to be a part of her world. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Nantucket, Mass.; the Town Hall Theater in Middlebury, Vt.; Vermont Women in Higher Education in Burlington, Vt.; the Nantucket Historical Association in Nantucket, Mass.; or a charity of your choice. There will be a celebration of Mona’s life next summer on Nantucket.
Meg Brazill DECEMBER 25, 1952DECEMBER 16, 2021 WOODSTOCK, VT.
Margaret Mary “Meg” Brazill died on December 16, 2021, from a rare autoimmune disease at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Mass. She will be remembered for her creative mind, unrelenting sense of humor, musical talent and compassion — and as an excellent mother. She was born on Christmas Day 1952 in Buffalo, N.Y., the third of the four daughters of the late John William and H. Florence (Truxes) Brazill. She graduated from Orchard Park (N.Y.) High School, attended LeMoyne College and graduated from SUNY Brockport. She embarked on a career in the arts, initially by participating in theatrical productions on both coasts. During her years on the West Coast, she attended Loyola Marymount University (Los Angeles) in a film master’s program and hosted a university radio show covering LA’s arts scene on KXLU. Meg was also the director of literary programs for the Lannan Foundation, producing the largest reading series in LA. While on the West Coast, Meg did what many dream of but few dare to do: She strapped on an electric bass and became the bassistvocalist of the technopunk new-wave trio Los Microwaves. They released Life After Breakfast, in 1981, along with a number of cult hit singles. Los Microwaves completed several crosscountry tours with international shows, as well, ending their tenure at Danceteria in New York City in 1983. Meg was immortalized as “one of our great vocalizers” in an article about the band in Andy Warhol’s Interview magazine. She also recorded with Baby Buddha and produced solo work as Maria de Janeiro. Meg has recordings on Poshboy Records, Dark Entries Records and Hyperspace Communications. In 1990, wearing a purple dress, she married Seth Callander, and three
years later, their daughter, Sarah, was born. In 1994, Pentangle Council on the Arts in Woodstock, Vt., offered her the position of executive director, a catalyst for her long career in the New England arts scene. Over the past 20 years, she was a contributing writer and editor for a host of regional publications, garnering recognition and sharing her talents as a writing teacher. Most recently, she was the program and marketing director at the Norman Williams Public Library. Up until her last day, she was recommending books. Those who knew her will remember her sense of humor, wit and compassion. Though she was a self-described recovering punk rocker, she enjoyed the quiet traditions of living in Vermont, like apple picking and small gallery openings. She is survived by her daughter, Sarah Callander; and Sarah’s father, Seth Callander; sisters Linda Brazill (Mark Golbach), Nancy Brazill (Tony Giammarise) and Pat Brazill (Scott Krieger); niece Kate Giammarise (Paul Cooley); nephew Michael Giammarise (Sara Hunter Giammarise); and five greatnieces and -nephews. Her partner, John O’Connell, provided invaluable support and love throughout her illness. If you would like to send memories or be in touch for details of the memorial service, to be held in late spring, please email megbrazillmemories@ In lieu of donations, support the work of artists, writers and musicians in memory of Meg.
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Fave Little State
Climate migrants from around America are seeking refuge in Vermont B Y KEVIN MCCALLU M •
heryl Lubin adored her Cape Cod vacation home. The cedar-shingled retreat featured a chef’s kitchen, wraparound deck, views of a salt marsh and easy access to famed beaches. After years of renovating the 3,400-squarefoot property in Chatham, Mass., Lubin and her husband retired there in 2017, expecting to stay for the long haul. The climate crisis had other plans for them. The next year, Hurricane Michael dropped six inches of rain on the Cape, flooding roads. Rising sea levels eroded beaches and made roads impassable during big storms. But it was twin tornadoes that uprooted them from their increasingly anxious life on the coast. In July 2019, the twisters tore across the southern Cape, toppling hundreds of trees, knocking out power to thousands, and filling Lubin with a sense of personal and financial dread. “The tipping point for us was the extreme weather,” Lubin said last month. “People ask me why I left Cape Cod. They say, ‘It’s so beautiful.’ And all I can say is, ‘Climate change is real, folks.’” 28
So last year the couple did what a growing number of people alarmed by the climate crisis are doing: They moved to Vermont. After reviewing national climate maps that predicted less severe climate change in northern New England, the pair snapped up an old farmhouse on two acres outside Norwich. They even adopted the
Cheryl Lubin
and look forward to becoming part of the Upper Valley community. “I think Vermonters understand that there are people looking to find higher ground, not only for themselves but for their families,” Lubin said. Americans fleeing coastal storms, relentless heat and western wildfires are finding refuge in the Green Moun-
I was surprised at how many people were talking about climate as a driving factor for their move to Vermont. CHE RYL MO R S E
farm’s dog, Mitzi, who had lived in the home until her owner died. Now they’re renting a condo just over the state line in Lebanon, N.H., while they have the home updated for energy efficiency. They have joined a local gym
tain State. As large areas of the nation become inhospitable or even uninhabitable, Vermont’s cool climate, abundant water
supplies and tradition of environmental stewardship are proving increasingly attractive to people with the desire — and the means — to relocate. Climate scientists have warned for decades that runaway emissions from the burning of fossil fuels could warm the planet in ways that trigger mass migration and economic and political destabilization. Even if net emissions are reduced to zero by midcentury and the worst impacts can be avoided, some changes, such as sea level rise, will be irreversible, according to the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. “Tens of millions of people are likely to be displaced over the next two to three decades due in large measure to climate change impacts,” according to a 2021 White House report on worldwide climate migration. Ma j o r c l i m a t e - re l a t e d population shifts are predicted within the United States. As many as 36 million Americans in the South and Midwest are expected to move toward California, the Mountain West or
Porter and his wife made the painful decision to move in 2018 and feel fortunate to have settled in Montpelier when they did. Last summer, smoke from wildfires in his former home, 2,500 miles away, clouded the skies above his new one. “It’s clearly just going to keep getting worse,” he said.
Ready or Not
From left: Annie and Cheryl Lubin, Dave McNally, and dogs Rosie and Mitzi
Zack Porter and his wife, Kassia Randzio, with their 5-year-old daughter, Celeste
the Northeast in the coming decades, according to a 2018 study in the Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. A 2017 study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ranked Vermont as the fourth most resilient state for climate change, after Alaska, Maine and Hawaii. The climate crisis will bring warmer, shorter winters; more intense flooding; and invasive species to Vermont, experts say. Yet study after study pegs Vermont as well positioned to weather the ravages of a rapidly warming planet. A 2020 county-by-county analysis of the United States by ProPublica ranked six of the top seven counties for climate resiliency in Vermont. The scores were based on six anticipated impacts: heat, heat and humidity, crop yields, sea level rise, wildfires, and economic damage. Lamoille County earned the highest resiliency score in the country, while each of Vermont’s 14 counties ranked in the top 100 out of more than 3,000. Predicting climate migration and documenting it, however, are very different undertakings. People tend to move for a combination of reasons: to take a new job, pursue a healthier lifestyle and care for aging family members, for example. No single data set shows why people move from one place to another. Spikes in real estate sales and change-of-address requests can hint at shifts. But Cheryl Morse, a social geographer at the University of Vermont, has been struck by how significant a role the changing climate has played in the decision making of the state’s newest arrivals. Last year, Morse interviewed nearly 30 recent transplants to better understand their motives for relocating. She expected many would cite, among other things, the COVID-19 pandemic, and many did. “But I was surprised at how many people were talking about climate as a driving factor for their move to Vermont,” she said. “I always thought it would be something off in the future, but it’s now.” Morse said she’s not aware of any data measuring the scale of climate migration to Vermont but said her research, which she plans to publish this year, convinced her it is a reality. Zack Porter is part of that emerging trend and has little doubt that others will follow him to Vermont. Porter was living in the Rockies with his young family in 2017 when wildfires struck, making him fear for his infant daughter’s health. “Montana was home, but it was really challenging to imagine having her grow up experiencing summers like those,” said Porter, who now works for the environmental advocacy organization Standing Trees.
Viewed one way, this influx of new residents is a godsend, a way to invigorate Vermont’s stagnant, aging population; infuse the economy with much-needed workers and consumers; increase enrollment in local schools; and expand the state’s tax base. “We would be foolish not to welcome refugees of any kind,” said Joan Goldstein, commissioner of the Department of Economic Development. The state has been so eager to lure young families that it has reimbursed workers who relocate to Vermont up to $10,000 in moving expenses, though grants are now limited to $7,500. In his State of the State address last week, Gov. Phil Scott identified boosting the state’s workforce as a priority in 2022. Yet a surge of new residents flush with cash from selling homes in pricier markets could exacerbate the state’s housing shortage and make it more difficult to solve environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. A rising population — whether driven by COVID-19 or climate change — could further drive development of the state’s natural and working landscapes, said Jamey Fidel, general counsel for the Vermont Natural Resources Council. In recent years, the state has been losing about 14,500 acres of forestland a year to residential development. As more people move to Vermont and real estate prices surge, it stands to reason that development pressure will grow, he said. This is one reason Fidel’s organization has been pushing for changes in Act 250, the state’s land use law, to encourage development in downtowns and to more effectively protect forestland. Elena Mihaly, vice president of the Conservation Law Foundation, said Vermont should “go on the working assumption that we should prepare for more people.” A Norwich resident, Mihaly has noticed people choosing to move to her community with climate in mind. Jobs used to act as a “choke hold” on people’s mobility, but the pandemic-era rise of remote working has freed people to live in regions that lack daily apocalyptic threats, she said. FAVE LITTLE STATE SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
» P.30 29
Hank Prensky and Susan Ogden
“People were already thinking about moving because of climate, and the pandemic is the catalyst — the tipping point, if you will — that got them to actually make the move,” she said. If the state fails to plan for such growth, then the housing crisis and the inequities that stem from it will only deepen, said Chris Campany, executive director of the Windham Regional Commission, which helps cities and towns manage growth. “We have such a small population and so little housing already that it doesn’t take many more people to suddenly say, ‘Hmm, I like Vermont’ to make a big difference,” Campany said. Without a focused and sustained effort to ensure middle-class Vermonters don’t get priced out, the state risks becoming like resort communities populated by wealthy residents and the lower-income service workers who cater to them, he said. A number of academics, planners and environmental advocates say that if Vermont plays its cards right, it could enjoy the best of both worlds. If cities and towns plan wisely, the state could reap the economic benefits of the influx without the loss of rural character that many fear, said Erich Osterberg, associate professor of Earth sciences at Dartmouth College. Osterberg is a member of the Upper Valley Adaptation Workgroup, which has been meeting for a decade to help strategize ways to make the region more resilient. In recent years, it has focused more on migration patterns. Osterberg thinks development to accommodate new residents should be steered toward walkable, transit-oriented village centers and away from large-lot, single-family subdivisions on farmland or forest. Planning efforts in the Upper Valley have focused on ways to allow existing neighborhoods to accommodate denser housing, including multifamily homes, garage conversions and accessory dwelling units such as in-law apartments. Creating such plans statewide, implementing the zoning needed to enforce them, and making expensive public investments in water and wastewater systems are daunting tasks, Osterberg acknowledged. But the pandemic has clearly demonstrated what failing to plan for new residents looks like, he said. The recent spike in Vermont housing prices, driven largely by people leaving big cities as COVID-19 spreads, underscores the kinds of inequities that will only sharpen if climate migrants descend on a state unprepared for them. “You see wealthy migrants come in and swoop up all the available land, prices go through the roof, and it prices out our
Fave Little State « P.29
local residents who don’t have those same resources,” he said. Effective local planning that meets the housing demand while protecting and enhancing the attributes that make Vermont special is key to avoiding the sprawl that has overrun other places, he said. “If we just sit back and say, ‘Hey, I don’t want them here,’ well, sorry folks: They are coming,” he said.
Just Breathe
Dawn Serra with her husband, Jamie Lennox, and her two children, Bodhi and Siena, at their Williston apartment
When Dawn Serra stepped off the plane in Missoula, Mont., in mid-July 2017, the smell of acrid smoke filled her with fear. After a decade in Montana, she and her husband, Jamie, had come to expect late summer wildfires in the forests of the rapidly drying West. But this was the first time she could recall smoke casting a pall over their home so early in the fire season. Days later, a new blaze erupted on nearby Lolo Peak, just south of Missoula. The stubborn fire took weeks to contain, charred 54,000 acres, forced the evacuation of 3,000 people and killed a firefighter. The smoke from that wildfire and others lingered for months. So did Serra’s anxiety over the quality of the air her two children were breathing. “It was like them smoking cigarettes,” Serra said. “That’s when I said, ‘Why are we here?’”
An outreach coordinator with the environmental advocacy group Wilderness Watch, Serra understood that the strategies used to combat the wildfires — controlled burns to create fuel breaks — were likely to continue harming the air quality for years to come. She spoke to friends who had moved to Vermont and expressed relief to be in a place that felt safe. Serra and her family visited in 2019 and began planning to relocate. The pandemic delayed their move, but they returned this summer. Her husband found a job at a New Haven construction firm, and Serra’s organization agreed that she could work remotely. So they sold the home they’d owned in Missoula since 2009, banked a handsome profit and pulled up stakes. Since late October, they have rented in Williston while deciding where they should buy. Serra has heard the stories about bidding wars and sees firsthand how few houses are for sale. Having sold a home in a hot market, Serra said she knows that she may end up outbidding a Vermont family unable to afford the soaring prices that migrants such as her family are helping fuel. “I do recognize that I am part of the problem,” she said. “The irony is, we came from a place that had exactly the kind of SU SAN development pressures that are being seen now in Vermont.” The median home price in Vermont has risen by 32 percent since 2019, hitting $325,000 in December, according to data from the Vermont Association of Realtors. Prices started rising sharply in May 2020 as urbanites fled major cities ravaged by the pandemic. Out-of-state buyers often snapped up units sight unseen. The torrid sales pace slowed somewhat in 2021, but prices have continued to rise. Demand was driven not only by out-of-staters drawn to a place with a well-publicized record of controlling COVID-19, but also by extremely tight inventory and historically low interest rates, said Peter Tucker, the association’s director of advocacy and public policy.
“I think we’re finally running out of stuff we can sell,” he said. Out-of-state buyers have always played a role in the Vermont real estate market, but in 2020 they swooped in with a vengeance, especially in ski towns. They snapped up 1,000 more properties than the previous year, a 38 percent increase, and ponied up $1.43 billion for them, a stunning 79 percent increase, according to state property transfer tax data. Ski towns such as Dover, Ludlow, Killington and Stowe all saw dramatic increases in sales to outof-state buyers. Most were from major cities in the Northeast, but data showed that money poured into Vermont from all over the country. This included states with increased wildfire activity in recent years — California, Oregon, Washington and Colorado — as well as states that are already unbearably hot much of the year, such as Texas and Florida. People from as far away as Hawaii, Alaska and the British Virgin Islands also picked up properties in the Green Mountain State. Vermont ’s Department of Taxes hasn’t yet analyzed the property transfer data for 2021. Tucker nevertheless expects it to show that out-of-state buyers are continuing to drive prices upward. That doesn’t mean that they are moving OGDEN here solely due to climate concerns. In fact, the high concentration of purchases in ski towns by buyers from nearby cities such as Boston and New York suggests that the migration is driven more by COVID-19 than by climate, Tucker said. But the interviews conducted by UVM’s Morse clearly reveal that climate was top of mind for some new residents, even those who cited multiple reasons, such as the state’s political leanings or outdoor recreation opportunities. “It’s a complex set of factors that makes somebody move,” Morse said. “It comes out as they are telling the story.” Retirees Susan Ogden and her husband, Hank Prensky, are among those who cite several factors that drew them
I said, “You know what? I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t live here anymore. Let’s move to Vermont.”
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Claire Polfus
Fave Little State « P.31 to Vermont but say it was climate change that drove their decision. The couple was living outside Washington, D.C., in July 2020 when the heat and humidity became unbearable to them. The avid cyclists found the sweltering heat so oppressive that an hourlong ride would wipe them out. When they realized they’d be unable to do what they love for several months of the year, they packed it in. “I said, ‘You know what? I can’t stand it anymore. I can’t live here anymore. Let’s move to Vermont,’” Ogden recalled. The decision wasn’t as out of the blue as it may sound. The couple are big fans of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), spent summers at a camp in New Hampshire and have good friends in Putney. They also love to cross-country ski, a pastime that milder mid-Atlantic winters made virtually impossible. So they rented an RV in October, loaded up their dogs and headed north, camping, visiting friends and checking out potential homes. They decided that, despite the 32
appeal of rural life, they also wanted the attractions and amenities of a city. They settled on Burlington’s New North End. After selling their D.C. home for $950,000, they were able to buy a smaller house for about $550,000. “That seemed like a really good price to us,” Ogden said. They moved last February and couldn’t be happier with their decision, she added. New residents invariably bring new ideas about how things should be done, and Ogden and her husband are no different. Burlington’s bike path is beautiful but also “really dangerous,” with speeding cyclists who rarely signal and who risk conflicts with pedestrians and dog walkers, Ogden said, calling the ribbon of pavement a “free-for-all.” She plans to try to lobby the parks department to install safety signs along the bike path. Meanwhile, her husband, a former real estate agent, hopes to do something to improve how the city handles appeals of property tax reassessments, a process that, after they saw their property taxes soar, they felt was “unsatisfying,” Ogden said.
Who’s a Refugee?
While people are selling their homes in smoky regions across the country and starting new lives in the fresh, clean air of Vermont, they don’t all accept the “climate refugee” label. Some are buying property but taking their time to make the move. Jordan Fronk and her family have been finding summers in their home in Austin, Texas, increasingly oppressive. Her two kids practically live in the pool much of the year, and Fronk said she needs to be vigilant to prevent her dog’s feet from getting burned on the scorching pavement. So Fronk, who owns a company that makes artisan nut milks, and her husband bought a home in Charlotte last year. They plan to fix it up over time and use it as a summer escape and, perhaps, for ski visits. Once her kids graduate from high school in about eight years, she and her husband could relocate full time. They’re more akin to climate investors than climate migrants. They also could be labeled “amenity
migrants.” A 2020 study at Antioch University in Keene, N.H., found that most climate migrants to Vermont will likely fall into this category. These tend to be wealthy, older white people making a conscious choice to move to the area for its rural tranquility, natural landscape and outdoor recreation. Vermont has long attracted retirees, and that will only accelerate as the climate crisis worsens, said Jesse Keenan, a Tulane University professor who has written extensively on climate and housing. Cities with infrastructure such as strong broadband, medical facilities and educational institutions are likely to attract the most migrants, he said. For these reasons, Burlington has always topped Keenan’s list of cities likely to see an influx, he said. Workforce shortages and Vermont’s comparatively modest economic base mean Keenan “wouldn’t anticipate explosive growth.” Nevertheless, the arrival of those who can choose to move now could pave the way for future migrants.
“It’s a leading indicator of what’s to conservation. As a student, she pushed come,” he said. Middlebury College to reduce its carbon The unexpected pandemic convinced energy footprint. Fronk that she needed to take steps now Now she sees the impacts of warmer to protect her family from a longer-term winters all around her, including the global crisis. rise of invasive species and the shorter “I’d rather be proactive and thinking ski season. While she’s grateful to live toward the future than just sitting around near a place like Craftsbury Outdoor and waiting,” she said. Center that can make snow for its crossFor now, Fronk is allowing a family country trail network, she said it is of Afghan refugees to stay in the home. heartbreaking to experience 50-degree The state is expecting to temperatures such as resettle 260 people from those the state saw in Afghanistan by the end December. of February, a task made “For those of us who challenging by the houslive here because we ing crunch. love winter, we’re all just Not everyone moving going to have to grieve to Vermont with climate that winter is disappearin mind is fleeing a crisis. ing,” she said. Claire Polfus moved Many migrants to tiny Sheffield in the who see Vermont as a Northeast Kingdom climate haven also are from western Maine in acutely aware that their 2019. That might not adopted home remains seem to qualify her as profoundly vulnerable. a climate migrant at They see blue-green all, but her decision to algae blooms choking remain in New England waterways and know was directly related to the about the threat of more intense rainfall. state’s abundant water resources. “I half-joke that I’ve E RICH OSTERBERG The 2008 Middlebury probably traded fires for College grad and accomfloods,” Serra said. plished cross-country The risk of flooding skier moved out West — driven home by the after college and fell devastation of Tropiin love with it. She cal Storm Irene in always expected to 2011, as well as by return after finishmore recent storms ing studies in natusuch as the Hallowral resources and een flooding of 2019 conservation at UVM, — was on Lubin’s mind but now she feels she as she scoured Vermont cannot. for somewhere safer than Doing fieldwork as a her Cape Cod retreat. She naturalist in Montana drove and her husband didn’t even home for Polfus just how fragile life is consider homes along the Connecticut in the arid West. She can’t see herself River, for example, instead settling on an returning to live in a place where water upland property beside conserved land has become so scarce. well outside the floodplain. “It wasn’t so much, Where is the “I don’t think we’re naïve enough to safest place for me to be?” said Polfus. say we’re going to avoid the impacts of “It was more like, Where can I live most climate change,” Lubin said. “But I want sustainably?” to be in a place that understands it and Polfus received a small grant from the tries to get ahead of it and mitigate what state’s remote worker program, which they can at this point.” m pays certain expenses for people who move to the state and bring their jobs Disclosure: Reporter Kevin McCallum and with them. She works remotely for a GIS his family evacuated their home in Santa mapping company. Rosa, Calif., in 2017 to flee the Tubbs Fire, While moving to Vermont was the at the time the state’s largest wildfire. right move for Polfus on many levels, The house survived, but their California she does not feel that she has dodged dream didn’t; months later, they sold the the climate bullet. What humanity is house, climbed into an RV and started doing to the planet pains her deeply and meandering east. Today, the family lives inspired her work in habitat and wildlife in Waterbury.
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1/7/22 10:35 AM
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1/3/22 12:03 PM
Signs of Life
A UVM researcher uses artificial intelligence and frog cells to create self-replicating “xenobots” B Y K E N PI CA RD •
hen University of Vermont researcher Josh Bongard and his colleagues in Ma s s a c h u s e t t s b e g a n working on a project to build robots using artificial intelligence and frog stem cells, one of their first challenges was communicating in a common vocabulary: Were they building biological robots, engineered organisms — or something entirely new? Normally, scientists know whether they’re working with a living creature or a machine. But since their collaboration began in the summer of 2018, Bongard and his fellow researchers — including computer scientists, roboticists, biologists, and a philosopher and biomedical ethicist — have grown accustomed to the ambiguities inherent in their work. They’ve created what they call “reconfigurable organisms” in scientific literature and “xenobots” in mainstream press. The latter is a cheeky portmanteau of “robot”; Xenopus laevis, the frog species they use; and the prefix “xeno,” meaning “alien” or “strange.” Be they machines or organisms, xenobots move independently, are self-powered and self-replicate before they run out of power — or “die.” “Xenobots do a good job of cutting away at those distinctions,” Bongard said in an interview. “For me, part of the fun of science is that new discoveries challenge our preconceived notions.” Bongard, 47, is a professor of computer science and director of the Morphology, Evolution & Cognition Laboratory at UVM. A celebrity of sorts in his field, Bongard is collaborating on the xenobots project with researchers at Tufts and Harvard universities. They include Michael Levin, a biology professor and director of Tuft’s Allen Discovery Center. Their goal has been to explore how AI can be used to design and build robots out of cells rather than conventional materials such as metal, plastics and computer components. These novel creations could be the prototypes for an entirely new class of autonomous organic machines. One day, xenobots could be used in cutting-edge
Stem cells compacted into spheres by AI-designed parents
A group of AI-designed organisms in a petri dish over a dollar bill for scale
medical therapies, as environmental cleanup tools and as tools to decode the mysteries of how cells function. Xenobots also raise an important philosophical question: What is life? In January 2020, Bongard and Levin’s team published its first paper on how its AI designed a xenobot that could walk. In March 2021, it published another about making a xenobot that could swim. The team’s latest paper, “Kinematic self-replication in reconfigurable organisms,” published last month in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, attracted
considerable attention, both within the scientific community and from the mainstream press — with good reason. The paper describes using a supercomputer to design self-replicating robots out of living cells, a feat that immediately brings to mind scenarios like those in The Terminator or Jurassic Park. In fact, in the latter movie, it was scientists’ use of frog DNA that let the prehistoric genie out of the bottle. Notwithstanding Hollywood’s scarymonster scenarios, xenobots are tiny, simple, innocuous organisms, Bongard said, as unlikely to escape from the laboratory and take over the world as a skin biopsy. Swallowing one or several would cause you no harm whatsoever. What exactly are xenobots, and how are they made? As Bongard explained, researchers take about 5,000 genetically unmodified frog stem cells, then rearrange them into a new pattern that would never arise in nature.
One of the first surprises for the researchers, Bongard said, was the discovery that, once they rearranged frog cells, not only would the new cell grouping not die or revert to its natural shape, it would also retain its new form. “We all learned in high school biology that frog DNA encodes frogs and human DNA encodes humans. It seems that’s not the case,” Bongard said. “Whatever genes are doing, it’s more complicated than that.” In these experiments, the frog DNA remained unchanged. What defined the xenobot was not its DNA but how its cells were configured. “In xenobots,” Bongard explained, “the shape … dictates what a xenobot is going to do. It dictates whether it’s going to replicate, how it replicates [and] what it’s going to look like.” To find a shape that would create more xenobots, the team used a form of AI called an evolutionary algorithm, which was programmed into DeepGreen, UVM’s Colchester-based supercomputer. It created a virtual environment, akin to a video game, using virtual cells it assembled at random. It then put that virtual xenobot into a virtual petri dish and watched what happened. If the virtual xenobot couldn’t replicate itself, the AI discarded that design and moved on to a new one. If it created a virtual xenobot that could replicate itself somewhat, the AI continually revised and tested the design to improve it. After testing numerous designs at lightning speed, the AI finally created a virtual xenobot that was adept at self-replication. This evolutionary process, which in nature would take millennia, took DeepGreen about a month, Bongard said. Next, Doug Blackiston, a senior scientist at Tuft’s Allen Discovery Center and Harvard’s Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering, meticulously assembled actual xenobots by hand under a microscope using frog cells. The process took about four hours per xenobot. Blackiston then put them into a petri dish and watched what they did. At slightly less than a millimeter in diameter, each xenobot was visible to the naked eye and looked like a poppy seed that moved around the petri dish using its cilia, hairlike structures on its exterior. As the xenobot moved, it accumulated loose cells in its environment, like a broom collecting dirt. A video posted on the Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences website described the process thus: “A swarm of frog-cell parents push frog cells into piles that mature into selfmoving ‘children.’” Because frog cells contain a small amount of yolk that powers them, each xenobot lasted about 10 days, after which the yolk was depleted and the xenobot stopped functioning. But as Bongard pointed out, the secondgeneration xenobots are neither clones of the original xenobot nor its descendants in the traditional biological sense. While each cell contains a set of chromosomes and DNA, when a xenobot produces offspring, it doesn’t impart its genetic material onto the next generation. (This is one reason the team uses the term “replicate” rather than “reproduce.”) In fact, the DNA between a “parent” and “child” xenobot may be the same or different. The project draws ideas from various scientific disciplines. Blackiston spent much of his career researching how lifeforms morph from one form to another, such as how tadpoles become frogs and how certain animals regenerate limbs and organs. A butterfly researcher, he spent years studying how memory is carried over from caterpillar to butterfly. Blackiston, who had no prior experience in robotics or computer science before joining the team, said that the overwhelming response to the work has been “positive and huge.” Why? “It’s exciting. It’s scary. It’s a little bit creepy but also cool,” he said, “so everyone sees something in this project that they like.” Perhaps not everyone. Blackiston said his work has “enraged” some fellow developmental biologists, in part because of the terminology the team uses, such as describing xenobots as “biological robots,” or “biobots.” “I’ve never heard a roboticist bat an eye when you call it that,” he said. “They’ll say, ‘Who cares what the material is? I don’t care if it’s made out of wood or metal or cells. If it’s something you design, it’s programmable and it moves, it’s a robot.’” Even the word “organism” is problematic, he said, because biologists themselves can’t agree on a definition. Some argue that an organism must have certain signatures of life, such as growth, metabolism and the ability to reproduce. But that definition immediately raises red flags, he said. A mule, which is a cross between a horse and a donkey, is sterile but still considered an organism. Xenobot research also raises metaphysical questions, such as whether the team has created a new life-form and, if so, what ethical norms it should follow. Jeantine Lunshof is a philosopher and ethicist at Harvard’s Wyss Institute and
Josh Bongard
Xenobots swimming using cilia
An AI-designed parent organism (red) beside stem cells that have been compressed into a ball
a member of the research team. Though Lunshof is neither a biologist nor a roboticist, “I would use the term ‘new life-forms,’” she said. Lunshof poses ethical reality checks for the researchers, asking philosophical questions that other team members might not necessarily pose, such as: What are the larger implications of this research? What are the potential risks and harms compared to the potential benefits? As a bioethicist, Lunshof said, she was acutely sensitive to the fact that this research became public in the midst of a pandemic, especially given speculation that the SARS-CoV-2 virus had escaped from a government laboratory. Early on,
she inquired about biosafety and potential hazards should this material leave the lab. The team reassured her that it works with cells gathered at no harm to the frogs, which regularly shed these kinds of cells into the environment. Nevertheless, some of Lunshof ’s colleagues believe that her involvement in the project puts her personal and professional reputation at risk. Social scientists have been particularly critical, she said, accusing her of “being in the wrong camp” and giving the research her ethical seal of approval. “There is a very common misunderstanding that ethics is a justification process, that I give research legitimacy by not condemning it, which is completely
wrong,” she said. “As scientists and ethicists, we need to earn the trust of the public … and we need to be good stewards of that trust.” To that end, if Lunshof were to see scientific decisions or practices that she found ethically unacceptable, she could bring them to the attention of the universities’ institutional review boards, which must approve and oversee all research involving living creatures. Lunshof also considers what society might forgo by not pursuing this kind of research. Possible applications for xenobots are diverse, Bongard said. They could include cleaning up radioactive and other toxic contamination and removing microplastics from the oceans. His colleagues at Tufts and Harvard cited the long-term potential for developing cancer treatments, regenerative therapies for regrowing damaged organs and diseased tissues, and even antiaging and life-extending technologies. There’s also interest in using xenobot technology to grow meat in laboratories rather than on factory farms, which could offer both environmental and ethical benefits. Blackiston is intrigued by the potential to design xenobots for environmental use. Currently, if conventional robots break down or lose function, they pollute their environment with batteries, heavy metals and other debris. By contrast, xenobots could detect pollutants in waterways and study the root systems in hydroponic growing operations. They might coat the exterior of a decaying bridge and reinforce its structure, then biodegrade once the task is complete. Unlike drones or conventional robots, xenobots could perform their work without direct human or computer intervention. For now, scientists are using xenobots solely for basic research. Bongard likened them to microscopes that eventually may help scientists better understand how cells communicate and what causes them to malfunction, as in cancer cells. “As scientists,” he said, “we don’t have a good handle on the language of cells, what they say to one another and the conditions under which they change their tune.” Regarding the philosophical question of whether xenobots have crossed the threshold into a new life-form, “I’m not a biologist, so I’m not going to throw my hat into that ring,” Bongard said. “Whatever xenobots are, they’re putting more pressure onto our assumptions of what life-forms are.” m
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Dave Atkinson
In a Fix
The pandemic highlights a shortage of sewing machine repair professionals B Y M ARG A RET G RAYSON •
n the spring of 2020, it seemed like anyone with a shred of sewing talent wanted to make cloth face masks. People were sending masks to family members, donating them to hospitals and nursing homes, and buying every scrap of elastic at South Burlington’s Joann fabric and crafts store. Demand for new sewing machines skyrocketed and made them scarce, so many Vermonters were turning to older machines. “People were dragging their old high school graduation gift sewing machine out of the closet that they got in 1980 — and, lo and behold, it didn’t work so well,” said Dave Atkinson, a Jericho-based independent sewing machine repairman. “So there were a lot of panicked calls.” 36
Atkinson, 66, has been repairing sewing machines since 2014 under the name Dr. Dave’s Sewing Machine Hospital. The pandemic caused a boom in his business. Every time he finished repairing a machine, a new one — or three — popped up on his waiting list. Atkinson stopped answering his phone and used his voicemail greeting to advise customers that wait times were long. At one point, more than 80 people were waiting for repairs. Wait times stretched to months. These days, the list is down to about 20, but Atkinson doesn’t want to take on new customers. He works part time, has plans to scale down and might quit the business altogether. Therein lies a problem: Atkinson is one
of just a handful of people in Vermont who repair sewing machines. Nobody appears to be waiting in the wings to take over his share of the work, he said, so Vermonters may soon have even fewer options. “I don’t really know what the fate of [the repair business] is going to be,” said Lisa Torres, the owner of Sewing Machines and More in Berlin. “It’s a big concern for me, because I don’t see any focus on [repairs] anymore.” Torres has been in the sewing machine business for 20 years and, since 2013, has offered sales, service and education. Both the increased demand for repairs and the supply chain issues that have caused a shortage of new machines have made the pandemic boom “overwhelming,” she said.
Early in the pandemic, she was getting 10 to 15 calls per day from people who wanted to make masks. Torres estimates that she made at least 5,000 masks herself. Torres couldn’t find an in-house technician to repair machines for her customers, so she’s been contracting with Atkinson. Atkinson got into sewing machine repair after retiring from a career as a software engineer for IBM. When his wife took up quilting, he began learning about the machines. “We started acquiring machines, and I was the designated tinkerer,” he said. “I found myself oddly fascinated by them.” There’s a lot of mechanical ingenuity to sewing machines, Atkinson said, and figuring out which little detail went wrong reminded him of debugging software. He traveled to Missouri to receive training at the White Sewing Center, and Torres sponsored his trip to Tennessee to become an authorized repairman of Viking brand machines. He regularly posts puzzling sewing machine problems, tips and tricks on his Facebook page. A vintage machine repair might be as simple — though unpleasant — as cleaning out wads
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of lint or rodent droppings, or he might need to rewire a decades-old light bulb. Many modern sewing machines are computerized, making Atkinson’s tech experience valuable. On a basic computerized sewing machine, he said, the software actually makes the machine’s operation simpler. But many machines aren’t simple. Manufacturers tend to add more and more features, such as automatic threading, tension adjustment, thread cutting and buttonhole sewing. “You can end up with a high-end machine with eight or nine motors,” Atkinson said. Generally, repairs on a computerized machine require replacing
whole circuit boards. Computer parts are more difficult to find than analog parts, and the life expectancy on computerized machines isn’t as long. A standard tune-up doesn’t take long, but a recent repair took him six to eight hours over the course of three weeks as he emailed back and forth with the manufacturer’s customer service department. Eventually, he diagnosed the issue: A broken sensor that locates the machine’s mechanical pieces was sending the wrong information to the machine’s computer. Johnson’s Steve Engel, who has repaired sewing machines for 40 years, has also been feeling the pressure of both the pandemic and the technological evolution of sewing machines. “I haven’t been this busy in all the years,” he said. “I’ve stopped, for the time being, doing computerized machines, because they take up more time.”
Engel, 70, is continuing his family’s sewing machine legacy. His greatgrandfather was a tailor who made Civil War uniforms, and his father was a salesman for Singer. Steve Engel worked as a quality control auditor in a Singer factory in New Jersey. “Working in the factories taught me more than I could ever learn anywhere,” he said. While at Singer, he did repairs on the side in New York City’s garment district, and he still specializes in commercialscale machines. He supervised production at Johnson Woolen Mills for several years and now does repairs there, at Vermont Teddy Bear and at smaller clothing companies. Engel has thought about offering classes in sewing machine repair but says he’s simply too busy. He has tried to train individuals, but he didn’t find anyone who had a particular knack for the business. Engel credits his repair acuity to his time as a child tinkering with old junk, taking apart machines and learning how they worked. Luckily for the businesses that rely on him, he doesn’t plan to retire anytime soon. “I’ve got myself into a corner here, but that’s OK,” Engel said. “I’ll do it until the sky falls.” Atkinson and Engel charge the same amount for a standard sewing machine tune-up: $89. But basic sewing machines can cost less than $150, so some people will buy a new one rather than repair the old, perhaps signaling a new direction for the industry. “I never thought I’d see the day where sewing machines are so disposable,” Engel said. m
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1/7/22 4:37 PM
Home, Sweet F’n Home Dreaming of the HGTV Dream Home in Warren B Y D A N BOL L ES •
8 p.m.
You can tell it’s an HGTV show by the upbeat intro music that sounds like something you know, but not quite — the musical equivalent of store-brand cereal. We open on aerial shots of verdant mountains and rolling foothills under bluebird skies. It’s Vermonty AF. All that’s missing is a covered bridge and a cow. 38
the folly of my answer and the genius of hers. A quarter million sounds like a lot of money — and it is. But, between property taxes, insurance, utilities and upkeep, whatever is left of that $250K after taxes might not go far in maintaining a $2 million home. We would have to Airbnb the house to cover expenses, I suggest, or sell it once the prize money ran out. “We could at least throw some ridiculous parties first,” she says. And I’m reminded once again of why I love her.
8:04 p.m.
am addicted to “House Hunters.” That’s not a confession, because I feel no guilt. The voyeuristic HGTV reality show about watching other people buy homes has logged 210 seasons since debuting in 1999, suggesting that house porn could rival real porn in popularity. Clearly, I’m not alone in my fascination with spying on strangers as they debate city versus country, move-in-ready versus fixer-upper or white versus dark kitchen. (It’s OK, fellow “House Hunters” fans. You can come out of the walk-in closet.) So far, though, the show hasn’t become my gateway to other HGTV programming. I’ve resisted the charms of “Love It or List It,” “Flip or Flop,” “Rehab Addict” and similar shows. That changed on January 1, when the network ran its “HGTV Dream Home 2022” special. Every year, HGTV gives away a brand-new luxury home, custombuilt somewhere ritzy, such as Newport, R.I.; Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.; Sonoma, Calif.; or Winter Park, Colo. This year’s house is in Warren, Vt., within spitting distance of Sugarbush Resort. It’s actually the second Dream Home built in the Green Mountains: The 2011 house is in Stowe. Because of course it is. The Warren house comes fully loaded, decked out with furniture and décor chosen by show host and Atlanta-based interior designer Brian Patrick Flynn, with help from Los Angeles designer Breegan Jane. The sweepstakes winner receives the house, a 2022 Jeep Grand Wagoneer and $250,000 from Rocket Mortgage — all told, a prize package worth more than $2.4 mil. Contestants can enter twice daily — once each at and — until February 17. Owing in equal measure to a New Year’s Eve hangover and the house’s Vermont location, I was powerless to resist “HGTV Dream Home 2022.” What follows is my running diary of the hourlong special, which aired on January 1 at 8 p.m. and is currently streaming on demand.
The HGTV Dream Home in Warren
“Vermont,” Flynn declares as we move along Route 100. “The word combines the French vert and mont to mean ‘green mountain.’” Just like that, we get a covered bridge and a black-and-white Bessie in a field in rapid succession. Well played, HGTV. “But around here,” Flynn continues, “green is only half the story.” The images turn quickly to rusty, panoramic visions of fall. “It is a dream!” Jane exclaims over footage of a rippling creek flanked by red, yellow and orange trees. “A dream you can live for yourself,”
Flynn promises as we get our first glimpses of the house, whose architectural style I’d describe as fucking bonkers. 8:02 p.m.
Flynn describes the gazillion-square-foot manse as “cabin chic,” which … sure. As he introduces the team of designers and builders, my girlfriend asks what I would do if I won the Dream Home. “I dunno. Sell our house and live there, I guess?” I respond. “I’d keep our house and rent out that one,” she counters. As Flynn reveals the cash prize, I realize
Over more familiar-ish incidental music and footage of mountains, a barn, a gorge and sailboats on Lake Champlain, Flynn says the Dream Home “is in one of the most incredibly beautiful places in the United States.” Truth. Flynn explains that he’s brought in Jane, who has some familiarity with Vermont, to help him get to know the area, which will inform his style choices for the house. After riding a ski lift to the top of Sugarbush to gaze upon the Mad River Valley in springtime, the two of them make a critical discovery: Vermont is green. “I think green is our thing,” Flynn observes. Later, after Jane raves about the state’s general stores, the duo visits the Warren Store to ogle Vermonty stuff — Stephen Huneck prints! Socks! They also take note of the store’s rustic architectural details, such as a trapdoor to the basement and the rusted metal of an ancient woodstove that they’ll incorporate into the Dream Home. I want to skewer the preciousness of it all … until I realize that I recently did the same thing at a Middlebury store, thinking about charming décor for my own house. Touché, HGTV. Touché. 8:06 p.m.
Much of the next half hour or so focuses on the design and construction of the house. It’s interesting, but here’s all you really need to know: It’s a Scandinavian A-frame ski lodge on steroids whose roofline mimics the mountain ridgeline. And the outdoor living spaces are bananas, including a heated pool and hot tub, several dining/lounge areas, and an outdoor kitchen that’s nicer than my indoor kitchen. Around the nine-minute mark, HGTV serves up the obligatory statistic about
Vermont maple syrup: We make a shit-ton of it.
house: Burlington and Lake Champlain are not especially close to Warren.
8:20 p.m.
8:29 p.m.
My favorite parts of the show are when Jane guides Flynn around Vermont. They make a fun pair, and I’m a sucker for spying recognizable landmarks on-screen. It’s kinda like trying to find your house when you fly into BTV — you know you’ve done it. On a chartered sailing excursion with Burlington’s Whistling Man Schooner — note to self: Do that this summer — and a stroll on Church Street Marketplace, Flynn suggests that he’d spend most of his free time in the Queen City if he lived in the Dream Home. He’d actually spend most of that time in the car, because it’s about a two-hour round trip. Note to whichever flatlander wins the
Another note to the Dream Home winner: Vermont weather really is as moody as it appears in the picnic scene. Jane sets up a lavish spread in a field to discuss decking samples with Flynn under blue skies, only for a freak downpour to wash it out moments later. 8:42 p.m.
I know Vermonters can be insufferable about buying/eating/drinking/shopping/ every-damn-thing local, but here’s something that bugged me. Flynn beams as he touts a unique wall application installed by a team of woodworkers … from Indianapolis. Unless I missed something,
no one working on the house appears to be local. HGTV couldn’t have found builders or craftspeople in Vermont to do some of the work? It’s not like we have a shortage of high-end homes or people who build them. 8:45 p.m.
With construction nearly complete, Flynn homes in on light fixtures, furniture and other finishing touches. Which, in the spirit of incorporating all those Vermont elements he’s been praising, he sources from a spunky little mom-and-pop operation called Wayfair. Sigh. By now, it’s clear that the show is partly a glorified commercial for HGTV partners such as Trex decking, Sleep Number beds and Lowe’s. Maybe that’s how it’s possible to give away a $2 million house?
8:53 p.m.
Snarkiness (mostly) aside, the grand unveiling is astonishing. Flynn’s “luxury cabin” really is the stuff dreams are made of. He did an admirable job evoking certain idealized aspects of Vermont in his interior design elements, from the striking sage-green kitchen cabinets to the faux deer antlers over the doublesided fireplace. He even orients furniture to take advantage of the house’s greatest asset: Vermont itself. Which makes me think that maybe, just maybe, the real Vermont dream home is the one we’ve had all along… No, it’s definitely the one in Warren. m
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1/7/22 9:53 AM
A Butter Place
POSITION: Head baker for Nomad Coffee LOCATION: Burlington AGE: 42 EDUCATION: Self-taught and on-the-job
training EXPERIENCE: Production baking and pastry
Nomad Coffee head baker Chris Johnson knows his croissants
chef roles at New York City’s Dominique Ansel Bakery, Ovenly, Bouchon Bakery and Per Se; placed second on Food Network’s “Chopped Sweets” in May 2021
ater this month, Nomad Coffee is trading its original mobile trailer in Essex Junction for a brickand-mortar café across the street. Nicole Grinstead and Andrew Sepic first parked their coffee cart on the green near Five Corners in 2016 and have since added a seasonal location at Sugarbush Resort in Warren and a café in Burlington called South End Station. Nomad is undoubtedly a fixture in the local coffee scene — mobile or not. Now, with the addition of head baker Chris Johnson, it’s a pastry destination, too. Johnson joined the Nomad team in August 2021, a few months after moving
to Winooski from New York City, where he had been working for the inventor of the Cronut, Dominique Ansel. Johnson has been baking for only seven years, but he spent three of those at Ansel’s bakeries, where he focused on lamination: folding layer upon layer of butter into dough to make flaky croissants and caramelized kouign-amanns. That experience — and time on the pastry team at Thomas Keller’s three-Michelin-starred restaurant Per Se — caught Sepic’s eye. “Chris had lots of other opportunities to work with great local companies,” Sepic said. “He decided that taking ownership of our bakery and helping us define a place
for our baked goods in the local scene was appealing.” Johnson works out of Nomad’s Burlington café, where he bakes his own layered, butter-filled treats — as well as scones, cookies and other pastries — for all three locations. A few weeks before the opening of Nomad’s new Essex Junction café, Johnson spoke with Seven Days about making wildly popular pastries, what brought him to Vermont and the ideal number of layers in a croissant. SEVEN DAYS: One of my favorite pastries you make at Nomad is the
WHAT’S ON THE MENU? Croissants,
chocolate croissants, kouign-amanns and other laminated pastries; zesty muffins; traditional tarts
kouign-amann. They’re unusual around here, and the name is sort of intimidating to pronounce. How do you describe them? CHRIS JOHNSON: Kaween-ah-mahn. My favorite description is the most simple: It’s a caramelized croissant. It’s layers of butter, sugar and flour, repeated over and over and folded together until you get A BUTTER PLACE
» P.42
Feel the Churn
Tom D'Angelo and Chelsea Morgan of Butter Bar and Kitchen
Available in Two Locations!
New North End residents TOM D’ANGELO and CHELSEA MORGAN were hoping “something good” would move in after SANTIAGO’S CUBAN CUISINE left the Burlington neighborhood last month, D’Angelo said. Instead, the couple is taking matters into their own hands, teaming up with CARINA DRISCOLL and BLAKE EWOLDSEN to run the restaurant at Santiago’s former address: 1127 North Avenue. The team will launch
373 Blair Park Rd, Williston • M-F 11-4 137 Pearl Street, Essex Junction • M-Sa 11-8 • Vegan & Gluten Free Options 8h-scalepoke122921.indd 1
Burgers, Sushi & Drinks THE FILLING STATION
From left: Paul Sayler, Will Gilson and Destiny Saxon at Idletyme Brewing
bar & restaurant
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with a soft opening on Thursday, January 13. The restaurant will serve “elevated bar food,” D’Angelo told Seven Days, and offer weekend brunch, local beers and cocktails. Takeout service will eventually supplement indoor dining, D’Angelo said. Butter’s opening menu features various smash burgers, such as a Jersey burger with pork roll; and sandwiches, including fried chicken and vegetarian options, D’Angelo said. Appetizers include wings, fried seitan and an “everything” pretzel with bone-marrow butter. “We’ll have vegetarian and vegan options and be as gluten-free and allergen-friendly as we can be,” D’Angelo added. Entrées will range from housemade ricotta gnocchi with leeks, blue cheese and potatoes to chicken with apple cider reduction and local root vegetables. Weekend brunch will bring dishes such as golden milk French toast, eggs
11/19/21 4:48 PM
8H-FillingStation011222.indd 1
Benedict and corned-beef hash. Maple syrup comes from the picturesque JENNE FARM in Reading, where Morgan grew up. D’Angelo, 35, began cooking in his native New Jersey. When he moved to Vermont, he started as a line cook at the FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL, worked his way up to sous chef and became head chef at the FARMHOUSE GROUP’s EL CORTIJO TAQUERIA, then opening general manager at BLISS BEE. For the past two and a half years, D’Angelo has worked at the GREAT NORTHERN, now ZERO GRAVITY BEER HALL (see story on page 44). He will run Butter’s kitchen with help from Morgan — also a trained chef — when she’s not busy with her cleaning company, Miss Bliss Cleaning. Driscoll and
DELIVERY AVAILABLE BEGINNING JANUARY 21! From Montpelier to Waterbury and everywhere in-between off Route 2!
Fire pit, heaters & cocktails! #betterburgers #serioussushi 1/11/22 7:41 PM
Ewoldsen will manage business operations, and Driscoll will run the bar and the front of the house. “It’s a nice open space with a lot of good lighting,” Morgan, 32, said. “We’re hoping to throw a lot of plants in and just make it really fresh and modern.” Jordan Barry
taken an ownership stake in Stowe’s IDLETYME BREWING, Third Place SIDE DISHES
» P.43 4T-Dedalus011222 1
1/11/22 1:25 PM
A Butter Place « P.40 PHOTOS: DARIA BISHOP
something that has a sweet, buttery center and a slightly soft and crunchy outside with a caramelized bottom.
Chris Johnson rolling croissants
SD: So you’re really putting those lamination skills you honed at Dominique Ansel Bakery to work. CJ: The first thing I learned to laminate was actually a kouign-amann. Chef Dominique started me there, then as I progressed he taught me the croissants. When I was responsible for the morning bake-off at his bakery, he would come in every day and cut a kouign-amann in half, cut a croissant in half and say, “What do you think?” And we would talk about the composition: Does it have the right taste? What does the crumb look like? From that, I recognized that it’s a process that never ends, a constant refinement. When I look at a croissant, it’s the item that I strive for the most perfection on. SD: How many layers of butter and dough are you shooting for? CJ: I’ll go with what Chef Dominique told me. He’s always said 32 layers makes the perfect croissant. I like more. I think there should be more. A croissant should be crunchy outside and soft in the center. It should be basically all over your front when you bite into it. People will know you had it. For the last few years, I’ve been going out of my way to try them in many places — like airports, Starbucks, wherever. Oftentimes, croissants are a sad affair. They’re so lifeless and pale. I think a lot of people are introduced to the most boring version of a croissant. SD: Then there’s the most exciting version of the croissant — the Cronut. As someone who spent a fair bit of time waiting in line on a SoHo sidewalk for the croissant-doughnut hybrid in 2013, when it was invented, I’m curious how many you made. CJ: For one full year, I was responsible for the actual production of the Cronut. I would fry them, fill [them] and do the icing so that they were ready every day. And then, when I was on the lamination team, my job was to physically make the dough, laminate and then cut all of them. Monday through Friday, you’re making 400 to 500 Cronuts. Weekends, it’s 600 to 800. I haven’t done the actual numbers. SD: That’s a lot of pressure! What makes a pastry such an internet sensation? CJ: It has to be new. They were planning flavors a year in advance, tracking them 42
on a massive spreadsheet so they didn’t repeat flavors. I was there for the Cronut’s fifth anniversary and [for] when we did Cronut holes. SD: So what’s your Cronut going to be? Which pastry is going to make people line up outside Nomad? CJ: I’ve been trying to cement our kouignamann following so that I can start doing filled kouign-amanns. I’ve got a Nutella kouign-amann that I really want to roll out, and we’ve been making some really good jams. I’ve recently been trying to perfect a crème brûlée filling that I want to try. Having the opportunity to make what I like is exhilarating. At the same time, I’m flabbergasted when people tell me they love something. SD: You’ve worked at some of the most famous bakeries and restaurants in New York City. What brought you to Vermont? CJ: I worked every day through 2020 in what was one of the craziest times both for [Dominique Ansel’s] business and the city. Being in the food service industry, you’re really on the front lines of the COVID pandemic. And on top of that, they were shutting down subways, and I was doing all these crazy things just to get to work in the middle of the night. I had been souring on the city, and I
Chris Johnson folding butter into dough during the lamination process
wanted to be closer to family in Massachusetts. I hadn’t spent a lot of time in Vermont, but I had some really nice memories of Burlington and thought it would be a good change of pace. SD: Have you always been a baker? CJ: I started baking in 2015. I was staying with family friends while I was saving to buy my first apartment in New York. It was their anniversary, and I didn’t really have anything to give them, so I decided to make them a molten chocolate cake.
They loved the one from a restaurant I managed when I lived in Boston called Finale [Desserterie]. I’d never made the thing before, but I found a recipe, and it came out amazing. It really did. They cut into the cake, and it oozed chocolate all over. SD: What made you take the leap to professional pastry chef? CJ: I was working at a newspaper at the time doing advertising sales and freelance photography, and I decided to bake
food+drink something every day and bring it into work, increasing the difficulty until I found something I couldn’t do. My coworkers kept saying, “You should be a chef!” I was like, “Guys, I work with you. I have a job. You can just say you like the cookies.” But I kept pushing myself until eventually I decided to see if I could get a part-time job as a baker’s assistant. SD: Did you bring a molten chocolate cake to the interview? CJ: Espresso cupcakes. The woman was the nicest person I’ve ever interviewed with. She took the cupcakes, pulled one apart, smelled it, ate it and asked, “Is this from a box?” [Laughing] It wasn’t. I made it from scratch. I had no baking experience, but she liked my enthusiasm and let me be a baker’s assistant. SD: Besides espresso cupcakes, do you have a favorite coffee and pastry pairing? CJ: One of the things that’s been really enlightening for me is working with Andrew [Sepic] and learning about coffee. Like wine, each coffee has different notes that you’re tasting. We’ve been running an Ethiopian coffee with floral notes, and I love the way that pairs with a muffin. You can taste the citrus. We make our
muffins with lemon zest, and I’ve been doing a mixed berry muffin recently that goes really well.
Warm up with some takeout!
SD: What are you working on for the soon-to-open Essex Junction location? CJ: I’ll be introducing more traditional pastries, like lemon tarts and a chestnut tart with layers of almond cream, walnuts, chestnuts and caramel. We just started doing bread and soup [in Burlington], and I’m baking bread for that, too. SD: You use baking puns regularly in your Instagram captions. Can I put you on the spot? CJ: It would make the world a butter place. SD: You can keep going if you wish. CJ: Well, when I’m making croissants, I’m on a roll. SD: Thank you for indulging me. CJ: There’s muffin to it. m This interview was edited and condensed for clarity and length.
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12/8/21 10:36 AM
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Side Dishes « P.41 cofounder PAUL SAYLER said. Sayler has known WILL GILSON, head of Idletyme’s brewery, for decades, he noted. The Idletyme management and employee teams will remain intact and continue to run the business with Third Place in a supporting role. Sayler dropped hints of “a collaboration afoot” on the brewing side between Idletyme and American Flatbread in Burlington. Idletyme’s restaurant and brewery have occupied 1859 Mountain Road since November 2015. The spot is best known as the longtime home of the Shed Restaurant and Brewery, which closed in 2011. Sayler was the original brewer at American Flatbread in Burlington, where his wife, DESTINY
is head brewer. He and ROB DOWNEY founded Third Place in 2004. Over the years, the company has provided support and funding to other local food and beverage brands, including the FARMHOUSE GROUP, ZERO GRAVITY CRAFT BREWERY and MONARCH & THE MILKWEED. In contrast to many Vermont breweries, both American Flatbread and Idletyme operate exclusively as brewpubs, selling the beer they brew only to on-site customers; neither packages its beer for off-premises consumption. The brewpub approach allows for more customer education, Sayler said. For example,
the brewer and staff can explain an unusual style such as Flanders red, a barrel-aged sour ale. “If you don’t have a chance to give them a brief explanation, they don’t know what to expect,” Sayler said. “With a brewpub, you have an audience you can talk directly to.” While the details and timeline of the new venture have yet to be determined, Sayler continued, “There is excitement about taking what is happening at these two breweries and making it greater than the sum of its parts ... There will be some sparks flying.” Melissa Pasanen
Visit our store Vermont Pure Essentials in Vergennes
Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen. 3V-VTPureCBD011222 1
1/10/22 12:02 PM
Patrons playing bar games
Good Neighbors
Burlington’s Zero Gravity Taproom and the Great Northern fuse into a new beer hall B Y M EL I SSA PASANEN •
harp-eyed people traveling through Burlington’s South End might have noticed a subtle change at 716 Pine Street last week: The Zero Gravity Craft Brewery hummingbird has fluttered over and replaced the Great Northern restaurant sign. The new sign represents a shift that the owners of the two neighboring businesses had been considering since before COVID19, but the pandemic provided the impetus they needed. Under co-owner and chef Frank Pace, the Great Northern has always provided food to the taproom of Zero Gravity, a brewery under joint ownership with production facilities on Pine Street and in South Burlington. Before mid-March 2020, the taproom and restaurant had distinct menus and ambiences — the former offering counter service; the latter, table service and finer dining. The two menus were edging closer together, however, and when the pandemic hit, the brewery and restaurant began using a single menu and ordering system. One set of outdoor tables spanned the wide front patio in front of two separate entryways. Right before Christmas, Zero Gravity and the Great Northern made their collaborative pandemic survival approach permanent, replacing the taproom and restaurant with Zero Gravity Beer Hall. The new jointly run destination has taken over the entire interior space previously occupied by the two businesses. The brewery and food operation con44
tinue to exist as separate business entities. What patrons see, however, is a new beer hall with Zero Gravity brews and a casual, creative food menu from the Great Northern kitchen team. The counter-service menu is exactly the same, whether you order at the former taproom bar or at the grand antique bar on the restaurant side of the building. The only structural change to the building was the removal of part of the wall that previously divided the two venues; now patrons can flow easily from one side of the beer hall to the other. “This is a positive result of a crappy situation,” said Jeff Baumann, the beer hall’s general manager. “COVID forced us to think like this, to work together more. This model works better. It’s a win-win.” Pre-pandemic, Baumann explained, the taproom was often packed on nights when the restaurant had relatively few diners. The new approach makes better use of the physical space and responds to the local demand for all things beer and for more casual dining. “We almost made this decision before the pandemic,” Pace said. “This is awesome.” After ordering at either bar, people can choose from various forms of seating to
which runners will deliver their food: dirty fries loaded with crisp nuggets of smoked pork or seitan with sweet chile aioli and housemade pickles ($16); or the juicy, special sauce-slathered local beef burger ($16 with fries or greens) that evokes taste memories of McDonald’s in all the best ways. On a warmish recent evening, the outdoor tables were busy. Plenty of diners also stayed indoors, though, sprinkling themselves among all the different rooms and nooks. Others had grabbed beers and were playing shuffleboard and pool in the new game area in the front corner of the former restaurant space. The abundant seating options range from high-top tables to couches to stools at the magnificent wood bar to cozy banquettes by a real fire. (The beer hall requires proof of vaccination only for those sitting at either bar, to protect staff working behind the bars close to patrons who have unmasked to eat or drink.) The meticulously restored bar, which came all the way from Seattle and was once featured in a John Wayne movie, still draws me to the restaurant side of the beer hall. It also made a favorable impression on my 24-year-old son, who surveyed the lively scene on a recent visit and said, “I
could see coming here with my friends. That bar is so cool.” The food and drink made a good impression, too. The beer hall menu delivers contemporary Vermont taproom fare with extra emphasis on local ingredients, bountiful fermented vegetables and housemade vegan options. Those include analogues to burgers and bratwurst, as well as sandwiches such as an inherently vegan eggplant bánh mì. Pace said his menu mix is motivated by environmental concerns and customer demand. “We buy only local meat, and we’re trying to serve less of it,” he said. He sells as many Buffalo cauliflower “wings” as he does chicken wings. It’s also a fun challenge for the chef and his team to develop dishes “that are just good — and happen to be vegan,” Pace said. “We have to evolve as chefs.” Fans of the original Great Northern restaurant may wistfully recall its beautifully plated dishes, such as sparkling fresh hamachi crudo with chile and soy, and its meltingly tender 40-hour braised beef. “Before, we sold lots of fish and oysters,” Pace said. “Now, we’re selling cauliflower and chicken.” Regulars may also miss the days of table service and expert bartenders shaking up creative cocktails. On the liquor side, for now, the beer hall continues the pandemic practice of offering cocktails premixed and bottled ($10 to $14). The interesting, wellmade choices include a Fernet sour and a Negroni made with lightly bitter Punt e Mes vermouth. The beer list, naturally, is strong. I’m a fan of the burnt-toasty Zero Gravity Ron Burgundy Scotch ale ($6), named for the bloviating protagonist of the Anchorman movies. On the food side, the beer hall’s dishes may be less complex than the Great Northern originals, but they’re still distinguished by Pace’s attention to detail and local sourcing. “You get the same kind of execution, just coming out on a tray,” he said, referring to the small, stainless-steel baking sheets on which food is served. Standout dishes from our takeout order and dine-in meal included an excellent chopped kale salad ($13) with crunchy broccoli, crispy fried shallots, chewy dried cranberries, pickled green beans and a bright, lemony dressing. A hefty, griddled tuna melt ($16) was unlike any your mom ever made — with fresh, line-caught fish, Vermont cheese and full-sour pickles. We squabbled over who got to finish the steak sandwich ($18): dry-aged beef cradled in a toasted sesame hoagie roll with plenty of leeks and peppers, a velvety cheese sauce, and a bone broth dipping jus. With multilayered flavors and textures,
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Buffalo cauliflower “wings”
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2/15/16 3:31 PM
Express yourself through Art! A Fernet sour
the vegan bánh mì ($15) was as compelling as any of the meaty options, with roasted eggplant, seasoned tofu spread and crunchy fresh vegetables. We also dug happily into the rice bowl with nuggets of crispy tofu ($17 with that protein choice) and loads of gingery pickled vegetables, though it was a little heavy on the rice. I’d choose that or the bánh mì over the housemade mushroomand-koji “bratwurst” ($12) or the vegan burger patty ($16); both delivered plenty of umami but fell short on tooth-resistant meaty texture. A bowl of “damn good” chowder ($14) lived up to its name, thanks to a rich broth, chunks of caramelized smashed potato, bacon and clams. Fair warning:
Do not expect a traditional white New England chowder foregrounding clams and dairy; this brothy soup has a meatier flavor. If shellfish are your passion, the Great Northern’s raw bar will still make weekend appearances. And, not to fear, the beer hall continues to offer coffee and waffles daily from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. The full food menu fires up at noon. “We want to be a great brewery with great food,” Baumann said of the new beer hall. I’d say the eagle — um, the hummingbird — has landed. m
Classes for Adults in Drawing, Painting & Fused Glass. Welcoming students at all levels of experience! Register today at
INFO Zero Gravity Beer Hall, 716 Pine St., Burlington, 497-0054,
802-425-2700 | 916 SHELBURNE ROAD, SOUTH BURLINGTON 3V-davisstudio102721.indd 1
10/25/21 1:52 PM
Growing Pains Book review: Prepare Her, Genevieve Plunkett B Y A M Y L I L LY •
he men in Genevieve Plunkett’s short story collection, Prepare Her, don’t come off well. There is something menacing about them. A teenage boy abruptly sets up a filmless camera during sex; a young man photographs his showering girlfriend through frosted glass without permission. A tourist on a horse exposes himself to his female equestrian guide. Another man casually raises his arms, revealing the gun at his waist to a visiting female social worker. The women and girls on the receiving end of these demonstrations of male desire and power are the real subject of these absorbing stories, many of which initially appeared in acclaimed journals such as New England Review, the Massachusetts Review and the Southern Review. In her first book, Bennington author Plunkett creates wholly original female characters whose thoughts surprise even themselves as they grapple with their own sexual maturation and desires. The woman photographed in the shower, for instance, is the unnamed narrator of “Single,” in which she recollects her relationship with Eli, the photographer. The two grow up together and marry young. On their disastrous honeymoon, Eli tells her, “I’ve always liked the idea of being watched” during sex. When she leaves him a month after their wedding, she requests that he hand over the photos he took without her permission, but Eli reminds her she agreed to some of the shots. Soon she succumbs to a temptation to examine them. The narrator’s curiosity about the photos suggests a desire to hover above herself and see herself differently — an impulse mirrored in the story’s opening, in which she envisions herself as a single woman wearing a “convent-inspired wardrobe” and glasses. “The thought excited me,” she says, using the unexpected language of desire. Plunkett delivers these revelations in dreamlike, memorable prose. The
and allows him to remove a slug from her forehead. When the man takes up residence in her family’s shed, she doesn’t tell her father. Instead, she lets the man become the object of a sexual fantasy. “Every now and then he would cast his gaze toward my window and I would startle, convinced that the meeting of our eyes would cause a disturbance like a firecracker.” In “Trespassers,” 15-year-old Emi and her best friend, Catherine, have reached a point in their friendship where they’re no longer interested in doing projects together, such as building a boat from scraps. The narrator’s explanation precisely nails teenage girlhood:
shower photos remind the narrator of “meat trapped under cellophane.” A great blue heron surprised into flight is “a skinny angel with an appointment … like a twiggy soul leaving the body.” One imagines Plunkett being akin to her character Catherine, who “sometimes said beautiful things, and she kept a long list of sentences under her bed that she would one day put into a story.” Plunkett excels at capturing what it’s like to be a girl, testing out friendships with other girls, relationships with boys or crushes on men. (Only one story, “Schematic,” has a male protagonist — a young boy.) In “Gorgon,” the teenage narrator encounters a homeless man in the woods
[I]t was not lack of imagination or desire that held them back, but a new and insidious kind of vanity that went far beyond pinching stomach rolls and comparing profiles. Without knowing, they were both cultivating an inner voice that kept a record of every time they were wrong and that whispered to them of small but ruinous embarrassments. In “Something for a Young Woman,” which won the O. Henry Award, teenage protagonist Allison doesn’t realize the impact of her flirtations with her boss, a man in his fifties, until he leaves her an expensive necklace in his store’s safe. Later, she mourns that lost sense of power as her marriage to a schoolteacher begins to fail. Separated and living with her mother, Allison waits for her husband’s weekly calls, which always disappoint. What she wanted was for him to ask her about something ridiculous like her past lives, or if she ever flew in her dreams and, if so, whether she flapped her arms or kicked her feet. She’d wanted him to ask her about the people in her life who’d hurt her and for him to be surprised at her answer, impressed by the depth of her life before him.
FROM ‘GORGON’ IN PREPARE HER My best friend Alicia used to dream that an invisible man would come into her room at night and lift her from her bed. The invisible man would carry her around town, showing her the darkened shop windows, the blinking intersections, and the sleeping dogs. He would hold her out slightly whenever there was something that he wanted her to see, like someone offering a baby to be held. And then he would carry her back home, tuck her into her bed, and kiss her goodnight. Years passed and she either stopped having the dream or she stopped telling me about it. In sixth grade, she transferred to a private school, and by the time we were in high school and she had transferred back into the public school system, we no longer knew how to speak to each other. I eventually stopped waving to her in the hallways, because it felt childish. I think we were both relieved. I must admit that I was jealous of Alicia’s invisible man. There was something exhilarating about the idea of being stolen from your bed, to be conveyed silently through the night. I sometimes dreamed of men, achingly — never one specific man, just the lone presence of one, like a baritone heat wave in the dark. I usually woke from these dreams strangely grieved, imagining that I wanted something that did not exist in the world, as if no one in the history of humankind had ever wanted a man like I did. As if they did not exist in the capacity that I longed for them. It seemed to me that Alicia’s invisible man was one step ahead of the aching, masculine presence in my dream, if not fully developed, then at least solid, responsive. And it seemed to go hand in hand that Alicia would mature faster, would be noticed sooner. Her body began to embarrass me, as if all that we had ever whispered in secrecy was rising to the surface. Her eyes grew sleek with sexual knowledge. She reminded me of a young pregnant cat — a tiny, insecure thing of great importance.
Henry Sheldon Museum presents
A Virtual Lecture Series
The Elephant in the Room Exploring the Future of Museums
Free and open to all • Wednesdays at 7pm EST Register at
Jan. 12 Picturing Difference: 7pm Photography, Democracy, and Race in the 19th Century Michelle Smiley Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Feb. 9 7pm
Old Maps, New Pathways:
Cartography, Museum Collections, and Decolonial Possibilities
Christine DeLucia Williams College
Mar. 9 Sex and Gender in the Archives 7pm Rachel Hope Cleves University of Victoria
Apr. 13 21st Century Public Squares: 7pm When Art Meets History Ric Kasini Kadour Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Curatorial Fellow The lecture series is presented with support from With additional support from Dinse 4T-sheldon12292 1
Share your many gifts.
Genevieve Plunkett
The collection ends with its eponymous story, “Prepare Her.” Protagonist Rachel is separated from her unnamed lawyer husband and lives at her mother’s with her 4-year-old, Bianca. Rachel is running out of options to help Bianca, who is in pain from defiantly refusing to have a bowel movement for five days. The last resort is a suppository that Bianca is excited to insert herself — until it becomes clear she doesn’t know where to put it. Rachel is hit with waves of guilt at having inadequately prepared her daughter for life with explanations of basic anatomy. But, Plunkett writes, “It is not her own, biting, self-critical voice that she hears at first, but her mother’s, followed by her husband’s.” The very thought of adequately preparing her daughter looms
12/16/21 11:24 AM
— Dave Dano
like a menace: “Prepare her. It means more than she wants it to.” Plunkett’s women and girls are often inadequately prepared for living in a man’s world. The narrator of “Single” notes that her favorite part of the apartment she shares with Eli is the porch at night because, Plunkett writes, “It was there that I often became excited about the future, about all the small domestic triumphs that lay ahead.” The paltriness of such an imagined future is devastating. Prepare Her is an extraordinary debut, full of surprises that emerge line by line. With a first novel forthcoming in 2023, Plunkett is a Vermont author to watch. m
Musician, artist
INFO Prepare Her by Genevieve Plunkett, Catapult, 241 pages. $16.95. 4T-sweeney011222.indd 1
12/2/21 1:54 PM
Drawn Out Book review: A Comic Year, Meg Reynolds B Y J O R D AN A D AMS •
tank, the lines of her body have little form or detail. Other images are vividly realized, such as the human-owl hybrid seen on Day 141. The author’s “solitary bird body” weeps under the crushing weight of feelings, its slick plumage finely segmented, shaded and textured.
Meg Reynolds
ournaling can be one of the best ways to process thoughts and feelings. Funneling fears, anxieties, regrets, fantasies and little loose threads that occupy the mind onto paper makes them more manageable. It’s how artist and poet Meg Reynolds chose to sort out the aftermath of a devastating breakup. A teacher at Vermont Adult Learning and organizer of Lit Club, a regular poetry night at Burlington’s now-shuttered Light Club Lamp Shop, Reynolds writes lyrical prose poetry and draws pen-and-pencil comics. She combines both in her graphic memoir A Comic Year. A feat of endurance, the book begins the day after the end of a two-year relationship and contains 150 pieces, one created every few days over the year that followed. Reynolds opens her inner life to the reader with practically no exposition. At
first, we don’t know anything about her relationship with _____, as she calls her ex. We know only that the breakup was not Reynolds’ decision. The lack of explanation implies that _____ simply fell out of love. Over time, a clearer picture of Reynolds emerges. Despite having an active social life and loving parents, she’s unfathomably lonely. She’s hyperaware of her alcohol consumption, oscillating between acceptance of her dependence and resistance to it. At times, existing is all she can manage. Sometimes Reynolds approaches her feelings like a molecular biologist, putting carefully collected emotional samples on slides and slipping them under a microscope. At other times, her mind feels like an antique store heaped high with trinkets, ephemera and bric-a-brac from her life with _____. Every few days, she finds a new artifact to dust off and display in her shop window. Reynolds is down more than she’s up.
Her struggles with self-acceptance are magnified in _____’s absence. She tries dating but keeps coming back to _____, eventually moving into a fuck-buddy mode that destroys their friendship. She’s self-conscious about her body, some days accepting her physical form and others obsessing over her perceived imperfections. Reynolds’ writing style may not jibe with the average reader’s understanding of poetry. Arranged in complete, punctuated sentences and block paragraphs, her prose poems suggest mini essays. But they flow freely, rich with expressive language. She writes of the “truck-weight reality” of realizing she is still in love with _____. Hate, bitterness and jealousy are “snack food feelings” in which she sometimes indulges. Some of Reynolds’ drawings are sketchlike. On Day 67, for instance, when she depicts herself as a competitive breath holder at the bottom of a cylindrical water
On Day 172, Reynolds presents a collection of intricate larval caddis flies. The insects spin web cases, then solidify them with environmental materials to offer protection while they develop underwater — an apt metaphor for the two lovers’ attempts at self-protection. Reynolds’ flies encase themselves in gold, rubies and pearls — a nod to French artist Hubert Duprat, who raised caddis flies in environments full of gems and precious metals. Another deft visual appears on Day 85, when Reynolds relays wise words from a friend about finding love: “She said, ‘He is already out there, wearing a belt and drinking coffee and walking toward you. Just keep doing what you are doing.’” In the accompanying illustration, Reynolds places herself and her meant-to-be at the ends of adjacent tunnels. Though they’re right beside each other, separated by a thin wall, they can reach each other only where their zigzagging tunnels end. In cheeky defiance of her friend’s advice, Reynolds claws through the wall, inching closer to the nape of her future lover’s neck as he rests his back against the wall of his tunnel. The best pieces in A Comic Year are those in which Reynolds cleverly marries her words and her art, the former reshaping and accentuating the latter. Some of her images resemble charts, orderly arrangements of thoughts and pictures. Others look like newspaper comic strips. Reynolds is not always an easy protagonist to root for. Her most frustrating assumption is that she needs another
NEW EXHIBIT Open January 15 through May 15
Dinosaur Discoveries: Ancient Fossils, New Ideas is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (, in collaboration with the California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco; The Field Museum, Chicago; the Houston Museum of Natural Science; and the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, Raleigh.
4T-echo011222 1
1/10/22 12:04 PM
Winter Clearance Sale!
70% OFF Clearance Items
person to be complete. When she attempts to focus inward instead of outward, she finds only a yearning for someone new on whom to fixate in _____’s absence. Despite the implication of the book’s
FROM A COMIC YEAR Universe, hey, if you are listening, I have a request. I heard once that you don’t have a problem giving us what we want. When compared to nebulae and supernovas, this want is pretty small. I want to have sex. Please. I do. If there was any question, put it to rest. Send someone. Tell one of the guys I’m seeing. Just help me out here, please. And sure, maybe you are serving up some kind of involuntary celibacy to make room for my soulmate or whatever but you should know by now that that is not how I work. I’ve had enough. Give me the next eligible man or woman. They are going to wake up in my bed. They’ll drink my coffee.
title, its mood gravitates toward stark seriousness. Those seeking humor derived from pain and loneliness should look elsewhere. Aside from presenting the brutal reality of depression, A Comic Year is also physically a tough read. Reynolds’ printing is nearly microscopic, probably a by-product of the formatting of her originals for print. Her words often meander across the page in free-form, unjustified lines of text. Occasionally, the flow of those words is unclear as they trickle through her drawings. The best thing about A Comic Year is that readers can appreciate it in multiple ways, absorbing the meaning of its art without reading the text and vice versa. And, because it’s jam-packed with both words and pictures, subsequent reads are bound to reveal new details. m
Vermont’s #1 Lighting Design Center 7,000 sq ft showroom with hundreds of lighting choices! *Sale ends 1/31/2022. In-stock items only. Excludes sale items and prior promotions.
RT 7 Shelburne Rd • 985-2204 Hours: Monday – Friday 9 - 5:30, Saturday 9 - 5
INFO A Comic Year by Meg Reynolds, Finishing Line Press, 164 pages. $23.99. 4T-lightinghouse011222 1
1/10/22 10:03 AM
Making History
The Sheldon Museum’s outgoing director contemplates his past and future B Y PA M EL A POL ST O N •
he first time William F. Brooks Jr. retired, in 1993, it was after 25 years in banking. At the end of December 2021, he stepped down as executive director of the Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. And so concluded a second career. Or did it? At 79, Brooks is still open to possibilities. “In my transitions, something always comes up,” he said in a phone interview from his home in New Haven. He was referring in part to the other nonprofits he led or worked with prior to his decade at the Sheldon Museum. Those include what’s now called the Frog Hollow Vermont Craft Gallery, then headquartered in Middlebury, and the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Foundation in Plymouth. Even during a pandemic, it can’t hurt to keep your options open. But the Sheldon Museum might be a hard act to follow because it merges Brooks’ primary passions: history and art. And if those don’t seem like logical follow-ups to working in finance, well, they weren’t, exactly. We queried Brooks to learn more.
So you went back to school… I got a master’s degree in American folk art studies — it was a two-year program through New York University and the American Folk Art Museum. My first internship was at the Shelburne Museum. When I graduated at age 50, I found there weren’t too many jobs. Yet you found some. I worked for the Virginia Lynch Gallery in Rhode Island for a year. Then there was an opening at Frog Hollow. I knew Vermont because my family had a camp in North Ferrisburgh, where I’d spent time as a child. So I applied. I ran [Frog Hollow] four or five years. We had four galleries by the time I left.
Then I went to the Coolidge Foundation as the development director. I was there eight years and raised a couple million dollars. And then, in 2012, there was an opening at the Sheldon Museum. So, back to Middlebury. Yes. I left [the museum] just six weeks shy of 10 years. What qualities do you have that helped you lead a nonprofit museum? I start with the mission of the museum. The Sheldon opened in 1884 and focuses on art and history collections and exhibitions. I had a history degree from Kenyon and an art history degree from NYU, so I already had an interest
in both. I also had gone to the museum as a child. [After] I went to New York in 1993, I went to annual folk art festivals there. I was introduced to GRACE [Hardwickbased Grass Roots Art and Community Effort] and served on the board for about 10 years. From my experience at Frog Hollow, I had the marketing element — promoting Vermont artists and makers. And I’d had success at the Coolidge, raising money and cultivating donors. I hope I brought these skills to the Sheldon Museum. In a recent Addison County Independent article, reporter John Flowers
William F. Brooks Jr.
Let’s start with where you’re from. I was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts. My father was from there; my mom is from Middlebury. They met when he was going to Harvard [University] and she was at Radcliffe [College]. But I grew up in Washington, D.C., where my dad was a lawyer and lobbyist. So, I had an early exposure to art at the museums. Where did you go to college? I went to Kenyon College in Ohio, a private men’s college. I was in Air Force ROTC, so I served four years [after college]. Then I was a banker in D.C. and Maryland.
And then there was a big shift. What led you to art? I had dated a woman whose mother collected folk art. We broke up, but my interest in art continued. [At first] I was particularly attracted to shore bird decoys.
NEW THIS WEEK mad river valley/waterbury ‘TEXTURES AND PATTERNS’: Textural paintings by Sandy Grant, hooked rugs by Judy Dodds and ceramic mosaics by Bette Ann Libby. January 19-March 5. Info, 496-6682. The Gallery at Mad River Valley Arts in Waitsfield.
f LOWELL SNOWDEN KLOCK & HEATHER WILSON: ‘Baby It’s Cold Outside, photography on a winter theme and “bombshell” pinup artworks, respectively. Reception: Friday, January 14, 5-7 p.m. January 14-February 25. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland.
northeast kingdom “Big Fish” sculpture by Martin McGowan outside the Sheldon Museum
DIANNE TAYLOR MOORE: “Let Us Fly Away,” vibrant pastel paintings of Colorado, the Florida Keys and the southwestern U.S. January 14-February 26. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.
f MICHAEL SACCA: “In the Surf,” photographs of water in motion by the Vermont artist. Reception: Sunday, February 13, 2:30-4:30 p.m. January 16-March 19. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library.
ART EVENTS HATCHSPACE LATHE DEMO: Woodworker Jeff Bower demonstrates using a lathe to create a piece of furniture from start to finish. Presented in conjunction with the current Guild of Vermont Furniture Makers exhibition. Space is limited; preregister at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Wednesday, January 12, 5:30 p.m. $5; free for BMAC members. Info, 257-0124. OPEN STUDIOS: Staff, studio artists and residents show their work and converse with visitors. Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Thursday, January 13, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.
Sheldon Museum
noted that you’ve “always sought to make history come alive.” What are some examples of temporary exhibitions at the Sheldon that illustrate this? The bicycle exhibit [“Pedaling Through History: 150 Years of the Bicycle,” 2016]. When I lived in Maryland, I came to Vermont for 10 years in a row to bike with Vermont Bicycle Tours. So, I had a personal connection with that one. And Glenn Eames [of Old Spokes Home in Burlington] has such a wonderful collection. Wendy Copp’s costumes and our clothing collection [“Fashion & Fantasy at the Edge of the Forest,” 2013]. I invited
Wendy to go through our collections and incorporate items with her extraordinary nature-inspired costumes. There are all these wonderful children’s book authors here. We had an exhibit celebrating the power of books and Vermont artists [“Draw Me a Story — Tell Me a Tale: Vermont Children’s Book Illustrators & Authors,” 2017]. You initiated a number of exhibitions yourself, right? Yes, but the Sheldon Museum is a team effort. I couldn’t operate without the team and 80 to 100 volunteers. And I can’t say
» P.53
‘PICTURING DIFFERENCE: PHOTOGRAPHY, DEMOCRACY, AND RACE IN THE 19TH CENTURY’: The Henry Sheldon Museum presents a Zoom lecture by historian Michelle Smiley, the fourth talk in the “Elephant in the Room: Exploring the Future of Museums” series. Smiley discusses American daguerreotype portraiture, its uses as a scientific instrument, a means of picturing loved ones and a medium of democratic participation. Register at Online, Wednesday, January 12, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 388-2117.
ONGOING SHOWS burlington
ARTWORK AT UVMMC: Oil paintings of cows by Stephanie Bush, wood shadowboxes by Sam Macy and abstract butterfly paintings by Maria Angelache in the Main Street Corridor and Ambulatory Care Center 3; mixed-media paintings by Kathleen Grant in McClure 4; acrylic paintings and monotypes by Elizabeth Powell and photographs by Kristina Pentek in ACC 2. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through January 24. Info, 865-7296. University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. ‘UNBOUND’: Painting, sculpture and works on paper by Kirsten Reynolds, Rob Hitzig and Rachel Gross that explore contemporary approaches to abstraction as it relates to architecture, space and materials. BRADLEY BORTHWICK: “Objects
of Empire,” a sculptural installation that evolved from the artist’s research on the Dorset marble quarry and ancient Roman storehouses, and ponders shared cycles of civilization. Through February 5. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington. JACKSON TUPPER: “Mayo,” a solo exhibition of paintings by the Vermont artist made in response to domestic isolation during pandemic lockdown. Through March 9. Info, 233-2943. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington. ‘THE LARGE WORKS’: Locally made 2D works, two to six feet in size, hang in the hallway outside the S.P.A.C.E. Gallery. Through January 29. Info, 578-2512. The Soda Plant in Burlington. MALTEX ARTISTS: Paintings by Dierdre Michelle, Judy Hawkins, Nancy Chapman and Jean Cherouny, as well as photographs by Caleb Kenna and Michael Couture in the building’s hallways. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through March 31. Info, 865-7296. Maltex Building in Burlington. SHANNON O’CONNELL: Botanical paintings with phosphorescent and UV-sensitive pigments mixed into the paint, allowing secondary paintings to be revealed. Through March 2. 802-865-7296. Burlington City Hall. ‘THE SMALL WORKS’: An annual unjuried exhibition of locally made works smaller than 12 inches each. Through January 29. Info, 578-2512. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. STEPHEN SHARON: A solo exhibition of vibrant, multilayered abstract paintings by the Burlington artist. Curated by SEABA. Through March 4. Info, 859-9222. Speeder & Earl’s Coffee in Burlington. WILL GEBHARD: “So It Goes,” a solo show of vivid, graphic paintings by the Vermont artist. Through January 22. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington.
chittenden county
ADRIENNE GINTER & ERIKA LAWLOR SCHMIDT: Hand-cut paper works that tell stories from nature, and monotypes that reflect the natural world and the interconnectedness of all life, respectively. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through January 31. Info, 865-7296. Pierson Library in Shelburne. ERIKA LAWLOR SCHMIDT: Relief monotypes, Skyway. Curated by Burlington City Arts. MAREVA MILLARC: Acrylic paintings, Gates 1-8. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through March 31. Info, 865-7296. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington. ‘EYESIGHT & INSIGHT: LENS ON AMERICAN ART’: An online exhibition of artworks at that illuminates creative responses to perceptions of vision; four sections explore themes ranging from 18th-century optical technologies to the social and historical connotations of eyeglasses in portraiture from the 19th century to the present. Through October 16. ‘IN PLAIN SIGHT: REDISCOVERING CHARLES SUMNER BUNN’S DECOYS’: An online exhibition of shorebird decoys carved by the member of the ShinnecockMontauk Tribes, based on extensive research and resolving historic controversy. Through October 5. ‘PATTERN & PURPOSE: AMERICAN QUILTS FROM THE SHELBURNE MUSEUM’: The museum presents 20 textile masterpieces from its collection dating from the first decades of the 1800s to the turn of the 21st century, organized by associate curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff. Online only at Through February 1. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum. CHITTENDEN COUNTY SHOWS SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
» P.52 51
« P.51
‘THE GIFT OF ART’: An off-season exhibition featuring a changing collection of artworks. Open by appointment or during special events. Through April 30. Info, 434-2167. Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington. ‘WINTER COMPASS’: Works featuring Venetian plaster finishes by Sam Colt, along with works by 13 gallery artists in a variety of mediums. Through January 31. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.
‘Climate of Change’
At the Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier, Ken Leslie and Calza have collaborated on a multisensory exhibition that addresses both global climate disruptions and human resilience. The artists were longtime colleagues at Northern Vermont UniversityJohnson: Calza is retired from teaching; Leslie will retire this year. Leslie contributes drawings, paintings and mixed-media
‘THE CATAMOUNT IN VERMONT’: An exhibition that explores the feline symbol of Vermont through the lenses of art, science and culture. Through May 31. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier.
constructions that are based on residencies in Greenland, which
f ‘CLIMATE OF CHANGE’: A mixed-media, multisensory exhibition by Susan Calza and Ken Leslie that responds to this global crisis, as well as sketchbooks that reveal how the two artists respond to the world around them. Closing reception: Sunday, January 16, 2-5 p.m. Through January 16. Info, 224-6827. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier.
pays homage to traditional Inuit boats.
CONOR LAHIFF: Meteorologically inspired landscape photography on metal and more. Through February 15. Info, 479-0896. Espresso Bueno in Barre. JASON GALLIGAN-BALDWIN: “Safety Procedures,” works incorporating acrylics, antique text, childhood books, film stills and other materials to explore American culture, or lack thereof. Curated by Studio Place Arts. Through February 26. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. ‘ONE MORE TIME!’: Ten artists who have exhibited at the gallery in 2021 return for a group show of works in watercolor, acrylic, oils, wearable art and photography. Through January 31. Info, 279-5048. ART, etc. in Northfield.
‘THE ART OF THE GRAPHIC’: Eight displays of snowboards that let viewers see the design process from initial conception to final product; featuring artists Scott Lenhardt, Mark Gonzalez, Mikey Welsh, Mishel Schwartz and more. Through October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe. ‘CALL AND RESPONSE’: An exhibition of images by eight members of the Photographers Workroom. KRISTINA SNOOK: “Tradition/Improvisation,” fiber works by the Vermont artist. Through January 15. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville.
is facing severe effects from its melting glaciers. His painting “The Last Umiak” (pictured) was conceived in a dream and Calza’s 15-minute video, titled “blame-less,” was created during her residency at Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art in 2021. Though abstract and narrative-free, its black-andwhite or color images are emotionally evocative: a baby boy fresh from the womb, a polar bear navigating a sea of fragmented ice, refugees falling from an overfull boat. One element of this exhibition is unexpected and uniquely rewarding: piles of Calza’s and Leslie’s notebooks. Looking through them, visitors can witness raw outbursts of creative minds at work. Somehow, this provides an invigorating counterpoint to thoughts of climate Armageddon. A closing reception is on Sunday, January 16, 2-5 p.m. Dworshak, Julia Jensen, Hannah Morris, Hannah Sessions, Pamela Smith and Susanne Strater. Through January 31. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes. ‘PRIDE 1983’: Through interviews with organizers, photographs and scanned images of historic documents, the exhibit, curated by Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives, explores the origins and lasting legacies of Vermont’s first Pride March on June 25, 1983, in Burlington. It can also be viewed online at Through March 25. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury. ‘WINTER FAVORITES’: Selected works by established gallery artists. Through January 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls.
f MISOO BANG: New paintings by the Burlington artist. Reception: January 20, 3-5 p.m., with artist talk at 3:15 p.m. Through February 18. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.
‘WINTER FAVORITES’: Selected works by established gallery artists. Through January 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.
mad river valley/waterbury
CORRINE YONCE: “Excerpts From Estate Sale,” mixed-media works that consider the intimacies of home and the figures who share that space, on display in the venue’s windows. Through January 15. Info, 77ART in Rutland.
the Nurses Room,” large-scale intuitive abstract paintings. Reception: Thursday, January 27, 6-8 p.m. Through February 5. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury.
middlebury area
‘ITTY BITTY: TINY TEXTS IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS’: Books from the 17th to 21st centuries that measure between 1.8 and 10 centimeters, from religious manuscripts to cookbooks, children’s books to Shakespeare. Visitors are not currently allowed in the library but may view the works online at Through May 31. Davis Family Library, Middlebury College. ‘KNOWING DARKNESS’: A group exhibition of new work by Bonnie Baird, Christine Atkinson, Charlotte
upper valley
HOLIDAY SHOW: Prints and handmade gift cards by artist members. Through January 29. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction. JUDITH VIVELL: “Meant for Each Other,” mixed-media abstractions on raw canvas. Also, jewelry by Stacy Hopkins, precious metal and volcanic bowls by Cristina Salusti and sculptural pieces by Ria Blaas. Through February 1. Info, 603-443-3017. Scavenger Gallery in White River Junction. JULIE CRABTREE & AMANDA ANN PALMER: Fiberart landscapes inspired by the Scotland coast, and
hand-thrown pottery, respectively. Through February 28. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery in White River Junction.
northeast kingdom
BEN BARNES: Recent paintings of northern Vermont: small-town street scenes, landscapes and retired cars and tractors. Through March 25. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover. KEITH CHAMBERLIN: “Then and Again,” two sets of photographs separated by 40 years by the St. Johnsbury photographer. Through January 31. Info, 626-6049. The Satellite Gallery in Lyndonville. ‘A LIFE IN LISTS AND NOTES’: An exhibition that celebrates the poetic, mnemonic, narrative and enumerative qualities of lists and notes. The objects on display span myriad creative, professional, bureaucratic, domestic and personal uses of lists through the ages. Through May 31. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover.
Outdoor sculptures by 20 artists can be seen along a two-mile trail through the center’s grounds and neighboring fields. Reserve free tickets at Meet the Artists Weekend: Saturday, January 29, and Sunday, January 30, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Through March 27. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. STJ ART ON THE STREET WINTER SHOW: Downtown businesses exhibit artworks in storefront windows, including stained glass, lamps, paintings and mixed media, in a collaborative public art project. Through February 25. Info, Various St. Johnsbury locations.
brattleboro/okemo valley
B. LYNCH: “Pull Back the Curtain,” a fantastical universe of the Reds and the Greys, disparate societal factions set in the 18th century, using puppetry, drawing, painting, linoleum block printing
and digital animation. Through February 13. DELITA MARTIN: “Between Worlds,” a yearlong installation in the museum’s front windows that reimagines the identities and roles of Black women in the context of Black culture and African history. Through May 31. GUILD OF VERMONT FURNITURE MAKERS: “Evolving Traditions,” contemporary works in wood crafted by members of the guild. Through February 13. MICHAEL ABRAMS: “Arcadia Rediscovered,” a luminous, misty painting installation that invites viewers to be mindfully in the world. Through March 5. NATALIE FRANK: “Painting With Paper,” abstracted portraits of imagined female figures, each accompanied by an animal, in wet pigmented cotton and linen paper pulp. Through February 13. VERMONT GLASS GUILD: “Inspired by the Past,” contemporary works in glass exhibited alongside historical counterparts from the museum’s collection. Through March 5. WILLIAM RANSOM: “Keep Up/Hold Up,” mixed-media installations that speak to the current state of social tension in the U.S., the reckoning with a history of white supremacy, and the potential for flare-up or collapse. Through March 5. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. PETER SCHUMANN: Paintings on bedsheets by the founder of Bread and Puppet theater from his “Bad Bedsheets” and “Handouts” series. Through February 28. Info, Flat Iron Co-op in Bellows Falls. SUSAN BREAREY: Paintings of animals in which primal, totemic images take the place of photorealistic details and are set against abstract surfaces. Through February 20. Info, 387-0102. Next Stage Arts Project in Putney.
‘HIROSHIGE AND THE CHANGING JAPANESE LANDSCAPE’: An exhibition of Japanese woodblock prints by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) that depict how the political climate of 19th-century Japan influenced its art and how the art influenced politics. Through February 27. Info, 367-1311. Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. ‘THE WORLD BETWEEN THE BLOCK AND THE PAPER’: A group exhibition of ecologically sound, sensitively produced mokuhanga prints, organized in collaboration with Japanese print collective the Mokuhanga Sisters. Through March 27. Info, 367-1311. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.
outside vermont
‘ECOLOGIES: A SONG FOR OUR PLANET’: An exhibition of installations, videos, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs that explore the relationship between humans and nature, and disruptions to the planet’s ecosystems caused by human intervention. Through February 27. ‘HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR ONE VOICE TO REACH ANOTHER?’: An exhibition of major works from the museum’s collection, along with new acquisitions and loans, that explore the theme of voice in both physical and metaphorical registers. Through February 13. ‘THE WORLD OF YOUSUF KARSH: A PRIVATE ESSENCE’: A showcase of 111 silvergelatin portraits by the renowned Armenian Canadian photographer, shot and printed himself; donated by the artist’s estate and his widow. Through January 30. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE WITH LAURA POITRAS: “Terror Contagion,” an immersive, activist exhibition by the London-based research collective in collaboration with the journalist-filmmaker. Narration by Edward Snowden, data sonification by Brian Eno. Through April 18. Info, 514-847-6226. Montréal Museum of Contemporary Art. ‘THIS LAND: AMERICAN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE NATURAL WORLD’: Drawn from the permanent collection, the museum’s first major installation of traditional and contemporary Native American art set alongside early-to-contemporary art by African American, Asian American, Euro-American and Latin American artists, representing a broader perspective on “American” art. Through July 23. ‘THORNTON DIAL: THE TIGER CAT’: Part of a new acquisition of 10 artworks from the Souls Grown Deep Foundation, the exhibition looks closely at the late artist’s work and the ways in which it broadens an understanding of American art. Through February 27. Info, 603-6462808. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. m
CALL TO ARTISTS ARTIST DEVELOPMENT GRANTS: Artist development grants support Vermont-based artists at all stages of their careers, funding activities that enhance mastery of a craft or that increase the viability of an artist’s business. Funding may also support aspects of the creation of new work. Grant amounts range from $250 to $2,000. Details and application at Deadline: February 14. Vermont Arts Council, Montpelier. COMMUNITY GALLERY SHOW: Artists 17 and older are eligible to enter on a first-come, first-served basis, whether Strand Center members or not. A maximum of 25 artists will be selected to exhibit their work in the gallery in February. Drop-off for submissions is January 21-28. Strand Center for the Arts, Plattsburgh, N.Y. Info, 518-563-1604. ‘DRIP’: For an upcoming exhibition about water quality and quantity, artists are invited to consider the topics of scarcity and depletion of freshwater sources. Installations and traditional or nontraditional mediums are welcome. Details at Deadline: February 5. Studio Place Arts, Barre,. $10; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069. ‘THE MAGIC OF LIGHT SHOW’: The gallery is accepting submissions for consideration to be included in a February show celebrating the magic of light in artwork. Painting, illustration, photography, film, collage or sculpture acceptable. The Satellite Gallery, Lyndonville. Through February 2. $20 per entry. Info, 229-8317. MICRO-GRANTS FOR ARTISTS: The Montpelier Public Arts Commission is offering a micro-grant program for Vermont-based artists for up to $1,500 for permanent or temporary art installations throughout the city. The request for proposals is open for an indefinite period; artists may submit at anytime during the year. The commission will review and award grants twice yearly; the next deadline is March 30. For more info and to review the RFP, visit Info, 522-0150.
Making History « P.51 enough about Mary Manley, who’s been associate director for 23 years. The Sheldon is a communitybased museum — the oldest in the country, in fact, according to the website. What’s the difference between that and a town historical society? A historical society is largely run by volunteers and focuses solely on the
a celebration of [founder] Henry Sheldon’s 200th birthday. But I was the only one working [in the museum] for a year and a half, and there was an unfortunate insect manifestation in a textile storage area that had to be dealt with. We’ve also had to raise funds to replace our elevator and more than two dozen historic windows. The museum closed in March 2020 and reopened in July 2021. Now
Wednesday & Thursday 4:30-9 Friday & Saturday 4:30-10
town. The Sheldon has thousands of works on paper, such as silhouettes of Charity [Bryan] and Sylvia [Drake], a 19th-century same-sex couple who lived in Weybridge. Those were featured in a National Gallery of Art exhibition. At the museum, we have greater resources. We have thousands of artifacts, including an archival documentary collection in the research portion of the building. What else is in those archives? Local letters, journals, historic photos, architectural documentation, newspapers, genealogical records, town records, early [Middlebury College] records. It’s a source of information primarily for Middlebury and Addison County. We also have a lot of original art — watercolors and other works on paper. There’s a great deal of material that has never been seen by the public. Sometimes the direction of the museum has changed according to the director. I came along and had a greater interest in art. The pandemic obviously has been very hard on museums. What particular challenges has the Sheldon had, and what has gotten it through? We’ve benefited lately by the market because of our investment portfolio. We got several [federal Paycheck Protection Program] loans. We didn’t have to lay off people. The Vermont Humanities and Vermont Arts Council have been very supportive. And the public has responded. We had a number of outside events in the summer — for example,
it’s closed again, and I don’t know when it can reopen. It’s a crapshoot. We’ve tried to respond online, too. We upgraded the website and [hosted] Zoom presentations. The pandemic has offered a great opportunity for exposure. But it’s hard to raise money — there are so many things offered online for free now. The challenge, always, is meeting the budget. Which is what? A quarter to half a million dollars.
No Reservations First come, First served 802-497-2587 55 Main Street | Burlington Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for updates
8V-poco082521.indd 1
In 2016, Seven Days’ quarterly Nest featured your 18th-century Federal-style farmhouse and eclectic collections. The place looks pretty full of art. Are you still actively collecting? Yes. I recently bought a sculpture at Studio Place Arts [in Barre].
8/18/21 12:56 PM
Besides acquiring more art, what are you looking forward to in this retirement? Maybe organizing a curatorial project for sculpture parks in Vermont. Possibly research papers — I’m interested in some Italian American 16t-vcam122921.indd artists. I’ve always been very active,16t-vcam-weekly.indd so hiking, biking, staying healthy. And traveling — I don’t know when! m
This interview was edited and condensed for clarity and length.
INFO Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History and Vermont Humanities present “Picturing Difference: Photography, Democracy and Race in the 19th Century,” a lecture by Michelle Smiley, as part of the virtual “Elephant in the Room” series, on Wednesday, January 12, 7 p.m. Free. Register at
1/11/22 11/2/20 12:39 3:07 PM
Snack on the BITE-CLUB NEWSLETTER for a taste of this week’s flavorful food coverage. It’ll hold you over until Wednesday. SUBSCRIBE AT SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
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53 12/21/20 6:07 PM
music+nightlife Alex Stewart
S UNDbites
CLAPTON tour, at which they’ll play to ever-dwindling audiences. One by one, ambulances will whisk the unvaccinated away to take up more hospital beds, just as Clapton plays “Wonderful Tonight.” Woof, that got dark.
News and views on the local music + nightlife scene
Talking About Jazz Generation
Starting With a Whimper
Well, it’s never a good sign when you greet the New Year with a wince and a “Not in the face!” Indeed, 2022 has started by playing some of 2021’s biggest hits, of which I was not a fan. First, there were the New Year’s Eve shows — or what became of them, at least. Right as I was finishing my last column of 2021 on what to do on NYE, other editors, with perhaps more foresight, gently reminded me to include a COVID-19 disclaimer. It bummed me out to list all those fun shows, only to follow up with: Listen, you and I both know a bunch of this shit is getting canceled. Good thing we did, though. First, Burlington’s Highlight festival moved its indoor entertainment to outdoor stages and/or streaming. Shortly after, Zenbarn in Waterbury Center postponed its NYE show with WU-TANG CLAN’s INSPECTAH DECK and CAPPADONNA. In Montpelier, URSA AND THE MAJOR KEY called off their NYE set at Charlie-O’s World Famous. Hell, even PHISH took a pass on their Madison Square Garden gig in New York City. 54
Now comes phase two of the suck: clubs closing — for January, at least. Saturday’s BARBACOA and DJ TAKA sets ended up being the last at Burlington’s Radio Bean for a while. Owner LEE ANDERSON announced on the club’s social media accounts that doors would be closed starting on January 9 and that “we’ll reopen when it makes sense.” Other clubs such as Montpelier’s Bent Nails Bistro have also shut down live music for January. Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington has tweaked its schedule. According to its social media, all weekday shows at the club have been canceled. Weekend shows are still on for now, but at reduced capacity. They can also be streamed from the venue’s website. Additionally, VCC will issue refunds to ticket holders who stay home because they’re sick. Burlington’s ArtsRiot and South Burlington’s Higher Ground still have mostly intact calendars. However, BRETT HUGHES let me know that he is mothballing Grass/Roots Sundays, the weekly country and roots music night at ArtsRiot. The residency featured bands like WILD LEEK RIVER and BEG STEAL OR
BORROW, as well as guests such as LOWELL THOMPSON and STEVE HADEKA. Hughes is
hopeful it will return in the spring. I’m sure more of the same will continue in the next few weeks, what with the record-high levels of COVID-19 ravaging the state. That said, January always seems like the worst month to see live music anyway. It’s freezing, you have to wear seven layers to the club and somehow figure out where to put them, and then some jerk takes your coat “on accident.” At least the number of drunk people busting their asses on the ice will surely go down, right? Silver linings, people. My other hope is that, with the break, February won’t look as dire. I have no idea whether that will be what happens. All I know is that the thought of watching ROBERT FRIPP and his wife, TOYAH WILLCOX, doing more livestreamed covers from their kitchen causes me anxiety. God in heaven, what if GAL GADOT decides to do another “Imagine” cover? Looking at Vermont’s numbers makes me think that soon the only live show anyone will be able to see is the inevitable VAN MORRISON and ERIC
Fortunately, we do have some good news regarding live performances. University of Vermont jazz professor ALEX STEWART has been running a weekly jazz series on Thursday nights at the 126 in downtown Burlington. While the speakeasy-style bar has long been a hotbed of jazz in the Queen City, what Stewart is putting together in conjunction with his former student ROB DUGUAY is something a little more unique. Duguay, who graduated from UVM in ’05 with a business degree, founded the nonprofit JAZZ GENERATION eight years ago in NYC. The initiative’s goal is to provide education and opportunities to jazz students and gigging musicians. One of the organization’s programs is Keyed Up!, which acts as a liaison between clubs and performers. “Most gigs right now, the best some musicians can get is $50 apiece and maybe a plate of pasta,” Duguay told me by phone. “So our idea is, if we can find funding though grants and donors, we can at least double that for the musician and make sure they’re paid and fed and get drinks — basically be treated the way they should be.” The benefit for the clubs, Duguay said, is that they can book higher-caliber musicians with money from the Keyed Up! program. The extra dough can be used to bring in special guests or players from out of town — both of which have happened already at the 126 series. “Our goal is to take the three entities: the venue, the musician and us,” said Duguay, who is also a musician. “We want to fuse those three together and help small businesses and musicians at the same time.” With more than 25 venues under its umbrella offering free jazz every week — including in every borough in NYC, New Orleans, Boston and now Burlington — Keyed Up! is taking off. Duguay hopes to expand to Chicago and the West Coast this year. “It’s hard to state just how important a gig like this is,” Stewart said. “To have a gig where you know you’ll get paid and fed … it’s not as common as you would hope.”
summer with this dynamic from the HCA Café. GOT MUSIC NEWS? MUSIC@SEVENDAYSVT.COM
New Year’s Day Celebration
Stewart sympathized with the challenges of club owners. “They have to be profitable to stay open,” he said. “But there are a lot of clubs across Burlington where the pay is meager, at best.” The 126 was an ideal place to launch Keyed Up! in Burlington, he said. “It’s such a cool-looking club,” Stewart raved. “It reminds me of the Village Vanguard, the oldest running jazz club in the world. It just has that perfect vibe to it.” It’s also outfitted with a grand piano, an amplifier and a drum set. “So it’s ready for us,” he said. Funding from Keyed Up! gives Stewart a broader range to book from, and the saxophonist has brought in a wide assortment
it out, along with the club’s frankly bonkers cocktails, all while feeling safe in the knowledge that, at least that night, the artists onstage are being properly paid.
Burning Down the (Farm) House
Last month, a fire destroyed the Orange County home of guitarist DOUG PERKINS and his wife, JILL. The veteran guitarist, who has performed with acts such as SMOKIN’ GRASS and the late GORDON STONE, said his old farmhouse burned to the ground in 75 minutes flat. “Old buildings like that, they just go right up and burn quick,” Perkins told me by phone. By the time the conflagration went out, the couple had lost just about everything, from clothes to skis to Perkins’ instruments — including his beloved 1969 Martin D-18. Fortunately, none of their pets was harmed. Perkins even found his cat hanging out next to his horse, watching the fire die down. “I think the cat misses the house the most,” Perkins said with a laugh. Fortunately, he and Jill have a yurt on their property they can stay in for now. Neighbors let them use kitchens to cook, bathrooms to shower and even landlines in case reporters call. (Hey, Orange County, how about some cell service?) The other day, Perkins found a new pair of boots just waiting outside the Doug Perkins yurt, though he has no idea who left them. “What this community has done for us is really just amazing,” he of players, friends and guest stars. said. While many of the usual local heavy Perkins is one of the most talented hitters such as RAY VEGA, TOM CLEARY and guitarists in Vermont, a self-taught, DAN RYAN all make regular appearances, flat-picking virtuoso. He often plays in Stewart has also involved the UVM jazz a group with the JAZZ MANDOLIN PROJECT’s department. JAMIE MASEFIELD and ROUGH FRANCIS bassist “The club in general has really TYLER BOLLES, as well as (occasionally) benefited my jazz studies students,” Phish drummer JON FISHMAN. The Stewart said. “I try to rotate the lineups THUNDER RIDGE RECORDS recording artist and spread it around the scene, so as isn’t exactly known for self-promotion, to give a lot of musicians a chance. For though. So it was up to his friend and my students to get to play with some of bandmate, fiddle player PATRICK ROSS, these guys, it’s a big deal.” to start a GoFundMe campaign to help Like many other Burlington clubs, raise some money to get Doug and Jill the 126 is closed for a few weeks. As of back on their feet. press time, the Thursday residency will To donate, visit and return on January 27 and feature guest search “Doug’s House Burned Down.” m guitarist STEVE BLAIR. Be sure to check
Burlington Taiko | 1PM
New Year Celebration | Jan 15 Celebrate the New Year and the launch of the Open Air Gallery Ski & Snowshoe Trail with a fireside concert by Burlington Taiko! The Open Air Cafè will be serving up warm drinks and delicious culinary creations.
Open Air Cafè | 11AM - 3PM
1/7/22 10:25 AM
WonderArts Holiday Market
to the
Friday, February 18- Tuesday, February 22
Round Trip Airfare for two Hotel Accommodations for Four Nights Two Tickets to the 64th Annual Daytona 500 $500 Spending Cash
3V-RadioVTGroup011222 1
1/11/22 9:28 AM
CLUB DATES Events may be canceled due to the coronavirus. Please check with event organizers in advance.
live music WED.12
The Ray Vega Quartet (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5.
American Roots Night at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. Free. Ryan Osswald Trio (Americana) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free. Yarn (rock) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.
Chicken Fat Injection (jazz, funk) at Stowe Cider, 5 p.m. Free. Cozy O’Donnell (funk, soul) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free. Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. High and Mighty Brass Band (funk) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $12/$15. Japhy Ryder (funk, jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free. She Was Right (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.
Wild Leek River (country) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.
AliT (singer-songwriter) at Stowe Cider, 4 p.m. Free. Beg Steal or Borrow (bluegrass) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10. Duncan MacLeod Trio (blues) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free. ELEVEN (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free. Karl & the Instrumentals (rock) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.
Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at
Wooly Wednesdays with DJ Steal Wool (eclectic) 6 p.m. Free.
DJ Baron (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae/dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free. Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free.
Socializing For Introverts (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Men of Distinction (funk) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Phantom Airwave (funk) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.
The Tenderbellies (bluegrass) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.
ATAK (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free. DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. DJ Matt Hagen (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free. Memery (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.
Reign One (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Mo’ Monday with DJs Craig Mitchell and Fattie B (soul, R&B) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.
Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.
Wooly Wednesdays with DJ Steal Wool (eclectic) 6 p.m. Free.
open mics & jams
Back Where It All Began
Open Jam Night (open mic jam) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.
Prodigal son Ryan Osswald returns this week to the club where he first started playing live. The singer-
Open Mic night with Brian Leven (open mic) at Stowe Cider, 5:30 p.m. Free.
songwriter and guitarist cut his teeth at the Monkey
Tell Your Friends: Emo Night with Malachi (emo DJ) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.
trivia, karaoke, etc.
Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10/$18.
DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.
Tyler Mast (singer-songwriter) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free.
The Ray Vega Quartet (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5.
Andy Kershaw (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.
Dj Dillanwithaq (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. No Scrubs: ’90s Hip-Hop Night with David Chief (hip hop DJ) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.
Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.
Trivia with Brian & Ian (trivia) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8:30 p.m. Free.
Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free. m
And on the seventh day, we do not rest. Instead we bring you...
House in Winooski, playing with Cannon Fodder and Great Western, and backing up songwriter Maryse Smith. After leaving town for a few years, Osswald is back in the Onion City playing his blend of world-weary folk rock with hints of country and jazz sprinkled throughout. He brings a stellar band along for the ride, including drummer Dan Ryan (Madaila), newcomer Alex Hall on bass and guest keyboardist Adam Ploof (Dusk Quartet). The RYAN OSSWALD TRIO play a free show on Thursday, January
13, at the Monkey House.
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3H-SundayBest033421.indd 1
1/11/22 2:20 PM
REVIEW this Rob Voland, Wide Open Sky
to an altered state. And that’s not code for Hey, get high and listen to this record. I mean, do what you want, but what I’m talking about is music that alters moods. Music works its magic when it slows you down and pulls you out of everyday life, even for only three minutes or so.
Wide Open Sky excels in that regard. From the panoramic grandeur and slide guitar of “Untitled, With Coyotes” to the lo-fi folk of “Eye to Eye,” the record plays out like one long reverie. In keeping with the rest of Voland’s catalog, the Burlington musician’s latest effort features only sounds he made himself, which might account for the album’s cohesive, dreamlike tone. Making music that leans into atmosphere can backfire without clever arrangements and songwriting variance. Fortunately, Voland attends to both throughout the 11 songs, never allowing the energy to stray too far in any direction. The sequencing is equally masterful, with each song feeling like its own selfcontained chapter. The title track is an R.E.M.-on-codeine rocker that sets the tone but not the pace. Voland’s third full-length record is, in many ways, his best. 2018’s Quality
Loneliness was a stark portrait of heartbreak, an auteur creating a testament to isolation. 2020’s Afterglow had a little more edge to it, with flashes of Sonic Youth and Pavement. It isn’t accurate to say Wide Open Sky combines the energy of the two, but it does sound like a record with its past firmly referenced in the footnotes. By the time the final track, “Lake Mountain,” was wrapping up the record, I had begrudgingly begun my day. As the distorted, wah-wah-heavy guitar riffed over a frenetic drum beat, I could already feel the waves of everyday life coming in like high tide. Nonetheless, I was grateful for the half-hour-plus of transport Voland provided. Sometimes you just need music that takes you out of your body for a little while. Order Wide Open Sky on cassette or stream it at
Savage Hen, San Mateo), is a one-man score of NASA’s Christmas Day launch of the JWST, one of the most ambitious endeavors in the history of space exploration. “To me, the JWST represents our passion, willingness and ability as a species to push further a greater understanding of deep space,” Hagen wrote on the Golden Loaf’s Bandcamp page. “And even if we don’t know what’s out there, the inherent
thrill to observe beyond the naked eye is humbling and exciting.” Hagen compiled more than 40 minutes of audio and dialogue from NASA’s live broadcast of the launch and fashioned them into eight “songs” — though the album feels more like a continuous score. As various talking heads describe the stages of the telescope’s launch and separation from its Ariane 5 rocket, the album evokes the educational soundtracks of the ’80s. The beats are Casio-esque, and the synths beep and blip in such a way as to bring to mind William Shatner’s infamous meltdown in Airplane 2. The overall effect is both fitting and, eventually, charming. While “Carefully Watching Telemetry,” a nine-minute track featuring NASA experts saying things like “all parameters normal, four minutes of powered flight remaining,” isn’t exactly a single, Hagen’s score is intriguing — and, for the Gen X crowd, nostalgic. The moment “Trajectory Plot” kicks off the recording with its faded-in, twitchy beat, it’s hard not to flash back
to the teacher rolling in the TV/VCR combo, ready to hit you with an episode of “NOVA” or “The Voyage of the Mimi.” That specific retro-futuristic sound of what the ’80s thought we’d jam to in 2022 permeates the album, perhaps vindicating all those educational scores after all. As the technicians at the spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana, celebrated during “Webb Separation,” the record’s vibe changes subtly. Stabs of synthesizer and an increasingly dancy beat move in as humanity sends its spyglass to the stars. Hagen channels wonder into his compositions and lets the scientists do the talking. The final track is a six-minute message from NASA administrator Bill Nelson. “This telescope is a time machine that is going to take us back to the very beginnings of the universe,” Nelson says. “We are going to discover incredible things that we never imagined. The impossible becomes possible.” Listen to The James Webb Space Telescope Launch at thegoldenloaf.
The ice across my bedroom window caught sunlight like a mirror, and a beam woke me up at what I frankly consider a rude hour. I’m not exactly sure what happened next, as I was still pulling myself out of a dream, but somehow I turned on the music that I’d fallen asleep listening to. “E-bow,” the seventh track on Rob Voland’s Wide Open Sky, spilled out of the AirPods still in my ears. Both confused by the indie rock seemingly manifesting on its own and feeling immediately in tune with Voland’s screeching lead guitar, I sat up, vibing way too hard at such an hour. Perhaps it’s odd to lean into a record the same moment one wakes up, but something in Voland’s music lends itself
The Golden Loaf, The James Webb Space Telescope Launch (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
There are terms for the sensations experienced by those who have traveled to space. Coined by author Frank White in 1987, the Overview Effect is a cognitive shift that astronauts such as Michael Collins and cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin have felt after witnessing Earth from outer space. In 2020, anthropologist Deana Weibel came up with a similar term, the Ultraview Effect, whereby astronauts feel intense awe while looking upon vast, open star fields. There is a sense of both the Overview and Ultraview effects on the new album by the Golden Loaf, fittingly titled The James Webb Space Telescope Launch. The project, a side hustle for Burlington aesthete and massively productive musician Matt Hagen (the High Breaks,
Say you saw it in ... SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
on screen Licorice Pizza HHHHH
he poster hits you like a pure shot of the past — a goofy, American Graffiti-esque illustration of a giant woman holding a smittenlooking guy in the palm of her hand. One look at it, and you can almost hear the thump of an eight-track player from a Nixon-era sedan. I took a break from a miserable January to spend 133 minutes in sunny 1973 Los Angeles with the latest from Paul Thomas Anderson, who already demonstrated his talent for chronicling the inner lives of Angelenos with Magnolia, Boogie Nights and Inherent Vice. One of 2021’s most acclaimed films, Licorice Pizza is currently playing at the Savoy Theater in Montpelier and Merrill’s Roxy Cinemas in Burlington.
The deal
Fifteen-year-old Gary Valentine (Cooper Hoffman) fancies himself a smooth operator. A child actor who’s outgrown “cute” roles, he’s eager to start the next phase of his life. When Gary spots Alana Kane (pop singer Alana Haim), who’s assisting with his high school’s yearbook photo shoot, he asks her out. She objects that she’s 10 years his senior. But Gary, a natural salesman who helps his mom with her PR jobs, doesn’t like taking no for an answer. Soon the two are hanging out — as friends. Aimless and still living at home, Alana assists Gary in very ’70s business ventures such as selling waterbeds to the swinging singles of the San Fernando Valley. As they weather the oil crisis, runins with Hollywood eccentrics and Alana’s fitful efforts to act her age, they become a pretty good team.
Will you like it?
When it was released last month, Licorice Pizza touched off a social media controversy based on its supposed glorification of a romance between an adult and a teen. For what it’s worth, the movie doesn’t play that way, except in fleeting moments that are more homages to classic Hollywood romantic storytelling than examples of it. It’s actually a comedy of awkwardness akin to Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982), from a more naturalistic era when teens on screen sported sweat and acne and genuinely dorky banter. Licorice Pizza is also a shaggy-dog story — ungainly, leisurely, anecdotal. For 58
BORN TO RUN Hoffman and Haim have a believably messy friendship in Anderson’s engrossing period piece.
a while, you may think it’s going nowhere. Gary and Alana have off-putting qualities that initially keep us at a distance from them: While he’s always hustling, she flies into rages at the slightest provocation. As large and loud as caricatures in a classic Mad magazine, neither is the soulful protagonist we expect from a long tradition of coming-of-age dramas. Yet they grow on us. For this viewer, the shift came around the midpoint, when the narrative perspective switches from Gary to Alana, and we begin to grasp why she’s stuck in a state of arrested development. In 1973, most Americans still equated being a grown-up woman with marriage. With new options opening up, Alana doesn’t know what she wants — to please her parents? To be sexy and desired? To make a difference in the world? Her friendship with Gary crackles with a tension that feels less like romantic chemistry than sibling rivalry. When he starts hanging out with a girl his own age, she one-ups him by going out with a middleaged movie star (Sean Penn). But the star is less interested in Alana than in rehashing his glory days with a crusty director (Tom Waits). And the hotshot young producer
(Bradley Cooper) who flirts with Alana does it only to show that he can. Everybody swaggers in Anderson’s LA; everybody’s projecting a larger-than-life self and doing their best to protect the fragile ego inside. Meanwhile, the painstakingly retro cinematography shows them as they are, warts and eye bags and all. Anderson and his codirector of photography, Michael Bauman, shot on 35mm film, often using antique lenses. They make exhilarating use of tracking shots; one of a long line at a gas station establishes the historical moment better than any montage could do. There are period settings so detailed you feel you could step right into them, such as the Tail o’ the Cock, the Valley haunt where Gary brings all of his wouldbe girlfriends. There are also evocations of the era that feel like missteps — most obviously, a repeated gag involving a racist restaurateur. Licorice Pizza is a little like Gary; it tries so hard to win you over that at first you may resist. Scene by scene, though, I found myself slipping into its groove. While it lacks the dramatic rise-and-fall arc of a Boogie Nights, Licorice Pizza might be a
perfect hangout movie. It’s just too bad that theaters aren’t the safest places to hang out these days. MARGO T HARRI S O N
IF YOU LIKE THIS, TRY... BOOGIE NIGHTS (1997; Showtime, Tubi, rentable): Hoffman’s dad, Philip Seymour Hoffman, had a breakout role in Anderson’s sprawling drama about the 1970s heyday of the pornflick industry. For another of Anderson’s LA stories, see Magnolia (1999; Roku Channel, rentable). ALMOST FAMOUS (2000; Kanopy, Pluto
TV, Roku Channel, Sling TV, Paramount+, rentable): Anderson’s wise-beyond-hisyears Gary recalls the teenage journalist hero of Cameron Crowe’s drama about a rock band touring in 1973. NASHVILLE (1975; Kanopy, rentable):
Or maybe you’d like a genuine dose of the 1970s? Astute critics have found visual echoes of Robert Altman’s classic ensemble drama in Licorice Pizza.
Offeri NEW IN THEATERS DRIVE MY CAR: A widowed actor (Hidetoshi Nishijima) in the midst of a production of Uncle Vanya develops an unusual relationship with his young chauffeur in this Golden Globe-winning drama from director Ryusuke Hamaguchi. (179 min, NR. Savoy) SCREAM: Rather than a remake, this is a fourth sequel to Wes Craven’s slasher classic, set 25 years after the original and featuring returning stars such as Neve Campbell alongside newcomers such as Melissa Barrera. Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett (Ready or Not) directed. (114 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Paramount, Star)
SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOMEHHH1/2 Peter Parker (Tom Holland) seeks the help of Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) in the latest installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Jon Watts returns as director. (148 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Roxy, Star, Stowe)
CURRENTLY PLAYING THE 355HH Jessica Chastain, Penélope Cruz and Bingbing Fan are among the superspies fighting terrorists in this action flick directed by Simon Kinberg (Dark Phoenix). (122 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Star)
WEST SIDE STORYHHHH1/2 Steven Spielberg directed this new adaptation of the Leonard Bernstein musical in which two young people from opposite sides of a gang war fall in love. (156 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Playhouse, Roxy)
AMERICAN UNDERDOGHH1/2 This sports biopic tells the story of NFL Hall of Fame quarterback Kurt Warner (Zachary Levi) with Anna Paquin. Andrew and Jon Erwin (I Can Only Imagine) directed. (112 min, PG. Big Picture, Capitol, Essex [Wed only], Majestic)
C’MON C’MONHHHH Joaquin Phoenix plays a traveling radio journalist who finds himself becoming his young nephew’s guardian in this indie drama from writer-director Mike Mills (20th Century Women). (108 min, R. Big Picture) ENCANTOHHHH A young girl living in a charmed Colombian enclave sets out to discover her own magical powers in the latest Disney animation, cowritten by Lin-Manuel Miranda. (99 min, PG. Majestic)
BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994,
ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,
LICORICE PIZZAHHHH1/2 A teenager (Cooper Hoffman) pursues a woman (Alana Haim) 10 years his senior in this acclaimed coming-of-age comedy from Paul Thomas Anderson, set in 1973 Los Angeles. With Sean Penn and Tom Waits. (133 min, R. Roxy, Savoy; reviewed 1/12)
MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841,
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THE KING’S MANHH In this prequel to the Kingsman action-comedy series, Ralph Fiennes plays a spy who organizes a team to defeat an evil cabal. (131 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Stowe)
CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,
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4/13/21 10:31 AM
*MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010,
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*MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621, PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290598,
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STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, *STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,
From left: Ronja Haugholt, Rhys Ifans and Vår Haugholt in The King's Man
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*BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293,
RED ROCKETHHHH A former porn star and current scammer (Simon Rex) returns to his small Texas hometown and starts making trouble in this acclaimed comedy-drama from director Sean Baker (The Florida Project). (130 min, R. Savoy)
A HEROHHHH In the latest from Iranian director Asghar Farhadi (A Separation), which won the Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, a man (Amir Jadidi) imprisoned for debt has two days to reason with his creditor. (127 min, PG-13. Roxy)
THE MATRIX RESURRECTIONSHHH The realitybending action franchise gets a new entry, again starring Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Anne Moss. Lana Wachowski directed; novelist David Mitchell coscripted. (148 min, R. Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Roxy)
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SING 2HH1/2 Show biz-loving critters return in this sequel to the animated hit, featuring the voices of Matthew McConaughey, Reese Witherspoon and Bono. Garth Jennings directed. (112 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Star, Stowe)
THE TRAGEDY OF MACBETHHHHH1/2 Joel Coen wrote and directed this Shakespeare adaptation starring Denzel Washington as the all-tooambitious Scotsman and Frances McDormand as his wife. (105 min, R. Essex, Savoy)
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calendar J A N U A R Y
GARDENING FOR WATER QUALITY WORKSHOP: The Franklin County Stormwater Collaborative and the Friends of Northern Lake Champlain explain soil science and DIY projects to home growers. 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, ddevlin@
CURRENT EVENTS OVER ZOOM: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads an informal discussion about what’s in the news. 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info,
JONATHAN ROSENBLOOM: The professor of law explains how racist public policies impact environmental health. Presented by Kellogg-Hubbard Library and the League of Women Voters. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3338.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: An educational and entertaining film takes viewers on an epic adventure through some of Earth’s wildest landscapes. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission
1 2 - 1 9 ,
free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘BULLETPROOF’: A chilling documentary explores the normalization of school shooting prevention rituals. Presented by Vermont International Film Foundation. $6-12; VTIFF members benefits apply. Info, 660-2600. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: Moviegoers join scientists on a journey through a surreal world of bug-eyed giants and egg-laying mammals. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
2 0 2 2
universe. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
Brotherhood and Peace The ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain presents a Martin Luther King Jr. Day commemoration for the whole family — moved online for safety and accessibility. Clemmons Family Farm, one of Vermont’s only Black-owned farms and an art, history and community center, presents a livestreamed celebration of King’s life and legacy featuring music and spoken word. And, any time in the next few weeks, locals can get free admission to ECHO by following its Burlington artworks treasure map, which celebrates the stories of BIPOC community members.
MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. COMMUNITY CELEBRATION Monday, January 17, noon. Online. Free. Info, 864-1848,
‘FRANCE’: A TV journalist’s life is turned upside-down when she accidentally runs over a delivery man in this satirical drama. Presented by Vermont International Film Foundation. $6-12; VTIFF members benefits apply. Info, 660-2600. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: A tenacious mammalian matriarch fights to protect her family in a desolate environment. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a mind-bending journey from the beginning of time through the mysteries of the
food & drink
LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at
MOSAIC OF FLAVOR: BURMESE FAMILY FAVORITES: Jamila Kassim demonstrates how to cook one of her favorite recipes in this City Market, Onion River Co-op livestream. 5:30-7 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info, SENIOR CENTER WEEKLY LUNCH: Age Well and the Kevin L. Dorn Senior Center serve a hot, sitdown lunch. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, noon. Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 923-5545. TAKE-OUT COMMUNITY DINNER: Local chef Said Bulle of Jilib Jiblets cooks a delicious Somali
meal for pickup. Presented by Winooski Partnership for Prevention. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 4-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, jhenderson@
CHESS CLUB: Players of all ages square off against each other at every level from beginner to seasoned. Howe Library, Hanover, N.H., 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 603-643-4120.
health & fitness
ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout gather for an hour of
calming, low-impact movement. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431. CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
SPANISH CONVERSATION MEETUP ONLINE: Fluent and beginner speakers brush up on their español with a discussion led by a Spanish teacher. Presented by Dorothy Alling WED.12
» P.62
Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at • Post your event at
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. 5:45-6:45 p.m. $5-15. Info, 899-0339. TALKING WITH KIDS ABOUT RACISM: The Peace & Justice Center leads a two-week seminar for anyone looking for guidance in having hard conversations about race and white privilege with children. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-2345.
CRAFTERNOON: Weaving, knitting, embroidery and paper crafting supplies take over the Teen Space. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. ITTY BITTY PUBLIC SKATE: Coaches are on hand to help the rink’s tiniest skaters stay on their feet. Gordon H. Paquette Ice Arena, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. $8. Info, 865-7558. STEAM SPACE: Kids explore science, technology, engineering, art and math activities. Ages 5 through 11. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
COMICS CLUB!: Graphic novel and manga fans in fourth or fifth grade meet to talk about what they’re reading and do fun activities together. Hosted by Brownell Library. Essex Teen Center, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age imagineers explore, create and participate in challenges after school. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. STORY TIME: Little ones from birth through age 5 learn from songs, sign language lessons, math activities and picture books. Masks required. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. STRING NIGHT: String players in middle and high school get together with the Spruce Peak Chamber Players to read through music from movies and more. Masks required. Elley-Long Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:308 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 655-5030.
champlain islands/ northwest
GROWING CRYSTALS: Witches and wizards ages 8 and up conjure their own magical rocks. Fairfax Community Library, 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420.
Clever Girl
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Little library patrons listen to stories, sing songs and take home a fun activity. Fairfax Community Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 849-2420.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.12, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Energetic youngsters join Miss Meliss for stories, songs and lots of silliness. Presented by Kellogg-Hubbard Library. 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
chittenden county
BOOK CLUB FOR KIDS K-2 & PARENTS: Little bookworms and their caregivers learn to love reading together through sharing, crafts and writing activities. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 4-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, STORY TIME: Librarians read their favorite books and lead little ones in song and dance. Masks required ages 2 and up. Winooski Memorial Library, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.
champlain islands/ northwest
READ WITH HENRY: A big, friendly Newfoundland makes for a perfect friend to read stories to. 15-minute time slots available. Fairfax Community Library, 3:15 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 849-2420.
upper valley
TODDLER STORY TIME: Toddling tykes 20 months through 3.5 years old hear a few stories related to the theme of the week. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.
Ingenious puppetry and stunningly lifelike Jurassic antics make for a dino-loving kid’s dream come true at Dinosaur World Live! at Rutland’s Paramount Theatre. Viewers meet Miranda, who has grown up on an isolated island with her paleontologist parents and a bunch of friendly dinosaurs. She introduces the audience to Giraffatitans, Microraptors, Segnosaurus, Triceratops and, of course, a towering Tyrannosaurus rex. Miranda and her prehistoric pals present fun for the whole family, and the show is recommended for kids ages 3 and up. Masks and proof of vaccination required.
DINOSAUR WORLD LIVE! Saturday, January 15, 2 p.m., at Paramount Theatre in Rutland. $24. Info, 775-0903,
WINTER STORY TIME & PLAYGROUP: Kids six and under bundle up to hear stories, sing songs and have hot tea and oatmeal around the fire. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.
chittenden county
‘PETER AND THE STARCATCHER’: See FRI.14. KARMA KIDZ YOGA OPEN STUDIO SATURDAYS: Little yogis of all ages and their caregivers drop in for some fun breathing and movement activities. Kamalika-K, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.1 p.m. Donations. Info, 871-5085.
WINTER DISCOVERY HIKE FOR FAMILIES: Trail trekkers put on their “deer ears” and connect with the natural world. Families with kids ages 6 and up. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m.noon. Free; preregister. Info, 229-6206.
DINOSAUR WORLD LIVE!: Impressive puppeteers bring remarkably life-like Tyrannosaurs, raptors and Triceratops to life. Masks and proof of vaccination required. See calendar spotlight. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 2 p.m. $24. Info, 775-0903.
chittenden county
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.12, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
‘PETER AND THE STARCATCHER’: Tuttle Middle School drama students take audiences to Neverland through ingenious stagecraft. South Burlington High School, 7 p.m. $6-10. Info, 652-7100. PAJAMA STORY TIME: Puppets and picture books enhance a special prebedtime story hour for kids in their PJs. Birth through age 5. Masks required. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 5:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. POPCORN & A MOVIE: Kiddos catch a G-rated flick on Friday afternoons. Check library website for the week’s featured film. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. TEEN ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: Teenagers meet new friends and take an active role in their local library. Masks required. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.12, 10:15-11:15 a.m.
middlebury area
MNFF SELECTS FILM SERIES: ‘FROM THE WILD SEA’: The family-friendly screening series continues with a documentary about the heroic wildlife rescue volunteers who save marine animals from pollution. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 2 p.m. $7-16. Info, 382-9222.
ECHO Leahy Center, Clemmons Family Farm and other local organizations offer a virtual day of family-friendly activities celebrating MLK’s life and legacy. See calendar spotlight. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 864-1848.
champlain islands/ northwest
CHESS CLUB: Kids ages 7 and up increase their creativity, problem solving and concentration skills by playing everyone’s favorite strategy game. Fairfax Community Library, 3:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 849-2420.
GOLDEN DOME GROUP FOR HOMESCHOOLERS: Readers in grades 4 through 8 discuss Cinders and Sparrows by Stefan Bachmann together. Presented by Brownell Library. 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-6956. ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.12, 12:30-1:30 p.m. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: See THU.13. RED CLOVER GROUP FOR HOMESCHOOLERS: The Brownell Library book club for grades K through 4 reads Facts vs Opinions vs. Robots by Michael Rex and Honeybee: The Busy Life of Apis Mellifera by Candace Fleming and Eric Rohmann. 1-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-6956.
chittenden county
ARTS & CRAFTERNOONS: From painting to print-making and collage to sculpture, creative kids explore different projects and mediums. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. HOMESCHOOL MEET-UP: Homeschooling students and their families gather to make new friends. Masks required. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME ON THE GREEN: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads half an hour of stories, rhymes and songs. Masks or social distancing required. Williston Town Green, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. STORY TIME: See THU.13.
OUTDOOR STEAM DROP-IN: Kids dress warmly to learn art, science and math
through games and crafts, including paper airplane races, Lego competitions and origami. Ages 6 and up. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:304:30 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. OUTDOOR STORY TIME: The 5-and-under crowd meets up for an hour of naturethemed stories and activities. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10:3011:30 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
upper valley
BABY STORY TIME: Librarians and finger puppet friends introduce babies 20 months and younger to the joy of reading. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.12. TALKING WITH KIDS ABOUT RACISM: See WED.12. TEEN TRIVIA NIGHT: Fletcher Free Library and Brownell Library team up to present an epic night of questions ranging from easy to OMG. Winning team receives a $50 Phoenix Books gift card. 4-5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county LEGO BUILDERS: See WED.12.
STEAM ACTIVITY: Little engineers and artists gather for some afternoon fun. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. STORY TIME: See WED.12.
mad river valley/ waterbury
LEGO CHALLENGE CLUB: After a fun-filled hour of building, kids’ block creations are on display in the library all month long. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.
champlain islands/ northwest
calendar WED.12
« P.60
Memorial Library. 4-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.
NATURALIST JOURNEYS: PATTI SMITH: The wildlife rehabilitator shares stories and videos from her decade with a beaver clan. Presented by North Branch Nature Center. 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.
L.E.A.N. IN: Health coach Becky Widschwenter teaches a biweekly series on healthy habits and wellness tips. Presented by Waterbury Public Library. 5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.
Department of Labor gives job seekers a chance to meet with employers from around the state. 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 828-4000. STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS: Aspiring entrepreneurs learn how to get a startup off the ground. Presented by the Vermont Small Business Development Center. 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,
THURSDAY ZOOM KNITTERS: The Norman Williams Public Library fiber arts club meets virtually for conversation and crafting. 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
HERMAN TAVANI: The professor of philosophy unfolds ethical quandaries related to emerging technologies. Presented by the Howe Library. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
‘THE CURIOUS INCIDENT OF THE DOG IN THE NIGHT-TIME’: An autistic teen turns amateur detective in this livestreamed musical from National Theatre. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $7-21. Info, 748-2600.
BILL MARES: The author of I Could Hardly Keep From Laughing: An Illustrated Collection of Vermont Humor shares cartoons and tales. Q&A and book signing follow. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. BYOB VIRTUAL BOOK GROUP: Lit lovers bring whatever they’re currently reading to this cozy Morristown Centennial Library book club. 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. FFL BOOK CLUB: ‘NOTHING TO SEE HERE’: A woman starts nannying for a pair of twins who spontaneously combust when agitated in Kevin Wilson’s funny, freaky novel. Hosted by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, JILLIAN CANTOR: The author discusses Beautiful Little Fools, her new retelling of The Great Gatsby, with fellow best-selling writer Miranda Beverly-Whittemore. Presented by the Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114. SO YOU HAVE A MANUSCRIPT: REEVE LINDBERGH: A Vermont author teaches memoirists and history writers how to get their finished books published. Presented by St. Johnsbury Athenaeum. 7-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 748-8291.
THU.13 business
BIZ BUZZ ZOOM: Vermont Womenpreneurs hosts a virtual networking space for women business owners to meet and connect. 10-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 870-0903. HIRING2DAYVT VIRTUAL JOB FAIR: The Vermont
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.12.
ARIZONA: DAY HIKING AND OTHER ADVENTURES: The Green Mountain Club hosts Rich and Sheri Larsen as they share photos from their hikes in the Grand Canyon, Petrified Forest National Park and elsewhere. 7-8 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info,
ELLE COSIMANO: The author celebrates the paperback release of Finlay Donovan Is Killing It. Presented by Phoenix Books with Macmillan Publishers. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350. NO PRESSURE BOOK GROUP: There are no rules and no assignments in this virtual book club in which readers discuss old favorites, current obsessions and recent recommendations. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.
FRI.14 film
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.12. ‘BULLETPROOF’: See WED.12.
Chamber Music Ensemble and renowned countertenor Reginald Mobley highlight the power of music to provide solace in times of crisis. Brattleboro Music Center, 7:30 p.m. $10-20; free for kids under 18. Info, 257-4523. SOPHIE SHAO: The cellist, accompanied by pianist Anna Polonsky, plays a stunning tribute to Pablo Casals. Presented by Middlebury College. 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5-15. Info, 443-6433.
ARPA & YOUR TOWN: GETTING INVOLVED & MAXIMIZING THE OPPORTUNITY: The Vermont Council on Rural Development teaches townsfolk how the American Rescue Plan Act can support economy recovery in their communities. 10:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-6091.
HARLEY RUSTAD: The author of Lost in the Valley of Death: A Story of Obsession and Danger in the Himalayas talks to the Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114.
SAT.15 film
‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘FRANCE’: See WED.12. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12.
food & drink
‘FRANCE’: See WED.12.
SUP CON GUSTO TAKEAWAY DINNER SERIES: Philly transplants Randy Camacho and Gina Cocchiaro serve up a three-course, family-style menu of seasonal Vermont produce and meat. See for menus. Richmond Community Kitchen, 6-8 p.m. Various prices. Info,
health & fitness
CHAIR YOGA WITH LINDA: Every week is a new adventure in movement and mindfulness at this Morristown Centennial Library virtual class. 10:15-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
‘1, 2, MAYBE 3’: Contemporary dance duo jean&syd perform a piece full of tension, complications and compromise. La Chapelle, Montréal, 8 p.m. $15-30. Info, 514-843-7738.
ME2/BURLINGTON 10TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: The orchestra created by and for instrumentalists living with mental illness celebrates a decade of music. Proof of vaccination required. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 8-9 p.m. Free. Info,
FAMILY BINGO: The Senior Center hosts a game night for players of all ages. Prizes include Bolton day passes, a stuffed animal from Vermont Teddy Bear and various gift cards. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-8 p.m. $1 per bingo card; $1 per slice of pizza. Info, 846-4108.
health & fitness
ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: See WED.12. ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATION: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to chill out on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. 12-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ QIGONG WITH GERRY SANDWEISS: Beginners learn this ancient Chinese practice of meditative movement. Presented by Norman Williams Public Library. 8:30-9:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@
‘MUSIC FROM THE HEART: MITTELDEUTSCHLAND’: Playing German works composed after the 30 Years’ War, Sarasa
‘BULLETPROOF’: See WED.12. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.12. ‘FRANCE’: See WED.12. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.12. WOODSTOCK VERMONT FILM SERIES: ‘THE LONELIEST WHALE’: Marine biologists try to track down the elusive “52 Hertz Whale” in this engrossing documentary. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 3 & 5:30 p.m. $12-15; $115-130 for season pass. Info, 457-2355.
food & drink
MIDDLEBURY FARMERS MARKET: Produce, prepared foods and local products are available for purchase at this year-round bazaar. Middlebury VFW Hall, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, middleburyfarmersmkt@ VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: The Little City’s winter market boasts local produce, plus loaded tater hots and hot coffee. Lu•lu, Vergennes, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 877-1163.
BEGINNER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Waterbury Public Library game master Evan Hoffman gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of
virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
health & fitness
SUN STYLE TAI CHI FOR FALL PREVENTION: Seniors boost their strength and balance through gentle, flowing movements. Father Lively Center, St. Johnsbury, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431.
GLOW CRAFT SOCIAL HOUR: Queer women and women-aligned folks gather virtually to work on all kinds of craft projects. Presented by Pride Center of Vermont. 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 860-7812.
COMMUNITY HIKE: Nature lovers take a bracing trek through the snowy woods around Sparrow Farm. Beginner and intermediate hikers welcome. Ages 12 and up. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 1-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 229-6206. MOONLIGHT SNOWSHOE TOURS: Snowshoers catch the sunset and the moonrise, then enjoy s’mores and beer around the bonfire. Ticket price includes snowshoe and headlamp rentals. Edson Hill, Stowe, 3:30-4:30 p.m. $50; preregister. Info, 253-7371.
Takeout containers available. Burlington St. Joseph’s Parish Hall, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Donations. Info, 862-5109.
health & fitness
COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly class, virtually or in person. Evolution Physical Therapy & Yoga, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info,
‘MUSIC BEYOND BORDERS’: The Spruce Peak Chamber Music Society presents an evening of classical music from well-known and underrepresented composers alike. Livestream available. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7 p.m. $10-75. Info, 760-4634.
DANIEL BULLEN: The author of Daniel Shays’s Honorable Rebellion: An American Story reveals a fresh perspective on the 1787 farmers’ protests. Presented by the Ethan Allen Homestead Museum. 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 803-865-4556.
WINTER REGULARS & RARITIES IN THE CHAMPLAIN VALLEY: Rutland County Audubon takes birders on a tour of the inhabitants of Dead Creek Wildlife Management Area. Dress warmly and BYO lunch. Otter Valley Union High School, Brandon, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, birding@rutland
‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12.
‘THE VAGINA MONOLOGUES’: The beloved erotic, episodic extravaganza tells the stories of vagina owners of all kinds. Proof of vaccination required. Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 6 & 9 p.m. $25-30. Info, 652-0777.
SUN.16 film
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.12. ‘BULLETPROOF’: See WED.12. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.12. ‘FRANCE’: See WED.12. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.12.
food & drink
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS DEGOESBRIAND COUNCIL 279 PANCAKE BREAKFAST: The Catholic men’s group serves up a bounty of breakfast food.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.12. ‘BULLETPROOF’: See WED.12. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.12. ‘FRANCE’: See WED.12. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.12.
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
WED.19 business
2022 CALL TO COURAGE: OVERCOMING FEAR IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Creative wellness facilitator Clarise Fearn leads a workshop focused on setting intentions for 2022. Presented by Women Business Owners Network Vermont. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 503-0219.
MEET YOUR (NEW) NEIGHBOR: JANUARY EDITION: Next Stage Arts rolls out the virtual welcome wagon for new Vermonters in the Putney area. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 387-0102.
Live and Let Dido
health & fitness
Henry Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, one of the earliest known English operas, recounts the story of the queen of Carthage’s doomed love for the mythical founder of Rome. Now, the Hopkins Center for the Arts has commissioned a reimagining of that classic work for the modern era. The Brentano String Quartet and soprano Dawn Upshaw bring Dido to raw, vulnerable life. Taking listeners deep into Dido’s psyche, the piece combines early English classical pieces with new work from Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Melinda Wagner and librettist Stephanie Fleischmann.
‘DIDO REIMAGINED’ Wednesday, January 19, 7:30 p.m., at Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. $15-45. Info, 603-646-2422,
food & drink
GOURMET MAC & CHEESE: Chef Jason Gelrud teaches virtual culinary students how to make four-cheese macaroni with bacon and caramelized onions. Presented by City Market, Onion River Co-op. 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@citymarket. coop.
health & fitness
‘LOGIC OF THE WORST’: Through text, movement, music and stage settings, five performers venture into the depths of their own fears. La Chapelle, Montréal, 7 p.m. $15. Info, 514-843-7738.
DEVELOPING & SUSTAINING A POETRY WRITING PRACTICE FOR THE NEW YEAR: Instructors from the Ruth Stone House help poets start 2022 with a burst of
creativity. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@
TUE.18 business
CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING: Local business owners gather over dinner to contemplate the challenges and silver linings of the pandemic. Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Montpelier, 4-7:30 p.m. $50; preregister. Info, 229-5711. VT DEPT. OF LABOR WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT: Job seekers drop in for tips on resume writing, applying and training. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 888-3853.
CURRENT EVENTS DISCUSSION GROUP: Brownell Library hosts a virtual
roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
VDA MINI COURSES: EYE IN MOTION / DOCUMENTARY PRACTICE FOR DANCE: Dancers explore introductory video production as applied to capturing choreography through the lens of experimental film, documentary and cinéma vérité. ORCA Media, Montpelier, 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@vermont
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.12. ‘BULLETPROOF’: See WED.12. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.12. ‘FRANCE’: See WED.12. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.12.
SELF-CARE FOR BODY, MIND & SPIRIT: Fletcher Free Library patrons use art, words and movement to tune into their feelings and thoughts. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNING & ACADEMIC TUTORING: Students improve their reading, writing, math or ELL skills through one-on-one time with experienced tutors. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 9-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-7063.
BURLINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY AUDITIONS: Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses try out for the community choir’s spring season. Elley-Long Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 5-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
MELODIE WINAWER: The author discusses her new novel, Anticipation, about a scientist who meets a man out of time. Presented by Norman Williams Public Library. 4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ NEW PERSPECTIVES: The Dorothy Alling Memorial Library book club discusses Alive, Alive Oh! And Other Things That Matter by Diane Athill. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
OPEN MIC: Artists of all stripes have eight minutes to share a song, story or poem. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather over Zoom for an evening of music making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.
NATURALIST JOURNEYS: ROWAN JACOBSEN: A Vermont author takes listeners on a deep dive into the culinary and ecological world of truffles. Presented by North Branch Nature Center. 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 229-6206.
calendar spotlight. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $15-45. Info, 603-646-2422.
VERMONT BURLESQUE FESTIVAL: Vermont’s vaudeville community comes together for four days of performances, classes and parties. See for full schedule. Various locations statewide. Various prices. Info, 276-6362.
FINANCIAL AWARENESS SERIES ONLINE: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library and Opportunities Credit Union team up for a four-week series of classes on budgeting, credit, saving and home-buying. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.
OPENING TO YOUR LIFE: Mercy Connections teaches workshop attendees core life skills that promote self-development and positive connections. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-7063.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.12. ‘BULLETPROOF’: See WED.12. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.12. ‘FRANCE’: See WED.12. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.12. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.12.
food & drink
health & fitness
ELL CLASSES: ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS & INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS: Learners of all abilities practice written and spoken English with trained instructors. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@
‘DIDO REIMAGINED’: The Brentano String Quartet and soprano Dawn Upshaw reinvent Purcell’s beloved opera. See
U.S. CITIZENSHIP TEST PREPARATION: Adult learners study English, history, government and geography with personal tutors. Virtual options available. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 9-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-7063.
WINTER SPEAKER SERIES: JEAN M. O’BRIEN: The Vermont Historical Society hosts an Ojibwe historian and her talk “Firsting and Lasting: Writing Indians out of Existence in New England.” Noon. Free; preregister. Info, 479-8500.
REBECCA STARKS & GENEVIEVE PLUNKETT: The Norwich Bookstore presents two Vermont writers in conversation about their recent books: The poetry collection Fetch, Muse and the novel Prepare Her, respectively. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114. ‘WE CONTAIN MULTITUDES’ BOOK DISCUSSION: J.C. Wayne facilitates a conversation about the Vermont Humanities council’s 2021 Vermont Reads pick by Sarah Henstra. Presented by KelloggHubbard Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3338. m
Sears La., Burlington. Info: Sam Graulty, 802-540-0761,, SPOON CARVING WORKSHOP: Join Eric Cannizzaro to learn one of many ways to carve a spoon using a few quintessential green woodworking tools: the drawknife, gouge and spokeshave. You will cover getting material out of a log, steam-bending the crook, using milk paint and finishing. All skills levels are welcome. Sat., Jan. 15-16, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Location: Generator, 40 Sears La., Burlington. Info: Sam Graulty, 802-540-0761, education@, generatorvt. com/workshops.
astrology ROMANCE AND YOUR STARS: Discover your potential for love and romance in this personalized course that equips you with knowledge of both your stars and your future. Provide your birth info and current location when you sign up. You will get charts and a recorded personal session. 10 students. Instructor Sue Mehrtens, teacher-astrologer. Jan. 12, 19, 26, Feb. 2, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $75 /via Paypal or check. Location: Jungian Center, Zoom. Info: Sue Mehrtens, 802-2447909,,
family COLLEGE/CAREER PREP TRAINING: Attention families: Join CFES Brilliant Pathways for our College and Career Readiness Training to find out how to access billions in aid and help your child get into college or find a career. Jan. 20, 6 p.m. 4 30-min. sessions Location: virtual or CFES Conference Center, 2303 Lake Shore Rd., Essex, N.Y. Info: CFES Brilliant Pathways, Jon Reidel, 802-578-0447, jon@brilliantpath,
Busy People I. Levels 3 and 4 cover Busy People II. Level 1: Tue., Feb. 14-Apr. 26, 7-8:30 p.m.; Level 2: Thu., Feb. 17-Apr. 28, 7-8:30 p.m.; Level 3: Wed., Feb. 16-Apr. 26, 7-8:30 p.m.; Level 4: Mon., Feb. 14-Apr. 25, 7-8:30 p.m. Location: Japan America Society of Vermont, Zoom. Info: Linda Sukop,
GENERATOR is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. We provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity – to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and make their ideas a reality. ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR SKILLS WORKSHOP: Learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator with Sam Damphousse including the pen tool, pathfinder, image trace and more. This class will include instructor-led exercises and projects. You will leave with a strong foundation of skills that can be used to create vector graphics for laser and vinyl cutting and design. Wed., Jan. 26 & Feb. 2, 5:30-9 p.m. Location: Generator, 40 Sears La., Burlington. Info: Sam Graulty, 802-540-0761,, MAKE A WOODEN BOX WORKSHOP: This workshop is a great way for folks to get more comfortable in a woodshop. Instructor Alex Brumlik will use a simple box design that utilizes just about every tool in the woodshop to teach setup, adjustments and operation of each, including jointer, planer, router, saws and more. Mon., Jan. 31, Feb. 7 & 14, 6-9 p.m. Location: Generator, 40
healing arts PANDEMIC PASSAGES WORKSHOP: In this monthly series, we’ll explore the landscape of our pandemic lives, opening the unexpected gifts, sadnesses, letting-go, longing and missing. We’ll utilize movement, guided meditation and storytelling. Bring your own materials for writing, drawing, music, dance — whatever you wish! Sharing what you create is optional. Drop-ins welcome! 1st Sun. of each mo., Nov. to Apr. at 4 p.m. Cost: $10 /-25; sliding scale; donations appreciated. Location: the Passing Project, Zoom. Info: infopassing,
LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live, interactive videoconferencing. High-quality, affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults and students. Travelers lesson package. Our 16th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Beginning week of Jan. 10. Cost: $270/10 classes of 90+ min. each, 1 class/wk. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 802-585-1025,,
language ALLIANCE FRANCAISE WINTER SESSION: Join us for online adult and children French classes this winter! Our six-week session starts on Jan. 17 and offers classes for participants at all levels. Please go to to read all about our offerings or contact Micheline at 6-wk. session begins on Jan. 17. Location: Alliance Francaise, Burlington. Info:, JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASSES: Japan America Society of Vermont will offer four levels of Japanese Language Zoom classes. Levels 1 and 2 cover
approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required. Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World JiuJitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventh-degree coral belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 802598-2839,,
martial arts VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic
TAMING THE MIND: This online course introduces the foundational Buddhist teachings, including the nature of suffering, selflessness, truth, liberation, discipline, peace and the ‘Calm Abiding’ sitting meditation practice. These lead to liberation from suffering and the ability to be more available to ourselves and others in our everyday lives. Advance registration is required. Tue., Jan. 25; Feb. 1, 8, 15, 22; & Mar. 1, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $125 / Suggested donation or pay what you can afford. Location: Online. Info: Charlotte Brodie, 802-7775272, charlottebrodie@comcast. net,
music DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional / masks indoors), starting on Jan 10. Taiko Tue., Wed.; Djembe Wed.; Kids & Parents Tue., Wed. Conga classes
by request! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 802-999-4255, spaton55@, LET’S SING!: Greater Burlington Children’s Chorus begins its second semester on January 10. New to advanced singers in grades 1-8. Join us in creating something beautiful; it’s a perfect time for inspiring harmony! Mon. beginning Jan. 10. Cost: $295 /generous financial assistance avail. Location: hosted at Rice Memorial High School, South Burlington. Info: Greater Burlington Children’s Chorus, Christa Loescher, 802-598-4693,, greater
yoga INSPIRED YOGA TEACHER TRAINING: Looking to deepen your practice and become a 200-hour Yoga Alliance certifiedqualified teacher? Inspired Yoga’s teacher training weekend sessions begin on Saturday, Jan. 8. Students will study asana, anatomy, pranayama, subtle body, teaching methodology, philosophy and ethics, with an emphasis on creating classes for all ages, abilities and circumstances. Only eight spots remain. VSAC-grant eligible. Weekends, starting on Jan. 8. Location: Inspired Yoga, 137 Main St., Newport. Info: Inspired Yoga, Casey Baraw, 802323-7911, inspiredyogavt@gmail. com,
Want to memorialize a loved one? We’re here to help. Our obituary and in memoriam services are affordable, accessible and handled with personal care.
lifelines SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
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Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at Or contact us at or 865-1020 ext. 110. 7/14/21 3:51 PM
Society of Chittenden County
General SEX: 10-month-old neutered male REASON HERE: He was brought to HSCC due to some behavioral concerns in his previous home. ARRIVAL DATE: December 23, 2021 SUMMARY: General is a smart, inquisitive pup looking for a home to call his own. He has been through lots of transitions already in his life, so his new family will need to be patient and committed to helping him adjust and be his very best self. He promises to give you plenty of snuggles and tail wags in return! Stop by HSCC to learn more about General and see if he’s a good fit for you! DOGS/CATS/KIDS: General has no known experience living with other dogs but has done well with those he’s met at HSCC. He has lived with teenagers and will likely do best in a home without younger children. He has no known experience living with cats or other small animals.
housing »
In 2021, HSCC celebrated 1,371 pet adoptions — our biggest year yet! If you’re interested in adding a furry family member in 2022, please visit for full details on our current adoption process, adoption fees and what they include, and who is looking for a new home!
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Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.
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CLASSIFIEDS We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!
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3842 Dorset Ln., Williston
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entrance & parking, & yard. Garbage/recycling, snowplowing & lawn mowing incl., as well as garden space. Full laundry & well insulated. Tenant pays propane & electric. Sec. dep. & 1-yr. lease req. Serious inquiries only. Helen, 802-598-4105.
2013 BMW X1 4WD Asking $1,500. Info at Leather-heated seats, & steering wheel, sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 5:02 PM 802-658-1286. 1 automatic, moonroof, OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE Nokian snow tires on AT MAIN STREET LANDING rims & summer rims, on Burlington’s water& Thule roof rack. Lots front. Beautiful, healthy, of extras. $12,000. Call affordable spaces for Betsy, 802-371-8990 your business. Visit CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, & click on space avail. high-end, totaled: It Melinda, 864-7999. doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN) WE PAY CASH FOR PROPERTY 1-BR IN MONKTON We pay cash for land, 1,100-sq.ft. open floor homes & investment plan w/ large BR & 1 properties of all kinds. full BA, HDWD floors Get paid in 30 days or 2007 & lots of natural HARLEY-DAVIDSON less! No commissions. light. Upstairs, above FLHTCU Electra Glide No fees. For homes & property owners’ Ultra Classic, 96 cu. investment properties, garage, w/ high ceilings, in., 15,838 miles, we will purchase “as is.” open views, private black, adult-owned. This means you don’t have to put another dime in repairs or move unwanted belongings out! Call us today for a fair cash offer: 802-495-6337. appt. appointment
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display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x121
PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542,
BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do the work; you reap the rewards! Call for a free Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN)
COMPUTER COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train online to get the skills to become a computer & help desk professional now. Grants & scholarships avail. for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 1-855-554-4616. (AAN CAN)
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HEALTH/ WELLNESS MEDICAL MASSAGE THERAPY The ultimate in wellness care in the Essex Junction area: 802-5583747, musicmountain
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WICCAN OFFICIATE Wiccan/pagan life events or blend w/ other traditions: smudging, spellwork, dowsing, clearings, hospital visits, deathbed blessings & funerals, baptisms, new home, new baby, & more. Ordained ULC minister, Vermont & other locations. Jaccivanalder@gmail. com or 802-557-4964.
HOME/GARDEN KNIFE-SHARPENING SERVICE Sharper Blade knife-sharpening service. 24-hour turnaround. Bring me your dull kitchen knives & I will sharpen them to razor-sharp condition. Kitchen, steak, chef, paring & serrated bread knives. No cleavers or ceramic blades, please. Straight-edge blades, $4; serrated blades, $5. 1 knife sharpened free for each 5. Contact me for drop-off info. Burlington’s New North End. NEVER PAY FOR COVERED HOME REPAIRS AGAIN! Complete Care Home Warranty covers all major systems & appliances. 30-day risk-free. $200 off + 2 free mos.!
print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x110
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APPLIANCES/ TOOLS/PARTS HUSQVARNA SEWING MACHINE Excellent condition Husqvarna Viking Designer 1 w/ touch screen, displaying 18 stitch designs for all your embroidery needs. Tuned this year at Vacuum City. Discounted to $750. Call 802-349-0139.
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Tidy, comfortable condo to share with busy professional in her 50s who enjoys travel & music. $650/mo. all inc. Shared BA. No pets.
CHARLOTTE EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:
Senior interested in literature & classical music, seeking housemate to cook a few meals/week, share companionship & help w/ snow removal. $300/mo. Private BA. Must be cat-friendly!
HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010
Share condo w/ tech-savvy gentleman and cat seeking help cooking, organizing, and being a safety presence. Furnished BR, shared BA. $250/mo. all inc.
POMERANIAN PUPPIES Born on Dec. 12 & ready on Feb. 11! $500 deposit holds your pup. Perfect Valentine’s Day gift for your significant other & children! 2 girls, 1 boy avail.! 802-735-8903 (Joy); 802-735-8904 (Tyler). STANDARD POODLE PUPPIES AKC-registered, standard poodles. Fully vaccinated, housebroken & vet-health checked. Parents are amazing, calm, friendly & sweet. Call 802-323-3498.
FOR SALE TAMA DRUM SET $750 Tama Silverstar 4-piece drum set: like-new, birch shells, Zildjian cymbals, double-braced stands, fiberboard cases. $750; pics upon request.
INSTRUCTION BANJO, GUITAR & MANDOLIN! Affordable, accessible, no-stress instruction in banjo, guitar, mandolin & more. All ages/ skill levels/interests welcome! Dedicated, experienced teacher; convenience; lessons inperson/virtually. Andy Greene, 802-658-2462; guitboy75@hotmail. com, andysmountain GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,
Finding you just the right housemate for 40 years! Call 863-5625 or visit for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO
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7/1/21 2:32 PM
Legal Notices
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C032030 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On December 17, 2021, State of Vermont Military Department, 789 Vermont National Guard Road, Colchester, VT 05446 and Saint Michael’s College, One Winooski Park, Colchester, VT 05439 filed application number 4C0320-30 for a project generally described as installation of four 80-foot high light towers around the Duffy Turf Field within the Doc Jacobs Athletic Field to facilitate nighttime athletic events. The project is located at Doc Jacobs Athletic Field off of Campus Road at St. Michael’s College in Colchester, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0320-30.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before January 28, 2022, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing
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By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658
If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than January 31, 2022.
Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 6th day of January, 2022.
No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before January 31, 2022, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).
The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0296-3A.”
If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C02963A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On December 14, 2021, Peck Electric Co., 400 Avenue D, Suite 10, Williston, VT 05495 filed application number 4C0296-3A for the following after-the-fact improvements: (1) construction of a 2,400 sf building addition off the east side of the existing building; (2) parking lot expansion and reconfiguration; (3) creation of an exterior material storage area; and (4) relocation of the dumpster storage area. The project is located on Lot #5 of the Muddy Brook Industrial Park at 4090 Williston Road in South Burlington, Vermont.
PLACE AN AFFORDABLE NOTICE AT: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/LEGAL-NOTICES OR CALL 802-865-1020, EXT. 110. request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than January 28, 2022. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 5th day of January, 2022. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator Rachel Lomonaco District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C032917R 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On December 20, 2021, Forestdale Heights, Inc., PO Box 8707, Essex, VT 05451 and Glenn and Ronalyn Cummings, 65 Lakewood Court, Colchester, VT 05446 filed application number 4C0329- 17R for a project generally described as construction of seven mini-storage buildings and related site improvements on Lots 21A and 23 of Phase II of the Saxon Hill Industrial Park. The project is located at 23 Corporate Drive in Essex, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0329-17R.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before January 24, 2022, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing,
the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than January 24, 2022. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 29th day of December, 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C09235A,4C0694-7A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On September 22, 2021, JAM Golf, LLC, PO Box 132, Lyndon, VT 05850 and Blackrock Construction, LLC, 68 Randall Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 filed application number 4C0923-5A,4C0694-7A for a project generally described as (1) subdivision of common Lots #1 and Lot #2; (2) construction of 32 residential units on footprint lots including 14 single-family homes and two duplexes on common Lot #1 (Units #1-18), and four singlefamily homes and five duplexes on common Lot #2 (Units #19-32); (3) construction of 1,020 feet of new roadway; and (4) construction of sidewalks, landscaping and supporting utility infrastructure. The project is located on what is commonly known as the Wheeler Parcel on 550 Park Road in South Burlington, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on December 21, 2021 after the receipt of supplemental evidence. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0923-5A,4C0694-7A.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before January 24, 2022, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not
be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than January 24, 2022. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 28th day of December, 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2022, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Physical location: 645 Pine Street, Front Conference Room, Burlington VT 05401 and Zoom: pwd=QzhqMnl1N3ZEYVdrYjQrWTZwbzNwQT09
Password: 899764 Webinar ID: 821 7956 1421 Telephone: US: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 1. ZP-21-798; 28 Crowley Street (RM, Ward 3C) Martha Carvalho Sandoval / Rawsonville Investments LLC Home occupation to offer professional therapeutic massage to clients out of one room in the home. 2. ZP-21-796; 266 Pine Street (ELM, Ward 5S) Justin Bunnell / Pine Properties LLC
(1365) Antiques, Toys & Collectibles Online Lots Closing Monday, January 17 @ 10AM
(1364) Antiques, Collectibles & Household Online Lots Closing Wednesday, January 19 @ 10AM
131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT
131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT
(1371) Restaurant Equipment Online Lots Closing Tuesday, January 25 @ 10AM
Foreclosure: 3BR Cape Home Thursday, January 27 @ 11AM
Preview: Friday, January 14, 12-2PM
Preview: Friday, January 14, 12-2PM
Change of use to a café within Unit 122 and a portion of Unit 116. 3. ZP-21-799; 200 Shelburne Street (RL, Ward 6S) Mary Stanton / Vermont Donut Enterprises Real Replacement of existing noncompliant freestanding and wall sign with new signage that is closer to, but not entirely, compliance with the sign ordinance. 4. ZP-21-800; 501 Pine Street (ELM, Ward 5S) Cassy Gardner / Vermont Gas Systems Inc. Construct a container café use on the vacant property. Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.
Preview: Thursday, Jan. 20, 11AM-1PM
599 U.S. Route 7 South Rutland, VT
Register & Inspect from 10AM
2 Hebert Drive, Barre Town, VT
Password: 234883 Webinar ID: 868 5505 9883 Telephone: US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 1. ZP-21-816; 273 Pearl Street, 11, 15, and 21 Hungerford Terrace (RH, Ward 8E) Benjamin Frye / 15 Hungerford Terrace LLC Amendment to approved 4 lot PUD. Zoning Permit: ZP-20-0720CA/MA. Add 3 units to approved PUD, window and parking changes. 2. ZAP-21-11; 164 North Willard Street (RL, Ward 1E) Luke Purvis Appeal of fence permit denial. 3. ZAP-21-21; 164 North Willard Street (RL, Ward 1E) Luke Purvis Appeal of adverse determination regarding pre-existing nonconforming status of gravel strip. 4. ZP-21-815; 570 South Prospect Street (RCO/RG Ward 6S) Amy E. Tarrant Living Trust PUD with two lot subdivision and tree removal. Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.
NORTHSTAR SELF STORAGE WILL BE HAVING A PUBLIC AND ONLINE SALE/AUCTION FOR THE FOLLOWING STORAGE UNITS ON JANUARY 31, 2022 AT 9:00AM Northstar Self Storage will be having a public and online sale/auction on January 31, 2022 at 615 US Route 7, Danby, VT 05739 (Units D-120), at 1124 Charlestown Rd., Springfield, VT 05156 (Unit S-90 / S-93 / CC-13) at 681 Rockingham Road, Rockingham, VT 05101 (Unit R-79) and online at at 9:00 am in accordance with VT Title 9 Commerce and Trade Chapter 098: Storage Units 3905. Enforcement of Lien Unit # - Name- Contents 1- D-120 - Jacqueline Unsworth - Household Goods 1- S-90 - Danielle St. Lawrence - Household Goods 1- S-93 - Micheal Adams - Household Goods 1- CC-13 - Michael Koledo - Household Goods 1- R-79 - Ashley Butler - Household Goods NOTICE OF FIRST AND SECOND PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENT FOR MARCH 1, 2022, ANNUAL CITY MEETING Pursuant to the requirements of 17 V.S.A. Sec. 2645, the first public hearing concerning a proposed amendment to the Burlington City Charter by the City Council will be held Tuesday, January 18, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. The meeting will be held at Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington, Vermont and will also be streamed via Zoom. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 18, 2022 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Old Time Country Store on 15.5± Ac. Friday, January 28 @ 11AM Register & Inspect from 10AM
645 Evansville Rd (Route 58), Brownington, VT
Owners are retiring and selling at auction this Northeast Kingdom country store on 15.5± acres with gas pumps (owned and serviced by Global) and road frontage on Route 58. Barton River frontage. Close to Lake Willoughby and area recreation. Reimagine your future in beautiful Vermont on this property. No zoning!
(1369) Firearms & Sporting Related Online Lots Closing Monday, January 31 @ 10AM
Preview: Fri., Jan. 28 from 10AM-2PM
Village Building on 0.14± Ac. Lot Fri., Jan. 28 @ 1PM Register & Inspect 12PM
4 Main St., Barton, VT
2,200±SF building w/ river frontage & public Water & Sewer. Mixed Use Zoning. Sells to the highest bidder over $10,000!
Foreclosure: 3BR/2BA Home w/ Lake Champlain Views Tuesday, February 8 @ 11AM 15 North Shore Rd., St. Albans, VT
131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT
Topic: City Council - First Public Hearing on Charter Changes Please click the link below to join the webinar:
BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, JANUARY 18, 2022, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Physical location: 645 Pine Street, Front Conference Room, Burlington VT 05401 and Zoom: wd=ZGxlTEhjWmF2Y0hXOFJPTWU0ellyZz09
Or One tap mobile :
US: +13126266799,,89779429139# or +19292056099,,89779429139# or call 1-800-634-7653
Or Telephone:
Open House: Fri., Jan. 14 from 1-3PM
THOMAS HIRCHAK CO. • • 800-634-SOLD 2v-hirchakbrothers011222 1
1/7/22 9:58 AM
Legal Notices [CONTINUED] Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 897 7942 9139 International numbers available: https://us02web. Pursuant to the requirements of 17 V.S.A. Sec. 2645, the second public hearing concerning a proposed amendment to the Burlington City Charter by the City Council will be held Monday, January 24, 2022, at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be held at Contois Auditorium, City Hall, Burlington, Vermont and will also be streamed via Zoom. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 24, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Board of Finance and City Council Meetings Please click the link below to join the webinar:
GEOGRAPHIC AREA AFFECTED: Town-wide SECTION HEADINGS: Nonconforming Structures (Section 4.7), Setback Modifications (Section 4.8), Nonconforming Uses (Section 4.9), Vehicle Fueling Stations (Section 4.14), Requirements for Specific Structures (Section 5.10), Wetlands (Section 6.9), Definitions (Section 7), Town Zoning District Map (Appendix A1) THIS MEETING IS ALSO ACCESSIBLE ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/83503119719 Meeting ID: 835 0311 9719 Call in (Calling rates apply): 1 (929) 205-6099 THE FULL TEXT AND MAPS OF THE PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE RICHMOND TOWN CENTER OFFICES PURSUANT TO 24 VSA §4441 AND THE TOWN WEBSITE. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE RICHMOND PLANNING/ZONING OFFICE AT 802-434-2430 or POSTED: 01/12/2022 Or One tap mobile : US: +13126266799,,89166292400# or +19292056099,,89166292400# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 891 6629 2400 International numbers available: https://us02web. This charter amendment is proposed to be voted on at the Tuesday, March 1, 2022, Annual City Meeting. The following change (deleted matter stricken out) is being proposed by the City Council: 1. “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended by removing in its entirety §48(7) so as to remove from City Council’s enumerated powers the ability: (7) To restrain and suppress houses of ill fame and disorderly houses, and to punish common prostitutes and persons consorting therewith. * Material underlined added. ** Material stricken out deleted. The official copy of the proposed charter amendment with the specific changes being proposed shall be posted in or near the Clerk’s Office and at least two public places in the city by Saturday, January 8, 2022, for public inspection; copies will also be made available to members of the public upon their request.
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO 24 V.S.A. §§4441 (d) AND §4444, THE TOWN OF RICHMOND PLANNING COMMISSION WILL BE HOLDING A PUBLIC HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 2022, AT 7:00 PM, IN THE RICHMOND TOWN CENTER MEETING ROOM AT 203 BRIDGE STREET TO RECEIVE COMMENT REGARDING THE PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT: PURPOSE: To modify zoning regulations for nonconforming uses and structures, vehicle fueling station uses, electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, vehicle and machinery repair uses, and development within wetlands
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Burlington Housing Authority is preparing its Annual Plan for the fiscal year July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023. A public hearing to obtain comments regarding the proposed Annual Plan will be held on Tuesday, March 16th, 2022 on Zoom at 4:00 PM. Details will be available at Written comments should be sent to: Paul Dettman, Executive Director Burlington Housing Authority 65 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Copies of the proposed plans will be available at BHA’s 65 Main Street Administrative offices on January 28, 2022. Supporting documents will also be available for review. Equal Housing Opportunity
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Town of Hinesburg is considering making an application to the State of Vermont for an Implementation Grant under the Vermont Community Development Program. A public hearing will be held at 7:00 PM on February 2, 2022, at the Hinesburg Town Hall (10632 Rte 116, Hinesburg, VT) with a remote option (please contact the Town to join remotely) to obtain the views of citizens on community development, to furnish information concerning the amount of funds available and the range of community development activities that may be undertaken under this program, the impact to any historic and archaeological resources that may be affected by the proposed project, and to give affected citizens the opportunity to examine the proposed statement of projected use of these funds. The proposal is to apply for $605,000 in VCDP Funds which will be used to accomplish the following activities: To develop up to 24-units of affordable senior housing. Copies of the proposed application are available at the Hinesburg Town Hall and may be viewed during the hours of 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM on Monday – Friday. Should you require any special accommodations, please contact Todd Odit at (802) 482-4206 to ensure appropriate accommodations are made. For the hearing impaired please call (TTY) # 1-800-253-0191.
OPENINGS: BURLINGTON CITY COMMISSIONS/ BOARDS Board of Assessors Term Expires 3/31/24 One Opening Conservation Board Term Expires 6/30/23 One Opening Conservation Board Term Expires 6/30/25 One Opening Design Advisory Board – Alternate Term Expires 6/30/23 One Opening Development Review Board Term Expires 6/30/23 One Opening Fence Viewers Term Expires 6/30/22 Two Openings Board of Health Term Expires 6/30/22 One Opening Vehicle for Hire Licensing Board Term Expires 6/30/22 Two Openings Vehicle for Hire Licensing Board Term Expires 6/30/24 Three Openings Applications may be submitted to the Clerk/ Treasurer’s Office, 149 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Attn: Lori NO later than Wednesday, February 16, 2022, by 4:30 pm. If you have any questions please contact Lori at (802) 865-7136 or via email . City Council President Tracy will plan for appointments to take place at the February 22, 2022 City Council Meeting/City Council With Mayor Presiding Meeting.
PRIVATE AUCTION OF STORAGE UNIT CONTENTS Valentino Anderson, last known address of 32 North Winooski Ave Burlington, VT 05401 has a past due balance of $295.00 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 9/30/21. To cover this debt, per lease dated 1/29/2019 the contents of unit #134 will be sold at private auction on, or after January 22, 2022. Roger Palin, last known address of 436 Route 7 Apt #102 Milton, VT 05468 has a past due balance of $721.55 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 8/31/21. To cover this debt, per lease dated 8/17/2021 the contents of unit #186 will be sold at private auction on, or after January 22, 2022. Owen Leavey, last known address of 62 Heritage Lane Colchester, VT 05446 has a past due balance of $294.00 owed to Champlain Valley Self Storage, LLC since 10/31/21. To cover this debt, per lease dated 10/23/2020 the contents of unit #914 will be sold at private auction on, or after January 22, 2022. Auction pre-registration is required, email info@ to register.
PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Burlington Code of Ordinances
Auditorium, Burlington City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, VT and via zoom. To access the meeting remotely— Computer link: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/84554455047 By phone: 1 929 205 6099 Webinar ID: 845 5445 5047 Statement of purpose: To adopt new regulations for short term rentals in the City of Burlington, including but not limited to housing standards and registration requirements. Geographic areas affected: All areas within the City of Burlington. List of section headings affected: 18-2, Definitions, 18-15, Registration required, 18-16, Inspection required, 18-29a, Termination of rental housing tenancy; rental housing rent increase, 18-30, Fees, 18-70, Compliance with article required; 18-201, Definitions, 18-302, Exemptions, 18-502, Applicability, and adding new Division 7, Short Term Rental, Section 18-121 Compliance with article required, 18-122, Minimum Fire Safety Standards, 18-123, Minimum General Standards. The full text of the Burlington Code of Ordinances is available online at https://www.codepublishing. com/VT/Burlington/ A hard copy of the proposed amendments are posted and can be viewed at the Clerk’s Office lobby located on the second floor of City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the on-line at Amendments
STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN SS. DOCKET NO. 21-PR-05084 In re the Estate of James M. Kalbfleisch, Sr. Late of Shelburne, Vermont NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of James M. Kalbfleisch, Sr. late of Shelburne, Vermont: I have been appointed personal representative of the above-named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of publication of this Notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described above within the four (4) month deadline. Dated December 10, 2021 Signed /s/ Thomas A Little Print name: Thomas A. Little Address: c/o Little & Cicchetti, P.C. P.O. Box 907, Burlington, VT 05402-0907 Telephone: 802-862-6511 Name of Publication: Seven Days First Publication Date: 1/12/22 Second Publication Date: 1/19/22 Address of Probate Court: Chittenden District Court, PO Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402-0511
Notice is hereby given of a public hearing by the Burlington City Council to hear comments on the following proposed amendments to the City of Burlington’s Code of Ordinances:
WHEREAS, the following petition has been made to the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Probate Division:
Ch. 18 Housing—Short Term Rentals
Petition to Open Decedent’s Estate In Re the Estate of Allston Bleau, Late of Burlington, Vermont
The public hearing will take place on Monday, January 31, 2022 during the Regular City Council Meeting which begins at 7:00 pm in Contois
Curtis W. Cline, Petitioner
c/o Richard W. Kozlowski, Esq. Lisman Leckerling, P.C. P.O. Box 728 Burlington, VT 05402 (802) 864-5756 WHEREAS, the Court has assigned the 11th day of February 2022, at the Probate Office in Burlington, Vermont, at 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon, to hear and decide upon said petition, and ordered that notice thereof be given by publishing this notice once in either Seven Days or Burlington Free Press within 21 days of this order being issued. Please file a tear sheet proving publication has occurred within 7 days of hearing date. THEREFORE, you are hereby notified to appear before said Court, at the time and place assigned, to make objections, if you have cause. This is the first action in this proceeding. If you wish to receive notice of future events in this matter you must formally enter your appearance with the Court Petitioner will be required to prove, by testimony of at least one witness, that the alleged will offered for probate is authentic.· Electronically signed pursuant to V.R.E.F. 9(d) 12/16/2021 2:49:03 PM /s/ Gregory J. Glennon Judge STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-05511 In re ESTATE of Andrew Colaceci NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Andrew Colaceci late of Burlington I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: January 3, 2022 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Launa L. Slater Executor/Administrator: Jeannette Ploof, c/o Launa L. Slater, Wiener & Slater, PLLC 110 Main Street, Suite 4F, Burlington, VT 05401 802-8631836 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/12/22 Name of Probate Court: Chittenden Probate Court, P.O. Box 511, Burlington, Vermont 05401 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR05686 CNPR In re ESTATE of Francis Whitesell NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Francis Whitesell, late of 34 North Street, Winooski, Vermont 05404. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: Tuesday, December 28, 2021 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Jacob Whitesell Executor/Administrator: Jacob Whitesell, c/o Otter Creek Law, 110 Merchants Row Suite 2, Rutland, Vermont 05701 (802) 855-8316
To the creditors of Kevin Kolinich, late of Essex Junction, VT 05452.
To the creditors of Lawrence F. Brown, Jr., late of Burlington, Vermont.
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Date: 1/3/2022 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Kelly Cota Executor/Administrator: Kelly Cota, 38 Longmeadow East, Grand Isle, VT 05458 802-3245212
Date: 10/8/2021 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Cheryl Knipe Executor/Administrator: Cheryl Knipe, c/o Julie Hoyt, Esq., Jarrett & Luitjens, PLC, 1795 Williston Rd., Ste. 125, South Burlington, VT 05403 802-8645951
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: Jan 12, 2022 Name of Probate Court: Chittenden County, 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR06912 CNPR In re ESTATE of Larry McNall NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Larry McNall, late of Essex Junction, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: December 22, 2021 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Rebecca McNall
TOWN OF ESSEX PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA JANUARY 27, 2022-6:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE ROOM, 81 MAIN ST., ESSEX JCT., VT Anyone may attend this meeting in person at the above address or remotely through the following options: - Zoom link: Join-Zoom— Meeting-Essex-PC - Call (audio only): 1-888-788-0099 | Meeting ID: 950 6840 0813 # | Passcode: 426269 - Public wifi: content/public-wifi-hotspots-vermont 1. Public Comments 2. Discussion on Town Capital Plan: Dennis Lutz 3. Discussion/Work Session: Zoning Regulations - Letter from Brian Bertsch, P.E. re: RPD-I uses. 4. Minutes: January 13, 2022 5. Other Business Visit our website at TOWN OF ESSEX PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE January 18, 2022 6:35 PM
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: Jan 12, 2022
Proposed FY2023 – 2027 Capital Budget and Five-Year Plan
Name of Probate Court: Chittenden Probate Court Address of Probate Court: PO Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402-0511
The Town of Essex Selectboard will hold a public hearing on the FY 2023 -2027 Capital Budget and Five-Year Plan on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 at 6:35 PM online and in person. Visit to connect via Zoom or join via conference call (audio only): 1-(888) 788-0099, Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140, Passcode: 032060.
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION FRANKLIN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 121-5-FRPR In re ESTATE of Michael Alan Messier NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Michael Alan Messier late of Richford. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
The purpose of the public hearing is to solicit public comments on the proposed FY2023 Capital Budget and Five-Year Plan. The proposed FY2023 Capital Plan shows capital tax additions of $535,000, spending of $2,840,296, and an ending balance of $3,098,420. Complete details can be found at
TOWN OF ESSEX ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AGENDA/PUBLIC HEARING FEBRUARY 3, 2022 6:00 PM MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE ROOM, 81 MAIN ST., ESSEX JCT., VT Anyone may attend this meeting in person at the above address or remotely through the following options:
Executor/Administrator: Rebecca McNall; c/o Corey F. Wood, Esq. Bergeron, Paradis & Fitzpatrick; PO Box 174 Essex Junction, VT 05453
Date: January 3, 2022 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Peter B. Schubart, Esq. Executor/Administrator: Peter B. Schubart, Esq., 333 Dorset Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 802-859-0059
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/12/22
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: Jan 12, 2022
- Conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 480 347 627#
Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Probate Division, Chittenden Unit 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401
Name of Probate Court: Franklin Probate Court Address of Probate Court: 17 Church Street, St. Albans, VT 05478
- Public wifi: content/public-wifi-hotspots-vermont
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR07019 CNPR In re ESTATE of Mary Viens NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Mary Viens, late of Colchester, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: December 22, 2021 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Phillip L. Viens
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/12/22
Executor/Administrator: Phillip L. Viens; c/o Corey F. Wood, Esq. Bergeron, Paradis & Fitzpatrick; PO Box 174 Essex Junction, VT 05453
Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Probate Division, Chittenden Unit 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401
Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/12/22 Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Probate Division, Chittenden Unit 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401
TOWN OF BOLTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Development Review Board (DRB) at Bolton Town Office, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway, Bolton, Vermont 05676 The DRB will hold a hybrid public hearing at the Bolton Town office on Thursday, January 27, 2022, starting at 6:30 pm, to consider the following application: Application 2022-01-DRB: Applicant & Property Owner: John Ethan Tapper. Seeking final subdivision approval for a two-lot subdivision on 325 Bolton Valley Access Rd. The property is in the Rural I District. (Tax Map #9-0100041). To access the meeting by computer or phone, use the following link: 255346219?pwd=UXV6eTFaT1JBcDdFY2xLQnlRR FRYQT09 To participate by phone, call +1 646-558-8656. The access code is 217688. Additional information can be obtained by contact the Zoning Administrator at 802-434-5075 x225, or by email at . Pursuant to 24 VSA § 4464 and § 4471, participation in this local proceeding, by written or oral comment, is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. If you cannot attend the hearing, comments may be made in writing prior to August 5 th and mailed to: Zoning Administrator, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway, Bolton, VT 05676 or via email to:
- Microsoft Teams: https://www.essexvt. org/870/5481/Join-ZBA-Meeting
1. CONDITIONAL USE: Joseph Bissonette & Chad Riley: Proposal for continued operation of a food truck located at 217 Sand Hill Rd in the R2 Zone. Tax Map 50, Parcel 42. 2. Minutes: January 6, 2022 Visit our website at
NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO BROWNFIELDS REUSE AND ENVIRONMENTAL LIABILITY LIMITATION ACT PROGRAM Please take notice that Intervale Center whose mailing address is 180 Intervale Road, Burlington, VT, is applying to the Vermont Brownfields Reuse and Environmental Liability Limitation Program (10 V.S.A. §6641 et seq.) in connection with the redevelopment of property known as 99 Intervale Road in the City of Burlington, VT. A copy of the application, which contains a preliminary environmental assessment and a description of the proposed redevelopment project is available for public review at the Burlington City Clerk’s Office and at the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation offices in Montpelier. Comments concerning the application and/or the above referenced documents may be directed to Sarah Bartlett, DEC Project Manager at (802) 249-5641 or at Comments may also be submitted by mail to the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, Waste Management Division, 1 National Life Drive – Davis 1, Montpelier, VT 05620; attention: Sarah Bartlett, DEC Project Manager.
72 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
Accounting & Finance Coordinator
Join our team and help us keep our brewery and taproom looking their best. Evening and weekend shifts. Experience preferred.
The Green Mountain Club seeks a full-time Apply here: Accounting and Finance Coordinator to focus on accounting and finance responsibilities for the organization. Primary responsibilities include accounting 2h-Lawsons011222.indd 1 and fiscal bookkeeping, accounts payable, payroll, bank reconciliations, and general ledger reconciliations, employee paperwork, and other projects as needed. Competitive pay and benefits, and a flexible, hybrid office.
12/3/21 12:03 PM
Grant Author and Compliance Extraordinaire
The Master/Journeyman Plumber is responsible for the maintenance and repair of hospital facilities and equipment. High school diploma and five years’ experience in the skilled trade of plumbing and a Vermont State Master Plumbers license are required; Journeyman license will be considered.
Learn more and apply, visit:
Do you enjoy working 4t-UVMMedCenterCVMC011222.indd with youth and want to make a difference in your community? We are looking to grow our team at DREAM; we are actively recruiting for a Grant Author and Compliance Extraordinaire, Two F/T Youth Service Managers, and a P/T Mentor Coordinator (Caledonia County).
3v-DREAMprogram011222.indd 1
1/3/22 2:46 PM
If you are an administrative whiz and want to make a difference in VT – JOIN US!
For complete job description and to apply, please visit
2v-GreenMtnClub120821.indd 1
1/6/222h-RhinoFoods011222.indd 3:19 PM 1
The Community Foundation is growing and we are looking for excellent administration and operations talent to join our community minded organization. The Operations Associate and the Development & Administration Coordinator will both provide support across all areas of the organization and be integral in our mission of bringing together people and resources to make a difference in Vermont.
If these roles sound like a good fit for you, visit for complete job descriptions and instructions for applying.
1/3/224t-VTCommunityFoundation011222 3:02 PM 1
1/10/22 2:40 PM
The successful candidate will have worked as a professional in the DEI field for a minimum of five to eight years, preferably in the HR employment area, but an equivalent combination of education and experience will be considered. This is a full-time, year-round position that reports to the Director of Human Resources.
Saint Michael’s College seeks to appoint a full-time Instructor in Accounting/ Finance for the 2022-23 academic year, renewable. Specific teaching assignments will depend on the background and interests of the successful candidate but would include both introductory and upper level accounting/ finance courses. There is also opportunity to teach upper level business and accounting/finance elective courses. The ideal candidate will possess the ability and interest to teach in other, related areas of the department’s general business program, such as business ethics, strategy, law, organizational consulting, and/or internship. Teaching opportunities may also exist in one of the College’s interdisciplinary programs. Innovative approaches to teaching and effective use of technology are desired. The teaching load is six courses per year plus an advising load of approximately 30 students.
For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply online, please visit:
For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply online, please click here:
DEI position
Saint Michael’s College is seeking a dynamic and culturally responsive DEI professional for its Human Resources department to assist with developing and implementing strategic initiatives around employment with diversity, equity and inclusion at the forefront. This includes recruiting and retention, employee relations, labor relations, and diversity, equity and inclusion training for staff and faculty.
1/11/224t-StMichaelsCollege011222.indd 11:38 AM 1
1/3/22 4t-StMichaelsCollegeINSTR011222.indd 12:16 PM 1
1/6/22 10:42 AM
Become part of the Home Instead team! CAREGivers no experience necessary. Key Players previous experience preferred. Pays up to $20/hour.
Now hiring CAREGivers and Key Players Work for an organization that makes a difference and offers meaningful work while providing care to seniors in the community
Let’s get to know each other. Military friendly employer. Apply today! location/483/home-care-jobs/
IT Specialist Our goal is to make tech work for the people who create our amazing educational, news, and entertainment programs. We’re looking for someone comfortable with technology, willing to learn new things, eager to administer, support, and troubleshoot a wide variety of on-site and cloud-based systems and the people who use those systems.
NVRH is looking for dedicated and compassionate RNs, LPNs and LNAs to join our team and provide high quality care to the communities we serve. NVRH provides a fair and compassionate workplace where all persons are valued by the organization and each other, providing ongoing growth opportunities. FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, health/dental/vision, 401k with company match and much more!
The successful candidate will be someone who has the ability to: • Work through and document processes for technical and nontechnical users • Assist with planning and execution of system upgrades and implement new systems • Serve as a technical resource to our staff • Analyze and solve problems in a wide array of systems • Assist with improving the stability, integrity & security of our systems
Store Operations Manager
The ideal candidate: years’ relevant experience in a technical field, experience with Windows desktop support, networking technology, and basic system administration tasks. Excellent troubleshooting, communication, and follow-up skills. Experience working in a time-sensitive broadcast media environment is preferred.
9/24/21 2:47 PM 1-2
4t-NVRH092921.indd 1
Seeking someone motivated to: Build and lead highly effective teams
Read the full job description and application process on the careers website page of or
Operate a sustainable and profitable business that benefits the community
VPR/Vermont PBS is a proud equal opportunity employer.
Continuously improve systems, customer experience, and personal skills
5v-VPR011222.indd 1
or scan here to go directly to our webpage!
4v-Spectrum011222.indd 1
4t-MiddleburyNaturalFoodsCoOp011222 1
The Program Director is a leadership position in the organization for all aspects of the CSC’s Signature Programs, Summer Youth Camps, Adult Classes, High School Sailing, and any other Education-related events, classes, or camps. The Program Director leads the innovation and development of new programs, ensures that existing programs are staffed and operating safely, and has the ability to adjust and adapt to meet needs in the community.
• Minimum of a Bachelor’s degree; or 5+ years’ experience leading in an educational field
1/5/224t-LakeChamplainCommunitySailingCenter011222.indd 2:33 PM 1
Collaborating with the Director of Education, the Manager develops and manages an exciting array of classes and camps where everyone can feel welcome. This position is the primary point of contact for students, families and teachers so excellent communication, organizational, and management skills are needed. Experience in art education and management preferred.
Compensation: Starting Salary $55,000-$60,000, depending on experience; Health, Dental, and Wellness benefits; annual leave policy; retirement benefits
For full job description and to apply go to:
1/5/22 11:24 AM
The Flynn has two full-time, fully benefited positions in our growing education department. Embrace a new year and join a group of dedicated professionals who truly believe in the value of the arts and want to share the Flynn’s mission through education and outreach.
73 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
The Education Assistant is responsible for general operational and programmatic support of the Flynn’s education and engagement initiatives. Data management, order processing, event support, and communication with educators, students, teachers, and teaching artists are primary responsibilities. This entry level position is a great way to start or advance your career in the arts.
Detailed job descriptions and more info on our website: Employment-and-Internship-Opportunities Send resume and cover letter to: No phone calls, please. EOE
1 1/5/225v-FlynnCLASSeducation011222.indd 3:37 PM
1/3/22 12:23 PM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
The Flynn has an immediate opening in our Box Office
The full-time Assistant Manager supports the daily operations of our busy Box Office. We are looking for excellent customer service and computer skills along with an enthusiasm for the arts. Evenings and weekends are part of the job. The Flynn is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace and we pride ourselves on making everyone feel welcome.
This position reports to the Vice President for Advancement and provides administrative support as well as maintains their own fundraising portfolio. The appointee will work as a gifts officer and participate in stewardship, cultivation, and solicitation. Through this position you will help Sterling College's donors accomplish their ambitions to support our mission to advance ecological thinking and action. The College is currently raising ~$3M annually between unrestricted and restricted giving. Experience using and administering Raiser's Edge is a plus as is being an alumnx of Sterling College. Candidates must have mission alignment.
Detailed job description and more information: Send resume and cover letter: No phone calls, please. E.O.E.
To read the full position description and application instructions, visit:
12/7/214t-SterlingCollege031021.indd 1:23 PM Residential Services/Association Services
4t-FlynnBOXoffice120821.indd 1
Accounts Receivable & Billing Specialist Salary: $37,000 to $51,000/year Full Circle Property Management is growing! We are seeking new team members specializing in either Residential Services (rentals) or Association Services (condo communities). We are also seeking an Accounts Receivable and Billing Specialist to support our Accounting Services team. These positions are full time, 40 hours per week, M-F. In-person work at our beautiful Burlington office location is required due to the sensitive nature of our work, but we encourage remote facilitation of online, condo community meetings for the Association Services position. • AA, BA, or related work experience required • Health/Dental/Vision Insurance • Paid Time Off • Submit resume (cover letters are appreciated) to
4t-FullCirclePropertyMgmt011222.indd 1
The Lake Champlain Basin Program and New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission seek candidates for paid stewardships:
OUTREACH & COMMUNICATIONS DIRECTOR STAFF ACCOUNTANT ACCESSIBILITY SUPPORT COORDINATOR To view position descriptions and application instructions, please visit our website: employment-opportunities/
Brewery Assistant The Brewery Assistant - is a Utility Player who will work throughout the brewery assisting with all processes associated with production and packaging while adhering to SOPs and safety guidelines to achieve the best possible consistency in Fiddlehead beers. Benefits: • Fun Team • Competitive Pay • Health Insurance w/ Vision 9:55 AM and Dental after 90 days of employment • PTO, 401K For full description go to Send resumes to: haleychurchill@
Seeking up to 16 individuals to deliver aquatic invasive species spread prevention messages and conduct voluntary watercraft inspections and decontaminations. Stewards will work at Lake 3v-FiddleheadBrewing120821.indd Champlain boat launches in New York and Vermont to collect survey information Thursday through Monday and holidays from Memorial through Labor Day/Mid-September. Please send resume, letter of interest with description of relevant experience, and contact information for two references by February 4th, 2022 to, and reference position number #22-LCBP-001 in the subject line. A full position description may be viewed online at
1 1/10/22 4t-LakeChamplainBasinProject011222.indd 11:02 AM
Goddard College, a leader in non-traditional education, has the following benefit-eligible position openings:
4t-GoddardCollege011222.indd 1
Craftsbury Common, Vermont, Campus
Come join the Cheese Team!
We are looking for dedicated, hardworking individuals as:
• Cheesemaking & Processing Assistant • Shipping & Receiving Coordinator
Year-round, full-time. Health, dental & life insurance, wellness benefit, paid time off, staff discount, free cheese! Learn more at:
1/11/22 4t-ShelburneFarms011222.indd 11:34 AM 1
12/6/21 2:37 PM
PROGRAM MANAGER We seek a part-time Program Manager to manage the public and back-end activities of the LiveGreenVT (LGV) Climate & Energy Online Guide and Directory ( and act as the principal public 5:50 PM face and voice for LGV, including to sponsors, listers, and the general public. LiveGreenVT promotes sustainable businesses and organizations, in turn enabling consumers to make more climate-conscious decisions. Applications will be accepted through January 14th or until the position is filled. Please submit applications by email to Steve Maier at Applications should include a cover letter, resume, three references, and up to three relevant work samples. More details are available at:
1 1/3/223v-LiveGreenVT011222.indd 4:18 PM
1/11/22 11:14 AM
75 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
Linux/Database Administrator The United States District Court is seeking qualified individuals with operating system and database administration skills, or the aptitude to acquire such skills, capable of functioning in a dynamic, team-oriented environment. The duty station for both positions is Burlington, Vermont. Full federal benefits apply. Complete job descriptions and formal application requirements are found in the official Position Announcements available from court locations in Burlington and Rutland and the court’s web site:
CSWD is seeking a fulltime Maintenance OperatorRoll-Off/Food Scraps Truck Driver to perform skilled technical and manual work in maintaining facilities and driving a roll-off truck. Experience in routine E.O.E. maintenance, vehicle and equipment maintenance. Driving experience and a Class B CDL preferred. Competitive salary and 4t-USDistrictCourtofVT011222.indd 1 excellent benefit package. For more information on the position and to fill out an application visit CSWD, visit or submit cover letter and resume or to Amy Jewell by 1/21/2022.
3v-CSWD011222.indd 1
1/11/22 11:06 AM
1/10/22 6:03 PM
For full descriptions and to apply go to: Kingdom Trail Association provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex or sexual identity, gender or gender identity, national origin, age, ability, or genetics.
5:11 PM
Development Director Welcome Center Manager Retail Specialist
This full time position in South Burlington leads and coordinates the daily operations and staffing for their direct team within the Patient Access and Service Center. This department is responsible 1/4/22 for shrinking the length of time it takes for a patient, or their 5v-KingdomTrails011222.indd 1 family, to acquire sufficient and relevant medical guidance or treatment. Bachelor’s Degree in business administration or related field required. 3 to 5 years’ experience in managing a Contact/ Service Center environment with demonstrated competency in managing efficiency and productivity preferred. In addition, 3 or more years in Customer Service in a retail, hospitality, medical, or The Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) has an immediate other business setting highly desired. opening for an Accountant II. VLCT is a statewide association Learn more & Apply: dedicated to serving and strengthening Vermont local government.
Provide an accessible home for an easy-going 38-yearold gentleman who enjoys being part of a dynamic 4t-UVMMedCenterSUPERVISORpasc011222.indd 1 1/10/22 household. This individual has a comprehensive team and strong family support, along with respite and weekday supports. The ideal provider will have strong interpersonal communication and personal care skills as all aspects of ADLs will be provided. This position includes a comprehensive training package, tax-free stipend and The Nutrition Manager, Patient Services a handicap accessible van for plans, coordinates, and evaluates patient transportation. Contact Jennifer Wolcott at jwolcott@ or 802-655-0511 x 118 for more information.
Kingdom Trail Association (KT) is a nonprofit trail organization based in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont that provides recreation and education opportunities for local residents and visitors while working to conserve natural resources and create economic stimulation. KT delivers its mission by partnering with landowners, local businesses, government agencies and other non-profit organizations to create and manage inclusive outdoor recreation opportunities via a non-motorized trail network that is accessible to people of all abilities and identities through membership. NOW HIRING:
food services for all inpatients at UVMMC. Must be Registered Dietitian with previous supervisory experience. Learn more and apply:
1 3v-ChamplainCommunityServicesSLP011222.indd 1/11/2214t-UVMMedCenterNUTRITIONmgr011222.indd 11:04 AM
This position is responsible for financial accounting necessary to support the Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT), as well as 1:38 PM its two insurance trusts, Property & Casualty Intermunicipal Fund (PACIF) and Vermont Employment Resource & Benefits (VERB). This involves accounting and administrative work to support member advocacy and assistance activities as well as the operations of two insurance trusts that provide property and casualty insurance and unemployment insurance. This position must handle financial accounting for cash, investments, receivables, payables, dues, premiums, and claims activity. The work requires maintaining accurate financial records through analysis and reconciliation. The position reports to the Chief Financial Officer (CFO). An associate’s degree in accounting or related field with 3 years of accounting experience or a bachelor’s degree in accounting or similar field with 1 year of accounting experience is required. Work experience in insurance accounting and knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics Great Plains and/or Ventiv is highly desirable. Hiring range is $48,000 (min) - $55,000 (mid). Salary commensurate with experience. VLCT offers a generous benefits package and remote work flexibility. To apply, visit Application deadline is Friday, January 21. Applicants will be reviewed as they are received. Position is open until filled. E.O.E.
1 1/10/225v-VTLeagueCities&Towns011222.indd 3:06 PM
1/3/22 1:54 PM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
ADMINISTRATOR Champlain Community Services just raised their salaries. SIGNIFICANTLY And that’s on top of being a “Best Place to Work In Vermont” for three years running. Great jobs in Service Coordination ($45k) and Direct Support Professionals ($18 per hour) at an award-winning agency serving Vermonters with intellectual disabilities. Make a career making a difference. Apply today at
4t-ChamplainCommServicesGENERAL011222.indd 1
4t-DinseKnappMcAndrew011222.indd 1
Please send resumes to Learn more about our work at
MEDICAL COURIERS AND DELIVERY DRIVERS Currently, we are seeking drivers to join our growing team. We are hiring for several full time and part time positions, as well as different shifts.
3v-RedHouseBuilding011222.indd 1
1/7/22 10:25 AM
Feel free to stop in to our office at 54 Echo Place, Suite# 1, Williston, VT 05495 and fill out an application. Or fill out an application via our website at or email Tim a copy of your resume at
1/11/22 4t-GreenMountainMessenger082521.indd 11:21 AM 1
Dinse P.C., a law firm in downtown Burlington, Vermont is looking for a legal assistant for our Business division. The ideal candidate will have prior experience working as a legal assistant, extensive knowledge of Microsoft Office programs, and experience with editing and formatting. Experience with Juris software a plus. In addition, this position requires a strong work ethic, eagerness to learn and acquire new skills, and excellent typing skills. Minimum qualifications include an Associate’s degree or a minimum of three years of experience as a legal assistant.
Dinse is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
1/3/22 4:33 PM
Red House Building is looking for a full-time Bookkeeper/Office Assistant. Responsibilities will include bookkeeping, data entry, payroll assistance and other general office support. Must be detail oriented. Experience with Quickbooks and within the construction industry is helpful, but not required. This position has flexible hours and assumes 30-40 hours per week. Remote work is possible for a portion of the weekly responsibilities. Red House is an Employee-Owned, Award Winning Company with a supportive team environment and excellent benefits. Wage dependent upon skill level.
Please apply online & learn more about us at, or email with your resume today.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package including health insurance, 401(k), and more. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter (including compensation requirements) and resume via email to John Kirk, Firm Administrator at
SAME DAY DELIVERIES (802) 862-7662
Converse Home is an Assisted Living Community located in downtown Burlington. If you are looking for a rewarding position as a caregiver, working with wonderful residents and staff, please consider applying. Long term care is one of the fast-growing industries in Vermont and the world. The Converse Home is looking for seasoned caregivers or good humans new to the healthcare industry. New care staff do on-site training with our Nurse Educator to make sure you feel confident in your new skills. If YOU ARE A SEASONED CAREGIVER OR WANT TO BECOME A CAREGIVER, INQUIRE WITH US!
The Greater Burlington Girls Soccer League (GBGSL) provides the opportunity for girls to participate in a recreational soccer league where they can learn sportsmanship and leadership while having fun. We are seeking an organized and professional Administrator to provide support to the Board of GBGSL. DUTIES INCLUDE: Answering emails, opening and closing registration and setting up teams for the season. This is a contracted position and the incumbent will be considered an independent contractor. 70-80 hours per season between two seasons: Fall (October) and Spring (May), 140-160 hrs/year, Salary = $5,000/year; equal to $30-35/hour
1/10/22 4t-GreaterBurlingtonGirlsSoccer011222.indd 12:11 PM 1
• Full Time Benefited Dayshift Caregiver 6:30am-3pm, 40 hours per week, both Traditional Assisted Living and Memory Care
4t-ConverseHomeCAREGIVERS011222.indd 1
8/24/21 2:18 PM
HomeShare Vermont is a 40-year-old non-profit dedicated to promoting intergenerational homesharing to help people age in place while creating affordable housing arrangements for others. We have an opening for a Case Manager in our Montpelier office. The Case Manager will work with both those looking for housing and those considering sharing their homes and provide community outreach & education about homesharing.
“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of.”
The preferred candidate must have excellent interpersonal and organizational skills, minimum 3-5 years experience working in housing or human services. Job includes travel throughout the Washington, Orange and Lamoille counties so must have reliable vehicle and VT driver’s license. COVID vaccinations required. Position is 40 hours/week with benefits. Send cover letter and resume via email ONLY to EOE.
1/3/22 4t-HomeShareVT121521.indd 12:43 PM 1
You’re in good hands with...
CAROLYN ZELLER Intervale Center, Burlington
Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121,
12/9/21 3v-MichelleCampagin.indd 3:40 PM 1
8/26/21 4:21 PM
77 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
10:30-5:45 5:45//////$19.50 $19.50per perhour hour 10:3010:305:45 $19.50 per hour Schedule:Work Workday daybegins beginsatat at10:30 10:30am aminininsupport support Schedule: Schedule: Work day begins 10:30 am support ofbreaks breaksof ofour ourearly earlyed edprogram program(10:30am-1:00pm). (10:30am-1:00pm). of of breaks of our early ed program (10:30am-1:00pm). Planningtime time(for (forthe theAfter AfterSchool SchoolProgram) Program)will willbe be Planning Planning time (for the After School Program) will be availablefrom from1:00 1:00pm-2:30 pm-2:30pm. pm. available available from 1:00 pm-2:30 pm. JobDuties: Duties:Direct Directdaily dailyAfter AfterSchool SchoolProgram Programfrom from2:30 2:30pm-5:30 pm-5:30pm pmand andhire hire Job Job Duties: Direct daily After School Program from 2:30 pm-5:30 pm and hire supportstaff, staff,set setdaily dailyactivities, activities,and andmaintain maintainaaahealthy healthyand andactive activeprogram. program. support support staff, set daily activities, and maintain healthy and active program. Alsodirect directthe theAfter AfterSchool SchoolProgram Programduring duringthe thesummer summer(5(5 (5days daysaaaweek). week). Also Also direct the After School Program during the summer days week).
Operations Manager Front Porch Forum is seeking a super-organized operations lead to join our growing mission-driven team of two dozen Vermont staff. This is a full-time and primarily remote position.
1:30---5:30 5:30//////$15.00 $15.00per perhour hour 1:30 1:30 5:30 $15.00 per hour Responsibilities:Supervise Supervisefree freeplay playon onthe theplayground playgroundand andinininthe theschool school Responsibilities: Responsibilities: Supervise free play on the playground and the school building,implement implementactivities, activities,provide providehomework homeworksupport supportfor forgrades grades2nd-5th, 2nd-5th, building, building, implement activities, provide homework support for grades 2nd-5th, andcommunicate communicatewith withparents parentsas asneeded neededand andwith withthe theprogram programdirector directordaily. daily. and and communicate with parents as needed and with the program director daily. Requiredhours: hours:1:30 1:30pm-5:30 pm-5:30pm, pm,and andopenings openingsare areavailable availableon onMondays, Mondays, Required Required hours: 1:30 pm-5:30 pm, and openings are available on Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays, Wednesdays,Thursdays Thursdaysand andFridays. Fridays.Candidates Candidatesmay mayapply applyfor forthe the Tuesdays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Candidates may apply for the numberof ofdays daysthat thatbest bestsuit suittheir theirschedule. schedule. number number of days that best suit their schedule.
Learn more and apply: about-us/careers-at-fpf
Sendresumes resumesto: Send Send resumes to: 5h-FrontPorchForum011222 1
4t-StFrancesXavierSchool121521.indd 111 4t-StFrancesXavierSchool121521.indd 4t-StFrancesXavierSchool121521.indd
1/4/22 1:11 PM
12/9/21 4:20 4:20PM PM 12/9/21 12/9/21 4:20 PM
Begin a career in 2022, don’t start a job! Spend your time doing work that makes a real difference. We need great people who want to help great people. Are you compassionate, kind, resilient, and adaptable?
Come be part of a business office cross-functional team within the Vermont State Colleges System. The Staff Accountant will perform general business office functions for the VSC system including, but not limited to, daily central cash management tasks, billing and student receivable processes, and journal entries.
Specialized Community Care is seeking unique individuals who will act as mentors, coaches, and To read more about the role and qualifications friends to provide support for adults in Addison, Rutland, please visit Franklin, and Chittenden and look under the Office of the Chancellor. Counties with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a fun and rewarding career spent “Off the Couch.”4t-VTStateColleges011222.indd 1 1/6/22 We provide extensive training, support, professional growth and advancement opportunities in a family work environment. We offer pay increases after a probationary period and further advancement and pay for selfpaced skill building. We want to hire your values and train the skills that will help make you successful. Let’s talk!
Please contact us at 802-388-6388 Web: Or email
A full time grant position funded until September 2023, 40 hours per week. The Coordinator will be responsible for the general administration and ongoing development of the treatment court programs. BA & 1 year prior experience in criminal justice or social services settings required. Located in White River Junction. Starting $24.20 per hour with excellent benefits. Open until filled. EOE Go to for further details and application. These positions are open until filled. The Vermont Judiciary is an E.O.E.
4t-VTStateCourts011222.indd 1
Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company! We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits! 11:05 AM
Retail Area Manager This person will be responsible for the development, operation, and overall results of our garden centers. The Area Manager will oversee all retail garden center functions and have financial accountability for performance within their area. They will oversee the garden center Managers and will coach them to build strong teams and to optimize results. Our ideal candidate will have 10+ yrs of retail leadership experience; a proven track record of success increasing retail performance across financial, customer satisfaction and talent development measures; proven experience as a strong director, coach and motivator of staff; and the ability to travel to stores as much as 80% of time as required.
Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!
RetailAreaManager_1522.indd 1 1 1/10/226t-GardenersSupplyRETAIL011222 4:08 PM
1/6/22 10:15 11:42 AM 1/7/22
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
<job title here> title here> Shared<job Living Providers
38 and maintain a therapeutic andand stable permanent residential housing 38words. words.Establish Establish and maintain a therapeutic stable permanent residential housing 39-year-old male Cerebral Palsy who loves bowling, bocce, & music is seeking SLP to helptime with environment for with adults with health/substance useuse challenges. This This is aanpart adults withmental mental health/substance challenges. is atime part personal care, meals, medications, & appointments. Aet steady routine that includes aloneaudic position, 27.5 per week. Lorunt laccuscimus porrum sequis ma adit tetime sit. preferred. position, 27.5hours hours per week. Lorunt laccuscimus et porrum sequis maaudic adit te sit.
Assistant Director of Information Systems
<job title title here> <job here>
The UVM Foundation is looking for a curious, self-motivated team member to join our team. The Assistant Director of Information Systems is responsible for providing first-line hardware and software technical assistance. Must have a genuine customer service orientation to help colleagues utilize technology to meet our business goals. The Assistant Director reports to the UVM Foundation Vice President and Chief Information Officer.
He’s great with kids and has supportive & involved parents. The ideal provider is patient and understanding, especially around communication needs and support for this significant transition. Tax-free stipend, respite, and training are provided. Contact Jeremy Moses
50 group instruction at the Baird School. The The 50words. words.Support Supportindividual individualand andsmall small group instruction at the Baird School. Shared Living Providers needed for a be delightful, middle-aged woman who loves crafts, games, and cats. She Teaching Interventionist will also responsible for class coverage when the Classroom Interventionist will also be responsible for class coverage when the Classroom communicates verbally and has great sense of humor. Employed with a local business for over 10 years, Teachers are The Baird School provides an alternative educational environment for for Teachers areabsent. absent. The Baird School provides an alternative educational environment she also enjoys supporting the Ronald McDonald House and accessing the community with the support of children ages 5-14 (grades K-8). Est antur recaborent occus alitatia del moloris ellorum. ages 5-14 (gradesisK-8). Estwith antur recaborent alitatia delismoloris ellorum. agency staff. Some assistance needed personal care andoccus 24/7 supervision necessary due to fall risk. Tax free-stipend, respite and training provided. Contact Heather Merwin
<job title title here> <job here>
60-year-old male who loves sports, going out to eat, and walks seeks SLP to provide 24/7 support due words. Garvin Intensive iscare seeking motivated staffstaff that are engaging passionate 47 words. Garvin Intensive Program is seeking motivated that are passionate to47 mobility needs, diabetes, andProgram personal needs. The ideal home for this andabout politeabout client embracing each and strengths, supporting their academic each student’sindividuality individuality and strengths, while supporting their academic would support hisstudent’s independence with a single floor layout, while with accessibility features. The client uses success therapeutic, and supportive Poriandam, mil a walker,inand owns a stair climb device which can be environment. installed if needed. Tax-free sed stipend, respite, and success ina afriendly, friendly, therapeutic, and supportive environment. Poriandam, sediliquam mil iliquam eume vellautFictorem qui duscitiorpor asas pelit ande eaqui volorep roruptiis ellauta evelib. training provided. Contact Ruari Clancy vellautFictorem qui duscitiorpor pelit ande eaqui volorep roruptiis ellauta evelib.
Full-time, Part-time, SubstitutePositions PositionsAvailable Available ••Flexible Schedules • Competitive Full-time, Part-time, andand Substitute Flexible Schedules • Competitive Compensation • Great Benefits,including including36 36 days Work Culture Compensation • Great Benefits, days of ofpaid paidtime timeoff off• Inclusive • Inclusive Work Culture
The UVM Foundation is committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and ages. We especially encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.•• 802-488-6946 802-488-6946
Applications should be directed as indicated below and must describe applicant’s demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion.
HowardCenter Centerisisproud proudtotobe bean an Equal Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and Howard Opportunity Employer. and service servicedelivery deliveryisisstrengthened strengthened thediversity diversityofofits itsworkforce. workforce.Minorities, Minorities, people people of of color and persons bybythe personswith withdisabilities disabilitiesare areencouraged encouragedtotoapply. apply. EOE/TTY.Visit Visit“About “About Us” Us” on our website EOE/TTY. website at to to review review Howard Howard Center’s Center’sEOE EOEpolicy. policy.
For a detailed description of the position and our application process, visit
7t-HowardCenter011222.indd 1
1/3/22 3:26 PM
Staff Attorney Vermont Legal Aid is seeking several full-time staff attorneys to work in various areas of its practice, including housing, disability, government benefits, discrimination, and disability law. We encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds, and welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. Applicants are encouraged to share in their cover letter how they can further our goals of social justice and individual rights. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination and harassment-free workplace. Responsibilities include interviewing clients, factual investigation and analysis, legal research when appropriate, preparation of legal documents, pleadings and motions, consultation and collaboration with other Project attorneys, representation at hearings and trials, and systemic reform work as appropriate. The position is remote until VLA changes its remote work policy; however, the position will eventually be based out of one of our offices located in Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland, St. Johnsbury, and Springfield. In-state travel in a personal vehicle required. Starting salary is $57,500+, with additional salary credit given for relevant prior work experience. Four weeks paid vacation and retirement, as well as excellent health benefits. Attorney applicants must be licensed to practice law in Vermont or eligible for admission by waiver. Application deadline is January 24th. Your application should include a cover letter & resume, bar status, writing sample, and at least three professional references with contact information, sent as a single PDF. Send your application by e-mail to with the subject line “Staff Attorney Jan 2022.” Please let us know how you heard about this position. See for additional information and job descriptions.
5v-VTLegalAidSTAFFattorney011222.indd 1
5v-UVMFoundation011222.indd 1
1/3/22 12:26 PM
Housing Project Manager Working Communities Challenge The Northwest Regional Planning Commission is hiring for a new position of Project Manager for the Northwest Working Communities Challenge (NWWCC). The Project Manager will help our team meet our goal of ensuring all people have access to diverse, affordable and efficient housing. The Project Manager is primarily responsible for ensuring the development and implementation of the work plan, inclusive community engagement and participation, ongoing facilitation and communication among partners, and handling logistical and administrative details for the initiative to function smoothly. This is a temporary, three-year position, 35-40 hours per week. The Project Manager will hold the responsibility of being a steward of the WCC mission and goals through a model of collaborative leadership. This includes being a positive, effective, and supportive leader with strong external communications skills and an inclusive management approach.
Perk up!
Browse 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers.
The ideal candidate has professional or volunteer experience and a base of knowledge in housing development and policy. A college degree in a related field is preferred but not required if lived experiences and/or professional experience provide the necessary qualifications for the position. More information is available at Please send resume and three references to Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director at, or 75 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT, 05478. This position will remain open until filled; interviews will begin January 26, 2022.
1/11/22 5v-NorthwestRegionalPlanningCommission011222.indd 11:27 AM 1
Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities
1/11/22 3v-CoffeCampaign.indd 10:01 AM 1
8/26/21 5:17 PM
79 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
IT BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR Green Mountain Power is seeking an experienced Business Administrator to join its IT department. The successful candidate will be responsible for planning, managing, monitoring, and analyzing the financial, contract, and regulatory activities of the IT department. The incumbent will work directly with IT leadership, project managers, financial analysts, and outside vendors.
Successful candidates will possess prior budgeting experience, knowledge of, or the ability to become proficient in, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), FERC accounting principles, as well as the ability to create informative financial reports. Previous experience negotiating and maintaining favorable vendor contracts and relationships is a plus.
Manage and supervise all aspects of service for individuals with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum disorder. Work within a clinical team to develop, plan, and implement case management, therapy, and community/residential assistance.
This role is perfect for individuals interested in technology and the passion and drive to work in a fast moving and changing environment. Excellent verbal and written communication skills along with the ability to present information simply and accurately is required. Applicants will require strong computer experience with Microsoft Office products, including Excel. Prior experience with Oracle Financials, Oracle BI, or other forecasting and budgeting tools is helpful. Proficiency with Tableau is a plus.
Responsibilities: • Provide clinical based supervision to Direct Support Professionals
GMP is a leading energy transformation services company working tirelessly to provide clean, cost-effective energy to our customers, while also delivering the latest in energy innovation to drive down costs and reduce carbon output. We are proud to be the first utility in the world to receive B Corp certification, meeting rigorous social, environmental, accountability, and transparency standards and committing to use business as a force for good. We serve 265,000 residential customers in Vermont and are looking for inspired contributors with the right attitude and grit to be part of a company embracing transformational change.
• Abide by Medicaid, state, and federal laws
This position can be based in either our Colchester or Rutland, Vermont locations.
• Organize and maintain strict documentation
• Participate in development and implementation of client's Individual Support Agreement • Use independent decision making and strong judgement skills during crisis situations
Apply online: 7t-GreenMountainPower011222.indd 1
Requirements: 1/7/22 3:53 PM
• Six years combination of skills, experience and/or education in human services • Qualified Developmental Disability Professional • Supervision of direct staff
Vermont Legal Aid seeks a director for its Long-Term Care Ombudsman Project and to serve as the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman (SLTCO).
• Ability to utilize electronic health records system • Proficient writing skills for clinical documentation
The SLTCO supervises a staff of six ombudsmen located in Legal Aid offices throughout the state. The SLTCO provides support to the local ombudsmen on a wide range of legal issues including guardianship, public health care programs, and the rights of persons receiving long-term care services in Vermont. Pursuant to its statutory mandate, the SLTCO will analyze, comment on, and monitor the development and implementation of federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and other government policies and actions that pertain to long-term care facilities and services and to the health, safety, welfare, and rights of residents, and to recommend any changes in such laws, regulations, and policies.
• Use of a personal vehicle with an acceptable driving record
We are committed to building a diverse, social justice-oriented staff, and encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds. We welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination and harassment-free workplace.
• Exempt position
Applicants should have at least five years of legal experience and demonstrated expertise in longterm care services and supports or other direct services for older persons or persons with disabilities; consumer-oriented public policy advocacy; leadership, supervision, and program management skills; and negotiation and problem-solving skills. The SLTCO must have the organizational skills, commitment to social justice, and temperament needed to balance direct supervision of the local ombudsmen with the demands of playing a leading role in advocating for systemic change in Vermont’s long-term care system before the legislature and administrative agencies. The position can be based in any of the 5 VLA offices and requires travel throughout the state. Excellent written and oral communication skills and the ability to work as part of a team are required. Starting salary is $70,000+ D.O.E. and excellent fringe benefits. Send cover letter, resume, references, and writing sample as a single PDF with the subject line “SLTCO Application 2022” to Eric Avildsen, Executive Director c/o, no later than January 28, 2022. Visit our website for additional information: 7t-VTLegalAidLTCOmbudsman011222.indd 1
Structure: • Full time position (37.5 hours/ week) • Annual salary starting at $42,673 • We offer a competitive salary commensurate to experience Full-time, Part-time, and Substitute Positions Available • Flexible Schedules • Competitive Compensation • Great Benefits, including 36 days of paid time off • Inclusive Work Culture 802-488-6946 Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery is strengthened by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. Visit “About Us” on our website at to review Howard Center’s EOE policy.
1/10/22 12:24 PM 9v-HowardCenterPROGRAMmgr011222.indd 1
1/6/22 4:17 PM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
ASSISTANT OR ASSOCIATE EDITOR PROSPECT PRESS seeks an Assistant or Associate Editor. We are a small company located in Burlington, Vermont, that publishes college textbooks for courses in Information Systems. The first responsibility of this position will be to solicit and process chapter reviews for new manuscripts. This team member will also be involved with acquisition of new titles, production of completed manuscripts, and contribute to marketing and sales initiatives. There is additional information about this job on our website, For a statement of our values and mission, see To learn about our editorial process, watch the video: The ideal candidate will have 3+ years of related experience, interests in higher education and Information Systems, excellent communication skills, a positive learning attitude, and be a team player. College degree required. Prior experience working with a CRM, updating a website, and employing project management software a plus. This is an in-person position. Salary is $40K-$70K per year. Title and salary are dependent on the extent of prior experience relevant to this position. To apply, send an excellent cover letter and a resume to
5v-ProspectPress011222.indd 1
Laboratory Assistants NMC is currently hiring for Laboratory Assistants to join our team! Up to $2,500 sign-on bonus! Full time opportunities, variables shifts – primarily evenings and afternoon swing shifts, including up to two weekends per month. On-thejob training provided. This is an excellent opportunity to join the NMC team as we work to provide exceptional healthcare to our community. Check out our careers site for details to apply: northwesternmedicalcenter. org/careers! Reach out to Sarah Sterling: with any questions about these opportunities.
1/6/22 3v-NorthwesternMedicalCenterNMC011222.indd 12:04 PM 1/5/22 1 3:26 PM
Pharmacy Technicians 1, 2, 3 & 4
You’ll be impressed by all that D-H has to offer including: • Work-life Balance Culture • Tuition Assistance: $3,000 per year
• Health, Life, Dental, and Short-Term and LongTerm Disability Insurance • Outstanding Retirement Plan
• Earned Time Off
• Flexible Spending Accounts
• 8,000 square foot, state-
• On-Campus Child Care
of-the-art Patient Safety Training Center
• Free Continuing Education Opportunities On-Site
Certified and Pharmacy Technician positions exist in: Inpatient, Specialty, Retail and Hematology/Oncology.
Interested in a Pharmacy Technician Career? Please come to one of our training program information sessions.
Patricia A. McDermott, Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
Contact Center Supervisor We’re searching for a supervisor to join our Contact Center team! As the supervisor you will support and supervise a team of Sales & Service Specialists, coaching the team to continuously improve performance. This position will also maintain a high degree of availability for questions to be able to assist in resolving operational or customer service issues. Our ideal candidate will have previous leadership experience within a customer contact center and have strong interpersonal & communication skills. The shift is Sunday - Thursday: Sunday opening; Monday thru Thursday closing. Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!
1/11/22 11:46 10:07 AM
SUCCESS CRACK OPEN YOUR FUTURE... with our mobile-friendly job board.
Job seekers can: • Browse hundreds of current, local positions from Vermont companies. • Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type. • Set up job alerts. • Apply for jobs directly through the site.
We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!
To apply, please visit
Dartmouth-Hitchcock is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company!
CCCsuperv7D_011222.indd 1 6t-GardenersSupplyCONTACTctrSUPER011222 1
The Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health Pharmacy System has Pharmacy Technician openings that will advance your Pharmacy Technician career with the support of an academic medical center. We are located in Lebanon, New Hampshire in the Upper Connecticut River Valley on the NH and VT border. Questions or concerns? Please reach out to:
1/7/22 4:32 PM 4t-JobsFiller_.indd 1
10/13/20 1:25 PM
81 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
VR DATA ANALYTICS MANAGER VocRehab is currently seeking a VR Data Analytics Manager to join a highly innovative team of professionals helping Vermonters with disabilities go to work and advance in their careers.
2h-VTDigger1222AND122921 1
12/17/21 3:39 PM
Student Services Coordinator
VocRehab has a strong commitment to being a data driven organization and using quality data to drive service provision. This is an ideal position for creative thinkers who are motivated by the social mission of VocRehab and are ready to contribute their data management, research, and analytical skills to a good cause. If you delight in solving complex puzzles to bring the big picture into view, you’ll find this a great job with a great team.
This full-time position acts as the first point of contact for the public and students at Yestermorrow. Responsibilities include answering phones and emails, managing enrollment, meals and lodging, tuition payments, and scholarship applications. A candidate with strong customer service skills and a friendly demeanor is prefered. Apply at
Reference Job Posting ID: 18610. Location: Waterbury. Status: Full Time. Application Deadline: 01/23/2022 5h-VocRehab011222.indd 1
2v-Yestermorrow092221.indd 1
1/11/22 12:41 PM
9/17/21 11:50 AM
At Marvell, we move, store, process and secure the world’s data with semiconductor solutions designed for our customers’ current needs and future ambitions.
Head Start is a federally-funded, national child and family development program which provides comprehensive services for pregnant women, children from birth to age five, and their families. Services for children promote school readiness, and include early education, health, nutrition, mental health, and services for children with special needs. Services for parents promote family engagement, and include parent leadership and social service supports.
In Burlington, we are currently recruiting several positions at varying levels of experience, including:
As a Head Start Preschool Teacher Associate, you will work in an outcomes-oriented, team environment, and assist the classroom team in planning and implementing a developmentally appropriate environment and experiences for preschool children. Motivated Head Start educators improve the trajectory of children’s lives, including children’s learning outcomes, living standards, and later academic and professional success. If you want to make a difference in the lives of young children and their families, consider joining the Head Start community.
LIFE AT MARVELL You’ll see your ideas put to work, share in the success of the company, and live a healthy life in a strong culture of corporate citizenship and industry leadership. Come help invent the future! Explore our career opportunities.
40 hours/week, approximately 42 weeks/year (summer layoff). Starting wage upon completion of 60-working day period: $19.63$24.22/hour, depending on qualifications. Health plan and excellent benefits. To apply, please visit and submit a cover letter, resume, and three work references. No phone calls, please. CVOEO is interested in candidates who can contribute to our diversity and excellence. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal
DECEMBER 22, 2021 9t-CVOEOheadstart011222 1 6t-Marvell011222.indd 1
REQUIREMENTS: Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field; knowledge and experience in developmentally appropriate early childhood practice, child outcome assessment, child behavior management, and curriculum planning, development and implementation; a commitment to social justice and to working with families with limited financial resources; effective verbal and written communication (bilingual abilities a plus!), documentation, and record-keeping skills; valid driver’s license, clean driving record and access to reliable transportation; physical ability to carry out required tasks, and a can-do, extramile attitude.
1/10/22 10:02 AM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
Communications Coordinator
Survey Technician This position is for a motivated individual with a strong work ethic who is a recent graduate of an accredited college-level land survey program and/or who has 1-5 years of survey experience. This is a great opportunity to advance one’s career in a fast-paced multi-disciplinary environment. Enjoy excellent compensation, benefits and the work setting of a small, well-known consulting engineering firm. Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest and resume summarizing their experience, qualifications and salary requirements to: Roger Dickinson, PE, Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Dr, Essex, VT 05452. Email: For full job description go to:
Communications Coordinator
Grounds for Health is an international non-profit focused on cervical cancer prevention Grounds for Health is an through screen and treat programs international non-profit in low income countries. We are ADMINISTRATIVE focused on cervical cancer currently working in Ethiopia and prevention through screen ASSISTANT Kenya. We seek someone with a and treat programs in low South Burlington, VT passion for executing marketing and income countries. We communications initiatives through are currently working in Law firm in South Burlington email print mailings, and across seeksand an administrative Ethiopia and Kenya. We social media. have strong assistant to fill aMust part-time seek someone with a passion writing skills and design instincts. for executing marketing and position (20-24 hours/week). Our is limited to Estate Thispractice is a part-time position based communications initiatives and Elder Law.VT. Primary dutiesinfo, in Williston For more through email and print include answering phones, visit, and across social greeting clients, providing openings. media. Must have strong general office support and writing skills and design preparing To apply,legal senddocuments. resume and cover instincts. This is a part-time letter to kathy@groundsforhealth. Looking for a positive, “canposition based in Williston org. do” person, who likes to VT. For more info, visit engage with clients and can multi-task. Confidentiality and job-openings. professionalism is required. Experience with MS Office products is also required. We offer competitive hourly pay, commensurate with experience.
To apply, send resume and cover letter to kathy@
We encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds, and welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace. Prior housing or advocacy experience desirable. Knowledge of database software a plus. Bachelor’s degree or four years’ professional work experience required, or a comparable mix of education and experience; some weekend work and in-state travel necessary. Starting salary is $42,500+, with starting salary determined by a candidate’s relevant skills and experience. Generous benefits package including four weeks paid vacation, retirement, and excellent health benefits.
12/13/215v-VTLegalAidTESTcoord011222.indd 3:04 PM 1
1/4/22 4:18 PM
The City of South Burlington is looking for energetic and talented people to join our team. Excellent total compensation package and an opportunity to have an impact on the local community.
CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) serves Addison, Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle counties through its Community Action work and also provides statewide programs focusing on education and advocacy. Our mission is to address the fundamental issues of economic, social, racial and environmental justice and work with people to achieve economic independence. CVOEO is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in all its practices. In so doing, we strive for a just society in which everyone belongs.
CVOEO seeks an experienced finance or accounting professional to serve as our Chief Financial Officer (CFO). The CFO will direct and oversee the financial activities of the organization, direct the preparation of financial reports, oversee audits, create financial forecasts, and monitor and evaluate the activities of all assigned financial and administrative functions. This role supervises a team of 4+ staff members and works closely with CVOEO’s leadership team and Program Directors.
We are seeking candidates with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Accounting, Finance, or a related field and 5 years of relevant experience, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. CPA designation preferred. Candidates should have strong supervisory and leadership skills with the ability to develop and communicate the mission, vision and goals of CVOEO; effective verbal and written communication skills (bilingual abilities a plus); excellent analytical and organizational skills; and a commitment to valuing diversity and contributing to an inclusive working and learning environment.
PUBLIC SERVICE SPECIALIST WELCOME CENTER/ ASSISTANT CITY CLERK RECREATION SPECIALIST STORMWATER SERVICES MAINTENANCE WORKER VICTIM LIAISON For further information and job descriptions please visit: To apply, please send cover letter, resume & references to Jaimie Held, Human Resource Manager at
We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our Agency. Please visit and submit a cover letter with salary requirements, resume and a statement explaining your commitment to diversity and inclusion.
The City of South Burlington is an equal opportunity employer. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), immigrants, women, and LGBTQ candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
Vermont Legal Aid seeks a full-time Housing Discrimination Testing Coordinator for its Housing Discrimination Law Project located in Burlington. Responsibilities include recruitment, training and coordination of volunteer investigators, investigation of discrimination in housing and land use planning, outreach and public education, preparation of reports, and work assisting project attorneys with cases.
Application deadline is January 24th. Your application should include a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and three references combined into one pdf, sent by e-mail to with “Testing Coordinator Application” in the subject line. Please let us know how you heard about this position. See for additional information and job description.
Please email cover letter and resume to
3v-Lamoureux&DickinsonConsultingEngineers090121.indd 8/31/21 3v-Jarrett&LuitjensEstate&ElderLaw011222.indd 11:271AM 1/10/22 1 3v-GroundsforHealth121521.indd 12:38 PM 1
1/3/22 4:24 PM 5v-CityofSouthBurlington011222.indd 1
1/7/22 3:27 PM
IS SEEKING A ParentIN Community Engagement Coordinator SASH Coordinator Would you help local seniors stay healthy and housed? Twin Pines Housing in White River Junction seeks a SASH Coordinator. SASH® (Support and Services at Home) is a nationally acclaimed program that supports the health and wellbeing of Medicare recipients -- typically adults 65 and older and people with disabilities. The SASH Coordinator builds trusting relationships with participants and helps them create their own health living plans to ensure they can live safely and happily in their own homes. Please visit: #sash-coordinator to find out more. Email your resume to:
3v-TwinPinesHousingTrust011222.indd 1
Are you a natural community collaborator? Do you want a career that makes a meaningful and long-lasting difference? If so, become a part of a great team! We are looking for an organized, people-oriented individual to help educate, inspire, and connect Burlington parents & caregivers with resources and skills to support healthy youth development.
83 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
DENTAL HYGIENIST Middlebury Pediatric Dentistry is looking for a dental hygienist to join our friendly, close-knit team. Help us take care of Vermont kids’ oral health! Full or Part time. Health insurance. Paid vacation. Please contact us and include your resume,
If you are a creative self-starter with a knack for relationship-building keep reading! This position will connect Burlington families to our ParentIN program by organizing and facilitating workshops and presentations and working with community partners. Demonstrated knowledge and experience with the following is required: communications, developmental assets, protective and risk factors for youth substance use, primary prevention and intervention. Additional skills and experience with the Burlington community as well as the following is preferred: public speaking, digital marketing, project management, grant reporting.We are willing to train the right candidate. This is a part-time 20 hour/week position with a flexible schedule and a positive, supportive work environment. Must be available for occasional evening and weekend hours for events. Opportunity to work some hours remotely. Please apply online at
100% Employee Owned 100% Employee-Owned
We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and celebrate the diversity of our consumers & staff. BPHC is a coalition of people and partner organizations that recognize that the damages of drugs, alcohol abuse, and tobacco affect us all and we work together to create a healthier environment in Burlington. Find us online:
1/7/22 5v-NFI011222.indd 10:11 AM 1
1/5/22 3:06 PM
<job titleIS here> FACILITIES HIRING!
38 words. Establish and maintain a therapeutic and stable permanent residential housing environment for adults with mental health/substance use challenges. This is a part time position, 27.5 hours per week. Lorunt laccuscimus et porrum sequis ma adit audic te sit. Maintain the overall cleanliness and sanitation of our facilities to ensure a safe and clean environment for <job Howardtitle Center here> employees, clients and guests. This position offers a sign on bonus. 50 words. Support individual and small group instruction at the Baird School. The
We are Growing! Our Williston Garden Center is thriving, and we need YOUR help to continue to spread the joy and rewards of gardening! Become an employee-owner and join our award-winning, nationally recognized company! All positions are full-time, year-round, with benefits and based out of our Williston Garden Center. General Manager – responsible for all operations at our Williston facility including overall management of retail, wholesale, delivery & installation operations, and personnel. Operations Supervisor – supervises inventory, yard operations, and facilities which encompasses efficient inventory flow and accuracy; facility/grounds are maintained; and service/operational logistics support success. Commercial Sales Lead – responsible for directing and supporting all commercial associates while providing exceptional customer service, advice, and education to commercial clients.
Yard Foreman – responsible for receiving nursery stock, loading retail and commercial customers, and providing excellent internal service to all departments.
Hard Goods Receiving Specialist – ensures efficient and accurate flow of inbound product from arrival of delivery truck through to the sales floor.
Teaching Interventionist will also be responsible for class coverage when the Classroom Teachers are absent. The Baird School provides an alternative educational environment for both(grades routine K-8). and complex maintenance services our facilities childrenProvide ages 5-14 Est antur recaborent support occus alitatia delatmoloris ellorum. (electrical, plumbing, carpentry, painting, HVAC, relocation). 47 words. Garvin IntensiveAND Program is DAYS seeking staff that are passionate about 36 PAID OFFmotivated IN FIRST YEAR embracing each student’s individuality and strengths, while supporting their academic *ON THE JOB TRAINING success in a friendly, therapeutic, and supportive environment. Poriandam, sed mil iliquam APPLY AT WWW.HOWARDCENTER.ORG eume vellautFictorem qui duscitiorpor as pelit ande eaqui volorep roruptiis ellauta evelib.
Inventory Control Specialist – responsible for the movement of goods into and out of store databases and for ensuring accurate and timely inventory on hand and value.
Full-time, Part-time, SubstitutePositions PositionsAvailable Available ••Flexible Schedules • Competitive Full-time, Part-time, andand Substitute Flexible Schedules • Competitive Compensation • Great Benefits, including 36 days of paid time off • Inclusive Work Culture Compensation • Great Benefits, including 36 days of paid time off • Inclusive Work Culture•• 802-488-6946 802-488-6946
Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!
HowardCenter Centerisisproud proudtotobe bean an Equal Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and Howard Opportunity Employer. and service servicedelivery deliveryisisstrengthened strengthened thediversity diversityofofits itsworkforce. workforce.Minorities, Minorities, people people of of color and persons bybythe personswith withdisabilities disabilitiesare areencouraged encouragedtotoapply. apply. EOE/TTY.Visit Visit“About “About Us” Us” on our website EOE/TTY. website at to to review review Howard Howard Center’s Center’sEOE EOEpolicy. policy. 7t-HowardCenterFACILITIES011222.indd 1
We are 100% employee-owned and a certified B Corporation. We offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits (including a tremendous discount on plants and product!).
1/10/22 10:17 AM 7DPrint_GardenCntrYR_Multiple.indd 1
8t-GardenersSupply011222 1
1/3/22 AM 1/3/22 11:40 2:57 PM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
Part-Time Opportunity
Sunrise Crew
Smoothies & Service
Sunset Crew
Production & Passion
FT Sunday-Thursday FT Tuesday-Saturday La Minita Coffee is looking for PT 2 Shifts + 1 Weekend Day PT 2 Shifts + 1 Weekend Day the right person to join our growing team as we expand our business. Initially the role will be 20 hours/week. This is a permanent position and 1 1/5/22 2:48 PM 1t-TomGirlSUNrise011222.indd 1 1/5/221t-TomGirlSUNSET011222.indd 2:54 PM likely to grow to full time in the future. This is an Admin position dealing with coffee logistics out of our Hinesburg office. Tentatively 10AM – 2PM with a little flexibility on start and finish timing. Send resumes to:
2v-LaMinitaCoffee011222.indd 1
1/3/22 12:33 PM
Position: VSHA currently has an Intake/Client Services Specialist position available in the Housing Program for highly organized individuals who find satisfaction in doing meaningful work, meeting challenges, providing excellent service, and working in a team environment. Intake/Client Services Specialists have a direct service and administrative role in facilitating access to affordable housing for Vermonters, assisting applicants with the application process, determining eligibility for rental assistance, and coordinating and performing administrative tasks as required to support clients in securing and maintaining housing.
Qualifications and Requirements: • Associate’s degree with related coursework and two years of administrative/technical work experience (additional, relevant experience will be considered, in lieu of an associate’s degree) • Excellent communication skills, with the ability to respectfully and effectively communicate complex information to a diverse population • Positive regard for people accessing housing assistance
• Strong customer service orientation • Proficiency in maintaining organized systems
Are you ready to play an integral role in delivering safe, clean, affordable, and reliable thermal energy services and award-winning energy efficiency programs to 53,000 Vermonters in Chittenden, Franklin, and Addison Counties? If so, then Vermont Gas Systems (VGS) has the jobs for you!
• Ability to manage multiple tasks
We are seeking a detail oriented, analytical, and personable individual to join our Safety & Compliance team as a Compliance & Training Specialist. This position is responsible for developing and maintaining a training program for operations employees that incorporates regulatory requirements, provides ongoing continuing education, supports employee progression to address succession planning, and ensures operational redundancy in key roles. Annual pay is based on experience and ranges between $52,686 to $79,024.
• Ability to exercise sound judgement and to maintain a calm demeanor in challenging situations.
We are also seeking a Commercial Integrated Energy Services Lead to join our team and play an important role in developing new ways to adapt to a rapidly changing energy efficiency landscape all while promoting efficiency and sustainable energy efforts for our commercial customers. The ideal candidate is committed to building excellent relationships with individuals and has experience in energy efficiency and engineering design analyses on commercial, industrial and multifamily residential buildings. Annual pay for this role is based on experience and ranges between $59,068 to $88,603.
• Understanding of and commitment to maintaining client confidentiality
Send cover letter and resumes to:
6ta-VSHA011222.indd 1
1/6/22 4:26 PM
• Participation in annual bonus program
• Comprehensive health insurance available immediately
• $10,000/calendar year towards educational assistance
• 401K retirement plan with an average employer match of 7%
• Paid parental leave
• Generous paid leave time
• And more!
New, local, scam-free jobs posted every day!
• Wellness incentives
Voted one of the best places to work in VT, VGS offers a dynamic, team-oriented atmosphere and an opportunity to perform meaningful, impactful work.
Please visit for more details and to apply. 9t-VTGas011222.indd 1
1/11/22 11:36 AM 4t-postings-cmyk.indd 1
10/1/19 2:28 PM
85 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
TIRED OF WORKING WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS? Come join the team at New World Tortilla and you won’t have to work any of them. Competitive wage, shift meals and paid time off. Email your resume to or drop it off at 696 Pine Street.
2h-NewWorldTortilla011222.indd 1
1/3/22 1:21 PM
Union Street Media is a web development and digital marketing company located in Burlington, VT. We have the following opening positions: TECHNICAL SUPPORT LEAD • SOFTWARE ARCHITECT • DIRECTOR OF CUSTOMER SUCCESS
Hayward Tyler, a leading manufacturer of industrial pumps and motors in Colchester, is seeking candidates to fill the following positions: APPLICATION ENGINEER 1:
For more information visit: To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to:
2h-UnionStreetMedia011222.indd 1
Multiple Positions Open!
1/7/22 11:46 AM
• Up to $20.00/hour to start* • Includes a pay enhancement of $2 per hour for all package handlers. • Includes a pay enhancement of $1 per hour from 10:00PM - 10:00AM. This location is participating in an Hours Worked Bonus Program. If parttime package handlers work 25+ hours within the week, they will earn a $100 bonus. If full-time package handlers work 40+ hours within the week, they will earn a $200 bonus. This location is also participating in a Weekend Bonus Program. If a package handler works on Saturday or Sunday, they receive a $50 bonus. If they work both days, they will receive a $100 bonus. This location is participating in a Sign On Hours Worked Bonus Program. If new part-time package handlers work a minimum of 100 hours in their first month, they will earn a $250 bonus. The same applies for the second month worked. This location is participating in a Referral Program. If a package handler refers someone to work as a package handler and that person stays 45 days, they will earn a $250 bonus. All enhancements, surges, and bonuses are valid through 1/15/22. The Referral Program is valid through 1/29/22. • Fast paced and physical warehouse work – why pay for a gym membership when you can get paid while working out?
SENIOR DESIGN ENGINEER: ELECTRO-MECHANICAL ENGINEER: QUALITY ASSURANCE ENGINEER: PROJECT MANAGER: IT ERP ADMINISTRATOR: We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you meet our requirements and are interested in an exciting opportunity, please forward your resume & salary requirements to: Hayward Tyler, Inc. – Attn: HR Department 480 Roosevelt Highway – PO Box 680, Colchester, VT 05446 Email: Equal Opportunity Employer
• Warehouse duties include loading, unloading, and sorting of packages of various sizes. • Part time employees work one shift a day; full time employees work two shifts. • Shift lengths vary based on package volume – generally part time employees work between 3 and 6 hours a day. Full time employees can expect to work between 6 and 10 hours.
10v-HaywardTyler011222.indd 1
1/7/22 4:26 PM
• Overtime paid after 40 hours per week. • Reasonable accommodations are available for qualified individuals with disabilities.
• Excellent benefits include medical, dental, and vision insurance, tuition reimbursement, and more.
Apply online:
635 Community Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403 3h-ContactInfo.indd 1 6t-FedExGround011221.indd 1
1/11/22 11:31 AM
6/29/21 2:49 PM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
Full Time Support our vibrant, statewide grassroots climate justice organizing! Learn more & apply by Jan. 31:
1t-350VT120121.indd 1
Champlain Valley Hops is looking for a General Manager to take operational responsibility for the day-to-day business while pushing forward the strategic vision for CVH as it continues to grow. The GM will make sure that all members of the CVH team have a common understanding of our mission, strategy and operational goals, can work safely, and have fun serving the craft beer community! Apply online:
11/30/212v-ChamplainValleyHops072121.indd 11:40 AM 1
1/11/22 11:01 AM
Money Care, LLC in Williston is looking for you if you are:
CONSCIENTIOUS ACCURATE TEAM-ORIENTED HONEST & ETHICAL SELF-MOTIVATED FRIENDLY & PATIENT If you possess these qualifications, call us today: 802-231-1219.
IT DIRECTOR Population Media Center (PMC) is looking for an experienced IT Director to professionalize our in-house management of information technology.
2v-MoneyCare011222.indd 1
Reporting to the VP of Finance, the Director of IT will lead and have oversight of all IT decisions for the organization. You will evaluate PMC’s current IT infrastructure and work closely with Executive Leadership to clearly outline a plan and define goals to ensure that our organization’s IT strategy is contributing to its mission. PMC’s current IT environment includes cloud-based identity management and file storage, Office 365 productivity suite including SharePoint intranet, accounting, customer relationship management, electronic payment, and research data warehouse systems. PMC works with a third-party IT management service provider.
Maintenance Technician Winooski Housing Authority, a progressive owner, manager & developer of affordable housing, seeks a highly motivated Maintenance Technician to join our team. Experience in general facilities maintenance a plus. Must possess a valid driver’s license. Competitive starting salary with a generous benefits package. Please email your resume to Debbie: Or mail (stop in for application) to: WHA, 83 Barlow Street Winooski, VT 05404 Attn: Debbie. Equal Opportunity Employer
1/5/22 2v-WinooskiHousingAuthority011222.indd 12:09 PM 1
1/3/22 2:30 PM
You: You have knowledge of and experience with current IT technology and best practices. You are experienced in creating and implementing IT policies and systems to meet current and emerging business objectives. You can read, analyze, and interpret complex documents and respond effectively to both routine and sensitive inquiries. You have demonstrated ability to define problems, collect data, establish facts, and draw valid conclusions. You can write reports, business correspondence, and procedure manuals.
Our team at the Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District helps residents and businesses in our 19 member towns reduce, reuse, recycle, and rethink their waste for a more sustainable future. Are you a creative, motivated, collaborative, and highly organized person who can lead outreach, marketing, and public relations for our team? If you enjoy a fast-paced, goal-oriented work environment and want to be part of a team who cares about effecting positive change, we want to hear from you!
Submit cover letter and resume to Review of applications and interviewing to begin immediately and continue until the position has been filled.
You will be working directly with residents, businesses, landlords and event planners to help them reduce waste; answering calls about what can go in a recycling or compost bin; producing fresh content for our website, social media, fliers, and ads; working to promote our award-winning Additional Recyclables Collection Center (and more); and you will serve as a subject matter expert and communicator of CVSWMD’s image.
Population Media Center (PMC) is looking for a Fundraising and Marketing Database manager to maximize fundraising revenue, communication impact, and strategic outreach. Partnering with the VP of Development and the Director of Marketing the Database Manager oversees all functions of PMC’s CRM (Salesforce) and marketing database and automation software (Hubspot) to support effective acquisition and cultivation of prospects and current donors. View the full job description here. Applicants must be authorized to work in the United States. Submit cover letter and resume to Review of applications and interviewing to begin immediately and continue until the position has been filled.
This is a full-time position based in our Montpelier Office, with some remote work offered. Off-site, evening and weekend work, and travel throughout our district is occasionally required.
You: You have a passion for managing data, analyzing data to optimize customer experiences, and building a powerful sales and marketing pipeline. You are proactive and self-directed, with demonstrated ability to form productive relationships across the PMC organization. You are highly organized and able to multi-task in response to evolving work requirements. You enhance the impact of multiple internal teams — and our organization’s bottom line — by collecting and digging into various data streams.
We offer an outstanding benefit package that includes generous leave, 100% medical/dental/vision/disability/life insurance, 150% 401k match, a pet-friendly workplace, and more that provide our staff an excellent work/life balance.
Why Work for Us: Our tight-knit team is energized by our mission and empowered with autonomy and creativity in their day-to-day work. PMC offers its employees competitive pay and excellent benefits including paid time off, health and dental insurance, and a generous 401(K) contribution.
Compensation is at Grade 6 on CVSWMD’s pay scale, or $18.59-$24.28 per hour, depending on experience. For full details about this position and how to apply, please visit Position will remain open until filled.
Visit for full details. 10v-PopulationMedia011222.indd 1
1/10/22 6:13 PM 6t-CVSWMDprOUTREACH101321.indd 1
10/11/21 1:07 PM
87 JANUARY 12-19, 2022
BURLINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY (BHA) is seeking candidates to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of extremely low-income families and individuals.
WASTEWATER DESIGNER Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers is seeking an experienced On-Site Wastewater Disposal System Designer. We are an established Vermont-based company offering high-quality civil engineering, land-surveying and permitting services for private development and public infrastructure projects. The successful candidate will work with our professional staff to prepare and review on-site wastewater disposal system designs. He/she will be motivated, able to work independently, and have a strong work ethic. Required experience includes soil identification, site evaluation, on-site water supply and wastewater disposal system design, state and municipal permitting, and CAD drafting/design. The successful candidate will have excellent verbal and written communication skills together with being a licensed Class 1 or Class B Designer, as outlined in the Vermont Environmental Protection Rules. Experience in developing and retaining new clients a plus. This is a great opportunity to advance one’s career in a fast-paced multi-disciplinary environment. Excellent compensation and benefits.
WETLAND SCIENTIST Lamoureux & Dickinson Consulting Engineers is seeking an experienced Wetland/Environmental Scientist. We are an established Vermont-based company offering high-quality civil engineering, land-surveying and permitting services for private development and public infrastructure projects. The successful candidate will work with our professional staff to perform wetland delineations and functional analyses, and to prepare applications for state and federal wetland permits. A strong background in the environmental and soil sciences, GPS and GIS mapping, and CAD drafting/design are needed for this position. The successful candidate will be motivated, able to work independently, and have a strong work ethic. Training and experience in identifying rare, threatened and endangered species and their habitat, together with experience in developing and retaining new clients a plus. This is a great opportunity to advance one’s career in a fast-paced multi-disciplinary environment. Excellent compensation and benefits.
Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest and resume summarizing their experience and qualifications to: Roger Dickinson, PE, Lamoureux & Dickinson 14 Morse Dr, Essex, VT 05452 or by email to:
HCV INTAKE SPECIALIST is responsible for waitlist management of federally subsidized rental assistance programs. This position works directly with program applicants and maintains applications, records and computer entries for all programs and provides administrative support to rental assistance department. LEASING COORDINATOR is responsible for the waitlist selection, screening for program eligibility, gathering information for Property Managers to screen for tenant suitability, processing lease ups, processing tenant move out files, monitoring vacancies and providing back up assistance to the Property Managers. MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN performs general maintenance work in BHA owned and managed properties, including building exteriors, common areas, apartments, building systems, fixtures, and grounds. Our Maintenance Techs are required to participate in the on-call rotation, which covers night and weekend emergencies. RENTAL ASSISTANCE SPECIALIST assists in the operation of all rental programs, including tenant and project-based voucher and grant funded rental assistance programs. This position works with applicants, participants, and landlords to ensure that the required paperwork and annual certifications are processed timely. STAFF ACCOUNTANT RENTAL ASSISTANCE provides financial administration, accounting, and reporting for the various Rental Assistance and HUD Grant programs. This position is responsible for the financial administration of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Mainstream programs including the processing of monthly Housing Assistance and Utility Allowance payments by check or ACH; monthly VMS submissions to HUD; annual processing of 1099 forms for landlords; responding to periodic inquiries from landlords, Rental Assistance staff, or HUD. SITE BASED SPECIALIST works within our Housing Retention and Services department to support those who have mental health and substance abuse challenges and/or who have moved from homelessness to Decker Towers, South Square, and Champlain Apartments. The Site Based Specialist will work closely with the Property Manager and other site-based staff to identify challenging behaviors and respond with appropriate direct service and coordination of community services with a goal of eviction prevention and facilitating a healthy tenancy. To learn more about BHA and these career opportunities, please visit our website: BHA offers a competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience, and an excellent benefit package. If you are interested in these career opportunities, please send a cover letter and resume to: HUMAN RESOURCES, BURLINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY 65 MAIN STREET, BURLINGTON, VT 05401 BHA is an Equal Opportunity Employer 10v-BurlingtonHousingAuthority011222.indd 1
New, local, scam-free jobs posted every day! 1x5new,local,scamfree.indd 1
1/10/22 1:53 PM 5/28/18 3:10 PM
JANUARY 12-19, 2022
Chief Financial Officer General Assembly
Clara Martin Center is a non-profit community mental health center located in Central Vermont. We provide a variety of high quality behavioral health services to the residents of Orange County and surrounding towns, with offices located in Randolph, Bradford, Chelsea and Wilder.
The Clara Martin Center is looking for a qualified Chief Financial Officer who possesses the skills and expertise to meet the needs of our not for profit in rapidly changing times. This person must be able to gain knowledge of the system and apply strategies to assist us in operating our service system. This position will be responsible for public and private contract negotiations with state agencies and other vendors, budget preparation and analysis, cash flow management, audit coordination, contract compliance and oversight, strategic analysis, supervision of staff, and all financial administration functions of the agency. This person must be able to manage a group of dedicated staff in a changing environment and work with the overall Agency leadership in the organization. Candidates must have a minimum of a BA in Business, Management, Finance or related field; prior work experience in health care preferred but not required.
*SENIOR FISCAL ANALYST *DOORKEEPER The Legislative support offices are currently hiring. The nonpartisan offices are an interesting, challenging, and exciting place to work.
Individuals who are interested in joining a dynamic team of dedicated leaders are encouraged to apply. Flexibility, dependability, strong communication, organizational skills, and the ability to be a team player are essential. We offer a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package.
You will be part of a highly professional and collegial team that is proud of, and enthusiastic about, the mission of the state legislature.
Apply directly to our ad on Indeed, or by sending your resume and cover letter to: Human Resources - Clara Martin Center Box G Randolph, VT 05060 E.O.E. 7t-ClaraMartin011222.indd 1
To apply, please go to 'Career Opportunities' at
Professional Manufacturing & Business Growth Advisor Join our innovative and dynamic team! You will have the opportunity to work directly with manufacturers of all sizes to understand their challenges including workforce development, operational efficiency, and business growth and provide assistance and resources helping them improve, innovate, and increase their competitiveness. Please visit and scroll to “Current Staff Openings: Full Time” to view the complete position description and apply. Applicants are asked to upload a cover letter and resume; applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
1/10/22 12:00 PM 3v-VTGeneralAssembly011222.indd 1
1/6/223v-VMEC011222.indd 5:12 PM 1
1/6/22 11:53 AM
When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package. DEPUT Y COMMISSIONER – BURLINGTON
We are seeking a passionate leader who is highly experienced in the field and understands state government’s role in protecting and promoting health. Work is in a collaborative environment across priority populations and includes working closely with other state departments. This position will work with the Agency of Human Services leadership in cross-departmental strategic initiatives to better deploy state resources in serving the needs of Vermonters with a focus on population health. For more information, contact Sarah Gregorek at Department: Health. Status: Full Time. Location: Burlington. Job Id #20861. Application Deadline: January 23, 2022.
CENTRAL HEAT PLANT OPERATOR – MONTPELIER Buildings and General Services at the State of VT has an exciting opportunity as a Central Heat Plant Operator. You will be part of a small group of individuals that would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the central heat plant providing steam to the Montpelier Complex. Our biomass plant is capable to burn wood chips and oil, so a mechanical background is preferred. This is a full-time position. For more information, contact Jonathan Rutledge at Department: Buildings and General Services. Location: Montpelier. Status; FullTime. J ob Id #26569. Application Deadline:January16, 2022.
Psychiatric Case Work at a professional level involving the provisions of case work services as part of a clinical treatment team at the DMH Treatment Facilities. Significant collaboration with staff of other disciplines is involved in the formulation and implementation of a total treatment plan for clients, both in treatment facilities and after discharge. Duties are performed under the general direction of the Program Manager. For more information, contact Troy Parah at Department: Mental Health. Location: Middlesex. Status: Full Time. Job Id #21822. Application Deadline: January 19, 2022.
Seeking a highly qualified individual, with experience in English language (EL) instruction and/or EL program and/or assessment management, to be the English Language Learner/Title III Director. Position plays a key role on the Consolidated Federal Programs team, managing two federal grant programs related to instruction of EL students, including providing technical assistance to school districts, coordinating administration of the EL assessment program, and data collection and reporting. For more information, contact Anne Bordonaro at Department: Agency of Education. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job Id #26261. Application Deadline: January 17, 2022.
Learn more at: 10h-VTDeptHumanResources011222 1
Seeking Custodians for first, second, and third shift positions, 4:00am-12:30pm, 6:00am-2:30pm, 12pm to 8:30pm, M-F. Responsible for custodial duties within offices such as sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, and dusting. May wash walls, windows and dust or polishes furniture in addition to cleaning restrooms and replenishing supplies. May perform grounds keeping or snow removal. Criminal background check required. For more information, contact Jonathan Rutledge at Department: Buildings and General Services. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job Id #25141. Application Deadline: January 16, 2022. An exciting opportunity to ensure HUD funded affordable housing and community development projects throughout Vermont meet HUD’s regulations for the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This regulatory review position ensures that projects are safe for both occupants and the surrounding environment. You will work on a professional and energetic team making a big difference in Vermont. Work also includes managing relationships with other state and federal partners and conducting trainings. For more information, contact Ann Karlene Kroll at Department: Commerce & Community Development. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job Id #26808. Application Deadline: January 16, 2022.
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer 1/7/22 4:35 PM
fun stuff HARRY BLISS
“Can I have her now? Hey! My turn.” JEN SORENSEN
fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE
Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at or call us at 802-864-5684.
90SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022 1
7/14/20 3:32 PM
Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.
Capricorn biologist Robin Wall Kimmerer wrote a meditative book about moss. It was her response to questions she had been wondering about: Why has this inconspicuous plant persevered for 350 million years? While so many other species have gone extinct, why has moss had staying power through all the Earth’s climate changes and upheavals? And what lessons does its success have for us? Here are Kimmerer’s conclusions: Moss teaches us the value “of being small, of giving more than you take, of working with natural law, sticking together.” In accordance with astrological omens in 2022, Capricorn, I believe moss should be your role model. (Kimmerer’s book is Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses.)
ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): The coming months
will be an excellent time for you to explore the art of Soulful Bragging. Do you deserve any of the titles below? If so, feel free to use them liberally throughout 2022. 1. Practical Idealist With Flexible Strategies. 2. Genius of Interesting Intimacy. 3. Jaunty Healer With Boisterous Knowledge of the Soul’s Ways. 4. Freewheeling Joker Who Makes People Laugh for Righteous
and Healing Reasons. 5. Skillful Struggler. 6. Empathy Master With a Specialty in Creative Compassion. 7. Playful Reservoir of Smart Eros. 8. Purveyor of Feisty Wisdom and Cute Boldness. 9. Crafty Joy-Summoner.
in 2022, Cancerian. I expect you’ll be full of deep feelings, eager for new experiences and infused with a lust for life — with less anxiety and fewer irreconcilable contradictions than ever before.
TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): Most people who use tobacco products are at risk of having shorter life spans than they might have otherwise had. Smoking is detrimental to health. Those who smoke in their twenties and thirties may cut 10 years off their longevity. But here’s some good news: If you kick your tobacco habit before age 40, you will regain most of those 10 years. I bring this to your attention because I’d like it to serve as a motivational tale for you in 2022. According to my analysis of the astrological omens, you will have more power than ever before to escape any harmful addictions and compulsions you have — and begin reclaiming your full vitality.
LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): In 1838, 29-year-old naturalist Charles Darwin was early in his career. He had not developed his theory of evolution and was not yet a superstar of science. He began ruminating about the possibility of proposing marriage to his cousin Emma Wedgwood. If married, he wrote: “constant companion and a friend in old age; the charms of music and female chit-chat — good things for one’s health.” If not married: “no children; no one to care for one in old age; less money for books, loss of time, and a duty to work for money.” I bring this to your attention, Leo, because I suspect that in 2022, you may be tempted and inspired to deeply interweave your fate with the fates of interesting characters. A spouse or partner or collaborator? Could be. Maybe a beloved animal or spirit guide? Have fun making your list of pros and cons!
GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): In May 1974, the
Grateful Dead introduced a new wrinkle to their live musical performances. Playing at the Cow Palace in San Francisco, they amplified their music through a “Wall of Sound”: 604 speakers piled high, together channeling 26,000 watts of energy. Had any band ever treated their fans to a louder volume and crisper tones? I’d like to make this breakthrough event one of your top metaphors for 2022. According to my analysis, it will be a great year for you to boost your signal. I invite you to distribute your message with maximum confidence and clarity. Show the world who you are with all the buoyant flair you can rouse.
CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): Philosopher Emil Cioran said he despised wise philosophers. Why? Because they practice prudent equanimity, which he regarded as empty and sterile. In Cioran’s view, these deep thinkers avoid strong feelings so they can live in cool safety, free from life’s nerve-racking paradoxes. I agree with him that such a state is undesirable. However, Cioran contrasted it with the lives of the normal people he admired, who are “full of irreconcilable contradictions,” and who “suffer from limitless anxiety.” My question for Cioran: Are there no other options between those two extremes? And my answer: Of course there are! And you can be proof of that
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): What were your favorite toys when you were a child? Now would be a good time to retrieve fond memories of them, and even acquire modern versions so you can revive the joy they gave you. In my astrological analysis, you’ll be wise to invite your inner child to play a bigger role in your life as you engage in a wide range of playtime activities. So yes, consider the possibility of buying yourself crayons, Legos, dolls and puppets, video games, squirt guns, roller skates, yo-yos, jump ropes, and board games. And don’t neglect the pleasures of blanket forts, cardboard boxes, mud pies and plain old sticks. LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): In his novel The Story of a Marriage, Andrew Sean Greer asks, “Does love always form, like a pearl, around the hardened bits of life?” My answer would be, “No, not always, but when it does, it’s often extra sweet and enduring.” One of my wishes and predictions for you in 2022, Libra, is that love will form around your hardened bits. For best results, be open to the possibility that difficulty can blossom into grace. Look for opportunities that are seeded by strenuous work.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “It is worth living long enough to outlast whatever sense of grievance you may acquire.” Author Marilynne Robinson wrote that, and I recommend her thought as one of your uplifting meditations in 2022. According to my reading of the astrological omens, the coming months will be a favorable time to dismantle and dissolve as many old grievances as you can. This could and should be the year that you liberate yourself from psychic grunge — for the sake of your own mental, physical and spiritual health, as much as for the sake of others’. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Some
critics view author Diana Wynne Jones as a genius in her chosen field: fantasy novels for children and young adults. She had a generous spirit, asserting, “I have this very strong feeling that everybody is probably a genius at something; it’s just a question of finding this.” If you are still unsure what your unique genius consists of, Sagittarius, I believe 2022 will show you in detailed glory. And if you do already know, the coming months will be a time when you dramatically deepen your ability to access and express your genius.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Author Joyce Carol Oates has been very successful and has won several major awards. But she describes her job as arduous and time-consuming. “I work very slowly,” she testifies. “It’s like building a ladder, where you’re building your own ladder rung by rung, and you’re climbing the ladder. It’s not the best way to build a ladder, but I don’t know any other way.” I wouldn’t always recommend her approach for you, Aquarius, but I will in 2022. As long as you’re willing to accept gradual, incremental progress, you’ll get a lot of fine work done.
PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): I’ve selected a
quote for you to use as one of your guiding principles in 2022. I urge you to undertake a specific action in the next 24 hours that will prove you mean to take it seriously. Here’s the wisdom articulated by Piscean rabbi and philosopher Marc-Alain Ouaknin: “People must break with the illusion that their lives have already been written and their paths already determined.” It’s reinvention time, dear Pisces.
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COOL GUY I’m a nice guy. Lonely last number of years. Looking for some lovin’. Goodguy69, 75, seeking: W, TW, Cp, l WARM, SEXY, PLAYFUL I am retired from the military, looking for that fun person to make my life happy. thumper63, 58, seeking: W, Cp, Gp, l
Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... LIVE, LAUGH, LOVE I’m looking forward to meeting someone who is as excited as I am about meaningful connection. I’m a genuine, outgoing professional. Laugh easily. Into keeping fit. I value kindness and respect for others. I am triple vaxxed. Brown_Eyed_Woman, 68, seeking: M, l ATTRACTIVE BUT CAN’T COOK WELL A smart, happy, attractive, fit, youngerlooking 49-y/o divorced woman with a great, laid-back personality/sense of humor who can’t cook well (but can bake and make a mean salad). Ready to find a guy to ride bikes, walk/hike, go for car rides/day trips, vacations, explore nature, lunch/dinners/coffee, go to yard sales/flea markets and car shows. Love dogs. IslandGirl72, 49, seeking: M HOPE Charismatic female, well traveled, educated, professional. Intuitive, creative, kind, thoughtful. Recently moved to Vermont to seek solace, peace, start a small business. I seek simplicity in my life. My philosophy: In a world where you can be anything, simply be kind! I love the mountains, streams, lakes, walking in the woods, swimming. I enjoy cooking, music, movies at home. Hopeful22, 61, seeking: M, l SWEET AND SASSY I am a down-to-earth woman. I am very independent and creative. I enjoy spending time with my grandsons. Dreana58, 58, seeking: M
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
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W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups
UNIQUE, WITTY AND AMUSING Arouse my mind, and my body will follow. Make me laugh, and my heart will follow. Make me wonder, and my soul will follow. I am Caucasian BBW. I retired early, and I am looking for someone to enjoy the golden years with. I love home décor and am a bit of a neat freak. SoVermonter, 58, seeking: M, W, l HUGS ARE NICE I do the yogas and the breathing. I walk on my feet out of buildings into the woods. I am not fond of technology. I like messy art, dancing, singing, making music of any imaginable kind. Hugs are nice. I like to help things grow. I like beauty. Science is fun. Learning is necessary. Love is the highest form of truth/magic. LadyVermont, 44, seeking: M, W, Q, NC, l SEEKING INTELLIGENT LIFE ON EARTH Critical, curious, humorous, rational thinker with a poetic, creative, inventive nature seeks W who likes to engage in deep discussions. Having a healthy, fit body and mind is crucial, as well as a love of nature, healthy food and space. Not into casual flings, one-nighters, couples or those “looking for fun.” no2wifi, 56, seeking: W, l JUST TESTING THE WATERS How do you talk about yourself? I’m kind, sweet and like to have fun but am not looking for hookups. Would love to find that missing piece to the puzzle to share all life has to offer: strolling hand in hand through town or planning our next travel adventure. Bonus points for good kissers. Nygirl620, 53, seeking: M, l JUST LOOKING FOR FUN! Fun for me is having companions to share good times. Being outdoors is essential, and I enjoy sharing my addiction to golf and skiing. My quiet side demands time too, especially for reading and cooking. People who turn me on know themselves and are honest. So good conversation, personal warmth and strong values go far with me. Welloverpar, 66, seeking: M, l KINDNESS, CREATIVITY AND FUN I am an independent, vibrant person. I work hard, and I play hard. I am also nurturing, and I come with excellent references. I love the outdoors, and I care about humanity, my friends and family. I live the good life in Burlington and beyond and could use someone to share it all with! Bevviejo, 60, seeking: M, l LOTS OF ENERGY! I’m a high-energy, highly educated person in Vermont for winter skiing and fun. I love live music and get out as much as I can to hear good acts. I am interested in making new friends but would be open to a relationship, even an LTR, if the right connections develop. Winter_friend, 55, seeking: M, l THE DOG TEAM ALREADY BURNED to the ground so we’ll never meet there but Fire and Ice would be nice. Remember getting a grab bag from the Dog Team when we were kids? Pink ones for girls and blue for the boys. The only prize I remember were the erasers with googly eyes. Bridgit, 61, seeking: M, l
WARM BBW FOR CUDDLY T-BEAR Warm BBW seeks cuddly teddy bear (or two) who’s silly, soulful, spiritual and sensual, as I am. Enjoy being near water, eating out or cooking together, drives to nowhere, plays, movies, live music. I’m polyamorous and hope you are, too; I believe it’s possible to have more than one loving relationship at once. Also please be intelligent, reflective and fun! Myzeffy, 63, seeking: M, l DISCREET FUN AND FRIEND WITH BENEFITS I am in my early 40s, married to a wonderful man who doesn’t know I enjoy the company of a woman occasionally. Looking to find another female who would like to be a friend with benefits. Discretion is a must. If we decide, then maybe meet for dinner/drinks and get a room for the night. Send me a message. DiscreetFun, 42, seeking: W COZY, LITERATE HOMEBODY SEEKS CO-CHEF Voracious reader and creative thinker seeks playmate. If you’re someone who thinks deeply, values friendships, respects the world beyond humankind, chooses science over suspicion, and tempers your thinking with compassion and humility, let’s be in touch. I’m a SF, 55, healthy, active and COVID careful. Sanguinely, 54, seeking: M SEEKING ELUSIVE CHEMISTRY Genuine nice gal — low maintenance, avoider of negative energy. Aim for peaceful coexistence in a beautiful setting. Love nature: big view, mountains, lake and sky; birds and animals; swimming in streams, lakes and waterfalls. Seek similar male who is tall, educated, kind and upbeat. Emotionally stable. Well read. Bonus points if you like cooking garden-to-table, and yard projects. swimwstars, 65, seeking: M, l
MEN seeking... HOPE YOUR HANDS ARE WARM! I am looking for someone to enjoy some straightforward, no-mask time with. I’m vaxxed to the maxx, GGG and looking for regular contact. I’m science-minded, well read, cook very well and can carry on a conversation on a variety of topics. I am currently working from home and domesticating a dog rescue from North Carolina. LoneScottishBoy, 56, seeking: W, l SINGLE, OPEN-MINDED, WILLING, ABLE 37, single M seeking W to meet offline casually. Open for hookups, arrangements, FWB, possible relationship, or forever if chemistry is right. In Hartford area. Open to anything, only request: females, couples, no age pref, limited transportation. Ladies’ choice on how we proceed. Cautious but open to anything. I look forward to meeting a nice woman! Contact me for more direct communication methods. LB420, 37, seeking: W, l COUNTRY, OLD AND HORNY I am looking for a friend with benefits. A partner in naked fun! Ernie, 58, seeking: M
ACTIVE, FUNNY, EXERCISE, PHOTOGRAPHY Looking for a companion for fitness and cuddling. Love to laugh and stay positive. Ultimately a long-term relationship; dating at first. Someone who likes to mountain bike and gravel bike. Nordic ski. I also run. I’m a photographer and give a great massage! MTB29, 66, seeking: W, l NEED THE COMFORT OF ANOTHER I am 58, don’t want to go it alone anymore. A perfect guy would like to walk outside and love to spend nonsexual times, at first. Do not ask “What are you into?” I love life and exploring. Montréal — when possible. It’s so much better with a friend. Love to meet a masculine-sensitive man my age, 58, or older. Stevearino, 58, seeking: M, l RURAL, INTELLIGENT AND HEALTHY I’m a nice, physically active person. I’m looking for the same in a man for an activity partner and FWB. In a relationship with GF. We’re looking to add a man to play with us. Haven’t played with a man for years. Interested in doing so before adding GF. I would like to talk to you. Enjoy your days. Olderactive0523, 69, seeking: M OUTDOORSY WOODSMAN I am a fun-loving guy who loves anything to do with the outdoors, especially hunting and fishing. I love spending time with my teenage boys. I’m very caring and compassionate. I love to laugh and love sarcasm. I am not looking for anything super serious at the moment, just someone to hang out with now and then. Dadbod, 44, seeking: W SOCIAL INTROVERT LOOKING FOR COMPANY I’m a longtime Vermont resident from a farming family who actually prefers the city and town life. I mostly relax and pass time playing strategy games, watching MST3K and listening to history podcasts. When getting out, I like going to coffee/ tea shops, trying new foods, playing billiards and aimless strolls through town. Plenty more to me. Message and see. Lefort, 31, seeking: W, l CAN I MAKE YOU LAUGH? I’m tall, well put together, and I’ve got a great job that I love. I’ve been career-oriented my entire adult life, and now that I’ve come to a comfortable place in my career, ideally I’m looking for someone to talk to, then hang out with, then see where things go. Blueeyedandbearded, 35, seeking: W, l FUNNY, SUBMISSIVE, VERSATILE BI GUY Looking to meet “straight“ and bi men, as well as bi couples and MW couples, for fun and sex. I’m a fun person who likes to enjoy life and am looking for new adventures. Let’s help each other expand and explore our sexual boundaries. I’m respectful and discreet, so let’s meet! Binorth, 64, seeking: M, TW, Cp, Gp NEVER THOUGHT I’D BE HERE I’m as normal as I am abnormal. Just looking around. No preference. Don’t be shy. Notsurewhattoputhere, 22, seeking: W Y KNOT I’m looking for some NSA, discreet fun. MD515, 54, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l
READY TO SHARE LIFE AGAIN Things are going well for me! Career is on track. Family is healthy. I’m financially secure. And I have been vaccinated. (That is important these days, LOL.) What I’m missing in my life is a special friend/partner/ LTR. Someone to rejoice with our individual/together life events. And to help soften the sting when life’s little failures arises. I’m ready to share life. VTMtnAdventures, 58, seeking: W, l STING IS MY BIGGEST FAN OK, I don’t actually know Sting. Just moved up to Vermont a minute ago and would love to meet some fun folks. I’m not looking for anything serious. That part of my life is accounted for. I’m still fond of female company in all its other forms, though. PlentyOfToast, 39, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l
TRANS WOMEN seeking... T GIRL LIVE IN VT I’m a feminine trans woman with a good sense of humor. I want a special someone. I like dinner and a movie or a baseball game, ride the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. I love my record collection and taking care of my house. I’m looking for some companionship and love, building a good relationship. Luv2BaGurl, 62, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l DEPTH AND DESIRE Finding both is not easy. Active TG seeks motivated, aroused, real playmate for trysts of all sorts. Inside, outside, day, night. If you are 50ish to 60ish, very fit and hot to trot, get in touch. 2PartsofDesire, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l
TRANS MEN seeking... FRIENDLY VERMONTER, MEETING NEW PEOPLE I’m looking to meet folks in the Burlington area. I’m 28 and work at a local college. I like doing things outdoors but also like to do lowkey things, too, like hang out with a dog or watch a movie. I identify as trans masculine. I’m getting into cooking and would like to make some good meals with someone. llido, 28, seeking: W, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l
COUPLES seeking... FUN 40S M/30S F COUPLE Really want to surprise my partner and make our fun fantasy a reality. Fun and mostly fit couple looking to explore some fun times with a third person or possible couple. He’s straight, but I’m a switch hitter. Let’s grab some drinks or burn one and see what happens. Clean, hygienic and good sense of humor a must. GoodTimes4All, 43, seeking: W SPICING UP OUR LIVES Married for two wonderful years and known each other for 12. We are honest people. We are looking for another couple to go have drinks with, go on an adventure with. We are very discreet with our lives and enjoy privacy. Good hygiene is a must, and no drugs, please, If you’re out there, we would love to meet you. kjgray8784, 37, seeking: W, Cp, l LOOKING FOR FUN We are looking for a man to have sex with my wife as I watch or join in. I want no interaction with the man. Just fun. No STDs, but bareback. Can be more than one man with my wife. tracker17, 66, seeking: M, l
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
AMANDA FROM DC (ON MATCH) Your profile is wow! I’m not a member of that site, or I’d be messaging you directly. But I like all six of the three things you look for (as well as you making your own rules). Nice guy here, active and fun and single. Would really like to chat and see if there’s chemistry. I hope you see this. When: Friday, January 7, 2022. Where: You: Woman. Me: Man. #915486 WELCOME TO MOE’S We glanced at each other when your friend pulled into the parking space directly across from where I was sitting, eating my burrito. You were in the passenger seat. I was wearing a black beanie hat with a navy blue jacket. As I was leaving, you were sitting with your friend, and we caught each other’s eyes again. Let’s meet up! When: Friday, December 31, 2021. Where: Moe’s in Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915485 DOMINOS ON 12/30/21 6:30 p.m. You: tall, dark and handsome. Me: tiny, curly, long blond hair. You asked if we knew each other, and I jokingly replied in a whisper, “Probably the cover of Vogue magazine.” We both laughed. If you’re single and would like to spend some time together, please reply. I’d love to hear from you! When: Thursday, December 30, 2021. Where: Domino’s in Essex Junction. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915484 VAPS 2005 OR 2006 Hi, this is a long shot. We attended a VAPS conference in 2005, 2006, 2007, and you were sitting somewhere behind me and so noticed that my back hurt because I kept tortuously twisting my posture. You came up to me outside at break to empathetically comment on it. I’d like to meet again this person who was so kind. When: Monday, November 20, 2017. Where: VAPS conference at the von Trapp lodge. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915483
4RUNNER GRILLE GUARDS, WILLISTON You asked me where I got my grille guard outside of the Xfinity store. You were so pretty with your blond hair that I couldn’t stop myself from dropping several F-bombs as we talked briefly. I immediately started kicking myself for not giving you my number. Want to see if we have more in common than our vehicle choices? When: Thursday, December 30, 2021. Where: Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915479
PEARL/WINOOSKI CROSSWALK We both crossed diagonally and went west on Pearl. After I removed my mask and put my glasses on for a better look, I glanced across the street and saw you looking, too! After a big smile, I turned north. When: Friday, December 31, 2021. Where: middle of Pearl and Winooski intersection. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915482
MAD WAIT AT MAD TACO We made eyes and chatted it up, but you were with your son/nephew/ mentee, and I got shy. You were in a blue jacket, and I had a teal hat and a gray shirt. I almost went back in to give you my number, but this is more fun. When: Tuesday, December 28, 2021. Where: Mad Taco in Waitsfield. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915478
DANCING AT HIGHER GROUND You said you watched me dance all night. You were with your friend. You said you were 51 like me. We laughed. I’d like to meet you again. You were blond, your friend brunette, and I was Mr. Clean. When: Saturday, November 27, 2021. Where: Higher Ground. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915481
WINE AND CHEESE TRADERS You were coming out and had a large box filled with gifts. I was just entering. I held the door for you, and you said, “You are a gem.” I said “Thank you” but couldn’t think of what else to say. Thought maybe there was more? When: Wednesday, December 22, 2021. Where: Wine and Cheese Traders. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915477
WILLISTON WHISTLER When I heard that it was so early in the morning, I may have said something in passing. Still sorry if it sounded sharp. But I wonder if you think about it. I do. I look around but never see you to say something nicer. If you see this and would like to chat, let me know! When: Monday, May 30, 2016. Where: in the stairway to heaven. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915480 GUMMY BEARS AT MICHAEL’S You: discussing your stepfather’s addiction to gummy bears. Me: describing the dinner I planned to cook. I noticed you the moment I walked into the store, feeling fortunate to start a conversation with you, thinking about you since, how I could find a way to introduce myself. Sending out positive vibes. Trying to manifest a second encounter between us. Hoping that you have been thinking about me, too. When: Sunday, December 12, 2021. Where: Michael’s, South Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915475
Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums
Dear Reverend,
My husband and I have been together for 20-plus years, and everything is great — except in the bedroom. While our pairing started out hot and heavy, over the last several years it’s gone stone-cold. He deals with a constant amount of pain due to back issues. He offers to try if the circumstances are just right, but even if that happens, he says he’s not in the mood. He’s tried testosterone, but that didn’t do anything except make his temper short. He’s said no to an open marriage and even thinks online sexy chat is cheating. I’m at my wit’s end and am desperate for some intimacy. What can I do?
Nada Gettinanni (FEMALE, 41)
BLOND HAIR IN THE SUN Was walking out at Kingsland Bay, sharp cold wind blowing across the water. I walked by you going the other way and caught your smile. You smelled so nice. I love the smell of patchouli, and I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope our paths cross again. I think they will. When: Sunday, December 12, 2021. Where: Kingsland Bay. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915471 AVIATION DELI, AIRPORT DRIVE, BURLINGTON You: very handsome, ball cap on backward. Me: tan Carhartt jacket and camo cap ordering a sandwich. We locked eyes as you were heading to checkout, and you looked back numerous times, but then you left before I could. Was I imagining things, or were you interested? Would very much enjoy meeting over a beer. When: Tuesday, December 21, 2021. Where: Aviation Deli, South Burlington. You: Man. Me: Man. #915474
Dear Nada Gettinanni,
BABY YODA PAJAMAS You were a tall, handsome man walking north in Hinesburg while I was walking south. I was wearing green Baby Yoda pajamas, and you said they looked great! If you are single and interested, I’d love to hear about other fashion interests! When: Friday, December 17, 2021. Where: Route 116 in Hinesburg. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915473
THE MOMENT WE MET The moment we met, I knew it was you. I put my hands on yours to warm them up while ice skating. You were shocked. But maybe you were shocked because it was simply love. xoxo. When: Friday, January 25, 2019. Where: Charlotte, Vt. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915476
FOREST IN THE EASTWOOD Two strangers meeting for a fall hike. Two nature-loving woods wanderers. I love listening to your sexy voice, your smile and twinkling eyes, your amazing hugs and kisses. I shared my favorite spot with you. We can heal together. You know how to reach me when you are ready to start over and give us another chance. Dang! When: Friday, October 22, 2021. Where: Mount Horrid cliffs. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915472 SWEET AT DENNY’S You’re a waitress, and I kept stealing glances. You came up to compliment my son on his mask and explained you had a superhero Xmas tree at home. He was taken aback, and my chest fluttered and my ears got warm. Your personality matched that gorgeous expression and smiling eyes. Hope I’m lucky enough to meet you again one day! When: Saturday, December 11, 2021. Where: Shelburne Road Denny’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915470 YOU’RE STILL A MIRACLE I wish you the best and hope our paths cross again soon. You still mean the world to me. I don’t hate you, even if you’re still an HP fan after all the stuff JKR said. I’m sorry if I made you question the things that brought you joy. You’re still a miracle to me. Please be kind to yourself. When: Monday, November 22, 2021. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915469 PURPLE HAIR AT CITY MARKET You rang me up in the evening. Your purple hair is awesome, and you were really friendly. I appreciated you bagging for me while I paid. Thanks for making my night brighter with the beautiful purple and with your kindness. I hope I see you at the cash register again soon. When: Wednesday, December 8, 2021. Where: City Market. You: Woman. Me: Trans man. #915468
It’s practically impossible to be in the mood when your body hurts. The fact that you mention getting involved with another partner, virtual or otherwise, makes me wonder whether everything truly is “great” with your marriage. Sex does not equal intimacy, and maybe there’s more lacking in your relationship than just the physical stuff. If you’re certain that’s got nothing to do with it, there are lots of options. Has he tried acupuncture or physical therapy? How about some yoga? You can adapt your sexual positions to accommodate whatever posture makes his back feel better. He should
LAUGHS AT WILLISTON CVS You asked how a fan of my team ended up here. I replied quickly, and we shared a quick laugh. You wished me a good rest of the day as you passed me at the self-checkout. I would have asked you to coffee if I had seen you outside. If anything, thanks for the smile. When: Monday, December 6, 2021. Where: Williston CVS. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915467 SWEET GIRL MAKING CONFECTIONS I am so very grateful to have initiated our conversation, which led to a first meeting, which has subsequently led to another and another, and I hope they don’t stop. You have given me the feelings I have been searching for, and I look forward to us getting to know each other more and more and being your wood stacker. When: Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915463 WORKING AT SWEET CLOVER We chatted briefly at the Weird Meat fridge. I came in for coffee and a chance to say hello to you, but I lost my nerve. Catch up for a cup of coffee and another chance? You: slender, long straight hair, moving with purpose, making eye contact over your shoulder. When: Monday, November 22, 2021. Where: Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915461 SAW YOU AT THE ANTIDOTE You: very cute hippie girl eating dinner with someone I assume was your boyfriend. Me: alone at the bar eating the Thursday special. I caught your eye a couple of times, and got the “I’m interested” look. I’m there every Thursday. Want a new friend? Could get interesting! Hotter than the fried chicken! When: Thursday, November 18, 2021. Where: Vergennes. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915460 RE: LOST Deleting numbers is OK. Crossing paths is a sign. If you are her, we should connect. Tag! You’re it! When: Saturday, November 6, 2021. Where: crossing paths?. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915456
also minimize his back movement by using his legs and hips to do the work, rather than his spine. Speaking of work, it might be best if you do most of it. So hop on top and ride him, cowgirl! (Gently, perhaps?) Different settings could help, like the floor or a chair. He may be able to loosen up pregame by taking a hot shower or bath, getting a massage, or applying heat or ice. He should also take a pain reliever or apply a pain relief cream. Don’t forget that sex is more than just penetration. Would it be better for him to use his hands and/or mouth? Have you explored adult toys? The best thing you can do is discuss the problem with his doctor together. I know nobody wants to talk about sex with their doctor. But there’s no need to be embarrassed; they’ve heard everything. Good luck and God bless,
The Reverend
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Send it to SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 12-19, 2022
SWM bi top seeks sub bottom. Enjoy fem heels, stockings, panties, painted toenails. No drugs. Clean. Vaccinated. Steady lover. Phone. #L1542 Gay white male looking for gay males in the area of Tunbridge/ South Royalton. 5’10 and a half. Slender build. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. Good looking. Can be discreet. Contact me. #L1541 Bi-curious male, 40s, seeking pen pals and phone freaks. Confess your closet kinks, freaky fetishes and taboo tales. I’m open-minded and nonjudgmental. I want to know all your sexy secrets. All are welcome. I’ll reply if asked. #L1539 I’m a late 50s SWM seeking age 50s to 60s female. Searching for a well-grounded farm girl. Love of gardening, cooking and movies a plus. I have a strong desire to travel cross-country to Alaska and return. I’m financially secure and love to be home. #L1547 GWM, 39. I am looking for a kind, caring man my age. Plattsburgh, N.Y. I want that best friend for life. Mature for mature. Local preferred. I want to meet you. Caring, intelligent, educated, homebody. #L1546 I’m a GWM, 60s, 5’9, 170 pounds, seeking a man or men into spanking and/or wearing/ using adult diapers. #L1540
Outdoorsy 63-y/o WM looking for someone special for companionship and affection, a good movie, long walks — even bike riding and dinner with the families. Loves animals, bowling and am open-minded. If you’re between 50 and 60, give me a call. #L1544 Woman, 56. Need a simple life in the country with a gentle, caring man sharing similar values to keep the relationship healthy. Desire to engage in deep conversation, be active in nature and support good health. Must love coffee, good food and the art of cooking. Phone number, please. #L1543
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36-y/o SWM seeking captivating pen pal. Looking to establish an upright, modest relationship with like-minded people. I’m funny, energetic, appealing and enjoy the little things. I love the beauty the outdoors bring. Open to all. Life’s too short to miss an opportunity. Can’t wait to hear from you. #L1538 I am a rural woman interested in building a romantic relationship. I follow the teachings of Dr. Pat Allen, inspired by science and Taoist philosophy. I want to be cherished by a gentleman who wants to be respected. #L1537
Internet-Free Dating!
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. 65-y/o woman, but not showing my age yet, looking to meet calm, mature, honest men. I enjoy adventures with most outdoor activities, animals, music. #L1536 49-y/o woman seeks male 55+. I love nature along with water and walking. I’m spiritual, looking for companionship with truth and honesty, building life through good and bad, and becoming stronger. I enjoy dancing, music, charity work and adventure to learn from. #L1535 Slim guys 18-36 wanted. Willing to meet at any time of your calling. #L1534
SWM seeks SBF for lovers. Winter is coming, and I need someone to keep me warm. Honest and clean. Phone. #L1530 Humble, honest, loving and fun 69-y/o searching for his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with. Looking for that special gal who enjoys skiing, beaches, boating, biking, animals and cares for our natural environment. Someone spiritual who can “see the light.” A love of theater, music and dancing a plus. #L1528
GWM seeking other GM for friendship and more. Write me with name and phone number. #L1532
Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any wellhung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1526
I am a crossdresser (M-to-F) seeking female friends for coffee, friendship or just corresponding. Any age, race and ethnicity OK. Retired and ready. Will answer all letters. #L1531
GM in Rutland County seeking other GM or bi for social interaction. Maybe leading to FWB or more. I’m easygoing, stable and like adventure. Phone only. Hope to hear from you. #L1523
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